David Gilmour: Live At Pompeii (2017) Movie Script

Whatever it takes to break
Gotta do it
From the burning lake or the eastern gate
You'll get through it
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock
Let's go do it
Have it all our way
Go back to where we blew it
And lose our heads along the way
So long sin, au revoir chaos
If there's a heaven, it can wait
So long sin, au revoir chaos
If there's a heaven
Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
And all the other travellers
Become phantoms to our eyes
Furies and the revellers
The Fallen angels in disguise
No discord, chance or rumour
Is going to interrupt this place
No discord, chance or rumour
To interrupt this
So let's get to it
It's calling like a flame
Through the darkness and the night
The world suspended on a golden chain
No discord, chance or rumour
Is going to interrupt this place
No discord, chance or rumour
To interrupt this
Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock
Rattle that lock, lose those chains
Faces of stone that watched from the dark
As the wind swirled around and
you took my arm in the park
Images framed, hung high in the trees
And you talked of your youth but the
years had turned dry as the leaves
Your lover was gone, his replacement to hand
And just what the difference
was, you could not understand
In darkening grey we walked
back through the streets
Then you talked all night long of
your childhood home by the sea
And I, my disguise a mask chosen by you
Believed every word I heard
At least I think that's what I tried to do
We sat on the roof, the night overflowed
No more was said but I
learned all I needed to know
Your Hollywood smile shone a light on the past
But it was the future that you
held so tight to your heart
As you look around this room tonight
Settle in your seat and dim the lights
Do you want my blood, do you want my tears
What do you want
What do you want from me
Should I sing until I can't sing any more
Play these strings until my fingers are raw
You're so hard to please
What do you want from me
Do you think that I know something you don't know
If I don't promise you the answers would you go
Should I stand out in the rain
Do you want me to make a daisy chain for you
I'm not the one you need
What do you want from me
You can have anything you want
You can drift, you can dream, even walk on water
Anything you want
You can own everything you see
Sell your soul for complete control
Is that really what you need
You can lose yourself this night
See inside there is nothing to hide
Turn and face the light
What do you want from me
Shameless sea
Aimlessly so blue
Midnight-moon shines for you
Still, marooned
Silence drifting through
Nowhere to choose Just blue...
Star-crossed you and me
Save our souls
We'll be forever blue
Waves roll
Lift us in blue
Drift us
Seep right through
And colour us blue
Wait for me
Shameless you, the sea
Soon, the Blue
So soon...
Soon, the Blue
So soon...
Something I never knew
In silence I'd hear you
And a boat lies waiting
Still your clouds all flaming
That old time easy feeling
What I lost was an ocean
Now I'm drifting through without you
In this sad barcarolle
What I lost was an ocean
And I'm rolling right behind you
In this sad barcarolle
It rocks you like a cradle
It rocks you to the core
You'll sleep like a baby
As it knocks at Death's door
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil? Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change? Did you exchange
A walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls
swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears. Wish you were here.
Money, get away
Get a good job with more pay and you're O.K.
Money, it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four star daydream,
Think I'll buy me a football team
Money, get back
I'm all right, Jack,
keep your hands off of my stack.
Money, it's a hit
Don't give me
that do goody good bullshit
I'm in the high-fidelity first-class traveling set
And I think I need a Learjet
Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise
it's no surprise that they're giving none away
Home and done it's just begun
His heart weighs more, more than it ever did before
What has he done? God help my son
Hey, stay a while, I'll stay up
No sugar is enough to bring sweetness to his cup
I know sorrow tastes the same on any tongue
How was I to feel it
When a gun was in my hands
And I'd waited for so long
How was I to see straight
In the dust and blinding sun
Just a pair of boots on the ground
On the screen the young men die
The children cry in the rubble of their lives
What has he done? God help my son
Hey, stay a while, I'll stay up
The volume pumped right up
but not enough to drown it out
I hear "Mama" sounds the same in any tongue
How am I to see you
When my faith stands in the way
And the wailing is long done
How am I to know you
With a joystick in my hand
When the call to arms has come
Beyond the horizon of the place
we lived when we were young
In a world of magnets and miracles
Our thoughts strayed constantly
and without boundary
The ringing of the division bell had begun
Along the Long Road and on down the Causeway
Do they still meet there by the Cut
There was a ragged band
that followed in our footsteps
Running before time took our dreams away
Leaving the myriad small creatures
trying to tie us to the ground
To a life consumed by slow decay
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
With friends surrounded
The nights of wonder
Looking beyond the embers
of bridges glowing behind us
To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side
Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again
Dragged by the force of some inner tide
At a higher altitude with flag unfurled
We reached the dizzy heights
of that dreamed of world
Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river
Forever and ever
Remember when you were young,
you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes,
like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught in the cross fire
of childhood and stardom.
Blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter.
