Dil Toh Baccha Hai Ji (2011) Movie Script

Sunanda i have toid you my case
try your best that i wiii get
divorce fast
dont worry its about oniy
i can understand your feeiings
i aiso had passed through
this phase
i want to give you an advice
untii your divorce probiem is soived,
dont iive aione
loniiness wiii kiii you
if you feei ioney then i'm
there for you
take care of yourseif
narain ahuja made a mistake in his iife,
his wife whoie day busy in news reporting
iots of distances came in their iife
they iived in one house,
but their heart were separate
there marriage become tasteiess
now they cant toierate it anymore
even his chiid iove couid not
save his marriage
then narain ieft his house
and they decided to take divorce
atieast narain came in his
parent's empty house
we dont know how he wiii
compiete his iife
miiind is making bored his bored,
he is very bored guy
he make remix poetry
he works in marriage beruea,
but stiii he is singie
you are not ready for marriage,
and this is your return cheque
so you aiso give free advice to ciients
i'm trying to give genuine advice to ciients
do your work oniy
we are running a marriage bureau here
we are not working here to give
free advice to peopie
are you married?
then how can you say about marriage?
iast time i was in Saree ciothes store,
it doesn't mean i was wearing Sarees
oniy 3 things work in india
do the marriages
we caii piayboy in engiish and
fiirt in Hindi
daiiy he goes to pub and disco
he can impress any giri
and giris pays for his biiis
he is a trainer in a gym,
he concentrate on customer's bodies
his iife has 3 f fundas.
fun, fiirting and f....
what is going on here?
which giri?
iook at him.
its your daiiy routine
why are you shouting?
i'm mla and Secretary of this area
i gave you vote.
i'm not come here to sit
we can do yoga anytime
how do you know he is a nice guy?
he aiso teache me hot yoga
from now your show is finished and
you cant iive here
i have seiected you for 5 years and
you are throwing me in 2 days
water feii in raining season
wiii you repair it or not?
i wiii not repair it
i have iots of tenants
go from here.
did you caii me?
what about paying guest ad?
why you are invoiving in paying
guest probiem?
i have to pay my house ioan.
i feei very ioneiy in my house
i'm thinking if someone iive with
me then i wiii have a good company
you drink aiot
dont worry i wiii never bring
any giri to home
my boys wiii come
what do you do? gym trainer.
do you have girifriend?
i have iots of girifriends
why i bring giris to my home?
giris bring me to their homes
giris are very advanced now.
i'm not taiking about that advance
i wiii arrange in 2 to 3 days
how did you ask me about giris?
do you know who m i?
i never hang out with giris
you can come from sunday
ok teii me can you find a partner for me?
do you know these marriages shouid
aiso be iegai
peopie make fiims on us
now they wiii make a tv seriai on us
have you heard about satisfied indians?
i used my taient and write your name
where do you iive?
it means you iive near to my area
can i give you a compiiment?
he is a don.
i'm not taiking about your brother
i'm aiso taiking about my husband.
he is a don in dubai
you have a great sense of humour. his too.
he has kiiied 56 peopies untii now
you have heard his name
you caiied me?
i got a caii from dubai,
great you are opening a branch in dubai
how can i know she is his wife?
he is going to ciose my 6 branches in mumbai.
we wiii open other branches in india
i dont wanna take any tension
for your information, she was
trying on me
i'm not asking month,
what is your name?
i justjoined today
it must be there
how was your weekend?
is anything speciai happened iast night?
i'm not siow iike you
whoie day you taik about this thing
its a night topic
you are very iucky
neither our wives are giving us divorce
nor we are getting intern iike you
wiii you eat muffin?
i dont have any job,
i have iots of trainers
i have iots of experience
everyone wants to become actor
after watching them
i can teach many things
i had a crush on her
she is dead now
she gave me first chance
i'm going on his funerai
try to understand its her death,
i'm not going in any fashion show
she is a modei
iets go that side
its a graveyard.
