Devdas (2002) Movie Script
Badi Ma, Dwijdas, Kumud, Padma,
Dharamdas, where's everybody?
Look, here's Devdas' letter.
Devdas is returning from London
Really? Happy tidings!
Dwijdas! You hear? Devdas is coming!
- I don't think so. Ma is lying
You're lying, Ma.
- Here's the letter
Show me the letter
Shubhankar! My Devdas is coming!
- Really?
Give your brother the good news
Badi Ma... Badi Ma...
my Tempest is coming home
Thank God
Compliments, lady!
- Not in tears Dharamdas
I want a promise. I am going...
to receive Devdas. I alone.
Yes, but wind the clocks once again
After so many years! My son is back
Winding clocks won't make time move,
nor any faster brings the son home
I know Kumud! But look
how my heart throbs
Oh when will the day give way
to the night...?
Drum up the cheer!
Let the music play
What joyous tempest stirs my
heartstrings! Drum up the cheer
Let the music play!
- Welcome the onset of Tempest
Hey, Sister Kaushalya
sweet Shondesh for you
Sumitra! Lovely timing!
- Sumitra-Kaki's timing!
Always opportune.
And your "Shondesh" is famous!
Hear that Didi? (Didi=sister)
- Let her talk. Guess who's coming?
I know! Mr Chattopadhyay...?
Silly! You won't believe this!
My Tempest, my Devdas is coming!
Really Didi...?
- Yes, yes, really!
Thank Goddess Durga
My compliments, Didi!
- I'm seeing my son after 10 years
What might he look like? What might
he sound like? What will he tell me?
How am I going to survive
tonight, Sumitra?
How I wish I wouldn't blink!
What if he walks in right then?
I only remember Devdas, the boy
who'd walk up to my house...
peep around the door to ask me...
- Kaki-Ma, is Paro in?
There she goes, into the act
And when Dev stormed out,
I'd send Paro to find him
Found him always in guava orchards.
- And Dharamdas would haul him in...
by his ear! Some friendship!
- And when Devdas was leaving...
going abroad for his studies,
how my Paro ran after his buggy...
as if possessed. Arre O'Deva
Arre O'Deva
In that scorching sun, her feet
blistering on the gravelly soil...
yet she ran on, screaming,
I'm going with Dev
I'm going abroad too!
- Are you out of your mind?
Send her abroad? My silly girl
She owed Dev three Rupees
Let me go. I got to give him
his 3 Rupees
A lamp lit for a loved one
draws the wayfarer home
For 10 years, in that belief
she kept that lamp alight for Dev
Not once she let the lamp go out!
I must tell her, she'll be glad
She will be overjoyed.
- Yes Sumitra, go
It's your son who's coming home
and she is the happier for it
Why not? She's our neighbour.
Paro and Devdas...
were childhood friends.
- What's left of that childhood?
Both are grown ups now...
Kaki-Ma's "Shondesh"?
What's up Kaki-Ma?
- Manorama, where is Paro?
Where else? Must be in her room,
talking to her lamp
Not lamp!
- Devdas
Oh God.
- What's the matter?
The news I have for her
will drive her mad with joy
What news?
Paro, Devdas is coming
- Yes, Devdas is coming
They're preparing for a welcome!
Kaushalya-Didi is nearly going mad
The whole house is
in raptures...
Silly, are you crying?
Let not tears of joy
douse the lamp before Dev arrives
No power on Earth can put out
this lamp
Shall we put the mighty lamp
to test?
"At season's change..."
"come cloudwaves"
"A waft will come
to blow out this lamp"
"I have never let extinguish
the flame of our love"
"This longing I didn't let die
will never be extinguished"
"This flame, my love..."
"This longing I didn't let die
this flame will never be extinguished"
"The flame of my desire"
"My love, come to me my love"
"Now come to me"
"As this lamp burns..."
"I'm burning in my every pore
and my heart"
"Now come to me"
"Come to me, my love"
"Distance took us..."
"worlds apart"
"Only pain remained"
"My eyes yearned,
awaiting your return"
"but there you always were..."
"glittering, glowing..."
"awash in joys..."
"While here...
I burned for you"
"while here,
I was burning"
"Once again, clouds thunder..."
"raining in thunderous rhapsody"
"Tempest strikes again..."
"but my lamp is never doused..."
"my love, my flame..."
"no matter how much the rains,
tempest and thunder torment you"
"neither wind nor thunders
will extinguish it"
"Come now, come to me, my love"
"Come, my love"
"She's crazy"
"She's naive"
"Oh yes, with a gust of wind
will come the one you seek"
"My love..."
"come to me my love"
"The passion,
she will never let die"
"My love, this lamp is you"
"My love,
my beloved"
"Hurry! The buggy is here!
Kaushalya, quick"
Devdas is here!
- Coming
I was lighting the welcome-lamp.
Tell Badi-Ma (=Grandma)
If you take so much time,
Devdas will give himself a welcome
Give himself a welcome?
Today, I'm welcoming him
Wait a minute! I get to see Devdas
first. Everyone shut your eyes
For my sake.
- All right?
Lady! I don't believe! Could the
world change so much in ten years?
Deva is as tall as my shoulders,
my very shoulders he sat upon
See him and you'll forget to blink!
- Don't torment me! Where's my Dev?
Got off on the way. Said, he will
be back after seeing "My Paro"
Should be here any moment
Chhoto-Ma, you wanted to be the first
to set your eyes on Devdas?
Will it be Paro's eyes now?
Chhoto-Ma, what to do with this?
I think it's Devdas
how have you been? Fine?
Come in son, welcome
Bless you, son
You look just like an Englishman!
We've been so eager to see you
Kaushalya-Didi is dying to see you.
- Where is Paro?
She was here a moment ago
She said, let Devdas come
and I'll do this and I'll do that
I'll fight with him and scratch him.
Now you're here and she's hiding
Hey Paro
Can I go upstairs?
- Yes son, go on
How have you been Paro?
Won't you turn to see my face?
We're meeting after so many days
Days? For you, maybe.
For me...
10 years, 6 months,
4 days and 6 hours
You never missed me?
- I did
Lies! Only 5 letters in 10 years?
There are four seasons in a year
Couldn't you write once a season?
- Makes sense. You're a big girl
Takes time?
The desire to meet the sea
turns the stream into a river
Then why take time
to show your face?
Like sighting the Moon after ages,
I fear I'll leave you breathless
Not even the Moon is as vain.
- But the Moon is scared
Till moonrise spare the Moon,
to see which leaves me breathless...
the Moon's radiance?
Or your vanity?
Paro, I hate the thought
of someone else touching you
Look, Devdas is here!
- Let him come
Don't be angry.
- I don't want to talk to him
Tell him to go away.
- But Ma...
I said, I don't want to...
- Ma
Go, I don't want to see your face
Why, what's so ugly
about my face...
that neither Paro
nor you want to see?
After 10 years of waiting,
the neighbour gets to welcome you?
Go back to your Paro
Won't you open your eyes?
- I won't
Won't see me either?
Very well
I'm going away.
- Where...?
Where are you going, Dev?
- Dev, stop
Why did you let him leave?
I was just joking
I was joking too
My prodigal son returns a lawyer.
But no let up on the mischief?
Babu-ji...? (=Father)
- He left for his chambers early...
something urgent.
- I know, I know
Complaints every day!
Dev and Paro never went to school.
Dev caught smoking
All day tramping around the village
with that Paro
Not another moment
for you in this house
The day I left,
he wasn't at home
This day I return,
he still isn't here
You know, the British government
is knighting him
I see!
- And he'll be so glad to see you
- Glad he is, at work
In my home, fathers welcome sons
returning home after years...
with arms outstretched.
- Same here, child
Come to me, my darling
I told you to get me
a nice foreign watch
Have you brought it?
No, but I bring fortuitous times
over here... but I can't even
make out clearly
They use only paper?
- And sometimes, not even that
I never shook hands
What are you upto?
Give my box back to me
Give it to me
What's happening?
- Nothing
Watching Devdas?
How do you find him?
I'm not telling.
- Tell me...
how do you find him?
- Like a fool
What did he say when he met you?
- I didn't show him my face
Swear that by your mother?
- I swear
Poor thing, must've been pining.
- Let him pine
Don't make him suffer so
Else, he'll come peeping
around the door...
and ask me,
Kaki-Ma, is Paro in?
Only in the moonlight
he gets to see my face
Card three and I win.
- Damn
Lost by a whisker.
- You always lose by a whisker
Kumud, so what if he wins once?
- Wrong, today's Shubhankar's day
No one else wins, here comes Paro
but she can't win either
You bet?
- Beware! She'll loot you
Well Paro, what have you brought?
- "Shondesh" for Devdas. Ma sent it
Where's Devdas?
- The London-returned gentleman?
Where else but in his room,
training his binoculars on London?
Saw? Earlier, she'd greet you first.
Up she climbs, our beauty...
straight for Devdas.
- One too many a sweet message
What brings the Moon down to Earth?
- To take your breath away
What are you doing?
- Seeing how good my guess was
- Could never be wrong
How come?
- Known you for ages
What's this?
- Platter
I know. But what's on it?
- My excuse
Shondesh for me?
- See for yourself
- That's the excuse, silly
What a temper!
You make a fine example
of how to lose temper
You're the same
You too, are just
like you were
Like what...?
- Unsophisticated
Naturally, after all,
you're London-returned
London's a big city, isn't it Dev?
- London's entirely different
Great personalities, great debates.
Huge thoroughfares, huge edifices
London's Trafalgar Square,
pigeons, doves...
The Queen's Palace
And milling crowds,
Londoners live in a world
of their own
You too?
Of course
You are so silly
Say, you never missed the village?
- Never, never, except...
when I was fed up of the food at
the hostel, I missed Ma's dishes
And back in London,
when someone screamed at me...
I was reminded of my father.
No one else
On evening walks, I contemplated
Dharamdas and his buggy
On sleepless nights,
grandmother's gentle pat
Nothing else
Dev... and...
- I...?
Never. Or was it once...?
No, you never came to mind, Paro.
- I never came to mind...?
Matters that come to mind
are matters that matter. But...
you don't matter, Paro.
- True Dev, only you matter
5 letters, 5 times a day. How many
times did I read them each year?
And how many times in ten years?
- Multiplied by...?
18,250 times.
That's how much you matter...
and ten years to the day, I have
kept alive the flame I lit for you
How many hours has it been burning?
- If I were to count...
87,600 hours. So much you matter,
every second I remembered you
How many seconds to a day?
- I know, I'll tell you...
You're bad at arithmetic
There were times when I missed you.
- When...?
Whenever I breathed
For them, reminiscences,
those who can be forgotten. Silly
So effortlessly you counted off
those seconds?
Without as much as a thought
to every passing second...
that carried me away?
In the flame of the lamp that
you lit, it was I who burned
Shall I tell you what's
on my mind for sometime?
Two names on your mind.
Paro and Devdas
Mr Landlord! How did you figure out?
Kumud was saying, Dev and Paro
are upto new antics
For hours they stare at each other
through binoculars
Shondesh is her excuse for
coming over. I don't like it
And Sumitra is daydreaming
of Paro's wedding to Devdas
Daydreams never come true.
Neelkanth married an actress
Disgraced himself. In an alliance
with a disgraced family...
am I to bring
my family to ridicule...?
Right, but you know Sumitra.
She shoots off her mouth
What if she storms in someday
proposing an alliance?
The answer will be "no"
- Why will the answer be no?
A knight and a landlord. And the
roof over our heads is leaking
Even my postal address has changed.
- Really...?
Neelkanth Chakraborty,
Old Mansion
What's lacking in our Paro?
She's pretty, she's literate
I only got to spread the word.
Tens of boys will be ready...
to pay a bride-price for Paro.
- Really?
Yes. You are worrying too much
Someday we will get a proposal...
from them. You'll see
Till then, I leave you to
your musings. I'm off for my nap
Mr Landlord! Have a care!
Your old mansion is crumbling
Broke my back
All this jewellery! All for me?
- You will give me a grandson
Won't I give you something?
Badi-Ma has opened up her
treasure trove. Loot her
I must!
Badi-Ma! How exquisite!
I must wear this
No, that one isn't for you.
- Then, for whom?
For my Devdas' bride.
- Let's see
Give it all away to Devdas' bride!
I want none of this
Here's your elder daughter-in-law
And everyone's all agog about
someone who's yet to come
Nice bracelet, isn't it?
It'll look great on your arm
In my father's house
maids wear bracelets like these
Then consider yourself a maid,
right Badi-Ma?
Yes! I'm maidservant in this house.
My brother-in-law! Always after me
You're making a mountain out
of a molehill. I was joking
If you disapprove, I won't even marry.
- I hate being ridiculed
Why rib her all the time?
Badi-Ma you could've said yes...
if only to please her. You know
her nature. And she's pregnant
And you've brought her to tears.
Now I got to placate her. Woe betide
No matter how much honey you add,
neem is always bitter
How do you like this bracelet?
Just like you. Exotic.
- Whom are you giving it to?
You want to see?
Take this.
- And do what?
Look through it. This bracelet
is for whoever you see in it
Goodness! Sumitra?
Is she the one? Are you mad?
- Yes, but not entirely. Look up
That's Parvati.
- Nice...?
Yes nice, but I see her every day.
- Do you see her as my bride?
Wretched girl!
- Now what's up?
Staring at me through binoculars!
- Goodness
She's gone hiding.
- She must be embarrassed
Been chatting over binoculars?
- Yes Badi-Ma
Take a look,
what's the wretch up to?
Goodness! She's watching me
out of the corner of her eyes
Have you run in too, Dev?
Wretched boy
How to make mountains
out of a molehill...
I'll show my mother-in-law.
So you got caught peeping.
- You got caught too
And I was sentenced
to punish you
For you
- Gift
You might as well put it on me
So many bangles
Forget it
Tell me, where is London?
- Way west
Where sets the Sun?
- In the West
The Sun rises over London
five hours late every day?
- Is that why you're slow...
about understanding everything?
- Yes...
Dolt from London! Can't even
take my bangles off
How will you ever make me wear
a bracelet?
"My cruel lover is heartless"
"My cruel lover is so heartless..."
"he doesn't even know how I pine,
he's just a ruthless slaver..."
"oh cruel, please..."
"How do I say this,
whom do I tell?"
"God, he doesn't know how I hurt..."
"he knows not..."
"how heartless"
"You were far away,
yet so close..."
"now you're close
yet distant...?"
"I don't know...
yet I know"
"You were far away, yet so close...
now you're close, yet distant...?"
"to me"
"Adorn me with the bangle
- Let me read your palm"
"Don't tease me
- Lots of money"
"Now don't...
- Your marriage"
"Do my bidding
- You'll marry an old man"
"How do I say this...
- About your wedding"
"Whom do I tell... God
- You'll never marry"
"Fool, he doesn't even know..."
"he just doesn't know"
You see how the childhood love
blossoms into youthful romance?
For all Sumitra's "Shondesh",
do send a sweet message to Sumitra
Tell her, Paro has come of age
What are you up to?
What am I up to?
What's up? What's wrong with Ma?
- Your mother has gone mad.
Yes! Mad with joy. Because no more
will I dream the dream I dreamt
And why?
- Because it's coming true
Ma, what dream...?
- Which dream? Silly!
I'm invited to a huge mansion.
- I know, Kumud has conceived
Also, Kaushalya-Didi wants to see
me. She says, Paro has come of age
We ought to think
about Paro's wedding
True Paro, when you step into
that house in bridal finery...
there will be dreams in your eyes,
under the veil drawn over your face
But we'll listen in joyous rapture
for the chime in your anklets
Mr Landlord! So how do I look?
- Where's Paro? Isn't she going?
So long she awaited this evening,
she was dressed and raring to go
In time to leave, she shies away.
