Desire (1936) Movie Script
Now listen, Mr. Gibson.
You're not going to stop me
and no one else is going to stop me.
I'm going on this vacation
whether you like it or not!
And if you want to throw me out,
why don't you?
Yes, you know I'm right.
Now don't bring up any arguments like that.
Yes, you brought me here from Detroit,
but you didn't do it for my sake.
You did it because you wanted
a good engineer, and I've done a swell job.
Now, let me tell you, Mr. Gibson...
I'm not going back to Detroit
before I have my vacation...
...and if you don't like it, you can take my job
and you know what you can do with it?
Mr. Gibson wants to see you.
Tell him I'll be right in.
Yes, Mr. Bradley.
- Well, Mr. Gibson?
- Well, Mr. Bradley?
It's all right. You can have your vacation.
I can have my...
Well, thank you, Mr. Gibson.
You don't have to thank me.
You've done a swell job...
...and let me tell you,
you're a very fine engineer.
Everyone in Detroit recognises that.
Well, they don't know much in Detroit.
Enough to like your ideas
about the new carburettor very much.
They want you back home
by the 15th at the latest.
- The 15th?
- Yeah.
- Well, that... That gives me two weeks.
- That's right.
Where are you going?
- Spain.
- Spain, huh?
I've always wanted to go there,
ever since I was a kid.
I've read every book about Spain.
Imagine me, Tom Bradley from Detroit,
born in Peoria...
...being in Madrid tomorrow,
seeing a bullfight.
Sitting next to a beautiful seorita.
When everybody else is watching the bull,
she'll be watching me. I'll see to that.
- Here are the signs for Mr. Bradley's car, sir.
- Thank you.
What car?
I forgot to tell you.
To show you
how much we appreciate your services...
- we're lending you a car for your trip.
- Well, that's great!
But we thought we might as well utilise you
for a little publicity.
You won't mind using one of these signs
on the car, will you?
- No.
- Let's see which one is the best.
- It's difficult to decide.
- It must be tough, Mr. Gibson, very tough.
"I am delighted to drive a Bronson 8."
"I am glad to drive a Bronson 8."
I'm delighted. I'm glad.
Let me hear you read them once, will you?
"I am delighted to drive a Bronson 8.
I am glad to drive a Bronson 8."
Try it the other way once, please.
"I'm glad to drive a Bronson 8.
I'm delighted to drive a Bronson 8."
We'll take "delighted. " It's class.
That's the trouble. It's too snooty.
People who make under a $100 a week
are never delighted.
They're tickled to death,
and they buy our cars.
You're right. We'll take "glad. "
That's no good, either.
"Glad" is a weak word.
For instance, I'm walking down
the boulevard and just looking around...
...out for a good time,
and instead, who do I meet?
You. What do I say to you?
"Glad to see you, Mr. Gibson. "
I tell you, "glad" is the wrong word.
Well, take another example.
If I'm going around with a girl
and I don't like her anymore...
I'm glad to get rid of her.
But after I get rid of her...
Oh, boy!
Hey! Where do you think you're going?
Get back.
Tell Charles to come back.
I don't want any commotion.
Very good, madam. Charles!
- What can I do for madame?
- I would like to see some pearis.
- Necklace, madame?
- Please.
Now if madame can give me some idea
of the price.
If monsieur could give me
some idea of the pearis.
Well, we have a considerable variety.
Anything from 10,000 francs up to a million.
And a few pieces,
extraordinary, rare pieces...
...even up to two million.
If it's really rare,
it can be three million.
I think M. Duvalle would like
to attend to you himself.
Madame, will you be good enough
to step this way?
If you please, madame.
I've never seen her before.
- You wanted to see some pearis, madame?
- Please.
Henri, please bring the Gourdet necklace.
The Don Dedeieront, the Caillot.
- Cigarette?
- Thank you, I don't smoke.
Nor do I. A barbarian custom.
One fills one's lungs
and other people's eyes with smoke.
I believe we haven't had the pleasure
of serving you before, Madame...
- Pauquet.
- Mme. Pauquet?
Not Mme. Jules Pauquet, by any chance?
That would be charming.
No, monsieur. Not Mme. Jules Pauquet.
Excuse me, madame.
How much?
It took four-and-a-half years
to collect, madame.
- Time and effort were of no consideration.
- How much?
I have made up my mind
to accept 2,200,000 francs.
2,200,000 francs.
Four-and-a-half years of work, madame.
Every pearl is matched and flawless.
Believe me, madame, even at that price...
I am not in the habit of bargaining
when I see something I want.
And I want this necklace.
I would like to wear it tonight.
The address is 145 Rue de I'Elyse.
145, Rue de I'Elyse, Mme. Pauquet.
Mme. Maurice Pauquet.
Maurice Pauquet!
Dr. Pauquet, the nerve specialist?
Yes, he's my husband. Do you know him?
No, but who has not heard of him in Paris?
Unfortunately, I have never had
the pleasure of meeting him.
- Maybe you would like to meet him?
- But, madame, of course.
All right. Would you bring the pearis
to my husband's office at 6:00?
And my husband will give you the cheque.
Thank you, madame.
It will be an honour to meet the doctor.
And one never knows
when one will go crazy.
- Goodbye, madame, and a thousand thanks.
- Goodbye, monsieur.
- Dr. Pauquet?
- Yes, madame. Would you please be seated?
- Your name, please?
- Mme. Duvalle.
Mme. Aristide Duvalle.
Aristide Duvalle, the famous jeweller?
Yes, I am his wife. Do you know him?
I've never had that pleasure,
but of course I've heard of him.
Who hasn't in Paris?
That's what makes it so much worse.
Doctor, I...
It's too terrible to speak of.
No. Come, come, come now.
Do you want me to have you for a patient?
You're right. I must be calm for his sake.
You see, all of a sudden,
for the past few weeks... husband has been suffering from...
Well, I suppose
you would call it hallucinations.
Can you tell me the symptoms?
They are different.
- He has an obsession about money.
- Who hasn't nowadays?
But better times will cure these things.
I doubt if you have much to worry about
if it's just a question of money.
But it isn't.
It's too embarrassing.
You are talking to your doctor, madame.
When we were married,
he was such a strong, virile man...
...and now...
...sometimes he imagines he's a schoolgirl
running away from school.
And do you know,
he has given up pyjamas...
...and taken to wearing nightgowns?
I don't like that.
I don't like it, either.
It's all so hopeless.
Not at all, madame. Modern psychiatry
has a way of dealing with these problems.
Believe me, a few careful treatments...
...and we'll have him out of his nightgowns
and back into pyjamas in no time.
- He belongs in them.
- Unquestionably.
Now shall we make an appointment for him?
That's not so easy to do.
He has grown so suspicious of people.
The commonest of symptoms.
I'm sure if I managed to bring him here
and he found others around...
Is there any chance he could see you alone?
After office hours,
I occasionally make an exception.
Shall we say tonight, maybe at 6:00?
Very well, let's say tonight then, at 6:00.
- I don't know how to thank you.
- By not worrying too much.
I'll try not to.
- Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you again.
- Goodbye, madame.
Doctor, there's one other thing.
I don't know how important it is, but I think
I should mention it before you see him.
Just imagine,
this very shrewd, honest man...
...for whom everyone in the business worid
has the highest respect...
...again and again presents bills to people
who don't owe him anything.
- Dementia praesenilis.
- It's frightening.
He does it everywhere,
and to people he never even met before.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he comes
in here and presents you with a bill.
Don't worry about that, madame.
I'll take care of the bill.
- Just leave it to me.
- I shall, Doctor.
Come in.
I'm sorry, my husband is late.
I'm sure he'll be here any minute.
No hurry.
I have some work to keep me busy.
Good evening, M. Duvalle.
- Good evening, madame.
- You're very prompt.
I was afraid I might be late.
My dressmaker detained me. Come in.
- Cigarette, M. Duvalle?
- I don't smoke.
Oh, yes, I forgot. We have that in common.
And more.
- We both love pearis, don't we?
- Yes, madame.
- You have the necklace with you?
- Of course.
You know, M. Duvalle,
my conscience is beginning to bother me.
Should I really induce my husband
to spend so much money?
Are the pearis really worth it?
But, madame! Look at them again.
Here, by the light.
What symmetry. What art.
These are not pearis.
They are the tears of mermaids, madame.
How beautifully you speak.
I believe
you could sell me anything, monsieur.
And if you should change your mind,
let us say, within the next two years...
I will only be too glad to take them back.
You don't know me, M. Duvalle.
If I take these pearis,
you will never see them again.
You can depend on that.
I am certain of you, madame.
- And now shall we see my husband?
- Please.
- May we come in?
- Why, of course.
May I introduce M. Duvalle, Dr. Pauquet.
How do you do, M. Duvalle?
An honour, Doctor,
to make your acquaintance.
Well, the Doctor will take care of
everything, won't you?
- I will do my best.
- Thank you.
I think I'd better leave you two gentlemen
alone for a while.
Perhaps it would be better.
I'm sure it would be.
- Charming woman.
- Charming.
Would you please be seated, M. Duvalle?
Thank you.
Aristide Duvalle, right?
Just make it out to Duvalle and Company.
Well, M. Duvalle,
you can have absolute confidence in me.
Well, Dr. Pauquet, of course.
If I could not trust you,
I could not do business with anyone.
- That's very flattering.
- No, no. It's justified, I'm sure.
Thank you.
- Now, could we get down to business?
- Gladly. Just as you say.
This bill is made out to me.
Of course.
2,200,000 francs.
Tell me, M. Duvalle,
exactly how did you arrive at this figure?
Dr. Pauquet, I can show you my books.
It cost me two million.
- Is 10% too much profit?
- No, no, no, of course not. Very fair.
- Thank you.
- Very fair.
How do you sleep?
How do I sleep?
Oh, fine. Fine.
- And you?
- Fine. Fine, thank you.
- Which side do you sleep on, your left?
- No.
- Your right?
- No. I...
- On your back?
- Doctor, I can't see what difference...
I'm sorry, M. Duvalle, but you must answer
all my questions clearly...
...before we can proceed any further.
Now tell me, which side do you sleep on?
Your left, your right, or on your back?
I sleep on my stomach.
Why don't you like pyjamas?
- Pyjamas! Pyjamas! What about pyjamas?
- Well, what about them?
Doctor, if you would just give me my cheque
and let me go.
Now, M. Duvalle, Aristide Duvalle.
Look at me. Now, tell me.
Why do you want 2,200,000 francs?
For the pearis I have given to your wife.
Listen to me.
I don't owe you 2,200,000 francs.
You didn't give any pearis to my wife.
I don't have a wife.
You owe me 2,200,000 francs.
I have given the pearis to your wife,
and I think you are crazy!
That's bad, definitely bad.
Now, M. Duvalle, don't worry.
Everything is going to be quite all right.
Now tell me,
where do you buy your nightgowns?
Nightgowns? Nightgowns?
I never bought a nightgown in my life.
I am a bachelor.
And that beautiful, charming lady
who just left this room? Who is she?
- She is your wife.
- Oh, no, she is your wife.
- She is your wife.
- She is your wife.
She is your wife.
Come now, man, pull yourself together.
- I tell you she is your wife!
- She is your wife!
