Don't Worry Darling (2022) Movie Script

:By iBoy.
-You're doing very well,
-dear It's true.Very well.
Pour yourself a glass.
-Yes, I'll help myself..
-Yes, help yourself to something.
I'll pour myself a glass
Peg, focus. look at me and concentrate
Agui, darling. What are we vienclo?
-I'm trying to concentrate!
-Not much, Peg.
The fringes weigh you down a lot
Get rid of them and take them off!
Take off your blouse!
-I have it.
-Concentrate. Here.
tilt it a little
That's not fair! Peg made him drop it!
Does not count
You're a champion!
It wasn't my fault. Wait
-That's my drink
-No, she threw it at me
i will finish it
No, I can win. She moved it.
That's not fair!
I know you can win.
I know are you sure?
You threw it away, it wasn't
my fault she soiled my dress
Hey, don't burn my hair!
Deanie, honey, use an ashtray
If it falls on the carpet, it doesn't go away
Pete, your wife is drunk.
She is talking a lot of nonsense.
And she is pregnant, she give her another
drink so that the baby is born healthy.
think of the baby
Excuse me. Excuse me!
Did this come with the promotion?
Look at this. Look
at it You know...?
Frank did a ceremony
It's just like his.
-It's beautiful. Look
at this. Look at it
Kiss the ring, darling
You can't go to bed with this
Oh Lord. Look how much they love each other!
Will you kiss me now? -Yes!
Another round of drinks!
For you, for you and for you
Thank you
-And these are for me
-All those are for you
Take them.'Take them all
You drink like a trucker
and you look like a pinup girl
- Oh, darling
- Damn.
Do you want to go to walk?
I'm getting out of the car!
My God!
You have to drive. It's your turn.
-Take the wheel!
Oh my God. What?
-No, I'm not ready! My God!
I have already driven a lot.
-Alice, you've improved a lot
-I know. I feel better.
You do better every time.
Take me home, Alice. Take me Home.
What if you were blind?
-No I can not!
-Do it.
You do very well!
-Okay, straighten up.
-You can help?
Good work.
And Bunny said that she wanted
to play that by the way...
She has never played tennis, never
With a drink in one hand and a
racket in the other, and, Jack
Not a drop fell
It was...
..perhaps the sexiest
thing I've ever seen.
I want to see you
wearing a tennis skirt
Is it true that Frank has
a tennis court at his house?
We'll find out, right? Yes.
Oh, and darling, tell me..
.how many people will come to the party. calculate the tuna salad
-What? Frank doesn't like tuna.
-He does not like
Why did you not tell me?
It was going to be the center of my saucer
Alice, don't tell me that.
Shut up
Oh no! Shit
Was it a giant drill? Nope.
Was it an explosion? Nope.
Are the materials innovative?
You can tell me. I'm very discreet
I'll keep the
secret -I'll be late
You can't... you can't leave
Why not?
Because you don't
feel well -Ah, no?
I'm sorry. I forgot to
tell you, but you don't
feel well. The only remedy
is to stay home all day.
..and let me take care of you.
I kissed you, I cooked you..
-Bye. Alright.
Damn...! jack wait
Bye. make us proud
Project VictoriaDia
987 Yellow Security Level
All employees go
to the head office
Residents are safe and secure
Enjoy this beautiful day girls
and listen to Frank's Radio Hour
Enjoy this beautiful day girls,
listen to Frank's Radio Hour
Peter made me swear I wouldn't say it.
They will build many
houses behind us.
so we will be closer to the town
Really? Wow
We won't be so far apart anymore
Good morning, ladies
Good morning Shelley.
I have a good news.
The Victory Project hired a
new employee, Bill Johnson.
..and I invited his wife today
Please give a warm
welcome... to Violet Johnson.
Welcome Violet.
Let's start. First position
Remember, ladies, there
is beauty in control.
Grace in symmetry,
we move together
Tight belly.
Head up.
That's it.
Obviously, Margaret didn't go to class.
I saw Dr. Collins at his house again.
-I don't know how Tedan keeps his job
I don't know how Ted
still keeps his Ltrraloa
Get it off your neck, Fred.
take it off your neck
My God
Poor man
I met her new wife
She's like a precious and scared fawn
It seems that your husband is a fool
Jack better hire someone please
Dean says Jack will
be promoted I hope so
They will be casj like us
What will you serve at the party?
Stuffed eggs.
With those eggs they will do it
director Take care of me please
Enough. I'll call Santa
I have to call him. That's
why Santa gave me his number.
She told me to call him if
they misbehaved I'll call him
I wish I didn't have to. Give
me that But we listened to you!
No. Give it to me!
The only thing that matters is
how they react in those moments
I know that they will prove themselves,
and to all those who have cluideic / o ..
gye need the life they want.
..they deserve the life they desire
See you tomorrow
..because we chose to stay
How was your day?
It just got better.
I made a roast.
What else?
Mashed potatoes.
What else?
Green beans
What else?
