Demolition (2015) Movie Script

D'you mind if I turn this down?
You're on with Phil.
Davis. Where are we
with the lightyear deal?
The banks won't budge, you know.
They're claiming
regulations as an excuse.
Same thing they did
with Haskell athletic.
Yeah, yeah...
What, they want more cushion?
Yup. 5%.
All right, very good.
Is my daughter with you?
Hey, dad.
Hey, your mother's upset.
Why aren't you talking?
That's between me and mom.
Well, you should
call. She's hard-headed.
Well, I guess that's
where I get it from.
Well, we'll talk it out on
Sunday at dinner, okay?
Okay. Bye, dad.
All right love. Bye-bye.
Have you looked
at the refrigerator yet?
Huh? The refrigerator?
Yeah. The box in our kitchen
that keeps things cold.
No. Uh, what about it?
It's leaking... it's been
leaking for two weeks.
The refrigerator's leaking.
Please don't do
that thing where you
repeat part of what I said
so I'll think
you're paying attention.
I'm not doing anything.
The refrigerator's leaking,
I didn't notice.
Can't you just fix it?
Your father
gave you those tools.
I have tools?
Yes. From two Christmases ago.
"Not my chair,
not my problem."
Is that what you say?
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
She's gone.
The machine over there?
Uh, my candy's stuck.
It happens sometimes.
Do you have a key or something
we can open it up with?
The machine doesn't belong
to the hospital.
It's a vending company.
Davis, it's mom and dad.
We tried your
cell phone but we...
We can't get a hold
of you, and then...
Oh, honey...
We're... we're coming, son.
You have one saved message.
Hey, it's me,
your mailbox was full.
There's supposed to be
a package delivered,
so if you beat me home,
answer the doorbell, okay?
Oh, honey...
- Yeah! Again! Again!
- Again?
Dear champion
vending company, comma.
This letter is in regards to
a poor vending experience
at St. Andre's...
No, wait.
In regards to
vending machine number 714
located in
the intensive care unit
of Saint Andre's hospital.
I put five quarters
in the machine,
and proceeded to push b2,
which should've given me
the peanut M&M's, period.
Regrettably, it did not.
I found this upsetting
as I was very hungry.
And also, my wife had died
10 minutes earlier.
I'm not saying
that was your fault.
We were in a car accident.
I escaped without a scratch.
I'm not trying to
dramatize my claim,
I just wanna be thorough.
Maybe I should start
from the beginning.
I get up every
morning at 5:30.
I work in the markets
so it's important
to get an early start.
Not to imply that it's
any more important than, say,
a Baker or a toll collector.
Those are fine,
respectable jobs.
I just mean that I commute.
I catch the 7:15
out of white plains.
It's pretty much the same
crowd during the week.
John works the ground crew
at Yankee stadium.
The first time we met,
he asked what I did,
and I told him...
Uh, retail mattresses.
Retail mattresses?
That's amazing...
I don't know why.
It just popped into my head.
I avoided him after that 'cause
I couldn't stand
his hot coffee breath.
Excuse me...
I think he knew.
I never thought I'd
be one of those people
who carried a briefcase.
It always reminds me of
carrying a lunch box to school.
Do they still make those?
Mister Mitchell.
Julia's father is
a founding partner
at the investment firm
I work at.
Nepotism in its truest form.
He started grooming me
when I was 27.
I hate that word.
Monkeys groom.
Wavin' at you from over here.
Can you see me, buddy?
It's a small firm,
but we handle
quite a bit of money.
I don't wanna say how much,
'cause I think
it would be inappropriate.
Just look over
where the money is.
Okay, it's $6 billion.
Emerging markets,
power plants, telecom, seaworld,
windshield wipers...
You name it.
Doesn't matter what industry.
We buy 'em cheap,
and we sell it for a bundle.
But none of it's real.
Nothing to hold in my hands.
It's all just numbers.
Computer codes being transferred
electronically through the air.
Right in front of us.
The French poet, Paul Valery,
was right when he said,
"the future isn't
what it used to be."
Phil Eastwood.
My father-in-law.
F-i-l. Phil.
I think
the acronym is hysterical.
I know Phil is
spelled with a p-h,
but it still makes
me laugh in my head.
I met Julia at a party.
Who put
that goddamn chair there?
Not my chair...
Not my chair, not my problem,
that's what I say.
