Dear Father (2022) Movie Script

- Yes, Mr. Mehta.
- Is the parking empty?
The same one at the back.
You can park there.
The grumpy old man from the second
floor will object.
Why do you worry? I am there.
Park at the back without worrying.
I will handle it.
Hello, how are you?
Is everything okay?
Listen, this Diwali I
am coming to the village, okay?
And I will bring two new sarees for you.
One red and one green.
Hey, why are you blushing?
Does one blush before her husband?
Listen, this time I will
come to the village and...
'Mr. Ajay!'
Yes, advocate Mankad here. Tell me.
Inspector Jadeja?
Crime Branch?
Most welcome inspector,
but right now I am not home.
No, I am on the way
for an urgent meeting.
Mister, I am on the expressway.
There is no U-turn also.
I know today is an off
day and the court is also closed...
...but I am working, right?
Yes, it is the sound
of the doorbell.
Is it possible, sir? How can it be?
A doorbell in the car?
Are you ringing the doorbell?
Yes, I will open it. Okay.
I have a suggestion.
If you keep a doorbell in the car,
then keep a horn in the house.
And do switch off the phone
before calling me a rascal.
What happened?
You are very...
Very what?
Nothing. How can I help you?
Jamna, water for the guest please.
What happened?
I recalled a joke on seeing you.
- On seeing me?
- Yes.
Which one?
One day, Big towers started
getting built in hell.
50 floors, 60 floors.
Centrally air conditioned,
with swimming pool and club house etc etc..
Seeing that the residents
of heaven were jealous.
We have dilapidated buildings,
while there are big towers built in hell.
So, sage Narad went
to God with the complaint.
God said, what is the problem?
Build towers in heaven as well.
Build them having 100 or 150 floors.
Narad said, God, that is
okay but who will build them?
Aren't all the builders in hell?
- Good joke. Good joke.
No, the joke is yet to come.
God said, do one thing.
Send a notice to
the residents of hell.
We will sue you in court if you
do not demolish all the towers.
Narad said, that we can,
but who will fight the case?
- Come to the point, inspector.
- Point.
Ah, point.
Give it to me.
The point is,
the incident which happened
in this house on 7th August...
Just a minute. Just a minute.
- Inquiry for it, inspector...
- Rajesh Desai.
I have seen the statement.
I am surprised.
About what?
This is a civil case.
Why is the crime branch here?
Yes, initially you
will get surprished...
...then you will get loose motions...
Excuse me?
Shall we go back about
one month from 7th August?
5th July.
5th July.
Do you remember?
5th July.
It was Friday.
- Friday?
- Yes.
The members of your society
have given statement...
...that on that day there
was a big commotion in this house.
- Commotion?
- Yes.
Oh, no, no.
No, no, there was no commotion.
- No?
- No.
But a call was received
at the police control room.
At midnight.
- From where?
- From where?
From this house.
Oh, so he had called
up the police station also.
Who are you referring to?
Yes, I am Manu speaking.
Were you having a meal?
'Delicious food...'
Can you open your ears. 'This is...
Were you having a meal?
No, no, uncle. Tell me.
It will be half past ten.
Alka is not home yet.
Uncle, she must be delayed
with work at college.
Can be, but I am worried.
Times are so bad.
Give her a call on her mobile.
I did try earlier, but I got
a reply that she is not available.
Who, Alka said so?
Alka didn't speak, you idiot.
The girl from the phone company
says so.
Okay, okay, so what now?
You please continue having your food.
'And listen, it is night time.
Do not eat spicy food.'
otherwise you will die of acidity
and then complain. Disconnect.
Jayanti, were you sleeping?
Did I wake you up?
No, no. Are you okay?
No, no, I am fine.
Alka has not returned home yet.
So if you know anything...
How would I know?
Wouldn't she be in college?
The college gets
over at eight o'clock.
She is not in college.
Do one thing.
Give her a call on her mobile.
Go to sleep, Jayanti.
Go to sleep. Go to sleep.
Half asleep also this man can give advice.
Sangita baby, I am Alka's
husband's father speaking.
By husband's father
you mean father-in-law?
Yes, father-in-law. Father-in-law.
Uncle, how are you?
I am fine, dear. I am fine.
Baby, the thing is that our
baby has still not returned home.
Has she still not returned home?
No. It is nearly half past ten.
Alka baby has not returned.
I see.
Uncle, do one thing.
Give her a call on her mobile.
I didn't get this idea, baby.
I will do it.
Give a call on her mobile.
As if I have no brains.
Hey, mister.
- Hey, son.
- Yes, father, tell me.
What is wrong with your mobile?
Nothing, father.
I have been calling
you up since a long time.
I had switched it
off for a meeting. Sorry.
What time is it?
- A quarter to eleven.
- It is a quarter to eleven in the night.
Okay, so?
Okay, can you see
your wife in the house?
She must have
got late in the college.
Can't she call up to inform
if she is going to be late?
She must have forgotten.
The whole day you are
defending the whole town.
Stop defending your
wife when you come home.
But why don't you give
her a call on her mobile?
I did. It says she is not available.
- Really?
- Yes.
Wait a minute. I will call her up.
It seems you have her second number.
- No.
- Does she have two numbers?
'No, no. I will call her up.
Wait. I will call her up. Wait.'
These two work secretly
in mysterious ways.
Hey watchman!
Hey, watchman!
- Hey, father.
- Watchman!
Father, why are you
shouting at midnight?
Let it be.
I have told this scoundrel hundred times
not to let anyone else..
...park in front of our parking.
Mehta must be bribing him.
- Watchman!
- Father, let it be.
- Hey, watchman!
- Let it be. Leave him alone. Let it be.
The phone is ringing.
- Is it ringing?
- Yes.
- Where is she?
- She is disconnecting the call.
Is this that second number?
It is the same number.
Wait, I will call again.
If she has another number,
do give it to me, okay?
How can it be that if it is the same number
you get connected and I don't get connected?
What kind of number it is?
Alka! Alka! Hey, stop!
She won't stop.
The Rajdhani Express doesn't
halt at small stations. She won't.
We are waiting here for you.
Can't you see?
- What happened?
- What time is it?
- A quarter to eleven.
- At night.
Is this the time to come home?
- What time did you return?
- Forget about him.
Talk about yourself. Come on.
Yes, but I was about to leave
from the college where news came...
...that tomorrow's Math
test paper has been leaked.
So I had to sit and
reset the entire test paper.
- Oh, I see.
- So you're saying that it is not your fault?
My fault? How is it my fault
if the paper gets leaked?
Dear, if you were going to get so late
because the paper got leaked..
Couldn't you make even one call?
One call?
I had made eight calls. Eight.
- Eight?
- Yes. Look.
First call home at 7.20.
Call home at 7.25.
To home at 7.30. Home, home, home.
No one was picking up the phone.
I had gone down for 10 minutes.
I had run out of Isabgol(Constipation Meds).
Why are you blaming me?
But I ask,
couldn't you have called again?
- Again?
- Yes.
I had the landline thrice.
- Thrice?
- The phone was busy.
- Answer now.
- Uncle Balu had called up.
He is not feeling well again.
I don't know whether it is his body,
or a storage of illnesses.
In short you were
glued to the phone.
Okay, okay. Go, go,
and do not argue now. It's okay. Go.
When you are at fault it's okay?
When I am at fault,
arguing is acceptable, right?
Let it be. Pick up the phone.
Yes, tell me.
- Hey.
- Yes?
Come here.
Who is calling her up at midnight?
It must be a work related phone.
Son, be careful or else
you will have to regret.
Don't you know that Jagdish
had three wives running away..
...and now nobody wants to marry him.
No, no, I am at home only. Yes.
Don't worry. Okay, okay. Bye.
Yes, tell me, Bhagabhai.
Who told you?
What happened? What happened?
No, Alka has reached home, okay?
Yes, yes, no problem.
We will talk later.
Everyone is calling....
No, she has returned, okay?
She has returned.
She is standing before me. Yes.
But who told you?
Oh, did I call you up?
No, no, there is no need
to make a complaint to the police.
We will do it when again
she returns late. Yes.
You can write and
keep the complaint ready.
It can be of use any time.
But do not put a date on it, okay?
Do not put a date on it. Yes.
Okay. Yes.
Yes, aunty, tell me.
I have returned home.
Yes, yes, don't worry, okay?
Yes, yes, don't worry, don't worry.
Okay. Yes. Good night. Yes.
- Father.
- Yes?
Did you call up the whole
town because I returned late?
Wouldn't I be compelled to do it,
dear? You are a woman.
Wouldn't I worry if you are late?
Do I return late every day?
We would be used to it if
you returned late every day, right?
Wouldn't we think that
she must be on the way?
But due to work, one day in a year...
That is why I would worry.
Why doesn't she understand?
Stop it now. is this
the time to discuss all this?
Is this the time to come home?
You come home at midnight.
Do you know how people
Gossip in the building below?
No, I don't know. What do they say?
Who spoke about Alka? Tell me.
I will break his teeth.
Wouldn't I beat them with
my shoe if they gossiped in front of me?
How do you know
what they are saying...
...if they are not
talking in front of you?
Oh, God, again she...
You know, Monica who lives above,
daily returns at midnight.
How do you know?
Wouldn't I keep a watch?
Isn't it our duty as neighbours?
And I cannot sleep due
to tension until she returns.
Father, she returns after
working at a call centre.
I say she may be returning
after worshipping in a temple.
But people resort to
dirty gossip down there.
Even a family member
would start getting ideas.
What kind of ideas?
- Let it be.
- Speak up. What kind of ideas?
- Alka. Forget it.
- Ajay, please.
- Speak.
- Dirty, Bad ideas.
What do you mean by Bad ideas?
Bad means, which is not good,
that's all.
No, no, clarify so
that I can understand.
- Really?
- Yes.
Son, your wife was
not in the college.
How do you know?
I had made a call
to the college too.
The college staff said that your
Daughter in law left at 10 minutes past eight.
You were not in the college.
Yes, of course I was not.
Look, now she is clarifying.
Look. Look.
Because I was sitting in the
printing press and resetting the paper...
...because it happened
at the last moment.
All these are fake excuses.
Excuses? What excuses? What?
Let it be. Don't make me
open my mouth. Let it be. Let it be.
No, no, what do you think? Where
do I go by giving these excuses?
How a simpleton like me would know?
Whole day I keep lying
in the house like the landline.
Your idle cronies who
keep sitting down there.
They know everything.
Why don't you ask them?
That's right. So as a family
member I have no right to worry.
Worry? You are not worried about me.
You are interested in making public
announcement under the guise of worrying.
- What public announcement?
- Look, my daughter-in-law
doesn't return home till late night.
She keeps wandering till 12 o'clock.
Did I speak like that?
Did I speak like that?
No, no, you didn't say that.
You didn't say that.
What would people be thinking?
That where I would be going
and what all I would be doing.
Why would I make
public announcement?
Do I not have any other work?
What work?
