December Boys (2007) Movie Script

When I think about that time...
... it's not the heat,
the dust, the nuns...
... or even the boys I remember...
... so much as a sense of anticipation.
The constant belief
that somehow I'd be saved.
I wouldn't say we had it bad...
... since it was all most of us knew.
It was only there was something
just out of reach...
... and we might never catch up.
Lights out, boys.
May you be blessed
and sleep with God's benevolent grace.
Someone's coming.
I don't remember who wrote
''I love a sunburnt country''...
... but I'd bet money
they never lived out here.
Just look at it.
It's the definition of desolate.
This is where I lived
most of my young years.
This is where I lived until,
you could say...
... I was rescued by a dream.
These were my best friends.
Spark, Spit and Maps.
My real name's Vernon,
but they call me Misty.
No reason to go into that right now.
Today's the first of December...
...the December boys
please come forward.
They say the best place to start
is the beginning.
So, first off, you better know
we were all orphans.
- Happy birthday.
- Thanks, Sister.
Thanks, Sister.
Thank you.
Everybody ready?
It's about the smokes.
I told you
she looks under the mattress.
- I didn't put them there.
- It's about mooning Willie.
Come in, boys.
Father Scully...
...this is James, Donald,
Bruce and Vernon.
Better known as Maps,
Spark, Spit and Misty.
They're our December boys.
- Happy birthday.
- Thank you, Father.
We have a little surprise for you.
Oh, it's a pleasant surprise.
A benefactor has left
St. Gregory's a little money...
...and I've decided to send everyone
on a holiday.
As this is your birthday month...
...I felt it fitting
you should be the first to go.
We're going on a holiday?
You'll be staying
with Mr. And Mrs. McAnsh.
They're great friends
of the Church.
It's a town called...
...Lady Star Cove.
It's a special place...
...on the sea.
On the sea?
It could be
that Our Lady interceded for you.
I had this spiritual antenna
other people didn't have.
That's why I could see things
no one else could.
When I looked at Our Lady, I knew.
I knew she'd chosen me
for a special mission.
It was more than being orphans
that tied us together.
Or even our friendship.
It was like destiny.
Cross swords.
We were even given
the same birth month.
All for one, and one for all.
December boys.
The further we traveled
from what we knew...
... the more it seemed like we were
being pulled into another world...
... a world where all the doors
were open...
... and anything was possible.
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls...
The most bone-rattling,
... death-defying act
you've ever seen!
The Wall of Death!
The one, the only,
the bravest man on two wheels...
... Fearless Forte!
- You all right there, boys?
- Yes, Father.
- Come along.
- Come on, fellows.
Right you are.
Welcome aboard.
Boys, this is Petty Officer
Bandy McAnsh.
Petty officer.
As you can see,
all present and accounted for.
Boys, I'd like you
to meet my lovely wife...
...and the skipper
of this establishment, Mrs. McAnsh.
Nice to meet you.
Father, we thank God
for your safe arrival.
May his grace light your paths...
...and give you the appropriate wisdom
and joy from your new experience.
- Amen.
- I knew there'd be a catch.
Petty officer, show the new recruits
to their quarters...
...and I'll finish in the galley.
Well, have fun, boys.
Thank you, Father.
Step this way.
Welcome aboard.
All right, mateys.
It's been a long day.
Time to settle down.
Everyone in bed.
And we'll let the Old Specific
sing you a lullaby.
Good night, boys.
The ocean's loud.
- I didn't think it'd be this loud.
- Yeah.
The Old Specific.
Hey, Spit, have a look at this.
Hey, what's that?
I suppose you know
you'll be going to hell?
Now I'll have company.
Knock it off, both of you.
I'm trying to relax.
You hear that?
Is he coming?
My ass is snoring.
Come on, mate.
Last one in's a rotten egg!
Really? Looks like
you're the rotten egg, Spit.
Come on, Mist.
Come on, Misty.
- Come on.
- Come in.
Have a look at this.
Spark, come on.
Yeah, coming.
- Hey, fishing boat.
- Hello?
- Hey.
- Over here.
Hey, over here.
Come on.
Race you to the rocks.
Hey, fellows.
Somebody's set themselves up.
Check out the cordial.
- Maps.
- They're somebody else's.
Don't take any.
Who wants a ride?
