Doom Doom (2022) Movie Script

Look at her.
Jian must be happy
to see her mommy.
Have you thought about it?
I suppose
you haven't told your mother yet.
Can't she stay with you a bit longer?
I know it's a lot to ask...
You know we're getting old...
Of course we'd like to
keep on looking after her.
After all this time together.
I'm saving up to rent a room.
I'm not giving up on her.
Of course.
I understand.
God bless you both.
I packed your favorite dish.
Shouldn't have.
Must be the church!
Thank you for your patience.
I'm Ina.
How can I help you?
Just a moment, please.
For verification,
your birth date, please.
- Is it true we'll be converted full time?
- Doubt it.
They said it's possible
with the new policy.
- If only...
- Tell me about it.
Hopefully, this year.
Let's go out after work.
"Mom: Don't forget
church service this weekend."
"I told them you were coming."
Ms. Kim!
- Hello.
- Long time no see!
My granddaughter.
Oh my, how adorable!
You can't imagine how busy
we've been since her arrival.
And this is... your daughter?
Oh, yes.
My one and only daughter came
to volunteer with me on a weekend.
Oh, how pretty she is.
Are you married?
Not yet?
No way.
She said she's going to
live with me forever.
She's not interested in dating.
Enjoy it while you can.
Once you have a kid, it's all over.
Look who's talking.
What's her problem?
Her second daughter is not married either.
I should go now.
What about church service?
Ms. Kim!
Are you really
going to leave me alone here?
Next time.
I really have to go today.
- Khanitta.
- Hello.
- Getting prettier every day.
- You flatter me.
How have you been?
Fine. Let's go.
Did you eat?
Hello? I'm on my way.
Ina, I'm sorry.
My son's out on vacation
and asked us out.
We're taking Jian with us.
Oh... Is it far?
Yeah, it's a lodge for kids.
He looked it up, especially for Jian.
Don't worry, she'll have a good time.
Yes, thank you.
Wow, long time no see.
Great to see you again.
Were you around here
all this time?
How come I never see you around?
My studio is next door.
Where are you now?
I mean, where do you play
these days?
Hey, man.
This is Ina from way back
when I started.
Remember the DJ who topped
the chart on SoundCloud?
You mean DJ IINA?
Great to meet you.
Where do you play these days?
I... I work alone.
You know what?
You should come to our party.
I'll put your name up
on our guest list.
It's just around the corner.
I don't know...
I'll see you there.
I'll call you!
Thank you for your call.
This was Ina on line.
Are you done
with the report, Dongmi?
Death toll rises to more than 1,800
and will continue to rise as they
dig under the collapsed buildings.
Many of the buildings
are now unrecognizable...
What are you doing here?
I was at home...
and the house started shaking.
I got scared.
What are you talking about?
Nothing happened.
I know what I felt.
And where were you then?
Let's go home.
- Mom.
- Yes?
My feet hurt.
- Want a drink?
- Sure.
Long time
since you've seen him play?
It's been ages.
Drink up!
That's my music!
You're right!
I guess he's playing it for you.
You were good up there.
When did you arrive?
When you were on stage.
Since when did you
start playing EDM?
EDM rules these days.
Wait, you didn't know
I was here?
I thought you were
playing my music for me.
Of course, I knew.
Wait, there's someone
I want you to meet.
Hey, Minki.
Here's DJ IINA.
The DJ
I told you about.
Are you currently
working on anything?
Send me if there is.
My music?
And there's a private party this week.
You should come with Minki.
I'll see you later.
See ya.
It's been what, 3 years?
I guess.
Let's hang out more often.
I even write music these days.
Way to go.
You disappeared without a word.
Are you done with music now?
Some family issues.
I'm not through with it yet.
Just postponed it a bit.
Did you know that
after you disappeared,
Sangmin left for overseas as well?
No, I didn't.
Is this...?
Yeah, the turntable
we bought with Junsuk.
How is he, Junsuk?
Fine... I guess?
You can take it.
I don't play vinyl anymore.
I was about to
throw it away anyway.
Take it.
