Dead of Winter (1987) Movie Script
License, please.
Is there some sort
of problem, officer?
Your right
headlight's out.
Yeah, I know. I ve been
meaning to get it fixed,
but with
the holidays and all...
All right.
Cold night.
Cold night.
Ok. Stay sober.
Ok. Stay sober.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I ve got it.
Listen, if he's not here
in 5 minutes, I m gone.
listen, if he's not here
in 5 minutes, I m gone.
TV: who gives you?
the most money?
Donny, that's who.
Do you know it's 7 below
in my window?
Oh, man, the white stuff
is a-comin' down.
We just got word
from the boys
at the weather bureau
that with the wind chill,
We re talkin'
a cool 40 below.
Good god!
So stay below--
Good god!
So stay below--
It s 40 below.
It s 40 below.
Stay in bed.
Stay in bed.
I have an audition.
I have an audition.
I ll give you
an audition.
I ll give you
an audition.
Wait. My kid brother.
Oh, he's asleep.
He s right there.
Who cares?
Go back to sleep.
Go back to sleep.
He s going home
in a few days.
He s going home
in a few days.
Where s my
new headshot?
Did you
print it up yet?
Oh, shit.
I ll do it right after
I finish my coffee.
I have an audition
in 45 minutes.
What is this?
You never should have told me
you were gonna do it
If you weren't gonna do it.
I m sorry. I forgot.
How could you forget?
You ve been sitting around
Watching football all weekend
With my brother.
I just forgot.
It happens,
for Christ s sake.
It s nothing
to get ticked about.
Who s ticked?
Don t worry about it.
I ll call the landlord.
You can't call him.
We re behind
in the rent.
Hey, I wasn't sleeping
too loud for you guys,
Was I?
No, Roland. Here.
Have some coffee.
No, Roland. Here.
Have some coffee.
Stop it.
I don't even
look like this anymore.
I don't even
look like this anymore.
My roommate went in
a while ago.
Oh, yeah?
What d she say?
The pay's good.
he was nice to her.
Man: 59.
59, please.
oh, that's me.
see you.
I m Katie McGovern.
hi. I m number 59.
i'll be with you
in a mo--
I ll be with you
in a mo--
oh, well, you're, uh...
oh, well, you're, uh...
is something wrong?
oh, no.
no, it's
just that, uh...
uh, say something.
tell me something
about yourself.
tell me something
about yourself.
I did--uh, I have--
I did an under 5
on all my children.
I have 2
commercials running.
I toured in
taming of the shrew--
yes, yes, yes,
yes, um....
would you mind
turning to your left
just for a moment?
just for a moment?
oh, your hair.
tell me,
does it, um...
go up?
go up?
how's that?
how's that?
that's that.
that's that.
maybe you read about it
in the trades, hmm?
no? well...
she and the director
were at each other's
she left the set.
everybody thought
she would settle down
and come back
and finish the film,
but it has been
a week now,
and they are stuck.
have they closed down
the production?
oh, no.
they're up
in Canada,
shooting every foot
of every scene
in which
she's not involved,
but, you see,
she is the lead.
there is only so much
they can do without her,
so they must
find somebody
as quickly as possible
to fill her role.
to finish--
are you offering me
the part?
I am offering you
a chance at it.
you will have to go
upstate for a few days,
where we will
make you over.
you'll do a scene
on videotape.
that's so
the director can see
what you look like
on the screen.
now, for that,
you would be paid...
here. $3,000.
it's spelled out here--
the payment schedules,
the release forms,
the union papers.
everything's covered.
I will send a copy
of that
to your agent
this afternoon.
to your agent
this afternoon.
I m sort of in between
agents right now.
I see.
what happens if the director
doesn't like me?
but he's going
to like you.
I m sure of it.
and when you
get the role,
you'll be paid
$9,000 more.
you'll be paid
$9,000 more.
do you have
some obligation
that prevents you
from taking this?
that prevents you
from taking this?
no. no, not at all.
rob, this is a role.
it's real.
I m an actress.
actresses act.
waitresses wait tables.
when did you ever
turn down a job?
what's this guy
Murray like?
I don't know.
I just met him.
what's he look like?
how old is he?
rob, I just met the guy.
I didn't card him.
what's got into you?
just asking.
will you put
that thing down?!
will you put
that thing down?!
look, Katie, if you want
to do this thing, just do it.
look, Katie, if you want
to do this thing, just do it.
that's him.
that's him.
I m going.
I m going.
I gave you
the number, right?
I ll call you
when I get there.
we'll talk
about this then.
hey, sis,
leaving us already?
my classes start
so I may not be here
when you get--
something I said?
something I said?
oh, dear.
what's the matter?
I hope dr. Lewis
won't be worried.
who's dr. Lewis?
the producer.
he's arranged for you
to stay at his house.
he's a doctor?
he doesn't
practice anymore.
his retirement,
he's turned
his attention
to other pursuits.
to other pursuits.
how much further?
just the next town.
just the next town.
it's beautiful.
it's beautiful.
the storm,
the pine trees...
hold on a second.
hold on a second.
free goldfish with
every $10 purchase.
well, well, well.
uh, would you
hold on to that?
uh, would you
hold on to that?
poor things.
poor things.
we're here!
we're here!
we're here!
we're here!
you made it
through the storm.
oh, forgive me, my dear.
these contraptions take
some getting used to.
these contraptions take
some getting used to.
the piano
is automated...
the piano
is automated...
and so am I.
and so am I.
miss McGovern,
I presume.
it's nice to meet you.
I m dr. Joseph Lewis.
the pleasure
is all mine.
the pleasure
is all mine.
well done, Mr. Murray.
thank you.
thank you.
take the woman's coat,
why don't you?
take the woman's coat,
why don't you?
and whatever that is...
the goldfish.
a gift from
the gas station.
do you have
a bowl for them?
oh, I m sure we can
find something suitable.
oh, I m sure we can
find something suitable.
quite a house.
quite a house.
be it ever so humble.
doesn't look
so humble to me.
I ll give you
the grand tour,
if you like.
oh, yes, please.
oh, yes, please.
well, that's
a sorella oil there,
one of the old masters.
one of the old masters.
oh, by the way,
the piano was made
for president McKinley.
he never heard it
play, though.
shot dead in buffalo
the day it was delivered
to the white house.
the day it was delivered
to the white house.
oh, I see.
shot dead, huh?
shot dead, huh?
we are fortunate
to be back here
in the forest--
plenty of firewood,
so we keep
the fire going
all through winter.
all through winter.
oh, that's one
of my passions.
do you play?
I used to play
my kid brother.
I gave it up.
he started
to beat me.
how very rude of him.
how very rude of him.
nothing to be
alarmed about.
he's quite dead,
believe me.
I killed him myself.
I killed him myself.
there's really
nothing like it.
just you, the bear,
and the cold--
quite a challenge.
yeah. I imagine.
yeah. I imagine.
"to my favorite
"to my favorite
please watch your step!
please watch your step!
we have mice,
I m afraid.
they come into the house
every winter...
for the warmth,
I suppose.
we have traps
all over.
mice, bears...
is there anything else
I should know about?
ha ha ha ha.
ha ha ha ha.
my bedroom
is back there,
and the downstairs
and the downstairs
your guest room
is upstairs.
your guest room
is upstairs.
ah, just lovely.
ah, just lovely.
our dining room.
our dining room.
Mr. Murray has served
many an extraordinary
meal in here.
if he doesn't stop it,
they will have to
carry me around
in a forklift.
ha ha ha ha ha ha.
ha ha ha ha ha ha.
could I use the phone?
but of course.
but of course.
dr. Lewis?
no dial tone.
are you sure?
oh, the storm.
of course.
the lines must be down.
if the lines
aren't up by morning,
Mr. Murray will
drive you into town.