I'm driving, I'm driving, I'm driving
I'm driving, I'm driving...
A Bronson 8
A Bronson 8 I am driving...
I'm driving a Bronson 8
A car for the masses...
Will you help me stop that horn?
Where's the owner of this car?
I'm going to punch him in the nose.
Where is he?
I must ask you to stop that horn at once.
Stop that noise. You have to wait your turn.
It's her car. I have nothing to do with it.
I beg your pardon, monsieur.
I don't know if you've noticed it,
but I'm having a little trouble with my car.
I tried to blow my horn...
...but I'm afraid I must have pushed it
too hard and now it's stuck.
It's really a situation
where a woman is helpless.
You look like an experienced motorist,
if I may say so.
Would it be too much
to ask you to give me a helping hand?
Thank you for your assistance.
Well, that licks me.
First you throw mud in my face
and now you want me to kiss your hand.
Thank you, monsieur.
Please, don't mention it. It was a pleasure.
Now look, this car may get you into trouble.
That horn may get stuck again any minute.
I was just thinking
it might be a good idea if I followed you.
I mean, to take care of the horn.
Oh, no, please!
You're going to Spain. I'm going to Spain.
I'm on a vacation and it doesn't make
any difference where I go, right?
But look, let's agree on one thing.
Let's not go so fast.
Let's take our time and see the mountains
and the little villages and enjoy it.
People will wait for you.
I would.
I want to apologise
for all the trouble I have caused you...
...and to thank you
for all the help you've given me...
...but I must insist that
you do not follow me.
And if you would do me a special favour,
please leave me alone, right now.
I'm sorry.
Get your luggage ready for inspection.
Step inside the Customs Building.
- I...
- Don't thank me or I'll start your horn again.
Your bag, please.
All right, next one, please.
- Anything to declare?
- Nothing.
All right.
- Anything to declare?
- Not a thing.
100 pesetas fine.
There's something wrong with my car.
I wonder if you can help me.
Well, I'll have a look at it.
Well, how did this happen?
I must have bumped over a big rock.
I don't see how it could have happened
that way.
Maybe when you were fixing the horn
you accidentally broke something.
I beg your pardon?
I'm a motor engineer.
I build motors, not wreck them.
Well, there's nothing I can do
without any spare parts.
- What are you going to do?
- Just leave it here and send for it tomorrow.
Will you give me a lift?
Aren't you a bit cold driving
without a coat?
I should say not.
It's beautiful, isn't It?
I'm driving a Bronson 8
A Bronson 8 I am driving...
- Comfortable?
- Yes.
I'm glad you had your accident...
Do you think
our luggage is safe back there?
Who cares? Nothing's safe in this car.
- But...
- Don't you worry, I put yours on the bottom.
If you hear anything fall, it's my suitcase.
You have nothing to worry about.
That's fine.
You know, I really am lucky.
If I hadn't found you, I'd still be
standing in the middle of the road...
...instead of being on my way
to San Sebastin.
Is that where we're going?
- We?
- Sure. I'll drive you there.
- I am lucky.
- You're lucky?
- You mean I am, having you with me.
- Thank you.
It's just what I'd always hoped
and dreamed for my vacation.
What a vacation.
Do you know what I wish would happen?
You'd lose your suitcase.
I'd lose my suitcase.
We'd lose the car
and both be stranded here for 10 days...
...without a soul around us.
I can't help it, that's what I wish.
Look over there, that's Spain!
The birds are singing
and the sun's shining...
- And the castanets are clicking...
- And you are probably taking a cold.
- Does that really worry you?
- It does.
Do I have to answer?
You know, you're really a nice girl.
A sweet girl.
Just selfish. If you get a cold,
I may get one, too, being so close to you.
You know, it's getting colder
as it gets later...
...and I might have to move a little closer
if I get chilly.
I may even put my hands in your pocket.
I am certainly not freezing,
but I guess I better get my coat on.
I'm getting gooseflesh.
I wish you would hurry.
I'll be through in a second.
Don't you like it?
Of course. But do you think
it goes with those trousers?
Sure, I had it specially
made for these pants.
- Shall we go now?
- Yeah, just a second.
I've got a sign back here
I promised to keep clean.
It's all covered with mud.
Lucky sign. It's your mud.
Hey! Hey, wait a minute!
Hey, where did you get this?
Will you take me there?
Take me there?
Give me those, please.
- Countess de Beaupre, please.
- Whom shall I announce, sir?
- Prince Margoli.
- Very well, Your Highness.
Countess de Beaupre, please.
The Countess is expecting you.
Room 212, Your Highness.
Thank you.
Keep the change.
- How do you do, Countess?
- Your Highness.
The years change me,
but you remain as enchanting as ever.
Thank you for your words and your flowers.
It's difficult to tell them apart.
Yellow roses. You remembered.
It would have been
far more difficult to forget.
- Will you please get a vase for these?
- Very well, Countess.
- Madeleine, where are those pearis?
- I only wish I knew.
Don't lie to me. Where are they?
I told you over the telephone.
- You know I don't believe in fairy tales.
- I do.
Where are those pearis?
Of course you must be tired.
The journey must have been very strenuous.
Are you staying long in San Sebastin,
Your Highness?
No, no, I'm afraid I can't.
I don't think this climate is good
for my health.
The old complaint?
Yes, it has me constantly on the move.
I think I need a change of altitude myself.
Yes, I was going to suggest that, too.
Why did you wreck the car?
I couldn't help it.
They were right on my heels.
- I had to mislead them.
- It's fantastic.
You're not trying to double-cross me,
by any chance?
- Don't be vulgar.
- I'm sorry.
My close association with lawyers
has coarsened me.
Well, we'll have to get out of here tonight.
This is a fine mess,
and all this work for nothing.
No, we must get those pearis back.
Now who was this man?
An American.
Now that's a great help.
He ought to be easy to find.
There are only about 100 million Americans.
- What was his name?
- I don't know.
Good. Now, we won't be hampered
in our search by knowing his name.
- What did he look like?
- He was tall.
One more little clue like that
and we ought to have him in our hands.
- Any other distinguishing traits?
- He seemed to be a man of very good taste.
He liked me.
Didn't I tell you
never to mix love with business?
Don't be absurd, Carlos.
This man interests me as much as you do.
That should satisfy you.
I want to tell you something, Madeleine.
I think I've always behaved as a gentleman.
- And I hope you continue to do so.
- That all depends.
Do you contemplate knocking me down?
- Not exactly. But...
- But what?
His camera!
Yes. Yes.
A gentleman to see the Countess?
I'm sorry, the Countess is not
receiving this afternoon.
Let's see what he looks like.
Wait a minute.
Were you expecting someone today?
Well, maybe that man
who wanted to speak to you was...
Yes, yes. I was just going to ring you back.
The gentleman who wanted to see
the Countess, was he an American...
Who? A gentleman
from the police department?
It's the police.
Well, I told you, madame is not receiving.
All right, send him up.
Now let's be calm.
All we can get is five years.
No, seven. I looked it up.
Now, remember,
a slip-up now would be fatal.
Our stories have got to match.
Now, let's go over it again quickly.
- Who am I?
- You're my uncle.
- How did I get this bullet hole in my ribs?
- Battle on the Marne.
- Who was your mother?
- Grand Duchess Sandra...
- who went down on the Lusitania.
- Right.
- And your father was the Grand Duke Sergei.
- Killed by the Bolsheviks. I know it.
- Good luck, Madeleine.
- Good luck, Carlos.
- Remember.
- Your Highness.
Come in.
Do I have the pleasure
of addressing Countess de Beaupre?
May I introduce myself? My name is Avilia,
from the San Sebastin Police Department.
- Won't you sit down?
- Thank you.
Come in.
Thank you.
- Will you excuse me for a minute?
- Certainly, Countess.
Lord Dunsmore wants us to join him
on a Mediterranean cruise.
I beg your pardon. I was so interested
in reading about this case.
You mean the one about the pearl necklace?
I don't know how it got in the papers.
It just makes it
so much more difficult for me.
The woman in the case
seems to be very clever.
Yes, but what makes it so difficult for me
is that her description varies.
It's one of those typical cases
where one has to take a chance.
Well, seor, you'll excuse me.
I have an appointment at my hairdresser's.
Now, Countess...
It's so silly, but as I told you,
I have to do my duty.
You see, this afternoon
an American arrived by plane...
...and he has made a complaint.
Oh, a fantastic story!
A woman took his car and wrecked it.
He's taken up so much of my time.
But he threatened to go
to the American Consul, so I had no choice.
I had to take the case in my hands.
What could I do? I am the police.
We made the rounds of all the hotels,
Countess, but the description...
Fits me?
Well, it's absurd, Countess, but it does.
Furthermore, you arrived this afternoon.
It's all such nonsense, but everything fits.
Now I'm forced to confront you
with this American...
...but, of course,
if you will assure me that you...
- Oh, no. I insist on seeing this young man.
- Absolutely.
A thousand thanks. I'll bring him right up.
No. He's taken up too much of your time
already. Just send him up.
- I'm so delighted to have met you, seor.
- Thank you.
- Don't bother to bring him up here.
- Yes, Countess.
- Allow me.
- Your Highness, you are so kind to me.
It was so nice of you to come up.
Give me a drink, quick.
Now we'll have to get those pearis.
Come in.
So it was you!
Say, what was the idea
of taking my car and...
May I ask what this is all about?
This is my uncle, Prince Margoli.
Bradley's my name.
- Are you insinuating that my niece...
- Yes, I am. She stole my car.
That's not true.
Are you calling me a liar?
I say that could not be true.
Uncle, it is true.
Then you really did what the police and
what this young man accuse you of doing?
- Yes. But let me explain.
- There is no explanation.
There's got to be an explanation.
That car didn't even belong to me,
and somebody's got to pay for it.
Let that be the least of your worries.
You'll have the money
before you leave this room.
- What interests me most is your conduct.
- No, Uncle...
I don't want any excuses!
This is the last
of your numberless escapades.
I shall take this up
at the family council, yes.
I'll not let you drag down our family name
any longer.
Do you realise what you did?
You stole a car. You, a de Beaupre!
- I shall see that the family disowns you.
- Now look here...
This is a black spot
on the escutcheon of the de Beaupres...
...which will have to be wiped away.
- But after all...
- Will you kindly let me handle this alone?
- Now, I'm telling you...
- Please, sir.
Whose niece is she, your niece or my niece?
Whose car was it, your car or my car?
Now let me tell you, my niece
is more important to me than your car.
My car is more important to me
than your niece!
Well, I don't know.
Well, look. I'm on my vacation...
...and I don't want any more trouble
than I had already...
...and I certainly don't want to start
a European war. Look... me 35,000 francs for my car,
and let's have a drink.
I cannot treat the matter so lightly.
Madeleine, I think the behaviour
of this young man is excellent...
...and I want you to apologise.
I ask your forgiveness
from the bottom of my heart.
Oh, come on. That's okay.
Let's have that drink.
I'll write you the cheque at once.
Why do you suppose she did it?
Why? Wrong education!
That's the trouble
with our whole aristocracy.
Still think they're living in the Middle Ages.
No respect for other people.
Treating everyone like subjects.
That's what starts revolutions.
I guess you're right.
She could start a revolution
with me anytime.