A mutual friend said
she thought I was hot.
I returned the compliment.
I like things with
seashells and seahorses
on 'em,
like blankets and towels...
We had sex about
three hours later.
I don't think Phil
liked me that much at first.
I grew up in Jersey.
I didn't come from money.
And I puked on the ice sculpture
at our engagement party.
Also, he told me once...
I don't like you, Davis.
Julia was a nice girl.
A good person.
She worked with
special needs children,
she snorted when she laughed
and cried every time they showed
footage of the towers falling.
Other than that,
I don't think I knew
who she really was.
She always said
I didn't pay attention.
Perhaps you'll find
this information irrelevant
in your deliberation
of my refund,
but I think you deserve
the whole story.
Sincerely, Davis c. Mitchell.
You okay?
Morning, Amy. Is that me?
Yeah... that's it.
Great. Put this in
the outgoing mail?
It's important.
I, um...
I didn't think you
were coming in today,
they said you weren't...
I am so sorry, Davis.
Thank you, Amy.
When you get a minute,
can I get the revenue numbers
on alderman international?
And can you push
my lunch with Bob rice?
I got a lot of
catching up to do.
I handed you people
a billion dollars' worth
of committed capital
and all you can give me
is 150 million dollars'
worth of companies to buy.
Doesn't anyone like to shop?
Should I call my mother?
They called the house.
Told me you were up here.
They did? Okay.
I talked to Clayton brown
this morning.
And I think I talked him
off the ledge on that thing.
Look, why don't we
go grab a drink?
I'm buried, Phil.
Two weeks out from lightyear,
and I gotta get
some momentum going.
Davis, let's grab a drink.
You know, the cocktails run
about 18 bucks a pop here.
I don't get it.
We haven't really talked, Davis.
Not since... everything.
I loved Julia.
So much.
It's a father's love.
A man loses his wife,
he's a widower.
A child loses a parent,
they're an orphan.
But losing a child...
There's no word for this.
And there shouldn't be.
But you...
You and I have to continue on.
I want you to know
you've been a value to me,
and not just in business,
but in my life.
And, uh...
You keep your emotions
close to the vest,
that's good, that's strong.
I do the same.
It's the atmosphere.
That's why the drinks
are so expensive.
You're paying
for the atmosphere.
It just occurred to me.
Davis, listen,
there's some other business
that needs looking after.
It's the insurance policy.
I'd like to take her money
and start a foundation
in Julia's name.
A merit-based scholarship
awarded annually
to one student
who's most deserving.
How much are we talking about?
About 2.6.
Steven's gonna get
the ball rolling.
This'll be her legacy.
Dear champion vending company.
This is Davis Mitchell. Again.
There have been some
recent developments
in my claim for reimbursement,
and I'd like to represent myself
as accurately as possible.
Dinner's ready, son.
there was a strange package
blocking my garage.
I think it's
a cappuccino machine.
I didn't order
a cappuccino machine.
It was in Julia's name.
Then, my dad was
fertilizing the lawn
at 7:00 in the morning.
Dad! What are you doing?
It's the season, Davis.
You should do this.
You need to.
Get the soil ready.
I have someone for that.
Do they know about gypsy moths?
Gypsy moths.
They'll destroy your trees.
It starts as a caterpillar.
They eat the leaves, lay eggs...
And they're coming here,
to this neighborhood?
Well, they don't know for sure,
but you should tell
your guy to spray.
And of course,
the train incident...
I feel like I should
tell you something.
Um, I'm in finance.
I don't know why I told you
that I worked in
the mattress business.
I guess I didn't
expect to see you
every day for five years.
You think I'm a dick.
I don't work for
the Yankees anymore.
Got fired over a drainage issue
in the visitors' bullpen.
I work security now
at parade of shoes in midtown.
Fuckin' job. Excuse me.
My little prick of a boss.
He's 30 years younger than me.
I just wanna go in there
and smash his little prick face.
I didn't love my wife.
I know, it's sad...
It's sad to say,
but now that she's gone,
I don't even feel sad
or pain or hurt, or...
Well, what do you feel?
I couldn't tell you
why I did it.
So that's when you pulled it.
Maybe because
I was finally being honest.
And you knew that would
stop the train, correct?
Well, I wasn't positive,
but I was hoping.
All I can say is,
it felt like
a legitimate emergency.
His wife just died.
