Dhoom 2 (2006) Movie Script
Oh! Dear I've lost!
Oh! Well can I have the gun please?
Thank you dear
ahh! Got you
you're a silly stupid thief you got caught
can I be the thief now grand ma
sure love but only afteryou cut your cake
draw the curtains please
with all the due respect your majesty
we are in the middle ofthe desert
no one can see from the outside
ifi can see the skies in it then it can be seen from th skies
happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Harry
Sir, the crown do you ever hold it?
No one can touch it
you cant get me I am gonna get you
grandma's gonna get you
ahh those little devils are they in there are?
Ahh you majesty your were just in here your majesty
is everything alright there?
Ali? Yes I am
i have heard that you work with police
Ali and police dont get along
do you understand?
ok brother I am leaving
somthing's fallen of your's
this is not mine this is of my friend
he works in police, its not mine
his name is Ali
brotherthis powder is fake
brotheryou asked for powder what difference
does it makes ifit's cinthol or cocaine
there's a transmittortoo
that's not mine either I'll leave
sorry sir, I am sorry, I am very very sorry
please I am like you people a small thief
Jai is stupid he sent me here he's in
Police he forced me to come here
i told him I cant do this I cant cheat people of my own league
how can i, even ourface cut is similar
right brother shall I leave now
ok wait a minute from today onwards I'll join your gang
we'll work togetherfrom now onwards
my all body parts are ill legal
dont think I am a police man
hand cuff, hand cuffthiefis hand cuffing police
no! No! I am not a police man I am a thief right brother
brother's right
ok then but you have to promise one thing to me
please promise me that after shooting
me you will shoot Jai dixit too
from the day I saw him my life has turned into a disaster
shoot him!
Wait a minute I cant see myself dieing
i am closing my eyes
i am leaving this world mother I am coming to you
hey anyone please stop them
ya! I know nowyou'll say that you have saved my life
but if your water scotter would have stopped after
two minute's my head would have become a tomato
you cant do one thing properly
in every operation I have to leave the crimnals and save your life
hey I killed three people myself
it was ajoke brother
without you I am like un welded cylinder
a cylinder without gas
a monkey without sence
Jai where are you?
Sweety! Sweety's dead!
I am at work shall we talk later?
Later, lateryou'll find my deadbody here
remember one thing Jai this condition of mine is because of you
what are you saying what condition?
This condition
Sweety ifill keep on talking to you
hello, yes yes thank you thank you very ok very ok
ya hold on
Jai brother Alka Mathur is calling from the bank
she is asking for if you are intrestred in making a credit card
shall I tell herfor both of us
hellow Alka what are you doing in
the evening let's have a meeting
give me your number
hey this water scotter is really cool
shall I ride it
you are not going on this
so how am I going
Jai brother save me!
Jai brotherthe water is cold
Jai brother I dont know how to swim
Jai if you are taking this long to fry fish then howlong
would you take to change the nappise ofthe baby
Sweety is this the way to talk
ok tell me what will you do tell me?
i am not saying this Usha aunty say's it
Usha aunty know's everything
she does the delivery of every child in the whole area of nagpara
how sick Jai you'll do this
can I do this?
You can do it but who would like to do it with you?
Sweety got trapped
uptil now she is bearing
what do you mean?
Menas that to love you is like to sit
on a neem tree and eat bitter gaurd
he's right Jai
apart from me you have no option
so I am not affraid of any seeta or geeta
forget about seeta or geeta even papaya
will not be intrested in you Mr. Bore
actually you fail to impress women
when you open your mouth 3 not 3 bullets come out
ladies like guys like me, poet's
you poet?
Ali is a poet
love's age is wild
listen dont laugh!
This is my good nature that I dont do anything
or ifi wanted I could have an affain'too
ok then have an affair
but with whom are you going to have an affair
A.C. P Sonali Bose reporting Sir!
Welcome to Mumbai
you wait here
I'll send the officer incharge ofthis case
he's our best man sir!
Hellow how are you
who are you?
i have to agree
you are hand cuffed and asking me for introduction?
Tell me clearly what wrong have you done?
See I am a soft nature man
see everyone makes a mistake but if you'll co-operate
my heart is very clean
i belive that police and crimnal
realationship should be really close
like husband and wife
so one day all the crime will vanish from the world
shut up
i am not a crimnal
darling tell me in the begining
cause when Ali intarogate's
exactly what you said when I do that
crimnals accept crimes which they havent even commited
now tell me
did the tubelight swithced on
you are a police man?
Yea... dont I look like a hero
Ali Akber Sub inspecter
just open this
this came into my hand by mistake
dont make me a fool darling
it's is a hand cuff not a flower ring
that it came into your hand by mistake
ok tell me how did this mistake happen?
Because of you
i was taking it off you opened the door I suddenly turned
and this dam thing
it doesn't happen like this darling
I'll put it like this then ill do this and then
Jai brother I was intarogating
she has done somthing wrong
she is not admitting
her name is eh ahh
Sonali Bose
Jai Dixit I dont belive this
Sonali Bose roll no 23
Jai Dixit Mr Long legs
who because ofhis long legs never came to the swiming pool
i didn't wanted to give you competition
everyone use to come to watch you Ms. Show off
show off me?
Who met us in the girl's hostel, in Puja Mehta's room
so good to see you-After seven yaers and seven months
wow! You remeber alot!
A girl who dance's with yourfor once cannot forget you
dance he?
I mean Jai brother
you dance
anyway what are you doing here?
A world's most inteligent and cool thief
intelegent because all the thefts he's
commited were practically impossible
cool beacuse he leave's a clue behind every theft he commit's
his signature
apart from that we dont have any clue or and any way
no description no sketch
nothing sir
from Argintina to Japan
every theft he's commited he's done it in a new get up
he stole queen's crown in queen's get up
he's a master of disgusie
how he vanished from the train no body know's it
excuse me ifhe stole at the train then it's a railway police case
forthe last two years I have been following the case ofMr. A
he only steals things that are unique
almost priceless
diamond from London, painting from Paris
Istampur's prince's necklace
but these priceless things could be sold somewhere?
Unfortunately what he does with these
things, how he does we dont knowit
but every year he is only active fortwo to three years only
and then he vanishes
have you noticed any pattern or special thing about this thief?
Sir his specialty is in his way of stealing
he has done so many different and random theft's
that it is difficult to find a pattern
there is a pattern sir!
This thief's speciallty is his clue
his signature
he leaves his signature at the place where he commit's theft
but his ambition is somthing else
he wants his mark on the whole world
and that's not all
next date when he'll steal will be 14thjuly 2006
how can you say that
Mr. A not only likes antique's but is fond of number's also
see all 5-4-2004
if you add all the digit's total 15
next theft 15-7-2004
total 28
next theft Australia 28-9-2005
total 44
as soon the total gets above 30 he add's the total
next theft happened in 8-1-2006
every theft's clue is in his earliertheft's date
Mr. A is challenging us
the problem is that nobody understood his challenge
apart from you Jai fantastic
and the queen's crown was stolen in 1-5-2006
total 14
next theft will take place on 14th July 2006
how's that
cause the A he wants to make on this world
the line passes through Mumbai
we should get alert imdiately before he enter's the city
ifi am not wrong he has entered the city
if my idea is right then he is a step ahead then us in his mission
Mr. A steal's in Disguise but wants
the whole world to recodnize him
his signature
he thinks ofhisself as an artist and not a thief
but an artist who being in centre
of everyone still keeps on hiding
he cannot be looked for but can only be caught
but to catch a thief as smart as him its tough
he's the perfect thief
its going to be alot of fun meeting you Mr. A
i think we'll have fun
i neverthought in college that a girl like you will join Police
your pepper's
why what was there in me
no! No!
You were so proud you know that I mean
never use to talk to anyone use to
consideryour self supperierto other's
but I use to talk to you
that's because secretly you were in love with me
i am still in love with you
whatever happen's dont think of getting divorced
divorce is poision in family life
i am not thinking of getting divorced but thinking of a murder
ah you mind ill just be back
sweety your husband is too sexy
he even makes food
oh you gotta see this
oh you use to look like a lizard
me lizard! I use to be the bomb in the college
you all use to flirt with me
give me a break
did you see yourself
and look who's this
who's looking dum here
anyone would look dum wearing a serome
you wore a serome?
