Death's Sonata (2024) Movie Script

Charles, don't fucking do this.
Untie me.
Let me down and I promise
I'll make you some help.
Untie me Charles!
Don't fucking do this.
Why do you feel
you need to see me?
The state sent me to you.
I know.
But you didn't have to come.
- I guess.
- I know your story.
You do?
Of course I do.
You are mentally unstable and
unable to function in a day to
day environment.
So the state gives you a place
to live and pays
for you to live.
And they send you to me?
So I'll ask you again.
Why do you feel
you need to see me?
Because the state will probably
cut me off again if I don't.
You see that?
Look, I don't play these.
This will only work for either
of us if you are honest.
I don't care what you
do out there, Matthew.
But in here.
In here we are honest.
Is that clear?
So tell me.
Tell me what your days are like.
I wake up.
I look around,
and I wonder what the
fuck I'm supposed to do.
So when you wonder
what the fuck it is you're
supposed to do, in your words,
not mine.
Do you wonder why
you're even here?
Why you are still alive?
Every day it's
all I think about.
Do you think about,
All the time.
I can't.
I can't do it.
You do realize you're not the
only one in the world that
feels that way, right?
I'm not an idiot.
Yes, I know that.
So let's talk about
your addiction.
What addiction?
I can see it in your eyes.
You can tell me
what we talk about.
Stays between these walls.
I'm fine.
I don't have any
addictions, Matthew.
You are high right now.
What pills did you take
before you came here today?
It's oxy, okay.
- Oxy what?
- Oxycodone.
That must have been an
expensive habit.
How can you afford that?
How can you afford it on
assisted living?
What does it matter?
I fucking have
it, and I take it.
It helps me.
Who wouldn't want to feel
numb all day, am I right?
My normal meds don't do shit.
Oxycodone helps.
Shuts everything down
and makes me feel,
There is no cure
for what you have.
Taking pills like that won't do
anything but kill you slowly.
Exactly. It's what I want.
Why not just shoot
yourself then?
It's a lot quicker.
Certainly a lot cheaper.
Because why?
I thought so.
So tell me about your family.
Not much to say.
My parents couldn't handle my
depression, so
they sent me away.
Ten years later, here I am.
State pays my bills because I
can't hold down a job for more
than a fucking hour without
freaking out, or breaking down
or withdrawing like
some fucking asshole.
It's my life sucks.
I've seen people like you
before and have helped them get
their lives together to the
point where they
are self-sufficient.
My goal is to get you right,
so you can keep that job and
be the man you want to be.
What if I like where I'm at?
Then you just die.
And I think you're
afraid of death.
I'm not afraid of anything.
If you weren't afraid, you
would have killed
yourself by now.
But here you are,
alive and with me.
are you ready to be helped?
Are you ready to be honest with
yourself and with
me so we can work?
Or do you want to end
this before we even begin?
Can I get back to you on that?
It's my decision.
And I will see you
two times a week.
What? Your decision?
You just asked me.
You should be happy.
That I'm taking you on.
Now, do we have a deal?
Eric, don't forget who gave you that
winning horse to
cash that ticket.
Watch out boy!
Come on now.
What up kid?
How the fuck did
you get in here?
The door.
Back already, huh?
Yeah, man, I'm all out.
You do a lot of oxy, kid.
You can't pull that shit, man.
I know.
You're fucking weird.
Have a seat.
I'm gonna help you today.
Yeah. I'm okay, I can stand.
Shut the fuck up, bitch.
God, I'm trying to talk to.
- What's your name again?
- Matthew.
So please shut
your skank asses up.
Thank you.
What do you want?
Can I get 30?
Yeah man.
You can get 30 pills.
It's beautiful
thing, ain't it?
It's 450. Plus the 450
you owe me from last week.
See that bitch.
Not everybody pays
me in blowjobs.
I was kind of hoping you could
spot me for another week.
You know, Matthew.
You can pay me in blowjobs too.
I'm fucking with you, Matt!
I'm fucking with you because I
know you must be
fucking with me!
