Daughter (2015) Movie Script

Where are you?
What do you see?
Can you tell me?
I see... no one... in the street.
I am scared... I am really scared...
Don't worry, remember,
I here with you.
You are very safe, keep going.
What do you see now?
There... there... is a pet shop.
There... there is a footbridge in the front.
Don't give up... don't disappoint your daughter,
Don't you really want to see your daughter?
Keep going...
I... I can't move...
the front was where she jumped down...
Mrs. Lee, give yourself a chance,
give your daughter a chance,
your daughter would really love to talk to you,
listen up, what she wants to say...
but... but I am really scared...
I am afraid...
that she would fall in front of me again.
Ah... Ahh...
Mrs. Lee, is Ling speaking to you?
Does she tell you...
that she loves you very much?
She says... she loves me very much.
Now I count to three,
when I count to three, you will wake up.
One, you are very relaxed,
feel no more guilt
Two, your daughter wants you to live
happily every day.
Can you do that?
Thank you.
Dr. Cheung, you have two more patients today,
and Mrs. Chan called and she would like to
make a booking on next Monday,
I checked your schedule
and you are only free at 2pm,
but she wants to see you at 10am.
Then make it 10am!
It's all about money!
...Mother's Day...
Hey! where are you? It's so noisy on your side.
What..what? I can't...
Dr. Cheung, Miss Lee will be late for 30 minutes.
Hey! I am very busy,
please go home right now.
It's me Mrs. Lin, Sharon,
what annoys you?
Sorry... sorry... no...
Jenny said she wants to get back home
to practice piano
and asked me to drive her home,
but I am busy now...
Jenny is your daughter?
Let's have dinner with her together someday?
I can also have my son joins us.
I am free this Saturday, how about you?
Good! Saturday it is!
Ah... I almost forgot,
my friend would like to discuss about
her son's situation with you.
What about her son?
Her son has already seen
quite a lot of psychiatrists
but still don't have any improvement.
That's why she always thinks her son
is possessed by the demons.
I never believe that there are
ghosts in this world.
The technology nowadays is that well-developed,
if there really are ghosts,
picture of showing both human being
and ghost together should have been taken.
But, is there any?
How about you tell your friend
to have her son comes here,
I definitely can help him.
Ok, I am relieved,
I'll let you know once it is confirmed, Sharon.
OK, see you then, goodbye.
Jenny, where are you now?
I am with Wan.
Stay there, I come and pick you up now.
Hello? Hello?
Come on Jenny, have fun!
You have changed,
since you came back from Canada, come on.
Come on Jenny, I show you a boy.
Come out now!
Get out of the water, now!
Good evening!
What the hell are you thinking?
You have changed completely
since you came back from Canada,
you dress like a mess, so tacky.
Do you think I don't spend enough time with you?
I have a job, I am busy.
I will spend more time with you, ok?
So, please don't dress like this again.
I will buy you some new clothes later.
Mommy will have dinner with Mrs. Lin and her son,
I want you to be with him, is it ok?
The water in the pool is not good to your skin,
go get shower.
How about this? It looks nice,
Let me see...
It looks good on you! Nice
It really fits!
You can wear it too, let's buy together!
Right, Mommy! This Sunday is Mother's Day
what would you like to eat? I cook for you.
No, I am already very happy to have you with me.
No way! I have just learnt a new dish
I'll make it for you!
Ok, ok.
So it is! Don't take too many!
Try it.
Mommy, what do you think about this one?
This one is not bad, try it on.
So-so... try this one.
This one.
Try the first one again.
This is it.
You are a girl
why you always have to make yourself so messy.
Are you spineless?
Sit up!
Are you very dissatisfied with the good life...
that I plan for you?
OK, then I'll just give you up.
Don't you ever blame me
if you live likes in hell when you get old.
Are you talking to me?
I can't hear you.
I were saying
if I were you
I will never let a single chance slip away.