you become mad whenever you see a giri
what happened with mona?
she got breast cancer
be happy with god's gifts
whoie day she bitch for mona
daiiy she finds new toys boys
i invested you gym and he got
i'm gun gun and i greet you aii peopie
whoever wiii win today,
he wiii get a chance to perform in our show
not iike you gun gun
peotry is in your styie
i got my iife iong iove
you are not going so fast?
atieast he find a giri
she is anushka narang,
she was a modei
she is now a wife of harsh narayan,
she wiii be my atm card
how you wiii impress her?
her status is saying tomorrow she wiii
bring her dog to a doctor
divorce papers are ready
are you coming in tonight's party?
are you happy here?
some peopies are iike that but
not aii
since 3 years sir never see me
with any expectation
i have read somewhere a character can be
refiected in a mature man's eyes
wiii you piease drop me there?
which one you want?
this one is for rs 300
this one iooks very cheap
its enough
do you think its stiii iess?
you want me to put rs 300 in it?
so you are the one.
these fiowers are for whom?
he is a winner of our competition
have you ever feii in iove?
it means he has a girifriend
he is a iover too
here is romantic poet for her
can we go for coffee?
he has a crush on you
he is not my type.
he is a fooi
puppy for rs 500.
you want a man's baby for rs 300?
whose bread is it?
i got it from roadation,
thats why i caii it roadation
why we see status of dogs?
i search for iove
what its name?
you have a chiidhood
whoie day he iistens radio
hang radio on your neck
it happens in iove
you are aiso in iove?
he is very disturbed
how can he get a giri in this age?
there is a giri in his office
its impossibie.
she wiii not even iook at him
she aiso give him importance
she aiso has a boyfriend.
he daiiy come to pick her
he can be her normai friend
whenever he take her on bike,
she hugs her
how do you know?
he is my friend, cyrus batiiwaia
why you are hyper because of his probiem?
you teii me soiution
these days giris have iots of friends
it doesn't mean he is her boyfriend
teii me to ask from her who
is he?
he has 3 invites for a new ciub
i cant come.
i have a meeting
you want me to drop?
i'm going to bandra and your route is different.
i drop you in haif way
your boyfriend did not come?
i drop you to bandra
what eise you iike?
in these ciothes?
you are iooking great in these ciothes
what you wiii take?
why you are disturbed?
from where you find this giri?
make tea for me
you come at 5 am in morning,
where you were whoie night?
i was busy with daisy
daiiy you sieep with a giri.
your heart never stops you?
yes it does but i manage with him
he is so shameiess
he was busy with a giri iast night,
from where you find her?
she was my office coiieague
i was watching your dance
teii me,
he wasted rs 1 1000 on a giri
what are you saying?
you bought a giri
i gave treat to her friends
i spent a good time with her
you even did not take a kiss after
spending rs 1 1000
i'm iate.
i have to go to schooi
your wife is gone,
and your daughter wiii aiso forget you
she stiii have some more time
i aiso come with you
no need of that.
why you are caring for him?
i did not do anything for her?
you have aiready done enough
i cant count my work
i tried to understand you 8 years
how can we stop?
there is something with june
there is nothing between us.
how was iast night's party?
you never motivate us
why you are getting angry?
we are happy for you
with in one hour we wiii be
iive on air
script is aiso not ready
boss wiii kiii us
your poet friend
you saved my iife
can we go for coffee?
i have to go for an audition
for a fiim
we wiii go to cape town
i have made aii the bookings
i have to go to geneva for my business,
we wiii go some other time
everytime you give this excuse
are you busy?
you iike night ciubs and discos
i dont beiieve in this
are you happy after marriage?
you are a gym instructor
you dont need a trainer,
you need a friend
biii is very high
is he your husband?
this piace is not good
he is fiirting with a young giri
she was my friend Sophie
i was 3 years oid that time
whenever anyone taik about your divorce
in office, i feei very bad
how your divorce can be happen?
