Dharmajuddha (2022) Movie Script

In Ishmailpur area...
The situation in the clash
between the two groups is dire.
Police forces have started
patrolling the area .
On the behalf of the Government,
the announcement is ...
article 144 has already
been enacted in Ishmailpur.
In district hospitals...
due to the increasing number
of injured people...
the Government is concerned.
Damn it!
Oh... Damn it!
Who are these people?
What have you broken?
The dish fell off my hand.
What happened to you?
I'm afraid!
How will brother come?
Catch him!
There he is... catch!
- Hey stop... I say Stop.
- Catch him.
Have you seen anything?
I'm afraid!
There is nothing to fear.
Am I not here?
When brother returns,
you will not stay here.
you just leave the place.
Load-shedding had to happen now only.
Don't worry.
I've already filled oil in
the hurricane lamp...
and your charger is fully charged.
Mother, please listen
Don't stay here anymore.
Just leave...
the place is not safe anymore.
No... no no.
After giving your brother's marriage...
we have to stay here.
The land...
belongs to our ancestors.
Would your daughter-in-law stay here?
Why not?
Of course she will stay.
Now you go...
bring oil.
Will you massage me?
Go and bring it.
I'm bringing.
There is no food.
There is no job.
Everyone is busy praying god.
Where are you?
Is anyone here?
Open the door.
Open the door.
Leave me, leave me.
They'll kill my husband.
- Move on.
- Open the door.
Open the door.
Who is there?
Can you hear me?
Can anyone hear me?
Open the door.
- Who is there?
- I'm pregnant.
- Someone's calling.
- Please save me.
- Who is that?
- My husband...
- Lets go, someone is calling.
- save us.
Open the door.
Lets go
We have to go.
There is a woman.
Who is in trouble.
- Come with me.
- No, mother you listen to me.
Don't go...
They are roaming everywhere.
They will come inside
when the door opens.
- You bring the lamp.
- No, you listen to me.
Come... come fast.
- Mother ! Wait a minute.
- Come with me.
Where are you?
Come fast.
What are doing?
Lets go.
Wait a minute.
- Listen.
- Yes
- Bring the lamp.
- It's cold outside...
Take the shawl.
Bring the lamp with you.
Turn on the lamp.
Come fast.
Let me check.
Lets go.
Look over there.
Please save me.
Please save my husband.
Who is it?
Oh my girl!
Who are you?
Please save my husband.
They will kill him.
- Please save my husband.
- Who will kill him?
Those rioters.
They will kill him.
Please save my husband.
Save him.
I beg you.
Come... come.
Come inside.
- Come inside
- Please save us.
Come inside
Please Come with me.
Hold her.
- Come inside.
- Please save my husband.
Take her inside.
- Close the door.
- I don't wanna go in.
Close the door fast.
Come on fast.
Look, they are coming.
Close the door.
Come on close it,
Mother! Wait.
You just go from here.
- You don't worry.
- I can't go without him.
- I'm here for you dear.
- Please save him mother.
Lets go my dear.
Come inside.
Yes, my dear
Lets go mother and see
what happened to my husband
No... No... No. Don't cry my child.
I think they will kill him.
I will definitely look for him
- He is probably...
- Don't cry.
Please sit down.
Please sit down.
Who knows
what happened to my husband!
Don't cry my child.
- They will surely kill him.
- Don't cry my child.
My child...
where do you stay?
Narayan Pure.
Right behind the school building.
Do you know her?
Everyone knows...
her husband is resposible
for this situation in Ishmailpur
Oh! do you know him?
What a good human is he?
I know how good he is.
You brought her in...
now her men will
come and kill us.
Then everything will be ruined.
Oh god save us.
Why do you say that?
Shut up!
their people chased after
my husband, mother.
Please be quiet dear.
They will kill him.
Please save him.
That's right!
It will reduce my pain.
What did my husband do to you?
Don't you know what you people do?
Shut up!
Go inside
Oh My child!
My girl...
which month it is?
This is ninth month.
Please be quiet.
Please my child... Don't cry!
Hey girl...
bring a glass of water.
I can't.
Oh really!
Shall I throw you out?
Then go.
Oh no my dear...
Doing whatever she pleases!
Everything will be ruined.
Those monsters are wandering outside...
if they hear your voice they will come in...
what will happen then?
Don't cry.
What will happen to my husband?
Nothing will happen.
I will...
I'll bring your husband back.
I don't know what will happen.
- Please be quiet my dear.
- Oh God! What happened to us!
Take it.
Drink some water.
Drink it.
What happened?
What is your religion...
If you are Hindu then I'm Muslim.
and if you are Muslim, then I'm Hindu.
Water does not have religion.
Take it and drink it.
My dear child!
There there... My dear.
Hey, take it.
Don't cry dear... Don't cry.
My child...
Was it necessary to get out today?
I didn't want to get out.
It started paining so badly
It felt like my child...
will burst out!
Everything is my fate mother!
- What will happend to my husband?
- Don't cry.
Riot has started, so we cannot go out.
I'll get water for you.
Drink some water.
