Diamant 13 (Diamond 13) (2009) Movie Script
HQ to Lon.
Receiving. Over.
We have a DOA following an RTA
on the A6 feeder road.
On our way.
All the fun of the fair.
Let's go, Lon.
You get the best jobs.
Three victims.
Two jerks road-racing for fun.
All the witnesses you can handle.
No idea who started it.
Lon hates corpses.
Everyone does.
The 3 in the BMW are dead.
The driver
and two girls.
All high as kites.
This is the youngest.
No belt.
She got ejected
onto the crash barrier.
We found her head 50 meters away.
Don't strip them here.
We'll do it at the morgue.
You can move out.
For you,
"Fangio" snuffed it.
Want to check him?
No, not now.
- What's in there?
- A present.
What's new?
An old guy
who croaked on the can,
a lover's tiff between fags
and two bag-snatchers.
Cop thriller stuff.
How was it for you?
A guy called for you earlier.
What did he say?
Something like "Diamond 13".
He'd only talk to you,
so I told him to fuck off.
Do not exceed the prescribed dose
- Mat...
- Yes?
The girl's mother.
The cops told her. You or me?
- You. And the others?
- Nothing yet.
No ID on the other girl
and the driver's folks are away.
I left a summons for them.
- Ok?
- Yes.
Come with me.
Diamond 13.
May crooks prosper.
Remember me?
Yes, I do.
In half an hour at the Navy, Mat.
We need to talk.
Half an hour.
Don't keep me waiting.
The drummer's Ali Baba Mike,
a great jazz drummer
and total coke fiend.
How long did the doc give you?
A short stretch,
Does it even matter?
It's a lot of cash.
Think about it.
I already have.
The life you lead is that good?
You call it a life?
Just one trip.
I'll show you, then you decide.
Real diplomatic plates.
He's with the European Council
and that's his real wife.
The drugs squad knows?
I am the drugs squad, pal.
The dope's in a case on the back seat.
Ali Baba Mike does the exchange
before the first exit.
Why now?
I'm running out of time.
I want to take these fuckers down.
Catch them in the act.
No point and you know it.
Ali Baba won't squeal
and that scumbag has contacts.
These guys all have each other
by the balls.
I'll take them with a domino effect.
Push one and the others fall.
I deserve a little compensation.
How much?
One million euros.
No marked wads, no numbered bills.
No one to go crying to the cops.
A tidy case.
We share.
- Open the cash register!
- Right away!
The money! C'mon, you fucker!
Shut your mouth!
The meeting place.
The show begins here.
Why me?
So you can watch my back.
I saw Calhoune.
Don't wait for her,
she's blanked you out.
I'm not waiting for anyone.
I can't even remember what waiting is.
Know where she is now?
- Head office. Fast-track promotion.
- I know.
Not even 30 and appointed
to the disciplinary division
straight from school.
She has a "company" car
and two flunkies to drive her.
Otherwise, she drives a BMW
and buys antiques. What do you say?
I say...
it's the best
that could happen to her.
Yeah, go ahead.
I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Don't let anyone go up.
- Trouble?
- Yeah.
It's on tomorrow.
I saw and heard nothing.
See you, pal.
He has a hostage on the roof.
Why not wait for the SWAT team?
Piss off, Goldeneyes.
Get your shots later.
This way, Mat.
- This way?
- Yes.
You said you wouldn't screw up, Jesus.
You won't fuck me!
I'm not taking a fall!
Not this time!
You're surrounded.
The streets are full of sluts like her.
No one gives a fuck.
They won't miss a chick
who wears real fur.
If she goes, you go too.
You won't shoot, fucker.
You're bluffing.
She's pissing on you.
It's over, ma'am.
It's all over.
nobody will mourn that fucker.
If the judge hadn't been so lenient,
we wouldn't be here.
you had no choice
but to open fire.
you won't avoid an inquiry.
You'd been drinking?
Thank me some other time.
Now get lost
and try to sort yourself out.
You're summoned at 2 pm.
My husband's
a member of parliament!
What the hell's going on?
I want him suspended immediately!
Do you hear me?
That won't help.
- What's wrong?
- Who are you?
Police Chief Jean-Jacques Moll,
head of this division.
Please calm down and explain...
I refuse to calm down!
That guy is sick!
I want to file a complaint right now!
And not even you are going to stop me!
Why would I stop you?
This is Mr. Moser,
assistant public prosecutor.
He'll be delighted to help.
Screw Moser
and your gang of degenerates!
Let me call my lawyer!
Right now!
- Come on, Moser.
- What's going on?
Some of our friends
are starting to worry, Franck.
Call a spade a spade, Mr. Secretary.
They're all shitting themselves.
They're worried about your health.
They fear
something unpleasant may happen.
Your friends
shouldn't dine with the devil,
even with a long spoon.
A new day or a long night?
I nearly got you in action.
What rag will put these
on the front page?
Only bimbos and TV stars sell
these days.
What is all this?
A present.
Why are you after me?
Maybe you're the only decent guy
in town.
Maybe I like you.
Prince Charming
doesn't hit the bottle at 6 am.
You deserve better, Goldeneyes.
Better than a cop.
Thanks for the photos.
Police Investigation Unit.
Disciplinary Department.
Sorry, sir, you're coming with us.
It's bad.
Insulting the wife
of a member of parliament...
You got the wrong woman.
Following his client's statement,
her lawyer, Mr. Baumann,
charges you with...
They're new.
