Dear Mr. Gacy (2010) Movie Script

The year was 1978
when the killing spree of
John Wayne Gacy finally came to an end,
as Chicago police arrested him
and began digging up bodies he
had buried under his Summerdale house.
Many called it the crime of the century.
Some of the bodies were clothed
and three of the bodies had
ropes around their necks.
He killed 33 times
and his victims were all boys
and young men between the ages of 14...
He says he's a victim
for being found guilty
and he says the families
are victims
because they don't know who
the real killer is.
Testimony provided
a frightening view inside the mind
of the worst mass killer
in American history.
When you have a child
taken out of your life,
it's like a huge piece
being ripped out...
Cook County sheriff's
deputies investigating the disappearance
of a teenaged boy
made a gruesome discovery
in the crawl space
beneath a Chicago residence.
The owner of the house is local contractor
John Wayne Gacy.
The bodies of 28 victims have
been recovered...
He knew exactly what he was doing;
he planned it in advance;
he carried it out
and he enjoyed it.
spree was initially uncovered
on a cold December day
when the first of his victims
was found in the crawl space
beneath his suburban Chicago home.
In the crawl space,
bodies covered with lye
dug up a few days before Christmas,
one after another.
The bodies of 28 victims
have been recovered;
another five retrieved
from the Des Plaines River...
Tuesday, four bodies;
Wednesday, six bodies;
and today, six bodies.
Skeletonized remains
of human bodies.
At one point he told police
how he murdered his victims.
Now he's telling me he never did.
John Wayne Gacy was
convicted in 1980
for the rape and murder
of those 33 boys and young men,
many of whom he buried
under his Chicago house
while others were found
in the Des Plaines River.
That was 13 years ago
and today attorneys have filed
their final appeal
with the Seventh Circuit Court
while Gacy remains on death row
at the Menard Correctional Center
in Illinois.
The US Court of Appeals
upheld his conviction and death sentence,
a move that could clear
the way for his execution within...
Who are they talking about?
He just filed his last appeal.
About what it's like to
be waiting to die on death row.
Due to be executed in six months...
Feet off the coffee table.
No, I don't sit around
worrying about the death penalty.
See, I'm a PMA kind of person...
positive mental attitude.
I don't have time
for negative thinking and death...
This guy's been in prison since '78
and they're just gonna kill him now?
The reason it takes so long is
'cause of our appellate system.
And refuses to cooperate
with law enforcement.
This thing that I did...
no, if I'm guilty of anything, it's operating
a funeral home without a license.
And you want a career
in law enforcement?
These people are
so incompetent.
Okay, Mom.
They had no confession.
I'm an embarrassment to
the criminal-justice system
because it's easier to kill me now
than to admit that they screwed up
Authorities have tried
on numerous occasions
to elicit a detailed
confession from Gacy,
but he has remained tight-lipped
about the crimes ever since his conviction.
With time running out
for the death-row inmate,
the truth may never be revealed.
Antisocial Personality Disorder,
or APD,
is characterized by a lack of regard
for the moral or legal standards
in a given culture.
There's also an inability
to get along with others
as well as to abide
by societal rules.
Now individuals with this disorder
are often referred to as psychopaths
or sociopaths, but in fact we know...
Yes, Jason?
Doesn't the DSM have
a broader APD category
that includes people who commit illegal,
immoral or self-serving acts,
but they're not necessarily
What's the DSM?
Oh, would you care to
enlighten the class, Jason?
Sure, it's the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders.
And although it has some
problems with reliability
and is considered culturally biased,
it is the major resource
for mental-health professionals.
- Well, thank you, Professor Moss.
- Mm-hmm.
Well, that's not precisely correct,
but I'd say it's close enough.
Uh, okay look,
we're going over,
so why don't we stop there
and we will pick it up again next week?
Thank you.
- I'll catch up with you, okay?
- Okay.
Professor Harris?
Can I talk to you
about the term paper?
Term paper? That's not due
till the end of the year.
Yeah, I know. I just... I want
to get a head start on it.
Sure. What's your question?
So I want to do my paper
on John Wayne Gacy.
What's the angle?
Well, there's a thousand angles
that could be explored...
um, capital punishment from
the perspective of a death-row inmate;
does Gacy fit the typical FBI profile
of a serial killer?
And he's... he's scheduled
to be executed in six months,
so he might be more willing
to talk to me.
You know, Jason, I've read
a hundred papers on serial killers
and quite frankly, I think
the topic's overexposed and trite.
You're gonna have to demonstrate
a really strong academic angle here.
I'll work on it.
I'll get back to you.
And don't forget, this paper counts
for half your final grade.
Yeah. Yeah, I'm not worried.
Hi, Mr. Gacy.
So where's the big guy?
He had to make a delivery
but he should be back soon.
What kind of damage is
he looking to do now?
I think he was talking about tearing down
that back wall by the storage area.
All right, I'll go take a look.
How's it going, pal?
Did you get your Christmas bonus?
No, not yet.
- You?
- No, not yet.
Well, it better come in soon.
How much you make
an hour here?
You know, I pay my guys $7.50.
You interested?
Oh shit.
Where the fuck were you?
I know, man, I'm sorry.
I got held up.
Look at me. Hey.
What the fu...
Alex, why does that guy
keep fucking with you?
Just drive, okay?
I want to get out of here.
- Later.
- Bye, Alex.
I'm sorry I was late.
You guys are late.
I know, Mom. It's my fault.
Alex, take your hat off at the table.
It's not polite.
- So how was school, boys?
- It was good.
Did you hear me?
Alex, do what your mother says.
What the hell happened
to your eye?
- Nothing.
- What do you mean, nothing?
It doesn't look like nothing to me.
Jason, what happened?
It's not a big deal, Mom, okay?
He just got into it
with some kid at school.
You should see the other kid.
Alex really held his own in there.
- I don't support violence in this house.
- It wasn't in this house.