I can afford that now.
What's this?
Berlin Calling?
A famous producer is coming
to scout Korean artists.
From Berlin? A DJ?
The winner will be playing in Berlin
for 2 years as a resident DJ.
You should try out for it.
You'll get paid while playing in Berlin.
Theyll probably
provide housing as well.
The producer you met
earlier organized it.
So make sure you
come to the party.
What's all this?
This place was built as a shelter.
It's the best hideout
in case of storm or earthquake.
It's up to us now
since your father's gone.
You answer your phone.
Who knows what might happen.
I'm doing this for us, Ina.
Can't you hear me?
What's all this?
I'm just keeping it
for a friend going abroad.
Youre not hanging around those bars,
playing music again, are you?
Unless you want to see me die...
No, it's not that.
Did you forget
what happened already?
Why can't you just be normal,
like a girl should be?
Miss Yoon.
Miss Yoon.
Why didn't you tell us
you had a kid?
Is that a problem?
I know it's private life but still...
We work overtime sometimes.
They're evaluating
for the contract renewal.
So why's that a problem?
It's not like
I wasn't doing my job.
I know, I understand.
But you know
it's not up to me.
Nothing's decided yet so
back to work for now.
You haven't changed at all.
I change every day.
What have you been up to?
I had an office job, but I quit.
It happens.
I ran into Minki.
I haven't seen him for a while.
He looked good.
Many things look good in this world.
Minki wants all that looks good.
Is that bad?
I never said it was.
He worked hard for it,
didn't he?
I was thinking of trying out
for the Berlin Competition.
Oh, that.
Yeah, everyone's talking about it.
Oh, Europe.
You need to go through me
if you want to get to Europe.
But it's hard to know
where to start after all these years.
Nice weather.
Why not work at our club?
Play music together?
I needed to focus
on my label, anyway.
Needed a DJ for
the opening as well.
I'd love to.
By the way.
Do you still...
Still what?
Cry when you're drunk.
You cry like a freaking baby.
See you, I might be late tonight.
Let me introduce you two.
You rock.
Tell her yourself.
You tell her.
I'll introduce you two another time.
- She's not herself today.
- What?
Go ahead, I'm sorry.
Jian, sweetie...
Look, Jian. Mommy's here.
It's okay, it's okay.
Jian, sweetie.
Come here.
Its that stranger anxiety stage.
I see.
How's your mother these days?
She'd freak out if she knew about this.
Jian's practically a foster child
without a birth family.
This can't go on much longer.
Look, Ina.
Are you sure you want to raise her?
Of course.
I'll tell my mom and take her back soon.
Mom's doing much better now.
I don't want to push you...
but we're planning on
moving to the countryside.
Its not easy for me as well.
I understand.
You have my word.
You can see Korean DJs
playing in Europe nowadays.
More the reason
you should win.
You should make it to Berlin.
I hope so.
What's it like there?
It's a paradise
for musicians like us.
I meant,
to actually live there.
Like welfare and stuff.
Can't possibly be
worse than Korea.
Gotta go.
I'll call you when I'm back!
Hello, I'm calling to inquire
about the Single Parent Aid.
Are you a minor?
No, I'm not.
We'll be asking for your tax transcript,
financial information, and your lease contract.
You should be earning less than $1,300,
to receive financial aid of $170.
You mean, I should be earning
less than $1,300 per month?
- I'm off, bye.
- Bye.
Can I help you?
- Sorry, we're leaving.
- Bye.
How's it going?
What brings you here?
Just dropped by.
I'll be over there.
Long time no see, Junsuk.
I see you quite often on TV.
Nothing's changed around here.
What do you think?
Can't believe Junsuk's still
playing this stuff.
Still flogging the dead horse.
She's no different.
Okay, let's just listen.
What the fuck...
Who drinks this cheap shit?
Get out, if you dont want it.
Go to wherever you hang out.
Old fucker.
Let's get out of here.
- Take care, Emma.
- You too, Chief.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
I talked with Emma earlier.
How about doing a
'Save the Stage' event?
This club's been around for 20 years.