The glasses. They're new.
They suit you.
It's five years since we split up.
Five years already.
The chief of police here
has already been informed.
It's the end of the line, Mat.
You're being suspended.
What's the deal?
Watch this.
You remember Maretti,
the super grass?
Our team was staking out
the restaurant
where that shit usually ate.
And, bingo,
you and Franck turn up,
Like in a crime movie.
What do you say?
Interesting, huh?
A happy memory?
What is it you want?
We'd been watching Franck.
His "personal" approach to work
got us intrigued.
My predecessor passed this on to me.
Drop it, Calhoune,
that's ancient history now.
Is Maretti history too?
The judges ruled it was self-defense.
The law wasn't his only problem.
His colleagues were too.
The main thing on Maretti's ass
was a contract.
But he never foresaw
that a cop would carry out the hit.
Know him?
What's your view
of the unnatural alliance
between a leading narc officer
and a major drug lord?
You want the answer?
Your pal Franck has dealt for years
with that scumbag Ladje,
the great coke emir.
Maretti wanted out,
Franck asked you to plug him
and you did.
And don't tell me
you never knew what Franck was up to.
You have no proof.
I have convictions.
What's the deal?
Your hide for Franck's.
I want to know what he's planning.
Am I in custody?
All right.
They had me up just before you.
I couldn't warn you.
They came to my place.
I kept mum.
It's ok.
I don't need anyone's help to fall.
Calhoune's stirring it up?
She mentioned Maretti too?
We all drag shit around.
In my case, it's Maretti.
Professional misconduct won't wash.
The disciplinary committee...
The disciplinary committee
does as it's told.
It's already settled.
I won't defend myself.
I'll be in the guardroom.
Man the phone. Wake me in an hour.
We're on our way.
Night service...
Hi, princess. Put Mat on.
He's resting.
Want me to fetch him?
Tell him it's started.
He'll understand.
I want to see you now.
That's impossible.
It wouldn't be good for you.
Gotta go.
Don't worry. I'm on my way.
It's ok, I said.
We do everything as planned.
- Need a piss?
- No thanks.
Have one anyway.
This is too big,
even for a cop like you.
Who mentioned cops?
Don't screw up.
There's back-up outside.
I'm dead so don't piss me off.
- Open it!
- Cut the crap.
Shut up!
Let's work this out.
Strip, you fucker!
Don't piss me off!
Move it!
Move it, you fucker!
Your pants now! Drop them!
What're you doing here?
Did I sleep long?
Nearly an hour.
What's up?
A girl up a pylon at the station.
The cops are there.
She's threatening to jump.
Is that all?
Yes, that's all.
The station...
A pylon...
All right.
All clear.
You stand no chance.
Every exit is covered.
Depends on the exit. Drive.
Douse the lights and veer right.
Stop the car.
What now?
Lock it.
Did you ever imagine
I might refuse to cooperate?
Not for a second.
What's up?
The keys.
HQ, we're on site.
He's up there, ok.
You think I told him to play King Kong?
Pull your finger out and get him.
I'll call you back.
Pain in the ass.
If you're doing it, do it now.
If you wait, it gets harder.
Plus it's fucking freezing.
Who the hell cares?
Got a name?
Sure, only dogs don't have names.
What's your name?
Your first name.
I'm Mat. Mathieu. It's up to you.
Screw that!
Just piss off and leave me be!
What made you come up here?
Those cops wanted to screw me.
Didn't they tell you?
Let's talk on the ground.
Come on now.
Come here.
I don't want to!
Look at this.
This is what you'll look like
if you decide to jump.
Like the idea?
Why are you here?
Sit down.
Suspended sentence?
Insults and violence
towards a police officer.
What were you busted
for last time?
What d'you reckon I'll get?
Using and dealing drugs,
that'll cost you.
I should've fucking jumped.
Don't talk crap.
This way.
You're wasting your time!
Kill me.
I don't have what you want.
Ok, Nono? Still on beer?
Want to move on to harder stuff?
Leave the bottle!
- Get off.
- Where's Lon gone?
Why would I know?
Because I'm asking.
I'm not married to her, ok.
Give me that!
Stop taking the heat out with you.
Something bad could happen.
Give me that. Just cut the crap.
You're pissing me off.
A madman.
This is for the Disciplinary Division.
Nothing useful.
Whoever did it had gloves.
Looks like the top brass is wired.
I won't leave it at this!
You missed a real spat.
The pretty Calhoune wanted the case.
Thanks a lot, sir!
Heard the rumor?
She has a finger up every chief's ass.
She must have a reason
to react like that.
Don't try to keep anything from me.
You've been suspended?
Not officially yet.
Anything to add?
- Give me the autopsy.
- Internal inquiry.
If you've something to sell,
deal with Moll.
Come on, it's ok.
You can go.
Sign this.
Custody terminated.
Take your belongings,
then get out. Sign here.
What's the catch?
No catch.
Hurry or I'll change my mind.
It'd take too long to explain.
Off you go.
A fag thing.
in a service station crapper,
pants around his ankles,
coked up.
Never even got hosed.
Quickly, you fuzz, I'm running late.
Two low caliber bullets
caused internal hemorrhaging.
Before dying,
he was struck with a blunt object
causing non-lethal fracturing.
Then they blew his brains out.
High caliber going by the damage.
I'll spare you the medical jargon,
but this guy was a goner.
God knows
how he was still standing.
Couldn't you have spared us that?
No one made you come.
