Dog Gone (2023) Movie Script

I get tuna every time and I hate tuna.
You know I hate tuna, but I just get it.
-It's like What'd you get?
See, that That's a good choice.
Italian is a good sandwich.
-What's up, babe?
-Oh, no.
Fields, whatever you do,
don't look to your left.
Oh, no way.
Sorry, pal.
Just one week into senior year.
How'd she just leave me?
Apparently by text.
I I can't eat this.
-I feel so alone.
"Loneliness and the feeling
of being unwanted
is the most terrible poverty."
Mother Teresa, who, by the way,
I guarantee you was never dumped.
I mean, seriously, you dump her,
that is one-way ticket downstairs.
Shh! Is that the guy?
-She left me for a Frisbee guy?
-You're a Frisbee guy.
No, not like him. He's, like
He looks great.
-Thank you.
I think that tonight,
we should go down to the Bobcat,
get some drinks, get some wings,
forget about Claire and this Adonis.
Where'd you go?
You aren't listening.
Let's go to the pound.
-This is a mistake.
Okay, I have love to give,
and Claire doesn't want it.
I love you, babe. Me, I do.
Can we go now, please?
I am getting a dog.
When was the last time you showered?
It was a Tuesday.
Listen, dogs, they need shots.
They need food and water every day.
You are just
You're ill-equipped.
I'm sorry. You just are.
-"What is man without the beasts?"
-Oh, no.
"For if all the beasts were gone,
man would die
of a great loneliness of the spirit."
-It's Chief Seattle.
-I know it's Chief Seattle. I know it is.
Just listen. A B-minus
in Native American studies
does not qualify you
to care for an animal.
-Also, please don't ever do that again.
It's very off-putting when you quote
smart dead guys back at me.
That's my thing.
Philosophical arts, my thing.
-You know it.
Oh, no.
Well, hey!
What's up, pup?
I love him.
And he loves me.
Whoop! That's a big bag.
All right. Oh, and I need him to imprint
on me, so don't, like, bond with him.
Done and done.
You know what, little buddy?
I am gonna find the perfect song
for our first car ride together.
Why is it so warm in here?
I told you, the AC is still broken.
-Oh, my God!
-Don't scare him.
-He's peeing on me!
-Whoa! Oh, yeah.
-Fields, take your dog right now.
-I don't want him!
-I don't want him!
-Hold on!
Take him right now. I swear to God.
Listen, I don't want his first
five minutes with us to be traumatizing,
so just, like, let him do his thing.
This is the worst thing
that has ever happened.
-He likes you.
Why is there so much?
-I don't
Yeah. Wow. All right.
Maybe we shouldn't look.
Oh! Yeah! Okay.
Oh, a little bit more.
Okay, he's done.
Good boy! Good boy.
Good boys.
Very good boys. Both of you.
-I hate you.
-You love me.
Time to take this fella home.
Puppy coming through!
I got the VIP.
Oh, hi!
-I know. I know. I know.
You having fun, buddy?
Oh. You know this is all for you, right?
This is your homecoming.
This party is fun.
I cannot believe
that all these people showed up for
What is his name?
I don't know.
What is your name?
He gonked me on the head.
-He did what?
-I mean I mean bonked.
-Wait, that's it.
-What is it?
-Hey, yeah, he likes it. Gonker.
-What is a gonker?
He's a Gonker.
Gonker! Gonker! Gonker!
Gonker! Gonker! Gonker!
Gonker! Gonker! Gonker! Gonker!
We're gonna be late to class.
Take a deep breath,
and we're gonna glide into downward dog.
Go. Go get it.
No, come back. Come back.
-Oh, go get it! Come on.
Go, come on.
-Hey! Whoosh!
Yeah, there you go!
There you go, buddy! Come here.
Yes! That's it, buddy!
Bring it back.
Boosh! You guys see it?
What did I tell you? The boy is talented.
I'm not opening a haunted house with you.
Did you guys hear about Lainey?
-She got a job at Boeing. Six figures.
-No, stop.
-Six figures? Like, in money?
-Yeah, and she gets to stay in Virginia.
-I don't know anyone in St. Louis.
-What's in St. Louis?
-My job.
I'm doing PR for Anheuser-Busch.
-I start in, like, two weeks.
-You didn't know that?
-You're working for a beer company?
-Dream job, right?
Wait, hold on. Do Do you all have jobs?
Uh, yeah, bud, we do.
Kinda. We just, uh, didn't
didn't wanna say anything.
Well, okay. Wait, hold on now.
I'm I'm not some loser
who can't get a job.
I just
I don't know what job I can do yet,
so I gotta, like,
figure that out first, you know?
Right. Isn't that kinda what
the last four years were for, though?
-That's my parents.
-Yes, it is.
-Uh, hide the beers.
-Good idea.
-Uh, we're 21.
-It's 10:30 in the morning.
Good point.
-Hey, Mom.
What What are you guys doing here?
Well, I I think my investment entitles
me to see you in a robe and a funny hat.
Well, graduation's tomorrow.
Yeah. We told you
that we were coming up the day before.
Right. Sorry. I forgot about that.
I've, um, been busy.
Yeah, I can see that.
Well, we have a surprise for you.
Oh, a surprise!
Is that Peyton I see? Come here!
What? Oh, my God.
W-What are you doing here?
You know, I took my last exam early
so I could fly out
and see my bro get his parchment.
-Look at you. Best sister ever.
-You know. I try.
Whoa, Gonker! Sorry about that.
-That's okay.
-Whoa, hey!
-All right.
-Whose dog is this?
It's a bad idea.
Okay, well, it's not an idea.
It's a reality.
It's a mistake.
He's not a mistake.
He's He's my best friend.
You can't even take care of yourself,
let alone another living being.
Okay, I take care of Gonker just fine.
So why's he drinking out of a beer bong?
He's not. That's a chemistry thing.
Come here, Gonker. Come on, buddy.
Come on, let's go.
-What kind of a name is "Gonker"?
-He gonked me in the head.
I see you haven't recovered
from the trauma.
Look, son, you're about to head out
into the real world.
You're not gonna have any time
to spend with Gonker.
What's he gonna do
when you're at work all day?
