Deadly House Call (2022) Movie Script

Hello, Ruth.
Oh. You're not Irene.
I had an awful night last night.
My husband, I kept him up
until morning.
I hate to do that.
Warren has his own troubles.
Is this something new?
That's right.
Irene didn't say anything.
And you finally found something
that would help me
keep my food down.
You would think this place
would improve the menu,
considering my family
paid for this wing.
I forget what your name was.
Wait, wait.
- Wait, who are you?
- A friend, Ruth. An old friend.
I don't feel very well.
Uh... uh... I think
I'm having a reaction.
Ms. Lockhart?
Madison? I'm so sorry
to hear about your mother.
She was a, uh...
A formidable woman.
Should I check on your father?
No, Gregory. I'll go.
Hayley, honey, will you be okay
if I check on your grandpa?
Sure, Mom.
How are you holding up, Dad?
She was so beautiful, Madison.
We were so happy together.
Those summers at the lake house
were some of the best memories
I have.
The best any kid would have.
If I'd known that last summer
would be our final summer
I'm so sorry, Grandpa.
Thank you, Hayley.
- Oh.
- God! Now look what I've done!
It's okay, Dad. It's okay.
I've got it. Don't worry.
Thank you, Gregory. I don't know
what we'd do without you.
Well, how's the caviar, Emmett?
It's from the Caspian.
It was Ruth's favorite.
Is that what this is?
I thought it was raspberry jam
on a cracker.
You know, I introduced
Warren and Ruth.
Not that I didn't have
my regrets afterwards.
She was so stunning,
I didn't have the courage
to ask her out myself.
Now, Warren, though,
he wasn't afraid of anything.
Not back then.
One of the bravest men
I've ever known.
How's Madison doing?
Well, you know Madison.
No matter what's happening,
she's as strong
as a Sherman tank.
Did I hear my name?
Yeah, baby.
Hello, Madison. We were just
estimating your resistance
to armor-piercing rounds.
I have to admit, I'm not feeling
so bullet-proof today.
Aw, baby.
Who was that
helping your father?
Was it another cousin
I haven't met?
Oh, that's Gregory,
my dad's assistant.
I didn't know he had one.
I arranged it
after my dad's last fall.
I was worried my mom
was expending too much energy
looking after him.
Madison, speaking
of unnecessary expenditures,
we need to have a heart-to-heart
about the state of the firm.
Arnold, you're like family
and I love you dearly,
but now is not the time.
- Excuse me.
- Okay, baby.
I thought I'd find you here.
Nia. I thought you'd be stuck
in the office.
Thank you.
You're a life saver.
- How you holding up?
- I'm okay.
Actually, I feel kinda numb.
I'd like to think
my mom and I were at peace.
I don't wanna add to your day,
but Arnold's been after me
to arrange a meeting.
Schedule it for Monday.
Are you sure you don't need
some time off
to process all this?
You mean cry, let it all out?
My father's gonna be all alone
in this great big house
for the first time
since forever.
He needs a rock, not a sponge.
Sorry to interrupt.
There's somebody here
to see you, Maddy.
You and your dad.
That's my cue.
Come on.
Hi, I'm Madison Lockhart.
Are you here for the reception?
I'm so sorry. I didn't mean
to pull you away.
I just wanted to drop by
and extend my condolences.
Rebecca Wilson.
- This is my husband Emmett.
- Emmett: Hi, nice to meet you.
Thank you.
These are beautiful.
I was, um, one of Ruth's nurses.
I like to think
that we were friends.
Warren: Oh, God!
Excuse me.
Do you mind holding that?
Not again!
It was just an accident.
Here, I'll take that. Thank you.
I am so sorry about this.
We had a bit
of a misunderstanding
with the catering crew.
I told them to get out of here.
What the hell are all these
people doing in my house?
Dad, these people are here
to pay their respects.
They're here for Mom's wake.
What happened to Ruth?
Dad, Mom passed away
three days ago.
Don't you remember?
Dad, are you okay?
Are you okay, Dad?
Can someone call an ambulance,
Warren? Warren, my name is
Rebecca, okay? I'm a nurse.
Listen to me. I know there's
a lot going on right now
but I need you
to breathe with me.
Do you think you can do that?
One, two.
Okay, okay, good. In?
Two, three.
Perfect. Now out.
That's it! Very good, very good.
Just breathe.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Everything's gonna be all right.
He's barely past retirement age.
He's only 67.
He's had his memory issues
but I never...
Early onset dementia?
It's likely lain dormant,
triggered by the stress
of the past few days.
We need to run a few more tests.
So, what happens next?
There's a rough timeline
we can expect to follow.
His ability to make decisions
will continue to decline.
Basic daily tasks
will become challenging
and then almost impossible.
Eventually he'll rely on others
completely for his care.
You'll wanna start planning
before that time comes
and arrange a transfer
of power of attorney.
All of this will only become
harder to implement
the more time passes.
I'm truly very sorry.
He's asleep for now.
Gregory, you've done enough
for today.
Thank you so much.
It's almost 10:00.
You must be exhausted.
It's no problem.
I'm happy to do it.
Has anyone seen Hayley?
You're still here.
I thought we sent everyone home.
I was uh, about to go and I saw
some caterers ducking out.
There was still so much
left to clean.
One dish led to another, and...
Anyway, I should go.
No, no, you don't have to go,
My mom's not being
very hospitable.
Wait, Rebecca. I'm sorry.
It's just been a very long day.
Thank you so much
for staying back and helping.
Of course.
