Designing Christmas (2022) Movie Script

Okay, design team?
Final touches
on the kitchen placements.
Homeowners are 20 minutes away!
Let's move, people!
Thank you!
Good morning, John.
Let's touch up on
the baseboard molding.
And I thought we were
doing... ooh, I like that.
I thought we were doing garland
and Christmas ornaments
on the mantle.
Where's Pablo?
Oh, there she goes again.
Are you sure you
want to ignore her?
No, she has a certain
tone when she's serious.
That was only a 3.5 on
the Richter scale, so...
That was a 9.
See what she wants.
Living room, stat!
- Good luck.
- Yeah, I don't like the rug.
The pile's running
the wrong way,
and it needs to be flipped
before we bring in
the coffee table.
- The pile, you can see that?
- Of course I can see that.
The fibers run in
only one direction.
Hi, guys, hi.
Uh, we don't have
time for... for this.
The homeowners are
gonna be here in 15 minutes.
All right, then slow them down.
And they have pets,
so this needs to go outside.
Thank you!
Can I get a PA?
I swear this happens
every episode.
Yeah? Well, you'd
think you'd learn by now.
You guys, what
is taking so long?
Okay, now...
Uh, wow.
Blue pumpkins.
Uh, Stella,
don't you think this
table is a little over the top?
Well, their kitchen was
their biggest complaint.
They couldn't host
for the holidays.
Now they can.
Okay, they're gonna
host this many people?
Relax, Grinch, it's
Thanksgiving, okay?
Okay, you two, chill.
First of all, a Grinch
is a Christmas thing,
not a Thanksgiving thing.
And we're here to make over
their home, Stella,
- not their... lives.
- Same thing.
Ooh, she shoots, she scores!
Two points for Team Stella.
You know she always
has to have the last word.
Sure do, sure do!
When you purchased this house,
you put your trust...
and your life
savings into our hands.
And we treated every
penny like it was our own.
Reba and Andre?
Welcome home!
Oh my god!
That's not our house.
No, that's your home.
Come on, let's go check it out!
Come on.
A and B cam, leave them in.
No, no, A, stay in position one.
Here we go!
- I can't believe it!
- What!?
Let's talk about the kitchen.
Pablo and I had a difference
in opinion on this room.
Blood was spilled
over this kitchen.
- It was not.
- Blood.
Oh, I love this island!
Stella tortured
me over every detail,
like the shape of the island.
Rhombus, scalene, parallelogram?
Cracked, cracked, cracked.
I wanted something
with a little flair.
What's wrong with
a simple square? Huh?
Maybe because it's
more of a rectangle?
If we're talking about
a kitchen island,
it's like a rectangle,
not a square.
Would you say this island
is more rectangle or square?
- Rectangle.
- Hm!
Oh, we're gonna have the
most amazing Thanksgiving.
Wait 'til you check out
the new convection steam oven
that I picked out for you guys.
And you don't
have to worry about kids
or sticky fingerprints with
this stainless steel finish.
Well, we're gonna
put that to the test.
We were gonna wait to tell you.
I'm pregnant.
Ah! Oh my god!
This house and now a baby...
all of our dreams have
come true.
- I knew you were glowing!
- Thank you!
Oh my goodness,
I'm so happy for you!
Do you think we switch it or...
I think we just don't
tell Zoe anything.
- Hey, honey.
- Mm, Jack, hi!
One down, one more to go.
I can't wait.
Once we get the Christmas
episode in the can,
we'll be finished
for the season.
And we have so much to
do before the wedding.
- You two, uh, set a date?
- Yeah, uh, April.
The wedding's in April.
- Congrats.
- Thanks.
You didn't tell him?
Okay, people,
uh, meeting in here now.
What's going on?
Oh, hey, Jack.
Good to see you.
What's all this?
Oh, just consider it
an early Christmas gift.
My latest business venture.
Blue Ocean. Fun name.
Salmon in Aspic.
Faroe Island Green.
What's next?
Blushing Bride?
Already taken.
Introducing Turner
and Klee House Paint.
Put a little color in your life.
We go public in the
first quarter of next year.
Just like a walking infomercial.
I'm telling you, this
guy can sell anything.
You know, Turner
and Klee's looking for
a corporate sponsor, Zoe.
I don't know if
the show's interested,
but we'd be willing to
supply all our paint gratis.
Ooh, my favorite word.
Let me run it up the food chain.
Okay, so... on to other things.
I just found out that our
Christmas house
location fell through.
The homeowners backed out.
- What?
- Are you kidding?
This is the biggest
episode of the year.
Yep, and Christmas
is five weeks away.
Okay, well, what
about a clip show?
Well, it's boring.
Where's the conflict?
We need a location
with a killer story.
You know...
Stella just bought a house.
- What's your... what's your point?
- What kind of house?
Victorian, 1910.
- Something to flip?
- No, no, no.
It's my
and Jack and I plan on
living there after the wedding.
Well, we were talking about it.
Lexington, right near my mom's.
Um, perfect.
No, no, no, it's
not perfect, Zoe.
I just closed escrow, and it's
not even been cleaned out yet.
That's even better for us.
That cuts off one day of work.
- It's perfect, actually.
- No... okay.
- It looks terrible.
- How bad could it be?
There's a family of possums
living under the stairs.
People love possums.
Stella, think about it.
Maybe we can have the house
renovated in half the time.
Yeah, but I'm not in a hurry.
It's a labor of love.
You guys, I spent every
Christmas there as a kid.
That place is very
special to me.
Okay, I am loving
the family angle.
I love it.
Uh, but what's the hook?
Okay, there is no hook,
because there is no episode.
Here's a crazy idea, Stel.
What if we moved up the
wedding and had it there?
That's brilliant!
I love that. I love that.
We do the vows and the reveal
at the house at the same time
on Christmas Eve.
Okay, now we're getting...
Now we're getting crazy.
Stella, our ratings are down.
We don't have a pickup
for next season.
This could be the
ammo that we need.
Come on, Stel!
Think of how fun it would be
to bring that place back to
Okay, are you all still trying
to convince me to do this?
- Yeah.
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
- Oh my god.
- So when can we see it?
- Never.
As in tomorrow, 10:00 AM?
Thanks, Stel!
You won't even know we're there,
like little mice running around.
Possums, even.
So you've set a wedding date.
Ah, I'm sorry I didn't
mention it to you.
I told you about my divorce
before I even told my ex-wife.
- Yeah.
- Anyway, um...
I understand if you,
uh, feel a little nervous.
About what? The wedding?
No, about using your
house for the show.
I know we all ganged
up on you back there.
I mean, I get it, Pablo.
Everybody's job depends on
if the show gets renewed.
Gabe just bought a new house,
and Zoe's adding on to hers.
But, I mean...
it's a big decision.
Yeah, well, totally.
And you don't...
You don't have to decide today.
No pressure.
But tomorrow...
Okay, good night!
We'll see!
I light a candle, put the
presents 'round the tree
The sound of carols
fills the air
Outside, the snow is falling
I hear the children calling
The way it always used to be
I still remember how we
loved this time of year
We kissed beneath
the mistletoe
And as I hung the ivy
I felt two arms around me
Hey, y'all in here?
- In here, Mom!
- I'm a little early.
Oh, just look at this place.
If you squint hard enough,
you can almost see Grandma
putting ornaments on
the Christmas tree.
She always put it right here.
- Uh-huh.
- Aw, Grandma.
Do you think
this is insane, Mom?
Oh honey, you know I think
everything about your business
is insane.
Look, Jack wants a big wedding.