Dad, come on.
Have you called Mr. Kobrenner?
Accounting? I suck at math.
Or Matt Price at Harper Lewis.
Dad, I'm not equipped
to handle medical supplies sales.
Then what are you gonna do
when, in 24 hours, this whole party ends?
Other than be back at home
with Mom and Dad,
exactly where you were four years ago.
-Come on, boy.
Uh, excuse me, sorry. Hey.
Uh, come on. Excuse me, sorry. Sorry.
Oh, Mom, Dad.
I don't know what to say.
It's fine.
I'm sure there'll be another ceremony.
Oh, wait. There's only one.
Fielding, what happened?
Well, I really took to heart
what Dad said yesterday
about how I only
had 24 hours left here, so
Uh, Gonk and I slept out by the river
'cause he loves it there.
We listened to frogs
and talked about the stars.
-You talked?
-And we played flashlight chase.
-He likes to chase a light on the ground.
-We can do the math.
And we must have fallen asleep
pretty late, 'cause, um, I overslept.
Well, I'm sure it's worth
the six-hour round trip
just to see 4,000 strangers
all dressed in the same outfit.
It's okay. We can still go out
for a celebratory meal, right?
Actually, Mom, I, um
My stomach's been feeling a little off
the past few days.
Uh, maybe we can rain check?
Yeah, we'll have plenty of time
for family meals back home.
It's all right. I, uh
It's okay. Accidents happen.
I'm really proud of you.
-And I love you.
-I love you too.
Well, congratulations on graduating.
Drive safe.
Thanks. And, again, I'm so sorry.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Um, no, I'm going back to Seattle tonight.
Wait, just you, you
You cannot leave me alone with them.
I got a summer job
in the Creative Writing department.
Look, you say
you don't wanna live with the 'rents,
then why don't you get a job
and go pay rent?
Besides, you won't be alone, right?
You got Gonker.
Uh, he wants you to rub his belly.
-All right, Mr. Big Adult Professor Man.
-You could do it too.
Yeah, grad school? For what?
Good point.
I'm gonna miss you too, buddy.
All right? Now, listen.
Don't let the suburbs tame you, all right?
You're a wild beast.
-Don't forget it.
How lucky am I to have something
that makes saying goodbye so hard?
Oh, Gandhi.
Winnie the Pooh, man. Come here.
Take care, all right?
-Dude, do the
-I'll work on it.
I still wanna do the bird thing.
-Next time. See ya.
-Later, buddy.
It's okay, boy. We'll figure it out.
This is it.
Hey, there's gonna be
an adjustment period,
so let's just
Hey, let's just play it cool, all right?
-We're home.
Aw, the graduates are back!
Hi! Oh!
Oh, Gonk, down!
Hey, down, boy. Hey.
-He wants to kiss you.
-That's so nice.
Here you go, sport.
Uh, what's this?
Shock collar.
Oh, no, he's He's not wearing this.
-Mom, he's a wild beast.
-He's a domesticated animal.
Let's not go that far.
You saw the frat house.
No, I'm serious. He's used to being free.
He ran around campus all the time.
We're not on campus anymore.
We're in civilization.
And in civilization, people keep
their refrigerators in their kitchen
and their dogs in the yard.
No, I--
So we have some sensors
set up outside right by the woods,
so he can get close, but not too close.
And if he does, he gets a little zap.
Not enough to hurt him,
just enough to teach him.
-It's gonna break his spirit.
-It goes on his neck, not his spirit.
What are What is it, buddy?
No, no, no! Gonker!
-Hey! Hey! Gonker! Gonker, come on, man!
-Don't worry, the collar will stop him.
Gonker! Hey! Hey!
-He's getting away!
-Oh, what?
Oh, yeah, Gonk! Fight the power!
You go get that fox!
They told me it would stop any dog.
Well, Gonker isn't any dog.
What if he gets lost?
No, Mom, he'd run around campus for hours.
He always came back.
-But he doesn't know his way around here.
-He'll be fine. I promise.
No, he's a really, really special dog.
A bit of Japan that I can leave behind.
For your family's hospitality
during our visit.
-He's yours now.
His name is Oji.
I love him.
Can I play with him?
Fifty meters in either direction.
We need to go to town soon.
I don't want to have to look for you.
Come on, Oji.
Come on, boy.
-Want some food?
-Uh, no, I'm fine, but I could use a nap.
-Oh, God.
-Oh, hey. I'm sorry. Did I wake you?
-I think you woke your Aunt Jenny.
-She's been dead for nine years.
-What are you doing?
Oh, it's a breathing technique.
A modified Agni Prasana. It's
We time it to the end of our sleep cycle.
Keeps me centered, stabilizes my gut.
What's his deal?
Oh, he likes to do it with me.
Or maybe he just wants a belly rub?
Don't look at me, pal.
Okay, bye.
So our assessment is that
any positive movement in the next quarter
is gonna be unlikely.
So you're holding off
on investments until when?
No. My team's telling me
you should keep your powder dry,
at least until the local elections
or maybe after the rainy season.
Implementing a program is
gonna be possible at some point, right?
Can you excuse me for one second?
-I'm so sorry.
-Uh, sure.
Yes, sir?
I'm on a Zoom call with five people.
He's just sitting here whining.
He wants to play fetch.
All right.
Go get it.
He needs to choose the stick.
He needs to choose it?
-Yeah, it changes every day.
Now what?
He wants you to watch him choose.
It's no fun if you don't watch.
I'm watching.
You have your bed and I have my bed.
And this is my bed!
They choose popes quicker.
I give up!
-I give up.
When you're done,
please smother me to death as well.
Oh, you like birds too, huh?
You're not a wild beast.
You're a sweetheart, aren't you?
You're certain about this? All right.
Go get it!
Yes! That's it, boy!
-That was actually kinda cool.
Wait. Did you see that?
Yeah, that's a good boy!
-That was impressive!
-That's a talented boy!
Worst-named dog in the world.
What are you doing?
You're scared
of the thunder and lightning.
Aren't you? Yeah.
Just like Fielding when he was little.
You know, I used to have
to sing to him to make him feel better.
I'm home!
