Deadgirl (2008) Movie Script

Hey, yo, JT. Man, what word
starts with "F" and ends with "U-C-K"?
Come on.
Fire truck, man.
What are you, eight?
Man it's too hot for this shit.
Fuckin' drills.
Hey, Bar go long. Come on.
What are you staring at?
Rickie, she's just a
waste of your time, man.
No, man.
She's not so bad.
Sorry. Here you go.
Hey, let's blow this. C'mon..
Nobody will notice.
Let's get outta here.
Rickie's cuttin' class, man.
I can't hardly believe it.
Well, you better believe it now.
Shit, man, I just keep thinking all the
fun stuff you're missing, you know.
You're missing uh,
the fuckin', gay coach Hankens.
And fuckin' faggot gym showers and fuckin'
queer jock motherfuckers
fuckin' with you all day long.
You missed all those things.
I know you do.
- Yeah?
- Yeah, you miss that, right?
Joann Skinner.
Oh Rickie!
Rickie, Rickie, Rickie.
Come on, man! Let that shit go!
Come on, man, let it up!
Rickie you got to get
over that shit, man!
Fourth grade's a long time ago.
You lost Joann to puberty
and you ain't gettin' her back.
You should have fucked her when you were
nine when you had the chance, boy!
Look, man, what are we gonna do?
All right, all right,
all right, all right.
Quit you're whining.
Look, I brought some brews.
- Oh yeah.
- All right, but not right here.
Let's go to the nuthouse.
Whaddya say?
What, the nuthouse?
The nuthouse, man?
Why would you want to go there?
'Cause it's fuckin' hot out.
You've got a better idea?
I guess not, man.
JT, man, aren't there any
security guards there or something?
There's no fucking
security guards, man.
The place is dead.
The place is deader than dead.
Come on.
We always talked about goin' in there.
Lets do it.
The place is fucking huge.
Think of all the crazies that lived here.
You trying to scare me?
Oh, man. I'm just saying.
All the drugs they used to serve out here.
Keep us floating for a lifetime.
- Hell yeah.
- Right!
I think it's time for some warm beer.
Alright, Rick.
It's not as scary as
it looks on the outside, man.
- Uh-huh.
- Kind of like it here.
I bet you would,
fucking padded walls and all.
Fucking dick.
Well, it sure beats hangin' out
in that parking lot. That's for sure.
You want to see real scary though?
You gotta go down to the tunnel.
These tunnels, they go to all
the other buildings, that way
they wouldn't have to take the
real dangerous patients outside
to get them to a different cell or something.
They never went outside?
Not the murderers.
Or the real fucked-up ones.
They kept murderers in here man?
C'mon man, where'd you go?
Ha ha!
What are you, eight?
Oh, come on.
You were scared just a little bit.
Quit fucking around, JT.
It didn't work a second ago
and it ain't working now.
I'm not doing anything.
What the hell is that?
Oh, shit.
I thought you said there
weren't any guard dogs.
That ain't no guard dog.
Run, run!!!
Holy shit!
Man, I haven't been that scared since those
cop chased us down on the Fourth of July.
Yeah, well I'd rather deal with
pissed-off pigs than pissed-off dogs.
Come on.
There's gotta be a way out of here.
There's got to be.
I think I see a door down here.
Man, it looks like a dead end.
Oh yeah. There's definitely
a door back here, Rickie.
Where do you think that goes?
I hope it goes out of here.
Darn it!
Come here and help me move this stuff.
It's locked JT. I -
That's not locked, just rusted shut.
Come here and help me, man.
Push boy.
Push harder, man.
Put your back into it.
JT, what the fuck is going on, man?
What is it?
Holy shit!
JT, what the hell, man?
What's going on?
What is it?
Holy shit.
You're never going to believe this, Ricky.
Holy shit, man.
Yeah, I told you.
What the fuck is she doing down here JT?
- think she's fuckin...
- There's one way to find out.
Holy shit.
Holy shit, man.
What the fuck is she doing out here?
Oh my God.
She didn't just tie herself to that fucking bed.
Man, that's for sure.
Well, we better get out of here, man.
- We gotta -
- Sh-sh-sh.
We got to get the fuck out of here.
Just hold on a second, bro.
Hold on a second.
There's a fucking naked woman, man.
Lets go.
Oh shit.
