Decision Before Dawn (1951) Movie Script
Of all the questions
left unanswered by the last war-
and probably any war-
one comes back constantly to my mind-
- Why does a spy risk his life-
for what possible reasons?
If the spy wins, he's ignored.
lfhe loses, he's shot.
But a man stays alive as long as
he's remembered and is killed
only by forgetfulness.
Let the names of men like this
remain unknown...
but let the memories of some of them
serve as keys to the meanings of treason.
On the 8th of December, 1944,
six months after a piece of enemy shrapnel...
cut short my career with the Second Assault
and Signal Company on Omaha Beach...
I was reassigned by headquarters,
Com. "Z", E. T. O...
and ordered to report to a new outfit-
G2, S.S.S., Seventh Army.
That's what it was called.
There'd been no snow
and a lot of Krauts when I left France.
And now the Krauts were backed up against
the Rhine, and the snow was everywhere.
Otherwise, the war hadn't changed much-
crowded in the rear areas...
and lonely as you got nearer
and nearer the front...
with nothing but a map to tell you
where the enemy was supposed to be.
But you soon discovered
if your map was accurate enough.
- Hey, what's that?
- It's a German half-track. That's what it is.
I don't get it. That wasn't here
when I came by this morning.
- Well, let's turn around here
and find out where we are.
- Yes, sir.
- Stop right here.
- Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, sir.
I keep tellin' 'em back at headquarters...
I got no sense of direction,
but they just won't listen to me.
A soldier's not much good if he can't
find his way back to his own outfit.
- It's like not bein' able to find your way home.
- My home? My home's in Boise.
For cryin' out-
We've come 20 miles out of the way.
- Now we'll probably have to fight
our way through a whole Kraut-
Come on. Get outta there!
Give it up, you rats.
Come on! Move it on!
Keep your hands up.
- Over this way. Move.!
- Come on. Get the lead out.
Move over there.
That's close enough. Right there.
You frisk 'em.
I'll keep 'em covered.
Hey, you. I said, keep your hands up.
That's what I meant. Come on!
Stand still.
- Watch those hands, soldier.
- He was hit by shrapnel, sir.
- You're in the Luftwaffe.
What are you doin' around here?
- I'm with a flak group.
- We're attached to an infantry division.
- Yeah? Which one?
I'm sorry, sir, but I can't tell you anything
that isn't in my Soldbuch.
- Want me to refresh his memory, Lieutenant?
- Ah, leave him alone.
Where's your C.P.?
- I don't know. We got lost.
- They're not the only ones.
"Richter, Paul. Unteroffizier."
He's weak, sir.
We haven't eaten for three days.
Not half as weak as he's gonna be
if you don't keep those hands up.
- Here. You look like you
could use a shot yourself.
- No, thank you.
All right. Climb aboard.
All right. Out, soldiers.
- Where'd you pick 'em up, Lieutenant?
- About five miles from here.
Over here, you two.
Hey, I'm supposed to report to a town
called Marmoutier. You know where that is?
Stay on this road till you get to
a town called Saverne.
- Before you get into town,
take the first fork left. You can't miss it.
- Okay. Thanks.
Hey, here's their Soldbuchs.
- Hey, you want the pistol, Lieutenant?
- Yeah. Gimme that.
- Pistol.
- In there, you two.
Come on.
I want to thank you, sir,
for treating us with kindness.
Come on, Kraut-heads. Get movin'.
You're holdin' up the war.
Well, we finally
made it. Strange as it seemed to me then...
- this was the headquarters
to which I was assigned.
Just a moment, sir.
Sister Teresa's coming.
- Bonjour, MonsieurJean.
- How was the hunting this morning?
No good, Sister Beatrice.
There wasn't a chicken on the road.
- This is it, sir. Sorry about getting lost.
- Oh, forget it.
- I just hope this is the right place.
- Through here, sir.
The adjutant's office is right in the courtyard.
I'll get the bags to your room.
Hey, bud, how do I get
to the adjutant?
Around the corner to your left, sir.
Hey, Monique, will you show
the lieutenant the way?
- You wish to see le capitaine?
- Yeah, I guess so.
This way, please.
- The children are from the orphanage here.
- Oh. Of course.
- Here you are, sir.
- Thank you.
- Monsieur Watkins, the officer
wants to see Capitaine Siebert.
- What can I do for you?
- This the headquarters of G2, S.S.S.?
- That's right.
I've got orders
to report here.
Oh. You're the new
communications officer.
Colonel Devlin will sure be glad to see you.
If you'll follow me, please.
Mm! Could I see
your A.G.O. card?
Security regulations.
- Morning, Sister Genevieve.
How are you today?
The sisters certainly take good care of us.
They've adopted us just like their orphans.
Yeah. It's quite a place.
We had a hard time finding one
until Captain Siebert located this.
We don't like to be too close to the army.
Sometimes they don't understand our procedure.
I can see their point.
After five years, they're fixing the place
up again. Our guys are tryin' to help.
- Up here?
- Yes, sir.
- Watkins, sir.
- What is it, Watkins?
- This is our new communications officer.
Here's his orders, sir.
- Lt. Rennick, reporting for duty.
Glad you finally got here. Sit down.
I'll be with you in a minute. Where was I?
- "That the intelligence penetration"-
- Oh, yes.
That the intelligence penetration
of Germany by French or Alsatian agents...
or by any non-German personnel is
practically an impossibility. Okay, Simonson?
- Yes, sir.
- Now for the rough part.
I ask that you reconsider our request
with the use of German prisoners
of war in our work.
We've already located many promising
candidates in several P.W. camps.
How about the men down
at the Sarrebourg cage?
- They said they'd hold 'em
another day or two, sir.
- All right.
These men, I believe, if properly trained
and used, can help save American lives.
- We intend to take only
volunteers, and in that case-
Pinpoint Forward.
Captain Siebert speaking.
Yes, he's here. Just a minute.
G2 Seventh Army, sir.
Devlin speaking. Yes, sir.
Then we can go ahead
as discussed?
Well, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Thank you, sir. Bye.
Forget the memo. The old boy came through.
Army says, try it out.
- That's very gracious of them.
- This calls for a drink,
don't you think, Colonel?
- Right. Break out the Quetch, Harold.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I forgot to introduce you.
- This is Gevers, Recruiting.
- Hi.
- Major Richards, our exec.
- Welcome to our club.
- Vincent, Documents.
- Hello, Lieutenant.
Siebert-Where is he?
Oh. Siebert, Security.
- Glad to meet you, Lieutenant.
- Sergeant Simonson...
- best red tape specialist,
both sides of the Atlantic.
- Thank you, sir.
- This is Lieutenant, uh-
What was your name again?
- Rennick.
That's right. Lieutenant Rennick.
Our new communications officer.
Richards, we'll want transportation
first thing in the morning for Sarrebourg.
Well, we're finally gonna pay a visit
to your German friends, Pete.
Pardon me, but if I may,
I'd like to talk with you about my duties.
Well, it can wait
till morning, can't it?
How about coming to Sarrebourg?
lt'll give you an idea of what it's all about.
- Votre sant, messieurs-
or should I say, prost.
- Prost.!
No, sir. Not me. When a man gets his life
handed back to him like I just did...
he'd be a fool
to put it up for sale again.
- I'll do any kind of work you want, but-
- Next man.
I have never been
interested in politics.
They forced me to join the party.
It was the only way I could get a promotion.
All right. Next man.
Sergeant Rudolph Barth reporting, sir.
At ease, Sergeant. Sit down.
- You smoke?
- Yes, sir. I do.
- Thank you.
- Uh, not now.
What unit were you with
when captured?
Twenty-fourth Infantry-
or what was left of it.
- Did you desert?
- No, sir. I was caught by one
of your patrols while, uh-
while visiting the wife
of an Alsatian farmer.
She was a very lonely woman, sir.
How long have you been
in the Wehrmacht, Barth?
- Since '41, unfortunately.
- And before that?
I worked in a Panzer factory in Hamburg,
and before that I was with the circus.
Yes, sir. I took care of two tigers
and a lion- a lioness to be exact.
- I lost my job when the old woman died.
- Have you ever been in jail?
- Yes sir, in '36 in Dsseldorf
and in '42 in Norway.
- And what were the charges?
In civilian life, theft,
and in the army-
how shall I say-
uh, insubordination.
I hope it won't
count against me.
- And what are your political convictions?
- My political convictions?
- Never been able to afford any.
- Then why do you want to work for us?
Because you are winning the war.
Isn't that a good enough reason?
Well, good or bad,
I suppose it's a valid one.
In other words, you don't mind the general
disaster, as long as you come out ahead.
If you want to put it that way.
I guess a few years ago, for the same reason,
you were shouting, "Sieg heil."
No. Not that.
That was one swindle I never fell for.
They were too much like my cats
to suit me- dangerous to turn your back on.
Would you work for us
even if it meant risking your life?
I didn't expect the job
to be safe or pleasant.
Why should you take Germans for safe work
when your own people are in danger?
- All right, Sergeant. We'll think about it.
- Next.
This next guy's supposed to be
an experienced radioman.
- Pardon me. May I ask you
a question now, sir?
- What is it?
How much do you pay?
Thanks a lot, Sergeant. Don't forget to keep
our guys separated from the others.
I know what you mean, sir.
I'll take care of it. This way, sir.
- Look.
- I wonder what he's doing here.
Don't you know? They look for
volunteers who will work for them.
- Have they found any?
- Yes. But there are men here
who will remember their names.
And someday, when we've won,
they'll be taken care of.
"When we've won"? You still believe in that?
Here they come-
the volunteers.
Look at them. They are ready to do
anything just to save their own hides.
- Like most of us.
- What did you say?
Yes, we are no different
from them.
We didn't care what happened to others
as long as they didn't bother any of us.
We just closed our eyes and went along
until we found ourselves
forced to fight the wrong enemy.
You sound as if you're all set
to join the Americans yourself.
I don't know.
That takes courage.
The trouble with me is I want to stay alive.
Like most of us, I talk but I do nothing.
Paul? Paul, are you asleep?
No. What is it?
Did you see their faces
this morning out in the yard?
Yes. For some of them,
nothing is changed- even now.
Richter, the Amis
want you for questioning.
- The Americans want me now?
- Yes. Come with me.
Sergeant Paul Richter...
you are facing a court-martial
of the Wehrmacht.
You are accused of treason
against your fhrer and your fatherland.
Have you anything to say
in your defense?
- What are you doing here?
- Eavesdropping, eh?
Get it over with.
- What happened?
- One of the P. W.'s
fell out of the window.
Let's get him inside
before there's more trouble.
- Hey, you fellas,
come over with that light.
- All right.
- Break it up, guys.
- Come on. There's nothing to look at.
Break it up, I said.
Get back to your bunks.
- Which room did the guy fall from?
- Fall? Are you kidding?
He was pushed.
Better keep
your mouth shut, Junge.
All right. Let's go.
Well, what about you?
Let's go.
- Monsieur Rennick. Monsieur Rennick.
- Yeah?
Sergeant Watkins asked me to tell you,
there is a German to see you
downstairs. A soldier.
- Morning, Griffin.
- Morning, sir.
You wanted to see me?
What's it all about?
I remembered you from
the morning I was captured, sir.
I thought maybe you can help me.
- The morning you were captured?
- Don't you remember those Krauts
we picked up in Hagenau woods?
Oh, yeah.
How's your friend doin'?
He was killed, sir, ten days ago.
He was killed? By whom?
- He was murdered
by some of the other prisoners.
- Yeah, I heard about that.
- He was pushed out of a window, wasn't he?
- Yes.
- Coffee, Dick?
- No, thanks.
- Is that why you came here?
- No, sir.
It is-Well...
I want to work for you, and I thought
you might be able to help me.
- You know what you're gettin' into?
- It doesn't matter.
Even if it means fighting
against your own people?
I believe fighting against them now
is fighting for them.
You sure it isn't the murder of your friend
that's prompting you to do this?
No, sir. That was only
the last thing that happened.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
Look, it's none of my business,
but the job you'll have to do here...
isn't as clean and simple
as you may think.
I don't feel there's any difference
between one way of fighting or another.
Isn't the important thing to believe in
what you're fighting for?
Well, what do you believe in?
Do you know?
Or does it change
when your crowd's taking a beating?
Pete, got a cigarette? Sit down, Corporal.
Don't let me interrupt.
- Thank you, sir.
- Go ahead. What do you believe in?
I don't quite know
how to say it...
but I believe in a life
in which one is not always afraid...
in a life in which people are free
and honest with each other.
And I know we won't have this
in Germany... until- until we have lost.
That sounds great. What makes you so sure
you'll be able to stick to these convictions?
Things will change.
You'll be facing your own people.
It may become hard for you
then to hold on to your beliefs.
No, not any harder
than it has been.
Not any harder than fighting
for something I knew was wrong.
You were a medic.
You didn't really fight.
To be there is to fight.
There's something in what you say,
Corporal. Griffin. Griffin!
- Yes, sir?
- Tell Major Richards I want to
keep this man here a few days.
- Yes, sir.
- We'll let you know.
This way.
Seems like a decent kid.
What do you think, Pete?
Yeah, quite unusual
in this racket.
As a matter of fact, he looks like
one of the few Krauts we can trust.
How about you, Rennick?
I'm a signal officer, sir. I'm sorry, I...
really have no opinion about any of them.
That didn't seem to be
the case a moment ago.
The way you talked to this kid sounded as
if you had a pretty definite point of view.
- What is it?
- Well, if you want to know, sir, l-
I think they're all
a bunch of lice.
If I had to make a choice, I'd go along with
this guy from the circus. He's a crook...
but at least he doesn't kid himself
about why he's workin' for us.
I think you're wrong
about the boy, Rennick.
There are all kinds of traitors.
I have no more sympathy with 'em than you.
But our personal feelings are unimportant
as long as these men are serving our cause.
That's why from now on, when you're
on the job, you'll have only one opinion-
and that's the right one
for the job.
- Everything set for tonight?
- Yes. 0200 hours. Tiger and Freddy.
Be sure and check their briefing
before you take them through.
It's their first time.
Oh, and Pete, I want Lieutenant Rennick
to go along. It may do you some good.
That's all. See you later.
0200 hours. Apiece of no-man's-land...
was indicated by Division G2 as a spot
where two of our agents,
known as Tiger and Freddy...
were to be smuggled
through enemy lines.
They were to secure information
on S.S. and elite troops in this sector.
It was... a so-called
- Minefield. Wait here.
- Minefield. Wait.
- Mines.
Remember, the most important thing
is exact map coordinates for your report.
No report at all is better than one
in which you're not 100% sure.
- That's simple. What I want to know is-
- Just let me do the talkin'.
Tiger, what I was tryin'
to say is sometimes, out of ambition...
you're apt to exaggerate-
report things you haven't seen.
- Me? I never lie.
- That's exactly what I meant.
You may not lie,
but you certainly exaggerate.
- Okay. We can go now. Single file.
- Come on. Single file.
The captain said he'd give us
a short artillery barrage just for cover.
It should start
at any moment now.
That's it.
Better get them ready, Lieutenant.
- Okay?
- Freddy, you first.
Don't forget, your danger
signal's a group of five "D's."
Time of transmission- 2400.
- I want to ask a question.
- What is it?
- Who is the captain of the team?
Who is in command?
- Quiet!
- You are, Tiger. And you're
responsible for your teammate.
- All right. As long as I know.
- Okay. Good luck to both of you.
- Go ahead. I'll follow you.
Okay. But remember, from now on
I'm giving orders. Let's go.
North. Just keep to your left.
We'll stop 'em in just a moment.
The German lines are
about 300 yards over there.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
- Dede, take over.
- Hey, Lang, here's a new guest for your hotel.
I know all about him. Over here.
Ready? Exercise.
One, two, three, four. One, two-
Monique. Hey, Monique.
This is the man we got the file
on this morning. Code name's "Happy."
Yes, sir. I'll- I'll put him in
with Tiger and Fritz.
- Well, lotsa luck. You're in good hands now.
- Follow me, please.
The cot near the window.
You make your own bed here.
All personal belongings will be turned over
to me, and you will get a receipt for them.
And what about my wallet?
They took it away from me.
I had a couple of photographs
of my mother and father. I would
like to keep them if possible.
All your personal documents
will be kept in the headquarters' safe
until the war is over.
- You have been told
your code name is "Happy"?
- Yes.
As you will see by this list of regulations,
under no circumstances...
will you reveal your true name
or identity to anyone.
Remember that.
All right now, Happy.
Ho-o-old it.
- Father's name?
- Friedrich Maurer.
- Profession?
- A doctor. He's a surgeon.
- When did you last see him?
- Uh, about a year ago in Berlin.
He was in charge
of the hospital there.
I thought in America
only criminals were fingerprinted.
Come on, boys.
Come on. Come on.
Over here.
Over here.
Come on.
Let's go. Hurry up.
Here is an example
of the Wehrmacht blacklist.
It's the greatest single danger
that confronts an agent in the Reich.
It carries the names of all suspects.
It's brought up to date
by a weekly supplement...
which carries the number
of the week on its cover.
- Hey, what's the matter, Happy?
- Move it out.
Come on. Stay on your feet.
Don't let that chute drag you.
No. Pull hard
on the bottom line.
- Rennick! Rennick-
- Yes, sir.
- Rennick! Rennick-
- Yes, sir.
- When was our last radio contact with Freddy?
- About four nights ago.
- Did he send his danger signal?
- No. He came in on schedule-
stayed on the air for about 20 minutes,
from midnight on.
According to your notes, wasn't that
the evening he said he last saw him?
Yes, sir-
at approximately 9:00.