Put this in the safe for me.
This too.
I'll sign for it later.
What'll you do,
now you're suspended?
My laundry.
I could've pinched the rest.
I only wanted your address.
I found your place.
The door was open.
I thought
you wouldn't be far away.
I never thought
I'd make love to a cop one day...
We didn't really make love.
That's ok.
It was nice anyway.
You fell asleep.
You had nightmares.
You looked like a child.
All cops have nightmares.
It comes with the job.
You don't have to stay a cop.
Nothing says I have to change.
Is this your wife?
She was.
How was she?
What about me?
You're pretty.
That's all?
That's not bad.
Is this you?
Who else, dickhead?
You crazy fucker!
Who's your boss?
The chief of police good enough?
I'll keep this.
What's it about?
A suspended cop with a friend
killed in suspect
and mysterious circumstances.
A friend with a good memory.
This came by registered mail.
Take a look.
You took Maretti out to prevent him
from ratting on Franck
and their deals together.
But your pal wasn't that crooked
if he left this time bomb.
They could reopen the case with this.
Why me?
Why don't you go?
You can keep it.
You know the documents are worthless
without the originals.
What's going on?
This area's private.
Ali Baba Mike is dead.
What do you know?
I'm listening.
Ali was my squeeze.
He had a meeting last night.
He never came home.
This morning, three guys turned up.
They were animals.
One rammed his gun in my mouth.
They cuffed me
and then trashed the place.
They wanted Ali.
Before they left,
the one in charge beat me up.
Not hard blows but it hurt.
I was freaking out
because of my vocal chords.
Singing's all I can do.
They were cops?
No idea.
What now?
What are we playing, pal?
At asking no questions, pal.
Just get in the car.
It's my daughter's birthday.
She's 18 today.
Any kids, Mat?
Never found anyone
to have them with.
When did he join the big boys?
The day he helped out
and gave us Maretti.
Maretti was becoming a big problem.
For a lot of people.
What did you lose yesterday?
A safe channel
and a trusted middle man.
I lost Franck.
Don't forget the raw material
and the money.
You know the proverb:
money won't kill you.
But it can leave you wounded for life.
Law and order, Mr. Policeman,
aren't we both committed to them?
What do you want?
I don't mean you any harm.
There's no sense in men like us
being at war.
Save that act
for your girl's boyfriends.
- What do you want from me?
- Everything.
Get it back and we'll be quits.
You're allowed
to take your cut, of course.
What's to say I know?
That you know?
Everything, brother.
You and Franck
were seen at the service station
the day before.
Was that a coincidence?
Even if I did know,
why would I be willing to squeal?
Because of the natural fear
all men have of dying
or at least of feeling pain.
The fear of suffering, Mat,
a lot, for a long time,
directly or indirectly.
You know
some very pretty women.
You have 48 hours.
To my daughter!
I didn't think
anyone could live like this.
I've been given the Novak case.
Franck's death is a touchy issue.
It would appear that Franck had
some compromising documents
on leading figures in the city.
Did you know?
What can I say?
It's not my case.
You're in charge.
A cop can afford
such an expensive coat?
You look scared.
I am scared.
Who knew Franck
had so many friends?
He certainly didn't.
All the big shots.
Even that old whore Tarroux is here.
Your senator.
- Not mine.
- He's everyone's senator.
When you get a cab,
fill a glass of water
or buy a lettuce,
he gets a cut.
On household refuse,
on every container in port,
on every bag of cement...
He's Mr. 20%.
The paragon of republican virtues.
Any link to Franck?
None at all, maybe.
Franck spent the last few months
at La Garenne.
You know,
his father's place in the woods.
He was seeing someone.
You knew?
Excuse me, just so you know...
You may not realize
what you've gotten into.
I'm sure we can come
to some agreement.
What one man has done,
another can always undo.
I remember when cops were cops
and crooks were crooks.
Times have changed, Mr. Super Cop.
Your status too.
You're nothing.
Just a vulnerable man.
Your henchman lost his papers.
Luckily, I found them.
Can you return them to him?
You guys on the sidelines
have the biggest mouths.
But we see the game.
I have
your daughter's present, Ladje.
It's good you remembered.
I like it.
What about you?
Got anything for me?
I want to know who killed Franck.
I think we need to meet.
You know where.
At the service station.
I'll be there.
See you.
Got my presents?
The names?
Ran into your pals?
Franck's dead, Jango.
Get rid of this.
- Accident at work?
- If you like.
Fix it up with genuine false plates.
I need it tomorrow.
Got anything for me now?
I have that.
It'll do. Got the keys?
They're in it.
See you tomorrow.
This is Dr. Wagner. I called
about the car blocking my garage.
I have an emergency call.
How do I get out?
They're on their way?
Yes, I see them.
You're out here?
Why didn't you go in?
I was worried you'd be angry.
Come on in.
Want me to leave?
Never mind.
Pick your destination.
We're off on vacation?
I'd have gone if you'd said so.
I don't want you hurt.
Choose at the last minute.
If they ask,
I won't know where you are.
Take this.
What's all this?
It's from a friend.
Be careful.
I didn't know who to call.
You did the right thing.
What were they after?
I don't know,
but I know what they found.
Your gun.
- You didn't put it in the safe?
- I don't know.
I thought you might need it.
- Shit.
- They left the rest.
What rest?
Franck would've done the same.
He wouldn't have let you
lose your badge
or give into those fuckers like that.
Were you together long?
