Dog Soldiers (2002) Movie Script
You were right.
This is definitely better
than being at work.
One thing you didn't warn us
about though, bloody midges.
Be a big girl's blouse.
Anyway, now that
you've mentioned work,
and seeing that I bullied you
to come all the way out
here to celebrate the fact...
No knight should be
without his sword.
I don't know what to say.
My writer lost for words?
It's perfect.
Yeah, and it's also solid
silver, so don't lose it.
Nice try, Private Cooper.
You evaded capture for 22 hours
and 47 minutes.
You're straight to
the head of the class.
Of course the real
trick to survival
lies not in running and hiding,
but in removing your enemy's
capacity to hunt you down.
Here. Shoot the dog.
I'm sorry, sir, what?
Take the weapon and use it.
During the selection process,
you are under my command.
That's a direct order, Cooper.
You're taking a piss, right?
He thinks I'm pulling his leg.
Do I look like a sodding
comedian shitwank?
No, sir.
I still won't do it.
You don't have a choice.
Finish the job. Shoot the clog.
Shoot it!
No, sir!
What use are you to my team
if you can't even kill a clog?
I didn't say
I couldn't kill a dog, sir.
I just will not kill
that dog for no reason.
You're bent, Cooper. I don't
need a man of conscience.
You're failing me for this?
You failed yourself.
We're on a different
level here, Cooper.
For that, I need men of action.
Not deeds.
You sick fucking bastard.
It was just a dog.
That's all.
Maybe one day when that's
sunk into your thick skull,
you'll be ready for us.
Until then, you live and learn.
Yeah. You don't.
I don't do second
chances, Cooper.
And I never forget.
R.T.U this
pathetic piece of shit.
Send him back to his squad.
I want a good clean dispersal
and a secure landing zone.
Go! go, go go, go.
Joe, get out of the chopper.
I'm not missing the footy
for this, it's totally bone!
I'm not going, sir,
I'm not going!
They're "P-
Cooper. I want a
position and bearing.
Want to make a move
in three minutes.
On it, Sarge.
Spoon, Terry, you're on stag.
Joe, for fuck's sake.
Get off your big fat lardy
ass and make like a soldier.
Right then.
Time sync.
I've got 0730
coming up in three,
two, one.
Bollocks. I don't
believe this.
What is it now, Witherspoon?
Left me watch at
the barracks, Sarge.
Take a breather every
once in a while, son.
You'll live longer.
Nice work, Spoon, you tosser.
Took the words
right off my mouth.
And you'll be taking my boot out
of your mouth in a minute,
Joe, you baldy twat.
- I'm pissed now.
This shite is totally bone.
The most important
football match
of my life is playing tonight
and I'm stuck at the
back side of beyond
without so much
as a six pack or a telly.
That's the army for you.
It's England v. Germany,
man. Full on footy war.
Yeah, well, it's nothing like
this at all then, is it, Joe?
It's just an exercise.
Hardly life or death.
Don't bet on it, Joe.
You're fucking slaying me.
If you'd paid
any attention at all
during the briefing, Kirkley,
you'd know exactly
who we're up against
on this harmless little
exercise, wouldn't you?
And who's that, then?
Special Forces, you plunker.
Bollocks to them.
All right. All right.
Now listen up.
I'm gonna make this
quick and to the point.
Just like you, all I wanna do
is get home,
jump into a warm bed
with a nice hot woman
and watch the footy.
Planning on scoring, Sarge?
Mind you don't foul her
in the penalty box.
All right. Ban it,
private parts.
As for this moment
as far as we're concerned,
we are 50k behind enemy lines.
Now, if we do happen
to make a contact,
I expect nothing less than
gratuitous violence
from the lot of you.
As we're firing blanks,
it doesn't mean we have to
be thinking nice thoughts.
So, you remember,
you put five down.
You get stuck in,
you kick their fucking
teeth out or
I guarantee you, Joe,
they'll be having your bollocks
for breakfast, sunshine.
Hard boiled or fried, Sarge?
Here, Spoonie.
Oh, smart.
Though it's nice
and new and shiny
it doesn't mean it's worth shit.
Remember I want that back, son.
What about you, Sarge?
Well, I'll count.
Right then, Coop, what we got?
We're here. The front
line is here.
A.W.A.C.K reports enemy
positions here, here and here,
with sweeping patrols
between each
of these forward bunkers.
They have the whole sector
wrapped tighter
than an Eskimo's nutsack.
With one exception right here.
A river crosses the line through
a gorge 30 or 40 feet deep.
It's certain to have a patrol
on it but if we go at night,
tread careful and don't
mind getting our feet wet,
I reckon we can make it through.
What the fuck is
all this about then?
With my luck lately I need
all the help I can get.
Hey, listen. I know you think
it was a piss pool cooled you.
Failing selection and all that,
but I got to say I'm not sorry.
This squad would be a lot
worse off without you, mate.
Something I had to do, you know.
For myself, get it
out the system.
Look, the only people going
into trouble are Kamikazes,
glory boys and full
on fucking fatwits.
Take my advice, son.
Be patient.
Right then, ladies.
Pack up your troubles,
put your brains in first
gear and start tabbing.
Spoonie, you're on point.
Terry, Joe, tail in Charlie's.
Over here, Cooper.
On me head.
I can't believe I'm missing
the footy for this party.
Joe, if you don't shut up,
I swear to God I'm gonna
fucking slot you myself.
Now, move.
Didn't say a word, Sarge.
Where the hell are we now?
I heard a cracking
story about this place.
You what?
People disappear out here.
It happens all the time.
Come on, Cooper.
Give it some bollocks.
It's true.
Just last month a young couple
were hiking through these woods.
They set up camp
somewhere near here.
During the night,
something happened.
A rescue team found
the remains of the camp
a couple of days later.
The tent was ripped to threads
and there was blood everywhere.
The papers said
it was a monster,
like the beast of Bodmin Moor.
The locals claimed
it was an escaped lunatic.
But no one's been caught,
so nothing could
be proved either way.
Every year, more and more
people come through here.
Every once in a while they don't
come back. No trace, no bodies.
Just disappear and
never seen again.
Contact camp.
Tell them the flock is
heading for the fold.
Well then, Bruce,
what scares you?
The self-destructive nature
of the human condition.
Just taking a piss now.
You think so?
What about you, Spoon?
There's no argument
there. Joe?
Only one thing going to
put the shit out of me:
A penalty shoot-out.
That figures.
Watching a penalty
shoot-out... with Joe.
What about you, Coop?
And women.
And, uh, spider women.
I want to know
what scares the Sarge.
Piss of, man. Nothing
scares the Sarge.
I don't know about that.
The thought of never
seeing my wife again
scares the shit out of me.
That and those little things
that make your skin crawl
and the hairs stand up
at the back of your neck.
You mean like Spoon?
No, there's one thing,
actually, in particular
that I'll remember
until the day that I die.
It's back in '91, just before
my unit was flying out to Kuwait
to mop up the last
pockets of resistance.
Me and this young fellow
called Eddie Oswald
decided to go and
get a tattoo done
to commemorate our
first trip into the desert.
I remember Ed.
He was a stocky hard case
with a broken nose
and a bone eye, eh?
Yeah, that's him. Good-looking
fellow. Big hit with the ladies.
Anyway, me and Eddie,
we had a few drinks.
We had a lot of drinks.
And we went down
to the tattoo parlor,
and I got a desert rat done.
And Eddie being Eddie wanted
something a bit more meaning.
And being a bit of a believer,
he said that his soul
still belonged to God.
But his flesh was way
beyond redemption.
It was up to Satan
to save his skin.
So he got this fucking
great laughing devil tattoo,
right on his ass.
Anyway, about six days later,
we were making
a regular sweep along the,
uh, Iraqi border.
And, uh, Eddie, poor fucker,
triggered an antitank mine.
Yeah. We all saw it
happen. He was on point.
A white, blinding
lightning flash
and a fucking deafening crack.
By the time we picked
ourselves up off the deck,
Eddie was...
He was gone.
Just bits and pieces of him.
It's all that remained.
This big fucking red circle
a hundred meters.
I'll tell you something, lads.
It really puts
things in perspective
when you have to
scoop your mate up
with a shovel and
stick him in a bin bag.
Anyway, the thing that really
did our nuts in that day
was when you, uh, came
across the bit you recognized.
A bit of an ear,
a toe, a nose, a tooth.
The thing that really
freaked us out that day
was when left-hand Charlie found
a bit of Eddie
with the tattoo on.
I mean, everything else was
burned to a crisp
covered in claret.
All mushed up, pocked up.
Not this bit.
This bit was perfect.
And there's old Nick chortling
his fucking ass all off at us.
So you could say
that Eddie was right.
That Satan did indeed save
his skin, just not all of it.
Or you could say that
Eddie was just unlucky.
Either way...
It taught me to keep
a very open mind.
Boom, boom.
Eddie Oswald.
- To Eddie.
- To Eddie.
So anyway, this bloke
walks into a pub, right,
with a dog under his arm.
Puts his arm on the bar,
goes and sits down.
The bartender is
looking and thinking,
"What the hell's going on here?"
He looks back at the dog and
he's surprised. The clog turns...
Fucking cow!
Ceasefire, Terry.
Terry, what the hell
are you doing?
You're firing blanks, man.
Is everyone all right?
Is everyone okay?
No. I think
I've shit meself.
Is it dead?
Oh, yeah, it's dead alright.
Look at the state of it.
Look at the state of Terry.
These aren't entry wounds.
More like teeth marks.
What are you saying, Cooper?
What he's saying, Terry, is it
died of natural causes, mate.
Don't you think we should
call this in, Sarge?
Aye. Go on
the radio, Bruce.
There's no way I'm about
to break radio silence
'cause you lot got spooked
by a dead flying fucking cow.
