Deported (1950) Movie Script

All right, Smith. You
ready to go ashore now?
Would it make any difference
if I wasn't? -Not much.
Okay, so why ask me?
I've been ready to get
off this rust bucket
since we left New York.
Hey, Joe!
Hey, Joe!
- What? - Look.
Oh, so you're the one who got it, eh?
Nice going, kid.
This is for bein
smarter than the others.
That little squirt's
gonna do all right.
Hey, Joe.
- What?
Grazie, signore.
Well, where are
we goin', sailor boy?
You gotta go through customs.
Here's two copies
of this man's papers.
Keep one and sign the other
one for me to take back, okay?
You are Vittorio Mario Sparducci?
The name is Smith, Vic Smith.
It is written here
Vittorio Mario Sparducci.
I don't care what it says here.
The old man was Sparducci.
He's been dead 10 years.
If your father's name was
Sparducci, you are Sparducci.
Look, Donati, they
always change their names.
We both know wh
he is and what he is,
so sign my copy and
let me get out of here.
We gotta unload that flour.
Here you go.
So long, sailor boy.
Now, signor Sparducci,
when did you first go
to the United States?
I don't remember exactly.
Think it was 1923 or '24.
You say your father is dead.
Your mother, is she alive?
- She died when I was a kid.
Here in Italy?
- Of course here in Italy.
Did you have any
other family in America?
Yeah, I had a brother two
years older than me, Luigi.
He's dead, too.
- How? - When?
He was killed in an... accident.
Valentine's Day in Chicago.
I forget the year.
Have you any family here
in Italy? - How do I know?
When we left home my old
man had a brother, Armando.
Maybe he's dead now, too.
I don't know.
What was your
occupation in America?
Bookmaking, slot
machines, the numbers.
And how much money are you
bringing to this country?
That's my private business.
Yes and no.
I only want to know the amount.
So would a lot of people.
Say around a thousand dollars.
I don't need any handout if
that's what's bothering you.
Here, sign your name here.
Your full name,
Vittorio Mario Sparducci.
If I can spell it.
That is all.
The Carbinieri will see you outside.
The who?
- The Carbinieri, the police.
You're Victor Smith?
- That's right.
I'm Wickruff from the
American Embassy in Rome.
Well what do you want? I'm an
Italian citizen now, remember?
Oh don't worry, we're
happy to get rid of you.
This is signor Bucelli of
the Italian Ministry of the Interior.
Look, I just got off the boat.
If you're trying to
frame me for something,
why don't you wait at least a
couple of days. It'll look better.
No one is trying to
frame you, signor Smith.
However, since you come
to us as a deported citizen,
there are certain conditions
for your freedom of movement
in this country. - Like what?
Our records show that
you were born in Marbella.
By Italian law, you are now
required to return there
and spend the next 30 days.
After that you may be free...
- 30 days in that dump?
Don't be funny.
I got plans of my own.
No doubt, but they
will have to wait.
Now look, I go where
I like when I like.
I served my time.
I got no probation
hanging over me here.
No, but if you're smart,
you'll do exactly
as signor Bucelli says.
He's handled bigger shots than you
who have been
deported from the States.
You know who they are.
The next train for Sienna
leaves at noon in two hours.
You will change there for Marbella.
I advise you to take
that train, signor Smith.
Eh, I shall have
trouble with that one.
Big trouble.
What makes you think so?
I have a nose for
such things, signore.
It never fails.
You shall see.
Grazie, grazie, grazie, signor.
Oh, excuse me. I thought
you were getting out.
Could be.
Wait a second.
Get in, I'll take you
wherever you're going.
Well, if you don't mind.
Not a bit.
What's your name?
- Gina. - Gina. I'm Vic.
Where do you live, Gina?
I wasn't going there.
- Why don't we?
Go ahead, tell him
where we want to go.
Si, signorina.
That's quite a climb.
Hello, Vic.
Welcome to Italy.
At least, you're welcome to me.
What are you doing here?
You've got the nerve
to ask me that?
That's rich, Vic.
That's very funny.
I waited five years for you
to get out of Sing Sing,
all the time figuring you
were my pal, same as before.
So what happened?
You finish your stretch and two
days later you skip the country.
I didn't skip it.
I was bounced out, deported.
- Yeah, I know all about that.
But you didn't even try
to see me before you left.
I couldn't have seen
you even if I wanted to.
So you admit it.
You didn't want to.
That's right.
I had a lot of time to
think about us, Bernie.
Sure, you planned the
job, but who pulled it?
Who took all the chances?
And who got
caught, you or me?
That was your tough luck,
but you got the hundred grand.
The police never
did find that money.
And half of it is mine.
No, not anymore, Bernie.
No, I took the rap
for both of us.
I could've made a deal with the
D.A. anytime just by naming you,
but I didn't spill.
I sweated it out
for five long years,
and you paid me
for that with your half.
Now we're all even, Bernie.
We're washed up.
You just took a big trip
over here for nothin'. - Did I?