And you want something
more intimate.
And this place kind of
takes care of both.
This house has brought
our family so much happiness
over the years.
Why not share that with the
people who watch your show?
Wow, this place must've
really been something
back in the day.
It is every bit as
awful as you described.
- What? What's that smell?
- Mm-hmm.
Is that the possums?
Okay, stop criticizing
the place, Pablo.
Jack and I are gonna
be very happy here
once it's all fixed up.
Right, yeah, um...
babe, this woodwork is...
It just needs to be
cleaned up and oiled.
Mm-mm, yeah, no,
I agree with Jack.
Come on, guys, open your eyes.
Use your imagination.
You all talked me into this.
Do you remember?
I just don't see how
we can turn this... no offense...
Dumpster fire into
something that's camera ready.
Dumpster fire?
You don't...
You don't even know
anything about this house.
It's a little bit more
Grey Gardens than I imagined.
Should've worn my headscarf.
Okay, this was your idea, Zoe.
No, I know, I'm just saying.
Okay, I... I get it.
She's ready for a new chapter,
and it's gonna be a lot of work.
But I know exactly what
to do to bring her back.
So it's happening.
We're doing this.
- You sure, Stella?
- Yes, my mind is made up, Mom.
- Okay.
- Mmkay.
We're gonna need
to get started ASAP.
You know, my house is
right around the corner,
if you wanted to set up a
temporary production office
- and get a jump start.
- Okay.
Jump start... yeah, we're
gonna need a time machine
to pull this off.
I think I'm gonna
stay at the condo.
Good luck, guys!
What is that smell?
All right, so,
my new fabric collection
has got to be many things.
First and foremost, sustainable.
Secondly, affordable.
And thirdly,
of course, luxurious.
I mean, look at this
glorious chantone vegan silk.
It is just perfect.
So happy with that.
The velvet, now,
it is luxurious.
It is positively decadent.
It takes the dyes beautifully.
But there's a problem
with these long fibers.
They're going to be an
absolute magnet for pet hairs.
And we know everyone
loves their pets.
So this one, we need
something more practical.
Oh, why don't you take a break?
- Stella?
- Freddie, I'm in a panic,
and I need your help.
With the show or the wedding?
How much time do you have?
Oh, you know, I'm
just getting ready
to launch my new fabric
collection at Highpoint,
but... just the usual
sturm und drang.
Remember when I worked for you,
and you said there was
no project or no deadline
that was ever too challenging?
I have one of those situations.
That sounds like fun!
Can I help?
You don't even know
what I'm asking.
Look, just tell
me where and when.
Let me get this
planning stuff out of the way.
I don't know how I'm ever
gonna thank you enough, Mom.
Well, I'll take care
of the wedding details,
and you just concentrate
on the house.
Okay, let's get this
meeting started, shall we?
What's that for?
Oh, it's our list of
potential cast members...
Subs who will work under
the worst conditions
without cracking and still be
ready to do another take.
No. No, thank you.
He's the best
HVAC guy in the biz.
Yeah, I'm not
babysitting him again.
- No.
- You don't like Vern?
I would fall on
my sword for Vern.
Come on, he's been
with us since day one.
- Day one.
- Yes, yeah,
I was, uh, pretty sure
that Vern retired.
And we're trying to go younger.
How about, uh,
tattooed roto-rooter guy?
- Mm...
- Ew.
Zoe, I don't know
if you know this,
but Vern is a family friend.
He worked with my
husband for years.
Yes, my dad
was a structural engineer
and loved saving old buildings.
Vern was his best friend.
When Stella was a kid,
she used to visit jobsites
with Vern and her father.
It's where she fell in love
with all this stuff.
Come on, Zoe!
He's like everyone's
favorite uncle, right?
Okay, enough with
the heartstrings.
Vern lives for now...
If he's, uh, willing to
come out of retirement for it.
Okay, but no cameras
during my wedding prep.
- That's my time.
- And no ambushing people.
We know how much
she likes surprises.
Yeah, you like to do that.
You two are gonna
drive me crazy.
Fine, I guess.
Normally you'd see us
welcome a family on
our first walkthrough,
but today I am that family.
This beautiful home was built
by my great-great-grandparents
back in 1910.
I spent every holiday
here growing up.
And now I'm ready to
come home for Christmas.
Welcome home!
So, we got a
transitional Victorian
with a ton of
architectural influences.
English manor house,
Arts and Crafts,
Richardsonian Romanesque,
a touch of Gothic.
Notice the sandstone
course at the base,
the patterned shingles,
the pitched roof.
About 25 years ago,
my family sold the house
after my grandmother had passed.
The family that bought it said
they were "expert DIYers."
They needed to watch
a whole bunch more HGTV,
- 'cause it is bad!
- It's bad.
And then they lost
the house in foreclosure,
so it's been empty
for almost two years...
Except for the
family of possums.
But hey, think of
all the possum-bilities.
Okay, Captain, so
what is the plan?
We've got four weeks,
three days,
and a budget of 92-5,
which should be enough to
cover just about everything.
Oh! Okay, uh, let's...
Let's take a look inside,
see if there's anything
worth salvaging.
- Salvaging?
- I'm just kidding.
It's so cute!
So many memories.
Now you're proposing?
Ah, yeah, right.
Well, you know
I'm already engaged.
I am never getting
married ever again.
No, I want to point
out the floors.
Red oak.
This is spectacular.
You know,
you would pay a fortune
- for this type of wood nowadays.
- If you could even find it.
And it's a great
distraction from the carpet,
which was blue,
like, 800 years ago.
Okay, you know what?
We need to just focus
on the positive here.
Positive, uh, the...
The pet stains!
They give it character.
It's beautiful.
Okay, you know what?
When I look around,
all I see are nothing
but possibilities!
And Stella's possibilities
give me nothing but headaches.
All right, I'm thinking...
Think along with me.
Picture this.
If we... we just knock,
gently knock, the walls
down to the kitchen,
and just let the space breathe
a little bit, open it up.
- Is he for real?
- I am.
These walls have been here
for over 100 years, Pablo.
- They're not going anywhere.
- It'd look great, though.
We'll do a little,
like, facelift to it,
but they're not coming down.
Yeah, no.
- Thanks, though!
- All right!
You can have a coffee.
I'm gonna get my sledgehammer.
Okay, you're not actu...
You're not...
You're not getting
the sledgehammer, Pablo!
Okay, he needs to really
give the sledgehammer a rest.
We're here to honor
the past, not erase it.
- She's gonna thank me later.
- Get that out of here!
Freddie Greene is my
go-to, bring in the cavalry
interior designer
She has an expertise
with historic homes
and knows how to bring in just
the right amount of contemporary
without breaking the bank.
She taught me everything I know.
Stella, this must've been
such a wonderful space, I know.
And we're gonna bring it back.
I mean, come on,
think of all those
great memories you'll make.
Do you remember the
first thing you learned
- when you came to work for me?
- Of course!
You can always undo a mistake.
Nothing's fatal.
Nothing's final.
Except for maybe this kitchen.
And he really has
to be here, does he?
I ask myself that every day.
What do we call this color?
Ah, that would be
Hospital Ward White.
Okay, on Christmas Eve,
we're hosting my
wedding reception here.
And it is a small group,
but we definitely need
a fully functioning kitchen.
Okay, I'm just gonna
put this out there.
If it was up to me,
I would gut this entire room,
top to bottom, stem to stern,
clean slate.
First to go,
those cabinets, huh? Yeah?
- Right, well, we made a list.
- Oh.
I was waiting for it.