Filled tomatoes
What else?
seye nuchat rolel
It looks a lot... skin
go find your brother
Let hum that song, what is it?
I do not know. I
thought you would
know I've been in my
head for days with her
Maybe it's a children's
song. Do your children sing it?
Oh no, I don't have children.
don't make me talk
It's not what we want. We
like to have a good time.
It's not what we want. We
like to have a good time.
I live next door. You can't
imagine loguehe.heard.wy
It's like they live on honeymoon
Jacky. Alice and they
only have time for them
Noes1o wow
KBuinny's children
love me more than her
That's true, it makes me mad
Creogue three hyphoses
orfect Bill wants.four. have one-daigual
By having a second
Alice, how many babies
should Violet have?
at least seven
Hey, where were you?
I'm getting pro
at avoiding people
This incredible places!
You haven't seen half of it.
I could hide more
they would find me
Of course! Hello!
Can we offer you a drink?
Yes, please-Thank
you Yes, of course
See you later - Goodbye.
They make my hair stand
on end They are very rare.
I think they sleep on their heads.
Do they always dress the same?
That weirdo makes
the best martyrs.
We went from Juna cle honey to Sea lsland
-We also.
Did you eat at Dominick's?
I was a bit nervous
getting used to it takes time
Yes. It takes time
but it gets easier
That's how it is. Yes.
I'm so excited to be
here So much that I can't
we understand you
I have felt disoriented
since we arrived
Bill says it's because of the
trip It's all been a bit of a blur
It's the desert air,
you'll get used to it
That's what Dr Collins said
It was very kind
-Jack, what are you?
-It was very kind
Jack, what are you?
I am a technical engineer
to accompany us on purchases.
It's a different department
than Dean and Tecl.
One worse, less important
I haven't talked much with Frank
Frank doesn't have to talk to you.
I am sorry. It wasn't me.
You have no idea how extraordinary
he is or what he is capable of
You are lucky to know who he
is and more to be in his house
I'm just excited. I'm sorry.
I was just excited. It's alright.
Girls! Let's go
-Yes, they should go to the front
please meet
Normally, we don't get the chance.
..of will receive the couples at home
But this time we couldn't wait.
to celebrate the arrival
of our new residents
bill violet
.I am very happy that you can
learn from my husband
I am very happy
..I am very happy that you
can learn from my husband.
join this mission be
part of this family
Frank built something very special
What he created here is...
It's a different way
A better.
And we only have each
other Why are we here?
Vrnonos, right now.
We are not pleased to be here.
;What was that?
So that you are aware
Margaret and Ted are
going through a bad time
Margaret's question is correct You
have to ask yourself that question
Why the hell are we here?
When this environment can be so
..rido, so difficult
an polyoriento, so..
Why not run away?
Why not return security to
status guo, where it is safe?
No, I choose.
we choose to stand firm
To look more carefully
to delve deeper
To extract that pure
and limitless potential.
That jewel of unimaginable
and unlimited value
It's easier to be distracted by what it seems
It is more difficult, "more courageous", I would say. inJb guecould become
Dean, who is the enemy of progress?
-Chaos Yes
It's a horrible word. Chaos.
Chaos is a ruthless enemy
Scattered energy, limited innovation,
hope annihilated, greatness in disguise
I see greatness in each one of
you I know perfectly well who you are
What do we do? Change the world
That's how it is
When I look around me I
find another reason to be here
Those who were once
unknown, strangers, and now.
we are a brave family
Men like Dr. Collins
One of the first to
build this community
Thank you for your insight, Dr. Collins.
And adventurers like Bill our
most recent and intrepid explorer.
This brave young Robinson Crusoe
.gue decided to join
us on this adventure
Bill, thank you for being a part of this mission.
And thank you, Violet,
for being a part too.
He couldn't do it without you.
you wives
We ask a lot of them
We ask you to be strong and
be our shoulder to cry on.
Have the food ready
and the house clean.
..and above all, be discreet. Cast.
It is very difficult
You are my rock I would
not be here without you
Thank you
they can go
Mair'garet I'll be hiding here
Give us a noment,
Alice will be-bier
I am not well. Nadla is well.
He just needs to
sleep I can't sleep
I have nightmares
What are you doing?
I wonder why I chose this tie
I like your ties
No. There are a lot of people outside.
Jack, there are a lot of people.
There are a lot of people outside.
impress him in a game of doubles
You will win with this outfit
Yes of course.
Can you charge it to Dean's account?
I still can't believe
we can carry it all
Yes, but Victoria has
things that money can't buy.
Right, you don't have to worry
about the weather or learn to drive.
from the weather nor will he learn to drive from the weather nor will he learn to drive
I love to drive -No.
You love that Jack taught
you that sexual toying
Going back to the guest list,
were Kathy and Bob at Frank's house?
I think so. -Really?
It's kind of random, right?
Who is invited and who is not?
It has nothing to do
with seniority, success
..or with liking them, right?
Splash, splash!