You oughta know me
better than that, Vic.
Come on, let's have it.
Do you think I was dumb enough
to try to bring it with me?
I don't think you were dumb
enough to leave it behind.
Not you, not a hundred grand.
Okay, why don't you search me?
Go through my bag,
see for yourself.
Take off your coat.
Get his bags.
It's not here, either.
A grand.
One grand.
Where's the rest of it?
Right where I left it
five years ago, in New York.
Who's keepin' it for you?
You guess.
No, Vic, you're gonna tell me.
I'll get it out of ya
if I have to kill ya.
I'm glad you brought
this up, Bernie.
Now it's settled once and for all.
Put my things in those two bags.
Fold 'em nice and
neat like they were.
Don't try to follow me, Bernie.
Don't ever try to see me again.
If you're smart,
you'll hop the first plane
to New York and stay there.
You're lucky I'm giving
you that much break.
Too bad, Gina.
You and I could've
had a lot of fun.
Vittorio, Vittorio,
son of my brother,
blood of my brother.
Oh, you look wonderful.
You're my Uncle Armando?
Uncle Armando, what an honor.
My nephew from America's
come to visit with us.
Teresa, this is our
nephew from America.
As if I wouldn't have known.
And this is my
wife's niece Serafina.
Ciao, Vittorio.
Oh, Vittorio, I knew you at once.
The image of your father,
so handsome, so big, so-
That's enough, Vittorio.
Let's go home.
Of course, of course.
He's tired, he's hungry.
Well, we will eat.
Come on, I have an automobile.
Look, uh, maybe I
better go to a hotel, huh?
My nephew, son of
my brother Umberto,
comes from America
to visit his full uncle
who's only a baker of bread,
and he suggests to go to a hotel?
We have already prepared
for your arrival, Vittorio.
Our house is not large,
but you are welcome.
It gives Armando great pleasure.
You ride up in front
with me so we can talk.
Serafina, go and buy
a bottle of a stray.
And walk home, we
got no room in the car.
Si, signor.
Ah, it was so great a surprise.
Not two months ago,
I was saying to Teresa
how strange, we got no news
from the son of
my brother Umberto.
Then, like a miracle,
from Naples comes a
telegram this afternoon
saying that you will arrive
on the afternoon train.
I was so excited, I almost
burned the bread in the oven.
You did burn it.
Here, let me do that.
Vittorio, you and me.
We are the only
Sparduccis left in the world.
All the others,
Umberto, Lorenzo, Maria,
Tomas, Umbrazino, Luigi,
all gone, but you and me.
That's a great shame for our family.
Are you married, Vittorio?
Ah, we got beautiful
girls here in Marbella.
Who, for instance?
I was thinking of the niece
of your sister, my dear.
Here, here, let me try.
See, Teresa?
He is strong, like Carlos Sparducci.
Oh, how many times during the war
when the American soldiers were here,
I dreamed that you would come to visit us.
I was busy during the
war with the government.
Well of course, of course.
We should have
known immediately
that our Vittorio was
with the government.
How else would we
receive such a telegram
if my nephew were
not with the government?
Do you think the American
Embassy personally
would send such a telegram?
What is this telegram
you're talking about?
Let me see it.
Oh, it's a fine telegram.
It says, uh-
"Your nephew Vittorio
Sparducci reaches Marbella
on 5:00pm train.
"Denman Wickruff,
United States Embassy."
Take him up to
his room, Armando.
I have to cook
supper for your friends.
Yes, my dear.
All my friends have
been asking to meet you.
Father Genaro, Aldo Brescia,
Ernesto Pampilone, the
editor of our newspaper,
and Benjamino Bardi.
So I invite them all
to come to dinner.
And Vittorio, this is your house.
Eh, Bardi, the man is
the image of his father.
I too was a good friend of your father.
He was a fine man.
You must have heard him
speak of Benjamino Bardi?
Oh sure, sure, many times.
And I remember you
well as a little boy
when you came to my church.
Also your brother Luigi,
he had a wonderful voice.
Yeah, but he sang
once too often.
Well how 'bout some
more wine, Armando?
Ah, forgive me Vittorio,
tonight I'm too happy to think.
Teresa, we will
open our best wine,
in honor of my nephew,
who works with the
United States government.
And what is your mission
to Italy, signor Smith?
I would like to know for my
paper, the Corriere di Marbella.
Well, what I'm doing here
is sort of confidential.
Of course, a man
can not speak of
the private affair
of his government
with everybody who asks.
Naturally, naturally, I didn't realize.
Whatever your mission
may be, Vittorio,
the biggest problem in Italy is food.
And those black market
rascals like Guido Caruso,
who bleed the people,
selling them flour at four
times the regular price.
You mean some
guy here in Marbella?
Yes, Vittorio, he owns
a cafe, Cafe Firenze,
but his real money is made
through the back door.
Everyone knows it, even the police.
But they do nothing, nothing.
No decent person will
even speak to Guido Caruso.