Even underground clubs can,
with the right marketing...
Why should I?
Its the actual music that counts.
Not how it looks.
Isn't it?
I mean, to save this club...
There are at least
4 major clubs around this area.
You can't even catch a cab
during the weekend.
If that was the goal,
I wouldve done it ages ago.
People will come around eventually,
if I go on doing my thing.
Don't be so stubborn.
You can't do music on your own.
It's for the sake of good music,
we need to protect such a place.
I don't think that's the way to go.
Leave, if you want.
You know that's not what I meant.
Ina, it's Sunday.
Dear Lord.
Have mercy on my daughter.
Take pity on her.
Cleanse her sins,
her body, and soul.
Let the past be the past.
Guide us towards the light...
Do you know how to use
a vacuum cleaner or a washing machine?
What am I supposed to do
with her then?
She just needs guidance...
Who has time for that?
She can't even speak the language.
You can't be serious.
- It's not that...
- Forget it.
What's the matter with him?
Jingu dropped out from the label
they were working on together.
He said, what's the
point of making a label
that can't even pay the rent here.
He's quitting music for good.
What are you doing out here?
I've been thinking.
I've run this club for almost 10 years.
I even got a loan to save this place
from being sold
by the previous owner.
I don't know how much longer
I can do this.
We should just hang on to it.
You said it yourself.
We make our path as we go.
You know what Jingu said?
People only listen to EDM these days.
And our music is for
wasted, drunk people
I'm not sure Im doing this
because I want to
or for the sake of
past time and effort.
Why did you come back?
Whats here left for you?
I have a baby to take care of.
Remember the guy
I was seeing then?
Yeah, the one
who went abroad.
He left.
My baby's not with me.
Mom and I aren't getting along.
But I still want to do music.
This place is all I've got.
I want them back,
both my baby and music.
That's why I need
you to stay strong.
You do the opening.
I'm still the headliner.
I've had enough.
Whatever you're doing...
It has got to stop.
I can't live with this
anxiety anymore.
Talk about anxiety.
I'm sorry.
We're doing some
construction work in the house.
We're very sorry.
Why do you apologize?
Fixing our house for our safety?
It's my property
and I'm the landlord.
- That's enough.
- Let go of me!
The church sent me to work.
Why's she here?
I'm training her for her to find work.
We can't afford this.
Who said we had to pay?
The church is doing
so much for these people.
We help each other out,
unlike some people.
Mom, you're making me anxious.
Speak for yourself.
Nobody understands me.
Let's continue where
we left off last time.
Improve your Korean.
It's been years already.
You should do better.
You're done already?
She told me to
come back tomorrow.
I feel sorry for you
because of your mother.
Your Korean's good...
What are you doing here?
I came to learn
to become a barista.
And open a coffee shop
back in Thailand.
I mean...
Why are you putting up
with the church work?
My mom's using you,
you know that?
I know.
The church is going to Thailand.
She said if I finish this work
they'll bring my daughter here.
It's worth it.
My daughter.
You left her there?
I have to make money
and bring her here fast.
My mom used to look after her...
But she passed away
2 years ago in an earthquake.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
The church people are actually
quite nice and naive.
That'll be $2.
It's a party,
thought you might like it.
Thank you.
It's smoking hot in here.
You're still here?
You were great today.
You think I have a chance?
Didn't you see the crowd?
You're going to make it.
Here, present.
For the competition.
That's not all.
You apparently caught the eyes
of a Gangnam club owner.
Want to go and meet him?
I'll put in a good word for you.
We're damn close.
Don't you have to play as
youre told in those clubs?
True but...
Isn't it worth the money?
I'm here for techno.
You do it, EDM,
you're good at it.
Just a sec.
Pediatric emergency center?
Down this hallway.
Her fever has dropped.
Oh, really?
Thank goodness.
We were so worried.
Are you her mother?
Ah, yes.
If you send her to daycare,
make sure she stays home
for a few days.
No, we take care of her at home.
The liquid medicine is
especially for the fever.
We gave her 2 scoops each time.
Is that okay?
