Denise Calls Up (1995) Movie Script

Phone keeps ringing
right off the hook
Some bill collector,
i know what cooks
Think i'll stay in bed, dream all day
The world outside bugs me anyway
When i get things going
the going gets rough
80 i ask myself, "why get up?"
Why get up?
Why get up?
How can i get up?
Why should i get up?
This whole world's gone crazy
think i've seen enough
I'm gonna sleep forever
why get up?
Went to the doctor
he said, "lose some weight
If you don't do it quick
we 7! Have to operate "
I talked to my lawyer
he said, "case is closed
That woman got it all
even the garden hose "
Staring at the ceiling
thinking, "just my luck..."
Good morning.
- Hello, gale.
- I'm sorry i couldn't make it last night.
That's all right.
Why get up?
No. I wanted to, lin. I really did.
Forget about it.
So how did it go?
I want all the details.
Don't leave anything out.
Oh, hold on.
This whole world's gone crazy
think i've seen enough
I'm gonna sleep forever
why get up?
Sorry, business.
So come on, tell me who showed up.
Nobody? You mean, like, the people
who did show up were, to you, nobody?
No. I mean, nobody.
You mean, not anybody?
That's right.
That's all right. I mean, i'm fine.
I was able to catch up on some work,
and then i zen'd out on this report.
And by the time i noticed the doorbell
hadn't rung, it's like 2 am.
What was it i said
to that girl last night...?
Not a one?
I wasn't in the mood to be
around people last night, anyway. Really.
I remember a gun
and calling somebody's bluff
I better duck under cover
why get up?
Why get up?
Why get up?
How can i get up?
Why should i get up?
This whole world's gone crazy
think i've seen enough
I'm gonna sleep forever
why get up?
Why get up?
Why get up?
How can i get up?
Why should i get up?
This whole world's gone crazy
think i've seen enough
I'm gonna sleep forever
- Yeah?
- Hi, frank.
I just spoke to linda.
Yeah, i gotta call her.
I didn't make it to her party last night.
I wanted to, but it was impossible.
I was swamped.
Tell me about it.
I couldn't make it either.
That's not the half of it, linda told me
that jerry never showed either.
That's too bad.
Was barbara disappointed?
Are you kidding? Barb was probably
too busy to be disappointed.
It never stops.
- Hello?
- Hi, jerry. What's up?
I'm inundated.
I hear you didn't show up at the party.
What can i say? I was drowning.
And by the time i looked at my watch...
I did warn you that it was only
a fifty-Fifty chance i'd make it.
I did warn you of that fact.
It's just that gale really
wants you to meet barbara.
You know gale.
But i've told you all about her,
and told her all about you.
Then she got into wanting
to set you and barbara up.
It's become practically a crusade for her.
She thinks that you're perfect
for barbara, and vice versa.
Gale should know.
Because i told her all about you.
I mentioned you to her
i don't know how many times.
And she told me all about barbara.
They're friends.
They go way back, like us.
Hi, barbara.
So where were you?
I'm sorry. I've been working
on some very tough multiple deadlines.
Barbara, i was disappointed
you didn't make it.
I really want you to meet jerry.
I really think you guys will hit it off.
Let me set you up, please.
I don't know.
You'll like each other.
You will, trust me.
What have you got to lose?
What about us?
I mean, when are we gonna get together?
We haven't seen each other
in i don't know how long.
I thought you were gonna be at the party.
Why don't we have lunch,
you, me, frank and jerry?
What do you say?
I don't know.
I'm not gonna take no for an answer.
12:30, garuchi's.
I'll make the reservations.
How about 1:15?
- We're meeting for lunch, 1:15, garuchi's.
- | | Well?
- You, me, gale and barbara.
- But...
- I'm not letting you out of this. See you.
- But...
Who's this?
Who's this?
Martin weiner?
Wrong number.
- Hello?
- Hello.
Who is this?
Denise. Denise devaro.
My father died when i was 7.
My mother was an alcoholic.
We never got along.
I'm kind of shy, i'm in the subway
so i'm a little bit... aggressive.
I like to read crime biographies though.
Are you jewish?
"Weiner," that's usually...
Just curious.
I'm sorry, but i don't give that kind
of information out over the phone.
Why not?
Because i don't.
Because i don't know who you are, okay?
What are you doing?
You're mad at me?
No, please.
Okay, okay. I'm jewish. Okay? I'm jewish.
- Martin?
- Yeah?
Is it all right if i call you marty?
I guess so.
You can call me denny.
Are you funny?
Excuse me?
Didn't you notice how many
jewish comedians there are?
I mean, i don't think i'm stereotyping.
Do i know you?
The in... well, yes.
In a sense.
- What?
- Don't be mad at me, marty.
Promise me you won't be mad.
What are you talking about?
Mad at what? Why should i be mad?
I'll tell you, but only if you promise
you won't get angry.
That little voice you make, it's just...
I promise.
I know something
i'm not supposed to know, marty,
And it's about you.
What the heck is going on?
You're angry at me.
You told me you wouldn't be.
Our relationship is brand new, marty.
Brand new, and already broken promises.
Oh. Jerry, hi.
Do you have a minute?
I'm a bit discombobulated.
Yeah, i know the feeling.
This ex-Girlfriend of a friend of mine
Is trying to set me up
with a friend of hers,
And they all arranged to meet
at this restaurant at the last minute...
