Day the World Ended (1955) Movie Script

And the elements
shall melt with fervent heat.
The earth's ozone and the
works that are therein
shall be burned up.
This is TD day.
Total destruction by
nuclear weapons.
And from this hour forward,
the world as we know it
no longer exists.
And over all the lands
and walkers of the earth,
hangs the atomic haze of death.
Man has done his best to
destroy himself.
But there is a force
more powerful than man,
and in his infinite wisdom
he has spared a few.
Down there, let's go.
Kill me.
Kill me!
Over there.
Come on.
It's no use, Louise.
I'm afraid you'll never
see him again.
No sign of life.
New York, London, Rome,
Honey, check the Geiger counter.
47 range.
It's down another one.
We might live.
Just might live.
Told them this day would come.
I begged them to get
ready for it.
Dad, someone's coming.
I can't let 'em in.
You've got to!
I only planned this for three,
you, me, and Tommy.
I've only got provisions
for three, no more.
Go to your room, Louise.
I won't let you do it.
There's always one
way to get into a place.
It's our lives or theirs,
I'm letting 'em in.
That was much of a welcome,
No, you're not welcome.
Put that gun down.
Come on, Tony, put it away.
Better give it to me.
Where I go, this goes.
I'll look after you later.
Louise, take the girl in,
give her a fresh
change of clothes.
Have a wash.
Put some of the water in
the seal jars.
Now you.
Go in there, through to my room,
change your clothes and
wash yourself,
you want to stay alive.
You sound like you're
used to giving orders.
That makes two of us.
Yeah, it won't have to be
this good, that one's done for.
I couldn't just let
him lie there.
740 rems.
Don't touch him, Louise.
You better go to my room
and change your clothes.
It's not too late already.
My brother is dead out there.
He was only 30 feet from me.
He died and I didn't.
I can't understand it.
You'd better go and wash now.
22 years old.
It doesn't make sense.
Didn't you hear me?
Go change your clothes.
Go on, please, do
what Dad says.
You know the irony of
it, of what happened?
He was studying for
the ministry.
He was going to be a man of God.
Come on, son.
Come on in the house, quickly.
I wonder ma'am, if
you could make
a place for me and
Diablo over here.
Of course, the woodshed will do.
Well, I'm afraid not.
Tie him outside some place
and come on in the house.
You hear that, Diablo?
He's not minding us.
Another one, eh?
That makes seven of us.
Now none of us will make it.
You should have let
me stop them.
I couldn't have lived
with that on my conscience
and neither could you.
You got a pretty good taste
in sports shirts, mister.
Say, honey, quite a
snazzy-looking cotton dress.
Stand clear of him, miss.
He's lit up like an atomic fire.
Can you pass it on?
I'm not sure, but there's
no use taking chances.
Why take chances?
What do we need him for?
I'll just put him out
of his misery.
No you don't, give
me that gun.
Once and for all, mister,
no one takes my gun.
Tony, look out!
I ain't gonna like you,
I can stand it.
Get up.
If I used my best judgment,
I'd kill you right now.
He'll be alright, captain.
He steps out of line
once in a while,
but push him back hard
and he's alright.
Shut up.
You know, ma'am?
I was thinking that
he could sleep
out in the kitchen with me.
- Who?
- Diablo.
He's always used to
having me around him.
Why, he was watching me when
I uncovered that gold there.
Gorgeous, just about that
wide, and maybe a mile high.
Well no, I'm afraid not.
Come over here, all of
you, I want to talk to you.
This is a Geiger counter
reporting 46 roentgens of
radioactivity in the house now.
50 is considered dangerous.
500 fatal.
It all depends on
the individual.
Different people have different
absorption capacities.
When I want an opinion,
I'll ask for it.
Now, we may live, we may not.
There's a lot we don't know yet.
Some of us may be dying now.
How long before we can
leave this rural paradise?
I wish you'd never
found your way through a place.
I got things working
for me in Frisco.
Big things.
How long before we can
get out of here?
Tell him, Louise.
There is no San Fransisco.
There are no radio signals,
long or short waves from
any city in the world.
You're kidding!
No Frisco?
I don't believe it.
Alright, that's enough.