Who is ready for summer? 30
I'll take it. -Horrific
I heard that Margaret made
a scandal -You can't imagine
She threw the drink in someone's face?
-What? Nope
She was not like that. she was just upset
She was humiliating and will get Ted fired.
If Peter gets fired, I'll
kill myself. No kidding.
I couldn't live anywhere else
Margaret is going through a difficult time.
Whose fault is it?
I know but it makes me sad
Of course. it was a terrible accident
It wasn't an accident
Bunny, stop. Let's go.
I don't mean to be rude.
I know she was your friend.
She was our friend when she
was normal and then she went crazy
She took her son to that desert
She thought she saw something
- She was hallucinating
No one knows gt bier happened.
I knew how dangerous
she was, we all know that.
The only thing they ask us is
that we stay here. Where it is safe
The only thing they ask us
And she still took the child to
a place in the middle of nowhere
If they don't want us to leave,
they will have their reasons.
when they found her
She was alone. They never found their son
I knew that he died, but she had not thought
She says they took him away to punish her
The boys and their toys
At least we know they work
What do you think they actually do?
What do you mean?
of the "development
of innovative materials"
But sometimes Peter hints
that they are building weapons
And that everything is clandestine
because Frank discovered -Peg
I am sorry
We are.gui because we believe in the mission
We also work and our
work is just as important
What we do at home is to
support and care for them
Otherwise they couldn't dedicate
themselves to changing the world
They all focus on
the'sacrifices they make.
going after what they guide
I'guiero that they focus on
the sacrifice of staying guietos
Alpo go after what they want
and what it is up to do it.
..and accept less in your life
Sacrifice not only recovers
courage, it requires faith, thinking
"I will bear this pain,
this wound, this effort
knowing that what I want
awaits me on the other side"
Sacrifice something scary
But they sacrifice m If
they settle in the'fear.
See you tomorrow
Aren't you going shopping today?
I asked if today he will not go shopping.
I'm afraid I'll get to this point.
...I will turn around to return
It's fine, I just want to walk around.
I needed to get out of the house
get some fresh air
Sir?" See that?
Are you alright, miss?
S1 See that plane?
I'm afraid I don't understand
There is a plane, right.
Ayno! My God! Stop!
That plane! Just crashed!
Are you sure?
Yes! Come closer. It just exploded.
I can tell you where
How? No, I don't drive there
AHW what?
I don't drive until there We
must stay here, where it is safe
But I can't go alone
That is not esmirtlia I can not
And if they need help? Hey!
Can not be.
My God, what's wrong?
I need help. There was an accident.
it cayouplane
We can free ourselves from what
society has taught us to feel.
We can free ourselves from the chaos
that reigns under the auspices of equality.
We can go deeper into
what we know to be true.
We can go deeper
..that we yearn for order
Let your consciousness sink
into this world, into this truth
Delve into how things
are supposed to be.
-You already got up
I didn't have time to set the table
What's happening?
I'm making you dinner.
There were going to be five saucers
But I think we'll only have three
Don't see that. I had to remove it from the menu
What happened?
It was very spicy
How long have you been at home?
Some hours
No, don't look at that.
Okay, I'll prepare the roast.
The one you did for my birthday
But with some changes
I was here when you arrived?
Yes. Asleep in the room.
Does the roast have carrots?
How did I get back home?
I guess on the tram
Wait, so he came back for me?
What are you taking about?
Jack, I got off the tram.
I saw a plane crash.
Alice, I think I would
have heard an accident.
No, Jack, I saw it.
They are quite loud.
....and started walking. would be hard not to hear
Hears. Are you OK?
-No. I do not know.
No what happens?
I had a very strange dream. Very rare
I am sorry. Do you know what
happens to me with weird dreams?
It makes me hungry. Do you want carrot?
Alice, I want to be honest
with you about something.
I think I won't be able
to make the mashed potatoes
It's just that you have to boil them first, darling
I knew I forgot
something I'm an idiot
I'll put a pot.
Just let me... It's okay.
Prepare something to drink. Just relax
You organize the drinks
I'll be your chef tonight!
You love me?
Very much.
Boil the potatoes I
will boil them potatoes
Yes, there are always people
who benefit from the status quo.
.and they will come pornosoiros
They are coming pornosoiros
I am willing to sacrifice
everything for you
I will give everything I have to
make this world better for everyone..
but I can't protect
them if they are not loyal
When do they promise someone
do they keep that orornese?
His word is his guarantee
His word is his truth'
Is it our pact?
See you tomorrow
You were there. You saw it
She saw it. They lie to us all
I can't talk right now, Margaret.
No one asks anything. We
can't stay here anymore, Alice.
I am not crazy.
Don't talk nonsense, you have to stop
Alice, you know me..
No. No, don't do it!
No! Let go of me!
Margaret! Let go of me
Jack, you don't understand. I was there.
I saw it all.
I am tired, I want to sleep.
I saw her fall.
I tried to help her, but they took me away.