Off to the lake to fetch water
- Silly girl, she's afraid...
that I might discuss her marriage
right in front of her
Don't you raise the topic Sumitra
- The auspicious time runs out at 7
By then if she hasn't raised
the topic, I shall
But don't worry. The answer
won't be a "no". Bless me
The guests are all here.
Where is Sumitra-Kaki?
Dreaming of Paro's wedding.
To Devdas. You know...
I've found a nice match for Paro.
- Who...?
Old Mr Chattopadhyay
My compliments, sister!
Best wishes for a grandson
Don't overdo it, Sumitra.
There's still time to go
Only a few months, no?
Then the baby's wails
will resonate through the mansion
Not sister, I'll call you grandma.
- You should get Paro married soon
I'd like to call you grannie too.
- That's what I'm here to discuss
I must discuss something too. Girls
in your family fetch a bride price?
No, that was olden custom.
We will give our Paro away
So it's final. I'll give Paro away
in wedding. All the expense is mine
Paro is my daughter too.
- No, giving the daughter away...
is a dream every parent dreams.
About the expense, we can share it
Then it's decided, Sumitra.
- Really Didi?
Yes, really.
- Therefore Kaki-Ma, you will be...
the master of ceremonies tonight.
A stunning dance for the guests?
Oh no, not I...
- Why not? Don't you belong...
to a family of theatre dancers?
- Yes Didi, but that was ages ago
No Kaki-Ma, no excuses.
Tonight you sing and you dance
No dear, not I...
- Are you embarrassed? Just imagine
You're dancing at Paro's wedding.
- Now I can't refuse, can I?
So be it. Radha and Krishna
and love divine
"Dearest love"
"The Moon alone..."
"in night's embrace..."
"in moonlight vigil,
night's desire..."
"sang run-jhun run-jhun
a breezing gust..."
"into a radiant night..."
"rode in fireflies
on a palanquin of stars..."
"as the word played
on stilled lips"
"Then to the cadence
of drums and cymbals..."
"the duffle was struck...
"into the rhythm swayed..."
"my lovely Radha"
"Into the rhythm Radha swayed"
"Then he came from nowhere
and he said... I love you"
"Dear love..."
"Oh but I'm afraid"
"Oh dearest love"
"No, not my wrist..."
"oh, how shameful"
"Leave me..."
"I beg of you"
"No, don't force me..."
"spare me"
"Dear love"
"I'll curse you for this"
"Madman! Go away"
"Don't torment me"
"Oh dearest love..."
"dear love..."
"oh but I'm afraid"
"Love me"
"On the banks of the Yamuna..."
"Krishna and Radha
in the Dance of Love"
"Of desire in their hearts
rose a song to their lips"
"Krishna and Radha
in the Dance of Love"
"Thirsting in every breath,
searing passion in their hearts..."
"Krishna and Radha
in the Dance of Love"
"The word on stilled lips,
Krishna and Radha are in love"
What is this?
The token of betrothal...
of my daughter to your son.
Paro and Devdas
Are you in your senses, Sumitra?
I invited mother and daughter...
to entertain my guests
with some melodrama
Instead, you are out
to work magic?
Kumud, you were right!
Sumitra-Kaki's timing is opportune
She does knows how to
take advantage of opportunity
As a child, her daughter stole
guavas from our orchards
Now she sets her sights on my son?
- No Didi, that isn't true
Devdas and Paro were
childhood sweethearts
They are in love, they can't live
without each other
In a large family, maybe you never
noticed. But I know how they yearn
Please do not refuse Didi,
even if it means...
that you will have nothing more
to do with me afterwards
Why draw water from poisoned wells?
You may not betray the traits
But your genes remain the same,
that of the dancing girls
Yes, we landlords eat fish...
but we won't let bones
stick in the gullet
For one, you are a neighbour.
Worse, as a family, disgraced
Even if you may momentarily forget
your disgrace, but your standing?
Don't you try to palm off
your bad coin
Chhoto-Ma, let it pass Chhoto-Ma.
We can always talk Dev out of it
Which leaves Parvati. If she can't
contain herself, send her to Dev
Honour among landlords
isn't sullied by such affairs
Unbecoming of a landlord's woman!
Don't interfere when elders speak
Enough! Replying to you
is beneath my dignity
My sister you were.
From now on, merely Kaushalya
And Kaushalya, you too sang
the day my daughter was born
Remember Badi-Ma? She took
my daughter from my arms...
saying Paro was her daughter!
With a smile, I had even said yes
Little did I know that even
in the big landlord's mansion...
a lady of the house could be
so narrow-minded...
as to count guavas stolen
from one of her orchards
Count, how many guavas did
my daughter steal? Tell me
Counting guavas?
By the count of it...
I've fed your son many more times
than your count of stolen guava
And the disgrace?
Yes, we do sell our daughters
But you trade too, Kaushalya.
We sell our daughters, openly
But you swallow the dowries
and the daughters too
Good or bad, the coin is known by
it's tinkle. But you wouldn't know
Because you're deaf enough...
not to listen your son's heart
Blind you are, that you
do not see their love
Now soon you will stand dumbstruck
in witness your son's ruination
I swear, my daughter will marry
into a family richer than yours
In a week. If I fail, then come,
mourn my death on day eight
I came to wish that you would beget
a handsome son
But all I can wish is to see
that a ungraceful daughter you be given
I hear your mother
is giving you away...
into a rich family.
Do you know your husband's name?
- Even after all that happened...
will Dev marry you?
- I'll ask him and I'll tell you
Is there anything left to ask?
She was insulted so gravely
Dev didn't insult her, did he?
- Will you walk up...
to ask Dev to marry you?
Won't that be embarrassing?
Why be embarrassed about asking
for what is yours?
You're married, yet you don't
know what a husband means?
- I
Are you all right?
So late at night?
In the dark...?
Weren't you afraid?
- No, now I'm afraid of no one
Not even of being maligned?
- No, when I am with you...
I don't even care about getting
a bad name
Why... here... now...?
- Why does the river head to sea?
Why does the sunflower
always face the Sun?
And why comes Paro
heedless of her dignity...?
Why unheeding my family honour
do I venture out in dark of night?
Why do I seek refuge at your feet?
To all questions, a single answer
For the same reply, far too many
questions asking to be answered
There are no questions,
not as long as we're together
That's what they don't want.
- What do you want?
Happiness, for you
But my father won't look at it
from our perspective
We'll win him over
What if he doesn't relent?
Where there's love, there's no fear.
- Where there's smoke there's fire
In fires of attrition,
I don't want us...
to be consumed.
- I'm doomed, in any case
Be it with you, or without you
Let me drop you home.
- You're coming with me?
Without fear of censure?
Even the cur is wary of the door
it's kicked out of
What you can't get away with by
light of the day, you try by night?
Why don't you, mother and daughter
start a brothel?
Not even a pimp would advise
his daughter to do that
With the lamp,
I saw you burn for Devdas
I treasure your feelings. Were you
to have asked me before leaving...
I would not even mind if you were
to have been whore for a night
Ma, I just went to ask him!
- And received what in reply?
Not alone, you carried with you,
the honour of our family
Have you left your honour behind?
Let it pass Babu-ji. Why make
a mountain out of a molehill?
By the way, what to do
about Paro's shawl?
Tell him to return it.
This marriage isn't happening
I shall do no such thing
You forget whom you are addressing
A hot-headed landlord who will send
his fellow-man's daughter...
to a brothel.
- Gentlemen's daughters...
never steal out of
neighbours' rooms at 2 am
So great was her compulsion
and it was you who compelled her
I will brook no argument from you.
- Nor do I wish to talk to you
It's decided
I object
-Don't you realize?
Our family ranks far higher
than theirs
I object!
Yet, it's the same food we eat?
- Our hierarchy, status, standing
Even the British government
is informed of us
I object!
Yet, the same soil we tread upon?
- The bird that raises...
can never have any relationship
with fish in the waters
Yet, man on Earth relates
to God in Heaven?
Stop Dev
I said
I object!
Dev, everything can be resolved.
I'll talk to Babu-ji
But don't leave the house.
- No Dwij
Over something so trivial...?
- Trivial for you, not for me
Not for me a life praying
for every breath
Dev, we'll talk to Babu-ji...
- Stop Dev
Dev stop.
- Stop! Listen to me
Stop him, Kumud
You aren't going anywhere. Your
mother is talking to the master
Everything will be fine.
- No Dharamdas
The tempest ought to pass.
If I stay on, much will be undone
Listen to me
Dev is leaving, Paro
It's as much his test as it is
yours. See for yourself...
what he cares for, you or family?
Is he taking you with him?
Or is he deserting you?
If he isn't taking you along...
then you shall do
your mother's bidding
Stop Deva! I won't let you leave!
- Out of my way
"That night, all sense
of reasoning deserted me"
"I was left vacillating
as if between pendulous scales"
"You wouldn't want me to displease
my father to make you happy..."
would you?
"Why does the river go to sea?
Why the sunflower gazes at the sun?"
"Instead of hunting answers,
why not let the question pass?"
"What was between us, was no more
than childishness. There's no love"
"From now onwards,
you are the girl next-door"
"And I, your friend"
"Paro, get dressed, come downstairs.
Hurry. Your in-laws are here"
"My love! Oh why did you
leave me smouldering?"
Why did you snub out the flame?
Ei Dev...
Friend, you aren't asleep yet?
Are you a stranger in my home?
I told you before, this is
as much your home as it's mine
Nothing of the sort, Chuni Babu.
I'm just not feeling sleepy
Drink up...
You know I don't drink.
- Then what gives?
If "h" is for happiness in life,
why are you so looking so harassed?
So harried as not to feel at home?
- Nothing of the sort
But something surely is!
Fought with your parents?
- No
Or are you nursing
a wounded heart?
My point! That's my point!
H for heart and for hurt
- Have you suffered no pain?
Ask not of one Time has weathered
what pain each nuance hides...
You know what I make family with.
Just me and my wealth
And therefore it was
that I adopted music
The "Thumri" for my daughter,
and the "Dadra", my son
The "w" in words is tricky, making for
warmth, worn, wealth, worlds, wisdom...
wastrels and wishes. Worship too.
A well-wisher and your waywardness
Get over this insanity and let's
go away. Way away. I feel walled-in
But Chuni Babu, where to?
- Wherever you wish
Where you go every night
There, where the anklets tinkle?
How are you ladies?
Look, whom I've brought to you
Who is it?
- My classmate from London
Where are you lost Dev Babu?
Come, here too I hold court
Welcome my friend, enter
Your mirror couldn't bear to see
my face. I'm sorry for your loss
If sorrow be joy's harbinger, every
loss signals what gain shall be?
Wonderful Chandramukhi!
Even your words are so seductive
But do use the kohl, to ward off
the stranger's evil eye
You are much amused?
- Naturally
I see someone trying
to ward off the evil eye...
while women
on the marketplace...
vie to be seen
You touch upon eyespeak
and you have stolen my heart
What I took for stone,
breathes the life into me
So you see Dev Babu?
On "c" and Chandramukhi...
didn't I warn you she's
cause of such amazement?
Chuni Babu also begins with a "c"
Of c's and cause celebres
and Chandramukhi...
you saw how clumsy
she made me look?
"Jasmine makes fragrant..."
"her lovely dark tresses"
"Radha's face is aglow, electric"
"Her gait, seductive"
"Krishna stopped her"
"He surprised Radha with a kiss"
"Surprised Radha with a kiss..."
"with a kiss in my face"
"Radha's veil was slipping away"
"Radha's veil was slipping away"
"slipping away
slipping away"
"Do not tease me,
Radha pleaded"
"Why are you teasing me?"
"Why are you provoking me?"
"Why do you do it?"
But Krishna was obstinate
He shamed Radha
"That night,
Krishna wouldn't listen"
"But whom could Radha complain to?
Krishna wouldn't listen"
"Oh, why are you teasing me?"
"A pot of milk..."
"Radha carried on her head..."
"when she heard..."
"Krishna's footsteps..."
"and her heart..."
"skipped a beat"
"Radha pleaded, don't hold my arms
so hard, then her bangles broke"
"But that night..."
"whom could Radha complain to?
Krishna wouldn't listen"
"Oh stop teasing me"
Where are you off to? Tarry,
the night has just come of age
I made a big mistake! I shouldn't
have written that letter to Paro
I want to go to Paro.
- Who's Paro? Wait, wait for me
Bad manners, walking out
on a performance
Dancing to an audience
of drunken men...
is shamelessness
You are a woman, Chandramukhi.
Realise who you are
Woman, mother, sister,
wife, friend
When she is none...
she is whore
Could you be some else,
Price. For our time together
Keep it
Come back, my friend...
See? Someone I wanted
to stay on, is gone
In what are you lost?
Such anguish in those eyes
Does anguish make you anxious?
Have courtesans no hearts?
Is she denied the right to love?
Of course! If there be amour,
paramour there is too
Will you do me a favour?
- Say it
For just once,
will you bring him?
Promise, I cannot. But try, I shall.
Only for you
Look at her! Paro is as resplendent
as the Moon tonight
Had Devdas been here,
he'd know what he has lost
My Paro is lucky
Her wedding procession is
like a train of lights.
But you haven't seen it
The bride's mother must not watch
her daughter's wedding procession
Lest the mother gives
the bride the evil eye
And after tonight no one will ever
call her Paro
Just Parvati
Kaki-Ma (Kaki Ma: Aunt)
Is Paro in?
The wedding procession
is about to arrive
You can see her.
Let's go, Manorama
I'm back Paro
- I've come back to you. Forever
When my wedding procession
is at my door?
There's still time. I'll convince
my parents. I'll tell them...
Your parents! Haven't I...?
If honour matters to your family...
doesn't honour matter to us?
Your father may be a landlord
Doesn't my father count? No matter
how lowly we bride-sellers are...
we never cheat anyone.
- I never cheated you, Paro
Then why did you leave me?
And that letter?
Paro you know, your Dev never does
anything deliberately
I was naive
Naivete! How naive can you be Dev?
On a whim, you give me a bracelet?
On a whim, you write saying
there's no love lost! Naivete?
Paro forever... another whim?
- Paro! Your wedding procession
Time to part
I don't accept this marriage!
- What difference? I accept
Then, I'm going to tell everyone...
- I went to see you at 2 am
You want to malign me?
- I... malign you?
How could you think?
If you ever say that again...
What will you do? Hit me?
Ever since I was a child...
have you held me in fief?
And when I ask for my right...
you do a volte face?
- Enough! Stop it Paro
Such vanity is no good.
- Why should I not be vain?
What are you Dev,
but wealthy and handsome?
I possess virtues, beauty.
And after tonight, riches too
From now on, I am more
than an equal to you
If you be a landlord, I take pride
in being an aristocrat
Such vanity?
Not even the Moon is as vain.
- But the Moon is scarred
What have you done?
I have scarred you, like the Moon.
With the mark of my love
"On joyous night..."
"when her bridal procession
"slowly, a sea of sorrow..."
"rose, stilled in her eyes"
"To lilting lutes..."
"her eyes told the tale"
"Always, it was you I loved..."
"and I loved and I loved..."
"and I loved forever"
"Forever I have longed for you
as I have longed for nothing else"
"My heart has worshipped you..."
"worshipped you and worshipped..."
"and worshipped but none else"
"never, never, never..."
"and none else"
"Sorrow clouds a joy..."
"shades of anguish darken her..."
"as she goes to tell her beloved..."
"only to tell her beloved"
"The wound you have left me with..."
"only adds to my beauty"
"My wound I will preserve
as your mark..."
"that anoints my forehead"
"My beloved..."
"oh beloved..."
"without you..."
"my life is incomplete..."
"my life is empty..."
"Carrying memories
of moments past..."
"with burdened steps
she walks..."
"her heart cries..."
"her eyes weep..."
"her heart..."
"Childhood memories..."
"of relationships..."
"swinging in the rain..."
"drawing laughter..."
"annoyed, being placated"
"Every moment..."
"etched into my heart..."
"in the flames of my lamp..."
"I am carrying..."
"My beloved..."
"without you..."