Listen to me, now.
The seven of us, in this room,
may be the beginning
of a new era.
A new civilization.
I knew this day would come.
I spent 10 years
getting ready for it.
Now, if you'll follow me here,
I'll show you why
we're still alive.
This is my house
with its own
generating equipment
and its own food supplies.
This hills surrounding are
full of lead-bearing ore.
They act as a barrier
against radioactivity.
Through these gorges,
these canyons,
blows a strong, steady
wind with enough velocity
to keep the radioactive
contamination out of here.
By some chance, each of you
was in a sheltered area.
Except the man on the couch.
He got to it too late.
You can see the result.
I don't think he'll
live through the night.
As long as the wind blows,
and the rains don't
come too soon,
we may live.
That is if we're not
destroyed by other forces.
What other forces?
Nevermind that now.
Make no mistake about it,
you're not welcome here.
This was planned for
three people.
That's how much food we've got.
Divide that among seven of us,
we'll find ourselves walking
around with aching bellies.
I have the key to the storeroom.
I, and only I, will decide
when and how much we eat.
Any argument about that
I settle it with this.
Oh, you're a tough man,
alright, packing that gun.
Just don't let go of it.
I don't intend to.
You men will sleep in my
room, I'll bunk out here.
You think he's got it, too?
Maybe, maybe not.
We'll know by tomorrow.
Cute guy like that...
That'd be a pity.
I'm not gonna die.
I thought I was, but I'm not.
You'll be alright.
You're my friend.
I won't forget it.
I'm hungry.
I need food.
Meat, red meat.
Nearly raw.
I don't know why, but
it'll do me good.
I'll leave your
order to the chef.
Meantime, better wash up,
get in some clean clothes.
If this Geiger
counter is accurate,
I wouldn't spend too much
time out here.
You're no stranger to
all of this, are you?
I'm a geologist.
My field is uranium exploration.
And you'd know that the
real force of the atom
has never been truly calculated.
I think it reached
its fulfillment today.
But only it affects of
our form of life.
You think any other form of
life could have survived that?
I'm only saying that
its true force
has never been really
truly understood.
You remember the H-bomb test
that was two or some years ago?
I captained one of the ships.
Five days after the blast,
I told the animal ship
I'd target zero.
The world never had a
true account of that test.
What are you
trying to tell me?
Lots of game in here now.
Contaminated game, fighting
for life, just like we are.
They started coming
in a week ago.
It's like this valley
was Noah's Ark.
What's the matter, Radek?
There's game out there.
I can tell.
I can feel it.
Man needs meat.
But it's contaminated.
You'd die if you ate that.
You would, not me.
I can't live on this.
That's all your going
to get for a long time.
That's what you think.
It's doing nicely,
your plant of the future.
Celebrates a
birthday tomorrow.
Three weeks.
Three weeks.
I thought we'd all be
dead by now.
We're not.
Even Radek got out of bed today.
Gives me the creeps.
Logically, he should
have been dead by now.
There's no such thing
as logic anymore.
He hasn't touched food
or water for three weeks.
What does he live on?
He says he doesn't need food.
Last night he slipped
out of the house.
He didn't get back until dawn.
I'm afraid he's going
out of his mind.
He seems to live in a
world all on his own.
He's a mutation, Rick.
Freak of this new atomic
world of ours.
I'm going out for a walk.
Don't go too far, stay
inside the house.
Because I tell you to.
I'm not afraid.
I like it out there.
Will you go with me?
He's dangerous, Rick.
He should be destroyed.
Now, Jim.
It's important to us
that he live.
But why?
I'm not sure yet.
When I am, I'll tell you.
At this spot, I'll do
a few simple dance steps.
Boy, the country will kill 'em.
Did you hear what I said?
Turn off that crummy record.
You only got eyes and
ears for Louise, huh?
Shut up!
You don't like it
when she goes
out walking with Rick, do you?
I said shut up!
You know...
I think I am beginning
to want to live.
It's taken seven weeks.
With you.
What's the matter?
Didn't you hear that?
Hear what?
Let's go into the house,
His bones are still moist.
You think he ate that rabbit?
49 roentgen.
Think a man could eat
that poison meat and live?
