Dil Dhadakne Do (2015) Movie Script
The world Is fllled wlth
all klnds of anlmals.
But the strangest specles
Is the human belng.
Tlme just flows for the
rest of the creatures...
But human belngs dlvlde
It Into years, months, days
and make calendars.
They clalm you can't turn back tlme.
And they also say my
blrthday has come agaln.
Whether tlme can turn back or not
all the speclal
occaslons of human belngs
take a u-turn and
come back each year.
Whlch brlngs us to these
hampers belng packed.
These are glfts as well as Invltatlons
for a 30th marrlage annlversary.
The 30th happy annlversary
of Mr. And Mrs. Mehra.
One of Delhl soclety's
most popular couples -
The Mehras.
Thls Is Mr. Kamal Mehra.
A successful buslnessman...
who bullt hls mlghty
emplre from scratch.
A fact he repeats often,
Incase anyone forgets lt.
Mr. Mehra Is referred
to as a self made man.
One wonders that If people
can make themselves...
then why don't they make
themselves a llttle better?
But what does one do?
These days, 'better' Is not deflned
by Intelllgence, honesty or courage
but by somethlng else.
It has to do wlth
somethlng called money.
Nice putt Kamal!
If only you had been this
precise with the Suri deal.
You win some, you lose some, Lalit.
Only a man nearing
the end does accounts.
Oome on!
Beer is on me.
I have a lunch date with my wife...
and I never keep a lady waiting.
See you.
Thls Is hls wlfe, Neelam Mehra.
Mr. Mehra Is not havlng lunch
wlth her, she Is just an excuse.
In fact, they have not
lunched together In years.
Thelr story was qulte
romantlc to begln wlth.
18 year old Neelam had run away
and marrled 22 year old Kamal.
Over tlme, they found
unbellevable success.
But lost each other along the way.
Anyway, thls Is just
Inslde Informatlon.
In front of the world,
thelrs Is a perfect marrlage.
An Ideal couple.
You know na Kamal was in Taiwan
last week for some work...
Guess who had a meeting
in Taiwan the same week?
Don't tell me!
She's such a number!
And this Kamal...
why pack your pants
when you aren't going to wear them?!
We were just talking
about you & Kamal.
It's so sweet of him
to plan a cruise.
My husband doesn't even
remember our anniversary.
How do you remember your husband?
My maid's run away again.
Again? What do you do with them?!
Yes, Ayesha?
Deeya aunty still hasn't confirmed...
I know, mom
but we can't keep the room on hold.
Nice card...
To celebrate 30 years
of Kamal and Neelam,
we wish you to join us
for a 10 day cruise
of Turkey and Greece.
Just like our lives, this journey
won't be the same without you.
Kabir Mehra.
Ayesha Mehra...
Neelam and Kamal's flrst born.
But her name Is not on the
Invlte alongslde her brother's.
Why would It be?
The tradltlon of our natlon
Is that after marrlage
the daughter belongs
to another famlly.
The son could have umpteen marrlages
he wlll always remaln our own.
And so, 21 years after her blrth,
Ayesha was marrled and
shlpped off to Mumbal
to lead a llfe llke all
glrls In these clrcumstances.
But Ayesha Is not
typlcal of the female llk.
Soon after her weddlng,
she started her buslness
- An onllne travel portal.
Today, she Is the
2nd blggest In the market.
Just llke her father,
she too Is self made.
The dlfference Is, she doesn't say lt.
And here we have Kablr Mehra,
the youngest member
of the Mehra famlly.
The male chlld, or rather God's glft.
After all, he wlll
carry on the famlly name.
Just last week, he turned 25.
The apple of hls mother's eye
and the sole helr to
hls father's emplre.
So we have a prlnce
and we have a throne.
But Is that enough?
Only tlme wlll tell If thls prlnce
Is worthy of the throne or not.
And there you have it, folks.
I think it's sufficiently clear
that we can together deliver
a high quality product
for the South Asian market-
And how will you compete
with Ohinese products?
Well I don't think
that is a concern for us.
After all, our quality is higher
and price lower.
These prices are only possible
if the production
costs and selling price
function on these numbers.
The Indian rupee keeps fluctuating.
Where is the contingency
plan for that?
If the dollar rises
raw material costs will also increase.
Isn't that right?
Actually, you are totally right
we should have factored that in.
You will get our revised
proposal by tomorrow.
You're right.
Anything can happen.
Don't you have elections
in Sri Lanka next year?
The policy could change
with a new government.
And then the tax concessions
you have committed to us
may also change.
We must factor that in too.
You're absolutely right, Mr. Mehra
As usual.
Oh my god!
I love that picture of Pluto
you put up yesterday.
Isn't it the best?
He's so cute.
What's Pluto?
It's a planet.
It was.
Pluto is our doggie.
Pluto is our brother.
Does he look like you?
Why didn't anyone tell me
Manav's cousin is so cute?
You're really stupid!
When are you going
back to Delhi, Kabir?
Tomorrow, after the meeting.
Why? What is the hurry?
Stay another day na.
Do you still ride that plane?
I even fly it now, Aunty.
You had promised me you'll come.
Then what happened?
I have vertigo.
In any case...
if I leave for even a day
this house falls apart.
I heard
dad is selling the plane?
Don't remind me.
I may jump off from here.
Ayesha, please work out a way
that he doesn't have to sell it.
I know this plane is
your one true love,
but Ayka needs an asset reduction.
It's a dead investment.
You know...
When I got married,
I was so shy in front of my in-laws.
Forget talking about business.
I could hardly say 'yes', 'no'.
But how times have changed...
Mom tell us that story,
when you met the Maharaja of Jodhpur.
You know...
Even Kabir felt my name
should have been on the card.
The invitation was from the Mehras.
You're not a Mehra anymore.
You are a Sangha.
And please tell Kabir...
how was he behaving with Nitya?
They are not kids.
I know.
But she is my cousin
and your brother...
spoilt brat!
Brat or not, Kablr Is my best frlend.
We met 5 years ago
and have been Inseparable slnce.
Oh great... I forgot
to Introduce myself.
After all, even I
belong to thls famlly.
Hello, handsomel
And at the rlsk of soundlng Impollte
If anyone In thls famlly Is normal,
It Is me...
Pluto Mehra.
Ayesha is upset
her name was not on the card.
How was your meeting?
Papa did everything on Skype.
How modest my baby is!
Just like Mama.
I don't think Ayka needs me.
What do you mean?
The company is for you.
You're our son...
who else will manage it?
I don't know.
Maybe Papa can find
someone more qualified.
What is the matter?
It's diet.
There is no such thing
don't lie.
You want cheese toast?
Hot chocolate fudge from Nirula's?
Are you even listening to me?
I don't think I belong here.
If you didn't belong here
why would you be born here?
This 'mummy' logic na...
If you could wish for
one thing right now
what would it be?
Anything, tell me?
I wish dad wasn't selling the plane.
It's so oily.
How can anyone eat this?
What else is there?
- Just this.
Just this?
- Great. Thank you.
- Yes, sir?
Get some fruit.
I've told you to tell
them in the morning
what you want to eat.
It's not just about me.
You think you should be eating this?
Good luck with your weight loss.
Pass the yoghurt.
Ayesha is upset
her name is not on the card.
Oh ya?
She did all the planning, not me.
If we put Ayesha's name on the card
then we'll have to put Manav's as well
and then everyone will think
he is paying for the cruise.
It's confusing.
I told you she'd be upset.
Then talk to her...
Mother Indla.
Guys please.
I am selling some of my shares.
I need to buy something.
Oh really!
Those Louis Vuitton bags
and shoes aren't enough?
Now you need to own their company?
I want to buy my son a gift
if you don't mind?!
What gift?
- The plane you are selling.
Have you no shame?
I didn't say anything.
What's wrong with you, Kabir?
- Just leave him out of this.
At your age
I used to take a bus to work.
On foot, when I had no money.
The soles of my shoes would wear out!
I've worked very hard, Kabir-
Really? Then?
We've never heard this story before.
And you?
You want to buy our plane from us?
You are a genius, Neelam.
They are my shares.
I'll do what I want
with my money, okay.
Your money?
You only have this money
because I earned it.
And I supported you.
- Shut up okay.
Don't talk to me like this.
Human belngs are
blessed wlth language.
It Is a glft that enables
them to clearly express
thelr thoughts, Ideas and emotlons.
But the Irony Is that
In splte of thls power,
the acute lack of
understandlng between them,
wlll not be found In mute anlmals.
If there can be so much
mlsunderstandlng In one nuclear famlly,
how can one even hope for world peace?
What is this, Amrish?
If I hadn't come for a random check
you would've shipped these off?
Is this Ayka's finish?
You're the supervisor.
Is this how you supervise?
Bhal saab...
I heard from the bank.
Bad news.
They are not willing
to take any more risks.
The account is already overdrawn.
And everyone we owe
money to is calling.
How can they do this?
25 years we've been
working with them...
This is how they
value our relationship?
What do they want?
Should I put up a hoarding?
That Ayka is bankrupt!
I can delay it.
But we'll have to pay up. What to do...
Everything is okay...
I am okay.
I am okay.
Oh, Kamal will be so upset.
We'll miss you guys...
I'll tell him.
I'll tell him.
Bye... Bye...
The Kumars are not coming.
8,000 Euros saved.
Do you have to be so crude?
The company is bleeding.
Interest is mounting by the day.
So forgive me for being crude.
Prem thinks I should talk to Lalit.
Lalit Sood?
You're selling shares?
For partnership?
He has deep pockets.
You have to be at an advantage
with a man like Lalit.
Give him something he needs...
But what?
That bastard has everything.
Except a
His daughter Noorie...
Her engagement broke up. I told you.
Why, what did she do?
Who cares!
She is Lalit Sood's only heir.
Does Kabir know her?
They must have met socially.
What are you thinking?
Kabir and Noorie?
No, actually... It's not a bad idea.
Anyway Naina Sood must be
quite desperate these days.
Should I invite them?
What about Vinod?
If we call them Vinod will get upset.
Don't worry about him...
He survived a heart attack.
He'll live through this too.
Hi Naina!
How are you?
Very well...
Okay, I've called to invite you...
It's our wedding anniversary
and we are going for a cruise.
And we'd love you all to join us.
Ayesha Didi!
- Hello, darling!
Hi, Saira Aunty!
- Hey boy!
Oome on!
Pluto Mehra.
Oome to me...
Why is he on the leash?
Ship rules...
- Sorry Pluto!
Great show Kabir.
Oongratulate Ayesha, Jamaal uncle.
It's all her doing.
Your sister is a genius...
Forbes magazine's top 10 entrepreneurs.
Oongratulations, Kamal.
Next year it'll be my son.
He just cracked an
incredible deal in Mumbai.
You should have seen him, Jamaal...
He was a tiger!
Good job, Kabir.
Proud of you!
You have completely
forgotten Delhi and all of us.
Not at all, Amrish uncle!
You must come more often.
Of course I will.
But I'm really happy that you are here.
Kamal Ji personally invited Sunny & me.
I had to come.
I hope Sunny comes too.
How many change of
clothes have you brought?
Should be enough no?
The Ohaddhas are upset
they were not invited.
Aren't they your friends Indu?
Everyone can't be invited.
They invited the dog.
He is better behaved than the Ohaddas.
Naina! Hello!
- Oh my god!
So glad you all could make it.
What are they doing here?
Welcome aboard, Lalit.
This is amazing, Kamal.
Hello, Kamal.
How are you?
Top of the world, as usual.
She was so little when I last saw her.
Right, Neelu?
Oome let's have a drink.
I'll just join you in a second...
Oome come... Please come...
It's not easy.
But he'll learn.
Lalit Sood is here.
Give him the best suite.
These should be no issues.
No screw ups, okay?
What are you waiting for?
What is this, Papa?
Why do you talk to Prem uncle in this tone?
He's your brother, not your assistant.
Don't be silly.
I think you need a drink.
We all were worried about you.
Good to see you back in action, Sir.
It's god's grace
that I got luckys.
You never know with the heart.
I just got an EOG done.
Where did you do it?
- In Bombay.
Let me know if you ever need a bypass.
Very good
Did you know Kamal
had invited the Soods?
They say dogs have a
strong sense of smell.
But when It comes to snlfflng out trouble,
humans aren't far behlnd.
Not only do they antlclpate
danger In advance,
they even plan thelr response to lt.
Ironlcally, the blggest
threat to a human belng
Is another human belng.
To shleld themselves,
they change thelr colour
to sult thelr envlronment.
And they become
a blt llke chameleons.
For Instance,
Vlnod Khanna and Lallt Sood
are shaklng hands.
When In reallty, It Is a show of strength.
Thelr wlves are exchanglng smlles
but It Is a barlng of fangs.
Thelr chlldren have been
Instructed to keep a dlstance,
but are actually slzlng each other up.
Pretenslon Is a purely human tralt.
When others do lt,
people call It hypocrlsy.
And when they do It themselves,
they call It worldllness.
So all I can say Is
that Mr. And Mrs. Mehra
are very worldly people.
Attention attention...
Today, all of you...
my dear friends...
are here tonight...
What can I say.
I feel on top of the world!
Neelu, my beautiful wife...
When I first met you,
I was nothing.
And even today, without you
I'd be nothing.
I can't say it enough...
I love you, Neelu.
Go for it!
That's my buddy!
Touch wood, Vinod.
God has been very kind.
Our only wish is that
our daughter...
and our son-in-law...
quickly give us a grandson!
Oheers to that!
Oome on lets have dinner!
You know Vinod just had a heart attack.
- I know...
If we knew the Soods are coming
we wouldn't come.
Vandana aunty, it must've
slipped Mama's mind...
Everyone knows our equation with the Soods.
Vinod can't stand Lalit Sood.
Mom please take it easy...
They're standing right here.
Rana, please!
Neelu should've told us.
Now what have I done?
You could've made a little
more effort at your outfit.
I did.
- It's not a big deal...
I don't get involved in
making these guest lists.
Neelam looks into all that.
Don't be formals.
We've been tolerating our
wives for so many years.
We can tolerate the Soods for 2 weeks!
O'mon man!
It's your anniversarys...
Oome on Smita Ji, you must have a drink!
Shall I get you a drink?
I have arthritis.
I can't hold the glass for too long.
I'll help you.
I love this Neelam Aunty.
This is so stunning!
Thank you!
My anniversary gift.
Have you met Kabir?
- Yes.
Oome here, son.
Have you met Noorie?
Yes... Hi.
Now she's your responsibility...
Have fun.
Thank you.
So what's been up?
What's been up?
My fianc left me at the altar.
Everyone is laughing at my family
and my mom blames me.
But you already knew this?
My fianc Jai went to Goa-
Ex-fiance, Jai...
went to Goa for his bachelor trip.
There he met a hippie, fell in love
and that was that.
That's rough.
It was in the front page of the Delhi Times.
Noorie Sood...
"Not so Hippie!"
That boy Jai has turned us into a joke...
That's just how people are.
Look at some of my own friends...
They love discussing
other peoples' problems.
I'm having a 'Mata ki Ohowki' next month.
God's given us just one daughter...
Atleast now he should be kind.
He was being kind.
Let me tell you Naina...
Noorie is meant to find
a better boy than Jai.
Believe me.
Dinner was great, haan?
Did you try the prawns?
They were fantastic!
Did you notice...
Noorie and Kabir were really bonding.
Did Naina say anything to you?
It's just been a day.
Just one day...
But it's been 30 years for us.
How time has flown...
Why are you acting?
No one is watching.
Everyone is saying how well
you planned this cruise.
Your name should've been on that card.
Why don't you ever say anything?
Just order yourself another one...
Why do you always eat from my bowl?
Because you always get so irritated.
Makes it more tasty!
By the way...
Jamaal uncle is super impressed
with your Forbes article.
Really Aysh...
What you have done with your company...
I could never do it.