I know you didn't just roll up
into my crib without my money
and ask me for more shit.
I mean, that's not
what you're trying to do,
right, Matt?
No, I just don't have it.
I don't want to hear that shit.
Oh. It's hard.
You want to know what's hard?
since we're such good pals.
I'm gonna do you a favor.
I'm gonna help you out.
All right.
Three days.
Three days Matt.
And I want you back here.
- Okay. I'll have your money.
- I'm fucking serious.
So don't fuck with me!
This ain't no fucking charity.
- I need my money.
- I promise.
You know. I like you, man.
Let's keep it that way.
I don't know what to do.
I don't know where to go.
I want to be here.
He wants me there.
Who's there?
I can hear you.
What do you want?
I already killed today.
No more.
Hard to breathe, isn't it?
Makes it feel like you're
breathing at a higher elevation.
I put it on when my
anxiety starts to act up.
When I see.
It helps me control
my breathing.
I feel fine right now.
Who's there?
Who the fuck is there?
Come out and face me.
Just got home.
How many more?
Not anymore.
What was that?
Something fell.
- Can you check it out?
- No.
Go check it out.
Call 9-1-1 and lock the door.
Just fucking do it!
Hear that motherfucker!
Where you at?
What the fuck?
Come on!
What, are you trying
to get me caught?
Then what happens?
I'm just gonna find someone
else to do all the
killing for you.
How many more?
I'm getting tired of this shit.
I want you to leave me.
Just fuck off.
Just get the fuck
out of my life.
Just get the fuck off!
Fuck off!
49.6 westbound New York.
Adam Paul George.
1366 in a gray Pontiac G6.
- Any similarities?
- Puncture depth.
Length of the wound.
I'd say it's consistent
with the same weapon.
I think we're dealing
with the same guy.
Where's the wife?
Hello, ma'am.
I'm detective Neil White.
We uh, know this is
a tough time for you.
But if you can tell me anything.
You might have seen or heard.
It would be a big help.
Sorry for what happened.
If you can think of anything.
Fucking pussy.
Just fucking do it!
Fucking loser!
Fucking pussy!
Just fucking do it!
I fucked up real bad last night.
What happened?
I went to my dealer and
got a bunch of painkillers.
I took them all.
I tried choking myself,
- And?
- I couldn't do it.
I made myself throw
up all the pills.
Are you telling me the truth?
Calm down, Matthew.
What the fuck do I do now?
You see me twice a
week like we planned.
No, no, I want help now.
I need it now.
This doesn't happen
overnight, Matthew.
It can take months.
Or. Or even years.
I need more fucking pills.
Can you prescribe them for me?
Absolutely not.
What the fuck are
you good for, then?
Unless you want to
do something for me.
Like what?
Have a seat.
What do you want me to do?
Have a seat and I'll tell you.
Bring this.
You like Scotch, Matthew?
No. Why?
None for you, then?
Well, I'm going to
pour myself a glass.
What the fuck?
Three people died yesterday.
Yes, Matthew.
Brutally murdered.
Those what I think they are?
Indeed they are.
And I have plenty more
where they came from.
How did you.
How do you have those?
I'm a doctor, Matthew.
What does it matter?
Please give me one.
What the fuck?
have you read the paper?
Why did you want me to read it?
Why do you think.
I don't fucking know, man.
You're really starting
to weird me out.
I think I know who's
doing all these killings.
I needed that.
So you know who the killer is?
I didn't say I know.
I said, I think I know.
What does this
have to do with me?
I'm getting to that.
Okay, then.
Who do you think the killer is?
There was a man,
a former patient of mine,
A man so empty that
when you looked at him.
It sent fear through your soul.
His name was Charles.
He had this false
kindness in his eyes.
A kindness that would
trick you and lure you in.
For. For what I could
only describe to you as.
Demonic torture.
I spent the better part of my
career trying to help Charles.
I tried showing him there
was more to life than,
than death.
But I couldn't help him.
You're going to do
something for me.