He spent most of his nights
right out here in the woods.
No human could eat
it and live.
He defied all the laws
of man and God.
There may be an entirely
new set of laws, Jim,
that we know nothing about.
Come out and say
what you mean.
I'm only guessing.
We know that even small amounts
of radiation produce change.
But if, for some reason,
a man could live through
complete saturation,
a thousand generation changes
could have taken place.
It's only a theory.
Matsuo tests.
What about them?
Go on with your theory.
There may be more Radeks.
Worse than him.
All of us who have survived
more cumulative exposure
than we ever dreamed possible.
You were trying to say we
might all become like Radek?
Stalking the woods at night?
Eating raw meat?
It's possible.
What can we do, Rick?
My brother believed
the bible gave strength
and revealed a plan
for everything.
And I hope I find it,
before I lose my mind.
Listen to this.
"For I am with thee,
to save thee,
"and deliver thee,
says the Lord.
"I will deliver thee out
of the hands of the wicked.
"I will redeem thee out of
the hands of the terrible."
I had enough of the
bible when I was a kid.
Easy to see it had
no effect on you, Tony.
I think you ought to
tell them about the rain.
Yes, Rick, you're right.
We're heading for rain.
It will be coming down
with clouds saturated
with nuclear death.
I'm afraid there'll be
no escaping it.
In case the weather
clears and we do escape,
starting tomorrow, we will
have to go on half rations.
What's half of nothing?
If we're still here
when the weather clears,
we start planting.
I've stored seed and grain.
Also, I've got books
and materials
on every craft needed
by man to sustain life.
We can all start reading them.
Tony Lamont, farmer.
We're just about out of water,
There's a waterfall,
not far from the house,
coming out of the mountain.
I tested it today and it's safe.
Starting tomorrow, we
bathe there.
I have used more water
in the last two months
than I have in 64 years.
Maybe that's why
you're still alive, Pete.
Oh, this place looks
spooky even in the sunlight.
Boy, what I'd give to be
standing back on Broadway
listening to that traffic.
I didn't realize how
isolated it was here.
You're good lookin',
country-style clean.
Probably that's why
Tony goes for you.
You're something new to him.
Hey, don't take his eyes
off you, can't see me anymore.
But just don't you
encourage him.
Otherwise he'll make a
play for that guy of yours
and that would be unfair
competition for you, baby.
I'll remember that.
Tony will come back to mama.
He always does.
What's the matter, kid?
We're being watched.
I can't see anything.
There's something
moving in the bushes.
Oh, it's probably
one of the men.
The boys will be boys!
Come on, let's get
out of here.
We'll go along the stream,
it's quicker that way.
Oh I need a break!
Will you hold it a minute?
I felt eyes staring at me.
I heard it, too.
Hey, cut that out.
Come on.
Radek's not the only
one eating this game, Jim.
When they finish off
the game, we'll be next.
This place is cursed.
Rick, we've got to kill Radek.
He's our only chance to find
out what we're up against.
We can't kill him.
The animals at Matsuo.
They predicted
something like this.
Don't you think it's time
you told me about Matsuo?
Yes it is.
After the others have
gone to sleep.
You'll think I'm crazy, just
like the rest of them did.
I sneaked some more
sugar out for you, Pete.
Well, thank you, Ruby.
You know...
He's been trembling
ever since he got here.
He's scared.
Things are going on around
here that he don't like.
You know?
One of these days we're going
to high-tail it outta here.
Where will you go?
We've got a gold strike on
the other side of the hill.
Not much use of that
stuff now, Pete.
No use for it?
Huh, you aint' got it right,
All my life I've been
hunting for gold
and now that I've found it,
it's up there and I'm down here.
You're crazy.
But don't feel bad.
I think we all are.
Thanks for the sugar, Ruby.
You know?
Diablo is just crazy
about sugar.
Cut that out you old conniver.
I know what you've been
doing with that sugar.
When the next batch of
moonshine's ready, I want some.
Not a thing out there.
How you feeling, honey?
Where's Rick?
He's out snooping,
he'll be back soon.
I'll go outside and
wait for him.
Don't go too far from
the house, honey.
I just want to talk to you.