Health centre!
Health centre?
Wrap the shawl over.
Lets go.
Does it hurt?
Come... come with me.
Don't make a sound.
Be careful... !
Wait, let me close the door.
My baby...
Don't make sound.
Have some patience.
Lets go.
Be careful.
They are hunting for us
We have to take another route.
Can't take the way
arround the pond.
The healthcentre is open right?
Don't worry I'm here.
Wait here.
Let me close the door.
Sit down carefully.
Hold tightly.
Lets go.
Who are they?
Lets go.
We'll pick up
the bark from the back.
If any one runs away...
we'll kill and bury them.
You drive carefully.
Don't worry about me.
Just sit tight.
Smoke suffocates me.
Please be careful.
- Sit tight.
- Oh my God!
There's fire everywhere...
- What will happen now?
- Kepp your eyes closed.
They are coming.
- They are coming toward us.
- Don't be afraid, I'm here.
Lets go!
Take it back.
Come on...
Look, they are
right in front of us.
there is no escape.
Another mob is right behind us.
What do we do now?
You get off.
What are you saying?
You save our child first.
Are you mad?
- Three of us will die together.
- I'm asking you to get off.
- Do as I say.
- No... No!
You don't worry, I'll manage.
Don't say like that.
First you save our child.
See you if I'm alive.
Now you go.
Is this a Hindu?
Grab! Grab him.
They'll keep on killing us
and we'll sit idle?
listen slut...
if anything happens to my husband...
I'll kill you.
Do you know what
I lost because of your people?
No No... settle down.
Sit... Sit... Sit down!
Sit down my child!
If you fight...
who will die...
rich people won't die...
politician won't die...
We die...
common people will die.
Just see her...
she is going to be a mother.
In this condition...
she fall in danger.
Isn't it?
After our marrige...
the both of us were so happy.
We were very happy mother.
If you want...
I can reach out to you.
If you want...
I can lose myself.
If you want...
in the crowd of people...
I can put my head on your shoulder...
I can pick up your love.
If you want...
I can reach out to you.
If you want...
I can lose myself.
Sort me like you want
The rest darkness of mine...
you fill with your light.
With my love...
I can tie our love...
only for you...
only if you want.
My beloved has come home...
my beloved has come home...
Sort me like you want...
rest darkness of mine...
you fill with your light.
With my love...
I can tie our love...
for you...
only if you want.
If you want...
I'll write poems.
If you want...
I can bring my dream.
If you want...
I can put my hand on your hand...
I can walk beside you...
we can sing together...
If you want...
I can reach out to you.
If you want...
I can lose myself.
- Keep these report safely. Don't lose them.
Join your hands.
Hey, silent, silent! lot of noise!
Why didn't you come to
the procession today?
Procession for what?
The other day in union room...
I put up a notice.
Lets go.
Leave me today Subal da.
I had to go to the hospital
for her check up.
Check up must be over.
he is our guy... Gem of a person...
Very good guy.
I have told brother about you.
two road permits will be granted.
Lets go.
But Munni can't go alone.
Oh my sister...
little distance is left...
can't you go alone?
Hey listen...
drop my sister to her home carefully .
He can...
Now you come with me...
Don't be late.
come... come... come.
What happened?
you go carefully.
I will come back soon.
Come... Now you come.
Hey, start the rikshaw.
- Lets go.
- See you.
- Lets go.
Go carefully!
Hey, stop.. stop.
Hey guys stop.
- Hey wait... wait.
- Stop
Subal come here...
bring the boy of yours...
- that boy, gem of a person.
- Yes brother.
- Lets go
- No!
- come
- No No!
Hey lets go.
Make way
- Make way
- lets go.
Come quickly!
You belong to my party...
today you have to prove...
your love...
your dedication towards the party.
That I will see today.
Tie this flag onto the mosque...
Why mosque?
What is this?
A temple.
What is that?
If I can put the flag to the temple...
then why not on the mosque?
In the same country, temples
and mosques are all same.
We live in same country.
Go, put the flag onto the mosque.
Please forgive me.
I can't do that.
- Give me way...
- Ratan...
Ratan wait... Ratan...
Subal who are these people?
Whom have you kept in the party?
Explain to them.
Lets go... lets go everyone.
Brother don't leave him today.
- Oho! am I not going... I'm going.
- Hey you stop.
- Ratan.
- Hey, Ratan
- Hey, Ratan
- Come out!
Yes Subal da.
You have become bigshot
now, have you?
You can go against of our leader...
You are getting over the line!
Over the line!
I'll give you...
I can't put the flag onto the mosque.
Why not?
Are you afraid of them?
They will kill you, is that your fear?
We have lived in fear for long...
Not anymore.
This is the time when they scare.
No one can do anything.
Come with us.
Lets go.
- lets go.
- I'm just a poor worker.
Exclude me from the party.
Why do I do that?
We'll put an end to your
bread and butter bastard!
We will die with hunger.
We don't let the auto run.
Please leave me Subal Da.
Please forgive me.
Exclude me from the party.
Hey listen.
Please leave me.