Must would have bet
bingo yes 10 rupee's bet
but who's serome was it
her's naturally
sure you remeberyour parrot green dress
do you still have that
Tomorrowis the reunion of class of 96 in bombay
and everyone's going to wearthe same
clothes they use to wear in college
yes now that you have come to
Bombay we'll go toghter it'll be fun
but I dont have anything to wear
no problem wear somthing of sweety's
come I'll showyou
come on, come on
shall I murder one person ortwo
the punishment is the same
no sweety
i promised Momy that I will not do any thing
wrong and will not get involve in ladies problem's
but only foryou and yourfamily Ali part two
what are you sayinga Ali?
Before she gets involved with Jai she will fall in love with me
AlI's magic will takeover her and naturally
your husband and yourfamily will be fine
but how will you do all this?
Like this
all camera's working Samar?
Yes mam
there are two snipper's in that building
all runaway route's are covered
but ifhe doesn't come here then?
Jai you said that he will come to only two place's in Mumbai
and we have covered them both
bombil fry orthesra masla
You might would have had tea of Taj Mahal Hotel
but you wouldent have had Sheaty hotel's Bombil's
really good
we'll have a cold drink in sumri and
then we'll eat as much as we can
if you want you can have an ice cream too no extra charge
sheaty's my student
but please make sure that tall bitter
guard should not know about are plan
ok I am waiting here foryou come quickly
i am really hungry
and you'll really get good beating too
momy you should have warned me atleast
hey you are on duty and not on picnic do you understand
thiefis not going to ask you that if you've
had your lunch so he could steal then
ifhe would have wanted to steal anything
here you would'nt have sent me here
cause I knowyou dont respect me
shut up and stay on duty
ok shall I eat a Wara pao
be quick
what's the problem Jai?
I dont know sure but there's somthing wrong
i canjust feel it
come on Mr. A where are you?
Coming unit one everything ok on your side?
Ok keep on reporting me
see ther's no need for explanation's
followmy order's
do as I tell you
no no no
the briefing I gave you
it's beautiful isn't it?
but I have heard that the one who use
to wear it was more beautiful then this
oh absolutely
and very tempremental
it's said that once she was so upset with her
husband Mr. Shahjahan that she threw the necklace
and she threwit so hard that the
diamand in the central part went missing
sure he's not going to come here
he's fond of stealing perfect thing's
and this necklace is damaged
he's not coming let's go
you go Jai suppose if you are wrong there
should be someone here to welcome him
Ali the theft is going to take place at the museum be there quick
oh God I am coming right now
Ali where are you?
Close the gate's
secure all the exit point's
and stay in contact
sorry baba
to whom are you saying sorry to?
Old cleaner
when I talk to you I get afraid and then I cant see anything
stop him
what? Stop him now!
He is a cleaner brother
i cancelled the clening staff duty
he shouldent be there
wait baba Police
shoot him knee cap now come on
i said stop him
stay there baba
he's stopped
check his id and keep him in custody I am coming
baba I was about to shoot you in your knee
why didn't you stop before
use ear machine your life would have been finished
yes son I have hearing problem
but when police stops you you have to stop
what are you doing here your shift's cancelled today
at this age I forget my own name
shift is somthing totally far away
ok now showme you identity card
identity card baba identity card!
What's your name?
It's written at the back
where did he go?
Oh God he showed A and vanished like Z
do you knowhow to swim?
Open the gate!
Ali come in!
He has gone in traffic, block him from north
ok Jai Brother
i am going back
i am resigning
so you and thiefboth are levaing the city
bothof you have alot of simalrities
you know what Jai if I would have been following him
so mouser 9mm
the bullet speed is 3000 feet per second
in human and bullet race bullets alway's wins
Sonali my job is to catch the thief's
not to shoot them
one thief dead is one thiefless
power should'nt be here but here
we are standing and talking here
and that Mr. A will be laeving the city
excuse me mam this is my ticket I am in the waiting list
sorry but the flight is full
mam tomorrowis my tennis match
mam listen I have to have to go there
excuse me I have said already
the flight is full
ifthere's any cancellation we'll let you
know now please will you wait there
you are wasting yourtime
if father would have been God then
i would have been in that flight
forthe last three years I have been winning this cahmpionship
God knows that
but today someone else will win it
afterthe theft ofthe diamand worth
doesn't matter if police fail's to tell you that
we can tell you
T. V
some time back Mr. A called at our News Desk
that next he will steal the 600 years old
sword which is lying at the Junaghar's forte
before the phone could be traced Mr. A disconnected the line
the thiefis very stylsih
i think we should give him 1 or 2
diamonds and let's compromise
we wont be able to catch him Ali to say
there's only one champion and no body can take his place
not even God
sometime's it work's by itself
mean's you are going to cold blood me?
If you want to sleep then why not forever
haha Joke
but please tell me what can we do while staying awake
when he slips like a wet fish in day
so how will we catch him at night?
And by the way I doubt it that he'll come
we are sitting here and I know that he
might be doing something somwhere else
nowifhe'll come here the he wont go back
that I promise
ifhe is Mr. A the for sure he'll come here
the question is howis he going to come?
One is origional and one...
but to see and differentiate its very difficult
To reach till here was hard
but now what we have to do it a little hard then difficult
No No dont even think about it
infrared beep's
as soon as you touch them an alarm will start
within 30 second's all the guard's will be here
see the pillar's
electro megnatic stuns
i love these thing's
these small points are very deadly
as soon as you will pic the sword
a current will come out ofthem
around 2000 volts
your eyes will either open injail or in hospital
how did the theft happen?
Shall I tell you
lucky one foryou
this one for me
when ill tell you then pick it up
you should'nt have done this
nowi have to meet you
Jaii caught him
what momy one thief was enough
you have sent two now without ticket
now we'll be in serious trouble, sorry
I'm so hot
dont you feel hot like in all this
are you like checking me out
you behind the mask I hope not
cause if you'll do that then I'll feel very sad
and you'll feel alot of pain
you'll have problem walking
and you work involves alot fo running and walking
was there a special reason in using my name in this theft
you the reason are you
you're the best anybody in my place wouldent have agreed
but Sonehri no no no no
Sonehri is a fan of your's like forever
but afteryou who is the best thiefin this world?
ok Sonehri
the golden girl
who lives in dark but thinks Amsterdam, Australia
America even
but what does Sonehri think's?
Do you play cricket? I mean who's the best opening batsman?
Not Syed Anwer, amir sohail
not Hyden Gilgirist
Tendulkar, Shewag
hey guy!
Not only you steal diamond's but
you know how to steal thought's
anyways I have a motto
less talk more work
so tell me from when do we start?
you and me Tendulkar, Sewag like partner's
we'll steal toghter and we'll show the world
thakyou but I am happy alone
everybody need's a partner in this world
you'll also need one one day
golden chance sonhera chance
get it?
You've seen my work
i am good right
come on take me
i am a very use full thing
trust me
i dont trust anyone
there are a fewrules for robbery
the loot is ofthe person who's name is used forthe theft
funny guy
hey you can have it
like charity but think about it today
sonehri has stolen Diamond on your name
tomorrow she can steal cucumber even
last chance ther still time foryou
take offthe mask and shake hand's
partner's like
you are not a bad thief so ill advice you
thief's shadowis even not its partner
if you'll stay alone you'll stay alive
cause alone a thief can't betray anyone
not even hisself
hey are you like checking me out?
Funny guy Tenuka you?
I heard after every robbery you fly away from the city?
Is there any special reason foryour stay?
I wanted to see if you'll copy this game
less talk more work
not bad for a girl
ohh no no no
Sonehri was wrong about you
i thought that you'll be different than other boy's
but all boy's are the same
funny guy's
you know a lot of guy's?
I know that look you were about to
say something but you fogot right?
It's not yourfault everyone forget's thing's after seeing Sonehri
i think you are forgetting somthing?
Game is not over
had enough-no way
funny guy you are not a bad player
so I advice you to look for a good partner
you'll be able to play more
it's an international game it's played with mind
not with anger
if you'll keep on playing like this then
you'll keep on playing in the dark
no Amsterdam, no Australia and definately not America
if you'll teach Sonehri will learn everything
think before shaking your hand I am not making
you my partner I am making you my shawdow
you wont be able to seperate from me even if you wish too
what happened Sonehri doesn't have anything to say?