I haven't said a dozen words
to you since we got here.
Look, what's so bad about me?
Tell me.
I'm not bad looking.
I don't smoke, I don't drink.
I used to give money
to my mother.
Let me go!
Please, you belong to Ruby!
I belong to myself.
I got some perfume in my bag.
Smell nice?
It stinks.
What are you smoking?
Some concoction of Pete's.
He makes the brew, too.
Don't I kill ya?
Throw it away.
You really go for
her don't you?
Nothing like a country
girl who plays hard to get.
She makes me sick.
Sorority clubs, country clubs.
Ready to come home to Ruby?
Still got her on your mind,
haven't you?
Jealous this time.
Oh, forget her.
There are bigger things
to worry about.
According to Jim, there's
only enough food for a month.
Oh, I wouldn't
worry about that.
I've got an idea we're not
going to live that long, anyway.
Four weeks for six people.
How long can two people
live on that?
Twelve weeks, get it?
Ah, you and me, Ruby.
Three months.
After that it should be alright.
Well, how are you going
to get rid of four people?
Five, counting Radek.
Gotta get my hands
on that gun.
The main thing is...
Are you with me, baby?
Radek walked into that
murderous vapor
like it was just plain fog.
Rick, how much do you know
about the Matsuo bomb test?
Only some rumors nobody
could actually pin down.
It's time I showed
you something.
As I told you, it was my job
to tow the animal ship out
of target zero.
I got the first look at them.
A thousand different species.
Remember, the newspapers said
that they'd all been
completely destroyed.
Papers lied, Rick.
Three of them lived through it.
Lived through the H-Bomb?
There was a law against
taking photographs.
None against sketching
what you'd seen.
They were placed in cages.
Male and female of each species.
That was a chipmunk.
That was alive?
It lived for three days.
The third survivor was a monkey.
Its skin looked like rubber,
but had the feel of metal.
Armor plated.
Nature's answer to
complete nuclear radiation.
Million years of
evolution with one bomb.
They lived for three days.
By the time we got back
to the inspection ship,
they were dead.
If we could find out why
they died it might help us.
I couldn't figure it out.
Except they wouldn't
touch food or water.
A new species.
The ancestors of whatever
we have out there.
Sometimes, I have a
feeling of doom.
All I know is there
are two forms of life
fighting for survival
in this valley.
And only one of them can win.
It's got to be us.
You're right, Rick.
Surprising how much strength
I've drawn from you.
I planned this whole
thing just to stay alive.
But you've given me a
feeling of responsibility
towards the future of our kind.
Thanks, Jim.
I think I'll turn in now.
I've thought a lot about it.
I'll talk to the girls
in the morning.
The girls?
They should bear children
as soon as possible.
Stop 'em Dad!
No, let them go, Rick
will teach him a lesson.
I'm gonna kill you!
Are you alright, honey?
Get out of my life!
Wind's good.
No sign of rain.
Well, that's it, girl.
I speak my peace.
I'm a blunt man.
I'm listening.
Are you alright?
Do you like Rick?
Honey, could you love him?
A sea captain can perform
marriages in an emergency.
I want you to marry Rick.
I want you to have children.
There will be no
wedding and no children.
Honey, you've got
to think of the future.
There's to be no future.
Yes there is, for you.
You have a week to get
used to the idea, huh?
Aren't you listening to me?
Yes, Dad, I'll marry
Rick in a week.
If he's still here, if I am...
What's the matter, baby?
I'm alright.
You tell Ruby.
I'll speak to Tony and Rick.
This is going to open
that storeroom door for me.
Can you imagine us with a kid?
We won't tell, an old lady
with a strip-tease artist.
I wonder what's
wrong with Louise.
She's been in her room
of of the day.
Uh, I guess she's going
off her rocker.
Maybe we all are.
You still go for her, don't you?
She wants no part of you,
but you still go for her.
All I want is his key to
open that storeroom door.
You and me you said.
But it's her you're thinking
of, you rotten liar.
So I'm a liar.
Any friend you had in
the world was me.
Anyone who loved you was me!
You cheap hodge.
That's for you, lover.
Now leave me alone.
Must have lost some
of its density.
Not enough, Rick.