We gotta get out of here JT!
Hold on a second.
All right.
Now, we had to pry
that door open, right?
You saw it yourself.
- Yeah.
- It was rusted shut, remember?
And we've been out here all day.
There ain't nobody here but us, right?
- Right?
- Alright. Good man.
Good. Now, let's free the fucking girl and
get the fuck out of here, man. Please.
JT, cut it out!
Cut it out.
JT, man, maybe some girl
has been missing, right?
I mean, there could be some kind
of reward or something, you know?
We could keep her.
Keep her, man?
JT, man. Keep her?
Just till tonight.
JT, keep her?
She's like someone in a magazine.
What are talking about man?
Let's go!
Look at her.
I can spend all day
looking at that body.
Jesus fucking Christ!
She is beautiful.
I mean... Jesus, JT, this is stupid, man.
We gotta free the girl and
get the fuck outta here. Please, man.
I'm begging you.
What are you doing, man. Come on.
Well, that's nice man.
You got come here and
you're going to feel that.
Come here and feel it.
Come here and feel that.
Come here just feel it man.
There's no way I'm gonna fucking...
Your loss.
JT cut it out man, seriously.
Just fuck off for me, man.
No, man.
What you're doing man?
What the fuck JT!
What the fuck has
gotten into you, man?
What the fuck's gotten into you, man?
Look, man. Look at that chick.
You're fucking sick, man.
You don't want any of this
just go and get out here.
You were never here,
as far as I'm concerned.
Go on.
Just get out... get out of here.
Ma, you home?
- 911 what's your emergency?
- Damn, what happened to your face?
Where is my mom at?
Well, she picked up an extra shift today.
She said she'd be home
around midnight.
Yeah. Well, what are you doing here, Clint?
Your mom said it be all right,
if I stick around for a few weeks.
Man, I hope you gave as
good as you got, man.
You got to stand up to these bastards and give
it to them worse than they gave it to you, hmm?
In this world, you can't let
other people fight your battles for you.
It's called TCB, Rickie, huh?
Taking care of business.
That's great fucking advice, Clint.
I mean, thank you.
Especially coming from a fucking alcoholic
who can't even pay his fucking rent.
Hey, why don't you drink
some more of mom's beers
and then tell me about being real man, huh?
You know what Ricky?
Why the attitude, man?
I'm just trying to help you.
Well, gee whiz Clint, thank you.
You know what? It was your god damned mom's
idea for me to talk to you in the first place.
I know all the talking in the world
is not going to make you be a man.
You got to do it yourself.
Fucking kids.
Hope you're not seeing my
face when you pull that trigger.
Rickie man.
Come on, we've been friends too long.
Yeah, I thought we were
friends up until you punched me.
I'm sorry about that, all right?
And what about her, man.
You're sorry about that too?
That's why I came down here because
I need you to go back there with me, man.
No way, man.
Fucking forget it.
Rickie, please man.
Please, there's something you got to see.
It's real important, man.
It's really important.
If it's so important,
why don't you just tell me right here, JT.
Because you got to see it.
Man, you wouldn't believe me
if I just told you.
No, JT.
I don't wanna be an accessory to whatever
sick shit you're doing, man.
Rickie, please.
You have to see this.
We're lettin' her go, JT, OK?
That's all there is to it, man.
And hopefully,
she doesn't send us to jail.
She's not going to send me to jail.
Why not?
I mean what did you do to her, JT?
What the fuck did you do to her, man?
Fuckin' killin' me...
Fuck, no way.
You can just tell me what you did to her, man.
She woke up.
She started to struggle,
of course, but she didn't scream.
No. She just sort of growled.
And tried to bite like a
wild fucking dog, you know.
So, uh, I hit her
just enough
to make her stop, you know.
Oh, man.
But she didn't.
She sure did not stop.
She just kept gnashing
at me with those teeth.
So, I hit her again and it felt good.
You wouldn't know about that.
Then I hit her harder.
- What the fuck did you do, man?
- And harder and harder.
Needless to say, after a while,
she stopped moving.
For Christ's sakes, man.
You fucking killed her.
You realize that man?
You fucking killed her and you bring me down
her and show me a fucking corpse, man?
You're a sick fuck, man.
I've had enough of your psycho shit.
We're taking her out of here now, JT.
- Hold on a sec!
