Deleted (2022) Movie Script

Don't tell Mom or she will nag you.
Help! My bag!
Thief! Help!
My bag!
There's an attack.
It's okay now.
Shut up!
Shut up!
You're all too slow!
Be quiet!
I told you to keep quiet!
You too, shut up!
Hurry up!
Are you saying
that you are not related
to the human trafficking
and gunshot incident
which happened early this morning?
My client has clearly stated
that he was merely transiting
while on his way back to Thailand.
He has no idea what happened.
Mr. Fan has a witness for that.
He was not there,
but that doesn't mean
he is not related to it.
You have no evidence.
We reserve the right
to pursue legal action.
We found that you and your son,
Fan Zhi Kang,
were entering the country
at the same time.
We also found
that he made a call to you
before he was killed.
We found the eighth child victim's
dead body
in the container at the crime scene.
Both kidneys were removed.
Coincidentally, your son was found dead
outside the container.
To avoid being traced,
you didn't even pick up the last call
from your son.
You're such an interesting father.
I have reason to believe
that your son is somehow related
to this case.
I sympathize with the victims' families.
If my son is proven to be the culprit,
I will bear full responsibility.
Aren't you supposed to find out
the murderer of my son
for the sake of the victim's family too?
Why didn't you detain Four Face Buddha?
He shifted all the responsibility
to his son.
We don't have enough evidence
to detain him.
To keep himself out,
he would sacrifice his son?
Don't worry.
Interpol will monitor him.
-Vincent, come over here.
-Come here.
Hey, did you bring the money?
Do you want to eat McDonald's later?
Okay, but you can't let my mom know.
How dare you sneak out here to play?
What if someone kidnaps you? Let's go.
Have you seen my daughter?
I don't know.
I don't know anything.
You don't know?
What's happening?
It's him! Ask him!
He was the one who did it!
Where are those children?
Where is my daughter?
Are you crazy? How would I know?
Where is my daughter?
Zhong Yi!
Chia Zhong Yi
is imprisoned for three years
due to abuse of power as a policeman
and causing injury to others.
Mr. Wu, you have been supporting
World Day Against Trafficking in Persons
for years.
Do you have any message for society?
Hi, everyone.
Today is July 30th.
Every year on this day,
through my ability and my influence,
I hope that everyone in the world
will pay more attention
to the severity
of human trafficking issues.
In every country,
no matter the refugees' origin country,
the transit country,
or the target country of migration,
they have the human trafficking issue.
According to the joint report
on global human trafficking,
two-thirds of the people
who have been taken away are children,
which is a serious problem.
In this digital era
when technology is so developed,
we scroll the phone every day.
We seem to forget to care about the people
and the things around us.
I'm here now to remind you all.
When you are walking on the streets,
if you see there are children left behind
with some stranger
and they do not interact
like family members
You may save an innocent child.
I am here to tell you,
let us fight the crimes together
and prevent human trafficking.
You have the right to remain silent.
What you say or do
can be used as evidence in court
against you.
Dad, Mom
Sir, we found them.
How can I keep this girl's toys with me?
That's not a toy.
It's a Valentine's Day gift.
My birthday is on Valentine's Day.
I'm also your past life's lover.
I want you to bring it along
wherever you go.
You must always take it with you.
I don't want it. Give it to Mom.
I don't want it.
I want you to have it.
Give me back my daughter!
It has been one whole day.
Our baby will be so scared.
Will the kidnappers
I want to look for her. Let me go.
All my colleagues
are already searching for her.
Calm down first!
What are the policemen for?
Give me back my daughter!
Hello, I'm a volunteer from an NGO.
Can you spare me some time?
I would like to introduce you to this app.
It is called Be My Protector.
There is a feature
that you can make a report with.
Once you notice
any stranger acting strange,
you can use this app to notify us.
-I see.
Zhong Yi.
Have you seen this girl?
My daughter has gone missing.
Have you seen this girl?