We won't be able to go
up there for two months.
We're running out of supplies.
A couple of weeks all
we got left.
Don't touch it.
His feet.
Look at his feet.
The footprints
by the water.
They wouldn't give me any!
Are there more of
you up there?
Stronger than me.
Much stronger.
How many more?
Not many, but strong.
Won't be needing any
food now, poor devil.
Look at his head, the
bone structure.
The sketches you
made at Matsuo.
The same mutated skin
the animals had.
He said there were
stronger ones up there.
Stage two, this one.
Stage three stronger.
Stage four, maybe invulnerable.
What about stage one?
You didn't mention it.
Radek is stage one.
Looked like rain.
happened to Diablo!
Come in!
Your father told me you
weren't feeling too well.
I'm feeling much better now.
There's something out there.
You know that, don't you?
We're just guessing.
We don't know.
- I do.
- Hmm?
He tries to talk to me.
Remember I told you at the lake
I had a tingling sensation?
Like I was being charged
with electricity.
My pulse was pounding and
skipping beats
and then pounding again.
You were just frightened,
that's all.
It's been coming back
ever so often.
Stronger and stronger.
You don't believe me, do you?
I'm beginning to believe
a lot of things
I never believed before.
I'm glad you're here with me.
You know, he's getting
so fidgety, Ruby,
I can't do a thing for him.
You know, I'm getting
out of here.
And soon, too.
Pete, I need a drink.
Well you've come to
the right place.
- There you are.
- Thanks.
Ruby, you're my friend
and half of that gold is yours.
This is a terrible place.
Thanks for the poison, Pete.
Won't hurt your mind.
You'd like a little of that
snork, too, wouldn't you?
You've been drinking
Pete's Shellac again.
I can't stand a boozer.
We've had fights before, but
we straightened them out.
Tony, you and me
belong together.
We're poured out of
the same mold.
I wouldn't make book
on that baby.
I'm turning in.
You followed me the
other night.
I saw you.
You went over the ridge.
If you went up there,
you'd die.
I know.
What do you do up there?
There's wonderful
things happening.
What kind of things?
Maybe I'll tell you sometime.
Why not tell me now?
I like it out there.
I don't like this house.
Why do you come back
here to sleep?
I have an enemy.
He wants to kill me.
So I come here when I'm tired.
I will tell you something.
In a little while all
of you will be dead.
You think I'm crazy don't you?
I don't know.
There's no doubt of it.
They're starting to come
closer to the house.
We'll stand night guard.
Both of us.
I'd use Tony, too, but I
wouldn't put a gun in his hand.
I know his kind.
Spawn and builds water.
You keep hoping, don't you?
Well, we have to keep trying.
Who knows, somewhere, somehow,
we might get something.
Hey, Pete, the boat's rockin'.
Why don't I go on it?
When I come on, they'd start
shouting and whistling.
And after a while, all you
could hear was their breathing.
It used to scare me the
way they breathe.
What's my roentgen count?
Read me daddy!
I was working the follies
when I met Tony.
At about here, I'd
start peeling.
As I get near the wings,
they'd give me a blue spot.
And then I'd start to
give them the clincher.
Excuse me, Rick.
I must have been dozing.
I guess everything's alright.
Here, I'll take over, now.
- What's the matter, Rick?
- Diablo's gone.
Maybe he broke loose.
No, he was untied
from the tree.
Was Radek in his bed
when you came out?
Come on, let's go after
him before it's too late.
I don't think he'd
come up here.
Look, the body's gone.
I wonder what happened to it.
He was dragged down there.
Over here, quick!
Radek ate him!
The scavenging ghoul.
Might not have been Radek.
It was him, alright.
We've got to find him, Rick.
When we do, I'm gonna kill him.
He's gone!
What's the matter, Pete?
My burro.
He's gone.
Alright, pop.
I'll help you find him.
I know he's dead.
There ain't no use of
looking for him no more.
We've come this far, Pop.
There's no sense of
turning back now.
Come on this way.
- Come on, let's go.
- There's no use.
- It ain't no use.
- Oh, come on.
Look at his arm, Jim.
What killed him, Rick?
Three punctures.
Like steel daggers.
Must be in there somewhere.