I want you to find Charles.
Bring him to me.
So you want me to find this guy
who's killing all these people
and bring him to you?
You're insane.
Fuck this.
What the fuck do
you want me to do?
How the fuck am I supposed to
do that without him killing me?
That's the risk you will have
to take for more of these.
You go find him and
bring him to me.
And I'll supply you every
month with these pills.
And I have some now.
Why do you think I
took the bottle out?
These are yours.
Consider it a down payment,
if you help me.
What am I supposed
to say to him?
Can you tell me more about him?
Why was he your patient?
He suffers from schizophrenia
and has horrible anxiety.
And his.
His family died
when he was young.
Since then,
I don't know.
What was the last
time you saw him?
Ten years ago.
One day he walked out of my
office and never returned.
Why do you think he's
doing all these killings?
Well, let's just say
Charles is predisposed to,
So you think he's just all of
a sudden started to decide to
kill people?
I don't know,
but I want to find out.
I want to help him.
This is fucking crazy.
I want money to $900.
I'm in.
Meet me here tomorrow
morning and we will start.
Can I trust you, Matthew?
Now let's find Charles and give
him the help he so
desperately needs.
What have I got to lose, right?
Would you like some?
To answer your question.
We've been looking
into every lead.
Every murder has been different.
What can you tell
me about yesterday?
Nothing really.
Except I heard my piece of shit
husband being slaughtered in
her kitchen.
I fucking hated him.
He would hit me, cheat on me
with his whores and then blame
it all on his depression.
Like that was some
sort of excuse.
I've been married for ten years.
I should be sad.
But I'm not.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize.
Do you have any idea who would
have wanted to
hurt your husband?
Or you?
No, no, there's no
one I could think of.
You said your husband
was depressed.
Yes. He's been seeing this
therapist to try and help him
work through things.
If you don't mind my asking,
what was the name
of his therapist?
Doctor Frederickson.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Are you okay, detective?
Was it doctor
William Frederickson?
Yes. I met him once.
Kind of a creepy
guy, if you ask me.
Do you know him?
Yes I do.
My wife was a patient of his.
Oh. Small world.
Does she still see him?
Johnson. It's white.
I need you to do me a favor.
I don't care how busy you are.
I need you to cross-reference
all of our vics, check if any
of them had the same doctors or
were billed by the same medical
practices that.
Just just do it.
All positives.
You still taking
your medication?
Yeah. Of course.
What is it?
I feel great, like,
70% of the time.
Okay, what about the other 30%?
Just think of me being four and
what my uncle did to
me in the bathtub.
Every time I'm happy, that
just pops into my head like a
fucking cancer.
that is your past.
There is something that
can't ever be erased.
It will always be there.
All you can do is look forward.
If you dwell on the past,
you will never make tomorrow
what it is meant to be.
It's just so hard.
I mean.
Any time that I see a bathtub
or any time I'm intimate, it's
just there.
I want you to keep taking your
medication, keep seeing this
girl, and keep
focusing on your work.
Now, you've been seeing
me for ten years now.
And every session we
speak of your abuse.
I am here for you.
Now, today we are going
to try something new.
I want you to never speak
of your abuse again.
Not to me, not to anyone.
Let your mind have that memory.
How can I not talk about it?
I mean, it's all I think about.
It's why I'm seeing you.
Well, Jason, it's
time to change that.
Never speak of it again.
I can try.
Okay, good.
That's all for today.
I'll see you next week.
Okay. Thank you.
Hi mom.
It went great today.
Can I, can I, can I
call you back, please?
All right.
I love you, too.
The lines of him. The cry is
in the wilderness.
Prepare the way of
the Lord.
Make straight in the desert a
highway for our God.
Good morning, doctor.
What? What time is it?
About nine.
What do you want?
You've really let yourself go.
Really 9 a.m..
Come on, detective,
it's my day off.
Surely it isn't a crime to have
a cocktail before breakfast.
Or are you just shocked that
I didn't offer you a glass?