Don't get smart with me.
Pass the salad.
- So guess what?
- What's that, Jason?
I'm gonna write a letter
to John Wayne Gacy.
And who is John Wayne Gacy?
He's a psychotic murderer, Frank.
You don't know who
John Gacy is?
So why are you contacting
this psychotic murderer, Jason?
For my criminology class.
Does he write his letters in blood?
Frank, are you hearing any of this?
Come on, Valerie,
what's the point?
Let him write the letter.
Probably won't even write back.
- I don't care. The answer is no.
- Valerie...
- No, I'm telling you...
- Dear Mr. Gacy,
my name is Jason Moss
and I'm an 18-year-old college student.
I'm writing because I thought you might
get bored or lonely where you are
and might want someone
to correspond with.
I've been seeing you on TV a lot lately
and I wanted
to talk to you directly
as I'm sure most of what the media
says about you is a lie.
At the moment I live at home
with my family.
And if they found out I was writing
to you, they'd probably kill me.
But my mom is pretty much against
everything I do anyways,
so what's the difference?
I have to admit that
I'm really not much of a student.
I barely graduated from high school,
so it's a miracle I even got into college.
But I'm just gonna go
for a year or so to appease my parents
and then when I can get
enough money together
I'll move out.
I can't wait.
At this point, I don't really know what
else to say until you write me back.
If you should need anything like paper
or supplies, just let me know.
I'd be happy to help.
I'm sure there are
many others who write you,
but I hope you take the time
to write me back.
You'll see that
I'm a pretty nice guy.
I look forward
to hearing from you soon.
Your friend, Jason Moss.
Look, Sam, I need to know how long
this habeas corpus review is gonna be.
I mean on average...
how long does it take?
I know that, Sam.
I'm just trying to figure out
how much time it's gonna buy me,
you know?
I know you're working hard.
I know that.
Listen to me, buddy,
you've got to know
that I'm counting on you here, pal.
All right, all right.
All right, keep me posted.
If you hear anything, get back to me.
Good news?
He's an attorney;
there's never any good news.
But no worries.
You know me, Stan.
I got friends in high places
pulling strings for me.
I'm sure it'll all work out then.
Yeah, it's no problem, buddy.
...and his motive unclear.
In the summer of 1985,
Southern California was held hostage
by a rabid creature of the night,
a phantom killer who cloaked
himself in darkness
and soon became known as...
What the fuck?
Look at this.
- What is this?
- It's a questionnaire.
Where'd you get it?
It's from John Wayne Gacy.
The serial killer?
I told you, I'm writing him
for my criminology paper.
No you didn't.
I didn't? Really?
Look, you know, I probably
didn't think it was a big deal
because I never thought
he'd write me back, but...
"What's your relationship
like with your parents?
Do you have a girlfriend?
How often do you masturbate?"
That's disgusting.
Why are you writing to this guy?
I just told you...
it's for my paper.
You couldn't think of anything else
to do your paper on?
No, this is what's intriguing to me.
You're not really gonna tell him
about yourself, right?
No no.
That wouldn't be
the best approach, would it?
So I see Victor Leon Carsenos
is back on your most-wanted list.
Didn't you guys arrest him in '92
for felonious homicide?
Yep, but he got off
on a technicality.
So what's the urgency, Mr. Ross?
Uh, it's... it's this, sir.
And it's "Moss."
- A questionnaire?
- From John Wayne Gacy.
I wrote him for my criminology term paper
and he sent me that back,
so I was hoping the FBI would be able to
give me some more information on him.
Well, unfortunately you're barking
up the wrong tree, son.
We don't have any information here
on John Gacy.
If we did have anything, it'd probably
be at the Chicago bureau.
Really? 'Cause, well,
he lived here in '62.
He worked part time
as a janitor at a funeral parlor.
And then shortly after that,
he was convicted of child molestation
for which he served only 18 months
of a 10-year sentence.
Well, you know
so much about him,
what do you need me for?
Well, I was hoping you could tell me
something I didn't already know.
Look, son, like I told you before,
we don't have anything here
on John Gacy.
And the only thing I heard about him
was about some kid
that claimed he had
an encounter with Gacy.
But that was all over
the news when he moved here,
so I'm sure you already
know about that.
An encounter?
Like what do you mean...
he survived an attack?
Who was it?
I don't remember the kid's name.
Have you guys ever tried writing him
from a potential victim's perspective?
All psychological profiling's
done out of Quantico,
so you'd have to talk to them.
Yeah? Okay, do you have someone
I can contact there?
Listen, kid, you're what... 18?
Go get laid.
Find a party, have fun.
Don't get caught up in
all this shit
'cause it's only gonna
lead to trouble.
Write your term paper
about legalizing marijuana
and go be a teenager,
for Christ's sake.
Okay. Well, thank you.
So tell me about
your relationship with your father.
I could never get along
with my dad.
I mean, he was always
just too overbearing.
I was always dumb and stupid.
I would never amount to anything.
So I said to hell with it.
I remember one time I was
rasslin' around with some older kids
and I passed out.
So I was always more or less
a sickly kid, you know.
And I guess that embarrassed him.
Okay, so you continue to deny
the murder of those 33 young boys,
but how do you explain the bodies
found beneath your house?
The state wants you
to believe this fantasy theory, right,
that the motive was sex
and that they were all killed so that
they couldn't tell anyone what they saw.
That's ridiculous.
It doesn't hold water.
The facts don't match the fantasy.
Which raises the question
who John Gacy really is...
the 34th victim.
Are you a homosexual?
I would definitely not
be homosexual.
Now I have nothing against
the things that they do
and I openly admit
that I've engaged in sex with males.
But I would be bisexual.
I mean the idea that
I'm some crazed homosexual killer
strolling around the streets
stalking and murdering
young altar boys is ludicrous.
Hell, if you could have
seen my schedule,
you'd know damn well
I was never out there.