I beg your pardon.
If you won't accept my apology,
let me at least thank you for your chivalry.
It's quite all right. Why did you do it?
- Do you really want to know the truth?
- Yes.
- I was very late for a luncheon appointment.
- What?
And I wanted to keep it,
but not because of the food.
I get it.
Why did you leave me in the middle of the
road? I'd have been glad to drive you.
You were going slower and slower,
and you know yourself why.
It's very silly to say,
but suddenly I got in the most awful panic.
I didn't know you, we were alone there...
...and before I knew what I was doing,
I stepped on the gas.
I was really afraid.
Of what?
Of you.
Well, there was no need of it.
I paid you a few compliments.
I told you how charming
and how lovely you were...
...and I'd still repeat it,
but I didn't do anything.
But you intended to.
I did not.
You had it in your eye.
I didn't know it showed.
By the way,
did you make your luncheon appointment?
Yes, but after I got here, I didn't keep it.
You know... may seem strange,
but I've never had dinner with a Countess.
And I'm afraid you never will.
We are leaving today.
- So am I. Are you going to Madrid, too?
- No.
Neither am I.
You will hear the news
of the day from the capitals of the worid.
Paris, France.
The most sensational jewel robbery
of a decade...
...the disappearance of a two-million franc
string of pearis...
...from Duvalle and Company,
the famous jewellers, still goes unsolved.
The police are believed to be
closing in on the culprits.
The latest clues point to Spain... the country
where they have taken refuge...
...and the search has turned there.
- Mr. Bradley?
- Yes?
- Are you unpacked?
- Yeah.
- Do you want any help?
- No, thanks, everything's fine.
- Do you need any suits pressed?
- No, no. That's not really necessary.
By the way, we're dressing tonight.
- You're dressing.
- Yes.
- I left my dinner coat in Paris.
- That's all right. It doesn't matter.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't worry.
- Come out as soon as you're ready.
- Thanks.
- Has he found them?
- I don't think so...
...but he has no dinner jacket.
- That's bad.
- Yes.
Let's hope he wears that chequered coat,
then I'll slip away from dinner.
- And I'll keep him at the table.
- Right, but if he doesn't wear it...
Now we'll have to be careful.
Don't let's arouse any suspicion.
- Have you any kind of a pearl necklace?
- Yes, the imitation I bought in Vienna.
Good, put it on.
Mr. Bradley.
Thank you.
You know,
I shouldn't be allowed to sit down.
I look like a stevedore at a royal banquet.
Here's to our charming guest.
And here's to my charming host
and my very lovely hostess.
You know, Mr. Bradley,
I never thought I'd like you.
I knew you would. I grow on people.
I remember a few years ago,
I met a girl that didn't like me at first.
But I grew and grew on her until...
What happened?
She sued me.
I see. You're a kind of a Don Juan.
What a vacation.
What a country.
What is this tender sensation?
This magical thrill that I feel?
Although I seem to be in a dream...
I know this moment is real...
You're here and I'm here...
With your heart and my heart...
Awake in a dream...
In a dream of romance and delight...
Can it be that tonight is the night?
You're here and I'm here...
With your lips and my lips...
Awake in a dream...
And the stars looking down from above...
Seem to sing, "You're in love...
"You're in love"
Now I'll walk with wings on my feet...
Now I'll feel that bitter is sweet...
Other eyes may have charms...
But my heaven will be in your arms...
You're here and I'm here...
With your heart and my heart...
Awake in a dream...
In a dream of romance and delight...
Can it be that tonight...
Is the night?
That was beautiful, really beautiful.
Now you do something, Mr. Bradley.
Well, I can walk on my hands.
Fine. Fine.
No, it's much too early after dinner.
- Uncle, why don't you show us some tricks?
- Oh, no.
Yes, why don't you?
All right.
Now here's a perfectly plain
linen handkerchief.
Now watch it carefully.
Now the object of this trick
is to see how big a hole...
...we can burn in the handkerchief.
That's great.
By the way, Mr. Bradley... you always carry your money
in your nose?
I don't know,
but I very often pay through the nose.
- Go on, do some more.
- All right, if you insist.
May I have your pearis for a moment?
Now, Mr. Bradley,
you see this pearl necklace?
Now watch it very carefully.
Now, one, two, three!
- Where'd they go?
- Look in your right-hand pocket.
No, look in the right-hand pocket
of your coat.
Well, how'd they get in my pocket?
Well, I can't tell you that, Mr. Bradley.
- Well, I hope you've been entertained?
- Entertained?
It's a marvellous evening.
Now, Mr. Bradley,
you've had a very strenuous day...
- And I should think you must be tired.
- Tired?
I should say not. I could stay up a week
under these circumstances.
But you're looking tired, isn't he? Look.
You've been very kind and I don't want you
to put yourself out too much.
You're right. It is getting late,
and if you want to go to bed...
...why, don't let your European etiquette
stand in the way.
If you're tired, why,
just go and lay the body down.
All right, then I'll do my last trick
of the evening and make myself disappear.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Mr. Bradley.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night!
Good night.
Well, I guess this is
what's known as being alone at last.
- Madeleine?
- I'll be right back.
I'm sorry to interrupt this serenade,
but I really wish you'd go to bed.
- Carlos, don't be foolish.
- Don't you be foolish.
And don't encourage him to stay here.
We've got to get rid of him
as soon as possible.
And please, no emotional entanglements.
It's dangerous, Madeleine, at this moment.
So go to bed at once, please.
I didn't realise how tired I am.
I think I'll go to bed.
Oh, come on.
Please stay a while, just a few minutes.
You know...
...all you need is a frame now
and you'd be a masterpiece.
All I need is a nice, soft bed.
You must realise that I've never been
with anyone like you before.
It sounds funny, but I don't seem
to be able to entertain you.
I hate to be entertained.
Please don't do it.
Look, where I come from,
I'm not considered exactly bashful...
...and if I were home and you were...
Lizzie Smith, or Susie Brown,
or Mary Jones...
What would you do?
Oh, boy, what...
We wouldn't be sitting here...
Well, I'm glad I'm not Mary Jones...
...or Lizzie Smith...
...or Susie Brown.
I'm crazy about you, Madeleine.
Madeleine. You don't know
how I've wanted to call you that.
Madeleine, I love you.
It's hit me all of a sudden. I love you.
And when you wake up, I'm gonna take you
in my arms and I'm going to kiss you.
I'm going to tell you that...
Did you say something, Mr. Bradley?
No, nothing.
Well, good night.
Calm yourself, Madeleine.
You see, it was nothing. You're too nervous.
Why shouldn't I be? How could I help it?
Hunted, chased every moment.
Never knowing when they'll get us.
It's a wonderful life, Carlos, isn't it?
Every time the door opens,
not knowing who's coming in.
They'll get us, Carlos.
Sooner or later, they will.
Now, now. Go to bed, Madeleine.
You need a good rest.
Sleep! Who knows
how many days we've left.
Maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight.
Good night.
Good night, Madeleine.
You're still up? Is anything the matter?
Why should you be nervous?
I don't know. I didn't know I had a nerve
in my body until tonight.
Why don't you go to bed
and get a good rest?
I tried to, but that Spanish moon...
You see him up there? Strong, isn't it?
It was shining right into my window.
Why don't you draw the curtain?
I see. Turn off the moon,
turn on the moon, just as you like.
Some people can do that easier than others.
- Aren't you a bit hasty, Mr. Bradley?
- Maybe I am. I'm sorry.
You see...
But you wouldn't understand, anyway.
How could you?
This is the first vacation
I've ever had in my life...
...and who knows if I'll get a chance again.
A few more days and
I'll be back in Detroit...
...and all the fun's over.
Big chimneys, black smoke...
...hammering noise and work, and more work.
Yet I couldn't live without it.
I love it and I hate it.
You know, Mr. Bradley...
...the Spanish moon is very becoming to you.
I never saw you in this light before.
- You weren't even listening.
- Oh, yes, I was.
I heard everything you said,
about yourself...
Detroit, your work,
you love it and you hate it.
Isn't that the way you feel about me?
Not exactly. I...
- I never said I love you.
- Liar.
Maybe I dreamed when I was asleep.
Yes, I must have dreamed.
Because I heard your voice
saying you were crazy about me...
...and that you loved me.
But I'm sure you didn't mean it.
- I mean everything I say.
- No, you don't.
"Madeleine, I love you.
"When you wake up, I'm going to take you
in my arms and kiss you. "
Madeleine, so you weren't asleep?
Not quite.
Why did you let me go through
all this torture? Why didn't you tell me?
I wasn't sure if I liked you enough.
And now?
I still don't know.
Madeleine? Madeleine?
Yes, dear?
I have a wire from Aunt Olga.
I have to leave immediately for Madrid.
Say, wake up, Madeleine. This is important.
A telegram from Aunt Olga. I have to leave.
Say, what's the matter with you?
Where are the pearis?
The pearis, yes. Where are they?
Now look here.
You're not to leave
until I wire you. Understand?
Yes, I understand.
No, you don't.
I'm going to take this Bradley with me.
I say, I'm going to take this Bradley
to town with me.
I'll get rid of him there.
Mr. Bradley.
Mr. Bradley. Mr. Bradley!
Yes, darling.
Wake up, please. I'm leaving for Madrid.
Have a good trip.
If you'd like to go with me,
I'll be very glad to have you.
It's a wonderful trip. You can see Spain.
Always wanted to see Spain.
- Ever since I was a little boy.
- Well, now's your chance.
But I'm not a little boy anymore.
He won't go. See if you can persuade him.
- We don't want him hanging around here.
- I'll talk to him.
- Good morning, Mr. Bradley.
- Good morning, Countess.
- I hear you don't want to leave.
- Right. I don't.
My uncle sent me here to persuade you
to leave. Can you be persuaded?
Thank you, darling.
- Well?
- Carlos, he thinks you're a wonderful man.
Well, is he going to leave?
Now, Mr. Bradley, I don't want
to be impolite, but I must insist.
Yes, darling?
Nothing. I was just saying your name.
Madeleine. What a lovely name.
Much nicer than Countess.
Please forget the Countess.
There is no Countess.
Just Madeleine.
And Tom.
Madeleine, do you mind if I ask you
a very personal question?
No, please, what is it?
Are you eating those eggs?
Thank you.
You get a marvellous appetite in Spain.
What a country! What eggs!
What's the matter?
Nothing. Just looking at you.
How do I look in the sunlight?
Bad, very bad.
As a matter of fact, so bad...
...that I wish
the moon would soon come out again.
Do you realise
that you are now my prisoner?
No car, no telephone,
hours to the nearest railroad...
...and a train only every two days.
You frighten me and we're alone.
All by ourselves.
Two days ago,
I didn't know anything about you.
Two days ago, you didn't even exist.
You're wrong, I did exist,
but I didn't live.
It's crazy, isn't it?
But wonderful.
A certain Mr. Bradley comes from America.
That's all I know about you.
All I know about you is you stole my car...
...and I'm insane about you.
Hello, Madeleine.
Please. Why did you come here?
That's a fine way to greet a sweet old lady.
I could be your grandmother.
And if your grandmother came here,
what would you do?
You would offer her a brandy, of course.
- Straight?
- Please.
Brandy's the only thing I am straight about.