- No, this has gone far enough.
You have to see
what I brought you here for.
I've seen more than enough, JT.
Rickie, no you haven't.
What the fuck are you doing, JT?
- What the fuck are you doing, man!
- You ain't seen nothing yet.
No, man, no!
Man, get the fuck away from me, man.
No, no! It's all right.
It's all right. It's all right.
It's okay. It's all right.
Take it easy. Take it easy. Take it easy.
Take it easy, JT?
You fucking killed her, man.
You killed her with my fucking gun.
- Hold on a second man.
- You son of a bitch.
- You're a sick fuck, JT.
- Look!
- You sick fuck!
- Look!
It's a pretty active for a dead girl,
don't you think?
What the fuck!
I had to bring you down here, man.
Had to make you see her for yourself.
We got to get her to a fucking hospital
before she bleeds to death, JT.
She ain't gonna bleed to death, man.
You had to see it for yourself, Rickie.
Because I knew you wouldn't
believe if I just told you.
Tell me about it.
Because I thought I was going crazy.
I wasn't telling the complete truth earlier.
You see, I heard her neck crack.
I broke her fucking neck, man.
- I know that I did.
- No way.
Shit! I was trying to think what I was going
to do about it and she starts moving again!
I thought I was going crazy, man.
I stuck my thumbs real deep into her neck
until she quit moving.
A few minutes later,
she starts kicking again.
I killed her three times now.
Look at her.
This isn't real man.
This isn't real.
Oh, man. Is she on drugs?
I've never seen no drugs that will let you
take three bullets like nothing happened.
Where do you think she came from?
Maybe she was a patient here?
Maybe they did some mad scientist
experiment or some shit on her?
Who the fuck knows what they
did with the leftover people.
The hopeless ones...
Shit, man. She can't be killed.
I mean, it's fuckin' crazy.
It's fucking crazy.
It's awesome.
Man, she's so cold.
Well, she is naked.
So, what do we do with her JT?
I mean, we could leave her be, you
know, just forget about her, I guess.
Well, somebody else is bound
to find her, eventually, right?
We could destroy her.
Ain't you suppose to get her kind
in the brain pan or something.
JT, "her kind" man,
what the fuck are you saying?
Sure, she is some kind of monster
or something but she's our monster.
What you think?
About what?
About hot pussy?
Straight out of porn!
Anytime we want it, boy.
You and, and me.
I'm not fucking touching her man.
It's just asking for trouble JT,
okay, trouble I don't need, okay?
And you can't fucking be serious, man.
Come on.
Yeah, I think I am serious.
Come on, what else you want to do?
Take her home and introduce her to your mom?
I got to think about this, JT. Okay?
Well, you take all the time you need 'cause,
she ain't going anywhere.
This is too fucking much, JT.
She's staying here with us.
Okay. Okay.
But this stays
between you and me, right?
I'm serious man.
This is our secret.
Me and you, JT and Rickie.
Hey you want to see something?
It's kind of fucked up, right?
Remember your oral
assignments are due this Friday.
Rickie, what's up?
Go home early yesterday, huh?
You feeling all right?
Mister talkative today, I guess.
What's up with you?
Sorry Wheeler, man. I'm just thinking.
Are you thinking about
Joann Skinner again?
You better watch it with
those eyeballs there, buddy.
Have a good one, bro.
I have to go.
- No!
- Yes!
Hey, Rickie.
Everything all right?
I'm just thinking.
The dead should stay dead.
So, you're thinking about reincarnation.
Some people believe
in life after death.
You're entitled to
whatever beliefs you like, Rickie.
I'd like to think that the
dead are happy where they are.
They wouldn't want to come back because
they earned it.
Far more glorious that all this.
Yeah, but what do you know, Mr. Harrison?
What's up?
Hey, Wheeler, man, what you doin' today?
You wanna go see if
Wes has got any weed?
No, man I can't.
I got plans.
What, a hot date?
Later, bro.
Alright later, Wheeler.
Ma, you home?
Fucking, Wheeler?
Hey Rickie.
JT, man...
Remember our fucking
conversation yesterday, man?
What's your problem, man?
My problem is we agreed not to
tell anybody about this, man.
What are you fucking thinking?
I know, we did.
I didn't want to be alone,
you know what I mean?
- I just want to have some company...
- I'm here, aren't I?