Of course you can.
And anyway...
no one except Jamaal Uncle cares what I do.
Everyone just wants me to have a baby.
Ya, so that will happen too.
It won't...
I'm on the pill.
If you tell anyone I
swear to god I'll kill you.
You know that right?
Manav doesn't know?
Hello, Kabir...
Big man!
Look where your dog is sitting.
Pluto shoo...
Pluto off.
O'mon... Let's go for a swim.
How can you allow him on the bed?
It's disgusting...
Divorce! Divorce! Divorce!
Bye, Kabir.
Look at this dog hair...
We are living in a kennel.
Here we go...
A new story beglns.
Thls Is called love at flrst slght.
What Is love at flrst slght?
You see someone,
a chemlcal reactlon Is
trlggered In the braln,
blood rushes faster through the velns,
a tlngllng sensatlon
passes through the body...
So your heartbeat Increases.
It's not vlslble,
but the two of them are
experlenclng all thls rlght now.
Look at that...
When he comes here,
she goes there.
Even we play such
games In the beglnnlng.
At the start of a new love story,
one doesn't really need speech...
The eyes talk...
The body communlcates.
Nelther you nor I heard a thlng,
but these two just had a conversatlon.
Good Mornlngl Thls Is your Captaln speaklng.
We are approachlng the port of lzmlr
and as predlcted we shall arrlve at 9 am...
Oh no, please!
Go ahead.
You were here first...
Thank you.
You're welcome.
This Rana Khanna is so smart...
What are you are wearing?!
I just woke up.
- So? This is not your bedroom!
Look at Noorie...
You want me to dress like Noorie?
If you don't doll up, how
will you trap a nice boy?
That's what girls your age are meant to do.
What did she say?
Such a lovely colour you're wearing...
Listen, there's an
authentic Turkish Hamam here.
Do you want to come with us?
I have asthma.
The steam makes
I can't.
She even has asthma...
Now that college is over, Divya
what is your career plan?
I don't know...
I like some things, but...
Like what?
You like to sleep.
You could become a coma patient.
Hello, girls!
Sorry! I need to borrow
your sister for a minute...
What happened?
Saira Aunty just told me Amira is pregnant.
That's great!
It's IVF...
We should also try it.
Speak to Saira aunty.
Let's meet Amira's doctor
as soon as we go back.
- Yes.
We have to do this Aysh.
Yes... Okay.
Why didn't you divorce Papa?
What kind of question is this?
I know what all he's done.
Every marriage has problems.
If not an affair, then something else...
Doesn't mean you throw up your hands
and leave.
But why not?
Because that is too easy.
Staying together and solving
problems is difficult,
But also the right thing to do.
Marriage is not a race
you have to finish.
If someone is not
happy then why can't -
What is the matter with you?
Did you have a fight with Manav?
Not a fight, but we aren't-
Ayesha, I don't want to hear it!
Manav is a good man.
He's doing very well for himself.
You'll always have
everything you want.
Have everything I want?
If that's the case why didn't you
marry me off to a mall?
Have you gone crazy?
Just because your
company is doing well
don't let it go to your head.
Forget about your career,
focus on your home.
We anlmals also traln our young.
A lloness teaches her cubs to hunt.
A plgeon teaches her squabs to fly.
But once they've grown up,
they are on thelr own.
Indlan parents somehow can't accept
that thelr offsprlng
are capable enough
to llve llfe on thelr own terms.
I've booked a table at the
night club for you kids.
Please invite Noorie also.
They remaln Involved In
thelr chlldren's llves
way longer than requlred.
Are you going like this
or will you wear some clothes?
Where is your jacket?
If one thlnks wearlng a
jacket wlll solve the problem,
they are sadly mlstaken.
Take off your jacket.
Mom, please!
What please?
Atleast wear some lipstick.
Wanted or not,
the tralnlng never stops.
Stay away from Lalit Sood's daughter.
No need for hi, hellos.
- Oheers!
But can a leopard change hls spots?
Do what you want, the klds today
wlll follow thelr own Instlnct.
Shlnlng glrls,
these sparkllng glrls
The ones you are mad about too
Funny glrls,
these happy glrls
What Is It they want to do
What do they have In thelr heart
What hldes In It's beat
What Is that dream In thelr eyes
What does thelr soul need
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Glrls llke to swlng...
from a llttle ahead
try a new colour Instead
your swag'll knock em deadl
So don't you hesltate at all
Just llve It up
the julce of llfe, drlnk up
that's my glrl, chln up
So don't you shy away at all
Every second's a celebratlon
A raln of songs & jubllatlon
Each moment, llfe's slnglng to me...
My body seems to melt away
My heart seems to lose It's way
A sweetness seems to be attractlng me
I feel a qulverlng Inslde
A sensatlon arlse
As though every breath I take
Intoxlcates wlth somethlng It hldes
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Glrls llke to swlng...
from a llttle ahead
try a new colour Instead
your swag'll knock em deadl
So don't you hesltate at all
Just llve It up
the julce of llfe, drlnk up
that's my glrl, chln up
So don't you shy away at all
Who was that guy?
Which guy?
You were amazing!
Thank you!
No offence ladies,
Would you like to go out
for a drink or dinner
So should I wait or...
Up to you.
...It takes a tigress
to find a tiger-
Kabir, man...
I was sleeping, these guys woke me up.
You can sleep when you're dead.
Hey! I thought the champagne
was coming this way.
Hold on! It's coming.
Noorie, don't you
know sharing is caring.
Oh no... That's okay.
What do you mean it's okay?
You'll fall sick.
No really...
that's okay...
Anyway I wouldn't wear
this grandfather jacket.
Did she just say 'grandfather jacket'?
Noorie, you're a star!
Speaking of stars...
Does anyone know any Nakshatras?
Dude, what's a Nakshastra?
It's half man, half horse.
It has eleven stars...
1, 2, 3, 4...
I can't see anything.
And then you see the legs coming down...
Oan you see the shape?
- I can't see it...
Ptolemy discovered it.
It's from Greek mythology.
I'm bored...
Yuck-nl pulaol
Some warning would have been nice...
Oome on, Divya!
I'm so sorry...
- On my shoes!
I'm feeling really sick...
Not here.
Over the railing.
Over the railing.
Shut up Manav, you're so mean!
Divya, that was epic!
It was epuke!
Dude, I love your shoes!
Louls Voul-ton?
Oome on, Kabir...
You really think this is funny!
Divya what did you eat for breakfast?
What did you eat for dessert?
There is some magic in this name.
Anything can happen here...
It's really beautiful!
Take one more.
Sir, you can't be here...
I just want to meet...
What do you want?
Yes or no?
Taksim Square. 1.30.
There are rules, you know?
Who says I am going?
Start again?
The rule is we can't get
personally involved with guests.
So if you can't stay
away from my rehearsal...
Keep your volume down.
Kabir Mehra.
Farah Ali... Nice to meet you.
Very nice to meet you...
How long you on the cruise for?
Ten days.
We don't have much time.
So quickly tell me
everything about you.
You first.
I'm from Delhi.
I'm from London.
25 years old.
25 years old.
I have one sister.
I have two sisters.
I have a dog.
I want a dog.
Grilled fish.
Kebab platter.
I can do a back flip.
I can fly a plane.
Oan you ride a cycle?
I have a birthmark on my right leg.
I have a scar on the right leg.
I fractured my hand when I was 8.
Toe fracture when I was 16.
No tattoos.
One tattoo.
You're in a hurry!
What? Really?
Don't judge!
One serious girlfriend.
One serious boyfriend.
I love video games.
- I hate video games.
What? Lame.
I can beat you in a cycle race.
You can try.
I bet my golf kit,
Your dad wants Lalit
Sood to invest in Ayka.
Why would you think that?
Why else would he invite them?
God I hope not...
That Lalit Sood is a vulture.
Your dad is a hawk.
It's a perfect match.
Why don't we invest in Ayka?
That way the company
will stay in the family.
Are you crazy?
I don't want any new equation with
your father or brother.
when it comes to you...
it's a different matter.
Please, Manav...
It's been such a long
day, I'm so tired.
Oome here.
Hi, Pluto! Hi, handsome!
When I was one,
whenever I heard music
I would crawl to the speaker,
hold it,
prop myself up and jump...
Up and down.
What a memory!
Shut up!
My mom told me.
Born to dance...
I was born to dance.
And you...
Born for business?
That's what my family says...
That is all I heard since I was a kid.
I was always told I have to
be a good housewife.
My family is very conservative.
So then?
How did you convince them?
I couldn't...
So I ran away.
What do you mean ran away?
Like literally ran away?
My house was in Birmingham.
One night I packed my bag,
put the 200 pounds I had saved
in my pocket...
and I took a train to London.
Where did you live?
I had some friends there.
If I was lucky, their couch,
Otherwise a park bench.
But mostly I was lucky.
And money?
I worked.
That way I saved money
and paid for dance school.
Fearless Farah...
If you were in my place
even you would be fearless.
You would've jumped from here...
and then... sink or swim baby.
Whlle some glrls need to run,
others have to hlde.
To llve llfe on thelr own terms,
glrls are often left wlth no cholce.
Interestlngly enough,
If a boy meets a glrl,
the famlly has no problem at all.
In fact, they are happy
he's all grown up.
But If a glrl meets a boy,
the famlly Is apparently dlshonoured.
Whatever thls loglc Is...
It's beyond my understandlng.
Where were you all night?
I was just hanging out.
Hanging out what?
I was with a friend.
We were talking.
That's all.
Who is this friend?
Who is this friend?
Last night...
Noorie was in Kabir's room.
How do you know?
Naina told me.
She is very upset.
That's good news, Neelu!
What are you doing?
She is so upset!
I explained to her
if the kids want to
be together then...
We don't mind.
Absolutely. We have no problem.
Why would they have a problem?
Noorie is Lalit Sood's only daughter
and Kamal has zero credibility
in the market today.
Being related to us will benefit him.
Oome on, Lalit!
Think of your own benefit.
Noorie should get married.
Oome on, Naina.
- IOome on.
If we have to help them for that
what is the problem!
You are just...
Oome on, trust me!
Where are you taking me?
Just come with me.
You're making me nervous, Noorie.
If anyone asks, I was
with you last night...
Not bad, Noorie ji!
That's one hell of
an emergency landing.
Shut up!
Don't tell anyone, okay?
Don't worry...
Your secret is safe with me.
Thank you!
- Now listen.
If anyone asks...
Tell them I was a
little unwell so I left.
Where are you going?
What're you doing?
The flrst tlme
when I lald eyes on you
Hear me glrl,
thls Is what I made of you
I knew meetlng you Is the end of me
I spoke to my heart and sald baby
Don't go down thls road
Thls Is not meant to be
But my heart...
sald aloud
What has to be, wlll be
Have no fear, good or bad
What has to be, wlll be
So, dld you llsten to your heart?
So, dld you choose your path?
Yes, I heard my heart
Yes, I chose my pathl
The flrst tlme
when I lald eyes on you
Hear me boy,
thls Is what I made of you
I knew you take advlce from your heart
I knew you are sllghtly crazy
We'll speak of love when we meet
And the thlngs you
say wlll be very sweet
But my heart...
sald aloud
What has to be, wlll be
Have no fear, good or bad
What has to be, wlll be
So, dld you llsten to your heart?
So, dld you choose your path?
Yes, I heard my heart
Yes, I chose my pathl
Llke a wave crashes Into another,
Our heartbeats Intertwlne
We keep golng, but lost In each other,
Are our hearts and mlnds.
How and why dld we get so close
It may seem llke a small thlng
You've been thlrsty for a whlle now
And I too have been longlng
I knew meetlng you Is the end of me
I spoke to my heart and sald baby
Don't go down thls road
Thls Is not meant to be
But my heart...
sald aloud
What has to be, wlll be
Have no fear, good or bad
What has to be, wlll be
So, dld you llsten to your heart?
So, dld you choose your path?
Yes, I heard my heart
Yes, I chose my pathl
Our ship is not so far from Egypt
that you can't come.
Anyway I don't keep well these days...
Who knows if I will be
able to travel again.
Oome, if you can...
It will make me happy.
Okay, son.
See you.
Oome on, Amrish uncle
Wasn't that a little too melodramatic?
These days to meet your kids
you have to do a little drama.
You haven't seen Sunny
in a while, right?
So he is in Egypt these days?
Yes, Egypt.
Is that his girlfriend?
Who knows?
As if he will tell his father.
Thank you for inviting us.
What are you saying, man...
Oan I speak to you honestly?
Of course, Lalit.
There are no secrets between us.
What percentage of Ayka
are you planning to sell?
Prem told me.
I'm not happy
but it's a way to expand the business.
And what if I suggest...
that we take our friendship...
to the next level?
The kids have grown quite close.
Yes even I noticed.
Noorie is a very sensible girl.
So as I was saying...
Those shares...
Why don't I buy them?
If Kabir and Noorie
really want to be together
then the business will
stay in the family.
Kabir and Noorie?
The surprises life
throws at us, Lalit!
You tell me!
Good morning!
Good morning!
I have to host a dance
class for kids at 10.
Oome on, fearless Farah...
Oall in sick.
Don't you get sick leave?
Of course!
Without pay.
So, I'll pay you.
Money can't buy you everything, Mehra.
It's just one day, Ali.
Bunk it.
You know...
Some people actually
enjoy what they do.
Obviously you are not one of them.
My treat.
Lunch is not possible,
I have a family commitment.
You want to come with me?
To your family lunch?
Why should I suffer alone?
Are you sure?
Please come...
You should also meet the loonies.
Will you come?
You saved me!
If they've invited you, you must go.
Great! Thank you.
We should make our guests
feel welcome.
So attending a party is
well within the boundaries.
I told you it is not a theme party.
I have to do this.
You knew it was a heart attack?
It's god's grace,
that Vandana isn't a widows today.
Drinking is allowed?
I exercise a little
and I control my diets.
Tell Neelu to control her diet too.
Her food habits are very unhealthy.
And wanting the body of
a 24 year old at his age
is very healthy.
Hello, beautiful!
Kabir, where were you?
Farah, this is my crazy sister, Ayesha.
Everyone says that dad
gave us all this money...
and you're crazy to
actually build the empire
that we've built.
You need to look at the great leaders
and learn from them-
Who is that girl with Kabir?
I know her.
She is a dancer at Oha Oha Oha Olub.
She was fantastic.
Oh! I think I've seen it
but from the outside.
Hey Kabir, how's it going?
Good bro...
What happened?
Who is that girl?
Why is everyone asking about her?
Who all?
Naina Sood.
She is a friend... Why?
Don't you think it's inappropriate
to bring her to the party?
No, I don't think so.
Noorie could have a problem with it.
Naina has told us everything.
Told you what?
Noorie stayed in your room?
Now don't pretend.
We know everything.
Mom... Noorie is...
From a respectable family,
as are you.
What is so funny ya?
Is it a joke?
Kabir, it's a serious matter!
The Soods are also worried.
Papa, please ya!
Lalit spoke to me himself.
I told him I'd speak
to you and let him know.
Okay, tell me...
What is your intention with Noorie?
My intention?!
Yes, your intention!
Has anyone spoken to Noorie?
I am sure her parents will talk to her.
Because she has no interest
in a future with me.
Then make her interested!
But even I am not interested.
Are you interested in that plane?
Tell me...
Do you want the plane or not?
Are you bribing me?
Kabir, don't be silly...
No, what's going on?
Is Lalit Sood investing in Ayka?
If this marriage happens.
He will buy 49% stake in Ayka.
The company control stays with us...
Stays with you!
It will be perfect!
We won't have to sell the plane.
You can have it,
all by yourself!
You can take your friends...
Fly Noorie around too!
Noorie is such a lovely girl.
Papa, what are you guys doing here?
Everyone is asking...
What is going on?
You know what...
Let me speak to Noorie.
About what?
Tell your sister...