What do you want me to assume-
Lieutenant Rennick is lying
and you're telling the truth?
- I don't know I... may have made
a mistake. I'm sorry.
- You may have made a mistake.
We warned you before you left
that you were responsible for
the safety of your teammate.
You show up with a story. He was
picked up by the Wehrmacht
and shipped to the eastern front.
I'm telling the truth. I warned him not
to go out at night, but he wouldn't listen.
- How do you know they shipped him
to the eastern front?
- I had friends in Mannheim.
- One of them checked on it.
- Wait a minute. Didn't you say before...
you couldn't get along with Freddy-
you had some kind of an argument?
- Were you lyin' then or now?
- I am not lying, sir.
Yes, we had an argument. I got mad and
hit him. And he- he ran out in the street.
- Why didn't you tell us that before?
- I did.
I just didn't say it was the same night.
I... was frightened, that's all.
You know as well as I do,
before summer is over we'll be in
Germany, in every city and town.
If you've betrayed us, double agent
or plain crook you'll wind
up in front of a firing squad.
I have nothing to worry about.
I haven't been disloyal, sir. I haven't-
- Get him out of here. Watkins.
- Yes, sir. Come on.!
- Give me a chance to prove
what I've said is true.
- Get out!
Got a cigarette, Rennick?
- Not the best liar I've heard,
but certainly the biggest.
- Wonder how much Krauts paid him.
Pete, I want him sent back to theJoe house
and treated as if nothing had happened.
- Siebert, get C.I.C. on it right
away, and tell 'em it's urgent.
- Yes, sir.
Hello. Get me Captain
Hendrickson, 708 Cadet Forward, please.
I know it sounds crazy,
but he may be telling the truth.
He's too smart a liar
to lie that badly.
Well, what's new
in Company "D"?
Say, you know what
the "D" stands for?
"The damned."
That's what we are.
Here, Moniquechen. If anyone
deserves a second helping tonight, I do.
I don't have to tell you, the food on the
other side of our glorious Rhine stinks.
What's the matter
with all of you?
I go out and do a job while
the rest of you sit here by the fire...
and when I come back
you look at me as if-
- Well, for heaven's sake, say something.
- What happened to Freddy?
- He was your teammate, wasn't he?
- Sure he was, and he got caught.
So what?
That's a chance everyone of us takes.
Anyway, I remember none of you
were this upset about Red when he got lost.
- Red? That was different.
- How do you know it was?
- What do any of you know
about it, huh? Nothing.
- Listen to him talk.
Freddy got caught because he wasn't
smart enough. He was dumb, thick-headed-
like the rest of you!
Silence, Tiger!
And knock it off, all of ya's.
All right. Forget it.
Here. You haven't forgotten the old song,
"Will This All Be Remembered"?
Well, they are playing it
all over again.
- Um, may I have a cup of coffee, please?
- Sure.
- Who was Red?
- A boy who missed his pinpoint.
He didn't jump when
the green light went on.
He landed 20 miles
off his target outside an S.S. barracks...
with his parachute
tangled in a tree.
It doesn't happen often.
You don't have to be afraid.
I'm not- not of the jump, anyway.
Then what are you afraid of?
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be inquisitive.
Oh, that's all right.
I don't mind.
You know, once I was doing the same job,
and I, too, was afraid the first time I jumped.
Maybe in a different way,
but that's why I think
I know what's bothering you.
You do? What is it?
You are afraid of having to face
your own people, aren't you?
Come in.
- Officer messenger, sir, with a dispatch.
- Yes?
- Colonel Devlin?
- That's right.
This is from Colonel Williamson, sir.
Top secret.
Come on. Hurry it up. Bringin' you guys
together is getting tougher every day.
- What's it all about, anyway?
- Shh. Quiet.
All right, gentlemen,
here's the dope.
GeneralJaeger, commanding the Fourth Corps
here along the east bank of the Rhine...
sent emissaries to Switzerland informing us
he's willing to surrender his entire corps...
as soon as he can establish
contact with our troops.
He's also requested that we put in
a radio mission hidden here in Mannheim...
to act as a communications link between
his headquarters and us. Is that clear?
- Sure.
- Well, looks as if the Krauts
have finally wised up.
G2 has approved Jaeger's request and
asked that we put in a tourist mission...
about 250 miles behind this sector
here in the vicinity of Munich
to find out how much...
mobile strength the Germans
can bring up to close in the gap
in case the surrender comes off.
G2 also suspects that elements
of the 11 th Panzer Corps...
are being held back here as a mobile reserve
to be thrown in wherever needed.
Now the Mannheim job will require
a team of one radio operator...
and a first-class agent who
really knows the town and has
contacts there he can depend on.
- Who've you got in mind, Colonel?
- Now don't all jump on me.
- The only man who can do it
is our friend Barth, the Tiger.
Here's the C.I.C. report that came in
yesterday on the Tiger's first mission.
They checked his story, and it seems
that everything he said was true.
Furthermore G2 has given
his intelligence mission an "A" rating.
- Besides that, he was-
- Was born and raised in Mannheim.
Right. That's why no matter how
we feel about him, at the moment
he's the logical choice.
What about his teammate,
the radioman?
I'd like to talk about that later.
First let's take up the tourist mission.
I want to send Happy.
Any objections?
No, sir. But, so help me,
I don't get sending the Tiger.
- Richards, is Monique here?
- Yes, sir. She's waiting outside.
Ask her to come in. Hold your horses, Pete.
He's not on the plane yet.
- Okay, Bob?
- Yeah. Okay.
Come in,
Sit down, Monique. Would you care
for a cup of coffee or a cigarette?
Cigarette's okay, sir.
Tell us about the Tiger, Monique.
Have you noticed anything recently
that we should hear about?
No, sir. He hasn't changed.
As usual, he doesn't get along with the
others, and he's difficult, but that's all.
- How would you feel about
sending him out again?
- I would send him, sir.
- I'm all for that, if it's
just to get rid of him.
- Okay. How about Happy?
- I think that, in many ways,
he's the best of them all.
- Why?
Because-Well, because
he's the first German...
I've known who really believes
in what he's doing.
Do you think he's ready to go?
What's the matter, Monique?
There is only one thing that
might make it difficult for him...
maybe because
he's young and honest.
He may begin to doubt himself
once he's back in his own country.
If this mission is difficult,
I think it would be better to wait.
Come here a minute, Monique.
Their first service since the Germans left.
Look, we've known each other
for quite a while. The deal
I made with you in Algiers...
before you jumped into France was that
you'd always be on the level with me.
- Right?
- Yes.
Then I wanna ask you something.
I know what you said about Happy is true...
but I feel there's something
you didn't tell me.
- What?
- Are you in love with him?
He's a Boche, sir, like all the others.
We have too much to forget
before we can love any of them.
- May I go now?
- Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.
Thank you, sir.
- Richards.
- Yes, sir?
I want Monique transferred.
Do we have another job for her?
- I'll see what I can do.
Would Station "K" be all right?
- Sure. Sure, that's fine.
Now about the radioman
for the Mannheim mission-
the Germans have requested that one member
of the mission be an American officer.
Army agrees. They feel it'll show
we mean business.
Therefore, it's clear in this case that
the American will have to be the radioman.
- Go ahead, Colonel.
- You're with me, Rennick.
I can't order you to do this,
and under the circumstances...
I'm sure none of us
would blame you if you said no.
Can't we get an officer from the
Army Communications Center?
We could train him in a few days.
You couldn't train him even in a few weeks.
If you're worried about Tiger, I can handle him.
He'd have a hard time
pushin' me around.
I don't get you.
A few weeks ago...
- you didn't seem
to like this job very much.
- Well, he changed his mind.
No. I haven't. I still don't like it,
but we have no choice.
Besides, you said it was important,
didn't you, Colonel?
- Anybody got a cigarette?
- Yeah. Sure.
You know I don't smoke.
Well, it fits you fine, sir.
Well, let's check your gear.
- Your shovel- that goes here.
- Mm-hmm.
Your landing gun, chute pack, helmet,
gloves- the rucksack's for your radio.
- You better put it in yourself
so you know it's all right.
- Good.
- Everything okay, Rennick?
- No complaints so far, sir.
- Did you pack the chute yourself, Willows?
- Yes. I packed them this morning.
I see you've got all your medals on, Barth-
maybe even a couple of extras.
No, sir. They are all my own. Iron Cross
in Norway, Sturmabzeichen in France...
and winter campaign, '41 in the east.
- I wonder how many of our guys
he knocked off to get them.
- None, sir.
I got them all in my own special way.
At your orders, Herr Oberst.
- Don't fall in love with that.
You have to bury your gear once you land.
- Yes, sir.
- You can go draw your
personal supplies now. Martin.
- Yes, sir?
- Take him over to the prop shop.
- Yes, sir.
- What's the takeoff time?
- 0100 hours, sir. That's if the weather holds.
- Good. When they're through here,
bring 'em to the briefing room.
- Yes, sir.
- Got your check-off list?
- Yes.
Here, honey.
Check this guy out.
One compass, German cigarettes-
three packages...
Wehrmacht ration stamps,
Benzedrines- five tablets.
They're stimulants.
Don't take more than one a day.
German razor blades- six-
and one razor...
German maps-
Sheet Y3, Y4, Y5.
Let's see. That's all.
- Good luck to you.
- Thank you, Monique.
Okay, Happy. Here you are, Monique,
two more customers.
If there's anything else
you can think of, sir, just let me know.
If you're all through, Happy,
the colonel wants you in the briefing room.
Yes, sir.
These are his papers, sir.
His Soldbuch with his health record
inside and his orders.
Money and his Wehrmacht
travel certificates are in this envelope.
All right, Happy. Let's go over it once more.
What name are you traveling under?
Steiner, Karl, a Luftwaffe medic-
number L43587.
We took his age, place ofbirth,
etc., out ofhis own Soldbuch.
Well, at least you didn't have to
memorize that. What's your cover?
I'm on sick leave, returning
from Base Hospital 12 at Bad Reichenhall.
- What was the doctor's name
who signed your orders?
- Foerster. I had pneumonia.
- We marked it on the health record
with Code number 7.
- Good.
Now show me your pinpoint.
It's here, east of Mnchen,
near Fridolfing.
After I bury my chute and my gear, I go to
Mnchen by way of Wasserburg Highway.
- I am to make my way back
to my outfit near Mannheim.
- And your route?
It's Mnchen, Augsburg,
Stuttgart, and then Mannheim.
- And what's your objective?
- To locate the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Their headquarters are believed to be in
this area somewhere northwest of Mnchen.
- Suppose you change your route?
- For that I have an extra set of
travel orders and a date stamp.
Right. Here they are- extra set of orders,
date stamp, official Wehrmacht seal.
- Mark your map so that no one
except you can interpret it.
- I know, sir.
Pardon me, sir. Rennick and the Tiger
are ready for you. We haven't got much time.
Bring them in. Get back here, Happy.
Even if you haven't done it all...
- you've gotta be back here in five days.
- I will, sir.
Okay, Happy.
- Well, how does it feel
to be a civilian again?
- Fine.
Just tell the pilot
to drop me in Cleveland, Ohio.
If you want to get back to Cleveland,
better concentrate on this.
Where's your pinpoint?
It's a meadow about five kilometers
south of Beerfelden, sir.
- You know exactly where that is?
- I've only been starin' at it
on a map for three solid days.
In case you're separated on landing,
what's the address
of the safe house in Mannheim?
- Eighteen Neckarstrasse, second floor, rear.
- Eighteen? You're sure? Not 28?
- Eighteen.
- Knock off the kidding, Pete.
How about you, Barth?
Are you certain your people in Mannheim
will let the lieutenant in?
Yes. He must knock four times
with an interval after the first two.
- When they open, he has only to say,
"Greetings from the Tiger."
- Okay.
We told GeneralJaeger's people
where they can contact you.
Now is there anything else?
Yeah- one little thing.
While we're all talking
here together as friends...
I'd just like to say that what happened
to Freddy is not gonna happen to me.
If I get caught, it won't be my fault.
Is that clear?
- What do you mean?
- He means just what he said.
Lieutenant Rennick is not likely
to want to take a walk around
Mannheim just for the fun of it.
Furthermore, in any disagreement
that might come, no matter what,
Rennick will always be right.
Get that through your head, Barth.
Lieutenant Rennick will always be right.
- I don't know. Sometimes
I'd rather go than stay behind.
- Don't kid yourself, brother.
Get ready.
We're approaching the first target.
Action stations!
The address!
I forgot the address in Mannheim.
- What?
- I forgot the address!
- Eighteen Neckarstrasse. Eighteen!
- Target!
Eighteen Neckarstrasse. Eighteen.!
Eighteen Neckarstrasse. Eighteen.
Well, bud,
how does it feel to be going home?
Fine, I hope.
- Well, if you're hungry, Amigo
here'll give you a sandwich.
- No, thank you.
Well, hasta luego, muchachos. I'll let you
know a few minutes before we approach.
- Are you an American?
- Why? Don't I look like one?
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.
- You didn't, huh?
I just hope that before this is over,
I can get a crack at a couple
of squareheads like you.
- You hate us, don't you?
- Call it anything you like.
I haven't yet felt sorry...
when I've seen a string of 100-pounders
leave that bomb rack.
- Here's some coffee.
- Thank you.
The pilot wants you to know you may
be a mile or two off the pinpoint. Come on.
Stand by.!
Next stop,
Mnchen, center of town.
All men proceeding further
than Mnchen will stamp their orders...
at the Frontleitstelle
in the main station.
Extra! Extra!
Mnchener Post.
Say, have you got 10 pfennigs?
Too bad, but I have no change. Just a-
- Here. Here's a mark.
- Thank you.
Here, Mutter.
Keep the change.
- What are you looking for?
- Uh, the Frontleitstelle, please.
- Right over there.
- Thank you.
I'm returning to my unit
from the hospital in Bad Reichenhall.
Who took this week's security list?
- Number nine hasn't come in yet.
Here's last week's list.
- Thank you.
Steiner, Steiner, Steiner-
Steiner. All right.
To Mannheim by the way
of Augsburg, Ulm, Stuttgart.
You get your train information
from the Wehrmacht Kontroller
outside on the platform. Next.
Uh, please, I have a friend
in the 11 th Panzer Corps.
- Do you know where their headquarters are?
- Eleventh Panzer Corps?
- I heard they were around here somewhere.
- Weren't they in Frth?
- Yes, it's just outside of Nuremberg.
- Thanks.
- To Freiburg.
- Please don't crowd.
One at a time.
- Anything wrong with my ticket?
- Wait a moment.
I'll just check with the Unteroffizier.
- Uh, when is the next train
to Nuremberg, Frulein?
- Your orders?
I don't know if the track to Nuremberg
is repaired. Wait a minute.
- Sure it is. There's a train at 9:30.
- Trudy, Nuremberg all right?
- Yes. They just finished
working on the track.
- Guess you were right.
I usually am, Frulein.
Come on. Track seven.
The night is shorter
when you have someone to talk to.
Say, I hope you don't mind, but,
uh, I've been meaning to ask you.
Where did you get all your money?
- What money?
- That fat roll you
carry in your pocket.
I just got back pay for three months.
Besides, it isn't very much.
Well, I really don't care how much it is,
as long as you'll kindly agree to...
Ioan me-
let's say- half of it?
- Now let me explain it to you.
I'm simply in need of cash...
and I'm perfectly willing
to let you profit by it.
Here. Take your choice. Where else in our
country could you get a better deal?
Paper for gold.
The fat stomach this used to go around,
I assure you, is much thinner now.
But maybe this. This is a better
investment for a young man like you.
It comes from a good marriage.
I think they had been together-
yeah- 25 years. How about it?
No thanks.
I don't plan to get married.
Well, that's up to you.
But if you change your mind,
remember, you'll be helping a friend.
Who knows?
Maybe someday you'll need one.
I think we better get some sleep now.
You know, sometimes I envy
you fellows at the front.
At least you can save your money.
Me, I spend all mine here-
on trains or busses
or, at best, on my motorcycle.
I'm Scholtz, special courier
of the Waffen S.S. Some title, eh?
But money? No.
happy dreams, Corporal.
Your main objective
is to locate the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Weren't they in Frth?
Are you sure
you'll stick to your convictions?
You'll be facing your own people.
The fat stomach
this used to go around, I assure you...
is much thinner now.
It may become hard
for you then to hold on to your beliefs.
Halt.! Hey.! Halt.!
Everybody out.! Halt.!
Halt! Halt!
Come on. Keep moving.
We have to clear the track.
Other trains are coming.
Come on.
Hey! What's going on?
Is this Nuremberg?
That's right. They hit us
for three hours this morning.
Keep in line.
- Keep in line.
- You'll all be
rerouted at the Frontleitstelle.
Attention. Left face. March. Hut. Hut.
Would you know if the 11 th Panzer Corps
is still in Frth?
Eleventh Panzer Corps?
No, I don't.
How do I get to Frth, please?
Can't you read? Over there.
Don't crowd, please. Don't crowd.
Keep moving, please.
- My sister was bombed out last night-
- Oh, excuse me.
- for the third time.
- How long can it go on?
- How long can they expect us
to live like this?
- Shh! Don't talk like that.
Yes. And then he kept
complaining about the food.
"You get it all at the front,"
I told him.
He laughed like he was crazy.
Fritz, my own son.
Karl.! Karl.!
Herr Maurer. Excuse me.
Excuse me, please.
You're Karl Maurer, aren't you?
Don't you remember me?
I'm Paula Schneider.
I worked for your father in Berlin.
Sure, I remember.
You were the head nurse at his clinic.
I suppose it's the uniform.
It does make us all look different.
