Deadly Estate (2023) Movie Script

[instrumental music]
[eerie music]
[line ringing]
I need your help.
[intense music]
[eerie music]
[elevator bell dings]
[indistinct chatter]
What's the matter with you? You're gonna hurt someone.
Here, come with me. Hey, I got a surprise for you.
This is our mascot, the magpie.
It's one of the world's smartest animals.
Do you know, it can make tools, even copy people.
So if you see one today, you make sure you're extra nice,
because they'll remember how you treated them for years.
[Ron clears throat]
Be right with you, Mr. Brant.
You're Ronald Brant. CEO of--
I know who I am. I need my room. And you need to watch your kid.
-Sir, have a wonderful stay. -Thank you.
I see we have the pleasure of your company for three nights.
-Will anyone be joining you? -My wife.
Thank you.
Welcome back, Ms. Novak.
-Or is it Brant now? -Hm.
We met at a gala I hosted here last spring.
That's why Ron's buying the place. He's a sentimentalist.
I wasn't aware we were joining the Brant Hotel family.
Well, it's not public yet, but I like it here.
Plenty of history. Impressive roster clientele.
Mm-hmm. Celebrities, CEOs, senators.
It's fortunate walls can't talk, hm?
-[Valeria chuckles] -Congratulations to you both.
Congrats to you. The Brant name will bring in new business.
Oh. There's another reservation.
I'll take the key for that as well.
Ah, yes, I saw you have two rooms.
I'm happy to hold on to that key until your guest arrives.
No, just give me the key.
State law requires that we keep
an accurate record of all guests check-ins.
-A technicality. -I do apologize, Mr. Brant.
But there will be a beautiful bottle of champagne
waiting for you in your room, and I can guarantee
that your guest will receive the same upon arrival.
Wouldn't want that ice to melt.
Come on, your son's a big boy.
Let's enjoy that champagne. Come on.
[elevator bell dings]
[man on radio] We have a situation in 206.
On my way.
I do not get paid enough to handle puke!
-[scoffs] -Jennifer?
[instrumental music]
[door opens]
Jen should be doing that. It's below your new pay grade.
She freaked when she saw the mess.
Guests in 206 got sick, and she quit.
[scoffs] Gotta stomach a little puke in our line of work.
-Among other things. -Hm. Ah.
Ron Brant checked in with his new wife.
You'll never guess who.
-Who is it? -Valeria Novak.
What, the model who throws all those banquets?
-Uh-huh. Oh, great tipper. -Good tipper?
Don't know what she's doing with Ron. He's 20 years her senior.
Well, yachts make men look younger.
-Ah, right. Botox of the seas. -Hm.
I knew she wasn't throwing those parties for charity.
They're millionaire meet-and-greets.
Oh, he's buying the hotel for her.
Oh, he'll probably want upgrades.
Crystal chandeliers, gold-plated toilets.
[scoffs] Speaking of toilets,
you remember the one giving us trouble in 310?
-Rust, right? -Not rust.
-Oh, no, come... No. -Mm-hmm.
Some fool took a dump in the tank.
Upper decker. Made the water brown with every flush.
It must be nice being in management,
not having to deal with all that mess anymore.
Mn-mn. Same crap, different shovel.
[crows crowing]
She's down there, George.
Looks like it's been a while.
Who called it in?
Local guy out for his morning walk.
Says his dog caught a scent. He thought it was a skunk.
The Magnate's not far from here.
Twenty... Twenty-five miles?
It looks like she was dumped here.
She was strangled somewhere else.
[camera clicking]
[bell dings]
-[camera clicking] -[bell dinging]
-Ah. -Welcome to The Magnate.
Ah, reservation's under Ron Brant.
[Zakiya] Yes, I see it here. And your name?
I'd like the name on the room to be first name Cash.
-Last name Money. -[laughs]
-Cash Money? -That's me.
-[keyboard keys clacking] -And may I see your ID?
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Brant. I mean, thank you, Mr. Money.
-And Mrs.-- -Ah, she's my guest.
We don't need to put her on the reservation.
-Ah. -I'll still need to see an ID.
Thank you.
You have a birthday coming up soon. Turning 19.
We're celebrating early.
-You're all set. -Ah.
Let me hold on to those.
[Astor] Send up my bags?
Hm. Found her contract.
Two weeks' notice. Required.
You really wanna start a law suit
with this place being bought? Um...
Ron Brant's in the presidential suite. His new wife let it slip.
Ah, um, have the floor managers pick up the slack.
And I'm gonna need you on the concierge desk in the morning.
-Nancy's kid is sick. -I just worked a double.
Well, uh, room 305 is vacant.
-You stay there tonight. -I need to go home first.
[Steve] Why? Who do you have to check in on?
-I need fresh clothes. -Uh-uh.
You keep your spare suit in your locker.
Dry-cleaning's on me.
And room service, within reason.
-[instrumental music] -[keyboard keys clacking]
[ice rattling]
[eerie music]
[ice rattling]
-[door opens] -Feeling thirsty?
Um, I noticed you needed ice.
Really? 'Cause it looks like you're off-duty.
I promised your father it would arrive cold.
Can't upset the boss. Or his son.