- That'll be fine.
- Thank you.
Come and look at this, Ina.
I suppose you don't remember.
You used to be such a
good girl back then.
Sparkling with smiles.
Never lied to her mother.
You said you sent her away.
Have you lost your mind?
You must be crazy!
What if you get attached?
She'll blame you for this.
I brought what you ordered.
Aren't you ashamed?
She's not your servant.
What do you know?
Khanitta, wait outside.
They're celebrating
my birthday at the church.
Do you even know
when my birthday is?
You're never around to help me.
How could I, in this mess?
Do they know at the church
you're exploiting her?
Are you going to Thailand?
Are you bringing
back her baby?
It's been canceled.
The church is short of money.
Then you should tell her.
I'll tell her
when the time comes.
You care for people like her
but not your mother?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
You're doing that
music again, right?
It's devil's music.
How can you
go around playing music
after abandoning your own child?
As a single mother...
Do you know
why I can't raise her?
It's because of you.
Because of me?
Don't use me as an excuse.
It was your choice.
You abandoned your own child.
Will you abandon me as well?
I'm not like you.
I'm going to leave
and raise Jian on my own.
What's the matter?
I think the hi-hat's a bit flat.
Let's see.
This might do the trick.
What do you think?
It's good.
You like it?
- It's good, right?
- Yeah.
I know Im good.
I decided to enter
the competition.
You okay?
What did you just say?
That I'm also joining
the competition.
The producer came to me as well.
I thought about what you said.
I should broaden my horizons.
We'll compete against each other.
Are you serious?
Are you feeling all right?
I'm fine.
- You sure?
- Yeah.
What a sellout!
Let's lie down.
There you go.
Nap time.
Where are you going?
Want to hear a lullaby?
The clothes she wore
when she first came here.
We found a family for Jian.
God has blessed her
with a good family.
These are reliable people
from our church
looking for a baby
exactly Jian's age.
I already sent them
Jian's photos and videos.
You shouldve told me first.
You know our situation.
We've waited for you long enough.
And you're blaming us now?
You're acting just like your mother.
Think about what's
best for your child.
Holding onto her
out of loneliness
is obsession and greed.
How's that different from
your obsessive mother?
Your mother...
Do you know what
she said on the phone?
After all we've done for Jian.
How could she talk to me like that?
My mother?
What did she say?
Go and ask her yourself.
Listen, Ina.
God has gifted her with a family.
Now's the time.
I'll convince my mom
and come back for her.
I'm not my mother.
Please, watch what you say.
I should go now.
Why so serious?
With the smoking and all...
Do you really want to go to Berlin?
I think it's a good opportunity.
Because I really want to go.
I know.
Is it selfish of me?
Wanting to do music?
Who isn't?
There's no harm in that.
Can we talk?
Look at all the likes.
- Did we make it?
- Let's see.
Our names are up.
Congrats, Ina!
You too, Chief.
Did you decide on the music
for the competition?
I'm thinking of
working with this one.
Do you remember
the German producer
who came to our party?
He said Minki played this piece
in Europe as the headliner.
Saying its his original.
It's okay if no one recognizes...
but I'm just worried people
might get the wrong idea.
It's my music.
Your pre-selection mix
was well-received.
But Junsuk, man...
The majority voted
for him apparently.
Don't let your guard down.
During the competition,
the crowd reaction matters.
Make use of being
the only female candidate.
The Berliners have distinct tastes.
Personality comes before popularity.
That's pretty much it.
You've changed a lot.
You have no idea what I went through.
I've had enough of guys like Junsuk.
If he's such an artist,
whats he doing in that dump?
He should just mix
in his own bedroom.
I'm begging you, Ina.
Get out of that shithole.
What makes you think that
you're better than him?
Is that why you went around
playing my music?
That's because I like your music.
I just wanted to share it
with the crowd.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Are you happy,
now that you made yourself famous?
Hear me out for a second.
I'm sorry
if you took it that way.
What am I supposed to
do now for the competition?
At least we dont cheat for
our way to fame.
You think you are all that?