And i didn't show.
- Why not?
- I would have. I was up to my ears.
It happens. Just call and explain.
I'm sure they'll understand.
I don't know.
I'm so embarrassed even to call my friend.
- It's frank. You remember frank.
- No.
Didn't you meet him? I thought you did.
Maybe not.
Hold on. Hello?
- Jerry?
- Speaking.
Hi. This is gale donnelly,
frank's ex-Girlfriend.
Could you hold on?
It's her, the woman trying to set me up.
I don't know what to say.
Lie. Tell her you wanted to make it
and that you were on your way there,
But you got stuck in traffic
and had to turn back.
And your car phone was out
or you would've called.
- Gale?
- Jerry.
Look, i'm sorry i didn't make it.
Uh, i got held up in traffic
and had to turn around,
And, you know,
my car phone wasn't working.
And when i got back,
i realized i didn't have barbara's number.
I would have called her back
and apologized.
Why don't i just give you
barbara's number?
That way, you can call her yourself.
I'm sure she'll understand.
Got that?
Tell her i said hello. Bye.
- Martin?
- Jerry.
I don't believe this.
She gave me barbara's number.
Now i'm obligated to call her.
I don't believe this.
I'm not ready for a relationship.
I'm so overburdened, work-Wise.
I don't have a second
to think half the time.
Hi, frank. It's gale.
I just spoke to jerry.
Why? I told you
i was gonna speak with him.
I felt terrible, and i wanted
to apologize personally
For not being able to make it.
But then, get this,
jerry didn't make it either.
Oh, god. Well, what did he say
when he found out
That none of us made it either,
not even barbara?
He didn't say anything,
because he doesn't know.
- What?
- That's why i'm calling you.
I don't want jerry to find out.
That way, he'll feel guilty,
and he'll have to call barbara.
Then i spoke to barbara, and i told her
to say that the three of us got together
And we were waiting and waiting,
but jerry never showed.
Are you crazy? What...? Why...?
Why on earth would you want to do that?
Because i want these two to get together.
They're a perfect couple.
I think they are a couple
made in heaven and...
Hold on.
I can't believe i agreed to this!
Hold on. Hello?
- Barbara?
- Yes.
This is jerry.
Jerry heckerman.
Um, hi. I'm on another call. Hold on.
Oh, my god, it's him. What do i do?
- Talk to him.
- Please. Please, don't make me.
I don't even know what he looks like.
You talk to people every day.
You don't know what they look like.
Yes, but this is different.
This isn't business.
This is a blind date. Once!
Once, i had a blind date, 11 years ago.
My mother set us up.
He had a very intense stare.
But i bet he turned out
to be a very nice guy. Right?
He tried to rape me.
- Barbara!
- I'm not kidding.
Where is he now? Still holding?
Oh, my god.
Hold on. I'll be right back.
Don't. Where are you going? I need you.
Relax. Will you get a grip?
I'll be right back, i promise.
- Frank.
- What's going on?
- Do you have a picture of jerry?
- What for?
- I'll explain later. Do you, or don't you?
- Uh, i'm not sure.
You said he was your best friend.
How can you not have
a picture of your best friend?
We haven't had a lot of time
to socialize lately, so...
Well, i have a picture of him
from when we went to school together.
Circle his face.
- I got it.
- And?
He's cute.
She likes it.
Just sitting here by myself
So sad and lonesome
since my baby left
She's gone
and i'm going home
I hate to be alone
I hate to think
about that awful day...
Wait for the beep
- Wait for the beep
- Wait for the beep
...Gone, so i'm going back home
I hate to be alone...
Hi, jerry. Frank. We waited
and waited for you the other day.
What happened? Call me.
Hi, this is gale.
I spoke to barbara,
and she said you two got disconnected.
She couldn't call you back
because she doesn't have your number.
And i told her
that you didn't call her back
Because you probably misplaced her number.
I know that i'm right about this. Right?
Right. So here's her number again.
Call her. Don't be a schmuck.
Hi. This is barbara.
We got disconnected earlier,
and i didn't have your number.
So i called gale,
and she gave it to me.
Oh, sorry you got stuck
in traffic the other day.
We were all waiting.
Though not that long or anything.
I wasn't at all
inconvenienced or anything.
I mean... it didn't matter.
It would've been nice to meet you, but...
Anyhow, um...
Hope to hear from you whenever.
- Hello?
- I just hung up on jerry.
- What?
- I can't believe it.
But why?
I was on the toilet.
So? I always take calls
when i'm on the toilet.
So do i, usually.
But those are business calls
Or people i know well,
feel comfortable with.
This is different. It didn't feel right.
What if he asked me what i was doing?
Why would he ask?
Anyway, if he did,
just tell him you're lying in bed
In a red silk teddy, licking a lollipop.
I could never.
It's jerry. Did i wake you?
I know it's late.
No, i'm just sitting on the john.
What's up?
That girl, barbara, called,
left a message on my machine.
So i called her back...
And she hung up on me. I think.
I mean, we may have
just gotten disconnected.
What do you mean, which one was it?
I... it sounded like she hung up on me.
Then why would she leave a message
on my machine telling her to call her?
Just so she could hang up on me?
I wouldn't want to call her back
if she hung up on me.