Davis, maybe you should
come stay with us for a while.
Take it easy.
We have the extra room.
I could sure use help
putting that gazebo together.
How's that sound?
to tell your guy to spray.
Hello again,
it's Davis Mitchell.
My parents left
for Tampa this afternoon,
and I stayed at the airport
an extra two hours
watching people
walk back and forth
with their luggage in tow.
I find I'm suddenly
filled with... wait...
Overwhelmed by...
A growing sense of curiosity...
What are in these bags?
I wanna know what these people
can't do without
for four days in buffalo.
I wanna go through
every one of them
and dump their shit
in a huge pile.
And the national guard guy?
I wanna hold his gun.
I wanna protect my country.
I'm starting to notice things
I never saw before.
Maybe I saw them.
I just wasn't paying attention.
For some reason,
everything has become
a metaphor.
I am the uprooted tree.
No, wait...
I am the storm
that uprooted the tree.
I am the cold front
that collided with
the low-pressure system.
Too much.
Morning, Amy.
Put a stamp on that?
There's something else,
dearest vending company.
It's been scratching
at the inside of my head.
I couldn't take it
one second longer.
The goddamn refrigerator
was leaking.
Now, I wouldn't say
I'm handy by any means.
Mechanically retarded
would be closer to the truth.
But Phil said it himself,
"if you wanna
fix something..."
You have to take
everything apart...
"...and figure out
what's important."
What'll make you stronger.
Repairing the human heart
is like repairing an automobile.
Just examine everything.
Then you can put it
all back together.
Put it all back together...
Mr. Davis Mitchell?
This is Karen Moreno
from champion vending company.
I'm with customer service.
I'm calling in regards
to your complaint letters,
mister Mitchell.
There's been four so far.
You're with the customer
service department?
Yes, sir. I am the customer
service department.
It's just me.
Do you usually make service
calls at 2:00 in the morning?
No. Not really. Never.
I... I apologize
for the inconvenience.
I was just venting.
I didn't expect anybody
to read them. Sorry if...
Your letters made me cry,
mister Mitchell.
Do you have anyone to talk to?
I... I'm gonna submit your
claim to management.
In the meantime is
there something else
I can do for you,
mister Mitchell?
Wait, wait. Karen Moreno,
that's your name?
This is weird. I...
I shouldn't have called.
I... I'm going to contact you
at a more reasonable hour.
I'm sorry again,
mister Mitchell.
This is so unprofessional.
Customer service
is a profession?
Some people
wallow through their grief.
My wife, she cooks.
This is delicious, Margot,
what is it?
Did Julia tell you
what we were fighting about?
I bought her these bath towels
and she didn't like 'em,
so she took 'em back
without telling me.
And we hadn't spoken
for three days.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me.
Hi, Karen.
How did you know it was me?
I have you programmed
into my phone.
Oh, I see. I'm not sure
how I feel about that.
There's something else
I wanted to bring
to your attention
regarding your claim.
During our previous
you implied that my job
wasn't a profession.
Oh, well... I'm sorry,
I didn't mean it as an insult.
I know. But it made me think,
and I concluded that
you might be right.
God bless con ed.
And there was light!
Yeah. I've gotta go.
Thank you for dinner.
"Moreno" means brown
in Spanish, did you know that?
Yes, I did, of course.
Do you have brown hair?
No, it's blonde.
Are you of Spanish descent?
No. Why do you ask?
I'm just trying
to paint a mental picture.
Excuse me, is Karen Moreno here?
Blonde hair, Hazel eyes,
but not Hispanic like
her name suggests?
Hi, where are you?
I was there, in the diner.
I sat in a booth
for a few minutes.
I even played a song
on the little baby jukebox,
and then...
I dunno, I got sad, so I left.
What song did you play?
Crazy on you, by heart.
That made you sad?
Not so much the song.
How are your pancakes?
Oh, I...
I'm in the parking lot.
You're a smoker.
It's cannabis.
I have a prescription.
You look younger
than I expected.
Do you think
you could come inside?
Oh, well, it's just that...
I have this nice image of you
sitting there in the window
eating pancakes.
Maybe that's all it's supposed
to be, ya know?
Yeah, but my image of you is
a shadowy figure
smoking pot in a corolla.
You know what? I should go.
Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go.
No, no, no, wait. I have
another letter here for you.
Put it in the mail.