I mean I'm here.
Well, then go get some for once
instead of wishing that you could.
JT, come on.
It's not like that, okay?
Last night man, well...
Last night she uh...
Fuck... She been looking at you?
Like she knows something.
What the fuck are you talking about, Rickie?
Look, we can make things easier.
We can call her Joann if you want.
But you know that ain't
a real human being, man, right?
You know that. It's all right.
It's okay.
That's besides the point, man.
Oh, is it?
Well, what are you doing down here, huh?
I don't know, man.
JT, man.
I'm not... that's not what...
god damn it, JT.
If you want, man, we can, like
flip her over. We haven't hit her backside yet.
What's wrong?
This whole thing is fucking over,
you guys, seriously.
We're all going to
get arrested or worse.
I mean, JT...
Look, how long have we known Wheeler?
All our lives?
He knows how to keep a secret.
He knows a good thing when he
sees it, don't you, Wheeler?
I know a good thing when I fuck it.
There you go.
So, you see
there's nothing to worry about, Rickie.
It's just you and me and
Wheeler and the dead girl.
She's not just some dead girl, man.
Well, I did kill her three times.
Go on. Give it a try.
Get on it, man.
Man, it's fuckin' sweet!
Fucking get in there, man.
Go on.
Go on!
Rickie! All right.
Well, come back in a couple of hours.
We'll be gone.
You can have nice private romantic time
and do lots of nice sensitive things.
Nice one.
God bless.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Look, I told you fuckers,
if you want weed, you need to--
I need some bolt cutters.
Got any money?
Come on, Wes.
You know I'm good for it, man.
Everything's going to be okay, alright?
I'll get you out of here.
I'm here to help you, okay?
Oh shit!
Do you understand me?
I'm going to get you out of here, okay?
You have to be quiet.
You should be quiet.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Did you leave the
fucking door open, Wheeler?
No, I don't think so.
I told you to keep that door shut, didn't I?
Why does it matter?
I want that dog messing with her.
Anybody humps her leg, it's me.
What's up, baby?
How are you doing?
Why don't you busy
yourself somewhere else.
Hey baby, you miss me?
Oh shit!
Oh fuck!
Grab her fucking hand, man!
Get her fucking hand.
Get the fuck down!
- Fuckin stop it!
- Fucking get her off!
Fucking, you ain't no help man!
She nearly fucking killed us, man!
- I oughta fucking bite you!
- How the fuck did she get free, man?
Do you hear that?
Rickie is that you?
If I find out it was you trying to
let her loose you're gonna regret it.
Might as well come out now!
Stupid, fucking motherfucker!
There ain't no way you're getting in here!
Lil Bitch!
I swear to God!
I'm gonna bring a gun tomorrow.
I'm going to shoot your ass dead!
You hear that?
Fuckin A. If it ain't one thing it's another.
What, man?
You're friends with Wheeler?
You know where I could find him?
Because he said if I brought him 1 0 bucks,
he'd show me something.
- He said -
- Wheeler's a fucking retard you dumb ass.
He's just trying to steal your money, man.
Hey, asshole!
Fuckin' fat kid just came up to me, man...
It was you last night?
Yeah, so what?
What's up, Johnny boy?
You know,
I'm sorry you got hurt, Wheeler, but, fuck...
You know, fuck you.
You're just fucking lucky
I didn't tell JT about that.
Yeah? Hey, why the fuck didn't you then, huh?
Do you see that dip shit over there?
Lots of dipshits over there.
Which one are you talking about?
The fucking stoner
with his retarded buddy.
He was looking over here all goddamn period.
He was eyeballing Joann, dude.
You know what, man? Me and JT are fine.
OK, it's you that's he's
fucking worried about.
Look, Wheeler,
JT hasn't fucking been in school in days, man.
Somebody is going to notice and then what?
They'll go looking, you fucking retard.
That's bullshit man.
Nobody cares a fucking shit about J except for JT, okay?
Not the school,
not his fucking grandmother,
who's half-near dead anyways, okay?
Nobody gives a shit where he goes
or what he does, right?
Nobody but us.
Look at me.
Come on now.
Yeah, you fucking like that, don't you,
you fucking dead little fucking zombie.
I'm comin', yeah.
How's her hole doin', man?
Unwilling but able as always.