"my life is nothing..."
"nothing at all"
"Always, you I loved..."
"and I loved and I loved..."
"and I loved forever"
"I loved, loved, loved"
Devdas! Open up!
What are you doing?
Open up! What madness is this?
- For my sake! Open up
I said it! Don't tear Deva and Paro
apart! But who listens to me?
What's going on?
- Look! Tell him something
Narayan, tell him.
- No point. Leave him alone
The fire will die down on its own.
- But look...
Time plays games with everyone
My daughter treads upon silver now!
But look...
Iook at your son. It's your pride
that he sets afire
Two acts to the melodrama!
In Act One
my daughter and I danced
Act Two
Now you and your son will dance
Why is the new bride so dejected?
- Because last night...
husband and bride slept apart.
- That's for the first night
It's said to be ominous.
But it's over
From tonight, man and wife
will sleep together
Are you harassing the bride?
sit Parvati
You know, we had everything here,
but the Moon. And now you're here
Now you are
the lady of the manor
Also a mother
to these children
From his first wife,
Bhuvan has three children
Your son, Mahendra.
- Obeisances, Chhoti-Ma
And our youngest, little Kalika.
- My obeisances, Chhoti-Ma
And Yashomati, the eldest
She's angry. You must placate her
And all of you...
you must adorn
the bride exquisitely...
for her nuptial night
Have you familiarised yourself
with the manor?
- You have my word, Parvati...
in this manor, you will have
no problems about anything
Except one
It is difficult to bide time here.
- Oh but time flies here
I do not understand...?
- A while ago I was a new bride
And in no time, I'm Chhoti-Ma
(Chhoti-Ma: Little Mother)
From bride to "little Mother",
I'm transformed. In no time
I wish to tell you something.
I married because my Ma insisted
My children needed a mother,
and this manor needs a lady
And you...?
Subhadra... was my first wife
You're now the lady of the manor,
the mother of my children...
and my new bride, no doubt.
But Subhadra, I can never forget
The ominous first night may be over.
But we will stay distanced, forever
My mistake or my sin,
call it what you may...
but do forgive me
Good morning friend, good morning.
You're lucky, my friend
I ask help of the spirits
to knock me out of my senses
You won't even touch the spirits
and yet you are inebriated?
You missed telling me? Or made
a pariah of me? Paro and paramour
You missed telling me? Or made
a pariah of me? Paro and paramour
Both spelt with "p"! Your stupor
has unravelled all your secrets
Who brought me here?
My lover
is so faithless
How regrettable, to be rescued
off the streets by a prostitute
This one is an ingrate Chuni Babu!
Bites me for the love I gave him
My word! She helped you out of
humane concern. You were sick
She picked you up from the streets.
You've come to, after two days
She never slept a wink, nursed you,
sat through your cries for Paro
Insult instead of gratitude?
Let it pass. It's a landlord trait.
Never mind their little trespasses
You left as if, forever.
But as luck would have it...
I find you once again.
You need your medicine now...
Your medicine, I don't need.
I'd rather have lain there
Just fall unconscious once again.
I'll dump you where I found you
Yes Chuni Babu?
What is this?
- Chuni Babu says...
you've been here for two nights.
Lamps in your boudoir went unlit
This is price. For two nights
you wasted on me
Now I know,
why Paro abandoned you
Let alone love,
you don't even deserve sympathy
Hear Chuni Babu?
A courtesan talking of romance
Am I to learn of her what love is,
what romance be? What is amour?
Love mirrored in your soul, amour
God's gift to life's design, romance
How regrettable Chuni Babu
Your friend possesses none...
of soul, or intent or purpose
That thing you flash
time and again Dev Babu...
the money, it lies at the feet
of harlots in brothels
If you be so vain, return to me
what I spent on you
Two nights
You owe me 2 nights, Dev Babu.
No more shall I dance...
not until you come.
These eyes will await you
"F" for friendship, she came seeking,
you found a foe. You owe two nights
O'faithless lover
Music plays
Let slip the veil
Let the revelry begin
Revelry awaits you, Chandramukhi.
- No, not until Dev Babu arrives
Pure gold.
Custom made, in Lucknow
I also have a gold nose ring
I wish to tie the dancing bells
to your feet
Do wear the nose ring and
allow me to unscrew it afterwards
Desist from such ardour Kali Babu.
Get too close and you will burn...
in the very lamps that light up
nights of revelry
At the next instance of insolence
I'll give you a nose ring and...
the rest of the revelers
may take pleasure in unscrewing
In a marketplace
full of beauties...
such spirit
is what draws me to you
But the one you
await so eagerly...
has no interest
in you or your music
It was some Paro's firefly that ran
into your fires crying Paro-Paro
Never will he return, Chandramukhi.
- He will come, he will Kali Babu
You will see. That's from my heart.
- Why not take on a bet?
If he doesn't come before
the candle has burnt out...
then you will wear these
dancing bells...
only for my pleasure.
- I accept
And if he comes...
then you shall leave
wearing these very dancing bells
"Whose footfall I hear?"
"Whose shadow is that?"
"Who knocks at my heart?"
"Who is come inside?"
"Who paints me this emerald color?"
"Who fills me with beautiful colors?"
"My joy..."
"is killing me"
"I'm dying"
"I'm dying"
"Who paints me with beautiful colors?
Who is killing me with joy?"
"I'm dying of happiness,
I'm dying of happiness"
"Is killing me"
-I'm dying"
"I never asked to reach the moon
with my hands..."
"nor stars I ever seeked..."
"complaints I have none..."
"every sorrow I have hidden..."
"every taunt I laughed off..."
"thorns I embraced..."
"their blossoms have wounded me"
"But whenever I raise my hands..."
"in prayer to The Lord..."
"I have always asked to find you"
"I'm dying ..."
"Oh, God, I'm dying"
"Who paints me this emerald?
Who kills me from joy?"
"Is killing me"
"Is killing me,
Oh, God, I'm dying"
"Is killing me,
is killing me"
"Whose footfalls are those?
-They are killing me"
"Whose shadow is that?
-It's killing me"
"Who is knocking in my heart?
-It's killing me
"Who's come inside?"
You aren't accustomed to the drink.
Why drink beyond your limits?
What fool drinks
to stay within limits?
I drink that I may force myself
to stay on...
looking at you,
tolerating you...
that I may lose my senses,
to help me forget Paro
But Chandramukhi...
such are memories of Paro, they
won't even let me lose my senses
Why, after all I drink, do memories
of her haunt me day and night?
oh why?
Why, does man become so naive?
Why make mistakes?
Why... for foible...
so harsh a punishment?
As to be rent asunder?
One enters matrimony,
and the other...?
In what fain folly...
he forsakes the lotus...?
For a paper flower?
I fall...
Touch me not!
I despise you!
I can't bear to see woman
come to this. Begone
Never again shall
I stand at this door
But yes, whenever
I come to think of Paro, I shall
And come the guilt pangs,
I shall come
For where else can I go?
There... I have sentenced myself.
- Why punish yourself so?
Because every day,
my heart is put to trial
Every day,
this romance is tried
I object
I object
But every day,
the verdict is the same
Shut up, Devdas!
-I object, father
Objection overuled
You are convicted and shall pay
for the rest of your life
Yes, milord
No objection
Our Parvati decides whatever
happens in the manor
The new bride has laid to rest
all my worries
With Parvati's arrival our
lost days of joys are here again
Meet Yashomati's mother-in-law
This is Parvati
To Bhuvan Chaudhary,
you'd more likely be...
a daughter than his wife.
- Whatever I am to him...
you and I are like sisters.
We should be embracing each other
But you are many years
my elder
From what I see, in Manikpur, wives
are better endowed than daughters
No Badi-Ma?
- Our daughters, we send away...
in hope that they will be cared for,
but we're disappointed. No, Badi-Ma?
I was eager to meet you
We ought not to be cross with kin.
You and I are of the same age
So you decide,
how we will relate to each other
Mother and daughter?
Or friends?
What's this, Ma? All this...?
- Gifts, from your Ma
You'll look great
Will you keep to your daughter?
Won't you give us company?
I do not like the smoking pot.
The smoking pot has pride of place
I don't think so, no pride in what
goes up in smoke
Wonderful, mother-in-law!
I delight in your words
I have been so eager to see you.
We missed each other's weddings
My obeisances
Touching your feet was a pleasure.
I have been given my wish
How I wish I had attended
your wedding...
if only to have my wish of
pulling you up by your ear
Pulling you up by the ear
was a pleasure
This first acquaintance, I shall
always remember, mother-in-law
Remember the relationship too
What happened?
Dev, Dev
If I am so despicable, if my touch
be so abhorrent, then why...
did you come into my life?
In my solitude I was content
Why be my messiah of misery?
That stopped the spasm didn't it?
Divert your attentions and...
the deepest wounds may be healed.
- Which is what I am upto
Stop it, you've had enough
Why not say I've lived enough?
- How could I...?
You have Paro, memories of Paro
All I have is you, my Midas
A touch
and iron is made to gold
Are you pricing yourself or me?
- In a world of relationships...
what value a woman
of easy virtue?
Nothing. Besides you won't even give me
the right to touch you
Are you in love with me?
Or you could ask me if I breathe
You breathe, Chandramukhi?
What will you get out of it?
I have no home, no heart
Loving isn't only about receiving.
Love, I have traded many times
But loved, I have but once
Pour more into a chalice filled,
and what happens?
It spills,
to the ground
So too my cup floweth over,
with Paro
More can only spill...
to fall, and in the falling,
take you down too
But in the spilling, the wine
must've been caressed by the chalice
Then spill...
some more
Where is Devdas?
I must see him
Asleep. You can't see him now.
- Can I not? I'm here to take him
I'm not leaving him
in this hell
- Who gave you my whereabouts?
Chuni Babu
Babu-ji won't even see my face
Why has he sent you?
Anyway, he will be displeased
to see me as I am
Sir Narayan Mukherjee will have
to hang his head in shame
Go Dharamdas, go away.
- Listen Deva...
Your father is no more
Too bad
All of a sudden... how...?
He was a nice man
Such men aren't born too often
Babu-ji has earned...
another title, no?
Late Sir Narayan Mukherjee
We loved each other dearly
But too bad, this is too bad
Late, Sir Mukherjee...
was a good man
Does Devdas drink every day?
- When doesn't he drink?
Alcohol, day and night.
Lives on it
Why don't you stop him?
- But only if he'd stay at home
Rarely does he come home.
There he lies in Chitpore...
in Chandramukhi's brothel,
all day
The room upstairs is practically
Deva's residence
Devdas! He lives in a brothel?
Such days I have lived to see
Have you seen Chandramukhi?
- When I went to fetch Deva...
I saw her.
- What is she like?
Sweet deceit, as they say.
Famous courtesan, uses her charms
She plunders, he squanders. We must
rescue our Deva from the hell, Paro
I cannot tell him anything,
but he'll surely listen to you
He holds you in high esteem,
he can't refuse you
Please Didi, tell her
Only you can stop him, Paro.
Only you can stop him from drinking
Dharamdas, get a hold on yourself.
- You'll see him won't you?
Paro, do you want me to malign you,
to give you a bad name?
Had we given ourselves a bad name,
we might've ended up together
You're happy, aren't you Paro?
- Oh it's a different world, Dev
Huge manor, vast estates,
important people, great debates
Great debates!
You've matured Paro
You even look like an aristocrat.
Huge red dot, large eyes...
big dreams...
huge manors,
vast estates...
and grown-up children
Those large eyes,
I can keep watching
But I can't bear to see
big teardrops in those eyes
Just as well that you came by.
I got some things I wish to return
Who knows, I might never return
Come, Paro...
Stand right here
at yourself. Remember...?
Arre O'Deva
What happened Paro?
Deva, I lost my anklets.
Have you seen them?
No Paro, not l haven't
I stole them
And you knew I did it
and why I did it
All day, the chime of your anklets,
And your pot
And here, the memento
of our love, our parting
You just left, that was the end
of the relationship
But I'm still tied
to all these, Paro
And I am tied
to memories of you
What's that?
- A few coins
Three Rupees.
- All they're worth are memories
Mine, aren't they? You thief
I'll take them back,
but only with usury
How much interest will you take?
- Two percent
At two percent...
six cents a month
72 cents a year
For 13 years...
13 years, Paro
You've become good at arithmetic.
- Circumstance taught me, Paro
Let's talk of something else
Paro, why not turn matchmaker
and find a bride for Devdas?
I hear Manikpur girls are nice?
- Yes, but you want a beauty, no?
No, not a beauty.
Just someone like you
Someone who is pleasant?
- No, must be a bit naughty
Should be able to quarrel with me.
Like I said, she should be like you
You can find them by the thousands.
- Spare me the thousands
Just let me come to grips with
only one, of the likes you. Enough
Give up drinking.
- No
- No
You can give it up. Promise me
that you'll never drink again
Can you promise
you'll forget me?
It's rather late, Paro
I'm not leaving
until I have your word
I can't.
- You can
One can do anything one wants.
Can you elope with me tonight?
-What are you saying?
Can you elope with me?
You've no one to look after you.
- Can you elope with me?
I had only one dream. To serve you.
- If there's love, there's no fear
One chance to fulfill my dream?
- Can you elope with me? Can you?
Come with me. I'll care for you.
- Can you elope with me, Paro?
I can't bear to see you like this!
I feel like dying, Dev
I feel like dying
If serving me makes you happy,
then so be it
I promise you, before I die
I'll surely come to your doorstep
Swear that, by me
Your mother is squandering money.
Given so charitable a disposition...
soon the coffers will be empty.
- Absolutely right, Kumud
But how can I stop Ma?
- You're such a complete fool
You can't. But I can stop her.
- You will stop her? But how?
The keys to the vault? With you?
Ma has been looking for them
I've hidden the keys.
You will say that the keys are lost
- The vault keys are lost
And the vault has been robbed
The key...
to the money
Brother-in-law! You...?
So early? In the offices?
And alcohol...? Without as much
as a care for the family prestige?
What will people say?
What will your mother think?
You didn't consider that
when you were stealing the keys?
What will people say?
What will your Chhoto-Ma think?
The wealth of our forefathers
may not be squandered over alcohol
The keys left by our forefathers
may not be stolen like this
I'm making this clear.
Under no circumstance...
am I parting with the keys.
You will turn in the keys
Today and now
Right here
To my mother
Do not think I am so weak. I too
hail from a family of landlords
I have seen money by the chestfuls
in my father's house
Have you seen the streak of madness
that runs in the family?
What are you upto, Dev?
- Brother you surely agree that...
I have as much right as you to the
wealth that our forefathers left us
Yes. Why are you
pouring alcohol?
I'm putting on fire my share.
Save your share if you can
I'll give you anything you want!
- As of now...
only the keys.
- Which you will never have
Kumud! Give him the keys.
Else, he'll burn down the office
Let him do whatever he wants.
I'm not scared of empty threats
He's actually burning the place down!
Call Chhoto-Ma
Give him the keys, Kumud.
- No
He's crazy!
Are you out of your mind too?
- Give him the keys
What's up Kumud?
What's happening in this house?
You were looking for the keys
to the vault, weren't you?
I caught him with the keys
and he threatened me
He won't part with the keys
and he wants his share
Else, he'll burn the house down.
I pleaded with him...
You want your share?
That is your only share
No one in this house
ever understood you
All of us are responsible
for your ruination
Before we lead you
to worse, leave this house
Babu-ji said leave the village.
Everyone said, leave Paro
Paro said, leave drinking.
Now you say, leave this house
One day, He will say...
leave this world
Hereby I rescind all my rights
to everything in this house
But I am part of you. That right
no one takes away from me
Not even you
It's no easy undertaking,
it's an ancient ritual
For the ritual, one must fetch
the soil from a courtesan's doorstep
In that soil, is built
the image of the goddess
I know
And go where men daren't even walk
in daytimes for fear of censure?
Don't humans live there?
Is there no air...?