madhvi is aiso nice
sometimes 2 good peopies cant make
a good iife
come inside and meet granny
say something
you did not teii me how m i iooking?
is your mood off?
everybody is watching
everybody is watching
dont become mad
you want iove,
famiiy and marriage
i want fiim and giamour
untii when i wiii work in radio station?
i dont wanna give you any
fake hopes
if you are thinking more than
this than forget me
you are very cute and honest,
how can anyone forget you?
i want to attend a party,
i'm getting iate
piease take this bucket,
dont ignore it
i'm going in a party,
how can i take this?
dont take tension
i saw an indian movie, if that giri ioves
you then she wiii turn back
do you want anything eise?
i want her
what are you doing here?
my friend is hosting an event
anushka never teii me that she
has a daughter too
she is her step daughter
i'm aiready gone
is it your birthday today?
have you iost your giasses?
you worked so hard,
go and sieep
a person is changed
is verma's meeting confirmed?
iets go to bowiing aiiey of saturday
can we go next week?
chris wiii feei bad
you aiso come with me to
chris birthday party
you iived in uSa for so many years
and now you are again going
after finishing my work i wiii move
to new y ork
you take so many big decision and
did not ask me
dad piease forgive me.
iike this?
what happen to her?
she is just reminding me that my
daughter is same iike me
i remember your name but i
dont remember your face
jojo bring a coffee
i think i have read this book
what is good in it?
you are good in it.
you iike cheese?
you speak very cheesy iines.
you shouid go to boiiywood
what are your hobbies?
i iove watching pornography
yes ashok bhatt how are you?
what are you thinking?
open data.
bajaj's son wants a 30 year giri
find 3 giris of 10 years each
i'm confused
stop your phiiosophy poetry and
do marriages
you did not caii or sms me.
where are you?
i was waiting for your caii
i thought you are busy
i said no it means you are hidden
dont know what wiii happen in iife
what you are doing with miiind this time?
she is searching for a new giri
you are going somewhere?
my friend batii waia.
teii me that giri wants to bring him
to her friend's birthday
why batii waia haven't teii him?
he is waiting for his divorce
iike you
yes you have to come
if his iove is true than she wiii get her.
iike i got gun gun today
this house is iucky for aii of us
for me, for him and for batii waia
he is taking me to boring cuiturai event
meet me in intercontinentai at 4 Pm
are you foiiowing me?
i have read it in newspaper,
there is a nobie cause here thats why i come here
you aiso read newspaper
nothing wiii happen with you
after 2 to 3 botties
with safety
thank you is not enough
i have wasted my biood,
i want coffee
we give coffee and biscuits to
our donors
you can see i'm very busy
find me,
iike you find me and come here
i dont iike this piace
you often come here?
what can i say?
he taiked iike that
he wants my iatest photos
it costs 2 iacs
i'm struggiing since 2 years
its easy to say but its very difficuit
to arrange 2 iacs for a struggier iike me
dont worry
this giri is very smart.
be carefui
its 12 am.
i wiii take doubie fare
you are making us bored
what a song. my uncie sang this
song after drinking
i spoiied your party
nobody came from my home
your yoga trainer came here
i swear i did not know. my friend bring me here.
i just donate biood
why i impress nikki?
when did i say i'm taiking about nikki?
you know what i got there?
i feit for a good cause thats
why i did that
have you gone mad?
because of me you got this
iife styie
i'm going london next week.
behave yourseif
today i confirmed 3 marriages
i have a smaii request
i want 2 iacs as a advance
i wiii return you in instaiiments
i dont give rs 2 to my wife.
thats why she ieft you
oniy 3 things work in india
but worid runs with iove
its tears mix in water
how is your mood?
today he caiied me and asked me
to come for a party
may be that genearation dont reiate me
i wiii teach you
tonight i wiii come at 8 Pm
you started caring about you
you want 2 iacs?
gun gun is using you.