The whole day you do
only one thing. Gossip.
Constantly being on the phone.
How did the phone trouble you?
Look, father, she is not wrong.
Your habit of calling up
anybody at any time is not good.
But I do not get to talk at all.
The call gets disconnected
after four rings.
It doesn't get disconnected.
People disconnect
it on seeing your number.
Tell her not to irritate me in
the middle of the night. Tell her.
They do it. People later
talk about your phone calls...
...and we feel embarrassed.
- What do they say?
- Nothing.
No, no, do tell me.
Tell me clearly, what do they say?
They wouldn't speak
in front of us, right?
If they don't speak in front of you,
how do you know they talk?
I have heard.
What did you do after hearing it?
Didn't you also start mocking?
Look, father. Father,
from now on stop calling up anybody.
Strictly. Or else I will
get the line disconnected.
- But I have only four...
- No means no.
Keep flying in the house like a bat.
From one end to another and do nothing.
- What did you say? What did you say?
- Nothing.
- So what was it about bats?
- Just like bats.
Keep flying round
and round in the house.
If a man lives alone,
can't he even speak to his acquaintances?
The problem is because
of the acquaintances only.
Ajay, Ajay. Father, let it be.
Look, I have bought
a new kurta for you.
This. I bought it from an exhibition
at the college. Isn't it nice?
Why do you waste money? Let it be.
But you go down wearing
such clothes. Discard them.
I can't discard them.
They are not even six months old.
Should I throw them
away like this? No.
But it doesn't look good.
Do wear this.
Do you get embarrassed because
of what I wear?
...when I go down for a walk?
Is that why you have bought this?
Is that why you have bought this?
- Yes, that is why.
- That is why I won't wear it.
- Ajay.
- Do not spend money in my name.
- Father.
- You can go on doing what you want.
- Father.
- Spending in my name...what?
- I can't understand one thing.
- What?
What comes first,
the chicken or the egg?
What comes first,
the chicken or the egg?
Whatever you ordered
First, will come first.
Ajay, please. Like every time,
don't try to change the topic
You will keep fighting all
night if I don't change the topic.
I get irritated. I don't...
Hello? Yes, mother? Is father okay?
It seems your
father-in-law has died.
- What are you saying?
- Wasn't he unwell?
Wouldn't I get stressed
if you call up so late?
What happened?
He is dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.
- What?
- I will switch on the geyser.
- Why?
- It is news about death.
We need to take a bath.
Take a quick shower. Come on.
I have come home. Wait.
Yes. I will talk tomorrow at length.
Okay. Yes.
What happened?
Did you call up my parents also?
Oh, yes, yes.
I had called up. I had.
I forgot to tell you.
I had called them up.
But why?
I thought that they
would know your whereabout.
So I had called up to ask them.
They are in Bangalore.
How would they know?
- They are in Bangalore?
- And recently he had bypass surgery.
Why do you give them
stress by calling up?
How will they get
stressed if I asked?
Right now give a call
to all those you had called up...
...and tell them that
Alka has returned home.
Am I supposed to do that?
I have already called so many times.
Now you make the calls.
- Why should I do that?
- Because you returned late.
- I was sitting here like Ganesha...
- Ajay, what the hell?
Just a minute. Just a minute.
I will make the calls.
Go. Go inside. Go.
The slave has spoken on wives behalf.
I will do it. I will do it.
- What did you say?
- What would I say?
No, no,
what was the reference slave?
Of course you are.
Why should you make phone calls?
She will make the phone calls.
Does she have broken hands?
Just tell me who all
you had called up. That's it.
Here is the list.
Come out of your stupidity.
So many people?
Oh, where is the other one?
Take this.
The names with the cross
mark are our relatives.
Call them up now. Call up her
relatives tomorrow morning., okay?
Has she brought the
door from her daddy's house?
She keeps banging it.
She had brought
only plates and bowls...
...and here she keeps throwing doors
and attitude around.
Well, Mr. Ajay,
has sister-in-law returned?
She has returned, okay?
He has returned.
How the annual day
preparations are going on?
I think all of us should dance.
I have already prepared.
- Really?
- Ghoomar dance.
Last year you had
made us dance a lot.
- This time I will keep easy steps.
- Sure?
Ma'am. A reporter
has come to meet you...
...from Nari Tu Narayani magazine
- Nari Tu Narayani?
- Yes, Nari Tu Narayani.
Excuse me.
You are from Nari Tu Narayani...
Inspector Jadeja from crime branch.
But the peon said that you...
I had lied to him.
Madam, it is your workplace so
there would be unnecessary gossip...
...about why the police
are visiting you.
I have parked my
jeep outside the campus.
You are a gold medallist
in mathematics... you have a reputation
to look after, right?
How may I help you?
I want to ask a few questions
regarding the incident... your house on
the night of 7th August.
- It has some other...
- Yes, but this is routine, madam.
I will ask 4 or 5 questions
and then I will leave.
- Right now I don't have time.
- Then we should immediately start, right?
Not here.
Alka, tell me one thing.
How was the overall atmosphere
in your house?
It used to be good only. Why?
Good? The night you
returned home late...
...and you had a tiff
with your father-in-law.
Ajay has told me
everything about it, okay?
I see. He told you?
Yes, he told me all about it.
But after the strict
ban on your father-in-law...
...about calling up any relatives...
He must have been
feeling restless, right?
Is it possible? He had found
a solution for that as well.
Obituary list appears
in newspapers, right?
Yes, intimation about death.
Who died, whose relative died,
where the person died, and all that.
He would look through
them and would call up people.
I am telling you from my experience.
You should not opt for wood.
You must opt for electric one. Yes.
You see, if you opt for the electric
one, everyone gets free quickly...
...and by 12 or 12.30
in the afternoon... would be having
lunch at home. Yes.
What? No, I know, the condolence
meeting is on Saturday.
I read it,
but I am suffering from arthritis... I cannot climb stairs.
So I thought I will call
up and express condolences.
How did this happen all of a sudden?
What do you mean it was not sudden?
Oh, my God,
was he in ICU since three months?
Good, good,
good, he is freed from his pain.
Anyway they run AC at full
cooling power in the ICU...
...which would make
a person die of cold.
Well, tell me, you, Sumit and Kavit,
are the three of you brothers?
Real brothers?
And you are the eldest.
You are the eldest, right?
So how much your
father has left for you?
What? This is not acceptable.
You are the eldest.
No, no, this is too less.
You are the eldest.
What? What?
From where do they learn
abusive words? F-word and C-word...
I feel very sad. I feel very
sad on hearing about your father.
I...I am Manu speaking.
You didn't recognise me?
Would your father have
resurrected and come back...
...even if you had recognised me?
How happy and healthy
a person he was!
Is this the age for him to die?
Is this the age for him to die?
Was he in his 92nd year?
But the photo shows
him young and healthy.
It's a photo from 25 years ago?
Bhadresh, in 25 years,
couldn't you spare time... click a photo of your father?
You could have clicked
when the old man was sleeping.
Couldn't you even think of
clicking a photo of your father?
Father, who have you called up?
I...I had called up the washerman.
Yes, he doesn't do a proper job.
He breaks buttons, so...
Listen, if you break buttons again,
I will break your limbs.
- I am leaving.
- What?
- I am leaving.
- Okay, leave.
Leave. Leave quickly. Hurry up.
No, he was our washerman.
Someone died in his family.
No, he has to inform me,
that is why he had come.
Well, tell me, your father expired.
Is your grandmother alive?
What? Really? so how old is she?
Wow, wow. Your father-in-law
is an amazing man.
Ma'am, it is time for your class.
You will have to excuse me.
Well, ma'am, if there is
a need I will come again, okay?
- Sure.
- Okay?
- Okay?
- Yes.
- Shall I tell you one thing?
- Tell me.
It will sound a bit strange, but
you look exactly like my father-in-law.
People with similar pain also look the same.
By the way, I have cancelled
my plan to attend Sangita's wedding.
Father-in-law is in hospital.
I am not in the right
frame of mind, so...
- You can go, I am there.
- No.
- You will get a break.
- Me or you?
I know you won't be there...
You, again?
In the morning our
talk remained incomplete.
So I thought we
should finish it now.
How did you know we were here?
Madam, the police would
do their work, right?
- Was it him?
- Yes, sir, these two were there.
- Sure?
- Sure.
And an old gentleman
was also with them.
- An old man was also there?
- Yes.
- Okay, go.
- Come.
Who is this man?
He is the manager of
the resort where you had gone.
How do you know we
had gone to a resort?
Madam, the police would
do their work, right?
Okay, speak.
Sir, we are getting late.
- I think we should leave.
- Yeah.
Sir, here is your cappuccino.
Cappuccino has been cancelled.
Sir is getting late.
Okay, sir.
Come, madam. Come this way.
We will talk while walking. Come.
What had happened at the resort?
Look, it is our personal matter.
How is it connected to the case?
- I don't know.
- So?
I don't know that is why
I am asking what had happened.
Tell me.
Just a minute.
We had gone to the
resort to discuss...
...and find a solution
to the problems between us.
Do you go frequently?
So why this time?
This time the problems
had increased.
So we thought that we
can have picnic with him...
....and there we can also
discuss all the problems with him.
So I told father to prepare
a list of all the complaints he has...
...and hand them to me.
- A list of complaints?
- Yes.
Did you arrive at a solution?
You can change a place
but not the temperament.
So, father has total
42 complaints against me.
This is the list.
- 42?
- Yes.
Yes, and I have written
only the major ones. Okay?
I have dropped all the minor ones.
But discussing these 42 complaints
will take the whole day.
Don't worry. I have divided all
the complaints into three groups.
So group number 1. Money talks.
The first complaint
from this group is that...
...I want to buy another car
despite already having one car.
O father.
O father,
I don't accept this complaint.
- Why?
- You have no idea.
While I am driving the car,
she sits next to me...
...and gives weird instructions.
Sometimes I get so irritated
and feel like crashing into a pole.
Son, you should not crash the car.
But father's complaint is
not against buying another car.
His complaint is against
taking a loan from the bank.
This is the issue.
You are right, dear.
Father, if you decide to
save money and then buy a car... will reach a stage when
you will need to buy an ambulance.
But what will you
do if you do not save...
...and suddenly a medical
emergency comes up?
Don't we have mediclaim?
Yes. Just step into a hospital once.
The bubble of your mediclaim
will burst with a bang.
You are depending on mediclaim.
So should we live like ill persons
fearing future medical emergency?
- But money saved...
- Just...just a minute. Just a minute.
Okay, speak. Speak. Speak.
So this question is
limited to car only, right?
No, no, no, no.
there is a heap of complaints.
For example, going out of
town by plane instead of train.
Watching films only in multiplex.
Shopping for lots of dresses.
No, no.
you wear the dress only once.
Then put it away in the cupboard.
That's all.
- Only once?
- Only once.
With great enthusiasm you had
spent 40,000 on blouse and skirt.
I haven't seen you wearing it again.
When did you wear them? Tell me.