No sun in those quarters?
Do rains refuse to visit them?
Nature doesn't discriminate.
Should we?
Parvati is right.
Even Subhadra wanted it done
Very well,
as our Parvati wishes
But remember, it's the Durga Puja.
- Rest assured
I'll tell Mahendra
to facilitate your journey
Devdas lives in a brothel?
A lady is here, wants to see you.
She's also asking about Dev Babu
Must be Paro
How did you know I'm Parvati?
- Dev Babu told me...
should a woman come asking for him,
she can only be Paro
What are you doing?
My obeisances to the woman, whom
I shall never be able to replace
I have heard of exotic women here,
but you possess the wile too
Only if you'd see,
I have a heart too
isn't that your name?
They also call me Devdasi
You are famous.
- Not anymore
At angel's touch, I learnt
of a sacrifice I never knew
How strange of a courtesan
to swear by fidelity
Curious too...
what draws an aristocrat
to a courtesan's doorstep?
Where is Dev?
I too am eager to hear his footfall
Six months it has been...
since I set my eyes on him.
- You lie
If you don't trust, look around.
- Or do you assume I won't?
How long do you think
you can keep Dev here?
Only so long as the beauty,
the youth, the money?
What's your endgame?
You must have fleeced Dev
I'll pay you more. I can't bear
to see Dev suffering this hell
How strange
The very Paro who drove Dev Babu
to insanity, wants to buy him
And what may you have to offer me?
Can you offer social recognition?
Can you possibly
make him love me?
Or make it possible
that I may touch him, just once?
Dreams, longing, hopes,
that he has kindled in my heart...
might you make them come true?
Can you?
No, you cannot deliver
And I will not give you Dev Babu.
- And I will take him away
And no one is stopping me. Not you,
not social sanction, not even Dev
Not to forget, courtesans
aren't destined to have husbands
Courtesans have no destiny, lady
From your perspective,
you can see nothing. From mine...
you will find him everywhere
Look, there he is,
in the flame of the lamp
There he lies,
in folds of the covers
In that half a chalice...
his thirst lies, unquenched.
His fragrance still lingers
Take it all, if you can. The light,
the folds, the fragrance, all of it
All yours
But I cannot give you your Devdas.
- You love Dev so dearly?
I only worship him
Now I'm assured.
Dev isn't lonely anymore
Oh I forgot what I came here for.
I want to perform the Durga Puja
From your doorstep,
I want soil
May I...?
What is this?
- I came for Dev. Instead...
it's something
I entrust you with
I will expect you for
the Durga Puja. Do come
I'm so happy
to have you here
I'm glad
How could I refuse your invitation?
I had to come
Have you met Dev?
Who is this?
Chandramukhi, my friend.
She comes from Calcutta
Bless you, consider this your home.
Parvati, don't let her go too soon
Sure. You will leave only after
the celebrations
No Paro! I can't stay here
Why not? It's been ages since I had
a heart-to-heart chat with someone
Come, let celebrations be the ruse
for forgetting our woes
Let's sing, dance,
give ourselves a little to live
- Our joys might touch Dev
Paro, listen to me.
- No refusing. For Dev's sake
Come Kali Babu, the chess game
isn't over yet
The real chessgame
is being played here
Devdas' Chandramukhi comes.
To meet Devdas' Paro
Who's Paro?
- Mother-in-law
Parvati. One move and
I've checkmated all four
Bhuvan Chaudhary
Deva, the day is dawning
But forever, this heart
will live in darkness
Shall we go now?
- To whom?
One by one, all my
relationships are over
Between my father and I
there was no love lost, right?
I was his tempest
and he was my whip
Even my brother figured first
in mother's lullaby, right?
My brother and I never hit it off.
He's practical, I'm impractical
I used to make fun of
my syster in law
I was the one who ended up
being the butt of the joke, right?
And there was Paro
and I love her...
you know...
so much
So much, right?
Now she is estranged too
But there's one...
one Chandramukhi.
Loves me dearly
Are you familiar with the last rites?
- Of course
Will you perform the ritual?
- Of course. Who is the deceased?
Devdas Mukherjee
- Are you insane?
You'll perform your last rites?
- Give me my last rites
Priest, go away
Deva! What madness is this?
Come back
Unto the departed Soul...
grant salvation, Lord
Come back, I beg of you
"Sway and sway
spin around"
"Sway and spin"
"Sway and sway
Sway and spin"
"The throb sways my heart
My sould spins around"
"sways and sway
sway and spin"
"The throb sways my heart
My sould spins around"
"I dare that evil eye
or let thunder strike"
"In spite of the evil eye
or the thunders"
"Rain or storm ..."
"I'll wear my dancing bells
-I'll wear my anklets"
"I will give in
to the ecstasy..."
of the throb...
"that sways my heart,
spins my soul"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning around"
"My heart sways
My sould spins around"
"Enjoy the chimes of the bells"
"Awe the love her eyes for her beloved"
"Why the crescendo?
Is it longing?"
"For the memories of a life of sorrow
waiting for her loved one"
"He's in the red dot I wear"
"He's in the dream in my eyes"
"He is in you body and soul"
"Your heart beats for him"
"I remember him in the chime"
"I remember him in the tinkle"
"I remember him in the chime
of my jewels"
"I remember him in the tinkle
of my jewels"
"I'll wear my bells"
"And I'll wear my anklets"
"And we'll dance
swaying and spinning"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
"Sways and sways
sways and spins"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
"You've given me a world..."
"of your own happinesses"
"You've given me..."
"so much happiness"
"I wish you never part from him"
"I wish you would marry him"
"To him you are priceless"
"I am worthless sand
under his feet"
"But I'll wear my bells"
"And I'll wear my anklets"
"But I'll wear my bells"
"And I'll wear my anklets"
"And we'll dance
swaying and swirling"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
What a display of true colour
An aristocrat and a courtesan
come together
"What are you saying?
- That which you see, Badi-Ma"
And what everyone is watching
"This woman, whom Mother-in-law
calls a friend, is a whore"
Yes Mother-in-law?
What am I hearing Parvati?
Why are you silent? Answer.
- She is embarrassed
Landlords did keep whores
Now even a lady of the manor makes
friendships in brothels. Wonderment
That's stripping without touching.
You started the farce. I ended it
No Kali Babu, if men could
enact farce, what need for whores?
You would've had
your brothel too
You know it
and it's commonplace
It is the aristocrat
who brings cheer to the brothels
And bastards are born
of aristocrats of your ilk
Call them illegitimate if you will,
but aristocracy runs in their veins
Company of the aristocracy doesn't
confer status to the courtesan
Absolutely correct, Badi-Ma. But why
should the lady be embarrassed?
If she spoke a few kind words to me,
it's because she considers me human
He who frequents the alleyways
of disrepute ought to be ashamed
The very dens littered with trophies
of the lust of his forefathers
Have you thought? You might have
a sister somewhere in the brothels
Why sister? You might even
visit your daughter's...
In the soil
at the courtesan's doorstep...
is moulded the image of the goddess.
The soil isn't impotent
Now the farce ends
I return, lady...
back to my world,
to those disreputable alleys...
where I might someday find
Dev Babu again
Before leaving,
I wish to apologise
Talking in public
about Chandramukhi was a mistake
I didn't make the other mistake.
I told your husband and Badi Ma...
about your friendship
with Devdas
You liked twisting my ear? I would
cut your nose to spite your face
Not at Parvati,
fingers will be raised at us
The matter must end
here and now
Did you ask for me?
- Yes Parvati
I would like to know...
- Who Devdas is?
Devdas is a childhood friend,
he was body, I was soul
He is my love and he is my vanity
and he is with me, always
Do you realise what you are saying?
- Same as what you told me
You're now the lady of the manor,
the mother of my children. No doubt
But Subhadra, I can never forget.
- Subhadra was my wife
Subhadra was your first love.
Devdas is mine
First love, like years
can never be obliterated
Parvati, you are forgetting.
You are the lady of the manor
Maybe that's reason for my guilt?
I'll accept any penalty you decree
Of course you will be punished
The very men who paid obeisances
to this manor are enjoying a farce
You may never step out of the manor.
This is your punishment
But what punishment, Parvati?
We are the ones being punished
The lamps we lit in celebration
have set fire to our house
Always put out the fires
that threaten your home
"Fun, frolic and friends"
"Without you, life was desolate.
With you, comes the cheer"
"Why care for outcomes?
Let's raise cheer"
"Yes friend?"
"Let clink the glasses"
"Let clink the glasses,
whatever the outcome"
"Let clink the glasses,
whatever the outcome"
"And hear the chhalak-chal
in the swirl"
"Music, when my cup floweth over"
"And hear the dhamk-dhamk-dham
inside your heart..."
when you clink the glasses
"This madeira"..."
"This madeira" showers
a rain of memories"
"In every spill, madeira
cheats the heart"
"The madeira coursing down
"tales of hearts"
"Like lightning in hearts,
it strikes clouds of sorrow"
"And when it reaches the heart..."
"it evokes..."
"memories of her"
"Oh for a glimpse..."
"Oh for a glimpse of her"
"what little I pray for"
"So little I pray for"
"Mira dances for her
"she dances in gay abandon"
"Hear the jhanak-jhank-jhan
in the chime of her anklets"
"I'm in love,
I don't care for censure"
"And how..."
"Now hear the thirak-thirak?
That's my heart dancing away"
Even a drop of alcohol
is poison for him
Any moment may be treacherous
Try to keep him in good cheer
Oh God!
What is this Dharamdas?
Cry and you will make me cry too
And people will call me a courtesan
who cannot enact a farce
We got to keep Dev Babu
in good cheer, no?
Game over. I win again
No point playing with you!
You've robbed us blind
A few more games with you and
you'll make me sell this brothel
Stop giggling and get lost
Time for your medicine.
I'll send it over
In a chalice. Else, it won't work.
- Even contemplating it is lethal
Met Paro?
How did you find my Paro?
- If love be personified...
Paro's would be the being,
hers the very heart
Forbidden though it is, I always
end up with a metaphor about eyes
One Paro
and one, Chandramukhi
One, sentimental, vivacious
And you...
how delicate, how demure
She is fickle, like a doe,
gushing like a river...
the liar, the butterfly, the Moon
and you...?
Poem? Ballad?
Some tears, sometimes fire
Everyone loves her.
- And you, unloved by all
except by me.
What is this, Chandramukhi?
I was likening you to fortitude
What you turn out to be? Wax doll?
Look at you, melting away
Will you let the candle melt away
and cast me in dark?
You've done much for me,
One more favour
Let me leave.
- No! You know not what you suffer
You know it and I suffer.
- Then why must you...?
I must face myself
before I'm lost
May a servant follow you?
I cannot bear to see my death
mirrored in your eyes
I have been given heaven and earth
Will we meet again?
I can't know
what the Judge of virtue and vice
will pronounce for you
But in the afterlife, should we meet
I won't be able to renounce you
Deva, what is the matter with you?
- What's the matter...?
Are you all right?
How come you haven't left?
- I'm not leaving you all alone
Are you afraid I'll drink again?
- Alcohol is poison for you
One drop...
- And I'm dead?
Yes! You were delirious,
that's why I didn't leave you
And enough of this journey.
You've had your say
and I've had enough
At the next station, we change the
train and we go to see your mother
At the next station,
you go back to your compartment
Why are you so stubborn?
- Put out the lights
And tomorrow, I'm taking you
to a doctor. Always fickle
Good night, Dharamdas
-Good night
Dharamdas, you're back?
Friend! How are you?
Small world it is, that's why
we keep bumping into each other
So where have you been?
What you been up to?
Right here and I'm fine
Tell me how you have been.
- What with me, I'm soaring
But you look... pale.
What gives, friend?
For a moment I was in a quandary.
Is this my star of Chitpore?
No, I'm all the same.
- Even if you aren't, here I am
Let's raise cheer.
It's been long, let's have a party
So what if we aren't in a brothel?
Even train compartments will do
If not the dancing bells,
let's cheer the rhythm of the rails
If not Chandramukhi,
let it be between her paramours
Here you are
No Chuni Babu, I don't drink.
- Someone has extracted a promise?
- Then do it, for friendship's sake
After ages! Let's live it up.
Why not?
In a tomorrow, may we be?
Might not
You'll be. As for me,
you never know
My share of life I've lived,
now I'm counting on my heart
What with the world, it will even
grudge you your last breath
Encore! How sweet!
That's poetry
Shards of the heart,
they call poetry. I don't care
What hurts is when they want...
- Encores? Wonderful
Encore, encore
Hey Dev Babu...
what's happening?
What's ailing you?
Have you taken a cure?
I'm incurable, Chuni Babu
Then why did you drink, knowing...?
- For friendship's sake, Chuni Babu
Friendship? You take me for
a stranger? Not again, not again...
No stranger, Chuni Babu.
You're the closest to me
I've even imbibed your metaphor.
The Sunrise of life...
the salutations...
then the solace...
and in seconds, time takes
such a turn Chuni Babu...
all ties with life are severed.
- No Dev Babu
The Sun...
the song, the serenade,
sympathy between friends
But separation... no...
- It all ends, Chuni Babu
Silence? So deathly?
As if I'm dead already?
I swear by our friendship...
this silence...
is stifling
And you know Chuni Babu,
miles to go...
before my thirst is quenched
Oh when will my thirst
be quenched?
What happened to Chhoti-Ma?
Pandua. Passengers to Manikpur,
Mirzapur, Mirgaon, detrain
"If serving me makes you happy..."
"I promise you, before I die
I will surely come to your doorstep"
"Swear that, by me"
Are we there?
The journey has just begun.
What's wrong with you?
"Devdas... come to me, my darling"
"All day tramping around the village
with that Paro"
"Not another moment
for you in this house"
"Deva! I'm not letting you leave!
- Dharamdas! Don't let him go"
"Stop Dev"
Faster, please
Very little time left
Yes sir
"Babu-ji said leave the village.
Everyone said, leave Paro"
"Paro said, leave drinking.
Now you say, leave this house"
"One day, He will say,
leave this world"
Here's Manikpur.
Brought you in before sun-up
Whom are you seeing in Manikpur?
I'm here, Paro
What is the matter, Parvati?
- Someone called out to me
So late at night? Go to bed.
You must be mistaken
Picked him up at Pandua station.
I don't know...
something happened to him overnight.
Never said where to, in Manikpur
What's that crowd outside?
Some stranger has been lying there
all night. Counting his last, maybe
Poor soul, must've come to return
something he owed in this lifetime
God rest his soul
No chance of survival,
Mahendra Babu
He's breathing his last
What is the matter, Parvati?
These letters might provide a clue
If you are inattentive Parvati,
you needn't say the prayers. Leave
For some wish unfulfilled, must be,
he isn't giving up his ghost
The policeman has identified him.
He's from some Tal Sonapur
What's the name?
- I don't know
Mahendra Babu knows.
- Will you please call Mahendra?
I said, call Mahendra.
- Yes
- Chhoti-Ma wants to see you. Now
Yes Chhoti-Ma? You summoned me?
- Yes, who's the man lying outside?
Someone from your village,
one Devdas Mukherjee
- Devdas Mukherjee
How do you know?
- Two letters in his pocket
One, to Dwijdas Mukherjee.
- His elder brother
And to one Kaushalya.
- Yes, his mother
The name was tattooed on his arm.
- At a fair. It rained
Incomplete tattoo...
- Also a torn necklace of pearls
Hit me here...
Where are you going Chhoti-Ma?
By now they must've taken him away
- No
Stop, stop
What happened to Chhoti Ma?
- What's going on in this house?
Why this screaming?
What's up Mahendra?
Ma is going out! For some Devdas!
- She has gone insane, stop her
Stop, Parvati!
Don't let her step
outside the manor
Stop Chhoti-Ma
Stop! Babu-ji forbids you
Secure the doors
Where will I find again...
my lost innocence
my lost dreams...
my lost childhood
Where is gone the shade of trees...
that were my home?