Coming back down.
Hey, guys.
What is it?
Find out.
She was the most beautiful woman
I'd ever seen...
... other than Our Lady.
Sleek as a seal.
Mind you, I hadn't seen
nearly as much of Our Lady.
Sparks. Come on. Sparks, get up.
Come on. Get up.
We heard you were coming.
I'm Teresa.
This was as close as I'd come
to a religious epiphany.
But whatever ideas I had
about becoming a priest...
... quickly climbed into the back seat.
How did you get these names?
We call him Spark
because he stuck a knife in a toaster...
...and nearly set the orphanage
on fire.
And you? You are Spit?
My dad flew a Spitfire during the war.
And I'm a champion spitter.
- And you, you like maps.
- No.
He's got a birthmark on his chest
shaped like Tasmania.
I'm all right.
If he doesn't want any,
I'll have seconds.
And why are you Misty?
Because he's a waterworks.
Okay. I'm going now.
Fearless is home tonight.
Who's that?
That's Shellback.
He fishes for Henry.
Is Henry a person or a fish?
O, my good angel...
...whom God has appointed
my guardian... over me during this night...
...and protect me...
...from evil in my thoughts
as well as my deeds.
In the deepest hour of darkness...
...let your presence lead the way...
... to righteousness...
... and goodness.
God cares nothing for motorcycles.
- You're gonna get us in trouble.
- I know how to ride one of these.
My dad had one, only bigger.
Bullshit, your dad died
when you was 3.
Get down.
Somebody say
you could climb up there?
We was just looking.
That what you call it?
We're here on holiday.
My dad had a bike just like this.
That so?
I saw you on the Wall of Death.
I saw you go through the fire
and everything.
You must be about
the best cyclist there is.
- You boys like a thrill, do you?
- Yeah.
Who's first?
I've been on a bike before.
I'll go.
Faster. Faster.
At least someone's
having a good time.
How you going?
Good night.
See you later.
''How you going? ''
You'll be up her
like a rat up a drainpipe.
Come on, give us a go.
Why do we have to be stuck here?
- That's easy.
- No, it's not.
I'm not stuck.
The least you can do
is three cheers for the corpse.
Hip, hip, hurray!
Thanks, Luce.
- Yeah, thanks.
- Thank you, Lucy.
That is the same sort of thing
that happened to Archbishop O'Donnell.
I was there in the church
Sunday morning...
...come to the end of the sermon,
and he says:
''Therefore, many are cold
but few are frozen.''
And it was the middle of winter.
You know, it's good
with Lucy around this summer.
- Give Tess some girl company.
- By the way, how's her father doing?
Still looking for work in Darwin.
Five minutes to dinner.
- Thanks, darling.
- Cheers, Teresa.
Hey, he just swiped your beer.
Let them have their fun.
Wait for me. Wait.
I don't expect it's a picnic
where they're from.
For all you hear,
it's not too bad out there.
They're well cared for.
Yeah, I'll bet they are.
I think I'll go and see
if I can give the girls a hand.
Still, it's not the same
as a family.
Indeed, it isn't.
I think Tess blames me
for taking her away from her family.
Her country.
We're supposed to be
starting our own out here.
You know, maybe it's the accident
that shook something loose.
Well, there's no substitute for family,
that's for sure.
You're not saying
you're giving up hope?
I'm not saying that.
It's just... get to a point, you know?
You start to see things
like they are.
Sure never pictured
a life without kids.
The pity of it is,
there are children...
...just like those boys next door,
desperate for a good home.
And here you are,
desperate for children.
You got a point there, Father.
We want a kid...
...and they need parents.
We could just line them up
and pick which one we like the best.
They get you?
What happened?
My glasses got knocked off.
We saved you some.
I'm going to bed.
Come on, Spit.
Thank you, Vernon.
More tea?
There you are.
I want you all to take notice...
...of how sharp young Vernon
looks this morning.
Good on you, son.
You all right?
If it's all right,
I'd like to say grace.
That'd be lovely, Vernon.
O Lord, we beseech thee
in your wondrous grace...
...and thank you for the food
we're about to receive. Amen.
Got you.
Hey, get back.
No. Don't leave me here. No.
- No fair.
- Yeah.
- I got you already.
- You didn't.
- You're it.
- No.
