Django (1966) Movie Script

We whip wild animals
when they try to rebel.
That way you'll learn
not to escape again.
Hold this.
You know what this cross means,
don't you? Huh? You Mexican bitch!
The fire will clean away your sins!
Hey, you!
What cemetery do you come from?
lf you came here to bury
these scoundrels...
...hurry up, and get it done quietly.
l'd rather talk.
From the way you're talking,
it looks like you're in a damn hurry... end up in the casket
you're dragging behind you.
Are you from the North?
l fought for the North.
We don't like those who fought
for the North. This is the South.
l can see that, my brother. l know.
Enough! Forget about this gravedigger.
Let's take care of the woman now.
Taking it out on women
doesn't look good.
What did you say?
lt doesn't matter.
What matters is that
you're about to die.
My name is Django.
As long as you stay with me,
nobody will harm you.
You wouldn't make it very far.
Besides, it's not yet time
to cross that bridge.
For now, my path goes in
the opposite direction.
What's your name?
Let's go to the town.
Get me a bed for the girl.
Anything for you, stranger.
But the girl...
No, she can't stay here.
And there are no more rooms,
they are all taken.
Go and see for yourself.
The key to your room.
Give it to me, come on.
Don't worry.
l'll pay for the inconvenience.
l hope that's enough.
Oh, well, thank you!
Look at this!
Go to sleep. You've had
quite an eventful day.
The room is upstairs,
at the end of the hall.
Tomorrow morning
the girl has to leave.
No later than tomorrow morning,
l'm sorry. Understood?
There's no need to hurry my friend.
Bring me something to eat.
lf you work in the casket business,
you chose well.
There is a lot of work around here.
So far, l've met only a few customers.
The damn war between the Mexicans
and Major Jackson's soldiers...
...reduced the town to this,
as you can see.
A dead town.
And your women?
Do they sleep with the ghosts?
We manage, a bit with the Mexicans,
and a bit with the Major's men.
We want to be at peace
with everybody.
Without being unfair, right?
Well, there is kind of an agreement...
This is a neutral place...
We try very hard to stay alive.
You are new to this place,
young man...
You don't know Major Jackson...
You don't know him, do you?
Stop trying to figure out who l know,
old man.
Don't you want to offer me a drink?
You know, it takes guts to
travel with that girl.
lt means having to face both
the racists and the Mexicans.
l like having to face people.
Oh, really? Well, so much the better.
You know, my colleagues are
afraid of the casket.
lt doesn't scare me.
lt's just like any other job.
ls someone in there?
Someone by the name of Django.
Good day, brother Jonathan.
This is all l was able to scrape together
for this month's share.
Business isn't going well.
ln that case it'll be better
if you talk about this to the Major.
l'm getting a dress to change into.
You know, the Major's men
should be here soon.
Maybe he'll come here himself.
The Major doesn't like the color green.
He goes crazy for red.
l'll change here.
l'm used to my mirror.
Don't be down. Maybe, if you are nice
to the Major, you can save yourself.
Why don't you dress yourself in red?
Of course, listen to me.
Dress in red, and you'll be safe.
The Major isn't after you.
lt's the Mexicans he can't stand.
He says it's their skin color
that bothers him.
Well, you're really asking for it.
You could have stayed with us.
You wanted to run away and...
...ended up in the hands of Jackson's
worst enemies, the Mexicans.
Why did you run away from them
as well? But, what do you want?
l don't know.
What do you mean, you don't know?
Listen, are you trying to pull my leg?
They'll get rid of your man for sure.
Too bad, he's such
a good-looking fellow.
A deck of cards, please.
He wants a deck of cards.
You like to play with the dead guy,
don't you?
lf you listen to me,
you'll be able to save yourself.
Make yourself as beautiful as possible.
No, thank you. lt wouldn't help.
Damn, that's Jackson having fun.
Some Mexican must have refused
to pay. And so, they let him run...
Go ahead!
Another one.
l'm bored now. You take care of it.
An interesting guy has arrived in town.
They'll be coming here,
and they'll want to have fun.
Come. Lock yourself in,
and don't move.
Major Jackson and his men are coming.
Run, go upstairs.
Good day, Mr. Jackson.
Welcome! Make yourself at home.
Come with me.
Unfortunately, it's not all of it, but,
as soon as l am able to...
l believe you, Nathaniel, l believe you.