Mr. Murray will
drive you into town.
her name is Julie rose.
her name is Julie rose.
she could be my sister.
that's why
you are here.
that's why
you are here.
she just
walked off the set?
she just
walked off the set?
worse yet, I m afraid.
I heard from the director
this morning.
I heard from the director
this morning.
she had
a nervous breakdown.
he says she'll never
be the same again.
that's awful.
of course it is.
but it's you
we are counting on now,
miss McGovern,
and we must do everything
to get you ready.
what is this?
it's your scene
for the videotape.
start learning it
it's a thriller?
it's a thriller?
yes, exactly.
yes, exactly.
we'll shoot it tomorrow,
and we have it ready
for the director
the moment he arrives.
you are going to
have to be perfect,
miss McGovern.
miss McGovern.
your face...
your face...
your hair...
your hair...
your smile.
has to be just right.
has to be just right.
I m all yours.
I m all yours.
miss McGovern?
it's Mr. Murray,
miss McGovern.
just a second.
just a second.
I brought you
some warm milk.
I know how hard it is
to sleep in a strange place
the first night.
oh, well.
miss McGovern?
I just wanted to say...
I just wanted to say...
I think dr. Lewis
likes you.
I think dr. Lewis
likes you.
well, thanks.
well, he doesn't
like everyone, you know.
he doesn't?
oh, gracious me, no.
oh, gracious me, no.
but he likes you.
I can tell.
I m sure he likes you,
too, Mr. Murray.
I m sure he likes you,
too, Mr. Murray.
do you really think so?
oh, yeah.
of course he does.
oh, yeah.
of course he does.
that's very nice
of you to say.
that's very nice
of you to say.
oh, sweet dreams.
good night.
good night.
good night.
Mr. Murray,
this knife is dull.
a dull knife
will never do.
I have
a sharpening stone.
then you better use it.
then you better use it.
if you wish to master
your trade, Mr. Murray,
you must first master
the tools of your trade.
you must first master
the tools of your trade.
sharp knife, no tears.
works every time.
works every time.
can we phone a gas station
and get a jump?
phone lines...
oh. still down. right.
oh. still down. right.
how did you
meet dr. Lewis?
how did you
meet dr. Lewis?
it was a professional
what kind of
professional relationship?
what kind of
professional relationship?
I was his patient.
I was his patient.
what kind
of doctor is he?
what kind
of doctor is he?
now, there.
now, there.
remarkable, Mr. Murray.
she is Julie rose.
she is Julie rose.
do you think I should
keep this coat on
or take it off?
or take it off?
sitting or standing?
sitting or standing?
to your right.
to my right? ok.
to my right? ok.
yes. perfect.
do I look directly
into the camera or...
no, off to the right.
pretend as if
the camera isn't there.
pretend as if
the camera isn't there.
I want to take a beat
after the line,
"there was blood
is that all right?
oh, yes. of course.
ok, let's do it.
ok, let's do it.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take one.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take one.
I m sorry.
did you say action?
I m sorry.
did you say action?
oh. action, yes.
oh. action, yes.
I was all alone
out there.
where the hell
were you? I mean--
where the hell
were you? I mean--
it's all right.
it's all right.
are you going to be
right there?
oh, sorry.
oh, sorry.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take 2.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take 2.
I was all alone
out there.
where the hell were you?
I mean, all alone.
I mean, all alone.
there wasn't another
soul in sight.
there wasn't another
soul in sight.
Katie: look what
they did to me.
will you look
what they did to me?!
I was all alone
out there.
I was all alone
out there.
where the hell were you?
where the hell were you?
I mean, all alone.
there wasn't
another soul in sight.
there wasn't
another soul in sight.
I waited in the parking lot
until 1:30.
I waited in the parking lot
until 1:30.
she must have
had me followed.
oh, god...
I should have known.
I should have known.
I don't know how
he got into the car.
I never even saw him.
I never even saw him.
first thing I know,
his hands
are around my throat.
I breathe.
I couldn't breathe.
then, um...
I must
have blacked out.
I must
have blacked out.
he must have thought
I was already dead.
he must have thought
I was already dead.
I came to
a couple of hours later.
there was blood everywhere.
there was blood everywhere.
look what
they did to me.
will you look
what they did to me?!
will you look
what they did to me?!
hello, Evelyn.
this is the proof,
as promised.
she is alive.
our game continues.
I will contact you...soon.
good night.
good night.
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
hello? is anybody here?
hello? is anybody here?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
you lied to me.
why did you lie to me?
you lied to me.
why did you lie to me?
oh, miss McGovern...
we didn't lie to you.
you said she had
a breakdown.
that's a breakdown?
she did
have a breakdown.
she did
have a breakdown.
she had a breakdown
and then killed herself.
she had a breakdown
and then killed herself.
killed herself?
killed herself?
what else haven't
you told me?
miss McGovern, we didn't
want to upset you.
what happened to Julie rose
was a tragedy.
this movie
was her first big role.
I m afraid the pressure
was just too much for her.
I m afraid the pressure
was just too much for her.
perhaps we should
have told you.
but I promise you,
there is nothing else
you don't know.
there is nothing else
you don't know.
suicide is a terrible thing.
suicide is a terrible thing.
operator recording:
the number you--
operator recording:
the number you--
the number
you have reached--
the number
you have reached--
may I help you?
yes, operator.
I m having trouble
dialing this number.
I wonder if you could
dial it for me, please?
what is the number
you're trying to reach?
area code 311,
sorry. there's no 311
area code in existence.
are you sure?
there is no
311 area code.
there is no
311 area code.
queen's side.
king's side.
how can you play
without looking
at the board?
without looking
at the board?
memory, my dear.
I could move
my own pieces, but...
I could move
my own pieces, but...
I m lazy.
I prefer to be moved.
how did it go on?
how did it go on?
lovely, isn't it?
it's quite ingenious,
triggered by
this little device here.
it monitors
my heartbeat constantly.
when my heart
is beating too fast,
it sends a signal
to the piano...
and we have music.
at my age, one needs
to be aware of such things.
when I hear the melody,
I know it's time
to stop my exercising...
and have a rest.
do you like the piece?
do you like the piece?
it's Vivaldi...
the four seasons.
Mr. Murray: pawn
to queen's rook 3.
Mr. Murray: pawn
to queen's rook 3.
is the house
warm enough for you?
is the house
warm enough for you?
yes. fine.
you're shivering.
you're shivering.
I m fine.
I m fine.
queen to rook 4.
queen to rook 4.
dr. Lewis, quietly:
Mr. Murray.
dr. Lewis, quietly:
Mr. Murray.
miss McGovern?
miss McGovern?
the phone's still dead.
dr. Lewis was
worried about you.
dr. Lewis was
worried about you.
I m a little tired,
that's all.
you look pale.
you look pale.
I think I ll go upstairs
and have a nap before dinner.
I think I ll go upstairs
and have a nap before dinner.
dr. Lewis.
dr. Lewis.
we've caught one,
Mr. Murray.
we've caught one,
Mr. Murray.
dispose of
the poor creature
when you
have a chance.
when you
have a chance.
dr. Lewis
is looking for you.
dr. Lewis
is looking for you.
what are you
doing to me?
we are not doing
anything to you, dear.
we are not doing
anything to you, dear.
all my i.d.
is missing
from my wallet--
my bank cards,
my credit cards.
perhaps you forgot
them in new York.
there's nothing
to be upset about.
I saw
my driver's license
in the fireplace.
you think we burned
your driver's license?
why on earth
would we ever do--
I don't think anything.
I saw it!