She is about this tall.
Contact me if there's news.
Excuse me, sir.
Have you seen this girl?
Who is she?
She is my daughter.
She has gone missing.
I think I saw her yesterday.
Just around the corner.
What kind of a mom are you?
Let me take you there.
Thank you.
It's just there.
Thank you.
I'm so sorry.
Get rid of him.
Please prepare the full report
and help to amend it.
Sir, they are here.
This is Singapore CID Leader,
Vincent Yong Zhen Dong.
He is responsible
for your extradition to Singapore.
International extradition?
I didn't know I was that important.
I bet you know how you'll be sentenced.
It's none of your business.
You are thinking that your dad,
Four Face Buddha,
will get you the best lawyer for the suit.
At the age of 23,
you took the rap for your dad
and was in prison for five years.
you were stationed overseas for many years
to source for suppliers.
On the surface,
your market expanded
and you're making more money.
However, in reality,
you were left there alone homeless.
Your brother, Shawn,
was the real inheritor, wasn't he?
But your dad
would even sacrifice your brother.
Don't pin hope on him to save you.
Why not cooperate with us?
Your sentence might be lightened.
Don't talk nonsense.
You policemen bastards.
Your manipulative skills are damn lousy.
I repeat.
I want to see my lawyer!
Now! Hurry!
Don't waste my time!
No one will pity you
even if you die in prison.
Officer Yong.
Someone is looking for you.
-Thank you.
-You're welcome. Come again.
Sure, if God's willing.
For a meal next time.
Just kill them!
Follow me!
Let him go!
Zhong Yi!
How am I going to find Hazel?
No way!
I want to meet Savior.
I want to ask him
about my daughter's whereabouts.
I'm sorry.
We can't let you meet him.
-Please follow the procedure.
-Zhong Yi.
You have crossed the line.
Nothing is more important than my family.
But in this case,
we all have to follow the procedure.
Back to work, everyone!
Ghost's action failed.
He was killed by the police
and that guy wants to see you.
My hand!
My birthday is on Valentine's Day.
I'm also your past life's lover.
Now, I'll give you a gift.
Thereafter, every year,
you must give me a birthday gift.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday, my sweetheart.
I'm sorry.
I owed you birthday presents
for the past three years.
I thought our daughter came back.
How did the shoes
you bought for her look like?
Was there her favorite bow?
Size 33?
It has been three years.
She wears size 37 now.
You bought the wrong size.
I promise I will bring our daughter back.
We can still be the same as before.
-Aisha, watch out!
-Dad, help!
-Watch out, Aisha!
-Let me go!
Dad, help!
Bring her out.
-That's enough, bring her back.
Dad loves you, Aisha.
I'm so sorry, Aisha.
I promise I will save you, Aisha.
I'm so sorry, Aisha.
Over there. On the right, speed up.
Go left.
Drive faster.
It has been a couple of days
since we've been on the same shift.
So you are finally here.
I waited for you long enough.
Officer Yong, we found the car.
But Four Face Buddha and Aisha
are not in the car.
Bastard police!
Kill them!
Damn policemen!
Lower the ladder.
Speed up more!
Give me back my daughter!
Don't come over here!
I'm sorry.
I couldn't bring our daughter back.
Why is your body full of scars?
Does it hurt?
I want to go home.
Let's go home, all right?
Let's go home.
Let's go home.
A bomb.
We need to hurry!
You don't have to save me.
I don't want you to die!
Go! I'm begging you! Go now!
I don't want you to die! Go now!
I'm begging you, please go!
Please go!
I won't leave you.
We will never be separated again.
Don't be afraid.
I will never abandon you.
I want to bring you on a vacation.
Where do you want to go?
I don't want to go anywhere.
I want to stay with you,
spend time with you,
and live together with you.
Can I?
But what if when time has passed
and I am no more?
Don't say that!
I love you, Aisha.
Subtitle translation by: Sharmila Naidu