No, we have this position.
We keep it secure
'til the morning.
Then we reassess the situation.
Right. I want
a watch posted.
Two on. Four off. Brucie,
Spoon. You're up first.
Cooper and I relieve
at 0100 hours.
In the meantime, Terry,
sort your kit out.
The rest of you
get your heads down.
Cow came in from this direction,
straight off the edge.
Out of the frying pan,
into the fire.
Bleeding to death,
it could've wandered around
for miles before it got here.
It's good of it to leave some
breadcrumbs for us to follow.
Looking for trouble?
No, Cooper.
Just looking.
Sarge, shouldn't we just report
this when we get back?
You're too fucking right, Terry,
but in the meantime
I'm curious,
and it's on the way.
Come on, lads.
Natural causes my ass.
Oh, now what?
Christ on a pike.
What the fucking hell
happened here, Sarge?
This is getting more
bone by the minute.
Jesus Christ, Sarge.
All right, lads.
Get a grip.
We've got casualties to locate.
So ditch your bar guns.
Salvage whatever weapons
you can find, and stand to.
We are now up against
live, hostile targets.
So if Little Red Riding Hood
should show up
with a bazooka
and a bad attitude,
I'd expect you
to chin the bitch.
Looks like they got
hit hard and fast.
Every magazine is full.
Nobody got off a single round.
If they're lost, then
where are the bodies?
Yeah. All right, Corporal.
Get on the net. Call in.
I want an emergency
air lift immediately.
I'm on it.
Help me.
Ryan? What
happened here?
Do not tell me
you fucking know him.
Captain Ryan, Special Ops.
No fucking dog lover.
Spearhead patrol. This is
spearhead patrol. Receiving?
He looks like he took on
Jack the Ripper and came last.
I can patch him up, but
he needs a medic right now.
This is an
emergency. Code 64.
You gotta get me out of
here. Do you understand?
There was only
supposed to be one.
We're working on it, Captain.
Not now, Spoon.
You're receiving?
What's wrong, Bruce?
I can't find a signal.
Did you check it?
Of course, and I double
checked it and it worked fine!
All right, Bruce, stay on
it. See what you can do.
Terry? They must've
had their own comms kit.
Have a look round. See
if you can find it. Go.
- Sarge.
- Spoon.
Have a shift around the camp.
See if you can
find anything else useful.
- Yeah, but...
- Not now, Spoon!
This is spearhead patrol,
are you receiving me?
There was only
supposed to be one.
Jesus! Charnel House
is compromised to fuck!
The hell is he doing here?
All I know is
he's special forces.
If this is part of our exercise,
it's been not advertised.
No cap badge, no insignia.
Just tags.
Some kind of a covert action?
Covert action or not, they're
packing all kinds of weird shit.
Tranquilizer darts,
nets, you name it.
It's a special ops mission,
not a fucking safari.
Sarge? We found
that radio.
Shit, I don't believe it.
There was only
supposed to be one!
What's he on about, Sarge?
Terry, get back on stag now.
You've got to get me out of
here before they come back.
Who, Captain?
Who is going to come back?
They tore them to pieces
in front of my eyes.
Sarge, if we don't get him
somewhere warm soon,
he's gonna die of hypothermia.
Stay with me, Captain.
Captain Ryan, stay with me.
- Sarge.
- Not now, Spoon!
I don't know if you care but
in about half an hour
it's gonna be dark.
Does anybody copy?
Any ivy?
The fuses are blown.
Can you fix it?
Maybe it was faulty or maybe
some damp got in the casing,
but it's fried the circuits.
Well, if it's
useless, mate, bin it.
I also found this.
It's attached inside.
Not part of the radio.
Looks like a transmitter.
Why would they put
a bug in our radio?
It's the Kobayashi Maru test.
They fixed it so
we can't fucking win.
Ban it, Spoon.
No, Terry,
it's probably some joke.
He didn't want Joe to
hear the footy results.
An early shot.
You scavenge anything useful?
Weapons, ammunition. A
couple of magnesium flares.
That's about it.
The rest is fucked.
All right, lads. Ditch
your I.T's. From here on in
the exercise is well
and truly over.
Anyone not carrying
live rounds better do so.
It won't make any difference.
They won't die.
This gives me a better
peace of mind, sir.
You want peace of mind?
Run for your lives before
they tear your legs
from under you.
Now you just shut up
like a good gentleman.
You are scaring my lads.
- What the fuck?
- Christ.
Oh, shit.
All right, lads,
grab what you can.
Head to the tree line.
We're moving. Let's go.
Right. I need a volunteer
for rear guard action.
- I'll do it.
- Nice work.
When we clear, you fall back.
We're gonna be there
to cover you.
Right, off you go.
Bruce, no heroics.
Spoonie, you're on point.
Joe, help Ryan.
Terry, you're up next.
Coop, you and me. All right,
lads, every foot in the grass.
Double time. Go!
Come on, sunshine,
fucking shift it.
Come on!
Bruce. Bruce!
Cooper, get out of here!
Jesus, I'm bit, mate.
You said no heroics, you
bloody hypocrite. Where's Bruce?
He's all over there. They
fucking tore him apart.
You piss off.
That is an order!
Fuck off.
You can take your orders
and shovel them up your ass.
Oh, Jesus, my guts are out.
We'll just put them
back in again.
They're not gonna fucking fit!
Of course they'll fit, man.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come out of the fog.
To your rear!
A target!
Keep moving.
Covering fire.
Backing guard.
They're circling us!
Covering fire.
Coming through!
- Target.
- Fire!
Bloody hell!
Just fucking lie down!
On me.
On me!
Get in.
Everybody on me!
Covering fire!
Oh, shit!
Just drive.
. Now!
- I m
They're fucking coming!
Come on, stab it!
Put it in reverse.
Stab it!
Shiv it!
Go forward.
Everything okay back there?
Any more casualties? Spoon?
No, I'm all right. What
about Bruce? Where's Bruce?
Bruce. Bruce is gone.
He's gone.
Fuck it!
Just hang on back there.
Thank you.
It's okay.
What happened?
What happened?
We were attacked by huge
fucking howling things.
That's what.
You were lucky I found you.
I was about to give up hope.
And you were here?
I heard gunfire last night.
I knew someone was out there.
If you weren't already in
trouble, then you soon would be.
We are. Two men are down.
Both need medical attention.
We need to dress
the Sergeant's wounds
before we can take him too far.
There's only one
farm in this glen.
The owners are friends.
We can take him in there.
Nobody home?
I don't know
where they could be.
Stand back.
Little pigs. Little pigs.
We've come to nick your video.
Hey. Sit.
Hey. Sit, sit.
You stay. Hm?
All clear.
What the fuck happened
back there, Cooper?
I don't know, mate.
She might have some answers.
All clear upstairs.
Where the hell are we now?
Home sweet home.
Sit him down.
Spoon, get a field
dressing on that wound.
Terry, keep an eye out front.
Is there a telephone here?
What? No.
It's still hot, lads.
You can't just help yourself!
I'm chinstrapped and I'm bloody
starving. I can help meself.
It's the training, miss.
Never waste an
opportunity to eat. Come on.
Now look what I'm doing.
Get it down your necks, lads.
Hold it, hold it.
Top grub.
What is it?
Don't know, mate.
Looks like pork.
Leave some for us,
you greedy mongrels.
Miss, where is
the nearest phone?
Fifty miles as the crow flies.
What about the nearest
population center?
You mean a town?
Well, Fort William,
but it's at least a four-hour
drive back the way we just came.
Do you think your
wounded can make it?
We have to try, the Sarge is in
serious trouble if we don't.
You seem to know these
roads. Will you take us?
Right now?
Unless your friends are
just gone for a walk about,
this place may be compromised.
Fine. The sooner
the better. Let's go.
All right.
Spoon, on me.
Everyone else hang back until
we bring the car about.
Joe, help the Sarge.
Terry, watch him.
Safeties off.
Don't Shoot.
Don't stare back.
I can't help it.
Move on!
That puts a kibosh on that plan.
That was my car!
- Sam, no!
- Get off!
Oh, God.
Piss off.
Fuck that!
Step back!
Bloody hell!
Get the dog off me.
Pull the clog off me.
God, Sam!
Shut the dog up!
Sam, come here.
Terry, right flank.
Cover the window.
That's bloody charming, that is.
You incompetent moron!
Do you wanna have
a fucking go like?
Upstairs. Far
end of passage.
We need to talk, Ryan.
It doesn't look like
I'm going anywhere, does it?
Joe, Spoon. Looks like we're
staying. You know what to do.
I want a secure perimeter
with a clear field of fire.
We'll give them something
inviting, right?
- I'm on it.
- Right.
Terry, are you okay?
I've got a real craving
for a kebab.
I'll take that as a yes.
We've got limited ammunition.
I want you to get as many
pots and pan
as you can lay your hands on.
Fill them with water and keep
them on the boil, all right?
Terry, while you're at it
set the kettle on.
We could all do with a brew.
Terry, give us a hand with this.
To the side, to the side.
You fool.
You came here because
of them, right?
I don't have a fucking
clue what they are,
and right now
I don't really care.
What are you doing here?
This was supposed to be
a routine training exercise,
and that's all.
So this wasn't a rescue mission?
- What?
- No, I guess not.
Back door is secure.
What's happening here, Spoon?
Well, they're still moving
around out there,
but they're keeping
their distance,
staying within the treelike.
Maybe they've had
enough for one night.
Not likely. They're smart.
You've seen what they can do.
My guess is they're
doing exactly
what you'd be
doing in their shoes.
Working as a team. Looking
for a weakness. A way in.
I'm not about to second-guess
these things.
They're the enemy.
As simple as that.
This is no ordinary enemy.