Is that why you bore a child
you couldn't even raise?
What's that got to
do with this?
I met up with Sangmin
in the States.
He's forgotten all about
you and the baby.
Why the fuck are
you bringing him up?
I was just really glad
to see you again.
God, I'm only trying to help.
Shut up.
Say another word...
You seem to be in a rush.
What do you mean?
I set the chords and everything.
If you cut the high so fast,
you're going to break the flow.
It may sound a bit off.
It seems fine to me.
Like I said before,
these people are from our church.
Thank you for coming all this way,
Miss Yoon.
Look how nice this house is.
Much more spacious than ours.
They've wanted
a baby for a long time
and made extra efforts
to welcome the baby.
Miss Yoon,
there's no need to worry.
So, what do you say?
I know what you are thinking.
But I'm not crazy.
I don't care.
Do whatever.
I know how weird this looks.
And how it's affecting you.
Since your father died,
you're all I've got.
What if he were to see us now?
All I want is for us to be happy,
and I'm trying so hard.
In case anything happens...
In case what happens?
Nothing's going to happen.
The house isn't going to fall!
We can bring her back.
Will you stay if I bring her back?
We can live together,
the three of us.
Since you're my daughter...
and she is yours.
It's too late now.
It's all over.
Stop torturing me.
I'm sending her because of you.
Why now? Why not before?
I was first waiting
for you to get better.
But then it was out of loneliness.
How's that any
different from you?
That's why I can't raise her!
Just look at us!
You call this a family?
But we are...
We are family,
the three of us.
Is that why you left me to die?
You're blaming that on me?
Go ahead,
blame it all on me.
It's my damn fault you turned out like this!
Just stay out of my life.
Come back.
Come back here,
right now!
"Don't trust my mom.
She's not bringing back your daughter."
- Ms. Kim, is it true?
- Khanitta.
What are you doing here
at this hour?
- You're not going to Thailand?
- What are you talking about?
Are you going to Thailand or not?
What about my daughter?
Tell me!
Who told you that?
How dare you yell at me?
Are you bringing
my daughter or not?
Forget it!
I'm not going!
Get out!
Get out of my house!
Do you hear me?
You promised!
You lied to me!
Fortunately, the wound isn't that deep.
If you want,
we could report this to the police.
It was just an accident.
Are you Ms. Shinae Kim's daughter?
We'll disinfect
the wound again
when she has her
neuropsychiatry appointment.
I'm tired.
Need a rest.
You don't look so happy.
Aren't we here to enjoy it?
You're right.
It's all I ever wanted to do.
But why cant I enjoy it?
This isn't why
I brought you in.
And this isn't why
I accepted it.
This seems like my only chance.
My last chance.
If I don't make it here...
I might never
see the light again.
This isn't like you.
It's why I have to go.
I have nowhere else to go.
I'm sorry.
Can I see her one last time?
I was wondering
if I should tell you this...
Your mother was here.
She couldn't stop crying.
She knelt down and apologized.
Asking for Jian.
A few days ago.
She wept so hard.
I felt so bad.
What's this?
You like that?
Like anybody else
I tread into my thoughts,
as I walk along the road
Faces of the past,
once so dear and near
open up like petals
Like anybody else
- There's an earthquake.
- Earthquake?
What earthquake?
We need your consent
for the operation.
Both your daughter and
her baby's lives are at risk!
No, no C-section,
can't leave a scar...
No surgery...
We're putting her to sleep.
Let's move!
I'm okay.
Who is it?
I was worried for nothing.
I was...
I was afraid you'd end up
like me raising her alone.
Don't worry, I'll be fine.
It's been a while.
Yeah, it has.
- Sis.
- Yeah?
I wanted to be the first to tell you.
For what?
The competition.
They said you would've won
if it hadn't been interrupted.
They said you were the best.
And there'll soon be
another one.
I don't think it matters anymore.
What about Berlin?
Berlin or not
I won't be running away
from now on.
Come on.
Let's go.
One, two, one, two...
Like anybody else
Like anybody else
Like anybody else
Kim Yongji Yoon Yusun