I saw it!
and I saw the phone
in the kitchen.
the lines
aren't down.
the cord's been cut.
dear, dear, dear.
dear, dear, dear.
we pushed you too hard.
we pushed you too hard.
miss McGovern...
miss McGovern...
something more
to drink?
something more
to drink?
some more
hot chocolate?
some more
hot chocolate?
you can take the chocolate
back into the kitchen,
Mr. Murray.
Mr. Murray.
the woman does not
appreciate your concern
for her welfare.
for her welfare.
what is it that
you want from me?
what is it that
you want from me?
I have no money.
I have nothing
to offer you.
my dear, we don't want
anything from you.
it appears you have
some misconceptions
about us,
and obviously,
we had some about you.
I m afraid you have
disqualified yourself
from further consideration
for this job.
we'll take you home
in the morning.
we'll take you home
in the morning.
you do want to go home?
oh, yes.
fine. then we are
in agreement,
are we not?
are we not?
if you are
afraid of us,
I suggest that
you use the bolt
on the inside of
your bedroom door.
we won't disturb you.
we won't disturb you.
good night,
miss McGovern.
much too
cold a night
to be outside
without an overcoat.
don't you think,
Mr. Murray?
ha ha ha.
ha ha ha.
you're going to do
just fine, Mr. Murray.
you're going to do
just fine, Mr. Murray.
you'll do
a perfect job.
you'll do
a perfect job.
how can you be sure?
how can you be sure?
because you must.
because you must.
in a minute,
Mr. Murray.
just finish
what you're doing.
just finish
what you're doing.
aah! aah!
oh, god! help me!
where are you?
where are you
calling from?
I--I don't know.
I m calling from
an attic in a house.
they c-c-cut...
th-th-they cut
off my finger.
they cut off
my finger!
they cut off
my finger!
miss McGovern.
I m going to find you,
but you have to
tell me where you are!
I don't know.
I don't know where I am.
pine something.
rob, they're gonna kill me!
I know they're gonna kill me!
I know they're gonna kill me!
what road?!
the thruway.
we went upstate
on the thruway.
we went upstate
on the thruway.
Katie, please,
how long were you
on the thruway?
um...a few hours maybe.
it was dark.
I fell asleep.
think, Katie, think.
what was the exit?
I don't know.
I don't know what exit.
there was a bridge.
there was
a covered bridge.
there was
a covered bridge.
uh...the goldfish!
it was the next town
after the goldfish.
goldfish? what do you
mean, goldfish?
he gave us a goldfish.
I remember Mr. Murray said
it was the next town.
I remember Mr. Murray said
it was the next town.
listen to me!
hang up the phone,
dial the operator,
and call the police.
oh, no, don't go!
please don't hang up!
tell the police that.
tell them everything
you told me!
they're gonna kill me.
they're gonna kill...
they're gonna kill me.
they're gonna kill...
I m going to
find you, all right?
you're going
to be all right.
now hang up
and dial the police.
please hurry!
hang up! now!
please don't go!
please don't go!
pinehill police,
sergeant brody.
I m in a house that
belongs to dr. Lewis.
he's downstairs.
he's gonna kill me.
you've got to help me.
where is
the house located?
I don't know.
I don't know.
are you in danger
right now?
yes, I m in danger!
they don't know
I ve called.
please, please hurry!
if you could just
give me your name.
hello? are you
all right, ma'am?
are you there?
hello? hello?
easy, easy, easy,
easy, easy!
easy, easy, easy,
easy, easy!
miss McGovern,
is a game of moves
and countermoves,
not unlike chess.
the players in
this particular game
were 2 sisters.
were 2 sisters.
several years ago,
one of them
married for money...
then murdered
to keep it.
then murdered
to keep it.
the other
saw everything,
but never
said a word.
but never
said a word.
she just vanished
from her
sister's life...
from her
sister's life...
and eventually
entered mine...
and eventually
entered mine...
as a patient.
as a patient.
isn't that right,
Mr. Murray?
this woman bore
a remarkable
resemblance to you,
miss McGovern.
miss McGovern.
Julie rose.
Julie rose.
she shared the knowledge
of the murder with me
during one
of our sessions.
I prescribed
an unorthodox,
but profitable
form of therapy.
but profitable
form of therapy.
it was all
going so well...
it was all
going so well...
until Julie s sister
did something
I did not expect.
she had
Julie murdered...
she had
Julie murdered...
in a parking lot...
on new year's eve.
on new year's eve.
the videotape.
the videotape.
Mr. Murray was
on his way to meet her,
but he was too late
to save her.
but he was too late
to save her.
he was able
to retrieve the body
and dispose
of the car
before the
authorities arrived.
before the
authorities arrived.
when he got the
corpse back here,
we noticed...
we noticed...
it was missing
the ring finger
on her left hand.
on her left hand.
Julie s sister
had the killer
remove it
as proof of
his accomplishment.
as proof of
his accomplishment.
you're going to kill me,
aren't you?
you're going to kill me,
aren't you?
why, not at all.
why, not at all.
but Julie s sister
but Julie s sister
you see, miss McGovern,
your excellent
convinced her
that Julie
is still alive.
that Julie
is still alive.
she wishes it wasn't so.
she wishes it wasn't so.
she will pay
a great deal
for a second chance.
for a second chance.
in chess,
miss McGovern,
second chances
are rare...
second chances
are rare...
but very valuable.
that's not
too tight, is it?
that's not
too tight, is it?
this, my dear,
will make you drowsy.
no. no,
I don't want it!
I don't want it! no.
no, please. no.
this will all
make it easier
to fix, my dear.
to fix, my dear.
come back here!
come back!
my god,
please help me!
please help me!
I m the one who called!
please! they're trying
to kill me!
they're trying to kill me!
I m glad you're here.
who's trying
to kill you?
dr. Lewis: hello, tom.
don't mind Julie.
she's a patient of mine.
and very agitated.
she doesn't know
what she's saying,
I m afraid.
he's lying!
don't believe him!
he's lying! he's crazy.
they're trying to kill me!
all right, all right.
he's trying to kill me.
you can't believe him!
Julie, please
try to keep calm.
she has these fits.
help me, please!
don't listen to him!
it's all right, tom.
she's only dangerous
to herself.
last night she got hold
of a steak knife
and cut off
her own finger.
no! no,
they did this to me!
let go of me!
it took us all morning
to suture the wound,
didn't it, Julie?
don't call me that.
my name is
Katie McGovern.
tom, do you want
to see her papers?
here. this is the statement
of her admission
to mercy
psychiatric institute.
that's not me!
she was admitted there
last winter.
look closely.
that's not me.
they made me
look like her.
it's not me!
it's not me!
please, you can't
believe him!
oh, god.
you can't believe...
oh, no.
dr. Lewis:
this is very sad...
Julie rose is dead.
Julie rose is dead.
her corpse is in the attic.
go look in the attic!
go look in the attic!
look in the attic.
sometimes her imagination
gets the better of her.
please! go look
in the attic.
she'll be all right
in a few minutes.
hmm. maybe we ought
to take a look.
I don't think you should
encourage her.
I think we should leave.
look, john, put the lady's
mind at rest. go up--
I really don't think
it's not necessary.
it can't hurt.
it might calm her down.
I m gonna have to write out
a report anyway.
all right.
Mr. Murray...
take the officers
to the attic.
take the officers
to the attic.
the attic?
the attic?
of course, sir.
right this way.
right this way.
I am sorry
you had to come out
on such an awful day.
well, it's part of the job.
well, it's part of the job.
are you sorry, Julie?
are you sorry, Julie?
it's not heated.
it's not heated.
would you
look at that.
I haven't seen one of
those things in years.
oh, dr. Lewis was once
quite a hunter.
he wouldn't need to
be much of a hunter
with one of those.
with one of those.
oh, uh...
oh, uh...