On the other hand,
if it was an accidental disconnection,
I wouldn't necessarily
be averse to trying again.
- Frank oliver?
- Yeah.
Hi, my name's martin weiner.
I'm a friend of jerry's.
I hope i'm not bothering you.
No, no, no. Not at all.
Jerry's mentioned you.
What can i do for you?
It's about this barbara that your ex
has been trying to fix him up with.
What about her?
Jerry doesn't know i'm calling you.
He wanted to forget about it,
But there appears
to have been some confusion.
I'm wondering if you could
help clear it up for him.
Pm do my best.
It's like this,
jerry just tried to call barbara,
And he's not sure if she hung up on him
or if they were just disconnected.
If they were disconnected,
he'd be happy to call her back.
If she hung up on him...
well, you know jerry.
Yeah. A fragile ego.
Oh, hold on one second.
- Hello?
- Frank?
- Gale.
- We've got a problem.
Jerry called barbara, and she was
so flustered that she hung up on him,
And now she's too embarrassed
to call him back.
We've gotta get jerry
to call her back again.
- Martin?
- Frank.
Tell jerry that barbara
thinks he hung up on her.
- Jerry?
- Speaking.
- Yeah?
- He felt awful.
- Martin had to talk him out of suicide.
- And?
He's going to call her.
Either that orjump off a bridge.
I hope we did the right thing.
- Yes?
- He's calling you back.
Don't blow it.
Call me after you talk to him.
She's gone
she says she wants to be free
Please don't tell her
what has happened to me
She's gone
so i'm going on back home
I hate to be alone
- Hello?
- Marty?
I'm not trying to obligate you in any way.
I mean, that's not my intention.
- I wanna be very clear on that.
- All right.
- This isn't about obligations.
- All right.
- Hello?
- It's martin.
Hi. How are you?
- Overwhelmed.
- So? What else is new?
No, i mean, in my personal life.
What's the matter?
I did this thing a while ago.
I didn't tell anybody about it,
not a soul.
And then i just forgot about it.
I put it out of my mind.
- Like it never happened.
- You're frightening me.
I read this article.
It was about these women,
And they're not married,
not in a relationship,
And they're really busy
and their biological clocks are ticking,
So they go to these places.
I went out and donated sperm.
I don't know what came over me.
I think i read that article.
Was that newsweek?
But then, now the recipient...
Never even occurred to me, a recipient.
I mean, if i'd just paused
for a second to consider it,
I would have realized
it's part of the equation.
Donor, recipient.
Anyway, she called me up.
Denise. That's her name, the recipient.
And she's pregnant with my child.
No kidding.
Gee, i thought those things
were anonymous.
Usually they are.
She knows somebody that works in the bank.
He gave her my name.
Is that ethical?
They're old friends.
They went to high school together.
They had a thing, apparently.
I just donated one sample.
One lousy sample.
- So, what, she want child support?
- No.
She just wanted to thank me, that's all.
For making her life complete.
And what'd you say?
"You're welcome."
- All right.
- I didn't know what else to say.
- What else could you say?
- I don't know.
"You're welcome" was good.
But then there was this long silence.
We just listened to
each other's breathing.
Then she gave me her number,
and she said if i ever wanted to,
I should call her
and we could get together.
And what'd you say?
"Thank you very much,
but i don't think so."
Nothing wrong with being honest.
Except i was lying.
I do think so.
I wanna meet her. I truly wanna meet her.
- Oh, i can't.
- Why?
I'm so besieged lately.
I've never been this besieged.
You can't make any time?
Sure. Some time, maybe.
Then what? What if we get involved?
Suddenly i'll have all
this responsibility on my shoulders.
Everything i've ever worked for,
all my plans could go up in smoke.
Do i sound like i'm rationalizing?
You're certainly running
the real risk that once you meet,
A more than simply impersonal relationship
could develop, and it's...
She's almost eight months pregnant.
Eight months pregnant with my child.
Is it a boy or a girl?
Hm? What?
The baby, is it a boy or a girl?
Oh, i don't know.
They know these things very early now.
She must have an idea.
- Hello?
- Denny?
How are you?
I'm all right. How are you?
You're showing?
Just a little.
- So is that the only reason you called?
- Uh, no.
Are you calling
'cause you want to get together?
- But i do.
- You do?
Only not right now.
I'm deluged.
I've never been this deluged.
Oh, i understand.
But i will, eventually.
I'm gonna do some juggling, and...
I'll make some time.
We'll get together for sure. Okay?
You don't have to if you don't want to.
No, but i do.
Is it a boy or a girl?
I don't know.
Oh. I... you know, they know
that kind of thing early nowadays.
- My doctor knows.
- He does?
Yeah, but i wanted it to be a surprise.
I like surprises.
If you wanna know the gender,
i could find out for you.
Oh, no. It's not necessary.
No, no, no, it's no problem.
I could call the doctor,
have him tell you.
It's just, you have to promise
not to tell me.
Even if i change my mind,
no matter how much i insist on knowing,
You just must never tell me.
I made my doctor swear,
you have to swear too.
- All right.
- On your mother?
All right.
Cross you heart, and may you burn
for eternity in hell should you break it?
All right.
- Hello?
- Jerry?
- Speaking.
- This is barbara.
You know, gale's friend?
The gale who's the ex
of your friend frank.