Shadow's doesn't talk
only walk's quitely
quietly- You?
This one I have got to see
hey what do I like call you?
Funny guy
there was no need forthis Jai
april fool
i have bought flowers in april Joke
the difference between flower and fool is
like the difference between you and Jai
do one thing stop thinking about Jai
he's in trouble he said there is only
one thief and steal with his signature
but I was doubtful from the start
there were two thief's in Nagpara
like this one Bheem and Nadeem
one use to pick pocket fromn the back the
other use to steal the chain from the front
what is your point?
Point is that there are two thief's so we need to officer's too
really strict officer's
like me and you
and Jai?
JaI's future stinking and lying in the gutter
no see you also got hurt
the thief also ran away
Jai should get suspended no?
Where is Jai- He's in the hospital for Sweety's check up
Sweety is about to have a baby
do you want a baby
mother no no baby
late as usual
why do you always come so early
i like seeing from the start wether it's a film ortheft
so did you come to know anyting else?
Ask him yourselfhe's about to come here
i am sure if you'll ask him nicely he'll tell you his life story
six month's back a girl was about to go tojail
but she dint go
cause she asked a kind hearted police
man that she'll do anything for police
but please sir, I dont want to go tojail
please- But I am working foryou
what more like?
And I am good he has made me his partner
nowyoujst arrest him
in crime of making you his partner?
Sonehri please dont use your mind already its not much
just rememberthat a thief can be caught while he is stealing
not before that and not afterthat
and suppose ifhe come's to know that Sonehri is with you?
The end
He'll kill you
there is a gap between police and a thief
one Sonehri's gap
Sonehri got trapped in the gap
how's the movie Sonehri
you changed yourface again
Sonehri was not able to recodnize you
a man's not recodnized by his face but by his work
and I am on a holiday so dont worry
i knowyou
after interval you'll take a cab and go to the airport
the ticket and passport is in the popcorn packet
I told you that this game is international
are you 100% sure this is the place?
Ali asking me the same question again
and again will not change the answer
shoo gave us this address cococabana
so this is it
first time that slick tongue have said sumthing good
cocacabana right
otherwise from the day he's come life's turned into hell
and here too we have to stay at that
bore shoo's bore sister's house
no we'll stay but where is her sister?
Here everywhere are beautiful women around
cocabanana I am here coca banana I am here
brazil hellow from Ali
shoo said ask anyone everyone know's her
but from whom shall we ask?
Can you give me the ball please?
Oh God are they allowed like this?
Can you give me the ball please?
Oh well I'll ask this yellow one
her costume's coclor is similarto my bike's
I'll ask her ok?
Hellow hi
Sonali's sister Monali Bose
you knewit -what?
That here's a double role
how are you my darling?
Did you miss me my sweety punkin pie?
I say hello to my house
some people find it wierd but hellow
you can say hi to people you live with
then why not houses?
And I mean I live with my house
what do you think?
Hellow house, how are you?
Is everything alright?
Actually I do the same in India?
I say hi to my bike my toothbrush, my fridge
really we are so similar
but you didn't introduce me to your
house how will it recodnize me?
Ohh I am so sorry
this is Ali and
jai brother say hellow
come on say hellow house
you know guy's I love India
and Indians
and you know what we all have to hangout toghter
because hellow we are all Indian'
but ther's one sad thing
shall I tell you, you dont know how to speak in hindi
God how did you guess that?
Are you an astrologer or something
mechanic he's a mechanic
have I been looking foryou or what?
I am very much in demand internationally
can you fix my hair dry please?
I can even fix an Aero plane
while I was coming there was a problem in
the plane's cylincer so I fixed it there and then
dont even think about it
she cant speak in hindi and your english is MashAllah
it will take you 10-15 years only to learn hellow how are you?
What matter's ifi am weak in english I am a professor in love
Ali you have come here as a police man
not a lover boy
where are the room's?
Bring the luggage
is he ok?
He's stupid
you know he doesn't seem right
he's mental
you knowmental?
Ali I am so glad that you guy's are staying with me
you knowi have not been to India for so long
and with you guys around I feel closerto home
thank you
such an emotional girl
thank you momy what a daughter in lawyou've sent
Monali her name also has Ali in it
not bad
the food is fantastic
like really nice
dont force yourfood
do you want something else?
Can I get some origional food?
Like totally unhealty
you dont look like a cook by face
even you dont look like a thiefby face
and by the way this is not my origional face
Sonehri should I ask a little truth?
You are at an unknown place with a stranger
aren't you affraid?
Even if Sonehri doesn't recodnize a face
she recodnize's a person
you can change yourface but your eyes dont change
i am a thiefi can steal eye's
i am a thieftoo
the first time I sawyou I just sawyour eye's
even today I just recodnize them
you are a thiefbut your eye's are trust worthy
i could be wrong
but there is somthing that tells me that whatever may happen
you wont hurt me
Sonehri has faith in you
i trust you
can I ask a little truth?
Do you trust me?
Talking time is over
time to sleep
have to start the training at 6'oclcok tomorrow
ya 6:00 am
funny guy
hellowyou guy's haven't even started
come on hot bread
hey isn't she looking like an Indian
mom would have been happy to see you
really I would love to meet her
you knowi love indian food
this is cheese makhni, this is butter chicken
and this is my favourite black bean's
it's my favorite too
and poison
didn't you bring some poison?
Sorry I miss something?
You knowi keep forgetting your name all the time
he's saying that this food is his favorite too
but cause he is not use to of foreign
country so his stomach is upset
ok you take one more
if we'll have to eat this food for another
two orthree day's then ill shift to a hotel
and you will go to a hospital
tell herthis
what's he saying?
This poor guy has a problem
i know, you knowi understand everything you say
but him I just don't get him
is that what's called mental
oh you learn quickly
get you more bread ill just be back
what are you seeing?
Are you in love?
No that happened in morning
Jai I am sorry but this is my last case
cause after catching this thief I'll stay here
cause Monali wont adjust in India
so because ofthat both of us will stay here
we'll make a small room up there me Monali two- Three kids
happy family export family
is Monali aware ofthe happy moment's
which are about to come in her life
no not right now tomorrow
momy alway's told me that poty and love
work should be done in the morning
totally fresh and early morning
theft is commited at night
and we very different
from today onwards nor my eyes
will change and nor my face will
and nor my name
no body has seen this face ever
and I haven't had more faith in anyone else
from today onwards our life and death is in each other's hand's
Sonehri you are my shadowyou have to become my mirror
from today on ward's there will be
my eye's but you'll see through them
i trust you
do you trust me
excuse me
may I sit here?
Ifi have disturbed you so I am sorry forthat
Indian it's hard to recodnize by looking at yourface
my secret ingredient
difference between normal and perfect coffee's
you really like coffee
does your work include coffee too
actually I collect coin's
money you are looking for money
i guess you are right
funny I was also thinking about a
coin reminded me of my grand father
every Sunday he use to give me a 10 rs
coin and use to say go and have a ball
that coin too looks like this dime
they dont make those anymore
that's a rare coin
that's a rare Grand father
that's foryou
thank you
so what's your obsession?
I write stories
which type- Of every type
right now we are also in a story
two Indians 10,000 miles away from there country
coffee conversation
i like that
but for a popular story you might need a girl
i have one but what is she doing right
now, where is she I have no idea
excuse me
hey I'll be a little late
i can be two hour's late even
should I come straight to the villa?