I don't know. I forget.
It depended on him.
He had his key.
He slept here between assignments.
He never stayed long
but it was enough.
Why didn't you say?
What would it have changed?
No sudden moves, pal.
Cut the crap and give me the message.
No message.
My boss seems very fond
of the human dimension of things.
Give him a call.
Registration data base
Aren't you on the shelf?
No guns in the office, you know that!
And loaded, to boot.
You loser...
Get outta here!
I hope you have what we want, pal.
Open up.
You got a pair at last. Good.
I'm too old to play with
supermarket guards. Where is she?
Z2 calling Z1.
Mat, it's Lon.
Bring back the car
and Spoke's gun too.
Mat, quit screwing up, you hear me?
She's dosed to the eyeballs.
A habit of hers?
No more than losing a finger.
Who is this chick?
who should never have met me.
Don't let anyone in, Jango.
Anyone at all.
Except Lon or me.
You remember Lon?
My partner at the 13th.
I remember her ass!
Fucking Franck...
This is it.
I'm here for this.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Have a good day.
It's you, inspector.
I'm not an inspector now.
I don't know
what these documents are
but I have a vague idea.
I heard Franck's confession
a few days before he died.
Believe me,
he wasn't a corrupt man,
just someone sick of corruption.
An honest man, led astray
in a world too dirty for him.
As for his methods, who else
but him could judge them?
I'll ask one last favor of you,
Deliver it
to this name and address.
Not before tomorrow evening.
Thank you, Father.
Your pal Jango.
He knew the killer.
He had a gun and wasn't the kind
to get himself shot
without reacting.
Who's the girl?
You knew her.
I have a police report.
They brought her to you
the other night.
Apparently, you let her go
without starting procedures.
Do your job but get off my back.
One high caliber bullet.
In the mouth.
Like all those who talk too much.
The killer was in a hurry.
He didn't even clean up.
An 1 1.43 caliber.
For the time being,
I'm in charge here.
I need the seals.
Thank you.
Will you let us work now?
You're driving the wrong car,
I have to undress her.
You should go.
Fucking bastard!
Piece of shit!
This is war, brother.
I didn't want it this way.
You chose it.
You have shit in your veins.
You have what I want.
Give it back.
You'll get it back, don't worry.
You'll get it back.
Sort it out.
- Not now. Get out.
- Big mistake.
Want to see the fuckers' ball?
Let's get out of here.
Shitting yourselves
doesn't mean we should all panic.
We all knew a bank wouldn't give us
It's easy to take cover
behind parliamentary immunity,
but all our names
are on that damn list.
No one's seen the damn list yet!
And if someone did have it,
wouldn't the asshole
have used it already?
Stop talking like a gangster, Tarroux.
I've lost 10 times more than you,
so I'll talk any damn way I like.
There's no list and never will be!
I wish I were as optimistic, senator.
- The cop is trouble.
- What's the faggot waiting for?
I warned you.
He'll never play along.
I think you know her well.
You could say that.
I'm sorry.
How did you find out?
A useful lay.
I have to go, I'll be late.
You're wanted
as a witness to a crime.
"Armed individual,
prone to dangerous behavior.
"Use all necessary precautions."
They'll shoot on sight.
Ballistics analyzed the bullet
from that girl killed at Jango's.
They compared it with the bullet
that the crime squad recovered
from where you shot Jesus.
Right where your friend Calhoune
told them to look.
The bullets were identical.
Your gun in both cases.
I'll tell them about my break-in.
I'll say I had your gun.
You'll only get hassled too.
You're too far from retirement
to let these fuckers red-line you.
What'll you do then?
Find the originals
and I can get to work.
I'll appoint
a magistrate to the case.
If I get the one I want,
he'll do a good job.
Or at least try to.
At best,
he'll be taken off the case.
At worst,
he'll have a car accident.
Thank you.
Anastasia, come on.
What are you saying?
That I can open the case,
but it won't get anywhere.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
This information
lets you call the shots.
There's a place free.
Your friend's.
No deals with crooks.
Think it over, inspector.
Think hard. The position is free.
They left me no choice.
You left me no choice either.
Come on,
you're wanted in the showroom.
Try not to piss them off.
Diamond 13. May crooks prosper.
Remember me?
Yes, I do.
In half an hour at the Navy, Mat.
We need to talk.
Half an hour.
Don't keep me waiting.
What do you say, pig?
I'll take it.
You'll take it?
Easy to say.
Shouldn't we discuss the price?
The price doesn't change.
The sole condition is I leave here
with a clean slate.
Welcome to the club, pig.
But don't forget
to give us what's ours.
- You're not convinced?
- The change of heart is fishy.
An arrangement
is better than conflict.
The first fuck-up, he dies.
You're coming back?
What did you sell?
I sold them nothing.
It's me.
I'm ready to deliver.
The car
that was outside Dr. Wagner's.
The first one.
You're early.
For you.
With it, you get 20 years.
Without it, you come with me.
You killed Franck.
You killed Jango.
And the girl. Why?
Jango was self-defense.
And the girl, a crime of passion.
For that asshole Ladje...
For those bent politicians
who gang bang you. Is that why?
For those fuckers at HQ?
I work for myself, Mat.
And for us if you want.
It'll never work.
Keep the dough.
And all the bad memories.
Delivery for you.
Thank you.
Sign, please.
See you, Lon.
Where are you going?
Far away from here.
Mat, your bag!
That's from Franck.
See you.