But they should be worn
according to the occasion, right?
Just because they are worth 40,000...
...should I wear them at
a condolence meeting also?
Or should I conduct a fashion
show by wearing them at home?
Is it my age to watch fashion shows?
Is this the manner to answer me?
- No...
- Look at her.
Oh, yes. No, Alka. Next.
Going to beauty
parlour twice a month.
What is the need now?
She already got married.
You have already snared
the one you wanted.
What is the need now?
This mobile is worth one lakh,
which I gifted you on your birthday... also on the list.
Laugh now. Laugh. Laugh.
Father, do have some
respect about my birthday.
But weren't you
completely born at one go?
Does something still remain?
Is something stuck in there?
Every year you go
crazy over birthdays.
But a mobile worth one lakh rupees?
Don't you have to pay bill for it?
Of course we have to pay the bill.
So what is the point?
Explain to me what you
gain from an expensive phone.
What I am trying to say is...
Spend money.
Don't splurge. That's all.
Father, do not worry about money.
Go out and have fun.
Have fun. Have fun. Have fun.
Is this what you
have learnt in life?
And this problem
is not with you alone.
Your whole generation is like this.
The whole generation?
Yes. Mark my words.
In future you will have to buy even
your baby's diapers on installments.
Just wait and watch.
Father, you are thinking
about expenses only.
We are thinking about
future income as well.
Dear, savings is the real income.
Just remember that.
You haven't enjoyed life
while worrying about savings.
How much can I enjoy?
We live comfortably,
we eat good food, we go out to enjoy.
Should we start doing cartwheels?
By enjoying he means you
should not worry about expenses.
Shouldn't we worry about expenses?
And then neglect home and
do a job in college to earn money?
I am not doing the
job for the sake of money.
Ajay earns enough money.
I am gold medallist in maths.
I have done Ph.D.
With my education, I want the young
generation and the society to benefit.
Let the home benefit first.
Look, father,
we are enjoying life with our money.
You have no right at
all to interfere in it.
When will you cook such food?
Hey, father,
Jamna cooks very good food.
We don't want to starve or fall
sick by eating food cooked by Alka.
They you should have married Jamna.
You married the wrong one.
But I do say that
I don't know cooking.
Yes. Is it something
to feel proud about?
If you don't know then
go to the kitchen and learn it.
You don't know? That's it?
- Ajay.
- Yes?
We wanted a painting
to put up in our bedroom.
So did you give up practicing
law and started to learn painting?
Or did you just buy
one from a good painter?
What I mean to say is that just like
painting, cooking is also an art.
- Really?
- Yes.
We should let the expert handle it.
Right. Right. You are right.
- Yes.
- Right.
Had your mother been alive,
she would have died again...
...on seeing all this.
One maid for cooking.
Another maid for household chores.
There is nothing like
self-reliance in the house.
Sushila, his mother, used
to wake up at six in the morning...
...and cook full meal
for my lunch box.
Full meal, okay?
And the whole day she used
to do household chores. Yes.
But my question is,
what you want to gain... eating unpalatable
food cooked by me every evening?
So cook unpalatable food.
We will eat it. Do it.
Is this an argument?
- You know, last week I met Ms Kusum.
- Okay.
She told me one day she
wants to eat Dosa made by me.
- What?
- I asked who told you.
She said your father-in-law.
- Did you tell her?
- Yes.
Dosa made by Alka are incomparable.
- She makes them every Sunday.
- I said so.
I don't even know whether
wheat or millet flour is used in it.
Rice flour is used and
if you want to make Rava Dosa... have to use semolina.
It is pretty simple.
Everything doesn't
involve mathematics.
But why do you resort
to such boasting down there?
I am not the only one.
Do come and sit down there some day.
Then you will come to know.
Expert players come there.
Kusum's husband Mansukh.
He was boasting.
His daughter-in-law makes
such delicious curd-potato snack...
...that she won a national award.
Which idiot would give you a
national award for curd-potato snack?
I was sitting there,
so I too boasted.
I spoke. I lied. A few minutes
of TP, what else? a bit, what else?
What? What? TP?
It means time pass, idiot.
- This. The same thing.
- What?
A competition goes on among
the idle people down there.
It's called Daughter-in-law Number One.
In it if you say that your
daughter-in-law makes tasty Idli-Dosa...
- will get 50 out of 100 points.
- Yes.
If she cooks morning and
evening meals, you get 60 points.
If your daughter-in-law herself makes
pickles, Khakhra and Pappadoms... get distinction.
If she wears nuptial necklace,
doesn't wear jeans and T-shirt...
...addresses her husband with respect...
...and covers her face in
presence of elder brother-in-law...
...then you get heaps of points.
So father may not be
getting even passing marks.
Exactly. Hence these lies.
Okay, they were lies.
I did lie. So what?
But I praised you.
- Praised me?
- Yes. Why not?
Tomorrow if Kusum comes suddenly...
...and asks me to make Dosa
at her home, where will I hide?
Have you thought about
how embarrassed I will feel?
And if you do want to praise me,
why don't you say...
...that my daughter-in-law
is gold medallist.
That she has done PhD in maths.
So I should not find faults
and I should not praise either.
You are being praised.
Why my praises? Why my praises?
Did I say that I can make Dosa?
Did I say that?
No, no, you didn't say that.
Father, don't act innocent, okay?
Praise for you for keeping
your daughter-in-law under control... well you have trained
your daughter-in-law...
...and what a nice girl
your son has chosen.
All this is about you,
you and you only.
If a horse wins a race, the
owner gets the prize, not the horse.
The horse gets only grass.
Father, where are you going?
- Father.
He started it.
- Hey, son! Son!
- Yes?
- Hey, get up.
- What?
Father, what happened?
What happened?
Can't you say anything...
...if the daughter-in-law
of our house wears such clothes?
She is openly displaying nakedness.
Don't you feel ashamed?
What nakedness, father?
What are you saying?
- You are stretching things...
- What happened?
- Stretching things? What do you mean?
- What happened?
Nothing has happened. Nothing
has happened. You should go. Go. Go.
Father, what happened? Tell me.
- Nothing. Nothing. Alka, you can go.
- What are you wearing?
What are you wearing?
Other than swimsuit,
what else would I wear for swimming?
Should I do swimming while
wearing skirt-blouse worth 40,000?
Wear whatever you want, okay dear?
Don't wear if you don't want to.
But you won't be able
to shut people's mouths.
Really? What will people say?
- Alka. Alka...
- No, no. What will they say? Tell me.
Why should I dirty
my mouth by saying it?
You can hear when people gossip.
No, no,
tell me so that I would know.
- Alka, leave it.
- Why leave it?
Why? Why?
In everything he keeps
saying whatever he wants...
...and I should tolerate it?
Don't wear this.
Don't go there. Don't do that.
- It is not so.
- It is so.
You were treating my mother-in-law
also in the same way.
You didn't let her
live as per her wish.
How does this involve your mother?
Tell her that your mother
lived the way she wanted. Tell her!
Is that so?
So tell me,
did she like to wear Punjabi dress?
Yes, she did.
- Did she like to eat at a restaurant?
- She did.
- Did she love movies?
- Yes. So what about it?
She liked all this,
but did you ever let her do it?
Uh...yes, my father used to get angry.
We used to respect elders.
We didn't answer them back.
Not out of respect. Your father
wanted to win the first place... their Daughter-in-law
Number One competition... you suppressed
your wife's desires.
Now your son doesn't do
any of it for your satisfaction... you can't bear it
and so you are complaining.
In short you didn't allow
my mother-in-law to live her life... want to control
my husband's life...
..and you are torturing me as well.
And I...I can't bear all this.
It hurts me.
It hurts me and so I get angry.
And I start fighting
because I feel angry.
And you are responsible
if I am fighting.
- So all this...
- Father, she is right.
All the fights will
stop if you keep quiet...
...and don't interfere in everything.
- So you mean to say...
- Stop finding reasons.
The same fights at home.
The same fights when we go out.
At-least somewhere keep at peace.
Stop hissing, all of you!
You are right.
So I alone am responsible
for all the fights in the house.
Yes, you alone are responsible. Yes.
And to be honest,
the atmosphere at home is so rotten...
...that sometimes we don't feel
like returning home, do you know?
'I say, Mr Patel, in these
big societies now they take package...'
'...for funeral services.'
'You pay some amount and
they will bring everything...'
'...if anyone dies in the building.'
'What are you saying?
This package is worth trying.'
'They do everything.
We don't need to do anything.'
'They even give sweets and flowers.'
I hope he is out of Croma soon..
It's not Croma, it is Coma.
He will be fine soon I pray.
Saturday picnic?
They are members of the society.
They have come to
ask about his health.
Shall I say something? Uncle
Manu was really very nice person.
What do you mean he was? He is.
No, I am saying the same thing.
Actually he is a very irritating
person. He always was.
I have seen him playing
naked when he was this small.
How old are you?
Hey, my father and uncle
Manu are of the same age.
Both of them were
playing naked together
Manu deliberately
wears shabby clothes... that his son
would get blemished.
So what would people think?
That the son is not
looking after the father.
- No, no. It is not absolutely true.
- Yes.
It is so, Patel, it is so.
He is stubborn.
So many times I
have explained to him.
You should let children have
their freedom when they grow up.
You should not interfere
too much in their affairs.
But our Manu?
He doesn't mend his ways.
Your temperament stays
with you till the last breath.
Forget about temperament.
In youth you complaint
about your father...
...that he doesn't allow
you to do as you wish...
...that he interferes
in small matters...
...and when we become fathers,
should we also do the same?
Do you know the game of high jump?
Which one?
Where you hold a pole and jump high?
Yes, the same one. The same one.
But in it you have to let
go of the pole at the right time.
Ultimately you have
to come down only.
But if you do not let go
of the pole it is taken as foul...
...and you fall face down,
just like our friend fell down.
That is some analogy by your father..
you be careful..
Just a minute.
Sir, I want to talk to you.
Tell me.
Manu had called me
up the night he fell down.
- That night?
- Yes.
What time?
About 20 minutes before he fell.
What did he say?
We had quite a talk.
The doctor said general
condition is poor... they cannot say anything
- Let us see what happens.
- Okay.
- I will talk to you later.
- Okay.
So you can leave. I will inform you.
No, we will be here only.
Don't worry.
Yes, I thought that you...
Are you worried that
the neighbours will hear us?
You go anywhere at any time?
Wouldn't I need to go?
Crime takes place any
time and at any place.
But now final.
Then the file will be closed.
Let us come straight to the point.
What happened after
the fight at the resort?
Nothing. As usual cold was
for a couple of days, and then...
Was there a phone call for me?
Yes. Nirmal. Rascal.
How do you know?
How would I now?
Rascals reveal themselves.
They all are the same.
The call was for me
and it was on my mobile.
So why did you need to talk?
You should have told
him that I am not at home.
But he would have called again.
So I threatened him.
If he calls again I
will pull out his tongue.