- How long have you been
in the Luftwaffe?
- I was called in '43.
Look at you. I remember
when you first started school.
You were still living
across from the clinic.
That was a long time ago, wasn't it?
Nuremburg west, control point.
All passengers out.
I saw your father yesterday
at the base hospital in Wrzburg.
- You saw my father?
- Yes. Did you know he was stationed there?
Oh, yes. I heard he was
transferred from Berlin.
He's better off in Wrzburg.
Safer, I hope. Are you going to see him?
I'm trying to get permission
to stop there.
Well, they'll give it to you. Just tell them
you haven't seen your father for a long time.
- Name and rank?
- Schneider, Paula. F.P.N. 347.
All right, go ahead.
Name and rank?
Uh, I'm afraid I didn't have
my orders stamped today.
You'll have to see the Feldwebel.
He's at the main control point.
Excuse me. Maybe I can help.
I know the corporal very well.
His father is chief surgeon at the Wrzburg
base hospital. If you want, I can vouch for-
Don't worry, Frulein Schneider.
It's just a formality. Go ahead.
- Well, when you see your father,
please give him my best.
- I will. Thank you.
- Auf Wiedersehen. Heil Hitler.
- Heil Hitler.
Hey, where you going? It's up there
on your left next to the monument.
This is the control point,
not the Kommandatur.
I can't help you if your papers
aren't in order. Come on, get moving.
I know. I know. Not you.
I can't let you through.
- Corporal Steiner reporting, sir.
- Yes?
I didn't have a chance to get
my orders stamped in Nuremburg.
I'm looking for H.Q., 11 th Corps.
Eleventh Corps? They moved
a couple of days ago to Crailsheim.
I see you've been
in the army two years.
Don't you know you should
have your orders stamped?
Say, look who's coming.
Hey, Heinz.
What happened to you?
I haven't seen you
and your tin horse for quite a while.
Just back from a trip east.
But as you see...
it didn't take long for them
to get me on the road again.
I'm on my way to Wrzburg now.
Well, if it isn't the corporal.
- Do you know him?
- Know him? Why, he's a good friend of mine.
- Anything wrong?
- No, nothing serious.
I'll let you through this time.
- This man with Corporal Scholtz can pass.
- Okay.
Thanks. I'll be back tomorrow.
See, sometimes it's good to have a friend.
Where are you going?
I'm trying to get to
Crailsheim by tonight.
Well, if you don't mind a little
detour, I'll give you a ride. Come on.
I'll be right back. Just have to make
a pickup at the Kommandatur.
Frau Karen? Frau Karen,
can I have 10 liters?
Certainly, sir.
There's always some for you.
- Good day, sir.
- Badly hit here in Wrzburg, weren't you?
Yes. Last fall.
But it's coming back to life again.
They moved a big chemical plant
into town last month from East Prussia.
Uh, there is a base hospital
here, isn't there?
Yes, up there on the Berg.
Most of the casualties from
the west come through here.
- It's next to the factory.
- Uh, do you have a phone?
Inside. It's an army line.
It's to your right.
- Yes?
- The base hospital, please.
- Hello.
- Uh, base hospital?
- Yes.
- Can I talk to Dr. Maurer?
Dr. Friedrich Maurer?
Hold the line, please.
I'll connect you with him.
Hello. This is Dr. Maurer.
- Operator, did you ring me?
- Yes, sir. The party's still on the line.
I can't hear them. Hello. Hello!
Are you calling Dr. Maurer? Hello.
Operator, this must be a mistake.
Got some friends here?
I thought I had.
Well, I know a good place where we can
spend the night, right near Crailsheim.
It's a little out of the way,
but it's worth it.
- Heil Hitler, Frau Karen.
- Heil Hitler.
There's no more room tonight.
Everything's taken.
I know. I know.
I tell you there's no more room.
- Is Frau Kollwitz across the alley?
- There's nothing she can do-
Come on.
One of the few places
left in Germany...
where a soldier can get a clean bed
and a bottle of wine.
- That is, if he has money.
- Or if he has a friend who will pay for him.
That's right.
- Hey, is Fritzi around?
- Fritzi? Yeah, I just saw her.
- Say, don't I know you?
- You? I can't quite remember.
- Liar. Is Fritzi in the office?
- Uh, yeah, there.
Take care of my friend here.
I'll be right back.
There's still some wine left
for special guests. Want it?
- Is this place legal?
- It's as much a part of
the Wehrmacht as your Luftwaffe.
Only the dancing is illegal. But then again,
it all depends on how you look at it.
- Want the change?
- No, never mind.
Oh, thanks. I would never have asked
before, but now I would starve if I didn't.
We're only open two days a week.
- Isn't the 11 th Panzer Corps
stationed somewhere around here?
- Two beer.
They were in Crailsheim, right
near here, but they've gone.
A few clerks are all that's left.
And once in a while
we get some transients, like you.
- Want to dance?
- No, thank you.
I thought you weren't
supposed to nowadays.
We're not supposed to have wine either,
but that doesn't seem to bother you.
You must know your way around here.
How about getting me a glass?
Well, go ahead. I'm not thirsty.
Well, thank you, sir.
We interrupt this
broadcast to bring you the latest news.
On the western front, in the vicinity
of Mannheim-
Hey! Turn it off.
- Come on Kurt.
- Come on Kurt. We want music.
- Yeah, let's have some music.
- How about waltz?
...heavy enemy pressure near Koblenz.
- Still interested in that?
- Does it bother you?
- No. Just bores me.
Who wants to
know nowadays?
Our grenadiers are heroically
holding their positions.
Holding their positions.
It never changes.
Until one morning, you'll open the window
and they'll be there, the Amis.
- Hilde, will you please tell him to stop it.
- What's the matter?
I can't help it.
But he makes me cry.
This is an official
announcement of the Mnchen Kommandatur.
The enemy parachutist reported
yesterday near Altenmarkt is still at large.
He's believed to be
wearing Luftwaffe boots...
as his footprints near the buried
parachute have disclosed.
- Anything important?
- Uh, no, nothing important.
Well, Hilde,
I haven't seen you since Leipzig.
They certainly move
you people around.
Fritzi, this is Corporal-
Say, what is your name?
- Steiner. Karl Steiner.
- My name is Scholtz.
And this is Fritzi Kollwitz.
Everything's fine.
We have a room across the street...
and thanks to Fritzi,
plenty of food.
And now, what's most important.
How about something decent to drink?
It's not that easy anymore, Heinz, huh?
But I'll see what I can do.
We were lucky to run into
each other, weren't we, Karl?
You've got money,
and I know how to spend it.
Pardon me,
but if you still like to dance?
Oh. You're not as slow
as I thought.
I hope you don't think
you are doing me a favor.
I only changed my mind.
That's all.
But you better hurry up
or there won't be much left.
- Where'd you learn to dance?
- In a school, in Potsdam.
Haven't you danced since?
Come on, Corporal, I won't break.
- Is that better?
- Well, isn't it?
- Coming, Hilde?
- I'll be right there.
Pretty, huh? Lost her leg
a year ago in Breslau.
- Are you with a show?
- Yes. Soldaten Variete.
Well, it's still better
than the labor front, not much better.
Maybe I'm not what
you're looking for?
Maybe a sweet young man like you
would rather have someone your own age?
- Aren't you?
- Now don't be generous.
If you'd seen me
a couple of years ago-
Why in '42 in the summer, there
was an Italian major in Milano.
He wanted to marry me.
Here. Fritzi has found something special,
a real Steinhager. Eighty percent.
Just try it, Hilde.
Don't let anybody touch that.
- How about you?
- No, thank you.
What? Enjoy yourself
while you can, soldier.
It may not happen to us again.
We may all go, all at once, fast.
May I have one
of your cigarettes?
Well, even if we do,
we've had a good time, haven't we?
We've given the world 12 years
it will never forget.
And no matter what they do,
they'll never get us out of their system.
And now there'll be a little song
which was composed by our soldiers...
when they were
stationed in Paris.
We're the Boche again now.
But I remember Paris in '41,
that first summer. Do you know Paris, Karl?
- No. The only part of France
I've seen was Alsace.
- Alsace?
Yes. I was there with
my outfit a few months ago.
No true German
thinks of Alsace as a part of France.
It's as German as the Rhineland
or the Saar.
I only thought of it as France because I
remember we took it from the French.
We didn't take it. We took it back.
We took what belonged to us and maybe more.
- Well, we did it, and we'll do it again!
- Heinz. Heinz, please.
You're right, Fritzi.
You're right.
You see what a good influence
women are on men?
Hmm, sometimes, not always.
I think I'd better get some sleep.
I have to get up very early.
Sure, go ahead, Corporal. The woman
at the desk will show you to your room.
Not only did you forget
to say good-bye to me, Corporal...
but you also forgot
these things downstairs.
And, uh, and you left these
on the table.
Thank you.
You know, we haven't seen
this kind for quite a while.
A doctor gave them to me...
- in a hospital.
- Want one?
No. I'd like to get some sleep.
You want me to get out, is that it?
Yes, I do.
You don't like me.
Why don't you say so?
That has nothing
to do with it.
It's just that
I feel sorry for you.
Sorry for me?
Who do you think you are?
I've known better men than you
and they didn't turn their noses up at me.
But then I suppose they
weren't brought up like you.
Oh, I know your type. The little German
Brger, pure and honest.
You've been taught to keep your distance,
to keep your hands clean.
Well, you are as dirty
as the rest of us now.
Come on.
Get out of here.
And let me
tell you something.
I was in love once with a man who to me
was as decent as you think you are.
And what's more, he was in love with me.
But he was killed in Norway.
And when I bore his child,
his family turned away from me
as- as is if I were a stranger.
I got a job. Nothing to be proud of,
but it kept us alive.
And then one day
my child was killed.
There was a raid. And when I came home
after work that night...
there was nothing left
of the street where I lived.
I couldn't find her.
I never did.
From then on,
I didn't care what happened.
I just hated-
hated everybody.
But probably myself most of all.
Why? You want to know why?
Because I was hungry. Hungry for
a little kindness and- and love and-
I don't know.
Maybe it was all my fault.
Anyway here I am-
dirty, miserable and alone.
There are thousands
and thousands like me.
Well, now you know me.
Are you satisfied?
Here. Drink this. Go ahead.
I'm sorry. l-
I just couldn't help it.
What's the matter, dear?
Anything wrong?
Get out.
Get out, I said.
I thought you said you were tired.
There are thousands
and thousand like me.
We've given
the world 12 years it will never forget.
Do you know what you're getting into?
Are you calling Dr. Maurer? Hello?
Your father
is at the base hospital in Wrzburg now.
Up on the Berg.
The hospital is next to the factory.
Your main objective
is to locate the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Say, Corporal Steiner.
Here is a message about your transportation.
You've got to report to the Marktplatz.
Thank you.
Could you help me, Corporal?
I have to talk to you.
It's shorter this way.
Will you follow me?
Look, it isn't any of my business
who you are or- or what you've done, but-
What are you talking about?
I know its hard to make you believe
I'm telling the truth.
But you must trust me. You must.
- What is it?
- Last night, you know
who sent me to your room?
It was Scholtz.
He ordered me to watch you.
Look out.
Thank you, Corporal, for helping me.
I can carry it myself.
Hey, Steiner, I'm afraid
I have to get back to Nuremburg.
But the truck over there
is going your way.
It's all fixed.
The driver knows all about you.
Sorry about last night. I had a couple
too many. Have a good trip.
All right.
Here, pass it around.
- Didn't you say it was Scholtz
who ordered you to watch me?
- Yes, it was.
Well, if he did,
why did you tell me about it?
I'm not quite sure why.
But last night, for the first time,
you made me realize what was happening to me.
- That I can't go on like this.
That there is some reason-
- All right.
Let's suppose you are telling the truth,
that Scholtz is suspicious of me.
That still doesn't prove he's right.
I don't care if he is right or not.
All I know is they're after you.
Look, Karl, I know these people.
I know them too well.
If you need money, here,
I have this ring. You can sell it.
Hilde, the Corporal here
said this may help keep you warm.
No, thank you.
Do you know that man over there?
- Which one?
- In the corner with the glasses on.
- Halt!
- No, I don't.
- Halt.!
- What's the matter, sir?
Everybody off.
Oh, I mean except the ladies.
Karl, be careful.
I didn't lie to you.
You think you can still see
what you're shooting at?
Yes, at your orders,
Herr Oberleutnant.
- All right, Sergeant, take them away.
- Left face. Forward, march.
Take the women to the village and have
the truck inspected by our ordinance.
Yes, sir.
All right, let's go.
Detail, halt.!
Left face!
- Eighteen more.
- Get all your papers out and stand by.
Twenty-seven all together,
Herr Oberleutnant.
All right, men.
You are about to be processed to see
which one of you will fulfill our needs here.
This is an emergency measure
taken by order of the commanding
general, 11 th Panzer Corps.
Those of you who will not be selected will
be allowed to proceed to your regular units.
At ease. Carry on, Klinger.
Say, isn't that a medic back there?
I'm talking to you, lancer.
Come on. You heard
the lieutenant. Move out.
Come on.
- What unit are you going to?
- The 20th Flak, sir. Attached
to the 16th Infantry Division.
- All right. Get him to the
colonel's quarters right away.
- Yes, sir.
- What about my unit, sir?
- They'll have to get along
without you, I guess.
Come on. Follow me.
Leutnant Bulow said this man
is to report to Oberst Von Ecker.
- Oh, yes. Gutterman.
- Yes, sir.
Take this man upstairs to Major Hartmann.
He knows all about it.
Yes, sir.
- Hartmann, give me his file.
- Here it is, sir.
The court-martial convened
upon my orders yesterday...
has found you guilty
of willful desertion...
and has therefore recommended
that the extreme penalty be imposed...
that you be hanged
by the neck until dead.
I can't see any reason why their
sentence shouldn't be carried out.
I beg you, sir. My wife and children
were bombed out.
I had to find a place for them
to keep them alive.
So you took it upon yourself
to stay with them and neglect your duty.
But that was my only mistake,
sir, after 20 years service.
Today, it's more than a mistake.
It's a crime.
You, Leerback, should know that better
than any of the others.
Yes, sir. But you can't let them
kill me for that.
I beg you, sir. Not just for myself,
but for my family, my children.
I'm sorry. In these times,
the discipline of our troops...
is more important than
our personal destinies.
- That's all, Leerback.
- Sir, I beg you to reconsider.
- I'll do anything. Anything you ask.
- Stop it.
You're supposed to be a soldier.
Act like one. Take him away.
Come with me.
Take your coat off.
- The medic is here, sir.
- All right.
The Luftwaffe is about the only uniform
we haven't collected here as yet.
At ease. Your name and unit?
Corporal Steiner, sir, 20th Flak.
I was on my way to Mannheim
to rejoin my unit.
There's a tray on the table
next to my bed. Bring it here, please.
Yes, sir.
- Will you read the labels aloud?
- Yes, sir.
"Five ampules of digifolin,
one c.c. in case of emergency.
"Nitroglycerin tablets,
1/10 of a gram.
Alcohol." That's all, sir.
- You are a medic. Do you
know what this is for?
- Yes, sir.
It's used in case of a severe attack
of angina pectoris. A heart disease, sir.
Pretty good. Well, then you know
what's wrong with me.
Unfortunately, I had to send my orderly
to Darmstadt to get more of this stuff.
As you see by the prescription,
it's important that in case of an attack...
the dose be exactly one c.c.
and be given immediately.
- An overdose or a delay can be fatal.
- Yes, sir. I can see that.
Well, that will be all
for the moment.
You better make yourself comfortable.
You will be here for a while.
Would Herr Oberst like me
to serve his dinner now?
I had hoped you wouldn't
remind me of it.
But I suppose a man has to eat,
even when he has no appetite.
- Put some blankets on the windows.
- Yes, sir.
And there's a candle on my desk.
Bring it here, please.
- At your orders, Herr Oberst.
- About our forward echelon, have they left?
Two battalions of the 21 st
started for Mannheim an hour ago, sir.
- The Fifth will be starting in the morning.
- Fine.
Will you be sure to remind
the commanding officers...
that despite their being
in GeneralJaeger's area...
- they are still under my direct command.
- Yes, sir.
And that they will not take orders
from anyone but me.
Yes, sir. I'm sorry to bother you, sir,
but about the deserter.
Have you signed the order
for his execution?
No, I have not.
Thank you, Hartmann.
- There's a bottle of
Niersteiner in the locker.
- Yes, sir.
And there must be another glass
around here. There by the window.
I don't enjoy
drinking wine by myself.
I don't care for any,
unless Herr Oberst insists.
I do insist.
Furthermore, you needn't stand
at attention all the time.
And for heaven's sake,
stop addressing me in the third person.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead. Don't make me
repeat things.
Not bad.
Does Herr Oberst- Uh, do you
wish anything else, sir?
There's an extra blanket
on my bed.
You can go to sleep as soon
as you have cleared the table.
Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir?
- I want to be awakened at 6:00.
Yes, sir.
Shall I clean your pistol before
I put it back into your holster, sir?
No, you put it next to my bed.
- I want it here.
- Yes, sir.
And, uh, by the way...
don't forget to remind me in the morning
to sign the order of the execution.
- Yes, sir.
- Here. I said you can take these blankets.
Thank you, sir.
- Shall I turn the lamp off?
- Just turn it down a little.
Are you there, Corporal?
Yes, sir. I'm here.
Good night.
Good night, sir.
Two battalions of the 21 st to Mannheim.
The Fifth starts in the morning.
You will be here for a while.
Get back here, Happy.
Get back here in five days.