Enjoy your champagne.
[music continues]
[door shuts]
[instrumental music]
[Harry] California!
I thought you'd adjusted to East Coast time.
[chuckles] I just didn't sleep too well.
It's these doubles Steve has you working.
I'll talk to him.
Harry, thank you.
But I think I should wait a year before I start complaining.
-Folks still need to sleep, now. -You don't.
-Mm. -Up at dawn to run.
And I never see you sit down.
The good furniture is for the guest.
I learned that in my Dubai days.
Can't park my behind in the same chair as the crown prince.
Well, you a prince in my book. So sit wherever you like.
No need. My job's easier than yours. It's only one room.
How are our soon-to-be-bosses?
Oh! You heard.
Mm, Mrs. Valeria mentioned her engagement present
while flashing her new ring.
[telephone ringing]
Good morning. The Magnate.
Not a problem. I'll send--
I see. I'll be right up.
[knocking on door]
Yeah, come in.
[door opens]
Put them on the bureau.
[Astor] Dirties are in the corner.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[Phoenix] Hi. I thought we were going to breakfast.
[Astor] I'm not bringing you out.
Ah, my father is entertaining this evening.
-Hm. -If you'd deliver the food.
We have designated staff for that.
You already know we're here.
And we'd like to keep it under the radar.
[intense music]
[keyboard keys clacking]
Welcome to The Magnate. How may I help you?
Detective George Finn. Rupert PD.
Have you seen this woman recently?
Yeah, a-a month ago.
May I ask what this is about?
Nothing concerning guest safety.
If you know her name, I could look her up in our direc--
Detective. Uh, let's speak in my office.
[Steve] Um, Zakiya, the restaurant called.
An order for the presidential suite.
[clears throat]
What's the matter?
Mm, maybe it's nothing.
I've been here a long time.
I can tell the difference between nothing and something.
I think a guest might be abusing his girlfriend.
Did you see him do it?
No. But I, I think I saw bruising.
And he seems off. Very controlling.
If you didn't witness the crime, you gotta keep your head down.
The guests don't get in trouble. We do.
[spoons clinking]
[Ron] Do you think this is a vacation?
[Astor] We are at a resort hotel.
[Ron] It's business. Not pleasure.
Look, you're a married man.
If anybody sees you with that escort...
Hey! Out.
-[snaps fingers] -[Ron] Not you.
[eerie music]
[ominous music]
Are there any rooms?
Like, if I wanted to get my own for the night?
Let me find something. Give me a moment.
[keyboard keys clacking]
Charging items to the card on file?
No, I-I was about to come up.
-So what were you doing, then? -Um...
You were right about that complimentary champagne, miss.
I will send another bottle right up. My apologies.
We'll enjoy it upstairs.
[Astor] Do you think I'm stupid? [Phoenix] Please! I'm sorry.
-I'll be good, I promise. -Do you?
-[indistinct chatter] -[Phoenix] I'll stay here.
[Astor] Do you have any idea who I am?
[indistinct yelling]
Uh, security to 303. We have an armed guest. Mr. Brant?
A maid just burst in. She's calling security--
Mr. Brant.
Put down the gun.
[dramatic music]
[gun clatters]
-Miss, are you okay? -She burst into my room.
He was threatening her with this.
That's mine. It's licensed.
We were just role-playing.
Put Mr. Brant's property down.
Steve, she was screaming. We should call the police.
-No, don't. I'm fine. -We can discuss this outside.
-[door shuts] -[Ron] What's going on?
Uh, just a misunderstanding.
-He was threatening her. -She burst in. The sign was on.
My apologies. I'll handle it.
Come, darling. Let's not add to the scene.
We never violate a do-not-disturb.
Zakiya, you know that.
[Steve] You owe Mr. Brant an apology.
Our job is to serve our guests,
to anticipate their every need.
I consider myself very good at what I do.
We hide affairs.
We clean up people's messes.
But I will not be complicit to sexual abuse!
-[Steve] That's enough-- -I quit!
You'll have my resignation by the end of the day.
[birds chirping]
[instrumental music]
[knocking on door]
Detective George Finn. We met at The Magnate.
I'm here about what happened last night.
Look, I stand by everything I said.
Astor Brant isn't a nice guy.
He uses his father's power and money--
Astor Brant was found dead this morning.
You were one of the last people to have see him alive.
Wait, well, what about the young girl that was with him?
-Mr. Brant was found alone. -No, that's not right.
I, I checked them both in.
He didn't want her on the reservation.
-But she was in that room. -I spoke to your boss.
He says you broke into Mr. Brant's room.
-No, I-I heard-- -You two argued.
You took his gun. Astor was shot.
Do you know the penalty for murder in this state,
Ms. Carter?
[intense music]
[keyboard keys clacking]
[Zakiya] How are those days vacant?
That's when Ron was in the presidential suite.
Where is Ron Brant's reservation?
-Hey. -I'm surprised to see you here.
Steve said something about you quitting,
needing me to cover the desk.
-Long story. Where is Steve? -Well...
Emergency off-site. Something to do with the shooting, I'm sure.
Hey, uh, you had the third floor yesterday, right?
Did you see the guests in 303?