If you get me,
I'll kiss Sister Beatrice.
Hey, you can't run around
the cross.
Where is my precious Misty?
He's been adopted.
He was always the best of the lot.
You the one living in the cave?
I don't live there.
I just come up here to observe.
You can come up if you want.
You one of them orphan kids?
- What's your name?
- Maps.
So, what are you observing?
You had a good look at these rocks?
I've seen them.
Haven't you noticed
anything strange?
They are weird-looking.
They were left here by aliens.
Same as Stonehenge.
You ever heard of Stonehenge?
Kind of.
Well, it's the same.
When they come back,
I'll be ready.
People from outer space?
Of course.
I don't guess you see
many women where you're from.
Nuns, mostly. Nuns.
Yeah, I've seen some of those.
Want some? It's my last one.
By the way... name is Lucy.
Good to meet you.
- Hey, look, what's that?
- Yeah?
Come on, Spit.
- Hey, wait up.
- No.
Dirty trickster.
Look at all this.
Oh, check out the net.
And this is a spear.
What do you reckon he does with this?
What the hell
do you think you're doing?
We was just looking around.
Seeing as you can see so well,
can you read that sign?
That's a heavy line you got there.
What are you fishing for, Moby Dick?
When it rains, Spark's the best
fisherman at Bible Creek.
You see a creek around here, boy-o?
He's worried I'll catch Henry
before he does.
What do you know about Henry?
A fish is a fish.
Henry's a king of fishes.
He's a masterpiece.
He was swimming in these waters
long before you were born.
He's bigger and smarter
than you will ever be.
Get lost.
Can't I make a suggestion
without getting my bloody head bit off?
It's not a suggestion.
You gave up.
For chrissake, Tess.
Listen to me.
All right? I'm not saying
that we won't have a baby.
All I'm saying
is we should talk about...
...adopting one of those kids
that needs a home.
I talked to someone
at the archdiocese.
It's possible.
That's all I'm saying.
So you've decided.
Tess... No...
Tess, you're not listening to me.
No. It's your fault
I can't have babies.
Whoa, look at that.
- Come on, put some more on.
- You don't need any more.
She's getting naked.
No. Guys, wait.
Wait. Go slow.
Quick, run.
I'll yell.
Misty, I know there's gotta be
a very good explanation for that... why don't you come out
and tell us what it is?
I promise nothing
will happen to you.
Just remember,
I keep you from getting killed...
...and soon we'll all be back
at St. Greg's.
That's what you think.
...I have great news.
Father Scully
is taking confession today.
Clean slate.
Just in time for Christmas, eh?
- Great.
- Beauty.
- Ripper.
- Yeah, great.
What's troubling you, son?
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.
How long is it
since your last confession?
About three weeks.
I've had some unclean thoughts.
And I pulled a face
at one of the sisters.
Is that all?
Not exactly.
Oh, come on, lad.
I'm gonna need basting in a minute.
Let's say there was something
you wanted.
You know, something you wanted
more than anything.
And you had an advantage...
...because the others don't know.
What is the point in giving it up?
I mean...
Look, I can't guess, son.
You're gonna have to tell me.
It'll ease your mind
if you unburden yourself.
I heard something.
Can you tell what he's saying?
Something about...
...big breasts.
If you keep this knowledge to yourself,
are you being fair with the other boys?
I think you should tell them.
The burdens and the joys of this world
are always better shared.
Do you understand me?
I've got to share.
That's right.
Now, for your penance,
you say five Hail Marys...
Something else happened last night.
Save it till next time. I'm cooked.
Oh, Hail Mary.
Oh, Hail Mary.
It's time to come clean.
Get off me.
My arm can't breathe.
Tell us or we'll slag you.
Now then,
I wouldn't want anything...
...coming out of Spit's mouth
landing on my face.
I'll tell you.
Fearless and Teresa
are gonna adopt one of us.
I swear.
Let him up.
- I swear.
- When?
I don't know.
Before we leave. They're gonna choose
which one of us they like best.
Why would they want us?
We're too old.
Speak for yourself.
We're not as old as you are.
Did they say who they want?
You don't know which it is.
- Where are the others?
- I'm not sure.
My real name's Vernon.
You know,
Africa is just over there.
Vernon, do you remember
your parents?
I think I do...
...but maybe it was a photo.