Hi. How are you?
All right.
I'm sorry.
Excuse me?
Oh, no, no. I'm sorry.
You're sorry for what?
Why are you sorry?
Because i never called you back
after we got disconnected,
And i should have called you back.
It was rude of me not to call you back.
We didn't get disconnected.
We didn't?
I hung up on you.
You did?
I'm sorry, i was nervous.
And that's why i called, to tell you
that i was sorry for hanging up on you.
Well, i was the rude one, not you.
Well, i...
Actually, it's not really a clear-Cut
situation we're dealing with here.
It isn't?
You see, i thought we were disconnected,
and i still didn't call you back.
I was nervous too.
You did? You were?
Yeah. I got cold feet.
You see, i haven't, uh...
I haven't dated in a while,
so, you know, things were...
Anyway, i know you were
expecting me to call and i didn't,
So i'm definitely sorry
about that, for sure.
It doesn't matter.
No, of course it does.
No, i took the phone off the hook.
I thought you were gonna call me back,
And so i took the phone off the hook
so i wouldn't have to speak to you.
I had cold feet too.
No kidding?
No kidding.
Guess that's at least one thing
we have in common, then, huh?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
So, uh...
What do you do?
Hm? Oh, i work for this company.
You know, telecommunications.
No kidding? Me too.
- Really?
- Really.
So i guess that's two things
we have in common, then, huh?
So, uh...
I guess we should, uh...
You know, make a date.
To do what?
Oh, right.
Well, yeah, let me see what i...
What i have here.
No good.
No good.
How about the 21st?
I'm on park avenue.
Excuse me?
I'm in my car on park avenue.
I don't have my schedule with me.
Well, actually,
i do have a schedule with me,
But it's not my primary schedule, and...
Well, i'd hate to pencil you in
And then get home
and check my primary schedule,
- Only to find there's a discrepancy.
- I understand.
So i'll get back to you
about it, then? Okay?
Well, bye.
- Hello?
- I just spoke to jerry.
You did? Finally, that's great!
No, it isn't.
I don't think we have a thing in common.
- What are you talking about?
- Silences.
Heavy, dead,
incredibly oppressive silences,
Each one more excruciating than the last.
It's a bad omen.
We're oil and water, gale.
I don't wanna go out with him.
It's wrong. He's wrong.
I haven't got the time,
now i'm supposed to call him back
- To confirm a date.
- You are a bundle of nerves.
You need to get out. You work too hard.
You need to get laid.
When was the last time you got laid?
- Barbara?
- When was the last time you got laid?
- Irrelevant.
- Apropos.
Last july. Satisfied?
- Honest?
- Honest.
- Who?
- Who? You don't know him.
A one-Night stand?
I really... you know
i don't like to use that phrase.
Oh, come on, gale. We're best friends.
All right, it was...
The guy who came
to fix the refrigerator. Happy?
It relieved a lot of anxiety, barbara.
A lot, i can tell you that.
I don't know what to say.
Call him, barbara.
Call him.
Hey, frank.
Gale, what's up?
Nothing much, just...
Taking a break, cleaning.
Not much. Eating popcorn.
Yeah? What brand?
- Paul newman.
- Any good?
So-So. It's not my favorite.
Oh. Store delivered the wrong kind?
No, i ordered it.
I think of it as a way
of donating to charity.
They give all the profits to charity.
I got the dressing too.
- It makes me feel good.
- Because you're a caring person.
Well, i wouldn't go that far.
It's not like i don't eat it.
Don't shortchange yourself.
You have a good heart.
You always had a good heart.
Is everything okay, gale?
Yeah, fine. Yeah.
Um, i better go. I gotta get back to work.
Nothing. Never mind. Never mind.
I miss you, frank.
I miss you too.
Maybe we shouldn't have split up.
Well, we didn't, uh...
Exactly split up, gale. We just sort of...
Faded away from each other.
How long has it been
since we've been together?
Five years?
Time flies, huh?
Work can certainly swallow you up
if you let it.
Which is, generally, a good thing.
I... you know, like everything else,
it has a downside.
Frank, let's promise ourselves
that we'll get together.
No more excuses.
I'll have a party. We will invite everyone
and really do it up. What do you say?
Sounds great.
I didn't wake you up, did i?
No. No, no, no.
I was up.
I'm up, up.
Is it an awkward time?
If it is, i can call you
at a less awkward time.
No, no, now's a good time.
It's a good time.
What time is it?
I'm sorry. I woke you up, didn't i?
No, i'm awake. Really.
I was just, um...
I fell down.
You fell down?
But i got up. Now i'm up.
That's why sounded funny,
because i fell down and hit my head.
Oh, my god. Are you all right?
I'm fine.
No bruises.
I'm fine.
Who is this?
How are you, jerry?
I'm so sorry.
It's idiotic of me
to call you at this hour.
No, really.
It's fine. Really.
I just wanted to let you know
as soon as possible that, uh...
I'm not gonna be able
to make it on the 21st.
I'm sorry. I was mistaken.
That's too bad.
It's gonna be hard after that.
I'm going away the whole
following week on business.
No kidding.
That is too bad.
I hate to travel.
But i have to sometimes.
Yeah, i hate to travel too.
Could you hold on a minute?
That's my call waiting.
- Hello?
- It's a boy!
It's a boy!