It's okay... you don't need
to do our party.
You don't need to
go to our procession.
Please you have to do
a little thing for me.
Take this flag
put it onto the mosque.
You can run your
auto from tomorrow.
Now you go.
Hold this.
Hold this properly.
Put the flag...
or starve to death.
Lets go.
Come fast.
Why mosque?
Their religious place...
Why to put flag only
on the mosque?
Nothing will happen...
this is only a piece of clothes.
Yet you ask Musharraf uncle once.
Their holy place.
The flag had to be hoisted
He said that everyone
knows him in mosque.
Or else we will die
because of hunger.
No my dear... Don't cry!
Don't cry!
Open the door.
Who's there?
they will break the door.
Okay... I go and check.
What will you check?
What will you check?
Don't go...
Don't go anywhere.
Mother don't go anywhere.
You take care of her.
Don't be afraid!
- I'll come back soon.
- Don't go...
Don't go mother.
For God sake don't go...
Oh! Mother!
Just listen to me.
For God sake don't go.
You go inside.
You handle that girl.
Here is a girl from other religion.
Here she is.
From other...
Just shut up!
Don't speak a word or I will kill you.
Is anyone here from
other relegion granny?
What do you want to mean?
That muslim girl.
she lives in Najirhat.
You give her shelter.
For whom our boy was killed.
Oh sad!
No... No... No!
She is gone.
She had fever.
She must be in Najirhat now.
You swine! slut!
You bastard! bitch!
You come to kill me.
If you lying,
then you are betraying this country.
Does this country have a religion?
Don't provoke them.
They are all thirsty for blood...
have come out to hunt.
Hey go inside.
Lets go inside.
Nobody will go inside.
This is my house...
where my rule...
my religion can run.
No one will go inside.
Will you kill me?
I'll kill you.
She is not here.
Not even in my home.
Now you go from here.
Just go!
Then say "Har har Mahadeb"
Come on say.
I'll kill you.
Through this way...
I made the life easy.
Apologize to someone...
Forgiven someone.
Who's that?
I'll finish you.
What are you doing?
Bred up a crow and
it will pluck your eyes.
She hit me.
She came to hit my belly.
You swine!
You bitch!
Hey are you human or not?
Tell me.
Fire spread inside...
and outside both...
where should I go?
Just listen to me...
if you want to stay here...
you have to behave like human...
you have to stay together.
Where are you? Come inside.
Who is this?
Whom did you bring in again?
Who's this?
Who is this?
Who are you?
What do you want?
Look where the Pakistani went.
where did that Pakistani go?
Hey Pakistani!
Don't let these people know I'm here
no one will know my son.
You come with me...
Who are you?
or Muslim.
A woman!
What is your religion?
These people are
hunting for me like hounds.
They called me Pakistani.
Did you eat anything?
Can I get some water?
Lets go.
Lets go inside.
Come with me.
Don't act smart.
If they come to
know that I'm here...
I'll kill you.
Don't be afraid my son.
No one will know anything.
You come with me.
Lets go.
Come inside my boy.
Whom did you bring in again?
By morning you'll be dead.
Shut up!
Hey old lady...
Who are they?
Who else is there?
Where is my husband?
- Where?
- Leave him.
What did my husband do to you?
Hey... calm down!
Sit down my child!
Please sit down my dear!
Please sit down.
Give that to me!
give that to me!
I won't give it.
They are just two women...
what harm will they do?
Give me I say...
I have already said...
that it will stay with me.
Now you sit.
She is pregnant.
Sit down!
No drama with me, okay?
I'm a butcher...
I'm full of stress...
I'll kill three of you!
Cool down!
You just sit down!
Sit down!
Sit down quietly.
Sit down!
where do you live?
In the village market...
I had an old meat-shop...
which was of my forefather.
Everybody from there used to
take meat from my shop.
I don't know...
suddenly one day...
everyone became unknown.
Shiv vai!
How are you?
Everything is fine.
what are you selling?
There are rumors that
you mix other meat with goat-meat.
What are you saying brother?
This is a forefather's shop...
how can I forget your choice?
Very good!
Now you just speak about your need.
Do I give you more from liver?
I'll slap you like that...
you'll forget your business. Swine!
After living in our country...
you try to make us apostate.
You bloody Pakistani!
Hey brother...
my grandpa
was a constable of Indian army.
Asafuk ullah.
What? What he is?
Come here... Get down!
- Ohh! Don't hit... Don't hit!
- Come on get down!
- Hey stop this guys.
- come on say.
- Come on...
- Oho! Don't hit.
Please brother...
what can I mix?
Hey Shiv Bhai...
I gave you meat in
your nephew's birthday party.
It's okay.
Now you say...
"Har Har Mahadev"
- Come on say...
- Just say it.
Allah, God...
every name is same.
Don't talk rubbish.
Don't come to give lecture.
How dare you mix cow-meat?
No my brother...
this is not right.
Jabbar Khan cannot do this.
you know me very well.
We grew up together.
you are my friend...
how can you forget everything?
Listen Jabbar...
time is not good for you.