You have guys like
that in America too?
Yeah, yeah.
But your police,
they know what to do
with such bad ones, eh?
So they tell me.
I haven't tasted this
stuff since I was a kid.
It's good.
Ah, didn't I tell you?
Once an Italian,
always an Italian.
He maybe doesn't want
to go back to America.
Maybe he wants to stay
here for good, huh Vittorio?
Buongiorno, Vittorio.
Good morning.
What a beautiful spring day.
You should have seen the sunrise.
You get up for that?
I have been going to work
two hours before dawn
every day for 25 years.
That's a heck of a job.
Oh, you are joking, Vittorio.
I have the best
job in all of Marbella.
Every day I see the sunrise.
Then I bake the brea
for the people.
What more can an ugly man
like myself want out of life?
I could name a couple of things.
What's this?
Panne bianco.
Not for a long time I've
baked a pure white bread.
It's not permitted.
But for my American
nephew, I defy the law.
Have you seen
the view from the room?
No, not yet.
Come on, look, it is magnificent.
Do you remember Marbella
like this in your childhood?
Not much.
Just my father's old house,
the railroad station, and-
Now truthfully, is there in America
anything more beautiful than that?
Who is she?
Who's who?
Down there, the woman by the car.
Oh, that is Contessa di Lorenzi,
a wonderful lady.
Great lady.
Ah, but so young and so
beautiful to have such a tragedy.
What do you mean?
Her husband, the Count,
was killed in the war
five years ago.
And she's still very sad.
We do our best to console her, but-
Is that where she lives?
Quite a joint, she must
have a lot of money.
Yes, so they say.
But she has given most
of it away to the poor.
Without her charity,
many people in Marbella
would have starved long ago.
Well, I must go back to the shop.
When you're dressed, come down.
Everybody in town
wants to meet you.
All right, try it now.
There we are.
That's all it needed, just
a carburetor adjustment.
Sounds a little better now, doesn't it?
Beautiful, beautiful, like Puccini.
Why, the motor hasn't
run like that for months.
You're very kind to
help us, signor Smith.
That's okay, glad I could.
Where did you learn so
much about cars, Vittorio?
In New York?
I worked in garage once, up the riv...
Did you hear that, Pietro?
In America, poor boy works
hard can become a rich man.
Will you and your nephew please
come and have coffee with me?
Grazie, Contessa, but I
gotta go back to my bread.
But you, Vittorio, you should go.
It's the most beautiful
villa in Marbella.
I'd like to, but
weren't you just leaving?
Oh, it doesn't matter now,
it would be too late anyway.
Vittorio has made the
Contessa's car sound like new.
He's very clever, isn't he?
Si, very clever.
I asked Father Genaro
only this morning
if he would bring you
to see me, signor Smith.
I didn't figure you
knew anything about me.
Good heavens, I know all about you.
Like what?
Oh, I've heard bits of gossip
from practically everyone
in the neighborhood.
You're not really the
President of the United States,
but almost.
Seriously, there are two
things I know about you.
They both make me happy.
Now I'm curious.
Well, your visit her
has given Armando
the thrill of his life,
and to me that is wonderful thing.
Yeah, he's a nice guy.
And the second is that
you are an American.
What's so unusual about that?
There are no others
in Marbella, except you.
And the people here are so
grateful for all the food
and other help which has
come to us from America that,
well, you will give them a
symbol to thank in person.
So now I'm Mister America?
That's very funny.
You're very modest, signor
Smith, but I like that too.
Ah, cafe.
Sit down, please.
I've also heard some
interesting things about you.
Yeah, they tell me if it wasn't for you,
this town would've gone awful
hungry the past few years.
I do what little I can,
and we have personal friends
in America who send more.
But there is never enough.
You mean your
friends in the States
buy food with their own money
and send it over
here to give away?
Yes, and I hope that perhaps
you will help us, signor Smith.
Either here or when you
get back to America.
You won't be going back soon?
No, I'll be around awhile.
Well, then we shall be friends.
Why not?
What're you doing tonight?
Took you up too soon, huh?
No, no, it only
sounded so American.
I had almost forgotten.
You've almost forgotten how
to laugh too, haven't you?
Yes, I suppose I have.
Well, will you have
dinner with me somewhere?
No, I don't know.
You see, I never go out at night.
Maybe it's time you did.
No, not yet.
But perhaps you will have dinner with me?
Sure, what's the difference?
Got any American whiskey?
Perhaps, if yo
wanna pay the price?
How much?
- 1500 lire.
Two bucks for
shot of whiskey?
Oh, this is a great country.
Okay, bring it out.
Good afternoon, signore.
The whiskey's no good.
I told the waiter to
bring you our best grappa,
my own bottle.
My name is Guido Caruso.
This is my place.
Oh yeah?
You've heard of me, hmm?
One or two little things.
So, you are the great
Vittorio Smith from America.
This town's got a swell grapevine.
I've heard of you too.
One or two little things.