I m going to have to get
a repairman in here.
look. she tore this wire
right out
when she had her attack
this morning.
when she had her attack
this morning.
dr. Lewis doesn't
seem to think
there's much hope
for her.
there's much hope
for her.
lovely, isn't it?
90 years old.
90 years old.
made for
president McKinley.
that right?
poor man never got
to play on it, though.
shot dead in Cleveland
the day it was delivered
to the white house.
you play?
now and then.
you must come by
and we'll have
a game.
and we'll have
a game.
there's nothing
up there.
there's nothing
up there.
it was there.
it was.
I saw her.
oh, god.
Mr. Murray,
take her back
to her room
and see that she
remains there.
no, please.
no. no, please.
come on.
come on.
they're going
to kill me.
they're lying.
they're lying.
is a terrible thing.
is a terrible thing.
no. no. no.
no. no.
I wonder sometimes
why I don't just
give up on her.
stubborn, I guess.
stubborn, I guess.
rob: it wasn't
making any sense.
she kept talking
about goldfish.
Roland: huh?
rob it's got
to be this next exit.
according to this,
there are only
6 covered bridges
in this part
of new York state.
yeah? so?
only 4 of them
go anywhere
near the thruway.
according to this,
Katie said
she was on the road
about a few hours.
let's figure somewhere
between 2 and 4.
ok! ok!
so, of the 4
you can get to
off the highway,
one is only an hour
from the city.
2 are 5 hours
away, minimum.
the only other one
is just east of here.
it's about 1/2 a mile
away from the next exit.
you sure?
gotta be.
why didn't you
say something?
why didn't you
say something?
thank you for taking
such good care of my sister.
she's been through
so much recently.
you have a visitor.
I don't think
she can hear us.
I don't think
she can hear us.
Julie, dear...
so good to
see you again.
so good to
see you again.
Mr. Murray,
would you
please take her
up we go.
up we go.
she became
quite agitated
when she heard
you were coming.
when she heard
you were coming.
it was necessary
to sedate her.
it was necessary
to sedate her.
Julie s told me so much
about you...Evelyn.
Julie s told me so much
about you...Evelyn.
I can imagine.
would you care for
a glass of sherry?
would you care for
a glass of sherry?
a brandy, perhaps?
a brandy, perhaps?
there is no reason
to be so downhearted.
there is no reason
to be so downhearted.
after all,
you are getting
what you want.
she is all yours...
when I have
what I want!
now where is it?
now where is it?
you've been told
to bring it with you.
I ve never been one
to do what I was told.
didn't Julie
tell you that?
didn't Julie
tell you that?
you grossly
underestimate me,
my dear.
my dear.
I do have
something for you.
I do have
something for you.
what is it?
what is it?
a gamesman
to the very end.
a gamesman
to the very end.
oh, I admire that.
perhaps I ll have
that sherry after all.
that's the spirit.
that's the spirit.
she's resting comfortably,
dr. Lewis.
she's resting comfortably,
dr. Lewis.
every town around here
is called pine something.
there's pine valley,
pine ridge, pine lake.
here you go.
hang on a sec.
be right back.
hang on a sec.
be right back.
what's he doing?
come on,
come on, come on.
let's get
out of here.
let's get
out of here.
free with every
$10 purchase.
free with every
$10 purchase.
Evelyn, you must understand
that in any game
there can be
but one victor.
it is a role
I ve grown accustomed to
over the years.
now, where is the locker?
Katie: aah!
go and see, Murray.
what about--
Mr. Murray!
Mr. Murray!
perhaps the game
isn't over yet.
perhaps the game
isn't over yet.
oh, dear!
oh, dear!
dr. Lewis:
run, you fool!
get her!
get her!
she went this way.
go, man!
down in the field!
go, man!
catch her. catch her.
catch her. catch her.
do you see her?
only her blanket.
only her blanket.
is that her?
I don't see
any sign of her.
I don't see
any sign of her.
that's all?
come back.
but she must
be here somewhere.
come back.
come back.
hello, Julie.
hello, Julie.
it's been
a long time.
it's been
a long time.
I m not Julie.
you're not?
you're not?
I m an actress.
this was all arranged
by dr. Lewis.
this was all arranged
by dr. Lewis.
your sister's dead.
your sister's dead.
is she?
I can prove it to you.
just come with me
to the attic.
I ll show you
her body.
you want me to come
to the attic with you?
yes, please,
before they come back.
yes, please,
before they come back.
why should I trust you?
just look at me.
listen to me.
can't you see
I m not her?
can't you see
I m not her?
poor Julie.
still playing
still playing
the guy
you're lookin' at.
that guy.
that's the guy
that picked her up
in the city.
ok, let's say he did.
it was about 4:30
in the afternoon,
it was almost dark.
ok. then what?
then they disappeared.
who's that?
what do you mean?
who's she?
that's her.
that's my wife.
I m sure she is,
but that's not
the girl I saw.
but that's not
the girl I saw.
look, why don't you
just give us
the address.
we'll go there
I can't do that.
what is wrong
with you people?!
she said they were
going to kill her!
Christ, they
cut off her finger!
Christ, they
cut off her finger!
oh, get in. get in!
she's in here.
she's been here
the whole time.
come on. move! move!
I don't pay you
for that!
finished playing
in the snow?
your sister
is a resourceful woman.
my sister's a fool,
and so are
the two of you.
I ll find her myself.
keep them apart.
you shouldn't
wander around
up there
all by yourself.
I mean,
it's a pretty old house,
and you don't know
your way around,
so why don't you
go back down there
and let me look for her.
you must trust me.
you know, trust.
you hear?
that's the foundation
of relationships...
that's the foundation
of relationships...
I ll find her.
I really will.
see, there's no back
stairs to this house.
it's the only way
she could get out.
oh, I ll find her,
wherever she is.
there isn't a place to hide
in this house
that I don't know about.
oh, yes.
no, please.
if we do find her,
you let me handle her.
dr. Lewis wants you
to stay away from her.
oh, he's been so worried
about things recently.
sometimes people worry
when they really
don't have anything
to worry about at all.
I learned
a long time ago
that worrying
doesn't help one bit.
that worrying
doesn't help one bit.
miss McGovern.
where can she be?
where can she be?
she wouldn't
go back in here, would she?
she wouldn't
go back in here, would she?
look, you stay right
against that door.
you just stay there.
you just stay there.
oh, she has caused
so much trouble.
I, for one, am going
to be very glad
when you've killed her,
and this is
all over with.
after what she's done,
I could kill her myself!
after what she's done,
I could kill her myself!
she's got to be here
so, how do you
plan to do it?
a rope?
a knife?
oh, you don't
have to tell me.
I was just curious.
if you don't mind,
I do have a suggestion.
use a piece of cord--
strong, nylon cord.
that's what I d use.
there's no blood.
there's no blood.
you know...
you know...
miss McGovern?
miss McGovern?
miss McGovern.
miss McGovern.
dr. Lewis?
did you find her?
did you find her?
Mr. Murray is still
looking for her,
but she's obviously
not in the house.
she has to be.
we'll find her.
the two of you
have let her escape.
the two of you
have let her escape.
she must be here.
she must be here.
I m going home.
call me...
call me...
call me
when you find her...
if you find her.
we have found her...
miss McGovern!
miss McGovern!
there's no way out.
there's no way out.
hunting weather.
hunting weather.
I know what
the cold can do.
I ve seen it.
it's only
a matter of time.
it's only
a matter of time.
there is nowhere to go,
miss McGovern.
there is nowhere to go,
miss McGovern.
it's all over.
it's all over.
the game is over.
the game is over.
oh, Katie.
oh, Katie.