Mom, please...
I told you
let me speak to Noorie first.
Kabir and Noorie...
What are you people doing?!
What are we doing?
Kabir, have you lost your mind?
Lost your mind?
They are made for each other!
You said the same thing about Manav and me
and now I want a divorce-
What did she say?
Oome here...
What are you doing?
Sunny is here.
Oh my god!
That's all I need...
What is going on, dude...
You are freaking me out.
I am freaking you out?
- Yes!
I am freaking you out!
And what are you doing?
Don't listen to them.
You don't know them.
Oan you forget them for a moment?
How can I?
They do everything
for their own benefit
Do you really want this marriage?
Do you really want this divorce?
Has Ayesha mentioned this to you before?
She said they are having problems.
What problems?
I don't know...
I didn't ask.
You didn't ask?
You didn't even ask?
Are you deaf?
I said what I had to.
Every marriage has problems.
No need to make it an issue, move on.
What great advice, Neelam.
She is moving on to a divorce.
If you know better, speak to her.
She is your daughter too.
Why do you keep telling me?
Should I ask Prem to talk to her?
They are quite close.
That's a brilliant idea!
Then he'll tell Indu and that radio
will broadcast it all over Delhi.
She just needs an
excuse to talk about me.
I think it's a fantastic idea!
Neelam ji will be really happy, Sunny.
She's asked about you twice.
How long will you keep working, Papa?
What else will I do?
I am here.
How can I just quit?
How would they feel.
They treat us like family.
Who takes their manager on a cruise?
Ayesha! Look...
The melodrama worked!
Don't be too long.
They are waiting.
I thought you weren't coming.
Sorry to disappoint you.
No, not at all...
Good you came.
Amrish uncle was really missing you.
You are looking good.
Everything else okay?
And your husband...
Sorry... How is he?
He is amazing.
I've been very lucky, touchwood.
That's great.
Oh my God!
It's Oaptain Sunny Gill!
It's Mr. Oaptain to you.
Mr. Oaptain Sunny Gill!
You never know who you'll run Into
when you turn a corner.
Sunny Glll.
There was a tlme when Sunny
and Ayesha were very close.
The best of frlends.
In fact, Sunny was the
one who gave me to Ayesha.
Those were the days.
Sunny, Ayesha and Kablr.
That was my whole world.
Then Sunny went far away.
Ayesha got marrled.
Her new famlly dldn't want me.
And I ended up wlth Kablr.
Today, once agaln,
we are all together...
and all I can hope for Is that
thls tlme It stays that way.
God bless you!
Big journalist you have become.
I try to read your articles,
but they are very depressing.
All this bloodshed, war...
Write some good news also!
I write in the hope that one day
the news will get better.
Just look at this...
That's beautiful!
It's from Egypt.
Beautiful... Thank you.
You are most welcome.
And also...
Thank you for the cheque.
Who pays back money these days.
That too with interest, Amrish saab!
I could never really repay you
for all you've done for me.
Oh ho! Oome here...
You're like our son.
Now go get ready.
Let's put our Punjabi livers to use!
Bye, son!
Why did you take money from him?
He insisted, so I had to.
He is a good kid.
I am glad he is doing so well.
I always knew he has it in him.
I'm glad I sent him
to study in America.
You sent him to study?
As far as I can remember
you had another reason.
Sorry we are late.
Actually, we were
waiting for our friends.
They live here in Kusadasi.
And this is Guler.
Oh yes.
That's better.
Shall we?
Where is Noorie?
Don't ask!
You know how these kids are.
She has left us
and gone out with their son Kabir.
Don't worry about Manav & me...
We're fine.
I don't know why I said all that.
I think I was really upset and-
Not now, Ayesha.
We'll talk later.
Smita Ji...
He is a journalist.
He writes for The Geographic.
It's very big paper...
You must be reading it?
That's okay...
Let him show off, it's only fair.
Better if he did it behind my back.
My wife, Ayesha.
They used to be best friends.
Used to be meaning?
He went away to America.
Where did you study, son?
Yale, aunty.
My uncle used to read law there...
'68... maybe '69...
Will she hang it on the walls?
You can hang carpets
on the wall right?
I guess if you don't understand art
then you should hang carpets!
Excuse me.
That's an amazing story.
Thank you.
Thank you for listening.
Oome sit with us.
I am sure they'll
give us another chair.
No, I am good...
I am really good.
I just wanted to borrow
my husband for a minute...
Of course.
Do you have to do this
on our anniversary?
Why, what did I do?
Please don't embarrass me, Kamal.
You've been stuck to
that Guler like a leech.
Have you gone mad?
They are our guests.
I am just looking after them
and so should you.
You know Noorie and me are together?
So why did you propose to her?
Kamal uncle spoke to my parents.
Excuse me?
Your parents spoke to my dad-
Whatever, Kabir.
You could have said no.
Because thanks to
Noorie, everyone thinks
she is in my room every night.
Thank you...
For keeping quiet.
But enough now.
We are not in school.
I don't care what our families think.
I care, baby.
You guys really like each other.
Your story is just
like Romeo and Juliet...
Warring families, tragic ending...
That was a bad space, man!
But what if I say...
That your story can
have a happy twist...
By getting engaged to me.
Excuse me?
No, no... Wait. Hear me out...
Just for now.
Mom, Dad, Uncle,
Aunty, everyone happy!
A few months later...
I will dump you.
- Wait, wait...
You cry, shout, scream, pass out...
Try to kill yourself...
Your parents will do
anything to save you.
You say...
"I want to be with Noorie."
That's it...
For your parents he will be like
a knight in shining armour!
It's genius!
And what about your parents?
What do you mean cancel the wedding?
The cards have been printed.
What do I do?
Noorie loves someone else.
She loves Rana.
Rana Khanna?
Because of their family
problems, she agreed-
This is ridiculous!
I'm going to call Naina right now.
It isn't Noorie's fault, Mom!
It's mine.
So stupid...
I did all this for the company.
But I really fell in love with her.
I just want her to be happy.
That's all I want.
Oh my baby...
Oh my child...
I made a big mistake.
What are we going to do, Papa?
You should sell the plane.
Absolutely not!
That's the least we can do for him.
You look very happy...
I am thinking about our bright future.
I've seen many make
promises on this ship.
But as soon as the journey ends...
Are you allergic to romance?
I am being practical.
Being practical!!!
Is that what they teach you in London
is to be practical?
You see it's very important
for every individual to be practical!
If Shah Jehan was practical,
who would've built the Taj Mahal?
What are you doing?
Say you love me...
Say you love me.
Say it.
Say it!
Kabir stop it, I am really ticklish.
Say it!
I love you!
You could be on any ship...
It won't sail without me.
Thank you!
Who's next?
Kiss me!
Any requests?
Who did this?
What nonsense is this?
Who did it?
Don't laugh, Jamaal.
This is rubbish!
I am waiting.
Bhabhl Jll
Vinod, don't get involved.
It was a jokes.
Bhabhi ji, it was a jokes.
Kids joke.
This is very wrong, whoever did this.
Don't do it again.
Okay? Sorted?
Now have a drinks!
Ok now, a song for the host couples!
I'll break Into a bhangra
You also put on your danclng shoes
Come on, let's palnt thls town red
And get everyone to
show us thelr moves
I feel llke fetchlng
For you the stars & the moon
The moon, I'll place In my hand
In my halr, wlll be the stars strewn.
Hello Hello...
Slnce you've hlt the floor
Yello Yello...
A maglc nlght Is In store
Hello Hello...
You seem to have consumed a lot
Yello Yello...
Brother, you got no control at alll
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
That flutter In your eyes
Tortures me a lot
Tlll date you just have to look at me
And an arrow hlts the spot
Wlthout a drlnk I get hlgh
Your beauty Is all I need
How can anyone stay sane
Wlth the restlessness
you make them feel
Hello Hello...
These hearts must connect
Yello Yello...
The llne should be dlrect
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
I don't know why
Thls crazy glrl's so happy
Can thls story please be
Explalned to me
The thlng that everyone wants
Is to flnd thelr dream woman or man
That Is what has happened here
Now do you understand
Now I know,
The song you are slng
Tougher than flndlng the love
Is honorlng the thlng
Hello Hello...
don't mlnd If I say thls much
Yello Yello...
Could you please keep In touch
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
Here you all are!
Delhi's Beyonce!!!
Indu Aunty!!!
You are the one!
She is a star!
Why are you in the bar, Putlu?
Where else would I
be after your dance?
Shut up!
Indu Aunty you were amazing!
- So good!
I got carried away.
I would never do this in Delhi.
What would people think?
They won't think anything.
We are ready for your talent.
Maybe you are ready
but what will the public say?
You will have to migrate now,
it's about your image!
You journalists make such
a big deal about everything.
Big deal?
Yes... Seriously.
Look what you're writing
on women's issues...
You people make it seem like
women here are unsafe all the time.
Every survey seems to say that.
And it's not just about safety,
it's also about equal rights-
Precisely, things are changing.
Slowly but surely,
things are changing.
Take my own family...
Till my dad's generation,
no woman had worked.
But I allowed Ayesha
to run her business.
You allowed Ayesha?
And why does she need your permission?
You know what I mean.
No, I don't know what you mean.
Allowing someone means you are
in a position of
authority, of control...
And that is not equality.
But thank you.
You just proved my point.
I love you...
Indu yaarl
What was that?
What was the need to be rude to Manav?
Why put him down?
What was the point...
And he can put you down?
I am still talking to you.
What do you want to say?
What do you want to say?
I know you sold your jewellery
to start your business.
Without anybody's help
look at where you've reached.
And I am really proud of you!
That's it.
Who the hell does he think he is?
How can he lecture me about you?
He must think I ill-treat you.
Bloody journalist-activist types.
They have no balance.
Everything is black or white for them.
Don't I have a say
in what my wife does?
Don't I have the right to an opinion?
We are a married couple, dammit.
I have the right.
I want a divorce...
And when I said that I allow you,
it doesn't mean that-
I want a divorce.
You want a divorce...
Because of that stupid argument?
Because I don't love you.
I really tried, Manav...
But I can't pretend anymore.
I can't...
I really tried.
I am sorry...
I'm sorry I couldn't love you.
I am sorry...
You should have spoken to me...
I am also like your mother.
Never mind...
What is the problem?
I don't feel for Manav
the way I am supposed to.
What is the problem?
We are not right for each other...
We are not compatible-
Not compatible? How?
You are both young,
You both play squash.
Yes Papa, but...
We are still very different.
Manav is your husband
not your twin brother.
Has he ever hit you?
No, Mom!
Is he stingy?
You don't let her shop?
Is he having an affair?
Even Manav won't be happy with me.
That is my decision, Aysh.
Every marriage has problems.
Just have a baby,
everything will be fine.
You are right.
When you become a mother,
all these problems will go away.
If I'm not happy in this relationship,
then having a baby...
It didn't feel right.
I've been on the pill.
This is not the place
for this conversation.
You are right,
this is between Manav and me.
We are family!
We are here to celebrate
our anniversary.
What will our guests
think if they hear this?
Have you thought about that!
There has been no
divorce in this family
and there never will be.
You get that straight!
Now tell me this won't
ever come up again.
I am talking to you, Ayesha.
Answer me!
I am sorry, Papa.
I can't do that.
So you're just going to leave?
Why are you doing this to us?
Don't think you can come back to us.
That is not your home anymore.
We are not going to
support this nonsense.
Where are you going?
Just go and get her.
Ya, Papa...
I am looking...
I can't seem to find her.
Yes, I am still looking.
Where is Ayesha?
She is very upset.
She is upset?
Papa, how could you tell
her she can't come home?
I'm doing this for her benefit.
It is for her own good.
If Ayesha is not welcome at home,
then I can't live there either.
What is this drama?
It's not drama.
Then what? Emotional blackmail?
Are you emotionally blackmailing me?
Think what you want...
Then go...
Get out.
Let's see how far you reach.
You can't even get a day's work done.
What have you done in life?
Tell me?
What do you have?
You are lucky, I am your father.
Try working outside.
You'll come to your
senses in two days.
Bloody idiot.
People say things they
don't mean in anger.
He was right...
What have I done?
What do I have?
You have this...
And this.
Take a decision from the heart.
Your mind will figure a way out.
Is it that simple?
Some hard work is also required.
Will the soles of my shoes wear out?
You're in love, baby!
Shut up...
You're in a bad space, man!
I won't ditch you.
As soon as the
engagement is announced,
I'll dump you.
Until then just...
Oareful, please!
Sorry, didn't mean to ruin your plan.
What plan?
You were about to jump right?
Listen you were right...
I shouldn't have spoken
to Manav like that.
It was rude.
It's your marriage...
What is right or wrong
is none of my business.
Just wanted to say
I won't cross the line again.
I'm really sorry.
I'd rather jump.
Oome on, Pluto.
Oome on, baby.
Oome on!
I guess he wants to stay.
You were supposed to
remind her of me...
What happened buddy?
Human belngs are so strange...
The thlngs they say to someone
are often meant for someone else.
And the conversatlon they
shy away from the most
Is of the heart, of love.
But It's the only thlng that matters.
Now how to explaln to them
that If you love someone,
just show lt.
There're no roads, near or far
Where a twlst or a turn, Is ever afar
Thls heart wants to let It go
These tatters, don't you try to sew
The road we walk,
Many a tlmes, forks Into two
At every step, we flnd the love,
At every other, It leaves us blue.
But stlll thls llfe
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
These waves of tlme
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
Thls lonellness...
becomes the alr I breathe...
I know not, what to do...
These threads In a tangle,
These threads In a tangle,
Stralghten them out...
Follow the heart, you dreamer
It tells the truth, have no doubt
There Is a restlessness In my hopes,
A dream rests on shut eyes
Thls longlng I had put to sleep,
Once agaln, Is achlng to rlse
Whlch road you want to take...
why don't you know my crazy heart...
But stlll thls llfe
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
These waves of tlme
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
Thls lonellness...
becomes the alr I breathe...
I know not, what to do...
These threads In a tangle,
These threads In a tangle,
Stralghten them out...
Follow the heart, you dreamer
It tells the truth, have no doubt
This cruise is really costing a lot...
That Anju is an alcoholic!
She cans a crate of
champagne every evening.
What are you taking?
Something to help digest this bill.
Why don't you announce
Kabir's engagement?
Waiting on Sood's astrologer.
Oan you believe it?
No one is ready to believe
that Lalit Sood is
investing in our company.
This news will shut them up.
Did you tell Indu
about the engagement?
She can't keep
anything in her stomach.
Then it is time to
give her the good news...
This Noorie...
is very smart.
Just tell us now.
She has gone and conquered Kabir.
Kabir and Noorie?
I didn't say anything.
I'm just worried about Divya.
That girl needs to up her game.
How to dress, how to behave...
I was so impressed with your Rana...
But she went and vomited on him.
That chapter is closed for me.
I am moving on.
What do you think about Sunny?
Very handsome
and different.
What is different?
All men want the same kind of wife.
I'll talk to Neelu Bhabhi.
About what?
About Divya & Sunny's match...
Isn't Divya a bit young?
What is young?
At her age, your mother had two kids.
Talk to Neelu na.
Tell Prem to talk to Amrish.
Sunny is quite a famous
journalist, I hear.
I know.
Divya will get a chance to travel-
Don't you all have
anything better to do?
Leave your kids alone
and get a life.
Get a job!
Has she gone mad?
Who will give us a job?
Yes yes, coming.
Those hags are plotting
your marriage to Divya.
You heard me.
I like what you are wearing, by the way.
So... With Divya?
Please, Sunny.
What is their plan?
It's not a joke.
Don't encourage them.
If they ask, just say no.
Just... No!
I don't even know Divya...
She could be a very nice girl.
She is my cousin!
Why do you care?
You're already married.
I wouldn't be, if we were together.
We would be, if you had waited.
But you jumped on the
first guy that came by.
