Doomsday (2008) Movie Script

KANE: Like so many
epidemics before,
the loss of so many lives
began with a single
microscopic organism.
It's human nature to seek even
the smallest comfort in reason
or logic for events
as catastrophic as these.
But a virus doesn't
choose a time or place.
It doesn't hate
or even care.
It just happens.
Go back to your homes!
KANE: The Reaper virus
spread among the population
of Glasgow
like a common cold.
There was no stopping it.
No cure. No vaccine.
It claimed the lives
of thousands in
the first week.
This is the end of the world!
KANE: In an attempt
to quell the outbreak,
martial law was implemented.
Roadblocks set up.
Curfews enforced.
KATHERINE: Come on, darling.
We have to walk now.
The airports, seaports
and borders were closed.
Scotland was placed
under quarantine.
The people were ordered
to stay in their homes, to
avoid travel, avoid contact,
to sit it out
and wait for help
that did not come.
Stay back!
You got to
let us through!
Get out of the way! Move!
Move! Get out of the way!
Walk on, will you?
Hey, you! You!
I'm talking at you!
Get down on
the floor now!
Everybody, down!
Don't shoot!
You fucker!
Fall back! Fall back!
Get out of the way!
Please let us go!
Are you all right?
MAN: You bastard!
Look at me,
darling. Look at...
SOLDIER 1: Go! Go! Go!
Hold the line!
Easy, girl. Come here.
Help me!
Please! Take us with you!
Get back!
We're too heavy!
We have to get off now!
Step away from
the helicopter!
Give her a chance!
No, wait!
What are you doing?
Get back
in the helicopter!
Take the girl!
We have to go now!
Hold tight, sweetheart!
Everything's going
to be okay!
Come on!
Stay back!
Take this!
So she'll know!
Hold on tight,
KANE: The wall
stood 30 feet high,
clad in steel armor plating.
It followed the line of
the ancient Roman frontier,
2,000 years before,
spanning 18 miles,
east coast to west,
cutting Britain in half.
Coastal waters were mined
and patrolled. The skies
were declared a no-fly zone,
and orders were given to
shoot down any aircraft in
violation of the quarantine.
The idea was simple.
Nobody came out,
and nobody went in.
They needn't have worried
about the second part.
Those abandoned within
the quarantine zone
were left to die.
Social order decayed
along with the corpses.
The streets ran with blood
as the people fought
to stay alive.
The bodies burned
in their thousands. Looting,
rape and murder became rife.
Fire spread as the cities
were plundered,
and the last to die
became primal savages,
feeding on dogs, rats
and finally, on each other.
As the weeks turned to months,
the funeral pyres
faded and died.
In time, all the lights
burned out,
consigning the country north
of the wall first to memory
and eventually to history.
But just as the government
had turned its back
on the hot zone,
so the rest of the world
turned its back on Britain.
With hundreds of thousands
unemployed, homeless
and destitute,
the situation has reached
breaking point.
It now remains only
a matter of time
before the laws of nature
seek to redress the balance.
Targets are in play.
Start recording.
Sinclair, Richter
is the biggest slave
trader in the city.
I want him alive.
Your call.
Me and my boat, marooned
on this fucking island
It's a full-time job,
trying to prevent
it falling apart.
Come. Mind your head.
Best I could find.
Straight from the
ghetto. Cheap. Clean.
What the fuck is this?
You prick!
Get the case.
Drop the gun!
RICHTER: Fucking nancy-boy!
Where's your partner? Tell me!
I'm getting off
this boat alive.
You go to hell.
Get back! Don't you
come any closer,
or I'll blow
his fucking brains
all over this boat!
Sinclair, whatever
you do, don't shoot.
RICHTER: What the
hell are you doing?
She's fucking nuts!
Tell her to back off!
I'm ordering you not
to shoot, Sinclair!
Richter, you've got
one way out of this!
Put the gun down,
or she will kill you!
You haven't
got a chance!
I'll kill him, I swear!
Sinclair, do not shoot!
I'll never get
used to that.
I don't suppose
you got a cigarette?
When are you going to buy
your own? Do you know how
much these things cost?
Why do you think
I smoke yours?
was a good man.
Not the greatest
copper on the beat, but
a good man.
What happened in there?
See for yourself.
Whatever happened
to a good cause?
Can't remember
what she looked like.
All I have is a name on
an envelope and an address
of a place I can never go to.