- I didn't wake you, did i?
- No, i was up.
Oh, it's a boy, jerry!
Denise is having a boy!
I'm gonna have a boy.
Can you believe this?
Martin, that's wonderful!
Really wonderful!
I had to talk to somebody,
i know it's late. Hope you don't mind.
- Barbara?
- Jerry?
This friend of mine, martin.
A father-To-Be.
He just found out he's gonna have a son.
Tell him i said congratulations.
Barbara says congratulations.
He says thanks.
Well, well, well.
Isn't this something?
- Isn't it?
- It is!
I feel great!
So do i.
I don't remember
the last time i felt so good.
Hey, say "daddy."
- What?
- I just want to hear how it sounds.
- Dad?
- Son!
- Daddy?
- Son!
- Daddy!
- Son!
- Daddy!
- My son!
God, i can't believe this.
This is incredible.
Gotta go, daddy. Talk to you tomorrow.
Bye-Bye, son.
- Barbara?
- Jerry.
Look, um...
Why don't i give you a call when you
get back from your trip, and we could...
Maybe go out or something, huh?
You would?
So, urn...
Have a nice trip.
- Thanks.
- Take care.
You too.
Hello, hello, hello!
Yo, denny! What you say?
Marty wiener?
The one and only.
You don't do drugs, do you, marty?
No, absolutely not. Never.
Are you kidding?
I never drink, smoke, or curse, either.
Hey, goddamn it.
I left my cigarettes at the bar.
Sorry, that was such a perfect setup.
You left yourself wide open.
Hey, how are you?
Any nausea? Cramps? Cravings?
Did you call dr. Brennan?
Yes, i did, as a matter of fact.
- And did he tell you?
- Yup.
He sure did.
My baby.
Is it gonna be a boy or is it a girl?
I thought you made me promise
not to tell you.
Did i? I don't remember.
Denny, you know you made me swear
on my mother.
And you made it extremely clear
How you feel about people
who break their promises.
Okay, that certainly sounds
like something i'd say, you know.
I'm such a character sometimes. But...
I didn't mean for it to be
that much of a promise or anything.
I don't know what to say.
This is my baby we're talking about here.
I feel so conflicted.
You know, to tell you the truth,
i'm kind of sorry i found out.
In hindsight, i've ruined the thrill
of the surprise for myself,
And i regret that deeply.
Come on, marty. Male or female?
Which would you prefer?
It doesn't matter to me one iota,
so long as it's healthy
And grows up to be a good,
Soulful, spiritual, moral,
giving human being.
Wow. That's a beautiful attitude.
Yeah, after that, a girl.
A girl?
Is it a boy?
Is it a girl? It's a girl?
It's a girl... hey, miss liberty!
It's a girl!
It's a girl!
Oh, this is great!
Am i right?
Um, hello.
Is gale there?
May i ask who's calling?
Barbara gordon.
May i ask what this is
in reference to, barbara?
Nothing. Um... i'm just a friend.
I'm sorry, honey.
Gale passed away.
Don't ask. Don't ask.
It was the most horrible, the most awful.
It was... have you got a minute?
- Hello.
- Hi.
It's barbara.
Hi. I'm glad you called. Where are you?
My hotel room.
Is it nice?
Gale died.
It was a car accident.
Oh, my god.
Half her face is gone.
Excuse me?
Her aunt was very explicit
regarding the details.
It was sort of difficult
to listen to, but...
I think it made her feel better
to talk about it, so i didn't interrupt.
I didn't know her very well.
We only talked a couple times.
Never met her.
She had a way of speaking
that lifted your spirits.
Her voice...
And just the voice, it...
It had a bounce.
It made you feel good.
- Hello?
- Hello, frank.
- Jerry?
- I, um...
I just called to offer my condolences.
What are you talking about?
- Don't you know?
- What?
Gale passed away.
I'm sorry. I thought you knew.
My name is frank oliver.
I'm a...
I was a friend of gale's.
Then you heard?
Yes. Just.
She was on the phone when it happened.
They know, because the impact
not only snapped her spinal cord,
But forced the receiver
through her ear canal,
Severed the sphenoid
and the temporal bones,
And lodged itself into her brain.
Hi, linda?
This is barbara gordon.
I'm not sure if you remember me.
Sure. You were invited to my party.
That's right.
Look, i'm calling to let you know...
I know. I know.
The funeral's tomorrow.
Are you going?
Of course.
You two were close, i know.
We were.
I guess i'll, um...
I'll see you at the funeral, then?
- Yeah?
- Martin?
Not interrupting anything, am i?
Hm? No, i'm just reading
the latest pregnancy statistics
On this medical research bulletin board.
Did you know the united states
has the highest child mortality rate
Of any industrialized nation?
Gale died.
Oh, my god, that's terrible.
Who's gale?
You know...
She's the woman who set barbara and i up.
Though we haven't actually
gotten together yet. But we will.
And it'll all be thanks to gale.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, god.
I'm sorry.
I only spoke to her once. Barely knew her.
For some reason,
i've been deeply affected by her death.
It's crazy.
Hey, don't say that. It's not crazy.
She was so young.
I'm sorry. Did i wake you?
Go back to sleep.
- Martin?
- Yes?
Did you just call me?
I barely knew her.
It was a friend of a friend's friend.
She died.
