Dolapo Douglas (2024) Movie Script

What is it? Why are you crying?
What is wrong with you?
Mummy, Funbi slapped me.
- Funbi did what?
- Funbi slapped me.
Funbi slapped you?
Your mate slapped you
and you are crying like a silly girl
back home to me?
How many times have I told you that
when your mate slaps you
you are to retaliate with about
five slaps.
Yet you have the guts to cry back
home to me.
Hmm? Look,
my eyes are closed, before I
open them... see
I just spat on the ground,
leave before it dries up.
Beat them till they are almost dead.
Fracture their skulls.
If her mother shows up, break her arm.
If her dad shows up, stone him to death
then let me handle the rest.
Ah-ah! Can you just imagine?
You were beaten and you come
home to me crying?
You're supposed to turn the place
upside down.
My mum said one should not fear her mate.
My mate can not dictate to me.
She has told me to go turn the
place upside down,
to retaliate to what was done to me.
Why don't you wait?
Why don't you wait?
He challenged me,
- I countered him immediately.
- Thank you my dear.
- He wanted to subdue me!
- What?
- I roared like a lion.
- Thank you my daughter.
I asked for the money he owes me
He wanted to take me for a ride. Mummy!
I beat the hell out of him.
Don't you know that...
if a midget doesn't act tough
or act like a lunatic,
children would think the midget is
their age mate.
Mummy! I, a child who was
born in the house of wisdom
and raised in knowledge.
Please, how can't I be wise
and knowledgeable?
- I wonder?
- Mummy Dollar,
You raised me well.
A Muslim religiously nurtures her child
from an early stage,
a warrior trains his child to fight from
an early stage.
You're right mummy,
life is full of warfare just like
you used to say.
It is, it is my dear.
Where did you get so much money?
It's from Akanni the coco seller.
You mean the same Akanni the coco seller?
He said he likes my box of fortune.
The same Akanni who doesn't joke
with his money?
You know that so well,
which means you have to accept
his advances.
- Mummy, this is a lot of money.
- Mmm!
- I have already accepted to his advances.
- Hmm!
- You love money.
- Mummy!!
- What?
- Aren't you the one who taught me?
- Mummy Dollar.
- Dollar baby, well done.
Don't worry, I will gift you
dollars someday.
- Certainly.
- I know you are will pamper me.
-Trust me
-I will receive dollars,
-You should trust me
-I will receive pounds.
I will also receive err...
what's the third currency? Euro!
Let them feel us like pain.
Hit them,
so they can know you are here.
Let me hear gbas!
Let me hear gbos!
Let me hear gbas!
Get down everybody!
Get down!
Get down! Now!
We are here to rob this bank, smoothly.
Thank you for your cooperation in advance.
And if you do not want to cooperate,
we will speak the language you understand.
Silent! In the box! Inside the box!!
Fast! One,
two, three,
four, five.
We're done sir.
- And then, we move... out.
- Move!
Let's go!
No, let's go for plan B.
You know that if we use plan A,
a lot of people will die.
And I want everyone of
you to remember our rules,
-Yes boss
-Get ready for plan B.
And then we disperse!
You're welcome.
You're welcome sir.
You're welcome sir.
- You're welcome sir.
- We are here to see the manager.
Okay, wait a minute.
Hello sir,
someone is here to see you sir.
Okay sir.
Yeah, so you just go straight down.
The first office by your right side,
that's the manager's office.
- Thank you.
- Pleasure.
Yeah, come in.
You may have your seats.
You're welcome.
- Thank you.
- Please um...
what help can I render to you?
Ah! well... What actually happened is
there is some money that
I want to deposit in the bank.
The money is quite a lot,
that was why I suggested
that we come in here
you open an account for us
then we deposit the money.
Please, can you speak in Yoruba
or English?
I don't understand Hausa.
- Oh! I'm deeply sorry, honestly. I forgot.
- Okay.
What I'm trying to say is
I'm here with a lot of money.
So that is why I've come to your office
so I can open a new account
and deposit the money just like that.
-That's fine
-Thank you.
Good good. Okay let me
make arrangements so I can call the...
You make a sound,
I shoot. You get it?
the babysitters are holding it down here.
You got it?
Delete those captured footage
and shutdown your CCTV cameras, right now!
And we move.
You wanna sound?
-Hello guys,
-Yes boss.
Is he being cooperative?
- Yes boss.
- Yes boss.
And we move.
Right! Really?
Amazing, awesome. Fully in?
Oh beautiful. Thank you.
alright, alright. Take care. Yeah, bye.
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
It's a bank,
I'm not supposed to be too loud.
So please, pardon my manners.
Sorry, don't be annoyed.
Lie down everybody!
If you breathe down there!
You lift your face, you lose your life.
Do you understand?
Ladies and gentlemen,
we will rob this bank now!
I want you to cooperate with us.
I'm sure you don't want to
put your lives in danger.
Is that clear?
And we move!
Okay, so ladies and gentlemen,
right, drop your phones.
Drop your phones!
Move in.
And we move!
Smart, intelligent D.D.
Do you know I count my blessings whenever
I realise how important you are to me?
Thank you Father.
Well done guys.
Well done.
- DD!
- Jaguar.
This call for celebration.
arrange with a girl,
let's have some fun.
Move in, move in.
D for D!
That's it.
Hmm! My people please,
don't just fold your arms.
Things did not get ruined during
my forefathers' reign.
Don't let it get ruined during my
own reign.
No one can achieve anything on his own.
Or what is the use of having
you as chiefs.
-Village head,
put your mind at ease.
The village is already good and prosperous
during your reign.
There's no problem at all. We your chiefs,
are solidly behind you.
Village head,
we are solidly behind you.
Put your mind at ease,
there's no cause for alarm.
I greet you all.
-Err Akinkunmi,
I want to quickly go somewhere,
I won't stay long.
- That's okay.
- Village head.
Well done.
Well done. Welcome.
please, don't be offended.
I hope my eyes are not failing me.
Isn't that Akinkunmi and Dolapo
accompanying each other off?
You eyes are not failing you, Iyalode.
- They are the ones.
- Really?
Absolutely, they are.
They've been with
each other for a while now,
their love for one another is
deeply rooted.
- Village head, let's not play with fire.
- Yes?
What do you mean?
Dolapo and Akinkunmi? Ah.
In fact,
she is not someone to be seen with.
Don't you know what kind of
person her mum is in this town?
Her mum dates all sorts of men,
tall, short, fair and the likes.
She is already taking after her mother.
In fact, to tell you how bad it is
she is known in the neighboring towns.
That's the fact.
are you really telling me the truth?
Because it's been said that,
the one concerned
may never hear about it.
Village head, we can't lie to you.
What will we gain from that?
Err... Iyalode,
Err... Chief Kukoyi,
- What is it?
- Why are you bedeviling these children?
What is it?
- Because I... I don't understand.
- Ah ha.
Me? Bedevil them?
Isn't it so? What else do you call it?
-Chief Adeoti,
- Chief Adeoti, Chief Adeoti.
- Yes?
- How many times did I call you?
- I wasn't counting.
You won't count it,
because you are a gossip,
a bad person and a wicked fellow.
In fact, when someone wakes up
in the morning
and sees you, it's better for that
person to go back to sleep.
Can you allow your own son
to bring Dolapo home and show her to you
as his wife to be? Would you be happy?
Do you want to pretend you don't know
what is going on?
Yet you say
we are bedeviling her.