I would definitely not
be homosexual.
Now I have nothing against
the things that they do
and I openly admit
that I've engaged in sex with males.
But I would be bisexual.
What are you doing?
What does it look like?
Since when does
Jason lift weights?
Since now, okay?
Hey hey, go get your camera.
I need you to take
some pictures for me.
Of what?
Come on, let's go.
- This is ridiculous.
- Would you just hurry up, please,
before Mom comes home?
Why are you trying to look sexy?
Because, buddy,
Gacy's a homo
so I need to look like a homo,
do you get that?
- Come on.
- This is so disgusting.
Just take the picture.
Oh, wait wait wait.
How are my abs? Are they good?
I'm not gonna look at your abs.
Alex, could you just
help me out, please?
I need to make sure
these come out right, okay?
- Your abs look fabulous.
- Thank you.
Okay, one more, one more.
How'd that look?
Open D-32.
Hey, Picasso,
your mail's here.
How's it going, buddy?
Another clown, huh?
Well, that's what
the people want, Stan,
that's what they get.
How else could I be able to afford
this lavish lifestyle in here?
Speaking of lavish lifestyle,
your Cubans came in.
Oh yeah? Great.
Well, back to the grind, huh?
Where are you off to
in such a hurry?
I thought maybe we'd kick back
and smoke a couple of these babies.
You know the rules.
Hey, Stan?
Rules are meant to be broken.
So why are you here?
- Best to your family, pal.
- Close D-32.
My relationship with
my parents is not the greatest.
My mom is always on my ass
trying to control my life.
My dad's normally more passive.
However, he has a temper
and loses it once in a while
and can beat my ass pretty good.
Nobody knows I'm thinking about being
a nude dancer to earn extra money,
which is a bit tight
for me right now.
I don't even know
why I'm telling you all this.
I guess I just feel like
I can open up to you.
Well, I really want us
to become friends.
So I look forward to hearing
back from you soon.
Yours, Jason.
One of the things
you should know about me
is that I'm open-minded, outspoken,
not very tactful, nonjudgmental,
liberal, and I say what I mean.
The only thing I ask is
don't assume anything of me.
If you're not sure, then ask.
Nothing offends me
and nothing is personal.
No subject is off limits
as long as you're willing
to be just as open
and honest as me.
I want you to feel free to
say what is on your mind, good or bad.
Even if it's 20 pages long, I want
you to tell me everything about you.
Don't worry about
what I might think.
I am truly fascinated to know about
the ideas, thoughts and emotions
that enter your mind.
I am a very liberal person.
And since you said you will not
share my letters with anyone,
I feel I can confide in you,
as I hope you can also do with me.
As far as sex goes,
I haven't done a lot.
I don't have a girlfriend or anything,
but I have an open mind
to try many different things.
You want my opinion
on something, that's what you'll get.
I want to know all your innermost
feelings and thoughts.
What do you fantasize about?
You say that you're thinking about
hustling for money, I say go for it.
But you have to promise you'll
tell me all about it. Don't hold back.
I want details... everything.
You and I are gonna
be real close, buddy.
Professor Harris?
Professor Harris?
Yes, Mr. Moss?
Hi. I wanted to share
my new angle with you.
- What's that?
- Well, read it.
A letter from Gacy?
- You got him to write to you?
- Yeah.
What are you gonna do with it?
I'm gonna get information out of him
that no one else has been able to...
not the police, not the FBI,
not even his own wife.
I'm gonna get inside this guy's head
and figure out what makes him tick.
Well, that's quite a lofty goal, Jason,
but I still don't know
what your paper's about.
Well, my paper is about
journeying into
the mind of a serial killer.
Is that a strong enough
angle for you?
Okay, Jason, you're going
to do what you want anyway,
so go ahead.
But don't let your ego
get in the way of your instincts.
This guy's talent is
fooling people into trusting him.
Yeah, but that's also his weakness.
He's so convinced
he always has the upper hand,
he wouldn't even for an instant think
that one of his potential victims
could be way ahead of him.
I'm working on a strategy.
I even found a guy
who survived an attack.
You give me a couple of weeks
and I'll have him eating
out of the palm of my hand.
- Can I help you?
- Yeah, Mr. Phillips?
Hi, I'm Jason Moss.
I'm a student at the university.
- I'm doing a paper about John Gacy...
- Not interested.
Whoa whoa, hey hey!
Just hear me out.
Get the fuck out of here.
I'll just take up five minutes
of your time, I promise.
Come on, you know him
a lot better than I do.
I just want to figure out
how he operates.
What part of "Get the fuck out of here"
don't you get?
Look, I wrote him, okay?
And he wrote me back.
He's very interested in me.
Yeah, of course he's interested.
Listen listen, I didn't mean
to make you feel uncomfortable.
I just... you know, I thought
you could help me figure out
who I'm really dealing with here.
I hope you never find out.
I have a collect call
from inmate John Gacy
from the Menard Correctional Center.
Will you accept the charges?
Yes yes.
Uh, yes, Operator, I accept.
Go ahead, sir.
What's up, buddy?
How did you get my number?
It's not listed.
I told you I got friends
in high places.
What's the matter?
You don't like surprises, Jason?
So what are you doing right now?
I'm just sitting around watching TV.
Well, I was...
I was sleeping.
Oh, the time difference,
that's right.
Sorry about that.
I don't really sleep too much.
No no, no problem.
So what were you doing?
Out late banging your girlfriend?
Uh, no.
I told you, John,
I don't have a girlfriend.
That's right. That's right.
I can't believe I'm actually
talking to you right now.
I know this must
be awkward for you,
but just try to relax, you know?
Tell me about your day.
How's school?
You still flunking out?
Don't feel bad.
I was never much
of a student myself.
My teachers were all assholes.
You asked about a sense of power.
Now I think everybody feels
that when having sex.
The power to get somebody off
with your tongue is wild.