I've watched you fight
your way through the
ranks, tooth and nail.
And it's made you
so full of piss
and vinegar.
You carry on the way
you're going,
you're gonna wind up
one seriously fucked-up
Now, do me a favor.
Please, go home.
Get some rest.
Okay, let's do it!
Get back!
Get back!
Thank you, Captain,
that will be all.
Prime Minister.
How long?
Two hours ago.
DDS were carrying out
a routine drugs raid
when they found
the infected victims.
It's the Reaper virus.
Oh, my God.
It's back.
Bloody Hell, George.
What's got your
knickers in a twist?
National emergency,
I'm afraid. Briefing for
the PM in five minutes.
HATCHER: Let's keep this
informal and to the point.
We all know what's at stake,
why you're here.
In 2023, when the rising
tidal waters were threatening
to flood London,
we extended the Thames
flood barrier.
Like a castle moat,
this system of canals
encircles the entire capital
north of the river.
Our immediate plan is to
flood the canals, blockade
all bridges, tube lines
and rail links
in and out of the city.
You want to put
under lock and key?
Containment is our absolute
priority. We must implement
martial law now.
Keep the people
off the streets
while we secure the blockade
and set up medical stations.
Only then can we begin
the evacuation.
It's all very well packing
people into their homes
like so many
million sardines,
but you drop a killer virus
into that mix,
and this town
is gonna go tits-up
in no short order.
Once you start stacking
bodies in the streets,
there'll be panic,
public disorder,
looting, rape, murder,
and that's just for starters.
The death toll will
be unimaginable,
and by that time,
there'll be absolutely
fuck-all we can do about it.
You have to think
of the millions that
we'll be saving.
Are you talking about people?
Or pound notes?
Chief Nelson,
would you join me
in my office?
If this is a bollocking,
make it quick.
I've got a job to do,
I need to be out there
on the streets.
What we're about to show you
is highly confidential
and potentially
volatile material.
When the wall went up,
the government at that
time, naturally,
wanted to know
what was happening
on the other side.
So they re-tasked one of
their military satellites
to provide coverage
of Edinburgh and Glasgow.
For the past 30 years,
it's carried on
taking pictures,
sending down what you'd
expect. Empty cities,
deserted streets.
That is,
until three years ago,
when these turned up.
HATCHER: People.
On the streets of Glasgow.
What else could it be?
And if there are survivors,
there must surely be a cure.
What we have to do
is get our hands on it.
We already have
a team standing by.
All we need is somebody
to lead them.
Someone to take them in,
find the cure
and deliver it into our hands
before it's too late
to turn the tide.
You don't know how many
survivors there are.
And the team might not find
them in time. They might
not find them at all.
And they could
still be contagious.
That's what the team's
going to find out.
You've known for
three fucking years
that they were up there,
but you swept it
under the carpet.
Scotland's dead
have long since
been laid to rest.
Yesterday, if I turned up
on the 6:00 news with
a survivor in tow,
they'd have strung me up
from the nearest lamp-post
by the balls.
But if, in 48 hours,
I arrive with a survivor
and a cure,
sure they won't
give a flying fuck
about the survivor,
but they'll be lining up
to kiss my arse
for that cure.
In politics,
survival is timing,
and ours is running out.
We have 48 hours.
I need your best man
on this, right away.
All right.
I know someone who might
just fit the bill.
Get in the car,
it's pissing down.
How long have they known?
Long enough.
But that doesn't matter now.
Matters to me.
There are survivors
out there.
This is not some
personal quest
I'm sending you on.
Focus on your mission.
Who's behind it? Hatcher?
Hatcher's got the swagger
and the smiles, but it's
Canaris who pulls the strings.
He's the power
behind the throne.
And he's not someone
you want to pick
a fight with.
Who, me?
I'm serious.
If the truth got out,
it would bring Hatcher,
the government,
the whole fucking
system down.
And there's no way
Canaris is ever gonna
let that happen.
Once you're over that wall,
there's no rules,
no backup.
Better that way.
Look after this for me,
would you?
Don't suppose
you got a cigarette?
There's no smoking
on the helicopter,
and I don't smoke.
Fair enough.
Dr. Marcus Kane,
he was leading
the research into the virus
when the gates were closed.
He was trapped
inside the hot zone.
His lab was located inside
the quarantine compound
in Glasgow.
If anybody was capable
of developing a cure,
it was him.
I suggest you start
at the lab. Pick up
the trail from there.