Come on you stranger, you
legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too
soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night,
and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome
with random precision.
Rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions.
Come on you painter, you piper,
you prisoner, and shine!
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evening birds are calling
Summer Sunday and a year,
The sound of music in my ears
Distant bells, new-mown grass smells so sweet
By the river holding hands
Roll me up and lay me down
And if you see don't make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a tongue so strange
Sing to me, sing to me
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling
Summer evening birds are calling
Children's laughter in my ears
The last sunlight disappears
And if you see don't make a sound
Pick your feet up off the ground
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a tongue so strange,
Sing to me, sing to me...
Where were you
When I was burned and broken
While the days slipped by
From my window watching
And where were you
When I was hurt and I was helpless
Because the things you say
And the things you do
Surround me
While you were hanging yourself
On someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight
Into the shining sun
Lost in thought And lost in time
While the seeds of life
And the seeds of change Were planted
Outside the rain Fell dark and slow
While I pondered on This dangerous
But irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride Through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past And coming back to life
I took a heavenly ride Through our silence
I knew the waiting had begun
Headed straight Into the shining sun
Remember that night...
White steps in the moonlight
They walked it too...
Through empty playground, this ghost's town
Children again on rusting swings getting higher
Sharing a dream
On an Island... it felt right
We lay side by side
Between the moon and the tide
Mapping the stars for a while
Let the night surround you
We're half way to the stars
Ebb and flow
Let it go... feel the warmth beside you
Remember that night
The warmth and the laughter
Candles burn...
Though the church was deserted
At dawn we went down through
empty streets to the harbour
Dreamers may leave ...but we're here everafter...
Da da da da da...
Let the night surround you
We're half way to the stars
Ebb and flow
Let it go... feel the warmth beside you...
(guitar solo)
If you should wake and find me gone
Keep safe this night and dwell upon
Such murmurations, sun sunk deep
Now close your eyes and go to sleep...
What a day it's been,
A day of shoot the breezes,
What a day it's been this time of year,
(Oh yes it is)
Just a day when the weight
of the world slides away.
Feel that sun on your back,
See the shadows falling,
Sea meets shore and soothes it with a song
(Oh yeah)
If this should be my last day
on earth I'll sing along.
(Today, always)
Lets forget all the skies cast over the rain,
(Today, always)
and the sqouring tempest of doubt,
(Today, always)
Holding on clinging tight in the wreckage of love,
(Today, always)
but today...
What a time to dream,
What a day of easy,
What a day it's been this time of year
(Oh yeah)
Just a day when the weight
of the world slides away.
(Today, always)
Evening Star, a guitar in the smoke of the fire,
(Today, always)
Light of gold in the garden of old,
(Today, always)
I will take it all again if it came my way,
(Today, always)
But today...
The sweet smell of a great
sorrow lies over the land
Plumes of smoke rise and merge into the leaden sky
A man lies and dreams of green fields and rivers
But awakes to a morning with no reason for waking
He's haunted by the memory of a lost paradise
In his youth or a dream, he can't be precise
He's chained forever to a world that's departed
It's not enough, it's not enough
His blood has frozen and curdled with fright
His knees have trembled and given way in the night
His hand has weakened at the moment of truth
His step has faltered
One world, one soul
Time pass, the river roll
And he talks to the river of
lost love and dedication
And silent replies that swirl invitation
Flow dark and troubled to an oily sea
A grim intimation of what is to be
There's an unceasing wind that
blows through this night
And there's dust in my eyes that blinds my sight
And silence that speaks so much louder than words
Of promises broken
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run...
You better make your face up
in your favorite disguise,
With your button down lips
and your rolled blind eyes.
With your empty smile and your hungry heart,
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past.
With your nerves in tatters
as the conch shell shatters
And the hammers batter down your door.
You better run.
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run.
You better run all day and run all night,
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside.
And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight,
You'd better park the car well out of sight.
Cause if they catch you in the back
seat trying to pick her locks,
They're gonna send you back to
mother in a cardboard box.
You better run.
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off hand way.
Kicking around on a piece of
ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or
something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine
staying home to watch the rain.
And you are young and life is long
and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten
years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run,
you missed the starting gun.
And you run and you run to catch
up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a
relative way but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.
Every year is getting shorter;
never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or
half a page of scribbled lines.
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over
Thought I'd something more to say.
Home again
I like to be here
When I can
When I come home
Cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones
Beside the fire
Far away
Across the field
Tolling on the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spell
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone home?
Come on now
I hear you're feeling down
Well, I can ease your pain
And get you on your feet again
I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts
There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain, you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb
I have become comfortably numb
Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more... aaaaaaaah!
But you might feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going, for the show
Come on it's time to go.
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move, but I can't
hear what you're saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
And I have become
Comfortably numb.