You're a horrible person.
You are a wicked... Why am I respecting
you? You're not a good person at all.
Iyalode, don't you dare disrespect me
because you and I both wear beaded
and we are both chiefs.
You and I are not friends at all.
My one and only.
Do you know that
since we have been together,
I have learned that
love is priceless.
I have also learned that
love without blemish and reason
comes from the heart.
I will love you forever.
see, I don't believe you.
Hold on.
Why would I lie to you?
See every passing day,
the love I have for you grows deeper
in my heart.
- I love you.
- Are you sure?
- I'm very certain.
- Really?
That's okay, since you say
you are certain,
I will also try to believe you.
- You will?
- It's a call from my mum.
Hello Mummy Dollar.
Mom, what's happening? Really?
That's good.
I'll be on my way home right away.
I'm on my way home, I will see you soon.
Akinkunmi, I have to go home now.
We'll see each other again tomorrow.
No problem, we'll see each other soon.
What do you mean?
What about what we discussed? Where is it?
- You love money too much. Ah ah.
- You also love money.
Who doesn't love money?
You are at it again.
You know I'm always prepared.
Don't bother to count it.
- Akinkunmi! Hmm.
- Do you want to take all the money I have?
My box of money!
Mummy look, I'm ready.
My one and only box of wealth.
- Mummy Dollar herself.
- Eh!
See, I'm always happy.
God blessed you with,
with such beauty.
He made you a beauty
that men cannot resist.
Thank you my dear.
- Mother!
- My fortune, my happiness.
- Mum, I took after you.
- That's not true.
- Thank you my dear.
- Mummy dollar herself.
Thank you my dear.
Look, the person you are going to see
is very rich. He is very wealthy.
But how well you treat him determines
the amount of money he will give to you.
- Really?
- Ah ah,
Have I ever lied to you?
No mummy. I just want to be sure.
Calm down and listen.
When you get there,
you have to be really calm.
Then you will perform your act of
romance. You will play him...
- Mummy you should trust me.
- You will play him like a dice.
- You will play him like a dice.
- Mummy,
you should trust me.
- Looks like he is here. Come on, come on.
- Let's go.
- Hmm.
- Will you take this along?
-Go with it, before you get in,
-Let me take this along.
- apply it again.
- I will...
But this can't fit into the bag.
Leave it here.
- Hurry let's go.
- Let's go.
Why are you here?
Ah! We are here to do madam's make up.
Yes, we came to do her makeup.
Thank you. Hi!
Babe! You are not responding
to my demands. You are just fiddling
with your phone.
I answered you,
but you have refused to listen
to what I said.
- Hello!
- What else do you want me to do?
- Hi.
- Good afternoon, we're the makeup artists.
- Oh my! Come in and take a seat.
- Thank you
- Oh, you look so beautiful.
- Thank you.
These ladies will definitely know
their trade.
-Err... Babe,
-My dear.
These are the makeup artists that
will make me up for tomorrow.
I thought the party is tomorrow,
why are they here today?
Babe come on. The party
is tomorrow, but they live very far.
If they are to come tomorrow,
they will get caught in the traffic.
By the time they get here,
get the make up done,
before I get to the event,
the party would have been over.
That is why I asked them to come
this evening.
Besides, you're not supposed to be
saying that in their presence.
Are we the ones to accommodate them
from tonight till tomorrow?
- Come on now!
- Come on, don't do that.
- Are you guys okay?
- We are okay.
- Do you care for some food?
- Not at all ma.
- We are okay.
- No ma.
I hope it's not because of
what my husband said?
- Not at all.
- Don't mind him, he was just joking.
- Hey look...
- Let me get you something to eat.
- Thank you.
- Babe stop it.
Err... please excuse me
I want to quickly make a call.
- No problem.
- Thank you ma.
- I will be with you shortly.
- Okay,
- Let me prepare something.
- thank you ma.
Please, I'm sorry.
- It's because I was caught unawares.
- Okay sir.
I wasn't expecting you guys till tomorrow.
- Oh we are sorry.
- It's alright.
Please we forgot some of the make
up items we need to use
so I asked someone to bring them for
me. The person is outside
waiting for me.
Wait outside, I'll be
with you shortly, I'm talking to someone.
- James!
- Sir?
- James! Open the gate.
- Yes sir.
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Mummy Bidemi, where are you?
Where are the items I asked you to bring?
- Down! Down! Down!
- Get down
Shadow, a cat cannot run
faster than his own shadow.
You can't run faster than your shadow.
Hey guys. See,
I can understand.
- Beautiful game, perfect game.
- Hmm.
What can I do for you?
What can I do for you?
We're just here to pay you a visit and
give you a little... out of my kindness.
- I don't need kindness from you or Father.
- Hmm?
I would like you and your...
your boys to take yourselves
out of my house
- when you can.
- Hmm?
- When I can?
- Yeah.
Any word from you and you're gone.
Makeup... makeup artist?
I like your confidence.
- I think you deserve an award for that.
- Hmm?
Do you actually think you are
going to leave this place alive?
This is long over due.
A betrayer will certainly die.
Whoever betrays will
face the consequences.
is the reward for a betrayer.
Err... Jagua, Jagua, guys... see, see,
I'm sorry.
- Yes, I am truly sorry, okay.
- Ah.
According to the Bible,
Delilah was the architect of
Samson's downfall. This is yours.
Sometimes you do things that offend me.
It seems like you intentionally
want to ridicule me.
How would you say a fabric is
worth hundred thousand naira, me?
a whole me...
Wear a fabric worth a hundred
thousand naira to a party?
Never. Don't you know what they call me?
It's I, the one who knows how to
blow an event out of proportion.
The one who dresses more elegantly
than the celebrant.
Why would the celebrant
allow me to dress better?
Of course, I know you can blow
an event out of proportion,
but I feel a hundred thousand naira Is
not too small to purchase fabric.
Plus, that's the amount the people hosting
the party will to pay to see the fabric.
Okay, if they insist
they prefer to use a low quality fabric,
there's no issue, we'll wear it to
support them.
I trust my self, I will package
it so well to make it look fantastic.
But hold on sis, please I'll be
needing a makeup artist.
I no longer have any good makeup artist.
I have many of them.
- I have quite a number of make up artist.
- Very skilled ones?
- They are very skilled.
- You will help me get one.
I want them to get to
my place a day before.
They can arrive in the
afternoon or evening.
I will treat them nicely.
No! no!! no!!!
Saying thrash.
Okay see, see guys,
at this point, I get your point.
I get the point now. Please. Err...
- Jagua, Jagua. See...
- Hmm?
I would appreciate if you will
let my family out of this.
This is between you, myself and Father.
- Okay.
- Please, leave my family out of this.
I don't mind, you can do anything you
want with me, a man dies only once.
- Really?
- I'm ready to do that, to die.
- Hmm hm?
- Just leave my family out of this, please.
So you can be this calm?
When someone says "we will meet again",
I won't argue with that person.
The water, the water that nurtured
the fish,
is the same water that will cook it.
- Jagua.
- The brilliant one,
Let him and his wife feel some pain.
Pain! Now!
have you forgotten?
We don't kill.
It's an order.
You don't... disobey an order.
With all due respect I can't.
No! No!
And we move!
No! No!! No!
Let me hear some gbas.
Let me hear some gbos.
Let me hear gbas.
That was a great one.
I'm not surprised.
I trust you guys with Jagua.
- DD.
- Father.