You go.
It'll be a big hassle.
Where should I go?
To your country.
- My country!
- Yes.
- Isn't this my country?
- No... Never.
- Brother
- Don't!
Do you remember...
When you bitten by snake...
my father rushed you to the hospital.
During every Eid my mother...
feed you 'Semai' in her own hand.
Hey brother...
am I not your brother?
Leave all that.
How much can you pay up?
we'll definitely shut our mouth.
You just give us money
and run your business...
Shivu can assure you...
no one will bother you.
Yes it's a assurance.
Had to give 5000 ruppees
to get rid of this .
Their greed increased even more.
They kept threatening me for money.
One day I refused and complained to the police.
I refused.
they came and burned
everything, my house and my shop.
I ran away.
My heart is burning...
They called me Pakistani...
this country is not mine?
Serves you right!
Look at me...
My heart is also burning.
When I see your
two group of people...
I feel that I need to kill you.
Please be quiet.
Be quiet my dear.
My fellow followers...
Don't forget that...
we are not traitor.
We are the son of Muslim.
We Muslim...
are not scared.
Then why should
we afraid of Hindus?
If they hurt our religion...
then we will kill that Hindus.
In the name God...
this is a war against Hindus.
This land belongs to us.
Land of Muslim.
There are history witnesses.
And this honor...
is in Muslim.
And this is a Allah's word...
we can start war.
Who's gonna be Martyr...
he can go...
in heaven.
Then the riot started.
My uncle...
who was a saint.
He used to roam arround the village
and gave blessings to everyone.
When Hindus used to worship...
their God named "Satya Narayan"
They used to give us 'Sinni'.
They forgot everything.
I also forgot.
I have found one in front...
I killed him.
You have killed him!
Was that my husband?
Tel me...
I don't know.
May be.
He could be someone's brother...
someone's son...
someone's husband.
Isn't it?
He could be someone's beloved.
Listen my child...
Where are you going?
Where is my husband...
I have to go now.
Don't go my dear.
Don't go outside in this condition.
- I have to look for him.
- come witjh me.
- Who knows where he has gone.
- Sit down here.
Don't be scared, child!
I'm here for you.
I'll go.
Are you out of your mind?
you don't afraid...
nothing will happen.
Where have you gone?
Keep this inside...
and bring water for him.
Lets go my son.
Come with me.
Are you mad?
Are you trying to kill me?
No one knows when
and where death awaits.
It can be happen...
when I go outside...
you kill both of them.
And It can be happen also...
they kill you.
So, the best thing is
you come with me.
First you drink the water.
Now lets go.
Come with me.
Oh my God!
Oh Mankind!
- What was your rivalry with this world.
- come fast.
- Burnt everything to the ground.
- Fast... So that no one sees us.
These bastards!
had turned the place into crematorium.
Whether it's crematorium or heaven...
Why do you care?
If you want to live...
Lets go inside.
You shut up!
If you are worried about your life,
you go inside.
Looks like she'll
have me killed for sure.
Oh my god!
Where do I look for
the child's husband?
Look for him.
Come here.
Fast fast... Come here.
Look at someone is there.
Come fast.
What is burning there?
Beside him?
Hey... hey!
My boy he is alive, right?
he is dead.
Tell me...
why he is looking at sky?
He is just asking...
"what sin did I commit God?"
"What did I do?"
He used to known as...
Hindu or Muslim.
Oh dear!
When he became a deadbody,
he knew as a human.
Oh my God!
Mother come fast.
- They'll be here in a moment.
- No No... No.
Come fast.
- Leave him. Lets go mother.
- Lets take him with us.
No... No!
Someone is coming.
Come fast.
Lets go.
- This way, point the light.
- Wherever you see them, finish them off.
Who are you?
Me, Jabbar khan.
Say the first verse.
First verse... Say the first verse.
Who is she?
She is my mother.
She doesn't look like your mother.
How do you understand...
Who is 'Ammi' and who is 'Maa'?
What did she say?
I can't understand.
Alright then.
Lets go everyone.
Keep your eyes open.
are Muslim?
I'm everything...
that is here for everyon's well being.
Lets go.
Lets go.
Come fast mother.
Walk quickly.
How will I face the girl inside?
If someone arrives,
it will be a problem.
Come fast.
Come fast... situation is not right.
Who is the non-communal?
Who is the non-communal?
I am.
What are you doing?
Don't fight!
Hey devil...
don't fight!
- I don't leave you.
- I'll beat you with a stick
Hey ! Please stop.
Don't fight.
Don't fight bastard!
Leave I say.
Don't hit.
Hey badass!
Leave I say...
Ohho! Don't fight!
Stop I say.
Oh my God!
Stop fighting.
Okay... okay.
Keep fighting.
Better you die here.
I'm going.
mother please stop.
I want to come with you.
You idiot!
Lets go mother.
Lets go.
Bloody bastard!
Lets go mother... hurry up.
You'll go to hell definitely.
I'll send you.
Do you know about demon?
Demon has taken control over you.
Now pick him up.
He is also coming with us.