The murder room? Oh, no. I didn't even change the towels.
There was always a DND on the door.
Maybe you saw them in the hallway. Um...
White guy, 30s. Young woman. Very young.
Doesn't ring a bell.
You haven't seen a red cell phone, have you?
-Hm? -Ah. Some guest lost phone.
[Alexis] Steve has us tearing the place apart looking for it.
-Everything alright? -I don't know.
Um, I'm gonna catch you later.
[knocking on door]
-Harry! -Zakiya. What's wrong?
I think I'm being framed for murder.
Steve told the police that I went into Astor's room
and took the gun. But he didn't say why.
He lied. He said that Astor was alone in there.
The cops told you that?
A detective came to my place.
I-I explained Ron Brant buying the hotel
and telling Steve to hide the affair.
But he didn't believe me.
Someone must have seen this woman.
Ron Brant knew she was in there.
But there's no record of their stay.
He probably told Steve to delete that, too.
Don't worry. I'll tell the cops I waited on the Brants.
I'll let them know Mr. Brant scolded his son
for cheating on his wife.
I'll make it clear Steve is lying.
No, I can't, I can't ask you to do that, Harry.
You've been here 20 years. You put career in jeopardy.
[laughs] With my experience,
it seems someone might snap me up. No?
You've done too much.
Showed me the ropes,
convinced Alexis to get behind me when I took her promotion.
You give me too much credit.
You're smart. You're a hardworking young lady.
Reminds me of my daughter.
[door opens]
You're not authorized to be here, Zakiya.
Steve, why-why are you telling the police Astor was alone?
You know that she... Hey! Hey!
Hey, there's-here's no reason to be rough, now.
Stay out of this, Harry, if you know what's good for you.
I know what's right.
She quit. She's not authorized to be in the hotel any--
Harry, it's all right.
I'll go.
I didn't do anything wrong. Okay. Okay.
Hey, let go!
Why are you lying to the police, Steve?
I don't know what you mean.
You know there was a woman in Astor's room. She got the gun--
You were the one waving the gun around. I made you return it!
And then I left.
I don't know what you did after.
For your sake, I hope someone does. Don't come back here.
You know she was in there, Steve.
Her blood is all over the towels!
Uh, towels.
[line ringing]
Alexis, um, did the laundry trucks come today?
[dramatic music]
[door opens]
You're sure the laundry trucks didn't come today?
-What are you looking for? -Evidence.
-Of what? -I'd rather not say.
Hey, I'm sneaking you in because you're not allowed
through the front door. At least tell me why.
The police think I was the last person to see Astor alive.
But there was a young girl with him, she was still with him
when I went up to clean the room.
Her blood was on all of the towels.
-And you think she killed him? -I don't know.
But as long as she remains a ghost, I look guilty.
Um, finding one towel is not gonna be easy
with the pounds of dirty linens.
I have to try, Alexis, everything
else about her has been erased.
I'd offer to help, but I need this job. My kids...
It's, it's okay. You've helped enough. Thank you.
[machine whirring]
Help me! Help me! Ah...
[intense music]
[music continues]
[gasps] Detective, thank God. There's a man chasing me.
I found the woman. She is in the basement, and she's dead.
Zakiya Carter, you are under arrest
for the murder of Astor Brant.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say or do
will be held against you in a court of law.
You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot afford an attorney,
one will be provided.
-[door opens] -Did you find her?
Sit down, Ms. Carter.
[door shuts]
We checked the laundry. No body.
Then he must have moved her.
Check the security cameras.
We're waiting on The Magnate
to provide security footage.
You can't... You can't wait.
By the time you get them, they would have erased him.
-Who? -People working for Ron Brant.
You're accusing a billionaire of what? Killing his only son?
The girl in Astor's room...
she must have shot him, probably in self-defense.
And Ron had her killed.
And yet no one has seen this mystery woman.
But I spoke to the hotel porter
and he spotted you outside Astor's room,
barely dressed.
I-I was in my robe. I...
I was refilling the ice in his champagne.
Or... you slept with him
and didn't like the way it went.
Maybe he got rough.
Maybe he only wanted one thing, and you felt disrespected.
I work for a hotel, detective.
Sleeping with the guests isn't part of my job.
Someone opened Astor's door before he was killed.
You have a master key.
So does Steve, and probably Ron.
You're accusing a man who wasn't even at the hotel.
Harry. Harry Belfort.
He's the presidential suite's chief of staff.
He saw Ron Brant. He'll tell you.
I checked you out.
Pulled your file from Child Protective Services.
Mentally-ill dad.
Overwhelmed mom. In and out of the foster system.
That has nothing to do with this.
Bad things happen to kids without parents to protect them.
That's all a jury needs to see to convict.
I want a lawyer.
-I'm trying to help you. -Lawyer!
Okay. I'll see what I can do.
[door opens]
[indistinct radio chatter]
How about some stale coffee?
-Hm. -They're out of sugar.
I'm not really an Aviator man, but what do you think, Goose?
I think you should be careful, I don't want your greasy
fingerprints getting on the camera lens.
Ah! I should have known you'd have some inspector gadget shit.
You geek.