I think it's for real, Phil.
If their second quarter earnings
are an indication of growth,
even just two or three percent,
then it's a risk worth taking.
Davis, do you need some paper?
Is there something you'd like to
contribute to the discussion?
Yes, actually.
But it's more of a question.
Would any of you consider
crazy on you to be a sad song?
And that's from, you know,
that you're familiar with
the heart catalog.
Going down.
Can I help you? Hi.
Oh, yeah.
I'm looking for Karen.
I'm sorry, who are you?
I'm Davis. I have a...
Customer service issue.
Oh, I'm Carl.
This is my company.
What's the problem?
I really can't
get into it, Carl.
There's way too much
ground to cover.
But thanks for your concern.
Did you get
the foundation proposal?
I'm gonna need you to sign off
before we move forward.
Listen, have you thought about
talking to someone?
Professionally, I mean.
I didn't go upside down!
Your father thinks
I'm losing my mind.
I just dismantled
a $2,000 cappuccino machine.
Why did you call me,
mister Mitchell?
Why'd you answer?
There's something about
your letters.
I'm re-reading one
right now in my tub.
I'm not bathing or anything.
I just sit here.
It's quiet, and I don't
wanna wake up my son.
Did I mention I have a son?
Yeah, he's 15.
But looks 12 and acts 21.
So bright, but he
scares the shit outta me.
I... I have to go.
You shouldn't have
come to my office,
mister Mitchell.
This sets a dangerous precedent.
Dear Karen, is it okay
that I address you directly
now that we've almost met?
I'll assume so.
I was on the train today,
and I saw a woman staring at me.
There was something about her.
So I went and introduced myself.
I'm Davis.
Do we know each other?
I'm... I'm not trying
to pick you up or anything.
I just... you look familiar.
Is it okay... sorry, I...
Tough day?
No. Not really, no.
My job isn't really
that difficult.
It's the guys underneath me
who do most
of the heavy lifting.
I just take
all the credit for it.
Most people wouldn't admit that.
I actually cheated my way
through my last year of college.
I had this guy Edmond write
all my papers for me,
and sometimes,
I'd give him ecstasy.
You know...
She was quiet,
but for some reason,
I wanted to tell her things.
I found myself
mapping her face as I talked.
Somehow, she got me talking
about my wife.
I really let her in.
Then, out of nowhere,
she asked...
So why'd you marry her?
I dunno. 'Cause it was easy.
Next stop, Scarsdale.
I wanted to ask her name...
This is me.
But she disappeared so quick.
I spent the next 10 minutes
kicking myself.
"the next 10 minutes
kicking myself."
"What are the chances
"I'd ever see
this woman again?"
"Fortunately, she left
her magazine on the seat."
I think you know
who it was addressed to.
And Scarsdale ain't her stop.
No more games, Karen.
I'll see you soon.
You. What are you doing here?
I'm here to see Karen Moreno.
What are you doing here?
What am I doing here?
Who the...
What the fuck do you want?
You don't have to swear, Carl.
I told you I have
a customer service issue.
Carl, this is Davis Mitchell.
Yeah, I was
supposed to call you.
Hi, Karen.
He, uh... he's having problems
with one of the machines.
What machine?
Uh, number 714,
in the intensive care unit
at Saint Andre's.
Second floor.
You a doctor?
No. I work in finance.
Well, what...
Carl. Honey. I'll handle this.
It's okay.
It's 11:00, Karen.
Why the hell are you
at our house?
It's my house, okay?
Now go inside, or go home.
I'll handle this.
It's okay. Come on.
I was in the neighborhood.
You shouldn't be here.
You know what?
I... I'm with someone.
Carl. We're together.
I shouldn't have called you.
And I shouldn't
have started following you.
It's very unprofessional.
What happened to you?
Your clothes...
I wrote this
in the car 10 minutes ago.
It's the last one.
Dear Karen. Fuck Phil.
You wanna tell me
what's going on?
Nothing. I was supposed to
call him. We sorted it out.
Are you having an affair
with this guy?
No, I'm not.
He's lonely, I think.
I don't know,
he's just a little... off.
What time's your flight?
It's a good-looking
city, Karen.
And you could go
to tech school, like we...
Like we talked about.
I can...
I'll open up a new warehouse.
Twice, two times
the square footage...
And Chris, I mean...
He's struggling here, you know?