Can we go now, my dear princess?
When they come.
Please smile more.
Treat likes meeting some of my friends, ok?
Dr. Cheung
Mrs. Lin!
Here they are, please behave.
You are so pretty today.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Your son?
Gordon, this is Dr. Cheung.
Nice to meet you Dr. Cheung.
you are so handsome
do you have a girlfriend?
No, my job is too occupied
so I don't have much time.
Yes, his father wants him to help our business.
Kids nowadays not always
listen to their parents' words.
Not a kid anymore.
Ah... sorry, sorry
this is my daughter, Jenny
say hello.
Hello Mrs. Lin.
I am so jealous of you
I have always wanted a daughter.
Daughters are quite naughty sometimes.
No, not really
they are very gentle too.
Sometimes is quite gentle.
Let's order?
Yes, sure, you order then.
Mrs. Lin
your pendant is so beautiful!
Oh... yes
the craftsmanship is not bad
but I am not quite sure what it is actually...
Nice, nice,
It can block evil spirit
Don't you believe in this?
No I don't...
I heard that you are having a charity banquet?
Yes, I am planning it now...
I am actually interested in it too.
Oh really?
Then I will get some arrangement,
Sure, sure.
do you like the food?
you like foie gras very much?
Kind of.
Do you guys know how foie gras is made?
It's very nasty, very cruel.
They ram pipes down the throats of the geese,
keep pumping food into their stomachs,
feed them up so full which they can't even vomit
no matter how much they want to
so they have to swallow down.
When they got fed up so big and fat
then they will got killed!
How cruel it is!
Mrs. Lin
you are not young anymore
don't have too much foie gras,
because they will get you
liver cancer more easily.
Right, isn't my daughter great?
She recently got interested in studying
the benefits of food,
Oh... oh... you know quite thoroughly...
you want to study Medicine?
I surely want her to...
Did I do something wrong?
You have to tell me even I did something wrong...
Shut up!
What exactly I did wrong?
No more acting! There is no audience.
You act quite good
acting like a goat.
Don't you forget what I do for living,
Are you really crazy?
If you are,
I guarantee to treat you free of charge.
If I did something wrong, you should have told me.
You did nothing
you only tried your best to embarrass me the most!
If you think that I am an embarrassment to you
then don't take me outwith you anymore.
Are you done?
If you are done, I go back to my room.
You have something to say?
What do you want now?
Even if you want to lecture me,
can you do it tomorrow?
I don't give a damn what you are up to,
From tomorrow, you must stay in my sight,
What's wrong? Why you are here?
What's wrong?
don't drink too much coffee.
Have a good sleep
when you wake up, have a lovely meal
see you next time.
Dr. Cheung
your call.
Mrs. Lin
hello, want to meet?
Oh... yes... yes...
Sure, sure.
Of course I am interested.
No problem
I will come with my daughter, count us in.
no more problem, I promise.
Ok, ok,
Ok, see you then, bye-bye.
Come in here,
where will you bring me this time?
A banquet
this banquet matters to my career
and your future too
Don't go crazy and don't make a scene.
Mrs. Lin.
Please help yourself and get some drinks.
Thanks for coming Sharon,
You are so beautiful tonight,
So are you.
Thank you, thank you.
Where is Gordon?
Hello Sharon.
Hello Auntie.
Thank you.
Take care of Jenny.
Sure, please excuse us.
come, I introduce you some friends.
Sure, sure.
you are so beautiful tonight.
Thank you.
Have some drink?
Sure, thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen,
thank you for attending tonight's charity auction
banquet that hosted by the Society of Boys' Centers.
All the items on the auction
list tonight are sponsored
by Mrs. Lin, the Lins Holdings Limited.
And all the donations will be fully donated
please put your hands together for Mrs. Lin!
Ok, let's warm up before we start the banquet.
Let me introduce this necklace,
It was the very first love token
that Mr. Lin gave to Mrs. Lin.