Sure cool I m waiting
Why is it so that without a girl a story cannot be written
life cannot be spent without girl's
every one need's one another
everyone need's someone
before I use to think different
but nowi think I agree with you
excuse me
i have made an excuse fortwo hour's can you meet me now
same place one hour
listen thanks forthe coin
and next time we wont have coffee but something different
if we'll meet again then definitely
i hope so
cheer's see you
i know him I can recodnize him anywhere
i have seen his face
a thief can only know about otherthief
Aryan is not only a thief
Aryan nice name
didn't you asked him his sun sign
for me Aryan isjust a thief
and to catch that thief you are helping the police
offcourse Sonehri was just saying it like that
you asked me to know him better
i asked you to know him better not to think of marrying him
where is Aryan's eyes that only you can tell
very soon he is about to do something big I can sence it
after arresting him ill be over with the charge right
we'll think about it after he gets caught
you know he's a thief
but is trustworthy
but you from inside seem's that you can betray
to whom do you want to side
trustworthy thief or betraying police
now go from her
and rememberthat in this case you are
Aryan's weakness and my biggest strenth
i am counting on you
bye cocabanana, bye beautiful women
Bye Monalai
i am leaving
if you'll drive like a bull cart I'll miss my flight
Ali -Ali is off, Ali is dead
a fraud like this will cause a haert attack to a lion even
Ali is stupid guy
i thought you as my brother
i use to carry my life foryou in my hand
but you my respect is not even worth 5 paisa's
ifi don't respect you then ehy do you think I bought you here
for comedy cause I am ajoker
you thought lets take Ali along he'll make me laugh
everything will be done by that thief girl
Ali will be fooled and bought back
Mr. Jai she will cheat you really bad
that I dont have word's to tell you
Ali I think you'll look nice with the cap
see with in two day's she's so emotionally attached to me
and you aftertwo years even hitting me with a knife on my back
Ali I was about to tell you -when?
After arrest or afterthat thief girl would have got the medal
Ali! I am not talking to you
it was my dream Ali for both of us to catch that thief
but un fortunately the thiefhad seen yourface
if the head quarters would have come to know about
this they would never let you come to this mission
i had to involve Sonehri cause I wanted to save you
to save this mission
you'll hand cuffthat thief
you'll get the medal you'll get married you'll have kid's
even clapping will be foryou
i amjust happy dreaming
but what's the point injust seeing a dream
in your dream I am playing a hero's role
after all you have taught me how to dream
Jai brother
hellow guys somebody hug me too
nice place
like cool
but why have we come here?
To steal
steal but what are we going to steal here
isn't he a little small
this why?
This is the first chapter of money's history
this is where all it began
first human hand made coin's
the first ever
and it's priceless
price ofit would be very less I can bet on that
i mean I could get coin's like these in Andhere even
what was the need to coming all the way to Brazil
hundred and fifty billion
starting will be from 150 billion
and where would it end you can imagine it yourself
what are you thinking
that's quick
ya he does everything quickly
youjust arrest him quickly
you will stay with him while he is stealing
afterthe theftjust signal me
but how
just press this and the rest ill take care of
from today onward's our life's in each other's hand's
i trust you
what are you doing
i am making coffee
ok tell me when I'll die how will you feel?
stupid question
everyone have to die
but ifthat day would be tomorrow then?
Why are you thinking like that
you are the best
i dont know why Sonehri
today forthe first time in my life
what will happen tomorrow?
Come on tell me what will happen tomorrow?
What will happen
Sonehri doesn't think that far ahead
see now that's what I like about you
i have learnt alot from you
and ther is one I am who thinks more and lives less
think think think and look at you
that's the way to live
no more boring stuffthis coffee this cooking this health food
nothing safe
now whatever is to happen let it happen
so what do you say
let's party
let's party
Jai dixit
ACP Mumbai police
original name original work
Aryan name is original and you knowmy work
have been following you for long friend
you made me run alot
now when you get after someone he has to run
and then again I like being chased
i was thinking if you could drop the
idea of stealing how would it be then?
Bad idea
ifthiefis not going to steal then what is the police going to do
and after all something's to be done in life
yes but ifthat work will lead to losing life then what's the point
i mean ill really feel bad if I'll have to kill you
yes I will also feel very bad if you'll kill me
but ifi wont die the do I have to kill you?
I guess you'll have to do your work and ill have to do my work
funny thing is that one's work becomes his destiny
and your destiny isn't looking to good my friend
dont be to sure ofthat
i like your confidence
i like you
may the best man win
but who's going to decide who's best
we'll do what my dad use to do
coin your's but I'll win
what day is this Sonehri?
It's beautiful
it's a perfect day
perfect day perfect fraud
perfect death
just perfect
all this talk and all this why?
Sonehri do I have to take permission to talk from Jai Dixit
what you are understanding it's not like that
trust me
so you make me understand Jai Dixit sent you to me
yes and Jai is going to catch me through you
if you would have been on my place would you have trusted
this gun's partner is this bullet
never betray's
where ever it goes it takes life
and I love that
only you have the right to kill me Sonehri
and not Jai
so please do this for me
i cant
you have to
fraud and trust both have some rules
and after a fraud someone has to die
so why not Sonehri
after all Sonehri did betray
you're right
shoot me
come on sonehri
pick up the gun
pick up the gun Sonehri
i said shoot dammit
even death betrayed me
why are you doing this
every work has some ending
what you did
it's ending is this
don't make me do this
you can't escape
forthe first time I am not afraid of death
if death is going to wearyourface then Sonehri's ok
like for ever
last bullet
finally death is mine
i am a thiefi have changed alot of face's to do fraud's
but one face changed my life
i had like to die watching that face
so I will be very happy
please don't cheat me this time
Sunehri will die but will not cheat you
i love you
the thing which is not your's how can you take it
i hate you
i hate you
i know
till when are you going to support me
i am your shadow where ever you'll go ill go along with you
me and you
this one I've got to see
hellow everone and welcome to children's day specail
ther should be proper security like the way it happen's every day
no tourist will be stopped
nothing out of your clear
clear clear like mineral water
come on sonehri bring him to me
yes Jai brother everything is clear
and no gun's children are here
yes we have hide them dont worry
hey everbody stop, stop
no movement no no no
Ali stop them I want this place clear
hold hold hold
Ali block the place Check every one
yes Jai brother
let the children go but check adult's
ok ok go go go
why is her phone off
everyone's checked nothing found
how cab that be did you check them properly?
Yes Jai brother apart from children everyone's checked
Ali I said that
wait a minute
snow white had sesven drawf's
I'll check out there
hi the whole house is empty
both ofthem have left
hellowyou said betraying police oftrust worthy thief
Sonehri's have made a decision
i am coming foryou
look for a place to hide
nowyou both wont be able to steal or cheat anyone
now these two are in serious trouble
you have ran alot Aryan
let's go now
have you ever loved anyone madly
hand's up and start walking
can anyone love someone to an extent that he kill's his lover
i dont care Aryan
but if you love yourselfthen start walking
can anyone ver love somebody this much
that he takes his life
Because I loved him
get lost sunheri your life is your punishment
you'll stay alone so you wont be able to cheat anyone
not even yourself
hey nick here's your coke and burger with pickle's
just the way you like it
hey my order
chicken and vegetable's coming up
funny guy
sorry mam but cook is on strike
My contract say's that after every half an hour I'll get a kiss
and one hour have passed
and no kiss yet
i quit
i am not that type of a girl
well the lets find out
and how's that
all I think is a little bit ofthis
and a little bit ofthat
how about a beer?
Can anyone love someone to an
extent that he could kill his lover
dont fix up
cause who loves dont take life but give's life
and that day Sonehri gave you your life as in that bullet
master stroke
you were falling offthat cliff and forthe
first time in my life I was feeling bad
i thought what a man what love
but then I felt what the hell
this cannot be the ending ofthis story
and because ofthat I left Sonehri
and I came here following her
master stroke
oh thank you but nowi am tired
i have been waiting for six month's in this small city
waiting foryour next theft
i am tired ofthinking where will I find A's sign
so I thought I should ask you myself
have you changed your sign
i have changed myself
but I havent cahnged
i know
i knewit one day you'll come here
all my theft's locker detail's code's password's all are in here
now we dont need them
shall we take our car or shall we go with you to the airport
excuse me is this place still open
this place is alway's open
you guy's are forgetting but Mr. A named thiefhas died
and to take a dead thieftojail is not a brave act
i am leaving cause it's a love story
but ifthe thief gets alive then
it will be lover's funeral will come out with Dhoom
forthe beer
two beer's please
go and get the beer's cause I am on strike
funny guy
hellow abbuse me
For six month's no body's abbused me
shut up Ali
please abbuse me 10-20 times in hindi
i am missing my country
pick up your bag right now and come to India now
we've got our next case
Oh! Dear I've lost!