I got blueberry pie
from the farmers market
for when the Connors come.
And I got banana cream for us
'cause we deserve it.
What, no greeting?
You all tuckered out
from fetch and foxes and things--
Oh, shoot.
All right.
I'll get the big pieces,
and you come get the rest.
Hey, Fielding. Come here for a sec.
You want me to get the mop?
No, it's Gonker.
He didn't greet me when I came in.
And now there's food on the floor
and he's not touching it?
He didn't eat his breakfast?
I think that's his dinner from last night.
Hey, boy,
you wanna go for a run?
No? Hey, come on! Come on, let's go play!
-I'll call the vet.
Hey. It's okay.
Addison's disease is when the body
fails to produce enough glucocorticoids.
You fall into adrenal insufficiency,
which causes pain, low blood pressure.
You can lapse into a coma.
Wait. He's in a coma?
Oh, no, he's sedated.
Now, with medication,
Addison's can be controlled,
but Gonker's condition
had laid dormant his entire life.
And he's had an acute episode.
He's not out of the woods yet.
And if he survives,
he's going to need a shot every 30 days.
If he survives?
I'm sorry, but it's 50/50
he makes it through the night.
Then I'm gonna stay with him.
Not a good idea. He's gonna lapse
in and out of consciousness.
And if he sees you,
it'll rile him up, and he needs sleep.
Best thing for both of you is rest.
My staff and I will be with him
around the clock.
I promise.
Here. Now Gonker can have
some nice clean bowls when he gets back.
Yeah, if he gets back.
Don't talk like that.
Well, they said online
it's worse the longer it goes untreated.
He spent the whole first year of his life
with no medication, nothing.
In college, did you ever notice him
getting worn out or anything?
Well, some days,
but I thought he was tired from,
you know, playing fetch or hiking.
This is what we were saying.
Having a dog is a responsibility.
When you care for someone,
it can't just be sometimes or playtime.
It has to be all the time.
-He's been like this since 6:00 a.m.
Never seen a rebound like this in any dog.
-Yeah, boy!
There you go.
You're invincible, boy.
You're so strong.
Oh, boy! Oh, boy! Are you so excited?
Are you so excited?
Yummy. That's right.
I make really good food, don't I?
I would have gone with the birch
if it were me.
All right. Come on, boy. Ready?
Gonna race. You get a head start.
Go. Go on! Get it!
I'm coming to get it!
I'm coming to get it!
Who's a good boy?
Yes, you are.
The summer
that we went to Mohonk, New York.
Ugh. I fished every day in the lake
for two weeks.
I got nothing but a sunburn.
-How do you do that?
Oh, hey.
There he is.
The stinky foul beast,
and he brought his dog.
Oh! John
Oh, you remember the Goodwins, Fielding?
-Yes! Hi.
-Good to see you again.
You were out for a long time.
Yeah, we stopped at Mr. Platt's
so Gonk could play with Yuri.
It's good for him to play with other dogs.
-Yeah. Well, can I make you a plate?
-Uh, o, thank you.
You never eat.
-He's preparing for a life of poverty.
-Oh! I got him.
-Hey! Hey!
-That's mine.
-He loves pie.
We're gonna do some yoga
before I hit the shower, so
-It was great seeing you guys.
-Come back and eat, okay?
-You tease him too much.
-I'm just having fun with him.
Must be nice
to have him home.
Yes and no.
I was broke in college.
I worked my way through with three jobs.
And when I graduated, I had employment.
You know, and when my father was 21,
he'd served in a war.
Yeah, but he
just hasn't found his path yet.
Yeah, well, he better,
'cause I will not be Tim Misner.
His son's 35 years old and just
moved back into the house with them.
It's what keeps me up at night.
My class isn't boring,
and the last question
that I asked on the test was,
"Is atheism a religion?"
-I know. Like, how do you answer that?
You can't. It's not a thing.
So, I just gave everybody an "A"
and watched The Office.
Nice. You know,
the thought of you teaching undergrads,
it's kind of terrifying.
-I know.
-Terrifies me.
-Check that out. A fox.
You see the fox? Go get the fox!
-There he goes.
See fox, chase fox.
Why can't my life
be as simple as Gonker's?
I know, right?
It's good to see you.
Thank you for driving up.
Yeah. You sounded pretty down
on the phone.
Your dad's just kidding.
I mean, you know that.
Nah. Like, I always knew
he was disappointed in me, but this time
-I don't know, he just seemed embarrassed.
-He's not. He's not embarrassed.
He's not. He's just
your dad.
He just doesn't get it.
Like, I'm very well aware
of how lucky I am.
-I am.
You know, to have two parents
who busted their asses
to send me to school.
-Yes, they did.
-And gave me every opportunity.
Like, I'm just trying to figure out
what to do with that.
What does that mean?
It's hard to find a career
when you're not good at anything.
You are good at stuff.
-Yes, you are.
It's not like I can get paid for kayaking.
-You might be able to.
Come here!
He ran fast. Gonker!
Gonky buddy, ya hiding?
Mom! Dad! He's gone!
-What? Who's gone?
-What happened to your face?
-I fell down a ravine looking for him.
-The Appalachian Trail.
He went after a fox
and he never came back.
Nate and I,
we were looking everywhere for him.
-He's somewhere out there right now.
-There are coyotes out there.
-They're gonna eat him alive.
-That's not helpful.
This is why I told you to use a leash!
I knew this would happen!
-When was the last time he had his shot?
-Ten days ago.
So he's got 20 days tops.
Fielding, what is wrong with you?
This is what we're gonna do.
First of all, we're gonna realize
that we're not gonna find him tonight.
Right? You're gonna take a deep breath,
we're gonna clean out this cut
and we're gonna
plan something in the morning.
Please. It's so cold out.
He's fine. He has a fur coat.
I don't have a fur coat.
He's been out there for hours.
I am not letting that bear of a dog
inside while I entertain.
Now go to your room and be quiet
or you'll find yourself outside with him.
Come on, boy.
Come on, let's go.
Nice and warm.
You're my best friend, Oji.
It's insane.
A 2,200-mile trail
and the parks department
only has two rangers assigned to it.
What's going on?
