Deep Valley (1947) Movie Script
Deep Valley (1947)
You hear me, Libby?
Libby, are you up?
Get him out of here,
I begged you
not to bring
that dirty creature
in here.
Get him out.
He smells dog.
I think your father
went out early.
He went out. I can tell
when he's in the house.
What was he talking
about last night?
I could hear him.
Didn't you listen?
N- n-no, ma.
No, mother, Libby.
Must I always remind you?
That you was a lady?
You were a lady,
Look at you.
What do you
go around like that for?
Just because there's
nobody to see you?
Well, I do.
You're all I ever see.
Look at that hair.
I suppose he told you
he was going to sell
this house and move away.
How can he with me
flat on my back in this bed
and you the way you are?
Half the time,
you can't even talk straight.
Maybe he told you I
could get out of this bed
if I wanted to.
Maybe the doctor
said so, too.
a lot they know.
Why doesn't he
try something new?
He knows nobody would
buy a farm like this.
We could have settled
anyplace in California,
near a town, maybe.
Oh, no. He had
to pick a spot
that even the coyotes
are lonesome in.
Like a desert island.
If you'd taken the trouble
to save some batter,
I could have some pancakes
for my breakfast.
Doesn't matter.
Makes no difference
if I don't eat.
With honey.
What's that,
For her?
I'll take some
of those eggs...
And a scrap
of that meat
if you haven't fed
it all to your dog.
I've seen good soup made
out of less than that.
So it's all right,
I suppose.
A man with a wife and
an able-bodied daughter
has got to get up
and do his own milking.
Where were you?
I- I-I d-didn't
wake up.
You d-d-don't wake up
half the t-t-time.
When you do,
you're only half awake.
It's all my fault,
I suppose.
It's all my fault
you can't talk, too.
The d-drainpipe is broke.
What's the difference?
I- I-I'll be down
and f-f-fix your eggs.
Why don't you sit down
and eat something
like a human being?
Ah, I think it r-rusted
and b-broke in the wind.
What broke?
The drainpipe.
S- screen fell out
of ma's window.
That's your lookout.
I- I don't know
how to fix it.
You mean
you're too lazy.
You'd rather spend your time
wandering around the woods
like a wild indian.
I like the woods.
They're quiet...
They are, are they?
Not to me,
they ain't.
They're just
so much stove wood.
Come on, Joe.
No, Joe. Not today.
W- we're not going to
our place.
Well, s-some other time.
C- come on, boy.
Go on.
Hello, snoopy.
Yes. Isn't that nice?
That's good, isn't it?
You like that.
I've got a real treat.
What about that? Oh.
What about that?
Mm-hmm. I've seen g-good soup
made out of less than that,
Come, boy!
Hi, Jeff.
Coming up for air?
Yeah. Got any? All I can
find around here is heat.
Plenty of that.
Tough country.
It sure is.
I never saw so much rock
and forest in my life,
and look at the mess
we're making of it.
A lot of road
behind us.
Yeah, but it's
this mile up ahead
I'm worrying about.
What's the matter?
Anything wrong?
No, no. I just thought that
gang up ahead was drifting left.
O.K., you guys,
let's get with it!
Sir, it's
the same one I seen.
Been watching us
for the last 4 miles.
It must be my manly figure, I figure.
You'd think a dame
was chasing after you
if you was a leper.
Come on, break it up.
Get moving.
You didn't hear no whistle,
did you?
Maybe that was
him snoring.
What's that, con?
You got something
to say?
Just what was that
I didn't mean
Just shooting off
your big yap, eh?
Look, I-
I was just-
yeah? Yeah?
Forget it, will you?
Take it easy, San Quentin.
They're working all right.
O.K. Look, I don't
take no lip, get it?
Now get in there
and start swinging.
Come on, get moving.
You, go up there,
clear that brush away.
Hey, look what's here.
Come on, men.
They're going to blast.
Let's clear out of here.
Where is it?
The ridge up there?
That's right.
We're all ready,
Mr. Barker.
O.K. You're sure
the area's cleared?
Yes, sir. It's the center
ridge we're blowing.
All right, then.
"They were richly clad,
each in the m-manner
most becoming to her age,
the first in a silver gray,
and the s-second in
a delicate,
p- primrose yellow-"
go on, Libby.
Just read it-color.
"Which m-matches
so well
with a d-dark
and... "
Tell me a-about
the d-dress you wore
to your f-first
dance, will you?
It was a pink dress...
All covered with
tiny green clover leafs.
Had green bows
at the neck and the sleeves,
and I wore a pink flower
in my hair.
All the young ladies had
beautiful dresses, Libby,
but I think mine was
the most beautiful.
I always had
wonderful things.
I tried.
You remember, Libby.
You must.
Don't you remember the
sideboard that was downstairs?
No. I-I don't
remember nothin'...
'Cept like
it is now.
And my piano that was
in the sitting room?
He sold them.
Everything I had.
What did he care?
You do remember, Libby.
You were old enough.
You talked as good
as anybody up to that.
He struck me,
and you saw it.
N- no. I- I don't
remember, ma. Honest.
P- please don't
talk about it.
I've got to
talk to somebody.
What is it?
I- I thought I heard
him on the s-stairs.
He wouldn't dare.
He hasn't put a foot on
those stairs in seven years,
and he never will,
and I wouldn't step
across that threshold
into his dirty,
mean world...
Not if the house
was on fire.
No. It'll have to go on
just as it is.
You've got me, Libby.
You love your ma,
don't you?
I- I guess
I- I don't love anyone.
Oh, s-sometimes
I f-feel sorry for pa.
For him?
Well, you needn't.
I worry if you don't
get your meals on time,
Oh, ma, will it
always be like this?
What can happen?
No decent people would ever
come near a place like this.
Yes. I know, ma,
but... always?
I don't know, Libby.
This place has been
dead for years...
Locked in by the sea
and the mountains.
No way to get in...
And no way to get out.
You know that
better than I do.
Them hillbillies sure
let a place fall apart.
It looks deserted.
Might not be.
I'll check it.
There's a well.
Drive on around.
Hello, miss.
The filter pump at camp
broke down this morning,
and I was wondering
if I could get
some drinking water
from your well.
Well, I thought I heard
somebody talking.
I figured
it couldn't be you.
What was it you were
looking for-drinking water?
Yes, sir. Our filter pump broke down,
and the boys get pretty thirsty
during the heat of the day.
Well, I guess
it could be arranged.
You know, it's
funny how valuable
a simple little thing
like drinking water can be
when you
haven't got any.
Gosh, you might have
to shut down the works,
lose a whole day maybe.
That's right.
We might.
That, uh...
That would cost
quite a lot of money.
It's for a pretty
good cause, sir.
It's your highway.
It goes right past your door.
Right across
my meadow, you mean.
You weren't using
that meadow.
You got a very good price
for it.
Not half enough.
I didn't figure on...
On having things like that
running loose all over my place.
Cut that out.
You, can that
playing with the dog.
What I mean is,
being so valuable,
it seems to me you ought
to be willing to pay
a couple of dollars
a barrel.
Thanks. Thanks.
Forget it.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Now, don't rush off
like that.
Take all the water
you want.
I was only kidding.
You didn't sound like
you were kidding.
Ah. Can't you
take a joke?
All right. Thanks.
Fill up the casks.
All right,
let's go.
I'm sorry. I must
have misunderstood you.
Have a smoke.
Thanks. My name
is Cliff Saul.
I've been around these
parts, oh, over 25 years.
Jeff Barker's
my name, Mr. Saul.
I'm the engineer
down below.
Oh, I'm glad
to know you.
This is
my daughter Libby.
She don't have
much to say for herself.
You wouldn't take her
to be 22 years old,
now, would you?
I don't know.
Say, you might
like a visit
with some just plain folks
once in a while.
Why don't you
drop around sometime?
Well, we're pretty busy
most of the time-
suit yourself,
but I can promise you
a game of cards
and a nice, cold
bottle of beer.
You know, I might
take you up on that.
I just got out
of the army,
and I sure didn't
figure on being
back in a camp
this soon.
Yeah. I know how it is.
I was in
the last war myself.
Say, how about
coming around tonight?
Ha ha ha!
I take you guys in
and lock you up,
then I take a shower,
change my clothes,
and I step out.
And you poor animals
spend the rest of the night
in your little cage.
Ha ha ha!
Get up,
you dirty mug!
I'll pick you up and
knock your brains out!
You'll get 20 years
for this.
I told you to cut it
out before, didn't I?
Put your hands up, or I'll run
this right clear through you!
Hold it, now!
You want to
kill a man?
You get out of this! This is
my business! He slugged me!
Lay off! Better put your
hands up, fella.
This guy's gone crazy.
O.K. The dirty pig, treating
us like we were animals
just because
we look at a girl.
I'll fix you.
Get up on the truck.
What's the matter
with you?
Hold still,
can't you, Libby?
Now, if you'll only
remember to smile.
It's your best point.
And don't talk any more
than you have to,
and maybe he won't
notice it so much.
There. Smile, Libby.
Can't you do
anything to help?
You act as if you didn't
even care. You must.
Now that
the road's here,
it's all going to
be different, Libby.
There will be
people, young men.
Women have
got to care.
You're O.K., Barker.
You go down, pretending you're
just going to the kitchen.
You act-well,
you can try anyway-
act kind of surprised,
and then smile
like you're happy
and say, uh, "Good evening, Mr. Barker."
No. You'd stumble
on his name,
so leave that out.
Say, "I didn't think you'd
make it on a night like this."
Then you smile
at Mr. Saul and say,
"Can I get you some beer
and sandwiches, father?"
C- can I g-get you some
b- beer and s-sandwiches, f...
You don't have
to say father.
Now... go on.
It's all right.
Remember, Libby-
you're happy. Smile.
I'm going to stop trying
to teach you this game
and take a few
pointers myself.
I told you I was
good at cards.
I learned during
the last war.
I came home
with enough money
to buy a cow
and a couple of pigs.
Let's see.
6, 19, 27.
If you win three more
points this next hand,
why, you'll blitz me.
Blitz? What's that?
All the points
are doubled.
Good evening,
miss Libby.
G- good evening.
He's teaching me
to play gin rummy.
I get a little poker,
a little blackjack,
and the rest
just plain rummy.
That's all. The storm almost
blew my jeep off the road,
but I'm sure glad
I came.
I d-didn't think
you'd m-make it
on a night-
night like...
It's worth the trip,
miss Libby,
to see you
in such a pretty dress.
You know,
it's astonishing
what a little sprucing up
will do for these gals.
You'd never take Libby
to be real pretty, would you?
I mean,
not seeing her around
in an old shirt
and pants.
Closet full
of dresses,
and she goes round
in jeans.
Oh, but this is
the only d-dress I've got.
Ah, Libby must be a great
help to you, Mr. Saul.
You're a widower,
aren't you?
Not exactly
a widower.
You see, Mrs. Saul is not
feeling very well tonight.
Oh, I'm sorry.
How is your mother,
s- she's like always.
Uh, c-can I fix you
some b-beer and sandwiches, pa?
We don't mind,
do we, Barker?
Oh, no. That would
be swell. Thanks.
You know,
it's funny.
Some days
she's like that,
and other days she don't
do it hardly at all.
What's that?