Is there some sort
of problem, officer?
Your right
headlight's out.
Yeah, I know. I ve been
meaning to get it fixed,
but with
the holidays and all...
All right.
Cold night.
Cold night.
Ok. Stay sober.
Ok. Stay sober.
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
I ve got it.
Listen, if he's not here
in 5 minutes, I m gone.
listen, if he's not here
in 5 minutes, I m gone.
TV: who gives you?
the most money?
Donny, that's who.
Do you know it's 7 below
in my window?
Oh, man, the white stuff
is a-comin' down.
We just got word
from the boys
at the weather bureau
that with the wind chill,
We re talkin'
a cool 40 below.
Good god!
So stay below--
Good god!
So stay below--
It s 40 below.
It s 40 below.
Stay in bed.
Stay in bed.
I have an audition.
I have an audition.
I ll give you
an audition.
I ll give you
an audition.
Wait. My kid brother.
Oh, he's asleep.
He s right there.
Who cares?
Go back to sleep.
Go back to sleep.
He s going home
in a few days.
He s going home
in a few days.
Where s my
new headshot?
Did you
print it up yet?
Oh, shit.
I ll do it right after
I finish my coffee.
I have an audition
in 45 minutes.
What is this?
You never should have told me
you were gonna do it
If you weren't gonna do it.
I m sorry. I forgot.
How could you forget?
You ve been sitting around
Watching football all weekend
With my brother.
I just forgot.
It happens,
for Christ s sake.
It s nothing
to get ticked about.
Who s ticked?
Don t worry about it.
I ll call the landlord.
You can't call him.
We re behind
in the rent.
Hey, I wasn't sleeping
too loud for you guys,
Was I?
No, Roland. Here.
Have some coffee.
No, Roland. Here.
Have some coffee.
Stop it.
I don't even
look like this anymore.
I don't even
look like this anymore.
My roommate went in
a while ago.
Oh, yeah?
What d she say?
The pay's good.
he was nice to her.
Man: 59.
59, please.
oh, that's me.
see you.
I m Katie McGovern.
hi. I m number 59.
i'll be with you
in a mo--
I ll be with you
in a mo--
oh, well, you're, uh...
oh, well, you're, uh...
is something wrong?
oh, no.
no, it's
just that, uh...
uh, say something.
tell me something
about yourself.
tell me something
about yourself.
I did--uh, I have--
I did an under 5
on all my children.
I have 2
commercials running.
I toured in
taming of the shrew--
yes, yes, yes,
yes, um....
would you mind
turning to your left
just for a moment?
just for a moment?
oh, your hair.
tell me,
does it, um...
go up?
go up?
how's that?
how's that?
that's that.
that's that.
maybe you read about it
in the trades, hmm?
no? well...
she and the director
were at each other's
she left the set.
everybody thought
she would settle down
and come back
and finish the film,
but it has been
a week now,
and they are stuck.
have they closed down
the production?
oh, no.
they're up
in Canada,
shooting every foot
of every scene
in which
she's not involved,
but, you see,
she is the lead.
there is only so much
they can do without her,
so they must
find somebody
as quickly as possible
to fill her role.
to finish--
are you offering me
the part?
I am offering you
a chance at it.
you will have to go
upstate for a few days,
where we will
make you over.
you'll do a scene
on videotape.
that's so
the director can see
what you look like
on the screen.
now, for that,
you would be paid...
here. $3,000.
it's spelled out here--
the payment schedules,
the release forms,
the union papers.
everything's covered.
I will send a copy
of that
to your agent
this afternoon.
to your agent
this afternoon.
I m sort of in between
agents right now.
I see.
what happens if the director
doesn't like me?
but he's going
to like you.
I m sure of it.
and when you
get the role,
you'll be paid
$9,000 more.
you'll be paid
$9,000 more.
do you have
some obligation
that prevents you
from taking this?
that prevents you
from taking this?
no. no, not at all.
rob, this is a role.
it's real.
I m an actress.
actresses act.
waitresses wait tables.
when did you ever
turn down a job?
what's this guy
Murray like?
I don't know.
I just met him.
what's he look like?
how old is he?
rob, I just met the guy.
I didn't card him.
what's got into you?
just asking.
will you put
that thing down?!
will you put
that thing down?!
look, Katie, if you want
to do this thing, just do it.
look, Katie, if you want
to do this thing, just do it.
that's him.
that's him.
I m going.
I m going.
I gave you
the number, right?
I ll call you
when I get there.
we'll talk
about this then.
hey, sis,
leaving us already?
my classes start
so I may not be here
when you get--
something I said?
something I said?
oh, dear.
what's the matter?
I hope dr. Lewis
won't be worried.
who's dr. Lewis?
the producer.
he's arranged for you
to stay at his house.
he's a doctor?
he doesn't
practice anymore.
his retirement,
he's turned
his attention
to other pursuits.
to other pursuits.
how much further?
just the next town.
just the next town.
it's beautiful.
it's beautiful.
the storm,
the pine trees...
hold on a second.
hold on a second.
free goldfish with
every $10 purchase.
well, well, well.
uh, would you
hold on to that?
uh, would you
hold on to that?
poor things.
poor things.
we're here!
we're here!
we're here!
we're here!
you made it
through the storm.
oh, forgive me, my dear.
these contraptions take
some getting used to.
these contraptions take
some getting used to.
the piano
is automated...
the piano
is automated...
and so am I.
and so am I.
miss McGovern,
I presume.
it's nice to meet you.
I m dr. Joseph Lewis.
the pleasure
is all mine.
the pleasure
is all mine.
well done, Mr. Murray.
thank you.
thank you.
take the woman's coat,
why don't you?
take the woman's coat,
why don't you?
and whatever that is...
the goldfish.
a gift from
the gas station.
do you have
a bowl for them?
oh, I m sure we can
find something suitable.
oh, I m sure we can
find something suitable.
quite a house.
quite a house.
be it ever so humble.
doesn't look
so humble to me.
I ll give you
the grand tour,
if you like.
oh, yes, please.
oh, yes, please.
well, that's
a sorella oil there,
one of the old masters.
one of the old masters.
oh, by the way,
the piano was made
for president McKinley.
he never heard it
play, though.
shot dead in buffalo
the day it was delivered
to the white house.
the day it was delivered
to the white house.
oh, I see.
shot dead, huh?
shot dead, huh?
we are fortunate
to be back here
in the forest--
plenty of firewood,
so we keep
the fire going
all through winter.
all through winter.
oh, that's one
of my passions.
do you play?
I used to play
my kid brother.
I gave it up.
he started
to beat me.
how very rude of him.
how very rude of him.
nothing to be
alarmed about.
he's quite dead,
believe me.
I killed him myself.
I killed him myself.
there's really
nothing like it.
just you, the bear,
and the cold--
quite a challenge.
yeah. I imagine.
yeah. I imagine.
"to my favorite
"to my favorite
please watch your step!
please watch your step!
we have mice,
I m afraid.
they come into the house
every winter...
for the warmth,
I suppose.
we have traps
all over.
mice, bears...
is there anything else
I should know about?
ha ha ha ha.
ha ha ha ha.
my bedroom
is back there,
and the downstairs
and the downstairs
your guest room
is upstairs.
your guest room
is upstairs.
ah, just lovely.
ah, just lovely.
our dining room.
our dining room.
Mr. Murray has served
many an extraordinary
meal in here.
if he doesn't stop it,
they will have to
carry me around
in a forklift.
ha ha ha ha ha ha.
ha ha ha ha ha ha.
could I use the phone?
but of course.
but of course.
dr. Lewis?
no dial tone.
are you sure?
oh, the storm.
of course.
the lines must be down.
if the lines
aren't up by morning,
Mr. Murray will
drive you into town.