Oh, the library gave us phone books
for every county in Virginia.
-At least I think it's every one.
Because I'm analog.
And if I search online,
I'm just gonna print it all out anyway.
That's hundreds of loose pages.
This way, it's easier to manage.
No, why are you doing this?
Because we have to find Gonker.
So we should start
with pounds, obviously.
-Animal hospitals.
-Yeah. Right.
And let's do Rockbridge, Rockingham.
-And Augusta.
Also, every town,
we should talk to the police department.
-Talk to animal control.
We should talk to, uh, churches.
Anywhere people congregate
and go for information.
Yeah, local newspapers.
-VFW halls.
Rotary Clubs, Elk Lodges.
You're talking hundreds of places.
Yeah. You have a better idea?
Well, there's no other alternative.
I'm gonna stay here
and I'll work the phones, take out ads.
Ads? Don't you think
social media is more effective?
I don't do that stuff.
That's your department.
And search and rescue.
Your mom's gonna hold down
the command center here, but you and I
are hitting the Appalachian Trail.
So if we focus, we work hard,
and make calculated, deliberate decisions,
and I promise you, we will find that dog.
Right? Hurry up, get dressed.
We only have so much daylight.
You promise? How can you say that?
Because I believe it.
It's been over an hour driving.
Should I be prepared
for it to be this quiet the whole time?
I'm checking to see
if Gonker's word is getting out.
How's it going?
Just friends saying they hope we find him,
but nothing useful.
Can we play something
with a little more pep?
I'm not feeling peppy.
This whole thing's my fault.
Thanks for doing this.
We haven't accomplished anything yet.
Caesar never thanked his generals
until they delivered a victory.
I'm not Caesar.
No, you're not.
But you're trying to solve this situation.
That's a start.
If you want to find him,
you need to find him.
Have you found Jesus Christ?
Well, we're a member of the church.
We probably don't go
as often as we should.
-You're selling those?
-Best in the county.
I've got the perfect one for ya.
Saint Anthony
is the patron saint of lost souls.
He'll help bring Gonker's soul
back to you.
Let us pray.
Saint Anthony, guide these men
as they search for their beloved hound.
Um, well, here's a ten.
Five for the figurine
and five for the prayer.
Appreciate you.
Same to you, brother.
Can't hurt.
And his collar
is blue and white herringbone.
I'm real sorry, but none
of our dogs match that description.
Okay. Well, maybe could you just
put up a flyer in the office?
Can do.
And I'll make a bunch of copies
and have our shelter volunteers
pass them out around town.
Jerry Malcolm.
Thank you so much.
We're so appreciative of your kindness.
-You have a great day.
You too.
-Good luck, now.
-Thank you.
Gonker! Gonker! Gonker!
Dad, Dad, you're not a French ambulance.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I would hate for me to embarrass you.
-At least you admit it.
-Admit what?
-That you're embarrassed of me.
-Don't be ridiculous.
Am I being ridiculous?
Because what's the opposite
of embarrassment? It's pride.
So, can you say you're proud
of how I live my life?
You know, from my ripped jeans
to my choices and everything in between.
Well, Fielding, obviously,
there are decisions that you've made,
how you spent your time in college,
how you're spending your time now,
that I don't I don't agree with.
-And, frankly, I don't understand them--
-I guess we're just two different people.
-Let me finish what I'm saying.
-There's no point, you know?
'Cause I know that you think
that I'm irresponsible, and immature,
and, you know,
Gonker's gonna die 'cause of me.
-There's hikers coming.
Um, hi! Excuse me.
I'm looking for my dog.
Just wondering if you've seen him.
Or maybe you can help
spread the word if not.
Yes, hi. This is Ginny Marshall.
I just emailed you a note with a flyer
explaining my family's situation and--
That's call waiting. I'll try you back.
-Ms. Marshall.
This is Kyle Gans at the Virginia Sun.
I got your email.
Oh! Thank you for calling back
so quickly, Mr. Gans. Yes.
I was wondering if we could put
a, um, a lost dog ad in your paper.
I'd be happy to reimburse you
for any expenses.
I'm thinking of something bigger.
I was struck by what you wrote.
It was deeply personal.
You're clearly heartbroken over your dog.
Oh, well, yeah, I
I did write the note, but, actually,
Gonker belongs to my son.
Because it reads like you lost your dog.
Anyway, with your permission,
I'd like to write an article
about your search.
We're getting publicity.
-The newspaper's gonna run an article.
-An article? Really?
With a photo of Gonker and everything.
The Connor boys are here,
they're setting up a scanner for me,
'cause the newspaper said
we need a certain resolution or something.
I don't know. I called Janie
and she sent 'em right over.
Great. Make sure you give 'em both a 20.
Yeah, I already tried.
They refused.
Isn't this wonderful?
The Virginia Sun has a circulation
of, like, 6,000.
I mean, Gonker has been
retweeted double that.
We still haven't heard anything.
Well, every little bit counts, right?
All right. Well, keep up the good work.
We love you. We'll call you
from the road in the morning.
Okay. Love you too.
We did 14 miles today.
I need you to keep up your energy.
-I know you're upset, but--
-I'm not upset, Dad.
It's what?
All my friends,
okay, they've all gone
and started their lives, and
I'm happy for them.
But it's like they pity me.
I totally feel it. And you and Mom,
you guys judge me too.
-Fielding, your mom and I don't judge you.
-Dad, yes, you do. Every day.
In how you look at me.
How you talk about me
when you think I can't hear you.
And when all of your friends, and your
mom, and your dad, and their friends,
when everyone
looks at you like you're a loser, it's
It's nice to have
one soul on earth who thinks
you're fine just the way you are.
Even if you are a little bit different
or don't have a job,
or direction, or momentum.
Just one soul who loves you because
Because you are you.
That's who Gonker was for me, Dad.
Gonker was the only one
on the entire planet who
Who liked me just the way I am.
Son, you're worried about Gonker
because you love him and he's lost.
That's why I worry about you.
You just did it again.
Just because I'm trying to find my way
or whatever doesn't mean I'm lost.
Excuse me! Excuse me! Hi.
Hi, um, were you handing these out
in the Hardee's earlier?