My smart guy,
intelligent guy,
I love you so much.
Okay. Like I said, congratulations
to you guys. Please,
I will need you to step out now.
I want to be alone with DD. Thank you.
Omo aye, you heard me.
I said I want to be alone with DD.
Okay boss.
Jagua. Okay, Dolapo Douglas,
one can't have a tree in the farm
and not make it.
What is the problem?
sir, why?
Why did you do that?
Have you forgotten our rules?
- We do not kill, so why did you do that?
- Ah...
Now I have a clear
picture of your problem.
It's true we said no one must be killed,
but not someone like our enemy.
The guy in question is our enemy,
so it was necessary to kill him.
Yeah, that is what transpired.
My handsome,
I could remember some years ago,
exactly the way you're feeling right now.
Something similar to this happened to
me at that time.
I didn't mean it,
I don't know how it happened,
I didn't pull the trigger,
but there was a loud bang
and I saw the fellow fall to the ground.
I just saw him in a pool of blood.
My hands...
I gave the order.
Since that day I stopped offending myself.
That was the first time I killed someone.
I felt it
when I saw him bleeding.
But afterwards,
that was what made me step up my game.
- Stepping up your game? By killing?
- Yeah.
Hello guy,
will you stop behaving
as if you are a saint.
You are no more a kid!
Are you? You are not.
Let's assume you are just stressed,
go calm yourself down, sleep a bit.
Take a bath then go to sleep.
By tomorrow, you will feel
much better then we'll talk.
We'll talk better. Come on.
My son,
go and have some rest
and plan for the next job.
Are you crying?
Walking out on us?
- No, no, no. No, no Jagua, Jagua!
- And what audacity is that?
Don't try that.
I know what you are capable of, let it be.
That is my son.
It's not possible for such a thing
to happen to someone
without him being thrown off balance.
Leave him, I'll talk to him.
The stories we've been hearing
about Dolapo
are not pleasant at all.
I've heard it too,
I did.
But I asked Dolapo
and she confidently told me
they are all lies.
Our dear friend,
if one does not tow the way of liars,
he won't be called a liar.
- Maybe you should ask her again.
- Ehn?
If I ask her again, she may get offended.
I don't want any trouble.
No matter how ferocious a dog is
it will definitely recognize it's owner.
Lets go meet her.
You know that
it is what one hears that poisons
the mind.
So, what have you heard Akinkunmi?
- you know I love you so much.
- Ehn
have I said that I don't love you?
There's no way I will hear something
unpleasant about you and not say it.
Eh, just say what you've heard.
Just say it.
Do you remember the last
time you visited our house?
I remember.
When I got back to the house,
Iyalode and Chief Kukoyi called me.
They told me
you are promiscuous.
They also said you and your
mum are into prostitution...
Hey, hold it right there.
A word is enough for the wise.
- You may leave now.
- Err...
- What have I done? Are you upset?
- Upset? You may leave.
- I'm not upset.
- Ah.
I-I just... ah.
Good afternoon ma.
I didn't know you were in ma. Um...
- I'll be seeing you.
- We'll see tomorrow.
- Bye.
- Bye ma.
Say hello to your people.
Don't even bother to say anything.
I heard all you've been saying,
I heard everything.
What's all this nonsense?
Who is he oppressing?
Why did you put on your full lights
when you're not on the highway.
Or what sort of useless people are these?
Ah ah.
Can't you see? Hmm?
See the way you blinded me
with your lights.
- Good evening ma.
- Welcome.
What a lovely car.
- Good evening ma, I'm so sorry.
- I hear you.
- Do you want to get me to go blind?
- No ma,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
You see um...
Please, do you know of any hotel
around here
- where I can lodge?
- Hotel? Ah ah.
Are you a stranger around here?
There are various hotels.
When you go this way,
take a right turn,
then take another left and right like
twice or thrice,
then go straight down.
-You will see a hotel.
Excuse me, sorry.
Please be patient. The way you are
describing it,
I don't think I will be able to get it.
Can you take me there?
I should take you to the hotel?
When I don't know you,
and you are not from this
neighborhood. Thank you.
Take a good look at me,
I'm not the type of person who can
hurt you or harm you in any way.
I'm trying to take a proper look at you
to see where it is written that... this
man can not cause you harm. Thank you.
- I will give you some money.
- Hmm?
-You said?
Now you are talking!
You're being more realistic now.
You will give me some money?
I know of many hotels.
what type do you want?
Ehn! Ehn! Ehn!
It's is cold as ice in here.
Or should I turn down the AC?
No! I prefer the AC In
such an elegant car.
- Okay.
- Yes.
Be careful... be careful, please.
You can stop here.
Yes. Ah.
Come on.
This is the place.
Right, okay.
Hold on, what's going on?
I thought we had an agreement?
Where is it?
I thought we will go in together.
Go in? To do what? What's going
on in there?
You asked me to bring you to an hotel,
and I brought you to an hotel
that I'm okay with
where you'll be safe.
Why will I go in with you?
Please answer me, don't be like that.
May be you should just round it up. Hmm?
You said you'll still be
here for a couple of days,
I have a welcome gift for you.
Mummy Dollar,
black water may look like dye
at times but it can't tone the cloth.
But when a big fish dives into the river
- I, your Mum know it's worth.
- Hmm-hm.
Would I lie to you?
I'm telling you that the man I saw
is wealthy.
- He is rich?
- He is wealthy.
So, what do we do?
Let me latch on to him.
It will soon be morning, right?
But you have to wear
the dress I got for you.
Because if one who looks unkept
goes into a city looking wretched,
- such a person will be treated awfully.
- Hmm.
You will dress gorgeously, you will...
take a bath and smell really nice.
That's not a problem, mum.
I'm ready when you are.
- I don't have a useless child.
- Eh?
- Mummy Dollar.
- My box of fortune.
-Mummy Dollar
-My box of fortune
- You'll earn money for a long time. Amen!
- Amen! Amen!
- You'll make a fortune. Thanks daughter.
- Amen mummy.
Yeah Boss.
I'm just...
thinking... The way I feel about it
is the reason I'm trying to tell you that...
- Get straight to the point.
- You are the one that can...
I don't understand what
you are trying to say.
DD is out of sight.
What do you mean?
His room is empty.
What are you saying?
Go check again, what are you saying?
Father, his room is empty.
This is what I'm saying.
You gave him too much liberty,
Father I'm sorry.
You gave him too much liberty.
Can you see that?
I'm sorry Father.
He who knows the viper and dare to
put it to the test,
He who knows how sharp my sword is
and plays with it's blade.
-Yes Boss.
get everybody ready
for the for the next operation.
Okay Boss.
Try to do better.
Okay Boss.
My Mum asked me to bring you some food.
It's rice with bush meat,
you will definitely like it.
It looks so yummy.
Will you eat it now?
Thank you.
You're welcome.
You may leave now.
I should go home?
No, I just got here.
I will hang out with you for a while.
And if there's anything you want me to
help you out with, I will do it.
Maybe if you need me to massage your legs,
or take care of your body.
And if you want us to go somewhere,
there's no problem.
Thank you.
You can leave.
I should go?
- Home.
- Ah ah.
My mum asked me to come keep you company,
to spend some time with you.
I should go?
I'm home.
My dear, how did it go?
Look Mum,
it didn't go so well.
I don't think he has
any interest in women,
- he was just staring at me.
- Ah ah.
- Are you a learner?
- Ah ah.
- Mummy.