That uh-uh-uh-uh
It's contrariness
Oh, no. I've read
about people that
get cured of that
all the time.
You mean you don't mind
Me? No. Well, I never
thought much about it.
Say, you're all right,
I like a fella that don't
hold it against a girl
just 'cause of a little thing like that.
Libby's all right,
Yeah. She does everything around here.
You know, she'd make
a mighty fine-
whose deal is it?
It's yours.
What's that?
Nothing. Just a shutter tearing loose.
Houses near the sea always
have some little thing.
I better go fix it,
Before it busts
itself to pieces.
Can I do it for you?
No, no, no.
No, thanks.
You wouldn't know
which one.
I'll fix it.
You just stay here
and talk to Libby.
I'll be back
in a minute.
Boy, that looks good.
Here. Let me help you.
Where's p-pa?
He's out fixing
the shutter.
This is the first
beer I've seen
this side
of king city.
Uh, w-w-what...
What are you
trying to say?
Here. Sit down and talk to me. Come on.
That's it.
What did they d-do
with that man?
That man.
Oh, you mean that fella
this afternoon?
They locked him up
in a toolshed.
They'll send him back
to San Quentin tomorrow.
They will?
Then what?
Oh, he loses
his good behavior,
five more years.
He would have been out in two otherwise.
Five years?
I'm sorry that
you had to see it.
He's one of the kind that
hits before he thinks.
He tries to solve everything by hitting.
The world just can't
hold him, that's all.
When they t-took him...
Took him away,
I- I had a f-feeling that...
Feeling that I was him.
Ah, I see.
Let's have a sandwich.
Libby, how would
you like it
if I came over
to see you sometime
instead of
your father?
we'd go dancing maybe
up to monterey.
I- I don't know
h- how to dance.
Well, I'd teach you.
It would be fun.
No. I-I'd be afraid.
Afraid of what?
You're not afraid
of me, are you?
Oh, but you
shouldn't be, Libby.
I like you
very much.
What's the matter?
Where's Libby?
She went
into the kitchen.
I'm afraid she doesn't
think much of me.
I'll attend to her. She can't treat
people who come here like that-
oh, forget it,
Mr. Saul.
It wasn't her fault.
I better get
going anyway
because this storm's
going to get worse.
I wish you wouldn't
go, Barker.
It's early yet. We
haven't finished the game.
I'll come back and
see you again sometime.
You're too lucky
tonight. So long.
Well, good night.
That was
a fine thing to do,
my high-and-mighty miss.
You insulted my guest.
That's the kind of women
I got in this house.
She thinks she's
too good for people.
Now you, you with
your yammering.
Please don't, pa.
I'm sorry.
I try to get nothing
but the very best for you,
and what do you do?
You go and act
like a fool!
Yeah, well, all the fine,
fancy manners she brags about,
it's too bad you wouldn't try
and learn some common ones.
Stop it, pa.
Libby! Libby!
Yeah, go on!
Go on upstairs
and soak up some more of the
poison she pours into you.
That's what
you want to do.
Mumbling and mumbling,
night after night.
Don't, pa.
P- please don't.
Y- you h-hate her,
and-and y-you
hate each other...
You shut up!
Your h-hate creeps up
and d-down the stairs.
I- it's been
in this house
ever since
I can r-remember.
Shut up!
And you hit her.
You shut up,
do you hear me?
Yes, you did! You hit
her, and I saw you.
I saw you!
Shut up, I tell you!
Hey, what was that?
It's a landslide!
Sounds like half a mountain
pitching into the sea.
Why don't you answer me?
Are you going to bed?
Did you take my matches?
I want to light the light.
Yes, ma?
What was that
awful rumble?
It shook
the whole house.
A landslide,
I think.
Did you find
my matches?
Why don't you
light the lamp?
I will, ma.
What was all that
with him?
I could hear him
yelling clear up here.
He... h-hit me.
He hit me.
What have you got on?
You're not going out
in this storm, are you?
Yes, ma.
I'm going, ma.
you can't go away.
You wouldn't-
you wouldn't leave me when
you're all I have in the world.
What will become
of me, Libby?
You got to think
of that.
I'll die. I'll simply
lie here and die.
You couldn't be
so cruel.
Don't go, Libby.
Please don't go.
You can't leave me here
helpless, flat on my back,
alone in the house
with him.
You're not helpless.
You're up and around
this room all the time,
and you never think
of anyone but you.
You just s-stay up here
and go on hating and hating.
If I s-stay, I'll get
to doing it, too.
That's why
I'm going, ma.
Libby, don't.
Libby, come back!
It will be different,
Libby, I promise.
I'll get up.
I'll even let him
come upstairs.
Libby! Come back!
Hey, you fellas, come on down
and give me a hand.
What is it?
What is it?
The toolshed we locked
that guy up in last night.
Better get a tarpaulin.
This ain't gonna be pretty.
How many?
15 dead, not counting
the 2 guards.
That leaves three
unaccounted for, don't it?
I'm afraid you'll find those
20,000 tons of rock and stuff
will do the accounting,
Not till I see them,
it don't.
Hey, it's empty!
He ain't there!
What? You're crazy.
Just uncovered the
toolshed, Mr. billings.
He ain't in it.
Well, there you are.
That's another one. O.K.
I'll have to deputize
all you men.
Nobody in the county's
going to be safe
with birds like that
running loose.
All right, billings,
better get your men out
and start patrolling
the beach.
I'll get in touch with
the sheriff in the next county,
and we'll organize
a posse.
What about the woods?
We'll take care
of them.
Them mountains
are solid for 60 miles,
but we'll scour them if we have
to shinny up every tree.
Joe, we're home.
Boy, l... let's go
for a swim, huh?
Come on.
Come on, Joe.
Good boy.
Don't do that again.
No, Joe!
Get away from me,
or I'll brain you!
Please, please.
Y- you b-better
put out the f-fire.
Someone m-might see
the s-smoke.
Where are we?
I mean, how far is it
from the camp down there?
Well, I-it would
take them a w-whole day
unless they knew
the t-trail.
Anybody else
ever come up here?
No. No one
ever came before.
Y- you're the first.
H- how did you
get away?
Did you s-shoot
No, I didn't. I picked
this up off a guard.
The whole mountain
must have fallen on us.
Must have killed
everybody but me.
Soon as they find
out I got away,
they'll be after me.
They won't find you.
What makes you
think they won't?
A convict don't escape
one time in 100.
I- I'll help you.
Who do you think
you're kidding?
If I turn my back
on you,
you'd be off like
a shot to tell them.
You can go north
off of the Castro draw
if you know
how to find it.
I'll show you.
Why should
you help me?
Wait a minute.
Where do you think
you're going?
I was only going to
let him in.
You leave him alone.
Leave him alone.
We're staying right here.
It's a pretty good
You try to run away
or pull anything funny,
you're going to get hurt, understand?
Well, you better.
Why should
you h-hurt me
when I w-want to
help you?
Yeah. You
want to help me.
That's where the "Why" comes in. Why?
Well, I-I know how it feels to
be s- shut up and k-kept away
from everyone who's happy
and loves each other.
No, you don't.
No one does unless he's
been where I've been.
But I do.
I'm running away.
Don't you see?
I'm running away, too.
I- I'll get us
s- something to eat.
Come on, boy.
Here we are, now.
Watch it.
This is
very special.
Gee, that's wonderful.
My old man taught me
to make fish traps.
Your pa?
He ran a machine shop
down in L.A.,
but we used to go up
in the woods together a lot.
Did your mother and
father love each other?
Oh, I don't know.
I guess so.
They were
always laughing.
I used to hear them in the
middle of the night just laughing.
My old man wasn't
much good after ma died.
He didn't last long,
and I'm glad of it.
Oh, y-you mustn't
say that.
Why not? I mean it.
What happened to me would
have killed him anyway.
Got away.
Too bad you don't wear
any stockings.
I- I don't have
any stockings.
If you did,
I could make a fishnet.
Did you like
the woods?
Not as much
as the sea.
I was always crazy
about boats.
I had a boat
of my own once.
Yeah. I like nothing
around me but...
Open space, open water
in all directions...
As far as
you could see,
as far as you
could think, even.
I- I like the woods.
I like the big trees
over me and...
Close to me.
No. I meant
listen to the trees.
Don't you hear?
I hear the wind,
and that's all
I want to hear.
Oh, I hear much more
than the wind.
I- I hear them w-
whispering and laughing.
You're the funniest kid
I ever saw.
A- and then
s- sometimes,
I like to climb to the
very top of a mountain,
look way off
into the distance,
then hurry back home
to the valley
and the trees again.
I- it's nice that way.
Not me. Open water
and going, going, going.
I was in the Navy
during the war.
Were you?
Yeah. Pt boats.
I was in four battles.
I liked that.
You mean you...
You really liked them?
Sure. You forget
I was up for
the Navy cross.
Didn't get it, though.
Got a general court.
What's that?
Eight months in the brig,
that's what.
J- jail?
Sort of.
Guy had it coming, though.
He bought it.
Oh, I hit a petty officer
pretty hard.
Broke his jaw.
Oh, Barry,
why did you do that?
Say, he was
a pretty tough mug.
I can't take people
pushing me around.
Anyway, I didn't mean
to break his jaw.
I- is that how you
got into prison?
Now, lay off.
I told you twice already
to lay off that, didn't I?
I'm out, and I'm going to
stay out, and that's that.
But I-I
w- want to know.
O.K. One night,
I was in downtown L.A.
With a bunch of boys,
and believe me,
we were feeling no pain.
I was drunk.
You understand?
And so were they all.
I didn't know
who they were.
They kept changing
all the time.
we found ourselves
in one of them jewelry
stores down there.
I don't know
how we got there.
I didn't want the junk.
Well, nobody believed
that, of course.
And the next thing,
a bunch of clowns came in
and began
grabbing at us.
A couple of guns
went off.
I started fighting my way
out of the joint,
hitting at every face
that showed.
Barry, again?
You asked me,
didn't you?
Then the police
swarmed all over us.
Found a dead man
on the floor.
Fractured skull.
Y- y-you...
K- killed him, Barry?
They all said I did.
I don't know. I did an
awful lot of punching.
On account of
my four battles,
they let it go
for manslaughter-
1 to 10,
6 years if you're a good boy.
You satisfied?
I- I'm glad
you didn't mean to.
Huh. I never do.
I always find out I didn't
mean to after it's all over.
Did you-
did you ever love
Right there.
Right there.
See? He's a big one.
It's a whopper.
Yeah. Yeah,
I see him, Barry.
Look, he's going in the
trap. Quick, get him!
Don't let him go!
Got him!
Yeah! Oh! Oh!
Hey, watch it,
will you?
What are you
trying to do, drown?
Did anybody
ever tell you
that you're
a pretty swell cook?
That trout was
out of this world.
I'm glad
you liked it.
I want to be good
at a lot of things.
You are.
You're the best.
Maybe-maybe they
ought to keep more girls
shut off
from everything
the way it happened
to you.
Say, Libby, you sure about
that smoke from the stove?
Oh, it's all right
at night.
There's a little fog
Didn't you notice
the moon?
Nope. Oh, thanks.
Libby, out there,
you asked me did
I ever love anybody.
I didn't say anything.
I guess you thought
I didn't even hear you,
or maybe you thought I was
looking for a fish or something.