A new start could be good.
Dear Karen. Fuck Phil.
He called me into his office...
I pulled the plug on lightyear.
What? Why?
Gut feeling.
To be honest, your judgment
of late has been questionable.
Well... how so, Phil?
Did you take apart
the lighting fixture
in our bathroom?
Yes. I did.
And your computer?
I assume you're responsible
for the washroom stall.
That was my work, yes.
Well, that's a little
harder to answer.
Mmm-hmm. Try me.
The bathroom stall, for example?
The door was squeaking.
And it had probably been that
way for quite some time.
I just never noticed.
And now, I'm noticing
all different kinds
of things, Phil,
and I wanna see how they work.
Like that clock.
Pure craftsmanship. Artistry!
That belonged to my
great-grandmother. 1890s.
I wanna rip it apart and
spread it out
all over the floor.
And no offense to
your great-grandmother,
but I see a clock like that,
and I wanna know
what it looks like inside.
I want you to
take some time off.
Fuck him,
and the way he leans
on the corner of his desk
with his sleeves rolled up
like he's about to dig a ditch.
No more imaginary
office ditches, Karen.
From now on,
it's me and my tools.
I intended to drive home
but accidentally turned
for the midtown tunnel.
Ruby drive...
Maybe there are no accidents.
Anyway, it seemed like a good
time to come and look for you.
Turn left on crystal Avenue.
I knew I was getting close
when I found myself
in a neighborhood
where all the streets were
named after precious stones.
And that's when I saw it.
Hey! You the insurance guy?
Oh, no. Not me.
I thought... you know,
I just saw the suit,
so I figured, you know...
Yeah, I was just driving by,
and I, uh, saw you guys
working. Looks like fun.
Yeah, fun.
What exactly are you doing here?
Well, we gotta tear
the whole thing down
before they rebuild.
Can I, uh, help you out?
I mean, you just, you know,
you just tell me
what to do,
you don't have to pay me.
Come on, pal, don't bust
my balls, all right?
You're the insurance guy, right?
Barry sent you over here
to bust my balls?
No, I don't know who Barry is.
No, I... you know, I...
Actually, you know,
I'll pay you, huh?
How 'bout, uh, 50...
I'll give you 50 bucks.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
What kinda shit
you trying to pull here, pal?
No, no, no, I'm not a cop.
I... I just wanna help.
You know what, I'll...
You know, I'll give you, uh...
I'll give you $241.
Go on, take it.
I'll work hard.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
No, no. No, don't use that,
don't use that.
Here. Put these on,
use this...
Now knock the wall down.
This guy's a fuckin' animal.
He's probably a crackhead.
Crackheads don't
give people $200.
They suck dick for $20.
I mean, you should know.
Yeah, don't ask,
it's embarrassing.
I, uh, closed the car door
on my jacket,
and your sprinklers turned on.
Then, the stupid lock...
It sometimes gets stuck...
I couldn't...
You're high, aren't you?
A little bit...
D'you want some grilled cheese?
I needed some work overalls.
I guess I got a little carried
away at the army surplus.
Your whole house is just
Aside from the appliances,
it's the kind of house
people dream of living in.
I hate this house.
It's just shiny stuff.
I can't have sex with you.
It'd be dangerous.
There's that word again.
Is Carl really out of town,
or did you just chop him up
into little pieces
and stuff him
in your sock drawer?
That's ridiculous.
I don't have a sock drawer.
Well... where do you
keep all your socks?
In the same drawer
as my underwear.
I just...
You know, I just think
a woman's underwear
is deserving of its own space.
This is all I can handle.
That's fine.
Let's just fall asleep together.
Together apart.
I'm not in love with Carl,
you know.
He's a good man. He really is.
He loves me.
Probably more than he should.
But I dunno...
I'd like to be
able to do what you do.
To be completely honest.
I think you just were.
Not even close.
You must be Chris.
You fuckin' my mom?
No, I'm not.
We were just sleeping...
She's fuckin' crazy.
If you haven't noticed,
she's a fuckin' pot head.
She calls it cannabis
'cause it makes her
feel like less of
a fuckin' pothead.
You say "fuck" a lot.
So you're just
not using it properly.
The fuck does that mean?
That's what I mean.
"Fuck" is a great word,
but if you use it too much,
then it just loses its value.
And you sound stupid.
Fuck you.