You know what this reminds
me of? Rorke's Drift.
A hundred men of Harlech
making a desperate stand against
ten thousand Zulu warriors.
Outnumbered, surrounded.
Staring death in the face.
Not flinching for a moment.
Balls of British steel.
You're bloody
loving this, aren't you?
It's totally bone.
That's all there is to say.
What are we talking
about here? Wolves?
Not entirely wolf nor all human,
but something in between.
Wolf men?
Having a laugh, right?
I may be nuts
but I'm no fruitcake.
Fine. Stay here
and drink tea.
I thought you might be here
because of them but I guess not.
Just don't be an asshole.
I like your new
girlfriend, Coop.
How're you feeling?
A touch of gas.
And the fact the various
body parts are trying
to vacate the premises.
Fucking awful.
Heads "P!
For crying out loud, man.
Short, controlled bursts.
Do you have a name, soldier?
Gonna need your help here, miss.
My name is Megan.
And I know how to kill...
Shit, Sarge, you're
leaking like a sieve.
Look, I need you to get some
Superglue and some whiskey.
- Alright?
- I'll see what I can do.
- Come on.
- No, no, no.
Sorry about the asshole thing.
I've got a mean streak
a mile across.
It's all right. It's the
least of my worries right now.
Can you pass me my gun, please?
Thank you.
Come on, Coop.
Up the wooden hill.
Where are we going, Coop?
You don't want to know, mate.
You don't want to know.
What's the glue for?
Ever wonder why
the best thing that
Superglue sticks together
is your fingers?
- Fuck, get off.
- Give it. Give it.
Forget your grandma's
China cups.
This stuff was developed
for the Vietnam war
to patch up broken soldiers.
How are you feeling, Sarge?
Absolutely fucking top,
fucking bollocks.
- Give us a...
- Give, give, give.
Are you sure he should be
chasing painkillers
with whiskey?
He's earned it.
Is it your birthday, Coop?
No, mate.
Is it my birthday? Hey!
No. You're gonna thank us
for this in the morning.
I'll tell you something.
I'm gonna fucking thank you.
Right now I'm gonna thank you
because you saved my life.
You got me out of there, mate.
You would've clone the same.
If I'd done the
same fucking thing,
I would've saved Bruce,
wouldn't I?
Oh, fuck!
Fuck, stop!
I'll tell you
something, miss, right?
This guy here, right,
is my best mate.
He's the salt of
the fucking Earth.
Don't get me wrong.
The rest of the guys in the
squad are lovely fellows.
Anyone of them could marry my-
marry my sister if I had one.
I'll tell you what.
I love him. I love you.
Like the mate
that I, that I love.
Would you like to be alone?
Dirty fucker!
It's the adrenaline.
I'll stick and you bond.
I'll tell you something.
Something better get
fucking stuck real soon.
'Cause this is really
starting to hurt.
Knock me out.
Hit me!
You fucking
pussy. Hit me!
So how long have you
lived around here?
Two years. Came here
for the wildlife.
I'm a zoologist.
So you've heard those
stories as well then.
Yeah. I heard the stories. I
went looking. I found evidence.
I was fascinated
by the possibility-
You can't seriously
believe in werewolves.
Straight out of college,
I'd have laughed at
the suggestion, but now
I know they are
as real as you and me.
Before tonight is over,
you will, too.
I think that'll hold.
You've done this before?
Oh, yeah. We glue people's guts
together all the time out here.
Everyone tooled up?
To the nines.
Poke your fucking eye
out with that one.
Right, Terry, look sharp.
The rest of you.
I know things have gone
from shit to bone
to worse in the last 24 hours.
But if we pull our way
and do the job,
we still have a fighting chance.
No more running. We
stand here. We fight.
Any questions?
Just one, Coop. Exactly, what
is it we're fighting against?
Megan, you wanna
run it pass the boys?
- Lycanthropes.
- Yours?
That's werewolves to you and me.
Are you taking a piss?
What? Makes perfect
sense to me.
You mean like full moons,
silver bullets and
eyebrows that
join in the middle?
Before you dismiss it off hand,
think about what
you've seen and heard.
The full moon, the teeth,
the claws, the howling.
Is it so difficult to believe?
For a whole year now
I've tracked these things.
I've studied them.
Try to understand them.
Every month when the moon
is full, they hunt as a team
dedicated to the kill.
During that time at least
15 people have vanished.
Hikers mostly,
in small groups or alone.
They're caught out in the open,
hunted down,
torn apart, and devoured.
I've never witnessed the actual
slaughter, but the next day
no bodies, no werewolves.
Just blood.
The eyebrows thing is nonsense.
It's just Dark Age paranoia.
And silver bullets, no one's
ever got close enough to try.
I'm sold.
Slow down, Spoon.
Megan may have a point.
I'm still not convinced
that these things
didn't escape
from the local nuthouse
and forget to shave
or trim their nails.
But they're out there
and we're in here.
What they may or
may not be does not
affect our immediate
situation one bit.
This is bone.
This is so fucking bone!
Anything else?
Yeah. What
does "bone" mean?
Bollocks and that.
Not very good.
Right. Anything else
I should know?
Call signs.
You need to be specific.
Upstairs you've
got Sergeant Wells,
who you seem to know
inside and out.
You got Spoon over there.
The vomiting cavalier, Terry.
The big guy with the ax is Joe.
Didn't you forget someone?
Captain Ryan is not
one of our team.
His being here is hazy at best.
If I could tell you, I would.
But I'm just a soldier like you.
No stripes.
No insignia.
A suit and a uniform
does not make a soldier.
He's with Special Ops.
His team were wiped out last
night. He was the only survivor.
I'd advise you against
pursuing this line
of questioning, Private Cooper.
You're pulling rank
on me now, Captain.
You can shove that
right up your arse.
I'm saying my being
here is a moot point
since I'm now in as
much shit as you are.
We're on the same fucking
shit. And we need each other.
I doubt I need you.
You bloody did two hours ago.
The Uaths.
Crying like a baby, you were.
That was then.
Circumstances change.
Uath It's Celtic.
The family's lived in
this glen for centuries.
So, what was he doing out there?
I have an idea.
I wanna hear it
from the horse's mouth.
Come to think of it, Ryan,
how are you feeling?
I'm fine.
When we found you,
you could barely
open your eyes, let alone walk.
And then later you manage
to run. And now look at you.
Fine and fit and sitting pretty.
Hardly the behavior of a
man who until recently
was knocking on death's door.
I have a strong constitution.
You're not bloody kidding.
You won't mind if I have a
look at that wound of yours.
I just assumed you didn't.
I have a responsibility
to my patient.
I'm warning you, Cooper,
don't touch me.
Get back!
Tie him up.
I want him to talk.
What are you gonna do?
Torture him?
I don't know.
What would you do?
I'd torture him.
What now?
They shut down the generator.
Why would they do that?
Because they can
see in the dark.
And you're afraid of it.
This is a pile of rancid shit!
Now what do you believe?
I'm beginning to believe you.
I think Joe might've
worded it better.
They're on the move.
All right.
This is it.
Mark your targets
and preserve your ammo.
Three-round busts.
We only got one
stun grenade apiece.
So only use them
if absolutely necessary.
Stand to.
What can I do?
What do you want to do?
Run and hide.
I know what's coming.
Take care of Sam.
Keep an eye on Ryan.
If he tries anything, pan him.
Chasing that first
kiss, are we, Cooper?
It's as simple as this.
You're not there for us,
we're not here for you.
Spoon, get down.
Fire in the hole!
Cheers, mate.
The Sarge.
Sarge? Sarge, wake up.
Fucking wake up, you fuck.
You fucker.
Wake up.
Fuck off!
More like pussies.
You all right?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm peachy, mate.
The squad's yours, mate.
They took Terry.
Then we go and get him back.
You're fucking right.
Forget about him.
What did you say?
He's dead, Cooper,
and you know it.
Somebody must've heard
some gunfire.
Somebody must've
heard something.
Who? The only other house
within 50 miles of here
is mine, and I'm not there.
What about the road,
man, passers by?
Do you have any
idea what kind of
luck you had running into me
out there tonight?
I thought you ran into us.
Joe, check upstairs.
Even if anyone did come by,
they'd only end up lambs to
the slaughter like you.
Our only hope is daylight.
Sunrise is in six hours.
We did the best we could.
But if the Sarge's
condition deteriorates,
he'll have less than four.
And the only thing
holding them back
is they don't know how
much ammunition we have left.
Let's have a look at that.
Tell me, honestly,
what are our chances?
The morale seems
good, considering.
It'll only last as long
as the ammunition holds out.
High spirits is
just no substitute
for 800 rounds a minute,
but I don't think that's
what you want to hear.
Think about it, Cooper.
Up until today you believed
there was a line
between myth and reality.
It may have been a very
fine line sometimes,
but at least it was a line.
Those things out there are real.
If they're real,
what else is real?
You know what lives
in the shadows now.
You may never get
another night's sleep
as long as you live.
So why worry, Cooper? You
may not live that long.
Shut your mouth.
I'm gonna make it through
this. You know why?
I don't scare that easy.
It's supposed to be lucky.
For me or the rest
of the rabbit?
You'll need a lot more
than luck this time.
Shut up, RY?"-
Listen to me, Cooper.
Ignore him.
We can survive 'til sunrise.
That's all that matters.
It's just a few more hours.
Wait a minute. Am I
missing something here?
I know him.
I was seconded to his team
during their first visit here.
First visit?
What first visit?
What the fuck are
you talking about?
They came to check out the
stories. They needed an expert.
It's just a few more hours,
Cooper. That's all it is.
All clear?
You wanna kill them all?
Keep it up.
What's the damage, Spoon?
We might've pissed
all our chips.