Oh! Uh, by the way,
I fixed up a late night snack.
I figured by the time
you got back,
you'd both be pretty starving.
Wow. Thank you.
Wait, you're not staying
to try some?
That took us
like two hours to make.
Unfortunately I've got a big day
of job hunting tomorrow.
You're not at the hospital
Sadly no. I was just filling in
for someone on maternity leave.
I'm really happy that Warren's
doing so much better.
I left my phone number
in case you need anything.
Anything at all.
- Thank you.
- Of course.
She's so cool, Mom.
She's like Mary Poppins
without the accent.
Thought you were popping in
to gloat.
I've been here six hours.
You've barely been out
a month, Jesse,
and you're already complaining
about having too much free time?
I saw an opening.
I couldn't pass up the chance
to look around.
So? You found it?
No. Not yet.
I'll need more time,
and opportunity.
Barely had a chance
to grieve for Mom, Emmett.
Now this?
Honey, I can stay with your dad
if he'll have me.
Gregory can look after him
tomorrow during the day.
Honey, I can't ask you
to do that.
I know you're swamped
at the gallery.
We don't know how long
it's gonna take
to find him proper care.
I am not leaving this house.
Dad, what are you doing up?
I have Gregory.
He's more than enough.
Dad, Gregory's
just a personal aide.
He's not qualified to deal
with this kind of thing.
I'm not getting placed
into a home.
Of course not, Dad.
I hear you.
I'm listening.
We'll figure something out.
I promise
you don't have to leave.
Gregory, right?
Hi! You come here too?
After a day like today,
you bet I do.
Two more of what he's having?
So, how long
have you been working
for the infamous
Lockhart family?
Not long. Madison...
Ms. Lockhart...
She just hired me
a few months ago.
They've been good to me.
Why do you call them "infamous"?
Oh, you know what they say.
Behind every great fortune
is a crime.
Oh. Where is that from? I feel
like I've heard it before.
How about you buy me
another one?
Well, this is it.
I've never done this before.
There's a first time
for everything.
Stop! What are you doing?
You just received
a powerful dose of temazepam.
You should be comatose or worse
in about 78 seconds.
Don't worry.
It's completely undetectable.
Your loved ones will just think
your heart popped.
No one'll have to know
how much you suffered first...
Just you and me.
Unless I inject you with this.
What... what do you want?
Tell me where Warren Lockhart's
files are.
I know they're somewhere
in that house.
In his study, in a locked
drawer, in a safe maybe?
I... I have no idea.
Please, I'm just
a personal assistant!
I don't know anything
about any safe!
Oh, okay.
I believe you. I do.
It's just...
You're still in the way.
You still need to go.
Nia: Must feel strange
sitting in that chair.
His chair.
Madison: I wasn't sure
I ever wanted this.
Taking over the family business?
I thought I was happy working
three doors down the hall.
Well, if there's one lesson
I've learned
after ten years of arranging
people's schedules,
it's that life rarely
suits our timelines.
Arnold's here.
For that meeting?
Bring him in, please.
- She's ready.
- Thank you, Nia.
How's Warren holding up?
As best can be expected,
under the circumstances.
He's angry, he's frustrated.
Quite frankly,
he's scared out of his wits.
To see him reduced to this.
You said it was urgent
that we speak.
Before his retirement...
Warren made a number of
bad investments, as you know.
I have tried to stop
the bleeding as best I could,
but... I think
we need to sell.
My father bought this pen
when he signed
his first contract.
Pen is maybe the first
thing he bought for his job.
He's used it to sign
every contract
that's crossed his desk since.
Now you're asking me to sign off
on ending his legacy.
We faced this before.
We can push through again.
Perhaps. But my advice as CFO
is to sell now,
while the Lockhart family name
retains its value.
Thank you, Arnold.
I'll take it under advisement.
Madison, time is of the essence.
I just finished
burying my mother.
Now you're asking me to sign
away my family birthright.
I said I'll consider it.
Listen to me.
Warren has been my best friend
and my mentor for 35 years.
I would never do anything
but protect him, and his family.
The Lockhart legacy
is a lot more
than a name on a building to me.
For all of us.
What do you think?
Is he right?
I suppose it all depends
on what happens next.
You mean it depends on me.
- What is it? Is Dad okay?
- Your dad's fine.
He's in bed reading the paper.
It's just...
Gregory didn't show up
this morning.
He's been so dependable.
Dad hasn't eaten yet?
Thank you.
I'll take this up.
Morning, Dad.
I brought you breakfast.
How you feeling?
Fine, fine.
Where's Gregory?
He didn't show up.
We've been calling him
all morning.
That doesn't sound like Gregory.
Dad, there's something I wanted
to talk to you about.
I spoke to Arnold this morning.
Let me guess.
He wants you to sell.
That's exactly what he said.
I knew he was up to something.
Sell the company that my father
built from the ground up
from nothing
but his two bare hands?
Dad, Arnold's been
our family accountant
since before I was born.
He's always looked out for us.
If he truly thinks it's the
right decision to sell, then...
That guy's stealing from me.
I can't find my watch.
The one Ruth gave me
on our anniversary.
Why would Arnold
steal your watch?
Here it is, safe and sound.
Madison Lockhart speaking.
Oh. Okay.
- Thank you.
- What is it?
Who was that?
Gregory won't be
coming in today.
I'll see if Emmett
can take the day off.
I don't want Emmett.
I've got you, I've got Hayley,
I've got Ruth.
Mom... she's...
You just eat.
I'll be downstairs.