You know...
I never drank until I went to gaol.
You know,
people wouldn't be so afraid of dying...
...if they could take
a bottle of brandy with them.
Did Carlos send you?
Yes. And he's pretty sore at you.
I don't care.
Now come on,
you could have answered his wires...
...and they really need you in Madrid.
I've some good news for you.
We've a great chance
of selling the necklace.
I'm afraid you have to find someone else.
I'm not going.
Not going?
No, I'm through with you, and Carlos,
and all the others.
I need another brandy.
There, now I'm sober again.
Carlos told me all about the American.
Is he still here?
That's none of your business.
You're quite right.
It is none of my business.
But it is my business
to see that you get right back to Madrid.
Now, Madeleine,
you know Carlos as well as I do.
He has a very kind soul...
...but as his record shows,
there is a very mean streak in him...
...and he can be pretty nasty.
Very nasty.
Why didn't you stay in the car?
You promised to let me handle her.
Before I tell you what I plan to do with you
in case you refuse...
...allow me to compliment you.
You're looking more beautiful than ever.
- Love must be a wonderful thing.
- It is, Carlos.
It gives you strength and courage,
something to fight for.
I have something to fight for, too.
You know these pearis, don't you?
They feel cold when you touch them,
but they're not cold. They're hot.
They're burning a hole in my pocket.
And I have to get rid of them
as soon as possible.
Now look here, Carlos.
You helped me when I was in need,
and you were very decent about it.
Then you asked me to get the pearis for you
and I did. Now we are even.
Mathematics isn't my strong point.
I only know that I absolutely need you
to sell those pearis.
Now go pack. We're leaving.
- Yes, but in different directions.
- Oh, no.
No, in the same direction.
Now, Madeleine, no matter how close
you may be to this American...
...don't forget that
you and I are closer still.
We're strung together
on the same rope of pearis.
It was very gracious of you to elevate me
to that lofty station...
...and I hope Your Highness
won't be too insulted...
...but I have definitely made up my mind
to remove the crest from my stationery... lingerie, and my life.
- Goodbye.
- Oh, no.
- Let me go.
- Why don't you call for help?
Why don't you call for your friend?
Why don't you?
Why don't you bring him here?
Why don't you tell him?
It must be hard for you.
I know how you feel, Madeleine.
It really is serious, isn't it?
For the first time in my life.
He must be a nice young man.
Where is he? I'd like to meet him.
Don't you dare.
Why? Are you afraid?
Why don't you tell him about yourself?
I will.
Oh, no. You think you will, but you won't.
The words won't come from your tongue.
I tried it once myself,
and it won't do, my dear.
Some years ago,
I was sick in a hospital in Vienna.
There was a charming doctor.
He was a fine man.
We thought a great deal of each other.
I used to dream what you are dreaming now.
Then, right in my dreams,
I'd feel a hand falling on my shoulder.
Sooner or later it falls,
and I'd hear myself saying to him:
"I must go downtown
on important business. I'll be back soon. "
And then under my breath I'd say, "Soon.
"10 years. 20 years.
"Life. "
I still dream of him now and then.
I still have it.
- I didn't spoil it.
- Stop it!
What are you going to tell him?
I don't know. I'll think of something.
We are sailing, we are sailing...
We are sailing the 28th...
The 28th we...
We are sailing, we are sailing...
We are sailing the 27th...
The 27th we're sailing...
Tom, I just had a message from Madrid.
Well, that's nothing.
I just got an answer from Paris.
Everything's okay.
Oh, darling,
in a few days you'll be in Detroit.
Now I've warned you.
Don't want you to be disappointed later.
There's no glamour about me.
I'm not a king, nor a prince, nor a count.
Not even an Elk.
- Tom, I have something to tell you.
- I must tell you something.
I have a confession to make, Madeleine.
I lied to you, and I think you should
know it before we get married.
I told you I make a $150 a week,
and I only make a $125.
- But, Tom, all this is not important.
- No.
I have something even more embarrassing
to tell you.
You'll find out
when you get to Detroit anyway.
I'm not the general manager.
I'm only the third assistant.
And my father's not the postmaster.
He's only a mailman, so...
You see, Madeleine,
you better think it over.
What do you say?
...what would you say if I lied to you?
If you found out I'm not a countess?
Listen, I'd marry you
if you were a princess or a queen.
I'm not a snob.
But you are a countess, aren't you?
- That doesn't mean anything.
- It means more than you think, Tom.
I've been thinking about it a lot.
Castles in Spain are very beautiful,
but they don't last.
They blow away and then comes reality.
Reality? We love each other, that's reality.
No. It's a dream.
We come from different worids.
There's a wall, a high wall between us.
There's no use fooling ourselves.
I just had a message from Madrid
that brought me down to earth.
I see.
But let's be grateful.
We had a gorgeous week together,
seven heavenly days.
Seven dreams, a beautiful adventure.
I see.
Turn on the moon, turn off the moon.
Don't leave me like this, Tom.
These are our last moments together,
the way we'll always remember each other.
That's all right.
I told you to think it over and you did.
I can't blame you. You're right.
I can't buy you any diamond clips
or pearl necklaces.
Pearl necklace! It is a pearl necklace
that is separating us.
Well, it's too bad,
but I couldn't buy you any real pearis.
And when it comes to jewellery,
I'm sure you like the real thing.
Tom, I swore I wouldn't tell you...
...but I can't let you go away thinking
I'm something even worse than I am.
You heard about the big theft in Paris,
the pearl necklace.
I did it.
I fooled you, I lied to you. There's only
one true thing you know about me.
I did love you. I do love you.
Goodbye, Tom.
I hope she's got rid of him by now.
You know, I almost left
without saying goodbye, Your Highness.
I wouldn't like it known in European courts
that Americans have no manners.
I've invited Mr. Bradley to stay for dinner.
I really think it's an imposition,
but since you insist, well, I'll stay...
...and try to be very entertaining.
I'm a little bit worried, Mr. Bradley.
If you stay to dinner,
I'm afraid you'll miss your train.
That's the kind of hospitality I like.
Shall we join the ladies?
Mr. Bradley, the truth is...
Now I'm sure you'll understand...
...but we have some very serious
family business to discuss.
That's all right,
just consider me one of the family.
After you, Uncle Carlos.
You know, this is sort of a farewell dinner,
and I think we ought to have a toast.
Just what would you suggest?
First, I want to drink to my hostess...
...who first stole my car
and then stole my heart.
My car was insured, but my heart wasn't.
And then I think
we ought to drink to Aunt Olga.
Because I understand she's been ill.
Yes, I heard you were very ill,
about 35 years ago in Vienna.
You made a mistake, Aunt Olga.
You should have told that doctor.
And if he had really loved you,
he would have helped you over that wall.
I'm sure it would have been a great shock
to him when he heard about it.
He probably would have called you
every name under the sun.
He probably would have taken you
over his knee...
...and given you the spanking of your life.
- Does it still hurt, darling?
- Just a little. Don't worry.
He would have slapped your hands
so hard that they'd never dream again...
...of touching anything
that didn't belong to them.
I'm sorry, honey.
They're still a little red.
But he'd have stuck by you
if he really loved you.
He would have seen
that you got your chance.
And if anybody tries to stop you from
getting that chance, I'd like to see him!
How about some sauce hollandaise?
It goes very well with a fricassee of chicken.
Tell me, Your Highness...'re a man of great experience,
you usually know what's coming next.
Do you think there's going to be a war?
I hope not. I'm always in favour of peace.
But as the situation is at the moment,
with nobody minding his own business... never can tell what may happen.
Tell me, Tom...
...what would America's attitude be
if it really came to a crisis?
If America is wise,
it won't ever mix in European affairs.
But sometimes we get dragged in, and then,
of course, we have to go through with it.
You can't underestimate America.
That would be a foolish thing to do.
It's a big country.
Six feet three.
How about some more sauce hollandaise?
You know, Your Highness...
I was just thinking of some parlour tricks
you once showed me.
They were awfully good...
...but I think I can show you one
that'll top anything you've ever seen.
You see this chicken? Now watch closely.
One, two, three, presto.
It's gone. Where is it? In my stomach?
That's what you think. It isn't.
It's in the inside pocket of your coat
and it isn't chicken anymore.
It's changed into a string of pearis.
You know, that's marvellous.
I can scarcely believe it.
But you're right. It is in my inside pocket.
But it didn't change into
a string of pearis, it changed into this.
You see, Mr. Bradley,
it's a better trick than even you thought.
- Carlos.
- Don't worry, darling.
He won't shoot me.
There are too many witnesses around.
Besides, hanging is a very painful death.
I really hope you don't shoot him
unless it's absolutely necessary.
Now, Mr. Bradley, I'm going to lock you
in a nice, cool cellar for two or three days...
...where you'll have a chance to think
about life and Bronson 8.
In other words, I'm giving you back
to the automobile business.
Yes, sir.
Take the plate to the kitchen
and disarm the fricassee.
Now, Mr. Whatever-your-name-is,
I want that pearl necklace.
Well, you won't get it.
All right,
I'll go into my final trick of the evening.
See this hand? Now it's a fist.
The fist is still in my hand
and when I count three...
...the fist will be on your jaw.
One, two...
A lady to see you, M. Duvalle.
Will you excuse me, please?
Yes, madame, what can I...
How do you do, M. Duvalle?
May I introduce my fianc, Mr. Bradley?
Glad to meet you, M. Duvalle.
I've heard so much about you,
it's just like meeting an old friend.
We came to see you
about the pearl necklace.
Pearl necklace?
Do you intend to buy another one?
On the contrary.
You see, the necklace that you sold
mademoiselle is really very beautiful...
...but too expensive for us,
and I'm afraid we'll have to return it.
- You have it with you, dear?
- Yes, darling.
Would it upset you too much
if I would ask you to take it back?
I hate to return things, it's not my habit.
But you said you would take it back
whenever I changed my mind...
...and I have changed my mind.
As a matter of fact, I've changed my life.
I'm marrying Mr. Bradley soon.
That is, I hope so.
I know my fiance is indebted to you
and even to France...
...and if you can see your way to help us... release mademoiselle
from her obligation, it'll be swell.
Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll have to postpone
our marriage a long while.
Seven years. Seven long years, M. Duvalle.
Dr. Pauquet on the telephone, M. Duvalle.
Hello, Dr. Pauquet?
M. Duvalle?
I had a pretty bad night...
...but suddenly I feel like a new man.
In fact, I feel like 2,200,000 francs.
That's bad, definitely bad!
No, no, there's nothing the matter with me.
I'll be around this afternoon
and tell you all about it.
Now, about this necklace.
- I will take it back.
- Thank you.
A thousand thanks, monsieur.
And be assured, M. Duvalle,
that when I'm in America...
I'll recommend you to all my friends.
Please don't.
But to return to your obligation... far as I am concerned,
it is paid for and forgotten.
Thank you.
But your debt to the state,
that is a different matter.
I will do everything I can to help you...
...but the final decision
is entirely up to the authorities.
- Did you want to get married today?
- Yes, sir.
- Have you a licence?
- Sure.
That's not your marriage licence.
Why, yes, it is. I...
It's your parole.
- The witnesses are here?
- Yes, sir.
Gentlemen, if you please.