How much you pay
for those shoes?
20 dollars, why?
I give you 30 dollars
for them right now,
the way they are.
They wouldn't fit you.
They don't have to.
I know where to sel
them for 40 dollars.
I guess they didn't lie
much about you, at that.
Oh sure, they lied.
They say I'm rich, a millionaire.
There is no way to
make big money today.
What Italy needs is the kind
of thing you have in America.
A few good, solid rackets.
What were these
one or two little things
you heard about me?
In my work, everyone
knows the business
of everyone else, signor Smith.
So, I hear of you.
I know you were once what you
call "a bigshot in America."
But I also know this
is no business of mine.
Who else in town knows that?
Nobody but me.
Now tell me about your business.
I buy a little, sell a little.
You got your own organization?
Oh, a few boys who work
for me, nothing much.
Just a few boys.
Where have I
heard that before?
I bet you do all right.
I know you've made a
big success in America.
If you should ever wish to
discuss any kind of proposition...
What do you mean, "proposition"?
I didn't come here to talk business.
Oh, of course, of course.
But still, it could be
lucky thing for both of us.
Anyway, welcome home to Marbella.
This is a long table.
Yes, it has been in
my husband's family
for hundreds of years.
Did he sit here?
Every night?
signor Smith, do all of you
Americans treat women so,
uh, so directly?
I wouldn't know.
But why?
Have you so
little time to spare?
I've had a lot
of time recently.
I don't understand.
- Oh, skip it.
It's just that I've
never seen anyone
quite as beautiful as you are.
Thank you.
Should we have ou
coffee on the terrace?
Certainly, Contessa.
Look, I can't keep
calling you Contessa.
What do your friends call you?
Yeah, I like that a lot better.
Makes you almost human.
That was not very kind.
I'm not trying to be kind,
I'm only telling you the truth.
You're all locked up inside, Christina.
Five years is a long time.
But a widow,
especially a young one,
she doesn't stop being
a woman, does she?
Does she?
Oh, good morning, signor Wickruff.
I did not expect you so early.
Would you join me?
A glass of wine, perhaps?
Oh, thank you.
Well, what have you heard
from our common friend?
He's done more than just
keep himself out of trouble
for the last three weeks.
He's been an absolute
model of good behavior.
It's only a bluff, signore.
A smokescreen.
I told you the first time
I saw this Smith-Sparducci
he was a bad one.
What're you getting at, Bucelli?
Here it is in black and white.
Vittorio Smith, Vittorio
Smith, in every issue.
I have the sight-sense in my nose,
and it tells me that
I will still arrest him.
For what?
Aw, look at this.
Picture for the Corriere
di Marbella, May 10th.
"Vittorio Smith, well-known American,"
assists the Contessa di Lorenzi
"in the distribution of food parcels."
What does your
nose think about that?
Ah, well, it begins to twitch.
Oh, not a chance, not with
the Contessa di Lorenzi.
I know all about her.
Go on, read the rest.
All right, here is
a list of contributors
to the fund for the relief of
the unemployed farm workers:
Vittorio Smith, 60 thousand lire.
Oh, a mere hundred dollars.
Would it satisfy you if they
canonized him in St. Peter's?
It would not.
What is happening is the
most simple thing, signore.
He's showing off,
and for a purpose.
You will see.
Oh lay off, Bucelli.
The guy's just trying to
straighten himself out.
What else can you make of it?
I'm always thinking of
the hundred thousand dollars
he left in America,
and so is Vittorio Smith.
That would be very
useful to him now,
don't you think so, signore?
I guess so, sure, but what's
that got to do with this?
I do not know the answer yet,
but my nose keeps asking me
about Vittorio Smith and his Contessa.
Morning, signor Pampilone.
Morning, signor Smith.
Oh say, what's the news today?
That's exactly what
I was going to ask you?
Perhaps you have some?
No, nothing to write about me.
Good morning, Vittorio.
Hello, Christina.
Need another goo
handyman today?
Oh no, thank you.
We can't afford it.
The last time, you gave
twice too much to everyone.
Did they complain?
No, but the ones who
learned about it later
came back and
almost started a riot.
You can help us make up
some of the boxes, if you will.
Sure, anything.
Well, go on.
Hey, bambinis!
Vittorio, what are you doing?
Who, me?
Nothing, I'm just helping out.
By making children
fight that way?
You should be
ashamed of yourself.
Oh, they're not fighting.
Kids like to scramble for stuff.
Here, I'll show you.
Stop it.
I forbid it.
Okay, so they were fighting.
Maybe it's time
they learned to.
How do you think
anybody gets anything
except by fighting for it?
That might be your
philosophy, but it is not mine.
Sure, I'm a roughneck.
I had to fight for what I got.
All you had to do was marry it.
Wait a minute.
I'm sorry, I shouldn't've said that.
Please, please, don't.
I could cut my tongue out.
It's all right,
you didn't know.
It's what they all do.
Throw them a bone
and watch the scramble.