Dharamdas, where's everybody?
Look, here's Devdas' letter.
Devdas is returning from London
Really? Happy tidings!
Dwijdas! You hear? Devdas is coming!
- I don't think so. Ma is lying
You're lying, Ma.
- Here's the letter
Show me the letter
Shubhankar! My Devdas is coming!
- Really?
Give your brother the good news
Badi Ma... Badi Ma...
my Tempest is coming home
Thank God
Compliments, lady!
- Not in tears Dharamdas
I want a promise. I am going...
to receive Devdas. I alone.
Yes, but wind the clocks once again
After so many years! My son is back
Winding clocks won't make time move,
nor any faster brings the son home
I know Kumud! But look
how my heart throbs
Oh when will the day give way
to the night...?
Drum up the cheer!
Let the music play
What joyous tempest stirs my
heartstrings! Drum up the cheer
Let the music play!
- Welcome the onset of Tempest
Hey, Sister Kaushalya
sweet Shondesh for you
Sumitra! Lovely timing!
- Sumitra-Kaki's timing!
Always opportune.
And your "Shondesh" is famous!
Hear that Didi? (Didi=sister)
- Let her talk. Guess who's coming?
I know! Mr Chattopadhyay...?
Silly! You won't believe this!
My Tempest, my Devdas is coming!
Really Didi...?
- Yes, yes, really!
Thank Goddess Durga
My compliments, Didi!
- I'm seeing my son after 10 years
What might he look like? What might
he sound like? What will he tell me?
How am I going to survive
tonight, Sumitra?
How I wish I wouldn't blink!
What if he walks in right then?
I only remember Devdas, the boy
who'd walk up to my house...
peep around the door to ask me...
- Kaki-Ma, is Paro in?
There she goes, into the act
And when Dev stormed out,
I'd send Paro to find him
Found him always in guava orchards.
- And Dharamdas would haul him in...
by his ear! Some friendship!
- And when Devdas was leaving...
going abroad for his studies,
how my Paro ran after his buggy...
as if possessed. Arre O'Deva
Arre O'Deva
In that scorching sun, her feet
blistering on the gravelly soil...
yet she ran on, screaming,
I'm going with Dev
I'm going abroad too!
- Are you out of your mind?
Send her abroad? My silly girl
She owed Dev three Rupees
Let me go. I got to give him
his 3 Rupees
A lamp lit for a loved one
draws the wayfarer home
For 10 years, in that belief
she kept that lamp alight for Dev
Not once she let the lamp go out!
I must tell her, she'll be glad
She will be overjoyed.
- Yes Sumitra, go
It's your son who's coming home
and she is the happier for it
Why not? She's our neighbour.
Paro and Devdas...
were childhood friends.
- What's left of that childhood?
Both are grown ups now...
Kaki-Ma's "Shondesh"?
What's up Kaki-Ma?
- Manorama, where is Paro?
Where else? Must be in her room,
talking to her lamp
Not lamp!
- Devdas
Oh God.
- What's the matter?
The news I have for her
will drive her mad with joy
What news?
Paro, Devdas is coming
- Yes, Devdas is coming
They're preparing for a welcome!
Kaushalya-Didi is nearly going mad
The whole house is
in raptures...
Silly, are you crying?
Let not tears of joy
douse the lamp before Dev arrives
No power on Earth can put out
this lamp
Shall we put the mighty lamp
to test?
"At season's change..."
"come cloudwaves"
"A waft will come
to blow out this lamp"
"I have never let extinguish
the flame of our love"
"This longing I didn't let die
will never be extinguished"
"This flame, my love..."
"This longing I didn't let die
this flame will never be extinguished"
"The flame of my desire"
"My love, come to me my love"
"Now come to me"
"As this lamp burns..."
"I'm burning in my every pore
and my heart"
"Now come to me"
"Come to me, my love"
"Distance took us..."
"worlds apart"
"Only pain remained"
"My eyes yearned,
awaiting your return"
"but there you always were..."
"glittering, glowing..."
"awash in joys..."
"While here...
I burned for you"
"while here,
I was burning"
"Once again, clouds thunder..."
"raining in thunderous rhapsody"
"Tempest strikes again..."
"but my lamp is never doused..."
"my love, my flame..."
"no matter how much the rains,
tempest and thunder torment you"
"neither wind nor thunders
will extinguish it"
"Come now, come to me, my love"
"Come, my love"
"She's crazy"
"She's naive"
"Oh yes, with a gust of wind
will come the one you seek"
"My love..."
"come to me my love"
"The passion,
she will never let die"
"My love, this lamp is you"
"My love,
my beloved"
"Hurry! The buggy is here!
Kaushalya, quick"
Devdas is here!
- Coming
I was lighting the welcome-lamp.
Tell Badi-Ma (=Grandma)
If you take so much time,
Devdas will give himself a welcome
Give himself a welcome?
Today, I'm welcoming him
Wait a minute! I get to see Devdas
first. Everyone shut your eyes
For my sake.
- All right?
Lady! I don't believe! Could the
world change so much in ten years?
Deva is as tall as my shoulders,
my very shoulders he sat upon
See him and you'll forget to blink!
- Don't torment me! Where's my Dev?
Got off on the way. Said, he will
be back after seeing "My Paro"
Should be here any moment
Chhoto-Ma, you wanted to be the first
to set your eyes on Devdas?
Will it be Paro's eyes now?
Chhoto-Ma, what to do with this?
I think it's Devdas
how have you been? Fine?
Come in son, welcome
Bless you, son
You look just like an Englishman!
We've been so eager to see you
Kaushalya-Didi is dying to see you.
- Where is Paro?
She was here a moment ago
She said, let Devdas come
and I'll do this and I'll do that
I'll fight with him and scratch him.
Now you're here and she's hiding
Hey Paro
Can I go upstairs?
- Yes son, go on
How have you been Paro?
Won't you turn to see my face?
We're meeting after so many days
Days? For you, maybe.
For me...
10 years, 6 months,
4 days and 6 hours
You never missed me?
- I did
Lies! Only 5 letters in 10 years?
There are four seasons in a year
Couldn't you write once a season?
- Makes sense. You're a big girl
Takes time?
The desire to meet the sea
turns the stream into a river
Then why take time
to show your face?
Like sighting the Moon after ages,
I fear I'll leave you breathless
Not even the Moon is as vain.
- But the Moon is scared
Till moonrise spare the Moon,
to see which leaves me breathless...
the Moon's radiance?
Or your vanity?
Paro, I hate the thought
of someone else touching you
Look, Devdas is here!
- Let him come
Don't be angry.
- I don't want to talk to him
Tell him to go away.
- But Ma...
I said, I don't want to...
- Ma
Go, I don't want to see your face
Why, what's so ugly
about my face...
that neither Paro
nor you want to see?
After 10 years of waiting,
the neighbour gets to welcome you?
Go back to your Paro
Won't you open your eyes?
- I won't
Won't see me either?
Very well
I'm going away.
- Where...?
Where are you going, Dev?
- Dev, stop
Why did you let him leave?
I was just joking
I was joking too
My prodigal son returns a lawyer.
But no let up on the mischief?
Babu-ji...? (=Father)
- He left for his chambers early...
something urgent.
- I know, I know
Complaints every day!
Dev and Paro never went to school.
Dev caught smoking
All day tramping around the village
with that Paro
Not another moment
for you in this house
The day I left,
he wasn't at home
This day I return,
he still isn't here
You know, the British government
is knighting him
I see!
- And he'll be so glad to see you
- Glad he is, at work
In my home, fathers welcome sons
returning home after years...
with arms outstretched.
- Same here, child
Come to me, my darling
I told you to get me
a nice foreign watch
Have you brought it?
No, but I bring fortuitous times
over here... but I can't even
make out clearly
They use only paper?
- And sometimes, not even that
I never shook hands
What are you upto?
Give my box back to me
Give it to me
What's happening?
- Nothing
Watching Devdas?
How do you find him?
I'm not telling.
- Tell me...
how do you find him?
- Like a fool
What did he say when he met you?
- I didn't show him my face
Swear that by your mother?
- I swear
Poor thing, must've been pining.
- Let him pine
Don't make him suffer so
Else, he'll come peeping
around the door...
and ask me,
Kaki-Ma, is Paro in?
Only in the moonlight
he gets to see my face
Card three and I win.
- Damn
Lost by a whisker.
- You always lose by a whisker
Kumud, so what if he wins once?
- Wrong, today's Shubhankar's day
No one else wins, here comes Paro
but she can't win either
You bet?
- Beware! She'll loot you
Well Paro, what have you brought?
- "Shondesh" for Devdas. Ma sent it
Where's Devdas?
- The London-returned gentleman?
Where else but in his room,
training his binoculars on London?
Saw? Earlier, she'd greet you first.
Up she climbs, our beauty...
straight for Devdas.
- One too many a sweet message
What brings the Moon down to Earth?
- To take your breath away
What are you doing?
- Seeing how good my guess was
- Could never be wrong
How come?
- Known you for ages
What's this?
- Platter
I know. But what's on it?
- My excuse
Shondesh for me?
- See for yourself
- That's the excuse, silly
What a temper!
You make a fine example
of how to lose temper
You're the same
You too, are just
like you were
Like what...?
- Unsophisticated
Naturally, after all,
you're London-returned
London's a big city, isn't it Dev?
- London's entirely different
Great personalities, great debates.
Huge thoroughfares, huge edifices
London's Trafalgar Square,
pigeons, doves...
The Queen's Palace
And milling crowds,
Londoners live in a world
of their own
You too?
Of course
You are so silly
Say, you never missed the village?
- Never, never, except...
when I was fed up of the food at
the hostel, I missed Ma's dishes
And back in London,
when someone screamed at me...
I was reminded of my father.
No one else
On evening walks, I contemplated
Dharamdas and his buggy
On sleepless nights,
grandmother's gentle pat
Nothing else
Dev... and...
- I...?
Never. Or was it once...?
No, you never came to mind, Paro.
- I never came to mind...?
Matters that come to mind
are matters that matter. But...
you don't matter, Paro.
- True Dev, only you matter
5 letters, 5 times a day. How many
times did I read them each year?
And how many times in ten years?
- Multiplied by...?
18,250 times.
That's how much you matter...
and ten years to the day, I have
kept alive the flame I lit for you
How many hours has it been burning?
- If I were to count...
87,600 hours. So much you matter,
every second I remembered you
How many seconds to a day?
- I know, I'll tell you...
You're bad at arithmetic
There were times when I missed you.
- When...?
Whenever I breathed
For them, reminiscences,
those who can be forgotten. Silly
So effortlessly you counted off
those seconds?
Without as much as a thought
to every passing second...
that carried me away?
In the flame of the lamp that
you lit, it was I who burned
Shall I tell you what's
on my mind for sometime?
Two names on your mind.
Paro and Devdas
Mr Landlord! How did you figure out?
Kumud was saying, Dev and Paro
are upto new antics
For hours they stare at each other
through binoculars
Shondesh is her excuse for
coming over. I don't like it
And Sumitra is daydreaming
of Paro's wedding to Devdas
Daydreams never come true.
Neelkanth married an actress
Disgraced himself. In an alliance
with a disgraced family...
am I to bring
my family to ridicule...?
Right, but you know Sumitra.
She shoots off her mouth
What if she storms in someday
proposing an alliance?
The answer will be "no"
- Why will the answer be no?
A knight and a landlord. And the
roof over our heads is leaking
Even my postal address has changed.
- Really...?
Neelkanth Chakraborty,
Old Mansion
What's lacking in our Paro?
She's pretty, she's literate
I only got to spread the word.
Tens of boys will be ready...
to pay a bride-price for Paro.
- Really?
Yes. You are worrying too much
Someday we will get a proposal...
from them. You'll see
Till then, I leave you to
your musings. I'm off for my nap
Mr Landlord! Have a care!
Your old mansion is crumbling
Broke my back
All this jewellery! All for me?
- You will give me a grandson
Won't I give you something?
Badi-Ma has opened up her
treasure trove. Loot her
I must!
Badi-Ma! How exquisite!
I must wear this
No, that one isn't for you.
- Then, for whom?
For my Devdas' bride.
- Let's see
Give it all away to Devdas' bride!
I want none of this
Here's your elder daughter-in-law
And everyone's all agog about
someone who's yet to come
Nice bracelet, isn't it?
It'll look great on your arm
In my father's house
maids wear bracelets like these
Then consider yourself a maid,
right Badi-Ma?
Yes! I'm maidservant in this house.
My brother-in-law! Always after me
You're making a mountain out
of a molehill. I was joking
If you disapprove, I won't even marry.
- I hate being ridiculed
Why rib her all the time?
Badi-Ma you could've said yes...
if only to please her. You know
her nature. And she's pregnant
And you've brought her to tears.
Now I got to placate her. Woe betide
No matter how much honey you add,
neem is always bitter
How do you like this bracelet?
Just like you. Exotic.
- Whom are you giving it to?
You want to see?
Take this.
- And do what?
Look through it. This bracelet
is for whoever you see in it
Goodness! Sumitra?
Is she the one? Are you mad?
- Yes, but not entirely. Look up
That's Parvati.
- Nice...?
Yes nice, but I see her every day.
- Do you see her as my bride?
Wretched girl!
- Now what's up?
Staring at me through binoculars!
- Goodness
She's gone hiding.
- She must be embarrassed
Been chatting over binoculars?
- Yes Badi-Ma
Take a look,
what's the wretch up to?
Goodness! She's watching me
out of the corner of her eyes
Have you run in too, Dev?
Wretched boy
How to make mountains
out of a molehill...
I'll show my mother-in-law.
So you got caught peeping.
- You got caught too
And I was sentenced
to punish you
For you
- Gift
You might as well put it on me
So many bangles
Forget it
Tell me, where is London?
- Way west
Where sets the Sun?
- In the West
The Sun rises over London
five hours late every day?
- Is that why you're slow...
about understanding everything?
- Yes...
Dolt from London! Can't even
take my bangles off
How will you ever make me wear
a bracelet?
"My cruel lover is heartless"
"My cruel lover is so heartless..."
"he doesn't even know how I pine,
he's just a ruthless slaver..."
"oh cruel, please..."
"How do I say this,
whom do I tell?"
"God, he doesn't know how I hurt..."
"he knows not..."
"how heartless"
"You were far away,
yet so close..."
"now you're close
yet distant...?"
"I don't know...
yet I know"
"You were far away, yet so close...
now you're close, yet distant...?"
"to me"
"Adorn me with the bangle
- Let me read your palm"
"Don't tease me
- Lots of money"
"Now don't...
- Your marriage"
"Do my bidding
- You'll marry an old man"
"How do I say this...
- About your wedding"
"Whom do I tell... God
- You'll never marry"
"Fool, he doesn't even know..."
"he just doesn't know"
You see how the childhood love
blossoms into youthful romance?
For all Sumitra's "Shondesh",
do send a sweet message to Sumitra
Tell her, Paro has come of age
What are you up to?
What am I up to?
What's up? What's wrong with Ma?
- Your mother has gone mad.
Yes! Mad with joy. Because no more
will I dream the dream I dreamt
And why?
- Because it's coming true
Ma, what dream...?
- Which dream? Silly!
I'm invited to a huge mansion.
- I know, Kumud has conceived
Also, Kaushalya-Didi wants to see
me. She says, Paro has come of age
We ought to think
about Paro's wedding
True Paro, when you step into
that house in bridal finery...
there will be dreams in your eyes,
under the veil drawn over your face
But we'll listen in joyous rapture
for the chime in your anklets
Mr Landlord! So how do I look?
- Where's Paro? Isn't she going?
So long she awaited this evening,
she was dressed and raring to go
In time to leave, she shies away.
Off to the lake to fetch water
- Silly girl, she's afraid...
that I might discuss her marriage
right in front of her
Don't you raise the topic Sumitra
- The auspicious time runs out at 7
By then if she hasn't raised
the topic, I shall
But don't worry. The answer
won't be a "no". Bless me
The guests are all here.