Mr. Murray will
drive you into town.
her name is Julie rose.
her name is Julie rose.
she could be my sister.
that's why
you are here.
that's why
you are here.
she just
walked off the set?
she just
walked off the set?
worse yet, I m afraid.
I heard from the director
this morning.
I heard from the director
this morning.
she had
a nervous breakdown.
he says she'll never
be the same again.
that's awful.
of course it is.
but it's you
we are counting on now,
miss McGovern,
and we must do everything
to get you ready.
what is this?
it's your scene
for the videotape.
start learning it
it's a thriller?
it's a thriller?
yes, exactly.
yes, exactly.
we'll shoot it tomorrow,
and we have it ready
for the director
the moment he arrives.
you are going to
have to be perfect,
miss McGovern.
miss McGovern.
your face...
your face...
your hair...
your hair...
your smile.
has to be just right.
has to be just right.
I m all yours.
I m all yours.
miss McGovern?
it's Mr. Murray,
miss McGovern.
just a second.
just a second.
I brought you
some warm milk.
I know how hard it is
to sleep in a strange place
the first night.
oh, well.
miss McGovern?
I just wanted to say...
I just wanted to say...
I think dr. Lewis
likes you.
I think dr. Lewis
likes you.
well, thanks.
well, he doesn't
like everyone, you know.
he doesn't?
oh, gracious me, no.
oh, gracious me, no.
but he likes you.
I can tell.
I m sure he likes you,
too, Mr. Murray.
I m sure he likes you,
too, Mr. Murray.
do you really think so?
oh, yeah.
of course he does.
oh, yeah.
of course he does.
that's very nice
of you to say.
that's very nice
of you to say.
oh, sweet dreams.
good night.
good night.
good night.
Mr. Murray,
this knife is dull.
a dull knife
will never do.
I have
a sharpening stone.
then you better use it.
then you better use it.
if you wish to master
your trade, Mr. Murray,
you must first master
the tools of your trade.
you must first master
the tools of your trade.
sharp knife, no tears.
works every time.
works every time.
can we phone a gas station
and get a jump?
phone lines...
oh. still down. right.
oh. still down. right.
how did you
meet dr. Lewis?
how did you
meet dr. Lewis?
it was a professional
what kind of
professional relationship?
what kind of
professional relationship?
I was his patient.
I was his patient.
what kind
of doctor is he?
what kind
of doctor is he?
now, there.
now, there.
remarkable, Mr. Murray.
she is Julie rose.
she is Julie rose.
do you think I should
keep this coat on
or take it off?
or take it off?
sitting or standing?
sitting or standing?
to your right.
to my right? ok.
to my right? ok.
yes. perfect.
do I look directly
into the camera or...
no, off to the right.
pretend as if
the camera isn't there.
pretend as if
the camera isn't there.
I want to take a beat
after the line,
"there was blood
is that all right?
oh, yes. of course.
ok, let's do it.
ok, let's do it.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take one.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take one.
I m sorry.
did you say action?
I m sorry.
did you say action?
oh. action, yes.
oh. action, yes.
I was all alone
out there.
where the hell
were you? I mean--
where the hell
were you? I mean--
it's all right.
it's all right.
are you going to be
right there?
oh, sorry.
oh, sorry.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take 2.
Katie McGovern.
Julie rose. take 2.
I was all alone
out there.
where the hell were you?
I mean, all alone.
I mean, all alone.
there wasn't another
soul in sight.
there wasn't another
soul in sight.
Katie: look what
they did to me.
will you look
what they did to me?!
I was all alone
out there.
I was all alone
out there.
where the hell were you?
where the hell were you?
I mean, all alone.
there wasn't
another soul in sight.
there wasn't
another soul in sight.
I waited in the parking lot
until 1:30.
I waited in the parking lot
until 1:30.
she must have
had me followed.
oh, god...
I should have known.
I should have known.
I don't know how
he got into the car.
I never even saw him.
I never even saw him.
first thing I know,
his hands
are around my throat.
I breathe.
I couldn't breathe.
then, um...
I must
have blacked out.
I must
have blacked out.
he must have thought
I was already dead.
he must have thought
I was already dead.
I came to
a couple of hours later.
there was blood everywhere.
there was blood everywhere.
look what
they did to me.
will you look
what they did to me?!
will you look
what they did to me?!
hello, Evelyn.
this is the proof,
as promised.
she is alive.
our game continues.
I will contact you...soon.
good night.
good night.
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
hello? is anybody here?
hello? is anybody here?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
dr. Lewis?
you lied to me.
why did you lie to me?
you lied to me.
why did you lie to me?
oh, miss McGovern...
we didn't lie to you.
you said she had
a breakdown.
that's a breakdown?
she did
have a breakdown.
she did
have a breakdown.
she had a breakdown
and then killed herself.
she had a breakdown
and then killed herself.
killed herself?
killed herself?
what else haven't
you told me?
miss McGovern, we didn't
want to upset you.
what happened to Julie rose
was a tragedy.
this movie
was her first big role.
I m afraid the pressure
was just too much for her.
I m afraid the pressure
was just too much for her.
perhaps we should
have told you.
but I promise you,
there is nothing else
you don't know.
there is nothing else
you don't know.
suicide is a terrible thing.
suicide is a terrible thing.
operator recording:
the number you--
operator recording:
the number you--
the number
you have reached--
the number
you have reached--
may I help you?
yes, operator.
I m having trouble
dialing this number.
I wonder if you could
dial it for me, please?
what is the number
you're trying to reach?
area code 311,
sorry. there's no 311
area code in existence.
are you sure?
there is no
311 area code.
there is no
311 area code.
queen's side.
king's side.
how can you play
without looking
at the board?
without looking
at the board?
memory, my dear.
I could move
my own pieces, but...
I could move
my own pieces, but...
I m lazy.
I prefer to be moved.
how did it go on?
how did it go on?
lovely, isn't it?
it's quite ingenious,
triggered by
this little device here.
it monitors
my heartbeat constantly.
when my heart
is beating too fast,
it sends a signal
to the piano...
and we have music.
at my age, one needs
to be aware of such things.
when I hear the melody,
I know it's time
to stop my exercising...
and have a rest.
do you like the piece?
do you like the piece?
it's Vivaldi...
the four seasons.
Mr. Murray: pawn
to queen's rook 3.
Mr. Murray: pawn
to queen's rook 3.
is the house
warm enough for you?
is the house
warm enough for you?
yes. fine.
you're shivering.
you're shivering.
I m fine.
I m fine.
queen to rook 4.
queen to rook 4.
dr. Lewis, quietly:
Mr. Murray.
dr. Lewis, quietly:
Mr. Murray.
miss McGovern?
miss McGovern?
the phone's still dead.
dr. Lewis was
worried about you.
dr. Lewis was
worried about you.
I m a little tired,
that's all.
you look pale.
you look pale.
I think I ll go upstairs
and have a nap before dinner.
I think I ll go upstairs
and have a nap before dinner.
dr. Lewis.
dr. Lewis.
we've caught one,
Mr. Murray.
we've caught one,
Mr. Murray.
dispose of
the poor creature
when you
have a chance.
when you
have a chance.
dr. Lewis
is looking for you.
dr. Lewis
is looking for you.
what are you
doing to me?
we are not doing
anything to you, dear.
we are not doing
anything to you, dear.
all my i.d.
is missing
from my wallet--
my bank cards,
my credit cards.
perhaps you forgot
them in new York.
there's nothing
to be upset about.
I saw
my driver's license
in the fireplace.
you think we burned
your driver's license?
why on earth
would we ever do--
I don't think anything.
I saw it!