Oh! Well can I have the gun please?
Thank you dear
ahh! Got you
you're a silly stupid thief you got caught
can I be the thief now grand ma
sure love but only afteryou cut your cake
draw the curtains please
with all the due respect your majesty
we are in the middle ofthe desert
no one can see from the outside
ifi can see the skies in it then it can be seen from th skies
happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Harry
Sir, the crown do you ever hold it?
No one can touch it
you cant get me I am gonna get you
grandma's gonna get you
ahh those little devils are they in there are?
Ahh you majesty your were just in here your majesty
is everything alright there?
Ali? Yes I am
i have heard that you work with police
Ali and police dont get along
do you understand?
ok brother I am leaving
somthing's fallen of your's
this is not mine this is of my friend
he works in police, its not mine
his name is Ali
brotherthis powder is fake
brotheryou asked for powder what difference
does it makes ifit's cinthol or cocaine
there's a transmittortoo
that's not mine either I'll leave
sorry sir, I am sorry, I am very very sorry
please I am like you people a small thief
Jai is stupid he sent me here he's in
Police he forced me to come here
i told him I cant do this I cant cheat people of my own league
how can i, even ourface cut is similar
right brother shall I leave now
ok wait a minute from today onwards I'll join your gang
we'll work togetherfrom now onwards
my all body parts are ill legal
dont think I am a police man
hand cuff, hand cuffthiefis hand cuffing police
no! No! I am not a police man I am a thief right brother
brother's right
ok then but you have to promise one thing to me
please promise me that after shooting
me you will shoot Jai dixit too
from the day I saw him my life has turned into a disaster
shoot him!
Wait a minute I cant see myself dieing
i am closing my eyes
i am leaving this world mother I am coming to you
hey anyone please stop them
ya! I know nowyou'll say that you have saved my life
but if your water scotter would have stopped after
two minute's my head would have become a tomato
you cant do one thing properly
in every operation I have to leave the crimnals and save your life
hey I killed three people myself
it was ajoke brother
without you I am like un welded cylinder
a cylinder without gas
a monkey without sence
Jai where are you?
Sweety! Sweety's dead!
I am at work shall we talk later?
Later, lateryou'll find my deadbody here
remember one thing Jai this condition of mine is because of you
what are you saying what condition?
This condition
Sweety ifill keep on talking to you
hello, yes yes thank you thank you very ok very ok
ya hold on
Jai brother Alka Mathur is calling from the bank
she is asking for if you are intrestred in making a credit card
shall I tell herfor both of us
hellow Alka what are you doing in
the evening let's have a meeting
give me your number
hey this water scotter is really cool
shall I ride it
you are not going on this
so how am I going
Jai brother save me!
Jai brotherthe water is cold
Jai brother I dont know how to swim
Jai if you are taking this long to fry fish then howlong
would you take to change the nappise ofthe baby
Sweety is this the way to talk
ok tell me what will you do tell me?
i am not saying this Usha aunty say's it
Usha aunty know's everything
she does the delivery of every child in the whole area of nagpara
how sick Jai you'll do this
can I do this?
You can do it but who would like to do it with you?
Sweety got trapped
uptil now she is bearing
what do you mean?
Menas that to love you is like to sit
on a neem tree and eat bitter gaurd
he's right Jai
apart from me you have no option
so I am not affraid of any seeta or geeta
forget about seeta or geeta even papaya
will not be intrested in you Mr. Bore
actually you fail to impress women
when you open your mouth 3 not 3 bullets come out
ladies like guys like me, poet's
you poet?
Ali is a poet
love's age is wild
listen dont laugh!
This is my good nature that I dont do anything
or ifi wanted I could have an affain'too
ok then have an affair
but with whom are you going to have an affair
A.C. P Sonali Bose reporting Sir!
Welcome to Mumbai
you wait here
I'll send the officer incharge ofthis case
he's our best man sir!
Hellow how are you
who are you?
i have to agree
you are hand cuffed and asking me for introduction?
Tell me clearly what wrong have you done?
See I am a soft nature man
see everyone makes a mistake but if you'll co-operate
my heart is very clean
i belive that police and crimnal
realationship should be really close
like husband and wife
so one day all the crime will vanish from the world
shut up
i am not a crimnal
darling tell me in the begining
cause when Ali intarogate's
exactly what you said when I do that
crimnals accept crimes which they havent even commited
now tell me
did the tubelight swithced on
you are a police man?
Yea... dont I look like a hero
Ali Akber Sub inspecter
just open this
this came into my hand by mistake
dont make me a fool darling
it's is a hand cuff not a flower ring
that it came into your hand by mistake
ok tell me how did this mistake happen?
Because of you
i was taking it off you opened the door I suddenly turned
and this dam thing
it doesn't happen like this darling
I'll put it like this then ill do this and then
Jai brother I was intarogating
she has done somthing wrong
she is not admitting
her name is eh ahh
Sonali Bose
Jai Dixit I dont belive this
Sonali Bose roll no 23
Jai Dixit Mr Long legs
who because ofhis long legs never came to the swiming pool
i didn't wanted to give you competition
everyone use to come to watch you Ms. Show off
show off me?
Who met us in the girl's hostel, in Puja Mehta's room
so good to see you-After seven yaers and seven months
wow! You remeber alot!
A girl who dance's with yourfor once cannot forget you
dance he?
I mean Jai brother
you dance
anyway what are you doing here?
A world's most inteligent and cool thief
intelegent because all the thefts he's
commited were practically impossible
cool beacuse he leave's a clue behind every theft he commit's
his signature
apart from that we dont have any clue or and any way
no description no sketch
nothing sir
from Argintina to Japan
every theft he's commited he's done it in a new get up
he stole queen's crown in queen's get up
he's a master of disgusie
how he vanished from the train no body know's it
excuse me ifhe stole at the train then it's a railway police case
forthe last two years I have been following the case ofMr. A
he only steals things that are unique
almost priceless
diamond from London, painting from Paris
Istampur's prince's necklace
but these priceless things could be sold somewhere?
Unfortunately what he does with these
things, how he does we dont knowit
but every year he is only active fortwo to three years only
and then he vanishes
have you noticed any pattern or special thing about this thief?
Sir his specialty is in his way of stealing
he has done so many different and random theft's
that it is difficult to find a pattern
there is a pattern sir!
This thief's speciallty is his clue
his signature
he leaves his signature at the place where he commit's theft
but his ambition is somthing else
he wants his mark on the whole world
and that's not all
next date when he'll steal will be 14thjuly 2006
how can you say that
Mr. A not only likes antique's but is fond of number's also
see all 5-4-2004
if you add all the digit's total 15
next theft 15-7-2004
total 28
next theft Australia 28-9-2005
total 44
as soon the total gets above 30 he add's the total
next theft happened in 8-1-2006
every theft's clue is in his earliertheft's date
Mr. A is challenging us
the problem is that nobody understood his challenge
apart from you Jai fantastic
and the queen's crown was stolen in 1-5-2006
total 14
next theft will take place on 14th July 2006
how's that
cause the A he wants to make on this world
the line passes through Mumbai
we should get alert imdiately before he enter's the city
ifi am not wrong he has entered the city
if my idea is right then he is a step ahead then us in his mission
Mr. A steal's in Disguise but wants
the whole world to recodnize him
his signature
he thinks ofhisself as an artist and not a thief
but an artist who being in centre
of everyone still keeps on hiding
he cannot be looked for but can only be caught
but to catch a thief as smart as him its tough
he's the perfect thief
its going to be alot of fun meeting you Mr. A
i think we'll have fun
i neverthought in college that a girl like you will join Police
your pepper's
why what was there in me
no! No!
You were so proud you know that I mean
never use to talk to anyone use to
consideryour self supperierto other's
but I use to talk to you
that's because secretly you were in love with me
i am still in love with you
whatever happen's dont think of getting divorced
divorce is poision in family life
i am not thinking of getting divorced but thinking of a murder
ah you mind ill just be back
sweety your husband is too sexy
he even makes food
oh you gotta see this
oh you use to look like a lizard
me lizard! I use to be the bomb in the college
you all use to flirt with me
give me a break
did you see yourself
and look who's this
who's looking dum here
anyone would look dum wearing a serome
you wore a serome?