I was looking
at the whole show,
and I saw what's
been wrong.
There's always been
just me, Barry Burnett-
scared of nothing, don't
give a hang for nobody.
Now I care
for somebody,
and I'm scared
plenty, Libby.
I'm scared for us.
I'm scared stiff.
I'm not.
I'm not scared
of anything anymore.
Well, then neither am
I. You see what I mean?
You see
how it works?
What can they do
to us?
Yeah, what can
they do to us?
Here I am, all messed up like this.
Why couldn't you find
some other guy?
There are a million
swell guys in the world.
You're not even
I was just thinking that,
well, this is the first
real happy day of my life.
Look, Libby,
why don't we go
to San Francisco?
You can get lost
in a big town like that.
I can get a job,
and I can make enough
for us to start on.
And I could
get a job, too.
Maybe we could
get a job together.
Oh, but first of all, we got
to get you some other clothes...
And then we'll need
something to eat on the way
because it's miles and miles
through the mountains.
What were you
going to eat?
You were
running away, too.
There are some
woodcutters up in the draw,
and they used to come
to our place sometimes.
I knew they'd help me.
I wouldn't dare
go near them.
Libby, why don't
you go alone?
You can make it
to San Francisco,
and I'll get there
I know.
I'm going home.
Now you're
talking sense.
Oh, Barry!
I didn't mean that.
I only meant to
get you some clothes.
There's some old ones
hanging in the barn,
and something
for us to eat.
Don't you see? That's the
only way that's really safe.
And tomorrow, I can
be back with everything.
I wonder what
I did with my hat.
You're going to start
down there now, tonight?
Why not?
I came up at night.
Besides, I have Joe.
You will be careful,
won't you?
You mean this, huh?
Oh, Barry.
I'm so happy.
I know nothing
can happen to us.
You better go now,
or I might not let you.
Will you miss me?
And you'll stay
right here?
You won't move?
I won't even breathe.
Come on, Joe.
Come, boy.
Go and sit down.
You're in the way.
Gets a little lonely
up there.
Not when you got
everything to do
like I have.
Are they going on with
the road just the same?
Across the meadow?
Want some of this
plum preserve?
The wind blew the screen
out of my window.
I wish you'd come up
and fix it.
Needs a new
angle iron, I guess.
It's always
Oh, I, ah, I sold that piece of meadow.
Did you?
Get much for it?
Yeah, pretty good.
They wasn't handing out
nothing, you can bet.
We could sell
the whole place
now that
the road is here.
Move into town
Get a little cottage
Not now, Cliff.
Is there some of
that preserve?
Stay, Joe.
Hello, Libby.
Hello, ma.
Take your coat off
and bring a chair.
I'll fix you
some eggs.
Thanks, ma.
I'm a little hungry.
I've been in the woods.
In the woods,
Did you run into any of the posse?
What posse?
They was
here yesterday
searching all
over the place.
They even looked in the well for him.
For who?
Well, they got them all but one,
but don't you
they'll get him.
Funny you didn't run
into any of the posse.
Stop worrying her about
those convicts. She's tired.
That fella, Jeff Barker, was
asking about you yesterday.
I knew he'd be back.
I could tell by the
way he looked at you.
Excuse me, ma.
That's funny.
That's mighty funny.
What's funny? Because
she's tuckered out?
No. Didn't you notice?
She talks as plain
as I do.
Always said
she didn't have to-
let's forget what we
always said, Cliff,
shall we?
All right, Elly.
Whatever you say.
I guess
you're right.
I'll, ah, I'll
go and try and find
that angle iron
for your screen.
Oh, I think I'll cord up
some wood, too.
Hello, Saul.
We picked up a trail.
All right.
Better get
your men out.
what you doing?
I supposed you were
having a rest.
Well, I-I just thought
these clothes of pa's
might need some fixing.
You don't have to
do that anymore.
Oh, I don't mind.
That's my job now.
You can do your sewing
on your own things.
Couple of dresses
in my closet
wouldn't look bad on
you with a little fixing.
Thanks, ma.
Anytime you feel
like talking, Libby...
Yes, ma.
There you are,
Your pa was saying
the coffeepot
might still
be on the fire
and I could
get myself a cup.
I- I'll get it
for you.
I'm sheriff akers.
I remember you as a brat about so high.
W- won't you
sit down?
Hope it ain't too
much trouble, miss.
Your pa is being mighty
helpful in all this.
He's letting some of our
boys sleep in your downstairs.
Oh, next night
or two, I guess,
if we don't catch the
critter before then.
No, I mean,
when are they coming?
Oh, 9:00, 10:00.
They won't get out of
the woods before then.
Your pa says
you been just back
from a little
camping trip,
didn't see none of
our boys.
Where was you?
Oh, up towards
stone ridge.
Yeah, they didn't start
in there till this morning.
Can't nobody get through there now.
No, I guess
they couldn't.
We figure he must be
heading for Castro draw,
but we're searching all
the valleys this side first.
You know
that ground?
N- not very well.
You know something,
I don't
get much fun.
Pretty gals and gambling
- no more of that.
Course I take a drink now and then,
but mostly just
catching criminals,
that's my fun.
You want to
see a picture?
This is the hanging
of Whitey Lewis.
They hung them
in them days.
That's me
holding the noose.
I got a lot of
pictures like that.
Excuse me. I've got
some straightening to do.
Sure, go ahead.
I was just
We know you're in there, Burnett.
Come on out and keep them reaching.
Come on, boys!
No. No. No. You don't discard a nine.
You don't?
Why not?
Because that's
just what I want.
Well, I don't mind.
It's only for fun.
Don't you see, Elly?
It gives me gin.
Then we win,
don't we?
What's so complicated about that?
Where you going,
Nowhere, pa.
Well, you got
your coat on.
I thought you was
all played out.
I- I thought I'd go out
for a bit.
Oh, well,
wait a minute.
I forgot to put
my saw in the barn.
I'll go with you.
It's been sort of
a long day.
I think I'll go to bed. Good night.
Good night, Elly.
Good night, ma.
Hey, what's your hurry?
Hello. Anybody home?
Sure, sure. Come in,
Barker, uh, Jeff.
Now, what did
I tell you?
Here's Jeff Barker
come to see you.
Hello, Libby.
I was just
driving by.
I've only
got a minute.
Driving by, huh?
That's a good one.
The road only goes
to our place.
I stopped by
but your dad said you'd
gone into the woods.
I was worried
about you.
Don't you worry
about Libby.
She can
take care of herself.
She just needs a little
cheering up, that's all.
Well, make yourself
at home.
What do you have to be cheered up about?
Oh, that's just pa.
You're O.K., then?
Of course I am.
You don't look it.
You look pretty, but
you don't look happy.
Well, I am.
Libby, you're not holding
what happened the other night
against me, are you?
You know, I'd
like to think that
I had something to do
with your feeling good-
a little bit maybe.
You're a nice man,
Mr. Barker.
How about Jeff
being a nice man?
That's better.
You know,
I wasn't kidding.
I really got to
get going.
You better get used to
my dropping in, Libby.
Look, I was going out
for a walk.
Could you drive me down
to the foot of the road,
and then I could
walk back?
I'd be glad to.
Come on in, fellas.
Well, here
they are, Libby.
These are the fellas I
was telling you about.
Can you dig up some
blankets for them?
This is my daughter
Libby, fellas.
I guess you know
Jeff Barker.
Hello, boys.
These men are just down
from the mountains.
There's a report that somebody
heard some firing going on
up past stone ridge.
Might have been hunting,
though. Just as likely.
Come on out in
the kitchen, boys,
and have some beer.
Are you
all right?
Come down.
Wait. Wait, Barry.
Hold me.
shh! Don't
say anything.
They're in the house-
four of them sleeping.
What was that?
I don't know.
Nothing. Just
the wind, I think.
Barry, come on.
I know where to go.
Just a minute, Barry.
I know where there are
some matches and a lantern.
What about
the light?
I'll be careful.
They won't see it.
Libby, does
this truck work?
Not since last fall.
Let's hurry.
Wait a minute.
I'd like to look around,
see where I am.
Might have to get out
of here in a hurry.
Oh, no.
No. Please don't.
They have guns.
You're telling me.
They shot at you,
didn't they?
Yeah, and it's
not so hot
when you can't
shoot back.
They're not going to
get me, Libby.
I'd rather get shot
a dozen times.
This is crazy. I won't have a chance.
It's only
a shutter banging.
Trust you.
I'm dying on account of
what I'm doing to you,
but I had to
come back, Libby.
I didn't know
which way to turn.
It was just luck I
found the way back.
I'm so happy you're here.
Come on.
Does anybody
ever come up here?
Pa might,
but I don't think so.
He comes to the barn,
but he never comes up here.
Barry, if he did,
you-you wouldn't-
what are you
talking about?
What do you
think I am?
How about the posse?
Won't they search?
They already searched.
They looked everywhere
around here.
They might
search again.
Well, it's just till
we can get away.
I guess you're right.
Just have to risk it.
Are those
the clothes?
Yes. I hope they fit.
As soon as the posse's out of the woods,
we're on our way.
Keep an eye peeled
There we are.
It's a little out of press,
but better than dungarees.
I- I thought you said
you couldn't shoot back.
I didn't hit anybody.
I wouldn't have
got the gun at all
if I had a minute
to think.
I'm sorry, Libby.
I know we're not,
I have a feeling
we're safe.
Maybe only for a minute. I don't know.
I don't know.
Maybe it's the last
minute we'll ever have.
It's almost daylight.
I must go.
But I'll come back again
I'll wait for every chance,
and I'll bring everything,
and then we'll make
our plans how to get away,
won't we?
You better take care of
this, Libby.
I've seen all the guns
I want to see
for the rest of
my life.
Oh, thank you.
Don't worry, darling.
I never said "darling"
to anyone before.
I did,
but I was a liar.
Nice morning.
Oh, ma, don't tickle.
Don't you think just
a little lower in front?
I never saw
anything like it.
All you young girls
want everything
lower in the front
and tighter
in the back.
What are you
so proud of?
It isn't that, ma.
It's just that-
well, look.
What's funny about it? Disgraceful.
All this giggling.
All this primping
and fussing.
I don't know what's
got into you, Libby.
It's because everything's
so different, ma.
W- we're all happy now.
We've changed.
No doubt about
your pa changing.
There he is
down there
hammering and heaving on that old truck
like his own
hired hand.
Turn around.
Yes, indeedy.
If it figured
I'd say that miss Libby was in love.
That's what
I'd say.
Oh, ma.
That's the way
it looks to me.
Laughing and singing around,
dancing down the stairs like
you've forgotten how to walk.
I tell you, it's coming
out of your ears almost.
Every time he gets
a chance, could it?
Oh, well, he is
sort of nice, isn't he?
And he brought me
a book from king city-
500 pages.
Pa likes him.
I'm no more against him
than any other man.
Somehow I didn't think it
would happen just like that-
with Jeff Barker, I mean.
I think you ought
to wait, Libby,
and be careful.
Let's see.
It's not bad.
Real pretty, if I do
say so myself.
Don't stand
so straight, dear.
Throws you too far out
in front.
Oh, ma, thanks.
It's wonderful.
Am I pretty?
I mean, if somebody
said it, would they mean it?