HQ to Lon.
Receiving. Over.
We have a DOA following an RTA
on the A6 feeder road.
On our way.
All the fun of the fair.
Let's go, Lon.
You get the best jobs.
Three victims.
Two jerks road-racing for fun.
All the witnesses you can handle.
No idea who started it.
Lon hates corpses.
Everyone does.
The 3 in the BMW are dead.
The driver
and two girls.
All high as kites.
This is the youngest.
No belt.
She got ejected
onto the crash barrier.
We found her head 50 meters away.
Don't strip them here.
We'll do it at the morgue.
You can move out.
For you,
"Fangio" snuffed it.
Want to check him?
No, not now.
- What's in there?
- A present.
What's new?
An old guy
who croaked on the can,
a lover's tiff between fags
and two bag-snatchers.
Cop thriller stuff.
How was it for you?
A guy called for you earlier.
What did he say?
Something like "Diamond 13".
He'd only talk to you,
so I told him to fuck off.
Do not exceed the prescribed dose
- Mat...
- Yes?
The girl's mother.
The cops told her. You or me?
- You. And the others?
- Nothing yet.
No ID on the other girl
and the driver's folks are away.
I left a summons for them.
- Ok?
- Yes.
Come with me.
Diamond 13.
May crooks prosper.
Remember me?
Yes, I do.
In half an hour at the Navy, Mat.
We need to talk.
Half an hour.
Don't keep me waiting.
The drummer's Ali Baba Mike,
a great jazz drummer
and total coke fiend.
How long did the doc give you?
A short stretch,
Does it even matter?
It's a lot of cash.
Think about it.
I already have.
The life you lead is that good?
You call it a life?
Just one trip.
I'll show you, then you decide.
Real diplomatic plates.
He's with the European Council
and that's his real wife.
The drugs squad knows?
I am the drugs squad, pal.
The dope's in a case on the back seat.
Ali Baba Mike does the exchange
before the first exit.
Why now?
I'm running out of time.
I want to take these fuckers down.
Catch them in the act.
No point and you know it.
Ali Baba won't squeal
and that scumbag has contacts.
These guys all have each other
by the balls.
I'll take them with a domino effect.
Push one and the others fall.
I deserve a little compensation.
How much?
One million euros.
No marked wads, no numbered bills.
No one to go crying to the cops.
A tidy case.
We share.
- Open the cash register!
- Right away!
The money! C'mon, you fucker!
Shut your mouth!
The meeting place.
The show begins here.
Why me?
So you can watch my back.
I saw Calhoune.
Don't wait for her,
she's blanked you out.
I'm not waiting for anyone.
I can't even remember what waiting is.
Know where she is now?
- Head office. Fast-track promotion.
- I know.
Not even 30 and appointed
to the disciplinary division
straight from school.
She has a "company" car
and two flunkies to drive her.
Otherwise, she drives a BMW
and buys antiques. What do you say?
I say...
it's the best
that could happen to her.
Yeah, go ahead.
I'll be there in 10 minutes.
Don't let anyone go up.
- Trouble?
- Yeah.
It's on tomorrow.
I saw and heard nothing.
See you, pal.
He has a hostage on the roof.
Why not wait for the SWAT team?
Piss off, Goldeneyes.
Get your shots later.
This way, Mat.
- This way?
- Yes.
You said you wouldn't screw up, Jesus.
You won't fuck me!
I'm not taking a fall!
Not this time!
You're surrounded.
The streets are full of sluts like her.
No one gives a fuck.
They won't miss a chick
who wears real fur.
If she goes, you go too.
You won't shoot, fucker.
You're bluffing.
She's pissing on you.
It's over, ma'am.
It's all over.
nobody will mourn that fucker.
If the judge hadn't been so lenient,
we wouldn't be here.
you had no choice
but to open fire.
you won't avoid an inquiry.
You'd been drinking?
Thank me some other time.
Now get lost
and try to sort yourself out.
You're summoned at 2 pm.
My husband's
a member of parliament!
What the hell's going on?
I want him suspended immediately!
Do you hear me?
That won't help.
- What's wrong?
- Who are you?
Police Chief Jean-Jacques Moll,
head of this division.
Please calm down and explain...
I refuse to calm down!
That guy is sick!
I want to file a complaint right now!
And not even you are going to stop me!
Why would I stop you?
This is Mr. Moser,
assistant public prosecutor.
He'll be delighted to help.
Screw Moser
and your gang of degenerates!
Let me call my lawyer!
Right now!
- Come on, Moser.
- What's going on?
Some of our friends
are starting to worry, Franck.
Call a spade a spade, Mr. Secretary.
They're all shitting themselves.
They're worried about your health.
They fear
something unpleasant may happen.
Your friends
shouldn't dine with the devil,
even with a long spoon.
A new day or a long night?
I nearly got you in action.
What rag will put these
on the front page?
Only bimbos and TV stars sell
these days.
What is all this?
A present.
Why are you after me?
Maybe you're the only decent guy
in town.
Maybe I like you.
Prince Charming
doesn't hit the bottle at 6 am.
You deserve better, Goldeneyes.
Better than a cop.
Thanks for the photos.
Police Investigation Unit.
Disciplinary Department.
Sorry, sir, you're coming with us.
It's bad.
Insulting the wife
of a member of parliament...
You got the wrong woman.
Following his client's statement,
her lawyer, Mr. Baumann,
charges you with...
They're new.
The glasses. They're new.