It was very nice of you.
How dare you?
What are you doing?
I jumped on the first guy?
I jumped!!
You really want to talk
about this right now?
Yes I think it's high time, don't you?
You didn't want to tell your parents.
They would've never accepted it
and you know that.
So what was your plan...
That we run away?
What else could we have done?
Are you crazy?
How would my father
have faced your parents?
And what would they think of me?
They knew about us.
What do you think, Sunny?
Why did Papa send you to America?
Not to study but to keep you away from me!
Did he tell you that?
- Obviously not.
Then how do you know?
- Because I know my father!
Then please tell me...
How did he convince you to marry Manav?
He didn't need to...
Because you did it.
You know, Ayesha that
is really convenient.
Everyone is at fault, except you.
Do you remember...
How many times I called you?
I kept telling you
my parents are pressurizing me...
Please come back, please come back...
Why didn't you come back, Sunny?
I am your father's manager's son!
I wanted to be somebody.
Somebody your parents would accept.
Don't you get it?
And why are we talking about this now?
Manav is great.
You are happy.
What is the point of this-
This is the best place for seafood...
You like fishes?
You will love them.
No fishes for you!
You're coming with me to King's Bar.
I want you to meet Farah.
Don't be late.
I am serious.
You alright?
I'll see you there.
I am coming to King's Bar.
Divya, please.
Ohampagne or me.
Please choose one.
Shut up!
Don't be mean, Rana.
What was that?
It was nothing.
Don't mess with me, Ayesha...
You have no idea how difficult it was
for me to see you again.
So why did you come?
What choice did I have?
Papa was behaving like
it's his last holiday.
It's okay, it doesn't matter.
I am sorry.
So, is that it?
Yes, that's it.
Go... Live your bachelor
life with your girlfriends.
Do your thing.
Is that what you think?
That's what I hear, so that's what I think.
How can someone so smart be so stupid?
Sure you don't want anything?
Some poison?
A slap?
Here you all are!
Oome on, dinner is served.
Let's go.
We are not hungry,
in fact we are all working up an appetite.
Very good.
You sneaky boy!
When is the big day?
Sorry... What big day?
Nice acting, Ayesha!
We know all about it...
He is getting married!
You're getting married??
To whom?
To her!
Nothing like that, Saira Aunty...
Who told you?
Your Indu Aunty!
No engagement, they're
directly planning the wedding.
Oome on, let's celebrate!
I think it's very good they're not
bothering with an engagement.
It's a waste of time.
Don't do it guys, it's a trap!
Please just stop.
Are you okay?
I am not okay.
What was that?
Look I am really sorry... I have no idea.
You people don't talk to each other or what?
You're getting married?
No babe...
It's a long story.
I am not deaf, Kabir.
I heard what your Aunties said.
Please hear me out too?
It's true that Noorie &
I are getting engaged...
but there is a reason for that-
Farah, please wait!
I am not getting married!
Go tell Noorie that you asshole!
Farah, please just listen-
To what?!
We met, I liked you, we had a fun time.
I was fine.
Then this I love you,
I want to be with you...
What was the need to lie?
You made an arse of me, Kabir.
What's going on?
Noorie meets Rana, not me.
They are together.
I was trying to help them out.
The next thing I know,
Papa was bribing me with
the plane to marry her.
And you said yes?
Are you stupid?
What about them?
These are our parents?
Am I an asset?
I thought I'd teach them a lesson.
If they can use me for the company,
I can use them for my plane.
So what's the difference
between you and them?
Ayesha, please!
Out out the moral science.
You would've done the same thing.
No! I wouldn't.
If I don't agree with them, I tell them.
Oh really?
Did you tell them about the card?
That was not important.
Oan you please just grow up?
What are you doing?
What do you want to do?
We are not getting married!
There's been some confusion.
Don't you trust me?
I don't know, you are a Sood.
What is that supposed to mean?!
You know what I mean!
You know the problem between our families.
What problem?
Your aunt was engaged to my uncle
and one day before the wedding she eloped.
That's because your sleazy uncle
was having an affair with his secretary.
Watch your tongue, she's my aunt now.
And she didn't buy my uncle,
like your dad is buying Kamal Uncle for you.
Please classify my account...
This is too much.
Where were you?
I got a call from Delhi.
Sit Kamal.
Have you seen Prem?
I don't see him after 10 pm.
Don't tell me. He sleeps that early?
And I'm the queen of the night.
Tell Neelu I went back to the ship.
Kamal JI...
Please take Putlu with you.
It's getting late.
Good night, everybody.
Good night, bye!
Kamal Uncle saw Rana & me together...
What were you both doing?
I'll handle it.
And Noorie...
There are 500 rooms on the ship.
What happened?
Don't ask...
Are you okay?
Get me some water.
Ya, sure.
Oan I get some water?
Kamal Uncle!
Sir, are you okay?
Oall the ship...
Tell them to open the medical centre.
He may be having a heart attack!
Hurry up!
Don't complain...
You are the luckiest out of the lot!
I totally agree!
How is he?
We don't know...
Kabir, it's all my fault...
He was already so stressed and I...
It wasn't you...
What happened?
The doctor is with him...
He's been on anti-anxiety
pills for a few months.
I didn't even know.
Oome here.
There is nothing to worry about.
It's a severe case of gas.
We've given him something for the heartburn.
He'll be fine in a few minutes.
Excuse me.
You have no idea what I've been through.
What you've been through?
What are you doing?
Stop it!
Stop it!
Have you ever thought about me?
Should I keep living with the fear
that you will leave me.
Yes, one minute.
Oome in.
You okay?
Ya, top of the world!
You scared us, Papa.
I'm glad you are fine.
Please forget this Noorie...
She is not serious about Kabir, trust me.
We've given our word to the Soods.
Sorry for everything.
Don't be sorry, Papa.
Actually I never planned to marry Noorie...
I know about her & Rana...
Noorie, with Rana?
She likes him.
They are together...
I was just helping them out.
So, I'm sorry.
You are sorry?
That's it, you are sorry?
What is the meaning of sorry now?
This isn't a joke.
This is a very serious matter.
Yes, of course it's serious...
For you it's a business deal, right?
It's not just our business,
it's yours too.
It isn't mine...
And I don't want it.
What do you mean you don't want it?
Now that he is fine and we are talking,
let's talk openly...
I don't want to be the OEO of Ayka.
I am not good enough.
I know that.
You will learn.
I won't be able to.
I don't have what it takes.
Then what will you do?
I like flying...
I want to do something in that field.
And our business?
Should we sell Ayka to someone else?
Give it to that Mehra who
has his business acumen.
Who deserves it, who is worthy of it.
It's called Ayka, right?
So if you want to save your company
let your son go
and bring your daughter back home.
What rubbish!
She is in her home.
She is miserable.
Oan't you guys see that?
Don't you care?
Of course we care!
But do you know what
divorce means in our society?
It's not easy.
So if I am about to do something difficult,
you should be even more supportive, right?
What are you talking, Ayesha?
If you do all this,
people will talk. You know that.
They are doing that anyway, aren't they?
Whether something happens or not,
that is what people do-
What are these two saying?
I just don't understand this girl.
The problem, Neelam...
is that the morality & values we had,
don't exist any more.
Marriage has become a joke.
Get married today,
divorced tomorrow!
Since when have you been married?
And what is your morality
and what are your values?
Please tell us.
Stop it, Kabir!
Oh, its true.
Everyone knows about his business trips.
Where he goes, who he
goes with, what he does
and how you pretend nothing has happened.
Whereas the truth is
you have nowhere else to go...
How dare you?
It's the truth.
Please leave.
Just get out of here.
I am not going anywhere.
Is this how you speak to your father?
I am talking to you too.
Don't talk to me, Kabir.
Shut up!
- I don't want to see your face!
I am not going any where.
Everyone in this family talks in circles.
Nothing real is ever said.
What do you want to say?
What more is left to say?
I'm in love with Farah.
She's a dancer and she's a Muslim.
I need to talk to you.
Farah please... I need to talk to you.
Not here.
Then where?
Back off man.
Don't mess with me right now!
Listen, I am sorry.
I screwed up, okay?
I was never going to marry Noorie,
I was just playing a
stupid game with my Dad.
Please, I am sorry.
I love you.
These games are best played with your dad.
This is my place of work...
Get out!
They hate us...
No... I don't think they hate us.
Why didn't you leave me?
You heard Kabir...
I had nowhere to go.
Will you be able to forgive me?
You forgot me, Kamal.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I never forgot you, Neelu
Why do human belngs forget to tell
each other thlngs
when they are together?
And why Is It
that they always
remember the unsald thlngs
when someone Is gone?
Why does the rlght
thlng only come to them
when lts too late?
Everyone is gossiping...
This girl doesn't care about herself
or her family's reputation.
Why have I lived to see this day?
All these years we invested in her...
Invested in me means?
Did I say something wrong?
Did I upset you?
Are you angry?
Tell me?
Tell me...
I'm not allowed to
speak in my own house.
So you only say something...
Why are you quiet?
Okay, fine.
If I upset you, then please...
Please forgive me.
If this is not good
enough, then I will-
I will kill myself!
Will that make you happy?
Mom, please-
This is what she wants!
Smita ji...
That's a butter knife.
That is a butter knife.
Take this.
This will be better.
Hold it like this...
And cut like this.
How dare you speak to
my mother like that?
I am just helping her-
This is ridiculous!
This is my marriage.
And this is my family's
personal matter.
I have had enough.
We should go back.
Oome on.
Ayesha, pack up your bags... Let's go.
Manav, I can't leave.
It's my parents' anniversary.
Don't make me force you, alright?
Let's go.
Easy, tiger-
Shut up!
This is between me and my wife.
Get up!
Manav you are making a scene.
Get up!
Manav... Stop it!
Get up!
What do you think you're doing?
If you even raise a
finger at my daughter...
I'll rip your arm out
and throw it into the sea.
Do you understand?
Please take your son and
leave as soon as possible.
Please go.
You are making a mistake, Kamal ji.
I made a mistake many years ago.
I am sorry.
I am really sorry.
Isn't this Farah's room?
She left.
She got fired.
She got off an hour ago.
I need to get off.
Sir, the ship is
sailing... I am sorry!
Hello, ma'm!
I need to get off the ship.
I am sorry, sir.
You can't get off.
I don't need to come back.
I just need to get off the ship.
Ya, but the ship just pulled out-
No, no, m'am, you don't understand.
It's an emergency, I
need to get off the ship.
Please stop the ship & let me off.
It is a security issue...
I'll give you a security issue,
just let me off the ship!
What's the problem, Sir?
It's an emergency...
It's imperative I get
off the ship right now.
Please stop the ship.
Stop the ship!
- Sir, calm down.
You don't tell me to calm down!
Tell him!
What are you doing?
Farah has left and they are
not letting me off the ship.
So get off at the next port...
The next port is in Greece.
How will I find her, Sunny?
What do you mean loco?
Listen, calm down.
If there is an emergency on the ship,
they must be having a procedure.
They won't stop the
ship without a reason.
I love you.
Ayesha is getting a divorce...
Get ready...
We have to do this right now.
Excuse me, everybody...
I need your attention, please.
Quiet everyone!
Kabir wants to make a toasts.
Thank you, Vinod Uncle.
Actually I am not
here to make a toast.
I am here to apologize.
You are one hell of a woman.
I love you
and you will always be my friend.
But I can't marry you...
Because I am in love
with someone else...
I am sorry, Noorie...
You stay away from her.
Get her here...
Give her air!
Please get some water...
What the hell...
Is this?
Did you know about this?
He knows nothing about
this, Lalit uncle.
I am really sorry, I-
You are sorry now?
You are sorry?
Sorry it had to happen this way.
Happen this way, happen that way...
Kabir, what you have
done is not correct.
You did this to a sweet
girl like Noorie...
It's bad!
I am sorry, I had no choice.
I respect Noorie too much.
I can't lie to her...
The girl I am in love
with has lost her job,
asked to get off the ship...
Because of me.
I have to go and find her.
Papa, can I rely on you?
Papa, can I rely on you?
Because you are my lifeboat.
Where are you going?
Kabir, that's not what I meant!
Sunny, where is he?
I don't know.
Man overboard! Starboard Side.
Kamal uncle!
There... There he is!
Stop the ship.
Go, stop the ship!
Stop engines.
Oscar! Oscar!
Starboard side.
Someone stop this ship!
Where is this Oscar?
My child is drowning!
Oscar means they are
going to send a lifeboat.
They will save him, Kamal Uncle.
He said I am his life boat...
I'm his lifeboat.
I have to go!
The lifeboat is up there.
Get it down...
Do something please, Kamal!
Just get the lifeboat down!!
Don't worry, they're coming!
They will arrest him!
Just do as I say!
How do we get this down?
Figure it out!
Pull the rope!
Lalit, be careful!
Nothing's happening!
Oheck up there.
Kamal Uncle!
Excuse me!
Officer, I need this boat!
Sir, you can't enter!
It's his life, officer!
Back up!
I'll pay you as much as you want.
Back up now.
They are not listening!
Sorry officer, nothing personals.
Just 5 minutes...
Leave me!
Where are you going?
I have to take him to the port, Neelu.
If they catch him, they'll arrest him.
I have to go!
Even I'm coming.
- Not right now!
Then when?!
Fine! Oome!
Bhal saabl
Should I also come?
- No, no you stay here...
Look after the guests, okay?
I'll handle everything here.
You don't worry.
Noorie, where's Mom?
Step back!
Sorry, I've got to go!
Pluto, out!
Ayesha, he won't go!
Are you okay?
I don't know...
Everybody hang on.
Will you wait for me?
Dammit Sunny, say something...
Will you wait for me?
Papa, do you know how this works?
I used to drive a truck...
How hard can this be?
Kamal, please!
There he is, Papa!
Oareful Kamal, don't kill my son!
Are you crazy!
Papa, the guards are coming!
They're coming! Go, go, go!
Hurry up, Kamal!
Oome on! Go!
Why are you not starting?
What is the problem?
Mama, please relax!
You just shut up!
We need to go, Papa!
They're almost here.
Down boy.
Are they really going to arrest us?
Obviously, Neelu.
But after we drop
this fool to the port.
It wasn't just Kablr
who got saved today.
My whole famlly has been rescued.
I had never seen them thls happy
and headed In the
same dlrectlon before.
They say a leopard
can't change hls spots
but man has the power to change.
Now look at my own famlly.
Today they've learnt that
love, alone, Is not enough.
If you love someone, you
have to set them free.
Free to be, free to llve dlfferently.
Every heart beats to It's own rhythm.
Let every heart beat.
And It doesn't matter that for mlles
there Is just water around us.
Or that our boat Is really small.
We are together.
We are for each other.
What else does one want?
To each heart, It's own rhythm
It's own pulse
To each heart, It's own beat
It's own flre
If emotlons melt away
Let It be so
If the Imaglnatlon runs wlld
Let It be so
Let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
Forget what people say, be free
Just let every heart beat
If they have thls
moment but can't llve It
If they have the
drlnk but can't slp It
They don't know what llfe Is
They don't know what bllss Is
That's what we're here to tell you...
If you dare to dream, dare to be crazy
Let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
Forget what people say, be free
Just let every heart beat
Llfe has many colours
Hear that, know that
Each has hls own way
Know that, accept that
If one Is lost
Let hlm flnd hls way
If one Is changlng
Let hlm change away
To each heart, It's own rhythm
It's own pulse
To each heart, It's own beat
It's own flre
If emotlons melt away
Let It be so
If the Imaglnatlon runs wlld
Let It be so
Let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
Forget what people say, be free
Just let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
If you dare to dream, dare to be crazy
Forget the world, be free
Forget what people say, be free
Let every heart beat
The world Is fllled wlth
all klnds of anlmals.
But the strangest specles
Is the human belng.
Tlme just flows for the
rest of the creatures...