- Ah ah.
Maybe you didn't send the right signal.
See, there's no impossibility with God.
- You have to go back there.
- Ah.
Look mum, when something isn't yours
you should not put so much
effort into getting it.
I can't force my self on
someone who doesn't love me.
Aww, may be you don't understand.
anyone who wants to be
impactful in life must strive.
He who doesn't strive
can't be impactful in life.
Look, impossibility doesn't
hinder the day from breaking forth.
You have to go back there.
- Ah-ah, mum.
- What is it?
You have to go back there.
What is it?
You have to go back and be more at ease.
How joyful will it be for one's
child to take after her mother.
You didn't even ask for my name.
Yeah, please thank your mum on my behalf.
I like the food.
You are welcome.
I said you didn't ask
for my name, or is it that
you don't like me at all?
I'm also a human being.
What's your name?
My name is Dolapo, box of fortune.
Mummy Dollar's daughter.
What is your name?
I'm also Dolapo.
Dolapo Douglas.
We are name sakes. That's really good.
You are also Dolapo?
Because we have um... the same name,
I might like you.
You like me? You like me?
Not what you're thinking.
Look, forget about that. You like me,
don't you?
In other words, you like me now.
That's good.
I want you to know every nook and
cranny of our town.
So you can see the beauty it possess.
And it's not so local here actually.
To me, I know the place we
live is where we thrive... we...
The place we live is where we
thrive indeed.
- Ehn, ehn, ehn.
- [Indistinct]
- Hi.
- So it is true?
That what?
Exactly what I'm seeing.
What have you seen
that has never been seen?
My friend, have I to ever told
you something
and it turns out not to be true?
That's how I see both of them
- walking around together lately.
- Ah.
I beg you pardon, what did you see?
- Dolapo?
- What is it?
If one is said to have a bad character,
shouldn't such a person desist
from his bad character?
The community said you have
a bad character,
that's when you decide to display
the bad character
publicly for the everyone to see.
- You're shameless.
- Ah.
Sorry, um... what's going on?
Hey, Uncle DD, just keep watching.
They want to embarrass themselves,
by doing what is beyond them.
Don't be like the one who fakes his
own death,
if he dies in the morning
he will wake at night.
Because it is more difficult
for he that has only one child.
My friend and I are on the offensive.
- We'll give it to you the way you want it.
- We will give it to you.
- Ah ah!
- Why are you exclaiming?
Why are you exclaiming? Are you
unfortunate beings?
- They are.
- Why are
-my Mum and I a topic for discussion
in this community
for you and the slaves behind you?
- Are you insane?
- Dolapo,
Dolapo, you are an ingrate.
This shouldn't have come from you.
You call us slaves?
You are behaving like this
because of the man in dreads.
- What will you do? Will you beat me?
- Hey, hey.
- Shut your mouth!
- Shut your mouth!
Hey! Keep quiet.
I don't have any business with you.
This is the person I want to talk to.
-What is it?
despite alll the of love I showed to you,
despite all I did for you.
- What did you do?
- Eh?
Is this how you want to repay me?
I beg your pardon Father Christmas.
If you are bragging.
- What will the one who does more say?
- I wonder.
Are you the one who gave birth to me?
- Are you my mother? Are you Mama Dollar?
- Or are you her father?
Are you Mama Dollar? Are you crazy?
- Are you insane?
- Dolapo, how dare you?
- Are you mad?
- Do you want to beat my friend?
- Do you want to beat me?
- Yes! We will beat you.
- You will beat me, the village head's son?
- We will beat you.
You with dreadlocks, say something
- don't stand there staring at these...
- Leave this place!
- Leave this place!
- You want to beat me?
- Are you insane?
- We are ladies, beat us.
- Are you insane?
- Beat us.
- See how they look.
- Exercise patience.
- Shut your mouth!
- What will you do?
- You are insane.
- Useless people.
- You want to beat me?
- Don't spit on me.
- That's okay.
- Shup up your mouth!
- Let us go.
- Are you insane?
You've disgraced yourselves.
See, keep it up.
- Shameless girl.
- Meet us on the way.
- Meet on the path that leads to the farm.
- Crazy guys.
- Meet on the path that leads to the farm.
- Crazy guys.
- We will beat the hell out of you.
- Let's go.
Yeah. Lock the door.
You are a brave woman.
Why did you say that?
The stunt you pulled out there,
that was huge.
- See, I don't take any nonsense. Yes.
- Ah.
The amount of energy given
to me is the same amount of energy
I'll give back. I don't slack at all.
I don't.
I'm going back to town tomorrow,
so, its possible you'll
get here and not see me.
I'm done.
You are going back to town?
You're going back to where you came from?
Stay a while longer.
If you leave I will be all alone.
Would you like to go with me?
Go with you to town?
I'm just asking.
- Welcome sir.
- Yeah, thanks.
Come this way.
- This place...
- This is... where I live.
Your house is quite big.
Come, come, come in.
Ha, it's is not big.
Yes sir.
No, no, no, not at all.
Everything is set.
It's right here before me.
Yeah, awesome. Okay, bye.
My dad will come back this evening
to come get this money because the
money in this bag belongs to him.
So um...
please stay alert,
don't allow the security
to walk in here recklessly
to look for what has not gone
missing in this room.
- Oh! Okay. Okay sir.
- Okay, so...
because I need to go out now.
- You're going out?
- Yes
When he gets here, just...
Don't stay long, get me something
on your way back.
-I won't stay long
-Yes, good bye.
This is money. This is money. Ah!
Oh God. So much money
These are dollars, or are these
not dollars?
Ha! these are Dollars.
These are Dollars. These
are Dollars. Dollars.
This is money. This is money.
Mummy Dollar must not know
that this amount of money is here.
She will definitely rush down here.
Or is this the path
to wealth for my mum and I?
Mummy Dollar.
Box of fortune.
This is money.
This is money, this is money.
- How are you? Come.
- Ah.
Madam. Well done ma.
- How are you?
- Very well ma.
Open the gate, I want to go out.
Okay ma.
I knew you were gonna take the money.
I knew you would take the money.
I just wanted to test you.
- And...
- Please sir.
It's not like I wanted to steal the money,
I just wanted to borrow it.
You are borrowing someone else's money.
don't be angry with me.
It's okay. Smart girl. I like that.
See, from time I know
you are a very smart lady.
That's one of the things I saw in you.
I see you as an asset,
that was why I brought you to Lagos.
Please don't send me back to the village,
Don't send me back to the village
that won't be good.
Please, it's not befitting.
Please have mercy on me, don't be angry.
Please sir.
Please have mercy on me.
I'm not angry.
You know what?
I won't send you back.
You have the qualities I desire.
And then
I think you should stop
using honorifics.
Call me by my name.
Call me Dolapo.
- Okay.
- You can disrespect me,
call me by my name.
Feel free.
Okay sir.
Err... okay, okay, DD. Dolapo.
- Good.
- Yes sir.
I want you to be my partner.
I want us to work together.
Let's work together.
We should work together?
Please sir, what is the nature of the job?
A job that tasks your brain
and being smart, you have it.
I have a proposal for you,
I want to send you on an errand.
If you get it done
without leaving any traces,
you will earn my trust.
What I realized was
the guy needs an iron hand.
- Okay.
- Because...
no matter how I reason with him,
he is hell bent on
doing what he wants.
Okay, so... what do you suggest?
because you and I know for sure that
he is the perfect man for the job.