A coward never lies,
l know that very well...
...especially when they pay
for their protection.
You'll pay me your share at the fort
when we get there in a week.
ln a week? As you wish.
Thank you, Major, thank you.
Hey, you, come upstairs with me.
l don't want to.
Come on, let's go.
l don't want to. You can't buy me.
lf you don't want to go with him,
you come with me.
She told you she doesn't want to go.
Let her go.
Stop it!
Send away all the girls, Nathaniel.
Let's go girls, go upstairs. You, too.
Man, not again.
A man must be very brave
to talk this way to Ringo.
Brave, or crazy.
Just like the dirty Yankee, who killed
five of my men down at the river.
That must have been some man.
Five men at one time?
That's a job done only by specialists.
The man also took a woman with him.
A harlot who was sold to the Mexicans.
One who betrayed our race.
The war is over, and these things
aren't that way anymore.
l am sorry to contradict you,
but my war never ends, my friend.
You're smart to drag a casket
behind you.
That way you'll be treated with respect.
You'll be buried.
Usually we put the Northern scoundrels
out as poison for the vultures.
l wasn't aware that this racial matter
would also involve the poor vultures.
l thought it concerned
only the Southern pigs.
Men, let's proceed.
We've done enough talking for today.
There is one more bullet.
But, that would be too easy.
How many more men do you have...
l asked, how many more men?
Good, you pig. Next time let
all forty of them come with you.
lt will be more fun.
l'll be here waiting for you.
Rest assured. We'll return.
You can put things back in order.
But don't use my casket.
l am taking a blanket.
Thank you.
For what?
For what you have done for me.
l didn't do it for you.
Well, then, thank you even if
you didn't do it for me.
You thank too much. Who knows if
it was a good thing that l saved you?
l thank you because, even if
it was just for a few moments... made me feel what it was like
to have a man at my side...
...who would protect me...
...who would love me.
Then we have to make sure that
the illusion is complete.
Brief, but complete.
Why did you let Major Jackson go?
He'll return with his 40 men
and he will kill us all.
Unfortunately, l know him too well.
What are you afraid of, old man?
You pay to be protected by him.
l pay so that l won't be killed like
those he deems inferior...
...because of their darker skins.
The sun, too, darkens the skin.
Yes, but Jackson and his men
don't want to admit that.
They have something like a religion.
Did you see the red caps they wear?
They are fanatics!
Sometimes, it's necessary to eliminate
the fanatics, the crazy ones...
...for the common good.
l know, but you can't do it alone.
l am not alone.
Leave. Take the girl with you
and go far away.
You worry too much, old man.
lt could ruin your health.
Quickly, before Jackson arrives.
Go! You could try to get to the swamp
and escape to the other side of it.
lt's better if you go back inside.
My plans have not changed.
lf he finds you here, he'll blame us, too!
He'll kill us.
There is nothing to be afraid of,
old man. l told you...
l am not alone.
Nathaniel, if you'd go to the Mexicans,
maybe those two would be saved.
Great, but l wouldn't make it there alive
nor would l make it to the cemetery.
With all those hooded men gathering
there in town, l have to be honest...
...l am sorry, but l am forced to hope
they'll do him in right away.
He'll suffer less, and l will lose
less customers.
Mother of God!
lt's over, old man. You won't have to
pay anymore to stay alive.
Did you kill them all?
Almost all of them.
Don't worry. You'll still have
the Mexicans as your customers.
Get rid of those dead guys now.
Hmm, and where can l put them?
We'll have to open another cemetery.
Cemeteries are a good investment
in this area...
...if you can get paid in advance.
And Major Jackson?
ls he dead as well?
No, l let him go.
Because it wasn't his time yet.
l need him alive for now.
lf they had only told me that l would
end up as a gravedigger...
...and that without any pay.
Well, it's better being above
the ground than under it.
Was this someone you knew?
Someone who was a part of my life.
Probably the only one
that really mattered.
Did Jackson's men kill her?
They killed her.
And where were you at the time?
Far away...
...way too far away, old man.
This damn woman is sin made flesh.
lt's her who caused that pool of blood
in the town.
Yes, that's true.
Because of you we'll have to leave.
Men won't come to this town anymore.
We'll starve to death!
Don't be silly! Maria has nothing to do
with what happened. lt's all nonsense!