I could even see doing that
to you and having fun.
Holy shit, John,
it's almost 7:00.
Shit, my parents are gonna kill me
when they get this phone bill.
Don't worry about that, buddy.
I'll send you money for the calls.
Wow, that'd be great.
Thank you.
I've got your back, bud. Hmm?
I know money's tight
for you now.
Yeah, it is.
You should think about going out
hustling like we were talking about.
A pretty boy like you
would make a lot of money.
Yeah, probably.
Well, do it.
Talk is cheap, man.
Why don't you go out tonight?
Okay, I will.
- Yeah?
- That's a good idea.
I'll give you a call tomorrow at 4:00.
You can tell me all about it.
- And Jason?
- Yeah?
I want to hear every last detail.
Bye, John.
you are a fucking genius.
If you're hustling on the street,
location is crucial.
Don't pick an area that's too busy.
And watch out for the cops,
those fuckers.
Wear something nice,
like a pair of cut-off shorts
to show off your sweet ass.
And you want to walk in a way
to attract attention.
Be sexy.
Try working your hips.
And when you approach buyers,
remember to be flexible.
They've got the money
so they're in control.
And they're gonna want to do it all...
fuck you in the ass, the mouth;
want you to fuck
and suck them... all of it.
You're there to provide a service.
It's nothing personal.
But make sure you
get paid upfront.
There's a lot of fucked-up people
out there in the world
that are gonna want
to take advantage of you,
so always watch your back.
Excuse me?
Well, look what
the cat dragged in.
Um, I was just wondering if l...
Oh, and he's shy too.
What's your name, kitty cat?
It's Ja... Jack.
So how do you want it?
No, actually, I was wondering
if I could pay you
just to talk to me.
No, see, I'm a student.
I'm trying to write a paper...
- Oh, hell no.
- Wait wait wait, hey hey.
- Wait wait.
- You a pig?
No no, I'm not.
I just want to ask you some questions.
I have money. I can pay you.
Come on, "Ja... Jack."
I know the perfect place.
So is this... is this where you take
most of your customers?
Hey, this is my special friend.
Get him a drink.
So tell... tell me about
your approach.
Like what kind of language
do you use?
You know, the terms you use
for describing your various services.
Drink up.
Like what do guys
usually ask for?
Most guys just want a blow job
or they just want to be the top man.
Sorry, what? "The top man"?
You really don't get out much,
do you, kid?
That's where they get
to do me from behind.
That costs the most.
I get it all though... everything from
guys paying to suck my dick
to me fucking them up the ass.
Anyone ever try to hurt you?
I was sucking some guy off
when he put a knife to my throat.
I tried to finish him off and get out of there,
but he fucking cut me anyway.
Was he trying to kill you?
This is fucking boring me, all right?
Finish your drink.
I want you to meet a friend of mine.
I want you to meet a friend of mine.
This is my special friend.
Trust me. Go ahead.
Trust me.
Oh God.
You okay?
You didn't show up at class. You haven't
missed class since third grade.
Yeah, I was just feeling a little tired.
Hey, come here.
Give me your hand.
Come here, sit down.
You know, Jason,
I don't think
this Gacy thing is healthy.
You know... oh God.
Listen, if you're here to lecture me,
I'm just not in the mood for it.
No, I don't want to lecture you.
I'm concerned about you, Jason.
You haven't been the same
since you started writing to this guy.
I just don't have the strength
for this right now. Can we do it later?
- No, you keep putting me off.
- Yeah.
I want to know what's going on with you.
This isn't fair.
I just... I'm feeling... I'm feeling like
I might throw up.
I'm feeling really sick, so...
maybe if... if you could just go?
If you could just go,
we'll talk about it later, okay?
- Fine.
- Thank you.
- I hope you feel better.
- Okay, thanks.
- Hello?
- You have a collect call
from inmate John Gacy from
the Menard Correctional Center.
Will you accept the charges?
- Yes yes, I accept the call.
- Thank you.
- Hey, pal.
- Hey.
So how'd it go last night?
Uh, not good, John.
What happened?
Well, I picked this guy up
on the street, right?
And we went to the club,
we had a drink.
He offered me $200
to be his top man.
But when I stood up,
I realized that
that fucker had drugged me.
Oh shit.
So what'd you do then?
I ran.
That fuck stole my wallet too.
That pussy cock motherfucker.
You want me to have him
taken care of?
What do you mean?
I know a lot of people out there, Jason.
They'll find this cocksucker
and they'll cut his dick off.
I'm very protective
of the people that I'm close to.
No no, John,
don't worry about it.
So why weren't you more careful
about who you picked up?
I told you you've got
to learn to read people.
You've got to figure them out
before they figure you out.
You've always got to be
five steps ahead of everyone,
so that you're the one
who maintains the control.
I watch people very closely when
they don't know I'm watching them.
I try to figure out
where they're going,
what they're thinking,
what's really going on in their mind.
By observing their behavior,
you can learn what their weaknesses are,
their vulnerabilities, their fears.
And once you get into their minds,
you've got the power.
- To do what?
- Anything you want.
Well, John, thank God
I've got you to talk to about these things.
I'm learning from the best.
We're a lot more alike than you think.
I just taught you.
Now it's your turn to teach me.
What I want to learn all about
is that little brother of yours.
- What are you doing?
- Nothing nothing.
- What are you doing?
- I just got out of class.
Listen, I'm sorry about the other day.
I was just... I was feeling out of it.
I'm much better now though.
What are you doing?
Do you want to go hang out?
Yeah, I have to study,
but maybe you could come with me
and we could get
a movie or something after?
Yeah yeah, that sounds good.
- Cool.
- Okay, come on.
So if opposite charges attract
and two like charges
repel each other,
what is the nature
of their mutual interactive force?
What do I look like to you,
an encyclopedia?
- Hmm?
- Jeez, somebody's cranky.
Get out of here.
Don't. Get out of here.