You're not going to stop me
and no one else is going to stop me.
I'm going on this vacation
whether you like it or not!
And if you want to throw me out,
why don't you?
Yes, you know I'm right.
Now don't bring up any arguments like that.
Yes, you brought me here from Detroit,
but you didn't do it for my sake.
You did it because you wanted
a good engineer, and I've done a swell job.
Now, let me tell you, Mr. Gibson...
I'm not going back to Detroit
before I have my vacation...
...and if you don't like it, you can take my job
and you know what you can do with it?
Mr. Gibson wants to see you.
Tell him I'll be right in.
Yes, Mr. Bradley.
- Well, Mr. Gibson?
- Well, Mr. Bradley?
It's all right. You can have your vacation.
I can have my...
Well, thank you, Mr. Gibson.
You don't have to thank me.
You've done a swell job...
...and let me tell you,
you're a very fine engineer.
Everyone in Detroit recognises that.
Well, they don't know much in Detroit.
Enough to like your ideas
about the new carburettor very much.
They want you back home
by the 15th at the latest.
- The 15th?
- Yeah.
- Well, that... That gives me two weeks.
- That's right.
Where are you going?
- Spain.
- Spain, huh?
I've always wanted to go there,
ever since I was a kid.
I've read every book about Spain.
Imagine me, Tom Bradley from Detroit,
born in Peoria...
...being in Madrid tomorrow,
seeing a bullfight.
Sitting next to a beautiful seorita.
When everybody else is watching the bull,
she'll be watching me. I'll see to that.
- Here are the signs for Mr. Bradley's car, sir.
- Thank you.
What car?
I forgot to tell you.
To show you
how much we appreciate your services...
- we're lending you a car for your trip.
- Well, that's great!
But we thought we might as well utilise you
for a little publicity.
You won't mind using one of these signs
on the car, will you?
- No.
- Let's see which one is the best.
- It's difficult to decide.
- It must be tough, Mr. Gibson, very tough.
"I am delighted to drive a Bronson 8."
"I am glad to drive a Bronson 8."
I'm delighted. I'm glad.
Let me hear you read them once, will you?
"I am delighted to drive a Bronson 8.
I am glad to drive a Bronson 8."
Try it the other way once, please.
"I'm glad to drive a Bronson 8.
I'm delighted to drive a Bronson 8."
We'll take "delighted. " It's class.
That's the trouble. It's too snooty.
People who make under a $100 a week
are never delighted.
They're tickled to death,
and they buy our cars.
You're right. We'll take "glad. "
That's no good, either.
"Glad" is a weak word.
For instance, I'm walking down
the boulevard and just looking around...
...out for a good time,
and instead, who do I meet?
You. What do I say to you?
"Glad to see you, Mr. Gibson. "
I tell you, "glad" is the wrong word.
Well, take another example.
If I'm going around with a girl
and I don't like her anymore...
I'm glad to get rid of her.
But after I get rid of her...
Oh, boy!
Hey! Where do you think you're going?
Get back.
Tell Charles to come back.
I don't want any commotion.
Very good, madam. Charles!
- What can I do for madame?
- I would like to see some pearis.
- Necklace, madame?
- Please.
Now if madame can give me some idea
of the price.
If monsieur could give me
some idea of the pearis.
Well, we have a considerable variety.
Anything from 10,000 francs up to a million.
And a few pieces,
extraordinary, rare pieces...
...even up to two million.
If it's really rare,
it can be three million.
I think M. Duvalle would like
to attend to you himself.
Madame, will you be good enough
to step this way?
If you please, madame.
I've never seen her before.
- You wanted to see some pearis, madame?
- Please.
Henri, please bring the Gourdet necklace.
The Don Dedeieront, the Caillot.
- Cigarette?
- Thank you, I don't smoke.
Nor do I. A barbarian custom.
One fills one's lungs
and other people's eyes with smoke.
I believe we haven't had the pleasure
of serving you before, Madame...
- Pauquet.
- Mme. Pauquet?
Not Mme. Jules Pauquet, by any chance?
That would be charming.
No, monsieur. Not Mme. Jules Pauquet.
Excuse me, madame.
How much?
It took four-and-a-half years
to collect, madame.
- Time and effort were of no consideration.
- How much?
I have made up my mind
to accept 2,200,000 francs.
2,200,000 francs.
Four-and-a-half years of work, madame.
Every pearl is matched and flawless.
Believe me, madame, even at that price...
I am not in the habit of bargaining
when I see something I want.
And I want this necklace.
I would like to wear it tonight.
The address is 145 Rue de I'Elyse.
145, Rue de I'Elyse, Mme. Pauquet.
Mme. Maurice Pauquet.
Maurice Pauquet!
Dr. Pauquet, the nerve specialist?
Yes, he's my husband. Do you know him?
No, but who has not heard of him in Paris?
Unfortunately, I have never had
the pleasure of meeting him.
- Maybe you would like to meet him?
- But, madame, of course.
All right. Would you bring the pearis
to my husband's office at 6:00?
And my husband will give you the cheque.
Thank you, madame.
It will be an honour to meet the doctor.
And one never knows
when one will go crazy.
- Goodbye, madame, and a thousand thanks.
- Goodbye, monsieur.
- Dr. Pauquet?
- Yes, madame. Would you please be seated?
- Your name, please?
- Mme. Duvalle.
Mme. Aristide Duvalle.
Aristide Duvalle, the famous jeweller?
Yes, I am his wife. Do you know him?
I've never had that pleasure,
but of course I've heard of him.
Who hasn't in Paris?
That's what makes it so much worse.
Doctor, I...
It's too terrible to speak of.
No. Come, come, come now.
Do you want me to have you for a patient?
You're right. I must be calm for his sake.
You see, all of a sudden,
for the past few weeks... husband has been suffering from...
Well, I suppose
you would call it hallucinations.
Can you tell me the symptoms?
They are different.
- He has an obsession about money.
- Who hasn't nowadays?
But better times will cure these things.
I doubt if you have much to worry about
if it's just a question of money.
But it isn't.
It's too embarrassing.
You are talking to your doctor, madame.
When we were married,
he was such a strong, virile man...
...and now...
...sometimes he imagines he's a schoolgirl
running away from school.
And do you know,
he has given up pyjamas...
...and taken to wearing nightgowns?
I don't like that.
I don't like it, either.
It's all so hopeless.
Not at all, madame. Modern psychiatry
has a way of dealing with these problems.
Believe me, a few careful treatments...
...and we'll have him out of his nightgowns
and back into pyjamas in no time.
- He belongs in them.
- Unquestionably.
Now shall we make an appointment for him?
That's not so easy to do.
He has grown so suspicious of people.
The commonest of symptoms.
I'm sure if I managed to bring him here
and he found others around...
Is there any chance he could see you alone?
After office hours,
I occasionally make an exception.
Shall we say tonight, maybe at 6:00?
Very well, let's say tonight then, at 6:00.
- I don't know how to thank you.
- By not worrying too much.
I'll try not to.
- Goodbye, Doctor, and thank you again.
- Goodbye, madame.
Doctor, there's one other thing.
I don't know how important it is, but I think
I should mention it before you see him.
Just imagine,
this very shrewd, honest man...
...for whom everyone in the business worid
has the highest respect...
...again and again presents bills to people
who don't owe him anything.
- Dementia praesenilis.
- It's frightening.
He does it everywhere,
and to people he never even met before.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he comes
in here and presents you with a bill.
Don't worry about that, madame.
I'll take care of the bill.
- Just leave it to me.
- I shall, Doctor.
Come in.
I'm sorry, my husband is late.
I'm sure he'll be here any minute.
No hurry.
I have some work to keep me busy.
Good evening, M. Duvalle.
- Good evening, madame.
- You're very prompt.
I was afraid I might be late.
My dressmaker detained me. Come in.
- Cigarette, M. Duvalle?
- I don't smoke.
Oh, yes, I forgot. We have that in common.
And more.
- We both love pearis, don't we?
- Yes, madame.
- You have the necklace with you?
- Of course.
You know, M. Duvalle,
my conscience is beginning to bother me.
Should I really induce my husband
to spend so much money?
Are the pearis really worth it?
But, madame! Look at them again.
Here, by the light.
What symmetry. What art.
These are not pearis.
They are the tears of mermaids, madame.
How beautifully you speak.
I believe
you could sell me anything, monsieur.
And if you should change your mind,
let us say, within the next two years...
I will only be too glad to take them back.
You don't know me, M. Duvalle.
If I take these pearis,
you will never see them again.
You can depend on that.
I am certain of you, madame.
- And now shall we see my husband?
- Please.
- May we come in?
- Why, of course.
May I introduce M. Duvalle, Dr. Pauquet.
How do you do, M. Duvalle?
An honour, Doctor,
to make your acquaintance.
Well, the Doctor will take care of
everything, won't you?
- I will do my best.
- Thank you.
I think I'd better leave you two gentlemen
alone for a while.
Perhaps it would be better.
I'm sure it would be.
- Charming woman.
- Charming.
Would you please be seated, M. Duvalle?
Thank you.
Aristide Duvalle, right?
Just make it out to Duvalle and Company.
Well, M. Duvalle,
you can have absolute confidence in me.
Well, Dr. Pauquet, of course.
If I could not trust you,
I could not do business with anyone.
- That's very flattering.
- No, no. It's justified, I'm sure.
Thank you.
- Now, could we get down to business?
- Gladly. Just as you say.
This bill is made out to me.
Of course.
2,200,000 francs.
Tell me, M. Duvalle,
exactly how did you arrive at this figure?
Dr. Pauquet, I can show you my books.
It cost me two million.
- Is 10% too much profit?
- No, no, no, of course not. Very fair.
- Thank you.
- Very fair.
How do you sleep?
How do I sleep?
Oh, fine. Fine.
- And you?
- Fine. Fine, thank you.
- Which side do you sleep on, your left?
- No.
- Your right?
- No. I...
- On your back?
- Doctor, I can't see what difference...
I'm sorry, M. Duvalle, but you must answer
all my questions clearly...
...before we can proceed any further.
Now tell me, which side do you sleep on?
Your left, your right, or on your back?
I sleep on my stomach.
Why don't you like pyjamas?
- Pyjamas! Pyjamas! What about pyjamas?
- Well, what about them?
Doctor, if you would just give me my cheque
and let me go.
Now, M. Duvalle, Aristide Duvalle.
Look at me. Now, tell me.
Why do you want 2,200,000 francs?
For the pearis I have given to your wife.
Listen to me.
I don't owe you 2,200,000 francs.
You didn't give any pearis to my wife.
I don't have a wife.
You owe me 2,200,000 francs.
I have given the pearis to your wife,
and I think you are crazy!
That's bad, definitely bad.
Now, M. Duvalle, don't worry.
Everything is going to be quite all right.
Now tell me,
where do you buy your nightgowns?
Nightgowns? Nightgowns?
I never bought a nightgown in my life.
I am a bachelor.
And that beautiful, charming lady
who just left this room? Who is she?
- She is your wife.
- Oh, no, she is your wife.
- She is your wife.
- She is your wife.
She is your wife.
Come now, man, pull yourself together.
- I tell you she is your wife!
- She is your wife!
I'm driving, I'm driving, I'm driving
I'm driving, I'm driving...