We've only got two full
mags for the MP5s,
six rounds for the shotgun,
and one spare. Just in case.
Stay sharp, everyone.
We're putting fire
down all over.
I mean, we filled
those things with lead,
and they just kept getting up
and coming back at us.
Sixty rounds won't
last us two minutes.
So either we all make a break
for it and fight our way clear,
or the rest of us keep
them occupied
while one of us goes for help.
By the time the
cavalry get here,
they'll have to pick
what's left of us
from between the fucking teeth.
Fucking brilliant.
We either stay and
snuff it, or we all go.
And snuff it.
Decisions, decisions.
I nearly died.
Who's stopping you?
That's it!
We'll fucking have him!
Take it easy, big man.
Calm down.
Do any of you know
how to hot-wire a car?
They keep an old
Land Rover in the barn.
I don't know where the keys are,
but if one of you could
break in and start it, then...
I can do that.
Are you sure?
A piece of piss.
The further I am from this
wanker, the happier I'll be.
All right. You're
gonna need a decoy.
Something fast and loud.
You what?
You, sit.
You're serious about this
werewolf thing, aren't you?
Afraid so.
Don't suppose you know
who won the match.
Didn't even know
there was a game on.
It's not a game.
All right, this is it.
Everyone get ready.
Good luck, man.
You don't get off
the hook that easy.
All right, you bastards.
Come on and have a go if you
think you're hot enough.
Come on, you beauties!
They took the bait.
Come on!
Spoon, run!
Move your fucking arse, soldier.
Come on.
I'm trying.
I love it when a
posh babe talks dirty.
Jesus! Fucking what's
happening, Cooper?
Cut it.
Cut it.
Fuck this.
He's done it. Ryan, up.
Everyone else downstairs.
- Come on, move it.
- Alright, alright.
Move. Move.
You're behind me, aren't you?
I'm gonna fucking have you!
Right? Go. Go.
She's in a bad way.
Fuel pumps gone.
Fan belt is bugging.
She's pissing out petrol
like there's no tomorrow.
The word "bone" springs to mind.
Joe's body?
It's gone.
What's the damage, Spoon?
We're down to 48 rounds.
Check the right.
Well, Ryan, you heard the score.
Maybe one or two of us are
gonna make it through this.
I don't care much
for our chances.
Do you like football?
What? They think it's all over
and all that crap? No, I don't.
Don't you remember Joe? He liked
football. Fucking lived for it.
Is this relevant?
He missed the most
important match of his life
for this bullshit exercise.
And now he's dead along
with two other mates.
I'd give gladly
given my right arm.
Too fucking right it's relevant!
You just can't get
past the dog, can you?
We're losing, Ryan.
We're three now down,
and we're close
to the final whistle.
At the very least
I want to even the score.
I understand your resentment.
But you failed because
you weren't prepared
to take that extra step.
If you'd passed, you
would've been on my team.
And if you were on
my team, you'd be dead.
Yeah, I failed.
I'm bloody glad of it.
If I was given the
choice of taking orders
from a toffee nosed
twat like you
and slogging it out
with these guys,
I'll take the underdogs anytime.
So you can take your precious
selection, shove it up your arse
and stop trying to change
the fucking subject!
Fair enough.
But you won't like
what I have to tell you.
There are some places
you really shouldn't go.
We'll be the judge
of that, Ryan.
Ever heard of Special
Weapons Division?
They're the men in white coats
who train dolphins
to stick mines on submarines.
And cute furry animals to
tear your head off at the neck.
They saw an opportunity
and called me in.
To do what? Catch
one of these things?
And to bring it back.
Alive if possible.
Only "it" turned out
to be "them."
We underestimated enemy numbers.
I would have a serious
word with your heads about the
quality of their intelligence.
It may have been their
invitation, but it was my party.
I planned it and executed it.
And you loused it up.
We lost good men, Ryan.
Yours and mine.
I wanna know...
where we fit in.
The reality is
you're expendable.
And I had approval
to put you at risk.
Get to the fucking point, Ryan.
I made a gap in enemy lines.
You were good enough to spot it
and predictable enough
to go for it.
That was your bait.
You were mine.
You bastard.
I had to choose somebody.
I remembered you.
Monkey see, monkey do.
- They were my men!
- Get up, you shit.
You know what we can do.
Give us a fighting chance.
Live and learn, Cooper.
I didn't hit him that hard.
You tripped something lose.
Bad dog.
Make the shot.
Cooper, get clown.
I got target.
Werewolves spend most of their
time in human form, right?
And the only people from
miles around live right here.
So these things aren't about to
give up the fight and go home.
They are home.
Yeah, well that makes
perfect sense, don't it?
When you think about it,
we bust into their house.
We eat all their porridge.
We sleep in their fucking beds.
No wonder they're pissed off.
But they're good people.
They're kind people.
More's the pity.
'Cause we're gonna
have to kill them all.
Too right, mate.
What self-respecting
werewolf would have
anything silver
in a house anyway?
Fuck the folklore.
Let's just burn them.
- Yeah.
- If we knew where to find them.
Maybe we do.
Everything we've seen so far
suggests the behavior of a pack.
Six to eight members. An Alpha
pair leading the subordinates,
and a young male, the Beta wolf,
second in command. Makes sense.
You lost me.
A wolf pack sticks together,
generally somewhere
close to its food supply.
Somewhere safe,
sheltered, and warm.
You're gonna have to move like
shit off the shovel on this one.
You wanna get your own shit.
When we blow that fuse,
that place is gonna go
up like Zabriskie Point.
- Just make it work.
- Yeah, it's easy peesy.
And lemon squeezy.
Listen, Coop.
What about the Sarge?
What about the Sarge?
You know what I mean.
The Sarge is with us.
Yeah, yeah.
I just didn't want him to go
out and get his watch back.
And you stay out of trouble.
You all right?
Oh, yeah, I am fine, Cooper.
I mean, I feel
absolutely fantastic.
That's a problem, isn't it?
What if she's wrong?
What if they're not
all in there?
Then we'll get some of them.
It's a shit lot better
than none of them,
and a marked improvement
on all of us.
No, you listen to me.
You get the fuck out now.
I'll hold them back, I'll keep
them occupied. You get out.
We've lost enough men for
one night, don't you think?
Let me show you something.
Do not tell me that
that is fucking normal.
What happened to Ryan
is happening to me.
It's just a matter
of time, mate.
Stop wasting time
with this hara-kiri crap.
This fight isn't lost, yet.
With Ryan it only took a
couple of hours. It's full moon.
Maybe it's like when you need
to take a piss or something.
I don't know.
When you gotta go,
you gotta fucking go.
Maybe it's more like
needing a shite.
Just 'cause you need one,
it doesn't mean you
drop your kegs
and pinch one off.
Anyway, fuck Ryan.
Shifty bastard could've been one
of those things from the start.
You know, Coop,
there's one more thing
you gotta learn
about command, mate.
Sometimes the people that
you kill are your own men.
So, I'm asking you.
Let me take care of myself.
And at least spare you
the unfortunate business
of trying to explain to Annie
why you had to incinerate me.
We're gonna knock seven colors of
shit out of these fuckers.
We need you.
It's all right, you know, mate.
It's okay.
I just didn't make it
out this time. That's all.
Because of the job,
you know what I mean?
When I signed my life
away on that dotted line,
I fucking meant it.
I am a professional soldier.
So, what do you want me to do?
Roast their bollocks off.
All clear.
Good luck.
Light it!
I'm sorry.
When I found you
out there tonight,
I truly believed you were the
best chance
I had of getting out.
But now we have no chance.
There is no out.
There never was.
I came here to be
at one with nature.
Well, I got what I wanted.
Now I have to live with it.
There is no house
in the next glen.
And there were no werewolves
in the barn when it blew.
Not one.
And the reason you're
not in the photograph
is 'cause you took it.
I never meant to-
You women.
Same old shite.
Being nice to women
will get you nowhere, Cooper.
Being nice to me
will get you killed.
You may think they're
all bitches, but...
I'm the real thing.
Do you think I like being
part of this fucked up family?
Do you think I chose
to run with the pack?
I chose you.
But now you're out of
luck, and I'm out of time.
And all we can do is let
nature take its course.
They were always here.
I just unlocked the door.
It's that time of the month.
Somebody has to put it
out of his misery.
Get clear.
Go now!
Spoonie, stop fucking
around and stick together!
That's an order!
Come on!
I'm in the closet.
Open the closet.
Come on!
You fucking mother!
You're not killing me,
you bastard.
How do you like the
tomatoes, you fucking bastard?
Come on.
I'm running out, Coop.
I'm running out.
You're a bastard.
A right fucking bastard!
Come on!
Come on!
I hope I give you the
shits, you fucking wimp.
You fucker.
Come on, Coop.
Beat it!
Go away.
Go on, Coop!
Get stuck in mate!
Get out of here!
Come on, you fucker!
Go away, you fucking ass.
Come on!
Cooper, let's get
in the wardrobe, son.
Let's get in the wardrobe.
All right.
What's that smell?
I don't know.
Fucking hell.
Give me the gun.
Open your mouth. Watch
your ears. Mind your toes.
Where's Spoon?
There is no Spoon.
No, you fucking bastards!
Help me, Cooper.
Get in there.
Get in there!
What are you doing?
Take this. There's one in
the chamber, mate.
- I'm fucking bit.
- No, you're not.
We go together or
we don't fucking go.
It's my last order. Do not
fuck about. Do not disobey me.
Fuck! Listen.
You have got
to make it out alive.
Prove what happened.
Not just for me or my lads.
For her!
Prove it happened, mate.
Go! Go!
Sam. Fuck.
Ryan, have you tried
licking your own balls, yet?
I forgot. You don't
fucking have any.
You think it's all over?
It is now.
You were right.