I mean, it would've
been a surprise
if Stella and Freddie
didn't gang up on me.
Stealth attack.
Okay, so maybe Freddie came over
and we tossed around
a couple ideas
over a bottle of wine,
no big deal.
- Where was my invite?
- I don't know.
I can... I can contribute.
I would've brought
another bottle.
Stella has higher expectations
than any homeowner
we've ever had on this show.
This is gonna be
a nightmare job, nightmare.
That's very rude.
Well, if we manage to keep the
peace between now and Christmas,
we may be able to pull this off.
And cut!
Okay, we got it.
Guys... you guys can relax now.
It's over.
Stand down. Scene.
Okay, so what's
the plan, Stella?
Well, since we only
have four weeks,
the scope of our work
is gonna be limited,
so I suggest fresh
paint on the inside
and refinishing the floors.
Yeah, the upstairs is
actually in pretty good shape.
It's the, uh, downstairs public
rooms that give me nightmares.
Yeah, well, that's
why I wanna focus
the majority of our
attention and our budget
on the dining room,
kitchen, and living room.
In the dining room,
someone, over the years...
Take a look at this...
Ripped out the
original fireplace,
the built-in cabinetry,
and the art glass windows.
- I mean, what?
- Shame.
We'll need to
restore the wainscoting
and copper wood ceiling.
And the original chandelier
is a fire hazard,
so it's gonna need
to be rewired.
The kitchen needs a ton of work.
So Freddie and I
worked up a plan.
First of all, we'll place
a copper farmhouse sink
under the window,
add a tile backsplash,
wood countertops,
a six-burner stove,
convection oven,
and a kitchen island here.
Are we magicians or what?
I mean, we kind of are.
Turning to the living room,
zero character,
- bad marble fireplace.
- Bad.
Ugly, ugly walls.
We'll get rid of
the marble facing
and replace it with
period-appropriate tile.
The wood in the inglenook needs
a light sanding and oiling.
And we'll add vintage wallpaper
to brighten up the room.
We've also lost
some crown moldings.
Uh, Gabe can mill those.
He'll do a perfect match.
- Aww, Gabe.
- Yeah.
Where does all the
Christmas stuff go?
That's the best part.
Christmas tree's gonna go here,
and my mom still has
ornaments from 1910.
Look at that.
Instant Christmas.
Instant Christmas.
Long day.
Jack? Jack? Jack? Hi!
So, I talked to the network
about doing a corporate tie-in
- with Turner and Klee.
- Yeah...?
They were thrilled.
- Great!
- That's awesome.
Thank you so much, Zoe.
This is great news.
Such great PR for the new brand.
Ten percent.
I'll invoice you.
I'm not joking.
But I also want this house
to be perfect for my Stella.
Yeah, yeah, we'll have to see if
there's anything left to paint
- after tomorrow.
- Wait, wait, why?
- Demo day.
- Ahh...
Now I know how
our homeowners feel.
Oh, come on.
What's there to worry about?
How much damage can
Pablo do in one day?
Bah, humbug...
No, that's too strong
'Cause it is my
favorite holiday
But all this year's
been a busy blur
Don't think I
have the energy
To add to my
already mad rush
Just 'cause it's
'tis the season
The perfect gift
for me would be
Completions and connections
left from last year
Ski shop encounter,
most interesting
Had his number,
but never the time
Most of '81 passed
along those lines
So deck those halls,
trim those trees
Raise up cups of
Christmas cheer
I just need to
catch my breath
Christmas by
myself this year
Calendar picture,
frozen landscape
Chilled this
room for 24 days
Evergreens, sparkling snow
Get this winter over with
Flashback to springtime,
saw him again
Would've been good
to go for lunch
We uncovered a little bit
of history this morning.
Three layers of
dining room wallpaper.
Look at that.
Some people dream in color.
I dream in wallpaper.
This is my favorite
room in the house.
Guys, guys.
Can you put a shirt on?
It's freezing outside.
What is Gabe doing?
I find the cold air
I suspect some of them
have been leaking
for a very long time.
I mean, yeah, this
is a lot of water.
Oh, I mean, I knew
what I was getting into
when I bought the place as
is, but I just... I didn't...
I didn't expect this, Vern.
Should I be worried?
No, no, no.
Girl, I've seen worse.
You're biting off a lot
with this project, Stella.
Are you sure you're okay?
Yeah, I got a lot on my mind.
The wedding, the house.
This might be our last season.
When the show ends, do you
know what you'll do next?
I don't know.
We talked about
expanding my brand.
Maybe a furniture line.
You ever think about finishing
your engineering program?
Sometimes. I did love it.
But how could I ever
give up this glamorous life?
Watch your back!
That didn't sound good.
Hey, have you been
talking to my mom?
Who, by the way, is waiting
for me downtown at my fitting.
I wish your father was here
to walk you down the aisle.
Yeah, yeah. Me too.
I'm glad you're here, Vern.
Stella, you're the only person
I'd come out of retirement for.
The only one.
Did Vern find any dead
bodies in the basement?
Uh, maybe tomorrow.
I told Stella this was gonna be
more than a cosmetic makeover,
but she's the eternal
optimist, right?
These old houses,
they're like a Pandora's box.
If I had my way, we'd move
into my condo in Richmond.
Views forever.
Have you and Stella
talked about that?
There's no talking about it.
This house means a lot to her.
Still keeping my condo.
I'll rent it out or something.
Or maybe I'll get her
to change her mind.
So, how's everything
going with the house?
There were a few
surprises along the way.
Bad news, Vern found some leaks.
- Ah!
- Yeah.
Good news, I discovered
some original wallpaper.
I was actually hoping
maybe you could find
- some old photos to help us?
- Oh, sure.
Boxes of stuff in my basement.
Oh, Stella!
Oh, honey.
That is the one.
What's going on?
We were supposed
to pick up Stella.
Guys! I thought
you were gonna meet us
down at the stone yard.
That deal was we're not shooting
any of the wedding stuff!
Zoe probably wants to see
Zoe in her wedding dress.
We gotta go warn her.
Uh, hi, I'm here
for Stella Murphy?
Oh, you must be the lucky groom!
- No, I'm, uh...
- You know you can't
see her in her dress
until the big day.
Oh, no, no, no.
I'm just, um...
I'm Pablo.
I need to talk to her.
The two of you look like
you belong together.
A match made in heaven.
Uh, Stella needs to talk.
Just two seconds.
No, but seriously,
you can't see her right now.
Thank you.
Guys, no, really!
- Stel?
- Miss Murphy?
I'm so sorry, but,
um, your fianc, he...
I told her I wasn't
husband material, but...
Um, uh, Zoe's got a
camera crew outside.
- What?
- Yeah.
Let me change.
Give me a minute.
I should've known Zoe
was gonna do this.
Wow, she looks incredible.
You okay?
And, action!
So when I was
taking the wallpaper off
the dining room wall, I noticed
that there was something hiding.
Like, there was three
layers in one section,
and just one layer in another
section, like it was newer.
It was there all along...
The elephant in the room.
The false wall.
I knew it.
It's the fireplace.
In older homes, some
people put up a false wall
rather than do a proper remodel.
Who in their right mind would
ever cover up a fireplace?
- And take out art glass windows?
- Right.
- Um... what is this?
- I don't know.
A block of concrete?
There used to be cabinets here.
My grandma would keep
napkin holders and red candles.
She always had red candles
for the holidays.
Something back there.
I don't wanna put
my hand in there. Aah!
What is this?
Okay. That's... ee.
- What are those for?
- I have no clue.