Yeah. Have you seen him?
Uh, no, sweetie, I haven't,
but when my Tucker ran off
a few years ago,
we went around with his brother Butchie,
and Tucker picked up his scent real fast.
Some folks think dogs will pick up
the scent of another canine
before they will a human scent.
It's kinda left over
from when they needed to find their packs.
I thought maybe it could help.
Thank you.
-Hey, we really appreciate this.
-Ah, you kiddin'?
Yuri loves Gonker, and vice versa.
No doubt old Gonk will know his scent.
I promise he'll never be off leash,
and we'll feed him well,
get plenty of exercise.
Fresh air will do him good.
Need him back a week from today.
Heading to Florida till the spring.
You got it.
Hopefully, we'll be back with two dogs.
All right. You be good, Yuri.
Help theMarshalls find their boy.
-Hey, excuse me.
-Hey, how are ya?
We're looking for our dog.
Maybe you can help us.
-Seen anything around here?
-No, haven't seen anything.
-Thank you so much.
-Good luck.
I'd love to help.
I have a friend at the high school,
lets me make copies for free.
I can put one up at the church,
the market.
Oh, and the quarry
employs a whole lot of folk.
I'll make sure they find one
on their windshield after work.
-Thank you. You're a godsend.
-Tell my ex that. Good luck.
-What about those guys?
-Are you sure?
-Talk about covering a lot of ground.
Right. They're on motorcycles.
They can't ride the trail.
We don't know
if Gonker's gonna stay on the trail.
-He could head into a city.
But they just don't
look like the type of people
you approach about this kind of thing.
Son, if you live in a bubble,
eventually you suffocate.
Pardon the interruption.
I was wondering if any of you gentlemen
had, uh, possibly seen
our missing dog on your travels?
He disappeared two days ago
on the trail, um,
and if we don't find him within 18 days
and give him his medicine, he could die.
His name is Gonker.
-His name is "Gonkers"?
-"Gonker." Singular.
It's one dog.
That's a stupid name.
I gave my dog a stupid name once.
He was five when he got out of the yard.
Never came back.
I still dream about him.
What happened to your guy?
How'd he get lost?
I had him off the leash, so
Uh, it's my fault.
You need to forgive yourself.
I beat myself up for years
on account of Macaroni.
It does you no good.
And it does no good for Gonkers either.
We've got chapters up and down the coast.
And we'll make sure that every
Asraels Knight keeps their eyes peeled.
-Thank you.
And thank all the other knights.
Uh, yeah, thanks.
No dogs.
Next motel is over 30 miles away,
and their website says,
"No pets over 15 pounds."
All right, let's put his bowls
in your bag.
No, they said, "No dogs."
Yeah. Little laws are for little men.
-The fine is, like, $300.
-Come on.
Ancient trading caravans on the Silk Road
would stop at campgrounds
on their way to the Orient.
You know what they called those?
Holiday Inns that don't allow dogs?
Not only were there camels allowed inside,
the guards would welcome them
and protect them.
-We are a caravansary.
So they are required to welcomeour camp.
Come on. Okay.
-Put the coat around me.
-What is this, Scooby-Doo?
-Come on, come on! He's heavy.
Okay, I'm gonna distract the front desk
while you slip by,
and I'll meet you at the elevators.
Let's light this candle.
I am not paying the fine.
Of course not. You'd need money for that.
Your dog is with a bad man.
Who is this?
My neighbor Claude got him.
He got all kinds of animals.
Lord knows what he does to them.
I see lots of dogs get brought in,
but I ain't ever seen one come out.
I don't understand.
She says this guy's harming animals?
That's what she said.
We should call the police.
And tell them what?
They can't enter the guy's house
on an accusation.
They'd need probable cause for a warrant
and there's not enough to get one.
Intro to Constitutional Law, B-plus.
Look, we'll have a conversation
with the guy and we'll see what's what.
-Do we have an address?
I just texted it to Fielding.
Oh, also, Fields,
um, I need you to get the word out
on my new Twitter and Instagram handles.
It's, um, @RealGonker and @FindGonker.
Hey, you guys be careful
at this Claude fella's.
He might be some kinda serial killer.
Yeah, you're absolutely right. That's why
I'm gonna send Fielding to the front door.
Be safe. I'm serious.
All my paperwork's up-to-date.
I'm fully licensed to act as a non-profit,
temporary shelter for strays.
I'm sorry. My wife called me
and said I should check it out.
I don't know.
It's No, this isn't
the first time it's happened.
The woman who called, Mrs. Banner,
98 and, uh, losing her faculties.
It's been explained to her a dozen times
what we do, but she just forgets.
-But her heart's in the right place.
-Listen, we're sorry to take up your time.
-You're not taking up my time.
Look, I'm fully plugged in
to the animal rescue community.
I'm gonna scan this, okay?
I'm gonna get a chain going.
We have folks, they spend every weekend
searching for strays just to try and help.
They need to know about Gonker.
Well, thank you.
Yeah, thanks.
You okay?
Oh, yeah, I just
I was hoping he'd be here, but
Let's just hope for a miracle.
-Ah, good! You got some calories in you.
Mmm-hmm! Um
So, I was thinking today
we make our way down to Elkton.
-That's quite a ways.
-Well, we don't have a choice.
It's like we say, Gonker isn't any dog.
As hard as you're searching for him,
he's searching for you.
Hi. Um, so sorry to bother you.
I was wondering,
maybe, if you've seen this dog?
Well, we sure have, 'cause he's our dog.
Hold on. You're the Marshalls?
That's what the mailbox says. And you are?
Um, Tracy.
I can't believe this.
I just read about you guys yesterday,
and it just made me feel so sad.
So I made a bunch of these
to hand out while I hike.
That is incredibly nice of you.
Wow, I guess the Virginia Sun
did us a solid.
The Sun? No, I've read about this
in Roanoke Times.
-Can I see that flyer?
-Yeah, of course.
Ha! This is from the Associated Press.
Gonker's gone national.
-Hello, this is Ginny Marshall.
-Ginny, my name is Alex Olsen.
I saw the article about your dog
in the Duluth News Tribune.