You'll rendezvous with
the rest of the team
at the wall,
then you'll proceed north
in two armored transports.
Scotland is still Why not fly in?
a no-fly zone.
Hatcher needs to keep this
as low profile as possible.
So if we don't make it out,
no one will know we went in.
You've got 46 hours.
If you don't make it back,
the city of London
and everybody in it
will be left to die.
If it's there,
I'll find it.
You'll need this. It's a GPS
locator beacon. It'll tell us
exactly where you are.
We'll have a gun ship
standing by to extract
your team.
So much for low profile.
Once you have the cure,
it won't matter.
What happens if I don't
find anything up there?
Then you needn't
bother coming back.
For your own safety,
return to your homes.
East London
is under martial law.
What the hell are we
going to do, Canaris?
Just calm down
and listen.
Even if,
by some miracle,
Sinclair finds
what she's looking for
and makes it back in time,
the fact remains,
this is our fault,
we made it happen.
Too many people crammed
into ghettos so tight
they can barely move.
We created the perfect
breeding ground
for a virus to take place.
And the more we save now,
the more chance there is
of the same thing
happening all over again.
Now, we have an opportunity
to buy ourselves
breathing room.
What exactly are
you suggesting?
We're at war, Prime Minister.
It's basic combat triage.
Leave the dying to die.
With the whole
world watching?
With a lie this big,
we can get away with
anything we want.
Major Sinclair!
Good flight?
Sergeant Norton.
Welcome to no-man's land.
Why call it that?
There's not another living
soul for miles south of
that wall, except us.
What about
the sentries?
No, the whole system
was fully automated
about 20 years ago.
Nowadays they only
expend their ammo
on the local wildlife.
A team arrived two hours
ago. They're prepping
their gear inside.
Ask them to get suited up,
Sergeant. We're against
the clock on this one.
Yes, sir!
Has the team
been briefed?
I've given them
their assignments,
and the file
on Dr. Kane.
Major Sinclair.
Chandler. Armor division.
I'll be your driver today.
Yeah, they may be ugly,
but they move like
shit off a shovel.
Twin V12 engines,
two-inch armor plate,
and they'll take anything
from 30mm rounds to
chemical weapons.
Just the ticket for
a night on the town.
Where'd they
find these things?
READ: They patrolled
the hot zone, just
north of the wall.
When the system was
automated, most of them
were sold off for scrap.
These are the last
two in service.
Major, meet Corporal Read.
Tank driver.
Carry on, Corporal.
Miller, Carpenter.
BOTH: Major.
What have we got here?
CARPENTER: Bio suits.
Combat model. High impact
Gives us total
freedom of movement
and 24-hour protection.
Just what a girl needs.
silicon foam grenade.
This is frontline equipment.
NORTON: A going-away
present from Canaris.
Are we expecting
Is there a problem?
No problem at all, Major.
NORTON: This is our cargo,
Doctors Talbot
and Stirling.
SINCLAIR: You were part
of the task force set up
to study the virus?
That's right.
How do you do, Major?
I took over in '24.
Stirling joined me in '31.
Until Hatcher,
in his infinite wisdom,
decided to pull the plug
on the whole program
three years ago.
Tried everything, of course.
Just couldn't crack it.
I do hope this trip of yours
is worth the risk, Major.
Apparently, someone
thinks so.
All right, listen up!
I want everyone suited,
booted and strapped.
Back here in 10.
Open the gate!
Sentry guns deactivated.
All right, Chandler.
Take us in.
Chandler, what was that?
READ: Chandler,
why have you stopped?
I think we hit something.
READ: Say again?
I think you'd better
have a look at this.
All right, Miller.
Suit up and check it out.
MILLER: All right.
SINCLAIR: Chandler,
send up a flare.
Hey, Chandler,
what's black and white
and spread all over?
I can't see any damage
to the APC, but your cow
is a complete write-off.
All right,
get back inside.
You know that Dr. Kane
was the best man
in his field.
His papers on virus research
were required reading when
I was in medical school.
Basically, he taught me
everything I know
but I never actually
met the man.
This file's been
closed for 25 years.
The government tried
to suppress any information
getting out of the hot zone.
Didn't want people to
know how bad things
had got up there.
I don't think we can
stay here much longer.
Morality has abandoned
these people. The killing...
Seems he dug in
with a bunch of
stranded soldiers,
fortified the hospital
as best they could,
kept up regular reports
on the army frequency
using their coms set
till the power
went out permanently.