He won't call now. He won't.
I want to say that you must
not receive the call meant for me.
And it's okay if you did,
but you must not talk like this.
Dear, do you know who he is?
Who is he?
Estate agent.
Okay, so?
Nirmal is a rascal, do you know?
- But...
- He is a lowly person.
If such a person calls us up,
if a lowly man calls us up... can I tolerate it?
- But, father...
- Why are you interrupting me?
And why do we need an estate agent?
We don't want to sell off this flat.
We don't to buy a new flat.
So why would that
man call up at our house?
Are you going to buy a new flat?
Are you thinking
of living separately?
When did you decide it?
- Father, you...
- Alka,
our plan for Sunday is fixed, okay?
What happened?
Sit, son, sit.
I will just be back. Sit.
What happened? Father!
- Alka, what happened?
- Nothing.
- Do tell me. What happened?
- Nothing.
- Hey, take this.
- What is this?
Your birthday gift.
But father, my birthday is gone.
But it will come again.
Do take a look.
- Oh, this is Rolex.
- Rolex.
And it belonged to my grandfather.
So it is almost 90 years old.
Yes, I know.
Have you forgotten an
Englishman had gifted it to him?
I remember it. I remember it.
- Did you like it?
- I like it. I like it. It is very nice.
Isn't it? It is yours now.
- It is mine?
- It is yours now.
Wear it okay?
- And listen.
- Yes?
If you go to the bathroom, keep
the watch and clothes outside, okay?
- Do not get it wet, okay?
- Yes.
- Do you like it?
- I like it. I like it.
Do you know the fun of it?
It shows the right time and you
do not have to pay monthly bill.
This is called birthday gift.
- Do wear it, okay?
- Yes.
Do wear it, okay, son? Do wear it.
- Let me wear it right now.
- Do wear it.
And check the time
three or four times a day.
Keep doing it.
You can recover money that way.
I don't feel like I
don't have mother-in-law.
- What do you mean?
- Can't you see?
He is walking about in pyjamas.
Alka, what happened?
Tell me. What happened?
A conspiracy is being
hatched in this house.
- Conspiracy?
- Listen.
For five or six months
after marriage I took care of...
...what father liked or disliked.
Sari, nuptial necklace,
tea every two hours...
In short you were doing everything
which would have got him...
...a gold medal in
Daughter-in-law Number One.
Correct. He used to like all that.
But how long can I keep up
the pretence of what I don't like...
...or what doesn't sit my temperament?
So I went back to the way I was.
I put the nuptial
necklace in the locker.
I changed from sari to Punjabi
dress and then to jeans and T-shirt.
I employed a maid for cooking...
...and accepted a full
time job at the college.
All this pricked him and he
began to complain to you about me.
And you made a very big mistake.
What did I do?
I do not even take sides.
Exactly. That is the problem.
You distanced from both of us.
I felt that my husband
doesn't support me.
He felt that his
son doesn't support him.
So he used this new ploy
to bring you closer to him.
- Ploy?
- Yes. This Rolex.
Your birthday is after five months.
So why he gifted it today?
Alka, he is not the kind of person...
...who would use such
ploys with his son.
Ajay. Ajay, you have
never learnt to judge people.
That is why I married you, right?
It was a joke. It was a joke.
I'm very serious.
Don't you believe me?
Sit with him this evening
and get him into a good mood.
And then you will see that he
will supply you with all the proofs.
So are you suggesting that
I should offer alcohol to father...
...and like a criminal make
him spill all the secrets?
Yes. Be especially
careful about two things.
As soon as he says bad things
about me, just agree with him.
Support him.
And you will see that in
between he will praise me also.
- Really?
- Of course.
If you say only bad
things about someone...
...the listener will feel
that your talk is one-sided.
So he should speak
good things in between.
So the listener would think that you
are speaking after due consideration.
That it is not one-sided.
Are you a professor
for maths or for psychology?
You cannot see anything
because he is your father...
...but I can see the whole X-ray
because he is my father-in-law.
And another thing. In between
he will become emotional also.
He will have tears
in his eyes as well.
Tears? Seriously?
Yes, your words will sound true...
...if you speak with tears in eyes.
But why would father cry?
Ajay, to gain your sympathy.
Alka, you are overthinking this.
Forget this.
- Ajay.
- Yes?
Right now you may think
that this is too much...
...but tomorrow it might be too late.
Too late for what?
If you do not take
any steps right now...
...he will keep on
instigating you against me... the extent that in the
end you will get angry with me.
You will explain to me.
Alka, let it be.
He is alone. He is old.
You try to understand.
It is true, Alka.
We should understand.
I won't understand.
Because if I relent once,
that man will be convinced...
...that this is the way
to make me dance to his tunes.
Then he will constantly
keep complaining to you... will tell me , and then all my life
I will have to live with adjustments...
...which I will not do at all.
Finally, I will get fed up
of all this and will leave home.
You won't be able
to live without me.
But this problem cannot
be solved even by leaving home.
You had to separate from
your father because of me.
This thought will
never go from your mind.
And this thing will fill the
rest of our life with bitterness.
- Alka, you are overreacting.
- Overreact?
Ajay, don't take this matter
lightly just like every time.
- I am not taking it lightly...
- Just tell me this.
When are you going to talk to him?
- I will see.
- Don't say I will see.
If you don't do anything this time,
I will have to do it.
And I will go to any limit. Get it?
Any limit.
- Bring it.
- Yes.
Careful. Careful.
It would have been great
if onion and tomato salad was there.
I had asked Jamna to prepare it,
but she seems to have forgotten.
It is like that only. Maids
listen to you but then they forget.
And women of the
family do not listen.
I say, we father and son, are partying,
after a long time, isn't it?
Yes, it has been a long time,
isn't it?
Partying is okay,
but what do you call that thing?
Man to man. Do we talk man to man?
No, no, it is not so. It ...
It is so. It is so.
When there are two women,
how would you think of father?
- Two women?
- Two women, of course.
- What do you mean two?
- One is fair, who controls you...
...and the other one is black
who you hold in your hand.
- Black...
- The phone.
I see.
You hold it close to your mouth... you are not able
to talk to your father.
Is it that there will be roaming
charges if you talk to your father?
- Is it so?
- No, no, it is not so, father.
But you see,
nagging over big and small issues... always there in
the house so what do I say?
I do not speak. I keep quiet.
Just a minute. Just a minute.
You talked about nagging.
You mean by your wife, right?
Who else would do it?
No, we have a saying that
the mattress gets a beating...
...because the bedbug bites you.
But nothing
can be done about it.
We men spend all our life
fearing women's nagging, right?
Of course.
- What?
- Yes.
You see,
first 25 years mother's nagging...
...for next 25 years wife's nagging...
...and for the next 25 years
nagging from daughter-in-law.
And yet, we move about
proudly in the society.
I rule in my house.
Get lost, you idiot.
Look, it is not in our
hands where we should be born.
We would go where
God sends us, right?
But isn't it in our
control where to marry?
And that is where we make a mistake.
And then comes the daughter-in-law.
You marry off your son
to carry on the bloodline...
...and bear the punishment for that.
Look, my generation survived.
We were saved.
You are trapped badly so bear it.
How? How are we trapped in it?
Haven't your wives got educated
and taken responsibility?
They study a little
and create havoc.
I see. So all this is because
of the smartness they acquire...
...due to education?
Even men get educated, don't they?
But we have a saying, that the
undeserving cannot digest knowledge.
So instead of getting
education and improving wisdom... you know what women do?
They become over smart.
They become over smart.
so instead of gaining wisdom,
what happens?
- Over smart?
- They become over smart.
- Now we are sitting here, right?
- Yes.
- There is a nice breeze.
- Yes.
- Is anything wrong?
- No, nothing at all.
Still your wife wants
to get a sleep AC installed.
- What does she want to install?
- Sleep AC. Sleep.
- Not sleep AC, father.
- So?
Split AC.
Split means divided in two parts.
- Split?
- Yes.
The part making sound
will be outside the window.
- Okay.
- And the cold part will be inside the house.
- Split?
- Split.
- Wait and see.
- What?
Someday these people
will bring split husband.
What? What did you say?
Split husband.
He will be noisy outside the house...
...and cold as earthen
pot shard inside the house.
Why should I bother, son?
The major part of my life is over.
How many years am I going to live?
But I worry a lot about you.
I am not lying.
I worry a lot about you.
Listen, father.
Father, I don't face
any harassment from Alka.
She has got strict control over you.
In her absence you aren't able
to utter even one word against her.
Even after drinking three glasses?
You are not totally wrong.
- Alka's temperament is a bit...
- Sharp.
- What is it?
- Sharp.
If you are not careful,
it will cut you and bleed you.
Do you get it? it is sharp.
But hey...
in a way she is nice, okay?
- She is nice?
- Yes, she is nice.
Why should I lie?
She is also loving and affectionate.
And she is strict like a teacher
and gives me medicine and insulin on time.
She is nice.
And to be honest,
she too is not at fault.
We were born with everything
written in our destiny.
Was this written in our destiny?
For generation after generation...
...marrying the wrong
woman and suffer in life.
My father had suffered.
My uncle had also suffered.
And his father had also suffered.
And your uncle has run
away to become an ascetic...
...but those people rejected him
because his beard was not growing.
Got it?
Look, remember the
most important thing.
After I die, do not conduct
the rituals for the departed...
...on actual death anniversary.
Do it on the date you got married.
In the true sense
I had died on that day.
Father. Father, don't say this.
I am your son. No matter what
happens, but I will be with you.
My life increased by
10 years when you said this.
Look, son, just like there
is an age to get married...
...there is also an
age to beget children.
If you beget children
in advanced age...
...children are born with defects.
Cooking is an art.
Other artists are nonsense.
What...what did you say?
About what?
Just now you said
something about artist.
- No. Wasn't she saying that day?
- What?
That cooking is an art
and call an artist from outside.
The words were almost on my lips...
...that bearing children
is also an art.
Are we going to invite
artists from outside?
What are you saying?
What happened?
She is not an outsider!
She is the wife of your real son!
But what has happened?
Alka was right.
Earlier I was not ready
to believe it but now I am sure.
What? What?
That you are hatching
a conspiracy in this house.
- Conspiracy?
- Yes.
To convince me about how you
and I are suffering because of Alka... that I would sympathise
with you and get angry at her.
The two of us would get closer...
...but she and I would
distance from each other.
This is your conspiracy
against your own son.
I...I...why would I do it?
Because you are scared.
- Scare of what?
- That your one and only son... not becoming a
puppet in his wife's hands.
You should have that fear.
Why should I have it?
You are scared that someday
she will take this puppet...
...and leave to stay somewhere else...
...and leave you alone over here.
It is natural to feel this fear
when children become independent...
...and the parents become old.
Would I be hatching
conspiracies because of that?
I have seen in court many incidents...
...about what limits fear
can make a person to cross.
Mind your tongue, okay?
Mind your tongue.
I am your father.
I have seen many incidents
of father murdering his son!