We got to...we got to get some lube
or something in there
because she is just bone dry.
What do you think she is, JT?
Our fuck-slave.
I mean, seriously, like,
I don't know, man, like, what is she
doing here and like how did she get here?
What's your problem?
I'm just asking, you know.
How long have you been here anyway?
I spent the night.
Because it's starting to stink.
Well, that is coming from the wounds.
I smelled it this morning.
What the fuck is that?
No worse for wear but... it's warm.
That one's mine,
but there's two more just like it.
What are you staring at?
No, you're not.
Hey, remember that time when were,
like, eight or something?
Okay, eight, nine, you know, whatever.
Just let me finish.
We were 12.
What, was I your first kiss or something?
Hey, would you want to
go out with me sometime?
That was a long time ago.
I mean, another life.
Nothing lasts forever, Rickie.
- Fuck man.
- Take it easy, man.
I'm sorry, man.
You want to head back there with me?
Look, Wheeler, I fucking told you already.
I'm not goin' back there.
You get the message shit stain?
What the fuck man?!
What's that, pussy?
He thinks I can't see him when
he's staring and drooling over Joann!
What are they doing now?
Shut your filthy mouth, man.
Shut the fuck up!
All right, you little shits.
Keep your eyes to yourself.
- I don't know what the fuck
are you talking about?
- Huh?
- Johnny stop! Johnny!
- No more looking at my woman you little shit!
You got that?
Johnny stop!
Thats enough, Okay? I want to go home.
Come on baby,
I'm just defending your honor over here?
No, you're not.
You're just being an asshole!
Stop it!
- Get off of me!
- Look, we're just having a little fun!
- Stop!
- That's all!
Now, you look what you did,
you fucking creep.
You fucking pissed off my girl!
You okay?
Fuck you,
you fucking jock motherfuckers!
You fucking -- we don't need
your fucking cheer leading whores!
You know why?
Because we got our own fucking whore
and she's the sweetest one in the
whole fuckin town, you asshole.
She's got fucking sweet tits
and she's fucking hot!
- Wheeler, shut the fuck up.
- So fuck you!
She's our fucking sex slut!
Shut the fuck up wheeler!
Johnny's going to take one
fucking look at this dead girl
and he's going to turn around
and fucking bust us man.
You understand that?
If we don't fucking come up with something
right now,
- we're going to fucking go to fucking jail,
- Rickie, man, I can't get to jail.
My fuckin' mom's going to kill me...
Stop! Stop! Look,
whatever happens,
we cannot show them the girl, okay?
It can't happen.
We keep this between us
and you keep your mouth quiet, okay?
Oh shit!
All right little shits!
Don't even think about
making a run for it.
Dwyer's got a baseball bat
and he's a fucking state champ.
Come on you-
Listen, come on you guys.
Wheeler was just fuckin' talkin' shit.
I swear to God, man.
There's nothing down here.
Talking shit?
I guess Dwyer and I can stop fucking
around and kick your asses now, huh?
I guess you're gonna have to.
Fuck you!
I'm sorry.
What the fuck?
See, she's right there just like I said.
What the fuck is this?
It's just what it looks like Dwyer.
Hot-to-trot bitch with a yen for dick.
So you boys decided to come by,
give our girlfriend a ride, huh?
Uh, no.
We were just fucking with Wheeler, all right?
I thought he was shitting us.
Ain't no shitin' going on here, boy.
What's going on here, JT?
Why she all tied up
and beat up and shit?
Because that's the way she likes it, Dwyer.
Ain't either of you seen any pornos before?
That's the way we give it to her.
You know, whips and chains and shit.
That's the way we give it to her.
See, she's hot for it.
You all want to...
No, man.
We're fine. Thanks.
We're fine, Dwyer.
Ain't going in there.
We should leave.
Two red blooded all American studs
like you passing on a free pussy?
Fuck you.
I don't know.
C'mon, Johnny.
What the fuck?
Dwyer, no.
Come on, Johnny.
What are you doing?
Don't leave me hanging here, man?
What, and dip my wick in
a puddle of your spunk?
I may be horny but I'm not desperate.
I got my own sweet pussy
waiting for me tonight.
Why don't you go for the mouth then?
See, ah...
she likes it any way she can get it,
Johnny boy.
Come on, Johnny.
The water looks fine.
What's the matter, man? You're scared?