Oh, gosh. I'm sorry.
You're not still mad at me for telling you
it's gonna be a boy, are you?
Oh, no, no. Don't be silly.
Forgot about it as soon as i hung up.
I couldn't bear the thought of you
staying mad at me.
There's too much pain in the world.
Too much suffering.
Did you hear it?
I think so. I think i did, yes.
What was it?
Our child, marty.
- Did you hear its heartbeat?
- Yeah.
At first i thought
it was just static on the line,
But now that i know what it was...
- What do you wanna name it, marty?
- Me?
- You're asking me what i wanna name it?
- Sure. Why not?
I have thought about it a little bit.
I didn't want to say anything
because i didn't think it was my place.
Well, i would just love
to hear your thoughts. I really would.
Well, since you put it that way...
What do you think about...
It's anglo-Saxon
for "prosperous guardian."
What, you don't like it?
No, no, it's... a name.
- What's wrong with it?
- It's just, you know...
"Prosperous guardian." Sounds like...
Is it special enough? I want our baby
to have a name that's special.
What did you have in mind?
I wasn't really thinking
about boys' names much, but...
When i was thinking it might be a girl,
i was toying with, urn...
I don't know. Aphrodite.
What's wrong with aphrodite?
Nothing. Nothing. Uh...
Jesus, it's greek for "goddess of love."
Obviously it isn't gonna be aphrodite,
so the question's moot.
But i... you know,
i feel the name should be special.
All right, what do you think about...
All right. Here's another one.
Oh, look up penley.
- Penley?
- Look it up.
Look, if you're into p's,
there's a bunch of them. I circled one.
Marty, what does "penley" mean?
How are you holding up?
Okay, i guess.
Just barely, actually.
Do you, uh...
Want me to hang up?
No. I don't want to be alone.
I like the sound of your voice
on the line.
Would you stay on until i get into bed?
Just checking.
Talk to me, barbara,
tell me what you're doing.
Looking through my bag.
I need to find something comfortable
to wear to bed.
I need to get a good night's sleep.
In bed?
That's right.
I hope i brought something.
I was in such a rush when i left.
Let's see.
I have...
A pair of flannel pajamas.
What do you think?
About the pajamas.
Should i take off what i'm wearing
and put them on?
Is the room chilly?
No. It's, um...
It's quite warm in here, actually.
And, um...
A little sticky.
Well, then the, uh...
Pajamas would be all wrong,
wouldn't they?
You're right.
You're absolutely right.
Where do we go from here?
What kind of... underwear do you have on?
Oh, god, i'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
What? For what? What are you sorry for?
Um, i have... let's see.
How about a fresh pair
of white cotton panties?
That... that sounds comfortable.
Do you really think so?
You know,
it's so extremely warm in here...
That maybe i'll just sleep naked.
There's an idea.
What about you?
What's the temperature like
in your bedroom?
Uh, warm, very warm.
Hot, actually.
You should call your super.
Too much moisture's bad
for the electronic equipment.
Oh, wait a minute.
Look what i have here.
Why, it's a red silk teddy.
I've been looking all over for this.
And iookie here...
A lollipop.
Hi, lin! Gale.
I just wanted to tell you
that i'm planning a party, and...
Good morning.
Mm. Morning.
I didn't wake you, did i?
I'm not sorry.
Do you wanna go back to sleep?
You say you love me, darlin'
please call me on the phone sometime
You say you love me, darlin'
please call me on the phone sometime
When i hear your voice
Ease my worried mind
Hi, linda. Frank oliver.
I went to the funeral.
How was that?
I didn't stay very long.
Yeah. I don't blame you.
I couldn't.
I wanted to go. I mean,
i really did want to go, but, um...
I never been to a funeral
in my whole life,
And they are really discouraging.
And i don't have a good outlook
on life as it is.
You're mourning in your own way.
Gale would have understood that.
You think so?
Don't feel bad. Death is...
Well, it's just not for everyone.
I don't know if you know this,
but gale and i were very close.
She was a nice person.
Wasn't she, though?
Her voice bounced.
Did you ever notice
how her voice bounced, you know?
All the time.
Was a little pushy, though, sometimes.
And a little bit of a know-It-All.
But, i mean, likable pushy.
And she really did know a lot, you know?
And she cared.
She really did care about people,
In her likable, crazy kind of way.
She really cared.
She did.
Gale was planning a party.
She wanted to get everyone,
all our friends together.
It's so hard to get to see everyone.
I think we should still do it.
You know, sort of in gale's honor.
In memoriam?
If i plan one...
Would you come?
Well, i mean, i don't know.
Um, you know how it is.
I guess it depends
on when you would have it.
When do you think
you might have that?
I don't know.
I'd try to make it
a convenient time for everyone.
If it was a convenient time,
would you come?
Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
What are you wearing?
Stop. I just got back.
Is it that red silk blouse?
You know, the one
that makes you feel immodest?
You're such an animal.
Sorry i didn't meet you at the airport,
but i got hung up.
Oh, don't be silly. I told you not to.
But i wanted to.
It wasn't necessary.
But i wanted to anyway.
Don't be silly.
But i wanted to.
Honest to god, i was determined.
But i couldn't, so i'm sorry.
You're so thoughtful.
So, um, did you go to the funeral?
No. No, but i wanted to very much.