That's why I thought
when we see him in person...
of course,
He won't see you and has
to be more focused and serious.
In fact, I have invited him over
and I'm sure as we speak,
he will soon meet us here sir.
I'm certain about that.
Or what do you think?
You are certain about...
Maybe you can apply your wisdom
as an adult
- to sort out the matter.
- Hmm hmm.
Yes sir.
- You've spoken well.
- Yes sir.
- Well done sir.
- Hmm hmm.
-Yeah. Eh eh,
-Yes sir.
What did you say again?
That you should apply your wisdom
as an adult sir.
Okay, okay.
Yes sir.
Your Excellency sir.
You are well seated sir.
Thank you.
Look to the left, hmm?
- Your Excellency.
- Yes.
You are well seated.
So I should apply my wisdom as
an adult, right?
- Yes sir.
- Okay.
- Yes, adult wisdom.
- Yes sir.
-Adult wisdom
-Yes sir
I'm Femi.
And that's Senator.
Yeah, he wants to see you.
Thank you.
I'll be...
Have your seat.
Thank you sir.
Shiny and sweet. Hmm?
You're such a beauty.
I won't deceive you.
See an orange that sees a
socialite and refuse to drop
an ordinary bird in the bush
will feast on it.
Immediately I saw you...
it was love at first sight.
My eyes just started sparking.
Please, remind me of your name.
- It's Asabi sir.
- Asa what?
- Asabi.
- Ah!
Asabi who picks dollars.
She picks from the left and the right.
See, you ain't see nothing yet.
You are just getting started.
- Is that true?
- Yes.
Who is it?
Yes, come in, come in.
You're welcome.
Sorry for the delay sir.
That's alright.
Serve us, serve us.
Thank you. Well done.
Thank you.
Like I was saying earlier,
let me tell you,
I will take care of you.
You will be astonished,
you won't believe it.
Are you sure sir?
I'm over sure.
I'm a distinguished
Senator of the Federal Republic.
You know what that means?
- I know that.
- You ought to know.
There's no way I won't take care of you.
Shiny and sweet.
And you have the aura for money.
Ah no, no, no. You are there.
Thank you so much sir.
The moment you came in, as I was saying,
in fact I couldn't
control my self anymore.
Honestly. Just um...
Hello Mayowa,
Ah ah, he is already at your place?
That's alright.
I'll come see you briefly.
You know disturbing me at this time
is not OK.
But it is important too I see him.
Let me quickly see my P.A downstairs.
- Are you going out?
- No, no, no.
Very brief, just in the...
- Please don't keep me waiting.
- lounge here. Oh, never.
And you know you can't
toy with a viper, you know.
Sir, It is not so sir.
- How is it?
- My wife
was hospitalized. When I got there,
I discovered she would be operated on.
That was what happened. I had to
run around to put things in order sir.
Same information.
What did you see?
This guy is so fake.
- Thank you!
- Ah!
That was how he lied
when we worked
on the last project back then.
You know I'm dangerous person.
I'm a dangerous person.
When I get angry,
when I get angry,
I don't recognise good people.
Mayowa! You and P.A,
should both get a hold of this boy,
- take him home.
- Alright sir.
Let him reinstall
all the security cameras, so they can
function properly.
If its going to take him two, three,
four or five days...
I don't bloody care.
- Is that clear?
- Yes sir.
Make sure
he finishes that work
before he leaves the house.
- No problem sir.
- Yes sir.
If he gets hungry, let someone get
him food.
He must not... he must not step out.
- Is that clear?
- Yes sir.
Take him away now!
- My dear, hope you are not angry?
- No sir.
What I was called for
was something
- very important.
- Hmm hmm.
Don't be angry my dear.
As you are looking at me,
my head is already ringing.
Your head is ringing?
Of course it's ringing.
Now... Let's not bother to drag anything,
before we start anything,
I want you to name your price.
Don't you know what it means
name your price?
Ah, I should name my price?
- Yes, do it.
- Eh eh?
Name your price.
All I want is money.
- What next?
- It's still money.
- What's the next thing after that?
- It's still money.
And you will get it.
You will get it in surplus.
What did I say? You will do what?
You will get more than enough.
The fact that I have you has already
put my mind at ease...
Let your mind be at ease.
I'm also available for you. Hmm?
I'm here for you.
Well done.
Well done my dear.
- Thank you.
- Are you okay?
I'm awesome.
I'm awesome.
- Take your drink.
- Sure.
I will drink it, I will drink it all.
I hope you are not feeling sleepy?
We are not in a hurry, right?
- Ah! of course, I'm here.
- We'll be here until morning.
I'm here for you.
The sleep just suddenly surfaced.
You know when nature demands and
you don't give in to it's demands
it will be troublesome.
Well done my dear.
Shiny and sweet.
Should I help take off your clothes?
- Hope you're not feeling sweaty?
- Let me relax for five minutes.
This AC is working just fine.
Give me five minutes
- let me just relax a little.
- You want to relax?
Five minutes is enough.
Oh man.
- Do you want a little more to drink?
- Hmm?
What's going on?
Did DD give me a wrong password?
Why are you not picking?
DD pick up.
Pick up! Pick up!
You gave me the wrong password.
The system did not accept it.
Don't panic,
the sedative is very strong.
So take your time.
I'll send you another access code.
Get what we need.
I'm waiting, I'm waiting.
Thank God. Okay.
Now I can trust you.
Thank you.
I'm glad to hear that.
But... you haven't
you haven't told me
precisely what the nature of your job is
I just don't want to face it head on.
Please, what exactly do you do?
Don't be angry.
I'm a notorious thief.
A thief!
I'm a ruthless armed robber.
I used to work with a group
of ten called "The faculty".
The faculty is headed by
Father and Jagua.
We do not kill.
We just take what we want and we leave.
Until the day
when I was ordered
to kill an entire family
of a rival in the underworld.
To kill someone? Did you kill them?
I did not.
I left the den.
I came to your area
to cool off.
I said it. Because
your face is always hard at all times.
You always look serious.
I was wondering what the problem could be.
Also, the first day I saw you with a gun
I was afraid.
I was scared and very frightened because
that was the first time I saw a gun.
There's harm when you are caught of guard.
That's why the Yoruba said...
the crab
watches itself with it's eyes.
Err... What about your family?
I don't have any relatives.
You don't have any relatives?
I don't have any friends.
Meeting you is actually a blessing.
You're the only relative I have now.
Yes ma'am.
You just need to send
the money to my account
and then you will have your gold.
I'm a man of my word.
Alright, thank you.
Do have a good night.
That's it.
Just look at it well, and shoot.
Stay here.
Aim with your mind
and shoot.
That's all you need, concentrate,
aim with your mind, put it up.
Shoot! Second,
shoot! Third,
aim with your mind always.
Amazing Awesome. Well done.
That's the way to do it.
You did well.
You've become a man now.
-My little sister,
you are getting more beautiful.
- It is God's doing.
- How was your trip?
It was good, I give thanks to God.
- Hope you are okay?
- I'm okay
I can see that you're okay,
there's no need to ask.
Thank you so much.
-Aunty Arike,
I couldn't buy your gold from Dubai.
What happened?
If you know the price
of gold in Dubai currently,
Gold is now very expensive.
In fact, out of the eighteen people
who sent me to buy gold
I only bought for fourteen people because
the others, they couldn't afford it.
Aunty Arike, I can't run into debt.
You shouldn't have done that,
I have bragged so much that my
gold is on it's way.