Or is she out of your league?
I bet you Joann doesn't do that for you.
You know what, Johnny?
I bet you're full of shit.
I bet that you haven't had your
dick sucked your whole life.
- I bet you never -
- Hey!
Can't deny the lady, now, can we?
You the man, Johnny.
You the man.
Come on baby. It's all right.
It's not gonna bite you.
Okay, man, that's enough.
Yeah, get in line, fag.
Stop that.
Oh shit!
Bitch, bitch, bitch...
I'm taking him to the hospital.
Then, we're calling the cops.
Oh, you're going to go to
the cops and tell them what?
That you were raping a chick in
a mouth and she bit your dick?
I wasn't raping her.
You said she wanted it.
Yeah well, I'm sure they
heard that one before.
- You said she liked it.
- Get off.
Prove it in court when Johnny
boy here whips his dick out.
Prove it when they show photos of her face.
Don't forget about Joann, huh?
How are going to explain this to her?
Well, gee, honey, I was just walking
through this abandoned mental hospital
and my weenie was hanging out and I tripped
and fell and guess where it ended up?
That's bullshit. Look what she did to me!
Yeah, well, all the blood's
been rushing down there.
I tell you what though?
You hold off on sticking it to Joann for
a couple of weeks, you'll be all right as rain.
You tell her you're saving your
strength for the state championships
or whatever the fuck it is you do.
- Fuck you, man.
- Go to the cops.
Send me and Rickie and
Wheeler to jail and yourselves.
See, you won't be fit to tackle a retard
with polio by the time you get out.
Me and the boys? Well, we'll miss a
couple of divorces, a handful of brats and
about a million shifts at the gas station.
See, jail is full of motherfuckers like us.
- We got nothing to lose.
- Please don't touch me.
- Get off me. Get off me.
- Now, you two leave.
You're not going to get away with this, JT.
"You're not going to get away with this, JT."
Fuckin' stupid fuck. Get the fuck out of here.
Fuck you, man! Fuck you!
I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean to say anything.
- And it just came out and -
- And, and stow it, Wheeler.
You dumb fuck.
Now at least they'll keep their mouth shut.
They see my point.
We fucked up man.
You are the reason why
Johnny came down here.
You are the reason why he got bit and it's
bad enough that those two mother fuckers
came down here but look at that shit.
Look at it.
I'm not going to put a fucking bag
over her head just to get it up.
And you know what, Rickie?
You know what?
Now, nobody gets what they want.
Joann Skinner, man?
What the fuck were you thinking?
This is the best we're ever going to have.
I can't fucking go to jail.
You're not going to jail!
You're going to get the fuck out of here!
You're going to go home and
you're going to go to bed.
You're going to wake up tomorrow.
You're going to school and you're going to
pretend like none of this shit ever happened.
So, get the fuck out right now.
You know what?
You get the fuck out too.
You're not the
fucking boss of this shit.
You are disinvited from
my fucking basement, Rick.
You fucked up.
Rickie, what are you doing here?
Look, listen.
There's this really, really
fucked-up situation with Johnny.
Okay, he's an asshole.
Okay, I know.
I know.
And after tonight he'll leave you alone.
No, he won't.
He's my boyfriend.
You're just going to have to deal.
Joann, he doesn't fucking love you.
Listen, listen, I just...
whatever you hear after tonight, okay,
I want you to know I tried to fucking stop it.
You have to believe me.
This is weird.
- I, ah -
- Will you just listen to me, please.
- No, what if someone sees us or -
- What if someone sees us, huh?
What if someone sees us?
Look, who fucking cares?
I hope she's hot.
Whoever it is you boys are fightin' over,
you're taking a real beating for her.
Jesus Christ, man.
You gotta just try and relax, man.
You know?
Have fun.
I tell ya.
I really wish I was 1 5 again.
I'm seventeen.
Man, do I wish I was 1 5 again.
Do you think they told anybody?
I don't know, man.
I think we'd be in a heap of
shit right about now if they did.
Look, just stay cool, Wheeler, alright?
They're not going to do anything, man.
I'm cool, okay?
Thank God for JT, you know?
You're fucking kidding me, man?
If it weren't for fucking JT, none would this
would have happened in the first place.
Hey, that's no way to be
talking about friends, man.
I should have fucking torched the
whole building the night we found her man.