Where is Sumitra-Kaki?
Dreaming of Paro's wedding.
To Devdas. You know...
I've found a nice match for Paro.
- Who...?
Old Mr Chattopadhyay
My compliments, sister!
Best wishes for a grandson
Don't overdo it, Sumitra.
There's still time to go
Only a few months, no?
Then the baby's wails
will resonate through the mansion
Not sister, I'll call you grandma.
- You should get Paro married soon
I'd like to call you grannie too.
- That's what I'm here to discuss
I must discuss something too. Girls
in your family fetch a bride price?
No, that was olden custom.
We will give our Paro away
So it's final. I'll give Paro away
in wedding. All the expense is mine
Paro is my daughter too.
- No, giving the daughter away...
is a dream every parent dreams.
About the expense, we can share it
Then it's decided, Sumitra.
- Really Didi?
Yes, really.
- Therefore Kaki-Ma, you will be...
the master of ceremonies tonight.
A stunning dance for the guests?
Oh no, not I...
- Why not? Don't you belong...
to a family of theatre dancers?
- Yes Didi, but that was ages ago
No Kaki-Ma, no excuses.
Tonight you sing and you dance
No dear, not I...
- Are you embarrassed? Just imagine
You're dancing at Paro's wedding.
- Now I can't refuse, can I?
So be it. Radha and Krishna
and love divine
"Dearest love"
"The Moon alone..."
"in night's embrace..."
"in moonlight vigil,
night's desire..."
"sang run-jhun run-jhun
a breezing gust..."
"into a radiant night..."
"rode in fireflies
on a palanquin of stars..."
"as the word played
on stilled lips"
"Then to the cadence
of drums and cymbals..."
"the duffle was struck...
"into the rhythm swayed..."
"my lovely Radha"
"Into the rhythm Radha swayed"
"Then he came from nowhere
and he said... I love you"
"Dear love..."
"Oh but I'm afraid"
"Oh dearest love"
"No, not my wrist..."
"oh, how shameful"
"Leave me..."
"I beg of you"
"No, don't force me..."
"spare me"
"Dear love"
"I'll curse you for this"
"Madman! Go away"
"Don't torment me"
"Oh dearest love..."
"dear love..."
"oh but I'm afraid"
"Love me"
"On the banks of the Yamuna..."
"Krishna and Radha
in the Dance of Love"
"Of desire in their hearts
rose a song to their lips"
"Krishna and Radha
in the Dance of Love"
"Thirsting in every breath,
searing passion in their hearts..."
"Krishna and Radha
in the Dance of Love"
"The word on stilled lips,
Krishna and Radha are in love"
What is this?
The token of betrothal...
of my daughter to your son.
Paro and Devdas
Are you in your senses, Sumitra?
I invited mother and daughter...
to entertain my guests
with some melodrama
Instead, you are out
to work magic?
Kumud, you were right!
Sumitra-Kaki's timing is opportune
She does knows how to
take advantage of opportunity
As a child, her daughter stole
guavas from our orchards
Now she sets her sights on my son?
- No Didi, that isn't true
Devdas and Paro were
childhood sweethearts
They are in love, they can't live
without each other
In a large family, maybe you never
noticed. But I know how they yearn
Please do not refuse Didi,
even if it means...
that you will have nothing more
to do with me afterwards
Why draw water from poisoned wells?
You may not betray the traits
But your genes remain the same,
that of the dancing girls
Yes, we landlords eat fish...
but we won't let bones
stick in the gullet
For one, you are a neighbour.
Worse, as a family, disgraced
Even if you may momentarily forget
your disgrace, but your standing?
Don't you try to palm off
your bad coin
Chhoto-Ma, let it pass Chhoto-Ma.
We can always talk Dev out of it
Which leaves Parvati. If she can't
contain herself, send her to Dev
Honour among landlords
isn't sullied by such affairs
Unbecoming of a landlord's woman!
Don't interfere when elders speak
Enough! Replying to you
is beneath my dignity
My sister you were.
From now on, merely Kaushalya
And Kaushalya, you too sang
the day my daughter was born
Remember Badi-Ma? She took
my daughter from my arms...
saying Paro was her daughter!
With a smile, I had even said yes
Little did I know that even
in the big landlord's mansion...
a lady of the house could be
so narrow-minded...
as to count guavas stolen
from one of her orchards
Count, how many guavas did
my daughter steal? Tell me
Counting guavas?
By the count of it...
I've fed your son many more times
than your count of stolen guava
And the disgrace?
Yes, we do sell our daughters
But you trade too, Kaushalya.
We sell our daughters, openly
But you swallow the dowries
and the daughters too
Good or bad, the coin is known by
it's tinkle. But you wouldn't know
Because you're deaf enough...
not to listen your son's heart
Blind you are, that you
do not see their love
Now soon you will stand dumbstruck
in witness your son's ruination
I swear, my daughter will marry
into a family richer than yours
In a week. If I fail, then come,
mourn my death on day eight
I came to wish that you would beget
a handsome son
But all I can wish is to see
that a ungraceful daughter you be given
I hear your mother
is giving you away...
into a rich family.
Do you know your husband's name?
- Even after all that happened...
will Dev marry you?
- I'll ask him and I'll tell you
Is there anything left to ask?
She was insulted so gravely
Dev didn't insult her, did he?
- Will you walk up...
to ask Dev to marry you?
Won't that be embarrassing?
Why be embarrassed about asking
for what is yours?
You're married, yet you don't
know what a husband means?
- I
Are you all right?
So late at night?
In the dark...?
Weren't you afraid?
- No, now I'm afraid of no one
Not even of being maligned?
- No, when I am with you...
I don't even care about getting
a bad name
Why... here... now...?
- Why does the river head to sea?
Why does the sunflower
always face the Sun?
And why comes Paro
heedless of her dignity...?
Why unheeding my family honour
do I venture out in dark of night?
Why do I seek refuge at your feet?
To all questions, a single answer
For the same reply, far too many
questions asking to be answered
There are no questions,
not as long as we're together
That's what they don't want.
- What do you want?
Happiness, for you
But my father won't look at it
from our perspective
We'll win him over
What if he doesn't relent?
Where there's love, there's no fear.
- Where there's smoke there's fire
In fires of attrition,
I don't want us...
to be consumed.
- I'm doomed, in any case
Be it with you, or without you
Let me drop you home.
- You're coming with me?
Without fear of censure?
Even the cur is wary of the door
it's kicked out of
What you can't get away with by
light of the day, you try by night?
Why don't you, mother and daughter
start a brothel?
Not even a pimp would advise
his daughter to do that
With the lamp,
I saw you burn for Devdas
I treasure your feelings. Were you
to have asked me before leaving...
I would not even mind if you were
to have been whore for a night
Ma, I just went to ask him!
- And received what in reply?
Not alone, you carried with you,
the honour of our family
Have you left your honour behind?
Let it pass Babu-ji. Why make
a mountain out of a molehill?
By the way, what to do
about Paro's shawl?
Tell him to return it.
This marriage isn't happening
I shall do no such thing
You forget whom you are addressing
A hot-headed landlord who will send
his fellow-man's daughter...
to a brothel.
- Gentlemen's daughters...
never steal out of
neighbours' rooms at 2 am
So great was her compulsion
and it was you who compelled her
I will brook no argument from you.
- Nor do I wish to talk to you
It's decided
I object
-Don't you realize?
Our family ranks far higher
than theirs
I object!
Yet, it's the same food we eat?
- Our hierarchy, status, standing
Even the British government
is informed of us
I object!
Yet, the same soil we tread upon?
- The bird that raises...
can never have any relationship
with fish in the waters
Yet, man on Earth relates
to God in Heaven?
Stop Dev
I said
I object!
Dev, everything can be resolved.
I'll talk to Babu-ji
But don't leave the house.
- No Dwij
Over something so trivial...?
- Trivial for you, not for me
Not for me a life praying
for every breath
Dev, we'll talk to Babu-ji...
- Stop Dev
Dev stop.
- Stop! Listen to me
Stop him, Kumud
You aren't going anywhere. Your
mother is talking to the master
Everything will be fine.
- No Dharamdas
The tempest ought to pass.
If I stay on, much will be undone
Listen to me
Dev is leaving, Paro
It's as much his test as it is
yours. See for yourself...
what he cares for, you or family?
Is he taking you with him?
Or is he deserting you?
If he isn't taking you along...
then you shall do
your mother's bidding
Stop Deva! I won't let you leave!
- Out of my way
"That night, all sense
of reasoning deserted me"
"I was left vacillating
as if between pendulous scales"
"You wouldn't want me to displease
my father to make you happy..."
would you?
"Why does the river go to sea?
Why the sunflower gazes at the sun?"
"Instead of hunting answers,
why not let the question pass?"
"What was between us, was no more
than childishness. There's no love"
"From now onwards,
you are the girl next-door"
"And I, your friend"
"Paro, get dressed, come downstairs.
Hurry. Your in-laws are here"
"My love! Oh why did you
leave me smouldering?"
Why did you snub out the flame?
Ei Dev...
Friend, you aren't asleep yet?
Are you a stranger in my home?
I told you before, this is
as much your home as it's mine
Nothing of the sort, Chuni Babu.
I'm just not feeling sleepy
Drink up...
You know I don't drink.
- Then what gives?
If "h" is for happiness in life,
why are you so looking so harassed?
So harried as not to feel at home?
- Nothing of the sort
But something surely is!
Fought with your parents?
- No
Or are you nursing
a wounded heart?
My point! That's my point!
H for heart and for hurt
- Have you suffered no pain?
Ask not of one Time has weathered
what pain each nuance hides...
You know what I make family with.
Just me and my wealth
And therefore it was
that I adopted music
The "Thumri" for my daughter,
and the "Dadra", my son
The "w" in words is tricky, making for
warmth, worn, wealth, worlds, wisdom...
wastrels and wishes. Worship too.
A well-wisher and your waywardness
Get over this insanity and let's
go away. Way away. I feel walled-in
But Chuni Babu, where to?
- Wherever you wish
Where you go every night
There, where the anklets tinkle?
How are you ladies?
Look, whom I've brought to you
Who is it?
- My classmate from London
Where are you lost Dev Babu?
Come, here too I hold court
Welcome my friend, enter
Your mirror couldn't bear to see
my face. I'm sorry for your loss
If sorrow be joy's harbinger, every
loss signals what gain shall be?
Wonderful Chandramukhi!
Even your words are so seductive
But do use the kohl, to ward off
the stranger's evil eye
You are much amused?
- Naturally
I see someone trying
to ward off the evil eye...
while women
on the marketplace...
vie to be seen
You touch upon eyespeak
and you have stolen my heart
What I took for stone,
breathes the life into me
So you see Dev Babu?
On "c" and Chandramukhi...
didn't I warn you she's
cause of such amazement?
Chuni Babu also begins with a "c"
Of c's and cause celebres
and Chandramukhi...
you saw how clumsy
she made me look?
"Jasmine makes fragrant..."
"her lovely dark tresses"
"Radha's face is aglow, electric"
"Her gait, seductive"
"Krishna stopped her"
"He surprised Radha with a kiss"
"Surprised Radha with a kiss..."
"with a kiss in my face"
"Radha's veil was slipping away"
"Radha's veil was slipping away"
"slipping away
slipping away"
"Do not tease me,
Radha pleaded"
"Why are you teasing me?"
"Why are you provoking me?"
"Why do you do it?"
But Krishna was obstinate
He shamed Radha
"That night,
Krishna wouldn't listen"
"But whom could Radha complain to?
Krishna wouldn't listen"
"Oh, why are you teasing me?"
"A pot of milk..."
"Radha carried on her head..."
"when she heard..."
"Krishna's footsteps..."
"and her heart..."
"skipped a beat"
"Radha pleaded, don't hold my arms
so hard, then her bangles broke"
"But that night..."
"whom could Radha complain to?
Krishna wouldn't listen"
"Oh stop teasing me"
Where are you off to? Tarry,
the night has just come of age
I made a big mistake! I shouldn't
have written that letter to Paro
I want to go to Paro.
- Who's Paro? Wait, wait for me
Bad manners, walking out
on a performance
Dancing to an audience
of drunken men...
is shamelessness
You are a woman, Chandramukhi.
Realise who you are
Woman, mother, sister,
wife, friend
When she is none...
she is whore
Could you be some else,
Price. For our time together
Keep it
Come back, my friend...
See? Someone I wanted
to stay on, is gone
In what are you lost?
Such anguish in those eyes
Does anguish make you anxious?
Have courtesans no hearts?
Is she denied the right to love?
Of course! If there be amour,
paramour there is too
Will you do me a favour?
- Say it
For just once,
will you bring him?
Promise, I cannot. But try, I shall.
Only for you
Look at her! Paro is as resplendent
as the Moon tonight
Had Devdas been here,
he'd know what he has lost
My Paro is lucky
Her wedding procession is
like a train of lights.
But you haven't seen it
The bride's mother must not watch
her daughter's wedding procession
Lest the mother gives
the bride the evil eye
And after tonight no one will ever
call her Paro
Just Parvati
Kaki-Ma (Kaki Ma: Aunt)
Is Paro in?
The wedding procession
is about to arrive
You can see her.
Let's go, Manorama
I'm back Paro
- I've come back to you. Forever
When my wedding procession
is at my door?
There's still time. I'll convince
my parents. I'll tell them...
Your parents! Haven't I...?
If honour matters to your family...
doesn't honour matter to us?
Your father may be a landlord
Doesn't my father count? No matter
how lowly we bride-sellers are...
we never cheat anyone.
- I never cheated you, Paro
Then why did you leave me?
And that letter?
Paro you know, your Dev never does
anything deliberately
I was naive
Naivete! How naive can you be Dev?
On a whim, you give me a bracelet?
On a whim, you write saying
there's no love lost! Naivete?
Paro forever... another whim?
- Paro! Your wedding procession
Time to part
I don't accept this marriage!
- What difference? I accept
Then, I'm going to tell everyone...
- I went to see you at 2 am
You want to malign me?
- I... malign you?
How could you think?
If you ever say that again...
What will you do? Hit me?
Ever since I was a child...
have you held me in fief?
And when I ask for my right...
you do a volte face?
- Enough! Stop it Paro
Such vanity is no good.
- Why should I not be vain?
What are you Dev,
but wealthy and handsome?
I possess virtues, beauty.
And after tonight, riches too
From now on, I am more
than an equal to you
If you be a landlord, I take pride
in being an aristocrat
Such vanity?
Not even the Moon is as vain.
- But the Moon is scarred
What have you done?
I have scarred you, like the Moon.
With the mark of my love
"On joyous night..."
"when her bridal procession
"slowly, a sea of sorrow..."
"rose, stilled in her eyes"
"To lilting lutes..."
"her eyes told the tale"
"Always, it was you I loved..."
"and I loved and I loved..."
"and I loved forever"
"Forever I have longed for you
as I have longed for nothing else"
"My heart has worshipped you..."
"worshipped you and worshipped..."
"and worshipped but none else"
"never, never, never..."
"and none else"
"Sorrow clouds a joy..."
"shades of anguish darken her..."
"as she goes to tell her beloved..."
"only to tell her beloved"
"The wound you have left me with..."
"only adds to my beauty"
"My wound I will preserve
as your mark..."
"that anoints my forehead"
"My beloved..."
"oh beloved..."
"without you..."
"my life is incomplete..."
"my life is empty..."
"Carrying memories
of moments past..."
"with burdened steps
she walks..."
"her heart cries..."
"her eyes weep..."
"her heart..."
"Childhood memories..."
"of relationships..."
"swinging in the rain..."
"drawing laughter..."
"annoyed, being placated"
"Every moment..."
"etched into my heart..."
"in the flames of my lamp..."
"I am carrying..."
"My beloved..."
"without you..."
"my life is nothing..."
"nothing at all"
"Always, you I loved..."