I will slap you
if you speak nonsense!
Exactly what are you angry about?
I am angry because
you are trapping me... talking in riddles
like the lawyers.
Or are you angry because
you were caught red-handed?
You have been caught, my son.
I was happy that after a long time... son is sitting down
with me to have a chat.
But you were acting
as your wife's lawyer... make me loosen my tongue.
I have no objection in telling a bit
of lie in order to know the truth...
And I am not ashamed of it.
Yes, why would you
feel shame about it?
You have become
your wife's advocate.
Your shame has disappeared now.
Okay, I will become your advocate.
Speak. Come on.
This. Your inability
to say anything proves it?
What? What is proved?
That whatever Alka says is true.
- Really?
- Yes.
- Whatever she says is true?
- Yes.
Shall I tell you what
she is doing in this house?
Will you be able to hear it?
Yes, I will be able to hear it.
What was she doing?
She is hatching a conspiracy
and it is the right word.
If I say anything or do anything...
...she will fight with me,
and continue the fight all the time.
So one day you will
get fed up of the fights...
...and will say that you
don't want to live in this house...
...and want to live separately.
It is her conspiracy that
you should suggest this thing.
It is not so.
It is your misconception.
Believe me. Trust me.
Should I believe
you without any reason...
...just because you are my father
and saying so?
Isn't it called trust?
Otherwise would I have
begged you to trust me...
...if I were able to convince
you by providing a reason?
Tomorrow if Alka tells
me to trust her, what should I do?
Trust her only. She is your wife.
Do not taunt me like this.
You know that I have never
taken sides between you two.
So how does she know that
I had not allowed Sushila... wear Punjabi dress?
Or that I had not allowed
her to watch movies?
How did she know?
I had talked to her casually...
...the way husband and wife talk.
Yes, yes, it was casual talk,
but didn't she use that casual talk... a weapon against me?
She has not done anything like that.
And all this while you haven't
been able to prove anything... how can I believe
that Alka is responsible...
...for all that is
happening in this house?
Just because you are my father?
Or just by believing that
if there is a fight in the house...
...the daughter-in-law is responsible?
In every way you are looking
guilty so how can I take your side?
That's the thing. Once you already
decide who is to be proved guilty...
...then if you look for evidence
against him you will surely find them.
You would have found proof against
your wife also, but no... your opinion your wife is right.
Are you angry at her? Are you?
You are angry at your father.
Yes, I am angry at you.
I am angry at you only.
I accept we might have
made mistakes. I confess it.
But you should not do
this because you are my father.
Father, you had no right
to play games with my life.
What game? What game?
After my mother's death
I was left with only one place... receive unconditional love.
You have shut the
doors to it also forever.
Hey, don't speak like that.
You should not say this.
Why did you do this to me?
Why did you do it?
Now tell me how we can live
together in such a situation?
Do you have an answer?
Go away. Go!
Go today if you intend
to leave tomorrow.
But do not leave after
proving me to be guilty.
I am guilty. I confess.
But my crime is this.
That I use lesser brains and more heart..
...and have much more love for you.
This is my only crime. That's it.
All this was going on in your house...
...and yet you gave statement
to the police that the situation...
...was normal in the house
and there was no tension.
Isn't it surprising?
If small fights take place
in the house we can't say...
...that the situation
was tense, right?
Yes, but you had proved that
your father alone was responsible...
...for each and every fight.
Didn't you think
how mentally tortured...
...that man must have felt after that?
Just a minute.
Just a minute, inspector.
You are speaking as
if there is a relation...
...between the fights at
home and father's accident.
- Isn't there?
- What are you saying?
Under the influence of alcohol
father went near the railing...
...when he stumbled and fell down.
- Under the influence of alcohol?
- Yes.
Mr Mankad, do you always
consider the police to be stupid?
You are saying that this
was a simple case of accident... will I agree with you,
salute you and leave...
...saying, yes, sir, yes, sir?
So what do you mean to say?
This is not a case of accident.
Your father had tried
to commit suicide.
- Attempted suicide.
- What?
Yes. I hold both of you responsible... forcing your father Manukant
Mankad to commit suicide by...
...isolating him and systematically
torturing him mentally.
For suicide.
Abetment of suicide.
What nonsense?
How did the matter of suicide
come up out of the blue?
Do you think it is out of the blue?
Do you have any kind of proof?
I have enough proof
to prove it in the court.
Let us come back to 7th August.
Tell me exactly what
had happened on that night.
Both of us returned
home after having dinner.
What time did you return?
Exactly, please.
At half past ten.
No, no, at a quarter to eleven.
Alka, it was a quarter
past ten when we left from there.
No, no, it was 10.35pm
when we got into the car.
- I had checked the watch.
- What difference does it...
Okay, okay,
it was a quarter to eleven.
- So madam is right.
- Yes.
Had you gone to a party?
No, to a restaurant. Alone.
Why alone? It must have
been a special occasion.
No. it was not any special occasion.
It was your wedding
anniversary on that day.
Isn't it a special occasion?
Maybe, but it has no
connection with this case.
Let me decide whether
there is a connection or no.
You haven't mentioned this
in the statement to the police...
...and now also you
are not telling me.
So it is clear that if you
can hide such an ordinary thing... must have also kept
an important matter secret.
This is our personal matter.
Let me decide that as well.
Next? Go ahead.
Then both of us came in.
I saw that father is sitting here.
He had a glass of drink in his hand.
I had said hello to
him but he had not answered.
Perhaps he had drank a bit more.
- More?
- Yes.
Then I went to my room, changed
clothes and went to bathroom.
Madam, where were you at that time?
Father needs to be
given insulin every night.
Okay. Who gives it?
- I. I give it.
- Okay. Then?
Then I came out of the room.
Father was sitting here only.
I got insulin from the kitchen,
gave him the injection...
...and then I went back to my room
- Room? What happened next?
- Yes.
Then I heard shouting
from down there...
...and Mr. Mehta from
first floor told us that father...
All this was in the statement
you gave to the police.
Now tell me if you want
to change anything in this.
- What?
- Some points you might have forgotten...
...and have recalled now.
- Anything?
- No.
- Is this final?
- Final.
Okay. So according
to this statement...
...your father got up from this chair,
went to the balcony...
...and while going there, under
the influence of alcohol, right...
...he stumbled and fell down, right?
All that you told me, have you
seen taking place before your eyes?
How can it be? Didn't
I say that we were in our room?
Then this is your inference.
But there is no reason
to believe that other than this...
...something else had happened.
Not one, there are three reasons.
- What?
- Yes.
One, you said that
your father was drunk.
It is untrue.
Did he come to inform you?
Your society's secretary
Patel's statement says...
...that 10 minutes
before the incident...
...your father had
talked to him on phone.
This. It did not at
all feel like that man...
...was under the influence of alcohol.
Okay, so many persons' speech
is not affected after drinking.
But your father had correctly
dialled Patel's number.
- It is routine, sir.
- What?
Many persons can do such routine
tasks properly after drinking.
- Routine?
- Yes.
Fine. Routine.
Now tell me, did your father always
used to sit in this chair only?
- Here only?
- Yes, here only.
It was his favourite, right?
And then he used
to stand in the balcony.
It was his habit.
So you mean to say that the
task of getting up from this chair...
...and standing in the balcony,
which he has been doing since years...
...can't be called routine?
And this.
Look at this.
His blood report.
When he was taken to hospital,
these reports...
...were made as per routine only.
According to this report the alcohol
content in his blood is negligible.
He would have taken hardly one peg.
So do not say nonsensical
things like your father was drunk. your father was drunk.
And third thing.
Come here.
This is the third reason.
As per your statement
if this is an accident...
...a person would fall,
but he would fall closer over here.
But if someone jumps,
he will fall farther when he jumps.
And your father
was found on that car.
So in conclusion,
this is not an accident.
It is suicide.
But look at the height
of this railing.
How can a man of
my father's age jump?
I will show you. This.
This stool.
Your father climbed
on this and had jumped.
DNA was found on this.
Had you ever suspected that your
father might think about suicide?
No, never.
You, mister Ajay?
The thought had crossed my mind.
- What?
- Yes.
The thought had crossed my mind.
Ajay, what are you saying? And you...
Just a minute.
Just a minute. Just a minute.
Mister Ajay,
such an important thing...
...and there is no mention
of it in the report. Why?
Father would be sued
for attempted suicide.
He would be slapped
with Section 309.
There would be the hassle
of police and legal action...
...and in addition there would
be defamation in the society.
And you must have thought
about yourself also.
- What do you mean?
- It means
that if the father
meets with an accident... the son you would
be considered as negligent.
But if the father commits suicide... the son you would be
proved to be worthless, isn't it?
People of the society
would criticise you.
And madam, people would turn your
life into living hell at the college.
This is from the
society's viewpoint..
From legal viewpoint?
If your father meets with
an accident, you are not at fault.
You are not at fault.
But if it is suicide, under
Section 306 you would go to jail.
And surely you must have
thought about the adverse effect...
...on the business of a
lawyer who has been jailed.
This was the reason for not
giving the statement to the police.
Do not pretend about
father's name getting sullied.
Inspector, I am sure that
father has not attempted suicide.
Why are you spinning yarn?
I have proved to you that
your father had committed suicide.
Yes, tell me.
Yes, we are coming.
We are coming. Yes. Okay.
Father is critical.
Ajay, you don't trust me at all?
Why? What happened?
Father thought about
committing suicide.
You didn't tell me
such a serious thing?
- Shouldn't you already know?
- I?
You can see his whole X-ray.
Sorry. Sorry.
No. I am sure that father
would not do anything like this.
What do I do with your assurance?
The inspector is sure
and he will convince the judge.
And as soon as father
returns from the hospital...
- ...the rascal will throw him in jail.
- But you are a lawyer.
You know the best
lawyers in the country.
So what?
Just like teachers' children are
exempted from paying school fees...
...a lawyer's father cannot be
exempted from undergoing punishment.
Punishment for what?
How can you be sure that
father would do something like this?
Well, I can't be sure,
but after our argument that night...
...his behaviour was
surely not normal.
Cancel its subscription.
But you have been subscribing
to it since so many years.
There is no need now.
Are you going out?
One goes out from here, right?
Father, I am asking
where you are going.
I am going to return my medicines.
Aren't these the tablets
for your blood pressure?
- Yes.
- So why do you want to return them?
There is no need now.
What if it shoots up again?
Whatever is written
in destiny will happen.
Who am I to stop it?
Father it is written
in your destiny... live here in peace and have fun.
If it was possible to read fate,
people would have averted...
...bad things happening
to their relatives.
Mr. Mankad,
it is good that you have come.
His diabetes is under control
but blood pressure is fluctuating.
He is still critical.
- Can we see him?
- Yes, sure.
I still can't believe.
I still can't believe
he was depressed.
The behaviour of those attempt
suicide does happen to be normal.
Depressed people do
not move about with banners.
But Sangita was telling
me how jolly my father-in-law is.