She's just a dead girl, man.
That's all.
You know what, Wheeler?
Just leave me the fuck alone, man.
We got to... we got to stick together.
Hold still, baby.
I'm trying to fix you up.
Don't you fuckin' bite her.
I guess we don't have to
worry about that mutt no more.
...Sold by a certain date,
In order to avoid spoilage which
can lead to serious illness.
Then of course meat,
rotten meat in particular when
left unrefrigerated can be toxic.
But I'm sure everybody here is very
familiar with the safety issues
concerning poorly kept perishables.
Johnny, think fast.
- Some examples of perishables are -
- What's that smell?
Oh, my God...
Nice of you to visit.
So, I was expecting someone else.
Fuck you, man.
Johnny's...I don't know
what this chick's got but she's
fucking coming with me to the hospital
and then we're going to the cops, man.
I've been fucking her for days.
So has Wheeler.
So did you.
Stand back JT.
I'm taking her with me.
- There ain't nothing wrong with her.
- Bullshit.
Johnny's got his guts stuck back
into him and he's starting to smell
like fucking rotten meat, okay?
He's starting to...
he's starting to smell like her.
- She bit him.
- No shit she bit him.
Now stand the fuck back.
I'm taking her with me.
You don't need to do that.
See, Johnny's dead.
Fuck you, man.
Johnny is not dead.
Johnny's dead.
You don't get it, do ya?
Johnny is dead.
This bitch is dead.
Now, you're dead too.
You're fucking nuts, man.
You're fucking nuts.
You'll like being dead.
Deadgirl likes it. Don't you?
Didn't know what I was going to do
after you boys messed her up.
But now I know, one bite from
her and I can make another.
What...just get off there.
(radio) My name is Kim.
How old are you Kim?
Do you have a boyfriend or a husband?
How long are we going to wait here?
I thought you said that we were
just going to come here and we're
just going to like fucking get -
Look, we're going to stay here
until the right fucking one comes along.
All right. We still got a few hours.
I ain't just going to settle for the first
fucking thing that walks by man.
Look at that ass.
- You see that?
- Yeah, I see that.
I can't fucking miss that.
There's enough fucking cottage cheese
spilling out there to feed Ethiopia.
No bro, it ain't that bad at all.
Ain't that bad, ain't good enough.
Jesus, Wheeler.
Look man, hey, this might be our
only fucking chance, okay?
She's the only piece of split tail
that come by the last hour, all right?
Look at her jugs, man?
Fucking hot, right?
All right.
Look, that's the best we're going
to get out here, all right?
Let's do it, all right? All right.
All right.
All right. Fine, fine, fine.
Just wait till she comes out.
Alright I'm going in.
Don't look at me.
Hey, we've got some fuckin' cheap weed.
You want weed or not?
Really taking a step down, aren't I?
Smell it.
Love it.
It's wonderful.
Where is it?
Uh, it's in the trunk.
Yo, JT! The trunk, bro.
JT, the trunk, buddy.
And I ain't giving you nothin' till I seen it.
And it better be good.
I know good when I see it.
So don't be trying to pass off no oregano
on me, you little motherfuckers.
What's wrong with your buddy here?
Slow or something?
Well, I don't see nothing.
Well, here baby.
Sons of bitches...
Fuck you!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Shit!
You all right?
You okay? You okay?
Am I okay?
No, I'm not okay.
Not fucking funny, man.
You want a tough bitch...
Wasn't she a fuckin' tough bitch.
She fuckin' outweighed us both.
No fuck you.
I didn't even want her to begin with,
you dumb piece of shit...
There you are!
Hey, Joann.
I want to know what the fuck you did
to my boyfriend?
No, you don't.
Just fucking tell me.
Why don't we just show you?
- It's going to be okay.
- Rickie don't leave me.
I'm going to get you out of here okay.
I'm going to get you out of here.
All right.
Fuck you!
Your fucking friends kidnapped me.
I fucking stood up for you.
I fucking did everything.
- Fuck you.
- Quit fighting me.
- Quit fighting me, OK?
- No!
Look, I'm here to help you.
I'd never hurt you.
I'd never hurt you.
I'm here to help you.
You're here to what, Rick?
You're here to save
the damsel in distress?
Be the big hero?
Nah, that can't be.
We all know you ain't no hero.