The police just called.
Gregory was found unconscious
inside his apartment.
They think
it was a drug overdose.
He's in a medically
induced coma.
An overdose?
He didn't seem the type.
I don't know how much longer
I can keep this up, Emmett.
I can't keep breaking it to Dad
that Mom died.
It's gut-wrenching.
Dad thinks that Arnold's
stealing from him.
Is there any chance
you could look after Dad
for the rest of the day? I have
to get back to the office.
Honey, you know how busy I am
with work right now.
We need more than
a Band-Aid for this.
We need to find
a long-term solution.
What about Rebecca Wilson?
She was great with Warren
the other day.
We don't even know
if she's qualified.
We're talking about
some specialized care here.
Would it hurt
to look at her resume?
I don't know.
She's still a stranger.
Honey, I like her,
Hayley likes her,
your dad likes her.
Besides... she knew your mom.
Where the hell
did they hide you?
Rebecca Wilson speaking.
Hi, Rebecca.
It's Madison Lockhart.
Do you have a minute?
Of course, Madison.
Is everything all right?
How's Warren doing?
To be honest, not so well.
I was hoping
you might have some time
to come by the house tomorrow
to discuss a job proposal?
I'd be happy to, Madison.
How's 7:30AM?
That sounds great.
Thanks, Rebecca.
We'll see you tomorrow.
It's all coming together, Jesse.
We're finally getting back
what's ours.
Madison: So, how do you see
this all working, Rebecca?
I'm gonna have to rely
on your expertise.
Of course.
Well, first and foremost,
I'll act as point person
between you, Warren,
and the hospital.
So, tracking
all of his progress,
sharing that with his doctors,
taking him to all
of his appointments.
Really just sparing you
all that shop talk.
And what about meals?
Ah, nutrition is
of vital importance.
I took the liberty of developing
a daily meal plan
based on Warren's age,
height, and weight.
A healthy diet, regular
exercise, and mental stimulation
is key to slowing down
any sort of cognitive decline.
And of course, a walk
in the park every now and then
doesn't hurt either.
Great! This all looks terrific.
I'm gonna verify the references
and hopefully you can get
started in a few days.
Um, excuse me.
That was work. I have to
get back to the office.
Oh, But I told Emmett I would
take care of Dad today.
Oh. Well, uh, this might
seem impetuous,
but given the circumstances,
I'd be more than happy
to start now, if it'd help.
Thank you. Yes.
I left instructions on how
to reach me in an emergency,
but I'll have my phone on me
all day.
And the keys are by the door.
My dad's meds are in the cabinet
in the master bedroom.
He takes them after every meal,
but I've already given him
his morning pills.
They tend to make him
a little sleepy,
so he's just been going
back to bed.
Madison, you have nothing
to worry about.
Warren and I will be just fine.
I'm so sorry,
but I really have to get going.
Oh yeah, no, go.
Go to work.
That investment firm's not gonna
run itself, right?
Ruth? Is that you?
Hello, Warren.
It's Rebecca!
We met the other day?
Your family hired me
just to help out around here.
I thought for a second
you were Ruth.
You have the same hairstyle.
What are you doing in my room?
Oh, I thought
you were still sleeping.
I was just looking around
for some slippers for you
and trying to be quiet.
Where's Madison?
Where's Gregory?
These are all very good
questions, Warren,
but before I can give you
some very good answers,
you just need
to take your pills.
I don't want these.
They make me feel loopy.
I used to be in the office
by 5:00AM.
Now look at me... trapped in bed
like a depressed teenager.
Warren, don't forget
what your doctor said.
I'm only here
to execute his orders,
and your family's wishes.
He said I'm a grown man who can
make his own damn decisions!
I know exactly who you are,
Warren Lockhart.
I know exactly
what you've accomplished.
We'll work through this
with due respect and dignity.
Now, please take your pills?
They give me such awful dreams.
Dreams of Ruth?
I'm so sorry, Warren.
What you've gone through
the last few days,
having to suffer all alone.
I'm not alone.
I have Madison and Hayley.
That's right. Your family.
What matters most, Warren,
is that I'm here now.
And I'm not going anywhere.
You're stuck with me, Sir,
come hell or high water.
Thank you, Warren.
Now, what would you
like to do today?
It is our first date, after all.
Ruth and I, we used to go
for a walk in the park
on a sunny day like this.
That sounds like
a wonderful idea.
I'll pack us a picnic.
Now, where did I put
that damn watch?
I swear I left it here
last night.
I just keep losing things.
Rebecca: It's okay, Warren!
It's okay. I'll tell you what.
We can devote our entire day
to searching this house
until we find
that watch of yours.
I can't ask you to waste
your whole day over a watch!
It's my pleasure.
They don't call it
a search "party" for nothing.
I'll start downstairs
and you start right here?
Ah, where could it be?
I forgot what we're supposed
to be doing.
Oh, we're looking
for your watch.
Did you have any luck?
It was a gift from Ruth.
We'll find it.
Don't you worry.
I'm feeling pretty tired.
I think maybe I should
sit down for a bit.
That's okay. No problem.
Thank you very much
for helping me look.
I never imagined
it would take all day.
I understand, Warren.
I'm not done yet.
I promised you I'd find it.
Well hello, gorgeous.
Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
Oh, no.
- Rebecca.
- Are you okay?
Oh, God.
I thought you were my mom.
- She's gonna kill me.
- Tell me what happened.
Some friends
threw a party after school
and we needed a way
to get there,
so I borrowed Grandpa's car,
and Penelope had
this punch, and...