My dad was tall and tan.
And my mother
had long, dark hair.
She was smiling.
They died in a car accident.
I don't know why I wasn't there.
Nobody ever told me.
If my parents were still alive,
I'd never let them out of my sight.
What's he doing?
That's Socrates.
Shellback says he catches fish
and feeds them to the cats.
Have you seen him do it?
No, but I believe
a lot of things I can't see.
Me too.
You ever think about
running away?
There's no place to run.
When I get 18,
they make you leave anyway.
Like music?
So, what do you do
for fun out there?
When it floods,
we can swim or go fishing.
We have a footy team and a choir.
Can you sing?
Not really.
Try singing this.
I'm no good.
Give it a go
and I'll give you a prize.
What'd you think?
That was good.
That was your first kiss, I bet.
I can teach you if you want.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying
I'm a better rider than Fearless.
All I'm saying is that
what he does ain't as hard as it looks.
You're full of it.
You've never ridden a bike in your life.
It's all right to be jealous, Misty,
my little mate.
Me and Fearless have something
in common that you'll never have.
Hey, what was that for?
Get back here.
Get you later, you little mongrel.
We've come to tell you, Vernon...'re to be adopted.
You can stay here
as long as you like.
And now for some
excellent cartwheels.
He's not good for much, but at least
my uncle can make decent grog.
Who do you think they'll choose?
I don't know.
Spit's clever.
He can fix most anything.
Misty's the youngest,
and he's a good artist.
And Spark's got good energy.
He's the fastest, wins all the races.
What about you? Aren't you good
at anything? I know it's not singing.
Well, I don't wanna be adopted.
What's the big deal
about parents anyway?
Where have you been?
I think Skipper's dead.
What do you mean dead?
Well, lads...
...the skipper's...
...a bit under the weather tonight... I suppose it'll be
bread and jam for tea.
Anyway, as the next
highest-ranking officer...
...she has asked me to carry on.
I think it's appropriate...
...and not out of place... give you your Christmas gifts
- Any objections?
- No.
Right, good show.
- Merry Christmas.
- Thanks, Bandy.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas, Bandy.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- And merry Christmas.
- Thanks, Bandy. Merry Christmas.
What is it?
Well, I don't suppose
you've seen one of these...
...but every ship has one.
It's called a gyroscope.
Keeps your vessel balanced.
It's like the ship's conscience.
I'll leave the bread and jam
on the sideboard.
If Misty's right,
they'll send us packing.
- Misty's always making stuff up.
- We've gotta go and have a closer look.
- I'm not going in their bedroom.
- Me neither.
Then Misty and me will go.
When Bandy goes out, we'll go in.
Remember, we don't know anything.
So just...
...look cheerful.
What happened to Misty?
He's shining his glasses.
Hey. Merry Christmas, boys.
- Where's Misty?
- He's coming.
- He's always late.
- He can't be trusted.
Here he is.
- What do you got there, mate?
- I made you two a present.
Thanks, buddy.
All right.
Now that you're all here,
me and Tess have got a surprise for you.
Now, we weren't real sure about the
sizes, but they all got drawstrings. So...
- Misty.
- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you.
- Merry Christmas.
- Spark.
Merry Christmas, boys.
Well, go on, open them up.
Open them up.
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
Where's Bandy and Skipper?
Well, Mrs. McAnsh is a bit sick,
but Bandy will be by later.
- All right, that's French for ''let's eat.''
- Sit where you like.
She wasn't such a bad old stick.
She looks like a car without a driver.
I saw Bandy giving her pills,
but I never knew how bad she was.
I hope she didn't suffer.
Well, she's probably up there,
in heaven...
...looking down on us, thinking:
''What's those silly buggers doing? ''
Go on. Touch her.
- I'm not touching her.
- I will if you go first.
Don't be a nancy.
Pray with me.
I'll look after her, doctor.
I'll be back tomorrow evening.
...tell the boys to come in.
Sorry. We just wanted to...
Wanted to know
what was happening. I know.
Come closer.
I'm sorry you have to see me like this.
I must look a fright.
It was selfish of me
to invite you here...
...but I thought it'd be nice to have
some young energy in the Cove.
And I was right.
It's just... disease won't cooperate.
What's wrong with you?
I got cancer.
Will we have to go back now?