This is definitely better
than being at work.
One thing you didn't warn us
about though, bloody midges.
Be a big girl's blouse.
Anyway, now that
you've mentioned work,
and seeing that I bullied you
to come all the way out
here to celebrate the fact...
No knight should be
without his sword.
I don't know what to say.
My writer lost for words?
It's perfect.
Yeah, and it's also solid
silver, so don't lose it.
Nice try, Private Cooper.
You evaded capture for 22 hours
and 47 minutes.
You're straight to
the head of the class.
Of course the real
trick to survival
lies not in running and hiding,
but in removing your enemy's
capacity to hunt you down.
Here. Shoot the dog.
I'm sorry, sir, what?
Take the weapon and use it.
During the selection process,
you are under my command.
That's a direct order, Cooper.
You're taking a piss, right?
He thinks I'm pulling his leg.
Do I look like a sodding
comedian shitwank?
No, sir.
I still won't do it.
You don't have a choice.
Finish the job. Shoot the clog.
Shoot it!
No, sir!
What use are you to my team
if you can't even kill a clog?
I didn't say
I couldn't kill a dog, sir.
I just will not kill
that dog for no reason.
You're bent, Cooper. I don't
need a man of conscience.
You're failing me for this?
You failed yourself.
We're on a different
level here, Cooper.
For that, I need men of action.
Not deeds.
You sick fucking bastard.
It was just a dog.
That's all.
Maybe one day when that's
sunk into your thick skull,
you'll be ready for us.
Until then, you live and learn.
Yeah. You don't.
I don't do second
chances, Cooper.
And I never forget.
R.T.U this
pathetic piece of shit.
Send him back to his squad.
I want a good clean dispersal
and a secure landing zone.
Go! go, go go, go.
Joe, get out of the chopper.
I'm not missing the footy
for this, it's totally bone!
I'm not going, sir,
I'm not going!
They're "P-
Cooper. I want a
position and bearing.
Want to make a move
in three minutes.
On it, Sarge.
Spoon, Terry, you're on stag.
Joe, for fuck's sake.
Get off your big fat lardy
ass and make like a soldier.
Right then.
Time sync.
I've got 0730
coming up in three,
two, one.
Bollocks. I don't
believe this.
What is it now, Witherspoon?
Left me watch at
the barracks, Sarge.
Take a breather every
once in a while, son.
You'll live longer.
Nice work, Spoon, you tosser.
Took the words
right off my mouth.
And you'll be taking my boot out
of your mouth in a minute,
Joe, you baldy twat.
- I'm pissed now.
This shite is totally bone.
The most important
football match
of my life is playing tonight
and I'm stuck at the
back side of beyond
without so much
as a six pack or a telly.
That's the army for you.
It's England v. Germany,
man. Full on footy war.
Yeah, well, it's nothing like
this at all then, is it, Joe?
It's just an exercise.
Hardly life or death.
Don't bet on it, Joe.
You're fucking slaying me.
If you'd paid
any attention at all
during the briefing, Kirkley,
you'd know exactly
who we're up against
on this harmless little
exercise, wouldn't you?
And who's that, then?
Special Forces, you plunker.
Bollocks to them.
All right. All right.
Now listen up.
I'm gonna make this
quick and to the point.
Just like you, all I wanna do
is get home,
jump into a warm bed
with a nice hot woman
and watch the footy.
Planning on scoring, Sarge?
Mind you don't foul her
in the penalty box.
All right. Ban it,
private parts.
As for this moment
as far as we're concerned,
we are 50k behind enemy lines.
Now, if we do happen
to make a contact,
I expect nothing less than
gratuitous violence
from the lot of you.
As we're firing blanks,
it doesn't mean we have to
be thinking nice thoughts.
So, you remember,
you put five down.
You get stuck in,
you kick their fucking
teeth out or
I guarantee you, Joe,
they'll be having your bollocks
for breakfast, sunshine.
Hard boiled or fried, Sarge?
Here, Spoonie.
Oh, smart.
Though it's nice
and new and shiny
it doesn't mean it's worth shit.
Remember I want that back, son.
What about you, Sarge?
Well, I'll count.
Right then, Coop, what we got?
We're here. The front
line is here.
A.W.A.C.K reports enemy
positions here, here and here,
with sweeping patrols
between each
of these forward bunkers.
They have the whole sector
wrapped tighter
than an Eskimo's nutsack.
With one exception right here.
A river crosses the line through
a gorge 30 or 40 feet deep.
It's certain to have a patrol
on it but if we go at night,
tread careful and don't
mind getting our feet wet,
I reckon we can make it through.
What the fuck is
all this about then?
With my luck lately I need
all the help I can get.
Hey, listen. I know you think
it was a piss pool cooled you.
Failing selection and all that,
but I got to say I'm not sorry.
This squad would be a lot
worse off without you, mate.
Something I had to do, you know.
For myself, get it
out the system.
Look, the only people going
into trouble are Kamikazes,
glory boys and full
on fucking fatwits.
Take my advice, son.
Be patient.
Right then, ladies.
Pack up your troubles,
put your brains in first
gear and start tabbing.
Spoonie, you're on point.
Terry, Joe, tail in Charlie's.
Over here, Cooper.
On me head.
I can't believe I'm missing
the footy for this party.
Joe, if you don't shut up,
I swear to God I'm gonna
fucking slot you myself.
Now, move.
Didn't say a word, Sarge.
Where the hell are we now?
I heard a cracking
story about this place.
You what?
People disappear out here.
It happens all the time.
Come on, Cooper.
Give it some bollocks.
It's true.
Just last month a young couple
were hiking through these woods.
They set up camp
somewhere near here.
During the night,
something happened.
A rescue team found
the remains of the camp
a couple of days later.
The tent was ripped to threads
and there was blood everywhere.
The papers said
it was a monster,
like the beast of Bodmin Moor.
The locals claimed
it was an escaped lunatic.
But no one's been caught,
so nothing could
be proved either way.
Every year, more and more
people come through here.
Every once in a while they don't
come back. No trace, no bodies.
Just disappear and
never seen again.
Contact camp.
Tell them the flock is
heading for the fold.
Well then, Bruce,
what scares you?
The self-destructive nature
of the human condition.
Just taking a piss now.
You think so?
What about you, Spoon?
There's no argument
there. Joe?
Only one thing going to
put the shit out of me:
A penalty shoot-out.
That figures.
Watching a penalty
shoot-out... with Joe.
What about you, Coop?
And women.
And, uh, spider women.
I want to know
what scares the Sarge.
Piss of, man. Nothing
scares the Sarge.
I don't know about that.
The thought of never
seeing my wife again
scares the shit out of me.
That and those little things
that make your skin crawl
and the hairs stand up
at the back of your neck.
You mean like Spoon?
No, there's one thing,
actually, in particular
that I'll remember
until the day that I die.
It's back in '91, just before
my unit was flying out to Kuwait
to mop up the last
pockets of resistance.
Me and this young fellow
called Eddie Oswald
decided to go and
get a tattoo done
to commemorate our
first trip into the desert.
I remember Ed.
He was a stocky hard case
with a broken nose
and a bone eye, eh?
Yeah, that's him. Good-looking
fellow. Big hit with the ladies.
Anyway, me and Eddie,
we had a few drinks.
We had a lot of drinks.
And we went down
to the tattoo parlor,
and I got a desert rat done.
And Eddie being Eddie wanted
something a bit more meaning.
And being a bit of a believer,
he said that his soul
still belonged to God.
But his flesh was way
beyond redemption.
It was up to Satan
to save his skin.
So he got this fucking
great laughing devil tattoo,
right on his ass.
Anyway, about six days later,
we were making
a regular sweep along the,
uh, Iraqi border.
And, uh, Eddie, poor fucker,
triggered an antitank mine.
Yeah. We all saw it
happen. He was on point.
A white, blinding
lightning flash
and a fucking deafening crack.
By the time we picked
ourselves up off the deck,
Eddie was...
He was gone.
Just bits and pieces of him.
It's all that remained.
This big fucking red circle
a hundred meters.
I'll tell you something, lads.
It really puts
things in perspective
when you have to
scoop your mate up
with a shovel and
stick him in a bin bag.
Anyway, the thing that really
did our nuts in that day
was when you, uh, came
across the bit you recognized.
A bit of an ear,
a toe, a nose, a tooth.
The thing that really
freaked us out that day
was when left-hand Charlie found
a bit of Eddie
with the tattoo on.
I mean, everything else was
burned to a crisp
covered in claret.
All mushed up, pocked up.
Not this bit.
This bit was perfect.
And there's old Nick chortling
his fucking ass all off at us.
So you could say
that Eddie was right.
That Satan did indeed save
his skin, just not all of it.
Or you could say that
Eddie was just unlucky.
Either way...
It taught me to keep
a very open mind.
Boom, boom.
Eddie Oswald.
- To Eddie.
- To Eddie.
So anyway, this bloke
walks into a pub, right,
with a dog under his arm.
Puts his arm on the bar,
goes and sits down.
The bartender is
looking and thinking,
"What the hell's going on here?"
He looks back at the dog and
he's surprised. The clog turns...
Fucking cow!
Ceasefire, Terry.
Terry, what the hell
are you doing?
You're firing blanks, man.
Is everyone all right?
Is everyone okay?
No. I think
I've shit meself.
Is it dead?
Oh, yeah, it's dead alright.
Look at the state of it.
Look at the state of Terry.
These aren't entry wounds.
More like teeth marks.
What are you saying, Cooper?
What he's saying, Terry, is it
died of natural causes, mate.
Don't you think we should
call this in, Sarge?
Aye. Go on
the radio, Bruce.
There's no way I'm about
to break radio silence
'cause you lot got spooked
by a dead flying fucking cow.
No, we have this position.