We're in a library, okay?
What the hell are these?
Would you give me... give 'em!
They're for my paper.
- For your paper?
- Yes, for my... for my paper.
I posed like this when I first sent Gacy
a letter so he'd write me back.
I can't take any more
of this Gacy shit, Jason.
- It's gone too far.
- Would you keep your voice down, please?
- What is the big deal?
- What is the big deal?
My boyfriend is posing seductively
for a serial killer in prison
and you don't think it's a big deal?
People already think you're gay, Jason.
I don't give a shit
what people think.
- Are you gay?
- Am I gay?
You know what, Alyssa?
You can go to hell.
- Hey.
- Hey.
You wanted to borrow this, right?
- Oh yeah. Thanks.
- Yeah, no problem.
So l...
Gacy was asking about you.
- Gacy?
- Yeah.
- Why me?
- I don't know. I don't know.
I'm still trying to figure it out.
- But well, he wants to talk to you.
- I'm not talking to a killer.
I know.
Look, I think I can get around it
if he just gets a letter from you.
I'm not writing him a letter either.
I'll write the letter.
Okay? All you have to do is
just copy it in your handwriting.
Why do I have to get
dragged into your shit?
Come on, Alex man.
My plan is working here, okay?
I'm getting him to open up and give me
a lot of really good information.
I don't want to lose him now.
Alex, please, man, just...
just this one time, okay?
Come on.
Alex, just this once, okay?
Thank you.
Dear John, I am
so fucking pissed off right now.
My father beat my ass again last night.
I fucking hate him.
I'm so sick of feeling this way.
I can't trust anyone.
I'm not sure I even want
to live anymore.
What would you do
if someone beat your ass?
I've thought many times
about killing myself,
but the Bible preaches against
taking your own life.
Then again,
sometimes it's the right thing to do.
Jason, your life will hit
rock bottom some day.
And when the time is right, you'll know
what to do and how to do it.
But don't worry, Jason.
I'm here for you.
I'm your friend,
your only friend right now.
~ Fall on your knees ~
~ O, hear the ~
~ Angels' voices ~
~ O night ~
~ Divine... ~
It's kind of tough around here.
A guy can't even get off in peace.
I got 24-hour whack-off patrol
up my ass.
So listen, John...
can I ask you something?
Do you feel any remorse
for killing all those boys?
Jason, I never killed anyone.
Look, I took three
and a half hours of truth serum
and they found that I had no knowledge
whatsoever of the crimes.
Yeah yeah, but would you
feel bad if you did?
Why would I feel bad?
Those hustling bitches got
what they deserved.
Nobody asked them to go out there
on the streets selling their asses.
They were just begging to be killed
and that's exactly what they got.
No, but they weren't
all prostitutes, John.
There were other kids too.
What kids?
I don't know what you're talking about.
How did you lure them
into your house?
What was your method?
You can get anyone
to do anything you want
if you play on their fear.
And the feeling of energy
you get from someone's fear
is unlike anything
you could ever imagine.
Tell me about that.
I don't want to talk
about all this negative bullshit.
What I want to talk about is that skimpy
letter your brother Alex sent me.
I thought you told him
that I wanted more details.
I did, I did, John.
But he... you know, he's stubborn.
I can't control him.
He does whatever he wants.
Oh really?
Well, you said to me,
and I quote:
"My brother looks up to me
like I'm a hero.
When I tell him to jump,
he says, 'How high?"'
Well, he hasn't been
in the best of moods lately, John.
He keeps getting his ass kicked every day,
so just cut the kid some slack.
What the fuck is
he getting his ass kicked for?
What is he, some kind of a pussy?
No, he... no, he's not a pussy.
He just... the other kids are
a lot bigger than him.
Oh, fuck that.
You need to jump in there, Jason.
You need to be a fucking man.
You get a 2x4 and you crack
this cocksucker's head open if you have to.
You don't want people saying that the Moss
brothers are a bunch of pussies, do you?
No no, of course not.
Oh, Jason,
you and I are a lot alike.
But your brother Alex...
now he's not as strong as us, you know.
So he needs
to be led by example.
And the same thing applies
to the bedroom.
You know?
I've been giving this
a lot of thought lately:
You know, you two,
you can get each other off
just as well as anybody else can.
You know, your brother,
he's in a bad mood
'cause he obviously isn't getting any.
Don't you see what a waste that is?
Nobody would ever have to know.
All you gotta do
is slip into his bed one night and start
rasslin' with him till you get him hard.
And then you let your head
drift down into his crotch,
and then you put it in your mouth.
And then he'll resist
and he'll fight at first.
But after awhile, he'll get into it
and he'll let you finish the job.
You know what, John?
My mom's coming. I gotta go.
This is Jason. Leave a message.
I'm sorry, sir,
there's no one available at this number.
Please try your call again later.
All right, that's it, people.
Don't forget the due date
of your term paper is coming up
and I am expecting
nothing short of brilliance.
Can I see you for a minute?
So what's up?
You're missing class. And when you are
in class, you don't ask any questions,
not that I miss that.
I think maybe you got involved
with something that...
You're not my father, okay?
I get enough of this shit from my parents.
You're gonna get your precious
term paper, but in the meantime,
just get off my back about it.
You have a collect call
from inmate John Gacy
from the Menard Correctional Center.
Will you accept the charges?
- Yeah, I accept.
- Thank you.
Jason, where the hell have you been?
I've been calling you for days.
Well, I've been busy, John. Okay?
I have a life, you know?
What did you do?
You find someone else?
- What are you talking about?
- What are you, writing to another inmate?
What, I'm not good enough
for you anymore?
John, John, it's not like that, okay?
You think you can just ignore me?
That's not how it works.
You don't play both ends against
the middle with me, you little shit.
- I won't tolerate it!
- Hey hey hey, John,
just calm down.
Do you have any idea who I am
and what I'm capable of?