In case of an attack...
an overdose or a delay can be fatal.
I beg you. l-
Please. Please.
- Is Herr Oberst awake?
- No, sir. I don't think so.
- Shh.
- Is he up?
No, sir.
He had a very bad night.
- What is it?
- It's me, sir. Hartmann.
- I have the morning report for you, sir.
- Give it to the corporal.
- I'll be ready for you in half an hour.
- Yes, sir.
What time is it?
- A few minutes past 6:00, sir.
- Help me.
Hm. You know,
I had a dream.
I dreamt you were the deserter I sentenced
and that you wanted to shoot me.
I had forgotten that people
like that are too weak.
They would never have
the courage to kill...
even if it is
to save themselves.
Sometimes it takes
more courage not to kill.
I would have preferred you
I had not answered me in that way.
But you just saved my life,
whatever that's worth.
And so, instead of punishing you,
I would like to do something for you.
I would suggest that Herr Oberst
remain quiet and not exert himself, sir.
- The third person again, Corporal.
- I'm sorry, sir.
How about a week's leave at home, hmm?
Would that suit you?
Thank you, sir.
I have my duty at the front.
- There's only one thing, however.
- Yes. What is it?
Maybe it's foolish of me...
but if you would have mercy on the deserter
and put him in prison instead.
Corporal, your profession
is to save lives, even the unworthy.
Well, mine is to take it,
even the worthy.
I know that it is insane to claim that we
can throw back the enemy that surround us.
But in one hour, in front of the officers
of my division, I will claim just that.
I'll do so because it is my belief...
that at all costs
we must fight to the bitter end.
That is the reason why,
now more than ever...
I must maintain the discipline
of my division.
And that is the reason
why this man must die.
Give me some wine. Those pills,
they always make me thirsty.
- Shall I bring you a glass of water, sir?
- I hate water.
This is Von Ecker.
The medic you sent me yesterday, Corporal-
Uh, what's your name again?
- Corporal Steiner, sir.
- Steiner. Corporal Steiner.
I want him forwarded on to his unit
by the first available transportation.
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
- Yes. Thank you, sir.
- All right.
To our country.
- Bridge is out.
- Get the men off the trucks, quick.!
Yes, sir.
Everybody off the trucks!
The bridge is out!
You'll have to cross on foot!
Come on! Everybody out!
Line up in column of threes!
- Hurry up.!
- Everybody out.! We'll cross on foot.!
Everybody off the trucks!
The bridge is out!
- We'll have to cross on foot!
- Come on! Everybody out!
Line up in column of threes!
Hurry up!
Everybody out.!
We cross on foot.!
Everybody out of the trucks.!
Drivers start as soon as you've unloaded.!
My glasses. I've lost my glasses.
l- I can't see without them.
- Get over there.
- Here they are.
It was very kind of you
to help me.
Huh. My name is Brandenbacher.
Ernst Brandenbacher.
Most people call me Ernst.
It's easier.
- We'd better get going.
- We'll reload on the other side.
- Come on.! Hurry up.!
- Everybody remember
the number of the truck.!
- Reload on the other side.!
- Enemy planes.!
The Amis are coming.!
Take cover.! Quickly.! Cover.!
Help me, please!
Somebody! Help!
Ah. They got me!
But you won't get away, Steiner.
By now they know
all about you everywhere.
We could have taken you a long
time ago, but I hoped that you
would lead me to the others.
I hoped to get all of you.
The rest of the bridges,
were blown up this morning.
This seems to be
the last one in Mannheim.
I'll bet it won't be long
before this one goes too.
- I heard the Americans are in Landau.
- So what? Are you afraid?
Better get your papers out.
Here comes another spot check.
Spot check.
They better call it "grave registration."
Today they take your name.
Tomorrow they notify your mother.
- Oh, keep quiet.
- Gunther, Alois- Gefreiter.
- All right.
- Schaus, Herbert- Obergefreiter.
- Go ahead.
- Bachschmidt, Hans- Kanonier.
- Mm-hmm.
- Schmidt, Albert- Unteroffizier.
- All right.
- Rothmann, Klaus- Obergefreiter.
- Go on.
- Lachner, Gert-Schtze.
Myer, Billie-
Schindler, Johannes-
- All right.
- Soldbuch and travel orders.
I lost them in an air attack this morning.
I'm on my way to my unit in Neustadt.
You lost them and not a scratch on you,
huh? Take him back to the checkpoint.
- They'll find out
what happened to his papers.
- Yes, sir. Come on.
Call the Mannheim side. Ask them
if we should stop the traffic. Next.
Come on. Keep going.
Wait here.
You said they found
an American leaflet on you?
Yes. You'd think I committed
a crime, that I was-
- No talking!
- Here's the man.
- What's your name?
- Maurer, Karl.
- I was told you lost your papers, huh?
- Yes, sir.
- You said your name is Karl Maurer?
- Yes, but that's just-
I know. I know. Get over there.
Keep an eye on him.
Come on. Get back.
Cut him off from the other side
of the railroad bridge.
The Mannheim
Central Kommandatur has just
received information...
that a man suspected of being
a dangerous enemy saboteur...
escaped a few hours ago from the Wehrmacht
control point at the main Rhine bridge.
He is wearing the uniform
of a corporal in the Luftwaffe.
He is about 20 years of age.
His appearance is slender,
average height, blonde, fair complexion.
As last seen, he wore a Red Cross arm band
on his left arm, a pistol belt and boots.
- He identifies himself as-
- Hey, soldier.!
What are you doing there?
Hey, we are talking to you.
- What's the matter,
are you deaf or something?
- Come on, let's see your papers.
- Halt!
- Halt!
Come on. Over here.
This way.
Where are the others?
They went around
the front of the building.
- Anyone there?
- He must be here somewhere.
Yes, I'm sure I saw him
running this way.
Lucky they didn't hit
this place during a show.
How about it?
He's not here.
- Go on! Keep looking!
- Hey, we better get out before
the whole place collapses.
Watch it. The floor's full ofholes.
- Hey, look what I found.
- Where?
- What is it?
- What happened?
- What are you doing there?
- Fritz found a string of pearls.
Looks like real stuff.
Remember, this used
to be a theater.
He's probably found Aida's
necklace or something.
- Here they come again.
- Let's get out of here, quick!
Well, go on. It's starting again.
I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be out,
but my child got hurt by flying glass.
I have to get some iodine. Don't turn
me in, please. Here, I have money.
Here, some iodine and bandages.
You better get off the street now.
Believe me, it's only because of my child.
You're not going to turn me in, please.
You promise?
I promise. Don't be afraid.
Go ahead now.
God bless you.
Uh, just a moment.
I'm looking for Neckarstrasse 18.
- It's the second street to the right.
- Thank you.
- Tiger.
- What are you doing here?
I had to come.
They're after me.
They're after you?
And you lead them here, you idiot?
Nobody followed me,
I promise you.
- There is a message that
we must send right away.
- What is it?
- I found the location of the
11 th Panzer Corps. They are-
- Where are they?
I want to see Lieutenant Rennick.
I'm not important enough
for you, huh?
Come on, let's hear it, Junge.
I said talk.
- Who is it, Tiger?
- We have a guest, Lieutenant.
Go ahead.
- I know I'm not supposed to come here,
but I spent last night-
- Get inside.
- Where did you get this address?
- I heard Tiger give it to you on the plane.
I was trying to get across the Rhine
when they nearly caught me.
- My name is on the blacklist.
- That helps a lot.
- Now why'd you come here?
- I have some very important
information to send.
- I knew you had the radio. That's why I came.
- I'm afraid you're too late.
We had a near miss.
The concussion damaged the transmitter.
- I haven't been able to make contact since.
- We will have to do something.
- You know what will happen
if he falls into their hands.
He's all right.
What's the word
from GeneralJaeger?
GeneralJaeger and two members of his staff
were gravely wounded this morning...
while on a routine inspection tour
of the front.
Here. You can read it yourself.
We tried to contact the general
at the hospital in Heidelberg where he is...
or is supposed to be.
- It was impossible.
- Impossible? Why?
The hospital is under heavy S.S. guards.
No one is allowed to enter
without special permission.
You mean to imply
the whole story may be a fake?
We have often encountered
worse fakes than this.
Well, what do you propose to do?
What about yourself and all the other officers?
You plan to carry out the agreement?
I am afraid without the general
we have no power over the troops.
It's too much of a risk.
A great many lives are at stake,
Germans as well as Americans.
Isn't it worth taking the risk?
I'm sorry, but I can't.
And I'm sure the others feel as I do.
The lives of our families and our friends
are involved. Besides, now it's all too late.
- We should have acted a long time ago.
- Yeah, but then it was too early.
You always wanted to get rid of them,
but were never willing to
take a chance or responsibility.
Why? Because you wanted to hang on
to your ranks, your titles, your jobs.
And today, when you could still save
the most important thing of all-your souls-
you haven't got the guts to do it.
They're right to call you traitors,
because you've betrayed yourselves.
There is only one way
I can answer you, Lieutenant.
It's all very easy for you to say,
but you were never in our shoes.
That's true.
And I hope we never will be.
What are you going to do, Lieutenant?
Get out of here fast,
before one of the gentlemen starts to talk.
- I guess it's all right.
Nobody followed him.
Was the surrender planned
for this sector, Lieutenant?
Yeah. Why?
I spent last night at the headquarters
of the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Two of their regiments moved
into position this morning- here...
on both flanks
of GeneralJaeger's troops.
Looks like we're walkin' right into a trap.
We gotta get back, Tiger, as quick as we can.
But how can we make it, sir?
You heard him. He nearly got caught himself.
It must be the Rhine bridge.
- I saw them placing the charges.
- There goes our last chance.
- Is there any other way to get across?
- Sure, if you want to swim.
All right.
What's the best place to try it?
Swim? You're not serious.
Every inch of the shore is fortified.
Even if you get past Zement-
past your own artillery fire-
we'd freeze in the icy water.
Well, we can try.
One of us is sure to get through.
Well, if you're so brave,
why didn't you do it before?
Besides, how do we know
he didn't make the whole thing up?
How do we know he's telling the truth?
Maybe he's just trying-
Shut up.
Get the extra travel orders out
and the date stamp. Now go ahead, Happy.
I want you to brief us on every place
you've been, everything you've seen.
I have a sister-in-law
who lives on the third floor.
- From there we can get
a good view of the river.
- Okay. Go ahead.
This is it.
- My mother isn't here.
- That's all right.
We'll wait for her. Go ahead.
- You're Uncle Rudolph, aren't you?
- That's right.
My mother said
she'd be back in an hour.
But if you can't wait,
it's all right to go to Gottfried's house.
Thanks, Kurt.
If you are soldiers,
why aren't you at the front?
We just came from there, Junge.
We're on leave.
- Why doesn't my father get leave?
He hasn't been home for a year.
- We will talk about that later.
Right now I want you to wait
in there until your mother comes back.
This way.
What was that about Gottfried?
He's a friend of mine.
Lives about a mile from here.
I made arrangements with him
in case we need a place to stay over.
I thought we came here to decide
on the best spot to cross the river.
- I have made up my mind. I am not going.
- What?
Sure. It's all right for you to take
that kind of a chance. But me and him?
When it's all over,
our own people will spit in our faces.
And you?
You will say thank you and fly home.
Then why did you take this job?
Why did you join them in the first place?
Because I wanted to live a little better,
not to get killed.
And if you will be honest with yourself,
you did it for the same reason.
I did it because I wanted
to help my country.
- Ah.
- And now, more than ever, I'm
sure that what I did was right.
Well, isn't it noble ofhim?
Who are you fooling?
Do you think anybody will believe you?
It doesn't matter.
I don't expect them to.
Besides, it isn't important.
- The important thing is what we believe in.
- Knock it off, both of ya.
I don't care why you did it.
You're in this now,
and neither of you is backing out.
You better get that through your head,
Tiger. You know too much to be left behind.
I didn't mean it that way.
He must have heard everything,
the little brat.
You look downstairs.
I'll see if he's hiding here.
You watch for him below.
I'll look around on this floor.
- You little swine!
- Ow! Let me- Ow! Let me-
- Let me go!
- Let him go.!
- Little swine!
You'll kill him! Let him go. Stop it!
Don't you see he's only a kid?
Let him go, I said.
Are you crazy? You'll-
Happy! Stop him, quick!
Too late! He's reporting us.
Hey, come on.
To the left. Didn't you see them?
They've gone in that direction.
They're comin' around
on this side.
Take cover over here!
This way, sir.
Hey, Berger, Fritz,
take two men-
The rest come with me.
I saw them sir. I'm sure
they must be here. Three of them.
All right. All right, Junge. Hey, Berger,
take four men around the back.
We'll cover it from this side.
- And now you must stay here.
- But I want to go with you.
Stay here, I said.
- You men, over here. Fritz, take
a look at that tunnel there.
- Right away, sir.
You can hardly see anything.
Get all the ones on your left,
behind those bricks.
- There's nothing
in the courtyard, sir.
There's a staircase going down
to the cellar. Over here, Fritz.
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing. Nothing.
He probably made the whole thing up, Max,
right from the start.
I suppose you're right.
- Call your men. We'd better get out of here.
- Yes, sir.
- All right, then. Everybody out this way.
- Hey, Berger, let's get going!
- Hey, Gerhardt,
get your men together.
- All men report to the vehicles.
Come on, Fritz.
Let's get out ofhere.
Hey, Richter,
tell them we can go.
All right. All right.
Keep goin'! I said, keep goin'!
See if you can
get over the side here.
Tiger, you'll go first.
Happy, you follow.
If it's too tough to get all the way across,
we make for the island.
What's the matter with you, Tiger?
Get ready!
Let's get outta here, quick!
Hey, what was that?
I saw something.
Hey, there's a man lying down here.
My legs- I can't move them. My le-
Hang on to me.
We'll try to make it to the island.
Get down.
- I had a cramp. I will be all right.
- Okay.
It looks like only couple
of hundred feet to the other shore.
- Think-Think you can make it?
- I will try. I'm sure I can-
All right.
Just take it easy for a minute.
In case something happens to me,
have you got everything straight?
I've got it all. Don't worry.
Do you remember
the Wrzburg target, sir?
- That... chemical plant
they moved in from East Prussia?
Is that very important?
- Do you think they will bomb it?
- Well, I hope so. Why?
I found out that my father was transferred...
- from the hospital in Berlin, and-just-
- And what?
He's stationed in Wrzburg now.
The hospital is next to the factory.
- Think you can make it now?
- I think I can.
Ready? Come on!
Hey, Krohner, take the second
and third platoon...
- and spread them out ten meters
apart along this side.
- Yes, sir.
- Victor, take over the first platoon.
- Yes, sir.
You will remain over here. Everyone
watch out for any men or enemy crossing.
- As you ordered, sir.
- Hans, get the first platoon ready. Quick.
- Right away, sir.
- All men of second
and third platoon come with me.
We'll have to wait.
They'll put down one more strand.
If the cramp starts again,
hang on to my shirt.
- Halt.! Halt.! Who's there?
- Come on.! Come on.!
- Who's there? Come out at once, or we'll fire.
- Go ahead, Lieutenant.
I can't make it anyhow.
Stop firing!
- Stop firing.!
- Hold it! Hold it!
- Get him! Get him, quick!
- Hey, you, over there.!
Stop him. Don't let him get away.!
Who are you? What are you doing here?
Are you going to talk or not?
- Ten seconds
to make up your mind.
Hey, there's someone
moving out there.
Knock it off, you jerks! Knock it off!
- Hold your fire. Sounds like one of our guys.
- What's he doin' out there?
Beats me.
Just keep him covered.
Twenty-first and Fifth Panzer. That's right.
They moved into Mannheim yesterday.
One regiment along the southern
boundary near Neckaran...
other about three kilometers
north of there.
WM-1967 on
the Darmstadt-Mannheim sheet.
Okay? Yes, I'll send a detailed report
over within an hour. What?
Well, they must have been
asleep at the switch up there.
Well, anyway, it's good news.
All right. Bye. First Army beat us to it again.
They found a bridge the Germans forgot...
to blow at Remagen, and they're pouring
into Germany like an Army Day parade.
I'd be happy to give Berlin to the First,
if it'd get me home sooner.
- Good news, huh, Rennick?
- Hmm?
- Oh. Fine, sir.
- Got a cigarette, Pete?
Look, I know how you feel.
There isn't much you can do about it.
A kid like Happy,
even if he came through it alive...
a traitor's always a traitor,
no matter what his reasons are.
We didn't hesitate
about using him.
In a war, to save lives,
you use whoever you can.
Trouble is, you always lose the best ones,
'cause the best ones
are willing to take a chance.
You better get some rest.
It'll do ya good.
- Siebert, get me Cadet Forward.
- Yes, sir.
Come on, hero, straighten up.
You oughta be grateful you're alive.
Don't worry. I am.
- Cadet Forward?
Hold on just a minute, please.
- Yes, sir?
- You're staying on with the old man.
Take Lt. Rennick to the convent. All
kidding aside, Dick, take it easy for a while.
- I will, Pete.
- I'll see you later.
- Sure glad to have you back, Lieutenant.
- Thanks.
Hey, you better put this on. You're pretty
lucky, sir. Too bad about the kid.
- Huh?
- I mean Happy.
- Yeah.
- Well, I guess it's no good thinkin' about it.
After all, he was
just another Kraut.
A man stays alive
as long as he's remembered...
and is killed
only by forgetfulness.
So long, Happy.
Let your real name
remain unknown...
but let the memory of your sacrifice
serve as a key to the meanings of treason.
It was to me.
left unanswered by the last war-
and probably any war-
one comes back constantly to my mind-
- Why does a spy risk his life-
for what possible reasons?