A Bronson 8
A Bronson 8 I am driving...
I'm driving a Bronson 8
A car for the masses...
Will you help me stop that horn?
Where's the owner of this car?
I'm going to punch him in the nose.
Where is he?
I must ask you to stop that horn at once.
Stop that noise. You have to wait your turn.
It's her car. I have nothing to do with it.
I beg your pardon, monsieur.
I don't know if you've noticed it,
but I'm having a little trouble with my car.
I tried to blow my horn...
...but I'm afraid I must have pushed it
too hard and now it's stuck.
It's really a situation
where a woman is helpless.
You look like an experienced motorist,
if I may say so.
Would it be too much
to ask you to give me a helping hand?
Thank you for your assistance.
Well, that licks me.
First you throw mud in my face
and now you want me to kiss your hand.
Thank you, monsieur.
Please, don't mention it. It was a pleasure.
Now look, this car may get you into trouble.
That horn may get stuck again any minute.
I was just thinking
it might be a good idea if I followed you.
I mean, to take care of the horn.
Oh, no, please!
You're going to Spain. I'm going to Spain.
I'm on a vacation and it doesn't make
any difference where I go, right?
But look, let's agree on one thing.
Let's not go so fast.
Let's take our time and see the mountains
and the little villages and enjoy it.
People will wait for you.
I would.
I want to apologise
for all the trouble I have caused you...
...and to thank you
for all the help you've given me...
...but I must insist that
you do not follow me.
And if you would do me a special favour,
please leave me alone, right now.
I'm sorry.
Get your luggage ready for inspection.
Step inside the Customs Building.
- I...
- Don't thank me or I'll start your horn again.
Your bag, please.
All right, next one, please.
- Anything to declare?
- Nothing.
All right.
- Anything to declare?
- Not a thing.
100 pesetas fine.
There's something wrong with my car.
I wonder if you can help me.
Well, I'll have a look at it.
Well, how did this happen?
I must have bumped over a big rock.
I don't see how it could have happened
that way.
Maybe when you were fixing the horn
you accidentally broke something.
I beg your pardon?
I'm a motor engineer.
I build motors, not wreck them.
Well, there's nothing I can do
without any spare parts.
- What are you going to do?
- Just leave it here and send for it tomorrow.
Will you give me a lift?
Aren't you a bit cold driving
without a coat?
I should say not.
It's beautiful, isn't It?
I'm driving a Bronson 8
A Bronson 8 I am driving...
- Comfortable?
- Yes.
I'm glad you had your accident...
Do you think
our luggage is safe back there?
Who cares? Nothing's safe in this car.
- But...
- Don't you worry, I put yours on the bottom.
If you hear anything fall, it's my suitcase.
You have nothing to worry about.
That's fine.
You know, I really am lucky.
If I hadn't found you, I'd still be
standing in the middle of the road...
...instead of being on my way
to San Sebastin.
Is that where we're going?
- We?
- Sure. I'll drive you there.
- I am lucky.
- You're lucky?
- You mean I am, having you with me.
- Thank you.
It's just what I'd always hoped
and dreamed for my vacation.
What a vacation.
Do you know what I wish would happen?
You'd lose your suitcase.
I'd lose my suitcase.
We'd lose the car
and both be stranded here for 10 days...
...without a soul around us.
I can't help it, that's what I wish.
Look over there, that's Spain!
The birds are singing
and the sun's shining...
- And the castanets are clicking...
- And you are probably taking a cold.
- Does that really worry you?
- It does.
Do I have to answer?
You know, you're really a nice girl.
A sweet girl.
Just selfish. If you get a cold,
I may get one, too, being so close to you.
You know, it's getting colder
as it gets later...
...and I might have to move a little closer
if I get chilly.
I may even put my hands in your pocket.
I am certainly not freezing,
but I guess I better get my coat on.
I'm getting gooseflesh.
I wish you would hurry.
I'll be through in a second.
Don't you like it?
Of course. But do you think
it goes with those trousers?
Sure, I had it specially
made for these pants.
- Shall we go now?
- Yeah, just a second.
I've got a sign back here
I promised to keep clean.
It's all covered with mud.
Lucky sign. It's your mud.
Hey! Hey, wait a minute!
Hey, where did you get this?
Will you take me there?
Take me there?
Give me those, please.
- Countess de Beaupre, please.
- Whom shall I announce, sir?
- Prince Margoli.
- Very well, Your Highness.
Countess de Beaupre, please.
The Countess is expecting you.
Room 212, Your Highness.
Thank you.
Keep the change.
- How do you do, Countess?
- Your Highness.
The years change me,
but you remain as enchanting as ever.
Thank you for your words and your flowers.
It's difficult to tell them apart.
Yellow roses. You remembered.
It would have been
far more difficult to forget.
- Will you please get a vase for these?
- Very well, Countess.
- Madeleine, where are those pearis?
- I only wish I knew.
Don't lie to me. Where are they?
I told you over the telephone.
- You know I don't believe in fairy tales.
- I do.
Where are those pearis?
Of course you must be tired.
The journey must have been very strenuous.
Are you staying long in San Sebastin,
Your Highness?
No, no, I'm afraid I can't.
I don't think this climate is good
for my health.
The old complaint?
Yes, it has me constantly on the move.
I think I need a change of altitude myself.
Yes, I was going to suggest that, too.
Why did you wreck the car?
I couldn't help it.
They were right on my heels.
- I had to mislead them.
- It's fantastic.
You're not trying to double-cross me,
by any chance?
- Don't be vulgar.
- I'm sorry.
My close association with lawyers
has coarsened me.
Well, we'll have to get out of here tonight.
This is a fine mess,
and all this work for nothing.
No, we must get those pearis back.
Now who was this man?
An American.
Now that's a great help.
He ought to be easy to find.
There are only about 100 million Americans.
- What was his name?
- I don't know.
Good. Now, we won't be hampered
in our search by knowing his name.
- What did he look like?
- He was tall.
One more little clue like that
and we ought to have him in our hands.
- Any other distinguishing traits?
- He seemed to be a man of very good taste.
He liked me.
Didn't I tell you
never to mix love with business?
Don't be absurd, Carlos.
This man interests me as much as you do.
That should satisfy you.
I want to tell you something, Madeleine.
I think I've always behaved as a gentleman.
- And I hope you continue to do so.
- That all depends.
Do you contemplate knocking me down?
- Not exactly. But...
- But what?
His camera!
Yes. Yes.
A gentleman to see the Countess?
I'm sorry, the Countess is not
receiving this afternoon.
Let's see what he looks like.
Wait a minute.
Were you expecting someone today?
Well, maybe that man
who wanted to speak to you was...
Yes, yes. I was just going to ring you back.
The gentleman who wanted to see
the Countess, was he an American...
Who? A gentleman
from the police department?
It's the police.
Well, I told you, madame is not receiving.
All right, send him up.
Now let's be calm.
All we can get is five years.
No, seven. I looked it up.
Now, remember,
a slip-up now would be fatal.
Our stories have got to match.
Now, let's go over it again quickly.
- Who am I?
- You're my uncle.
- How did I get this bullet hole in my ribs?
- Battle on the Marne.
- Who was your mother?
- Grand Duchess Sandra...
- who went down on the Lusitania.
- Right.
- And your father was the Grand Duke Sergei.
- Killed by the Bolsheviks. I know it.
- Good luck, Madeleine.
- Good luck, Carlos.
- Remember.
- Your Highness.
Come in.
Do I have the pleasure
of addressing Countess de Beaupre?
May I introduce myself? My name is Avilia,
from the San Sebastin Police Department.
- Won't you sit down?
- Thank you.
Come in.
Thank you.
- Will you excuse me for a minute?
- Certainly, Countess.
Lord Dunsmore wants us to join him
on a Mediterranean cruise.
I beg your pardon. I was so interested
in reading about this case.
You mean the one about the pearl necklace?
I don't know how it got in the papers.
It just makes it
so much more difficult for me.
The woman in the case
seems to be very clever.
Yes, but what makes it so difficult for me
is that her description varies.
It's one of those typical cases
where one has to take a chance.
Well, seor, you'll excuse me.
I have an appointment at my hairdresser's.
Now, Countess...
It's so silly, but as I told you,
I have to do my duty.
You see, this afternoon
an American arrived by plane...
...and he has made a complaint.
Oh, a fantastic story!
A woman took his car and wrecked it.
He's taken up so much of my time.
But he threatened to go
to the American Consul, so I had no choice.
I had to take the case in my hands.
What could I do? I am the police.
We made the rounds of all the hotels,
Countess, but the description...
Fits me?
Well, it's absurd, Countess, but it does.
Furthermore, you arrived this afternoon.
It's all such nonsense, but everything fits.
Now I'm forced to confront you
with this American...
...but, of course,
if you will assure me that you...
- Oh, no. I insist on seeing this young man.
- Absolutely.
A thousand thanks. I'll bring him right up.
No. He's taken up too much of your time
already. Just send him up.
- I'm so delighted to have met you, seor.
- Thank you.
- Don't bother to bring him up here.
- Yes, Countess.
- Allow me.
- Your Highness, you are so kind to me.
It was so nice of you to come up.
Give me a drink, quick.
Now we'll have to get those pearis.
Come in.
So it was you!
Say, what was the idea
of taking my car and...
May I ask what this is all about?
This is my uncle, Prince Margoli.
Bradley's my name.
- Are you insinuating that my niece...
- Yes, I am. She stole my car.
That's not true.
Are you calling me a liar?
I say that could not be true.
Uncle, it is true.
Then you really did what the police and
what this young man accuse you of doing?
- Yes. But let me explain.
- There is no explanation.
There's got to be an explanation.
That car didn't even belong to me,
and somebody's got to pay for it.
Let that be the least of your worries.
You'll have the money
before you leave this room.
- What interests me most is your conduct.
- No, Uncle...
I don't want any excuses!
This is the last
of your numberless escapades.
I shall take this up
at the family council, yes.
I'll not let you drag down our family name
any longer.
Do you realise what you did?
You stole a car. You, a de Beaupre!
- I shall see that the family disowns you.
- Now look here...
This is a black spot
on the escutcheon of the de Beaupres...
...which will have to be wiped away.
- But after all...
- Will you kindly let me handle this alone?
- Now, I'm telling you...
- Please, sir.
Whose niece is she, your niece or my niece?
Whose car was it, your car or my car?
Now let me tell you, my niece
is more important to me than your car.
My car is more important to me
than your niece!
Well, I don't know.
Well, look. I'm on my vacation...
...and I don't want any more trouble
than I had already...
...and I certainly don't want to start
a European war. Look... me 35,000 francs for my car,
and let's have a drink.
I cannot treat the matter so lightly.
Madeleine, I think the behaviour
of this young man is excellent...
...and I want you to apologise.
I ask your forgiveness
from the bottom of my heart.
Oh, come on. That's okay.
Let's have that drink.
I'll write you the cheque at once.
Why do you suppose she did it?
Why? Wrong education!
That's the trouble
with our whole aristocracy.
Still think they're living in the Middle Ages.
No respect for other people.
Treating everyone like subjects.
That's what starts revolutions.
I guess you're right.
She could start a revolution
with me anytime.
I beg your pardon.
If you won't accept my apology,
let me at least thank you for your chivalry.