I feel nothing,
and you sound like an idiot.
Have a good one!
Who the...
You've reached Davis Mitchell.
I'm unavailable at the moment,
so please leave a message.
If you're looking for Julia,
I regret to inform you that
she isn't with us anymore,
which makes her
also unavailable.
you've taken things too far.
I am deeply concerned
with your well-being.
I'm trying to reach out to you,
I'm trying to help,
but you refuse!
If you don't wish to participate
in the architecture
of your wife's legacy,
then so be it.
Just contact me
so I can free you
from this burden.
One more thing.
If you have any respect
for the memory of my daughter,
you'll erase
that fucking message.
This is Karen, customer service.
Hello, Karen, customer service.
Hello, mister Mitchell,
what can I do for you today?
This might sound crazy,
but there's a station wagon
that's been stalking me
for the past couple of days,
and this does raise
a number of concerns,
including "a," why would
anyone be following me?
"B," am I possibly in
some kind of danger?
And "c,"
who the fuck still drives
a station wagon?
This is where you get
your prescription filled?
Okay, I lied.
It's not a prescription.
Hey, ray.
This is my friend Davis.
Hello, young man.
Ah, my favorite kind.
Thank you.
And this is for you.
It grows wild in my garden.
Don't ask me how.
I never touch the stuff.
Makes me think too much.
How 'bout you? You need some?
Oh, no.
Oh, that beauty arrived in 1961.
From Paris.
You should've seen 'er.
A real masterpiece.
Look at that, huh?
Ain't that a beauty?
But nobody wants
carousels anymore.
They want roller coasters
that go upside down
and make you puke.
Would you believe
we've got to tear it down?
Yeah. Too many repairs.
Too much money.
Can I help you?
I have my own tools.
You're very strange...
You got it! You got it!
Karen Moreno,
ladies and gentlemen!
Julia loved the ocean.
We used to spend our summers
at her folks' place
in east Hampton.
That's where she wanted to be.
You miss her?
So. Where exactly
are you feeling numb?
Sort of in this whole
area right in here.
And how long have you
been feeling like this?
Can't say...
Ten or twelve years.
Davis... not sure
how to tell you this.
Come on. See for yourself.
Part of your heart is missing.
How did that happen?
Judging by the bite pattern,
I'd say gypsy moths.
Fuck me.
Excuse me?
Dear Karen, I keep
thinking about my childhood.
When I was sick,
and I would lay my head
in my mother's lap,
she'd run her fingers
through my hair.
She'd kiss my eyelids.
And that made everything better.
Do you think
it's too late for that?
Live here now or something?
No. Shouldn't you
be in school?
I'm suspended.
For what?
Telling the truth.
Had to do this presentation
in world affairs.
About our military presence
in the middle east.
What do you know about it?
June 5th.
During a routine patrol
through the Helmand province,
lieutenant Dan Doviak's Hummer
pulled over
to the side of the road
to assist a little girl.
To their surprise,
she had 60 pounds
of explosives
strapped to her body.
Oh, shit.
The Hummer was
engulfed in flames.
And the Afghan citizens chanted,
"death to America."
Doviak and his unit
were burned alive.
They suspend you for that?
I heard the dinner bell.
Did you have a good day?
Enjoy your little vacay?
I'm changing the music, baby.
Come on, lighten up.
Tell me what you did today.
Did you hang out
with that cute girl?
The one with
the high-waisted jeans?
You know, not everyone
can pull that look off.
Are you for real right now?
I spoke with your principal,
miss... Tersian?
I found her to be very
thoughtful and empathetic.
The good news is,
she's letting you
come back starting Monday.
You have to spend a few weeks
with the counselor,
but I think you're
getting off pretty easy.
What's the bad news?
What do you mean?
What the hell
are you talking about?
There's some random guy
eating in our house
while your boyfriend/boss
is out of town,
and you're bragging to me
about a heart-to-heart you had
with my dyke principal?
Would you just...
Okay? Gimme a break!
Davis is a friend of mine.
We've been
spending time together
because that's what friends do.
You... you spend time.
You're so transparent.
The man's wife just died.
Have some compassion,
you little shit!
I'm sorry, honey. I'm sorry.
Your wife just died?
Massive head trauma,
car accident.
Can you pass the salt?
I was thinking about
what you said about
how I'm not using
the f-word properly.