KANE: The fires have spread,
the power supply is dwindling,
and our food and water
are running out fast.
At night we can hear
the distant cries
of pain and anguish.
They've begun
to feed off each other.
It's medieval out there.
Ammunition is low.
The barricades won't
hold out much longer.
Our time has run out.
This is Dr. Marcus Kane
signing off.
What do the
numbers mean?
SINCLAIR: It's the number
of people in each house
that needed saving.
They were told
to stay in their homes,
that help would come.
what do you know
about line of fire?
I'm a lab hound,
not a combat surgeon.
That's all we need.
Line of fire is the air
between the target
and the weapon
through which the bullet
travels very fast.
It's also the last
place you want to
be in a fire fight.
If anything happens,
you get behind me quick.
You wouldn't want me
to blow your brains out
is what I understood.
SINCLAIR: Stand back.
NORTON: All right,
check your corners.
We're clear.
NORTON: Read, Fresno,
we're on the fifth floor,
we're going in.
Copy that,
everything quiet here.
I think the TV's buggered.
SINCLAIR: Talbot, Stirling.
You're up.
TALBOT: How the hell
are we supposed to find
anything in this mess?
Just keep looking.
It would help if we knew
what we were looking for.
Some evidence of Kane's work.
I'll know when I see it.
That helps a bunch.
Shut it, Carpenter.
Major! Major!
We got a live one!
SINCLAIR: Chandler,
did not copy! Say again!
There's a fucking girl here!
Outside on the street!
TALBOT: Whatever you do,
do not touch her!
SINCLAIR: Chandler,
keep her in sight,
but do not approach her.
Repeat, do not approach her.
What are you doing?
You heard Sinclair!
Get back inside! Now!
She needs help,
Read, look at her!
Chandler, no!
Fresno, get your short,
hairy ass back in the vehicle.
Hey, hey. It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
SINCLAIR: Chandler!
Do you copy?
Yeah, she's alive,
Major, but only just.
Major, she must be isolated
so we can examine her.
All right,
let's get her inside.
CARPENTER: Major, this
lab looks untouched.
SINCLAIR: Take a look.
We're right behind you.
get down now!
emergency EVAC! Now!
Copy that!
I've reached Stirling.
I need my torch!
I need my torch!
Checking the back door!
Chandler get back in
the fucking APC now!
Okay, I'm moving!
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
CHANDLER: We're rolling!
We're not getting
out that way!
TALBOT: Jesus Christ!
Burn, you fuckers!
Chandler, you're on fire!
Don't I fucking know it!
Major, we are under attack!
I repeat, we are under attack!
CHANDLER: Bastards!
APC 1 is down!
Repeat, APC 1 is down!
We've lost Chandler!
Get to the elevator,
sub level 1.
Get in there.
It won't work,
there's no power!
Get the fuck in!
Move! Move!
SINCLAIR: Sergeant!
Cover fire!
foam grenade.
NORTON: Whatever this plan is,
make it snappy!
SINCLAIR: Shotgun!
Major, what are
we doing in here?
Going down!
Pull it now!
TALBOT: Major, you are
completely insane!
NORTON: Check your corners!
Check your corners!
Move! Move! Move!
Miller, get that
fucking hatch open!
Oh, shit!
Get in!
We've gotta go now!
NORTON: Move it, Read!
Go! Go! Go!
STIRLING: Is anybody injured?
Is everybody okay?
TALBOT: I'm okay.
MILLER: I'm fine.
What the fuck
happened back there?
Read's got multiple
impact warnings.
STIRLING: Stop, stop the car!
NORTON: Read! Look out!
Stirling, you
still with us?
I'm okay, I'm okay.
Well, I think I'm not!
What about Read?
She's dead!
Fuck this shit,
man! Fuck it!
SINCLAIR: All right, grab
what you can and bail out!
Miller, cover Norton!
Covering fire!
Wait, wait, wait,
I'm doing it! I'm doing it!
Norton, alleyway!
go with him!
He needs my help!
Get over here!
Move it!
NORTON: Get behind me!
Miller! Get Talbot!
Fuck! Major, go!
Major, fucking go!
Come on, then,
you fuckers!
I'm out!
Get your hands off me!
We can't leave him.
Go! Go! Go!
Move it!
This one's for Sol.
Shit, man.
I'm sorry.
I am so sorry.
I got a bit carried away.
But if you keep going
on like this...