Reserve price is 3 million dollars,
bid increment is $100,000
let's begin
I have 3.1M by that gentleman,
3.2M is bid, 3.2M by that gentleman
anyone higher than 3.2M?
they look compatible with each other tonight.
3.5M twice, 3.5M sold!
Dr. Au-Yeung! Congratulations!
The following item is a pair of
crystal butterflies,
they are the 108th love token
that Mr. Lin to Mrs. Lin.
Reserve price is $300,000,
bid increment is $100,000
auction begins.
$400,000, $400,000 by Mr. Lin,
$500,000 by the gentleman at the back
anymore more than $500,000?
$600,000 by Mr. Lin.
I have $700,000 by the gentleman back there.
1 million.
1 million once
1 million twice
sold, thank you Mr. Lin.
why are you unhappy?
what is wrong with you?
What's wrong with me, mummy?
I heard that my boss's daughter is crazy,
Mrs. Lin's friend told me
when she called to cancel
the booking this morning.
My daughter is not crazy
how dare you say it.
You are fired!
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday.
- Mother...
- Yes...
Why do we have cake on birthday!
I want to eat, she can eat, I...
Take it, take it, take it
take the medicine!
No... no... don't...
I am a bit sleepy, I go back to my room first.
Good Morning.
Good Morning.
Did we disturb you last night?
No... no.
I forgot to bring something
I go back first.
Mrs. Lee
please be reminded to come back tomorrow
for follow-up consultation
I am recovered... No, no I won't come back.
Mr. Chan,
Yes, Dr. Cheung.
Yes, how are you feeling lately?
How are you feeling lately?
My daughter found another doctor for me.
She said you can't even treat your own daughter
so she changed me a better one...
Ok, ok, ok
sorry to bother you.
Miss Lam
pass me the appointments of these 2 days
I handle myself
Dr. Cheung
the appointments of these 2 days are all cancelled
by the way
I quit
Mrs. Lin
are you free tonight for dinner?
I am not free tonight
how about next time? Bye-bye.
Yes, I am Dr. Cheung,
Make appointment by yourself...
Fire you!
He is not sick!
Go away!
I have tons of patients, I don't need you,
Mia, get in the car, I give you a ride.
No... thanks.
It's difficult to get a taxi now,
come on up.
Ok, get on the car.
Sit tight.
What kind of driver you are!
Do you see it?
Honey, I need to tell you something.
I feel like Sharon is a bit weird recently.
What do you mean by weird?
I saw a ghost following her.
How is it possible?
It's true!
I saw it today.
I saw that a child was following her.
How about I ask Father Wong to talk to her.
But, Sharon is a psychiatrist,
I am afraid that she won't believe it.
Well, we just try our best to help...
Good Morning.
I see a kid has been
following you in these few days.
A kid?
We don't have a kid.
It's not a real kid,
it's a ghost.
My husband's friend, he is a priest,
we can introduce him to you,
see if he can help you.
My daughter's might have been
being frustrated recently,
but I don't think it is related to ghosts.
Father Wong.
Look at the mirror.
Did she have an abortion before?
Why are you still here?
Why can't I be here?
So can I go back to my room?
Have we ever had a rule
that we cannot excuse ourselves
from the table if they finish the meal first?
You always leave the table first for every meal.
I haven't finished yet.
So we now exorcise the demon from her.
Open the curtains.
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
I command you to come out of her!
You are wicked and filthy,
You will be thrown into the lake of fire!
Has to make her awake!
Do you have the perfume?
Who are you?
You hath no power in this human!
We now will throw you out,
every satanic power,
every incursion of the infernal adversary,
with the power of our Lord Jesus Chris,
atone the lamb of God!
You cunning snake!
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
we command you!
The word of the living God,
to save us and unwilling to give up.
In The Name Of The Father, Son And Holy Spirit,
I command you,
with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
casting all your anxiety upon him,
because he careth for you.