We keep it secure
'til the morning.
Then we reassess the situation.
Right. I want
a watch posted.
Two on. Four off. Brucie,
Spoon. You're up first.
Cooper and I relieve
at 0100 hours.
In the meantime, Terry,
sort your kit out.
The rest of you
get your heads down.
Cow came in from this direction,
straight off the edge.
Out of the frying pan,
into the fire.
Bleeding to death,
it could've wandered around
for miles before it got here.
It's good of it to leave some
breadcrumbs for us to follow.
Looking for trouble?
No, Cooper.
Just looking.
Sarge, shouldn't we just report
this when we get back?
You're too fucking right, Terry,
but in the meantime
I'm curious,
and it's on the way.
Come on, lads.
Natural causes my ass.
Oh, now what?
Christ on a pike.
What the fucking hell
happened here, Sarge?
This is getting more
bone by the minute.
Jesus Christ, Sarge.
All right, lads.
Get a grip.
We've got casualties to locate.
So ditch your bar guns.
Salvage whatever weapons
you can find, and stand to.
We are now up against
live, hostile targets.
So if Little Red Riding Hood
should show up
with a bazooka
and a bad attitude,
I'd expect you
to chin the bitch.
Looks like they got
hit hard and fast.
Every magazine is full.
Nobody got off a single round.
If they're lost, then
where are the bodies?
Yeah. All right, Corporal.
Get on the net. Call in.
I want an emergency
air lift immediately.
I'm on it.
Help me.
Ryan? What
happened here?
Do not tell me
you fucking know him.
Captain Ryan, Special Ops.
No fucking dog lover.
Spearhead patrol. This is
spearhead patrol. Receiving?
He looks like he took on
Jack the Ripper and came last.
I can patch him up, but
he needs a medic right now.
This is an
emergency. Code 64.
You gotta get me out of
here. Do you understand?
There was only
supposed to be one.
We're working on it, Captain.
Not now, Spoon.
You're receiving?
What's wrong, Bruce?
I can't find a signal.
Did you check it?
Of course, and I double
checked it and it worked fine!
All right, Bruce, stay on
it. See what you can do.
Terry? They must've
had their own comms kit.
Have a look round. See
if you can find it. Go.
- Sarge.
- Spoon.
Have a shift around the camp.
See if you can
find anything else useful.
- Yeah, but...
- Not now, Spoon!
This is spearhead patrol,
are you receiving me?
There was only
supposed to be one.
Jesus! Charnel House
is compromised to fuck!
The hell is he doing here?
All I know is
he's special forces.
If this is part of our exercise,
it's been not advertised.
No cap badge, no insignia.
Just tags.
Some kind of a covert action?
Covert action or not, they're
packing all kinds of weird shit.
Tranquilizer darts,
nets, you name it.
It's a special ops mission,
not a fucking safari.
Sarge? We found
that radio.
Shit, I don't believe it.
There was only
supposed to be one!
What's he on about, Sarge?
Terry, get back on stag now.
You've got to get me out of
here before they come back.
Who, Captain?
Who is going to come back?
They tore them to pieces
in front of my eyes.
Sarge, if we don't get him
somewhere warm soon,
he's gonna die of hypothermia.
Stay with me, Captain.
Captain Ryan, stay with me.
- Sarge.
- Not now, Spoon!
I don't know if you care but
in about half an hour
it's gonna be dark.
Does anybody copy?
Any ivy?
The fuses are blown.
Can you fix it?
Maybe it was faulty or maybe
some damp got in the casing,
but it's fried the circuits.
Well, if it's
useless, mate, bin it.
I also found this.
It's attached inside.
Not part of the radio.
Looks like a transmitter.
Why would they put
a bug in our radio?
It's the Kobayashi Maru test.
They fixed it so
we can't fucking win.
Ban it, Spoon.
No, Terry,
it's probably some joke.
He didn't want Joe to
hear the footy results.
An early shot.
You scavenge anything useful?
Weapons, ammunition. A
couple of magnesium flares.
That's about it.
The rest is fucked.
All right, lads. Ditch
your I.T's. From here on in
the exercise is well
and truly over.
Anyone not carrying
live rounds better do so.
It won't make any difference.
They won't die.
This gives me a better
peace of mind, sir.
You want peace of mind?
Run for your lives before
they tear your legs
from under you.
Now you just shut up
like a good gentleman.
You are scaring my lads.
- What the fuck?
- Christ.
Oh, shit.
All right, lads,
grab what you can.
Head to the tree line.
We're moving. Let's go.
Right. I need a volunteer
for rear guard action.
- I'll do it.
- Nice work.
When we clear, you fall back.
We're gonna be there
to cover you.
Right, off you go.
Bruce, no heroics.
Spoonie, you're on point.
Joe, help Ryan.
Terry, you're up next.
Coop, you and me. All right,
lads, every foot in the grass.
Double time. Go!
Come on, sunshine,
fucking shift it.
Come on!
Bruce. Bruce!
Cooper, get out of here!
Jesus, I'm bit, mate.
You said no heroics, you
bloody hypocrite. Where's Bruce?
He's all over there. They
fucking tore him apart.
You piss off.
That is an order!
Fuck off.
You can take your orders
and shovel them up your ass.
Oh, Jesus, my guts are out.
We'll just put them
back in again.
They're not gonna fucking fit!
Of course they'll fit, man.
Come on.
Come on.
Come on.
Come out of the fog.
To your rear!
A target!
Keep moving.
Covering fire.
Backing guard.
They're circling us!
Covering fire.
Coming through!
- Target.
- Fire!
Bloody hell!
Just fucking lie down!
On me.
On me!
Get in.
Everybody on me!
Covering fire!
Oh, shit!
Just drive.
. Now!
- I m
They're fucking coming!
Come on, stab it!
Put it in reverse.
Stab it!
Shiv it!
Go forward.
Everything okay back there?
Any more casualties? Spoon?
No, I'm all right. What
about Bruce? Where's Bruce?
Bruce. Bruce is gone.
He's gone.
Fuck it!
Just hang on back there.
Thank you.
It's okay.
What happened?
What happened?
We were attacked by huge
fucking howling things.
That's what.
You were lucky I found you.
I was about to give up hope.
And you were here?
I heard gunfire last night.
I knew someone was out there.
If you weren't already in
trouble, then you soon would be.
We are. Two men are down.
Both need medical attention.
We need to dress
the Sergeant's wounds
before we can take him too far.
There's only one
farm in this glen.
The owners are friends.
We can take him in there.
Nobody home?
I don't know
where they could be.
Stand back.
Little pigs. Little pigs.
We've come to nick your video.
Hey. Sit.
Hey. Sit, sit.
You stay. Hm?
All clear.
What the fuck happened
back there, Cooper?
I don't know, mate.
She might have some answers.
All clear upstairs.
Where the hell are we now?
Home sweet home.
Sit him down.
Spoon, get a field
dressing on that wound.
Terry, keep an eye out front.
Is there a telephone here?
What? No.
It's still hot, lads.
You can't just help yourself!
I'm chinstrapped and I'm bloody
starving. I can help meself.
It's the training, miss.
Never waste an
opportunity to eat. Come on.
Now look what I'm doing.
Get it down your necks, lads.
Hold it, hold it.
Top grub.
What is it?
Don't know, mate.
Looks like pork.
Leave some for us,
you greedy mongrels.
Miss, where is
the nearest phone?
Fifty miles as the crow flies.
What about the nearest
population center?
You mean a town?
Well, Fort William,
but it's at least a four-hour
drive back the way we just came.
Do you think your
wounded can make it?
We have to try, the Sarge is in
serious trouble if we don't.
You seem to know these
roads. Will you take us?
Right now?
Unless your friends are
just gone for a walk about,
this place may be compromised.
Fine. The sooner
the better. Let's go.
All right.
Spoon, on me.
Everyone else hang back until
we bring the car about.
Joe, help the Sarge.
Terry, watch him.
Safeties off.
Don't Shoot.
Don't stare back.
I can't help it.
Move on!
That puts a kibosh on that plan.
That was my car!
- Sam, no!
- Get off!
Oh, God.
Piss off.
Fuck that!
Step back!
Bloody hell!
Get the dog off me.
Pull the clog off me.
God, Sam!
Shut the dog up!
Sam, come here.
Terry, right flank.
Cover the window.
That's bloody charming, that is.
You incompetent moron!
Do you wanna have
a fucking go like?
Upstairs. Far
end of passage.
We need to talk, Ryan.
It doesn't look like
I'm going anywhere, does it?
Joe, Spoon. Looks like we're
staying. You know what to do.
I want a secure perimeter
with a clear field of fire.
We'll give them something
inviting, right?
- I'm on it.
- Right.
Terry, are you okay?
I've got a real craving
for a kebab.
I'll take that as a yes.
We've got limited ammunition.
I want you to get as many
pots and pan
as you can lay your hands on.
Fill them with water and keep
them on the boil, all right?
Terry, while you're at it
set the kettle on.
We could all do with a brew.
Terry, give us a hand with this.
To the side, to the side.
You fool.
You came here because
of them, right?
I don't have a fucking
clue what they are,
and right now
I don't really care.
What are you doing here?
This was supposed to be
a routine training exercise,
and that's all.
So this wasn't a rescue mission?
- What?
- No, I guess not.
Back door is secure.
What's happening here, Spoon?
Well, they're still moving
around out there,
but they're keeping
their distance,
staying within the treelike.
Maybe they've had
enough for one night.
Not likely. They're smart.
You've seen what they can do.
My guess is they're
doing exactly
what you'd be
doing in their shoes.
Working as a team. Looking
for a weakness. A way in.
I'm not about to second-guess
these things.
They're the enemy.
As simple as that.
This is no ordinary enemy.