I... you know, like i said, i got hung up.
I guess this means
you didn't go either, huh?
Well, by the time i got back, with this
and that and then the next thing...
I planned on it, but i was running around
like a chicken without its head and...
All this talk of death...
Call me depraved,
but it's making me wanna...
You know. Is that all right?
Late at night, and you're sleeping
You'll hear my lonesome call
And you'll feel my waiting lips
Barely touching you at all
But it's only as real
As any dream can seem
I'll see you
in your wildest dreams
A thousand miles
though i may be now
I'm before you on my knees
But a million miles can't erase
The love you had for me
A million miles it seems
But you can feel my love light beam
I'll see you in your wildest dreams
I'll see you
You'll see me as though i were real
I'll see you
You'll see me as
though you could feel
My breath on your neck
the touch of my hand
You'll awake in a room of steam
I'll see you in your wildest dreams
In your wildest dreams
Yeah, yeah.
Three and a half hours of microsurgery
And they still
couldn't extricate that damn thing.
Even if she had survived...
She would have been a vegetable.
She swallowed her tongue.
This is horrible.
Yeah, yeah. Mm-Hm.
I think about her constantly. Constantly.
Every waking minute.
I can't get her out of my mind.
I've never felt this way
about anyone before. Ever.
This is the real thing, martin.
The real thing.
Hi. Uh, hold on. I'm on the other line.
I'll get off. Martin?
Jerry. I've got denise on the other line.
I think she's going into labor.
Jesus. Hold on.
Barbara, it's martin. Denise is in labor.
How far apart are her contractions?
- How far apart are her contractions?
- How far apart are your contractions?
Three minutes.
- Three minutes.
- Three minutes.
Oh, my god.
- Jesus. God.
- Mother of god.
I got a cab.
I'm on my way to the hospital.
Which one? Maybe i could meet you.
No. Don't get off the line.
Promise me you won't get off the line.
Don't leave me, marty.
Please don't leave me.
I swear. I swear. Hold on a sec. Jerry?
- What the hell is going on?
- She's in a taxi heading for the hospital.
- She's headed for the hospital.
- How's she doing?
- How's she doing?
- How are you doing?
She's doing all right.
- She's doing all right.
- She's all right.
- Who's this?
- Barrington phillips, cabdriver.
How you do?
Denise, she give me the phone.
She tell me to tell you
that she's having a private moment.
Please stand by.
Tell her i'm here. I'm right here.
He's right here.
- Are you the father?
- Yes.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
My wife, she's having a baby too.
Really? Well, congratulations to you.
Thank you. Boy or girl?
Boy. And you?
I don't know. We tell the doctor
not to ruin the surprise.
Marty, are you there? Marty?
- Denise.
- Marty.
Don't worry, i'm right here, denise.
Hi, denise.
Who's that?
Barbara, a friend of my friend jerry,
who's also on the line.
Hi, denise.
I arranged to have us on conference call.
You don't mind, do you, denny?
The other way was so unmanageable.
You told me once
you liked meeting new people.
You're so thoughtful, marty.
I hope our son is half as thoughtful.
How are you doing?
All right. I guess.
You just hang in there, denise.
- Hello, jerry?
- Frank?
Frank who?
Who's that?
Frank? Is that you?
What are you doing on this line?
I just called you up. What's going on?
I'm on a conference call.
How did you get on this line?
- I don't know.
- Something must be screwed up.
I'm sorry. I'll get off.
No, no, no. Don't get off.
The more people, the better.
It's comforting.
Who's that?
That's denise, she's having martin's baby.
- Martin wiener?
- Hi, frank.
Hi, martin. Hi, denise.
Um, barbara's on also.
- Hi, frank.
- Hello?
- Who's that?
- Who's this?
- Who's this?
- Who's that?
This is dr. Brennan.
Oh, hi, dr. Brennan.
This is martin wiener.
Remember, we spoke on the phone
a couple of weeks ago?
I thought you promised
you weren't going to tell her.
This is highly irregular, martin,
but denise insists, and...
Well, you know denise.
As the hospital hasn't formed policy yet,
i'm going to permit it but...
- Hello?
- Hello?
Is this 555-3117?
- Linda?
- Frank?
Come on. Come on.
Push. Okay, good. Yeah. Push.
Don't focus on the pain.
Come on!
- Push, push, push.
- Thrust!
- Push!
- Don't focus on the pain!
Oh, god! Oh, god!
- Thrust! Ow!
- Come on, come on, come on!
- Push!
- Push!
Oh, god! Oh, god!
- Don't focus on the pain!
- Come on!
- Push!
- Push!
- Thrust! Oh.
- Push!
- Push!
- Push!
Don't focus on the pain!
It's a girl.
- A girl?
- A girl?
I was wrong. It happens.
A girl?!
A girl.
It's a girl?
That's wonderful.
- Hello?
- Hi, martin.
Hi, son.
I'm upset.
What about?
We've been making love
on a very regular basis.
And it's been, you know, very fulfilling
spiritually as well as physically.
Until lately.
I've had my suspicions now for some time,
and then last night...
I'm positive she was faking it.
Are you sure you're not just
reading into something that isn't there?
No, no, no. The words she chose,
The timing, the inflections,
so artificial.
She was just going through the motions.
Oh, i hate that.
It made me so angry, martin. So angry.