I got a Saint Bernard
with Addison's disease.
I just wanted to let you know
there's certain foods
that you can leave out for Gonker,
that if he can get to 'em,
which might help his condition.
Give him a few extra days
before his medicine wears off.
-Hello, this is Ginny Marshall.
Uh, can you just say that one more time?
Rhodesian Ridgeback.
They are excellent trackers.
But when he goes out to hunt, I have
a method to help him find his way home.
Take anything you might have
with your son's scent on it.
Place it outside.
The scent can carry for up to ten miles.
I can't keep up with all the calls.
People are reaching out from all over
the world with tips on how to track him,
how to lure him out of the woods,
how to help him find your scent.
Well, I don't think
they're gonna need help with that.
You're working on kind of a
patchouli musk.
-Have you smelled your cologne?
-Sounds like you twoare getting along.
-Oh, no, it's Stockholm syndrome.
Anyway, I put everyone's tips together
in a Google doc,
and I just shared it with you.
I sent you a link.
I recognize your voice,
but you cannot possibly be my mom.
Ha-ha. Very funny.
-Man, this is beautiful country.
-Oh, I know.
I took the youth center kids
on the trail a few times.
Like, to a stream.
Kayaked all day.
-They loved it.
-Sounds like you did too.
So you
You might think this is,
like, dumb or whatever, but, um
I was thinking about maybe
one day working in that field.
Doing what?
Uh, you know, like,
outdoor tours, nature tours,
stuff like that.
Is there a living in that?
I don't know.
Just a thought.
Hey, you okay?
Oh, yeah, it's just some blisters.
Look, we're a half mile from a rest stop.
Why don't we take a break?
No, we should keep going.
He's only got two weeks.
All the more reason
you gotta stay healthy.
We've got a lot of ground to cover.
Come on.
Hey. We should
definitely check in with those guys.
Yeah, I have flyers,and I can recite
the story in my sleep, so
Are you coming?
Thought I'd let you handle it.
Look like your kind of people.
If you live in a bubble,
you eventually suffocate.
Now he listens to me.
You're gonna hyperventilate.
See, you got the wrong stuff in there.
If the kindling bends like this,
it's too wet.
Unless it breaks,
it doesn't burn.
So you need
more stuff like this.
See, now
-Yeah, that's kindling.
-You're, like, full of dad knowledge.
-Ha! I don't know about that.
Talk to my son,
he'll tell you I'm full of something.
-He's pretty awesome.
Yeah, man.
Going out on the open road,
searching for his best friend.
He's got a real loving energy
that's hard to come by.
It's like you two are on,
like, an epic journey together.
Like a quest.
-An epic quest.
A vision quest, like the movie.
Matthew Modine, Madonna,
singing in a Pennsylvania
Appalachian bar? No?
That's what makes
what you're doing so cool.
Not many dads
would walk the trail for their kid.
Yeah. I mean, my old man,
he thinks everything I do is stupid,
like writing my music, or making my plays.
No, he doesn't think you're stupid.
He loves you.
Writing your plays and making your music
isn't gonna pay the bills.
You know, or get you health care coverage,
so he worries.
That's what dads do, they
We worry.
Mr. Marshall, we were all born in 2000.
The first humans of the new millennium.
With technological advances,
the odds are greater
we'll live past 100 than die before 40.
So what's the difference
if on our deathbed,
we had 54 years in the workforce or 53?
If we die with a little less money
to leave our kids
but a lot more life experience
and knowledge to pass on?
Some people know exactly what they want.
And others don't, like me and my friends.
At the end of the day,
we're all just walking the trail.
It's just some of us wanna
wait a bit longer before we step off.
That's all.
You know, I think my son's been
trying to tell me his version of that,
like, half a dozen times, and
Don't know why I didn't hear it until now.
'Cause I'm not your son.
All right. This was a good day.
Just another day
with no dog to show for it.
Well, people who don't even know us
now know Gonker.
And the dog can only travel so far,
and the story is now outpacing him.
So it's a good thing. Believe me.
-Really? Again?
Really? All right.
This is why I haven't been able
to get much rest.
I'm so used to Gonker being
in bed with me, I can't sleep without him.
-Yeah, Well, you're welcome to this one.
-Oh, no, I think he likes you.
He just won't stop moving.
Can you stop?
See if we can pull this off.
Remember, today was a good day.
It's okay, boy.
I'm okay.
Oh! Thanks for all your help, Yuri.
-So you have enough water?
-PowerBars and beef jerky.
-You actually gonna eat any of it?
Good. 'Cause take this in the spirit
with which it's intended,
but you look like a bag of crap.
-Thank you very much.
-So you'll take Spotswood up to--
-To the main trail.
-That's right.
-And I'll meet you in the parking lot at--
-Browns Gap. Got it.
It should take you about ten hours
of walking, and I'll see you tonight.
-Be safe.
-I'll be fine. Promise.
-See ya.
Be good.
Where's Oji?
I need you to be a big girl about this.
Oji got loose this morning
and ran into Fulton.
He was struck by a car.
He didn't make it.
I'm sorry. I know you liked him,
but these things are a part of life.
Now, I told your father you would
likely make a big thing about this.
Prove me wrong.
Show us that you won't carry on
and you will be rewarded with
a day of shopping at Josie's Boutique.
'Cause the truth is, no amount of crying
will bring him back.
So why waste that energy, okay?
-Oh, gosh, you scared me.
I missed you.
-I missed you too. What a week.
So Yuri's back with Earl,
and I am so looking forward to a shower
with a regular-sized bar of soap.
Ugh, I bet.
I don't think I've seen a room like this
since Russell Crowe was doing math.
Yeah, I've been listening to a podcast
of the Bushmen in the Kalahari
and how they track antelope,
and I was thinking there could be
something to that that's applicable here.
And also I've been putting up trackers
where everybody said that they've
seen Oji, but the description was wrong,
but I figure maybe if there's a pattern
to his movements, we should follow up.
Because who knows, maybe every tipster
just described him wrong.
Yeah, no, that makes sense.
Yeah, and then there's one other thing.
And you're gonna think I'm crazy.
-Animal psychics.
-No, I'm worried about you.