You know what this reminds
me of? Rorke's Drift.
A hundred men of Harlech
making a desperate stand against
ten thousand Zulu warriors.
Outnumbered, surrounded.
Staring death in the face.
Not flinching for a moment.
Balls of British steel.
You're bloody
loving this, aren't you?
It's totally bone.
That's all there is to say.
What are we talking
about here? Wolves?
Not entirely wolf nor all human,
but something in between.
Wolf men?
Having a laugh, right?
I may be nuts
but I'm no fruitcake.
Fine. Stay here
and drink tea.
I thought you might be here
because of them but I guess not.
Just don't be an asshole.
I like your new
girlfriend, Coop.
How're you feeling?
A touch of gas.
And the fact the various
body parts are trying
to vacate the premises.
Fucking awful.
Heads "P!
For crying out loud, man.
Short, controlled bursts.
Do you have a name, soldier?
Gonna need your help here, miss.
My name is Megan.
And I know how to kill...
Shit, Sarge, you're
leaking like a sieve.
Look, I need you to get some
Superglue and some whiskey.
- Alright?
- I'll see what I can do.
- Come on.
- No, no, no.
Sorry about the asshole thing.
I've got a mean streak
a mile across.
It's all right. It's the
least of my worries right now.
Can you pass me my gun, please?
Thank you.
Come on, Coop.
Up the wooden hill.
Where are we going, Coop?
You don't want to know, mate.
You don't want to know.
What's the glue for?
Ever wonder why
the best thing that
Superglue sticks together
is your fingers?
- Fuck, get off.
- Give it. Give it.
Forget your grandma's
China cups.
This stuff was developed
for the Vietnam war
to patch up broken soldiers.
How are you feeling, Sarge?
Absolutely fucking top,
fucking bollocks.
- Give us a...
- Give, give, give.
Are you sure he should be
chasing painkillers
with whiskey?
He's earned it.
Is it your birthday, Coop?
No, mate.
Is it my birthday? Hey!
No. You're gonna thank us
for this in the morning.
I'll tell you something.
I'm gonna fucking thank you.
Right now I'm gonna thank you
because you saved my life.
You got me out of there, mate.
You would've clone the same.
If I'd done the
same fucking thing,
I would've saved Bruce,
wouldn't I?
Oh, fuck!
Fuck, stop!
I'll tell you
something, miss, right?
This guy here, right,
is my best mate.
He's the salt of
the fucking Earth.
Don't get me wrong.
The rest of the guys in the
squad are lovely fellows.
Anyone of them could marry my-
marry my sister if I had one.
I'll tell you what.
I love him. I love you.
Like the mate
that I, that I love.
Would you like to be alone?
Dirty fucker!
It's the adrenaline.
I'll stick and you bond.
I'll tell you something.
Something better get
fucking stuck real soon.
'Cause this is really
starting to hurt.
Knock me out.
Hit me!
You fucking
pussy. Hit me!
So how long have you
lived around here?
Two years. Came here
for the wildlife.
I'm a zoologist.
So you've heard those
stories as well then.
Yeah. I heard the stories. I
went looking. I found evidence.
I was fascinated
by the possibility-
You can't seriously
believe in werewolves.
Straight out of college,
I'd have laughed at
the suggestion, but now
I know they are
as real as you and me.
Before tonight is over,
you will, too.
I think that'll hold.
You've done this before?
Oh, yeah. We glue people's guts
together all the time out here.
Everyone tooled up?
To the nines.
Poke your fucking eye
out with that one.
Right, Terry, look sharp.
The rest of you.
I know things have gone
from shit to bone
to worse in the last 24 hours.
But if we pull our way
and do the job,
we still have a fighting chance.
No more running. We
stand here. We fight.
Any questions?
Just one, Coop. Exactly, what
is it we're fighting against?
Megan, you wanna
run it pass the boys?
- Lycanthropes.
- Yours?
That's werewolves to you and me.
Are you taking a piss?
What? Makes perfect
sense to me.
You mean like full moons,
silver bullets and
eyebrows that
join in the middle?
Before you dismiss it off hand,
think about what
you've seen and heard.
The full moon, the teeth,
the claws, the howling.
Is it so difficult to believe?
For a whole year now
I've tracked these things.
I've studied them.
Try to understand them.
Every month when the moon
is full, they hunt as a team
dedicated to the kill.
During that time at least
15 people have vanished.
Hikers mostly,
in small groups or alone.
They're caught out in the open,
hunted down,
torn apart, and devoured.
I've never witnessed the actual
slaughter, but the next day
no bodies, no werewolves.
Just blood.
The eyebrows thing is nonsense.
It's just Dark Age paranoia.
And silver bullets, no one's
ever got close enough to try.
I'm sold.
Slow down, Spoon.
Megan may have a point.
I'm still not convinced
that these things
didn't escape
from the local nuthouse
and forget to shave
or trim their nails.
But they're out there
and we're in here.
What they may or
may not be does not
affect our immediate
situation one bit.
This is bone.
This is so fucking bone!
Anything else?
Yeah. What
does "bone" mean?
Bollocks and that.
Not very good.
Right. Anything else
I should know?
Call signs.
You need to be specific.
Upstairs you've
got Sergeant Wells,
who you seem to know
inside and out.
You got Spoon over there.
The vomiting cavalier, Terry.
The big guy with the ax is Joe.
Didn't you forget someone?
Captain Ryan is not
one of our team.
His being here is hazy at best.
If I could tell you, I would.
But I'm just a soldier like you.
No stripes.
No insignia.
A suit and a uniform
does not make a soldier.
He's with Special Ops.
His team were wiped out last
night. He was the only survivor.
I'd advise you against
pursuing this line
of questioning, Private Cooper.
You're pulling rank
on me now, Captain.
You can shove that
right up your arse.
I'm saying my being
here is a moot point
since I'm now in as
much shit as you are.
We're on the same fucking
shit. And we need each other.
I doubt I need you.
You bloody did two hours ago.
The Uaths.
Crying like a baby, you were.
That was then.
Circumstances change.
Uath It's Celtic.
The family's lived in
this glen for centuries.
So, what was he doing out there?
I have an idea.
I wanna hear it
from the horse's mouth.
Come to think of it, Ryan,
how are you feeling?
I'm fine.
When we found you,
you could barely
open your eyes, let alone walk.
And then later you manage
to run. And now look at you.
Fine and fit and sitting pretty.
Hardly the behavior of a
man who until recently
was knocking on death's door.
I have a strong constitution.
You're not bloody kidding.
You won't mind if I have a
look at that wound of yours.
I just assumed you didn't.
I have a responsibility
to my patient.
I'm warning you, Cooper,
don't touch me.
Get back!
Tie him up.
I want him to talk.
What are you gonna do?
Torture him?
I don't know.
What would you do?
I'd torture him.
What now?
They shut down the generator.
Why would they do that?
Because they can
see in the dark.
And you're afraid of it.
This is a pile of rancid shit!
Now what do you believe?
I'm beginning to believe you.
I think Joe might've
worded it better.
They're on the move.
All right.
This is it.
Mark your targets
and preserve your ammo.
Three-round busts.
We only got one
stun grenade apiece.
So only use them
if absolutely necessary.
Stand to.
What can I do?
What do you want to do?
Run and hide.
I know what's coming.
Take care of Sam.
Keep an eye on Ryan.
If he tries anything, pan him.
Chasing that first
kiss, are we, Cooper?
It's as simple as this.
You're not there for us,
we're not here for you.
Spoon, get down.
Fire in the hole!
Cheers, mate.
The Sarge.
Sarge? Sarge, wake up.
Fucking wake up, you fuck.
You fucker.
Wake up.
Fuck off!
More like pussies.
You all right?
Oh, yeah, yeah.
I'm peachy, mate.
The squad's yours, mate.
They took Terry.
Then we go and get him back.
You're fucking right.
Forget about him.
What did you say?
He's dead, Cooper,
and you know it.
Somebody must've heard
some gunfire.
Somebody must've
heard something.
Who? The only other house
within 50 miles of here
is mine, and I'm not there.
What about the road,
man, passers by?
Do you have any
idea what kind of
luck you had running into me
out there tonight?
I thought you ran into us.
Joe, check upstairs.
Even if anyone did come by,
they'd only end up lambs to
the slaughter like you.
Our only hope is daylight.
Sunrise is in six hours.
We did the best we could.
But if the Sarge's
condition deteriorates,
he'll have less than four.
And the only thing
holding them back
is they don't know how
much ammunition we have left.
Let's have a look at that.
Tell me, honestly,
what are our chances?
The morale seems
good, considering.
It'll only last as long
as the ammunition holds out.
High spirits is
just no substitute
for 800 rounds a minute,
but I don't think that's
what you want to hear.
Think about it, Cooper.
Up until today you believed
there was a line
between myth and reality.
It may have been a very
fine line sometimes,
but at least it was a line.
Those things out there are real.
If they're real,
what else is real?
You know what lives
in the shadows now.
You may never get
another night's sleep
as long as you live.
So why worry, Cooper? You
may not live that long.
Shut your mouth.
I'm gonna make it through
this. You know why?
I don't scare that easy.
It's supposed to be lucky.
For me or the rest
of the rabbit?
You'll need a lot more
than luck this time.
Shut up, RY?"-
Listen to me, Cooper.
Ignore him.
We can survive 'til sunrise.
That's all that matters.
It's just a few more hours.
Wait a minute. Am I
missing something here?
I know him.
I was seconded to his team
during their first visit here.
First visit?
What first visit?
What the fuck are
you talking about?
They came to check out the
stories. They needed an expert.
It's just a few more hours,
Cooper. That's all it is.
All clear?
You wanna kill them all?
Keep it up.
What's the damage, Spoon?
We might've pissed
all our chips.