I saw it!
and I saw the phone
in the kitchen.
the lines
aren't down.
the cord's been cut.
dear, dear, dear.
dear, dear, dear.
we pushed you too hard.
we pushed you too hard.
miss McGovern...
miss McGovern...
something more
to drink?
something more
to drink?
some more
hot chocolate?
some more
hot chocolate?
you can take the chocolate
back into the kitchen,
Mr. Murray.
Mr. Murray.
the woman does not
appreciate your concern
for her welfare.
for her welfare.
what is it that
you want from me?
what is it that
you want from me?
I have no money.
I have nothing
to offer you.
my dear, we don't want
anything from you.
it appears you have
some misconceptions
about us,
and obviously,
we had some about you.
I m afraid you have
disqualified yourself
from further consideration
for this job.
we'll take you home
in the morning.
we'll take you home
in the morning.
you do want to go home?
oh, yes.
fine. then we are
in agreement,
are we not?
are we not?
if you are
afraid of us,
I suggest that
you use the bolt
on the inside of
your bedroom door.
we won't disturb you.
we won't disturb you.
good night,
miss McGovern.
much too
cold a night
to be outside
without an overcoat.
don't you think,
Mr. Murray?
ha ha ha.
ha ha ha.
you're going to do
just fine, Mr. Murray.
you're going to do
just fine, Mr. Murray.
you'll do
a perfect job.
you'll do
a perfect job.
how can you be sure?
how can you be sure?
because you must.
because you must.
in a minute,
Mr. Murray.
just finish
what you're doing.
just finish
what you're doing.
aah! aah!
oh, god! help me!
where are you?
where are you
calling from?
I--I don't know.
I m calling from
an attic in a house.
they c-c-cut...
th-th-they cut
off my finger.
they cut off
my finger!
they cut off
my finger!
miss McGovern.
I m going to find you,
but you have to
tell me where you are!
I don't know.
I don't know where I am.
pine something.
rob, they're gonna kill me!
I know they're gonna kill me!
I know they're gonna kill me!
what road?!
the thruway.
we went upstate
on the thruway.
we went upstate
on the thruway.
Katie, please,
how long were you
on the thruway?
um...a few hours maybe.
it was dark.
I fell asleep.
think, Katie, think.
what was the exit?
I don't know.
I don't know what exit.
there was a bridge.
there was
a covered bridge.
there was
a covered bridge.
uh...the goldfish!
it was the next town
after the goldfish.
goldfish? what do you
mean, goldfish?
he gave us a goldfish.
I remember Mr. Murray said
it was the next town.
I remember Mr. Murray said
it was the next town.
listen to me!
hang up the phone,
dial the operator,
and call the police.
oh, no, don't go!
please don't hang up!
tell the police that.
tell them everything
you told me!
they're gonna kill me.
they're gonna kill...
they're gonna kill me.
they're gonna kill...
I m going to
find you, all right?
you're going
to be all right.
now hang up
and dial the police.
please hurry!
hang up! now!
please don't go!
please don't go!
pinehill police,
sergeant brody.
I m in a house that
belongs to dr. Lewis.
he's downstairs.
he's gonna kill me.
you've got to help me.
where is
the house located?
I don't know.
I don't know.
are you in danger
right now?
yes, I m in danger!
they don't know
I ve called.
please, please hurry!
if you could just
give me your name.
hello? are you
all right, ma'am?
are you there?
hello? hello?
easy, easy, easy,
easy, easy!
easy, easy, easy,
easy, easy!
miss McGovern,
is a game of moves
and countermoves,
not unlike chess.
the players in
this particular game
were 2 sisters.
were 2 sisters.
several years ago,
one of them
married for money...
then murdered
to keep it.
then murdered
to keep it.
the other
saw everything,
but never
said a word.
but never
said a word.
she just vanished
from her
sister's life...
from her
sister's life...
and eventually
entered mine...
and eventually
entered mine...
as a patient.
as a patient.
isn't that right,
Mr. Murray?
this woman bore
a remarkable
resemblance to you,
miss McGovern.
miss McGovern.
Julie rose.
Julie rose.
she shared the knowledge
of the murder with me
during one
of our sessions.
I prescribed
an unorthodox,
but profitable
form of therapy.
but profitable
form of therapy.
it was all
going so well...
it was all
going so well...
until Julie s sister
did something
I did not expect.
she had
Julie murdered...
she had
Julie murdered...
in a parking lot...
on new year's eve.
on new year's eve.
the videotape.
the videotape.
Mr. Murray was
on his way to meet her,
but he was too late
to save her.
but he was too late
to save her.
he was able
to retrieve the body
and dispose
of the car
before the
authorities arrived.
before the
authorities arrived.
when he got the
corpse back here,
we noticed...
we noticed...
it was missing
the ring finger
on her left hand.
on her left hand.
Julie s sister
had the killer
remove it
as proof of
his accomplishment.
as proof of
his accomplishment.
you're going to kill me,
aren't you?
you're going to kill me,
aren't you?
why, not at all.
why, not at all.
but Julie s sister
but Julie s sister
you see, miss McGovern,
your excellent
convinced her
that Julie
is still alive.
that Julie
is still alive.
she wishes it wasn't so.
she wishes it wasn't so.
she will pay
a great deal
for a second chance.
for a second chance.
in chess,
miss McGovern,
second chances
are rare...
second chances
are rare...
but very valuable.
that's not
too tight, is it?
that's not
too tight, is it?
this, my dear,
will make you drowsy.
no. no,
I don't want it!
I don't want it! no.
no, please. no.
this will all
make it easier
to fix, my dear.
to fix, my dear.
come back here!
come back!
my god,
please help me!
please help me!
I m the one who called!
please! they're trying
to kill me!
they're trying to kill me!
I m glad you're here.
who's trying
to kill you?
dr. Lewis: hello, tom.
don't mind Julie.
she's a patient of mine.
and very agitated.
she doesn't know
what she's saying,
I m afraid.
he's lying!
don't believe him!
he's lying! he's crazy.
they're trying to kill me!
all right, all right.
he's trying to kill me.
you can't believe him!
Julie, please
try to keep calm.
she has these fits.
help me, please!
don't listen to him!
it's all right, tom.
she's only dangerous
to herself.
last night she got hold
of a steak knife
and cut off
her own finger.
no! no,
they did this to me!
let go of me!
it took us all morning
to suture the wound,
didn't it, Julie?
don't call me that.
my name is
Katie McGovern.
tom, do you want
to see her papers?
here. this is the statement
of her admission
to mercy
psychiatric institute.
that's not me!
she was admitted there
last winter.
look closely.
that's not me.
they made me
look like her.
it's not me!
it's not me!
please, you can't
believe him!
oh, god.
you can't believe...
oh, no.
dr. Lewis:
this is very sad...
Julie rose is dead.
Julie rose is dead.
her corpse is in the attic.
go look in the attic!
go look in the attic!
look in the attic.
sometimes her imagination
gets the better of her.
please! go look
in the attic.
she'll be all right
in a few minutes.
hmm. maybe we ought
to take a look.
I don't think you should
encourage her.
I think we should leave.
look, john, put the lady's
mind at rest. go up--
I really don't think
it's not necessary.
it can't hurt.
it might calm her down.
I m gonna have to write out
a report anyway.
all right.
Mr. Murray...
take the officers
to the attic.
take the officers
to the attic.
the attic?
the attic?
of course, sir.
right this way.
right this way.
I am sorry
you had to come out
on such an awful day.
well, it's part of the job.
well, it's part of the job.
are you sorry, Julie?
are you sorry, Julie?
it's not heated.
it's not heated.
would you
look at that.
I haven't seen one of
those things in years.
oh, dr. Lewis was once
quite a hunter.
he wouldn't need to
be much of a hunter
with one of those.
with one of those.
oh, uh...
oh, uh...