I'm fine! There's just
a lot of information coming in,
and I'm trying to control it all.
-He's not Oji.
-I'm just trying to--
-Gonker is not Oji.
I know that.
This has nothing to do with Oji.
You have to stop
putting pressure on yourself.
It's just that
it's happening all over again.
I promised myself that I would never care
about another dog again,
and then here I am.
Heartbroken again.
Look, look, look, I
I promise you it won't happen again.
We're gonna find this dog.
-You keep saying that.
-I know.
Because I believe it.
Hey, it's Fielding.
Sorry I missed your call. Leave a message.
Look, I am officially beyond worried
to extremely concerned.
You were supposed to be here
40 minutes ago.
I'm gonna go
to some of the other trailheads.
If you end up here,
stay put because I'll be back.
-Why wouldn't he be answering?
-Reception's spotty on the trail.
He could have a dead battery or--
Or what?
The kid is skin and bones.
He hasn't eaten. He's not sleeping.
It's dark. He's tired.
I hope he didn't hurt himself.
I've been up and down this trail.
He's over two hours late.
-You should have called me sooner!
-Well, I didn't wanna worry you.
Oh, yeah? How's that working out for ya?
We've already lost a dog
in these damn woods. And now our son too?
Hang on.
I found him! I'll call you back.
Where were you?
I was looking for my dog.
Come on.
-Watch the heel.
-I got you. Ready?
Oh, look at this.
Okay. Well,
twenty-four miles in 12 hours
on unpaved roads, uphill, downhill.
-You're pushing yourself to the brink.
-I had to cover more ground.
Gonker needs me.
Remember the other day you were asking me
if I was proud
of how you were living your life?
Your clothes, your choices?
-Hey, Dad--
-You didn't let me answer.
-We're cool. We don't have to do all that.
-Hey, hey, hey! Hey, no.
Will you listen for a minute, okay?
I can't take pride in your clothes.
Okay? I can't take pride
in living in a cabin
or any of those kind of things
because they're just that, they're things.
That's not what fathers take pride in.
I take pride in your character.
The character that embraces
being kind to everyone.
It's fun.
It's funny.
The kind of character that rescues a puppy
from a shelter and gives it a home.
The kind of character
that would walk all night on bloody feet
before it would give up
on someone it loves.
you're asking me if I'm proud of you.
I have always been proud of you.
I wouldn't know how not to be.
I love you, Dad.
I love you too.
Twenty-four miles? That's insane.
That's what I told him.
But he's not listening. He's dedicated.
And you?
Fielding's my compass now.
Wherever he says we go,
we go.
Be safe. I love you.
Love you.
Almost out of kibble.
We'll pick some up at town.
It's starting to get dark.
What if he comes back to the trail
at night and we're not here to find him?
The experts were telling your mom
if he's anywhere nearby,
he's gonna pick up your scent.
I just
I don't think we've been anywhere nearby.
-Don't give up hope.
-It's getting hard not to.
Who's looking for Gonker?
I am!
-Hey, man!
Ow! Oh, God. Ow.
What are you doing off the trail, man?
You could get lost, you could get killed.
I know! I almost did right there.
Listen. Wasn't my intention.
I'm not real good
at following all these markers.
They should make real signs, you know?
Something that says, "Trail that way."
Dude, what are you doing out here?
Looking for our dog.
You said that you guys started north.
I started south, worked my way up.
Got my walking stick
on account of all the walking.
Got some donuts
'cause I thought Gonk might smell them.
Interesting thing about donuts.
You know who else loves donuts?
Every freaking bird
in the state of Virginia,
because I have been mauled
and pecked at and attacked, and it's--
No, I mean, what are you doing out here?
This is my fault.
I'm the one who pointed out
the fox to Gonker, so this is my fault.
I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to.
You know that I loved him.
-I know that you loved him, and we just--
I never once,
for a second, ever thought to blame you.
Like, ever.
Wish I would have known that,
because these crows
have been kicking my ass.
All right. I got an idea.
-Where's he going?
-Dude, I don't know.
-God, it's so good to see you.
-Don't touch me, man.
I know you love me.
Oh, my God. Mmm. Mmm.
Oh, my God.
So good.
Mmm! Oh, my God.
Did they not feed you
at the psych department, Nate?
It's more of a food for the soul
kind of group, you know?
I'm thinking about selling out,
going to Wall Street.
Wow! Yeah? What about
becoming a "philosophical artist"?
"I love capitalism."
"It rewards me for being brave,
and it awards me for being innovative
and thinking outside the box."
Henry Rollins.
And he was a philosophical artist.
Maybe I'll become
an organic farmer or something.
-I don't know. Weighing both options.
-You're strange, Nate.
And I love it.
All right, I'm gonna go hit the head.
Papa seems like
he's in a fine mood tonight.
How you guys getting along,
all this time together?
Good. Really good.
Yeah, I think we found our rhythm.
-Can I clear these?
-Yes, thank you.
-Uh, yeah, thank you.
-You didn't go near your burger.
-I know.
Thank you.
What's up with that?
Just don't bring that up
in front of my dad.
It's just my stomach's been upset.
It was messed up last semester of school.
Fields, you gotta get that checked.
It could be who knows what?
-Another beer?
-None for me, thank you. I am driving.
I'll have another water
when you get a chance.
Um, also if there's any way you could hang
this up by the door, maybe on that board.
Otherwise, I totally understand.
It's fine.
Your dog's lost?
Oh, my goodness! He's so cute!
-No worries. I'll do it myself.
-Thank you. Really.
"Nothing for me. I'm driving."
I'm sorry, is this high school?
Just ignore it.
You spoiled college guys go on the trail.
You don't know what the hell you're doing.
That's why you lost your stupid dog.
Hey, I've had a hell of a week and a half.
-So if you two idiots could shut up?
Oh, my God.
-You got something to say?
Say it to my face.
Oh, no, I already had to hear you.
Now you want me to look at you too?
Oh, my God! Shut up!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
I wasn't aware there was dancing
at this establishment.
-Doesn't concern you, Pops.
Yeah, well, that's where you're wrong.
See, this is my son.
-And that is his friend.
So it is my biological edict
to protect 'em.