Because I know who you are
and where you live.
For all you know, I could have
somebody sitting outside right now
watching you and your family.
What are you talking about?
You know exactly what
I'm talking about.
Don't play me, Jason.
Remember who I am.
How could I forget?
And don't go taking your friendship
away from me
and I won't have to take something
away from you, you got it?
Yeah, I got it.
Remember who I am.
Always remember who I am.
Oh, you think you scare me, huh?
You think you scare me?
Huh? Well, I got you, you fuck.
On the fucking ground.
Put your fucking hands up!
On the ground!
Who are you talking to?
No one.
Why isn't the car washed? I asked you to
wash the car before we left for Grandma's.
- I am not going to Grandma's.
- What do you mean, you're not going?
It means I'm not going!
Look, I just have a lot of important things
on my plate right now.
I can't be worried about going
to Grandma's house.
- Oh really?
- Yeah.
Well, then maybe your father
and I should stop worrying
about paying the bills around here
and you can start fending for yourself.
Yeah, maybe you should.
Hey, where are you going
in such a hurry, faggot?
- None of your business.
- Huh?
- Fuck off, Marcus.
- Come on, man.
Get the fuck out of my face.
Oh, you're fucking dead.
- Hey hey!
- Jason, what the heck?
Jason, that's enough!
Stop it, let's go!
- Hey! Hey, you two!
- Come on.
Hey, Jason.
- What's with him?
- What else is new?
Where have you guys been?
You know I wanted
to leave before it gets too dark.
We got held up.
Why does he get to stay?
Because your brother's going through
some teenage life crisis.
Go get your bag.
Let's go.
Sure, let's just worry
about psycho Jason.
Go get your bag.
What are you doing here?
What are you doing with a gun?
Well, there's been
a bunch of break-ins,
so we... we got it
to protect ourselves.
Hey, do you want
to come in for a second?
I mean, as long as you're here,
you know?
Okay, just for a second.
I have a collect call
from inmate John Gacy.
Yes, I accept.
- Are you fucking kidding me?
- Go ahead, sir.
Jason, they denied my appeal.
They're gonna kill me
in six fucking days.
My fucking piece-of-shit lawyer
said it would never happen.
John, John, slow down.
I can't understand you.
- No, wait, Alyssa, don't leave.
- Forget it, you made your choice.
Jason, are you listening to me?
They're gonna kill me in six days!
Okay, John, slow down. Alyssa!
- Who the fuck is Alyssa?
- Jason, forget it! I'm done, okay?
I thought you said
you didn't have a girlfriend.
- It doesn't matter, John.
- I thought you were my friend.
I thought I could trust you.
Wait wait,
what are you saying, John?
You pussy-whipped
little cocksucking piece of shit!
The room is nice. I like it.
I always close the curtains too.
On the bed.
How original.
Take off your stockings.
How do you want it?
Lie down on the bed...
on your stomach.
On your stomach.
- What are you doing?
- Just stop talking.
I'm not comfortable with this.
- Just stay still.
- Motherfucker, let me go!
- Shut up, shut up.
- Stop it!
Someone... no! No!
- What are you fucking doing, huh?
- Stop!
What are you doing?
Just shut up.
Shut up. Shut up.
Shut the fuck up!
Shut up.
Jason, there's a lot I want
to get off my chest before I die,
and you're the only one I can trust.
Like what, John?
I can't tell you over the phone.
I need to see you in person.
I'll even let you see
my top-secret files.
And don't worry,
I'll pay for the whole trip.
It'll be fun.
It's perfectly safe too.
I mean, there's cameras and guards.
I can even have
the warden call you if you want.
- The warden?
- Yeah, he can tell you how safe it is.
I already spoke to him. He said that
he would be pleased to talk to you.
Would you like me
to have him give you a call?
I look so forward
to meeting you, Jason.
Open up, please!
I need to talk to you.
Look, Gacy is gonna be executed, Glen.
I need to talk to you.
He wants me to come visit him.
Aw, fuck.
I'm sorry to keep bothering you.
I know how hard this must be.
I need to figure out
who I'm really dealing with here.
And nobody knows that
better than you do.
So you're gonna go see him?
I don't know.
That's why I came here.
You can't go there.
Tell me what happened.
You want another Scotch?
- Yeah.
- Bottoms up.
What are you doing?
Just clowning around, buddy.
I'm just clowning around. Oh.
You would be surprised all the tricks
you can do when you're a clown.
You want to see a magic trick?
Here you go.
Huh? Go ahead.
Put 'em on.
Make sure they're nice and tight.
- Yeah.
- Ready?
It's your turn now.
Go on, put 'em on.
- Go on.
- What's the trick with these things?
The trick is to have the key.
I've got something real special
for you now.
I told you to shut your mouth,
you pathetic little cocksucker!
No. No.
Hey hey, relax.
You're really gonna enjoy this.
No! Let me out of here.
Let me out!
I got this specially
picked out for you.
Ah ah ah!
- Come on, step that fat ass up.
- Ah! Please.
Please let me go.
I jumped from the car.
And I broke
seven bones in my body
and I didn't feel a thing.
I hope that this helps you
make the right decision.
Hello, Mr. Moss, this is Warden Michaels
from the Menard Correctional Center.
I understand you have
some questions for me.
Yeah yeah, I was thinking
about visiting John Gacy
and I just wanted to find out
how safe it would be.
Well, Mr. Moss, there are a lot of
safety precautions here at Menard.
Well, is he going to be
in the same room as me?
No, you would be in two different
rooms with a glass partition between you.
Mr. Gacy will have his arms
and legs shackled
and there's a... there's a camera
in the room where the visitor is seated
that is monitored at all times.
And what about the guards?
Well, there'll be a number of guards
and you'll be under constant surveillance.
If there are any problems,
a guard will be right there.
There hasn't been an incident
here at Menard in many years.
Security is just too tight.
You trust me...
you'll be completely safe.