But human belngs dlvlde
It Into years, months, days
and make calendars.
They clalm you can't turn back tlme.
And they also say my
blrthday has come agaln.
Whether tlme can turn back or not
all the speclal
occaslons of human belngs
take a u-turn and
come back each year.
Whlch brlngs us to these
hampers belng packed.
These are glfts as well as Invltatlons
for a 30th marrlage annlversary.
The 30th happy annlversary
of Mr. And Mrs. Mehra.
One of Delhl soclety's
most popular couples -
The Mehras.
Thls Is Mr. Kamal Mehra.
A successful buslnessman...
who bullt hls mlghty
emplre from scratch.
A fact he repeats often,
Incase anyone forgets lt.
Mr. Mehra Is referred
to as a self made man.
One wonders that If people
can make themselves...
then why don't they make
themselves a llttle better?
But what does one do?
These days, 'better' Is not deflned
by Intelllgence, honesty or courage
but by somethlng else.
It has to do wlth
somethlng called money.
Nice putt Kamal!
If only you had been this
precise with the Suri deal.
You win some, you lose some, Lalit.
Only a man nearing
the end does accounts.
Oome on!
Beer is on me.
I have a lunch date with my wife...
and I never keep a lady waiting.
See you.
Thls Is hls wlfe, Neelam Mehra.
Mr. Mehra Is not havlng lunch
wlth her, she Is just an excuse.
In fact, they have not
lunched together In years.
Thelr story was qulte
romantlc to begln wlth.
18 year old Neelam had run away
and marrled 22 year old Kamal.
Over tlme, they found
unbellevable success.
But lost each other along the way.
Anyway, thls Is just
Inslde Informatlon.
In front of the world,
thelrs Is a perfect marrlage.
An Ideal couple.
You know na Kamal was in Taiwan
last week for some work...
Guess who had a meeting
in Taiwan the same week?
Don't tell me!
She's such a number!
And this Kamal...
why pack your pants
when you aren't going to wear them?!
We were just talking
about you & Kamal.
It's so sweet of him
to plan a cruise.
My husband doesn't even
remember our anniversary.
How do you remember your husband?
My maid's run away again.
Again? What do you do with them?!
Yes, Ayesha?
Deeya aunty still hasn't confirmed...
I know, mom
but we can't keep the room on hold.
Nice card...
To celebrate 30 years
of Kamal and Neelam,
we wish you to join us
for a 10 day cruise
of Turkey and Greece.
Just like our lives, this journey
won't be the same without you.
Kabir Mehra.
Ayesha Mehra...
Neelam and Kamal's flrst born.
But her name Is not on the
Invlte alongslde her brother's.
Why would It be?
The tradltlon of our natlon
Is that after marrlage
the daughter belongs
to another famlly.
The son could have umpteen marrlages
he wlll always remaln our own.
And so, 21 years after her blrth,
Ayesha was marrled and
shlpped off to Mumbal
to lead a llfe llke all
glrls In these clrcumstances.
But Ayesha Is not
typlcal of the female llk.
Soon after her weddlng,
she started her buslness
- An onllne travel portal.
Today, she Is the
2nd blggest In the market.
Just llke her father,
she too Is self made.
The dlfference Is, she doesn't say lt.
And here we have Kablr Mehra,
the youngest member
of the Mehra famlly.
The male chlld, or rather God's glft.
After all, he wlll
carry on the famlly name.
Just last week, he turned 25.
The apple of hls mother's eye
and the sole helr to
hls father's emplre.
So we have a prlnce
and we have a throne.
But Is that enough?
Only tlme wlll tell If thls prlnce
Is worthy of the throne or not.
And there you have it, folks.
I think it's sufficiently clear
that we can together deliver
a high quality product
for the South Asian market-
And how will you compete
with Ohinese products?
Well I don't think
that is a concern for us.
After all, our quality is higher
and price lower.
These prices are only possible
if the production
costs and selling price
function on these numbers.
The Indian rupee keeps fluctuating.
Where is the contingency
plan for that?
If the dollar rises
raw material costs will also increase.
Isn't that right?
Actually, you are totally right
we should have factored that in.
You will get our revised
proposal by tomorrow.
You're right.
Anything can happen.
Don't you have elections
in Sri Lanka next year?
The policy could change
with a new government.
And then the tax concessions
you have committed to us
may also change.
We must factor that in too.
You're absolutely right, Mr. Mehra
As usual.
Oh my god!
I love that picture of Pluto
you put up yesterday.
Isn't it the best?
He's so cute.
What's Pluto?
It's a planet.
It was.
Pluto is our doggie.
Pluto is our brother.
Does he look like you?
Why didn't anyone tell me
Manav's cousin is so cute?
You're really stupid!
When are you going
back to Delhi, Kabir?
Tomorrow, after the meeting.
Why? What is the hurry?
Stay another day na.
Do you still ride that plane?
I even fly it now, Aunty.
You had promised me you'll come.
Then what happened?
I have vertigo.
In any case...
if I leave for even a day
this house falls apart.
I heard
dad is selling the plane?
Don't remind me.
I may jump off from here.
Ayesha, please work out a way
that he doesn't have to sell it.
I know this plane is
your one true love,
but Ayka needs an asset reduction.
It's a dead investment.
You know...
When I got married,
I was so shy in front of my in-laws.
Forget talking about business.
I could hardly say 'yes', 'no'.
But how times have changed...
Mom tell us that story,
when you met the Maharaja of Jodhpur.
You know...
Even Kabir felt my name
should have been on the card.
The invitation was from the Mehras.
You're not a Mehra anymore.
You are a Sangha.
And please tell Kabir...
how was he behaving with Nitya?
They are not kids.
I know.
But she is my cousin
and your brother...
spoilt brat!
Brat or not, Kablr Is my best frlend.
We met 5 years ago
and have been Inseparable slnce.
Oh great... I forgot
to Introduce myself.
After all, even I
belong to thls famlly.
Hello, handsomel
And at the rlsk of soundlng Impollte
If anyone In thls famlly Is normal,
It Is me...
Pluto Mehra.
Ayesha is upset
her name was not on the card.
How was your meeting?
Papa did everything on Skype.
How modest my baby is!
Just like Mama.
I don't think Ayka needs me.
What do you mean?
The company is for you.
You're our son...
who else will manage it?
I don't know.
Maybe Papa can find
someone more qualified.
What is the matter?
It's diet.
There is no such thing
don't lie.
You want cheese toast?
Hot chocolate fudge from Nirula's?
Are you even listening to me?
I don't think I belong here.
If you didn't belong here
why would you be born here?
This 'mummy' logic na...
If you could wish for
one thing right now
what would it be?
Anything, tell me?
I wish dad wasn't selling the plane.
It's so oily.
How can anyone eat this?
What else is there?
- Just this.
Just this?
- Great. Thank you.
- Yes, sir?
Get some fruit.
I've told you to tell
them in the morning
what you want to eat.
It's not just about me.
You think you should be eating this?
Good luck with your weight loss.
Pass the yoghurt.
Ayesha is upset
her name is not on the card.
Oh ya?
She did all the planning, not me.
If we put Ayesha's name on the card
then we'll have to put Manav's as well
and then everyone will think
he is paying for the cruise.
It's confusing.
I told you she'd be upset.
Then talk to her...
Mother Indla.
Guys please.
I am selling some of my shares.
I need to buy something.
Oh really!
Those Louis Vuitton bags
and shoes aren't enough?
Now you need to own their company?
I want to buy my son a gift
if you don't mind?!
What gift?
- The plane you are selling.
Have you no shame?
I didn't say anything.
What's wrong with you, Kabir?
- Just leave him out of this.
At your age
I used to take a bus to work.
On foot, when I had no money.
The soles of my shoes would wear out!
I've worked very hard, Kabir-
Really? Then?
We've never heard this story before.
And you?
You want to buy our plane from us?
You are a genius, Neelam.
They are my shares.
I'll do what I want
with my money, okay.
Your money?
You only have this money
because I earned it.
And I supported you.
- Shut up okay.
Don't talk to me like this.
Human belngs are
blessed wlth language.
It Is a glft that enables
them to clearly express
thelr thoughts, Ideas and emotlons.
But the Irony Is that
In splte of thls power,
the acute lack of
understandlng between them,
wlll not be found In mute anlmals.
If there can be so much
mlsunderstandlng In one nuclear famlly,
how can one even hope for world peace?
What is this, Amrish?
If I hadn't come for a random check
you would've shipped these off?
Is this Ayka's finish?
You're the supervisor.
Is this how you supervise?
Bhal saab...
I heard from the bank.
Bad news.
They are not willing
to take any more risks.
The account is already overdrawn.
And everyone we owe
money to is calling.
How can they do this?
25 years we've been
working with them...
This is how they
value our relationship?
What do they want?
Should I put up a hoarding?
That Ayka is bankrupt!
I can delay it.
But we'll have to pay up. What to do...
Everything is okay...
I am okay.
I am okay.
Oh, Kamal will be so upset.
We'll miss you guys...
I'll tell him.
I'll tell him.
Bye... Bye...
The Kumars are not coming.
8,000 Euros saved.
Do you have to be so crude?
The company is bleeding.
Interest is mounting by the day.
So forgive me for being crude.
Prem thinks I should talk to Lalit.
Lalit Sood?
You're selling shares?
For partnership?
He has deep pockets.
You have to be at an advantage
with a man like Lalit.
Give him something he needs...
But what?
That bastard has everything.
Except a
His daughter Noorie...
Her engagement broke up. I told you.
Why, what did she do?
Who cares!
She is Lalit Sood's only heir.
Does Kabir know her?
They must have met socially.
What are you thinking?
Kabir and Noorie?
No, actually... It's not a bad idea.
Anyway Naina Sood must be
quite desperate these days.
Should I invite them?
What about Vinod?
If we call them Vinod will get upset.
Don't worry about him...
He survived a heart attack.
He'll live through this too.
Hi Naina!
How are you?
Very well...
Okay, I've called to invite you...
It's our wedding anniversary
and we are going for a cruise.
And we'd love you all to join us.
Ayesha Didi!
- Hello, darling!
Hi, Saira Aunty!
- Hey boy!
Oome on!
Pluto Mehra.
Oome to me...
Why is he on the leash?
Ship rules...
- Sorry Pluto!
Great show Kabir.
Oongratulate Ayesha, Jamaal uncle.
It's all her doing.
Your sister is a genius...
Forbes magazine's top 10 entrepreneurs.
Oongratulations, Kamal.
Next year it'll be my son.
He just cracked an
incredible deal in Mumbai.
You should have seen him, Jamaal...
He was a tiger!
Good job, Kabir.
Proud of you!
You have completely
forgotten Delhi and all of us.
Not at all, Amrish uncle!
You must come more often.
Of course I will.
But I'm really happy that you are here.
Kamal Ji personally invited Sunny & me.
I had to come.
I hope Sunny comes too.
How many change of
clothes have you brought?
Should be enough no?
The Ohaddhas are upset
they were not invited.
Aren't they your friends Indu?
Everyone can't be invited.
They invited the dog.
He is better behaved than the Ohaddas.
Naina! Hello!
- Oh my god!
So glad you all could make it.
What are they doing here?
Welcome aboard, Lalit.
This is amazing, Kamal.
Hello, Kamal.
How are you?
Top of the world, as usual.
She was so little when I last saw her.
Right, Neelu?
Oome let's have a drink.
I'll just join you in a second...
Oome come... Please come...
It's not easy.
But he'll learn.
Lalit Sood is here.
Give him the best suite.
These should be no issues.
No screw ups, okay?
What are you waiting for?
What is this, Papa?
Why do you talk to Prem uncle in this tone?
He's your brother, not your assistant.
Don't be silly.
I think you need a drink.
We all were worried about you.
Good to see you back in action, Sir.
It's god's grace
that I got luckys.
You never know with the heart.
I just got an EOG done.
Where did you do it?
- In Bombay.
Let me know if you ever need a bypass.
Very good
Did you know Kamal
had invited the Soods?
They say dogs have a
strong sense of smell.
But when It comes to snlfflng out trouble,
humans aren't far behlnd.
Not only do they antlclpate
danger In advance,
they even plan thelr response to lt.
Ironlcally, the blggest
threat to a human belng
Is another human belng.
To shleld themselves,
they change thelr colour
to sult thelr envlronment.
And they become
a blt llke chameleons.
For Instance,
Vlnod Khanna and Lallt Sood
are shaklng hands.
When In reallty, It Is a show of strength.
Thelr wlves are exchanglng smlles
but It Is a barlng of fangs.
Thelr chlldren have been
Instructed to keep a dlstance,
but are actually slzlng each other up.
Pretenslon Is a purely human tralt.
When others do lt,
people call It hypocrlsy.
And when they do It themselves,
they call It worldllness.
So all I can say Is
that Mr. And Mrs. Mehra
are very worldly people.
Attention attention...
Today, all of you...
my dear friends...
are here tonight...
What can I say.
I feel on top of the world!
Neelu, my beautiful wife...
When I first met you,
I was nothing.
And even today, without you
I'd be nothing.
I can't say it enough...
I love you, Neelu.
Go for it!
That's my buddy!
Touch wood, Vinod.
God has been very kind.
Our only wish is that
our daughter...
and our son-in-law...
quickly give us a grandson!
Oheers to that!
Oome on lets have dinner!
You know Vinod just had a heart attack.
- I know...
If we knew the Soods are coming
we wouldn't come.
Vandana aunty, it must've
slipped Mama's mind...
Everyone knows our equation with the Soods.
Vinod can't stand Lalit Sood.
Mom please take it easy...
They're standing right here.
Rana, please!
Neelu should've told us.
Now what have I done?
You could've made a little
more effort at your outfit.
I did.
- It's not a big deal...
I don't get involved in
making these guest lists.
Neelam looks into all that.
Don't be formals.
We've been tolerating our
wives for so many years.
We can tolerate the Soods for 2 weeks!
O'mon man!
It's your anniversarys...
Oome on Smita Ji, you must have a drink!
Shall I get you a drink?
I have arthritis.
I can't hold the glass for too long.
I'll help you.
I love this Neelam Aunty.
This is so stunning!
Thank you!
My anniversary gift.
Have you met Kabir?
- Yes.
Oome here, son.
Have you met Noorie?
Yes... Hi.
Now she's your responsibility...
Have fun.
Thank you.
So what's been up?
What's been up?
My fianc left me at the altar.
Everyone is laughing at my family
and my mom blames me.
But you already knew this?
My fianc Jai went to Goa-
Ex-fiance, Jai...
went to Goa for his bachelor trip.
There he met a hippie, fell in love
and that was that.
That's rough.
It was in the front page of the Delhi Times.
Noorie Sood...
"Not so Hippie!"
That boy Jai has turned us into a joke...
That's just how people are.
Look at some of my own friends...
They love discussing
other peoples' problems.
I'm having a 'Mata ki Ohowki' next month.
God's given us just one daughter...
Atleast now he should be kind.
He was being kind.
Let me tell you Naina...
Noorie is meant to find
a better boy than Jai.
Believe me.
Dinner was great, haan?
Did you try the prawns?
They were fantastic!
Did you notice...
Noorie and Kabir were really bonding.
Did Naina say anything to you?
It's just been a day.
Just one day...
But it's been 30 years for us.
How time has flown...
Why are you acting?
No one is watching.
Everyone is saying how well
you planned this cruise.
Your name should've been on that card.
Why don't you ever say anything?
Just order yourself another one...
Why do you always eat from my bowl?
Because you always get so irritated.
Makes it more tasty!
By the way...
Jamaal uncle is super impressed
with your Forbes article.
Really Aysh...
What you have done with your company...
I could never do it.
Of course you can.
And anyway...
no one except Jamaal Uncle cares what I do.
Everyone just wants me to have a baby.
Ya, so that will happen too.
It won't...
I'm on the pill.