They wouldn't be just
being nice, would they?
Like who,
Jeff Barker?
Oh, never mind.
Now get out of it,
and let me take a tuck
in that waistband.
Oh, no. Please let me keep
it on. I'll be careful-honest.
All right. All right. Keep it on, then.
I've got to go down
and start fixing dinner.
Thanks, ma.
I like wearing it.
So you don't mind
hanging around
with the old man
these days, huh?
Well, well.
I'll help you
with the dinner, ma.
Not in that new dress,
you won't.
Then I'll set
the table.
Oh, I remember. I set
it right after breakfast.
Are you sure
your name's Libby?
Think I'll feed
the chickens, ma.
Libby, did we finish up
all that ham last night?
More things disappear
in this house.
Here. Chick chick chick.
Here, chick chick chick.
Hey, Libby,
throw some up here.
Might taste good
with this hay.
Barry, you shouldn't
have done that.
They might have
heard you,
and I brought you
a whole end of a ham,
and only last night, four
boiled eggs, a quart of milk,
a whole pie,
and six tomatoes.
Look. I can't
live forever
on a couple of
hard-boiled eggs.
Is that all
you've got to say?
Seems to me there's
something different about you.
I can't quite
figure it out.
Don't tell me, now.
Don't tell me.
Let me see...
The dress.
Have I seen
that dress before?
I would have
remembered it.
No. It's new.
Ma made it.
She did?
She's making me
another one, too.
Oh, that's nice.
Rayon? Gee.
You're laughing
at me.
I'm laughing because
I'm happy, Libby.
It's crazy,
but I'm happy.
I always knew you had
a funny little mug,
the kind I like,
but I never
knew you were
the most beautiful
girl I ever saw.
Oh, Barry.
Come on up here,
I want to
look at you.
If you don't,
I'll come down.
Oh, no. No.
All right.
The closer you get, the
more beautiful you are.
Someday, I want a whole
town to look at you and say,
Barry Burnett's wife.
What a gal he's got."
It's just your pa.
He came out the back porch
for a minute.
It's all right.
What's he say
about that truck?
It needs fixing.
If it didn't, we could
make a break in it
down to the highway.
But, Barry, the woods
are much safer.
Besides, I know them,
and pa heard the posse's
moving South.
We got
a clear route.
Somebody's sure to
come busting in.
We won't have a chance to run for it.
Let's get going.
Oh, we will.
We will, maybe tomorrow,
just as soon as
the posse moves on
and we have a chance
to get through,
but now it's safer here.
Oh, please, don't be
too unhappy.
I'm so happy, I keep
forgetting how crazy it all is.
That is
a pretty dress.
I'm glad you like it.
You know, Barry, uh,
I saw a picture of a man
in one of pa's magazines
in a brown suit,
and I cut it out.
Last night I went to sleep
thinking of you in it.
Of course, you can pick out
your ties and stuff like that,
but I'd like to
pick out your suits.
You'd look good
in blue, too,
but I think I'd like brown
for when we get married.
Hello there.
Hello, Jeff.
So you're the little girl
that has only one dress
to her name, huh?
That's two new ones I've
seen in the last three days.
Y- you like it?
Sure, I like it.
I'd be mighty proud
to call on a girl in a
dress like that some night-
say tonight?
Hello, Mr. Barker.
Hello, Mrs. Saul.
I was just trying to
date up your daughter.
That'd be nice.
Wouldn't it, ma?
He's not asking me,
What's the news?
Oh, things are still
going tough.
That slide's held us
back a lot.
Find that
convict yet?
No, not yet. They think they've
bypassed him if he's still alive.
The boys are searching
back this way again.
Ah, Saul around?
Down there monkeying
with the truck.
He hasn't
done anything else
for the last
three days.
That's good. I've got some
gas and oil here for him.
Hop in, Lib, and we'll
take it down to him.
All right.
I don't get a chance
to talk to you very much
once I get started
with your dad.
Well, she's got everything
a truck ought to have,
but I can't
make her run.
Well, maybe you need
a new battery.
Let's check it.
You haven't even
got a battery.
I haven't?
We'll see if we can
get you one down at camp.
They ought to
have a few spares.
It's kind of nice having an
engineer around the place, ain't it?
We're going into business
together, Jeff and me.
Did you know that?
We're going to open
a filling station
right where the highway takes a turn
across the meadow.
I'm putting in
the land,
and Jeff, he's buying
the pumps and stuff.
He, ah, kind of likes it around here.
Don't you, Jeff?
Yeah. Yeah,
it's fine country.
I've got some gas and oil here
for you. Where do you want it?
In the barn,
I reckon.
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
Would you? Thanks. That's fine.
What's the matter now?
Oh, nothing, pa.
I was just-
hey, Jeff!
Bring me the old
tire pump, will you?
Where is it?
Standing up
in the corner.
Did you say
in the corner?
No, it ain't neither.
It's up in the loft.
I- I'll get it, pa.
I'll get it.
Here. I'll
take it, Libby.
You see, there are
so many things up there,
I- I didn't think you'd be
able to find it. That's why-
oh, that's
all right, Libby.
Oh, thanks.
That's fine.
Now you and me
can fix up that tire.
I'm sorry, Mr. Saul.
I've got to get back.
I just came up
between jobs.
Wait a minute.
Why shouldn't I drive
down to camp with you
and see about
the battery myself?
I could do that,
couldn't I?
Why not?
Oh, sure. Sure.
That's fine.
And you could have
supper with us,
and after supper,
we could have
another little session
of gin rummy.
No, sir.
Not tonight.
Tonight I'm coming over
to see Libby.
Oh, excuse me.
Isn't that so, Libby?
All right.
O.K. I'm ready.
I'll bring him back
for supper, Libby,
with his hair brushed
and a clean shirt
and smelling like a daisy.
It's no use, Libby.
I'll always be like that.
I'll never change.
I'm not
dragging you into it.
Don't say that.
I never really figured
I was a criminal...
Until now.
Oh, but you're not.
You're not.
So I don't know what
goes on in my own head?
Libby, you just
don't understand.
I heard that guy
down there.
I heard his step
on the ladder.
I knew in one second
he'd come up
and find me trapped.
In that one second,
I felt every day
of the seven years
of torture in me.
I felt it
in my insides.
I felt the life, Libby,
the life that you and me
could have together
being taken from us.
Why, hello,
miss Saul.
It's mighty nice to see
you moving around again
all these years.
Feeling better?
Thank you, sheriff.
Husband home?
No, he's not. He'll be
along directly, though.
Can I do something?
Well, I guess I can talk to
you just as good, miss Saul.
Then won't you come in?
Would your men
like some coffee?
Well, thank you, no.
Listen, miss Saul.
I don't want to
scare you,
but this house is
the only one around here
that he could raid
for food and stuff.
What are you
talking about?
This convict fella.
You ain't been missing
any food or clothes
or poultry maybe,
have you?
No, I don't think so.
Can't say as we have.
Is he around here,
do you think?
Well, we're
pretty sure
he backtracked
this way.
Picked up
a trail finally.
Leading to here?
around here.
I've got a ring of posse men closing in.
Is Libby home?
Yes, but I don't
know where.
Well, I'll leave you
one of my deputies
if you'll
feel safer.
Saul will be along. He's
bringing Mr. Barker with him, too.
Oh, that's O.K., then. That's fine.
Oh, I almost
forgot something.
This belongs to miss Libby, I believe.
We found it in
that cabin
up beyond
the stone ridge
where we jumped
that convict fella.
She must have left it
there sometime or other.
You must be tired,
Not a bit.
Tell you the truth,
I've enjoyed
every minute of it.
You know,
I've got an idea
we're going to get
our man tonight.
I hope so, sheriff.
So long.
Good-bye, sheriff.
Mostly on boats,
that's for me.
Wait till you see our cabin on our boat.
Will it have
A mirror on
the back of the door?
Sure, a mirror.
Anything you want.
Just ring a bell, a little
guy in a white coat comes,
bring you anything
you want.
And then we'll
come to a big city.
Will we go to
a regular hotel?
Honey, we'll go to
the Waldorf.
Nothing but the best
for Mrs. Barry Burnett.
We'll have-
we'll be a couple of
swell people, Libby.
That convict stuff is
long gone and forgotten,
and someday I'll
go to the Governor.
I'll say, "Look, Gov,
a long time ago, I
escaped from a road gang,
but look how good I've done since then
- me and my wife.
Look at our swell kids
and our business
and our house.
I didn't mean to
do it, Gov,
so how about a pardon,
just for the record?
We'll be the best people
in the whole state... "
"If you'll just
give us a chance."
We love each other.
Please help us.
Help a convict
with blood
on his hands
to run away
with my own child?
Oh, but he-he's not
a criminal.
He never meant
to do anything wrong.
You'll both be killed before
you get out of these woods.
Even if you do
get away,
you'll spend
your life in misery.
Don't say that.
Come on, Libby. We can't stay here now.
We got to make
a run for it.
Ma, I-I love you, but
you just don't understand.
Libby, no decent man
would ask a girl
to go sneaking
through life with him-
lying and hiding,
afraid of every policeman,
running from one dirty job
to another,
living in shacks,
afraid to show your faces.
Hunted like criminals.
Seems to me, ma'am, you and your
husband are more like criminals
for what you've
done to her.
Come on, Libby.
Libby. Libby.
Libby, you can't
get away.
They know he's here.
The sheriff told me,
that's who.
The woods are full
of them.
You'll both
go to jail.
Libby. Libby,
come back!
Libby! Libby!
That certainly
was some ride.
I'll go see if
supper's ready.
Elly! Elly, what is it?
Where are you?
Are you crazy? Libby,
what are you trying to do?
Leave me alone.
Don't try to stop her.
She's going with me.
You haven't got a chance.
You want to get her killed?
I'm going, I tell you.
Get away.
Let her go! Will you let her go?
We love each other. Don't
you understand? Now let me go.
You heard what
she said, you-
Jeff! Jeff!
Libby, the posse
is right down there.
You haven't
got a chance.
Oh, Barry.
Hey, what's going
on out there?
I can't keep up.
Don't you want me?
It's no good, Libby.
Let go.
No. I don't
want to live, then.
You'll get hurt, Libby.
That's him.
Look. Libby, look.
It's a big one.
I think we got him.
Look. Shh.
We can't stay here.
Do you think you can
walk if I help you?
I got ahead of
them through the cut,
but they'll be here
any minute.
They won't catch me now.
They're too late.
That's one on them,
I guess.
I don't know
why I came up here.
I just had to.
You know, I got the funniest
kind of a free feeling, Libby,
like I was way out in the
ocean on a boat, you know?
Don't talk,
Come to think of it,
I don't mind much.
I just had to
have somebody...
Just once, who'd know
what was inside me.
Who'd know
I didn't mean to.
I know.
And I'll never
be the same
for knowing the love
you've given me.
Enough to last me
all my life.
Look. Look.
He got away.
Yes, darling.
He's free, too.
almost ready.
How do you like it?
Thought I might as well
thought you said young Barker
was going in this with you.
He is. We're partners, sort of.
That's him...
"and company."
Seen Libby?
She was around here
a little while ago.
Hello, Libby.
Hello, Jeff.
Well, we're moving
right along now.
That's the way
it goes-in spurts.
You ought to have
a coat.
Get into this.