- Jacket too?
- Mm-hmm.
Step through, please.
Arms up and out to the side.
Follow me.
He's all yours.
Sign here, here and here.
- What is this?
- A release form.
For what?
It says we're not responsible.
Excuse me?
In the unlikely event hostages are
taken inside the prison,
we won't negotiate for your release.
So what you're saying is
that if someone were to take me hostage,
you'd let them kill me
before you did anything to save me?
Exactly. Sign there, please.
- Have a nice day.
- Mr. Moss?
Officer Thompson.
Nice to meet you.
Mr. Gacy is very excited
to see you today.
That's good.
Right this way.
Go ahead.
Jason, oh my God.
It's so nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you too.
Look at you...
you look great.
Hey, Stan, would you mind taking
a picture of Jason and I?
- Yeah. Sure, John.
- A little something for posterity.
Something to remember me by.
Excuse me, guard?
- Where are you going?
- Have fun, boys.
Whoa whoa, hey hey hey!
What are you doing?
Where are you gonna be
if I need you?
Jason, come on, relax.
Everything's okay.
Please make yourself at home.
Sit down.
I mean, seriously, sit.
It's all right.
Hey, can I have
the guys bring you a pop
or a chocolate milk
or something like that?
- No. No, I'm good.
- You sure?
This is perfect.
I can't believe you're here.
I mean, look at you.
Thank you for coming.
You know? Seriously, bud.
Yeah, no problem, John.
You know, I just wanted
to be here for you.
I appreciate that, you know?
So tell me about yourself.
Hey, you're not out there
hustling anymore, are you?
- No no no, not too much anymore.
- Mmm.
So how's the girlfriend?
Alyssa, right?
Yeah yeah, she's good.
She's still there.
Giving her the old hard one?
What's all this stuff?
Oh, this is everything I promised you.
Here, check this out.
Got everything...
newspaper clippings,
notes from my trial;
I got letters from "Inside Edition,"
channel 7,
all wanting interviews with me.
Look at all these letters.
I get thousands of them, you know?
I get 'em from all kinds of people...
movie stars,
rock stars, porn stars,
politicians, women.
You know?
Here, check this one out.
See this trailer-park bitch?
She's got two sons
incarcerated right now.
She says she wants
to have my baby.
Can you imagine?
Why would I ever want
to get mixed up with trash like this?
Wait, it gets better. Here.
This is her sister.
They've offered to give me
the classic mnage trois.
Can you imagine? Between the three of us,
all this blubber moving around?
You look good.
This food's not so bad.
The fellas treat me pretty good
around here. Isn't that right, Stan?
You got it, boss.
I ordered this dessert especially for you.
It's my favorite...
strawberry shortcake.
I'm full, John.
Thanks though.
So John, you know how at your trial,
you said that you didn't kill
all those boys under your house
and someone else must have done it?
I want to try to find
that one statement.
I mean, who do you think did it,
John, if it wasn't you?
Do you have any idea
how weak you are?
I could just tell you
to fuck off right now...
and you'd have no one.
What would you do without me?
I don't know, John.
Where would you be without me?
You know, if I was a bad guy,
I'd tell the police
what you do with your brother,
they would take him away
and you would go to jail.
Yeah, but you wouldn't
do that to me, right? Hmm?
I didn't say I would do it.
Just remember who I am.
I know who you are.
John, we're buddies, right?
That's right.
That's right.
tell me, did you
have a smooth flight?
Yeah yeah, it was fine.
There was no problems.
And did you get that painting
that I sent you and the travel money?
I did. I did. Thank you for that, John.
I really appreciate it.
Of course.
I've got your back, pal.
So, John,
you said you had some things
to tell me when I got here.
You know, some things
you wanted to get off your chest.
Do for me and I'll do for you.
John, tell me about that kid
you admitted to killing.
Okay? The one that you picked up
at the bus stop and had sex with.
I woke up and he was standing
over me with a knife.
He was gonna rob
and kill me.
I didn't have any choice.
Yeah, well, if it was self-defense, John,
why didn't you just call the police?
Well, the son of a bitch,
he shouldn't have attacked me.
But he wasn't attacking you.
Right? I mean, wasn't he
just making your breakfast?
What the fuck are you
talking about?
You don't stand over a man
with a knife when he's sleeping.
So what happened
after you stabbed him?
Nothing happened.
Let me tell you something, Jason:
You can always tell
when a man is dead
because he shits all over himself.
The little cocksucker
stunk up the place
so I buried him
in the crawl space.
How did it feel to kill that kid?
Did you feel powerful?
Jason, Jason,
you have no idea
the power you feel.
- How'd I feel?
- Yeah.
I felt fine.
I slept fine.
I am fine, aren't I?
Let me tell you something.
Do you have any idea
how long it would take the guards
to get here if you screamed?
Maybe one or two minutes.
I could kill you right now
if I wanted to.
You know that, don't you?
Huh? You know that?
Yeah, John.
But I got other plans
in mind for you.
You see that table there? Look.
That's where I'm gonna do you.
And after I'm done, I'm gonna wrap
my hands around this throat
and I'm gonna squeeze
until it breaks.
John, John, John, why are you
talking to me like this, huh?
"John, John, why are
you talking to me like this, huh?"
You know something, Jason?
In person you are
really a disappointment.
Oh, you know what you are?
You're a little pussy boy, huh?
A little pussy boy.
A little
pussy boy.
Here you go.
- It's black. Where's the cream?
- Well, I forgot.
Check out monitor 3.
It's kissy time.
That's fucking sick.
Leave the guy alone.
He's gonna die in a few days.
Least we can do is let the poor fuck
get his rocks off one more time.
- Doesn't mean I have to watch.
- Then don't watch.
You bitch.
You like getting fucked, don't you?
Like when you're hustling and selling
your sweet little ass on the street?
Well, now you're gonna get
what you've been asking for.