No, it's the truth!
Smash her, destroy her...
...if you don't want that creep
to hurt you again.
Leave her alone!
What has she done to you?
Why are you tormenting her?
Screw off, you bitch!
Don't be stupid!
She's the responsible one!
You slut!
l'll show you!
The Mexicans are coming!
You tried to run, didn't you?
But, you didn't make it in time, huh?
You are Jackson's damn spy!
You tell them what you see
and what you hear...
...because you have big ears.
We know what to do with big ears.
Right, muchachos?
No, no!
Hey, Yankee!
l thought there were no more bastards
left in the town.
Are you Hugo's men?
lt's better to take them to the General.
He might want them alive.
Maria, escaping from us was
a dangerous thing to do.
l could punish you for what you did.
What would you say if l cut off
one of your beautiful ears?
You had no right to keep me prisoner!
l had the right that every man has with
all the women he likes!
You know, Hugo, you're talking just like
one of Jackson's racists.
You tart!
Listen Maria,
l don't take this from anyone.
Don't forget that you are half lncan
and half Mexican.
Don't let me remember
the one half l hate.
Look who's here.
The most clever Gringo
of the entire frontier.
Hombre! lt has been so long since
l last saw your dirty face!
This is Django.
A deserter, thief, loner,
and more than a friend!
Now we are even.
Calm down, Ricardo!
l owe Django a lot!
Just for having saved your life once
in prison. And also for the woman.
l brought her back to you, Hugo.
She is in good condition.
Take her back.
She is not my woman.
She is just one woman.
l'm thirsty. We have to
celebrate our meeting!
To your health, Django!
To the death of Jackson's pigs!
Long live the revolution!
To your death, Jackson!
Those pigs aren't here anymore.
He killed them all.
You were able to kill
all those bastards yourself?
That's impossible!
How did you do that, Django?
lt wasn't very difficult.
lf you had been in my place,
you would have done the same.
Of course.
But my men are tired.
They would all want to go home.
But in Mexico the government
is waiting for us.
And we don't have enough weapons
to fight against them.
Of course.
But l could help you, Hugo.
Look at that!
Oh, Mother of God!
This toy is worth 150 guns.
That's the way l exterminated
the Major's men.
What type of weapon is this?
Get out of the way, men.
You could get hurt.
No! Don't do it, Django! l beg you!
These are the kind of weapons
l would need!
With ten of these it would be easy
to go back to Mexico. Right, Hugo?
Where are the other nine?
They are in Pecos waiting
to be bought.
l know the man who sells them.
Thank you for the information, Django.
But our revolution is a poor one.
lf you are poor, you have to
try to become rich.
That's the only way you can win.
Did you come here to pull my leg?
No, l came here to help you
and to get help.
Well, explain yourself!
At the fort there is gold for you
and for me.
The fort is very far from the border.
l can't return to Mexico... least not until l have
the 10 machineguns.
Plus, those brutes of the government
have far more men than us.
Every Saturday Nathaniel takes his
carriage with women over the border...
...and he visits the men at the fort.
lsn't that true, old man?
Yeah, yeah.
Explain yourself better, Django.
This week Jackson will go to the fort
as well, to set his foot in Mexico.
That's why l kept him alive.
l want the gold more than
l want his death.
And that gold will be ours!
But how?
lt will be difficult, that's for sure.
But with the help of my toy
it will also be fun.
The women have arrived!
Finally, they have arrived!
lt's about time!
The women are here! The women!
Let's go, women!
Come on, step down!
Let them step out.
There they are, great!
Let's go! Over there!
Let's go!
Come on! Charge!
Let's go, Ricardo!
Horses, let's go!
The machinegun is stuck!
Come on, horses!
No, oh no!
When we get to the border,
we'll get to the other side!
Well, let's go then!
Come on. Why don't you
go after them?
We have to stop. Otherwise,
we'll enter American territory.
Hooray! General Hugo has arrived!
Men! We are back! lt was a great trip!
Django's strike was
a complete success!
With the gold we'll buy the weapons!
We'll go back to Mexico.
We'll win the revolution!
We will win the revolution!
You see Hugo, we made it.
Oh, yes!
All that's left is to divide the gold
and say goodbye.
Give me my share.
Just like that? Do you really
want to leave just now?
Well, l have nothing more to do
in this town.