What do you think
you're gonna do about it?
Well, that's a fair question.
You see, I think for a living.
Anywhere there's a problem
around the world,
I look at the facts on the ground,
and then I make
what's called a "predictive assumption."
And here's my assessment
of the facts right now.
That you've had a couple drinks,
you're looking to have a fight.
These two are not. So now you're thinking
maybe you'll take a run at me.
-Yeah, well.
Here's what's gonna happen.
I'm gonna take my thumb
and jam it so far into your eye socket
it could pop it out like a cork.
So now it's your turn to think,
is it worth the risk?
Because if it's not,
then you better back off.
Y'all ain't worth the hassle.
The cheeseburger was fantastic.
He's Dwayne Johnson in Dockers.
They found him!
A yellow lab mix
was brought into a shelter really weak.
Blood tests show he has Addison's disease.
All right, here we go!
You okay?
Just wanna get my dog.
We will have him soon enough.
We had heard about Gonker on the news.
And when the vet said he had Addison's,
oh, we were so excited to call you guys.
It's not him.
I don't I don't understand.
It looks just like the dog on the flyer.
He's a little smaller and has reddish fur.
Thank you. Thank you.
Oh, Fielding.
I'm so sorry, Gonker.
No. Oh, no.
Dad, what are we doing?
We have to keep looking.
Say hello to your mother.
-You look terrible!
-We can't give up.
He's gonna die out there.
-Honey, odds are he's already gone.
-Don't say that.
-I found your sandwich. You didn't eat it.
-I don't care about that.
Fielding, we have had over
a hundred people trying to find Gonker,
and he still hasn't turned up.
You're not sleeping,
and you're not eating,
and the stress is taking its toll on you.
We need to keep looking.
It's over, baby.
He was the best friend I ever had.
I know.
I know exactly how you feel.
Um, Mom and Dad filled me in.
How you holding up?
I'm not.
You did everything you could, Fields.
All I could
would mean I'm still out there.
You're sick.
As hard as it may be,
you need to take a step back.
Gonker didn't make me like this.
I've been feeling sick
for a few months now.
Something's wrong, Peyton.
Every time I eat, it's
excruciating pain.
I'm coughing up blood.
Anything other than water makes me hurt.
I thought it was just
an upset stomach at first, but
a few weeks ago, it got really bad.
I feel like I'm dying.
Why didn't you tell anyone?
'Cause I had to keep looking.
Okay, no, listen to me.
Either you go down that hallway and tell
Mom and Dad what's going on or I will.
Mom. Dad.
There's something I need to tell you.
-It's the Marshalls.
-Is everything okay?
-The machine will get it.
-This is Matt Kessler.
I'm pretty sure your dog's here
at the Evergreen Lodge in Nellysford.
-Hi, this is Ginny Marshall.
Hi, Miss Marshall.
Yeah, we've got a dog that's been eating
out of our garbage for the past day or so,
and we haven't been able
to coax him inside to check out his tags.
He's pretty skittish. But he looks
just like the dog in theflyer.
Do you happen to have a video of the dog?
I just ask because several people
have said that they've seen Gonker
and they've been mistaken.
I tried to record him
doing his little tricks--
Excuse me, what kind of tricks, exactly?
It was the darnedest thing.
He found a box of stale donuts,
and the son of a gun was
flipping them up in the air with his nose.
I don't know.
You really think he could have
made it here in his condition?
One hundred and eleven miles?
Gonker isn't any dog.
-Thank you for calling.
-Yeah, thank you.
Uh, so this is where you've seen him?
Yeah, he eats right here at the dumpster.
Usually hangs around that tree line,
comes out whenever food is thrown away.
When was the last time you saw him?
Three hours ago.
I called you right after.
He got spooked 'cause the dumpster lid
came down with a crash
and he tore into the woods.
Hope that didn't chase him off for good.
If he was here, he would've heard me.
We will find that dog.
Why won't you stop saying that?
Because I believe it.
your dog has returned.
Goodbye, Oji.
Hello, Gonker!
Erratic breathing, semi-threadypulse.
-What are we dealing with? Heroin? Oxy?
-No, no drugs. He hasn't been eating.
Okay, we got it from here.
Hang a bag, normal saline.
Give me a full blood panel and stat EKG.
You got it, doctor.
It was one of the worst cases
I'd ever seen.
We did have to remove
the bulk of his large intestine.
You know, he could have died.
-From ulcerative colitis?
Sure, if remained untreated long enough.
But just so you know, he's okay.
From what I saw in surgery,
he spent weeks in acutepain and distress.
Any reason why he would have
waited so long to seek medical care?
It's gonna sound crazy. He
His dog was lost.
He wanted to keep looking.
Yeah, well.
Hansel and Gretel on their birthday,
so I get it.
-When can we see him?
-Give him a couple of hours.
He and his dog are gonna have
many more birthdays.
Thank you so much. Thank you.
Hey, if Hansel and Gretel ever go missing,
look us up.
-Sounds good. Thank you.
-Thank you.
Oh, my gosh!
And here he is,
chewing on his favorite pillow.
And then, look,
this is his favorite stick.
Every single time, he gets that one.
And the vet is shocked
at how strong he is.
Except for a few sores on his paws,
he's gonna be fine.
He looks sad.
Because he's wondering
where his buddy went.
Well, if it isn't
the Marshall family pet detectives.
-Hi, doc.
-Hi. How are we doing today?
I want to go home.
Gonker looks miserable without me.
Well, he's gonna continue missing you
if you don't get some rest.
The nurse said
you've been tossing and turning all night.
The body heals when it sleeps.
Yeah, he doesn't sleep well
without his dog.
Well, do the best you can.
Your body needs it.
Like, really needs it. Okay?
-Yeah, okay.
-You need to relax.
Yuri was much better at this than you are.
Stick your head inside the jacket.
Inside the jacket.
-We're gonna get in so much trouble.
-No, I know.
Come on.
Hey, what are you guys doing here?
We brought you a sleep aid.
-Oh, my God.
-Good boy.
-Hey! Hey, boy!
Hey, buddy.
You're so tired. Yeah.
You wanna go to sleep?
-Good boy.