I was hoping you'd stay.
Bandy's taking it hard...
...and I know you boys
can help lift his spirit.
Well, it's the calling.
They say no matter how hard
you don't want to do it...
...if God wants you, he'll get you.
But what if you just didn't do it?
- I mean, you could refuse.
- That's what I'm saying.
You can't not do it.
I had a teacher once
who told me she was called.
She tried to fight it.
She traveled through Europe...
...drinking, having sex
like nobody's business.
But she knew she couldn't be happy
until she was a nun.
Do you think you'll get called?
I sure hope not.
But it's like you're metal...
...and God's the biggest,
most powerful magnet ever made.
So do you think you'll be a priest?
Hell, no.
I go to a Catholic school,
but it's not like they turn you into one.
They teach you other stuff.
Father Maps.
I've been a very bad girl.
Why have you been a bad girl,
Sister Lucy?
Well, Father,
I've been thinking about a boy.
You have?
I like him.
I let him touch me.
Kiss me on the neck. I like that.
Come closer.
Pull down your pants.
Hey! Hey!
Get out of my boat!
Nobody gave you permission!
Get out!
Serves you right.
I want you to always remember me
as your first.
No worries.
I can't see anything.
I told you. You're seeing things.
Hey, Maps,
you can see her public hair.
What's on your neck?
What did you do?
Maybe you'll figure it out
when you're older.
Let me go. Come on, get off.
I caught Henry!
He's mine! Yes! Yes!
Yes, I caught him!
I told you I would and I did!
Yes! I'm the best fisherman
in the Cove! Yes!
Oh, yes!
You saw me, I caught him!
Told you I'd catch him!
You could have him if you want.
You could stuff him
and put him up in your hut.
Get a spade...
...and give him a proper burial.
Mr. Watson?
What's the picture like?
I'm up top.
Can you make out anything?
Should be something Christmassy.
Is Lucy here?
Lucy? No.
She's gone up to Darwin to her dad.
When is she getting back?
Maybe next summer.
I'll give you some to take for Bandy.
I don't mean to be rude...
...but this is the best meal I've had
since I got here.
It's the best meal I've ever had.
This is the best meal...
...l'll ever have.
Aren't you hungry, Maps?
You know, I've never been
to the outback. What's it like?
You can't fish unless it floods.
It's boring.
It's a hundred times better here.
How about you, Maps?
Are you homesick?
I like the outback all right.
You can count on things out there.
I guess it's what you're used to.
You well and truly
screwed yourself.
You might as well have said
you didn't want to be adopted.
You think getting adopted
is gonna fix anything?
You don't get it. Everyone leaves.
Up to this time, Maps thought
we were all in the same boat.
Now he realized he was hanging
off the side on his own.
I never fully understood why Maps
reached out to Fearless that night...
... and I never asked.
- Tickets for the Wall of Death.
Get your tickets
for the Wall of Death.
Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls...
...the most bone-rattling...
...death-defying act
you've ever seen.
The one, the only,
the bravest man on two wheels...
...Fearless Forte!
Get your tickets
for the Wall of Death.
The bravest man on two wheels...
Son, he's just over there.
Go on. Get a move on.
It's not smoko yet.
What are you doing here?
Maps. Hey...
You're shit.
- Maps...
- You lied.
You're a liar like all the rest.
You made out you're some
kind of a hero, but you're nothing.
You're worse than nothing.
It's a job, man.
Stop lying. Like you could ever
adopt one of us.
Like you've got the right
to be our father.
You're a nobody.
We don't need you.
- Maps...
- We don't need anyone.
Do you want a lift home?
Get your ass back here now.
Where have you been?
- Where's the others?
- Looking for you.
We've been worried about you.
You must let us know
where you are, son.
What are you doing?
Get your things. Now.
We're leaving. Come on!
- Get your stuff.
- Where are we going?
Home. It's all been a lie.
- Just shut up and get your stuff!
- Stop!
Misty, get off!
I'm trying to look after you!
Nice spot you got here.
The little bloke do that?
You guys fight worse than brothers.
We are brothers.
Leave me alone. I'll be all right.
Yeah, I don't doubt that.
What about the others?
You just gonna abandon them
because you're mad at Lucy?
You don't know anything about it.
Well, at least there's something
that I do know.
You're wrong what you said to me.