Pick him up!
Oh mother! he could have killed you.
You also came out to kill.
Didn't I give you shelter?
Lets go.
Pick him up.
Thrust this knife into his chest
You'll be in heaven.
Are you drunk?
Pick him up.
Don't touch me.
I don't want to go with him.
then you die here.
Your enemies are roaming around.
I will come
- I will come as well
- Mother come fast.
- Hey...
- lets go.
please get me up.
Really I want to come
- Don't leave me.
- Go and pick him up.
He is wounded.
Hurry up!
pick up
Now you need me...
am I not Pakistani?
I mixed cow-meat.
Hey shut up!
Shut up!
Okay you stay here.
Lets go.
come inside.
Please get me up.
Get me up.
Take him along with us.
He is wounded.
Get him up.
Hurry up! come with me.
Get up idiot.
Get up.
Get up.
Mother said...
so I will take you with me.
- Hey.
- Get me up.
- Don't talk much.
- Shut up!
Shut up!
Lets go mother.
Come fast.
Lets go.
Lets go.
It hurts... Carefully.
Hurry up!
Hey Sabnam.
Give me.
One more?
One more.
My house is full.
Take it.
Take it.
Give me water.
bring water for him.
Who is she?
Which religion?
Do you have holy basil?
There are bushes of scorpion leaves outside. Want some?
I don't want water from her.
Who are you?
these two non-communal...
What are they doing here?
She is Hindu.
She is Muslim.
They are all my children.
She called me 'amma'.
calls me "maa".
Now you are also here...
and this is my home.
Don't pollute the place.
Where is he?
Oh my child...
No my child.
He is no more?
Don't cry my child.
- What will happen to my child?
- Don't cry my child.
- What will happen to my child?
- Oh... my dear girl
Where is he gone?
Don't cry my child.
- Be quiet dear... don't cry.
- He left me
What should I do now?
Don't cry sister.
Don't cry.
killed a lot of muslims to avenge
my mother's murder.
I killed many.
When your mother was dying,
did she ask you to do that?
To kill Muslim.
My god father said...
I should kill all of them.
I'll kill each of them.
Stop you bastard!
Stop I say.
I kill you.
Leave I say.
- Stop... stop I say.
- Leave him.
Sit down!
Sit down!
Come on sit.
only those will stay in this house
Who gives more importance
to people than religion.
Do you understand?
-Bastard I will kill you
You have brought garbage in this house
Have some food
Everyone, have food
oh yes...
whay would you eat food?
You want to drink each other's blood.
If you continue your fighting...
One day there will be
no people in this world.
There will be only temples and mosques.
Then who is going to worship?
Then who is going to pray?
The man needs three things...
and shelter.
When leaders can't afford it...
then they spread hatred
to hide their weakness.
When will you understand?
Throughout his life,
Ghalib made this mistake
There was dust on his face...
he tried to clean the mirror.
come with me.
Take a bread and come.
Go inside.
You stay in this room.
Are you okay?
Eat something.
Get up.
Get up carefully.
If not for yourself, eat for your child.
- Mother...
- Yes.
Don't worry.
In the morning
brother will come definitely.
Don't worry.
Dear daughter...
do one thing.
Hindu guy...
you go and check his wound.
Take this medicine.
Why do you tell me to do that?
Because you are my princess
Whom else should I ask?
Please go.
Take it.
I'm a mother...
You are the mother Mary!
You'll see...
You'll be killed by one of them.
Now you go.
You are impossible!
What happened?
Don't touch me.
If I touch you,
will you lose your religion?
You people killed my mother.
You people killed my entire family.
Does it hurt?
No it is pleasant!
Smarty pants!
Let me see.
Did you get him on the phone?
Whom did you call?
My son.
He said he would come
in the afternoon.
Don't know where he is?
Where will he come from?
From city.
what he does in the city?
He teaches History.
Brother will be very happy, isn't it?
You have allowed so many
animals to stay at home.
Either he beats him or he bites him.
As long as the non-communals
are in this country, it'll continue.
Riot never happens without cause.
Those people...
When they talk about religion,
we have to be tolerant.
If we say, we are bad...
Why is it bad to be
proud of one's own religion?
The world has become modern enough.
how can you still
fight about Hindus and Muslims?
A group will run with a sword...
and another group will blindy
follow their own atrocities
Just think what do you want?
Madrasah Or Mosque...
hospital or temple...
work or riot...
what is your real need?
Hey old lady don't try to change the topic!
their misdeeds aren't wrong,
only ours is, isn't it?
No... No... No!
You both are sinners.
I heard rumors that someone
left something in the mosque.
you are so well informed
about the mosque.
At evening conch can not
be played for whom?
Ask him.
Anyone home?
Come out.
- Hey aunty...
- In the evening...
what nuisance! What happened?
Come out I say.
What happened?
Call your mother.
Why? What happened? tell me.
Don't you know?
Why have you played conch?
Aunty why have you played conch?
Hey brother...
What are you saying?
This is the time of 'Ajan'.
Why have you played conch aunty?