So this afternoon, we're heading
to Heirloom Antique Emporium
in search of some furniture
for the new house.
Everybody, I want you to meet
my wonderful friend Andy.
We've known each other
since fifth grade.
He owns the place, and is
going to help me and Jack
find a dining room table.
So I have curated
a list of furniture
from the photos that you sent.
I think I found
a dining room set
that is going to blow you away.
Hey, Stella, come look at this.
What do you think?
Gorgeous, but it's a little
Dwellmagazine for 1910,
don't you think?
- I think it's eclectic.
- Oh...
I mean, Pablo,
what do you think?
Uh, not my department.
Why don't we go look at
some Arts and Crafts pieces,
split the difference?
All right?
- Sure.
- All right, follow me.
When we finish it,
we'll sand it down...
Honey, I've got a couple
urgent calls to return.
I'm just gonna step outside.
Oh, I... you don't wanna
check out the table with me?
Uh, it looks good.
I trust you, babe.
Honestly, it's...
It's not my style.
It's a little old, anyway.
Yeah, I know, but
I think it'd be really nice
if we did this together.
I want you to feel just as much
at home in this house as I do.
Take some pictures,
we'll talk about it later, okay?
- Jack...
- I'm sorry.
Um, okay, so what's
the length of this table?
We're also lending Andy a hand
for the city's annual
Christmas toy drive.
Children and antiques
all in one afternoon?
It's an absolute miracle
that I got Pablo to go.
I'm just not a
big Christmas guy,
and I hate antiques.
Well, let's see if we
can tame the Grinch today.
Oh, come on, you
look fetching in red.
The kids are gonna love it.
Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.
- Stop being a Grinch.
- I'm not a Grinch.
Yeah, okay, but
wait, wait, wait.
Let me just... here, let
me help with the belt.
- It's, like, all crooked.
- Thanks.
- Oh, okay... oh!
- Whoa! Kay... ha, ha.
Oh my goodness,
is that you or the stuffing?
Yeah, it's all me.
Careful with the merchandise.
- Oh. Okay.
- Thank you.
There we go. Perfect.
Okay, all right.
The North Pole
is officially open!
You're next.
- Okay!
- I love you, Santa.
That's enough hugging for today.
No, you can hug
him all you want.
Deep down, Santa
really likes it.
He's a real big marshmallow.
- Oh, is that so?
- Yeah, totally.
After all these
years of marriage,
I know you pretty well, Santa.
I'm gonna tell you
what I want now.
I want a dinosaur!
Tyrannosaurus rex.
- They're my favorite.
- Yeah, me too.
I'll work on that.
All right, who's next?
You, young lady
in the puffy jacket.
I don't think she's done, Santa.
Sweetie, what's your name?
- Mary.
- Mary?
Mary, why don't you tell
Santa everything you want?
I want a Harry Potter
wand for my sister.
- And... and a job for my father.
- A job?
Ah, I'm sorry, Santa.
That's not on the list.
Why not, Daddy?
- Did I say something wrong?
- No, no, no, no.
Santa Claus.
What's your name?
- Gregg.
- Gregg, good to meet you.
Um, so what's the situation?
I'm just kind of in
between jobs right now.
I've been there too.
It's no fun.
- What do you do?
- Uh, I'm a housepainter.
- Really? A painter?
- Mm-hmm.
He painted stars
on my bedroom ceiling.
- Really?
- He did? Wow.
You like bedtime stories?
I do.
Okay, well,
I have one specially for you.
So there's this really old house
owned by a very lovely lady.
Well, sometimes she can get
a little crusty with her cohost.
- What's a cohost?
- Uh, never mind.
Anyway, this lovely lady
has a magical power.
She can turn the ugliest
house on the block
into a beautiful castle.
But she needs help with
one thing at this house.
What's that?
And if your dad can paint stars
on the ceiling of your room,
well, then Santa thinks
that'd be a really cool idea
if he helped the lovely lady
with the magical home.
- What do you think?
- Mm-hmm.
- Yeah?
- Yeah!
- All right, let's do it.
- Yeah!
I'll call Rudolph and the elves
and make that happen, all right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Sounds good. Let's do that.
- Amazing stuff.
- Yeah, we had a good time.
Everyone had a good time.
Especially the kids.
Oh, I'm not talking
about the kids.
You and Pablo?
Did you see that?
You two were flirting
with each other.
Okay, that is ridiculous.
It was just another
day at the office.
I know, I can feel
the tension from here.
Maybe the wedding's getting
to him a little bit.
No, the wedding's
not getting to him.
There was no flirting.
It was just working.
We're ready for Stella!
Oh, okay, they're
ready for you on set.
- Okay.
- Van, you don't need to yell.
My fianc, Jack Hall,
has generously volunteered
his services and all
the Turner and Klee paint
that you could ever
want for the makeover.
Salmon in Aspic.
Can you do this
with the gloss on it?
So paint is a hot topic
here at House Sweet Home.
It's the great divider.
You guys can get
pretty feisty online.
In a house where the
wood has gone unpainted
for over 110 years,
my instinct is to follow
tradition and leave it stained.
Let's ask Jack, since he's
our official paint connoisseur.
I suggest the
neutral semi-gloss.
We make a classic ecru
that's period correct,
but it's contemporary.
Okay, well I just...
I love the warmth of the wood.
Ooh, Stella, this place
is so over the top.
I mean, all the ornamentation?
It's like icing
on a wedding cake.
And you know how much
I hate wedding cakes.
No, I-I don't.
Oh, well,
just the froufrou kind.
You know, the ones with,
uh, buttercream garland
and marzipan roses.
I mean, who needs to eat
all that sugar, right?
I do.
Okay, so it's decision
time on the paint, guys,
'cause I'm not gonna
be living here,
- but you two are.
- Jack?
Well, as the paint dude,
I'm gonna advocate
for as much paint as possible.
I like the wood.
- Hey, you heading to base camp?
- Yeah.
I'll come with you.
What's wrong?
Wasn't there to help
pick out the furniture,
he was weird about
the wedding cake.
Now this whole paint thing.
Okay, don't pay any
attention to Jack.
Jack doesn't even pay
attention to himself.
Jack pays attention to himself.
Is that a little bit
of shade I sense?
He clearly doesn't
care about the house.
Meanwhile, Stella's been pouring
her heart and soul into it.
I just don't... get their
relationship, that's all.
Hey, none of us do.
You're getting yourself
worked up over this.
No. No, I'm not.
Okay. You seem
a little bit worked up.
No, I'm not!
Hey, Maggie.
Ah, I knew I'd find
you in the shop.
Big surprise.
So, how are things
on Home Buy 101?
We just got a two-season pickup
and we're moving to streaming.
Yeah, I know!
I don't want you poaching
anyone from my show, okay, Mags?
They've given me a blind deal
for a new show, Pablo.
We're calling it
Bungalow Lifestyles.
No more of those dusty old
houses Stella likes so much.
Stella's got her opinions,
but that's what makes
our chemistry work, right?
We talked about
you executive producing
your own show.
What about coming on to the team
and buildingBungalow Lifestyles
from the ground up?
Wow, okay, that's,
uh, quite an offer.
Stella and I would have to talk.
As much as I love Stella,
we're thinking a single host.
Your show, your vision.
Uh... okay.
Just know there's
a place for you here.
Let's stay in touch?
Yeah. Stay in touch.
Talk to you soon.
Can I use your level?
I never noticed the floor
was sagging in this room.
It's like an inch out of level.
- Uh, might be the joists.
- Ugh!
I'll go underneath
and check later.