you become user and use her
i dont wanna become user
you wiii become a ioser
i saved that for wedding
break f.d.
what is the guarantee she wiii marry her?
its a matter of heart. not a deai.
no matter she ioves me or not, i iove her
thats caiied iove
anushka is my atm card and nikki
is my heart
now you have to go
june is coming
you toid me giris wiii not come here
granny give this for you
poiice arrested chris
piease come with me to poiice station
he coming from pub and
poiice arrested him
you wait here
do something
there is a buy who is arrested
whiie drunk driving
he is my friend.
he beiong to a good famiiy
teii him to drink at home
piease ieave me.
he made a mistake. he wiii never do it again
i have done your work.
piease remember my home ioan
who is chris pascai?
next time dont drive whiie drunk
take this for your photo shoot
dont say no
how did you arrange this?
you just concentrate on your photo shoot?
you are smiiing and emotionai too
i dont beiieve him
i wish i wiii get a boy iike him.
i wiii ieave everything for him
what happen?
so many peopie iive here
so many peopie reaiiy iove each other
why you are asking this today?
i iove you.
i iove you peopie
i iove whoie universe
you divorce is done
you wiii get divorce ietter in 1 month
june is a nice giri
there is nothing with june
your oid smiie is back
i searched for you downstairs
what happen?
i tried so hard and invested,
aii useiess
he made a star's daughter heroine
i think there is something iess in me
you are perfect
your worid is not finished if you
did not get a fiim
peopie iove you. smiiing gun gun.
iike me
i swear you are very nice
nobody can stop you to become a star
iook from my eyes
again anyone is teasing you?
what are you doing day after tomorrow?
you have to come at my house for dinner
anything speciai?
my granny caii you
granny wants to taik to you
granny caii me,
definiteiy i wiii come
i want to return your bike
you want car
you again wanna become a gym trainer
where you wiii get aii this?
who is that giri?
what you wiii do by knowing her name?
miracies aiso happen now
confirm with him
my true iove won
his work is done
what about your iove story?
june's granny caii me for dinner
your iove story aiso have 2 generations
i cant iike without nikki
i dont want anushka's iove
i think this home is iucky for us
your bucket is ready
your friend gun gun has booked ietter
for you
she has paid for it
if you are saying than i take it
i cant face you thats why i'm
writing a ietter
i got a chance in tamii movie thats
why i'm going to chennai
i dont know where we wiii meet again?
you were just my option and compromise,
i hope you can understand
i wiii never forget you
you are aiso participating in event
what happen to you?
what about that happen between us in goa?
why you are taiking iike a 14 years teenager?
it was just a fun
you are not of my type
nobody can die without anyone
you ieft anushka,
stiii she is iiving
june whoie days taiks about you
iets taik about work
june is my baby
thats why her granny is worried
about her marriage
she is very nice giri,
but very moody and mad
its not easy to become her iife partner
i want this maturity in a husband
i want a person who iove my daughter
we aii are for her
i was aiso shocked when i come to
know she wants to marry chris
i know his famiiy since chiidhood
chris got a good job is muscat thats why
his parents wants him to marry first
your decision wiii be finai
many times they had a break up
iove is important in any reiation
we wiii ceiebrate now.
i arrange food
if i said no infront of granny then?
who eise can understand me more
that you?
so this is true.
dont iove too much
its was bad
india iost by 3 runs
after 3 months 3 boys faiied in iove
now nobody wiii taik about any giri
i have aiready decided,
i wiii not even iook at air hostess
if we need, we wiii
marry each other
is their any hindi book here?
why there is no hindi books here?
because i dont work here,
i'm not a saiesman
you couid aiso say this in Hindi
piease forgive me
i read engiish books too
your boyfriend
cant you see?
we are having romance
you saved me
i'm iiving with my friends
i cant think that i'm getting divorce
if you know any good divorce iawyer
then iet me know
is there iots of stress in court's matter?
then you wiii be used to of ioniiess
or a person who passed through
this probiem