Deep Valley (1947)
You hear me, Libby?
Libby, are you up?
Get him out of here,
I begged you
not to bring
that dirty creature
in here.
Get him out.
He smells dog.
I think your father
went out early.
He went out. I can tell
when he's in the house.
What was he talking
about last night?
I could hear him.
Didn't you listen?
N- n-no, ma.
No, mother, Libby.
Must I always remind you?
That you was a lady?
You were a lady,
Look at you.
What do you
go around like that for?
Just because there's
nobody to see you?
Well, I do.
You're all I ever see.
Look at that hair.
I suppose he told you
he was going to sell
this house and move away.
How can he with me
flat on my back in this bed
and you the way you are?
Half the time,
you can't even talk straight.
Maybe he told you I
could get out of this bed
if I wanted to.
Maybe the doctor
said so, too.
a lot they know.
Why doesn't he
try something new?
He knows nobody would
buy a farm like this.
We could have settled
anyplace in California,
near a town, maybe.
Oh, no. He had
to pick a spot
that even the coyotes
are lonesome in.
Like a desert island.
If you'd taken the trouble
to save some batter,
I could have some pancakes
for my breakfast.
Doesn't matter.
Makes no difference
if I don't eat.
With honey.
What's that,
For her?
I'll take some
of those eggs...
And a scrap
of that meat
if you haven't fed
it all to your dog.
I've seen good soup made
out of less than that.
So it's all right,
I suppose.
A man with a wife and
an able-bodied daughter
has got to get up
and do his own milking.
Where were you?
I- I-I d-didn't
wake up.
You d-d-don't wake up
half the t-t-time.
When you do,
you're only half awake.
It's all my fault,
I suppose.
It's all my fault
you can't talk, too.
The d-drainpipe is broke.
What's the difference?
I- I-I'll be down
and f-f-fix your eggs.
Why don't you sit down
and eat something
like a human being?
Ah, I think it r-rusted
and b-broke in the wind.
What broke?
The drainpipe.
S- screen fell out
of ma's window.
That's your lookout.
I- I don't know
how to fix it.
You mean
you're too lazy.
You'd rather spend your time
wandering around the woods
like a wild indian.
I like the woods.
They're quiet...
They are, are they?
Not to me,
they ain't.
They're just
so much stove wood.
Come on, Joe.
No, Joe. Not today.
W- we're not going to
our place.
Well, s-some other time.
C- come on, boy.
Go on.
Hello, snoopy.
Yes. Isn't that nice?
That's good, isn't it?
You like that.
I've got a real treat.
What about that? Oh.
What about that?
Mm-hmm. I've seen g-good soup
made out of less than that,
Come, boy!
Hi, Jeff.
Coming up for air?
Yeah. Got any? All I can
find around here is heat.
Plenty of that.
Tough country.
It sure is.
I never saw so much rock
and forest in my life,
and look at the mess
we're making of it.
A lot of road
behind us.
Yeah, but it's
this mile up ahead
I'm worrying about.
What's the matter?
Anything wrong?
No, no. I just thought that
gang up ahead was drifting left.
O.K., you guys,
let's get with it!
Sir, it's
the same one I seen.
Been watching us
for the last 4 miles.
It must be my manly figure, I figure.
You'd think a dame
was chasing after you
if you was a leper.
Come on, break it up.
Get moving.
You didn't hear no whistle,
did you?
Maybe that was
him snoring.
What's that, con?
You got something
to say?
Just what was that
I didn't mean
Just shooting off
your big yap, eh?
Look, I-
I was just-
yeah? Yeah?
Forget it, will you?
Take it easy, San Quentin.
They're working all right.
O.K. Look, I don't
take no lip, get it?
Now get in there
and start swinging.
Come on, get moving.
You, go up there,
clear that brush away.
Hey, look what's here.
Come on, men.
They're going to blast.
Let's clear out of here.
Where is it?
The ridge up there?
That's right.
We're all ready,
Mr. Barker.
O.K. You're sure
the area's cleared?
Yes, sir. It's the center
ridge we're blowing.
All right, then.
"They were richly clad,
each in the m-manner
most becoming to her age,
the first in a silver gray,
and the s-second in
a delicate,
p- primrose yellow-"
go on, Libby.
Just read it-color.
"Which m-matches
so well
with a d-dark
and... "
Tell me a-about
the d-dress you wore
to your f-first
dance, will you?
It was a pink dress...
All covered with
tiny green clover leafs.
Had green bows
at the neck and the sleeves,
and I wore a pink flower
in my hair.
All the young ladies had
beautiful dresses, Libby,
but I think mine was
the most beautiful.
I always had
wonderful things.
I tried.
You remember, Libby.
You must.
Don't you remember the
sideboard that was downstairs?
No. I-I don't
remember nothin'...
'Cept like
it is now.
And my piano that was
in the sitting room?
He sold them.
Everything I had.
What did he care?
You do remember, Libby.
You were old enough.
You talked as good
as anybody up to that.
He struck me,
and you saw it.
N- no. I- I don't
remember, ma. Honest.
P- please don't
talk about it.
I've got to
talk to somebody.
What is it?
I- I thought I heard
him on the s-stairs.
He wouldn't dare.
He hasn't put a foot on
those stairs in seven years,
and he never will,
and I wouldn't step
across that threshold
into his dirty,
mean world...
Not if the house
was on fire.
No. It'll have to go on
just as it is.
You've got me, Libby.
You love your ma,
don't you?
I- I guess
I- I don't love anyone.
Oh, s-sometimes
I f-feel sorry for pa.
For him?
Well, you needn't.
I worry if you don't
get your meals on time,
Oh, ma, will it
always be like this?
What can happen?
No decent people would ever
come near a place like this.
Yes. I know, ma,
but... always?
I don't know, Libby.
This place has been
dead for years...
Locked in by the sea
and the mountains.
No way to get in...
And no way to get out.
You know that
better than I do.
Them hillbillies sure
let a place fall apart.
It looks deserted.
Might not be.
I'll check it.
There's a well.
Drive on around.
Hello, miss.
The filter pump at camp
broke down this morning,
and I was wondering
if I could get
some drinking water
from your well.
Well, I thought I heard
somebody talking.
I figured
it couldn't be you.
What was it you were
looking for-drinking water?
Yes, sir. Our filter pump broke down,
and the boys get pretty thirsty
during the heat of the day.
Well, I guess
it could be arranged.
You know, it's
funny how valuable
a simple little thing
like drinking water can be
when you
haven't got any.
Gosh, you might have
to shut down the works,
lose a whole day maybe.
That's right.
We might.
That, uh...
That would cost
quite a lot of money.
It's for a pretty
good cause, sir.
It's your highway.
It goes right past your door.
Right across
my meadow, you mean.
You weren't using
that meadow.
You got a very good price
for it.
Not half enough.
I didn't figure on...
On having things like that
running loose all over my place.
Cut that out.
You, can that
playing with the dog.
What I mean is,
being so valuable,
it seems to me you ought
to be willing to pay
a couple of dollars
a barrel.
Thanks. Thanks.
Forget it.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Now, don't rush off
like that.
Take all the water
you want.
I was only kidding.
You didn't sound like
you were kidding.
Ah. Can't you
take a joke?
All right. Thanks.
Fill up the casks.
All right,
let's go.
I'm sorry. I must
have misunderstood you.
Have a smoke.
Thanks. My name
is Cliff Saul.
I've been around these
parts, oh, over 25 years.
Jeff Barker's
my name, Mr. Saul.
I'm the engineer
down below.
Oh, I'm glad
to know you.
This is
my daughter Libby.
She don't have
much to say for herself.
You wouldn't take her
to be 22 years old,
now, would you?
I don't know.
Say, you might
like a visit
with some just plain folks
once in a while.
Why don't you
drop around sometime?
Well, we're pretty busy
most of the time-
suit yourself,
but I can promise you
a game of cards
and a nice, cold
bottle of beer.
You know, I might
take you up on that.
I just got out
of the army,
and I sure didn't
figure on being
back in a camp
this soon.
Yeah. I know how it is.
I was in
the last war myself.
Say, how about
coming around tonight?
Ha ha ha!
I take you guys in
and lock you up,
then I take a shower,
change my clothes,
and I step out.
And you poor animals
spend the rest of the night
in your little cage.
Ha ha ha!
Get up,
you dirty mug!
I'll pick you up and
knock your brains out!
You'll get 20 years
for this.
I told you to cut it
out before, didn't I?
Put your hands up, or I'll run
this right clear through you!
Hold it, now!
You want to
kill a man?
You get out of this! This is
my business! He slugged me!
Lay off! Better put your
hands up, fella.
This guy's gone crazy.
O.K. The dirty pig, treating
us like we were animals
just because
we look at a girl.
I'll fix you.
Get up on the truck.
What's the matter
with you?
Hold still,
can't you, Libby?
Now, if you'll only
remember to smile.
It's your best point.
And don't talk any more
than you have to,
and maybe he won't
notice it so much.
There. Smile, Libby.
Can't you do
anything to help?
You act as if you didn't
even care. You must.
Now that
the road's here,
it's all going to
be different, Libby.
There will be
people, young men.
Women have
got to care.
You're O.K., Barker.
You go down, pretending you're
just going to the kitchen.
You act-well,
you can try anyway-
act kind of surprised,
and then smile
like you're happy
and say, uh, "Good evening, Mr. Barker."
No. You'd stumble
on his name,
so leave that out.
Say, "I didn't think you'd
make it on a night like this."
Then you smile
at Mr. Saul and say,
"Can I get you some beer
and sandwiches, father?"
C- can I g-get you some
b- beer and s-sandwiches, f...
You don't have
to say father.
Now... go on.
It's all right.
Remember, Libby-
you're happy. Smile.
I'm going to stop trying
to teach you this game
and take a few
pointers myself.
I told you I was
good at cards.
I learned during
the last war.
I came home
with enough money
to buy a cow
and a couple of pigs.
Let's see.
6, 19, 27.
If you win three more
points this next hand,
why, you'll blitz me.
Blitz? What's that?
All the points
are doubled.
Good evening,
miss Libby.
G- good evening.
He's teaching me
to play gin rummy.
I get a little poker,
a little blackjack,
and the rest
just plain rummy.
That's all. The storm almost
blew my jeep off the road,
but I'm sure glad
I came.
I d-didn't think
you'd m-make it
on a night-
night like...
It's worth the trip,
miss Libby,
to see you
in such a pretty dress.
You know,
it's astonishing
what a little sprucing up
will do for these gals.
You'd never take Libby
to be real pretty, would you?
I mean,
not seeing her around
in an old shirt
and pants.
Closet full
of dresses,
and she goes round
in jeans.
Oh, but this is
the only d-dress I've got.
Ah, Libby must be a great
help to you, Mr. Saul.
You're a widower,
aren't you?
Not exactly
a widower.
You see, Mrs. Saul is not
feeling very well tonight.
Oh, I'm sorry.
How is your mother,
s- she's like always.
Uh, c-can I fix you
some b-beer and sandwiches, pa?
We don't mind,
do we, Barker?
Oh, no. That would
be swell. Thanks.
You know,
it's funny.
Some days
she's like that,
and other days she don't
do it hardly at all.
What's that?
That uh-uh-uh-uh
It's contrariness
Oh, no. I've read
about people that
get cured of that
all the time.