Although, if I remember
correctly, you're more of a gin
kind of fellow.
Thanks, I quit.
What can I do for
you, detective?
I'm sure you've heard about
the recent increase in crime.
Something like that.
There were two more yesterday.
I had no idea.
I find that hard to believe.
Come on, detective. You know I
don't watch television.
I get my news from the
paper where it belongs.
Well, I'm sure it's in there.
So what does all this
have to do with me?
Everyone that was murdered
was a patient of yours.
- What?
- Don't play stupid.
I had no idea.
Just like you had no
idea about Anna's death.
Come on, detective,
that was two years ago.
And she was your patient, too.
Are you implying that
I'm the murderer?
That I'm going around
murdering all my patients?
That wouldn't be very good
for business, now, would it?
I honestly don't think
you have it in you.
You'd be surprised what
we have inside of us.
I wouldn't be surprised if you
had somebody else do it for you.
Really, detective?
That's what you think?
Yeah. What proof do you have?
None, yet.
But proof.
Just takes time with him.
So much for quitting.
See you soon, doctor.
Hello, Matthew.
I'm happy you've
decided to help me.
I told you I would.
Is everything okay?
Yes. I'm fine.
Just didn't get much
sleep last night.
are you ready?
I guess.
Matthew, I'm going to need you
to take this very seriously.
I said I would, didn't I?
Yeah, well, saying and doing
are two very different things.
Look, I'm fucking ready.
Okay? Good.
I have a car coming to pick
you up and take you to Charles.
- What? A car?
- Yes.
Why can't you
just drop me off?
This is how it has to be done.
I don't want him seeing me
just in case he's there.
But isn't the whole point that
you're trying to help him?
He's going to see you anyway.
But I want him to see
me here like we used to.
Okay, so who's this driver?
Just a driver.
He will take you there
and drop you off.
If you succeed, you will call
me and my driver will come and
pick you both up.
This is fucking weird.
It's necessary.
so once I go and get Charles
and bring him back to you,
you'll give me what
I want every month?
For how long?
For as long as
you're my patient.
Look, do we have a deal or not?
Now, listen, Matthew,
you are not dealing
with an ordinary person.
He has a very, very
serious mental condition.
Much more serious than yours.
Yes. You said that already?
Yeah, it can be.
- Frightening.
Great, and I'm going to see him.
I feel he will listen to you.
Why is that?
You can sense that you are weak.
Oh, thanks.
Just be careful and
bring him back to me.
Hold on.
Okay, I'll send him out now.
It's time.
Don't talk to the driver.
Be careful.
And good luck.
no more
fuck you.
I'm Matthew.
How did you get in here?
Your front door was unlocked.
So you just walk
into people's houses.
I was sent here, Charles.
Who were you talking to?
Why are you here?
Doctor Fredrickson sent me.
He wants to help you.
What sort of help?
No one can stop him.
No one can take
him away from me.
No one can make him leave me.
- Who won't leave you alone?
- Death.
You see death like the reaper?
Do you think he's real?
Think. He is very real.
So what happens
when you see him?
I kill.
Do you see him now?
No. He left when you
entered the room.
What? So he, he was just here?
Yes. Wanting me to kill again.
And now he's not.
Like I said.
He disappeared when
you entered the room.
The killings.
That was all you?
So why do you think death
disappeared when I showed up?
I don't know.
It's never happened before.
But I'm glad he did.
I don't want to kill anymore.
Why don't you just not kill?
It's not that easy.
If I don't kill, he
won't leave me alone.
So death disappears
when you kill?
for a little while.
How long?
It can be a few hours,
or a few years.
But lately it's been every day.
So why did you stop
seeing Doctor Fredrickson?
Because he's fake.
He didn't care about helping me.
He only cared about the
thought of curing someone.
He's a liar.
Once my parents died, there was
no one forcing me to see him.
Do you want help now?
What's there to help?
The fact that you
see death, maybe.
No. He's been there
my entire life.
As long as I do what he
says, he'll leave me alone.