How happy-go-lucky he is!
Hello uncle.
- Who is it?
- Sangita.
Yes, yes, Sangita. Right.
- Jamna!
- Coming.
- Take this.
- Yes.
- Didn't you bring ladies' fingers?
- They are expensive. Go.
- How are you?
- I am fine.
How is your health?
I am old now.
So I am having ups and downs.
No, no, you will have a long life.
Dear, I want a long
life but not old age.
Alka baby will be coming any time.
Uncle, actually I had come
to give wedding invitation card.
Whose wedding?
Uncle, card for my wedding.
Oh, you are not speaking about it.
Bless you. Bless you.
I too have been waiting
since long for you to get married.
You see, dear,
there is an age to get married.
Vermilion doesn't look
good in grey hair, right?
- What is the name of your husband?
- Mayur.
Oh, Mayur. I thought it
was the name of a wedding venue.
Mayur. You made Mayur
wait a long time.
Yes, uncle. I had told Mayur
that the wedding won't take place...
...until you buy your own apartment.
- Okay, so has he bought an apartment?
- Yes.
- Where did he buy it?
- Near Anand.
40 kilometres from here.
40 kilometres?
Will you go to live so far?
No, no, uncle, not we.
Mayur's parents.
My mother-in-law and father-in-law.
They will live there.
- Oh, they will live there.
- Yes.
Will they live alone?
What can we do, uncle?
Our house is small.
You see, dear,
a house isn't measured in square feet.
It is measured with love.
If there is love in hearts 10
people can live in a tiny house. 10.
And if there is no love even 3
persons cannot live in a big house.
There has to be love.
But how will they manage
everything by themselves?
- Uncle, we have made all the arrangements.
- Really?
Maid servant, meal supplier,
everything has been arranged.
Wow. At this age, outsiders are
of more help than family members.
Right, right.
We too have our own life.
We too need freedom.
How much we too can sacrifice?
Dear, the word sacrifice
never comes to parents' mind.
What freedom do parents have?
They cannot go to
watch movies and plays...
...because the child is small.
They cannot go out of town on vacation
because the child has school.
They cannot sleep
properly in the night...
...because the child's
tests are going on.
And if they want to
buy something on Diwali day..., no, save money.
We have to pay the
child's college fees.
The parents don't even realise
when 20 or 25 years of their life...
...have been sacrificed
for the sake of the child.
But they have said that
they don't have any problem.
Dear, by saying
no problem they mean...
...that they have no problem in
continuing with making sacrifices.
Try to understand.
But if we stay together
and daily there are fights?
Okay, so what if there are fights?
It is better to stay separately.
Yes, love becomes stronger
by living separately.
Really? Love becomes
stronger by living separately.
- Yes.
- Oh.
Then parents should
directly send the child... an orphanage
as soon as it is born.
Yes. Love will become
stronger by living separately.
Isn't it?
Bring tea!
- Hello.
- Whose call is it?
- Uncle, it is a call from Alka.
- What does she say?
Just a minute.
Hey, where are you?
I have been waiting at
your home since a long time.
Tell her that you have been waiting
since one hour. Since one hour.
Uncle, it has not
been one hour as yet.
What do you lose by saying so?
Tell her.
She is dim.
Really? Okay, fine.
I will directly go there.
What happened?
- Uncle, Alka is waiting for me.
- Okay.
But you must attend the wedding.
Cash, gift or something else?
No, no, uncle,
no cash, no gifts at all.
Really? Then I will come,
okay, dear? Then I will come.
Okay, uncle.
- Take care, okay?
- Yes, uncle.
Coffee time.
There you are.
Your inspector is mischievous,
but he is right.
What are you saying?
What are you saying?
Do listen to me. Do listen.
If the matter about abetment
of suicide is leaked to the media...
...and you get branded as the accused...
...then it doesn't
make any difference... matter how innocent
and good person you are.
Try to understand the
seriousness of the matter.
Your father is in hospital.
So the judge's sympathy
will also be towards him.
It is my advice that you should settle
the whole matter out of court.
Before things get worse.
Do talk to uncle Shrikant just once.
Father will also
give the same advice.
You too would have given
the same advice to your client.
You know in and out.
In the past also
we have seen many cases.
- Mr Mankad.
- Yes?
Sir has called you.
- Why?
- Sir will tell you.
- Call a doctor.
- Okay.
Inspector, I am Kartik Bhat.
I am a lawyer and
they are my clients.
Lawyer? Have they been arrested?
- Well...
- Keep your explanations outside, okay?
Go outside.
- But...
- Go out.
Madam, tell me.
let me be honest with you.
We don't know if father
has or hasn't committed suicide...
...but we have no hand
in whatever has happened.
Sir. Sir, I request you.
Please do something about this.
Nothing can be done in this case.
Sir, something...something...
There is nothing at
all which can be done.
- But, sir...
- I have called you here...
...because there is no need
to do anything about this.
What do you mean there is no need?
I mean when I had said that
your father had made an attempt... commit suicide,
it was my mistake.
It was my mistake and I apologise
for that. It was a mistake.
Just a minute.
I don't understand, sir.
It means that your father has not
made an attempt to commit suicide.
Full stop.
You see, Ajay.
I have been saying it all along.
Father cannot commit suicide.
Did you see?
This is called gold medal.
Do you have any sense?
Do you understand?
- But what happened?
- Ajay. Ajay, forget it.
Why forget it?
That day you were
pretending to be very smart.
I knew that day too.
- What?
- Just a minute. Did you know on that day?
I knew it.
And still you did all this?
I did it intentionally.
- Why?
- What for?
Madam, I wanted to do an experiment.
- Experiment?
- I wanted to do an experiment.
I wanted to see what
would be the reaction...
...if you give news to
a person's family members...
...that the person
has committed suicide.
And let me tell you, madam,
everybody gives different reactions.
Everybody has different reactions.
I told one son that his
father had committed suicide.
He completely broke
down then and there.
And look at this man.
Mister steel. Unshakeable.
You are sensitive, madam. Sensitive.
I had thought that it would
be reverse, but you are sensitive.
- Don't you feel ashamed?
- Ajay.
But why should I feel ashamed?
He is laughing.
He is laughing like a shameless man.
But I did apologise.
Why are you getting enraged?
I will get enraged.
I haven't forgiven you as yet.
So? Forgive me.
Breathe out. Cool down. Come on.
Desai, check if cappuccino
is available nearby.
- Ajay.
- Sir is very...
I am ordering cappuccino.
You, sir? But the junior
master and madam are not at home.
No? they had told me that
they are at home and I can come.
No problem.
Offer me nice tea made by you.
I have heard great praises of it.
Sir! Sir.
Hello? Madam,
the police officer has come.
He has gone to your bedroom.
Yes, and he says
that you had called him.
I am secretly calling you up.
Yes. Please come home quickly.
I am disconnecting.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing in my house?
Our investigation is pending.
- Investigation?
- What is remaining in investigation?
The main point is remaining.
What point?
Jamna, didn't you go to hospital?
You may go.
I will do the rest of the work.
Go. Leave.
Jamna, the tea was nice.
What point?
From accident you
changed it to suicide...
...and from suicide you
again changed to accident.
What remains in it now?
I have said that it
is not a case of suicide.
Yes, it is not. Correct.
When did I say that
it is a case of accident?
Just a minute. Just a minute.
So this is not a case of suicide?
- No.
- It is not an accident also.
- Absolutely not.
- So?
An attempt was made
to murder your father.
- What? Murder?
- Murder.
What are you saying?
Both of us were at home.
And this door was locked.
It is true. I have checked
the CCTV footage of the building.
I have interrogated the watchman.
I have checked the
doors and windows.
There are no signs of damage.
It is true.
Exactly. Someone comes from
outside and harms father and leaves...
...and we wouldn't even come to know?
- Madam, why are you acting smart?
- Acting smart about what?
When did I say that someone
might have come from outside...
...and could have committed murder?
When did I say that?
One of you two can
also do it, right?
There are three possibilities.
One, you may have tried to murder him.
Two, you may have tried to murder him.
And three, the two of you
together may have tried to murder him.
I don't know what your problem is...
...but I will give you a number.
Go and meet him.
He is a very famous occultist.
Only he will be able
to solve your problem.
On the basis of the evidence I have,
I am accusing you...
...of attempting to murder
your father-in-law.
Why would I even think
about murdering my father-in-law?
Because even after numerous
efforts you realised...
...that Mankad will not
separate from his father.
And, the harassment from your
father-in-law was going to continue.
So you were scared that you
were completely stuck in this trap.
And once a person is
scared he can take any step.
Surely you know it.
But murder over such a minor issue?
So how major an issue should
be to be suitable for murder?
People commit murder
over five rupees, don't they?
Whereas, this is a question
of this big flat. Why not?
- What?
- Yes.
What do you mean? What do you
mean it is a question of the flat?
A question of the flat means...
...suppose Mankad had
separated from his father...
...where the two of
you would have lived?
In a new flat?
From where would you get money?
Because this flat
is in his father's name.
You won't be able to sell
this flat without his permission.
So you lose out on the
fund available from this.
And I have checked details
of all your bank accounts.
Look. These are the details of
your savings and current accounts.
FD, shares, stocks, other jewellery.
Add all these and add
the amount of housing loan...
...and still you won't get
such a big flat in such an area.
That is why other than
eliminating your father-in-law... had no other way.
And hadn't you given
him an ultimatum...
...that if he doesn't take an action,
you will go to any limit.
Hadn't you said that?
- He is my father-in-law.
- Yes. So?
No law says that a daughter-in-law
won't murder her father-in-law.
It happens.
Look, inspector, stop your
nonsense and leave immediately...
...or else I will call the police.
Do I look like a postman to you?
Look, madam,
I don't want to take tough measures...
...and you have done nothing wrong
- You are not guilty.
- No.
Right? So you should have no
objection in answering my questions.
Got it?
Come over there and
answer my questions.
Alka, won't answer
any of the questions.
Madam, come. Don't waste time.
Alka, you won't say anything.
Ajay, I haven't done anything.
Let me answer him.
- Alka.
- He will be convinced.
Who used to give injections
to your father-in-law?
- Insulin.
- I.
And who used to buy those bottles?
From where?
From Prince Chemist
next to our building.
Loudly. Loudly. Which chemist?
Prince. Prince Chemist.
Prince Chemist.
Were you always buying
from Prince Chemist?
- Yes.
- What is the reason?
We have an account with them.
You have an account there.
When was the last time you bought
a bottle from Prince Chemist ?
15 days before the incident.
15 days before that.
The bottle found in your
father-in-law's bedroom...
...was not bought from Prince Chemist.
- Who told you?
- Who would tell me?
Every bottle has a barcode label.
Every bottle.
This label is not of Prince Chemist.
It is of Jolly Chemist.
Where is Jolly Chemist?
- Well?
- Jolly Chemist?
Jolly. Try to remember.
Try to remember.
- Outside the gate of your college...