Stella, I found a
great wedding photographer
who can do the 24th.
A classic black and white.
That's awesome.
Thanks, Mom.
Oh, hey, I have a question.
Do you recognize these at all?
I found them in the dining room
by the fireplace?
- Look at these.
- Oh, oh!
I know what these are.
My mom told me all about these.
- These are the Santa keys.
- Santa keys?
Yeah, Santa can't
fit down the chimney,
or if your house
doesn't have one,
there's no way
for him to get in.
So back in the days,
you put one of these on
the porch on Christmas Eve.
- That is so cute.
- Isn't it?
Your great-great-grandmother
had one
- for each of the 12 kids.
- Aw, I love that.
- I wanna do that.
- You should do it.
Yeah. Well, hey, I can
keep them someplace safe, huh?
We will have the kitchen
up and running for the 24th,
so if you could just
email me that revised menu,
- that'd be great.
- Sure, no problem.
Yep, which brings me
to the, uh, wedding cake.
- Stella, camera's here.
- Yeah, just one second.
Yeah, I need something
more basic, stripped down.
Uh, think postmodernism meets
cubism meets a bar of soap.
You kidding?
Nope, I'm actually not joking
at all, not even a little bit.
Yeah, um, okay.
Yes, okay, yes!
Thanks a million.
Thank you.
What... What's going on?
You know how I said
I'd check on the joists?
Yeah. Don't tell me
there's termites.
I wish that's all it was.
There's a crack
in the foundation.
- What?
- Yeah.
Looks like the east side
of the host is sinking.
We need to get an
expert in here ASAP.
- Is it safe?
- Yeah, for now.
But over time, no.
I can't believe
this is happening.
I should've known about this.
No, no, there's no way you
could've known about that.
What about the show?
Can we keep shooting?
I mean, the show can go on,
but there won't be much to
My crew can't pick up a hammer
until we get building clearance,
and the inspection...
- Sorry, Stella.
- I'm sorry.
Are you okay?
Uh, yeah.
I'm just getting in
the spirit over here.
I thought you were meeting Jack?
No, he's in Richmond
for the night.
- Did you tell him?
- No.
No, I didn't.
After we wrapped today,
I was thinking...
do you know what this
house could really use
other than a new foundation?
Some Christmas cheer.
So here I am.
Well... you need a hand?
- Um, yeah.
- All right.
All right, I'd love one.
Here, why don't you do
- that tree.
- This tree?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
You'd think after
five Christmas episodes
that this Grinch would know
how to thid old tree thing.
Do you think
I'm making a huge mistake?
A lot of people have
cold feet before a wedding.
No, I'm talking about the house.
Like, why am I doing this?
Because you wanna
feel connected to...
something or someone who...
You love this place.
Yeah, and Jack would rather
us move into his loft
with this polished
concrete and steel and...
You told me that you were
happiest when you were here.
And isn't that what's important?
- You remember me saying that?
- Of course.
Well, I'm questioning
- Maybe that's a good thing.
- I don't know.
Is it?
We just finished the
final edit this afternoon.
You are going to love it.
We're already live
on the website.
Jack Hall here with
Turner and Klee Paint.
I recently teamed up with my
brilliant and talented fiance,
interior designer Stella Murphy,
and the cast ofHouse Sweet Home
on their upcoming
Christmas episode.
And you won't believe
the Christmas magic
we created together.
Don't limit yourself to just red
and green this holiday season.
The sky's the limit.
Turner and Klee will change
the way you see the world.
So? What did you think?
Zoe's right!
You can sell
just about anything.
Oh, come on, this
benefits everyone.
And like you haven't done 10,000
commercials for your show.
This is different.
Zoe cleared it with the network,
and they thought it
was a fantastic idea.
And, I mean, the synergy alone...
Why didn't you just
show it to me first?
Well, with all
you had on your mind,
I just didn't wanna bother you.
I just...
I wish you would've
said something earlier.
With all this information
with the house,
I don't even know if
we're gonna finish the episode.
I didn't think
it was a big deal.
But you're right.
I'm sorry, Stella.
I should've showed you.
I'll take it down.
Let me go talk to
Zoe about it, okay?
Oh, hey! You're just in time
to help me make dinner.
Oh no, I'm just
grabbing the ornaments.
I'm gonna head out.
What... what's going on?
I'm having second thoughts.
- About?
- Everything.
You know, there's nothing
wrong with feeling confused.
Yeah, there is.
I'm the one that's supposed
to have it all together.
Maybe you're supposed
to sit in this.
- It's a gray area.
- I don't do gray, Mom.
I just wish I had never
agreed to any of this.
- I'll see you later.
- Bye.
- I love you.
- I love you.
- Hello!
- Hey, you!
What are you doing here?
Uh, Zoe said we were gonna prep
for the cast and crew
Christmas party tomorrow? You?
She told me she wanted
to talk about
the tree decorating segment,
so I brought over
some ornaments.
Um, should I text her?
No, no, no, no, I'm
enjoying my peace and quiet.
- Those are amazing.
- Yeah.
When I was a kid,
we had a decorating party,
and we would talk about
where they're from.
Each ornament has its own story.
Hm, what's the
story on this one?
That one my dad got at the
Christmas Market in Salzburg.
What about you?
What kind of tree
did your family do?
Do? We didn't...
We definitely didn't do
ornaments from Salzburg.
Uh, we didn't have much.
My grandpa was all about gifts
that were found or made.
I love that!
That's such a great idea.
Mm, in theory.
But when you're a kid
hoping for a baseball glove
and your little brother gets you
a shoelace that he found on
the sidewalk, it's not so great.
Found or made, isn't that
what Christmas is all about?
Yeah, in an ideal world,
but that's not where we live.
- Are you hungry?
- I am starving.
- I forgot to eat dinner.
- Who forgets to eat?
- Pablo forgets to eat.
- Okay.
Well, I think the caterer
left some stuff in the kitchen.
- You down?
- So down,
- and I got a bottle of Pinot.
- Ooh!
- For a special occasion.
- What's the special occasion?
No cameras, no boom, no Zoe.
Yeah, celebrate.
- Aw! It's like a picnic!
- Yeah.
Oh, this'll make it better.
Oh, this house is
so beautiful at night.
Yeah, it is.
And hey, don't worry.
We're gonna get this
project back on track.
We've never had an episode tank,
and we're not gonna
let you down now.
Yeah, well, if we get canceled,
at least we go out with a bang.
Don't even say that, okay?
It's true, Pablo.
Have you even thought about it?
Like, what would you do?
Um, I'm not sure. You?
I don't know, but I'm just ready
to reinvent my life, you know?
Stel, I think you're gonna
love living in this house.
You can put a little
rocking chair in that corner,
lit by candlelight.
Yeah, and you could come visit
on your souped-up Harley.
How did you know I was
wanting a souped-up Harley?
Season 2, episode 7.
The Bucket List.
- You know me too well.
- Of course I do.
Until we make things bright
Um, I wanted to
show you something.
My mom found some
old photos of the house.
Oh, this is...
This is incredible.
How old are these?
Hold on...
that's where the dining
room windows always were, right?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
So you were always meant
to live in this house.
Yeah, Christmas wasn't the
really big thing in my house,
so there's not
a lot of this stuff.
You mind if I borrow
this for a little bit?
It'll come in handy
for the restoration.
Yeah, um...
You don't like to talk
about yourself, do you?
Nah, no one
needs to know about me.
Well, people might
like what they see.
Okay, I know what
you're trying to do.
- You do, do you?
- Uh-huh.
You're trying to get
me to open up, right?