You ever thought about
killing yourself?
Yes, of course.
What if I kill myself?
He'll never leave me.
He'll be with me forever.
And you've never
heard the crying.
So you're not going to come
back with me to see
Doctor Fredrickson?
Like I said, he's fake.
And I just hope that.
He hasn't corrupted
you with his lies.
What lies?
He was right about you.
He said you were doing all
the killings,
and he wants to help you.
He's always been nice to me.
I think you have a purpose.
And it's bigger than what
Doctor Fredrickson
has you doing.
Like what?
Like helping me.
What? I'm trying to help you by
getting you to see
Doctor Fredrickson.
Not that kind of help.
Then what?
Ever since you
entered this room,
death disappeared.
Maybe you're what
I needed all along.
With you around,
death is no longer here.
This is fucking ridiculous.
I'm out of here.
You're not going anywhere.
What the fuck, man?
If you do, I'll kill you.
Then do it.
I'm not afraid to die.
I'm not going to kill
you with one swipe.
I'm gonna do it slowly, ripping
you one piece at a time,
torturing you every
day until I get bored.
So if I help you.
Will you help me?
You have no idea what you
coming here has done to me.
I've never felt this,
this free.
Can you help me now?
With what?
I owe a lot of money
to this drug dealer.
If you take care of him for
me, I'll do whatever you want.
Who is it?
It's doctor Fredrickson.
Give me your phone.
What? Why?
I'll hold on to it.
You don't need him anymore.
If you want me to help you kill
this guy, you need to leave him.
Promise you'll take
care of my problem.
Where does he live?
I'm sorry.
The person you were trying to
reach has a voicemail box that
has not been set up yet.
Please try your call
again later. Goodbye.
Where are you?
Pick up.
Detective White.
This is doctor
William Fredrickson.
Back so soon?
Come in.
Get inside.
Have a seat.
I said sit.
Glad you came back so soon.
I was starting to think
you weren't gonna pay me.
How the fuck was I
supposed to find you?
Where the fuck is it?
I just wanted to say, hey,
I was in the neighborhood.
So you're not here to pay me?
I don't have the money yet.
Where the fuck did you get the
idea that you could come here
without my fucking money?
I don't know.
Stupid fuck.
I want my money!
Not your dumb fucking
face in my apartment.
I'm sorry, man.
I just wanted to say hey.
- Stupid fucking junkie.
- Ah! Fuck.
What'd you think
was gonna happen?
You're just gonna come by?
I was gonna give you free shit
because we're such
fucking good pals.
I'll tell you what.
Since we're such good friends,
I'm only gonna cut you once.
Maybe you think about that next
time when you come by without
my fucking money, bitch!
What the fuck?
It's done.
I can see that.
It's the first time I've killed
without death telling me to.
Did you like doing it?
You've just made me the
happiest man on earth.
Let's go.
We have to get back to my place.
Let's go now.
Thank you for coming
back, detective.
Well, you said it was a
matter of life and death, so.
That is the truth.
Please have a seat.
I, uh.
I want you to know how
sorry I truly was about Anna.
Save me the dramatics, doctor.
What's so important?
Charles Anderson.
- Who?
- He's a patient of mine.
Oh, he was a patient.
Another dead patient?
- Mm.
- Something funny?
If you only knew the
irony, detective.
Enlighten me.
Charles has a condition that
leads him to believe he is
carrying out the will
of the angel of death.
He believes that the Grim
Reaper haunts him, forces him
to commit horrible
and heinous crimes.
Charles Anderson is who
you should be looking for.
He is your murderer.
And you know this for a fact?
- Yes.
- How?
Charles is my life's work.
He has the most fascinating and
beautiful mind I've ever known.
Over the years since he,
abruptly left my care, I've
enlisted the help of several
acquaintances to try and help
sway him to come back to me.
Some of them may
have been patients.
You sick son of a bitch.
I'm not proud of what I've
done, and I certainly do not
need the approval of a drunk.
I did what I had to do.
Charles must come back to me.