Be sober, be watchful:
your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
whom withstand steadfast in your faith,
knowing that the same sufferings are accomplished
in your brethren who are in the world.
The demons in Jenny have been exorcised.
Take a look of yours...
why don't we take a picture... like a couple
Mother and daughter,
Mother and daughter
leaf can accessorize...
Look at me...
Mummy, mummy,
check this out,
Do you like it?
Is it too fancy?
No, I think it looks good on you,
try it.
Try some.
I want this, thanks mummy.
tell me if you don't want to do it
or don't like to do it,
I won't push you.
Ok, see you next time, bye-bye.
Mummy... no, Dr. Cheung,
Your next appointment, Mrs. Chan,
will arrive at 4 o'clock,
so you can take a rest now,
Ok, so let's take a rest.
Why didn't you go with me,
mine are broken...
Next time, let's go together next time,
next time I will try red.
How will it be?
Mia, why so late?
I made you some salad.
Thank you,
it looks good.
Come on in.
What's wrong?
How's Jenny?
It's ok.
Father, I am not good lately.
I need to take a lot of pills to get sleep.
And, I always see...
may be delusion.
Dispel, then you can forget the past,
to live the life that you used to live.
What are you doing? Mummy
I... I hit someone.
Can't you see it?
I didn't see anything.
I did hit someone.
What happened?
What are you doing?
As you hate us so much,
why keep us.
When the demon invades the victim,
All the energy of the victim will be absorbed,
when the demon leaves,
the victim supposed will be fainted.
But Jenny didn't, which I felt strange.
last time didn't you say you
have already exorcised the demon?
Mummy, please let me stay,
I don't want to go there and be alone.
What's wrong with going to Canada to study?
What you learnt is all yours!
You must go!
My mum needs me to go to Canada...
You go with me please...
Don't worry, I will go to Canada with you.
Can you leave?
Are you happy now?
Who are you?
Give me back my sister.
I am sorry
I am sorry
I don't want to too...
I also don't want to give you two up...
What exactly do you want?
I want her...
and her...
We need to exorcise the demon now,
otherwise the consequences will be very serious.
Can't open the doors?
No... I don't know why...
Don't rush, take your time.
I want to go inside!
How come?
Why can't the doors be opened?
are you very scared?
Sit and keep me accompany for a while.
Are you scared?
How dare they meddle in our affairs,
taught you to get the priest catching (my) sister,
Jesus Christ
please save my daughter
If she can get through it,
I will devote my life to you.
She is gone!
She is there!
Casting all your anxiety upon him
because he careth for you.
He delivers them...
Be watchful
your adversary the devil
as a roaring lion
to put on the whole armour of God,
that you may be able to stand
against the wiles of the devil.
Every satanic power
every incursion of the infernal adversary,
To be led by the spirit of god,
or in this world of darkness,
with the power of our Lord Jesus Chris
atone the lamb of God!
You cunning snake!
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
we command you!
The word of the living God,
to save us and unwilling to give up.
In The Name Of The Father,
Son And Holy Spirit, I command you,
with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,
casting all your anxiety upon him,
because he careth for you.
Be sober, be watchful
your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour
Whom resist steadfast in the faith,
knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished
in your brethren that are in the world.
And the God of all grace,
who called you unto his eternal glory in Christ,
be strong in the Lord,
and in the strength of his might.
Who are you?
Why are you at my house?
Mummy! Mummy!
I am here!
Don't listen to her! Don't come down!
Don't look.
I command you demon to leave now!
Did you read the Mother's Day card
that I wrote to you?
Do you know why I wrote
"Un... Happy Mother's Day"?
Don't know
I knew that you would never read it.
Mummy, can you give me a hug?
It's too late.
Can you give me one more chance?
Can you give me one more chance?
It's... it's not real... it... it is not real...
"Un... Happy Mother's Day"