I felt woozy driving home
and I tried to park it back
and the steering locked.
And Mom's gonna
totally disown me.
Hayley, I've got this.
Gimme the keys and meet me
back inside.
But how? That guy over there
saw the whole thing.
Wait here.
I'll be right back.
What did you say to him?
Hayley. You are a Lockhart.
You might not know it now,
but that name holds power
in this world.
It's currency.
It's a big, flashing sign
telling people,
"Money lives here."
"Mess with it at your peril."
It makes ordinary guys like him
think twice about paperwork.
I don't know how to thank you.
No need to thank me.
You owe me.
Now let's get you inside
so you can sleep this off?
- Hi, Rebecca.
- Hi.
Sorry I'm running so late.
Did something happen here?
There was a bit of a distraction
concerning a certain watch.
We kinda turned the place
upside-down looking for it.
Warren insisted
we search everywhere.
My dad did all this?
Yeah. It's a symptom
of the disease.
An irrational attachment
to misplaced valuables.
But the good news is
he's a lot calmer now.
Well, that's good.
Where is he?
Oh, he's just resting upstairs.
You know, we had quite
an active day, to say the least.
Thank you, Rebecca, for stepping
in on such last-minute notice.
Oh yeah, of course!
It's my pleasure.
There is one other little item.
Warren asked me to move his car
and I sort of grazed
the lamp post by accident
and it did manage to roll
a bit of a ways
down the driveway
before I was able to stop it.
I'm sorry, I promise
I'll be more careful.
So, that's what happened
out front.
You sure you're not
covering for him?
It wouldn't be the first time
he's tried taking out the car
since his license was suspended.
I assure you,
your father was well behaved.
Warren is a lovely, playful man.
I don't think that's exactly
how I'd describe my father.
Heh. Also,
your daughter Hayley is here.
It seems she left school early
complaining about a flu.
So, I made her a cup of soup
and I tucked her into bed
in the guest room.
Oh, I'll go and check.
Oh, no, I'm sure she's just
sleeping it off.
What about you? Were you able
to put out that office fire?
Oh, I don't know
about it being a fire.
It's more like the water level
rising to fill the room.
Well, I was just about
to start cleaning, so.
Is that you down there, Madison?
Dad. How was your day?
- Hey, honey.
- Oh.
Emmett, when you checked
Rebecca's references,
nothing came up, right?
No red flags?
I called every number
she listed.
The ones I got through to
all had glowing reviews.
You still worried about this?
I thought she's been a godsend.
She has, and you're right.
It just isn't sitting well
with me, I guess.
Giving someone this much access
to our family.
Honey. We can't control
We certainly can't control
what's happening to your father.
We're all gonna have to learn
to let go a little.
All the same, it doesn't hurt
to double check.
Is Hayley home?
She's in bed.
She wasn't feeling well.
Oh. I'll go check on her.
Man: Strathmere Retirement Home.
This is Steve.
Yes, hi.
My name's Madison Lockhart.
I'm calling about
a former staff member of yours,
Rebecca Wilson.
I'm looking for information
about what kind of role
she played at your facility.
Steve: I'm sorry. Is Ms. Wilson
not meeting your expectations?
I think I might have spoken with
another member of your family...
Emmett, was it?
Uh, that's right.
I'm just following up.
I'd like to know a little bit
more about Rebecca, if possible.
I'm sure you understand.
What were her reasons
for leaving, for instance?
Were there any complaints
made against her?
I'm not at liberty
to give out that kind
of information.
But I can assure you Ms. Wilson
left on glowing terms.
We were sad to see her go.
Okay. Thanks for your help.
No problem whatsoever. You
have yourself a nice evening.
She's getting antsy.
You're not as good
as you think you are.
She's just having
a moment of doubt.
She'll stop at one and feel
it's enough. Trust me.
If another one
of those phones rings,
then we might have a problem.
All this sneaking around.
All these games.
What's the point?!
When I could just
go shoot him in the head?
First he needs to suffer.
First they need to know what
it's like to lose everything.
Don't you ever doubt me,
little brother.
Don't you ever forget who
took care of you, who fed you,
who protected you when
Mom and Dad weren't there.
- Don't you ever.
- Okay.
We do it your way.
What did I tell you?
She stopped at one.
So, now that you found it,
how do we get inside it?
We don't. Not unless you know
how to crack
an Omniguard EL90 fireproof,
home security vault.
If we want in,
we need the combination.
The old man won't just tell us.
Not unless I find the
right way to ask him.
Warren Lockhart
needs to have an accident.
- Beautiful day, isn't it?
- Hm, certainly is.
I'm sorry we didn't
get to do this sooner.
You're already looking better,
getting out
of that stuffy old house.
Mm, all right.
Lead the way.
First, we hydrate.
And you need to take your pills.
Didn't I already take these?
Trust me, Warren,
your organizer doesn't lie.
Ruth would've loved it here.
She was such a fan
of the outdoors.
Is that why you bought
the lake house?
The one in the photos?
Ruth, she used to say...
What did Ruth use to say?
She would've loved it here.
She was a big fan
of the outdoors.
Tell me more about Ruth.
What time is it, Rebecca?
I've lost track.
I thought
we could stop up ahead,
I hear there's quite a lookout.
Are you up for that?
Rebecca, I think
these new pills...
They're affecting my vertigo.
Come on, Warren.
A big, strong buck like you?
You can do it!
Hello? Ruth?
I spoke with Gertie in Berlin.