It's quite all right. Why did you do it?
- Do you really want to know the truth?
- Yes.
- I was very late for a luncheon appointment.
- What?
And I wanted to keep it,
but not because of the food.
I get it.
Why did you leave me in the middle of the
road? I'd have been glad to drive you.
You were going slower and slower,
and you know yourself why.
It's very silly to say,
but suddenly I got in the most awful panic.
I didn't know you, we were alone there...
...and before I knew what I was doing,
I stepped on the gas.
I was really afraid.
Of what?
Of you.
Well, there was no need of it.
I paid you a few compliments.
I told you how charming
and how lovely you were...
...and I'd still repeat it,
but I didn't do anything.
But you intended to.
I did not.
You had it in your eye.
I didn't know it showed.
By the way,
did you make your luncheon appointment?
Yes, but after I got here, I didn't keep it.
You know... may seem strange,
but I've never had dinner with a Countess.
And I'm afraid you never will.
We are leaving today.
- So am I. Are you going to Madrid, too?
- No.
Neither am I.
You will hear the news
of the day from the capitals of the worid.
Paris, France.
The most sensational jewel robbery
of a decade...
...the disappearance of a two-million franc
string of pearis...
...from Duvalle and Company,
the famous jewellers, still goes unsolved.
The police are believed to be
closing in on the culprits.
The latest clues point to Spain... the country
where they have taken refuge...
...and the search has turned there.
- Mr. Bradley?
- Yes?
- Are you unpacked?
- Yeah.
- Do you want any help?
- No, thanks, everything's fine.
- Do you need any suits pressed?
- No, no. That's not really necessary.
By the way, we're dressing tonight.
- You're dressing.
- Yes.
- I left my dinner coat in Paris.
- That's all right. It doesn't matter.
- I'm sorry.
- Don't worry.
- Come out as soon as you're ready.
- Thanks.
- Has he found them?
- I don't think so...
...but he has no dinner jacket.
- That's bad.
- Yes.
Let's hope he wears that chequered coat,
then I'll slip away from dinner.
- And I'll keep him at the table.
- Right, but if he doesn't wear it...
Now we'll have to be careful.
Don't let's arouse any suspicion.
- Have you any kind of a pearl necklace?
- Yes, the imitation I bought in Vienna.
Good, put it on.
Mr. Bradley.
Thank you.
You know,
I shouldn't be allowed to sit down.
I look like a stevedore at a royal banquet.
Here's to our charming guest.
And here's to my charming host
and my very lovely hostess.
You know, Mr. Bradley,
I never thought I'd like you.
I knew you would. I grow on people.
I remember a few years ago,
I met a girl that didn't like me at first.
But I grew and grew on her until...
What happened?
She sued me.
I see. You're a kind of a Don Juan.
What a vacation.
What a country.
What is this tender sensation?
This magical thrill that I feel?
Although I seem to be in a dream...
I know this moment is real...
You're here and I'm here...
With your heart and my heart...
Awake in a dream...
In a dream of romance and delight...
Can it be that tonight is the night?
You're here and I'm here...
With your lips and my lips...
Awake in a dream...
And the stars looking down from above...
Seem to sing, "You're in love...
"You're in love"
Now I'll walk with wings on my feet...
Now I'll feel that bitter is sweet...
Other eyes may have charms...
But my heaven will be in your arms...
You're here and I'm here...
With your heart and my heart...
Awake in a dream...
In a dream of romance and delight...
Can it be that tonight...
Is the night?
That was beautiful, really beautiful.
Now you do something, Mr. Bradley.
Well, I can walk on my hands.
Fine. Fine.
No, it's much too early after dinner.
- Uncle, why don't you show us some tricks?
- Oh, no.
Yes, why don't you?
All right.
Now here's a perfectly plain
linen handkerchief.
Now watch it carefully.
Now the object of this trick
is to see how big a hole...
...we can burn in the handkerchief.
That's great.
By the way, Mr. Bradley... you always carry your money
in your nose?
I don't know,
but I very often pay through the nose.
- Go on, do some more.
- All right, if you insist.
May I have your pearis for a moment?
Now, Mr. Bradley,
you see this pearl necklace?
Now watch it very carefully.
Now, one, two, three!
- Where'd they go?
- Look in your right-hand pocket.
No, look in the right-hand pocket
of your coat.
Well, how'd they get in my pocket?
Well, I can't tell you that, Mr. Bradley.
- Well, I hope you've been entertained?
- Entertained?
It's a marvellous evening.
Now, Mr. Bradley,
you've had a very strenuous day...
- And I should think you must be tired.
- Tired?
I should say not. I could stay up a week
under these circumstances.
But you're looking tired, isn't he? Look.
You've been very kind and I don't want you
to put yourself out too much.
You're right. It is getting late,
and if you want to go to bed...
...why, don't let your European etiquette
stand in the way.
If you're tired, why,
just go and lay the body down.
All right, then I'll do my last trick
of the evening and make myself disappear.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night, Mr. Bradley.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
Good night!
Good night.
Well, I guess this is
what's known as being alone at last.
- Madeleine?
- I'll be right back.
I'm sorry to interrupt this serenade,
but I really wish you'd go to bed.
- Carlos, don't be foolish.
- Don't you be foolish.
And don't encourage him to stay here.
We've got to get rid of him
as soon as possible.
And please, no emotional entanglements.
It's dangerous, Madeleine, at this moment.
So go to bed at once, please.
I didn't realise how tired I am.
I think I'll go to bed.
Oh, come on.
Please stay a while, just a few minutes.
You know...
...all you need is a frame now
and you'd be a masterpiece.
All I need is a nice, soft bed.
You must realise that I've never been
with anyone like you before.
It sounds funny, but I don't seem
to be able to entertain you.
I hate to be entertained.
Please don't do it.
Look, where I come from,
I'm not considered exactly bashful...
...and if I were home and you were...
Lizzie Smith, or Susie Brown,
or Mary Jones...
What would you do?
Oh, boy, what...
We wouldn't be sitting here...
Well, I'm glad I'm not Mary Jones...
...or Lizzie Smith...
...or Susie Brown.
I'm crazy about you, Madeleine.
Madeleine. You don't know
how I've wanted to call you that.
Madeleine, I love you.
It's hit me all of a sudden. I love you.
And when you wake up, I'm gonna take you
in my arms and I'm going to kiss you.
I'm going to tell you that...
Did you say something, Mr. Bradley?
No, nothing.
Well, good night.
Calm yourself, Madeleine.
You see, it was nothing. You're too nervous.
Why shouldn't I be? How could I help it?
Hunted, chased every moment.
Never knowing when they'll get us.
It's a wonderful life, Carlos, isn't it?
Every time the door opens,
not knowing who's coming in.
They'll get us, Carlos.
Sooner or later, they will.
Now, now. Go to bed, Madeleine.
You need a good rest.
Sleep! Who knows
how many days we've left.
Maybe tomorrow, maybe tonight.
Good night.
Good night, Madeleine.
You're still up? Is anything the matter?
Why should you be nervous?
I don't know. I didn't know I had a nerve
in my body until tonight.
Why don't you go to bed
and get a good rest?
I tried to, but that Spanish moon...
You see him up there? Strong, isn't it?
It was shining right into my window.
Why don't you draw the curtain?
I see. Turn off the moon,
turn on the moon, just as you like.
Some people can do that easier than others.
- Aren't you a bit hasty, Mr. Bradley?
- Maybe I am. I'm sorry.
You see...
But you wouldn't understand, anyway.
How could you?
This is the first vacation
I've ever had in my life...
...and who knows if I'll get a chance again.
A few more days and
I'll be back in Detroit...
...and all the fun's over.
Big chimneys, black smoke...
...hammering noise and work, and more work.
Yet I couldn't live without it.
I love it and I hate it.
You know, Mr. Bradley...
...the Spanish moon is very becoming to you.
I never saw you in this light before.
- You weren't even listening.
- Oh, yes, I was.
I heard everything you said,
about yourself...
Detroit, your work,
you love it and you hate it.
Isn't that the way you feel about me?
Not exactly. I...
- I never said I love you.
- Liar.
Maybe I dreamed when I was asleep.
Yes, I must have dreamed.
Because I heard your voice
saying you were crazy about me...
...and that you loved me.
But I'm sure you didn't mean it.
- I mean everything I say.
- No, you don't.
"Madeleine, I love you.
"When you wake up, I'm going to take you
in my arms and kiss you. "
Madeleine, so you weren't asleep?
Not quite.
Why did you let me go through
all this torture? Why didn't you tell me?
I wasn't sure if I liked you enough.
And now?
I still don't know.
Madeleine? Madeleine?
Yes, dear?
I have a wire from Aunt Olga.
I have to leave immediately for Madrid.
Say, wake up, Madeleine. This is important.
A telegram from Aunt Olga. I have to leave.
Say, what's the matter with you?
Where are the pearis?
The pearis, yes. Where are they?
Now look here.
You're not to leave
until I wire you. Understand?
Yes, I understand.
No, you don't.
I'm going to take this Bradley with me.
I say, I'm going to take this Bradley
to town with me.
I'll get rid of him there.
Mr. Bradley.
Mr. Bradley. Mr. Bradley!
Yes, darling.
Wake up, please. I'm leaving for Madrid.
Have a good trip.
If you'd like to go with me,
I'll be very glad to have you.
It's a wonderful trip. You can see Spain.
Always wanted to see Spain.
- Ever since I was a little boy.
- Well, now's your chance.
But I'm not a little boy anymore.
He won't go. See if you can persuade him.
- We don't want him hanging around here.
- I'll talk to him.
- Good morning, Mr. Bradley.
- Good morning, Countess.
- I hear you don't want to leave.
- Right. I don't.
My uncle sent me here to persuade you
to leave. Can you be persuaded?
Thank you, darling.
- Well?
- Carlos, he thinks you're a wonderful man.
Well, is he going to leave?
Now, Mr. Bradley, I don't want
to be impolite, but I must insist.
Yes, darling?
Nothing. I was just saying your name.
Madeleine. What a lovely name.
Much nicer than Countess.
Please forget the Countess.
There is no Countess.
Just Madeleine.
And Tom.
Madeleine, do you mind if I ask you
a very personal question?
No, please, what is it?
Are you eating those eggs?
Thank you.
You get a marvellous appetite in Spain.
What a country! What eggs!
What's the matter?
Nothing. Just looking at you.
How do I look in the sunlight?
Bad, very bad.
As a matter of fact, so bad...
...that I wish
the moon would soon come out again.
Do you realise
that you are now my prisoner?
No car, no telephone,
hours to the nearest railroad...
...and a train only every two days.
You frighten me and we're alone.
All by ourselves.
Two days ago,
I didn't know anything about you.
Two days ago, you didn't even exist.
You're wrong, I did exist,
but I didn't live.
It's crazy, isn't it?
But wonderful.
A certain Mr. Bradley comes from America.
That's all I know about you.
All I know about you is you stole my car...
...and I'm insane about you.
Hello, Madeleine.
Please. Why did you come here?
That's a fine way to greet a sweet old lady.
I could be your grandmother.
And if your grandmother came here,
what would you do?
You would offer her a brandy, of course.
- Straight?
- Please.