Well, not much else to spend my money on.
How'd the interview go?
She says Astor was killed by some mystery woman,
and then his dad killed her.
She's pinning this on Ron Brant?
The jury will think she's crazy.
She swears her colleague, Harry Belfort,
will vouch for Brant being in the presidential suite.
All it takes is one conspiracy theorist, and, poof,
reasonable doubt, and it's all over.
It's cool glasses.
Thanks for the coffee.
[gate shuts]
You made bail. No need to go to county.
That bond was $300,000. I don't... I don't have that.
Someone paid.
You're released until your preliminary hearing.
Come on.
[door unlocks]
So... how you holding up, California?
Harry, how did you know I'm...
You posted my bail?
I couldn't stand the thought of you in jail
over this damn foolishness.
-Mn-mn. -How could you afford that?
The nice thing about working in the hotel business for 40 years
is you end up with quite the 401K.
Harry, that's your retirement. I can't ask you to do that.
Hush. I'll get it back when these charges are dropped.
I called the detectives.
I'm giving a statement tomorrow.
Thank you.
Come on now. Let's get you home.
So you want some Southern fried chicken?
-Are you cooking? -I am cooking?
[Harry] Girl, if I cook, you die.
[instrumental music]
[car window opens]
Heard you made bail.
[Valeria] We should talk.
-I have to get home. -I know you're innocent.
I know all about the girl.
[door shuts]
Can't have our chat live-streamed.
So, as you know, my stepson was a disturbed man.
He shot himself.
The police wouldn't have arrested me for a suicide.
Well, Ron had some friends look into it.
They think the police misread evidence.
[Valeria] And once they review what we've found,
the charges will be dropped.
What about this girl?
Isn't it possible Ron had her killed,
thinking that she shot Astor?
Ron is a grieving father.
He doesn't want everyone knowing that his baby boy
got off choking women.
You're saying Astor killed her?
I'm not saying so much as speculating.
It would explain why he killed himself, wouldn't it?
Her family should be told that she's dead.
In an ideal world, but that would put Ron
in a very difficult position.
He can't have his son labeled a monster.
So this woman is carted out with the dirty laundry
so you can keep the Brant name clean?
Look, I don't like it anymore than you do. I don't.
But that is the world we live in.
Some people are guests, some are staff. The difference?
That doesn't change the truth.
The truth is the version pushed by the better PR team.
Look, if you insist on bringing this woman to light,
Ron will pay to discredit you.
-It's his business at stake. -And your new hotel.
But I want what's best for everyone.
[instrumental music]
Think of what's best for you.
[car engine starts]
[sniffs] Ah.
[door opens]
-Ah! -[door shuts]
Good morning. Have you checked in?
Detective Denton. Rupert PD.
I am working on the Astor Brant case.
-You wanted to give a statement? -Yes.
I'd like to clear up confusion about who's been in the hotel.
Ron Brant and his wife stayed here two nights ago.
-I waited on them. -It's funny. There's no record.
Well, the Brants could have requested
that their booking be removed.
Steve would have done that for a grieving family
trying to avoid the press.
-And you'd testify to that? -Oh, certainly.
I also saw Ron and Astor here
the night he died.
-They argued. -Hm.
It was clear to me that Ron was unhappy
about his son seeing a lady friend.
And why is that relevant?
Astor was shot. If there was a woman with him--
A woman? Interesting.
I think we should do this at the station.
Nah. Ah.
-[groans] -I have everything I need.
Easy. Easy.
[birds chirping]
[knocking on door]
Who is it?
[George] Ms. Carter, it's Detective Finn.
My attorney isn't present. I don't have to speak to you.
Wait, wait. I want to apologize.
We're dropping all the charges, I thought I should
deliver the news face-to-face or face-to-door.
Why the change?
Do you mind if we talk inside?
[exhales sharply]
Gunshot residue was found on Mr. Brant's hands.
I don't know how we missed it the first time.
-You think he shot himself. -Looks like.
His wife said their marriage was on the rocks.
And I re-interviewed your boss.
He now admits that Astor had a female companion with him.
Steve happened to mention why he lied in the first place?
He said that he was trying to protect the hotel.
Astor's guest may have been a call girl.
He didn't want the press finding out.
Especially with the sale coming up.
So that's it. I'm no longer a suspect.
You're cleared of all charges, with the department's apologies.
You know...
[sighs] Steve could be in serious trouble
for withholding information.
Might be time to renegotiate your employment.
I don't work at The Magnate Hotel anymore.
Well, for what it's worth, I'm sure he'd happily forget
that you resigned. Unemployment won't cover quitting.
Guess someone has to pick up the dirty towels. Hm?
Clean up other's messes. That sounds like my job.
[instrumental music]
If you need me for anything.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[siren wailing]
Oh, come here. Come here.
It's right through here. Yeah.
Steve. Who's hurt? Another guest?
Uh, um...
Harry Belfort had a heart attack.
-What? -He-he was in his 70s.
All the, the stress from the shooting.
I should have made him take the day off.
No. No. I-I just, I just saw him. He...
He doesn't have heart problems. He runs every morning.
Old age. Sneaks up on us.
It's good you're back. Um...