Yeah? What'd you come up with?
Maybe you're right.
is a
great word.
is a
great word.
Oh, man,
that don't look good at all.
No, it don't.
You dumbass...
Oh, god damn that fuckin' hurt!
Shit, yeah!
Let's go.
Get outta here.
Dear Chris...
I wish I could talk to you.
I miss how we used to be.
I miss holding you,
kissing your face...
I miss my little boy.
Where did you send this from?
From the mailbox on the corner.
I thought the last one
was the last one.
What do we do
with a couch like this?
Mmm, kiss me!
Ooh, that feels good!
Okay, listen to me.
When was the last time
you really, really
cared about something?
Like, when you were a kid.
What was the most
important thing to you?
Running fast. Yup.
We used to race on blacktop
at recess,
and then I was always so slow.
Just once,
I wanted to beat 'em all,
and blow 'em all away.
Have 'em cheer for me,
and not Rick Russoman
or Mike Barone,
and those speedy motherfuckers.
I just wanted to run fast,
more than anything.
I mean, more than break dancing.
Jesus! Can't I get a little privacy?
Whoa! Sorry, man! I thought...
I thought you were
back in school!
I'm taking a personal day.
What is that?
Let's see.
It's Carl's.
Ever shot a gun before?
Your turn.
Let's shoot something.
Like what?
I dunno.
A deer or something.
I don't think
there are any out here.
What about a squirrel?
Hold on a second.
You sure that thing's legit?
Yeah. I mean, yeah.
Want me to count down,
or like...
I dunno, do whatever you want.
Okay, I'll surprise you.
Surprise me.
Safety's on.
Yup, it's on the left side.
Yeah, you gotta switch...
What'd it feel like?
It hurt, but in like a...
It's like a good kinda hurt.
It felt like someone
was kinda, um...
You are...
You are one fucked-up kid.
You're one fucked-up adult.
Don't ever do this again.
You're trying too hard.
And set to go.
Thank you, dude.
Excuse me! Sir?
Excuse me! Sir!
Do you have an appointment?
No, Marty,
I'm just swingin' through!
Oh, Mr. Mitchell. Sorry.
Hey, buddy.
Phil here?
Yeah, they're doing
the interviews
for the scholarship candidates!
Mister big!
You better watch out!
Breathing. It's just
me and the water, and...
- Hey, guys.
- Excuse us.
Hey, Davis.
We're in the middle
of something.
Mind if I sit?
Hi, Margot.
You okay, pal?
You look like you've been
doing construction or something.
Steve. I got a fucking nail
in my foot.
It hurt like hell,
but I'm okay now.
So, Todd, you were saying?
Right. Um...
Lost my train of thought.
We won.
What'd you win?
Swimming. I'm a swimmer.
Do you swim?
You know,
I used to do laps at the y
and then I realized
how many people
must urinate in that pool
on a daily basis,
and that kinda ruined it for me.
I don't understand
where this is coming from.
This contempt,
this blatant disrespect!
Well, something
doesn't feel right, Phil.
This whole thing, you know?
I wanna do something for her,
but this just doesn't...
You are not feeling right!
We're picking
the finalists today.
I want it signed
on my desk by tomorrow,
or you're done here.
I mean, we're done.
Why you buying all this shit?
Uh, the tools of the trade,
my young friend.
What trade would that be?
Destruction, devastation.
I mean, haven't you
ever wanted to just
smash the shit out of something?
Davis, if I were to
ask you a question,
you'd give me
a straight answer, right?
I mean, that's your thing,
being honest about everything.
Yeah, that's my thing.
Do you think I'm gay?
I dunno, Chris.
Do you think you're gay?
I dunno. I think maybe.
I figured you would tell me.
Okay. Let's figure it
out together.
Do you like girls?
I dunno.
I think Jennifer hymen's
pretty. She flirts with me.
And sometimes,
I can see the outline
of her bra through
her shirt, but...
I dunno if I like her,
or if I'm just fixating.
Jennifer hymen.
That's really her name?
That fuckin' blows.
What about the boys at school?
Is there anybody that you like,
that you find attractive?
Maybe Andrew white.
He's a junior,
and we have
the same gym class too.
We have to get changed together.
Do you watch him
when you get changed?
Well, then I don't think
you're gay, Chris.
I have to try not to look.
I have to tell myself not to.
Yeah, no, that's normal,
you know.