You mean you don't mind
Me? No. Well, I never
thought much about it.
Say, you're all right,
I like a fella that don't
hold it against a girl
just 'cause of a little thing like that.
Libby's all right,
Yeah. She does everything around here.
You know, she'd make
a mighty fine-
whose deal is it?
It's yours.
What's that?
Nothing. Just a shutter tearing loose.
Houses near the sea always
have some little thing.
I better go fix it,
Before it busts
itself to pieces.
Can I do it for you?
No, no, no.
No, thanks.
You wouldn't know
which one.
I'll fix it.
You just stay here
and talk to Libby.
I'll be back
in a minute.
Boy, that looks good.
Here. Let me help you.
Where's p-pa?
He's out fixing
the shutter.
This is the first
beer I've seen
this side
of king city.
Uh, w-w-what...
What are you
trying to say?
Here. Sit down and talk to me. Come on.
That's it.
What did they d-do
with that man?
That man.
Oh, you mean that fella
this afternoon?
They locked him up
in a toolshed.
They'll send him back
to San Quentin tomorrow.
They will?
Then what?
Oh, he loses
his good behavior,
five more years.
He would have been out in two otherwise.
Five years?
I'm sorry that
you had to see it.
He's one of the kind that
hits before he thinks.
He tries to solve everything by hitting.
The world just can't
hold him, that's all.
When they t-took him...
Took him away,
I- I had a f-feeling that...
Feeling that I was him.
Ah, I see.
Let's have a sandwich.
Libby, how would
you like it
if I came over
to see you sometime
instead of
your father?
we'd go dancing maybe
up to monterey.
I- I don't know
h- how to dance.
Well, I'd teach you.
It would be fun.
No. I-I'd be afraid.
Afraid of what?
You're not afraid
of me, are you?
Oh, but you
shouldn't be, Libby.
I like you
very much.
What's the matter?
Where's Libby?
She went
into the kitchen.
I'm afraid she doesn't
think much of me.
I'll attend to her. She can't treat
people who come here like that-
oh, forget it,
Mr. Saul.
It wasn't her fault.
I better get
going anyway
because this storm's
going to get worse.
I wish you wouldn't
go, Barker.
It's early yet. We
haven't finished the game.
I'll come back and
see you again sometime.
You're too lucky
tonight. So long.
Well, good night.
That was
a fine thing to do,
my high-and-mighty miss.
You insulted my guest.
That's the kind of women
I got in this house.
She thinks she's
too good for people.
Now you, you with
your yammering.
Please don't, pa.
I'm sorry.
I try to get nothing
but the very best for you,
and what do you do?
You go and act
like a fool!
Yeah, well, all the fine,
fancy manners she brags about,
it's too bad you wouldn't try
and learn some common ones.
Stop it, pa.
Libby! Libby!
Yeah, go on!
Go on upstairs
and soak up some more of the
poison she pours into you.
That's what
you want to do.
Mumbling and mumbling,
night after night.
Don't, pa.
P- please don't.
Y- you h-hate her,
and-and y-you
hate each other...
You shut up!
Your h-hate creeps up
and d-down the stairs.
I- it's been
in this house
ever since
I can r-remember.
Shut up!
And you hit her.
You shut up,
do you hear me?
Yes, you did! You hit
her, and I saw you.
I saw you!
Shut up, I tell you!
Hey, what was that?
It's a landslide!
Sounds like half a mountain
pitching into the sea.
Why don't you answer me?
Are you going to bed?
Did you take my matches?
I want to light the light.
Yes, ma?
What was that
awful rumble?
It shook
the whole house.
A landslide,
I think.
Did you find
my matches?
Why don't you
light the lamp?
I will, ma.
What was all that
with him?
I could hear him
yelling clear up here.
He... h-hit me.
He hit me.
What have you got on?
You're not going out
in this storm, are you?
Yes, ma.
I'm going, ma.
you can't go away.
You wouldn't-
you wouldn't leave me when
you're all I have in the world.
What will become
of me, Libby?
You got to think
of that.
I'll die. I'll simply
lie here and die.
You couldn't be
so cruel.
Don't go, Libby.
Please don't go.
You can't leave me here
helpless, flat on my back,
alone in the house
with him.
You're not helpless.
You're up and around
this room all the time,
and you never think
of anyone but you.
You just s-stay up here
and go on hating and hating.
If I s-stay, I'll get
to doing it, too.
That's why
I'm going, ma.
Libby, don't.
Libby, come back!
It will be different,
Libby, I promise.
I'll get up.
I'll even let him
come upstairs.
Libby! Come back!
Hey, you fellas, come on down
and give me a hand.
What is it?
What is it?
The toolshed we locked
that guy up in last night.
Better get a tarpaulin.
This ain't gonna be pretty.
How many?
15 dead, not counting
the 2 guards.
That leaves three
unaccounted for, don't it?
I'm afraid you'll find those
20,000 tons of rock and stuff
will do the accounting,
Not till I see them,
it don't.
Hey, it's empty!
He ain't there!
What? You're crazy.
Just uncovered the
toolshed, Mr. billings.
He ain't in it.
Well, there you are.
That's another one. O.K.
I'll have to deputize
all you men.
Nobody in the county's
going to be safe
with birds like that
running loose.
All right, billings,
better get your men out
and start patrolling
the beach.
I'll get in touch with
the sheriff in the next county,
and we'll organize
a posse.
What about the woods?
We'll take care
of them.
Them mountains
are solid for 60 miles,
but we'll scour them if we have
to shinny up every tree.
Joe, we're home.
Boy, l... let's go
for a swim, huh?
Come on.
Come on, Joe.
Good boy.
Don't do that again.
No, Joe!
Get away from me,
or I'll brain you!
Please, please.
Y- you b-better
put out the f-fire.
Someone m-might see
the s-smoke.
Where are we?
I mean, how far is it
from the camp down there?
Well, I-it would
take them a w-whole day
unless they knew
the t-trail.
Anybody else
ever come up here?
No. No one
ever came before.
Y- you're the first.
H- how did you
get away?
Did you s-shoot
No, I didn't. I picked
this up off a guard.
The whole mountain
must have fallen on us.
Must have killed
everybody but me.
Soon as they find
out I got away,
they'll be after me.
They won't find you.
What makes you
think they won't?
A convict don't escape
one time in 100.
I- I'll help you.
Who do you think
you're kidding?
If I turn my back
on you,
you'd be off like
a shot to tell them.
You can go north
off of the Castro draw
if you know
how to find it.
I'll show you.
Why should
you help me?
Wait a minute.
Where do you think
you're going?
I was only going to
let him in.
You leave him alone.
Leave him alone.
We're staying right here.
It's a pretty good
You try to run away
or pull anything funny,
you're going to get hurt, understand?
Well, you better.
Why should
you h-hurt me
when I w-want to
help you?
Yeah. You
want to help me.
That's where the "Why" comes in. Why?
Well, I-I know how it feels to
be s- shut up and k-kept away
from everyone who's happy
and loves each other.
No, you don't.
No one does unless he's
been where I've been.
But I do.
I'm running away.
Don't you see?
I'm running away, too.
I- I'll get us
s- something to eat.
Come on, boy.
Here we are, now.
Watch it.
This is
very special.
Gee, that's wonderful.
My old man taught me
to make fish traps.
Your pa?
He ran a machine shop
down in L.A.,
but we used to go up
in the woods together a lot.
Did your mother and
father love each other?
Oh, I don't know.
I guess so.
They were
always laughing.
I used to hear them in the
middle of the night just laughing.
My old man wasn't
much good after ma died.
He didn't last long,
and I'm glad of it.
Oh, y-you mustn't
say that.
Why not? I mean it.
What happened to me would
have killed him anyway.
Got away.
Too bad you don't wear
any stockings.
I- I don't have
any stockings.
If you did,
I could make a fishnet.
Did you like
the woods?
Not as much
as the sea.
I was always crazy
about boats.
I had a boat
of my own once.
Yeah. I like nothing
around me but...
Open space, open water
in all directions...
As far as
you could see,
as far as you
could think, even.
I- I like the woods.
I like the big trees
over me and...
Close to me.
No. I meant
listen to the trees.
Don't you hear?
I hear the wind,
and that's all
I want to hear.
Oh, I hear much more
than the wind.
I- I hear them w-
whispering and laughing.
You're the funniest kid
I ever saw.
A- and then
s- sometimes,
I like to climb to the
very top of a mountain,
look way off
into the distance,
then hurry back home
to the valley
and the trees again.
I- it's nice that way.
Not me. Open water
and going, going, going.
I was in the Navy
during the war.
Were you?
Yeah. Pt boats.
I was in four battles.
I liked that.
You mean you...
You really liked them?
Sure. You forget
I was up for
the Navy cross.
Didn't get it, though.
Got a general court.
What's that?
Eight months in the brig,
that's what.
J- jail?
Sort of.
Guy had it coming, though.
He bought it.
Oh, I hit a petty officer
pretty hard.
Broke his jaw.
Oh, Barry,
why did you do that?
Say, he was
a pretty tough mug.
I can't take people
pushing me around.
Anyway, I didn't mean
to break his jaw.
I- is that how you
got into prison?
Now, lay off.
I told you twice already
to lay off that, didn't I?
I'm out, and I'm going to
stay out, and that's that.
But I-I
w- want to know.
O.K. One night,
I was in downtown L.A.
With a bunch of boys,
and believe me,
we were feeling no pain.
I was drunk.
You understand?
And so were they all.
I didn't know
who they were.
They kept changing
all the time.
we found ourselves
in one of them jewelry
stores down there.
I don't know
how we got there.
I didn't want the junk.
Well, nobody believed
that, of course.
And the next thing,
a bunch of clowns came in
and began
grabbing at us.
A couple of guns
went off.
I started fighting my way
out of the joint,
hitting at every face
that showed.
Barry, again?
You asked me,
didn't you?
Then the police
swarmed all over us.
Found a dead man
on the floor.
Fractured skull.
Y- y-you...
K- killed him, Barry?
They all said I did.
I don't know. I did an
awful lot of punching.
On account of
my four battles,
they let it go
for manslaughter-
1 to 10,
6 years if you're a good boy.
You satisfied?
I- I'm glad
you didn't mean to.
Huh. I never do.
I always find out I didn't
mean to after it's all over.
Did you-
did you ever love
Right there.
Right there.
See? He's a big one.
It's a whopper.
Yeah. Yeah,
I see him, Barry.
Look, he's going in the
trap. Quick, get him!
Don't let him go!
Got him!
Yeah! Oh! Oh!
Hey, watch it,
will you?
What are you
trying to do, drown?
Did anybody
ever tell you
that you're
a pretty swell cook?
That trout was
out of this world.
I'm glad
you liked it.
I want to be good
at a lot of things.
You are.
You're the best.
Maybe-maybe they
ought to keep more girls
shut off
from everything
the way it happened
to you.
Say, Libby, you sure about
that smoke from the stove?
Oh, it's all right
at night.
There's a little fog
Didn't you notice
the moon?
Nope. Oh, thanks.
Libby, out there,
you asked me did
I ever love anybody.
I didn't say anything.
I guess you thought
I didn't even hear you,
or maybe you thought I was
looking for a fish or something.