I m going to have to get
a repairman in here.
look. she tore this wire
right out
when she had her attack
this morning.
when she had her attack
this morning.
dr. Lewis doesn't
seem to think
there's much hope
for her.
there's much hope
for her.
lovely, isn't it?
90 years old.
90 years old.
made for
president McKinley.
that right?
poor man never got
to play on it, though.
shot dead in Cleveland
the day it was delivered
to the white house.
you play?
now and then.
you must come by
and we'll have
a game.
and we'll have
a game.
there's nothing
up there.
there's nothing
up there.
it was there.
it was.
I saw her.
oh, god.
Mr. Murray,
take her back
to her room
and see that she
remains there.
no, please.
no. no, please.
come on.
come on.
they're going
to kill me.
they're lying.
they're lying.
is a terrible thing.
is a terrible thing.
no. no. no.
no. no.
I wonder sometimes
why I don't just
give up on her.
stubborn, I guess.
stubborn, I guess.
rob: it wasn't
making any sense.
she kept talking
about goldfish.
Roland: huh?
rob it's got
to be this next exit.
according to this,
there are only
6 covered bridges
in this part
of new York state.
yeah? so?
only 4 of them
go anywhere
near the thruway.
according to this,
Katie said
she was on the road
about a few hours.
let's figure somewhere
between 2 and 4.
ok! ok!
so, of the 4
you can get to
off the highway,
one is only an hour
from the city.
2 are 5 hours
away, minimum.
the only other one
is just east of here.
it's about 1/2 a mile
away from the next exit.
you sure?
gotta be.
why didn't you
say something?
why didn't you
say something?
thank you for taking
such good care of my sister.
she's been through
so much recently.
you have a visitor.
I don't think
she can hear us.
I don't think
she can hear us.
Julie, dear...
so good to
see you again.
so good to
see you again.
Mr. Murray,
would you
please take her
up we go.
up we go.
she became
quite agitated
when she heard
you were coming.
when she heard
you were coming.
it was necessary
to sedate her.
it was necessary
to sedate her.
Julie s told me so much
about you...Evelyn.
Julie s told me so much
about you...Evelyn.
I can imagine.
would you care for
a glass of sherry?
would you care for
a glass of sherry?
a brandy, perhaps?
a brandy, perhaps?
there is no reason
to be so downhearted.
there is no reason
to be so downhearted.
after all,
you are getting
what you want.
she is all yours...
when I have
what I want!
now where is it?
now where is it?
you've been told
to bring it with you.
I ve never been one
to do what I was told.
didn't Julie
tell you that?
didn't Julie
tell you that?
you grossly
underestimate me,
my dear.
my dear.
I do have
something for you.
I do have
something for you.
what is it?
what is it?
a gamesman
to the very end.
a gamesman
to the very end.
oh, I admire that.
perhaps I ll have
that sherry after all.
that's the spirit.
that's the spirit.
she's resting comfortably,
dr. Lewis.
she's resting comfortably,
dr. Lewis.
every town around here
is called pine something.
there's pine valley,
pine ridge, pine lake.
here you go.
hang on a sec.
be right back.
hang on a sec.
be right back.
what's he doing?
come on,
come on, come on.
let's get
out of here.
let's get
out of here.
free with every
$10 purchase.
free with every
$10 purchase.
Evelyn, you must understand
that in any game
there can be
but one victor.
it is a role
I ve grown accustomed to
over the years.
now, where is the locker?
Katie: aah!
go and see, Murray.
what about--
Mr. Murray!
Mr. Murray!
perhaps the game
isn't over yet.
perhaps the game
isn't over yet.
oh, dear!
oh, dear!
dr. Lewis:
run, you fool!
get her!
get her!
she went this way.
go, man!
down in the field!
go, man!
catch her. catch her.
catch her. catch her.
do you see her?
only her blanket.
only her blanket.
is that her?
I don't see
any sign of her.
I don't see
any sign of her.
that's all?
come back.
but she must
be here somewhere.
come back.
come back.
hello, Julie.
hello, Julie.
it's been
a long time.
it's been
a long time.
I m not Julie.
you're not?
you're not?
I m an actress.
this was all arranged
by dr. Lewis.
this was all arranged
by dr. Lewis.
your sister's dead.
your sister's dead.
is she?
I can prove it to you.
just come with me
to the attic.
I ll show you
her body.
you want me to come
to the attic with you?
yes, please,
before they come back.
yes, please,
before they come back.
why should I trust you?
just look at me.
listen to me.
can't you see
I m not her?
can't you see
I m not her?
poor Julie.
still playing
still playing
the guy
you're lookin' at.
that guy.
that's the guy
that picked her up
in the city.
ok, let's say he did.
it was about 4:30
in the afternoon,
it was almost dark.
ok. then what?
then they disappeared.
who's that?
what do you mean?
who's she?
that's her.
that's my wife.
I m sure she is,
but that's not
the girl I saw.
but that's not
the girl I saw.
look, why don't you
just give us
the address.
we'll go there
I can't do that.
what is wrong
with you people?!
she said they were
going to kill her!
Christ, they
cut off her finger!
Christ, they
cut off her finger!
oh, get in. get in!
she's in here.
she's been here
the whole time.
come on. move! move!
I don't pay you
for that!
finished playing
in the snow?
your sister
is a resourceful woman.
my sister's a fool,
and so are
the two of you.
I ll find her myself.
keep them apart.
you shouldn't
wander around
up there
all by yourself.
I mean,
it's a pretty old house,
and you don't know
your way around,
so why don't you
go back down there
and let me look for her.
you must trust me.
you know, trust.
you hear?
that's the foundation
of relationships...
that's the foundation
of relationships...
I ll find her.
I really will.
see, there's no back
stairs to this house.
it's the only way
she could get out.
oh, I ll find her,
wherever she is.
there isn't a place to hide
in this house
that I don't know about.
oh, yes.
no, please.
if we do find her,
you let me handle her.
dr. Lewis wants you
to stay away from her.
oh, he's been so worried
about things recently.
sometimes people worry
when they really
don't have anything
to worry about at all.
I learned
a long time ago
that worrying
doesn't help one bit.
that worrying
doesn't help one bit.
miss McGovern.
where can she be?
where can she be?
she wouldn't
go back in here, would she?
she wouldn't
go back in here, would she?
look, you stay right
against that door.
you just stay there.
you just stay there.
oh, she has caused
so much trouble.
I, for one, am going
to be very glad
when you've killed her,
and this is
all over with.
after what she's done,
I could kill her myself!
after what she's done,
I could kill her myself!
she's got to be here
so, how do you
plan to do it?
a rope?
a knife?
oh, you don't
have to tell me.
I was just curious.
if you don't mind,
I do have a suggestion.
use a piece of cord--
strong, nylon cord.
that's what I d use.
there's no blood.
there's no blood.
you know...
you know...
miss McGovern?
miss McGovern?
miss McGovern.
miss McGovern.
dr. Lewis?
did you find her?
did you find her?
Mr. Murray is still
looking for her,
but she's obviously
not in the house.
she has to be.
we'll find her.
the two of you
have let her escape.
the two of you
have let her escape.
she must be here.
she must be here.
I m going home.
call me...
call me...
call me
when you find her...
if you find her.
we have found her...
miss McGovern!
miss McGovern!
there's no way out.
there's no way out.
hunting weather.
hunting weather.
I know what
the cold can do.
I ve seen it.
it's only
a matter of time.
it's only
a matter of time.
there is nowhere to go,
miss McGovern.
there is nowhere to go,
miss McGovern.
it's all over.
it's all over.
the game is over.
the game is over.
oh, Katie.
oh, Katie.