-Why would they lift me? They...
She can't be okay, Jack.
I do not know what to tell you
Ted is with her at her hospital.
She says he needs some stitches.
He fell cleaning the
window It was an accident
No. I saw her. She did it.
you had a bad night
-You didn't feel well.
She fell and you imagined something else
She cut her throat!
She is crazy.
Jack, I saw it all. she cut her throat
She had a lot of blood, she
can't be fixed with a few stitches.
Please don't be hysterical
She was my friend
And she asked me for help
I ignored her. And then this happened
I feel guilty
It's no one's fault. It was an accident.
He told me that they would come
for her because he knew something.
-Why lie about what happened?
-Please enough
What are they hiding?
Come on, love, you must admit it's strange
There is something weird!
What do you do at Project Victory?
You know, Alice, I'm
a technical engineer.
I know.
But what are they doing there?
What is really happening?
Do not ask me that.
Do you develop innovative materials?
You know we can't talk
about it What does it mean?
Tell me, what does it mean?
What does it mean? You know?
Do you at least know what Frank does?
It is confidential
We cannot talk about what
we do or with other areas
You know
What if Margaret told the truth?
Enough Alice
What if this place is dangerous?
I'm part of something important, Alice.
This mission, what
Frank does is important
I know, love, but you don't listen to me.
Not everyone has this opportunity.
And if you keep talking
like that you'll risk it all
Are you worried you won't get promoted?
Is that what worries you?
our life alice
Our life together. This
we could lose it all
Please. Control yourself.
Damn she signaled.
Victoria is safe and secure.
It's the perfect place to raise
the family you've always wanted...
..while relaxing with friends or
enjoying the beautiful scenery...
..of this sun-kissed paradise
Still maybe they will find a
better landscape in the club a
better landscape in the club
a better landscape in the club
Even though they may find a
better landscape in the club
Aguican live the life they deserve
We can all live life..
If I could say anything to
Frank, he would say, "Thank you."
Because I didn't know
that I could be so happy
Seriously, I don't remember
my life before Victoria.
Frank hos gave us the opportunity
of a lifetime. I could not.
We are very lucky to be here.
Are there any viruses out there?
-Not that I know.
I think it's about habitual exhaustion
Have you had new tensions
or pressures recently?
He saw Ted's wife fall. I
think it might be the shock.
-It was an important
fall I was very sorry
It did not fall
she cut her throat
-Leave her.
Witnessing a hit can
lead to distorted memories
0. even have nightmares
I can prescribe you something
I don't think she needs anything.
It's for precaution.
Many of my patients have
been helped by the treatment
They are just for you to relax
You don't need pills
We can work it out on our own
Ok, I'll keep it in your file
What did you do to Margaret?
ted's wife
I'm sorry, I'm...
I don't understand how it can be alright
you would not like me to
talk about your treatment
with other patients, or yes?
patients, yes?
I wouldn't mind
I would love to know the
details on how he cured her
As you know, patients receive
physical and psychiatric help here.
And Margaret needed both.
The good news is that
he's physically fine...
...but not psychologically.
I was going through a lot of
difficulties Outbursts. Paranoia
That prevented Ted from doing his job.. you no longer work
for Project Victoria.
She needs a lot of help
I don't eat you
No. She's fine.
this is completely different
How do you say the English?
'Keep calm and carry on"
Jack. are you with me?
Of course
I'm just a phone call
away - Thank you very much
loved away thank you
Let's see
Ca you know our position
Good thing you're back. she forgot this
I'd forget my head if I didn't have it attached
Jack ng ceberias return to work?
Yes. Of course
See you later.
Oh no. No. She is not..
final warning DOCUMENTS
Maybe I'll ask Shelley if she
wants to dance, if it's appropriate
Are you still in the tub? We will arrive late
Did you see the dress I bought you?
I picked it up last week
I couldn't help but imagine you wearing it
-Thank you
You look beautiful.
I thought we could
do something crazy.
Let's have a baby
Not right now
Love you
And I want more of you
I want a piece of you
I don't know, I think it could be fun
Just think about it, okay?
Tonight will be
great Teveraspreciosa
Good evening. We were waiting for you.
So sorry.
We reserve the best table
I'm glad to see you. -Hi guys.
Why do they always fight?
What's wrong with them?
Always. All the
time - We're fine.
-Hello. Finally! Hi!
Hello. My God!
Take this.
You look like a doll. Tour!
This is mine. This is yours. Here, come on.
To the bottom. That's it! All!
That's it!
Here are the rioters.
I can't believe they
let them sit together
I think it's better for insurance purposes
It's true.
Alice, how are you feeling?
Good. I feel good
Everything is beautiful Thank
you very much for having us
If I hear something breaks, I'll be back.
Don't tempt us or we'll
break glasses all night.
See you on the dance floor?
Yes ma'am. Of course
Does my husband know how to throw a party or not?
He does many things for us.
More than we could pay
That's why I prepared a small... gift for him.