Must would have bet
bingo yes 10 rupee's bet
but who's serome was it
her's naturally
sure you remeberyour parrot green dress
do you still have that
Tomorrowis the reunion of class of 96 in bombay
and everyone's going to wearthe same
clothes they use to wear in college
yes now that you have come to
Bombay we'll go toghter it'll be fun
but I dont have anything to wear
no problem wear somthing of sweety's
come I'll showyou
come on, come on
shall I murder one person ortwo
the punishment is the same
no sweety
i promised Momy that I will not do any thing
wrong and will not get involve in ladies problem's
but only foryou and yourfamily Ali part two
what are you sayinga Ali?
Before she gets involved with Jai she will fall in love with me
AlI's magic will takeover her and naturally
your husband and yourfamily will be fine
but how will you do all this?
Like this
all camera's working Samar?
Yes mam
there are two snipper's in that building
all runaway route's are covered
but ifhe doesn't come here then?
Jai you said that he will come to only two place's in Mumbai
and we have covered them both
bombil fry orthesra masla
You might would have had tea of Taj Mahal Hotel
but you wouldent have had Sheaty hotel's Bombil's
really good
we'll have a cold drink in sumri and
then we'll eat as much as we can
if you want you can have an ice cream too no extra charge
sheaty's my student
but please make sure that tall bitter
guard should not know about are plan
ok I am waiting here foryou come quickly
i am really hungry
and you'll really get good beating too
momy you should have warned me atleast
hey you are on duty and not on picnic do you understand
thiefis not going to ask you that if you've
had your lunch so he could steal then
ifhe would have wanted to steal anything
here you would'nt have sent me here
cause I knowyou dont respect me
shut up and stay on duty
ok shall I eat a Wara pao
be quick
what's the problem Jai?
I dont know sure but there's somthing wrong
i canjust feel it
come on Mr. A where are you?
Coming unit one everything ok on your side?
Ok keep on reporting me
see ther's no need for explanation's
followmy order's
do as I tell you
no no no
the briefing I gave you
it's beautiful isn't it?
but I have heard that the one who use
to wear it was more beautiful then this
oh absolutely
and very tempremental
it's said that once she was so upset with her
husband Mr. Shahjahan that she threw the necklace
and she threwit so hard that the
diamand in the central part went missing
sure he's not going to come here
he's fond of stealing perfect thing's
and this necklace is damaged
he's not coming let's go
you go Jai suppose if you are wrong there
should be someone here to welcome him
Ali the theft is going to take place at the museum be there quick
oh God I am coming right now
Ali where are you?
Close the gate's
secure all the exit point's
and stay in contact
sorry baba
to whom are you saying sorry to?
Old cleaner
when I talk to you I get afraid and then I cant see anything
stop him
what? Stop him now!
He is a cleaner brother
i cancelled the clening staff duty
he shouldent be there
wait baba Police
shoot him knee cap now come on
i said stop him
stay there baba
he's stopped
check his id and keep him in custody I am coming
baba I was about to shoot you in your knee
why didn't you stop before
use ear machine your life would have been finished
yes son I have hearing problem
but when police stops you you have to stop
what are you doing here your shift's cancelled today
at this age I forget my own name
shift is somthing totally far away
ok now showme you identity card
identity card baba identity card!
What's your name?
It's written at the back
where did he go?
Oh God he showed A and vanished like Z
do you knowhow to swim?
Open the gate!
Ali come in!
He has gone in traffic, block him from north
ok Jai Brother
i am going back
i am resigning
so you and thiefboth are levaing the city
bothof you have alot of simalrities
you know what Jai if I would have been following him
so mouser 9mm
the bullet speed is 3000 feet per second
in human and bullet race bullets alway's wins
Sonali my job is to catch the thief's
not to shoot them
one thief dead is one thiefless
power should'nt be here but here
we are standing and talking here
and that Mr. A will be laeving the city
excuse me mam this is my ticket I am in the waiting list
sorry but the flight is full
mam tomorrowis my tennis match
mam listen I have to have to go there
excuse me I have said already
the flight is full
ifthere's any cancellation we'll let you
know now please will you wait there
you are wasting yourtime
if father would have been God then
i would have been in that flight
forthe last three years I have been winning this cahmpionship
God knows that
but today someone else will win it
afterthe theft ofthe diamand worth
doesn't matter if police fail's to tell you that
we can tell you
T. V
some time back Mr. A called at our News Desk
that next he will steal the 600 years old
sword which is lying at the Junaghar's forte
before the phone could be traced Mr. A disconnected the line
the thiefis very stylsih
i think we should give him 1 or 2
diamonds and let's compromise
we wont be able to catch him Ali to say
there's only one champion and no body can take his place
not even God
sometime's it work's by itself
mean's you are going to cold blood me?
If you want to sleep then why not forever
haha Joke
but please tell me what can we do while staying awake
when he slips like a wet fish in day
so how will we catch him at night?
And by the way I doubt it that he'll come
we are sitting here and I know that he
might be doing something somwhere else
nowifhe'll come here the he wont go back
that I promise
ifhe is Mr. A the for sure he'll come here
the question is howis he going to come?
One is origional and one...
but to see and differentiate its very difficult
To reach till here was hard
but now what we have to do it a little hard then difficult
No No dont even think about it
infrared beep's
as soon as you touch them an alarm will start
within 30 second's all the guard's will be here
see the pillar's
electro megnatic stuns
i love these thing's
these small points are very deadly
as soon as you will pic the sword
a current will come out ofthem
around 2000 volts
your eyes will either open injail or in hospital
how did the theft happen?
Shall I tell you
lucky one foryou
this one for me
when ill tell you then pick it up
you should'nt have done this
nowi have to meet you
Jaii caught him
what momy one thief was enough
you have sent two now without ticket
now we'll be in serious trouble, sorry
I'm so hot
dont you feel hot like in all this
are you like checking me out
you behind the mask I hope not
cause if you'll do that then I'll feel very sad
and you'll feel alot of pain
you'll have problem walking
and you work involves alot fo running and walking
was there a special reason in using my name in this theft
you the reason are you
you're the best anybody in my place wouldent have agreed
but Sonehri no no no no
Sonehri is a fan of your's like forever
but afteryou who is the best thiefin this world?
ok Sonehri
the golden girl
who lives in dark but thinks Amsterdam, Australia
America even
but what does Sonehri think's?
Do you play cricket? I mean who's the best opening batsman?
Not Syed Anwer, amir sohail
not Hyden Gilgirist
Tendulkar, Shewag
hey guy!
Not only you steal diamond's but
you know how to steal thought's
anyways I have a motto
less talk more work
so tell me from when do we start?
you and me Tendulkar, Sewag like partner's
we'll steal toghter and we'll show the world
thakyou but I am happy alone
everybody need's a partner in this world
you'll also need one one day
golden chance sonhera chance
get it?
You've seen my work
i am good right
come on take me
i am a very use full thing
trust me
i dont trust anyone
there are a fewrules for robbery
the loot is ofthe person who's name is used forthe theft
funny guy
hey you can have it
like charity but think about it today
sonehri has stolen Diamond on your name
tomorrow she can steal cucumber even
last chance ther still time foryou
take offthe mask and shake hand's
partner's like
you are not a bad thief so ill advice you
thief's shadowis even not its partner
if you'll stay alone you'll stay alive
cause alone a thief can't betray anyone
not even hisself
hey are you like checking me out?
Funny guy Tenuka you?
I heard after every robbery you fly away from the city?
Is there any special reason foryour stay?
I wanted to see if you'll copy this game
less talk more work
not bad for a girl
ohh no no no
Sonehri was wrong about you
i thought that you'll be different than other boy's
but all boy's are the same
funny guy's
you know a lot of guy's?
I know that look you were about to
say something but you fogot right?
It's not yourfault everyone forget's thing's after seeing Sonehri
i think you are forgetting somthing?
Game is not over
had enough-no way
funny guy you are not a bad player
so I advice you to look for a good partner
you'll be able to play more
it's an international game it's played with mind
not with anger
if you'll keep on playing like this then
you'll keep on playing in the dark
no Amsterdam, no Australia and definately not America
if you'll teach Sonehri will learn everything
think before shaking your hand I am not making
you my partner I am making you my shawdow
you wont be able to seperate from me even if you wish too
what happened Sonehri doesn't have anything to say?