I was looking
at the whole show,
and I saw what's
been wrong.
There's always been
just me, Barry Burnett-
scared of nothing, don't
give a hang for nobody.
Now I care
for somebody,
and I'm scared
plenty, Libby.
I'm scared for us.
I'm scared stiff.
I'm not.
I'm not scared
of anything anymore.
Well, then neither am
I. You see what I mean?
You see
how it works?
What can they do
to us?
Yeah, what can
they do to us?
Here I am, all messed up like this.
Why couldn't you find
some other guy?
There are a million
swell guys in the world.
You're not even
I was just thinking that,
well, this is the first
real happy day of my life.
Look, Libby,
why don't we go
to San Francisco?
You can get lost
in a big town like that.
I can get a job,
and I can make enough
for us to start on.
And I could
get a job, too.
Maybe we could
get a job together.
Oh, but first of all, we got
to get you some other clothes...
And then we'll need
something to eat on the way
because it's miles and miles
through the mountains.
What were you
going to eat?
You were
running away, too.
There are some
woodcutters up in the draw,
and they used to come
to our place sometimes.
I knew they'd help me.
I wouldn't dare
go near them.
Libby, why don't
you go alone?
You can make it
to San Francisco,
and I'll get there
I know.
I'm going home.
Now you're
talking sense.
Oh, Barry!
I didn't mean that.
I only meant to
get you some clothes.
There's some old ones
hanging in the barn,
and something
for us to eat.
Don't you see? That's the
only way that's really safe.
And tomorrow, I can
be back with everything.
I wonder what
I did with my hat.
You're going to start
down there now, tonight?
Why not?
I came up at night.
Besides, I have Joe.
You will be careful,
won't you?
You mean this, huh?
Oh, Barry.
I'm so happy.
I know nothing
can happen to us.
You better go now,
or I might not let you.
Will you miss me?
And you'll stay
right here?
You won't move?
I won't even breathe.
Come on, Joe.
Come, boy.
Go and sit down.
You're in the way.
Gets a little lonely
up there.
Not when you got
everything to do
like I have.
Are they going on with
the road just the same?
Across the meadow?
Want some of this
plum preserve?
The wind blew the screen
out of my window.
I wish you'd come up
and fix it.
Needs a new
angle iron, I guess.
It's always
Oh, I, ah, I sold that piece of meadow.
Did you?
Get much for it?
Yeah, pretty good.
They wasn't handing out
nothing, you can bet.
We could sell
the whole place
now that
the road is here.
Move into town
Get a little cottage
Not now, Cliff.
Is there some of
that preserve?
Stay, Joe.
Hello, Libby.
Hello, ma.
Take your coat off
and bring a chair.
I'll fix you
some eggs.
Thanks, ma.
I'm a little hungry.
I've been in the woods.
In the woods,
Did you run into any of the posse?
What posse?
They was
here yesterday
searching all
over the place.
They even looked in the well for him.
For who?
Well, they got them all but one,
but don't you
they'll get him.
Funny you didn't run
into any of the posse.
Stop worrying her about
those convicts. She's tired.
That fella, Jeff Barker, was
asking about you yesterday.
I knew he'd be back.
I could tell by the
way he looked at you.
Excuse me, ma.
That's funny.
That's mighty funny.
What's funny? Because
she's tuckered out?
No. Didn't you notice?
She talks as plain
as I do.
Always said
she didn't have to-
let's forget what we
always said, Cliff,
shall we?
All right, Elly.
Whatever you say.
I guess
you're right.
I'll, ah, I'll
go and try and find
that angle iron
for your screen.
Oh, I think I'll cord up
some wood, too.
Hello, Saul.
We picked up a trail.
All right.
Better get
your men out.
what you doing?
I supposed you were
having a rest.
Well, I-I just thought
these clothes of pa's
might need some fixing.
You don't have to
do that anymore.
Oh, I don't mind.
That's my job now.
You can do your sewing
on your own things.
Couple of dresses
in my closet
wouldn't look bad on
you with a little fixing.
Thanks, ma.
Anytime you feel
like talking, Libby...
Yes, ma.
There you are,
Your pa was saying
the coffeepot
might still
be on the fire
and I could
get myself a cup.
I- I'll get it
for you.
I'm sheriff akers.
I remember you as a brat about so high.
W- won't you
sit down?
Hope it ain't too
much trouble, miss.
Your pa is being mighty
helpful in all this.
He's letting some of our
boys sleep in your downstairs.
Oh, next night
or two, I guess,
if we don't catch the
critter before then.
No, I mean,
when are they coming?
Oh, 9:00, 10:00.
They won't get out of
the woods before then.
Your pa says
you been just back
from a little
camping trip,
didn't see none of
our boys.
Where was you?
Oh, up towards
stone ridge.
Yeah, they didn't start
in there till this morning.
Can't nobody get through there now.
No, I guess
they couldn't.
We figure he must be
heading for Castro draw,
but we're searching all
the valleys this side first.
You know
that ground?
N- not very well.
You know something,
I don't
get much fun.
Pretty gals and gambling
- no more of that.
Course I take a drink now and then,
but mostly just
catching criminals,
that's my fun.
You want to
see a picture?
This is the hanging
of Whitey Lewis.
They hung them
in them days.
That's me
holding the noose.
I got a lot of
pictures like that.
Excuse me. I've got
some straightening to do.
Sure, go ahead.
I was just
We know you're in there, Burnett.
Come on out and keep them reaching.
Come on, boys!
No. No. No. You don't discard a nine.
You don't?
Why not?
Because that's
just what I want.
Well, I don't mind.
It's only for fun.
Don't you see, Elly?
It gives me gin.
Then we win,
don't we?
What's so complicated about that?
Where you going,
Nowhere, pa.
Well, you got
your coat on.
I thought you was
all played out.
I- I thought I'd go out
for a bit.
Oh, well,
wait a minute.
I forgot to put
my saw in the barn.
I'll go with you.
It's been sort of
a long day.
I think I'll go to bed. Good night.
Good night, Elly.
Good night, ma.
Hey, what's your hurry?
Hello. Anybody home?
Sure, sure. Come in,
Barker, uh, Jeff.
Now, what did
I tell you?
Here's Jeff Barker
come to see you.
Hello, Libby.
I was just
driving by.
I've only
got a minute.
Driving by, huh?
That's a good one.
The road only goes
to our place.
I stopped by
but your dad said you'd
gone into the woods.
I was worried
about you.
Don't you worry
about Libby.
She can
take care of herself.
She just needs a little
cheering up, that's all.
Well, make yourself
at home.
What do you have to be cheered up about?
Oh, that's just pa.
You're O.K., then?
Of course I am.
You don't look it.
You look pretty, but
you don't look happy.
Well, I am.
Libby, you're not holding
what happened the other night
against me, are you?
You know, I'd
like to think that
I had something to do
with your feeling good-
a little bit maybe.
You're a nice man,
Mr. Barker.
How about Jeff
being a nice man?
That's better.
You know,
I wasn't kidding.
I really got to
get going.
You better get used to
my dropping in, Libby.
Look, I was going out
for a walk.
Could you drive me down
to the foot of the road,
and then I could
walk back?
I'd be glad to.
Come on in, fellas.
Well, here
they are, Libby.
These are the fellas I
was telling you about.
Can you dig up some
blankets for them?
This is my daughter
Libby, fellas.
I guess you know
Jeff Barker.
Hello, boys.
These men are just down
from the mountains.
There's a report that somebody
heard some firing going on
up past stone ridge.
Might have been hunting,
though. Just as likely.
Come on out in
the kitchen, boys,
and have some beer.
Are you
all right?
Come down.
Wait. Wait, Barry.
Hold me.
shh! Don't
say anything.
They're in the house-
four of them sleeping.
What was that?
I don't know.
Nothing. Just
the wind, I think.
Barry, come on.
I know where to go.
Just a minute, Barry.
I know where there are
some matches and a lantern.
What about
the light?
I'll be careful.
They won't see it.
Libby, does
this truck work?
Not since last fall.
Let's hurry.
Wait a minute.
I'd like to look around,
see where I am.
Might have to get out
of here in a hurry.
Oh, no.
No. Please don't.
They have guns.
You're telling me.
They shot at you,
didn't they?
Yeah, and it's
not so hot
when you can't
shoot back.
They're not going to
get me, Libby.
I'd rather get shot
a dozen times.
This is crazy. I won't have a chance.
It's only
a shutter banging.
Trust you.
I'm dying on account of
what I'm doing to you,
but I had to
come back, Libby.
I didn't know
which way to turn.
It was just luck I
found the way back.
I'm so happy you're here.
Come on.
Does anybody
ever come up here?
Pa might,
but I don't think so.
He comes to the barn,
but he never comes up here.
Barry, if he did,
you-you wouldn't-
what are you
talking about?
What do you
think I am?
How about the posse?
Won't they search?
They already searched.
They looked everywhere
around here.
They might
search again.
Well, it's just till
we can get away.
I guess you're right.
Just have to risk it.
Are those
the clothes?
Yes. I hope they fit.
As soon as the posse's out of the woods,
we're on our way.
Keep an eye peeled
There we are.
It's a little out of press,
but better than dungarees.
I- I thought you said
you couldn't shoot back.
I didn't hit anybody.
I wouldn't have
got the gun at all
if I had a minute
to think.
I'm sorry, Libby.
I know we're not,
I have a feeling
we're safe.
Maybe only for a minute. I don't know.
I don't know.
Maybe it's the last
minute we'll ever have.
It's almost daylight.
I must go.
But I'll come back again
I'll wait for every chance,
and I'll bring everything,
and then we'll make
our plans how to get away,
won't we?
You better take care of
this, Libby.
I've seen all the guns
I want to see
for the rest of
my life.
Oh, thank you.
Don't worry, darling.
I never said "darling"
to anyone before.
I did,
but I was a liar.
Nice morning.
Oh, ma, don't tickle.
Don't you think just
a little lower in front?
I never saw
anything like it.
All you young girls
want everything
lower in the front
and tighter
in the back.
What are you
so proud of?
It isn't that, ma.
It's just that-
well, look.
What's funny about it? Disgraceful.
All this giggling.
All this primping
and fussing.
I don't know what's
got into you, Libby.
It's because everything's
so different, ma.
W- we're all happy now.
We've changed.
No doubt about
your pa changing.
There he is
down there
hammering and heaving on that old truck
like his own
hired hand.
Turn around.
Yes, indeedy.
If it figured
I'd say that miss Libby was in love.
That's what
I'd say.
Oh, ma.
That's the way
it looks to me.
Laughing and singing around,
dancing down the stairs like
you've forgotten how to walk.
I tell you, it's coming
out of your ears almost.
Every time he gets
a chance, could it?
Oh, well, he is
sort of nice, isn't he?
And he brought me
a book from king city-
500 pages.
Pa likes him.
I'm no more against him
than any other man.
Somehow I didn't think it
would happen just like that-
with Jeff Barker, I mean.
I think you ought
to wait, Libby,
and be careful.
Let's see.
It's not bad.
Real pretty, if I do
say so myself.
Don't stand
so straight, dear.
Throws you too far out
in front.
Oh, ma, thanks.
It's wonderful.
Am I pretty?
I mean, if somebody
said it, would they mean it?
They wouldn't be just
being nice, would they?