What happened over the past few days... Life's too short, right?
Hey, you're welcome back.
This hotel is a family. We need each other now.
Who found him?
I think it was Alexis.
[Alexis] Well, can't say how long he'd been there.
Did you notice anything unusual?
No. He was slumped over a chair.
-Which chair? -The one next to the desk.
No, Harry was old-school.
The good furniture's for the guests.
That man never sat down on the job.
Well, he was having a heart attack.
Probably fell into it.
At least he got to sit in it once.
What about his clothes? Did... Were they messed up or...
Maybe there was some strange bruising.
What are you getting at? Wait, do you know something?
Um, okay, come with me.
[door shuts]
[dramatic music]
You think people are bugging the hotel rooms?
Talk, girl. Let me help.
I don't want to involve you.
Harry tried. And look, you got young kids.
The more reason to explain why people are dropping dead
here daily. I need to know where I'm working.
Astor Brant killed a young girl he was with that night
and then killed himself.
His father's worried that it's gonna leak to the press
and it's gonna ruin his prestigious brand.
Ron Brant's shutting folks up?
If I stop talking about the girl Astor killed,
he'll admit that his son committed suicide.
And I was gonna do it, too.
But not after what they did to Harry.
That man was the closest thing to family I had.
You know how folks become saints? Martyrdom.
We can't go around carrying other people's crosses.
It's my fault, Alexis. I got Harry killed.
And for what?
There's no proof that girl ever existed.
Yeah, like that red phone Steve has us all looking for.
Oh, my God, the red phone.
-What? -I think that might be hers.
-If I can find it, I can prove-- -I've looked everywhere.
Then there's only one place left.
[door shuts]
[Alexis] Anything?
Uh, no.
It wouldn't be anywhere obvious.
Maybe the cops already have it.
They don't even think she exists.
[water running]
[instrumental music]
Oh, yes.
Did you find it?
Um, there wasn't anything in the cabinets.
Oh. Then it can't be in here.
-Yeah. Maybe we should go. -Hm.
[intense music]
[ringing in ears]
[ominous music]
[Alexis] I, I don't know. I'm freaking out.
What if someone heard? What if someone comes in?
What am I supposed to do?
You need to get up here now.
That's how you said this morning. Don't lie to me.
What do you want me to do? I'm a maid!
No, I'm not doing that. Who do you think I am?
No, wait! We can split it.
-Split what? -The hundred-grand reward.
Even at half, that's more than a year's pay. At least for me.
That's blood money, Alexis.
Well, don't be so high and mighty, you think now because
you're the operations manager, you're better than me?
You don't know who you're dealing with.
Ron Brant is dangerous.
He's a rich jerk who doesn't want his dead son humiliated
by whatever's on this girl's phone!
He had Harry killed!
Harry was too old to run
every morning. That's all.
Don't you think it's suspicious
that Harry dies right after bailing me out of jail?
After going to the cops, telling them
about Ron and Astor's guest?
Zakiya, this is a lot of money.
You're crazy if you think
you're gonna see a dime of it.
We don't matter to people like them!
He had me framed for his son's murder.
They make people like us disappear.
No, he just, he just wants the phone.
Oh. You really believe that?
-How long do we have? -Minutes.
Then I hope you can run.
[elevator bell dings]
[intense music]
She has it. She took it from me.
[door shuts]
Zakiya! She's back here!
[breathing heavily]
-A woman come in here? -I didn't see anyone.
-Wait, um... Here. -Oh.
[music continues]
[alarm blaring]
-Where's that coming from? -Back door of the kitchen.
Damn it.
[alarm blaring]
-[door shuts] -[alarm blaring]
-Oh. Damn it! Ah. -We'll find her.
-If the press gets that phone-- -Just calm down.
Hey, if it gets out that your hotel's a high-priced brothel,
it's over. Ron Brant definitely isn't buying it.
His son's death didn't kill the deal. Why should this?
Because he thinks his kid killed himself.
And no one's gonna tell him what really happened. Right?
Hey, I'm not the problem.
No. Astor was. And he got what he deserved.
[alarm blaring]
[cell phone vibrating]
-Hello? -George.
George, I need help. They killed Harry.
Wait, y-your friend from the presidential suite?
Yes, who could ID Ron Brant.
[Zakiya] They tried to get me at the hotel, but I escaped.
-Who? Who's after you? -Steve. And I...
I think the man from the laundry room.
[George] Wait, th-that doesn't make any sense.
I-if Astor killed himself, who cares if Ron's at the hotel?
I found evidence of the dead girl.
There is no dead girl.
George, I have her phone.
[Zakiya] So can you break into it?
[sighs] What are you hoping is on here?
Whatever Steve doesn't want me to find.
Whatever Ron Brant wants hidden so bad
that he's willing to kill for it.
I'll put it into evidence.
And Harry?
Astor was obviously a scumbag.
So I'll buy your BDSM-gone-wrong theory.
And I can see his dad paying to dispose of a dead body.
But having someone killed?
Look, Harry deserves justice. So does that girl.
I'll call the medical examiner.
Thank you.
I can't believe you found this inside of a toilet tank.
You'd make a hell of a detective, you know that?
Can I drive you home?