Shadow's doesn't talk
only walk's quitely
quietly- You?
This one I have got to see
hey what do I like call you?
Funny guy
there was no need forthis Jai
april fool
i have bought flowers in april Joke
the difference between flower and fool is
like the difference between you and Jai
do one thing stop thinking about Jai
he's in trouble he said there is only
one thief and steal with his signature
but I was doubtful from the start
there were two thief's in Nagpara
like this one Bheem and Nadeem
one use to pick pocket fromn the back the
other use to steal the chain from the front
what is your point?
Point is that there are two thief's so we need to officer's too
really strict officer's
like me and you
and Jai?
JaI's future stinking and lying in the gutter
no see you also got hurt
the thief also ran away
Jai should get suspended no?
Where is Jai- He's in the hospital for Sweety's check up
Sweety is about to have a baby
do you want a baby
mother no no baby
late as usual
why do you always come so early
i like seeing from the start wether it's a film ortheft
so did you come to know anyting else?
Ask him yourselfhe's about to come here
i am sure if you'll ask him nicely he'll tell you his life story
six month's back a girl was about to go tojail
but she dint go
cause she asked a kind hearted police
man that she'll do anything for police
but please sir, I dont want to go tojail
please- But I am working foryou
what more like?
And I am good he has made me his partner
nowyoujst arrest him
in crime of making you his partner?
Sonehri please dont use your mind already its not much
just rememberthat a thief can be caught while he is stealing
not before that and not afterthat
and suppose ifhe come's to know that Sonehri is with you?
The end
He'll kill you
there is a gap between police and a thief
one Sonehri's gap
Sonehri got trapped in the gap
how's the movie Sonehri
you changed yourface again
Sonehri was not able to recodnize you
a man's not recodnized by his face but by his work
and I am on a holiday so dont worry
i knowyou
after interval you'll take a cab and go to the airport
the ticket and passport is in the popcorn packet
I told you that this game is international
are you 100% sure this is the place?
Ali asking me the same question again
and again will not change the answer
shoo gave us this address cococabana
so this is it
first time that slick tongue have said sumthing good
cocacabana right
otherwise from the day he's come life's turned into hell
and here too we have to stay at that
bore shoo's bore sister's house
no we'll stay but where is her sister?
Here everywhere are beautiful women around
cocabanana I am here coca banana I am here
brazil hellow from Ali
shoo said ask anyone everyone know's her
but from whom shall we ask?
Can you give me the ball please?
Oh God are they allowed like this?
Can you give me the ball please?
Oh well I'll ask this yellow one
her costume's coclor is similarto my bike's
I'll ask her ok?
Hellow hi
Sonali's sister Monali Bose
you knewit -what?
That here's a double role
how are you my darling?
Did you miss me my sweety punkin pie?
I say hello to my house
some people find it wierd but hellow
you can say hi to people you live with
then why not houses?
And I mean I live with my house
what do you think?
Hellow house, how are you?
Is everything alright?
Actually I do the same in India?
I say hi to my bike my toothbrush, my fridge
really we are so similar
but you didn't introduce me to your
house how will it recodnize me?
Ohh I am so sorry
this is Ali and
jai brother say hellow
come on say hellow house
you know guy's I love India
and Indians
and you know what we all have to hangout toghter
because hellow we are all Indian'
but ther's one sad thing
shall I tell you, you dont know how to speak in hindi
God how did you guess that?
Are you an astrologer or something
mechanic he's a mechanic
have I been looking foryou or what?
I am very much in demand internationally
can you fix my hair dry please?
I can even fix an Aero plane
while I was coming there was a problem in
the plane's cylincer so I fixed it there and then
dont even think about it
she cant speak in hindi and your english is MashAllah
it will take you 10-15 years only to learn hellow how are you?
What matter's ifi am weak in english I am a professor in love
Ali you have come here as a police man
not a lover boy
where are the room's?
Bring the luggage
is he ok?
He's stupid
you know he doesn't seem right
he's mental
you knowmental?
Ali I am so glad that you guy's are staying with me
you knowi have not been to India for so long
and with you guys around I feel closerto home
thank you
such an emotional girl
thank you momy what a daughter in lawyou've sent
Monali her name also has Ali in it
not bad
the food is fantastic
like really nice
dont force yourfood
do you want something else?
Can I get some origional food?
Like totally unhealty
you dont look like a cook by face
even you dont look like a thiefby face
and by the way this is not my origional face
Sonehri should I ask a little truth?
You are at an unknown place with a stranger
aren't you affraid?
Even if Sonehri doesn't recodnize a face
she recodnize's a person
you can change yourface but your eyes dont change
i am a thiefi can steal eye's
i am a thieftoo
the first time I sawyou I just sawyour eye's
even today I just recodnize them
you are a thiefbut your eye's are trust worthy
i could be wrong
but there is somthing that tells me that whatever may happen
you wont hurt me
Sonehri has faith in you
i trust you
can I ask a little truth?
Do you trust me?
Talking time is over
time to sleep
have to start the training at 6'oclcok tomorrow
ya 6:00 am
funny guy
hellowyou guy's haven't even started
come on hot bread
hey isn't she looking like an Indian
mom would have been happy to see you
really I would love to meet her
you knowi love indian food
this is cheese makhni, this is butter chicken
and this is my favourite black bean's
it's my favorite too
and poison
didn't you bring some poison?
Sorry I miss something?
You knowi keep forgetting your name all the time
he's saying that this food is his favorite too
but cause he is not use to of foreign
country so his stomach is upset
ok you take one more
if we'll have to eat this food for another
two orthree day's then ill shift to a hotel
and you will go to a hospital
tell herthis
what's he saying?
This poor guy has a problem
i know, you knowi understand everything you say
but him I just don't get him
is that what's called mental
oh you learn quickly
get you more bread ill just be back
what are you seeing?
Are you in love?
No that happened in morning
Jai I am sorry but this is my last case
cause after catching this thief I'll stay here
cause Monali wont adjust in India
so because ofthat both of us will stay here
we'll make a small room up there me Monali two- Three kids
happy family export family
is Monali aware ofthe happy moment's
which are about to come in her life
no not right now tomorrow
momy alway's told me that poty and love
work should be done in the morning
totally fresh and early morning
theft is commited at night
and we very different
from today onwards nor my eyes
will change and nor my face will
and nor my name
no body has seen this face ever
and I haven't had more faith in anyone else
from today onwards our life and death is in each other's hand's
Sonehri you are my shadowyou have to become my mirror
from today on ward's there will be
my eye's but you'll see through them
i trust you
do you trust me
excuse me
may I sit here?
Ifi have disturbed you so I am sorry forthat
Indian it's hard to recodnize by looking at yourface
my secret ingredient
difference between normal and perfect coffee's
you really like coffee
does your work include coffee too
actually I collect coin's
money you are looking for money
i guess you are right
funny I was also thinking about a
coin reminded me of my grand father
every Sunday he use to give me a 10 rs
coin and use to say go and have a ball
that coin too looks like this dime
they dont make those anymore
that's a rare coin
that's a rare Grand father
that's foryou
thank you
so what's your obsession?
I write stories
which type- Of every type
right now we are also in a story
two Indians 10,000 miles away from there country
coffee conversation
i like that
but for a popular story you might need a girl
i have one but what is she doing right
now, where is she I have no idea
excuse me
hey I'll be a little late
i can be two hour's late even
should I come straight to the villa?