If you tell anyone I
swear to god I'll kill you.
You know that right?
Manav doesn't know?
Hello, Kabir...
Big man!
Look where your dog is sitting.
Pluto shoo...
Pluto off.
O'mon... Let's go for a swim.
How can you allow him on the bed?
It's disgusting...
Divorce! Divorce! Divorce!
Bye, Kabir.
Look at this dog hair...
We are living in a kennel.
Here we go...
A new story beglns.
Thls Is called love at flrst slght.
What Is love at flrst slght?
You see someone,
a chemlcal reactlon Is
trlggered In the braln,
blood rushes faster through the velns,
a tlngllng sensatlon
passes through the body...
So your heartbeat Increases.
It's not vlslble,
but the two of them are
experlenclng all thls rlght now.
Look at that...
When he comes here,
she goes there.
Even we play such
games In the beglnnlng.
At the start of a new love story,
one doesn't really need speech...
The eyes talk...
The body communlcates.
Nelther you nor I heard a thlng,
but these two just had a conversatlon.
Good Mornlngl Thls Is your Captaln speaklng.
We are approachlng the port of lzmlr
and as predlcted we shall arrlve at 9 am...
Oh no, please!
Go ahead.
You were here first...
Thank you.
You're welcome.
This Rana Khanna is so smart...
What are you are wearing?!
I just woke up.
- So? This is not your bedroom!
Look at Noorie...
You want me to dress like Noorie?
If you don't doll up, how
will you trap a nice boy?
That's what girls your age are meant to do.
What did she say?
Such a lovely colour you're wearing...
Listen, there's an
authentic Turkish Hamam here.
Do you want to come with us?
I have asthma.
The steam makes
I can't.
She even has asthma...
Now that college is over, Divya
what is your career plan?
I don't know...
I like some things, but...
Like what?
You like to sleep.
You could become a coma patient.
Hello, girls!
Sorry! I need to borrow
your sister for a minute...
What happened?
Saira Aunty just told me Amira is pregnant.
That's great!
It's IVF...
We should also try it.
Speak to Saira aunty.
Let's meet Amira's doctor
as soon as we go back.
- Yes.
We have to do this Aysh.
Yes... Okay.
Why didn't you divorce Papa?
What kind of question is this?
I know what all he's done.
Every marriage has problems.
If not an affair, then something else...
Doesn't mean you throw up your hands
and leave.
But why not?
Because that is too easy.
Staying together and solving
problems is difficult,
But also the right thing to do.
Marriage is not a race
you have to finish.
If someone is not
happy then why can't -
What is the matter with you?
Did you have a fight with Manav?
Not a fight, but we aren't-
Ayesha, I don't want to hear it!
Manav is a good man.
He's doing very well for himself.
You'll always have
everything you want.
Have everything I want?
If that's the case why didn't you
marry me off to a mall?
Have you gone crazy?
Just because your
company is doing well
don't let it go to your head.
Forget about your career,
focus on your home.
We anlmals also traln our young.
A lloness teaches her cubs to hunt.
A plgeon teaches her squabs to fly.
But once they've grown up,
they are on thelr own.
Indlan parents somehow can't accept
that thelr offsprlng
are capable enough
to llve llfe on thelr own terms.
I've booked a table at the
night club for you kids.
Please invite Noorie also.
They remaln Involved In
thelr chlldren's llves
way longer than requlred.
Are you going like this
or will you wear some clothes?
Where is your jacket?
If one thlnks wearlng a
jacket wlll solve the problem,
they are sadly mlstaken.
Take off your jacket.
Mom, please!
What please?
Atleast wear some lipstick.
Wanted or not,
the tralnlng never stops.
Stay away from Lalit Sood's daughter.
No need for hi, hellos.
- Oheers!
But can a leopard change hls spots?
Do what you want, the klds today
wlll follow thelr own Instlnct.
Shlnlng glrls,
these sparkllng glrls
The ones you are mad about too
Funny glrls,
these happy glrls
What Is It they want to do
What do they have In thelr heart
What hldes In It's beat
What Is that dream In thelr eyes
What does thelr soul need
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Glrls llke to swlng...
from a llttle ahead
try a new colour Instead
your swag'll knock em deadl
So don't you hesltate at all
Just llve It up
the julce of llfe, drlnk up
that's my glrl, chln up
So don't you shy away at all
Every second's a celebratlon
A raln of songs & jubllatlon
Each moment, llfe's slnglng to me...
My body seems to melt away
My heart seems to lose It's way
A sweetness seems to be attractlng me
I feel a qulverlng Inslde
A sensatlon arlse
As though every breath I take
Intoxlcates wlth somethlng It hldes
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
I hear my body talk to me
Somersault, shake It
all, boogey and shlmmy
Yeah yeah yeah yeah
Glrls llke to swlng...
from a llttle ahead
try a new colour Instead
your swag'll knock em deadl
So don't you hesltate at all
Just llve It up
the julce of llfe, drlnk up
that's my glrl, chln up
So don't you shy away at all
Who was that guy?
Which guy?
You were amazing!
Thank you!
No offence ladies,
Would you like to go out
for a drink or dinner
So should I wait or...
Up to you.
...It takes a tigress
to find a tiger-
Kabir, man...
I was sleeping, these guys woke me up.
You can sleep when you're dead.
Hey! I thought the champagne
was coming this way.
Hold on! It's coming.
Noorie, don't you
know sharing is caring.
Oh no... That's okay.
What do you mean it's okay?
You'll fall sick.
No really...
that's okay...
Anyway I wouldn't wear
this grandfather jacket.
Did she just say 'grandfather jacket'?
Noorie, you're a star!
Speaking of stars...
Does anyone know any Nakshatras?
Dude, what's a Nakshastra?
It's half man, half horse.
It has eleven stars...
1, 2, 3, 4...
I can't see anything.
And then you see the legs coming down...
Oan you see the shape?
- I can't see it...
Ptolemy discovered it.
It's from Greek mythology.
I'm bored...
Yuck-nl pulaol
Some warning would have been nice...
Oome on, Divya!
I'm so sorry...
- On my shoes!
I'm feeling really sick...
Not here.
Over the railing.
Over the railing.
Shut up Manav, you're so mean!
Divya, that was epic!
It was epuke!
Dude, I love your shoes!
Louls Voul-ton?
Oome on, Kabir...
You really think this is funny!
Divya what did you eat for breakfast?
What did you eat for dessert?
There is some magic in this name.
Anything can happen here...
It's really beautiful!
Take one more.
Sir, you can't be here...
I just want to meet...
What do you want?
Yes or no?
Taksim Square. 1.30.
There are rules, you know?
Who says I am going?
Start again?
The rule is we can't get
personally involved with guests.
So if you can't stay
away from my rehearsal...
Keep your volume down.
Kabir Mehra.
Farah Ali... Nice to meet you.
Very nice to meet you...
How long you on the cruise for?
Ten days.
We don't have much time.
So quickly tell me
everything about you.
You first.
I'm from Delhi.
I'm from London.
25 years old.
25 years old.
I have one sister.
I have two sisters.
I have a dog.
I want a dog.
Grilled fish.
Kebab platter.
I can do a back flip.
I can fly a plane.
Oan you ride a cycle?
I have a birthmark on my right leg.
I have a scar on the right leg.
I fractured my hand when I was 8.
Toe fracture when I was 16.
No tattoos.
One tattoo.
You're in a hurry!
What? Really?
Don't judge!
One serious girlfriend.
One serious boyfriend.
I love video games.
- I hate video games.
What? Lame.
I can beat you in a cycle race.
You can try.
I bet my golf kit,
Your dad wants Lalit
Sood to invest in Ayka.
Why would you think that?
Why else would he invite them?
God I hope not...
That Lalit Sood is a vulture.
Your dad is a hawk.
It's a perfect match.
Why don't we invest in Ayka?
That way the company
will stay in the family.
Are you crazy?
I don't want any new equation with
your father or brother.
when it comes to you...
it's a different matter.
Please, Manav...
It's been such a long
day, I'm so tired.
Oome here.
Hi, Pluto! Hi, handsome!
When I was one,
whenever I heard music
I would crawl to the speaker,
hold it,
prop myself up and jump...
Up and down.
What a memory!
Shut up!
My mom told me.
Born to dance...
I was born to dance.
And you...
Born for business?
That's what my family says...
That is all I heard since I was a kid.
I was always told I have to
be a good housewife.
My family is very conservative.
So then?
How did you convince them?
I couldn't...
So I ran away.
What do you mean ran away?
Like literally ran away?
My house was in Birmingham.
One night I packed my bag,
put the 200 pounds I had saved
in my pocket...
and I took a train to London.
Where did you live?
I had some friends there.
If I was lucky, their couch,
Otherwise a park bench.
But mostly I was lucky.
And money?
I worked.
That way I saved money
and paid for dance school.
Fearless Farah...
If you were in my place
even you would be fearless.
You would've jumped from here...
and then... sink or swim baby.
Whlle some glrls need to run,
others have to hlde.
To llve llfe on thelr own terms,
glrls are often left wlth no cholce.
Interestlngly enough,
If a boy meets a glrl,
the famlly has no problem at all.
In fact, they are happy
he's all grown up.
But If a glrl meets a boy,
the famlly Is apparently dlshonoured.
Whatever thls loglc Is...
It's beyond my understandlng.
Where were you all night?
I was just hanging out.
Hanging out what?
I was with a friend.
We were talking.
That's all.
Who is this friend?
Who is this friend?
Last night...
Noorie was in Kabir's room.
How do you know?
Naina told me.
She is very upset.
That's good news, Neelu!
What are you doing?
She is so upset!
I explained to her
if the kids want to
be together then...
We don't mind.
Absolutely. We have no problem.
Why would they have a problem?
Noorie is Lalit Sood's only daughter
and Kamal has zero credibility
in the market today.
Being related to us will benefit him.
Oome on, Lalit!
Think of your own benefit.
Noorie should get married.
Oome on, Naina.
- IOome on.
If we have to help them for that
what is the problem!
You are just...
Oome on, trust me!
Where are you taking me?
Just come with me.
You're making me nervous, Noorie.
If anyone asks, I was
with you last night...
Not bad, Noorie ji!
That's one hell of
an emergency landing.
Shut up!
Don't tell anyone, okay?
Don't worry...
Your secret is safe with me.
Thank you!
- Now listen.
If anyone asks...
Tell them I was a
little unwell so I left.
Where are you going?
What're you doing?
The flrst tlme
when I lald eyes on you
Hear me glrl,
thls Is what I made of you
I knew meetlng you Is the end of me
I spoke to my heart and sald baby
Don't go down thls road
Thls Is not meant to be
But my heart...
sald aloud
What has to be, wlll be
Have no fear, good or bad
What has to be, wlll be
So, dld you llsten to your heart?
So, dld you choose your path?
Yes, I heard my heart
Yes, I chose my pathl
The flrst tlme
when I lald eyes on you
Hear me boy,
thls Is what I made of you
I knew you take advlce from your heart
I knew you are sllghtly crazy
We'll speak of love when we meet
And the thlngs you
say wlll be very sweet
But my heart...
sald aloud
What has to be, wlll be
Have no fear, good or bad
What has to be, wlll be
So, dld you llsten to your heart?
So, dld you choose your path?
Yes, I heard my heart
Yes, I chose my pathl
Llke a wave crashes Into another,
Our heartbeats Intertwlne
We keep golng, but lost In each other,
Are our hearts and mlnds.
How and why dld we get so close
It may seem llke a small thlng
You've been thlrsty for a whlle now
And I too have been longlng
I knew meetlng you Is the end of me
I spoke to my heart and sald baby
Don't go down thls road
Thls Is not meant to be
But my heart...
sald aloud
What has to be, wlll be
Have no fear, good or bad
What has to be, wlll be
So, dld you llsten to your heart?
So, dld you choose your path?
Yes, I heard my heart
Yes, I chose my pathl
Our ship is not so far from Egypt
that you can't come.
Anyway I don't keep well these days...
Who knows if I will be
able to travel again.
Oome, if you can...
It will make me happy.
Okay, son.
See you.
Oome on, Amrish uncle
Wasn't that a little too melodramatic?
These days to meet your kids
you have to do a little drama.
You haven't seen Sunny
in a while, right?
So he is in Egypt these days?
Yes, Egypt.
Is that his girlfriend?
Who knows?
As if he will tell his father.
Thank you for inviting us.
What are you saying, man...
Oan I speak to you honestly?
Of course, Lalit.
There are no secrets between us.
What percentage of Ayka
are you planning to sell?
Prem told me.
I'm not happy
but it's a way to expand the business.
And what if I suggest...
that we take our friendship...
to the next level?
The kids have grown quite close.
Yes even I noticed.
Noorie is a very sensible girl.
So as I was saying...
Those shares...
Why don't I buy them?
If Kabir and Noorie
really want to be together
then the business will
stay in the family.
Kabir and Noorie?
The surprises life
throws at us, Lalit!
You tell me!
Good morning!
Good morning!
I have to host a dance
class for kids at 10.
Oome on, fearless Farah...
Oall in sick.
Don't you get sick leave?
Of course!
Without pay.
So, I'll pay you.
Money can't buy you everything, Mehra.
It's just one day, Ali.
Bunk it.
You know...
Some people actually
enjoy what they do.
Obviously you are not one of them.
My treat.
Lunch is not possible,
I have a family commitment.
You want to come with me?
To your family lunch?
Why should I suffer alone?
Are you sure?
Please come...
You should also meet the loonies.
Will you come?
You saved me!
If they've invited you, you must go.
Great! Thank you.
We should make our guests
feel welcome.
So attending a party is
well within the boundaries.
I told you it is not a theme party.
I have to do this.
You knew it was a heart attack?
It's god's grace,
that Vandana isn't a widows today.
Drinking is allowed?
I exercise a little
and I control my diets.
Tell Neelu to control her diet too.
Her food habits are very unhealthy.
And wanting the body of
a 24 year old at his age
is very healthy.
Hello, beautiful!
Kabir, where were you?
Farah, this is my crazy sister, Ayesha.
Everyone says that dad
gave us all this money...
and you're crazy to
actually build the empire
that we've built.
You need to look at the great leaders
and learn from them-
Who is that girl with Kabir?
I know her.
She is a dancer at Oha Oha Oha Olub.
She was fantastic.
Oh! I think I've seen it
but from the outside.
Hey Kabir, how's it going?
Good bro...
What happened?
Who is that girl?
Why is everyone asking about her?
Who all?
Naina Sood.
She is a friend... Why?
Don't you think it's inappropriate
to bring her to the party?
No, I don't think so.
Noorie could have a problem with it.
Naina has told us everything.
Told you what?
Noorie stayed in your room?
Now don't pretend.
We know everything.
Mom... Noorie is...
From a respectable family,
as are you.
What is so funny ya?
Is it a joke?
Kabir, it's a serious matter!
The Soods are also worried.
Papa, please ya!
Lalit spoke to me himself.
I told him I'd speak
to you and let him know.
Okay, tell me...
What is your intention with Noorie?
My intention?!
Yes, your intention!
Has anyone spoken to Noorie?
I am sure her parents will talk to her.
Because she has no interest
in a future with me.
Then make her interested!
But even I am not interested.
Are you interested in that plane?
Tell me...
Do you want the plane or not?
Are you bribing me?
Kabir, don't be silly...
No, what's going on?
Is Lalit Sood investing in Ayka?
If this marriage happens.
He will buy 49% stake in Ayka.
The company control stays with us...
Stays with you!
It will be perfect!
We won't have to sell the plane.
You can have it,
all by yourself!
You can take your friends...
Fly Noorie around too!
Noorie is such a lovely girl.
Papa, what are you guys doing here?
Everyone is asking...
What is going on?
You know what...
Let me speak to Noorie.
About what?
Tell your sister...
Mom, please...
I told you
let me speak to Noorie first.
Kabir and Noorie...