I'm going after him.
No, you'll be fighting
on his ground.
This thing has to be
settled one way or another.
Like three steel claws.
Defies understanding!
Steel claws, Jim.
Like the surviving monkey
on your animal boat.
I knew.
I knew he was gone.
We should have stayed on
the top of the mountain.
Where we belong.
Come on, Pete.
Come on home.
We'll take care of it.
Who killed Radek?
Well, he had it comin'
to him, he was crazy.
Look at his skin.
I saw it.
What happened to it?
Let's call it atomic skin.
That's what
radiation did to him.
How about our skins?
Will that happen to us?
It might.
We don't know yet.
Come on, take Pete home.
What's the matter, kid?
Didn't you hear it?
Hear what?
I can't hear anything.
I must have been dreaming.
Yeah, go back to sleep, kid.
Hold it, Pete.
I'm coming after you.
Go ahead, captain, if
that's what you gotta do.
Come back here.
You'll die in there.
You old fool!
What happened?
He went up on the ridge
after his fool's gold
and I went after him.
Into the vapor?
Help me to the couch.
Louise is not to know, Rick.
How long were you up there?
Long enough.
I'm going to tell the
others I hurt myself.
It'll explain my being in bed.
Don't worry.
Maybe you've developed an
immunity to it.
Save your bedside manner,
I should have gone with Pete.
At least he got somewhere.
Well, if it rains now,
we'll all be joining him.
Rick, you've been on
the level with me.
I want to know the truth.
About what?
Look at it, look at that skin!
What's the matter with it?
It's getting like Radek's.
Oh, no, it isn't.
You're lying, Rick.
It's happening.
Feeling better, Dad?
Much better, honey.
You okay?
I'm fine.
I'm just worried about you,
that's all.
I'll be alright, baby.
Where's Rick?
Outside looking around.
I think I'll go
outside and look for him.
Someone took one of the
knives out of the kitchen.
You don't say.
I think I'll go out
for some air.
Let me go with you.
You stay here.
I'll see you later.
Oh, I hate this place.
I wish we'd never found it.
Look what's
happening to my skin!
I looked at it 10
times already.
There's nothing wrong with it.
Scream and I'll cut.
I mean it.
Now move that way.
Sit down, Louise.
Nothing ever comes easy to me.
All my life I had the
claw for things.
What do you want?
You mean you don't know?
There's something
new in my life.
I haven't had time for
your kind of woman.
Don't touch me, I
can't stand you!
Ah, you won't hate me when
it's just the two of us.
Be no point to it.
Get what I mean?
- Come here.
- Leave me alone!
Let the little girl go.
Get out of here!
Run along honey.
I've got a few private
words with Mr. Heel.
You don't know when
you're through, do you?
The two of us, you said.
But you meant her!
Yeah, that's right.
Now you know!
You're dime store stuff!
You're cheap!
Didn't know what that
meant till just now.
I hate your guts, Tony.
You're dirt!
Should wish yourself dead,
Oh, Tony.
What are we fighting about?
We're like a couple of kids!
I want no part of you.
Face it!
Happy landing, sweetheart.
Ruby wouldn't come back with me.
We had this little beef, so
she stayed outside to cool off.
She'll be back when she's
good and ready.
I have a little something
to settle with you myself.
Tomorrow maybe, I'm
tired right now.
Okay, so you can beat me up!
What does that solve?
You go near Louise
again and I'll...
Kill me.
I haven't had a good
laugh all day.
I think I'll turn in now.
He'll kill you, Rick.
Get him first now.
Take my gun.
Just sneak up on Tony and
empty your gun into him.
I thought you knew me
better than that.
There's a lot at stake.
At least carry a gun on you.
Here, get one out of
the storeroom.
Be ready to use it.
Nothing, huh?
Reminds me of a song.
10 Little Indians.
Gonna get knocked off
one at a time.
That's the way it is with us.
Four of us left.
Three little, two
little, no little Indians .
How long do you think before
a guy can go up there?
I don't know.
Something to see what's
left of New York or Chicago.
Just thought I'd be a good idea.
Try that again and
I'll kill you.
Sure, captain.
I know when I've had it.
What's the matter?