Okay... I don't understand this.
you pray during "Ajan",
we also play the conch...
during the evening worship...
- But where is the problem?
- There is...
there is a problem.
You play so loudly that
no one can hear our 'Ajan'.
Don't show us your craft.
No one had any problem with this.
Now this is bothering you suddenly?
Please don't hit him.
Don't come to play with us.
Be careful!
What are you doing Shajdad?
If you come to fight with us...
we'll kill you.
I give you last warning.
Lets go.
Remember it.
I didn't understand
suddenly why did they get angry?
This is not possible that
when they pray, we can't pray.
But they caused trouble
again the next day.
Lets go.
Lets go.
What's going on? Don't know.
Go inside.
I forbade you to play the conch
how dare you!?
Despite forbidding why did this happen?
Are you mad or what?
What will happen
if we play conch in this time?
Go and ask Maulvi saheb.
Leave that Maulvi and all.
Whatever we order,
you have to obey.
- Understand?
- Are you the new Maulvi?
Don't argue with us.
Now you have to be beaten.
hit him! hit him!
How can you play conch
at the time of 'Ajan'!
We'll play surely.
What are you saying?
We can't pray at the time of 'Ajan'.
There is no rule.
What kind of rule is this?
As I say, so it becomes rule.
they have hit me...
they have damaged my home...
It happens usually...
The solution is...
you start praying after their prayer.
You can play conch.
Why means?
There is a specific time for our praying.
We have to live together.
Is it only my responsibility
to be together?
I watched it since childhood...
'Namaj' and conch
were played at same time.
There was no problem.
A jest driven hard, loses its point.
Either you have to pray late...
or you don't play conch.
ask them...
to pray late.
Hey swine! get out!
If you talk much, I'll arrest you.
you won't even try to
make them understand.
and what happened suddenly?
this is such an old custom...
why should we change?
You swine...
I am telling you again and again
that you can't play the conch.
You just listen...
The law is the same for
both religions.
This is a secular country.
keep that in mind.
Das babu...
Yes Sir.
Just kick him out.
What are you saying?
They hit me...
then how can you hit me.
- I say come.
- you keep adoring them.
teaching me secularism!
Police didn't do anything.
They came and threatened us
Election was near.
Politicians need those vote.
To hell with votes!
Why would I accept wrong
for election.
I asked not to play at the time of 'Ajan'
Now you play megaphone!
we will break everything!
How dare you play megaphone
at the time of 'Ajan'?
Hey swine come out!
How dare you want to stop our 'ajan'?
Let me show you...
how dare you play kirtan on megaphone!
you have become a bigshot? have you!
They killed my Mother.
Why did you hit me?
Election is near.
Do you know the calculation?
You do...
or they do...
I'll kill everyone.
Do you have that power?
Then kill me.
I'll kill you.
They killed my mother!
They killed your mother...
so you will also kill them?
You are here sir!
Please take your seat sir.
Brother will you take tea?
Cold drinks?
I want to drink water.
What is your name child?
Raghav Das.
Oh my orphan child!
Listen my child...
Do you...
know me?
Don't know.
very well
In this area I'm...
the political observer.
My name is...
Trailokyanath Chattopadhyay...
What section is he given Asim?
Haven't filed yet Dada.
- Rape case?
- No!
- water.
- Water.
Polution is everywhere.
Even in water.
Take it.
Do you want revenge?
What was my mother's fault?
I know everything dear...
If you are here,
how can you take revenge?
no one will do anything?
The law...
will not do anything?
The law is good in theory...
only good in theory
no one obeys.
In an area whichever community...
that community has power.
This is the election's law.
Election's law.
Do you want play conch?
Is that so?
you will be sent to another place.
You can play conch there.
Don't stop just play.
Play so loudly...
that you can stop all leakage.
What are you saying Dada?
I cannot understand.
Situation is not right.
handle everything carefully.
Do you understand?
I know that Dada.
We need him.
He has courage.
We'll send him to punish people
from another community.
Okay listen...
from today onwards lock up room
is your home.
you'll be happy.
Whenever we will need you ...
we'll get you out from
lock up room.
You'll take revenge of
your mother's death.
You'll play conch.
Don't need to stop. Just play.
After that...
You'll come back to
lock up room.
At the end of every month...
five thousand rupees.
We'll open your bank account.
to the...
When they need me...
they get me out.
then I make disturbance...
in Ismailpur.
They killed my mother.
What have you people done?
Just on the basis of eating,
you kill everyone.
My house, my shop.
- Why did you burn those?
- So...
so you'll kill my mother?
You'll kill my mother!
What if I kill you...
- What if I kill you ...
- Leave me.
What are you doing?
Do you have the guts to kill us?
Do you?
Do you have the guts?
Hey mother...
get me out.
Let me see
if he has the guts!
Please stop.
Be quiet.
You just wait.
I'll show my power.
this belonged to one of your kind.
I killed him.
Now inside...
I'll kill you.
That cloth on your head...
I'll make lungi out of it.
And your shirt...
l'll wear it and...
at the cross road...
I'll dance.
okay dance!