What are you people doing?!
What are we doing?
Kabir, have you lost your mind?
Lost your mind?
They are made for each other!
You said the same thing about Manav and me
and now I want a divorce-
What did she say?
Oome here...
What are you doing?
Sunny is here.
Oh my god!
That's all I need...
What is going on, dude...
You are freaking me out.
I am freaking you out?
- Yes!
I am freaking you out!
And what are you doing?
Don't listen to them.
You don't know them.
Oan you forget them for a moment?
How can I?
They do everything
for their own benefit
Do you really want this marriage?
Do you really want this divorce?
Has Ayesha mentioned this to you before?
She said they are having problems.
What problems?
I don't know...
I didn't ask.
You didn't ask?
You didn't even ask?
Are you deaf?
I said what I had to.
Every marriage has problems.
No need to make it an issue, move on.
What great advice, Neelam.
She is moving on to a divorce.
If you know better, speak to her.
She is your daughter too.
Why do you keep telling me?
Should I ask Prem to talk to her?
They are quite close.
That's a brilliant idea!
Then he'll tell Indu and that radio
will broadcast it all over Delhi.
She just needs an
excuse to talk about me.
I think it's a fantastic idea!
Neelam ji will be really happy, Sunny.
She's asked about you twice.
How long will you keep working, Papa?
What else will I do?
I am here.
How can I just quit?
How would they feel.
They treat us like family.
Who takes their manager on a cruise?
Ayesha! Look...
The melodrama worked!
Don't be too long.
They are waiting.
I thought you weren't coming.
Sorry to disappoint you.
No, not at all...
Good you came.
Amrish uncle was really missing you.
You are looking good.
Everything else okay?
And your husband...
Sorry... How is he?
He is amazing.
I've been very lucky, touchwood.
That's great.
Oh my God!
It's Oaptain Sunny Gill!
It's Mr. Oaptain to you.
Mr. Oaptain Sunny Gill!
You never know who you'll run Into
when you turn a corner.
Sunny Glll.
There was a tlme when Sunny
and Ayesha were very close.
The best of frlends.
In fact, Sunny was the
one who gave me to Ayesha.
Those were the days.
Sunny, Ayesha and Kablr.
That was my whole world.
Then Sunny went far away.
Ayesha got marrled.
Her new famlly dldn't want me.
And I ended up wlth Kablr.
Today, once agaln,
we are all together...
and all I can hope for Is that
thls tlme It stays that way.
God bless you!
Big journalist you have become.
I try to read your articles,
but they are very depressing.
All this bloodshed, war...
Write some good news also!
I write in the hope that one day
the news will get better.
Just look at this...
That's beautiful!
It's from Egypt.
Beautiful... Thank you.
You are most welcome.
And also...
Thank you for the cheque.
Who pays back money these days.
That too with interest, Amrish saab!
I could never really repay you
for all you've done for me.
Oh ho! Oome here...
You're like our son.
Now go get ready.
Let's put our Punjabi livers to use!
Bye, son!
Why did you take money from him?
He insisted, so I had to.
He is a good kid.
I am glad he is doing so well.
I always knew he has it in him.
I'm glad I sent him
to study in America.
You sent him to study?
As far as I can remember
you had another reason.
Sorry we are late.
Actually, we were
waiting for our friends.
They live here in Kusadasi.
And this is Guler.
Oh yes.
That's better.
Shall we?
Where is Noorie?
Don't ask!
You know how these kids are.
She has left us
and gone out with their son Kabir.
Don't worry about Manav & me...
We're fine.
I don't know why I said all that.
I think I was really upset and-
Not now, Ayesha.
We'll talk later.
Smita Ji...
He is a journalist.
He writes for The Geographic.
It's very big paper...
You must be reading it?
That's okay...
Let him show off, it's only fair.
Better if he did it behind my back.
My wife, Ayesha.
They used to be best friends.
Used to be meaning?
He went away to America.
Where did you study, son?
Yale, aunty.
My uncle used to read law there...
'68... maybe '69...
Will she hang it on the walls?
You can hang carpets
on the wall right?
I guess if you don't understand art
then you should hang carpets!
Excuse me.
That's an amazing story.
Thank you.
Thank you for listening.
Oome sit with us.
I am sure they'll
give us another chair.
No, I am good...
I am really good.
I just wanted to borrow
my husband for a minute...
Of course.
Do you have to do this
on our anniversary?
Why, what did I do?
Please don't embarrass me, Kamal.
You've been stuck to
that Guler like a leech.
Have you gone mad?
They are our guests.
I am just looking after them
and so should you.
You know Noorie and me are together?
So why did you propose to her?
Kamal uncle spoke to my parents.
Excuse me?
Your parents spoke to my dad-
Whatever, Kabir.
You could have said no.
Because thanks to
Noorie, everyone thinks
she is in my room every night.
Thank you...
For keeping quiet.
But enough now.
We are not in school.
I don't care what our families think.
I care, baby.
You guys really like each other.
Your story is just
like Romeo and Juliet...
Warring families, tragic ending...
That was a bad space, man!
But what if I say...
That your story can
have a happy twist...
By getting engaged to me.
Excuse me?
No, no... Wait. Hear me out...
Just for now.
Mom, Dad, Uncle,
Aunty, everyone happy!
A few months later...
I will dump you.
- Wait, wait...
You cry, shout, scream, pass out...
Try to kill yourself...
Your parents will do
anything to save you.
You say...
"I want to be with Noorie."
That's it...
For your parents he will be like
a knight in shining armour!
It's genius!
And what about your parents?
What do you mean cancel the wedding?
The cards have been printed.
What do I do?
Noorie loves someone else.
She loves Rana.
Rana Khanna?
Because of their family
problems, she agreed-
This is ridiculous!
I'm going to call Naina right now.
It isn't Noorie's fault, Mom!
It's mine.
So stupid...
I did all this for the company.
But I really fell in love with her.
I just want her to be happy.
That's all I want.
Oh my baby...
Oh my child...
I made a big mistake.
What are we going to do, Papa?
You should sell the plane.
Absolutely not!
That's the least we can do for him.
You look very happy...
I am thinking about our bright future.
I've seen many make
promises on this ship.
But as soon as the journey ends...
Are you allergic to romance?
I am being practical.
Being practical!!!
Is that what they teach you in London
is to be practical?
You see it's very important
for every individual to be practical!
If Shah Jehan was practical,
who would've built the Taj Mahal?
What are you doing?
Say you love me...
Say you love me.
Say it.
Say it!
Kabir stop it, I am really ticklish.
Say it!
I love you!
You could be on any ship...
It won't sail without me.
Thank you!
Who's next?
Kiss me!
Any requests?
Who did this?
What nonsense is this?
Who did it?
Don't laugh, Jamaal.
This is rubbish!
I am waiting.
Bhabhl Jll
Vinod, don't get involved.
It was a jokes.
Bhabhi ji, it was a jokes.
Kids joke.
This is very wrong, whoever did this.
Don't do it again.
Okay? Sorted?
Now have a drinks!
Ok now, a song for the host couples!
I'll break Into a bhangra
You also put on your danclng shoes
Come on, let's palnt thls town red
And get everyone to
show us thelr moves
I feel llke fetchlng
For you the stars & the moon
The moon, I'll place In my hand
In my halr, wlll be the stars strewn.
Hello Hello...
Slnce you've hlt the floor
Yello Yello...
A maglc nlght Is In store
Hello Hello...
You seem to have consumed a lot
Yello Yello...
Brother, you got no control at alll
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
That flutter In your eyes
Tortures me a lot
Tlll date you just have to look at me
And an arrow hlts the spot
Wlthout a drlnk I get hlgh
Your beauty Is all I need
How can anyone stay sane
Wlth the restlessness
you make them feel
Hello Hello...
These hearts must connect
Yello Yello...
The llne should be dlrect
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
I don't know why
Thls crazy glrl's so happy
Can thls story please be
Explalned to me
The thlng that everyone wants
Is to flnd thelr dream woman or man
That Is what has happened here
Now do you understand
Now I know,
The song you are slng
Tougher than flndlng the love
Is honorlng the thlng
Hello Hello...
don't mlnd If I say thls much
Yello Yello...
Could you please keep In touch
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
The heart beats hard and fast
The bangles from Punjab are tlnkllng
The nlght Is fun, so my dearest one
Lets get down to some mlngllng
Here you all are!
Delhi's Beyonce!!!
Indu Aunty!!!
You are the one!
She is a star!
Why are you in the bar, Putlu?
Where else would I
be after your dance?
Shut up!
Indu Aunty you were amazing!
- So good!
I got carried away.
I would never do this in Delhi.
What would people think?
They won't think anything.
We are ready for your talent.
Maybe you are ready
but what will the public say?
You will have to migrate now,
it's about your image!
You journalists make such
a big deal about everything.
Big deal?
Yes... Seriously.
Look what you're writing
on women's issues...
You people make it seem like
women here are unsafe all the time.
Every survey seems to say that.
And it's not just about safety,
it's also about equal rights-
Precisely, things are changing.
Slowly but surely,
things are changing.
Take my own family...
Till my dad's generation,
no woman had worked.
But I allowed Ayesha
to run her business.
You allowed Ayesha?
And why does she need your permission?
You know what I mean.
No, I don't know what you mean.
Allowing someone means you are
in a position of
authority, of control...
And that is not equality.
But thank you.
You just proved my point.
I love you...
Indu yaarl
What was that?
What was the need to be rude to Manav?
Why put him down?
What was the point...
And he can put you down?
I am still talking to you.
What do you want to say?
What do you want to say?
I know you sold your jewellery
to start your business.
Without anybody's help
look at where you've reached.
And I am really proud of you!
That's it.
Who the hell does he think he is?
How can he lecture me about you?
He must think I ill-treat you.
Bloody journalist-activist types.
They have no balance.
Everything is black or white for them.
Don't I have a say
in what my wife does?
Don't I have the right to an opinion?
We are a married couple, dammit.
I have the right.
I want a divorce...
And when I said that I allow you,
it doesn't mean that-
I want a divorce.
You want a divorce...
Because of that stupid argument?
Because I don't love you.
I really tried, Manav...
But I can't pretend anymore.
I can't...
I really tried.
I am sorry...
I'm sorry I couldn't love you.
I am sorry...
You should have spoken to me...
I am also like your mother.
Never mind...
What is the problem?
I don't feel for Manav
the way I am supposed to.
What is the problem?
We are not right for each other...
We are not compatible-
Not compatible? How?
You are both young,
You both play squash.
Yes Papa, but...
We are still very different.
Manav is your husband
not your twin brother.
Has he ever hit you?
No, Mom!
Is he stingy?
You don't let her shop?
Is he having an affair?
Even Manav won't be happy with me.
That is my decision, Aysh.
Every marriage has problems.
Just have a baby,
everything will be fine.
You are right.
When you become a mother,
all these problems will go away.
If I'm not happy in this relationship,
then having a baby...
It didn't feel right.
I've been on the pill.
This is not the place
for this conversation.
You are right,
this is between Manav and me.
We are family!
We are here to celebrate
our anniversary.
What will our guests
think if they hear this?
Have you thought about that!
There has been no
divorce in this family
and there never will be.
You get that straight!
Now tell me this won't
ever come up again.
I am talking to you, Ayesha.
Answer me!
I am sorry, Papa.
I can't do that.
So you're just going to leave?
Why are you doing this to us?
Don't think you can come back to us.
That is not your home anymore.
We are not going to
support this nonsense.
Where are you going?
Just go and get her.
Ya, Papa...
I am looking...
I can't seem to find her.
Yes, I am still looking.
Where is Ayesha?
She is very upset.
She is upset?
Papa, how could you tell
her she can't come home?
I'm doing this for her benefit.
It is for her own good.
If Ayesha is not welcome at home,
then I can't live there either.
What is this drama?
It's not drama.
Then what? Emotional blackmail?
Are you emotionally blackmailing me?
Think what you want...
Then go...
Get out.
Let's see how far you reach.
You can't even get a day's work done.
What have you done in life?
Tell me?
What do you have?
You are lucky, I am your father.
Try working outside.
You'll come to your
senses in two days.
Bloody idiot.
People say things they
don't mean in anger.
He was right...
What have I done?
What do I have?
You have this...
And this.
Take a decision from the heart.
Your mind will figure a way out.
Is it that simple?
Some hard work is also required.
Will the soles of my shoes wear out?
You're in love, baby!
Shut up...
You're in a bad space, man!
I won't ditch you.
As soon as the
engagement is announced,
I'll dump you.
Until then just...
Oareful, please!
Sorry, didn't mean to ruin your plan.
What plan?
You were about to jump right?
Listen you were right...
I shouldn't have spoken
to Manav like that.
It was rude.
It's your marriage...
What is right or wrong
is none of my business.
Just wanted to say
I won't cross the line again.
I'm really sorry.
I'd rather jump.
Oome on, Pluto.
Oome on, baby.
Oome on!
I guess he wants to stay.
You were supposed to
remind her of me...
What happened buddy?
Human belngs are so strange...
The thlngs they say to someone
are often meant for someone else.
And the conversatlon they
shy away from the most
Is of the heart, of love.
But It's the only thlng that matters.
Now how to explaln to them
that If you love someone,
just show lt.
There're no roads, near or far
Where a twlst or a turn, Is ever afar
Thls heart wants to let It go
These tatters, don't you try to sew
The road we walk,
Many a tlmes, forks Into two
At every step, we flnd the love,
At every other, It leaves us blue.
But stlll thls llfe
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
These waves of tlme
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
Thls lonellness...
becomes the alr I breathe...
I know not, what to do...
These threads In a tangle,
These threads In a tangle,
Stralghten them out...
Follow the heart, you dreamer
It tells the truth, have no doubt
There Is a restlessness In my hopes,
A dream rests on shut eyes
Thls longlng I had put to sleep,
Once agaln, Is achlng to rlse
Whlch road you want to take...
why don't you know my crazy heart...
But stlll thls llfe
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
These waves of tlme
For even a second
Just doesn't stop
Thls lonellness...
becomes the alr I breathe...
I know not, what to do...
These threads In a tangle,
These threads In a tangle,
Stralghten them out...
Follow the heart, you dreamer
It tells the truth, have no doubt
This cruise is really costing a lot...
That Anju is an alcoholic!
She cans a crate of
champagne every evening.
What are you taking?
Something to help digest this bill.
Why don't you announce
Kabir's engagement?
Waiting on Sood's astrologer.
Oan you believe it?
No one is ready to believe
that Lalit Sood is
investing in our company.
This news will shut them up.
Did you tell Indu
about the engagement?
She can't keep
anything in her stomach.
Then it is time to
give her the good news...
This Noorie...
is very smart.
Just tell us now.
She has gone and conquered Kabir.
Kabir and Noorie?
I didn't say anything.
I'm just worried about Divya.
That girl needs to up her game.
How to dress, how to behave...
I was so impressed with your Rana...
But she went and vomited on him.
That chapter is closed for me.
I am moving on.
What do you think about Sunny?
Very handsome
and different.
What is different?
All men want the same kind of wife.
I'll talk to Neelu Bhabhi.
About what?
About Divya & Sunny's match...
Isn't Divya a bit young?
What is young?
At her age, your mother had two kids.
Talk to Neelu na.
Tell Prem to talk to Amrish.
Sunny is quite a famous
journalist, I hear.
I know.
Divya will get a chance to travel-
Don't you all have
anything better to do?
Leave your kids alone
and get a life.
Get a job!
Has she gone mad?
Who will give us a job?
Yes yes, coming.
Those hags are plotting
your marriage to Divya.
You heard me.
I like what you are wearing, by the way.
So... With Divya?
Please, Sunny.
What is their plan?
It's not a joke.
Don't encourage them.
If they ask, just say no.
Just... No!
I don't even know Divya...
She could be a very nice girl.
She is my cousin!
Why do you care?
You're already married.