It's for everyone,
actually I hope you enjoy it.
That's it!
You were there.
You saw it.
I was having outbursts
What did you think?
Take this. I bow down to you.
Let's give him a round of applause! Let's go!
.What did you think? Did you like it?
Get up, come on!
How are you darling? I'm glad to see you
This is what I mean We work
hard, we deserve to have fun
What do you say, Jack?
Jack, I want to go home. -What?
Come on, Tim! Very good!
We have to go right now. Please
I'll get you something to drink.
You'll be fine.
All the best for Victoria. My God
All right, have a seat.
And now I must continue after that.. won't be easy, but...
...I have to admit that.
..I also planned something
I know.
Jack Chambers
Please come up for a moment
Jack. Please I want
to go home. We must go.
Please give him a round of applause.
Cheer him up.
A loud round of applause
Let's give a welcome Victoria!
This is my favorite night of the year
I love seeing you all together
to see how much we've grown.
But some...
Some have grown...
.extraordinarily.. is oven.
I've thought about it a lot, Dis knows
It is certainly out of the ordinary.
But you know what?
This men off the charts
But you know what?
But you know what?
This man is off the charts
This man pressured me
Jack Chambers, it's an honour.
...invite you to become a member of our..
..General advice
Are you the man you claim to be?
Looks Good.
Thank you for your loyalty
many good things are coming
What do you think, ladies and gentlemen?
Do you want to see him dance?
That's it!
That's it!
Look what you can do!
Don't say that. You will have another job.
What's the matter, honey?
What happened? What's up?
It is wonderful!
Everything's fine. Nothing happens.
Bunny, we have to go.
We have to get out of here
No. We're fine.
Let's go. Tell me what happened?
What do you think?
"Do you see him dance?
Margaret was right
She was asking questions
they don't want us to ask
And they shut her up.
She didn't fall. It wasn't an
accident. I saw it all. I saw her fall.
They lie about everything
Dance, Jack!
Let's spin it, shall we?
I was there, and I saw it.
Where have you been?
If that is! ls rpiclo, boy!
NG stop! Let's go! yes!
That's it!
THE Get up
Receive them, you deserve it
Get up, . Receive the applause
Receive it, you deserve it!
And when I touched it, I saw something
And I keep remembering things
And I listened to Frank, it's in my head..
This is more than a celebration
for having freed us from.
the arbitrary norms of society is the celebration of
the liberation of our potential!
It's a reminder of who we are!
let me teach you let's go there
Now they're distracted.
We're taking Dean's car.
We can go.. Enough.Enough!
You went crazy? -What?
-Did you go to the central office?
Because I thought I saw an accident
It's the only thing they pick us.
You know how dangerous it is.
We don't back down. We move on, right?
We move!
Did you steal from Dr. Collins?
Because Margaret can't be okay!
Get a hold of yourself Alice!
She is behaving like a girl
Your husband is living the
most important night of his life
He is celebrating
and you try to ruin it?
You sound just like vlargaret!
whose world is it?
Whose world is this?
whose world is it? Our! - Our!
Whose is the world?
They call it Operation Extraction.
It is a higher security euiorization
I will direct everything I think
it means that Frank
trusts a lot'eh
Welcome! Welcome.
There is.
Look at nothing else. They are beautiful. Come in.
-Come in. It's
for you. Thank you.
We were late?
I think we're late
we arrived at the same time
those cymbals? Oh!
Whatever this is, I love it
Do you like it? I'm glad Bill
Friend, tell me something.
"Will you really come?
This is for you. I think if it will come
How did you invite Frank to your house?
It wasn't me. It was Alice.
Those are her privileges
so they live now
Everything in this house is from the catalogue?
It's a house. Show me
the ring. I want to see it.
We arrived before Bunny?
She... She won't come
I told you.
I'm sorry, guys. Only..
It's good that you know
dance because you are very ugly
Already arrived!
How many secrets
Thank you
I'm glad to see you
I knew it. I told Peg
I didn't need the tie.
Jack! Crazy son of a bitch!
What do I do with this?
-Take care of her
I told him it would be something casual.
-Put her on ice. I'm proud of you.
Thanks for coming.
They have a beautiful house
-Can you get Shelley a drink?
Of course.
Frank, what a party last night
That's how it is
Now I like to put my
wife in a martini glass
She made him laugh.
It isn't true
And your drink?
Here it is. Hello!
Health. It's a beautiful house
-How are you? Me? wonderfully
I'm happy with Jack's rise
Yes. Of course
Health. Thanks for coming
you triumphed last night
We don't stop talking
about you -Enjoy, girls
I'll go finish the
dishes now we...
-I can help? :Safe?
-No. Really. Go have a look.
I love this turntable.
Do you like it, Bill?
I only have one bank.
How did they manage to have...?
You will realize that
with the canaps is where.
..I can express myself freely
It's a skill, maybe
one day you can teach me
cannot be taught
I found out something very exciting
Oh yeah? Of what?