You arrogant piece of shit.
You can't possibly expect me to
believe that some
patient of yours.
- You.
- What about Anna?
She's no different
than the others.
She was my wife.
She was your patient,
and now she's dead.
And you're telling me
that he killed her, too?
You sent her to him?
He's killed everyone.
He's disturbed. Can't you see?
No. All I see is
an arrogant doctor.
I may have made some mistakes,
but this is not all on my hands.
Charles has become aggressive.
He's going after them all now.
it's like he's trying
to send me a message.
You must help bring
him back to me.
He needs my help.
I need everything you
have on this, Anderson.
I will find him, but I'm not
bringing him back to you.
I'm bringing him back in cuffs,
and he's going to answer for
his crimes.
And if I were you, I would let
your lawyer know he's going to
be busy for the next few months.
Scotch, detective.
Are you even listening to me?
He was.
He was my most my
most prized patient.
He was special.
I always liked you, Neil.
I can't let you take
Charles from me.
Charles has a unique mind that
needs to be nurtured
and cared for.
Only I can understand him.
You see,
I didn't kill your wife or
any of my other patients, but.
I am happy they're all dead.
Their deaths have brought
me closer to Charles.
We share something you
could never understand.
Your death is necessary.
Charles must see how
committed I am to us.
He needs to see it
so he will come back to me.
Say hello to Anna for me.
She was such a,
a wonderful woman.
Much too good for you.
- What now?
- Stay here.
Where are you going?
Got to go see Doctor
Then I'm coming with you.
No you're not. You're going
to stay here.
Wait. What are you going to do?
I'll tell you when I get back.
Why do I need to stay here?
Whatever, Charles.
My name is not Charles.
Wait, what about my phone?
Doctor Fredrickson.
You know that's not my name.
Where are you?
So good to see you.
Do you have Matthew?
Is he okay?
He's fine.
Where is he?
What happened to him?
He was going to get in
our way, Charles
Why do you keep sending
these people to me?
I had to, so we could
continue our work.
Because I failed you.
For years, I have regretted
not being able to help you.
For years, I've waited
for this second chance.
There is no helping me.
There's just accepting me.
I know I can help.
You've always fought me.
That's because I care
so much, Charles.
It's time for you to let me in.
But you never accepted me.
Accepted you?
I've always accepted you.
I don't want to lose you again.
You won't.
You'll come back to me?
If you accept me.
I accept you.
This song.
You remember it?
I used to play it for you.
The voice of him,
that cries in the wilderness.
It's done.
Fuck my phone.
Fuck it.
Who the fuck is there?
I'm not afraid to die, Charles.
Just come fucking kill me.
Come on.
Hello. Please help me.
I'm tied up.
I saw death.
You were right. He's real.
I saw him, I believe you,
please untie me.
I saw death standing right
in front of me.
Everyone sees me
before they die.
In the depths of my existence,
I, a man, have come face to
face with my own
haunting destiny.
As I stand here, the weight of
this revelation bearing down
upon me, I can no longer deny
the calling that has been there
all along.
The voice.
I have walked this earth with
a sense of purpose, unaware of
the role I was destined to play.
The echoes of my footsteps.
No echo of the cries of
the souls I have taken.
The world, once vibrant
and full of life.
Now appears
to avail tarnished by the
knowledge of my true identity.
I see the fragility of
existence, the delicate balance
between the living
and the departed.
Each breath I take carries a
weight that cannot be lifted.
A reminder of the work
that must be done.
For within the darkness that
surrounds me I have found a
flicker of compassion.
I am not merely a bringer of
doom, but a guide for those
lost with every soul I take.
I offer a moment of rest.
A gentle hand to guide
them through the shadows.
I am the witness to
the final moments.
The guardian of souls.
As they embark on
their final journey.
I am death.
This is my purpose, my destiny.
In the end, it's not the fear
that lingers, but the reminder
that in the face of
death I continue my work.
If I ever forget this purpose
or mountain the
distance he calls
the voice of him that
crieth in the wilderness.