You shouldn't have done that.
You know our people
are quick to spot a liar.
Oh my...
I have a party at hand and
they've already placed their order.
- You don't understand.
- They've already placed orders.
Aunty Arike, you don't understand me.
If you know the current price
of the dollar,
it rises everyday.
There was nothing I could do, nothing.
You would have bought it, that
does not mean anything.
I would have added more money.
- Oh my God.
- You are just blaming me.
- Please don't be offended.
- Oh.
Alhaji, are you doing okay?
Yes, I called you earlier.
Yes the money,
I will be back.
Ah, me?
Keep all this in the house?
I should give you what?
You want to get me in trouble,
did you hear me?
I should give you millions of naira?
Lift your head up. Stand. Rise.
On your knees.
Yes ma.
-Alhaja Bencash,
It's DD who came to pay you a visit.
- Good heavens!
- Hmm.
- Ah.
- There's also "subuantrue."
If you cooperate with us,
there won't be problem.
- Where is the money and gold?
- Ah!
I haven't made any sales today.
Come on!
I hope you're not insane?
Why are you telling a lie?
Not at all.
- Where is the gold you brought from Dubai?
- Ah!
I'll blow your head off.
- Take.
- Bring it!
The fear of gun
is the beginning of wisdom.
- Lie face down.
- Oh.
Start praying fervently
and we will join you to say amen.
Good heavens!
Move babe, go, go, go.
Pray more, pray more.
No! No! No!
- May we meet again in peace.
- Ah! Ah!
Good heavens!
This girl has ruined my life.
- God! Ah!
- Good heavens!
What will I say? Ehh!
Where's my phone? Where's my phone!
Yes Father.
I don't understand
what is going on again. Please.
Father, I think there's
a mole in our midst.
A mole?
Yes Jaguar.
Then fish the mole out.
Yes Father.
He who knows the
lion does not play with it.
He who knows the value of the
eyes will not put a stick in it.
I need to know the secret behind this.
What is going on?
I will do my best,
Father, Jaguar.
What is it?
I told you to stop following me.
Why do you keep following me?
Is there more to it?
Or are we bound together?
- Iyabo.
- What is it?
- Iyabo.
- Let me alone!
What is it? is there more to it?
Have you been cursed?
Why are you shouting at me?
- I'm not fighting you.
- Ah!
I'm only asking about my child.
Whenever I visit your place,
you don't open the door.
I'm only asking about my child.
I want you to know that...
an old shoe was worn to several
weddings before it became trash.
When I, Kayode, was still a Jinny in
the bottle
you didn't have the guts
to speak to me this way.
Look, let me tell you something.
He was once rich but now he is poor,
those are just stories.
Unpleasant stories that
I don't want to hear about at all.
I beg you in the name of God,
don't cause problems for my
daughter and I.
Do you understand me?
My daughter is in Lagos now.
She's in Lagos living a great life.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
It's my poor financial state
that is making you talk to me this way.
It's alright.
Give me a functioning phone number,
I want to call Dolapo.
Because the number I have
does not connect when I try it.
Why are you doing this?
It's been said that the child of the
weak cannot be snatched.
Look Iyabo, don't bite
more than you can chew.
You also need to
tread carefully so you don't
get into trouble.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
What am I even saying?
She is not your daughter.
You are not her father.
You are not her father!
She is not your daughter!
A wealthy man who takes proper care
of his woman owns the child.
The one who is not wealthy is foolish.
May God not change our destiny.
When you are not wealthy,
you don't have a say.
I have decided...
I've decided that today
is a no going out day.
I want to spend today with a special one.
No rush, no targets, no gun pointing.
And that special person
is no other person than my amazing woman.
My partner in crime,
my wife, my confidant,
my pleasure button.
My... she's too much.
My wife here.
Today is a good day so... no going out.
Do you know what I like
most out of all you said?
- Tell me.
- Your partner in crime.
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
- I like that, you are...
- Thank you my husband.
- I love you.
- I love you more.
You don't need to thank me.
I should be the one thanking you
for showing me love.
You showed me love,
you made me know what love is.
You gave me rest,
you never gave me any trouble.
I didn't need no other. Just those...
we're good.
Babe, I need to thank you.
You've done so much for me.
I was...
a local brat before you cleaned me up.
Thank you so much.
Gratitude isn't enough.
Trust me, you are amazing
and I just want you to continue.
As long as you will continue
to love me and be sincere
just leave the rest.
You know I've got you.
And you know I've got you too.
Thank you, cheers.
- Cheers.
- To more greatness.
More successful jobs.
Thank you.
Who is this guy? What's your problem?
Go! Go! Go! Go!
Sir, come here.
Come, come, come.
Thank God.
Ah! Thank God. We have escaped them.
Ah! God bless you, okay?
God bless you. You're a nice person.
The person you are supposed
to thank Is not here yet.
- Really?
- Yes.
- How are you sir?
- I'm fine, fine.
You escaped.
Oh, thank you. So...
- he is the savior?
- Yes
Thanks to God. Thank you very much.
You guys have tried.
Thank you for saving me.
We are bound to support each other.
Yes, it's good
to support each other always.
Thank you so much. Okay?
- I'm saying this.
- Oh.
Thank you.
Alright, lets get to business!
My dear, you are part of this too?
Please don't shoot. Don't shoot.
- Where is the brief case?
- Don't shoot, don't shoot.
It is in the car.
Please have mercy on me, please.
That is all my life saving.
All in that brief case is
my life saving, please.
I beg of you please, don't shoot.
I beg of you,
please don't take it. If you do,
I'll be doomed.
My twenty years in America
all is in that brief case, please.
- My children's school fees.
- Shut up!
- My wife, my family.
- Shut up!
You are beginning to talk too much.
No please, I'm sorry.
I won't talk too much.
- I'll be quiet, Please.
- Don't force me to do something silly.
Please don't do anything.
Please don't kill me.
- Let's go, we need to move.
- Please, please.
That man just caused us
to loose our chase.
You should have just crushed that man,
you should have hit the man.
Come on, he is an old man!
What do you mean by he is an old
man? You should have crushed him.
- Don't be so mean.
- You should have crushed him.
- Quiet. Quiet!
- Stop talking...
Let me think.
I need to think.
What do I tell Father and Jagua?
Let's move.
I've been robbed! Please help me!
Please help me!
Please help me!
These people have stolen my money.
Thieves have stolen my money.
All my investments.
They've stolen my money, please help me!
My money! My investment!
My twenty years in America!
Oh my God!
When was the last time our
hands succeeded in catching its prey?
Our last operation was also a failure.
A total failure!
So who is the girl? Who sent her?
Where's she from? Who is she?
Who is she?
Viper, I'm highly disappointed in you.
You are a failure!
My territory is crumbling!
I thought you could do it better.
My wall of Jericho is crumbling down
in your hands.
Who is that babe?
Who is this girl?
We have her picture.
Then get her for me!
Find her!
I want to see her, here!
Get out!
- Viper. Viper? Viper.
- Idiot.
Your incompetence is so, so apparent now.
You have just lost your venom.
You've lost it.
I miss my son.
- He was a failure too.
- I miss DD.
- He was a failure too.
- How?
- DD was a failure, he was a failure.
- Prove it, how?!!!
What is it?
- Positive.
- Positive?
- You're pregnant?
- Yes,
I'm going to be a mother.
And I can't wait to be a father.
- Thank you.
- It's going to be a girl.