I didn't mean it that way.
I didn't even
think of it that way.
I know.
And I should not have struck you.
Why not?
Because I don't want it this way.
You mean you don't want
me, is that it Christina?
I don't know, Vittorio.
I don't know.
It has been noted everywhere,
with much great
pleasure, I may add,
that you are
interested in him.
I've noted it myself.
I'm becoming fond of him, father.
And you feel i
is not yet time?
I feel it may never be
time, not for Vittorio and me.
And yet, father, I grow fonder
and fonder of him each day.
There is
a difference in your
stations, of course.
A vast difference.
Vittorio is not a
cultured man, no.
But I feel he has character,
which is even more rare today.
He is a curious man, father.
There's something
hidden deep inside him,
a bitterness, a secret.
It does not let him be
what he would like to be.
I'm not in love with him.
I constantly fear that
I might be someday.
Or perhaps I'm only
longing to release him from
whatever it is
that tortures him.
But that is the essence
of love, my child.
I like that dress, Christina.
Thank you.
You've always
worn black before.
What kind of a man
was your husband?
In some ways, h
was very much like you.
Me and the Count di Lorenzi?
Doesn't make sense.
My old man used to clean
his father's stables.
You never told me that.
You've never said very
much at all about yourself.
Only that you were an orphan
in New York, and quite poor.
I've had to imagine all the rest.
And what was your guess?
Well, you're obviously
a self-made man.
You mean the way I talk?
Sure, I didn't have
much education,
what difference does that make?
I didn't mean that.
You mustn't be
ashamed of it, Vittorio.
You should be proud
of your success.
It's not how you begin that
counts, it's how you end up.
No wonder the people of Marbella love you.
You know what hunger
means, and hopelessness,
and all the things they
are going through now.
They can look at you and
find hope for themselves.
Gotta be here some place.
Let's see, the way I remember it,
there it is.
V. S., Vic Smith.
Vittorio Sparducci.
I made that mark
about, hey, 25 years ago.
But I cannot imagine
you that high.
V.S, it was a Sunday afternoon
when my old man
had taken us on picnic.
My mother May, my brother Luigi.
Luigi had on a brand new suit
and he fell in a mud puddle.
Oh, you should've
heard the screams.
Ah, it's funny how all those
things come back to you.
You know, you've changed
since I've known you.
Who, me?
Yes, I don't know what it is
but you've softened somehow.
Ah, don't be foolish, Christina.
When you've fought all
your life the way I have,
learned what I've learned,
you never get soft
you never change.
Anyway, that's all ancient history.
Look, you remember I said
I wanted to talk to
you about something?
Yes, Vittorio.
Well, if I was to give
you a kind of present,
would you take it?
What kind of a present?
For the people of the
town, a whole lot of food.
But why?
Well, I've done pretty
well, I can afford it easy.
And you wouldn't have
to worry about a thing.
Just tell me who to
contact in New York.
I've got a friend there,
he'll have the stuff
on the way in a week.
Well, how 'bout it?
It's a lovely present, thank you.
Yes, Vittorio, I have changed too.
What kind of fish is that?
It doesn't even smell fresh to me.
I figured this would be a
good place for us to meet.
You could do some shopping
while you were waiting.
I had to, I can't go back to
my wife without some excuse.
Why Siena?
Why couldn't we talk in Marbella?
Because I want you to
send a cablegram for me.
Remember that deal
we talked about?
Yes, yes.
I got it worked out.
That is good, Vittorio, wonderful.
Just so we will know
how to plan, how much?
A hundred thousand dollars.
But that is 60, 70 million lire.
Oh, it's too much for me.
I never handle so much.
70 million lire?
You wanted a deal, didn't you?
Well, you got one.
Oh please, Vittorio,
I'm too small.
Well who is big
enough to handle this?
You know somebody?
Yes, there is one man,
signor Scamandi in Florence.
All right, go talk to him.
See what he says
and how much he wants.
Don't give him my name.
I'll have to.
Look Vittorio, why don'
you come with me?
Me, go to Florence?
Are you crazy?
I'm on probation.
I'm not even supposed to leave Marbella.
This is the message I want
you to send to New York.
It won't make sense to
you because it's in code
that I worked out with a friend.
He'll know what it means.
Hello Gina, where's your boyfriend?
I don't know or care.
And I don't want to see
anymore of you, either.
Why not?
We never had any trouble, you and me.
Go away.
Tell me, what are you doing
here so far from Naples?
I live here.
That's another reason I don't
want to be seen with you.
We don't have to be seen.
Where are you staying?
With my mother.
I'd like to meet her.
I get along fine with mothers.
If you don't stop bothering
me, I'll call the Carbinieri.
You didn't call them
the last time we met.
Let's make up, huh?
Looks beautiful on you, Gina.
Well let's go see your mother,
I've got one for her too.
Let me.
Uh-uh, not here.
I'll just give this to Mama.
Okay, but don't be too long.
Hello, Vic.