- In there.
- What is it?
It called to me.
Oh, now, stop that.
Don't leave me alone!
Take me home!
Any idea what it looked like?
I didn't see it clearly,
but I heard it.
It was only 20 feet from me.
I didn't hear anything.
Take me home!
Just take me home!
All right.
How is she, Rick?
She's still pretty
badly shaken.
I gave her a sedative.
Hope it works.
Did you find out
anything else?
She insists that it
called to her.
What about its appearance?
Only that its skin
was like Radek's and...
Yeah, go on.
It had more than two eyes.
Sketches of the
monkey at Matsuo.
Jim, did that monkey
grow any in size?
No, it didn't.
Louise says that this
thing is man-size.
That it's man, not animal.
How can we fight it Jim?
How can we kill it?
You're the one who
said we'd find an answer.
It lives on
contaminated flesh.
It thrives on contaminated air.
And killed men nourish it.
Things that kill
men nourish it.
Keep driving it.
Jim, to kill it we've
got to understand it.
And we know it has fears.
It was close enough to Louise
to attack her, but didn't.
It wouldn't follow her
into the lake.
Sounds like rain out there.
- What's the matter, Jim?
- See if Louise is alright.
She's not in there.
It's got her.
You know how to use an M1 rifle?
Get one out of the storeroom,
it's all set to use.
What's all the noise?
It's got her.
Go with Rick, Tony.
Have her between the two of you.
Oh, no,
She's Rick's, remember?
You gave her to him.
Now there's your chance to
be Mr. all-American hero.
Come close.
You won't need the pistol,
slip it under my pillow.
If there's no other way out,
use that gun on Louise.
It's dawn already.
Well, captain.
Looks like you're ship's
falling apart, don't it?
You've been no help.
You didn't look for Ruby.
You didn't help Rick
find Louise.
You're a low scum.
I'm a coward.
I only fight when I have
to, and on my conditions.
One of them is that I
know what I'm fighting.
That's better, captain.
There are two men and one gun.
I'd like to have it.
A voice came over.
- No it's nothing.
- You're a liar.
Dying man shouldn't lie.
You think I don't know
you went after Pete?
That's why you're so brave.
That's why you're moving in.
Moving in?
I'm taking over.
The works.
The house, Louise, if
she gets back.
I'd make a better father for
her kids than Rick would.
They'll be tough!
Looks like rain.
Still think we'll
polish this off?
You'll know soon enough.
The water!
He's afraid of the water!
Get back to the house, Louise.
I'm going after him.
There's your rain, but good.
How long do you think
we've got to live, captain?
Give me a sample and
I'll test it.
All that action out there,
and a lousy rain's gotta
finish us off.
Get me my Geiger counter.
It's clear.
It's just rain water.
Well, what do you know?
It's always two digits.
The lake.
It was afraid of the lake.
What was afraid of the lake?
I can't hear it anymore.
Hear what?
The noise.
I'm free of him.
He tried to speak to me before.
He called me by name.
Come on, let's go.
You're soaking wet.
Rick, what killed him?
We'll talk about him later.
I feel so sorry for him.
Strange I feel that way.
Come on, let's go.
I'll let your father
know we're okay.
They must be
signaling they're okay.
Go out and see.
I can see them from the
window when they come.
That's it, alright.
They're getting closer.
What are you
doing with that gun?
I'm gonna kill Rick.
In God's name, why?
Thought you knew why.
I want Louise.
I think I see them now.
Yeah, it's going to be
a tough shot.
And she's hanging all over him.
Get away from that window!
Shut up!
Pretty soon now.
He was gonna kill Rick.
I had to stop him.
That thing out there is dead,
The rain killed it.
I took a test of the rain.
Found it free from
Kept praying but I
stopped worrying.
I remember the
animals on my ship.
How they wouldn't touch
food or water.
I knew why.
That thing was created to
live in a poisoned world.
The rain came and it was pure.
Man created it, but
God destroyed it.
He brought the rain
and fresh air.
If he couldn't live
then neither could the
others of his kind.
There was a voice on the
radio, while you were gone.
There are others out there.
There's a future out there.
For you two.
You've got to go and find it.
Are you about ready,