If the spy wins, he's ignored.
lfhe loses, he's shot.
But a man stays alive as long as
he's remembered and is killed
only by forgetfulness.
Let the names of men like this
remain unknown...
but let the memories of some of them
serve as keys to the meanings of treason.
On the 8th of December, 1944,
six months after a piece of enemy shrapnel...
cut short my career with the Second Assault
and Signal Company on Omaha Beach...
I was reassigned by headquarters,
Com. "Z", E. T. O...
and ordered to report to a new outfit-
G2, S.S.S., Seventh Army.
That's what it was called.
There'd been no snow
and a lot of Krauts when I left France.
And now the Krauts were backed up against
the Rhine, and the snow was everywhere.
Otherwise, the war hadn't changed much-
crowded in the rear areas...
and lonely as you got nearer
and nearer the front...
with nothing but a map to tell you
where the enemy was supposed to be.
But you soon discovered
if your map was accurate enough.
- Hey, what's that?
- It's a German half-track. That's what it is.
I don't get it. That wasn't here
when I came by this morning.
- Well, let's turn around here
and find out where we are.
- Yes, sir.
- Stop right here.
- Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, sir.
I keep tellin' 'em back at headquarters...
I got no sense of direction,
but they just won't listen to me.
A soldier's not much good if he can't
find his way back to his own outfit.
- It's like not bein' able to find your way home.
- My home? My home's in Boise.
For cryin' out-
We've come 20 miles out of the way.
- Now we'll probably have to fight
our way through a whole Kraut-
Come on. Get outta there!
Give it up, you rats.
Come on! Move it on!
Keep your hands up.
- Over this way. Move.!
- Come on. Get the lead out.
Move over there.
That's close enough. Right there.
You frisk 'em.
I'll keep 'em covered.
Hey, you. I said, keep your hands up.
That's what I meant. Come on!
Stand still.
- Watch those hands, soldier.
- He was hit by shrapnel, sir.
- You're in the Luftwaffe.
What are you doin' around here?
- I'm with a flak group.
- We're attached to an infantry division.
- Yeah? Which one?
I'm sorry, sir, but I can't tell you anything
that isn't in my Soldbuch.
- Want me to refresh his memory, Lieutenant?
- Ah, leave him alone.
Where's your C.P.?
- I don't know. We got lost.
- They're not the only ones.
"Richter, Paul. Unteroffizier."
He's weak, sir.
We haven't eaten for three days.
Not half as weak as he's gonna be
if you don't keep those hands up.
- Here. You look like you
could use a shot yourself.
- No, thank you.
All right. Climb aboard.
All right. Out, soldiers.
- Where'd you pick 'em up, Lieutenant?
- About five miles from here.
Over here, you two.
Hey, I'm supposed to report to a town
called Marmoutier. You know where that is?
Stay on this road till you get to
a town called Saverne.
- Before you get into town,
take the first fork left. You can't miss it.
- Okay. Thanks.
Hey, here's their Soldbuchs.
- Hey, you want the pistol, Lieutenant?
- Yeah. Gimme that.
- Pistol.
- In there, you two.
Come on.
I want to thank you, sir,
for treating us with kindness.
Come on, Kraut-heads. Get movin'.
You're holdin' up the war.
Well, we finally
made it. Strange as it seemed to me then...
- this was the headquarters
to which I was assigned.
Just a moment, sir.
Sister Teresa's coming.
- Bonjour, MonsieurJean.
- How was the hunting this morning?
No good, Sister Beatrice.
There wasn't a chicken on the road.
- This is it, sir. Sorry about getting lost.
- Oh, forget it.
- I just hope this is the right place.
- Through here, sir.
The adjutant's office is right in the courtyard.
I'll get the bags to your room.
Hey, bud, how do I get
to the adjutant?
Around the corner to your left, sir.
Hey, Monique, will you show
the lieutenant the way?
- You wish to see le capitaine?
- Yeah, I guess so.
This way, please.
- The children are from the orphanage here.
- Oh. Of course.
- Here you are, sir.
- Thank you.
- Monsieur Watkins, the officer
wants to see Capitaine Siebert.
- What can I do for you?
- This the headquarters of G2, S.S.S.?
- That's right.
I've got orders
to report here.
Oh. You're the new
communications officer.
Colonel Devlin will sure be glad to see you.
If you'll follow me, please.
Mm! Could I see
your A.G.O. card?
Security regulations.
- Morning, Sister Genevieve.
How are you today?
The sisters certainly take good care of us.
They've adopted us just like their orphans.
Yeah. It's quite a place.
We had a hard time finding one
until Captain Siebert located this.
We don't like to be too close to the army.
Sometimes they don't understand our procedure.
I can see their point.
After five years, they're fixing the place
up again. Our guys are tryin' to help.
- Up here?
- Yes, sir.
- Watkins, sir.
- What is it, Watkins?
- This is our new communications officer.
Here's his orders, sir.
- Lt. Rennick, reporting for duty.
Glad you finally got here. Sit down.
I'll be with you in a minute. Where was I?
- "That the intelligence penetration"-
- Oh, yes.
That the intelligence penetration
of Germany by French or Alsatian agents...
or by any non-German personnel is
practically an impossibility. Okay, Simonson?
- Yes, sir.
- Now for the rough part.
I ask that you reconsider our request
with the use of German prisoners
of war in our work.
We've already located many promising
candidates in several P.W. camps.
How about the men down
at the Sarrebourg cage?
- They said they'd hold 'em
another day or two, sir.
- All right.
These men, I believe, if properly trained
and used, can help save American lives.
- We intend to take only
volunteers, and in that case-
Pinpoint Forward.
Captain Siebert speaking.
Yes, he's here. Just a minute.
G2 Seventh Army, sir.
Devlin speaking. Yes, sir.
Then we can go ahead
as discussed?
Well, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Thank you, sir. Bye.
Forget the memo. The old boy came through.
Army says, try it out.
- That's very gracious of them.
- This calls for a drink,
don't you think, Colonel?
- Right. Break out the Quetch, Harold.
- Aye, aye, sir.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I forgot to introduce you.
- This is Gevers, Recruiting.
- Hi.
- Major Richards, our exec.
- Welcome to our club.
- Vincent, Documents.
- Hello, Lieutenant.
Siebert-Where is he?
Oh. Siebert, Security.
- Glad to meet you, Lieutenant.
- Sergeant Simonson...
- best red tape specialist,
both sides of the Atlantic.
- Thank you, sir.
- This is Lieutenant, uh-
What was your name again?
- Rennick.
That's right. Lieutenant Rennick.
Our new communications officer.
Richards, we'll want transportation
first thing in the morning for Sarrebourg.
Well, we're finally gonna pay a visit
to your German friends, Pete.
Pardon me, but if I may,
I'd like to talk with you about my duties.
Well, it can wait
till morning, can't it?
How about coming to Sarrebourg?
lt'll give you an idea of what it's all about.
- Votre sant, messieurs-
or should I say, prost.
- Prost.!
No, sir. Not me. When a man gets his life
handed back to him like I just did...
he'd be a fool
to put it up for sale again.
- I'll do any kind of work you want, but-
- Next man.
I have never been
interested in politics.
They forced me to join the party.
It was the only way I could get a promotion.
All right. Next man.
Sergeant Rudolph Barth reporting, sir.
At ease, Sergeant. Sit down.
- You smoke?
- Yes, sir. I do.
- Thank you.
- Uh, not now.
What unit were you with
when captured?
Twenty-fourth Infantry-
or what was left of it.
- Did you desert?
- No, sir. I was caught by one
of your patrols while, uh-
while visiting the wife
of an Alsatian farmer.
She was a very lonely woman, sir.
How long have you been
in the Wehrmacht, Barth?
- Since '41, unfortunately.
- And before that?
I worked in a Panzer factory in Hamburg,
and before that I was with the circus.
Yes, sir. I took care of two tigers
and a lion- a lioness to be exact.
- I lost my job when the old woman died.
- Have you ever been in jail?
- Yes sir, in '36 in Dsseldorf
and in '42 in Norway.
- And what were the charges?
In civilian life, theft,
and in the army-
how shall I say-
uh, insubordination.
I hope it won't
count against me.
- And what are your political convictions?
- My political convictions?
- Never been able to afford any.
- Then why do you want to work for us?
Because you are winning the war.
Isn't that a good enough reason?
Well, good or bad,
I suppose it's a valid one.
In other words, you don't mind the general
disaster, as long as you come out ahead.
If you want to put it that way.
I guess a few years ago, for the same reason,
you were shouting, "Sieg heil."
No. Not that.
That was one swindle I never fell for.
They were too much like my cats
to suit me- dangerous to turn your back on.
Would you work for us
even if it meant risking your life?
I didn't expect the job
to be safe or pleasant.
Why should you take Germans for safe work
when your own people are in danger?
- All right, Sergeant. We'll think about it.
- Next.
This next guy's supposed to be
an experienced radioman.
- Pardon me. May I ask you
a question now, sir?
- What is it?
How much do you pay?
Thanks a lot, Sergeant. Don't forget to keep
our guys separated from the others.
I know what you mean, sir.
I'll take care of it. This way, sir.
- Look.
- I wonder what he's doing here.
Don't you know? They look for
volunteers who will work for them.
- Have they found any?
- Yes. But there are men here
who will remember their names.
And someday, when we've won,
they'll be taken care of.
"When we've won"? You still believe in that?
Here they come-
the volunteers.
Look at them. They are ready to do
anything just to save their own hides.
- Like most of us.
- What did you say?
Yes, we are no different
from them.
We didn't care what happened to others
as long as they didn't bother any of us.
We just closed our eyes and went along
until we found ourselves
forced to fight the wrong enemy.
You sound as if you're all set
to join the Americans yourself.
I don't know.
That takes courage.
The trouble with me is I want to stay alive.
Like most of us, I talk but I do nothing.
Paul? Paul, are you asleep?
No. What is it?
Did you see their faces
this morning out in the yard?
Yes. For some of them,
nothing is changed- even now.
Richter, the Amis
want you for questioning.
- The Americans want me now?
- Yes. Come with me.
Sergeant Paul Richter...
you are facing a court-martial
of the Wehrmacht.
You are accused of treason
against your fhrer and your fatherland.
Have you anything to say
in your defense?
- What are you doing here?
- Eavesdropping, eh?
Get it over with.
- What happened?
- One of the P. W.'s
fell out of the window.
Let's get him inside
before there's more trouble.
- Hey, you fellas,
come over with that light.
- All right.
- Break it up, guys.
- Come on. There's nothing to look at.
Break it up, I said.
Get back to your bunks.
- Which room did the guy fall from?
- Fall? Are you kidding?
He was pushed.
Better keep
your mouth shut, Junge.
All right. Let's go.
Well, what about you?
Let's go.
- Monsieur Rennick. Monsieur Rennick.
- Yeah?
Sergeant Watkins asked me to tell you,
there is a German to see you
downstairs. A soldier.
- Morning, Griffin.
- Morning, sir.
You wanted to see me?
What's it all about?
I remembered you from
the morning I was captured, sir.
I thought maybe you can help me.
- The morning you were captured?
- Don't you remember those Krauts
we picked up in Hagenau woods?
Oh, yeah.
How's your friend doin'?
He was killed, sir, ten days ago.
He was killed? By whom?
- He was murdered
by some of the other prisoners.
- Yeah, I heard about that.
- He was pushed out of a window, wasn't he?
- Yes.
- Coffee, Dick?
- No, thanks.
- Is that why you came here?
- No, sir.
It is-Well...
I want to work for you, and I thought
you might be able to help me.
- You know what you're gettin' into?
- It doesn't matter.
Even if it means fighting
against your own people?
I believe fighting against them now
is fighting for them.
You sure it isn't the murder of your friend
that's prompting you to do this?
No, sir. That was only
the last thing that happened.
- Sit down.
- Thank you.
Look, it's none of my business,
but the job you'll have to do here...
isn't as clean and simple
as you may think.
I don't feel there's any difference
between one way of fighting or another.
Isn't the important thing to believe in
what you're fighting for?
Well, what do you believe in?
Do you know?
Or does it change
when your crowd's taking a beating?
Pete, got a cigarette? Sit down, Corporal.
Don't let me interrupt.
- Thank you, sir.
- Go ahead. What do you believe in?
I don't quite know
how to say it...
but I believe in a life
in which one is not always afraid...
in a life in which people are free
and honest with each other.
And I know we won't have this
in Germany... until- until we have lost.
That sounds great. What makes you so sure
you'll be able to stick to these convictions?
Things will change.
You'll be facing your own people.
It may become hard for you
then to hold on to your beliefs.
No, not any harder
than it has been.
Not any harder than fighting
for something I knew was wrong.
You were a medic.
You didn't really fight.
To be there is to fight.
There's something in what you say,
Corporal. Griffin. Griffin!
- Yes, sir?
- Tell Major Richards I want to
keep this man here a few days.
- Yes, sir.
- We'll let you know.
This way.
Seems like a decent kid.
What do you think, Pete?
Yeah, quite unusual
in this racket.
As a matter of fact, he looks like
one of the few Krauts we can trust.
How about you, Rennick?
I'm a signal officer, sir. I'm sorry, I...
really have no opinion about any of them.
That didn't seem to be
the case a moment ago.
The way you talked to this kid sounded as
if you had a pretty definite point of view.
- What is it?
- Well, if you want to know, sir, l-
I think they're all
a bunch of lice.
If I had to make a choice, I'd go along with
this guy from the circus. He's a crook...
but at least he doesn't kid himself
about why he's workin' for us.
I think you're wrong
about the boy, Rennick.
There are all kinds of traitors.
I have no more sympathy with 'em than you.
But our personal feelings are unimportant
as long as these men are serving our cause.
That's why from now on, when you're
on the job, you'll have only one opinion-
and that's the right one
for the job.
- Everything set for tonight?
- Yes. 0200 hours. Tiger and Freddy.
Be sure and check their briefing
before you take them through.
It's their first time.
Oh, and Pete, I want Lieutenant Rennick
to go along. It may do you some good.
That's all. See you later.
0200 hours. Apiece of no-man's-land...
was indicated by Division G2 as a spot
where two of our agents,
known as Tiger and Freddy...
were to be smuggled
through enemy lines.
They were to secure information
on S.S. and elite troops in this sector.
It was... a so-called
- Minefield. Wait here.
- Minefield. Wait.
- Mines.
Remember, the most important thing
is exact map coordinates for your report.
No report at all is better than one
in which you're not 100% sure.
- That's simple. What I want to know is-
- Just let me do the talkin'.
Tiger, what I was tryin'
to say is sometimes, out of ambition...
you're apt to exaggerate-
report things you haven't seen.
- Me? I never lie.
- That's exactly what I meant.
You may not lie,
but you certainly exaggerate.
- Okay. We can go now. Single file.
- Come on. Single file.
The captain said he'd give us
a short artillery barrage just for cover.
It should start
at any moment now.
That's it.
Better get them ready, Lieutenant.
- Okay?
- Freddy, you first.
Don't forget, your danger
signal's a group of five "D's."
Time of transmission- 2400.
- I want to ask a question.
- What is it?
- Who is the captain of the team?
Who is in command?
- Quiet!
- You are, Tiger. And you're
responsible for your teammate.
- All right. As long as I know.
- Okay. Good luck to both of you.
- Go ahead. I'll follow you.
Okay. But remember, from now on
I'm giving orders. Let's go.
North. Just keep to your left.
We'll stop 'em in just a moment.
The German lines are
about 300 yards over there.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
- Dede, take over.
- Hey, Lang, here's a new guest for your hotel.
I know all about him. Over here.
Ready? Exercise.
One, two, three, four. One, two-
Monique. Hey, Monique.
This is the man we got the file
on this morning. Code name's "Happy."
Yes, sir. I'll- I'll put him in
with Tiger and Fritz.
- Well, lotsa luck. You're in good hands now.
- Follow me, please.
The cot near the window.
You make your own bed here.
All personal belongings will be turned over
to me, and you will get a receipt for them.
And what about my wallet?
They took it away from me.
I had a couple of photographs
of my mother and father. I would
like to keep them if possible.
All your personal documents
will be kept in the headquarters' safe
until the war is over.
- You have been told
your code name is "Happy"?
- Yes.
As you will see by this list of regulations,
under no circumstances...
will you reveal your true name
or identity to anyone.
Remember that.
All right now, Happy.
Ho-o-old it.
- Father's name?
- Friedrich Maurer.
- Profession?
- A doctor. He's a surgeon.
- When did you last see him?
- Uh, about a year ago in Berlin.
He was in charge
of the hospital there.
I thought in America
only criminals were fingerprinted.
Come on, boys.
Come on. Come on.
Over here.
Over here.
Come on.
Let's go. Hurry up.
Here is an example
of the Wehrmacht blacklist.
It's the greatest single danger
that confronts an agent in the Reich.
It carries the names of all suspects.
It's brought up to date
by a weekly supplement...
which carries the number
of the week on its cover.
- Hey, what's the matter, Happy?
- Move it out.
Come on. Stay on your feet.
Don't let that chute drag you.
No. Pull hard
on the bottom line.
- Rennick! Rennick-
- Yes, sir.
- Rennick! Rennick-
- Yes, sir.
- When was our last radio contact with Freddy?
- About four nights ago.
- Did he send his danger signal?
- No. He came in on schedule-
stayed on the air for about 20 minutes,
from midnight on.
According to your notes, wasn't that
the evening he said he last saw him?
Yes, sir-
at approximately 9:00.
What do you want me to assume-
Lieutenant Rennick is lying
and you're telling the truth?