Mama, what big teeth you've got.
Baby, I've gotta hand it
to ya again, you're good.
That was nice picture
of you in the papers, Vic.
Moving in high society now, eh?
A contessa, no less.
You must've forgot
what I told you in Naples.
No, I've got a wonderful memory.
That's why I'm here.
You also got a sweet wait.
I waited five years, I
can wait a little longer.
But not too long, Vic.
We're both getting
kinda short on dough.
You maybe, not me.
No, I'm living with an
uncle, no rent, no overhead.
You got anything else to say?
You figure out a way to
get the money over here?
Can't be done.
No, I've given it up.
They're watching me all the time.
Who else besides me?
Italian police, American
embassy, I can't make a move.
But you will make
one, won't you, Vic?
Sure, you've got to
sooner or later.
So I'll just hang around.
Next time we meet, Gina, maybe
I'll tell you where to go, huh?
Oh, I could fool
you a hundred times.
Arrivederci, Vittorio!
Was there anybody with
him when you picked him up?
Yes, a funny little man,
I never saw him before.
Try to find him.
See what he does
and where he goes.
That should be easy.
"Tell Cousin Josefina hello, stop."
Weather here is very beautiful, stop.
Take my blue coat to Charlie
for white buttons, stop.
"Much love, Guido Caruso, Marbella."
Why you say "weather is beautiful"?
Last week it rained five
days, all day all night.
Who's paying for this
message, you or me?
I like the weather.
You can sav
some money, signor.
Why say, "much love"?
This goes to
man, you know?
Maybe you want to write this?
Maybe you know this
man better than I do?
Send the message.
"Mr. John R. Walsh, 487E
on 37th Street in New York."
But you forgo
the name of the street.
The name?
Do you think New York
is the size of Siena?
They used up all the names,
so they have numbers.
Suppose a man gets
lost and he cannot count.
What does he do?
Questions, questions, do
you wish to drive me insane?
Tell me what it costs and send it!
How much?
Five, seven...
5,895 lire.
How much?
5,895 lire.
But if you take off the
buttons for the coat
and the "much
from the "love," the...
No, no, no!
Like this.
Send it, here's the money.
What did you tell them,
my uncle and his wife?
Tell them, me?
Nothing, nothing at all.
I merely inquired for you.
Your uncle was flattered.
He thought I came on some
big government business.
Well what are you doing here?
Why, I simply follow my nose.
You look very well, signor Smith.
Italy agrees with you.
I asked you, Bucelli,
what do you want?
But I wonder, do
you agree with Italy?
Now look, it's tough enough
sitting on 30 days in this dump
without you popping up.
You got nothing to hang
on me, not a thing.
No, no, not yet.
That's why I came here.
You see, in America, the police
wait until a crime is committed
and then try t
find out who did it.
But I work a little
differently, signor Smith.
I find a crime before it's
committed, and try to stop it.
Aren't you the smart one?
What cute little frame-up
are you working on me?
I have framed nothing.
I have only been
studying the picture.
Well, come on,
what does it add up to
in that famous beak of yours?
It adds up to $100,000.
I don't get it.
No, but yo
would like to, hmm?
You're crazy, I never even
saw a hundred grand in my life.
Yes, signor Smith,
five years ago.
But no one else
has seen it since then.
Now, it cannot be sent to
you through the mail because,
as you know by now, all your
mail is opened first by us.
Also, no one ca
bring it to you because
we and the American
police are watching
the one man in
New York you could trust.
So, I put myself in your
shoes, signor Smith.
I hear and I read what
you do here in Marbella
until suddenly I see your plan.
The one way, the only
way you can possibly
get that money into Italy,
it's so simple but so clever
that I am filled with admiration.
I thought I should tell you that I knew.
You finished with
that pipe dream?
Okay, now ge
this straight, Bucelli.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
I don't plan a thing.
If I did pull a caper here,
it wouldn't be the kind
a cheap ginzo flatfoot
like you could pin on me.
Now keep outta
my way, clear out,
or I will give you something
to put in that nose.
Citizens of Marbella!
At great expense, I have
just talked on the telephone
to the American embassy in Rome.
The American embassy
officially informs me that
what you have heard
is true in every detail.
Wait, wait citizens!
Hear the rest!
The convoy left Naples this morning.
By tonight, more than
1,000 tons of precious food
will arrive here,
and through the agency of
the Contessa di Lorenzi
and the American Friends of Italy,
will be distributed free
to the people of Marbella.
Marina, you go and help signor Arondi.
Si si, Contessa.
It wouldn't surprise me if one day
they made a saint out of you in this town.
Saint Vittorio Smith of New York.
You'd surprise a lot of people there.
Isn't it a wonderful
feeling to do a good thing
and see the pleasure
it gives others?
I'm going to tell everyone
where the money came from
that bought this food.
No, don't do that
Christina, you promised me.
I got all the thanks I want from you.
But I don't want to take
credit for your generosity.
But that's the way I want it.