Whom you called a terrorist?
I'm not a terrorist.
Every Muslim isn't a terrorist.
If we go to your house...
why do you spill the
Ganges water?
Are we not human?
Yes... Human!
Everyone knows...
why country was divided?
What is the cause?
Ask your mother.
They tortured our forefathers.
Everyone knows everything.
Bloody Pakistani!
Mind your tongue!
Mind your tongue!
Please quiet down!
- Please stop my son. Be quiet.
- My uncle cooked for mid-day meal.
He was driven away
by school authority.
Can you tell me the reason?
Just because he was Muslim.
Don't you see in Facebook?
A delivery boy went to
a man's house to deliver food
The man didn't accept.
Tell me why.
- Just because he was Muslim.
- Hey...
When two people of
different community fall in love...
why does that bother you?
Tell me.
You kill our boys...
and lock up the girls.
Atleast we lock them up...
What do you do?
you kill and throw them into the drain.
Shut up!
Here Hindus come to kill Muslim.
There Muslim wants to kill hindu.
All those things...
have finished my life.
Whom should I kill?
Whom should I kill?
What will you say to your mother?
I'll say...
I'm in love with Narayan.
I like you.
And marriage?
Will you not talk about marriage?
Marriage, now?
I said to Asgar uncle...
that don't get your
daughter married now.
I'll marry her.
You said that to my father!
Yes I said.
What will you feed me?
But I know that...
If there is love,
there is no need of food.
Isn't it?
You live without food.
I can't do that.
I can't survive without
pulse and rice.
Is it so?
Oh sabnam.
I want to go.
Do you want to listen a poem?
and you?
The bird has been caught
in the house of eye.
- How do I tie my heart?
- This way.
If it is morning with full of fear.
If it is morning with full of fear.
You just hold my hand...
all day long.
All perfumes surrender to your fragnance...
All perfumes surrender to your fragnance...
Let me spend all day with your touch.
I want to build my house into your heart.
I tie the thread (love) with you.
You are the courage of mine
that I can break every rule.
You are the whistle to my train to be infinte.
You are the magic stone in this city.
You are my tired shadow
during the sunny day.
I'll adore you my love.
I tie the thread (love) with you.
In which side?
Lets go fast.
Hey Sabnam!
You go. You go from here.
- You go please.
- No I don't want to go.
- You swine! Stop!
- Grab him!
- Teach him a lesson!
- She didn't do anything.
- Hey!
Bloody non-communal!
How can you touch a girl
from our community?
Brother please leave her.
She is innocent.
Everything is my fault.
Do you wanna marry her?
Then lets go and be muslim.
- Put off your pant. come on.
- Please listen to me.
- Please leave him.
- You just shut up.
- Please listen to me.
Don't you know our rule?
Forgetting everything...
how can you love
non-communal one?
Again I say don't touch her.
-Don't come to teach me.
- Love must be overflowing, isn't it?
Why don't you find any girl
from your community?
I don't understand what community is.
I just love her.
Oh you do love only.
Ask her.
Both of you...
If I see both of you together...
I'll kill you.
I'll pull your eyes out...
if you look at her once again.
Just remind this.
Don't get out of the house again.
I don't want to see with him again.
Go I say.
You'll die.
- How can you touch our girl? Punch him.
- Sabnam you just go.
My dear...
I loved only...
I did not commit any sin.
I have never differentiated
Hindu and Muslim.
Everybody got to know in our area.
I was beaten in my home.
Then for some time
everyone was silent.
One day on the way back home...
I suddenly met him.
Exam coming, I haven't read anything.
Same here.
Please give me notes.
Walk faster.
Lets go fast.
You can't avoid me like this.
Why do you come here?
I have something to say.
You please go.
- They are watching us.
- I'm not afraid of anyone.
Lets go.
- Come.
- No please listen.
- You just come with me.
- You can't understand.
- You...
- Come on sit.
don't tell anyone.
Our religion can be different...
but love does not stop.
Everyone in my house told me...
that I can't marry a Muslim girl.
Let's elope.
I can't live without you.
Why don't you understand?
Everyone is not like us.
Does religion make our identity?
We are human...
this is our identity.
I can't live without you.
Only God knows how
much I love you.
Sabnam what are you doing there?
Hey... Hey!
Didn't I ask you to stay away from each other?
How can you cross your limit?
Brother what is need to talk!
just kill him... kill him.
are men from our comunity falling short for you?
bloody non communal
kill him!
please spare him!
please spare him!
please spare him!
please don't hit him
spare him! Allah!
They threw him in front of my eyes.
The war between two religion...
ruined both of our lives
Get him up.
Shut up! Throw him.
You keep quiet.
Throw him away.
Bloody non-communal!
His deadbody was brought.
Then riot started.
To avenge Narayan's death,
they burned down my house
My father, my mother...
and my little brother...
everyone and everything burnt into ashes
Everything was finished.
Don't cry my sister.
- Don't cry.
- What can you do?
- Don't cry.
- Then mother saved me.
Now tell me, which one of
you shall I kill first?