You think you're so clever.
I've been working with
you for six years, too.
I know you pretty well.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
So you think you know me?
Yeah, expert level.
Ask me anything.
Piece of cake, which is, uh...
Strawberry chocolate
is your favorite.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
Okay, what do I get
if you're wrong?
Uh, episode without
a sledgehammer.
Okay, I'm in. Let's do this.
All right, three questions, go.
Okay, what do I always
have in my fridge?
Um... easy. Champagne.
Life is a celebration.
Always be prepared.
What is my favorite color?
Blue-green... ah...
Green-blue, green-blue.
Yeah, 'cause apparently
there's a huge difference.
'Cause there is.
That was great, wow.
Um, okay, and... what is
my favorite thing to do
- on my day off?
- Uh...
that's a trick question
'cause you never take days off.
- You're good.
- See?
Nothing gets past me.
I'm a contractor!
I notice every detail.
- Oh, shoot!
- Shoot! Right here.
I just made it worse.
- You have some on your hand.
- It's a mess.
- Um, uh...
- Sorry.
- Yup.
- I didn't plan for that too.
I should go.
So I was gonna load in
all the appliances
for the end of this week,
but now that's all on hold.
So, what is going on?
Maggie called me
the other night.
She's producing a new show.
Wants me to host it.
Nice, congrats.
Something I always wanted to do.
What did Stella say?
No Stella, just me.
I've been gone for 10 days,
and something's going on.
You're completely different.
Nothing, I'm... I'm fine.
Ah, offers like that
don't come around often.
Yeah, they don't.
There's also this other thing.
Um, it's just a lot of
stuff with Jack, actually.
Oh, come on, that's
just pre-wedding jitters.
It's nothing.
Everyone goes through that.
I wish. Uh...
Then there's...
There's the Pablo of it all.
"The Pablo of it all"?
The other night,
Stella and I were here late.
Me and Stella, uh... relaxed.
And them, um...
I kissed her.
We kissed.
- You kissed?
- Shut up.
Dude, I saw this from years ago.
Did she kiss you back?
- Shhh!
- It's just a kiss.
- Was it a serious kiss?
- I don't know, I don't know.
I can't even... I don't know.
I mean, how are we
even gonna work together
after she marries Jack?
Should I just take
the other job or...
Okay, so now what?
La, la, la
La, la, la, la, la, la
Everyone, welcome to our
cast and crew Christmas party,
the one time of year we give
our design team the day off
and the crew decorates.
I know this has
been a tough shoot,
but we always seem to
pull through at the 11th hour,
so let's have some fun.
Merry Christmas.
And who better to kick
things off than Santa himself?
Ho, ho, ho!
Merry Christmas!
There's one for you.
And one for you.
Santa Claus?
More like Father Time.
You've been bad!
A lump of coal for you
for your smart mouth, uh-huh.
Here you go, so you
don't sulk like a baby.
We hired the best
structural engineering firm
in the city.
The fact that it was two men
brought me right
back to college,
where there were only
three women in my program,
including me!
People always ask me what
a structural engineer does.
- I never know what to say.
- Well, it's simple, really.
The architect designs
the layout of the building,
and the structural engineer
designs the skeleton
that fits within that layout.
Okay, so that the
building doesn't collapse.
- What's the verdict?
- Well, we can confirm that
there's a major crack
in the foundation
beneath the loadbearing
living room exterior wall,
which is why you
noticed the subsidence.
- The slope in the floor.
- Yeah, we get it, thanks.
So what are the next steps?
Well, we need to look
at the soil study,
run the calculations.
But we do have a couple of
options we can offer you now.
- Who's the project manager?
- That's me.
I'm sorry, I thought you
were the interior designer.
I-I am.
Well, don't worry.
When our work is done,
you can make it look
all pretty again.
Excuse me?
Okay, so what are we looking at?
Well, the house needs to
be hydraulically lifted
so that we can remove
the damaged foundation.
I think you're overcorrecting.
Well, we build a platform
to secure the building
- while it's suspended.
- Suspended?
Lifting the house increases the
potential to torque the framing,
let alone damage the vintage
plaster in the woodwork.
I mean, how long
would this take?
Six to nine months.
- Come on, we're on a deadline.
- And what about our budget?
Ballpark, you're
looking at 4 to 500,000.
Half a million dollars?
Well, you
do have one other option.
You could consider not
dealing with the issue at all.
- I'm not following.
- Tear the house down.
Property's probably worth
more than the structure.
This isn't a structure.
It's my home.
We're done here. Thank you.
Cut, please.
Oh no. What's happening?
That engineering team
was so condescending, Mom.
Like I should stick to
picking out throw pillows.
What do you think?
That is fantastic, Mom.
Where did you get these?
Andy had a friend
who's a model maker.
And I'm gonna make one for
every table at the reception.
You do not have to
do all that, Mom.
Of course I do.
I have a week.
Though I wouldn't say no
to an extra set of hands.
Yeah, I could use
a little break.
I'm sorry you're having so much
trouble with the house, Stella.
You know, I love my
job more than anything.
I wouldn't wanna be
doing anything else.
But on days like today,
I just feel powerless,
like maybe I should've
just stayed in school.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
No, but what if I made
the wrong decision?
- What the heck?
- My goodness.
- That leather!
- Mm-hmm.
What is this?
This is lovely.
It was your
I didn't know she was an artist.
Neither did I.
You know, this was in an old
steamer trunk in the basement.
Look at the house.
Can I make a suggestion?
Why don't you go play a little?
Have some fun.
I don't know, that feels weird.
This was hers, you know?
Well, I think your
would be honored to
share the page with you.
Maybe it'll help you come
up with a better solution
than those engineers.
I'm not a late night person.
She called me at 3:00 AM
talking a mile a minute.
Well, I figured it out!
The foundation solution.
Okay, so our main goal
is to save time and money.
So, we're going to put an
exterior sister wall here
to shift the load of
the damaged sections.
And we'll use soil anchors
and vertical screws
to help support
the new foundation.
And this is all so that we
don't have to jack up the house,
which saves us the
plaster, the woodwork,
- and an insane amount of money.
- This is genius, Stella.
But isn't the sister foundation
going to be an eyesore?
I mean, it will be.
Stella's already
thought of that.
Well, we can copy
the existing porch design
on the side of the house
and put a new one here,
which will cover
the foundation work,
and it'll look like it
was there all along.
And based on all this,
we should be able to get
a temporary occupancy
certificate from the city
right away.
And we got it! Cut!
- That was amazing!
- Thanks!
Between us, do you really think
we're gonna finish this in time?
We're less than a week
away from the wedding.
Yeah, we can now.
But we're gonna have to
let the dining room go.
Yeah, I was, um...
I was afraid of that.
Yeah, there's just no way
with all the foundation work
and, um...
I have to apologize
about the other night.
Went too far.
You got me thinking about a lot.
What are you thinking?
Everything's back on track.
Okay, well, um...
I wish you and Jack the best,
and if you never need anything,
I'm here for you, always.
Hello! Sorry to interrupt.
I just have a minor
schedule change.
No, no more changes.
There's been enough
drama for one episode.
Uh-huh, well, since we had
to shut down for five days...
Okay, wait, they're not...
They're not canceling
the episode, are they?
No, no, no.
Something even better.
Uh, the network has decided
that we are going to do it live.
Live on television.
- What?
- What?
We've never done
a live broadcast.
And what better a time to do it
than, you know, Christmas Eve?
The wedding, reveal.
Everyone gets to see you
say "I do" in real time.
It's gonna be great.