Steve knows where I live.
You could stay with me.
No, I-I mean, y-you can stay in my daughter's room.
-And she wouldn't mind? -No, no. She...
She's doesn't live with me anymore.
And I figure I owe you for the third-degree.
And there's no one you need to check with first?
Just me.
Okay. I'll be right back, okay?
[door opens]
[intense music]
[door unlocks, opens]
[crickets chirping]
[chuckles] You have a beautiful house.
Ah, thanks.
Hey, check this out. This is the best part.
Controls everything.
-Shades. -Oh.
Air. Lights.
-Oh, high-tech. -Yeah.
Guys at work tease me for geeking out with this stuff.
But you gotta spend your money on something, right?
[Zakiya] Who's that?
[George] That's my daughter.
-You two look close. -Yeah, we were.
[Zakiya] Not anymore?
When I was called to Afghanistan,
my ex started drinking.
My daughter thinks I abandoned her with an alcoholic.
-Does she live close by? -I don't know.
I send money when she reaches out. But she hasn't in a while.
And my calls go to voicemail.
-I'm sorry. -Thanks.
Anyway, uh, pasta for dinner?
I'm not the best cook, but I can boil a mean water.
An underrated culinary skill. That sounds great.
[horns honking]
[wine sloshing]
[Valeria] Can I get you anything, sweetheart?
[Ron] I'm fine.
It's okay not to be fine.
Your son is gone.
Why don't you go back to New York?
I will...
as soon as they release his body.
He had everything.
Every advantage.
What does he do?
Punish me for my success.
Burn it all down.
-Suicide isn't an act of spite. -It's cowardice.
He couldn't face the consequences.
What couldn't he face?
[Ron] It doesn't matter.
It mattered to him.
God, I hope that's true.
What did he do, darling?
Astor strangled a prostitute.
Happened a few months ago. He said it was a mistake.
How do you know this?
I helped him dispose of the body.
We dumped it in the woods.
I tried to forget it,
block it from my memory.
But the night he died...
Astor called me and said he'd done it again.
Wanted help.
I said no.
He needed consequences. He needed to know that money...
Money can't fix everything.
And then he killed himself.
[George] Law-enforcement made sense after Afghanistan.
I knew how to search places,
interview locals.
-How is your other case going? -What case?
Well, when we met, you were looking for a girl.
Did you find her?
Yeah. Yeah, we found her body.
How long was she missing?
Not sure. Uh, no one reported her missing.
No one? Not a-a parent, a-a friend?
An employer?
-That would be me. -You?
People will be lined up outside the station, demanding action.
No, as a foster kid,
I never stayed one place long enough to make friends.
After a while, I just gave up. Focused on work.
That girl was a prostitute.
Her friends probably thought she was with some John
or... or ran away.
Nothing's gonna happen to you.
I won't let it.
[cell phone vibrating]
Do you need to get that?
[cell phone vibrating]
I don't.
When I look into
Your eyes
That girl on your other case, was she strangled?
I can't really discuss an open case.
If she was strangled, her death could be related.
Look, you don't want my job. Let me worry about that.
But if Astor has a history of this kind of behavior,
there could be others.
Why is this so important to you?
I can't let this go.
Not after what they did to Harry.
This can't only be about Harry.
Maybe I feel guilty.
That girl was still in that room...
and I didn't push. I...
I quit.
Classic me.
You know, my father was on the streets.
You probably didn't read that in your file.
He had this favorite place.
And one night I wanted to see him.
But he overdosed.
And I think about...
I could have... I should have...
I should have got him into programs, I...
Hey. Hey, hey.
You can't save everyone.
Sometimes it's enough just to save yourself.
Both those murdered women were call girls.
And Steve acts like prostitution never touched The Magnate.
Not with its fine reputation and complimentary champagne--
French wine doesn't make for fancy.
Strip clubs have champagne rooms.
All this time I've been thinking it's Ron Brant pushing Steve.
-But what if it's only Steve? -Yeah.
But Steve is afraid that the hotel's sale will fall through.
Bad publicity, sure, but not enough to kill the deal,
not enough to kill Harry.
But if Steve is running an escort service--
Why would he do that? He-he-he runs a hotel.
Think about it, I've always wondered why so many rich people
came to a hotel in a tiny town.
It explains the clientele.
Uh, yeah.
I'll check with my sources first thing tomorrow.
You might be better on my job than I am, you know that?
No, it's just hospitality.
Knowing what people want.
And what do you want?
You know what, no one's ever asked me that.
I'm asking you.
I see everything I wanna be
All I ever need
This moment means everything to me
This moment means everything to me
[eerie music]
Means everything to me
[indistinct chatter]
[George] It's the middle of the night.
[Daniel] You've been a bad boy, eh, Georgie?
[indistinct chatter]
[George] I will see you in the morning, all right?
[indistinct chatter]
[George] You gotta go.
[Daniel] You're not getting off that easy. Unless you are...
[indistinct chatter]
[Daniel] Listen, ah, in here somewhere.
[George] Who said she's here? [Daniel] I saw you with her.
[floorboard creaks]
My partner wants to discuss something. Go wait in my room.
I'll be back in a second.