I mean you're young,
and you're curious, it's...
Sometimes, I imagine
his dick in my mouth.
That's different.
Uh, I would say that
you're probably gay.
I mean, you know,
or you're bisexual.
But I mean, either way, you're
gonna get tortured. Um...
I mean, my advice
to you, would be
to pretend that you like girls
for the next few years,
and then move into
the city, you know?
Or San Francisco?
Or even Los Angeles,
if you like warm weather.
Anything else?
Get in.
What are we doing again?
We're taking apart my marriage.
Fuckin' a.
Not bad. Keep at it.
Now hold it.
Just like that.
Who's that?
Who the fuck still drives
a station wagon?
No, I just wanna have it...
I wanna take it back home,
see what it looks like in the
library or, uh, in the study.
Nope, not a peep out of him.
Lawyers are exploring
other options.
We'll get him to sign.
Did you send him an invitation?
Oh, come on, honey.
Davis picked me up after school.
Hey. Uh, he was helping me
around my house. Housework...
Thank you.
A bulldozer.
You know, you can buy
almost anything on ebay.
I just hope it comes
with a manual.
Hey... shit.
A manual and a warranty.
She was so young.
Hey, uh...
Phil would like to
talk to you immediately.
I'll be right back, okay?
Hey there.
Why you smoking that garbage?
I got something nice.
I'm Todd. Do you swim?
You dare...
Bringing another
woman here? Tonight?
Phil, it's not what you think...
How fuckin' dare you?
Every day!
I wake up thinking, why her?
It should've been you!
So, Karen.
Can I feel your tits?
Julia's mother and I,
and her husband,
would like to thank you all
for sharing
this special evening.
For those of you who were
fortunate enough
to be a part of Julia's life,
you know what a wonderful
person she was.
Yeah, everything's fine.
A beautiful soul.
So many memories.
Wouldn't even know
where to begin.
But I do know this.
I would trade every one of them
for one more minute
with our daughter.
Julia brought out
the best in people.
That was her gift.
Now, through
the Julia Eastwood-Mitchell
scholarship fund,
that gift will be her legacy.
I'd like to introduce
three young adults
so outstanding
in their character
and academic achievements
that we couldn't choose
just one recipient.
So please welcome
our first-year scholars:
Jennifer Williams.
Benjamin Howard!
And the backstroke
record-holder himself,
Todd Koehler!
Thank you.
Did she tell you
she was pregnant?
Last year.
Did you know?
Why didn't she tell me?
You wanna know why?
It wasn't yours.
She was seeing someone.
And I took her
for the procedure.
I wish she'd kept it.
Here's your refund.
Keep the change.
Hey. I'm sorry.
How is he?
They're not saying much.
He's, uh, still in surgery.
It was six of them
beating the shit out of him.
I feel like it's all my fault.
I had one fuckin' job.
Miss Moreno!
Baby? Hey.
Listen to me.
I won't let anyone
hurt you ever again.
And I won't hurt you either.
I just want you to be
who you are.
You hear me?
I'll do better, I promise.
And when you wake up,
you are in so much trouble.
Thank you.
What's your name?
I know about
everything, Michael.
And it's okay.
I just hope that
you cared for her
because she deserved that.
I don't know
what you're talking about.
I was in the other car.
I was, uh...
Driving the car that hit you.
And I've been trying to, um...
I've been trying...
I'm sorry.
It's okay, man.
I'm so sorry.
It's okay, man.
"Not my chair,
not my problem."
Is that what you say?
You got two minutes.
Thank you for meeting me, Phil.
I'm sorry.
There was love
between me and Julia.
I just didn't take care of it.
I think the scholarship is...
It's good.
I think that it's good.
I understand it. Um...
But I wanna do
something else for her.
And, uh, I was
wondering if, um...
You'd wanna be a part of it.
Could I...
Go ahead, have a seat.
Dear Davis,
thanks for your letter.
I'm recovering slowly
but surely.
Despite the ass-kicking,
I must say,
being myself feels good.
By the way, mom left Carl, Fyi.
Ten! Nine! Eight!
I have a little gift for you.
Seven! Six! Five! Four!
Be at pier 64 this Saturday
at 11:00 A.M. sharp.
Three! Two! One!
Trust me.
P.S. Go fuck yourself.
Warmest regards,
Davis c. Mitchell.