Do you realize how much pressure
this puts everyone under?
I'm aware.
We don't have a choice.
- Hey, Pablo!
- Hey, Greg!
Careful of the wall.
Yup, that's where
it always went.
A little help, please?
Thank you.
Oh, jeez.
Okay under there?
All right, uh...
Can you turn it
a little to the left?
- Yeah.
- It's leaning.
Uh... okay, yep, almost.
- There, there, there, there.
- Yeah?
- Got it.
- Yep?
Stella, hi.
Your fianc is running late
yet again,
so surprise, surprise.
If he's handing out
paint cans, I...
Anyway, I told him
4:00 sharp, no excuses.
We need to rehearse
the wedding blocking.
We can't just, like,
wing it tomorrow night.
He's probably
stuck in a meeting.
I'll text him.
You know what?
Don't bother.
We'll just rehearse without him.
Pablo, you can stand in, right?
- Stand what?
- Yeah,
you just have to say, like,
can I have your hand in
blah, blah, blah.
Merry Christmas.
Yadda, yadda, yadda.
Uh... uh.
I'm not sure that I...
Great. Let's go.
Okay, so then we're gonna
have the happy couple
walking down the
aisle, everybody.
They're gonna come
right down through there.
Oh, yeah, there is no aisle.
No veil.
Just close friends and
family, and lots of wine.
Okay, well, let's, uh,
pretend that there's an aisle.
Nah, nah, nah-nah,
marriage, marriage, ys
Okay, perfect. And A camera,
I'm gonna have you follow them.
And then B, I want you to get in
some close-ups
and some cutaways.
Okay, great.
Stella, where did
you wanna do the vows?
Um, right... right here,
in front of the fireplace.
Oh, perfect! Okay.
Um, okay, Gabe,
you're gonna be,
you know, the person,
the official official.
Great, okay.
Bride and groom.
Can we get you guys
in a little bit closer?
We're just trying
to avoid glare.
A little bit more, please.
Yeah, great.
Okay, in, in, in, in, in.
Closer, okay?
Nice, nice, perfect.
And looking into
each other's eyes.
And, uh, I guess
we can hear the vows.
- Vows?
- Yeah,
we need you to run your vows.
I haven't written mine yet.
Oh, it's more of a timing thing.
We're going live, Stella,
so there's no room for error, so
just, like, improvise something.
Just looking into each
other's eyes for camera.
I, Stella Murphy,
take you, Jack Hall,
to be my partner.
And I, Pablo Belmonte...
- Oh, you're Jack right now.
- Right. Sorry.
Uh... I, Jake...
Okay, can we at least
exchange the rings
so we can just see
that rehearsal?
Are there rings?
Let's just mime it right now.
Okay. All right.
And I guess here is
where we do, like,
you may kiss the bride,
yadda, yadda, yadda.
Well! Looks like I got here
in the nick of time.
- Hi!
- Hey.
Let's do it again.
The right way.
Uh, no, let's flip these,
and then we can feature that
off the top and then see what...
- Pablo!
- Sorry.
All right, thanks, Andy.
Thanks for standing
in for me today, buddy.
Yeah, anytime, all good.
So, you've been spending an
awful lot of time with Stella.
I don't know...
No more than
I have in the past six years.
Heh. Yeah...
So, have you...
Have you told Stella
that you don't wanna live here?
We'll work it out.
Besides, she's got
a lot on her plate, anyway.
Yeah, but I think...
I think you should tell her
- sooner rather than later?
- I appreciate your concern.
But I have an IPO to focus on.
If your little show
doesn't get picked up,
I gotta be able to
take care of Stella.
Jack, Stella can
take care of herself.
You don't need to
worry about her.
This place is really
important to her.
If you didn't notice.
Okay, you moved
some furniture around.
- Just like home.
- I needed to make it my own.
Hey, I think I'm gonna
go back to school.
Stella, that's great.
Um... oh.
You need some lights at the top.
I'm sorry, did I just
here Pablo Belmonte
tell me that I need
more Christmas lights?
I already have too many.
Okay, no arguments. Fine.
Do you think we're ever
gonna agree on anything?
Oh, come on, I think we agree
more than either
of us will admit,
but, hey, I'm proud of you.
School's important.
The show will take
care of itself.
Don't worry. In fact, um...
I was offered a show,
if we don't get picked up.
- An-another... another show?
- Yup.
How long, um...
How long have you known?
Why didn't you tell me?
Um, I hadn't figured
out what I wanna do yet.
So you're gonna leave
our show for a new show?
Well, there might not
be any more... show...
Stella, it's time that we start
thinking about our futures,
together or separate,
whatever it may be.
- What are you saying?
- What I'm saying is...
If we get picked up...
I'm not sure that I can
keep things between me and you
- the same after you marry Jack.
- What are you talking about?
We'll be fine.
We can get past this.
I'm... I... I'm trying
to be honest about...
About how I feel.
And... and we can't
keep playacting
like we were this afternoon.
I'm sorry, is that
what we were doing?
- Playacting?
- Are you trying to say that
you don't feel the
same way about me?
Okay, can we not
do this right now?
No, 'cause you're
less than 24 hours away
from getting married.
Okay, you're just
too afraid to say it.
- No, that's not it.
- Then what is it?
You can tell me to leave.
Say it to my face
and we're done.
We can both go
our separate ways.
I think you were right.
I think you should
take the other show.
And I think it's time we both
just move on with our lives.
Is that how you really feel?
I light a candle, put the
presents 'round the tree
The sound of carols
fills the air
Outside, the snow is falling
I hear the children calling
Wow, I can't believe this.
Look at what you did in here!
Aren't you meant
to be getting ready?
Yeah, I just wanted to do
one more quick walkthrough.
I mean, the kitchen
is just so amazing.
You really outdid
yourself, Freddie.
Thank you!
Yeah, I'm pretty happy
with it, all things considered.
So, here's the thing.
The caterers dropped off what I
think is meant to be your cake.
But I'm not sure if
they're colorblind
or you actually
chose this color?
It's Salmon in Aspic.
It's Jack's favorite
paint color.
And they took the bar
of soap direction too...
way too literally.
You gave them
"bar of soap" directions?
- Oh! Stella!
- What am I doing?
- It's gonna be okay!
- No, it's not.
None of it is.
But I've run out of time.
So I just have to
keep moving forward.
Okay, I'm sorry, but that
is the most ridiculous thing
that I have ever heard from you.
One of the reasons that
you're such a talented
and exceptional designer is
because you trust your instincts
and you listen to your heart.
And it's time that you
applied that to your life.
Come on, listen to your heart.
Okay, what's going on?
Mom, I don't know
what I'm doing.
I got in a fight
with Pablo last night.
And it was bad.
But the worst part
about it is I can't...
I can't stop thinking about him.
I'm supposed to be getting
married in less than an hour.
What am I doing?
You know, when I got
married to your father,
I had such butterflies
in my stomach.
My hands wouldn't stop shaking.
I didn't think I was gonna
make it down the aisle.
But inside, there
was this... calm.
I can't do this.
Hey, isn't this bad
luck or something?
Can you, um... can you
please turn your mic off
and come here for a second?
I need to talk to you.
- What's wrong, Stella?
- No cameras, please. Please?
Come here.
Okay, so after we get the shot
of the scrim being pulled
away, you lead everybody...
- Happy?
- Yeah.
What's happening?
Um, okay, shoo!
Okay, we're good! Bye.
I think we have a runaway bride.
Excuse me.
How long have
they been in there?
What the hell is going on?
Are they fighting?
They're not fighting.