Sure cool I m waiting
Why is it so that without a girl a story cannot be written
life cannot be spent without girl's
every one need's one another
everyone need's someone
before I use to think different
but nowi think I agree with you
excuse me
i have made an excuse fortwo hour's can you meet me now
same place one hour
listen thanks forthe coin
and next time we wont have coffee but something different
if we'll meet again then definitely
i hope so
cheer's see you
i know him I can recodnize him anywhere
i have seen his face
a thief can only know about otherthief
Aryan is not only a thief
Aryan nice name
didn't you asked him his sun sign
for me Aryan isjust a thief
and to catch that thief you are helping the police
offcourse Sonehri was just saying it like that
you asked me to know him better
i asked you to know him better not to think of marrying him
where is Aryan's eyes that only you can tell
very soon he is about to do something big I can sence it
after arresting him ill be over with the charge right
we'll think about it after he gets caught
you know he's a thief
but is trustworthy
but you from inside seem's that you can betray
to whom do you want to side
trustworthy thief or betraying police
now go from her
and rememberthat in this case you are
Aryan's weakness and my biggest strenth
i am counting on you
bye cocabanana, bye beautiful women
Bye Monalai
i am leaving
if you'll drive like a bull cart I'll miss my flight
Ali -Ali is off, Ali is dead
a fraud like this will cause a haert attack to a lion even
Ali is stupid guy
i thought you as my brother
i use to carry my life foryou in my hand
but you my respect is not even worth 5 paisa's
ifi don't respect you then ehy do you think I bought you here
for comedy cause I am ajoker
you thought lets take Ali along he'll make me laugh
everything will be done by that thief girl
Ali will be fooled and bought back
Mr. Jai she will cheat you really bad
that I dont have word's to tell you
Ali I think you'll look nice with the cap
see with in two day's she's so emotionally attached to me
and you aftertwo years even hitting me with a knife on my back
Ali I was about to tell you -when?
After arrest or afterthat thief girl would have got the medal
Ali! I am not talking to you
it was my dream Ali for both of us to catch that thief
but un fortunately the thiefhad seen yourface
if the head quarters would have come to know about
this they would never let you come to this mission
i had to involve Sonehri cause I wanted to save you
to save this mission
you'll hand cuffthat thief
you'll get the medal you'll get married you'll have kid's
even clapping will be foryou
i amjust happy dreaming
but what's the point injust seeing a dream
in your dream I am playing a hero's role
after all you have taught me how to dream
Jai brother
hellow guys somebody hug me too
nice place
like cool
but why have we come here?
To steal
steal but what are we going to steal here
isn't he a little small
this why?
This is the first chapter of money's history
this is where all it began
first human hand made coin's
the first ever
and it's priceless
price ofit would be very less I can bet on that
i mean I could get coin's like these in Andhere even
what was the need to coming all the way to Brazil
hundred and fifty billion
starting will be from 150 billion
and where would it end you can imagine it yourself
what are you thinking
that's quick
ya he does everything quickly
youjust arrest him quickly
you will stay with him while he is stealing
afterthe theftjust signal me
but how
just press this and the rest ill take care of
from today onward's our life's in each other's hand's
i trust you
what are you doing
i am making coffee
ok tell me when I'll die how will you feel?
stupid question
everyone have to die
but ifthat day would be tomorrow then?
Why are you thinking like that
you are the best
i dont know why Sonehri
today forthe first time in my life
what will happen tomorrow?
Come on tell me what will happen tomorrow?
What will happen
Sonehri doesn't think that far ahead
see now that's what I like about you
i have learnt alot from you
and ther is one I am who thinks more and lives less
think think think and look at you
that's the way to live
no more boring stuffthis coffee this cooking this health food
nothing safe
now whatever is to happen let it happen
so what do you say
let's party
let's party
Jai dixit
ACP Mumbai police
original name original work
Aryan name is original and you knowmy work
have been following you for long friend
you made me run alot
now when you get after someone he has to run
and then again I like being chased
i was thinking if you could drop the
idea of stealing how would it be then?
Bad idea
ifthiefis not going to steal then what is the police going to do
and after all something's to be done in life
yes but ifthat work will lead to losing life then what's the point
i mean ill really feel bad if I'll have to kill you
yes I will also feel very bad if you'll kill me
but ifi wont die the do I have to kill you?
I guess you'll have to do your work and ill have to do my work
funny thing is that one's work becomes his destiny
and your destiny isn't looking to good my friend
dont be to sure ofthat
i like your confidence
i like you
may the best man win
but who's going to decide who's best
we'll do what my dad use to do
coin your's but I'll win
what day is this Sonehri?
It's beautiful
it's a perfect day
perfect day perfect fraud
perfect death
just perfect
all this talk and all this why?
Sonehri do I have to take permission to talk from Jai Dixit
what you are understanding it's not like that
trust me
so you make me understand Jai Dixit sent you to me
yes and Jai is going to catch me through you
if you would have been on my place would you have trusted
this gun's partner is this bullet
never betray's
where ever it goes it takes life
and I love that
only you have the right to kill me Sonehri
and not Jai
so please do this for me
i cant
you have to
fraud and trust both have some rules
and after a fraud someone has to die
so why not Sonehri
after all Sonehri did betray
you're right
shoot me
come on sonehri
pick up the gun
pick up the gun Sonehri
i said shoot dammit
even death betrayed me
why are you doing this
every work has some ending
what you did
it's ending is this
don't make me do this
you can't escape
forthe first time I am not afraid of death
if death is going to wearyourface then Sonehri's ok
like for ever
last bullet
finally death is mine
i am a thiefi have changed alot of face's to do fraud's
but one face changed my life
i had like to die watching that face
so I will be very happy
please don't cheat me this time
Sunehri will die but will not cheat you
i love you
the thing which is not your's how can you take it
i hate you
i hate you
i know
till when are you going to support me
i am your shadow where ever you'll go ill go along with you
me and you
this one I've got to see
hellow everone and welcome to children's day specail
ther should be proper security like the way it happen's every day
no tourist will be stopped
nothing out of your clear
clear clear like mineral water
come on sonehri bring him to me
yes Jai brother everything is clear
and no gun's children are here
yes we have hide them dont worry
hey everbody stop, stop
no movement no no no
Ali stop them I want this place clear
hold hold hold
Ali block the place Check every one
yes Jai brother
let the children go but check adult's
ok ok go go go
why is her phone off
everyone's checked nothing found
how cab that be did you check them properly?
Yes Jai brother apart from children everyone's checked
Ali I said that
wait a minute
snow white had sesven drawf's
I'll check out there
hi the whole house is empty
both ofthem have left
hellowyou said betraying police oftrust worthy thief
Sonehri's have made a decision
i am coming foryou
look for a place to hide
nowyou both wont be able to steal or cheat anyone
now these two are in serious trouble
you have ran alot Aryan
let's go now
have you ever loved anyone madly
hand's up and start walking
can anyone love someone to an extent that he kill's his lover
i dont care Aryan
but if you love yourselfthen start walking
can anyone ver love somebody this much
that he takes his life
Because I loved him
get lost sunheri your life is your punishment
you'll stay alone so you wont be able to cheat anyone
not even yourself
hey nick here's your coke and burger with pickle's
just the way you like it
hey my order
chicken and vegetable's coming up
funny guy
sorry mam but cook is on strike
My contract say's that after every half an hour I'll get a kiss
and one hour have passed
and no kiss yet
i quit
i am not that type of a girl
well the lets find out
and how's that
all I think is a little bit ofthis
and a little bit ofthat
how about a beer?
Can anyone love someone to an
extent that he could kill his lover
dont fix up
cause who loves dont take life but give's life
and that day Sonehri gave you your life as in that bullet
master stroke
you were falling offthat cliff and forthe
first time in my life I was feeling bad
i thought what a man what love
but then I felt what the hell
this cannot be the ending ofthis story
and because ofthat I left Sonehri
and I came here following her
master stroke
oh thank you but nowi am tired
i have been waiting for six month's in this small city
waiting foryour next theft
i am tired ofthinking where will I find A's sign
so I thought I should ask you myself
have you changed your sign
i have changed myself
but I havent cahnged
i know
i knewit one day you'll come here
all my theft's locker detail's code's password's all are in here
now we dont need them
shall we take our car or shall we go with you to the airport
excuse me is this place still open
this place is alway's open
you guy's are forgetting but Mr. A named thiefhas died
and to take a dead thieftojail is not a brave act
i am leaving cause it's a love story
but ifthe thief gets alive then
it will be lover's funeral will come out with Dhoom
forthe beer
two beer's please
go and get the beer's cause I am on strike
funny guy
hellow abbuse me
For six month's no body's abbused me
shut up Ali
please abbuse me 10-20 times in hindi
i am missing my country
pick up your bag right now and come to India now
we've got our next case