They're amenable to the loan
but the terms aren't exactly
what we call favorable.
It leaves us in quite the spot
for the foreseeable future.
It leaves us vulnerable.
The question is, is it worth it
or do we simply cut the losses?
Is something on your mind?
We're only talking
about the survivability
of your family legacy here.
You met her, right?
My father's new caregiver,
Rebecca Wilson?
Uh, briefly,
at your mother's wake.
You've always been good
at reading people.
You're having misgivings?
Something just feels off.
Do you wanna know what I think?
I think you're feeling guilty
for not taking care
of your father yourself,
protecting him
like a good daughter should.
So you're projecting
that blame onto Rebecca...
Seeing fault, seeing conspiracy,
where plainly there is none.
Maybe you're right.
I think I just needed
to hear a second opinion.
I'm your friend.
This is what I do.
Among 10,000 other things.
Now, do we accept
that offer from Berlin
or do we listen to Arnold?
I always knew that some day
I'd be sitting in this chair.
Making decisions
with other people's money.
Now that I'm here,
I can't fathom the thought
of letting it go.
It's Rebecca.
I have to take this.
Rebecca, hi.
Is everything all right?
Rebecca: Madison,
I don't want you to panic.
Your dad is going to be
just fine.
My dad? What happened?
Rebecca: He had a fall. We're
on our way to the hospital.
- I have to go.
- Yeah, go, go!
Oh my God. Are you all right?
What happened?
We were walking
on his favorite trail
and he must've tripped
on a root?
I'm sorry, Madison.
It's all my fault.
I thought I would be
doing him a favor.
He's just been so cooped up
in that house.
How is he now?
Your father suffered
a minor knee injury
and a bump on the head.
I don't see any signs
of fractures or concussion.
I see no reason
to keep him overnight.
It was lucky Rebecca was
with him when it happened.
She had to carry him
back to the car herself
to get him here so quickly.
It's nothing.
He's exaggerating.
I'm fine, I'm fine.
Enough with all the fuss.
You're hurt, Dad.
Doctor: That knee
will need time to heal.
Four to six weeks
with no pressure on it.
You'll need to use a cane
for mobility as well.
I wanna see you
for a follow-up next week.
Thank you, Dr. Lund.
Uh, what do I do now?
He's gonna need 24-hour care
for the next month.
Can you recommend
any caregiving agencies?
I certainly can,
but there's an extremely long
waiting list for these services.
It could take weeks...
I don't want no rent-a-nurse!
I've got Rebecca.
Dad, you need
someone there at night.
What if you fall again?
Just getting up the stairs
is gonna be a struggle.
You need someone there
with you full-time.
That would be
no problem whatsoever.
Are you sure, Rebecca?
That's an awfully big
"In for a penny,
in for a pound,"
my dad always said.
Dad? What do you think?
Well, that depends.
What are you making for dinner?
The room's all yours.
Please make yourself at home.
I'm sorry I can't stay.
I have a meeting early tomorrow.
This'll do perfectly.
I should maybe check on Warren
one more time.
It's okay, Rebecca.
He's out like a light.
I'll drop by as soon
as I can tomorrow,
and thanks again for taking
such good care of my dad.
Madison, you've got
nothing to worry about.
I assure you, I've got
everything under control.
Ugh, damnit!
Think, Rebecca, think.
I'm here, Warren.
It's me.
I missed you so much.
I know.
Warren, I've missed you too.
So much.
I've been away
because I'm in trouble.
I really need
what's in this safe.
The safe?
I need you to tell me
the combination.
There's something
so very important inside.
Of course, dear.
What is it, darling?
I can't remember!
I can't... remember!
I know, honey. I know.
Let's get you to bed.
Oh. Rebecca, you scared me.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I wasn't expecting you.
Is there something the matter?
I'm here to see
how my dad is doing.
How's his leg this morning?
Is he up?
Of course, of course.
I'm just a little surprised
to see you is all.
Was I supposed to call ahead?
No, no. Of course not.
He's just still sleeping.
He had kind of an off night.
Oh. What do you mean
by "off night"?
He woke up in the middle of the
night, he got a little confused.
He's sleeping it off now though.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I'll put on a pot of coffee?
Sure thing.
What exactly happened
last night?
Is it something Dr. Lund
should know about?
Warren's been experiencing
some mild hallucinations.
Seeing things
that aren't really there.
Par for the course, I'm afraid,
at this stage.
Is he still wandering?
Did you find that watch?
Is that you?
Is he still calling for my mom?
I should go check on him.
Uh, I think I should go first.
It's just... he's not expecting
you. It may upset him.
Upset him?
I'm his daughter.
Let me just peek in and make
sure that he's calmed down.
I'll be right back.
The coffee's ready.
Is everything okay?
Rebecca! You know me.
Of course. Rebecca.
You called out for Ruth.
I must've gotten confused.
I had the strangest dream
last night.
Well, you're still adjusting
to your new medication.
How do you feel now?
Better. Foggy.
Great news, Madison's here!
Oh, wonderful.
Let's get you freshened up
and get your cane
and your morning pills.
This is Rebecca Wilson.
Rebecca, this is Dr. Lund
I've been informed
you're acting as intermediary
between Warren Lockhart
and his family?
That's correct.
What can I do for you, Doctor?
I'm awfully busy.
I'm calling to let you know
the results of Warren's
blood test came back, and...
I'm concerned about the levels
of temazepam we've detected.
I'd prescribed a small dose
to help him sleep,
but if these levels are accurate
I'd be surprised
if he can make it out of bed
or function at all.