- I don't know I... may have made
a mistake. I'm sorry.
- You may have made a mistake.
We warned you before you left
that you were responsible for
the safety of your teammate.
You show up with a story. He was
picked up by the Wehrmacht
and shipped to the eastern front.
I'm telling the truth. I warned him not
to go out at night, but he wouldn't listen.
- How do you know they shipped him
to the eastern front?
- I had friends in Mannheim.
- One of them checked on it.
- Wait a minute. Didn't you say before...
you couldn't get along with Freddy-
you had some kind of an argument?
- Were you lyin' then or now?
- I am not lying, sir.
Yes, we had an argument. I got mad and
hit him. And he- he ran out in the street.
- Why didn't you tell us that before?
- I did.
I just didn't say it was the same night.
I... was frightened, that's all.
You know as well as I do,
before summer is over we'll be in
Germany, in every city and town.
If you've betrayed us, double agent
or plain crook you'll wind
up in front of a firing squad.
I have nothing to worry about.
I haven't been disloyal, sir. I haven't-
- Get him out of here. Watkins.
- Yes, sir. Come on.!
- Give me a chance to prove
what I've said is true.
- Get out!
Got a cigarette, Rennick?
- Not the best liar I've heard,
but certainly the biggest.
- Wonder how much Krauts paid him.
Pete, I want him sent back to theJoe house
and treated as if nothing had happened.
- Siebert, get C.I.C. on it right
away, and tell 'em it's urgent.
- Yes, sir.
Hello. Get me Captain
Hendrickson, 708 Cadet Forward, please.
I know it sounds crazy,
but he may be telling the truth.
He's too smart a liar
to lie that badly.
Well, what's new
in Company "D"?
Say, you know what
the "D" stands for?
"The damned."
That's what we are.
Here, Moniquechen. If anyone
deserves a second helping tonight, I do.
I don't have to tell you, the food on the
other side of our glorious Rhine stinks.
What's the matter
with all of you?
I go out and do a job while
the rest of you sit here by the fire...
and when I come back
you look at me as if-
- Well, for heaven's sake, say something.
- What happened to Freddy?
- He was your teammate, wasn't he?
- Sure he was, and he got caught.
So what?
That's a chance everyone of us takes.
Anyway, I remember none of you
were this upset about Red when he got lost.
- Red? That was different.
- How do you know it was?
- What do any of you know
about it, huh? Nothing.
- Listen to him talk.
Freddy got caught because he wasn't
smart enough. He was dumb, thick-headed-
like the rest of you!
Silence, Tiger!
And knock it off, all of ya's.
All right. Forget it.
Here. You haven't forgotten the old song,
"Will This All Be Remembered"?
Well, they are playing it
all over again.
- Um, may I have a cup of coffee, please?
- Sure.
- Who was Red?
- A boy who missed his pinpoint.
He didn't jump when
the green light went on.
He landed 20 miles
off his target outside an S.S. barracks...
with his parachute
tangled in a tree.
It doesn't happen often.
You don't have to be afraid.
I'm not- not of the jump, anyway.
Then what are you afraid of?
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to be inquisitive.
Oh, that's all right.
I don't mind.
You know, once I was doing the same job,
and I, too, was afraid the first time I jumped.
Maybe in a different way,
but that's why I think
I know what's bothering you.
You do? What is it?
You are afraid of having to face
your own people, aren't you?
Come in.
- Officer messenger, sir, with a dispatch.
- Yes?
- Colonel Devlin?
- That's right.
This is from Colonel Williamson, sir.
Top secret.
Come on. Hurry it up. Bringin' you guys
together is getting tougher every day.
- What's it all about, anyway?
- Shh. Quiet.
All right, gentlemen,
here's the dope.
GeneralJaeger, commanding the Fourth Corps
here along the east bank of the Rhine...
sent emissaries to Switzerland informing us
he's willing to surrender his entire corps...
as soon as he can establish
contact with our troops.
He's also requested that we put in
a radio mission hidden here in Mannheim...
to act as a communications link between
his headquarters and us. Is that clear?
- Sure.
- Well, looks as if the Krauts
have finally wised up.
G2 has approved Jaeger's request and
asked that we put in a tourist mission...
about 250 miles behind this sector
here in the vicinity of Munich
to find out how much...
mobile strength the Germans
can bring up to close in the gap
in case the surrender comes off.
G2 also suspects that elements
of the 11 th Panzer Corps...
are being held back here as a mobile reserve
to be thrown in wherever needed.
Now the Mannheim job will require
a team of one radio operator...
and a first-class agent who
really knows the town and has
contacts there he can depend on.
- Who've you got in mind, Colonel?
- Now don't all jump on me.
- The only man who can do it
is our friend Barth, the Tiger.
Here's the C.I.C. report that came in
yesterday on the Tiger's first mission.
They checked his story, and it seems
that everything he said was true.
Furthermore G2 has given
his intelligence mission an "A" rating.
- Besides that, he was-
- Was born and raised in Mannheim.
Right. That's why no matter how
we feel about him, at the moment
he's the logical choice.
What about his teammate,
the radioman?
I'd like to talk about that later.
First let's take up the tourist mission.
I want to send Happy.
Any objections?
No, sir. But, so help me,
I don't get sending the Tiger.
- Richards, is Monique here?
- Yes, sir. She's waiting outside.
Ask her to come in. Hold your horses, Pete.
He's not on the plane yet.
- Okay, Bob?
- Yeah. Okay.
Come in,
Sit down, Monique. Would you care
for a cup of coffee or a cigarette?
Cigarette's okay, sir.
Tell us about the Tiger, Monique.
Have you noticed anything recently
that we should hear about?
No, sir. He hasn't changed.
As usual, he doesn't get along with the
others, and he's difficult, but that's all.
- How would you feel about
sending him out again?
- I would send him, sir.
- I'm all for that, if it's
just to get rid of him.
- Okay. How about Happy?
- I think that, in many ways,
he's the best of them all.
- Why?
Because-Well, because
he's the first German...
I've known who really believes
in what he's doing.
Do you think he's ready to go?
What's the matter, Monique?
There is only one thing that
might make it difficult for him...
maybe because
he's young and honest.
He may begin to doubt himself
once he's back in his own country.
If this mission is difficult,
I think it would be better to wait.
Come here a minute, Monique.
Their first service since the Germans left.
Look, we've known each other
for quite a while. The deal
I made with you in Algiers...
before you jumped into France was that
you'd always be on the level with me.
- Right?
- Yes.
Then I wanna ask you something.
I know what you said about Happy is true...
but I feel there's something
you didn't tell me.
- What?
- Are you in love with him?
He's a Boche, sir, like all the others.
We have too much to forget
before we can love any of them.
- May I go now?
- Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.
Thank you, sir.
- Richards.
- Yes, sir?
I want Monique transferred.
Do we have another job for her?
- I'll see what I can do.
Would Station "K" be all right?
- Sure. Sure, that's fine.
Now about the radioman
for the Mannheim mission-
the Germans have requested that one member
of the mission be an American officer.
Army agrees. They feel it'll show
we mean business.
Therefore, it's clear in this case that
the American will have to be the radioman.
- Go ahead, Colonel.
- You're with me, Rennick.
I can't order you to do this,
and under the circumstances...
I'm sure none of us
would blame you if you said no.
Can't we get an officer from the
Army Communications Center?
We could train him in a few days.
You couldn't train him even in a few weeks.
If you're worried about Tiger, I can handle him.
He'd have a hard time
pushin' me around.
I don't get you.
A few weeks ago...
- you didn't seem
to like this job very much.
- Well, he changed his mind.
No. I haven't. I still don't like it,
but we have no choice.
Besides, you said it was important,
didn't you, Colonel?
- Anybody got a cigarette?
- Yeah. Sure.
You know I don't smoke.
Well, it fits you fine, sir.
Well, let's check your gear.
- Your shovel- that goes here.
- Mm-hmm.
Your landing gun, chute pack, helmet,
gloves- the rucksack's for your radio.
- You better put it in yourself
so you know it's all right.
- Good.
- Everything okay, Rennick?
- No complaints so far, sir.
- Did you pack the chute yourself, Willows?
- Yes. I packed them this morning.
I see you've got all your medals on, Barth-
maybe even a couple of extras.
No, sir. They are all my own. Iron Cross
in Norway, Sturmabzeichen in France...
and winter campaign, '41 in the east.
- I wonder how many of our guys
he knocked off to get them.
- None, sir.
I got them all in my own special way.
At your orders, Herr Oberst.
- Don't fall in love with that.
You have to bury your gear once you land.
- Yes, sir.
- You can go draw your
personal supplies now. Martin.
- Yes, sir?
- Take him over to the prop shop.
- Yes, sir.
- What's the takeoff time?
- 0100 hours, sir. That's if the weather holds.
- Good. When they're through here,
bring 'em to the briefing room.
- Yes, sir.
- Got your check-off list?
- Yes.
Here, honey.
Check this guy out.
One compass, German cigarettes-
three packages...
Wehrmacht ration stamps,
Benzedrines- five tablets.
They're stimulants.
Don't take more than one a day.
German razor blades- six-
and one razor...
German maps-
Sheet Y3, Y4, Y5.
Let's see. That's all.
- Good luck to you.
- Thank you, Monique.
Okay, Happy. Here you are, Monique,
two more customers.
If there's anything else
you can think of, sir, just let me know.
If you're all through, Happy,
the colonel wants you in the briefing room.
Yes, sir.
These are his papers, sir.
His Soldbuch with his health record
inside and his orders.
Money and his Wehrmacht
travel certificates are in this envelope.
All right, Happy. Let's go over it once more.
What name are you traveling under?
Steiner, Karl, a Luftwaffe medic-
number L43587.
We took his age, place ofbirth,
etc., out ofhis own Soldbuch.
Well, at least you didn't have to
memorize that. What's your cover?
I'm on sick leave, returning
from Base Hospital 12 at Bad Reichenhall.
- What was the doctor's name
who signed your orders?
- Foerster. I had pneumonia.
- We marked it on the health record
with Code number 7.
- Good.
Now show me your pinpoint.
It's here, east of Mnchen,
near Fridolfing.
After I bury my chute and my gear, I go to
Mnchen by way of Wasserburg Highway.
- I am to make my way back
to my outfit near Mannheim.
- And your route?
It's Mnchen, Augsburg,
Stuttgart, and then Mannheim.
- And what's your objective?
- To locate the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Their headquarters are believed to be in
this area somewhere northwest of Mnchen.
- Suppose you change your route?
- For that I have an extra set of
travel orders and a date stamp.
Right. Here they are- extra set of orders,
date stamp, official Wehrmacht seal.
- Mark your map so that no one
except you can interpret it.
- I know, sir.
Pardon me, sir. Rennick and the Tiger
are ready for you. We haven't got much time.
Bring them in. Get back here, Happy.
Even if you haven't done it all...
- you've gotta be back here in five days.
- I will, sir.
Okay, Happy.
- Well, how does it feel
to be a civilian again?
- Fine.
Just tell the pilot
to drop me in Cleveland, Ohio.
If you want to get back to Cleveland,
better concentrate on this.
Where's your pinpoint?
It's a meadow about five kilometers
south of Beerfelden, sir.
- You know exactly where that is?
- I've only been starin' at it
on a map for three solid days.
In case you're separated on landing,
what's the address
of the safe house in Mannheim?
- Eighteen Neckarstrasse, second floor, rear.
- Eighteen? You're sure? Not 28?
- Eighteen.
- Knock off the kidding, Pete.
How about you, Barth?
Are you certain your people in Mannheim
will let the lieutenant in?
Yes. He must knock four times
with an interval after the first two.
- When they open, he has only to say,
"Greetings from the Tiger."
- Okay.
We told GeneralJaeger's people
where they can contact you.
Now is there anything else?
Yeah- one little thing.
While we're all talking
here together as friends...
I'd just like to say that what happened
to Freddy is not gonna happen to me.
If I get caught, it won't be my fault.
Is that clear?
- What do you mean?
- He means just what he said.
Lieutenant Rennick is not likely
to want to take a walk around
Mannheim just for the fun of it.
Furthermore, in any disagreement
that might come, no matter what,
Rennick will always be right.
Get that through your head, Barth.
Lieutenant Rennick will always be right.
- I don't know. Sometimes
I'd rather go than stay behind.
- Don't kid yourself, brother.
Get ready.
We're approaching the first target.
Action stations!
The address!
I forgot the address in Mannheim.
- What?
- I forgot the address!
- Eighteen Neckarstrasse. Eighteen!
- Target!
Eighteen Neckarstrasse. Eighteen.!
Eighteen Neckarstrasse. Eighteen.
Well, bud,
how does it feel to be going home?
Fine, I hope.
- Well, if you're hungry, Amigo
here'll give you a sandwich.
- No, thank you.
Well, hasta luego, muchachos. I'll let you
know a few minutes before we approach.
- Are you an American?
- Why? Don't I look like one?
- I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way.
- You didn't, huh?
I just hope that before this is over,
I can get a crack at a couple
of squareheads like you.
- You hate us, don't you?
- Call it anything you like.
I haven't yet felt sorry...
when I've seen a string of 100-pounders
leave that bomb rack.
- Here's some coffee.
- Thank you.
The pilot wants you to know you may
be a mile or two off the pinpoint. Come on.
Stand by.!
Next stop,
Mnchen, center of town.
All men proceeding further
than Mnchen will stamp their orders...
at the Frontleitstelle
in the main station.
Extra! Extra!
Mnchener Post.
Say, have you got 10 pfennigs?
Too bad, but I have no change. Just a-
- Here. Here's a mark.
- Thank you.
Here, Mutter.
Keep the change.
- What are you looking for?
- Uh, the Frontleitstelle, please.
- Right over there.
- Thank you.
I'm returning to my unit
from the hospital in Bad Reichenhall.
Who took this week's security list?
- Number nine hasn't come in yet.
Here's last week's list.
- Thank you.
Steiner, Steiner, Steiner-
Steiner. All right.
To Mannheim by the way
of Augsburg, Ulm, Stuttgart.
You get your train information
from the Wehrmacht Kontroller
outside on the platform. Next.
Uh, please, I have a friend
in the 11 th Panzer Corps.
- Do you know where their headquarters are?
- Eleventh Panzer Corps?
- I heard they were around here somewhere.
- Weren't they in Frth?
- Yes, it's just outside of Nuremberg.
- Thanks.
- To Freiburg.
- Please don't crowd.
One at a time.
- Anything wrong with my ticket?
- Wait a moment.
I'll just check with the Unteroffizier.
- Uh, when is the next train
to Nuremberg, Frulein?
- Your orders?
I don't know if the track to Nuremberg
is repaired. Wait a minute.
- Sure it is. There's a train at 9:30.
- Trudy, Nuremberg all right?
- Yes. They just finished
working on the track.
- Guess you were right.
I usually am, Frulein.
Come on. Track seven.
The night is shorter
when you have someone to talk to.
Say, I hope you don't mind, but,
uh, I've been meaning to ask you.
Where did you get all your money?
- What money?
- That fat roll you
carry in your pocket.
I just got back pay for three months.
Besides, it isn't very much.
Well, I really don't care how much it is,
as long as you'll kindly agree to...
Ioan me-
let's say- half of it?
- Now let me explain it to you.
I'm simply in need of cash...
and I'm perfectly willing
to let you profit by it.
Here. Take your choice. Where else in our
country could you get a better deal?
Paper for gold.
The fat stomach this used to go around,
I assure you, is much thinner now.
But maybe this. This is a better
investment for a young man like you.
It comes from a good marriage.
I think they had been together-
yeah- 25 years. How about it?
No thanks.
I don't plan to get married.
Well, that's up to you.
But if you change your mind,
remember, you'll be helping a friend.
Who knows?
Maybe someday you'll need one.
I think we better get some sleep now.
You know, sometimes I envy
you fellows at the front.
At least you can save your money.
Me, I spend all mine here-
on trains or busses
or, at best, on my motorcycle.
I'm Scholtz, special courier
of the Waffen S.S. Some title, eh?
But money? No.
happy dreams, Corporal.
Your main objective
is to locate the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Weren't they in Frth?
Are you sure
you'll stick to your convictions?
You'll be facing your own people.
The fat stomach
this used to go around, I assure you...
is much thinner now.
It may become hard
for you then to hold on to your beliefs.
Halt.! Hey.! Halt.!
Everybody out.! Halt.!
Halt! Halt!
Come on. Keep moving.
We have to clear the track.
Other trains are coming.
Come on.
Hey! What's going on?
Is this Nuremberg?
That's right. They hit us
for three hours this morning.
Keep in line.
- Keep in line.
- You'll all be
rerouted at the Frontleitstelle.
Attention. Left face. March. Hut. Hut.
Would you know if the 11 th Panzer Corps
is still in Frth?
Eleventh Panzer Corps?
No, I don't.
How do I get to Frth, please?
Can't you read? Over there.
Don't crowd, please. Don't crowd.
Keep moving, please.
- My sister was bombed out last night-
- Oh, excuse me.
- for the third time.
- How long can it go on?
- How long can they expect us
to live like this?
- Shh! Don't talk like that.
Yes. And then he kept
complaining about the food.
"You get it all at the front,"
I told him.
He laughed like he was crazy.
Fritz, my own son.
Karl.! Karl.!
Herr Maurer. Excuse me.
Excuse me, please.
You're Karl Maurer, aren't you?
Don't you remember me?
I'm Paula Schneider.
I worked for your father in Berlin.
Sure, I remember.
You were the head nurse at his clinic.
I suppose it's the uniform.
It does make us all look different.
- How long have you been
in the Luftwaffe?
- I was called in '43.