I don't like people who make
a big show of their money.
It's not polite.
I love every crazy thing you say.
It is all like a great
wonderful treasure, Vittorio.
Everything we have needed for years.
Excuse me.
Look, flour, sugar, everything
in bulk, to the left.
Even the drivers of the
trucks are excited by it.
We must invite them all
to the party tonight.
Sure, we'll invite everybody.
Driver, driver.
Tell me, are yousure everything is here?
There was nothing lost?
Everything is here like
it came off the ship.
Hmm, and there were
no accidents on the way?
No one stopped you?
No, signore.
I am a stranger here, signora.
I'd like to know
how, I mean where
did all this food
come from? - America.
Ah, as a gift?
- Yes.
Who paid for it?
Friends of ou
society, in New York.
Will you excuse me, sir?
- Thank you very much.
Dario, will you help me?
- Si, Contessa.
I am confused, signor Smith.
I am not often confused.
So? We all make mistakes.
True, possibly.
But I'm disappointed with my nose.
This would be its first
mistake in 25 years.
Maybe it's tired.
Why don't you give it a vacation?
Buona sera, signora Contessa.
Buona sera, signor.
Oh, grazie, grazie.
Saluto alla vita.
Buona sera.
Senor Smith, how long do
you propose to remain in Italy?
No, don't even think
about going, Vittorio.
Tonight we are all
too happy for that.
If we are all so
happy, why does no dance?
Yes, why?
I will dance.
Will you give m
the honor, Contessa?
No, Armando, you are drunk.
You have not
danced for 20 years.
Tonight I will make up for it.
Come on, Armando,
we'll start them off.
Bravo, bravo Armando.
Friends, Marbellese!
I wish to propose a toast to
the one who give us all this,
the most magnificent gift in
all the history of Marbella,
in all the history of Tuscany,
to the Contessa di Lorenzi!
Vittorio, I've got
to tell them now.
No, no, please.
I promised not to
tell anyone this,
but I cannot keep it
from you any longer.
This all comes to you
from American, it is true.
But it comes to you
especially from one American.
It is his gift to you, and
to the town where he was born
and that he loves.
Vittorio Smith!
Wait, wait!
signor Smith is a very
shy and modest man.
And he's greatly embarrassed
by this, so do not follow him.
But thank him with
your hearts, as I do.
Ah, grazie.
signor Caruso, signor Smith
is downstairs in the cafe.
He wants to talk to you.
Um, tell him to wait.
No, no, I'll come down.
Guido, where are you?
Oh, signor Vittorio,
I've been so busy tonight.
So much to do that I forgot to eat.
The men we hired in Florence
the drivers for the trucks,
they came an hour ago and
they are waiting in the street,
behind the cafe.
But they ar
demanding more money.
They say the risks are too great.
What can I do?
I say, "Okay, okay, anything."
Oh, my feet hurt.
My head is buzzing
like a thousand bees
with everything you told me to do.
Oh forget the whole thing,
Guido, the deal"s off.
You're joking.
We're not gonna touch that food,
it stays right where it is.
The police?
No, no, the Contessa.
In the square just
a few minutes ago,
she told the whole crowd
I gave her the money
that bought all that stuff.
Bucelli was there, he heard her say it.
He's been watching
every move I make.
If we strip that warehouse tonight,
he'll know I rigged
the whole thing.
But you won't even be there.
We'll do it with the other
drivers, like we said.
You'll be at home, in bed.
Bucelli won't know anything
about it until tomorrow,
and by then the food will be
gone where nobody can find it.
Nah, Bucelli'd track
it right back to me.
And maybe you'd talk.
The chance is too big.
But you can't do
this, signor Vittorio.
I've paid out.
So have I, Guido.
I paid for that
hundred grand once,
with five years of my life.
I'm not gonna pay for it again
in some stinkin' Italian jail.
Now do what I tell you.
Go on outside and call off
those men we hired for tonight,
send them away.
How can I send them away?
Who's going to pay
them for coming here?
Tell them I'll pay whatever
it's cost up til now.
I'll call you from Rome
and send you the money.
So, you run out on me, eh?
Who talked me into this?
Who planned the whole job?
And now you leave me to
be beaten up, even killed.
Oh stop screamin', nobody's
gonna do anything to ya'.
They'll be sore because they
missed out on a fat deal, sure.
And your pal in Florence
who was gonna sell this stuff,
well, he'll have a beef, too.
So what?
So put the blame on me,
tell them anything you want.
But this is my business,
and I say it's no deal.
Make that good and clear.
Why haven't they brought back my dress?
Guido, where is it?
Have they pressed it yet?
Are you drunk?
I said, "Where is my dress?"
Where are you going?
I don't know yet.
But why are you leaving?
Are you angry with m
for telling them it was you
who gave them the food?
I was then, yes.
I don't understand, Vittorio.
There was no real harm in it,
and I just felt that they
should know the truth.
Maybe you should know it, too.
What do you mean?