Brandy's the only thing I am straight about.
You know...
I never drank until I went to gaol.
You know,
people wouldn't be so afraid of dying...
...if they could take
a bottle of brandy with them.
Did Carlos send you?
Yes. And he's pretty sore at you.
I don't care.
Now come on,
you could have answered his wires...
...and they really need you in Madrid.
I've some good news for you.
We've a great chance
of selling the necklace.
I'm afraid you have to find someone else.
I'm not going.
Not going?
No, I'm through with you, and Carlos,
and all the others.
I need another brandy.
There, now I'm sober again.
Carlos told me all about the American.
Is he still here?
That's none of your business.
You're quite right.
It is none of my business.
But it is my business
to see that you get right back to Madrid.
Now, Madeleine,
you know Carlos as well as I do.
He has a very kind soul...
...but as his record shows,
there is a very mean streak in him...
...and he can be pretty nasty.
Very nasty.
Why didn't you stay in the car?
You promised to let me handle her.
Before I tell you what I plan to do with you
in case you refuse...
...allow me to compliment you.
You're looking more beautiful than ever.
- Love must be a wonderful thing.
- It is, Carlos.
It gives you strength and courage,
something to fight for.
I have something to fight for, too.
You know these pearis, don't you?
They feel cold when you touch them,
but they're not cold. They're hot.
They're burning a hole in my pocket.
And I have to get rid of them
as soon as possible.
Now look here, Carlos.
You helped me when I was in need,
and you were very decent about it.
Then you asked me to get the pearis for you
and I did. Now we are even.
Mathematics isn't my strong point.
I only know that I absolutely need you
to sell those pearis.
Now go pack. We're leaving.
- Yes, but in different directions.
- Oh, no.
No, in the same direction.
Now, Madeleine, no matter how close
you may be to this American...
...don't forget that
you and I are closer still.
We're strung together
on the same rope of pearis.
It was very gracious of you to elevate me
to that lofty station...
...and I hope Your Highness
won't be too insulted...
...but I have definitely made up my mind
to remove the crest from my stationery... lingerie, and my life.
- Goodbye.
- Oh, no.
- Let me go.
- Why don't you call for help?
Why don't you call for your friend?
Why don't you?
Why don't you bring him here?
Why don't you tell him?
It must be hard for you.
I know how you feel, Madeleine.
It really is serious, isn't it?
For the first time in my life.
He must be a nice young man.
Where is he? I'd like to meet him.
Don't you dare.
Why? Are you afraid?
Why don't you tell him about yourself?
I will.
Oh, no. You think you will, but you won't.
The words won't come from your tongue.
I tried it once myself,
and it won't do, my dear.
Some years ago,
I was sick in a hospital in Vienna.
There was a charming doctor.
He was a fine man.
We thought a great deal of each other.
I used to dream what you are dreaming now.
Then, right in my dreams,
I'd feel a hand falling on my shoulder.
Sooner or later it falls,
and I'd hear myself saying to him:
"I must go downtown
on important business. I'll be back soon. "
And then under my breath I'd say, "Soon.
"10 years. 20 years.
"Life. "
I still dream of him now and then.
I still have it.
- I didn't spoil it.
- Stop it!
What are you going to tell him?
I don't know. I'll think of something.
We are sailing, we are sailing...
We are sailing the 28th...
The 28th we...
We are sailing, we are sailing...
We are sailing the 27th...
The 27th we're sailing...
Tom, I just had a message from Madrid.
Well, that's nothing.
I just got an answer from Paris.
Everything's okay.
Oh, darling,
in a few days you'll be in Detroit.
Now I've warned you.
Don't want you to be disappointed later.
There's no glamour about me.
I'm not a king, nor a prince, nor a count.
Not even an Elk.
- Tom, I have something to tell you.
- I must tell you something.
I have a confession to make, Madeleine.
I lied to you, and I think you should
know it before we get married.
I told you I make a $150 a week,
and I only make a $125.
- But, Tom, all this is not important.
- No.
I have something even more embarrassing
to tell you.
You'll find out
when you get to Detroit anyway.
I'm not the general manager.
I'm only the third assistant.
And my father's not the postmaster.
He's only a mailman, so...
You see, Madeleine,
you better think it over.
What do you say?
...what would you say if I lied to you?
If you found out I'm not a countess?
Listen, I'd marry you
if you were a princess or a queen.
I'm not a snob.
But you are a countess, aren't you?
- That doesn't mean anything.
- It means more than you think, Tom.
I've been thinking about it a lot.
Castles in Spain are very beautiful,
but they don't last.
They blow away and then comes reality.
Reality? We love each other, that's reality.
No. It's a dream.
We come from different worids.
There's a wall, a high wall between us.
There's no use fooling ourselves.
I just had a message from Madrid
that brought me down to earth.
I see.
But let's be grateful.
We had a gorgeous week together,
seven heavenly days.
Seven dreams, a beautiful adventure.
I see.
Turn on the moon, turn off the moon.
Don't leave me like this, Tom.
These are our last moments together,
the way we'll always remember each other.
That's all right.
I told you to think it over and you did.
I can't blame you. You're right.
I can't buy you any diamond clips
or pearl necklaces.
Pearl necklace! It is a pearl necklace
that is separating us.
Well, it's too bad,
but I couldn't buy you any real pearis.
And when it comes to jewellery,
I'm sure you like the real thing.
Tom, I swore I wouldn't tell you...
...but I can't let you go away thinking
I'm something even worse than I am.
You heard about the big theft in Paris,
the pearl necklace.
I did it.
I fooled you, I lied to you. There's only
one true thing you know about me.
I did love you. I do love you.
Goodbye, Tom.
I hope she's got rid of him by now.
You know, I almost left
without saying goodbye, Your Highness.
I wouldn't like it known in European courts
that Americans have no manners.
I've invited Mr. Bradley to stay for dinner.
I really think it's an imposition,
but since you insist, well, I'll stay...
...and try to be very entertaining.
I'm a little bit worried, Mr. Bradley.
If you stay to dinner,
I'm afraid you'll miss your train.
That's the kind of hospitality I like.
Shall we join the ladies?
Mr. Bradley, the truth is...
Now I'm sure you'll understand...
...but we have some very serious
family business to discuss.
That's all right,
just consider me one of the family.
After you, Uncle Carlos.
You know, this is sort of a farewell dinner,
and I think we ought to have a toast.
Just what would you suggest?
First, I want to drink to my hostess...
...who first stole my car
and then stole my heart.
My car was insured, but my heart wasn't.
And then I think
we ought to drink to Aunt Olga.
Because I understand she's been ill.
Yes, I heard you were very ill,
about 35 years ago in Vienna.
You made a mistake, Aunt Olga.
You should have told that doctor.
And if he had really loved you,
he would have helped you over that wall.
I'm sure it would have been a great shock
to him when he heard about it.
He probably would have called you
every name under the sun.
He probably would have taken you
over his knee...
...and given you the spanking of your life.
- Does it still hurt, darling?
- Just a little. Don't worry.
He would have slapped your hands
so hard that they'd never dream again...
...of touching anything
that didn't belong to them.
I'm sorry, honey.
They're still a little red.
But he'd have stuck by you
if he really loved you.
He would have seen
that you got your chance.
And if anybody tries to stop you from
getting that chance, I'd like to see him!
How about some sauce hollandaise?
It goes very well with a fricassee of chicken.
Tell me, Your Highness...'re a man of great experience,
you usually know what's coming next.
Do you think there's going to be a war?
I hope not. I'm always in favour of peace.
But as the situation is at the moment,
with nobody minding his own business... never can tell what may happen.
Tell me, Tom...
...what would America's attitude be
if it really came to a crisis?
If America is wise,
it won't ever mix in European affairs.
But sometimes we get dragged in, and then,
of course, we have to go through with it.
You can't underestimate America.
That would be a foolish thing to do.
It's a big country.
Six feet three.
How about some more sauce hollandaise?
You know, Your Highness...
I was just thinking of some parlour tricks
you once showed me.
They were awfully good...
...but I think I can show you one
that'll top anything you've ever seen.
You see this chicken? Now watch closely.
One, two, three, presto.
It's gone. Where is it? In my stomach?
That's what you think. It isn't.
It's in the inside pocket of your coat
and it isn't chicken anymore.
It's changed into a string of pearis.
You know, that's marvellous.
I can scarcely believe it.
But you're right. It is in my inside pocket.
But it didn't change into
a string of pearis, it changed into this.
You see, Mr. Bradley,
it's a better trick than even you thought.
- Carlos.
- Don't worry, darling.
He won't shoot me.
There are too many witnesses around.
Besides, hanging is a very painful death.
I really hope you don't shoot him
unless it's absolutely necessary.
Now, Mr. Bradley, I'm going to lock you
in a nice, cool cellar for two or three days...
...where you'll have a chance to think
about life and Bronson 8.
In other words, I'm giving you back
to the automobile business.
Yes, sir.
Take the plate to the kitchen
and disarm the fricassee.
Now, Mr. Whatever-your-name-is,
I want that pearl necklace.
Well, you won't get it.
All right,
I'll go into my final trick of the evening.
See this hand? Now it's a fist.
The fist is still in my hand
and when I count three...
...the fist will be on your jaw.
One, two...
A lady to see you, M. Duvalle.
Will you excuse me, please?
Yes, madame, what can I...
How do you do, M. Duvalle?
May I introduce my fianc, Mr. Bradley?
Glad to meet you, M. Duvalle.
I've heard so much about you,
it's just like meeting an old friend.
We came to see you
about the pearl necklace.
Pearl necklace?
Do you intend to buy another one?
On the contrary.
You see, the necklace that you sold
mademoiselle is really very beautiful...
...but too expensive for us,
and I'm afraid we'll have to return it.
- You have it with you, dear?
- Yes, darling.
Would it upset you too much
if I would ask you to take it back?
I hate to return things, it's not my habit.
But you said you would take it back
whenever I changed my mind...
...and I have changed my mind.
As a matter of fact, I've changed my life.
I'm marrying Mr. Bradley soon.
That is, I hope so.
I know my fiance is indebted to you
and even to France...
...and if you can see your way to help us... release mademoiselle
from her obligation, it'll be swell.
Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll have to postpone
our marriage a long while.
Seven years. Seven long years, M. Duvalle.
Dr. Pauquet on the telephone, M. Duvalle.
Hello, Dr. Pauquet?
M. Duvalle?
I had a pretty bad night...
...but suddenly I feel like a new man.
In fact, I feel like 2,200,000 francs.
That's bad, definitely bad!
No, no, there's nothing the matter with me.
I'll be around this afternoon
and tell you all about it.
Now, about this necklace.
- I will take it back.
- Thank you.
A thousand thanks, monsieur.
And be assured, M. Duvalle,
that when I'm in America...
I'll recommend you to all my friends.
Please don't.
But to return to your obligation... far as I am concerned,
it is paid for and forgotten.
Thank you.
But your debt to the state,
that is a different matter.
I will do everything I can to help you...
...but the final decision
is entirely up to the authorities.
- Did you want to get married today?
- Yes, sir.
- Have you a licence?
- Sure.
That's not your marriage licence.
Why, yes, it is. I...
It's your parole.
- The witnesses are here?
- Yes, sir.
Gentlemen, if you please.