- Yes, yes,
- There is a chemist, right?
- Yes.
I had bought from there.
- Yes.
- Jolly.
When had you bought the
bottle from Jolly Chemist?
The very next day
of buying from Prince.
- The very next day?
- Yes.
Why? Why the very next day
another bottle from another chemist?
Why not from Prince?
Had prince chemist closed down?
Was your account closed?
Had your father-in-law's
diabetes vanished?
What had happened?
Father had asked me to
buy an extra bottle, that's why.
- Father had asked?
- Yes.
Madam, approximately
how long does one bottle last?
- One month.
- It lasts for one month.
Weren't you surprised
that the very next day...
...your father-in-law asked
you to buy another bottle?
Anybody would be surprised.
- Verma, would you be surprised?
- Yes, sir, I would. I would.
Didn't you wonder?
- Yes.
- Did you?
Didn't you ask your
father-in-law the reason?
I might have asked.
I don't remember.
I was busy in college.
I don't remember.
You were busy?
Mankad, she is telling lies.
- What?
- She is telling utter lies.
Your father-in-law had not
told you to buy another bottle.
Why should I be lying?
I had bought it because
father had asked me.
Ask father if you wish.
Would I have asked
you this question...
...if your father-in-law
was in a condition to answer?
Would I have asked you?
- Inspector.
- Hey!
With which syringe you
used to give him the injection?
It was one ml BD syringe.
One ml BD syringe. Correct.
Apart from those,
was he given any other injections?
- Sure?
- Of course.
It is written in Panchnama that
another big 20 ml syringe was found.
- Of 20 ml?
- Of 20 ml.
I...I have no idea.
- No idea?
- No.
Do keep an idea, madam.
It has your fingerprints.
Look at this.
Alka, how did this
20 ml and fingerprint...
I don't know from where the
20 ml syringe came to our house.
Just a minute. Just a minute.
That day a big syringe
was lying on the table...
...and father had asked
me to keep it in the cupboard.
So I had kept it.
- If you wish ...
- Ask father-in-law.
I will ask your father-in-law.
So the syringe was
on the table. Good.
Now tell me, where did you
use to give him the injection?
In the hand.
There are two hands. In which hand?
- In the left hand.
- In the left hand.
Where in the left hand?
In the muscle of the arm.
In the muscle of the left arm?
Insulin is to be injected
in the muscle only.
Right. You used to give him
insulin injection in the left arm.
So how did the prick marks of
injection appear on the right wrist?
You used to give him
injections on the left arm.
So how did the prick marks of
injection appear on the right wrist?
Just a minute.
Just a minute. Just a minute.
When he was taken from
here to the hospital...
...he was given many other injections,
one might have been...
Even before the doctors
started treatment they noticed...
...prick marks of injection
on the right wrist...
...that is why his left hand was
used to give him blood and saline.
It is not possible at all.
It is written in the report.
See for yourself.
Look, I know nothing.
All I remember is that
the last injection I gave...
...was in father's left arm muscle.
- If you wish, ask...
- Ask father-in-law.
Ask father-in-law.
Ask father-in-law.
Madam, in your life
you would never have needed...
...your father-in-law so much.
- You are constantly humiliating her!
- Shut up!
You are liars!
I will narrate to you
what had happened that night.
You returned home
after anniversary dinner...
...and you saw that your father-in-law
is sitting there in the chair.
So as soon as Ajay went
to the bedroom, you rushed...
...and opened the fridge, took
out the bottle from Jolly chemist...
...and filled the 20ml
syringe bought in advance...
...and injected your
father in the vein.
You know very well that
if you directly give someone...
...such big dose in the vein the
person would collapse there itself.
But you didn't want your
father-in-law to die in the chair...
...because there would be a problem
if an investigation was conducted.
So you got an idea.
You went to the balcony and told
your father-in-law to come there.
There is a nice breeze. You
will feel good if you stand here.
Saying so you took
him to the balcony.
And pushed him even
before Ajay came out.
It would prove that it
was an accident and not a murder.
You planned everything
in a fool proof way.
This...all this is a lie.
Nothing like this happened.
It is impossible that Alka
would do something like this.
It happened exactly like this.
But that day you said
that it is a case of suicide.
You had said that the
distance is more from here.
Isn't it correct?
Whether someone falls willingly
or on getting a push by someone...
...he is bound to fall at a distance.
What rubbish?
Don't you believe it?
Come here.
Let me try it on you. Come here.
You are turning this simple
suicide case into a murder case.
Amazing. When I said that it is a
case of suicide you were objecting.
Now when I say that it is a case of
suicide. Then also you are enraged.
And the moment I proved
it to be a murder, you were ready... accept it as suicide.
Well? Why?
Because in the court
it will become easier... win a case of suicide
rather than a case of murder?
Look, please confess this...
I haven't done anything at all.
Why don't you understand?
Once your father-in-law
regains consciousness...
...and again gives
confusing statements...
...I won't be able to help you.
We don't want it.
We don't want your help.
Look, you will benefit if you
help the police in investigation.
Get the hint. Okay?
Show me where you have
kept the 20 ml syringe.
Come on!
Yes, Kartik, tell me.
Did you talk to uncle?
Yes. Listen, I have talked
to my father. When he lands...
Okay, okay. As soon as
he comes out of the airport...
...send him to my house.
Why? What happened at your house?
The inspector has turned
this case into a murder case...
...and he has put the blame on Alka.
And he is saying that
she brought a 20 ml syringe...
...and injected it in the vein.
Just a minute. Just a minute, Ajay.
Just a minute.
Murder, 20 ml, what are you saying?
I will give you the details later.
Tell uncle to talk
to the commissioner. Okay?
Okay, come on.
I want to get an arrest warrant.
I will talk to you later.
I will talk later.
Go in and check.
Keep a watch. He should not goof up.
What? Yes.
In the name of Alka Mankad. Yes.
Alka Ajay Mankad.
Sir. - Mankad. MANKAD.
- Inspector.
- D. D.
And send a lady constable.
That's right.
Oh, no, no, Parmar is there,
but the accused is a woman.
Yes. Send soon. Urgently. Okay.
- Tell me.
- Just a minute.
Why the arrest warrant?
- Why?
- Yes.
Your wife has confessed the crime,
that's why.
- What?
- Yes?
Okay, so prepare FIR. I will be
at the police station. I am coming.
Just a minute, sir.
Just a minute, sir.
Sir, do not file FIR right now,
please. Please.
You are amazing.
Wouldn't you advise us to file FIR...
...if you were our lawyer, and we
had all the evidence and confession?
- Listen to me.
- Wouldn't you?
Would you or wouldn't you?
- I would. I would.
- Yes?
But sir, please listen to me.
Two minutes.
Immediately send mister
Bhargav from forensic.
Send him immediately.
Tell me.
Sir it is my request to think
about this case with sympathy.
- I will surely have sympathy.
- Thank you. Thank you.
But my problem is,
for whom should I feel it?
For your father who is in hospital...
...or for your wife who
is sitting in there? Well?
Sir, she is not a habitual criminal.
Even the court doesn't
take seriously...
...a crime committed
under provocation.
You are saying funny things.
What provocation?
She had bought the
bottle 15 days in advance.
She had kept ready
the filled syringe.
It's a pre-meditated
cold-blooded murder attempt.
But did the murder take place?
I mean...
But a crime was committed, right?
Sir, you are not ready
to think from Alka's side.
For that I need less of
brain and more affection for you.
Your father had that.
But it is your bad luck...
...and my good luck that
I am not your father.
Hey, where are you wandering?
'Where are you stuck?
Where are you wandering?'
Sir. - Can't you see this
big building with nine floors?
Okay, wait there. I will tell Parmar
to send you the location. Okay.
- Parmar!
- Yes, sir?
Send the location to these people.
is it possible to
do anything at all?
I am ready to spend money.
How much?
Five lakh.
Five lakh.
Yes. Five lakh.
Have you lost expensive garments?
Okay, 10 lakh?
10 lakh.
20 lakh.
- 20 lakh?
- Why, is it insufficient?
I am wondering whether
you are putting a price tag...
...on your hospitalised father's life...
...or on the prestige of
your about to be jailed wife.
Look, sir,
if there is anything else...
...which can be done in this case,
please tell me. Please.
Note down a number.
Just a minute.
Tell me. Who is it? what number?
- His name is Badrinath.
- Okay. Who is he?
He is a magician.
He takes out a cap from a parrot.
He takes out a parrot from the cap...
...and then the parrot
wears the cap and flies away.
Are you joking in this situation?
Mankad, you are joking.
Your wife calmly
throws your father down...
...and you are sitting with
me and negotiating like a trader?
Would you have stood by your father...
...if he had flung down
your wife in the same manner?
How much money would
you have offered?
You would have sued your
father and sent him to jail.
There is.
There is a way to save your wife.
What...what way is there?
You confess to this crime.
- What?
- Listen.
Confess to it.
Say that you attempted
to murder your father.
Got it?
You are showing the way
out of frying pan into the fire.
Yes, because directly or indirectly... are responsible for this crime.
Mister, you have given
a contract on your father's life.
How am I responsible in this?
Let us look at it indirectly.
Tell me,
when would any daughter-in-law...
...think of murdering
her father-in-law?
- When?
- When she becomes absolutely sure...
...that the son has no feelings
at all for his father.
How would you know how much
feeling I have for my father?
Why? Let us check that as well.
Tell me. Did you need
your father in any way?
- Need?
- Need. Need.
It means, was it making
any difference in your life...
...or in your career as a lawyer,
or in your social standing...
...if this man was
or wasn't in this house...
...or if he is or
is not in this world?
- Was there any change because of it?
- No, but...
That's it, then.
So it won't be wrong to say that for
you, your father was like appendix.
It means it won't
make any difference...
...whether it is or
is not in the body.
But if appendix starts giving pains... have to cut and discard it,
isn't it?
That is what happened.
You could not support your father.
At least support your wife.
Be of use to at least someone.
'Yes, sir?'
Send the madam.
We will do something.
- Madam.
- What?
You need not worry now.
Mister Ajay has taken
blame for this crime.
Ajay, what crime?
The inspector says that
you made an attempt to murder...
...but I am responsible for it.
I...I have not made any
attempt to murder, Ajay!
- What?
- Yes.
But he said that
you confessed in there.
I have not confessed to anything.
He told me that if I
want to escape from all this...
...I should not come out
until he calls me, so I...
Just a minute.
He said and you believed it?
Of course he would believe.
He would believe, madam.
He had offered up
to 20 lakh to save you.
But under the pretext of saving
you he wanted to save himself.
Now I will prove how
you are directly responsible.
- Parmar!
- 'Yes, sir?'
What is this?
Look at this.
I had come with your arrest warrant.
Now tell me.
You say that this is a new railing.
Yes, it is new.
How was the old one?
It was just like this one.
Was it made of plastic?
Have you ever seen
railing made of plastic?
That's why I am telling you
to give straightforward answers.
- How was it?