They suit you.
It's five years since we split up.
Five years already.
The chief of police here
has already been informed.
It's the end of the line, Mat.
You're being suspended.
What's the deal?
Watch this.
You remember Maretti,
the super grass?
Our team was staking out
the restaurant
where that shit usually ate.
And, bingo,
you and Franck turn up,
Like in a crime movie.
What do you say?
Interesting, huh?
A happy memory?
What is it you want?
We'd been watching Franck.
His "personal" approach to work
got us intrigued.
My predecessor passed this on to me.
Drop it, Calhoune,
that's ancient history now.
Is Maretti history too?
The judges ruled it was self-defense.
The law wasn't his only problem.
His colleagues were too.
The main thing on Maretti's ass
was a contract.
But he never foresaw
that a cop would carry out the hit.
Know him?
What's your view
of the unnatural alliance
between a leading narc officer
and a major drug lord?
You want the answer?
Your pal Franck has dealt for years
with that scumbag Ladje,
the great coke emir.
Maretti wanted out,
Franck asked you to plug him
and you did.
And don't tell me
you never knew what Franck was up to.
You have no proof.
I have convictions.
What's the deal?
Your hide for Franck's.
I want to know what he's planning.
Am I in custody?
All right.
They had me up just before you.
I couldn't warn you.
They came to my place.
I kept mum.
It's ok.
I don't need anyone's help to fall.
Calhoune's stirring it up?
She mentioned Maretti too?
We all drag shit around.
In my case, it's Maretti.
Professional misconduct won't wash.
The disciplinary committee...
The disciplinary committee
does as it's told.
It's already settled.
I won't defend myself.
I'll be in the guardroom.
Man the phone. Wake me in an hour.
We're on our way.
Night service...
Hi, princess. Put Mat on.
He's resting.
Want me to fetch him?
Tell him it's started.
He'll understand.
I want to see you now.
That's impossible.
It wouldn't be good for you.
Gotta go.
Don't worry. I'm on my way.
It's ok, I said.
We do everything as planned.
- Need a piss?
- No thanks.
Have one anyway.
This is too big,
even for a cop like you.
Who mentioned cops?
Don't screw up.
There's back-up outside.
I'm dead so don't piss me off.
- Open it!
- Cut the crap.
Shut up!
Let's work this out.
Strip, you fucker!
Don't piss me off!
Move it!
Move it, you fucker!
Your pants now! Drop them!
What're you doing here?
Did I sleep long?
Nearly an hour.
What's up?
A girl up a pylon at the station.
The cops are there.
She's threatening to jump.
Is that all?
Yes, that's all.
The station...
A pylon...
All right.
All clear.
You stand no chance.
Every exit is covered.
Depends on the exit. Drive.
Douse the lights and veer right.
Stop the car.
What now?
Lock it.
Did you ever imagine
I might refuse to cooperate?
Not for a second.
What's up?
The keys.
HQ, we're on site.
He's up there, ok.
You think I told him to play King Kong?
Pull your finger out and get him.
I'll call you back.
Pain in the ass.
If you're doing it, do it now.
If you wait, it gets harder.
Plus it's fucking freezing.
Who the hell cares?
Got a name?
Sure, only dogs don't have names.
What's your name?
Your first name.
I'm Mat. Mathieu. It's up to you.
Screw that!
Just piss off and leave me be!
What made you come up here?
Those cops wanted to screw me.
Didn't they tell you?
Let's talk on the ground.
Come on now.
Come here.
I don't want to!
Look at this.
This is what you'll look like
if you decide to jump.
Like the idea?
Why are you here?
Sit down.
Suspended sentence?
Insults and violence
towards a police officer.
What were you busted
for last time?
What d'you reckon I'll get?
Using and dealing drugs,
that'll cost you.
I should've fucking jumped.
Don't talk crap.
This way.
You're wasting your time!
Kill me.
I don't have what you want.
Ok, Nono? Still on beer?
Want to move on to harder stuff?
Leave the bottle!
- Get off.
- Where's Lon gone?
Why would I know?
Because I'm asking.
I'm not married to her, ok.
Give me that!
Stop taking the heat out with you.
Something bad could happen.
Give me that. Just cut the crap.
You're pissing me off.
A madman.
This is for the Disciplinary Division.
Nothing useful.
Whoever did it had gloves.
Looks like the top brass is wired.
I won't leave it at this!
You missed a real spat.
The pretty Calhoune wanted the case.
Thanks a lot, sir!
Heard the rumor?
She has a finger up every chief's ass.
She must have a reason
to react like that.
Don't try to keep anything from me.
You've been suspended?
Not officially yet.
Anything to add?
- Give me the autopsy.
- Internal inquiry.
If you've something to sell,
deal with Moll.
Come on, it's ok.
You can go.
Sign this.
Custody terminated.
Take your belongings,
then get out. Sign here.
What's the catch?
No catch.
Hurry or I'll change my mind.
It'd take too long to explain.
Off you go.
A fag thing.
in a service station crapper,
pants around his ankles,
coked up.
Never even got hosed.
Quickly, you fuzz, I'm running late.
Two low caliber bullets
caused internal hemorrhaging.
Before dying,
he was struck with a blunt object
causing non-lethal fracturing.
Then they blew his brains out.
High caliber going by the damage.
I'll spare you the medical jargon,
but this guy was a goner.
God knows
how he was still standing.
Couldn't you have spared us that?
No one made you come.
Put this in the safe for me.