Damn it.
-Nothing wrong. -Collateral damage, man.
Due to your actions.
Oh. Where is the key to the gun box?
You were just supposed to check on Phoenix.
Astor killed Phoenix. He killed Morgan.
It's not our problem!
Oh, come on. Come on. Damn it!
We have a code.
We kill the bad guys. That's Astor.
Not some old man. And not her.
We're supposed to protect people like her.
Yeah, that is one of our rules that we live by.
But you forgot about the, the other one.
We always have each other's six.
Damn it.
[dramatic music]
Come out. Come out, pretty lady.
And I'll make it quick.
[Daniel] You behave.
[music continues]
[Daniel] Where are you?
Come out. Come out.
[door creaks]
Don't make this hard for me. I'm looking for you.
-Don't be too scare... -[rock music on speaker]
George. George?
That's the man who's been chasing after me.
We served together.
The academy here.
He was gonna kill me.
I know.
You had no choice.
We gotta go. Steve will send more.
Daniel isn't the only muscle for hire in the area.
We have to expose them.
That's the only way he will stop coming after me.
I, I need my gun.
No, no, no, no. I'll get it, right?
-Just tell me where the key is. -Upstairs. Behind the cabinet.
[instrumental music]
[intense music]
-[footsteps approaching] -[Zakiya] All right.
Where are you going? Wait, it's not safe.
With you!
Not safe with you!
You kept her phone. You haven't put it in evidence.
No, no, just look, le-let me explain.
No. Was this always the plan, George?
Right? Take me to bed, make me trust you?
And have your friend take me out?
No, no, I-I, look, I-I didn't tell him you were here, I swear.
I, I thought I could handle him. I tried to stop him.
But I stopped him. And I'm gonna finish this.
Zakiya. Zakiya!
[music continues]
Oh, thank God you're here.
We're so understaffed, I'm on the desk.
-Where's Alexis? -Quit.
If you did anything to hurt her, I will make sure you--
Whoa, whoa, she took another job.
Said something about better benefits.
Her language was more colorful, of course.
Call her and check. I can't see why you'd care, though.
-She wanted your job. -Harry cared.
What? Did he become an inconvenience for you, Steve?
So you had to help get rid of him?
What are you talking about?
Harry's passing was a great loss for us.
Twenty years of loyal service, and so sad for his family.
Performing for a future audience?
Oh. You've got to know by now that those cameras are for show.
Here at The Magnate we pride ourselves on discretion.
[instrumental music]
Speaking of, come into my office.
[electricity crackling]
[Zakiya] You're lying.
[Steve] You really think I ran an escort service
out of the hotel and Harry didn't know?
-That man saw everything. -Harry wouldn't remain silent.
Harry knew better than anyone how much a maid earns.
That's why Jen was with the other guest. The older dad.
[sighs] You think I'm the mastermind,
but all I want is to sell my hotel
and live comfortably in someone else's five-star resort.
Have people finally cater to me for a change.
-You tried to frame me. -Just following orders.
-Whose orders? -Come on, Zakiya.
You worked for me for six
months. I'm not a killer.
Face it, I'm not even a great hotel owner.
I'm middle management.
[instrumental music]
She's running the prostitution ring.
[Steve] Just give me the dead girl's phone, and I can swing
a nice, quiet life for you back in California.
Far away from all of this. Safe.
Phoenix had pictures of Valeria on her phone.
That's why she hid it.
She wanted someone to find it to figure things out.
-And you did. Congratulations. -Who killed Astor?
Ah, you put all the pieces together except for that.
God, he's more charming than I thought.
Just give me the phone, and I'll try to help.
Or you can wait for them.
I downloaded everything and sent it to a friend.
If anything happens to me, it's emailed
to a dozen newspapers and the police.
I'll pass along that message.
That's mine.
Did you really kill Astor?
And you were gonna let me take the fault?
-Just let me explain. -No!
I'm done with your lies.
[dramatic music]
Wait. Just wait, wait, wait.
-Wait, wait. -Ah. Let me go.
Ah, see, she's got dozens of guys.
They'll be watching for your car.
I-I'm trying to help.
I'm trying to help.
Okay? Please, just, just let me explain everything.
[instrumental music]
Just take it.
You try anything, I'll kill you.
My truck's this way. Come on.
[music continues]
This is where he dumped her.
She's one of the new girls.
God, she's so young.
I was supposed to protect her, that was my job,
keeping women safe doing work they were gonna do anyway.
I normally just wait in the parking lot.
They are supposed to call at the first sign of trouble.
-Morgan didn't? -When she didn't show...
I just thought she decided one job and done,
that she got out of dodge.
Then her body turned up. Did Phoenix call?
Well, Daniel was on duty.
So you came because of Valeria.
When she calls, you answer.
Astor had... already dumped the body
down the laundry shoot.
He thought I was there to take it away.
When I asked him what happened...
he smiled.
And all he said were two words.
"My bad."
[crow cawing]
Those girls are the same age as my daughter.
I don't know, I wasn't thinking, next thing I knew,
my gun was in my hand and he was dead.
I-I don't understand. Why is Valeria covering for you?
Phoenix liked taking photos.