- It was similar. Made of iron.
How can an old man like your
father break strong iron railing?
All that is written
in the panchnama.
That is the problem with panchnama.
They just write that
the railing broke.
But they don't write at all about
how it broke and what had happened.
Madam, later we did
full investigation we found...
...that the screw with which the railing
was fixed in the wall, is missing
The screw is missing.
There is no sign of it.
And then God knows
why I thought of it...
...but I got all the details
of your credit card.
Which hotels you go to, from
where you buy clothes and shoes...
...everything. Everything. Everything.
Did you get all the information?
We policemen do
not get enough salary...
...but otherwise we get everything.
And in the shopping list I saw...
...that you had secretly
bought a screw driver.
What do you mean by secretly?
I needed it so I bought.
Why did you need a screw driver?
I wanted to fix the
rod of the bathroom curtain.
- Oh. Did you do it?
- I didn't.
- Why?
- I didn't do it.
I couldn't spare time, I
was not in the mood, I didn't do it!
Okay, okay, forget it.
Tell me where the screw driver is.
Here it is.
Was the screw driver
used in this house?
It was not,
I mean I haven't used it.
- You haven't used it.
- No, sir.
Madam, have you used it?
- You too haven't used it.
- No.
Now tell me,
was the old railing green coloured?
- Grey colour.
- Grey. Okay, fine.
Madam, come here.
What colour you see on its edge?
- Grey.
- Grey.
Doesn't it mean that this
screw driver was used in this house?
Now I will tell you who used it,
and when and for what it was used.
Before you left for dinner,
mister Ajay had loosened the screws...
of the railing with the
screw driver, so that the railing...
...would separate from
the wall and become loose...
...because he knows that
every evening his father...
...comes and stands here.
When he stands there, he would
put his weight on the railing... would break and
father would fall down.
And all this would
happen in your absence.
But it was your bad luck
because it didn't happen that way.
And you came home at
night after having dinner.
You saw that father is
sitting there in the chair.
So you were very upset
because as per your plan...
...this incident hadn't
taken place at all.
So the moment your
wife went to the bedroom...
...your mind got busy thinking
how to take father to the balcony.
And you got an idea.
You went to the balcony,
and said to your father...
Look. Look,
I have bought a new car. Look.
And your father came to
the balcony to see the new car.
And before your wife came out,
you calmly picked up your father...
...and threw him down
from the balcony...
...which would prove that this
is an accident and not a murder.
It is a lie! Everything is a lie!
Are all the evidences wrong?
Once you already decide
who is to be proved guilty...
...then if you look for evidence against
him you will surely find them.
It seems I have heard this before.
Who had said this?
- My father.
- Yes.
Inspector. Inspector, listen to me.
It's impossible that
Ajay would do this.
Pick up and fling your own father?
We wouldn't even think about it.
Please, inspector. Please.
Your husband hasn't done anything.
And you too haven't
done anything, madam.
So this is a simple
case of accident.
What do you mean?
Is this your new theory?
No, it is not a theory
or a game or a joke.
This is fact and that
too in your father's words.
This is not arrest warrant, okay?
It is your father's statement.
The statement says...
'The children came home at night
after having anniversary dinner.'
'I was sitting here in the chair.'
'Alka gave me insulin injection.'
'After giving the injection
she went to her room.'
'And as was my habit,
I went to stand in the balcony.'
'I saw that the rain had stopped...'
'...and I saw that the
railing was unstable.'
'On checking I found that the
railing's screw had become loose.'
'So I tried to tighten
the screw with the screw driver...'
'...but its threads had worn out, so
the screw came out and fell down.'
'I switched on the balcony
light to look for it...'
'...but the light didn't switch on.'
'So I took up the stool, climbed
on it and tried to check the bulb...'
'...when I got a shock.'
'I don't know what
happened after that.'
That's it.
But...but the 20 ml syringe?
Yes. Your building's gardener
had given it to your father-in-law... put medicine
into the flowerpots.
And the other bottle?
The chemist had told him that there
was going to be insulin shortage... he should buy extra,
as a precaution.
Yes, but you had said
that the distance was more.
You see, whether someone falls
willingly, or by someone's push...
...or due to electric shock,
he is bound to fall at a distance.
Are you satisfied?
Do you have any question?
- No.
- Okay.
No, but do you have
any other questions?
Madam, why would I have questions?
From day one I know that
this is a simply a case of accident.
There was no murder or suicide.
- What?
- Yes.
So did you know this from day one?
From the day I stepped
into this house I knew...
...that this is a case of accident,
that's all.
So why did you play this prank?
Since three days you have
been playing this charade.
Do you have any idea
what we have been through?
Which law gives you a right
to harass innocent people like us?
Mankad, forget the law in your books.
My opinion about it is third grade.
Your law is third grade.
Your law punishes when a
crime is committed against humans.
The law doesn't punish when a
crime is committed against humanity.
- Humanity?
- Humanity too has laws, Mankad.
Ask your conscience.
Are you really innocent
in this case? Ask.
What do you mean to say?
When I had come on the first day,
you had said...
...that you had acted smart
and silenced your father.
About how you had made him shut up.
By growling like wild
cats you had made your father...
...crouch like a rat into a corner.
Then I had thought that
this is not acceptable.
This should not be tolerated.
Your father must have
wanted to say a lot.
He would have tried to say also.
But the poor man didn't know
that no matter how nice a poem... write in a mathematics
test paper, you will get zero marks.
So I thought that I will
teach you such a lesson...
...that you will be
shaken to the core.
What lesson?
Changing the simple
accident case into suicide...
...and then into murder by you,
and then murder by you.
Didn't I prove it?
Yes, but you wouldn't have been
able to prove anything in court.
I too know it.
What new thing did you say?
And yet didn't you get nervous?
Hadn't you become helpless? Well?
Excuse me, inspector.
Wouldn't a person become nervous...
...if you put so much pressure on him?
Oh, wow, madam.
Were you under pressure?
Well-educated people like you?
So think about what pressure
your father must be feeling.
What pressure?
We have not brought
any pressure on him.
And I have fulfilled
all the duties as his son.
What duty are you talking about?
What duty?
The duty that you didn't
throw him out of his own house?
Or the duty that he
would get meals twice a day...
...medicines, and clothes to wear?
This duty?
If you donate to old age homes...
...people do fulfil such duties.
What are you saying? He is
not living alone in an old age home.
He lives here with us.
Mankad, there is a very big
difference between living together...
...and being there for someone.
When did you go with him
to watch a movie or a play?
When did you go and
have cappuccino with him?
You didn't take him with you
for dinner on your anniversary also.
Together. Tell me one thing.
What was the first thought
that crossed your mind...
...on the night your father fell down?
About the daily fights
you were having...
...who is right or wrong amongst you...
...or that you will lose
your father's affection forever...
...if he doesn't survive?
May I ask a question?
It is a bit weird
but it is very important.
When had you last
touched your father?
- Touch?
- Touch.
When had you taken your
father's hand in your hand...
...or hugged him,
or has caressed his back?
Can you remember?
When was the last time?
all these are small things.
No, no, no, madam, no.
These are not small things.
At this age you will think so,
but let me tell you...
...this is not a small matter.
For years on end if someone's
body hasn't been touched... none except the family doctor... is not a small matter.
No touch from his own children?
No touch even from near and dear ones?
Small matter?
Sir, the commissioner
has called you outside.
What is the matter?
Sir. Sir, what is going on?
I mean earlier there
was misunderstanding...
...but now there is full clarity.
- It's all good now.
- Just a minute. Just a minute.
Relax. It's not for you.
Shall we leave?
Sorry for troubling you like this.
What is going on, Jadeja?
I had warned you earlier also...
...that this kind of social
work is not acceptable.
You have a problem with your family,
especially with your son...
...but it should not affect
your work and your behaviour.
And surely not in this manner.
I am sorry, sir.
Jadeja, you have not made
this mistake for the first time.
So there is no point
in saying sorry...
...especially when
mister Bhatt is involved.
Jadeja, I am suspending you.
An inquiry will be
conducted against you.
- Sir...
- You are dismissed.
Jadeja. Jadeja, listen. Listen.
Don't worry. I will try
to explain to mister Asthana...
...that he should not suspend you
or conduct an inquiry against you.
And if you want to make a
compromise, then take retirement.
Only two months remain
before you will retire.
This is the one and only option.
And sit down with your son
and sort out any problems you have.
Your responsibility is to
reform your son, not other's sons.
Those having similar miseries
have similar appearance.
When the inspector had come
to the university, he had said that...
...those having similar miseries
have similar appearance.
Are you also thinking
what I am thinking?
Yes, Kartik.
We have decided that
we want to withdraw...
...the complaint
against mister Jadeja.
Yes, I am sure.
- 'He is here. He is here.'
- 'He is here.'
'Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.'
Now be sensible.
She is over smart.
- Manu.
- Manu, how are you?
Fine. Fine.
Fine. How are you, sister?
Have you made pickles?
- Manu, how are you?
- Absolutely fine.
- How are you, Patel? Good?
- Yes.
Oh, Monika, you are here?
Of course. We missed you so much.
I too missed you,
all of you very much.
We are glad you are back,
brother Manu.
Manu, just Manu, okay?
This is for you.
Dear, take it.
I saw you in day
time for the first time.
Hello. Is everything fine?
Oh, God.
There is nothing like home.
Come here. Sit.
- Take me there to the chair.
- Yes.
- Slowly. Careful
- Okay.
I can see and understand everything.
And I have understood
one thing properly.
Which one?
One should never try to directly go
down without using lift or stairs.
You will break your bones.
I survived. I was saved.
- Father.
- Yes?
This is for you.
What is this?
It is in English.
You only read it out.
Dear father,
we love you and we missed you.
Only this much?
You bought such an expensive
card to write two lines.
Father, it is expensive
but it is very valuable for us...
...just like you.
Son, shall I ask you something?
To say this, were you
waiting when I will fall down?
No, father.
Had I known that I would
have jumped long time back.
- Father.
- Bless you. Bless you.
Good. Good. Good.
How much did it cost?
It is very expensive
because it is big.
Oh, God. Why do you waste money?
The hospital expenses
are still there.
- Okay, do one thing.
- Yes?
You read it out and I heard it.
now return it.
Yes, ask the shopkeeper
to return part of the money.
What else? The purpose is served.
What is its use now?
What are you saying?
I have made it myself.
- Yes.
- How can you make it yourself?
- Don't tell lies.
- Really. Look at the drawing.
Okay, do one thing.
Do one thing.
Rent it out in the building.
There is a father
in everybody's house.
Rent it out to them.
- Father.
- Yes?
Today I have cooked the food myself.
She cooked even when
I had stopped her.
I returned home after so many
days and I will have to go hungry.
- Oh, God.
- It is your favourite.
- Jamna has not come today?
- No.
Had the old woman
come to the hospital?
- She had.
- She had come to see you.
My health had worsened
when she had come.
She must have pulled a tube.
She has so much affection for you.