This too.
I'll sign for it later.
What'll you do,
now you're suspended?
My laundry.
I could've pinched the rest.
I only wanted your address.
I found your place.
The door was open.
I thought
you wouldn't be far away.
I never thought
I'd make love to a cop one day...
We didn't really make love.
That's ok.
It was nice anyway.
You fell asleep.
You had nightmares.
You looked like a child.
All cops have nightmares.
It comes with the job.
You don't have to stay a cop.
Nothing says I have to change.
Is this your wife?
She was.
How was she?
What about me?
You're pretty.
That's all?
That's not bad.
Is this you?
Who else, dickhead?
You crazy fucker!
Who's your boss?
The chief of police good enough?
I'll keep this.
What's it about?
A suspended cop with a friend
killed in suspect
and mysterious circumstances.
A friend with a good memory.
This came by registered mail.
Take a look.
You took Maretti out to prevent him
from ratting on Franck
and their deals together.
But your pal wasn't that crooked
if he left this time bomb.
They could reopen the case with this.
Why me?
Why don't you go?
You can keep it.
You know the documents are worthless
without the originals.
What's going on?
This area's private.
Ali Baba Mike is dead.
What do you know?
I'm listening.
Ali was my squeeze.
He had a meeting last night.
He never came home.
This morning, three guys turned up.
They were animals.
One rammed his gun in my mouth.
They cuffed me
and then trashed the place.
They wanted Ali.
Before they left,
the one in charge beat me up.
Not hard blows but it hurt.
I was freaking out
because of my vocal chords.
Singing's all I can do.
They were cops?
No idea.
What now?
What are we playing, pal?
At asking no questions, pal.
Just get in the car.
It's my daughter's birthday.
She's 18 today.
Any kids, Mat?
Never found anyone
to have them with.
When did he join the big boys?
The day he helped out
and gave us Maretti.
Maretti was becoming a big problem.
For a lot of people.
What did you lose yesterday?
A safe channel
and a trusted middle man.
I lost Franck.
Don't forget the raw material
and the money.
You know the proverb:
money won't kill you.
But it can leave you wounded for life.
Law and order, Mr. Policeman,
aren't we both committed to them?
What do you want?
I don't mean you any harm.
There's no sense in men like us
being at war.
Save that act
for your girl's boyfriends.
- What do you want from me?
- Everything.
Get it back and we'll be quits.
You're allowed
to take your cut, of course.
What's to say I know?
That you know?
Everything, brother.
You and Franck
were seen at the service station
the day before.
Was that a coincidence?
Even if I did know,
why would I be willing to squeal?
Because of the natural fear
all men have of dying
or at least of feeling pain.
The fear of suffering, Mat,
a lot, for a long time,
directly or indirectly.
You know
some very pretty women.
You have 48 hours.
To my daughter!
I didn't think
anyone could live like this.
I've been given the Novak case.
Franck's death is a touchy issue.
It would appear that Franck had
some compromising documents
on leading figures in the city.
Did you know?
What can I say?
It's not my case.
You're in charge.
A cop can afford
such an expensive coat?
You look scared.
I am scared.
Who knew Franck
had so many friends?
He certainly didn't.
All the big shots.
Even that old whore Tarroux is here.
Your senator.
- Not mine.
- He's everyone's senator.
When you get a cab,
fill a glass of water
or buy a lettuce,
he gets a cut.
On household refuse,
on every container in port,
on every bag of cement...
He's Mr. 20%.
The paragon of republican virtues.
Any link to Franck?
None at all, maybe.
Franck spent the last few months
at La Garenne.
You know,
his father's place in the woods.
He was seeing someone.
You knew?
Excuse me, just so you know...
You may not realize
what you've gotten into.
I'm sure we can come
to some agreement.
What one man has done,
another can always undo.
I remember when cops were cops
and crooks were crooks.
Times have changed, Mr. Super Cop.
Your status too.
You're nothing.
Just a vulnerable man.
Your henchman lost his papers.
Luckily, I found them.
Can you return them to him?
You guys on the sidelines
have the biggest mouths.
But we see the game.
I have
your daughter's present, Ladje.
It's good you remembered.
I like it.
What about you?
Got anything for me?
I want to know who killed Franck.
I think we need to meet.
You know where.
At the service station.
I'll be there.
See you.
Got my presents?
The names?
Ran into your pals?
Franck's dead, Jango.
Get rid of this.
- Accident at work?
- If you like.
Fix it up with genuine false plates.
I need it tomorrow.
Got anything for me now?
I have that.
It'll do. Got the keys?
They're in it.
See you tomorrow.
This is Dr. Wagner. I called
about the car blocking my garage.
I have an emergency call.
How do I get out?
They're on their way?
Yes, I see them.
You're out here?
Why didn't you go in?
I was worried you'd be angry.
Come on in.
Want me to leave?
Never mind.
Pick your destination.
We're off on vacation?
I'd have gone if you'd said so.
I don't want you hurt.
Choose at the last minute.
If they ask,
I won't know where you are.
Take this.
What's all this?
It's from a friend.
Be careful.
I didn't know who to call.
You did the right thing.
What were they after?
I don't know,
but I know what they found.
Your gun.
- You didn't put it in the safe?
- I don't know.
I thought you might need it.
- Shit.
- They left the rest.
What rest?
Franck would've done the same.
He wouldn't have let you
lose your badge
or give into those fuckers like that.
Were you together long?
I don't know. I forget.