We've only got two full
mags for the MP5s,
six rounds for the shotgun,
and one spare. Just in case.
Stay sharp, everyone.
We're putting fire
down all over.
I mean, we filled
those things with lead,
and they just kept getting up
and coming back at us.
Sixty rounds won't
last us two minutes.
So either we all make a break
for it and fight our way clear,
or the rest of us keep
them occupied
while one of us goes for help.
By the time the
cavalry get here,
they'll have to pick
what's left of us
from between the fucking teeth.
Fucking brilliant.
We either stay and
snuff it, or we all go.
And snuff it.
Decisions, decisions.
I nearly died.
Who's stopping you?
That's it!
We'll fucking have him!
Take it easy, big man.
Calm down.
Do any of you know
how to hot-wire a car?
They keep an old
Land Rover in the barn.
I don't know where the keys are,
but if one of you could
break in and start it, then...
I can do that.
Are you sure?
A piece of piss.
The further I am from this
wanker, the happier I'll be.
All right. You're
gonna need a decoy.
Something fast and loud.
You what?
You, sit.
You're serious about this
werewolf thing, aren't you?
Afraid so.
Don't suppose you know
who won the match.
Didn't even know
there was a game on.
It's not a game.
All right, this is it.
Everyone get ready.
Good luck, man.
You don't get off
the hook that easy.
All right, you bastards.
Come on and have a go if you
think you're hot enough.
Come on, you beauties!
They took the bait.
Come on!
Spoon, run!
Move your fucking arse, soldier.
Come on.
I'm trying.
I love it when a
posh babe talks dirty.
Jesus! Fucking what's
happening, Cooper?
Cut it.
Cut it.
Fuck this.
He's done it. Ryan, up.
Everyone else downstairs.
- Come on, move it.
- Alright, alright.
Move. Move.
You're behind me, aren't you?
I'm gonna fucking have you!
Right? Go. Go.
She's in a bad way.
Fuel pumps gone.
Fan belt is bugging.
She's pissing out petrol
like there's no tomorrow.
The word "bone" springs to mind.
Joe's body?
It's gone.
What's the damage, Spoon?
We're down to 48 rounds.
Check the right.
Well, Ryan, you heard the score.
Maybe one or two of us are
gonna make it through this.
I don't care much
for our chances.
Do you like football?
What? They think it's all over
and all that crap? No, I don't.
Don't you remember Joe? He liked
football. Fucking lived for it.
Is this relevant?
He missed the most
important match of his life
for this bullshit exercise.
And now he's dead along
with two other mates.
I'd give gladly
given my right arm.
Too fucking right it's relevant!
You just can't get
past the dog, can you?
We're losing, Ryan.
We're three now down,
and we're close
to the final whistle.
At the very least
I want to even the score.
I understand your resentment.
But you failed because
you weren't prepared
to take that extra step.
If you'd passed, you
would've been on my team.
And if you were on
my team, you'd be dead.
Yeah, I failed.
I'm bloody glad of it.
If I was given the
choice of taking orders
from a toffee nosed
twat like you
and slogging it out
with these guys,
I'll take the underdogs anytime.
So you can take your precious
selection, shove it up your arse
and stop trying to change
the fucking subject!
Fair enough.
But you won't like
what I have to tell you.
There are some places
you really shouldn't go.
We'll be the judge
of that, Ryan.
Ever heard of Special
Weapons Division?
They're the men in white coats
who train dolphins
to stick mines on submarines.
And cute furry animals to
tear your head off at the neck.
They saw an opportunity
and called me in.
To do what? Catch
one of these things?
And to bring it back.
Alive if possible.
Only "it" turned out
to be "them."
We underestimated enemy numbers.
I would have a serious
word with your heads about the
quality of their intelligence.
It may have been their
invitation, but it was my party.
I planned it and executed it.
And you loused it up.
We lost good men, Ryan.
Yours and mine.
I wanna know...
where we fit in.
The reality is
you're expendable.
And I had approval
to put you at risk.
Get to the fucking point, Ryan.
I made a gap in enemy lines.
You were good enough to spot it
and predictable enough
to go for it.
That was your bait.
You were mine.
You bastard.
I had to choose somebody.
I remembered you.
Monkey see, monkey do.
- They were my men!
- Get up, you shit.
You know what we can do.
Give us a fighting chance.
Live and learn, Cooper.
I didn't hit him that hard.
You tripped something lose.
Bad dog.
Make the shot.
Cooper, get clown.
I got target.
Werewolves spend most of their
time in human form, right?
And the only people from
miles around live right here.
So these things aren't about to
give up the fight and go home.
They are home.
Yeah, well that makes
perfect sense, don't it?
When you think about it,
we bust into their house.
We eat all their porridge.
We sleep in their fucking beds.
No wonder they're pissed off.
But they're good people.
They're kind people.
More's the pity.
'Cause we're gonna
have to kill them all.
Too right, mate.
What self-respecting
werewolf would have
anything silver
in a house anyway?
Fuck the folklore.
Let's just burn them.
- Yeah.
- If we knew where to find them.
Maybe we do.
Everything we've seen so far
suggests the behavior of a pack.
Six to eight members. An Alpha
pair leading the subordinates,
and a young male, the Beta wolf,
second in command. Makes sense.
You lost me.
A wolf pack sticks together,
generally somewhere
close to its food supply.
Somewhere safe,
sheltered, and warm.
You're gonna have to move like
shit off the shovel on this one.
You wanna get your own shit.
When we blow that fuse,
that place is gonna go
up like Zabriskie Point.
- Just make it work.
- Yeah, it's easy peesy.
And lemon squeezy.
Listen, Coop.
What about the Sarge?
What about the Sarge?
You know what I mean.
The Sarge is with us.
Yeah, yeah.
I just didn't want him to go
out and get his watch back.
And you stay out of trouble.
You all right?
Oh, yeah, I am fine, Cooper.
I mean, I feel
absolutely fantastic.
That's a problem, isn't it?
What if she's wrong?
What if they're not
all in there?
Then we'll get some of them.
It's a shit lot better
than none of them,
and a marked improvement
on all of us.
No, you listen to me.
You get the fuck out now.
I'll hold them back, I'll keep
them occupied. You get out.
We've lost enough men for
one night, don't you think?
Let me show you something.
Do not tell me that
that is fucking normal.
What happened to Ryan
is happening to me.
It's just a matter
of time, mate.
Stop wasting time
with this hara-kiri crap.
This fight isn't lost, yet.
With Ryan it only took a
couple of hours. It's full moon.
Maybe it's like when you need
to take a piss or something.
I don't know.
When you gotta go,
you gotta fucking go.
Maybe it's more like
needing a shite.
Just 'cause you need one,
it doesn't mean you
drop your kegs
and pinch one off.
Anyway, fuck Ryan.
Shifty bastard could've been one
of those things from the start.
You know, Coop,
there's one more thing
you gotta learn
about command, mate.
Sometimes the people that
you kill are your own men.
So, I'm asking you.
Let me take care of myself.
And at least spare you
the unfortunate business
of trying to explain to Annie
why you had to incinerate me.
We're gonna knock seven colors of
shit out of these fuckers.
We need you.
It's all right, you know, mate.
It's okay.
I just didn't make it
out this time. That's all.
Because of the job,
you know what I mean?
When I signed my life
away on that dotted line,
I fucking meant it.
I am a professional soldier.
So, what do you want me to do?
Roast their bollocks off.
All clear.
Good luck.
Light it!
I'm sorry.
When I found you
out there tonight,
I truly believed you were the
best chance
I had of getting out.
But now we have no chance.
There is no out.
There never was.
I came here to be
at one with nature.
Well, I got what I wanted.
Now I have to live with it.
There is no house
in the next glen.
And there were no werewolves
in the barn when it blew.
Not one.
And the reason you're
not in the photograph
is 'cause you took it.
I never meant to-
You women.
Same old shite.
Being nice to women
will get you nowhere, Cooper.
Being nice to me
will get you killed.
You may think they're
all bitches, but...
I'm the real thing.
Do you think I like being
part of this fucked up family?
Do you think I chose
to run with the pack?
I chose you.
But now you're out of
luck, and I'm out of time.
And all we can do is let
nature take its course.
They were always here.
I just unlocked the door.
It's that time of the month.
Somebody has to put it
out of his misery.
Get clear.
Go now!
Spoonie, stop fucking
around and stick together!
That's an order!
Come on!
I'm in the closet.
Open the closet.
Come on!
You fucking mother!
You're not killing me,
you bastard.
How do you like the
tomatoes, you fucking bastard?
Come on.
I'm running out, Coop.
I'm running out.
You're a bastard.
A right fucking bastard!
Come on!
Come on!
I hope I give you the
shits, you fucking wimp.
You fucker.
Come on, Coop.
Beat it!
Go away.
Go on, Coop!
Get stuck in mate!
Get out of here!
Come on, you fucker!
Go away, you fucking ass.
Come on!
Cooper, let's get
in the wardrobe, son.
Let's get in the wardrobe.
All right.
What's that smell?
I don't know.
Fucking hell.
Give me the gun.
Open your mouth. Watch
your ears. Mind your toes.
Where's Spoon?
There is no Spoon.
No, you fucking bastards!
Help me, Cooper.
Get in there.
Get in there!
What are you doing?
Take this. There's one in
the chamber, mate.
- I'm fucking bit.
- No, you're not.
We go together or
we don't fucking go.
It's my last order. Do not
fuck about. Do not disobey me.
Fuck! Listen.
You have got
to make it out alive.
Prove what happened.
Not just for me or my lads.
For her!
Prove it happened, mate.
Go! Go!
Sam. Fuck.
Ryan, have you tried
licking your own balls, yet?
I forgot. You don't
fucking have any.
You think it's all over?
It is now.