Are they practicing their vows?
Are they mic'ed right now?
Where's my headset?
Pablo, do you know
what's happening?
Jack, can you say
something, please?
What do you want me to say?
I think I knew this
was gonna happen
- the day you bought the house.
- You did?
Look, Stella, I am
always gonna love you.
Maybe we shouldn't, you
know, go through with this.
I think you're right.
Um... what do we do now?
About the wedding or the show?
Both. There's so many people.
I'll get rid of the people.
You go deal with
your show family, okay?
Thank you, Jack.
Oh! They're hugging.
Everything's fine.
Everything's gonna be perfect.
Romance, okay.
I'm going back to the tent.
Let's go!
Guys, guys, no cameras.
No cameras, guys!
No cameras.
- Wedding's off.
- Stella.
- We broke up.
- Stella.
- I couldn't do it.
- Are you okay?
Well, the show is
gonna be a mess now.
I've ruined the show.
What are we gonna do?
- We'll figure it out.
- We don't have time.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Don't tell me.
There's no wedding, Zoe.
Stella, I support all the
crazy stuff you wanna do
in your personal life,
but we are sixty minutes to air
and the network is expecting
a big, fat Christmas wedding.
Can you two not
just get married?
Everyone's been waiting for
this for, like, six years.
It's like, come on, already.
Okay, it's a bad idea.
Okay, look, we still have
all this amazing before footage,
the commentary cam,
the renovation.
And at the top, I'll just
explain about the wedding.
- How?
- Just, I'll be honest.
I mean, it's still the
same episode we planned...
The homecoming, Stella
reconnects with her family
and herself on Christmas Eve.
And, uh, Pablo has
the kind of holiday experience
- he's never had before.
- Ugh, it's not dynamic enough.
Uh, we need another element.
Okay, what do I have?
I have a runaway bride,
a house full of caterers,
and the ugliest wedding
cake I've ever seen.
You two are gonna put me
in my grave before I turn 30.
Aren't you 35?
No, I am not.
Who said that?
Okay, well, this is not
about any of that stuff.
This episode is about
inviting our fans into my home
to celebrate the rebirth
of this beautiful house.
Wait a second.
Why don't we just
do that literally?
- What?
- Literally?
We have millions of followers.
Why don't we just invite them
to come celebrate with us?
We'll just put out
a blast saying, come join us
for a very special
live Christmas Eve event?
Okay, I am loving it.
Let me make some calls.
Do you think that can work?
I mean, it might, I don't know.
I need to change.
I need to apologize
for the other night.
No, no, no, don't worry.
I'm thinking and seeing
everything more clearly now.
I think.
If we do get picked up,
we'll figure out a way
for the show to follow
you back to school.
Fans will love it.
But tonight, we're gonna do
the most amazing episode ever,
you and I, together.
Well, that was pretty gutsy.
But then, you're
no shrinking violet.
I mean, I-I had to
do something, Freddie.
Well, yes, and
I'm so proud of you.
You seized the day.
Well, I have the
best teacher there is.
Well, actually, yes, you do.
That dress...
I really think you
should just keep it
- for another day.
- Okay.
Yeah, I like that.
Now, we actually really do have
something to celebrate here,
- like big.
- Okay. What?
None of us have to eat that
hideous orange wedding cake.
- What happened?
- I don't know.
It's ridiculous.
I can't even talk about it.
Erased, gone.
All right, listen.
Everyone's waiting
for you outside.
Are you ready?
Okay, crowd is
starting to arrive.
Okay, we are on
in five, four, three...
Welcome, and thank
you for joining us.
We are live for a very
special Christmas Eve episode
of House Sweet Home.
You might've expected me
to be in a wedding dress,
but like many things
on House Sweet Home,
life is full of surprises.
So for tonight,
that dress is going
back on the hanger,
while we celebrate the
rebirth of this beautiful
110-year-old treasure.
Okay, scrim on standby.
- Are you ready?
- I'm ready.
Go on the scrim.
No, remove the scrim.
Welcome home!
All right, A and B
cam, follow them in.
Okay, A and B cam, get
into the final position.
Hurry, hurry.
We're live, people.
Quick, quick.
Ah, this is so beautiful!
Roll the B-roll.
With the help of
Freddie, Pablo and I
and our amazing
construction crew
restored and
transformed the house.
Let's start with the kitchen.
This room went from a
badly lit DIY nightmare
to a dream hosting space
with new appliances.
And we were even able to
restore my great-grandmother's
original cabinets.
Okay, next up.
It's gotta be the
Christmas tree.
It really does
complete the space.
The ornaments look beautiful.
The living room went from
a drab construction zone
to the coziest of cozy rooms,
perfect for opening up
presents on Christmas morning.
Did the Grinch just
say "Christmas morning"
and "cozy cozy"
all in one sentence?
Yeah, he did.
We replaced the marble facing
for a tile design
more in character.
And after discovering
original art glass windows
in the inglenook, it made
sense to complement it
with vintage wallpaper
and bring the mantelpiece
back to its former glory.
The Santa keys?
Yeah, I polished
them up a little.
Now, the old Pablo definitely
would've taken all that
beautiful patina off, but
I figured after 100 years,
they deserved to be
a little tarnished.
Thank you.
Now, because of
our tight schedule,
we decided to focus on
just a couple of rooms.
We'll save the dining
room for a future episode.
Okay, could you stop
zooming for once.
No, I love your work.
But just relax, thank you.
Thank you so much for joining us
on this small tour.
Not so fast.
I, uh, have a little surprise
just for you.
Oh my goodness.
What? Wow.
How did... how did you do this?
- You like it?
- I love it.
I'm glad. Gabe and I
secretly restored the cupboards
and refinished the mantle.
You almost found
it a couple times.
The dining room table is
courtesy of
Andy at Heirloom Antiques.
- I've heard of it.
- Yeah.
We were up 'til the
wee hours yesterday.
I bet.
I mean, how did...
And you did this all for me?
Yeah. You deserve it.
- Welcome home.
- Oh gosh.
Merry Christmas, Stella.
Merry Christmas.
- Wow.
- Wow.
I think you just
got another season.
Our ratings are gonna
be through the roof.
I feel like we could maybe lock
down a couple-season order, no?
Oh, now you're pushing things.
Come on, be content
with just a new season.
You're right.
And you'll guest star?
Okay, no, pushing it, I got it.
- You're so pushing it.
- I'm sorry.
How about take a moment to
think about how lovely this is
and how happy and sweet
and in love they are?
I mean, you come around,
look what happens.
- So yes?
- No.
- I feel that you'll come...
- Not happening.
Okay, I'm done.
Thanks to Pablo and my family
here at House Sweet Home,
this house is finally alive
with as much Christmas spirit
- as it had 100 years ago.
- Finally.
- It looks fantastic.
- Fantastic.
And if we're lucky enough to
get picked up for next season,
Stella and I have a whole
bunch of surprises in store.
- We do!
- Yeah.
From our family to
yours, we wish you a...
Very Merry Christmas!
And... we're out.
Just another Christmas song
But this time
I'll sing along
So Christmas morning, uh,
Stella got me a present.
I open it up, and
there's a snow globe
with a mini sledgehammer inside.
And on the base it says,
"In case of emergency... "
- "... break glass."
- Perfect, right?
Even the box was perfect.
Perfectly wrapped,
color coordinated.
What shape was the box,
though, Pablo?
Was it a square or a rectangle?
Again with the shapes.
They don't... they don't
care about stuff like that.
- It's important!
- Uh...
Merry Christmas, Stella.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, everybody!