See? There I go again.
I am sorry.
I am so sorry.
But you are making me
so fucking mad!
Just talk to me.
Who are you?
What the fuck is
the matter with you?
Enjoy pain, is that it?
'Cause you are fucking
asking for it!
Norton to Sinclair,
Norton to Sinclair,
do you copy? Over.
Norton to Sinclair,
Norton to Sinclair,
come in.
Sooner or later,
you're going to have to
consider the possibility
that they're dead.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry
to be blunt, but...
We still have a job to
do, with or without
Major Sinclair.
Yeah, and right now,
my job is you.
If anything happens to
you now, Dr. Stirling,
we're fucked.
Let's try again. Who are you?
And where have you come from?
Now, I know that Kane
didn't send you,
so who did?
Where'd you get all
the fancy gear from?
The tanks. The guns.
Talk to me!
Did you say Kane?
You need me to speak
a little louder?
Is that it?
Well, how's this?
Fuck you!
We came over the wall.
I fucking knew it.
I fucking knew it!
I knew he was fucking lying!
Who was lying?
You see, the bastard told us
there was nothing out there.
No hope of salvation.
But I knew.
I knew that one day
someone would come
and prove him wrong.
If Kane's alive,
I need to find him.
Save your breath.
You're with us now.
And you're alive
only as long as
we need you!
Well, you see,
if you did come
over that wall,
then you must've
planned on getting back.
We've tried before
and failed.
I've seen too many
of my friends rush
those gates,
but before they
could even get close,
they were turned to fire
and fell as ash.
But with you here to lead us
through, we are going
to go all the way.
Lady, I could
eat you right up.
You should forget
about that bastard Kane!
He's history.
But you,
you are our passport
to the promised land.
I think you're gonna
be sorely disappointed.
I'll be the judge of that.
Can you hear that?
The hounds are hungry!
It's feeding time
at the fucking zoo!
We need this one alive.
Make sure she stays
that way.
Nice watch.
Sol! I heard what you said.
I need to speak with you!
You'll get your turn!
The wind of change
is blowing a hurricane!
Give them hell!
No, no! No, no! No, no!
Ladies and gentlemen!
Here he is, the head chef,
the big cheese,
the sunshine of your lives!
It's Sol!
Ladies and gentlemen,
I have a rare treat
in store for you!
Medium fucking rare!
Kane thought he could
tell us what to do,
and we told Kane,
"Fuck you!"
ALL: Fuck you!
This is our city!
Whoever they send here,
we're gonna catch them!
We're gonna cook them!
And we're gonna eat them!
Eat them, man!
Here we go!
No! No! No!
Burn him! Burn him!
Please! Please! No! No!
Get off!
You bitch!
If you're hungry,
why not try a piece
of your friend?
What do I have to do
to get a drink?
Put the key in the lock,
and turn it very slowly.
That wasn't so painful,
was it?
Wait! Get me out of here,
and I can help you.
You can help me? Why?
What are you offering?
I heard you speaking to Sol.
You said you came
through the wall.
No, no, no. Please.
Don't leave me here!
He'll kill me.
You have to do better
than that, I'm afraid.
I can help you find Kane.
You know where Kane is?
I should. He's my father.
If I find out you're lying,
you'll wish that
I'd left you here.
Follow me,
and you keep your
bloody voice down.
Look out!
SINCLAIR: You can let go now.
Move it!
SINCLAIR: Come in, Sergeant!
Sinclair, this is Norton.
Where are you?
On the move!
Meet us at the station
on Queen Street!
Station on
Queen Street, copy.
Come on.
Find her!
Come on!
Joshua, it's okay!
You can trust her.
She looks dangerous.
She is.
Norton, do you copy?
Come in.
It looks clear.
Go! Go! Go!
SOL: When I grab you,
I'm gonna rip
your fucking head off!
Run, you little fucker!
STIRLING: Come on!
Come on! Come on!
Leg it!
Come on!
NORTON: This way!
Fucking move it!
Fire up the engine!
Norton, if you can
hear me, platform 4!
Are you coming or not?
Come on!
Come on! Move it!
Get on!
You fucker!
Come on, Stirling!
Come on!
Stirling, get down!
NORTON: Come on!
Come on!
Move it!
Come on!
Run, Major!
Come on!
Where are you taking us?
Somewhere safe
for the moment.
SINCLAIR: Sorry to piss in
your chips, but we haven't
got time to play safe.