We need to schedule
an immediate follow-up.
Thank you, Doctor.
This is terribly concerning.
I'll get right on that.
Hi, Dad.
How are you?
Just you visiting, no Hayley?
It's just me, Dad.
Hayley's busy at school,
but she wants
to come see you later.
Here's the coffee for you,
Just how you like it.
And what can I get you
for breakfast?
Actually, Rebecca, if you don't
mind giving us a minute first?
Let me know if you need
How's everything going
with you two, Dad?
With Rebecca?
You wouldn't have to ask
if you were around more.
Dad, that's not fair.
I was here yesterday.
It seems like
you're always sleeping.
I'm trying.
We've been trying
to spare you the details,
but it's been very chaotic
at the firm.
In fact, there is something
we need to talk about.
I don't wanna talk
about the firm.
I don't wanna talk
about any of that right now.
Where's Rebecca?
We were supposed
to go for ice cream.
Ice cream?
Dad, it's 8:30 in the morn...
Dad, are you sure you're okay?
Maybe we need to make another
appointment with Dr. Lund.
No. No more hospitals.
Just let Rebecca work her magic.
I'll be fine.
I left Dr. Lund's number
on the table.
I'm sorry I have to rush
back to work,
but if anything changes,
please call me.
Of course.
- Hey.
- Hayley!
Grandpa's gonna be so happy
to see you.
Yeah, I picked up some
of his favorite gummies.
Dad told me about his leg.
That's so thoughtful of you,
He's gonna love it.
You've raised
such a lovely daughter.
I have, haven't I?
At least I got that part right.
I should go.
- Thanks again, Rebecca.
- Pleasure's all mine.
How was your visit?
Rebecca. Hey, you scared me.
Don't be scared, honey!
Come sit, let's have a chat.
About what?
About you, silly!
How's school?
Are you seeing anyone special?
I see they fixed that dent.
It's almost as if
that little accident of yours
never happened, isn't it?
You know,
it's a really good thing
that you only hit
that flower pot.
Imagine if that had been
a person or your grandpa.
You do remember, right?
'Cause if you need a reminder,
I have photos.
Wanna see?
What do you want, Rebecca?
The truth is, Hayley, I...
I really need your help.
I'm at my wit's end
and I don't know what to do.
Why? What's going on?
It's this watch.
Your grandfather's watch.
It's all he talks about,
all he thinks about.
I can't get him to eat,
I can't get him to sleep.
He can't find his watch?
That doesn't sound so bad.
He's got like ten of them.
Oh no, no.
You don't understand.
For someone
with Warren's condition,
the mind obsesses
over this thing.
He's convinced,
absolutely convinced
that he locked it in his safe.
The one in his room where
Grandma kept her old jewels?
If there was someone
who knew a way to open it,
it would make
a huge difference to Warren,
to both of us.
I'm not helping you get
into Grandpa's safe.
Rebecca, that's crazy.
Why don't you just ask my mom?
Oh, trust me, I would,
but Warren begged me not to.
He's embarrassed.
Your mom can have such
high expectations, you know?
He feels like she's judging him,
belittling him.
Yeah, I guess
she can be like that.
I don't know the combination.
But I know that Grandpa
used to keep a notepad around.
He used it to write down stuff
he was having trouble
If it's not here, it's probably
still at his office.
You should ask Nia.
His office.
Thanks so much, Hayley.
You've been such a great help.
I'll do that.
I'll ask Nia.
Are we even now?
Of course, honey!
It'll be our little secret.
I got the strangest feeling
in the house today.
And then seeing my mom's
earrings just sitting there?
Your dad hasn't been
sleeping well.
Maybe he moved them when
he was up wandering around
in the middle of the night.
You said he's been moving
all sorts of stuff.
He's an old man with
memory problems, Emmett,
not a poltergeist.
I know this might sound crazy,
but I could've sworn she was
wearing my mother's perfume.
You're right.
That does sound crazy.
Honey, why?
I'm gonna ask Arnold to run
a background check,
if he still has
those old police contacts.
Don't you think...
that's a bit
of an overreaction?
Honey, you've got that call
to Berlin tomorrow morning.
You have a big decision to make.
You need to let this go
for tonight, get some rest.
Come here.
Can we forget about this
for just one night?
Let's hope no one
changed Warren's codes.
We'll see if Hayley was right.
All right.
Check every drawer
and every shelf.
Look for any notepads,
any post-it notes,
anything with a string
of numbers on it.
Any numbers at all.
We're standing
in an investment firm!
Just keep looking.
Go check those other offices.
This is a Crestview.
This costs more than my car.
Can I help you?
what are you doing here?
You have no business being here.
What the hell's going on?
I'm just here for Warren.
He lost that watch again.
Can you believe it?
He's convinced
that he left it here.
He's in one of those moods,
you know, inconsolable.
I can't get him to eat,
I can't get him to sleep...
Not without that watch.
I didn't know what else to do
so I just came here to get it.
It's all been
really overwhelming.
I'm listening, Rebecca.
I'm just gonna
make a quick call.
Not another step, Rebecca.
We'll let the police
work this out.
Are you all right?
Your call sounded urgent.
Nia mentioned that
you were leaning
towards accepting
the Berlin offer.
You know my thoughts on that.
I'm not here to talk
about the firm, Arnold.
I told them I'll have
my decision by end of day.
I'm here to talk
about Rebecca Wilson.
What about her?
You still have
those old contacts?
Some. What do you need?
I want you
to look into her for me.