Look at you. I remember
when you first started school.
You were still living
across from the clinic.
That was a long time ago, wasn't it?
Nuremburg west, control point.
All passengers out.
I saw your father yesterday
at the base hospital in Wrzburg.
- You saw my father?
- Yes. Did you know he was stationed there?
Oh, yes. I heard he was
transferred from Berlin.
He's better off in Wrzburg.
Safer, I hope. Are you going to see him?
I'm trying to get permission
to stop there.
Well, they'll give it to you. Just tell them
you haven't seen your father for a long time.
- Name and rank?
- Schneider, Paula. F.P.N. 347.
All right, go ahead.
Name and rank?
Uh, I'm afraid I didn't have
my orders stamped today.
You'll have to see the Feldwebel.
He's at the main control point.
Excuse me. Maybe I can help.
I know the corporal very well.
His father is chief surgeon at the Wrzburg
base hospital. If you want, I can vouch for-
Don't worry, Frulein Schneider.
It's just a formality. Go ahead.
- Well, when you see your father,
please give him my best.
- I will. Thank you.
- Auf Wiedersehen. Heil Hitler.
- Heil Hitler.
Hey, where you going? It's up there
on your left next to the monument.
This is the control point,
not the Kommandatur.
I can't help you if your papers
aren't in order. Come on, get moving.
I know. I know. Not you.
I can't let you through.
- Corporal Steiner reporting, sir.
- Yes?
I didn't have a chance to get
my orders stamped in Nuremburg.
I'm looking for H.Q., 11 th Corps.
Eleventh Corps? They moved
a couple of days ago to Crailsheim.
I see you've been
in the army two years.
Don't you know you should
have your orders stamped?
Say, look who's coming.
Hey, Heinz.
What happened to you?
I haven't seen you
and your tin horse for quite a while.
Just back from a trip east.
But as you see...
it didn't take long for them
to get me on the road again.
I'm on my way to Wrzburg now.
Well, if it isn't the corporal.
- Do you know him?
- Know him? Why, he's a good friend of mine.
- Anything wrong?
- No, nothing serious.
I'll let you through this time.
- This man with Corporal Scholtz can pass.
- Okay.
Thanks. I'll be back tomorrow.
See, sometimes it's good to have a friend.
Where are you going?
I'm trying to get to
Crailsheim by tonight.
Well, if you don't mind a little
detour, I'll give you a ride. Come on.
I'll be right back. Just have to make
a pickup at the Kommandatur.
Frau Karen? Frau Karen,
can I have 10 liters?
Certainly, sir.
There's always some for you.
- Good day, sir.
- Badly hit here in Wrzburg, weren't you?
Yes. Last fall.
But it's coming back to life again.
They moved a big chemical plant
into town last month from East Prussia.
Uh, there is a base hospital
here, isn't there?
Yes, up there on the Berg.
Most of the casualties from
the west come through here.
- It's next to the factory.
- Uh, do you have a phone?
Inside. It's an army line.
It's to your right.
- Yes?
- The base hospital, please.
- Hello.
- Uh, base hospital?
- Yes.
- Can I talk to Dr. Maurer?
Dr. Friedrich Maurer?
Hold the line, please.
I'll connect you with him.
Hello. This is Dr. Maurer.
- Operator, did you ring me?
- Yes, sir. The party's still on the line.
I can't hear them. Hello. Hello!
Are you calling Dr. Maurer? Hello.
Operator, this must be a mistake.
Got some friends here?
I thought I had.
Well, I know a good place where we can
spend the night, right near Crailsheim.
It's a little out of the way,
but it's worth it.
- Heil Hitler, Frau Karen.
- Heil Hitler.
There's no more room tonight.
Everything's taken.
I know. I know.
I tell you there's no more room.
- Is Frau Kollwitz across the alley?
- There's nothing she can do-
Come on.
One of the few places
left in Germany...
where a soldier can get a clean bed
and a bottle of wine.
- That is, if he has money.
- Or if he has a friend who will pay for him.
That's right.
- Hey, is Fritzi around?
- Fritzi? Yeah, I just saw her.
- Say, don't I know you?
- You? I can't quite remember.
- Liar. Is Fritzi in the office?
- Uh, yeah, there.
Take care of my friend here.
I'll be right back.
There's still some wine left
for special guests. Want it?
- Is this place legal?
- It's as much a part of
the Wehrmacht as your Luftwaffe.
Only the dancing is illegal. But then again,
it all depends on how you look at it.
- Want the change?
- No, never mind.
Oh, thanks. I would never have asked
before, but now I would starve if I didn't.
We're only open two days a week.
- Isn't the 11 th Panzer Corps
stationed somewhere around here?
- Two beer.
They were in Crailsheim, right
near here, but they've gone.
A few clerks are all that's left.
And once in a while
we get some transients, like you.
- Want to dance?
- No, thank you.
I thought you weren't
supposed to nowadays.
We're not supposed to have wine either,
but that doesn't seem to bother you.
You must know your way around here.
How about getting me a glass?
Well, go ahead. I'm not thirsty.
Well, thank you, sir.
We interrupt this
broadcast to bring you the latest news.
On the western front, in the vicinity
of Mannheim-
Hey! Turn it off.
- Come on Kurt.
- Come on Kurt. We want music.
- Yeah, let's have some music.
- How about waltz?
...heavy enemy pressure near Koblenz.
- Still interested in that?
- Does it bother you?
- No. Just bores me.
Who wants to
know nowadays?
Our grenadiers are heroically
holding their positions.
Holding their positions.
It never changes.
Until one morning, you'll open the window
and they'll be there, the Amis.
- Hilde, will you please tell him to stop it.
- What's the matter?
I can't help it.
But he makes me cry.
This is an official
announcement of the Mnchen Kommandatur.
The enemy parachutist reported
yesterday near Altenmarkt is still at large.
He's believed to be
wearing Luftwaffe boots...
as his footprints near the buried
parachute have disclosed.
- Anything important?
- Uh, no, nothing important.
Well, Hilde,
I haven't seen you since Leipzig.
They certainly move
you people around.
Fritzi, this is Corporal-
Say, what is your name?
- Steiner. Karl Steiner.
- My name is Scholtz.
And this is Fritzi Kollwitz.
Everything's fine.
We have a room across the street...
and thanks to Fritzi,
plenty of food.
And now, what's most important.
How about something decent to drink?
It's not that easy anymore, Heinz, huh?
But I'll see what I can do.
We were lucky to run into
each other, weren't we, Karl?
You've got money,
and I know how to spend it.
Pardon me,
but if you still like to dance?
Oh. You're not as slow
as I thought.
I hope you don't think
you are doing me a favor.
I only changed my mind.
That's all.
But you better hurry up
or there won't be much left.
- Where'd you learn to dance?
- In a school, in Potsdam.
Haven't you danced since?
Come on, Corporal, I won't break.
- Is that better?
- Well, isn't it?
- Coming, Hilde?
- I'll be right there.
Pretty, huh? Lost her leg
a year ago in Breslau.
- Are you with a show?
- Yes. Soldaten Variete.
Well, it's still better
than the labor front, not much better.
Maybe I'm not what
you're looking for?
Maybe a sweet young man like you
would rather have someone your own age?
- Aren't you?
- Now don't be generous.
If you'd seen me
a couple of years ago-
Why in '42 in the summer, there
was an Italian major in Milano.
He wanted to marry me.
Here. Fritzi has found something special,
a real Steinhager. Eighty percent.
Just try it, Hilde.
Don't let anybody touch that.
- How about you?
- No, thank you.
What? Enjoy yourself
while you can, soldier.
It may not happen to us again.
We may all go, all at once, fast.
May I have one
of your cigarettes?
Well, even if we do,
we've had a good time, haven't we?
We've given the world 12 years
it will never forget.
And no matter what they do,
they'll never get us out of their system.
And now there'll be a little song
which was composed by our soldiers...
when they were
stationed in Paris.
We're the Boche again now.
But I remember Paris in '41,
that first summer. Do you know Paris, Karl?
- No. The only part of France
I've seen was Alsace.
- Alsace?
Yes. I was there with
my outfit a few months ago.
No true German
thinks of Alsace as a part of France.
It's as German as the Rhineland
or the Saar.
I only thought of it as France because I
remember we took it from the French.
We didn't take it. We took it back.
We took what belonged to us and maybe more.
- Well, we did it, and we'll do it again!
- Heinz. Heinz, please.
You're right, Fritzi.
You're right.
You see what a good influence
women are on men?
Hmm, sometimes, not always.
I think I'd better get some sleep.
I have to get up very early.
Sure, go ahead, Corporal. The woman
at the desk will show you to your room.
Not only did you forget
to say good-bye to me, Corporal...
but you also forgot
these things downstairs.
And, uh, and you left these
on the table.
Thank you.
You know, we haven't seen
this kind for quite a while.
A doctor gave them to me...
- in a hospital.
- Want one?
No. I'd like to get some sleep.
You want me to get out, is that it?
Yes, I do.
You don't like me.
Why don't you say so?
That has nothing
to do with it.
It's just that
I feel sorry for you.
Sorry for me?
Who do you think you are?
I've known better men than you
and they didn't turn their noses up at me.
But then I suppose they
weren't brought up like you.
Oh, I know your type. The little German
Brger, pure and honest.
You've been taught to keep your distance,
to keep your hands clean.
Well, you are as dirty
as the rest of us now.
Come on.
Get out of here.
And let me
tell you something.
I was in love once with a man who to me
was as decent as you think you are.
And what's more, he was in love with me.
But he was killed in Norway.
And when I bore his child,
his family turned away from me
as- as is if I were a stranger.
I got a job. Nothing to be proud of,
but it kept us alive.
And then one day
my child was killed.
There was a raid. And when I came home
after work that night...
there was nothing left
of the street where I lived.
I couldn't find her.
I never did.
From then on,
I didn't care what happened.
I just hated-
hated everybody.
But probably myself most of all.
Why? You want to know why?
Because I was hungry. Hungry for
a little kindness and- and love and-
I don't know.
Maybe it was all my fault.
Anyway here I am-
dirty, miserable and alone.
There are thousands
and thousands like me.
Well, now you know me.
Are you satisfied?
Here. Drink this. Go ahead.
I'm sorry. l-
I just couldn't help it.
What's the matter, dear?
Anything wrong?
Get out.
Get out, I said.
I thought you said you were tired.
There are thousands
and thousand like me.
We've given
the world 12 years it will never forget.
Do you know what you're getting into?
Are you calling Dr. Maurer? Hello?
Your father
is at the base hospital in Wrzburg now.
Up on the Berg.
The hospital is next to the factory.
Your main objective
is to locate the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Say, Corporal Steiner.
Here is a message about your transportation.
You've got to report to the Marktplatz.
Thank you.
Could you help me, Corporal?
I have to talk to you.
It's shorter this way.
Will you follow me?
Look, it isn't any of my business
who you are or- or what you've done, but-
What are you talking about?
I know its hard to make you believe
I'm telling the truth.
But you must trust me. You must.
- What is it?
- Last night, you know
who sent me to your room?
It was Scholtz.
He ordered me to watch you.
Look out.
Thank you, Corporal, for helping me.
I can carry it myself.
Hey, Steiner, I'm afraid
I have to get back to Nuremburg.
But the truck over there
is going your way.
It's all fixed.
The driver knows all about you.
Sorry about last night. I had a couple
too many. Have a good trip.
All right.
Here, pass it around.
- Didn't you say it was Scholtz
who ordered you to watch me?
- Yes, it was.
Well, if he did,
why did you tell me about it?
I'm not quite sure why.
But last night, for the first time,
you made me realize what was happening to me.
- That I can't go on like this.
That there is some reason-
- All right.
Let's suppose you are telling the truth,
that Scholtz is suspicious of me.
That still doesn't prove he's right.
I don't care if he is right or not.
All I know is they're after you.
Look, Karl, I know these people.
I know them too well.
If you need money, here,
I have this ring. You can sell it.
Hilde, the Corporal here
said this may help keep you warm.
No, thank you.
Do you know that man over there?
- Which one?
- In the corner with the glasses on.
- Halt!
- No, I don't.
- Halt.!
- What's the matter, sir?
Everybody off.
Oh, I mean except the ladies.
Karl, be careful.
I didn't lie to you.
You think you can still see
what you're shooting at?
Yes, at your orders,
Herr Oberleutnant.
- All right, Sergeant, take them away.
- Left face. Forward, march.
Take the women to the village and have
the truck inspected by our ordinance.
Yes, sir.
All right, let's go.
Detail, halt.!
Left face!
- Eighteen more.
- Get all your papers out and stand by.
Twenty-seven all together,
Herr Oberleutnant.
All right, men.
You are about to be processed to see
which one of you will fulfill our needs here.
This is an emergency measure
taken by order of the commanding
general, 11 th Panzer Corps.
Those of you who will not be selected will
be allowed to proceed to your regular units.
At ease. Carry on, Klinger.
Say, isn't that a medic back there?
I'm talking to you, lancer.
Come on. You heard
the lieutenant. Move out.
Come on.
- What unit are you going to?
- The 20th Flak, sir. Attached
to the 16th Infantry Division.
- All right. Get him to the
colonel's quarters right away.
- Yes, sir.
- What about my unit, sir?
- They'll have to get along
without you, I guess.
Come on. Follow me.
Leutnant Bulow said this man
is to report to Oberst Von Ecker.
- Oh, yes. Gutterman.
- Yes, sir.
Take this man upstairs to Major Hartmann.
He knows all about it.
Yes, sir.
- Hartmann, give me his file.
- Here it is, sir.
The court-martial convened
upon my orders yesterday...
has found you guilty
of willful desertion...
and has therefore recommended
that the extreme penalty be imposed...
that you be hanged
by the neck until dead.
I can't see any reason why their
sentence shouldn't be carried out.
I beg you, sir. My wife and children
were bombed out.
I had to find a place for them
to keep them alive.
So you took it upon yourself
to stay with them and neglect your duty.
But that was my only mistake,
sir, after 20 years service.
Today, it's more than a mistake.
It's a crime.
You, Leerback, should know that better
than any of the others.
Yes, sir. But you can't let them
kill me for that.
I beg you, sir. Not just for myself,
but for my family, my children.
I'm sorry. In these times,
the discipline of our troops...
is more important than
our personal destinies.
- That's all, Leerback.
- Sir, I beg you to reconsider.
- I'll do anything. Anything you ask.
- Stop it.
You're supposed to be a soldier.
Act like one. Take him away.
Come with me.
Take your coat off.
- The medic is here, sir.
- All right.
The Luftwaffe is about the only uniform
we haven't collected here as yet.
At ease. Your name and unit?
Corporal Steiner, sir, 20th Flak.
I was on my way to Mannheim
to rejoin my unit.
There's a tray on the table
next to my bed. Bring it here, please.
Yes, sir.
- Will you read the labels aloud?
- Yes, sir.
"Five ampules of digifolin,
one c.c. in case of emergency.
"Nitroglycerin tablets,
1/10 of a gram.
Alcohol." That's all, sir.
- You are a medic. Do you
know what this is for?
- Yes, sir.
It's used in case of a severe attack
of angina pectoris. A heart disease, sir.
Pretty good. Well, then you know
what's wrong with me.
Unfortunately, I had to send my orderly
to Darmstadt to get more of this stuff.
As you see by the prescription,
it's important that in case of an attack...
the dose be exactly one c.c.
and be given immediately.
- An overdose or a delay can be fatal.
- Yes, sir. I can see that.
Well, that will be all
for the moment.
You better make yourself comfortable.
You will be here for a while.
Would Herr Oberst like me
to serve his dinner now?
I had hoped you wouldn't
remind me of it.
But I suppose a man has to eat,
even when he has no appetite.
- Put some blankets on the windows.
- Yes, sir.
And there's a candle on my desk.
Bring it here, please.
- At your orders, Herr Oberst.
- About our forward echelon, have they left?
Two battalions of the 21 st
started for Mannheim an hour ago, sir.
- The Fifth will be starting in the morning.
- Fine.
Will you be sure to remind
the commanding officers...
that despite their being
in GeneralJaeger's area...
- they are still under my direct command.
- Yes, sir.
And that they will not take orders
from anyone but me.
Yes, sir. I'm sorry to bother you, sir,
but about the deserter.
Have you signed the order
for his execution?
No, I have not.
Thank you, Hartmann.
- There's a bottle of
Niersteiner in the locker.
- Yes, sir.
And there must be another glass
around here. There by the window.
I don't enjoy
drinking wine by myself.
I don't care for any,
unless Herr Oberst insists.
I do insist.
Furthermore, you needn't stand
at attention all the time.
And for heaven's sake,
stop addressing me in the third person.
Yes, sir.
Go ahead. Don't make me
repeat things.
Not bad.
Does Herr Oberst- Uh, do you
wish anything else, sir?
There's an extra blanket
on my bed.
You can go to sleep as soon
as you have cleared the table.
Yes, sir.
- Yes, sir?
- I want to be awakened at 6:00.
Yes, sir.
Shall I clean your pistol before
I put it back into your holster, sir?
No, you put it next to my bed.
- I want it here.
- Yes, sir.
And, uh, by the way...
don't forget to remind me in the morning
to sign the order of the execution.
- Yes, sir.
- Here. I said you can take these blankets.
Thank you, sir.
- Shall I turn the lamp off?
- Just turn it down a little.
Are you there, Corporal?
Yes, sir. I'm here.
Good night.
Good night, sir.
Two battalions of the 21 st to Mannheim.
The Fifth starts in the morning.
You will be here for a while.
Get back here, Happy.
Get back here in five days.
In case of an attack...
an overdose or a delay can be fatal.