Like who,
Jeff Barker?
Oh, never mind.
Now get out of it,
and let me take a tuck
in that waistband.
Oh, no. Please let me keep
it on. I'll be careful-honest.
All right. All right. Keep it on, then.
I've got to go down
and start fixing dinner.
Thanks, ma.
I like wearing it.
So you don't mind
hanging around
with the old man
these days, huh?
Well, well.
I'll help you
with the dinner, ma.
Not in that new dress,
you won't.
Then I'll set
the table.
Oh, I remember. I set
it right after breakfast.
Are you sure
your name's Libby?
Think I'll feed
the chickens, ma.
Libby, did we finish up
all that ham last night?
More things disappear
in this house.
Here. Chick chick chick.
Here, chick chick chick.
Hey, Libby,
throw some up here.
Might taste good
with this hay.
Barry, you shouldn't
have done that.
They might have
heard you,
and I brought you
a whole end of a ham,
and only last night, four
boiled eggs, a quart of milk,
a whole pie,
and six tomatoes.
Look. I can't
live forever
on a couple of
hard-boiled eggs.
Is that all
you've got to say?
Seems to me there's
something different about you.
I can't quite
figure it out.
Don't tell me, now.
Don't tell me.
Let me see...
The dress.
Have I seen
that dress before?
I would have
remembered it.
No. It's new.
Ma made it.
She did?
She's making me
another one, too.
Oh, that's nice.
Rayon? Gee.
You're laughing
at me.
I'm laughing because
I'm happy, Libby.
It's crazy,
but I'm happy.
I always knew you had
a funny little mug,
the kind I like,
but I never
knew you were
the most beautiful
girl I ever saw.
Oh, Barry.
Come on up here,
I want to
look at you.
If you don't,
I'll come down.
Oh, no. No.
All right.
The closer you get, the
more beautiful you are.
Someday, I want a whole
town to look at you and say,
Barry Burnett's wife.
What a gal he's got."
It's just your pa.
He came out the back porch
for a minute.
It's all right.
What's he say
about that truck?
It needs fixing.
If it didn't, we could
make a break in it
down to the highway.
But, Barry, the woods
are much safer.
Besides, I know them,
and pa heard the posse's
moving South.
We got
a clear route.
Somebody's sure to
come busting in.
We won't have a chance to run for it.
Let's get going.
Oh, we will.
We will, maybe tomorrow,
just as soon as
the posse moves on
and we have a chance
to get through,
but now it's safer here.
Oh, please, don't be
too unhappy.
I'm so happy, I keep
forgetting how crazy it all is.
That is
a pretty dress.
I'm glad you like it.
You know, Barry, uh,
I saw a picture of a man
in one of pa's magazines
in a brown suit,
and I cut it out.
Last night I went to sleep
thinking of you in it.
Of course, you can pick out
your ties and stuff like that,
but I'd like to
pick out your suits.
You'd look good
in blue, too,
but I think I'd like brown
for when we get married.
Hello there.
Hello, Jeff.
So you're the little girl
that has only one dress
to her name, huh?
That's two new ones I've
seen in the last three days.
Y- you like it?
Sure, I like it.
I'd be mighty proud
to call on a girl in a
dress like that some night-
say tonight?
Hello, Mr. Barker.
Hello, Mrs. Saul.
I was just trying to
date up your daughter.
That'd be nice.
Wouldn't it, ma?
He's not asking me,
What's the news?
Oh, things are still
going tough.
That slide's held us
back a lot.
Find that
convict yet?
No, not yet. They think they've
bypassed him if he's still alive.
The boys are searching
back this way again.
Ah, Saul around?
Down there monkeying
with the truck.
He hasn't
done anything else
for the last
three days.
That's good. I've got some
gas and oil here for him.
Hop in, Lib, and we'll
take it down to him.
All right.
I don't get a chance
to talk to you very much
once I get started
with your dad.
Well, she's got everything
a truck ought to have,
but I can't
make her run.
Well, maybe you need
a new battery.
Let's check it.
You haven't even
got a battery.
I haven't?
We'll see if we can
get you one down at camp.
They ought to
have a few spares.
It's kind of nice having an
engineer around the place, ain't it?
We're going into business
together, Jeff and me.
Did you know that?
We're going to open
a filling station
right where the highway takes a turn
across the meadow.
I'm putting in
the land,
and Jeff, he's buying
the pumps and stuff.
He, ah, kind of likes it around here.
Don't you, Jeff?
Yeah. Yeah,
it's fine country.
I've got some gas and oil here
for you. Where do you want it?
In the barn,
I reckon.
I'll do it.
I'll do it.
Would you? Thanks. That's fine.
What's the matter now?
Oh, nothing, pa.
I was just-
hey, Jeff!
Bring me the old
tire pump, will you?
Where is it?
Standing up
in the corner.
Did you say
in the corner?
No, it ain't neither.
It's up in the loft.
I- I'll get it, pa.
I'll get it.
Here. I'll
take it, Libby.
You see, there are
so many things up there,
I- I didn't think you'd be
able to find it. That's why-
oh, that's
all right, Libby.
Oh, thanks.
That's fine.
Now you and me
can fix up that tire.
I'm sorry, Mr. Saul.
I've got to get back.
I just came up
between jobs.
Wait a minute.
Why shouldn't I drive
down to camp with you
and see about
the battery myself?
I could do that,
couldn't I?
Why not?
Oh, sure. Sure.
That's fine.
And you could have
supper with us,
and after supper,
we could have
another little session
of gin rummy.
No, sir.
Not tonight.
Tonight I'm coming over
to see Libby.
Oh, excuse me.
Isn't that so, Libby?
All right.
O.K. I'm ready.
I'll bring him back
for supper, Libby,
with his hair brushed
and a clean shirt
and smelling like a daisy.
It's no use, Libby.
I'll always be like that.
I'll never change.
I'm not
dragging you into it.
Don't say that.
I never really figured
I was a criminal...
Until now.
Oh, but you're not.
You're not.
So I don't know what
goes on in my own head?
Libby, you just
don't understand.
I heard that guy
down there.
I heard his step
on the ladder.
I knew in one second
he'd come up
and find me trapped.
In that one second,
I felt every day
of the seven years
of torture in me.
I felt it
in my insides.
I felt the life, Libby,
the life that you and me
could have together
being taken from us.
Why, hello,
miss Saul.
It's mighty nice to see
you moving around again
all these years.
Feeling better?
Thank you, sheriff.
Husband home?
No, he's not. He'll be
along directly, though.
Can I do something?
Well, I guess I can talk to
you just as good, miss Saul.
Then won't you come in?
Would your men
like some coffee?
Well, thank you, no.
Listen, miss Saul.
I don't want to
scare you,
but this house is
the only one around here
that he could raid
for food and stuff.
What are you
talking about?
This convict fella.
You ain't been missing
any food or clothes
or poultry maybe,
have you?
No, I don't think so.
Can't say as we have.
Is he around here,
do you think?
Well, we're
pretty sure
he backtracked
this way.
Picked up
a trail finally.
Leading to here?
around here.
I've got a ring of posse men closing in.
Is Libby home?
Yes, but I don't
know where.
Well, I'll leave you
one of my deputies
if you'll
feel safer.
Saul will be along. He's
bringing Mr. Barker with him, too.
Oh, that's O.K., then. That's fine.
Oh, I almost
forgot something.
This belongs to miss Libby, I believe.
We found it in
that cabin
up beyond
the stone ridge
where we jumped
that convict fella.
She must have left it
there sometime or other.
You must be tired,
Not a bit.
Tell you the truth,
I've enjoyed
every minute of it.
You know,
I've got an idea
we're going to get
our man tonight.
I hope so, sheriff.
So long.
Good-bye, sheriff.
Mostly on boats,
that's for me.
Wait till you see our cabin on our boat.
Will it have
A mirror on
the back of the door?
Sure, a mirror.
Anything you want.
Just ring a bell, a little
guy in a white coat comes,
bring you anything
you want.
And then we'll
come to a big city.
Will we go to
a regular hotel?
Honey, we'll go to
the Waldorf.
Nothing but the best
for Mrs. Barry Burnett.
We'll have-
we'll be a couple of
swell people, Libby.
That convict stuff is
long gone and forgotten,
and someday I'll
go to the Governor.
I'll say, "Look, Gov,
a long time ago, I
escaped from a road gang,
but look how good I've done since then
- me and my wife.
Look at our swell kids
and our business
and our house.
I didn't mean to
do it, Gov,
so how about a pardon,
just for the record?
We'll be the best people
in the whole state... "
"If you'll just
give us a chance."
We love each other.
Please help us.
Help a convict
with blood
on his hands
to run away
with my own child?
Oh, but he-he's not
a criminal.
He never meant
to do anything wrong.
You'll both be killed before
you get out of these woods.
Even if you do
get away,
you'll spend
your life in misery.
Don't say that.
Come on, Libby. We can't stay here now.
We got to make
a run for it.
Ma, I-I love you, but
you just don't understand.
Libby, no decent man
would ask a girl
to go sneaking
through life with him-
lying and hiding,
afraid of every policeman,
running from one dirty job
to another,
living in shacks,
afraid to show your faces.
Hunted like criminals.
Seems to me, ma'am, you and your
husband are more like criminals
for what you've
done to her.
Come on, Libby.
Libby. Libby.
Libby, you can't
get away.
They know he's here.
The sheriff told me,
that's who.
The woods are full
of them.
You'll both
go to jail.
Libby. Libby,
come back!
Libby! Libby!
That certainly
was some ride.
I'll go see if
supper's ready.
Elly! Elly, what is it?
Where are you?
Are you crazy? Libby,
what are you trying to do?
Leave me alone.
Don't try to stop her.
She's going with me.
You haven't got a chance.
You want to get her killed?
I'm going, I tell you.
Get away.
Let her go! Will you let her go?
We love each other. Don't
you understand? Now let me go.
You heard what
she said, you-
Jeff! Jeff!
Libby, the posse
is right down there.
You haven't
got a chance.
Oh, Barry.
Hey, what's going
on out there?
I can't keep up.
Don't you want me?
It's no good, Libby.
Let go.
No. I don't
want to live, then.
You'll get hurt, Libby.
That's him.
Look. Libby, look.
It's a big one.
I think we got him.
Look. Shh.
We can't stay here.
Do you think you can
walk if I help you?
I got ahead of
them through the cut,
but they'll be here
any minute.
They won't catch me now.
They're too late.
That's one on them,
I guess.
I don't know
why I came up here.
I just had to.
You know, I got the funniest
kind of a free feeling, Libby,
like I was way out in the
ocean on a boat, you know?
Don't talk,
Come to think of it,
I don't mind much.
I just had to
have somebody...
Just once, who'd know
what was inside me.
Who'd know
I didn't mean to.
I know.
And I'll never
be the same
for knowing the love
you've given me.
Enough to last me
all my life.
Look. Look.
He got away.
Yes, darling.
He's free, too.
almost ready.
How do you like it?
Thought I might as well
thought you said young Barker
was going in this with you.
He is. We're partners, sort of.
That's him...
"and company."
Seen Libby?
She was around here
a little while ago.
Hello, Libby.
Hello, Jeff.
Well, we're moving
right along now.
That's the way
it goes-in spurts.
You ought to have
a coat.
Get into this.