Maybe I'm just being paranoid,
but I need to know for sure,
and please be discreet.
I'll do anything I can, Madison.
No matter what happens, you know
I always have your back, right?
Something's happened
at the office.
What happened here?
Who is that? Nia?
Nia? Nia, no!
No, no, no!
Maddy, you're okay.
I'm not okay.
Nia, she...
What happened?
They think it was a robbery.
There's nothing on camera.
They stole the security tapes.
But who? Why?
What were they after, money?
Client files?
They ransacked the office.
They're not clear
what the goal was, but...
Nia must have surprised them.
Why would anyone do this,
Why would someone
wanna hurt Nia?
It's not working.
I've tried every number
we found.
Try again.
We're running out of time.
I should pound it out of him.
We can't interrogate it
out of him.
We need to coax it out.
We need to trigger that memory.
By giving him back
what he wants most.
What no one else can.
Is anybody here?
I'm here, Warren.
I'll always be here.
Oh, don't worry.
I've got you.
You remember this song?
It was playing
the first night we met.
Oh, Warren, how could I forget?
- I missed you.
- I've missed you too.
And I can't wait to catch up.
But I just need you
to tell me one thing, sweetie.
What's the combination?
Oh, you silly man!
To the safe,
where we keep all
of our favorite things.
I've left a gift for you inside.
A present for my beau.
We created them together.
The day Madison lost
her first tooth.
Thank you for that.
You've given me so much.
Wait here, honey.
I'll be right back.
It's all here, Jesse.
Everything we hoped for.
Dad was right.
Now let's get the hell
out of here while we still can.
Wait here.
Wasn't it?
I think we met
at Ruth Lockhart's wake.
Warren's bookkeeper.
Hmm. Best Man and CFO.
I'm here to see Warren.
He hasn't been
returning my calls.
You know, it's... it's uncanny.
In that dress,
you're a spitting image of Ruth.
Where'd you get it?
Oh, I don't know.
Some vintage bin
down in Wallaceburg.
If there's a message
I'm happy to relay it.
Oh? Is Warren indisposed?
He's suffering a degenerative
brain disease, Arnold.
Yes, I'd say he's indisposed.
Um, Dr. Lund recently switched
Warren's medication.
He hasn't been sleeping well.
Neither of us has been
sleeping much, I'll admit.
There have been a few episodes.
Rebecca, I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to insist on seeing Warren.
I have news.
Arnold. Is that you?
- It's been years!
- Years?
Years. Warren, I...
We should sit down.
I need to speak
to my friend, alone.
There was a break-in, Warren,
at Lockhart Investments.
Nia was there at the time.
I am so sorry, Warren.
Nia's dead.
Nia? No.
Where's Madison?
She couldn't come herself?
Madison is still at the firm.
She's speaking to police.
I thought it would be better
if you heard it from me.
we can speak in confidence.
Are you okay? Is she
mistreating you in some way?
What is this really all about,
Is this about my estate?
What? No.
Madison told me
about your little plan.
Out there looking
for offers to buy me out.
Warren, I assure you,
I would never do anything
that was contrary
to the best interests
of you or your family.
Your family is my family.
I trusted you, Arnold.
You were like a brother to me.
This is how you repay me?
How could you?
You were my best friend!
Get out.
Get out!
I think that's enough.
Warren, Warren, I...
Please. You need to go.
I'm so sorry, Warren.
I'm so sorry
I've let this happen.
I'll be back soon.
Madison, call me back
right away.
I've just been
to see your father.
Something is very wrong.
Were you able to run that check
on Rebeca Wilson?
But that's not possible.
Are you sure?
You're absolutely sure?
All right.
Thank you, Joshua.
Please keep this confidential.
I just can't believe it.
She was my best friend, Emmett.
I feel like my life
is unraveling so fast.
I gotta go see Dad,
tell him the news.
He adored Nia.
I asked Arnold to.
You have enough on your plate.
You did?
I got your call, Mom.
Now Nia?
What the hell is happening?
Honey, come here.
We're gonna get through this,
Hayley, as a family.
Just gotta be strong
and help each other.
Dad, there's something
I need to tell you.
About Rebecca.
Hello? Dad?
Madison? Madison?
Oh my God.
Did Rebecca do this?
Where is she?
Where is my dad?
Oh, my... Your fa... your father...
He kept secrets.
Terrible secrets from you
and from Ruth.
Rebecca, her...
Her real name is...
Jane Butler.
Her father was a client
of Warren Lockhart Investments.
This is about revenge.
She has evidence, Madison.
Enough to take everything.
They've gone...
Gone to the lake house.
Don't... don't let her...
Don't let her take
everything we've built.
Don't... don't let her.
Arnold? Arnold?
Emmett, can you stay with him
until the ambulance gets here?
What? No! I'm going with you.
We'll wait for the police.
It's my dad,
my fault this is happening.
I let Rebecca in.
I have to fix this.
Where are we?
We're here, Warren,
at your favorite place.
We're at the lake house.
Was I asleep the entire drive?
You slept like a baby.
Come on, sleepy head.
Let's go.
My God.
I forgot how grand
this place was.
We've been here before?
It's all so hazy.
It was a long drive, Warren.
Let's get you a drink
and get you comfortable.
Dr. Lund said I shouldn't
mix alcohol with my pills.
But tonight is a special night.
All those rules
are so far, far away.
I remember being here, once.
At this lake house.
Feels like forever ago.
I was with my dad.
And you were entertaining
important clients
to celebrate a banner year.