Teresa and me
would make good parents.
And we would've had a load of kids
around now if it weren't for me.
I crashed the bike
with Tess on the back.
We used to be a team in the shows.
She spent half a year in hospital.
And I tried to keep it going
on my own, but...
Does Teresa know?
Tess always knows.
Help me!
Help! Help! Anyone, help!
Maps! Help, it's Misty!
Hang on, Misty!
- What happened?
- The rip got him.
- He fell off the rocks.
- Get help.
You can't swim!
Look at us. We're swimming.
I'm drowning.
Hang onto me, catch your breath.
Really, we tried to save you.
We did.
I was trying to save you, I swear.
I came into the water.
It was up to my neck.
I went to the McAnsh's, and...
But then I went to Shellback.
How you feeling, boys?
I'm better than I was.
I gotta say, mate...'re braver than me, going out
there not knowing how to swim.
Well done.
I was just a couple of feet
away from you.
You were 75 yards out
or something.
- I could almost grab...
- Who wants some soup? Hey?
Yeah, okay.
I might have saved you. But l...
Something just pulled me away.
Something just pulled me.
Come on.
So, what do we got?
Did you see her?
I suppose you're the one.
You showed us all up.
Yeah. For an old bloke,
you came through.
I don't want to be adopted.
You don't?
I like... Well, I like things
the way they are.
My money's on you, Misty.
We were running out of time and hope,
and there was still no answer.
No one seemed to notice
that the biggest moment of my life...
... was about to get left behind.
I'm tired of waiting.
Come through. Come through.
So guess you're all packed up.
Sit down. Sit down.
I wanna know
if you're gonna adopt me.
I heard you tell Father Scully
you were gonna adopt one of us.
If you're gonna adopt anyone,
it ought to be Misty.
- Not so fast. I've got qualities.
- I can run fast.
- You can't even stay conscious.
- Hey, boys. Boys.
We've made up our minds.
We wish we could adopt all of you.
You're all such wonderful boys.
We've put in the paperwork...
...and it's just gonna take
a little time.
...we want you to be our son.
And we hope
you want us for your parents.
We're not perfect, mate...
...but we could love you.
Good on you, mate.
Misty's the one, for sure.
Well, hey, it's not like
we're never gonna see you again.
I mean, we're sure
to come back and visit...
...and if you're ever in the mood for
some boiled lamb, you can come visit us.
You boys are gonna come back
and say goodbye before you go?
Oh, no worries.
We'll see him again.
See you, fellas.
Just remember, Misty, no matter what,
you're still a December boy.
- Hey.
- Got you.
You're gonna have to run
faster than that.
Come get me.
Let's go get some souvenirs.
Get a crab for Sister Edna.
Look at this.
Spit. Quick, before it gets away.
I don't want you
to be mad at me...
...but I can't stay.
If I was ever gonna be adopted...'d be the best parents
I could have, and that's no lie.
But I've already got a family.
They'd be lost without me.
I know.
No hard feelings?
No hard feelings, Misty.
Go on.
Thank you.
Look what I found over here.
- Give it back, that's mine.
- No, I found it.
Hey, come on.
Well, lads, this is it.
I thought...
...if you wanted a keepsake,
you might like to take the signal flags.
The boys would like
to say goodbye, Skipper.
Thanks, Skipper.
Thanks, Skipper.
Okay, orphans, disembark.
Left, right, left, right, left, right...
See you, Bandy.
See you, Father.
- See you, boys.
- Thank you, Bandy.
- See you, Bandy.
- Bye.
Thanks, Bandy.
- Bye.
- Hey, look.
If it weren't for Maps, who knows
if any of us would have ever come back.
We could have gone on
thinking of the Cove...
... like one of those old postcards...
... realer than real...
... with each of us remembering it
however we chose.
Coming back for the first time
after all these years...
... fills me with a mixture of excitement
and the fear I made the whole thing up.
Believe it or not,
Maps did become a priest...
... traveling to Africa
to help with the refugees.
I got his letter just a few days
before his ashes arrived.
He told me how often
he thought about this place...
... and how happy he was
that we could share it together.
Maps wrote me before he went
that if anything happened...
And here we are...
... the December boys.
One, two, three,
the December boys!
Maps! Hey!
Over here!
Hey, Maps!
See you, fellas!