Word is you and Jack are trying
We'll see
I hope they have uir nino.
I'm sorry bunny didn't believe you
But you didn't
believe Margaret, so...
...why would anyone believe you?
You really have me fascinated
I was waiting for someone like you
someone to challenge me
No great man has
changed history...
..without anyone pushing
him to reach his potential.
And you do that.
i hope you keep it up
And look at you, here you are. Preparing dinner.
like a good girl
Does that tell you?
-Certain? Yes.
is being nice
We are looking for
fierce competitors
If one day you want to play, call me
I've heard about your backhand. Is famous.
If you need a partner, here I am.
It's a lot of pressure. I do not know if..
Thank you Araclas
I will try the fish. I don't know about you
Nice to see familiar faces
The windows over there, the
ones that are like shutters?
They actually call
them "lattice" windows.
Did you know?
You didn't know. There it goes.
Its etymology comes from "jealousy"
And you say, "Whose baby is it?"
And they say, "It's your baby"
And you think: "How can that be?"
is your baby
i do caclei anus
Yolet, where are you from?
I asked where are you from
from philadelphia
I also!
Really? I didn't know
-That's why I like you
Most of the women
here are from Philly.
Or Baltimore. O ce Chicago.
It is true.
Is something offered to them?
I don't miss winter
No. I love the sun
despite being so pale
I love the sun. I love the beach
It's true
Which beach did you go to last time?
A curious fact about the beach
Beaches are among the
dirtiest places in the world.
It's a litter box
with diseases, and...
It's true. You should know
Let me guess...Hilton Head?
Cape Cod? OR Jersey Shore?
We all honeymooned
at Sea slar.c..
Pocono Mountains
and Nigara Falls
I think they are popular honeymoon
destinations. Of the expensive ones
Peter, you haven't finished your story.
Bill is perhaps one of the...
. worst players.
Peter, I'm not done.
Violet, where did you meet Bill?
On a train
-To Boston. -To Boston.
You dropped the ticket. And he picked it up.
.and he gave it to you, didn't he?
That's the way it is.
And, Peg, I think Debbie Mclntyre
met her husband that way too, right?
Yes that's how it is. That's how they met
It is true. They
make me envious Oh yes?
It is a beautiful story. Yes.
Coincidences don't
seem strange...
They tell us many stories.
They tell us what to remember.
Until wh...
..we try to remember things
Like Margaret-Alice..
No. Jack. Leave her.
I want to know where
you are going with this.
Frank is doing something to us
Delirium, memory loss, hysteria.
We saw the same thing with
Margaret, we know it's curable.
Dr. Collins prescribed
a treatment for you.
dr collins un-treatment
...that cle nte you
are not taking for what.
..which clearly you are not drinking
He lies to us. lies to all of us
Buriny, your best friend
is worried about you.
Do you think you need help,
why didn't you come today?
Do you think you need help?
That's why you didn't come today?
Because you didn't want me to remind you.
You are using them. uses us all
Do you know what Project Victory is?
Have you asked? -And you?
"Is that why you went there?
To the head office?
I'm sorry, but you don't know what it does
You left on your own!
you broke all the rules
And put their lives in danger
Yes, I got out.
..I went to the central
office and I saw what it hides.
What am I hiding?
- He lies to us.
He's lying to us all
about Project Victory.
He has us trapped here.
Caught up?
I hope no one feels this
way Do they feel trapped?
This psychosis is yours
You experience the rush
as a feeling of exhaustion.
..but still you keep trusting
We all do it Today you
entrusted us with your home
Just like I entrusted you with my room.
Alice? Do you remember?
Try to create a world
If you want to present your argument.
..use your own
words He is using us
- Your palalorals What
does this food have?
Let's talk about it!
-Where does it come from?
-Listen, I'm sorry.
think about it for a moment
-I am sorry. It's an anomaly
Victoria's milk, meat and eggs
-Everything comes from him.
-It doesn't usually happen
She is very sick and she
will have the help she needs..
-...I promise you
- Everything they don't give comes from him!
It's about control. everything is control
She could be poisoning the food!
We come home we sit in tumesa
We come to your house
we sit at your table..
..and you insult and denigrate my husband?
She invited them to be part of
something as extraordinary as him.
..and you behave like a spoiled girl
..demanding answers
to questions you made up
There is a pattern, right?
A pattern of selfishness and whining
Or is it just desperation
for wanting to be interesting?
you're wasting this opportunity
It breaks my heart that your
sad and desperate paranoia...
.destroy everything
we tried to build
I will no longer listen
to your pathetic nonsense
Frank, darling. I wait for you in the car
Jack, I think your wife had too much to drink.
I expected much more from you
Jack, we need to talk.
You had fun?
What? No, of course not
You planned this dinner to sabotage me.
Nope!' No, I would do something like that to you.
I would never do something like that to you. Love you
I'm trying... I'm trying to save us.
You try to save us by
going where you shouldn't
Yes, because I saw a
plane crash. I told you.