I remember diving off that dock,
swimming in that water.
It's the last happy
childhood memory I have.
That summer.
I suppose it makes sense
this is where it ends.
I'm sorry.
I don't remember.
Of course you don't remember.
And what a relief that must be.
What a weight
off your shoulders.
I have to make a call.
But first,
you need to take these.
Are you sure?
You trust me, don't you?
After all we've been through?
I'll be right back.
Is it time?
It's time, Jesse.
Get them ready.
Madison'll be on her way soon.
It's time to make them pay.
Dad. Where were you?
At the hospital with Arnold.
I don't know where
to even start.
Is Arnold okay?
He's alive.
He's unconscious in the ICU.
He's holding on,
but at his age...
Where's Mom?
Does this have to do with Nia?
Is somebody after us?
Honey, there's something
you need to know.
You might hear some... things.
About our family.
What... what kind of things?
Oh, what the hell?
Yes? Do I know you?
Who are you supposed to be,
a trophy husband?
Who are you
and what do you want?
Rebecca sent me.
What do you want?
The three of us
are going to have a talk.
Take a seat and get comfortable.
Emmett, I'm headed
to the lake house.
Call me back when you get this.
Dad? Dad, are you okay?
- Madison?
- We have to go now.
Rebecca, she isn't
who we think she is.
Where is she?
Rebecca told me about you and
Arnold and your plans for me.
Rebecca attacked Arnold.
She's out to hurt us.
Ludicrous. She's been with me.
We've been here all summer.
She's poisoning your mind.
We have to go now.
How dare you?
I'm sick and tired of being
treated like an invalid.
Leave me alone. Let me go!
Dad, what happened to you?
How did she do this to you?
By giving him what he wanted.
What no one else could.
What did you do to him?
He's barely breathing.
I might've given him
a bit too much.
You have no idea how hard it is
to eyeball this stuff
without a medical degree.
Isn't that right, Warren?
Leave him alone.
Your father and I
have an announcement to make.
He's reassigning
power of attorney
and appointing me
executor of his estate.
He's just not that happy
with the current state
of management.
You understand.
The only thing missing...
is your signature.
Is that my father's Crestview?
You were in his office.
It was you.
You killed Nia.
You're a murderer, Rebecca.
You're going to prison.
You're a monster.
And you're the one
who signs my checks.
You're insane.
You'll get laughed out of court.
He's clearly in no position to
sign anything and neither am I.
You think you can convince the
banks, the board of directors?
They'll fight you
with resources you can't fathom.
They all have their weaknesses,
their vices,
their libidos.
You'd be amazed how persuasive
I can be,
with the right tools.
And besides,
who will be left to make a fuss
with you and Warren gone?
Just tell me the truth.
What did my father do to you?
Your father...
got very greedy,
He started making investments
on the side
using his clients' money.
He lost big, and he let
his clients take the fall.
One of those clients
was Mike Butler, my father.
He took losing everything
pretty hard.
Took it out on me and Jesse
for a while,
and took himself out
not long after that.
Dad, is that true?
Of course it's true!
It's all right here
in these ledger books.
I know my father made
some bad investment decisions,
but I never witnessed him
doing anything criminal.
You're a gullible fool.
What will any of this fix,
Is it money you want?
Let's see if we can come
to an arrangement.
If it's true that my father
did what you said,
give me a chance
to make it up to you.
I lost my family.
My entire childhood.
How could you make that
up to me?
I lost everything
because of him,
and he can't even remember!
There's no making this up to me,
No money can fix this.
Not anymore.
Put them on.
Now will you sign?
Or should I tell my brother
to shoot Hayley in the leg?
She needs to be reminded
the stakes. Do it.
Wait. Stop. I'll sign.
Just... let me see them again.
Let me see they're okay.
Hayley, honey,
are you all right?
I'm fine, Mom.
What's happening?
What do they want?
Everything's gonna be fine,
I just wanna tell you, you and
Emmett how much I love you.
I'm so sorry I let this happen.
- We love you too, Mom.
- I love you, honey.
I promise,
everything's gonna be okay.
I can't. My hands are tied.
Now what, Rebecca?
Now you got what you want,
will you let me go?
You know I can't do that.
You know I can't
leave any witnesses.
You knew that this whole time.
But this was never
a negotiation.
That's what separates us,
you and me.
I had my rose-colored glasses
slapped off my face years ago.
Please, think about
what you're doing.
Can you live with this
on your conscience?
That pathetic whining tone
reminds me of your mother,
just after I gave her
that lethal dose.
The look on your face right now.
Even Lockhart Investments
couldn't put a price on that.
No. You psychotic bitch!
Growing up the way I did,
it made me hard.
It made me ruthless.
Willing to do whatever it takes
to get my seat at the table.
You'll never understand
that kind of work ethic.
You're nothing
but a spoiled child!
You could never run
an investment firm, Rebecca.
You don't know what ruthless is.
Dad! Dad!
Who's the trophy husband now?
Sometimes you gotta do
what you gotta do.
Hayley? Emmett?
Can you hear me?
Mom? Mom, we're okay!
I'm on my way home.
They're gonna be safe.
You two doin' good?
Did the police run out
of questions?
Dr. Lund give your dad
the all-clear?
For now. How 'bout you?
How's your forehead?
Oh, it's nothin'.
Just a bump.
By the way...
look at what I found.
Dad, are you okay?
I had the most wonderful dream.
We were all back together again.
At the lake house.
Come on, let's go inside.
What happens now, Mom?
Now we work
to make things right.