It depended on him.
He had his key.
He slept here between assignments.
He never stayed long
but it was enough.
Why didn't you say?
What would it have changed?
No sudden moves, pal.
Cut the crap and give me the message.
No message.
My boss seems very fond
of the human dimension of things.
Give him a call.
Registration data base
Aren't you on the shelf?
No guns in the office, you know that!
And loaded, to boot.
You loser...
Get outta here!
I hope you have what we want, pal.
Open up.
You got a pair at last. Good.
I'm too old to play with
supermarket guards. Where is she?
Z2 calling Z1.
Mat, it's Lon.
Bring back the car
and Spoke's gun too.
Mat, quit screwing up, you hear me?
She's dosed to the eyeballs.
A habit of hers?
No more than losing a finger.
Who is this chick?
who should never have met me.
Don't let anyone in, Jango.
Anyone at all.
Except Lon or me.
You remember Lon?
My partner at the 13th.
I remember her ass!
Fucking Franck...
This is it.
I'm here for this.
- There you go.
- Thank you.
Have a good day.
It's you, inspector.
I'm not an inspector now.
I don't know
what these documents are
but I have a vague idea.
I heard Franck's confession
a few days before he died.
Believe me,
he wasn't a corrupt man,
just someone sick of corruption.
An honest man, led astray
in a world too dirty for him.
As for his methods, who else
but him could judge them?
I'll ask one last favor of you,
Deliver it
to this name and address.
Not before tomorrow evening.
Thank you, Father.
Your pal Jango.
He knew the killer.
He had a gun and wasn't the kind
to get himself shot
without reacting.
Who's the girl?
You knew her.
I have a police report.
They brought her to you
the other night.
Apparently, you let her go
without starting procedures.
Do your job but get off my back.
One high caliber bullet.
In the mouth.
Like all those who talk too much.
The killer was in a hurry.
He didn't even clean up.
An 1 1.43 caliber.
For the time being,
I'm in charge here.
I need the seals.
Thank you.
Will you let us work now?
You're driving the wrong car,
I have to undress her.
You should go.
Fucking bastard!
Piece of shit!
This is war, brother.
I didn't want it this way.
You chose it.
You have shit in your veins.
You have what I want.
Give it back.
You'll get it back, don't worry.
You'll get it back.
Sort it out.
- Not now. Get out.
- Big mistake.
Want to see the fuckers' ball?
Let's get out of here.
Shitting yourselves
doesn't mean we should all panic.
We all knew a bank wouldn't give us
It's easy to take cover
behind parliamentary immunity,
but all our names
are on that damn list.
No one's seen the damn list yet!
And if someone did have it,
wouldn't the asshole
have used it already?
Stop talking like a gangster, Tarroux.
I've lost 10 times more than you,
so I'll talk any damn way I like.
There's no list and never will be!
I wish I were as optimistic, senator.
- The cop is trouble.
- What's the faggot waiting for?
I warned you.
He'll never play along.
I think you know her well.
You could say that.
I'm sorry.
How did you find out?
A useful lay.
I have to go, I'll be late.
You're wanted
as a witness to a crime.
"Armed individual,
prone to dangerous behavior.
"Use all necessary precautions."
They'll shoot on sight.
Ballistics analyzed the bullet
from that girl killed at Jango's.
They compared it with the bullet
that the crime squad recovered
from where you shot Jesus.
Right where your friend Calhoune
told them to look.
The bullets were identical.
Your gun in both cases.
I'll tell them about my break-in.
I'll say I had your gun.
You'll only get hassled too.
You're too far from retirement
to let these fuckers red-line you.
What'll you do then?
Find the originals
and I can get to work.
I'll appoint
a magistrate to the case.
If I get the one I want,
he'll do a good job.
Or at least try to.
At best,
he'll be taken off the case.
At worst,
he'll have a car accident.
Thank you.
Anastasia, come on.
What are you saying?
That I can open the case,
but it won't get anywhere.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
This information
lets you call the shots.
There's a place free.
Your friend's.
No deals with crooks.
Think it over, inspector.
Think hard. The position is free.
They left me no choice.
You left me no choice either.
Come on,
you're wanted in the showroom.
Try not to piss them off.
Diamond 13. May crooks prosper.
Remember me?
Yes, I do.
In half an hour at the Navy, Mat.
We need to talk.
Half an hour.
Don't keep me waiting.
What do you say, pig?
I'll take it.
You'll take it?
Easy to say.
Shouldn't we discuss the price?
The price doesn't change.
The sole condition is I leave here
with a clean slate.
Welcome to the club, pig.
But don't forget
to give us what's ours.
- You're not convinced?
- The change of heart is fishy.
An arrangement
is better than conflict.
The first fuck-up, he dies.
You're coming back?
What did you sell?
I sold them nothing.
It's me.
I'm ready to deliver.
The car
that was outside Dr. Wagner's.
The first one.
You're early.
For you.
With it, you get 20 years.
Without it, you come with me.
You killed Franck.
You killed Jango.
And the girl. Why?
Jango was self-defense.
And the girl, a crime of passion.
For that asshole Ladje...
For those bent politicians
who gang bang you. Is that why?
For those fuckers at HQ?
I work for myself, Mat.
And for us if you want.
It'll never work.
Keep the dough.
And all the bad memories.
Delivery for you.
Thank you.
Sign, please.
See you, Lon.
Where are you going?
Far away from here.
Mat, your bag!
That's from Franck.
See you.