I beg you. l-
Please. Please.
- Is Herr Oberst awake?
- No, sir. I don't think so.
- Shh.
- Is he up?
No, sir.
He had a very bad night.
- What is it?
- It's me, sir. Hartmann.
- I have the morning report for you, sir.
- Give it to the corporal.
- I'll be ready for you in half an hour.
- Yes, sir.
What time is it?
- A few minutes past 6:00, sir.
- Help me.
Hm. You know,
I had a dream.
I dreamt you were the deserter I sentenced
and that you wanted to shoot me.
I had forgotten that people
like that are too weak.
They would never have
the courage to kill...
even if it is
to save themselves.
Sometimes it takes
more courage not to kill.
I would have preferred you
I had not answered me in that way.
But you just saved my life,
whatever that's worth.
And so, instead of punishing you,
I would like to do something for you.
I would suggest that Herr Oberst
remain quiet and not exert himself, sir.
- The third person again, Corporal.
- I'm sorry, sir.
How about a week's leave at home, hmm?
Would that suit you?
Thank you, sir.
I have my duty at the front.
- There's only one thing, however.
- Yes. What is it?
Maybe it's foolish of me...
but if you would have mercy on the deserter
and put him in prison instead.
Corporal, your profession
is to save lives, even the unworthy.
Well, mine is to take it,
even the worthy.
I know that it is insane to claim that we
can throw back the enemy that surround us.
But in one hour, in front of the officers
of my division, I will claim just that.
I'll do so because it is my belief...
that at all costs
we must fight to the bitter end.
That is the reason why,
now more than ever...
I must maintain the discipline
of my division.
And that is the reason
why this man must die.
Give me some wine. Those pills,
they always make me thirsty.
- Shall I bring you a glass of water, sir?
- I hate water.
This is Von Ecker.
The medic you sent me yesterday, Corporal-
Uh, what's your name again?
- Corporal Steiner, sir.
- Steiner. Corporal Steiner.
I want him forwarded on to his unit
by the first available transportation.
That's what you wanted, isn't it?
- Yes. Thank you, sir.
- All right.
To our country.
- Bridge is out.
- Get the men off the trucks, quick.!
Yes, sir.
Everybody off the trucks!
The bridge is out!
You'll have to cross on foot!
Come on! Everybody out!
Line up in column of threes!
- Hurry up.!
- Everybody out.! We'll cross on foot.!
Everybody off the trucks!
The bridge is out!
- We'll have to cross on foot!
- Come on! Everybody out!
Line up in column of threes!
Hurry up!
Everybody out.!
We cross on foot.!
Everybody out of the trucks.!
Drivers start as soon as you've unloaded.!
My glasses. I've lost my glasses.
l- I can't see without them.
- Get over there.
- Here they are.
It was very kind of you
to help me.
Huh. My name is Brandenbacher.
Ernst Brandenbacher.
Most people call me Ernst.
It's easier.
- We'd better get going.
- We'll reload on the other side.
- Come on.! Hurry up.!
- Everybody remember
the number of the truck.!
- Reload on the other side.!
- Enemy planes.!
The Amis are coming.!
Take cover.! Quickly.! Cover.!
Help me, please!
Somebody! Help!
Ah. They got me!
But you won't get away, Steiner.
By now they know
all about you everywhere.
We could have taken you a long
time ago, but I hoped that you
would lead me to the others.
I hoped to get all of you.
The rest of the bridges,
were blown up this morning.
This seems to be
the last one in Mannheim.
I'll bet it won't be long
before this one goes too.
- I heard the Americans are in Landau.
- So what? Are you afraid?
Better get your papers out.
Here comes another spot check.
Spot check.
They better call it "grave registration."
Today they take your name.
Tomorrow they notify your mother.
- Oh, keep quiet.
- Gunther, Alois- Gefreiter.
- All right.
- Schaus, Herbert- Obergefreiter.
- Go ahead.
- Bachschmidt, Hans- Kanonier.
- Mm-hmm.
- Schmidt, Albert- Unteroffizier.
- All right.
- Rothmann, Klaus- Obergefreiter.
- Go on.
- Lachner, Gert-Schtze.
Myer, Billie-
Schindler, Johannes-
- All right.
- Soldbuch and travel orders.
I lost them in an air attack this morning.
I'm on my way to my unit in Neustadt.
You lost them and not a scratch on you,
huh? Take him back to the checkpoint.
- They'll find out
what happened to his papers.
- Yes, sir. Come on.
Call the Mannheim side. Ask them
if we should stop the traffic. Next.
Come on. Keep going.
Wait here.
You said they found
an American leaflet on you?
Yes. You'd think I committed
a crime, that I was-
- No talking!
- Here's the man.
- What's your name?
- Maurer, Karl.
- I was told you lost your papers, huh?
- Yes, sir.
- You said your name is Karl Maurer?
- Yes, but that's just-
I know. I know. Get over there.
Keep an eye on him.
Come on. Get back.
Cut him off from the other side
of the railroad bridge.
The Mannheim
Central Kommandatur has just
received information...
that a man suspected of being
a dangerous enemy saboteur...
escaped a few hours ago from the Wehrmacht
control point at the main Rhine bridge.
He is wearing the uniform
of a corporal in the Luftwaffe.
He is about 20 years of age.
His appearance is slender,
average height, blonde, fair complexion.
As last seen, he wore a Red Cross arm band
on his left arm, a pistol belt and boots.
- He identifies himself as-
- Hey, soldier.!
What are you doing there?
Hey, we are talking to you.
- What's the matter,
are you deaf or something?
- Come on, let's see your papers.
- Halt!
- Halt!
Come on. Over here.
This way.
Where are the others?
They went around
the front of the building.
- Anyone there?
- He must be here somewhere.
Yes, I'm sure I saw him
running this way.
Lucky they didn't hit
this place during a show.
How about it?
He's not here.
- Go on! Keep looking!
- Hey, we better get out before
the whole place collapses.
Watch it. The floor's full ofholes.
- Hey, look what I found.
- Where?
- What is it?
- What happened?
- What are you doing there?
- Fritz found a string of pearls.
Looks like real stuff.
Remember, this used
to be a theater.
He's probably found Aida's
necklace or something.
- Here they come again.
- Let's get out of here, quick!
Well, go on. It's starting again.
I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't be out,
but my child got hurt by flying glass.
I have to get some iodine. Don't turn
me in, please. Here, I have money.
Here, some iodine and bandages.
You better get off the street now.
Believe me, it's only because of my child.
You're not going to turn me in, please.
You promise?
I promise. Don't be afraid.
Go ahead now.
God bless you.
Uh, just a moment.
I'm looking for Neckarstrasse 18.
- It's the second street to the right.
- Thank you.
- Tiger.
- What are you doing here?
I had to come.
They're after me.
They're after you?
And you lead them here, you idiot?
Nobody followed me,
I promise you.
- There is a message that
we must send right away.
- What is it?
- I found the location of the
11 th Panzer Corps. They are-
- Where are they?
I want to see Lieutenant Rennick.
I'm not important enough
for you, huh?
Come on, let's hear it, Junge.
I said talk.
- Who is it, Tiger?
- We have a guest, Lieutenant.
Go ahead.
- I know I'm not supposed to come here,
but I spent last night-
- Get inside.
- Where did you get this address?
- I heard Tiger give it to you on the plane.
I was trying to get across the Rhine
when they nearly caught me.
- My name is on the blacklist.
- That helps a lot.
- Now why'd you come here?
- I have some very important
information to send.
- I knew you had the radio. That's why I came.
- I'm afraid you're too late.
We had a near miss.
The concussion damaged the transmitter.
- I haven't been able to make contact since.
- We will have to do something.
- You know what will happen
if he falls into their hands.
He's all right.
What's the word
from GeneralJaeger?
GeneralJaeger and two members of his staff
were gravely wounded this morning...
while on a routine inspection tour
of the front.
Here. You can read it yourself.
We tried to contact the general
at the hospital in Heidelberg where he is...
or is supposed to be.
- It was impossible.
- Impossible? Why?
The hospital is under heavy S.S. guards.
No one is allowed to enter
without special permission.
You mean to imply
the whole story may be a fake?
We have often encountered
worse fakes than this.
Well, what do you propose to do?
What about yourself and all the other officers?
You plan to carry out the agreement?
I am afraid without the general
we have no power over the troops.
It's too much of a risk.
A great many lives are at stake,
Germans as well as Americans.
Isn't it worth taking the risk?
I'm sorry, but I can't.
And I'm sure the others feel as I do.
The lives of our families and our friends
are involved. Besides, now it's all too late.
- We should have acted a long time ago.
- Yeah, but then it was too early.
You always wanted to get rid of them,
but were never willing to
take a chance or responsibility.
Why? Because you wanted to hang on
to your ranks, your titles, your jobs.
And today, when you could still save
the most important thing of all-your souls-
you haven't got the guts to do it.
They're right to call you traitors,
because you've betrayed yourselves.
There is only one way
I can answer you, Lieutenant.
It's all very easy for you to say,
but you were never in our shoes.
That's true.
And I hope we never will be.
What are you going to do, Lieutenant?
Get out of here fast,
before one of the gentlemen starts to talk.
- I guess it's all right.
Nobody followed him.
Was the surrender planned
for this sector, Lieutenant?
Yeah. Why?
I spent last night at the headquarters
of the 11 th Panzer Corps.
Two of their regiments moved
into position this morning- here...
on both flanks
of GeneralJaeger's troops.
Looks like we're walkin' right into a trap.
We gotta get back, Tiger, as quick as we can.
But how can we make it, sir?
You heard him. He nearly got caught himself.
It must be the Rhine bridge.
- I saw them placing the charges.
- There goes our last chance.
- Is there any other way to get across?
- Sure, if you want to swim.
All right.
What's the best place to try it?
Swim? You're not serious.
Every inch of the shore is fortified.
Even if you get past Zement-
past your own artillery fire-
we'd freeze in the icy water.
Well, we can try.
One of us is sure to get through.
Well, if you're so brave,
why didn't you do it before?
Besides, how do we know
he didn't make the whole thing up?
How do we know he's telling the truth?
Maybe he's just trying-
Shut up.
Get the extra travel orders out
and the date stamp. Now go ahead, Happy.
I want you to brief us on every place
you've been, everything you've seen.
I have a sister-in-law
who lives on the third floor.
- From there we can get
a good view of the river.
- Okay. Go ahead.
This is it.
- My mother isn't here.
- That's all right.
We'll wait for her. Go ahead.
- You're Uncle Rudolph, aren't you?
- That's right.
My mother said
she'd be back in an hour.
But if you can't wait,
it's all right to go to Gottfried's house.
Thanks, Kurt.
If you are soldiers,
why aren't you at the front?
We just came from there, Junge.
We're on leave.
- Why doesn't my father get leave?
He hasn't been home for a year.
- We will talk about that later.
Right now I want you to wait
in there until your mother comes back.
This way.
What was that about Gottfried?
He's a friend of mine.
Lives about a mile from here.
I made arrangements with him
in case we need a place to stay over.
I thought we came here to decide
on the best spot to cross the river.
- I have made up my mind. I am not going.
- What?
Sure. It's all right for you to take
that kind of a chance. But me and him?
When it's all over,
our own people will spit in our faces.
And you?
You will say thank you and fly home.
Then why did you take this job?
Why did you join them in the first place?
Because I wanted to live a little better,
not to get killed.
And if you will be honest with yourself,
you did it for the same reason.
I did it because I wanted
to help my country.
- Ah.
- And now, more than ever, I'm
sure that what I did was right.
Well, isn't it noble ofhim?
Who are you fooling?
Do you think anybody will believe you?
It doesn't matter.
I don't expect them to.
Besides, it isn't important.
- The important thing is what we believe in.
- Knock it off, both of ya.
I don't care why you did it.
You're in this now,
and neither of you is backing out.
You better get that through your head,
Tiger. You know too much to be left behind.
I didn't mean it that way.
He must have heard everything,
the little brat.
You look downstairs.
I'll see if he's hiding here.
You watch for him below.
I'll look around on this floor.
- You little swine!
- Ow! Let me- Ow! Let me-
- Let me go!
- Let him go.!
- Little swine!
You'll kill him! Let him go. Stop it!
Don't you see he's only a kid?
Let him go, I said.
Are you crazy? You'll-
Happy! Stop him, quick!
Too late! He's reporting us.
Hey, come on.
To the left. Didn't you see them?
They've gone in that direction.
They're comin' around
on this side.
Take cover over here!
This way, sir.
Hey, Berger, Fritz,
take two men-
The rest come with me.
I saw them sir. I'm sure
they must be here. Three of them.
All right. All right, Junge. Hey, Berger,
take four men around the back.
We'll cover it from this side.
- And now you must stay here.
- But I want to go with you.
Stay here, I said.
- You men, over here. Fritz, take
a look at that tunnel there.
- Right away, sir.
You can hardly see anything.
Get all the ones on your left,
behind those bricks.
- There's nothing
in the courtyard, sir.
There's a staircase going down
to the cellar. Over here, Fritz.
- What's the matter with you?
- Nothing. Nothing.
He probably made the whole thing up, Max,
right from the start.
I suppose you're right.
- Call your men. We'd better get out of here.
- Yes, sir.
- All right, then. Everybody out this way.
- Hey, Berger, let's get going!
- Hey, Gerhardt,
get your men together.
- All men report to the vehicles.
Come on, Fritz.
Let's get out ofhere.
Hey, Richter,
tell them we can go.
All right. All right.
Keep goin'! I said, keep goin'!
See if you can
get over the side here.
Tiger, you'll go first.
Happy, you follow.
If it's too tough to get all the way across,
we make for the island.
What's the matter with you, Tiger?
Get ready!
Let's get outta here, quick!
Hey, what was that?
I saw something.
Hey, there's a man lying down here.
My legs- I can't move them. My le-
Hang on to me.
We'll try to make it to the island.
Get down.
- I had a cramp. I will be all right.
- Okay.
It looks like only couple
of hundred feet to the other shore.
- Think-Think you can make it?
- I will try. I'm sure I can-
All right.
Just take it easy for a minute.
In case something happens to me,
have you got everything straight?
I've got it all. Don't worry.
Do you remember
the Wrzburg target, sir?
- That... chemical plant
they moved in from East Prussia?
Is that very important?
- Do you think they will bomb it?
- Well, I hope so. Why?
I found out that my father was transferred...
- from the hospital in Berlin, and-just-
- And what?
He's stationed in Wrzburg now.
The hospital is next to the factory.
- Think you can make it now?
- I think I can.
Ready? Come on!
Hey, Krohner, take the second
and third platoon...
- and spread them out ten meters
apart along this side.
- Yes, sir.
- Victor, take over the first platoon.
- Yes, sir.
You will remain over here. Everyone
watch out for any men or enemy crossing.
- As you ordered, sir.
- Hans, get the first platoon ready. Quick.
- Right away, sir.
- All men of second
and third platoon come with me.
We'll have to wait.
They'll put down one more strand.
If the cramp starts again,
hang on to my shirt.
- Halt.! Halt.! Who's there?
- Come on.! Come on.!
- Who's there? Come out at once, or we'll fire.
- Go ahead, Lieutenant.
I can't make it anyhow.
Stop firing!
- Stop firing.!
- Hold it! Hold it!
- Get him! Get him, quick!
- Hey, you, over there.!
Stop him. Don't let him get away.!
Who are you? What are you doing here?
Are you going to talk or not?
- Ten seconds
to make up your mind.
Hey, there's someone
moving out there.
Knock it off, you jerks! Knock it off!
- Hold your fire. Sounds like one of our guys.
- What's he doin' out there?
Beats me.
Just keep him covered.
Twenty-first and Fifth Panzer. That's right.
They moved into Mannheim yesterday.
One regiment along the southern
boundary near Neckaran...
other about three kilometers
north of there.
WM-1967 on
the Darmstadt-Mannheim sheet.
Okay? Yes, I'll send a detailed report
over within an hour. What?
Well, they must have been
asleep at the switch up there.
Well, anyway, it's good news.
All right. Bye. First Army beat us to it again.
They found a bridge the Germans forgot...
to blow at Remagen, and they're pouring
into Germany like an Army Day parade.
I'd be happy to give Berlin to the First,
if it'd get me home sooner.
- Good news, huh, Rennick?
- Hmm?
- Oh. Fine, sir.
- Got a cigarette, Pete?
Look, I know how you feel.
There isn't much you can do about it.
A kid like Happy,
even if he came through it alive...
a traitor's always a traitor,
no matter what his reasons are.
We didn't hesitate
about using him.
In a war, to save lives,
you use whoever you can.
Trouble is, you always lose the best ones,
'cause the best ones
are willing to take a chance.
You better get some rest.
It'll do ya good.
- Siebert, get me Cadet Forward.
- Yes, sir.
Come on, hero, straighten up.
You oughta be grateful you're alive.
Don't worry. I am.
- Cadet Forward?
Hold on just a minute, please.
- Yes, sir?
- You're staying on with the old man.
Take Lt. Rennick to the convent. All
kidding aside, Dick, take it easy for a while.
- I will, Pete.
- I'll see you later.
- Sure glad to have you back, Lieutenant.
- Thanks.
Hey, you better put this on. You're pretty
lucky, sir. Too bad about the kid.
- Huh?
- I mean Happy.
- Yeah.
- Well, I guess it's no good thinkin' about it.
After all, he was
just another Kraut.
A man stays alive
as long as he's remembered...
and is killed
only by forgetfulness.
So long, Happy.
Let your real name
remain unknown...
but let the memory of your sacrifice
serve as a key to the meanings of treason.
It was to me.