"and I loved and I loved..."
"and I loved forever"
"I loved, loved, loved"
Devdas! Open up!
What are you doing?
Open up! What madness is this?
- For my sake! Open up
I said it! Don't tear Deva and Paro
apart! But who listens to me?
What's going on?
- Look! Tell him something
Narayan, tell him.
- No point. Leave him alone
The fire will die down on its own.
- But look...
Time plays games with everyone
My daughter treads upon silver now!
But look...
Iook at your son. It's your pride
that he sets afire
Two acts to the melodrama!
In Act One
my daughter and I danced
Act Two
Now you and your son will dance
Why is the new bride so dejected?
- Because last night...
husband and bride slept apart.
- That's for the first night
It's said to be ominous.
But it's over
From tonight, man and wife
will sleep together
Are you harassing the bride?
sit Parvati
You know, we had everything here,
but the Moon. And now you're here
Now you are
the lady of the manor
Also a mother
to these children
From his first wife,
Bhuvan has three children
Your son, Mahendra.
- Obeisances, Chhoti-Ma
And our youngest, little Kalika.
- My obeisances, Chhoti-Ma
And Yashomati, the eldest
She's angry. You must placate her
And all of you...
you must adorn
the bride exquisitely...
for her nuptial night
Have you familiarised yourself
with the manor?
- You have my word, Parvati...
in this manor, you will have
no problems about anything
Except one
It is difficult to bide time here.
- Oh but time flies here
I do not understand...?
- A while ago I was a new bride
And in no time, I'm Chhoti-Ma
(Chhoti-Ma: Little Mother)
From bride to "little Mother",
I'm transformed. In no time
I wish to tell you something.
I married because my Ma insisted
My children needed a mother,
and this manor needs a lady
And you...?
Subhadra... was my first wife
You're now the lady of the manor,
the mother of my children...
and my new bride, no doubt.
But Subhadra, I can never forget
The ominous first night may be over.
But we will stay distanced, forever
My mistake or my sin,
call it what you may...
but do forgive me
Good morning friend, good morning.
You're lucky, my friend
I ask help of the spirits
to knock me out of my senses
You won't even touch the spirits
and yet you are inebriated?
You missed telling me? Or made
a pariah of me? Paro and paramour
You missed telling me? Or made
a pariah of me? Paro and paramour
Both spelt with "p"! Your stupor
has unravelled all your secrets
Who brought me here?
My lover
is so faithless
How regrettable, to be rescued
off the streets by a prostitute
This one is an ingrate Chuni Babu!
Bites me for the love I gave him
My word! She helped you out of
humane concern. You were sick
She picked you up from the streets.
You've come to, after two days
She never slept a wink, nursed you,
sat through your cries for Paro
Insult instead of gratitude?
Let it pass. It's a landlord trait.
Never mind their little trespasses
You left as if, forever.
But as luck would have it...
I find you once again.
You need your medicine now...
Your medicine, I don't need.
I'd rather have lain there
Just fall unconscious once again.
I'll dump you where I found you
Yes Chuni Babu?
What is this?
- Chuni Babu says...
you've been here for two nights.
Lamps in your boudoir went unlit
This is price. For two nights
you wasted on me
Now I know,
why Paro abandoned you
Let alone love,
you don't even deserve sympathy
Hear Chuni Babu?
A courtesan talking of romance
Am I to learn of her what love is,
what romance be? What is amour?
Love mirrored in your soul, amour
God's gift to life's design, romance
How regrettable Chuni Babu
Your friend possesses none...
of soul, or intent or purpose
That thing you flash
time and again Dev Babu...
the money, it lies at the feet
of harlots in brothels
If you be so vain, return to me
what I spent on you
Two nights
You owe me 2 nights, Dev Babu.
No more shall I dance...
not until you come.
These eyes will await you
"F" for friendship, she came seeking,
you found a foe. You owe two nights
O'faithless lover
Music plays
Let slip the veil
Let the revelry begin
Revelry awaits you, Chandramukhi.
- No, not until Dev Babu arrives
Pure gold.
Custom made, in Lucknow
I also have a gold nose ring
I wish to tie the dancing bells
to your feet
Do wear the nose ring and
allow me to unscrew it afterwards
Desist from such ardour Kali Babu.
Get too close and you will burn...
in the very lamps that light up
nights of revelry
At the next instance of insolence
I'll give you a nose ring and...
the rest of the revelers
may take pleasure in unscrewing
In a marketplace
full of beauties...
such spirit
is what draws me to you
But the one you
await so eagerly...
has no interest
in you or your music
It was some Paro's firefly that ran
into your fires crying Paro-Paro
Never will he return, Chandramukhi.
- He will come, he will Kali Babu
You will see. That's from my heart.
- Why not take on a bet?
If he doesn't come before
the candle has burnt out...
then you will wear these
dancing bells...
only for my pleasure.
- I accept
And if he comes...
then you shall leave
wearing these very dancing bells
"Whose footfall I hear?"
"Whose shadow is that?"
"Who knocks at my heart?"
"Who is come inside?"
"Who paints me this emerald color?"
"Who fills me with beautiful colors?"
"My joy..."
"is killing me"
"I'm dying"
"I'm dying"
"Who paints me with beautiful colors?
Who is killing me with joy?"
"I'm dying of happiness,
I'm dying of happiness"
"Is killing me"
-I'm dying"
"I never asked to reach the moon
with my hands..."
"nor stars I ever seeked..."
"complaints I have none..."
"every sorrow I have hidden..."
"every taunt I laughed off..."
"thorns I embraced..."
"their blossoms have wounded me"
"But whenever I raise my hands..."
"in prayer to The Lord..."
"I have always asked to find you"
"I'm dying ..."
"Oh, God, I'm dying"
"Who paints me this emerald?
Who kills me from joy?"
"Is killing me"
"Is killing me,
Oh, God, I'm dying"
"Is killing me,
is killing me"
"Whose footfalls are those?
-They are killing me"
"Whose shadow is that?
-It's killing me"
"Who is knocking in my heart?
-It's killing me
"Who's come inside?"
You aren't accustomed to the drink.
Why drink beyond your limits?
What fool drinks
to stay within limits?
I drink that I may force myself
to stay on...
looking at you,
tolerating you...
that I may lose my senses,
to help me forget Paro
But Chandramukhi...
such are memories of Paro, they
won't even let me lose my senses
Why, after all I drink, do memories
of her haunt me day and night?
oh why?
Why, does man become so naive?
Why make mistakes?
Why... for foible...
so harsh a punishment?
As to be rent asunder?
One enters matrimony,
and the other...?
In what fain folly...
he forsakes the lotus...?
For a paper flower?
I fall...
Touch me not!
I despise you!
I can't bear to see woman
come to this. Begone
Never again shall
I stand at this door
But yes, whenever
I come to think of Paro, I shall
And come the guilt pangs,
I shall come
For where else can I go?
There... I have sentenced myself.
- Why punish yourself so?
Because every day,
my heart is put to trial
Every day,
this romance is tried
I object
I object
But every day,
the verdict is the same
Shut up, Devdas!
-I object, father
Objection overuled
You are convicted and shall pay
for the rest of your life
Yes, milord
No objection
Our Parvati decides whatever
happens in the manor
The new bride has laid to rest
all my worries
With Parvati's arrival our
lost days of joys are here again
Meet Yashomati's mother-in-law
This is Parvati
To Bhuvan Chaudhary,
you'd more likely be...
a daughter than his wife.
- Whatever I am to him...
you and I are like sisters.
We should be embracing each other
But you are many years
my elder
From what I see, in Manikpur, wives
are better endowed than daughters
No Badi-Ma?
- Our daughters, we send away...
in hope that they will be cared for,
but we're disappointed. No, Badi-Ma?
I was eager to meet you
We ought not to be cross with kin.
You and I are of the same age
So you decide,
how we will relate to each other
Mother and daughter?
Or friends?
What's this, Ma? All this...?
- Gifts, from your Ma
You'll look great
Will you keep to your daughter?
Won't you give us company?
I do not like the smoking pot.
The smoking pot has pride of place
I don't think so, no pride in what
goes up in smoke
Wonderful, mother-in-law!
I delight in your words
I have been so eager to see you.
We missed each other's weddings
My obeisances
Touching your feet was a pleasure.
I have been given my wish
How I wish I had attended
your wedding...
if only to have my wish of
pulling you up by your ear
Pulling you up by the ear
was a pleasure
This first acquaintance, I shall
always remember, mother-in-law
Remember the relationship too
What happened?
Dev, Dev
If I am so despicable, if my touch
be so abhorrent, then why...
did you come into my life?
In my solitude I was content
Why be my messiah of misery?
That stopped the spasm didn't it?
Divert your attentions and...
the deepest wounds may be healed.
- Which is what I am upto
Stop it, you've had enough
Why not say I've lived enough?
- How could I...?
You have Paro, memories of Paro
All I have is you, my Midas
A touch
and iron is made to gold
Are you pricing yourself or me?
- In a world of relationships...
what value a woman
of easy virtue?
Nothing. Besides you won't even give me
the right to touch you
Are you in love with me?
Or you could ask me if I breathe
You breathe, Chandramukhi?
What will you get out of it?
I have no home, no heart
Loving isn't only about receiving.
Love, I have traded many times
But loved, I have but once
Pour more into a chalice filled,
and what happens?
It spills,
to the ground
So too my cup floweth over,
with Paro
More can only spill...
to fall, and in the falling,
take you down too
But in the spilling, the wine
must've been caressed by the chalice
Then spill...
some more
Where is Devdas?
I must see him
Asleep. You can't see him now.
- Can I not? I'm here to take him
I'm not leaving him
in this hell
- Who gave you my whereabouts?
Chuni Babu
Babu-ji won't even see my face
Why has he sent you?
Anyway, he will be displeased
to see me as I am
Sir Narayan Mukherjee will have
to hang his head in shame
Go Dharamdas, go away.
- Listen Deva...
Your father is no more
Too bad
All of a sudden... how...?
He was a nice man
Such men aren't born too often
Babu-ji has earned...
another title, no?
Late Sir Narayan Mukherjee
We loved each other dearly
But too bad, this is too bad
Late, Sir Mukherjee...
was a good man
Does Devdas drink every day?
- When doesn't he drink?
Alcohol, day and night.
Lives on it
Why don't you stop him?
- But only if he'd stay at home
Rarely does he come home.
There he lies in Chitpore...
in Chandramukhi's brothel,
all day
The room upstairs is practically
Deva's residence
Devdas! He lives in a brothel?
Such days I have lived to see
Have you seen Chandramukhi?
- When I went to fetch Deva...
I saw her.
- What is she like?
Sweet deceit, as they say.
Famous courtesan, uses her charms
She plunders, he squanders. We must
rescue our Deva from the hell, Paro
I cannot tell him anything,
but he'll surely listen to you
He holds you in high esteem,
he can't refuse you
Please Didi, tell her
Only you can stop him, Paro.
Only you can stop him from drinking
Dharamdas, get a hold on yourself.
- You'll see him won't you?
Paro, do you want me to malign you,
to give you a bad name?
Had we given ourselves a bad name,
we might've ended up together
You're happy, aren't you Paro?
- Oh it's a different world, Dev
Huge manor, vast estates,
important people, great debates
Great debates!
You've matured Paro
You even look like an aristocrat.
Huge red dot, large eyes...
big dreams...
huge manors,
vast estates...
and grown-up children
Those large eyes,
I can keep watching
But I can't bear to see
big teardrops in those eyes
Just as well that you came by.
I got some things I wish to return
Who knows, I might never return
Come, Paro...
Stand right here
at yourself. Remember...?
Arre O'Deva
What happened Paro?
Deva, I lost my anklets.
Have you seen them?
No Paro, not l haven't
I stole them
And you knew I did it
and why I did it
All day, the chime of your anklets,
And your pot
And here, the memento
of our love, our parting
You just left, that was the end
of the relationship
But I'm still tied
to all these, Paro
And I am tied
to memories of you
What's that?
- A few coins
Three Rupees.
- All they're worth are memories
Mine, aren't they? You thief
I'll take them back,
but only with usury
How much interest will you take?
- Two percent
At two percent...
six cents a month
72 cents a year
For 13 years...
13 years, Paro
You've become good at arithmetic.
- Circumstance taught me, Paro
Let's talk of something else
Paro, why not turn matchmaker
and find a bride for Devdas?
I hear Manikpur girls are nice?
- Yes, but you want a beauty, no?
No, not a beauty.
Just someone like you
Someone who is pleasant?
- No, must be a bit naughty
Should be able to quarrel with me.
Like I said, she should be like you
You can find them by the thousands.
- Spare me the thousands
Just let me come to grips with
only one, of the likes you. Enough
Give up drinking.
- No
- No
You can give it up. Promise me
that you'll never drink again
Can you promise
you'll forget me?
It's rather late, Paro
I'm not leaving
until I have your word
I can't.
- You can
One can do anything one wants.
Can you elope with me tonight?
-What are you saying?
Can you elope with me?
You've no one to look after you.
- Can you elope with me?
I had only one dream. To serve you.
- If there's love, there's no fear
One chance to fulfill my dream?
- Can you elope with me? Can you?
Come with me. I'll care for you.
- Can you elope with me, Paro?
I can't bear to see you like this!
I feel like dying, Dev
I feel like dying
If serving me makes you happy,
then so be it
I promise you, before I die
I'll surely come to your doorstep
Swear that, by me
Your mother is squandering money.
Given so charitable a disposition...
soon the coffers will be empty.
- Absolutely right, Kumud
But how can I stop Ma?
- You're such a complete fool
You can't. But I can stop her.
- You will stop her? But how?
The keys to the vault? With you?
Ma has been looking for them
I've hidden the keys.
You will say that the keys are lost
- The vault keys are lost
And the vault has been robbed
The key...
to the money
Brother-in-law! You...?
So early? In the offices?
And alcohol...? Without as much
as a care for the family prestige?
What will people say?
What will your mother think?
You didn't consider that
when you were stealing the keys?
What will people say?
What will your Chhoto-Ma think?
The wealth of our forefathers
may not be squandered over alcohol
The keys left by our forefathers
may not be stolen like this
I'm making this clear.
Under no circumstance...
am I parting with the keys.
You will turn in the keys
Today and now
Right here
To my mother
Do not think I am so weak. I too
hail from a family of landlords
I have seen money by the chestfuls
in my father's house
Have you seen the streak of madness
that runs in the family?
What are you upto, Dev?
- Brother you surely agree that...
I have as much right as you to the
wealth that our forefathers left us
Yes. Why are you
pouring alcohol?
I'm putting on fire my share.
Save your share if you can
I'll give you anything you want!
- As of now...
only the keys.
- Which you will never have
Kumud! Give him the keys.
Else, he'll burn down the office
Let him do whatever he wants.
I'm not scared of empty threats
He's actually burning the place down!
Call Chhoto-Ma
Give him the keys, Kumud.
- No
He's crazy!
Are you out of your mind too?
- Give him the keys
What's up Kumud?
What's happening in this house?
You were looking for the keys
to the vault, weren't you?
I caught him with the keys
and he threatened me
He won't part with the keys
and he wants his share
Else, he'll burn the house down.
I pleaded with him...
You want your share?
That is your only share
No one in this house
ever understood you
All of us are responsible
for your ruination
Before we lead you
to worse, leave this house
Babu-ji said leave the village.
Everyone said, leave Paro
Paro said, leave drinking.
Now you say, leave this house
One day, He will say...
leave this world
Hereby I rescind all my rights
to everything in this house
But I am part of you. That right
no one takes away from me
Not even you
It's no easy undertaking,
it's an ancient ritual
For the ritual, one must fetch
the soil from a courtesan's doorstep
In that soil, is built
the image of the goddess
I know
And go where men daren't even walk
in daytimes for fear of censure?
Don't humans live there?
Is there no air...?
No sun in those quarters?
Do rains refuse to visit them?
Nature doesn't discriminate.