So i just faked it back, you know?
I mean, that's the thing
about doing it over the phone.
There's total equality of the sexes.
Boy, you really sound bitter.
I'm never calling her back, martin.
Never as long as i live.
I don't want to speak
to that woman ever again.
Yeah, i know.
Hold on. Hello?
Hi, barbara.
I'm sorry, but i'm on a business call.
Please? It's very important.
I can't. Not now.
Frank told me he invited you to his party.
Are you going?
I'm not sure.
Please be there.
I don't know.
Good. Good. Uh, so i'll talk to you then.
Okay. Okay.
All right, then. Well, bye.
That was him again.
He calls three times a day, smothering me.
He says he just wants to talk.
Yeah, right. Yeah, sure.
Whatever happened to romance?
That's what i want to know.
He was so sweet in the beginning,
sending little love faxes all the time.
Yeah, well, now it's moan, groan,
dial tone, right?
Last week i was so embarrassed.
Right in the middle...
My mom called. I think she knew.
I'm so confused.
What do you think i should do?
Well, i don't know. You love him?
I don't know.
Why don't you give it a little rest,
you know?
Get a little distance from each other.
How are you?
I'm fine.
How's aphrodite?
Oh, she's good.
She loves the rattle you sent.
Does she? Good, i'm glad.
I called the doctor,
He said that it's normal
for her bowel movements to be green.
You worried, didn't you?
I told you not to worry.
No, i wasn't, really.
Look, uh, i was thinking, you know,
Frank is giving a new year's eve party
and he invited me,
And at first i said
i probably couldn't make it,
But then i thought about it
and i was wondering if you wanted to go.
You could meet me there.
I don't know, when is it?
New year's eve.
You said you wanted to get together,
and i thought that might be a good time.
You're not doing this because
you feel pressured, are you? I mean...
You don't have to feel pressured.
No obligations, remember?
No, no, it's new year's eve.
I'm making time in the evening,
i'm working during the day.
Are you sure?
So... will you come?
Is it all right? All right.
I hope it's not too late
Just to say that i'm sorry, honey
All i want to do
Ls just finish what we started, baby
- Let's turn over
- Let's turn over
- A new leaf
- A new leaf
- And, baby, let's make promises
- And let's make promises
- That we can keep
- We can keep
- And call it
- And call it
- A new year's resolution
- A new year's resolution
Oh, i'm a woman
And women make mistakes too
But will you
will you forget the changes
That i put you through?
- Oh, let's try it again
- Let's try it again
- Just you and me
- Just you and me
- And, baby, let's see how happy
- And let's see how happy
Honey, yeah
- That we can be
- We can be
- And call it
- And call it
- A new year's resolution
- A new year's resolution
Many times we had our ups and downs
And times you needed me
i couldn't be found
- I'm sorry
- And i'm sorry too
I 'ii never, never do it again
no, no, no
80, baby, before we fall out
Let's fall on in, yeah, yeah
Oh, and we 're gonna try harder
Not to hurt each other again, oh
- Love me, baby
- Love me, baby
- Week after week
- Week after week
- And, baby, let's make promises
- Let's make promises
- That we can keep
- We can keep
- And call it
- And call it
- A new year's resolution
- A new year's resolution
Yeah, oh
I hope it's not too late
Just to say that i'm sorry, honey
All i want to do
Ls just finish what we started, baby
- Let's turn over
- Let's turn over
- A new leaf
- A new leaf
- And, baby, let's make promises
- And let's make promises
- That we can keep
- We can keep
- And call it
- And call it
- A new year's resolution
- A new year's resolution
Oh, i'm a woman
And women make mistakes too
But will you
will you forget the changes
That i put you through?
- Oh, let's try it again
- Let's try it again
- Just you and me
- Just you and me
- And, baby, let's see how happy
- And let's see how happy
Honey, yeah
- That we can be
- We can be
- And call it
- And call it
- A new year's resolution
- A new year's resolution
Late at night, and you're sleeping
You'll hear my lonesome call
And you'll feel my waiting lips
Barely touching you at all
But it's only as real
As any dream can seem
I'll see you
in your wildest dreams
A thousand miles
though i may be now
I'm before you on my knees
But a million miles can't erase
The love you had for me
A million miles it seems
But you can feel my love light beam
I'll see you in your wildest dreams
I'll see you
You'll see me as though i were real
I'll see you
You'll see me as
though you could feel
My breath on your neck
The touch of my hand
You'll awake in a room of steam
I'll see you in your wildest dreams
I'll see you
You'll see me as though i were real
I'll see you
You'll see me as
though you could feel
My breath on your neck
The touch of my hand
You'll awake in a room of steam
I'll see you in your wildest dreams
In your wildest dreams
In your wildest dreams
Oh, oh, oh
Wait for the beep
- Wait for the beep
- Wait for the beep
Wait for the beep
Blew that one.
- Sorry.
- That's all right.
Let's try that long one again.
To play, maybe.
Not much... we can do this.
"Wait for the beep, wait for the beep,
wait for the beep."
Then, "beep, beep, beep."
Or do you want to do
the one where we resolved?
Like the...
- All right.
- We'll try that.
Let's do the one
we originally worked out.
- And this is 11.
- Beep.
Wait for the beep
- Wait for the beep
- Wait for the beep
Missed it.