What do you mean, "nothing more,"
my brother?
Together we'll make
great things happen!
l'll make you lieutenant
of my revolution!
You already have many lieutenants,
and l only want what's due me.
Are you kidding?
You'll get double, double,
you understand?
Once l am in power.
l want my gold.
Oh man, you're obsessed.
Nobody will take your gold.
Don't you trust me?
He doesn't trust me.
You know, we'll keep your gold
in a safe place.
Let me show you where.
There we are. Even if it's just one door,
there are many guards.
The gold for our revolution
will be well guarded.
No one will be able to take it away.
lt's a pile of gold,
but in the form of powder.
Take this. Drink.
What's the matter, tart?
Are you in a bad mood because
the American doesn't care about you?
Come on, let me comfort you!
Damn you!
Leave Maria alone.
And you would give her to that bastard
American! lt's better if l take her!
l decide who will take her!
You bastard!
Thank you, Django. You saved my life
once more. l won't forget it.
Look at Maria. Look at her.
She can't take her eyes off you.
Take her! My gift to you.
You spend a wonderful night.
Thanks. But she's not my type.
l prefer her.
You see, Maria?
The Gringo prefers the dark one!
Don't be hurt. Come and drink with us!
This is a great night!
Come on, muchachos!
Tequila for everyone!
Get undressed.
Go on, undress yourself.
Don't pay attention to what l'm doing.
- My goodness!
- Yeah!
lsn't she beautiful?
Just a minute!
Look! The horses are fleeing!
You have to take me with you, Django!
All right, as you wish.
Hurry up, Django, hurry!
Watch out!
Prepare the men, Miguel.
Let's go hunting!
Take the carriage. Go through the
valley, and you'll get to the pass.
You'll be safe there.
And you?
lt's time for me to cross that bridge.
l waited a life, an entire life,
waiting to bury Django in this casket.
The gold will help me
make it disappear forever.
Let go of that gold, Django!
What do you care about it?
We'll start a new life together.
l'll help you forget.
l love you, Django.
l left love behind many years ago.
Now it rests under a cross
in the cemetery in Tombstone.
lf l bring you with me, you'd risk
ending up the same way.
And, maybe you wouldn't
make me forget.
Oh, Django!
Now that we meet again, Django...
Where is the gold?
The mud swallowed it.
A horse stumbles, a casket slips...
lt's fate, General.
lt certainly won't be the lost gold,
amigo, that will change my fate.
We'll go back to Mexico anyway, right?
The decision has already been made.
Now we are even, Django.
You saved my life two times, and
l did the same, back then and now.
l won't kill you. We don't kill thieves,
not even when they betray a friend.
We punish thieves in a different way.
Right, Miguel?
This is for our revolution!
And this is for the gold you stole!
Damn you!
You damned scoundrel! Thief!
You disgusting coward!
lt's your turn, men.
No matter how good a gunman is,
he still needs his hands, right, Django!
Pray that Jackson doesn't find you.
lt would be embarrassing for you.
Goodbye now, Django. My men and l
will go back to Mexico... win or to die. Let's go, fellows!
Bye, bye, Django!
We'll meet again in hell!
Let's go!
You madman!
Help her, Nathaniel.
l believe she can still be saved.
Alright. l will do my best.
But you should leave, don't stay here.
Jackson will come back here
any moment.
Django, leave! Save yourself,
run away before it's too late.
Don't worry about me.
There is one more thing l have to do.
l have to kill Jackson.
That's the only way for this town
and me to have a life again.
lt's no good to keep running away.
You have to stop and
fight to the very end.
l understood that when l was
squeezing your hand tightly...
...while the casket was going down
in the savannah.
lf l should fail, then at least l tried... get my life back.
Django, your... your hands.
My hands will still be able to serve me.
Nathaniel, hide Maria, and tell Jackson
that l'll wait for him... the crosses of the
Tombstone cemetery...
...because his time has come.
Django is waiting for you at the crosses
of the Tombstone cemetery.
But there is nothing for you to fear.
They broke his hands.
You thought you had won,
right, Django?
lnstead, here l am, to fight my war...
...the war that will never end.
Are you praying? lt's the right thing to
do when a man is about to die.
You can't make the sign of the cross
with those hands!
l will help you make it!
ln the name of the Father...
...the Son...
...and the Holy...
And it shall be done!