Jack, everything I said
at the table is true.
Frank admitted it he confessed
it to me in the kitchen
That's why I did it. That's why it all happened
He is not capable of doing something like that.
Everybody acts like
I'm crazy. I'm not crazy.
And I need you to listen to me.
Hey, look at me. Look at me.
For me... are... are more important than all this
More important than Victoria
I believe in you. In you.
But I don't believe in him. I don't trust him.
And I don't trust this place.
I don't want to be here anymore.
I don't want to be here
anymore We have to go
We have to go We
could go anywhere
Go anywhere and
create our own world.
..and it will be just you and me.
and we'll be fine.
No matter where we go the
important thing is to be together
Love you.
We have to go tonight,
we can't be here
Love you. Let's go
Love you
Jack? I prepared something to
eat for us in case the trip is long.
...but I think I packed everything
Let's go.
Love, let's go. Let's go.
I am sorry.
I love you so much Alice
Whats wrong honey?
I tried to prevent this from happening
-What? Vm..
-Please believe me..
Love, let's go. We
have to go. handles
We have to go. Let's go
-Sorry ON! ON
No, Jack, please! I will be good!
Alice, I'm sorry! I am sorry!
Give me a chance! Love, please!
Give me a chance. let me go!
Give me a chance!
I'm sorry...! Jack, please!
They are hurting me! Nope!
Nope! Jack! They are hurting me!
No Please. Please no.
Honey, I
I will always be with you
You can not see
what a longing..
How will I take care of you?
Don't say that.
You'll get another job. Alright.
I am sorry.
I will work more. No problem
Done. Sew it
Needle carrier. Forceps
Very well. We are
done - Good night.
good night, doctor
Good evening, Dr. Warren -See ya
I guess the main question is...
You're too late I
thought you'd arrive at ten
I also. The surgery took longer
I'm starving I haven't eaten
Why not?
I didn't know what you wanted
and you didn't answer my message
I don't carry my
phone in the OR, Jack.
it would be nice to know
Still no hot water?
I called the plumber. He couldn't come today.
Well, if I can't beat
myself, I'll go to sleep.
Come on. I haven't
seen you all day.
I know, I'm sorry
but I'm very tired
Dance with Me. No.
No, Jack, stop.
I just finished a 30 hour shift.
I sutured 12 people..
...and I have to come back
in six hours, I'm very tired
I need to sleep, yes?
I guess the main question is... you know someone
who is really happy?
CO feel satisfied?
Modern society has
suffocated our true selves.
...and has taken us away
from our biological destiny
I know the buried
version of yourself.
...the one everyone else ignores
That version... is the real you.
I know you are the man you claim to be.
That's better.
Welcome Home.
-Look who feels better
-What a joy!
The whole neighborhood
doesn't have to know. I'm here
I missed you so much I
already write gossip in my diary
Oh yeah? I should read it.
-It's pathetic.
-You look amazing!
Thanks, I feel better
I'm glad you're here. -Me too.
Hi, Jack. Wow, look at
that car. Do you like it?
Dean will try to sleep with the car
Where is Dean?
He is playing golf with Bill
baby you should go
You have done nothing but take
care of me, you need to have fun
Yes go. Leave her. It's mine
now we're going to do gardening
We will only see plants and
drink. I do not have a garden.
Bye. Bye.
See you later
I was stuck to the chair I was stuck to the chair
Pegest's face was so red that
she thought she would explode.
Peg is Peter's wife
She is always pregnant
True. Yes
Yes very good. Of course. I am sorry
I have everything
fuzzy since the treatment
It's okay, you'll feel better now.
Yes. Of course
It can't be!
My God! Hello!
"Did you see the sign?
It is the most beautiful sign
I have ever seen in my life.
Did you hire an artist to paint it?
We did it - I don't believe you
Quick, show me. Show me it
I painted this part
you point it out? Which part? Go!
I made the sun and the letter.
You made the sun and
There is beauty in control.
grace in symmetry
we move together
There is beauty in control.
Grace in the simeirie
we move together
There is beauty in
control, grace in symmetry
we move together
Smells delicious. Thank you.
-How was your day?
Yani I still remember
You arrive a little earlier, but I have..
.many things to do
So I have to go and get
the things out of the oven.
No, it will burn. Nope
Let's eat first that will
increase your resistance
Look at nothing else, it's beautiful
Honey, I
I will always be with you
You can not see..
that I long to be
..always with you?
that you know that I want
always be with you
You can't see - You can't..
...I long to be...
...I long to be...
always with you?
..senore with you?
Project Victoria, applicant number 426
Name: Jack Chambers.29
earrings Blood type: 0 negative
Psychological evaluation:
average Chosen nationality: British.
Chosen Wife: Alice Warren
Pre-Existing Relationship: Yes.
to be part of this community?
Do you understand the
consequences of an indiscretion?
Are you aware that you are responsible
for preparing your home device?
Do you accept the physical and
medical requirements to enter Victoria?