JT, what the fuck is she doing down here, man?
Dead girl, Rick.
We can make more.
See, all she's got to do is
take one bite out of you and...
JT figured it out.
Look, I don't know what the
fuck is going on around here
but it has nothing to do with me.
Sweetheart, I think it's got just about
everything to do with you, doesn't it?
Think about it.
Folks like us are just cannon fodder
for the rest of the world.
But down here, you see we're in control.
Now, we call the shots down here, man.
Feels good, doesn't it?
It's all right to say.
You don't have to be the
nice guy down here, Rickie.
Yeah, man. This is all for you.
Enough with the goddamned
lights already, Wheeler.
Even if you did save her, Rick,
whaddya think she's gonna do?
JT man, please just let her go.
You sure that's what you want?
Is that really what you want?
She sure is beautiful.
- Fuck yeah, she is.
- All right, Wheeler. All right.
I'm talking to Rickie now, please.
JT, man just don't fucking make
me do this, okay?
Look, I get it.
All right. You don't want to share
and that's understandable.
I respect it.
You want what should have
been yours a long time ago
and that's what I'm trying to do for you.
I'm doing this for your benefit, Rick.
She's all yours.
Wait, who the fuck is that?
Don't you worry about her, honey.
Who the fuck is that?
You've got me all wrong, man.
Do I?
No. I'm thinking I know you a little bit better
than you even know yourself these days, Rickie.
Then you know I'm fucking
done with you, man.
Rickie, she is going to send us to jail.
And you ain't going to
have her or anybody else.
- No.
- You know it's got to be done.
Enough with the
goddamned machete already, okay?
Wheeler, what are you doing?
Wheeler, what the fuck are you doing?
Wheeler, don't you fucking touch her, man.
Don't you fucking touch her, Wheeler,
I swear to fucking God!
- You won't believe it.
- Wheeler I wouldn't.
Wheeler don't you fucking touch her.
That's a bad idea man.
Don't you fucking touch her!
What'd you do that for?
Well, you sure picked a pretty
shit poor time to man up, Rick.
Who you trying to be anyway, man?
Since day one, it's been you and me.
It's been JT and Rickie all the way, man.
And we don't change.
We don't have to change
because it's us, man.
Rickie and JT, man.
Nothing's got to change between us.
Nobody's got to change, you know.
It's just you and me, right?
Joann Skinner, man?
You think she's going to
choose you in the real world?
In the real world,
she'd rather die than be with you.
I know.
Rickie, man, just you and me, right?
I'm not feeling so good, man.
He cut off your fucking hand, man.
I'm not feelin' too good, man.
Oh shit!
Help me!
Rickie. Rickie!
Wheeler, I'm sorry, man,
but she bite you, man.
This ain't my fault. I'm sorry.
I got to, Wheeler, I got to.
- Somebody help!
- Calm down!
Somebody help! No!
Somebody help!
- Please.
- No, calm down Joann.
- Get off of me!
- It's not going to go in the open!
- No please!
- It's not going to fucking open!
- Hold on!
- No!
- Help Please!
- Calm down.
Calm down.
Why the fuck don't you
fucking listen to me.
I try to fucking be good to you!
Just fucking listen to me for one second!
Joann, please fucking pay
attention to me for once.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm fucking sorry, okay?
I'm so sorry.
Sorry. Sorry.
It's okay.
Alright, so I'm gonna get you out of here.
Alright, I promise.
I promise.
Fuck. Fuck!
It's okay. It's okay.
Hang on, okay? I'll be right back.
There might be a fucking way out.
Now hold on.
He stabbed me.
Oh God.
Fuck JT, why did you do this, man?
Why did you do it, man?
JT, what the fuck?
I was just trying to help, Rickie.
Hold still. Just breathe.
I'm gonna get you outta here. Hold on.
Breathe. It will be okay, okay?
I'll get you out of here.
Just don't tell my grandma, okay?
Rickie, I can feel it inside me.
Don't worry I'm not going to let you.
I'm going to get you out of here.
It will be all right. I'll get you out of here.
I won't let you die, Joann.
I won't let you die.
What did you say?
I said that I love you.
I love you, Joann, so much.
I can still bite her before it's too late.
Listen, I love you.
I do. I love you.
I love you, Joann.
Fucking grow up.
Take me home, Rickie.
God please help me.