What the fuck are you doing, John?
Shut the fuck up!
All right, that's enough.
This is over!
Who the fuck are you
to tell me it's over?
I'm not who you think I am,
John, all right?
Guards, open this fucking door!
You know how many little pussy boys
like you died for this cock?
Get on your fucking knees.
Fuck you.
Now open your mouth.
Open your fucking mouth.
- I said open your fucking mouth!
- God.
You fucking piece of shit.
It hurts to let the demon in, doesn't it?
- But you feel good.
- You mother... I'll fucking kill you.
- Get off him, boy.
- I'll fucking kill you.
- Let him go.
- You fucking little cunt.
Who's the clown now, John?
You fucking piece of shit.
- You'll be there with me!
- Fuck you.
I told you we're alike.
We're exactly alike!
It's okay.
Oh, Jason.
This is Jason. Leave a message.
Jason, it's me.
Pick up.
What's wrong?
I don't understand.
They're gonna kill me in a couple of days.
Why are you abandoning me?
What is it?
What did I do?
Was it the little fight we had?
If it is, l... I'm sorry.
I'm... I'm really sorry.
You little cocksucking jackoff.
Do you have any idea
who you are fucking with?
I should have choked the life out of you
when I had your throat in my hands.
You know what I'm gonna do, Jason?
I'm gonna send your letters to the cops
and the FBI.
I'm even gonna send
a copy to your parents;
let the whole world know what
a sick perverted cocksucker you are.
You want to send
those letters to my family,
then the police, John?
Well, go ahead.
Because everybody up here knows that
I was just studying you for school.
You were an experiment, John.
I was playing you from the start
and you were too stupid
to figure it out.
What do you have to say now, John?
Tonight I'm standing outside
Illinois's Stateville Penitentiary
where John Wayne Gacy will be executed
for the 33 murders
he was convicted of 14 years ago.
Three drugs will be administered
in 30-second to one-minute intervals:
Sodium Pentothal,
an anesthetic;
pancuronium bromide
to paralyze the respiratory system;
and potassium chloride
to stop the heart.
If all goes as planned,
Gacy will be pronounced dead
within 10 to 15 minutes.
Jason, come on.
- Jason?
- Just go away.
...from the scene.
And some of the families of Gacy's victims
are present for the execution.
One family issued a statement saying,
"Nothing will ever
bring our son back,
but after 16 years,
justice is finally being served."
Meanwhile, protesters...
We've just received confirmation
that John Wayne Gacy
succumbed to lethal injection
and was pronounced dead
at 12:58 AM,
nearly an hour after
his scheduled execution time.
Cheers from the crowd were heard
when his death was announced
while others continued
their protest in silence.
So I have read
your term paper.
And it's very good.
Thank you.
So do you really think you were able
to get inside his mind?
as close as anyone can get.
Well, listen, obviously you've been talking
to a lot of people about this
because there is a lot of buzz
on campus about your project.
I know some of the other students
have been talking about your letters
and even some of the faculty are
aware of what you've been doing.
I was wondering,
would you be willing
to put on a small presentation
for the department?
Nothing too formal...
just talk to us about what you learned
and how you developed
this rather unusual methodology.
While this sociopath was
trying to humanize himself to me,
the images of the boys
he killed never left my mind.
Their innocent faces
still remind me
of just how unthinkable
these crimes were.
And the losses that these families suffered
should never be forgotten.
We live in a society
that is fascinated
by murder, killing and violence.
So I thought I was just one
of many with a morbid interest
in the darker side
of human nature.
But I also wanted
to conquer something that I truly feared.
Instead of running away
from this monster,
something told me
I should confront it
and look it in the eye.
When I first embarked
on this journey
to enter into the mind
and manipulate
one of the world's
most notorious serial killers,
I never imagined that the one
who would ultimately be manipulated
and controlled would be me.
Thank you.
Very good, Jason.
Well done, Jason. Very good.
Well, Jason,
you really took me for a ride.
You were right,
I never saw it coming.
Of all the people who
fucked me over in my life,
I never thought it would be you.
But it must have been fate.
Thousands of people wanted me,
but I picked you.
We had a real connection,
the two of us.
And now that I know the truth,
I know more than ever
that you and I are
a lot more alike than you think.
It's time to die now.
See you on the other side, buddy.
I portrayed an image to Gacy
of this lonely boy that had no friends.
I wanted someone
to teach me or help me.
I presented myself as very naive.
I didn't want to just learn about Gacy.
I wanted to actually talk to him,
find out about his crimes,
find out the things
that no one else
could find out about.
I thought, "I'm gonna find the secrets
that the FBI couldn't figure out.
I want to do
what the psychologists failed to do."
And every letter I got back, I thought that
was one step closer to finding out
why Gacy buried those kids.
But he was also a part
of my life for seven months.
He was my friend, my confidant,
the subject of all my nightmares.
But it's weird to know
that he's gone.
~ Maybe I left you alone too much ~
~ Maybe I didn't know you well ~
~ Maybe if I held you a little longer ~
~ When you were a boy ~
~ Maybe I would have been
able to tell ~
~ You dance with the devil ~
~ You'll never be the same ~
~ I wish I'd have known ~
~ I'd make you stay with me ~
~ My forever won't change ~
~ Like a wound I keep on paying ~
~ Time won't heal this kind of pain ~
~ I watched you walk
down that road ~
~ I saw a side you never showed ~
~ Pretended like it was okay ~
~ I never wanted it to end this way ~
~ If you survive ~
~ You'll never be the same ~
~ I wish I'd have known ~
~ I'd make you stay with me ~
~ My forever won't change ~
~ Like a wound I keep on paying ~
~ Time won't heal this kind of pain ~
~ My forever won't change... ~
~ Won't change,
won't change... ~
~ My forever won't change ~
~ Like a wound I keep on paying ~
~ Time won't heal this kind of pain ~
~ My forever won't change. ~