Come on say.
Don't cry my child.
- They are not human.
- Oh my princess
Don't cry.
Hey look around, search properly!
check for bodies
bring the fire brigade over here
Go see if there are other places burning.
Full water force!
Pain has started.
Mother! Mother pain has started.
let's go what happened?
Hey what happened?
Go outside now.
Listen get him out.
Come on!
Its paining a lot, no?
Don't worry I'm here for you.
- Go go go.
- Hey get out.
Hey bring hot water fast.
bring hot water fast.
I am right here
don't be scared!
push hard!
- It is better if everything goes well.
- Yes push harder
-harder! harder! harder!
-Giving birth is too tough.
-Sabnam come quickly
I have heard, when I was being born,
my mother almost died.
- Don't be afraid my dear. I'm here with you.
- The most precious in the world...
you are doing great, my dear
what do you think it will be?
boy or girl?
It must be boy.
It will be girl.
No my brother. How big belly she has!
It must be boy.
How do you know?
Are you a doctor?
I can understand.
She has big belly that's why I say.
It must be boy.
It will be girl.
You don't know anything.
"it will be girl" "it will be girl"
I say it will be boy.
Shut up Idiot!
I told you it will be girl.
I like girl.
You like means?
- It must be boy. you go and check.
- It is coming.
It must be girl.
huh!doesn't know anything!
Boy or girl?
It's Boy.
Listen It's a girl.
Come In.
- It's a girl.
- lets go.
I told you. I win. It's girl.
Let me see.
Let me see the face.
Give me.
Take her.
Cut her and throw her away.
- Why are you saying so?
- What happened?
- What are you saying?
- Shut up!
What else?
Kill her.
- Take her.
- Never!
She will grow up...
She will have a religion...
She will have a surname...
then we'll teach her...
who is she, Hindu or Muslim?
Whatever you'll teach, she'll learn.
That she will have to hate
non-communal people.
She'll need to kill
non-communal people.
She'll get married.
You'll kill her husband.
Or else you'll kill her.
- Never!
- Take her and kill. Go.
- take her
- hey...
Hey give my baby back.
Hey no one will come near.
No one will touch my baby.
Step aside all of you... Go away!
I'll kill you if you come to
touch my baby.
My dear!
My dear...
hey my darling...
hey dear!
why is my baby not moving?
Why is my baby not moving mother?
Hey my dear!
What happened to my baby mother?
Why is my baby not moving mother?
Hey my dear!
Why is my baby not moving?
Mother please see!
What happened?
Dear please open your eyes!
Look at me please!
My baby ! My baby!
Give her to me let me see.
Let me see.
Oh my dear...
my dear!
Please cry dear... Please cry!
Please cry... Please cry !
Look at your uncle!
- Cry! cry!
- Leave!
This is not way. Give me.
Hey little girl!
Hey little girl please cry!
My dear!
What was the song?
- Oh my...
- Please give her. Give her to me
My baby...
My little darling wake up...
please cry!
Don't be angry!
Oh God, have mercy
please cry...
Mother look!
She is crying! She is crying!
She is crying!
She is crying!
You see sister she is crying.
Just see she is crying.
Oh my child!
My dear daughter!
Hey she must be hungry!
Feed her milk fast.
Come on sit!
Feed her!
Hey you guys go!
Lets go. Lets go!
- Yes lets go.
- Feed her!
My darling...
Can you hear me?
Please come down! I'm the
incharge officer from local police station.
Yes. Wait!
Hey Mukherjee come here!
Hey wake up!
Don't sleep any more! Granny called police.
- What will happen now?
- What ? You'll be arrested.
won't they arrest you?
you also killed people
You are gone.
forget about me
You'll go in for good
What happened granny?
Why did you call police?
Police won't arrest me.
You call police!
Why did you call police?
Oh mother what happened?
It's morning now.
Curfew is over
Now you can go to your homes.
I have to go to the station.
Brother arrived?
He had come.
What do you mean?
he can't come anymore.
His dead body has been found.
Who is that monster...
Who killed Ammi's son?
Last year...
I knit this for my son.
Keep this sweater carefully my son.
Hey Allah...
What have I done?
You told me that you want to kill me.
Please kill me!
what have I done to Ammi?
Please kill me!
Hey Brother kill me!
Please kill me!
- Mukherjee get in the car.
- Yes sir.
Come carefully.
Come get in.
Please kill me!
Please kill me!
Please kill me!
Kill me!
Please kill me!
Sit tightly please...
Let's go
What have I done?
Why are you looking at me like this mother?
Don't know what can I give you.
Why are you looking at me like this mother?
What is your wish...
just say to earth.
What is the address,
you are looking for.
What is your wish...
just say to earth.
What is the address,
you are looking for.
Why are you looking at me like this mother?
Don't know what can I give you.
To you, all is one
Mantra, Azan; everything is just appearance
The colour of blood is the same for everyone
And so is the sign of dawn
Please forgive us, mother
Please forgive us, mother
Why are you looking at me like this mother?
Don't know what can I give you.
Why are you looking at me like this mother?