Not only a girl.
I'm having to a boy.
Don't you know the style
used to get a male child?
What style is it?
You have to stay there then
you push it up.
You know, raise it up.
When you go...
that's a male child.
What is wrong with you?
Where are you running to?
Put your mind at rest, okay?
I'll talk to my baby
not to stress my wife.
You're safe.
- Babe, why?
- Why what?
Do you want to kill me? What happened?
You can't die, what is wrong with you?
Okay, quick one babe.
We need to go for an operation right now.
-Do you mean you and I?
- Yes.
- Ah!
Babe In my condition? An operation?
Come on, before you get too heavy,
- let's just do this.
- Ah,
Babe, it's not safe.
You know I'm gradually getting heavier.
And I don't want our child
to experience ill situation.
Come on, our child won't
experience any ill situation.
She'll be fine.
Let just do this together,
and after this. This last one
the remaining, I'll face it my self
but I want us to do this one together.
But I need you on my side. You know right?
You are special.
You motivate me.
So lets go for this together.
How long are you going to do this for?
How long will you keep going like this?
For as long as I do not have
my baby with me.
Please take it easy so you don't get hurt.
Stop brooding so you don't
hurt yourself please.
My baby was innocent.
She didn't know anything,
it wasn't her fault.
If I had known, I wouldn't have
gone with you for that operation.
Just look at this.
I want my baby, I want my baby.
Please stop talking like this.
Don't speak in that manner.
I'm here,
I'm still here with you.
We can make another baby.
More babies as much as you want.
Trust me,
I'm still here with you, and with me here,
we can always make another one.
I want my baby.
I want my baby.
It's time to go.
I'm going to my daughter's place in Lagos.
My daughter has asked me to come over.
You? I told you all,
you ain't seen nothing yet.
- Easy, Mummy.
- Ah.
- Thank you my dear.
- Easy ma.
- Easy.
- A whole me.
-Mummy, I'm also excited
and my joy is full.
- Thank you dear.
- But when you get there,
- don't forget me.
- Ah ah.
Please tell my friend
to come get me quickly.
Forget you? How?
There's no part of the body
the legs cannot run with.
- You're right.
- All of you,
your village head doesn't even
have a driver.
-He doesn't,
-Let alone me.
I have told you, you ain't see
nothing yet.
This is just the beginning, mummy.
In this neighbourhood.
Your mother is going to Lagos.
- Yes ma.
- Me,
I will live life to the fullest.
Absolutely mummy.
What is this?
Can you see? Can you see?
The head of your community
does not even have a driver
let alone, someone to open the
door for him.
- Yes.
- He opened the door for me.
- Let me make a pose and get in.
- Mummy get in.
I'll be back.
You ain't see nothing yet.
- Careful mummy.
- Should I go in?
- Careful.
- Look, I'm getting in.
I didn't open the door
and I won't be the one to close it.
Driver please, open the boot.
Please, open it.
Where do you want to keep it?
Be careful.
Drive mummy carefully.
Come on driver, come and start the engine.
Start the engine.
You don't worry,
- we will call you regularly.
- No problem.
- You know we can now make video calls.
- Yes.
- My regards to your mum.
- Yes ma.
- I'm leaving!
- May you arrive safely ma.
Your mother is going to Lagos.
You won't see it's end.
Driver, drive carefully.
Bye mummy!
Mummy Dollar.
- My Mummy!
- Eeeee!
I finally came to Lagos.
My beautiful baby.
- Mummy Dollar!
- Let me carry my baby.
- Eh!
- Mummy.
My box of fortune.
I have missed you.
I have missed you.
My dear, how are you doing?
Ah ah, I should come inside?
Bring in all her luggage.
Just come.
- This is your daughter.
- My daughter,
my beautiful daughter.
Definitely resembles an antelope.
Thank you!
- You ain't seen nothing yet.
- Ah!
Please come this way ma.
Sorry, let me take this call.
- My dear.
- Hello?
- You are enjoying life in Lagos.
- Mum.
Your husband is taking care of you.
Don't worry, we will also take care you.
Lets go to your bedroom.
Wait guys,
Is that not DD?
I'm sure he's the one.
Let's see them clearer.
I'm not convinced that you know
what you're saying.
Are you sure it was DD you saw?
Father, we can't give you a fake news.
We saw DD.
- DD?
- Yes
- Yes.
- Yes father.
We saw him with our very own eyes.
We saw him with the mole.
Then get them.
I need to see them.
As a matter of fact
if you can't get them, kill them.
- Okay?
- Okay sir.
Go after them.
Go! Go! Go!
How far? Hope no one was killed?
No one was killed.
No one was killed.
No one was killed
but anytime I say shoot, you shoot.
Anytime I ask you to shoot, you shoot.
Anytime I say shoot, then you shoot.
Boss I took a shot, I just don't know
what happened?
Boss, boss, it's not how it seems.
Those people are really fortified.
I shot them but the bullets
kept falling off them.
I said it! I said it! Those people
have charms.
We need to be fortified before
we attack them. They are not
ordinary people.
What is it?
No, no, no, it's okay, its okay.
Who noticed what I saw over there
while we were jumping?
- What happened?
- What...?
- It's okay, you don't know what happened.
- I saw it
- It seems that guy needs help.
- Ah.
- The guy needs help. Let's help him.
- Boss!
- Boss, help him?
- What is it?
- The coast is not clear.
- Are guys mad or something?
- Let's help him please.
- Yes boss
- No, you wait. The coast is not clear.
- Let's help him,
- he's dying.
- Ah!
You look like you're afraid of something.
You still have not answered
all the questions I asked you.
Oh boy.
What is your name?
How did you get there?
What were you doing there?
Are some people after your life or what?
Be free to talk to me, what's going on?
Oh, DD.
Am I right?
Yeah, that's it. That was how
we found it around his neck.
Is that your name?
I don't know my name.
I don't know where am from.
I can't remember anything.
It's okay boy.
I understand.
Gentle man,
I will help you.
You're in our home.
I'm ready to do everything for you.
Since you don't remember you name,
can I call you DD?
Are you okay with that?
Yes, you're okay.
What do you need?
Viper, handle him.
I sharpened your teeth,
and you want to bite me with them?
DD, we don't do such things.
Dolapo, don't try it.
Douglas, whoever tries such with me,
he will certainly pay the price.
I believe one on one is allowed,
that is why I called you here
to speak with you.
Come back home.
Come back home,
there's an opportunity for you to
come back
and I will welcome you.
Because I know no matter
how many clothes a child
has, he will never have as many
rags as an adult.
I need to also let you know
there's no way an adult
can have as many rags as a mad man.
- Really?
- Yes.
Father, let me make you understand
I have only come for this meeting
because of the little respect
I have left for you.
But if it is because Of me DD
I Dolapo Douglas,
if it is for me to come back, forget it.
You are getting it all wrong because
I will never bow to you, never again!
I am now a king in my kingdom.
The river rises gradually.
A river that fills up in ones presence
can never drown you.
You will be sorry.
I promise you.
Father, nice. Good words.
Let's wait and see who will be sorry.
Have a good day.
- Babe, babe. Wake up, rise, good morning.
- Hmm?
- Babe.
- Morning.
Good morning.
You need to have your shower,
- we need to be in Abuja in three hours.
- Eh?
- Duty calls.
- Abuja?
Yes. The notification came in last night
but you were deep in sleep and
I did not want to wake you up.
So right about now, you need to get up.
Rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise.
Go have your shower and then be ready
I packed your bags already.
Oh, you didn't tell me.
You didn't tell me before now.
I don't need to tell you. Get up! Get up!
Duty calls.
Okay, so why are you shaking? Hmm?
See, we are not here to hurt you.
We are here for the document.
Handover the document to me
and I shall leave.
No one gets hurt.
Not you, not us, not anyone.
I can't come all the way
and not achieve what I came for.
If you were in my shoes
I'm sure you won't like it too.
So get me the document and let me leave.
Document now!
-Go, go, go
Come, come, come. Close your eyes.
I want the document!
Get me the documents I need to go!
Damola Benson.
Hey shut up woman!
Sorry, sorry, sorry.
Dolapo, what's going on?
Dolapo! What's going on?
We don't have all day.
We can't rob this house.
- Why not?
- We need to go.
We can't leave without
getting the document.
We cannot rob this house, we need to go!
Like now.
Let's leave.
We can't rob this house. Let's leave.
Thank you, thank you.
Where are you from?
Who are you looking for?
We are not having any event today.
- You don't have an event so why the noise?
- Don't you know that
- the devil's children make noise?
- Eee!
Where are the occupants in this house?
Where are the occupants of this house?
They are not home.
They are not home.
drop a message and let it sound
like a woofer.
So they can know we came here.
And let's leave.
So, it's just a little thing that will...
What's that? Ah!
Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!
Mummy! Mummy Dollar!
No, mummy! Mummy!
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
Mummy wake up.
Mummy! Mummy!
Mummy! Mummy!
Mummy! Mummy!
Who is it? Who is it?
No matter how long a war takes,
it must have a source.
They are The faculty of ten.
They are very dangerous,
they steal,
they kill,
they kidnap,
they destroy,
and they commit all sort of atrocities.
It's just like the Biblical verse
that says the thief cometh not but
to steal, kill and to destroy.
Sir, are we going there to
attack and bring them to book?
No. You are going for investigation first.
When we've established our case
then we know the next thing to do.
- Sir, am I going with him?
- Yes
No, you won't be able to go
because you have other assignment
to carry out here.
Let him travel alone for that.
Sir, when do I leave?
As quickly as yesterday. There's
no time to waste.
Yes sir.
Hi baby.
You good?
So err...
Right. Ready, ready, ready.
I have to... be in Lagos tomorrow.
But I'll just stop at the office,
pick up somethings and head out.
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
I'm so sorry.
It's impromptu and I just
have to honor the call.
Baby, must you go tomorrow?
Can't you go by the weekend?
You know it is close to my delivery month.
I know... but I just have to do this.
Don't worry, trust me,
I will be back before you know it.
So, how is my baby doing?
She is kicking harder these days.
I know that she can't wait
to come into the DD's world.
No, not when you're
not here to welcome her.
- You must be around.
- Alright.
I promise I'll be back before she comes.
So, let's have the breakfast.
Here you go.
All these things you're saying
I don't understand.
It's as if you want to make me go insane.
All this is not working for me.
What is going on?
You are crying again.
This is all you have been
doing since last night.
You have been crying since last night.
That's not the solution to the problem.
You have to stop crying.
I'm here... for you.
You're here for me?
See... we will always
go through issues in life.
How you face them is all that matters.
It doesn't matter how many times you fall.
Standing when you fall and doing it again.
It's about the most important thing, so...
Face the challenge,
face it and then go through it.
Pass through it.
You will survive.
I'm here.
I'm still here.
I'm still going to be here.
We make do of what we have left.
The one who survives heads straight home.
It's so unfortunate.
Standing peacefully
does not make one guilty of a matter.
Going peacefully never makes one
guilty of a fight.
I don't know them,
and I don't know what I did
to offend them.
May God deliver one
from the person monitoring him.
- Amen.
- Have you been treated sir?
The bullet has been removed.
It's been taken out. But,
the pain has not subsided.
Please take good care of yourself.
Get well soon.
- Thank you, I'm grateful.
- I'll come back again to see you.
Thank you. Thank you.
I found my husband.
I told you, he's alive.
I had this feeling that he was alive.
Madam, I sent for you.
I asked Officer David to call you here.
You see, we've been working tirelessly
on your husband's case.
All efforts to find him, you know...
proved abortive
The only thing we could find
was, you know his shattered car.
So, um...
I'm sorry for the loss, you know
and madam, please calm down.
I want to assure you that all the benefits
the government ought to give your husband
and your family, you will get all of them.
By the grace of God.
Please, don't be offended.
Are we really sure Damola is dead?
Don't be offended
I'm asking this question.
See, I'm not here for all this.
Where is my husband?
I will need to see his body
so I can believe he's truly dead.
Officer, its been three good months!
Where is my husband?
Where is my husband?!
Where is my husband?
Where my husband?
- Oh God, I'm dead!
- See, see, calm down.
Officer... Heh!
- Wait.
- Oh!
Calm down madam. See...
- You!
- Sir!
Madam see you have to calm down.
- Are you serious?
- Yes.
Where and when?
All that is not necessary now.
Please, help me find my husband.
I think he is lost.
I want to talk to him
make him realise who he is.
David please, I beg you.
I miss him.
We all miss him, the
children miss him. Please.
I know you would come.
How did you get my number?
Why have you been calling my phone?
What do you want from me?
Once upon a time
I was the wife of an officer.
And I have been calling your number
because you are my husband.
I will inform the police authority
that I've found my husband.
That you,
Damola Benson needs help.
Babe, what's up?
Hectic day today.
Hectic one.
I saw you.
I saw you.
I saw you with that woman.
You thought I wouldn't know?
Dolapo, after all that has happened,
after all I have done for you,
after all I have lost.
you want to leave me?
I lost my village,
I lost my mother, my mother!
My father!
My baby!
All because of you.
I lost everything! For you.
You now think you can leave me?
You cannot. You dare not.
this is not you.
Okay fine, you lost your memory.
But now that you've regained it,
now that you realized who you are,
you should go back to your family.
The people you were sent to arrest
are the ones you became part of.
Your family needs you.
Your wife, your children need you.
You should go back to them.
Don't worry,
I will shoot back.
I'm back home.
Thank you for coming back home.
Thank you for coming back
to me and the kids.
Where are my kids?
I hope Daddy is not going
to leave us this time around.
Daddy is here to stay.
Absolutely right.
Your mum is right, trust me.
Daddy is here and here.
For now.
- I'm not going nowhere anymore.
- Yes
I'm back home.
I missed you guys so much
so I'm here for real, okay?
Babe, are you okay?
Yeah I am.
I love you guys.
I love you so much.
So I need you guys to go up stairs now.
I have a story to tell you.
I'm going to come upstairs
and tell you a bed time story.
But you go upstairs now
and make sure you lock the door.
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!
Go! Go! Go! Go!
What are you doing here?
What do you want?
nobody breaks the rules
and goes scot-free.
It's only someone who hasn't encountered
problems who prays in English.
The streets! The streets does not
have a teacher.
You will only be taught on the streets.
Say your last prayer.
- You said what?
- Easy.
we can settle this amicably.
One on one, we can settle this.
I am not who you think I am.
I'm not Dolapo Douglas.
I'm an officer.
My name is Adedamola
- Benson.
- I'm a Police officer.
You just realised that right?
In the book of Father
and Jagua forgiveness is taboo.
Yeah! that's how we roll, you get it?
You got it? That's how we roll.