I've lied to you,
about myself, everything,
from the beginning.
I'm not even an American.
I was deported.
I had a criminal record.
Five years in a New York
penitentiary for grand theft.
Another man and I stole a
hundred thousand dollars.
And that was
the money I gave you.
It wasn't a gift, I never meant it to be.
I just couldn't get it
into Italy any other way,
so I used you.
Tonight, I was gonna take
that food from the warehouse,
all of it,
and sell it through the black market.
And that was why I asked
you not to tell anyone
it was my money that paid for it.
Well now they know.
So do the police,
and so do you.
And you were
never in love with me?
At all?
Not at first, no.
Only when it was too late
to stop what I'd begun,
then I knew I loved you.
If I had not told them tonight,
would you still have left Marbella?
It was my plan at the start,
but then I wanted the money
only because I wanted you.
It was all I had, all I could offer you.
Had you so little faith
in yourself or in me?
I always figured a
man paid his own way.
That money was still mine,
Christina, you forget that.
All right, the way I
went about it was wrong,
but if it could've
brought us together,
who would've been hurt?
And you would never have told me?
I cannot understand such
reasoning as yours, Vittorio.
What kind of love can there
be between any man and a woman
if it's based upon deception?
I don't know, but I
would've taken a chance.
Anyway, it didn't happen.
Maybe it's best that it didn't.
You'd've found out someday and...
I'm sorry, Christina.
At least your
food'll be safe now,
I can promise you that much.
You stay here.
If the police come, you blow the horn.
All right, start moving it out.
There is more stuff in here
than we have trucks for.
So what do we take, signor
Caruso, and what do we leave?
I don't know yet.
I don't want to leave nothing.
Let's see what's up there.
Look, medical supplies.
Worth more than the
food, ten times more.
Yes, but these toys, who needs toys?
What has Italy got
more than anything else?
Sei stupido.
For these, we get a fortune.
Come on, we have
got work to do.
Go tell my friend to come in.
I thought you
might try this, Guido.
The deal was just too big
for you to pass up, wasn't it?
Come on down.
Come on!
Now walk over to
your men and tell them
exactly what I told
you to tell them,
that the deal is off,
to get outta here.
Go on, move!
Tough luck, Vic.
So you wouldn't spli
with me, would you?
No, you wanted it all.
You were even
gonna double-cross Guido.
What a beautiful set-up.
100 Gs worth of food.
I would've never thought
of it, would've never known.
Okay, Vic, I gav
you every chance.
La polizia!
Come back here!
Come back!
Wait here.
But I don't understand this, signor.
You must have been mistaken.
My nephew's an important man in America.
He even work
with the government.
I'm very sorry to tell you
all this, signor Sparducci.
But what has he done?
Enough for them to deport
him from America as a criminal.
Well, come on.
But you, Vittorio, you
have nothing to say to me?
It is true, what he says?
Yeah, it's true.
Come on, let's get going.
But wait.
Whatever you were in
America whatever you are now,
you are my blood.
It's here, inside me.
I cannot deny it.
If you need any help,
any money, anything.
Who else knows about me?
I have told nobody.
They only know about
Caruso and the others.
Why are you taking me to Rome?
You have killed a man.
That was self-defense, you saw it.
He shot at you too.
Yes, but there are many
things you must explain,
if you can.
You wait here, I'll talk to them.
What is the matter?
What do you want?
We want to see the Americano!
What do you
wanna see him for?
We want to thank him!
Ask him to come
out on the balcony!
Si, si.
They wanna see you, Vittorio.
They wanna thank you.
Thank me?
Well that's a laugh.
Let's go out the back way.
If you have
any feelings at all,
any feelings for your family,
you have to go out
and talk to the crowd.
What'll I say to 'em?
Say anything, it doesn't
make any difference.
Just show yourself.
I haven't done anything
for you to thank me for.
Any one of you would've
done the same thing
if somebody tried to
take what was yours.
I'm glad that you
have this food.
There were many other
things I might've bought,
but they wouldn't've meant as much.
Yesterday, they might've
meant more, but not now.
Not now.
That's all I wish to say.
Here's some grapes, Vittorio.
It's a long way to Rome.
I wonder, where's my wife?
She said she would bring some food.
He's a good man.
You have a good family.
I wish I could believe
your word as much as his.
That's up to you, I told you
everything about last night.
Yes, but still I ask myself
why you did not go through with it.
Did you change your mind, or
were you forced to change it?
What difference
does that make now?
None whatever.
I just had very funny idea.
You know, nobody but got
rich from all this but the poor.
And now, my problem is
to make that clear
to the police in Rome.
Pietro, put them on the train.
I will call you tonight from Rome
and tell you when
to bring the car.
Si, Contessa.
Well, we can't
stand here forever.
The train will leave without us.
No, wait.
Don't get mixed
up in this, Christina.
Stay out of it.
How can I, Vittorio?
I'm in love with you.
Me and my wonderful nose.
Paper, signor?
Naso, naso!