I wouldn't be, if we were together.
We would be, if you had waited.
But you jumped on the
first guy that came by.
It was very nice of you.
How dare you?
What are you doing?
I jumped on the first guy?
I jumped!!
You really want to talk
about this right now?
Yes I think it's high time, don't you?
You didn't want to tell your parents.
They would've never accepted it
and you know that.
So what was your plan...
That we run away?
What else could we have done?
Are you crazy?
How would my father
have faced your parents?
And what would they think of me?
They knew about us.
What do you think, Sunny?
Why did Papa send you to America?
Not to study but to keep you away from me!
Did he tell you that?
- Obviously not.
Then how do you know?
- Because I know my father!
Then please tell me...
How did he convince you to marry Manav?
He didn't need to...
Because you did it.
You know, Ayesha that
is really convenient.
Everyone is at fault, except you.
Do you remember...
How many times I called you?
I kept telling you
my parents are pressurizing me...
Please come back, please come back...
Why didn't you come back, Sunny?
I am your father's manager's son!
I wanted to be somebody.
Somebody your parents would accept.
Don't you get it?
And why are we talking about this now?
Manav is great.
You are happy.
What is the point of this-
This is the best place for seafood...
You like fishes?
You will love them.
No fishes for you!
You're coming with me to King's Bar.
I want you to meet Farah.
Don't be late.
I am serious.
You alright?
I'll see you there.
I am coming to King's Bar.
Divya, please.
Ohampagne or me.
Please choose one.
Shut up!
Don't be mean, Rana.
What was that?
It was nothing.
Don't mess with me, Ayesha...
You have no idea how difficult it was
for me to see you again.
So why did you come?
What choice did I have?
Papa was behaving like
it's his last holiday.
It's okay, it doesn't matter.
I am sorry.
So, is that it?
Yes, that's it.
Go... Live your bachelor
life with your girlfriends.
Do your thing.
Is that what you think?
That's what I hear, so that's what I think.
How can someone so smart be so stupid?
Sure you don't want anything?
Some poison?
A slap?
Here you all are!
Oome on, dinner is served.
Let's go.
We are not hungry,
in fact we are all working up an appetite.
Very good.
You sneaky boy!
When is the big day?
Sorry... What big day?
Nice acting, Ayesha!
We know all about it...
He is getting married!
You're getting married??
To whom?
To her!
Nothing like that, Saira Aunty...
Who told you?
Your Indu Aunty!
No engagement, they're
directly planning the wedding.
Oome on, let's celebrate!
I think it's very good they're not
bothering with an engagement.
It's a waste of time.
Don't do it guys, it's a trap!
Please just stop.
Are you okay?
I am not okay.
What was that?
Look I am really sorry... I have no idea.
You people don't talk to each other or what?
You're getting married?
No babe...
It's a long story.
I am not deaf, Kabir.
I heard what your Aunties said.
Please hear me out too?
It's true that Noorie &
I are getting engaged...
but there is a reason for that-
Farah, please wait!
I am not getting married!
Go tell Noorie that you asshole!
Farah, please just listen-
To what?!
We met, I liked you, we had a fun time.
I was fine.
Then this I love you,
I want to be with you...
What was the need to lie?
You made an arse of me, Kabir.
What's going on?
Noorie meets Rana, not me.
They are together.
I was trying to help them out.
The next thing I know,
Papa was bribing me with
the plane to marry her.
And you said yes?
Are you stupid?
What about them?
These are our parents?
Am I an asset?
I thought I'd teach them a lesson.
If they can use me for the company,
I can use them for my plane.
So what's the difference
between you and them?
Ayesha, please!
Out out the moral science.
You would've done the same thing.
No! I wouldn't.
If I don't agree with them, I tell them.
Oh really?
Did you tell them about the card?
That was not important.
Oan you please just grow up?
What are you doing?
What do you want to do?
We are not getting married!
There's been some confusion.
Don't you trust me?
I don't know, you are a Sood.
What is that supposed to mean?!
You know what I mean!
You know the problem between our families.
What problem?
Your aunt was engaged to my uncle
and one day before the wedding she eloped.
That's because your sleazy uncle
was having an affair with his secretary.
Watch your tongue, she's my aunt now.
And she didn't buy my uncle,
like your dad is buying Kamal Uncle for you.
Please classify my account...
This is too much.
Where were you?
I got a call from Delhi.
Sit Kamal.
Have you seen Prem?
I don't see him after 10 pm.
Don't tell me. He sleeps that early?
And I'm the queen of the night.
Tell Neelu I went back to the ship.
Kamal JI...
Please take Putlu with you.
It's getting late.
Good night, everybody.
Good night, bye!
Kamal Uncle saw Rana & me together...
What were you both doing?
I'll handle it.
And Noorie...
There are 500 rooms on the ship.
What happened?
Don't ask...
Are you okay?
Get me some water.
Ya, sure.
Oan I get some water?
Kamal Uncle!
Sir, are you okay?
Oall the ship...
Tell them to open the medical centre.
He may be having a heart attack!
Hurry up!
Don't complain...
You are the luckiest out of the lot!
I totally agree!
How is he?
We don't know...
Kabir, it's all my fault...
He was already so stressed and I...
It wasn't you...
What happened?
The doctor is with him...
He's been on anti-anxiety
pills for a few months.
I didn't even know.
Oome here.
There is nothing to worry about.
It's a severe case of gas.
We've given him something for the heartburn.
He'll be fine in a few minutes.
Excuse me.
You have no idea what I've been through.
What you've been through?
What are you doing?
Stop it!
Stop it!
Have you ever thought about me?
Should I keep living with the fear
that you will leave me.
Yes, one minute.
Oome in.
You okay?
Ya, top of the world!
You scared us, Papa.
I'm glad you are fine.
Please forget this Noorie...
She is not serious about Kabir, trust me.
We've given our word to the Soods.
Sorry for everything.
Don't be sorry, Papa.
Actually I never planned to marry Noorie...
I know about her & Rana...
Noorie, with Rana?
She likes him.
They are together...
I was just helping them out.
So, I'm sorry.
You are sorry?
That's it, you are sorry?
What is the meaning of sorry now?
This isn't a joke.
This is a very serious matter.
Yes, of course it's serious...
For you it's a business deal, right?
It's not just our business,
it's yours too.
It isn't mine...
And I don't want it.
What do you mean you don't want it?
Now that he is fine and we are talking,
let's talk openly...
I don't want to be the OEO of Ayka.
I am not good enough.
I know that.
You will learn.
I won't be able to.
I don't have what it takes.
Then what will you do?
I like flying...
I want to do something in that field.
And our business?
Should we sell Ayka to someone else?
Give it to that Mehra who
has his business acumen.
Who deserves it, who is worthy of it.
It's called Ayka, right?
So if you want to save your company
let your son go
and bring your daughter back home.
What rubbish!
She is in her home.
She is miserable.
Oan't you guys see that?
Don't you care?
Of course we care!
But do you know what
divorce means in our society?
It's not easy.
So if I am about to do something difficult,
you should be even more supportive, right?
What are you talking, Ayesha?
If you do all this,
people will talk. You know that.
They are doing that anyway, aren't they?
Whether something happens or not,
that is what people do-
What are these two saying?
I just don't understand this girl.
The problem, Neelam...
is that the morality & values we had,
don't exist any more.
Marriage has become a joke.
Get married today,
divorced tomorrow!
Since when have you been married?
And what is your morality
and what are your values?
Please tell us.
Stop it, Kabir!
Oh, its true.
Everyone knows about his business trips.
Where he goes, who he
goes with, what he does
and how you pretend nothing has happened.
Whereas the truth is
you have nowhere else to go...
How dare you?
It's the truth.
Please leave.
Just get out of here.
I am not going anywhere.
Is this how you speak to your father?
I am talking to you too.
Don't talk to me, Kabir.
Shut up!
- I don't want to see your face!
I am not going any where.
Everyone in this family talks in circles.
Nothing real is ever said.
What do you want to say?
What more is left to say?
I'm in love with Farah.
She's a dancer and she's a Muslim.
I need to talk to you.
Farah please... I need to talk to you.
Not here.
Then where?
Back off man.
Don't mess with me right now!
Listen, I am sorry.
I screwed up, okay?
I was never going to marry Noorie,
I was just playing a
stupid game with my Dad.
Please, I am sorry.
I love you.
These games are best played with your dad.
This is my place of work...
Get out!
They hate us...
No... I don't think they hate us.
Why didn't you leave me?
You heard Kabir...
I had nowhere to go.
Will you be able to forgive me?
You forgot me, Kamal.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
I never forgot you, Neelu
Why do human belngs forget to tell
each other thlngs
when they are together?
And why Is It
that they always
remember the unsald thlngs
when someone Is gone?
Why does the rlght
thlng only come to them
when lts too late?
Everyone is gossiping...
This girl doesn't care about herself
or her family's reputation.
Why have I lived to see this day?
All these years we invested in her...
Invested in me means?
Did I say something wrong?
Did I upset you?
Are you angry?
Tell me?
Tell me...
I'm not allowed to
speak in my own house.
So you only say something...
Why are you quiet?
Okay, fine.
If I upset you, then please...
Please forgive me.
If this is not good
enough, then I will-
I will kill myself!
Will that make you happy?
Mom, please-
This is what she wants!
Smita ji...
That's a butter knife.
That is a butter knife.
Take this.
This will be better.
Hold it like this...
And cut like this.
How dare you speak to
my mother like that?
I am just helping her-
This is ridiculous!
This is my marriage.
And this is my family's
personal matter.
I have had enough.
We should go back.
Oome on.
Ayesha, pack up your bags... Let's go.
Manav, I can't leave.
It's my parents' anniversary.
Don't make me force you, alright?
Let's go.
Easy, tiger-
Shut up!
This is between me and my wife.
Get up!
Manav you are making a scene.
Get up!
Manav... Stop it!
Get up!
What do you think you're doing?
If you even raise a
finger at my daughter...
I'll rip your arm out
and throw it into the sea.
Do you understand?
Please take your son and
leave as soon as possible.
Please go.
You are making a mistake, Kamal ji.
I made a mistake many years ago.
I am sorry.
I am really sorry.
Isn't this Farah's room?
She left.
She got fired.
She got off an hour ago.
I need to get off.
Sir, the ship is
sailing... I am sorry!
Hello, ma'm!
I need to get off the ship.
I am sorry, sir.
You can't get off.
I don't need to come back.
I just need to get off the ship.
Ya, but the ship just pulled out-
No, no, m'am, you don't understand.
It's an emergency, I
need to get off the ship.
Please stop the ship & let me off.
It is a security issue...
I'll give you a security issue,
just let me off the ship!
What's the problem, Sir?
It's an emergency...
It's imperative I get
off the ship right now.
Please stop the ship.
Stop the ship!
- Sir, calm down.
You don't tell me to calm down!
Tell him!
What are you doing?
Farah has left and they are
not letting me off the ship.
So get off at the next port...
The next port is in Greece.
How will I find her, Sunny?
What do you mean loco?
Listen, calm down.
If there is an emergency on the ship,
they must be having a procedure.
They won't stop the
ship without a reason.
I love you.
Ayesha is getting a divorce...
Get ready...
We have to do this right now.
Excuse me, everybody...
I need your attention, please.
Quiet everyone!
Kabir wants to make a toasts.
Thank you, Vinod Uncle.
Actually I am not
here to make a toast.
I am here to apologize.
You are one hell of a woman.
I love you
and you will always be my friend.
But I can't marry you...
Because I am in love
with someone else...
I am sorry, Noorie...
You stay away from her.
Get her here...
Give her air!
Please get some water...
What the hell...
Is this?
Did you know about this?
He knows nothing about
this, Lalit uncle.
I am really sorry, I-
You are sorry now?
You are sorry?
Sorry it had to happen this way.
Happen this way, happen that way...
Kabir, what you have
done is not correct.
You did this to a sweet
girl like Noorie...
It's bad!
I am sorry, I had no choice.
I respect Noorie too much.
I can't lie to her...
The girl I am in love
with has lost her job,
asked to get off the ship...
Because of me.
I have to go and find her.
Papa, can I rely on you?
Papa, can I rely on you?
Because you are my lifeboat.
Where are you going?
Kabir, that's not what I meant!
Sunny, where is he?
I don't know.
Man overboard! Starboard Side.
Kamal uncle!
There... There he is!
Stop the ship.
Go, stop the ship!
Stop engines.
Oscar! Oscar!
Starboard side.
Someone stop this ship!
Where is this Oscar?
My child is drowning!
Oscar means they are
going to send a lifeboat.
They will save him, Kamal Uncle.
He said I am his life boat...
I'm his lifeboat.
I have to go!
The lifeboat is up there.
Get it down...
Do something please, Kamal!
Just get the lifeboat down!!
Don't worry, they're coming!
They will arrest him!
Just do as I say!
How do we get this down?
Figure it out!
Pull the rope!
Lalit, be careful!
Nothing's happening!
Oheck up there.
Kamal Uncle!
Excuse me!
Officer, I need this boat!
Sir, you can't enter!
It's his life, officer!
Back up!
I'll pay you as much as you want.
Back up now.
They are not listening!
Sorry officer, nothing personals.
Just 5 minutes...
Leave me!
Where are you going?
I have to take him to the port, Neelu.
If they catch him, they'll arrest him.
I have to go!
Even I'm coming.
- Not right now!
Then when?!
Fine! Oome!
Bhal saabl
Should I also come?
- No, no you stay here...
Look after the guests, okay?
I'll handle everything here.
You don't worry.
Noorie, where's Mom?
Step back!
Sorry, I've got to go!
Pluto, out!
Ayesha, he won't go!
Are you okay?
I don't know...
Everybody hang on.
Will you wait for me?
Dammit Sunny, say something...
Will you wait for me?
Papa, do you know how this works?
I used to drive a truck...
How hard can this be?
Kamal, please!
There he is, Papa!
Oareful Kamal, don't kill my son!
Are you crazy!
Papa, the guards are coming!
They're coming! Go, go, go!
Hurry up, Kamal!
Oome on! Go!
Why are you not starting?
What is the problem?
Mama, please relax!
You just shut up!
We need to go, Papa!
They're almost here.
Down boy.
Are they really going to arrest us?
Obviously, Neelu.
But after we drop
this fool to the port.
It wasn't just Kablr
who got saved today.
My whole famlly has been rescued.
I had never seen them thls happy
and headed In the
same dlrectlon before.
They say a leopard
can't change hls spots
but man has the power to change.
Now look at my own famlly.
Today they've learnt that
love, alone, Is not enough.
If you love someone, you
have to set them free.
Free to be, free to llve dlfferently.
Every heart beats to It's own rhythm.
Let every heart beat.
And It doesn't matter that for mlles
there Is just water around us.
Or that our boat Is really small.
We are together.
We are for each other.
What else does one want?
To each heart, It's own rhythm
It's own pulse
To each heart, It's own beat
It's own flre
If emotlons melt away
Let It be so
If the Imaglnatlon runs wlld
Let It be so
Let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
Forget what people say, be free
Just let every heart beat
If they have thls
moment but can't llve It
If they have the
drlnk but can't slp It
They don't know what llfe Is
They don't know what bllss Is
That's what we're here to tell you...
If you dare to dream, dare to be crazy
Let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
Forget what people say, be free
Just let every heart beat
Llfe has many colours
Hear that, know that
Each has hls own way
Know that, accept that
If one Is lost
Let hlm flnd hls way
If one Is changlng
Let hlm change away
To each heart, It's own rhythm
It's own pulse
To each heart, It's own beat
It's own flre
If emotlons melt away
Let It be so
If the Imaglnatlon runs wlld
Let It be so
Let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
Forget what people say, be free
Just let every heart beat
Let every heart beat
Let It beat
If you dare to dream, dare to be crazy
Forget the world, be free
Forget what people say, be free
Let every heart beat