That cell had pics of clients, other girls, Valeria.
I promised her I'd get it back.
So Harry is killed so you all can
keep selling girls to rich men.
I didn't know about Harry.
I didn't know about you. I...
I thought if I got her the phone, this could be over.
But it won't.
She'll never let me go back to California.
-Not with everything I know. -I'll turn myself in.
I'll tell the Feds what I told you, with everything
out in the open, you'll be safe.
With all of her access to Ron's money, she will find me.
Oh, no, she won't do that. That's not her.
You really believe that?
You framed me for a murder you committed.
I'm sorry.
-You wanna make it up to me? -Yes.
Then help me take down Valeria.
[instrumental music]
[exhales sharply]
She won't believe it.
[Zakiya] I've spent nearly a decade in the hotel business.
Putting on a smile for everyone.
I can be very convincing.
Yeah, you look, um, wow.
I'm going for high-end escort.
You know, this is a bad idea. I can't let you do this.
I won't be doing anything.
You'll be doing all the talking...
because you need to convince her
that I'm so desperate that I'm willing to sell myself.
You already got her to agree to meet me.
She does have a huge ego. She will not see this coming.
Hey, we got this.
We gotta go.
Darling, come on. You'll be late.
[Ron] I don't need a grief counselor.
Of course you do.
I can't tell her anything important about Astor.
It's pointless.
You don't have to discuss Astor.
You have to discuss mourning.
Men don't discuss mourning.
That's why they die of heart attacks.
Please? I made this appointment because I care.
I'll be disappointed if you don't give it a try.
And maybe, after,
you might feel a bit more up for things.
-I'm up for things. -Ah. After the counseling.
The driver has the address.
-Love you. -You, too.
[ominous music]
[door opens]
[door shuts]
-Please make sure he gets this. -Hm.
-[knocking on door] -Come in.
[door opens]
[door shuts]
[Valeria gasps] Darling!
You always bring the best gifts.
Hiding something?
Ss... Oh, poor baby.
Isn't that why you sent him to my house?
I wanted him to talk some sense into you,
explain what had to be done.
But he had other ideas.
[scoffs] Some partner.
I brought you the phone and a new recruit.
She's playing you, darling.
Saying anything and everything
so you won't do what you have to do.
You really think I'm that dumb?
No. I think you have a big heart.
And in this line of business, that's a weakness.
She's desperate. Jobless, no family to fall back on.
This won't be the first time she's traded sex for money.
[George] She's not smart enough to play us.
[ominous music]
That's where you're wrong, George.
This one is brilliant.
It's a trap.
Get rid of her.
Unless you've fallen for her
and you're working together.
-Wait. -Zakiya.
-You've said enough, George. -Ooh, feisty, too.
You're right. I don't wanna do this.
I wanna manage this hotel.
You told me once we don't live in an ideal world.
I accept that now.
I'm done.
Struggling to pay my rent working for idiots like Steve.
I'm done playing fair.
Let me run it.
You need someone smart handling this hotel.
I like that in a woman.
Reminds me of myself.
But I don't need a partner.
Nor do I need muscle that doesn't know
how to follow orders.
Right again.
You don't need him.
I don't need him.
We don't need men at all.
Did you know
he told me everything you do, down to the last detail?
What are you doing?
You need a smart woman managing this hotel
so you can focus on your business,
so you don't lose girls to bad clients like Astor.
Oh, please. Astor was my ticket to Ron.
I let him in so Ron could come to my events.
But he got greedy, said I had to give him girls
or else he'd tell on me to daddy.
You knew he was a killer?
You sacrificed Morgan and Phoenix?
Oh, don't be so shocked.
In business, as in war,
people are expendable.
Obviously, I didn't intend for Astor
to keep getting away with it.
I was always going to get rid of him.
-[door opens] -Darling?
[Valeria on tape] I was always going to get rid of him.
Social-media glasses. Three-hundred bucks.
Bought 'em with my last bonus.
You're responsible for my son's death.
-No, that is not-- -I watched the whole thing.
Well, he murdered my girls!
And if everything is not deleted in one second,
everyone will know that! Everybody!
I want you out of here, Valeria.
I'm shutting you down. I run a respectable business.
You would really throw your reputation under the bus
for these two? Honey...
Right now I'm George's only follower.
But I can quickly add the cops and the local news.
-[door opens] -I'm an old fool.
[door shuts]
Do you know who killed Astor?
-[Ron] Who she hired? -Uh, sir, it--
It-it was his partner, Daniel.
He was also after me.
He's dead.
And so are those girls, Mr. Brant.
I'll see that their families are
told about their daughters' deaths
and receive an anonymous sympathy donation
for their funerals.
Something substantial.
And you deserve a promotion.
You're a problem-solver.
You know, I own hotels, but I don't run them.
We'll need a general manager.
That'll be a big salary increase.
I think I'm done cleaning up rich people's messes.
Find someone else.
I quit.
Me, too.
[instrumental music]
So what's next?
I don't know.
Ah, you would make a great cop.
And I could use a new partner.
I'll consider it.
I think we deserve a vacation.
[music continues]
[music continues]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]
[eerie music]
[instrumental music]
[music continues]