Should we?
Parvati is right.
Even Subhadra wanted it done
Very well,
as our Parvati wishes
But remember, it's the Durga Puja.
- Rest assured
I'll tell Mahendra
to facilitate your journey
Devdas lives in a brothel?
A lady is here, wants to see you.
She's also asking about Dev Babu
Must be Paro
How did you know I'm Parvati?
- Dev Babu told me...
should a woman come asking for him,
she can only be Paro
What are you doing?
My obeisances to the woman, whom
I shall never be able to replace
I have heard of exotic women here,
but you possess the wile too
Only if you'd see,
I have a heart too
isn't that your name?
They also call me Devdasi
You are famous.
- Not anymore
At angel's touch, I learnt
of a sacrifice I never knew
How strange of a courtesan
to swear by fidelity
Curious too...
what draws an aristocrat
to a courtesan's doorstep?
Where is Dev?
I too am eager to hear his footfall
Six months it has been...
since I set my eyes on him.
- You lie
If you don't trust, look around.
- Or do you assume I won't?
How long do you think
you can keep Dev here?
Only so long as the beauty,
the youth, the money?
What's your endgame?
You must have fleeced Dev
I'll pay you more. I can't bear
to see Dev suffering this hell
How strange
The very Paro who drove Dev Babu
to insanity, wants to buy him
And what may you have to offer me?
Can you offer social recognition?
Can you possibly
make him love me?
Or make it possible
that I may touch him, just once?
Dreams, longing, hopes,
that he has kindled in my heart...
might you make them come true?
Can you?
No, you cannot deliver
And I will not give you Dev Babu.
- And I will take him away
And no one is stopping me. Not you,
not social sanction, not even Dev
Not to forget, courtesans
aren't destined to have husbands
Courtesans have no destiny, lady
From your perspective,
you can see nothing. From mine...
you will find him everywhere
Look, there he is,
in the flame of the lamp
There he lies,
in folds of the covers
In that half a chalice...
his thirst lies, unquenched.
His fragrance still lingers
Take it all, if you can. The light,
the folds, the fragrance, all of it
All yours
But I cannot give you your Devdas.
- You love Dev so dearly?
I only worship him
Now I'm assured.
Dev isn't lonely anymore
Oh I forgot what I came here for.
I want to perform the Durga Puja
From your doorstep,
I want soil
May I...?
What is this?
- I came for Dev. Instead...
it's something
I entrust you with
I will expect you for
the Durga Puja. Do come
I'm so happy
to have you here
I'm glad
How could I refuse your invitation?
I had to come
Have you met Dev?
Who is this?
Chandramukhi, my friend.
She comes from Calcutta
Bless you, consider this your home.
Parvati, don't let her go too soon
Sure. You will leave only after
the celebrations
No Paro! I can't stay here
Why not? It's been ages since I had
a heart-to-heart chat with someone
Come, let celebrations be the ruse
for forgetting our woes
Let's sing, dance,
give ourselves a little to live
- Our joys might touch Dev
Paro, listen to me.
- No refusing. For Dev's sake
Come Kali Babu, the chess game
isn't over yet
The real chessgame
is being played here
Devdas' Chandramukhi comes.
To meet Devdas' Paro
Who's Paro?
- Mother-in-law
Parvati. One move and
I've checkmated all four
Bhuvan Chaudhary
Deva, the day is dawning
But forever, this heart
will live in darkness
Shall we go now?
- To whom?
One by one, all my
relationships are over
Between my father and I
there was no love lost, right?
I was his tempest
and he was my whip
Even my brother figured first
in mother's lullaby, right?
My brother and I never hit it off.
He's practical, I'm impractical
I used to make fun of
my syster in law
I was the one who ended up
being the butt of the joke, right?
And there was Paro
and I love her...
you know...
so much
So much, right?
Now she is estranged too
But there's one...
one Chandramukhi.
Loves me dearly
Are you familiar with the last rites?
- Of course
Will you perform the ritual?
- Of course. Who is the deceased?
Devdas Mukherjee
- Are you insane?
You'll perform your last rites?
- Give me my last rites
Priest, go away
Deva! What madness is this?
Come back
Unto the departed Soul...
grant salvation, Lord
Come back, I beg of you
"Sway and sway
spin around"
"Sway and spin"
"Sway and sway
Sway and spin"
"The throb sways my heart
My sould spins around"
"sways and sway
sway and spin"
"The throb sways my heart
My sould spins around"
"I dare that evil eye
or let thunder strike"
"In spite of the evil eye
or the thunders"
"Rain or storm ..."
"I'll wear my dancing bells
-I'll wear my anklets"
"I will give in
to the ecstasy..."
of the throb...
"that sways my heart,
spins my soul"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning around"
"My heart sways
My sould spins around"
"Enjoy the chimes of the bells"
"Awe the love her eyes for her beloved"
"Why the crescendo?
Is it longing?"
"For the memories of a life of sorrow
waiting for her loved one"
"He's in the red dot I wear"
"He's in the dream in my eyes"
"He is in you body and soul"
"Your heart beats for him"
"I remember him in the chime"
"I remember him in the tinkle"
"I remember him in the chime
of my jewels"
"I remember him in the tinkle
of my jewels"
"I'll wear my bells"
"And I'll wear my anklets"
"And we'll dance
swaying and spinning"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
"Sways and sways
sways and spins"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
"You've given me a world..."
"of your own happinesses"
"You've given me..."
"so much happiness"
"I wish you never part from him"
"I wish you would marry him"
"To him you are priceless"
"I am worthless sand
under his feet"
"But I'll wear my bells"
"And I'll wear my anklets"
"But I'll wear my bells"
"And I'll wear my anklets"
"And we'll dance
swaying and swirling"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
"Swaying and swaying
swaying and spinning"
"My heart sways
my soul spins"
What a display of true colour
An aristocrat and a courtesan
come together
"What are you saying?
- That which you see, Badi-Ma"
And what everyone is watching
"This woman, whom Mother-in-law
calls a friend, is a whore"
Yes Mother-in-law?
What am I hearing Parvati?
Why are you silent? Answer.
- She is embarrassed
Landlords did keep whores
Now even a lady of the manor makes
friendships in brothels. Wonderment
That's stripping without touching.
You started the farce. I ended it
No Kali Babu, if men could
enact farce, what need for whores?
You would've had
your brothel too
You know it
and it's commonplace
It is the aristocrat
who brings cheer to the brothels
And bastards are born
of aristocrats of your ilk
Call them illegitimate if you will,
but aristocracy runs in their veins
Company of the aristocracy doesn't
confer status to the courtesan
Absolutely correct, Badi-Ma. But why
should the lady be embarrassed?
If she spoke a few kind words to me,
it's because she considers me human
He who frequents the alleyways
of disrepute ought to be ashamed
The very dens littered with trophies
of the lust of his forefathers
Have you thought? You might have
a sister somewhere in the brothels
Why sister? You might even
visit your daughter's...
In the soil
at the courtesan's doorstep...
is moulded the image of the goddess.
The soil isn't impotent
Now the farce ends
I return, lady...
back to my world,
to those disreputable alleys...
where I might someday find
Dev Babu again
Before leaving,
I wish to apologise
Talking in public
about Chandramukhi was a mistake
I didn't make the other mistake.
I told your husband and Badi Ma...
about your friendship
with Devdas
You liked twisting my ear? I would
cut your nose to spite your face
Not at Parvati,
fingers will be raised at us
The matter must end
here and now
Did you ask for me?
- Yes Parvati
I would like to know...
- Who Devdas is?
Devdas is a childhood friend,
he was body, I was soul
He is my love and he is my vanity
and he is with me, always
Do you realise what you are saying?
- Same as what you told me
You're now the lady of the manor,
the mother of my children. No doubt
But Subhadra, I can never forget.
- Subhadra was my wife
Subhadra was your first love.
Devdas is mine
First love, like years
can never be obliterated
Parvati, you are forgetting.
You are the lady of the manor
Maybe that's reason for my guilt?
I'll accept any penalty you decree
Of course you will be punished
The very men who paid obeisances
to this manor are enjoying a farce
You may never step out of the manor.
This is your punishment
But what punishment, Parvati?
We are the ones being punished
The lamps we lit in celebration
have set fire to our house
Always put out the fires
that threaten your home
"Fun, frolic and friends"
"Without you, life was desolate.
With you, comes the cheer"
"Why care for outcomes?
Let's raise cheer"
"Yes friend?"
"Let clink the glasses"
"Let clink the glasses,
whatever the outcome"
"Let clink the glasses,
whatever the outcome"
"And hear the chhalak-chal
in the swirl"
"Music, when my cup floweth over"
"And hear the dhamk-dhamk-dham
inside your heart..."
when you clink the glasses
"This madeira"..."
"This madeira" showers
a rain of memories"
"In every spill, madeira
cheats the heart"
"The madeira coursing down
"tales of hearts"
"Like lightning in hearts,
it strikes clouds of sorrow"
"And when it reaches the heart..."
"it evokes..."
"memories of her"
"Oh for a glimpse..."
"Oh for a glimpse of her"
"what little I pray for"
"So little I pray for"
"Mira dances for her
"she dances in gay abandon"
"Hear the jhanak-jhank-jhan
in the chime of her anklets"
"I'm in love,
I don't care for censure"
"And how..."
"Now hear the thirak-thirak?
That's my heart dancing away"
Even a drop of alcohol
is poison for him
Any moment may be treacherous
Try to keep him in good cheer
Oh God!
What is this Dharamdas?
Cry and you will make me cry too
And people will call me a courtesan
who cannot enact a farce
We got to keep Dev Babu
in good cheer, no?
Game over. I win again
No point playing with you!
You've robbed us blind
A few more games with you and
you'll make me sell this brothel
Stop giggling and get lost
Time for your medicine.
I'll send it over
In a chalice. Else, it won't work.
- Even contemplating it is lethal
Met Paro?
How did you find my Paro?
- If love be personified...
Paro's would be the being,
hers the very heart
Forbidden though it is, I always
end up with a metaphor about eyes
One Paro
and one, Chandramukhi
One, sentimental, vivacious
And you...
how delicate, how demure
She is fickle, like a doe,
gushing like a river...
the liar, the butterfly, the Moon
and you...?
Poem? Ballad?
Some tears, sometimes fire
Everyone loves her.
- And you, unloved by all
except by me.
What is this, Chandramukhi?
I was likening you to fortitude
What you turn out to be? Wax doll?
Look at you, melting away
Will you let the candle melt away
and cast me in dark?
You've done much for me,
One more favour
Let me leave.
- No! You know not what you suffer
You know it and I suffer.
- Then why must you...?
I must face myself
before I'm lost
May a servant follow you?
I cannot bear to see my death
mirrored in your eyes
I have been given heaven and earth
Will we meet again?
I can't know
what the Judge of virtue and vice
will pronounce for you
But in the afterlife, should we meet
I won't be able to renounce you
Deva, what is the matter with you?
- What's the matter...?
Are you all right?
How come you haven't left?
- I'm not leaving you all alone
Are you afraid I'll drink again?
- Alcohol is poison for you
One drop...
- And I'm dead?
Yes! You were delirious,
that's why I didn't leave you
And enough of this journey.
You've had your say
and I've had enough
At the next station, we change the
train and we go to see your mother
At the next station,
you go back to your compartment
Why are you so stubborn?
- Put out the lights
And tomorrow, I'm taking you
to a doctor. Always fickle
Good night, Dharamdas
-Good night
Dharamdas, you're back?
Friend! How are you?
Small world it is, that's why
we keep bumping into each other
So where have you been?
What you been up to?
Right here and I'm fine
Tell me how you have been.
- What with me, I'm soaring
But you look... pale.
What gives, friend?
For a moment I was in a quandary.
Is this my star of Chitpore?
No, I'm all the same.
- Even if you aren't, here I am
Let's raise cheer.
It's been long, let's have a party
So what if we aren't in a brothel?
Even train compartments will do
If not the dancing bells,
let's cheer the rhythm of the rails
If not Chandramukhi,
let it be between her paramours
Here you are
No Chuni Babu, I don't drink.
- Someone has extracted a promise?
- Then do it, for friendship's sake
After ages! Let's live it up.
Why not?
In a tomorrow, may we be?
Might not
You'll be. As for me,
you never know
My share of life I've lived,
now I'm counting on my heart
What with the world, it will even
grudge you your last breath
Encore! How sweet!
That's poetry
Shards of the heart,
they call poetry. I don't care
What hurts is when they want...
- Encores? Wonderful
Encore, encore
Hey Dev Babu...
what's happening?
What's ailing you?
Have you taken a cure?
I'm incurable, Chuni Babu
Then why did you drink, knowing...?
- For friendship's sake, Chuni Babu
Friendship? You take me for
a stranger? Not again, not again...
No stranger, Chuni Babu.
You're the closest to me
I've even imbibed your metaphor.
The Sunrise of life...
the salutations...
then the solace...
and in seconds, time takes
such a turn Chuni Babu...
all ties with life are severed.
- No Dev Babu
The Sun...
the song, the serenade,
sympathy between friends
But separation... no...
- It all ends, Chuni Babu
Silence? So deathly?
As if I'm dead already?
I swear by our friendship...
this silence...
is stifling
And you know Chuni Babu,
miles to go...
before my thirst is quenched
Oh when will my thirst
be quenched?
What happened to Chhoti-Ma?
Pandua. Passengers to Manikpur,
Mirzapur, Mirgaon, detrain
"If serving me makes you happy..."
"I promise you, before I die
I will surely come to your doorstep"
"Swear that, by me"
Are we there?
The journey has just begun.
What's wrong with you?
"Devdas... come to me, my darling"
"All day tramping around the village
with that Paro"
"Not another moment
for you in this house"
"Deva! I'm not letting you leave!
- Dharamdas! Don't let him go"
"Stop Dev"
Faster, please
Very little time left
Yes sir
"Babu-ji said leave the village.
Everyone said, leave Paro"
"Paro said, leave drinking.
Now you say, leave this house"
"One day, He will say,
leave this world"
Here's Manikpur.
Brought you in before sun-up
Whom are you seeing in Manikpur?
I'm here, Paro
What is the matter, Parvati?
- Someone called out to me
So late at night? Go to bed.
You must be mistaken
Picked him up at Pandua station.
I don't know...
something happened to him overnight.
Never said where to, in Manikpur
What's that crowd outside?
Some stranger has been lying there
all night. Counting his last, maybe
Poor soul, must've come to return
something he owed in this lifetime
God rest his soul
No chance of survival,
Mahendra Babu
He's breathing his last
What is the matter, Parvati?
These letters might provide a clue
If you are inattentive Parvati,
you needn't say the prayers. Leave
For some wish unfulfilled, must be,
he isn't giving up his ghost
The policeman has identified him.
He's from some Tal Sonapur
What's the name?
- I don't know
Mahendra Babu knows.
- Will you please call Mahendra?
I said, call Mahendra.
- Yes
- Chhoti-Ma wants to see you. Now
Yes Chhoti-Ma? You summoned me?
- Yes, who's the man lying outside?
Someone from your village,
one Devdas Mukherjee
- Devdas Mukherjee
How do you know?
- Two letters in his pocket
One, to Dwijdas Mukherjee.
- His elder brother
And to one Kaushalya.
- Yes, his mother
The name was tattooed on his arm.
- At a fair. It rained
Incomplete tattoo...
- Also a torn necklace of pearls
Hit me here...
Where are you going Chhoti-Ma?
By now they must've taken him away
- No
Stop, stop
What happened to Chhoti Ma?
- What's going on in this house?
Why this screaming?
What's up Mahendra?
Ma is going out! For some Devdas!
- She has gone insane, stop her
Stop, Parvati!
Don't let her step
outside the manor
Stop Chhoti-Ma
Stop! Babu-ji forbids you
Secure the doors
Where will I find again...
my lost innocence
my lost dreams...
my lost childhood
Where is gone the shade of trees...
that were my home?