He is aware that he is responsible.
of the physical maintenance
of his chosen wife?
of the physical maintenance
of his chosen wife?
of the physical maintenance
of his chosen wife?
; He is aware that he must
get out of the simulation... the central office every day..
...and come back just to
fulfill your allotted hours?
Honey, I
I miss you all the time
'You can not see..
..I long to be...
.always with you?
'Can't you see...
I long to be...
...who should be..
..always with you?
Welcome to Project Victoria
There are currently 72 active users
Your reentry has begun.
...the auspice of equality.
Let us delve deeper
into what is true.
that we yearn for order
Can we yield to the
hierarchy of nature?
Let your conscience
sink into this
Let your conscience
sink into this world
In this truth.
Delve into how things
are supposed to be.
Alice, you're having another
fit. Just take a deep breath.
Alright. Just breathe, Alice.
Very good. Breathe
Very well.
What did you do?
Alice, please don't freak out.
Everything will be fine. I can explain.
What the hell is going on?
Look at me, you're my wife.
I love you. What's going on?
Oh no.
No. How dare you? You do not love me
No, do not do it. Alice, think about it!
Think about your life
and what you really want.
you are a psychopath
I had a life. you stole it from me
No, I saved you.
-It's not true
-Listen to me
You worked all the time!
I wanted to work!
I loved working! What?
You were depressed. You
weren't happy. Hate your life!
It was my life!
Mia! You had no right to take it from me!
I gave you this!
I gave you all this, Alice!
We are lucky to be here!
Frank built this world for
us to live the life we deserve!
Deoirme every day to have
money to keep us here..
...And I hate him. I hate it Alice!
You can stay here. You are happy
You are happy.
Alice. We are very well here.
Don't you want to be okay with me?
No, you made me believe that she was crazy
I went to fi
..and you made me believe
that she was fucking crazy
Alice, I'm so sorry.
But I don't have to lie to you anymore
-Alice, please, I love you.
-I know.
You know I love you I
would do anything for you
You are my life
Love you. My God
It doesn't matter where we are,
the important thing is to be together
You said it, you told me
Alice, I'm so
sorry - It can't be
There is more?
Are there more people like me?
Where are their bodies?
-I don't know. It can't be.
I don't even know
the men. I swear
none of our business
Every man is responsible
for his wife and nothing else
So all the wives are stuck here?
oh my god the kids
No. No, Alice. Children are
not real. Don't worry about them.
We are only you and me. Look at me
Don't worry about them. Look
at me. We are only you and me.
You and I. Stay with me
I just need... We'll be happy
-Give me a minute.
we will be happy here
No, Jack, please.
Stop. Alice!
Don't give me a moment.
Let go of me! I can't breathe!
-Let go! Alice, stop!
-Nope! Stop Alice!
What's happening?
Jack Chambers is dead
Alice, listen to me
I have to tell you something.
-You must not go
No. This world is not real
Alice, they are going to kill you
Frank created a program
He created a world and it's..
-I know.
They're going to kill you They're
going to kill you in the real world
They will kill your real body.
You must go
Do you understand me? Oh, my God
Alice, if a man dies here
he dies in the real world.
Jack will no longer be able to return you
He won't be able to bring you back like before.
You must go out again, right now
You have to go. You know
how to drive Take Jack's car!
Bunny, answer me! Go to the office.
you were already there
You must go, Alice!
How do you know?
Listen to me.
I've always known
I chose it.
My children are here
Bunny, your children are
not real. Yes, they are.
They're real to me, Alice
Because they're alive here!
I did not lose them here
Here I can be with
them 'Don't you realize?
"Do they know? Do women know?
They do not know.
Leave away
You must leave
My God, Alice, whose blood is it?
What's happening? Where is Jack? ;,Dean?
Come back to the house,
Alice cCarino? Stop
Where is Jack? What does he do?
Honey, let's go inside
Let's go inside, please.
The children
Where is Jack?
CDrcle est Jack?
Peg, go home to the kidneys!
Peg, she's not okay.
They said this would not happen!
Shut up, Bill!
They said it was safe!
Es-tr reminder by guines-sornos
We come to save the world from itself.
We are the vanguard of a
promise We are the-future
We are a heritage of
splendor, each one of us
Approaching the Portal of Victory
Ready to go in
ten, nine, eight...
I Whose is this murdo? Our!
whose world is it? -Our!
Whose world is it? -Alice!
Leave away! Alicek Go away!
-Let go! They will find you!
Please! l be it tain...!
They said that this would not happen!
Stop her idiots!
Stop her!
We are in a shelter
Don't go out and wait for instructions
Attention. Residents of Victoria
Attention residents of
Security level is red
Where is it
Two cars and Collins
Collins is dead
Listen to me, don't let her out
If she manages to pass, she
will leave. Who will return her?
Frank, what do we do? : sir?
You are a stupid.
Now is my turn
Let's go! Shit!
don't leave me
You and I.
You and I.
Once we recognize that reality.
..we free ourselves.