You said you'd take us
to Kane, and I need
to see him now.
I said I would help you
find him. I can't take
you to him.
Why not?
Because he will kill me.
And if he finds out
where you're from,
he'll kill you, too.
Ever since Sol left,
he's become suspicious
of everyone, even me.
His people are too afraid
to defy him, and those who
dare are tortured or killed.
You're living proof
of a world beyond that wall.
All our lives he
told us there was
nothing out there.
You being here
doing in the city?
I went to find
my brother. Sol.
That maniac
is your brother?
That is one fucked up
family, man.
They're at war.
And we're caught
right in the middle.
SINCLAIR: What is this place?
JOSHUA: A shortcut
through the mountain.
CALLY: We use it all the time.
NORTON: Looks like
an old military facility
or something.
CALLY: Whatever it was,
they left in a hurry. Didn't
even bother to lock the doors.
Jesus, what have they got
in here, the Lost Ark?
NORTON: Don't know, mate,
but those blast doors
are 12 inches thick.
Whatever it is,
somebody somewhere
wanted it kept safe.
Somebody's coming.
Wait, who or what
is Telamon?
He's Kane's executioner.
Come on. Come on.
Come on.
You can go,
I'm staying.
Give me your sidearm,
and get out of sight.
You really don't
give a fuck, do you?
I think your plan's shit,
but I guess I'll
stand with you.
There's something
you don't see everyday.
No! No! Joshua!
No! No! No!
STIRLING: Come on!
Come on! Move!
put down your weapon.
We need to get to Kane
the quickest way possible,
and this is it.
Yeah, all right.
Fuck it.
I hope you know
what you're doing.
Wayward daughter returns.
You brought some friends.
Came over the wall.
We want to see Kane.
KANE: I knew they'd be
watching the cities.
That's why
we chose this place.
Out of sight, out of mind.
I suppose it was only
a matter of time
before they sent someone
to answer to the question,
"Why are you alive
when you should be dead?"
That's what you want
to know, isn't it?
Answer him!
Something along those lines.
Leave us.
The answer is easy.
In the land of the infected,
the immune man is king.
So if this is
just a power trip,
why stay hidden?
Why not show yourselves?
You think we chose
to cast off the apparel
of our former existence?
No, no, no.
We didn't choose anything.
We were delivered.
These walls around you,
they were built to last.
And so shall we.
What we've built here
from the ashes is pure blood,
uninfected by
the outside world,
until now.
Have you found the cure?
Even now you still
cling to hope.
If I were you,
I would abandon
any such thoughts.
There's always hope.
But there is no cure.
There never was.
We had prevailed here,
not because of science,
but through natural selection.
Survival of the fittest.
We have earned
the right to live here.
Purged of the likes of you.
Take them away.
Don't you even want
to know why we're here?
That you're here at all
is sin enough.
It's the Reaper virus.
It's back.
And if he touches me one
more time, I will kill him
where he stands, I swear.
How dare they send you
here to ask for my help?
They started this fire.
They can burn in it!
Place your right hand
on the screen.
Now look into
the retinal scanner.
We're losing our city.
I better get out there.
It's time to get you out,
Prime Minister.
Sub level 6.
How the hell did this man...
Isolate him.
Put him in his office,
and do it now.
GUARD: Move, sir.
I don't understand how I...
GUARD: Keep your distance!
Canaris, I...
GUARD: Back away!
Good shot.
I was trying to save him!
KANE: You brought
impurity into our world.
You must be cleansed.
Do it.
CALLY: Please, Father. Please.
Father, please! No!
Daddy! No! Daddy!
You, turn around.
Tie her hands.
Sinclair, what did they
call you before they
called you Major?
Well, Eden,
I still think this
is a shit plan.
So, tell me.
What's it like
out there now?
What do you care?
I'm curious.
Same shit, different era.
So we did the right thing,
then, eh, by keeping
ourselves to ourselves.
Don't you mean
turning your back?
You used to be a doctor.
At what point
did you stop caring?
I used to be
an idealist, too.
That night that they
closed the gates.
That night,
I lost everything.
My wife, my family.
You don't know the pain.
You chose to stay hidden.
Your wife and family
could still be out there.
You ever stop to think
about their pain?
I haven't slept one night
in 25 years without
reliving that moment.
Who the hell are you
to talk to me about pain?
What do you know?
What did you ever lose?
Daddy wants to see you.
FALCO: Step away!
Don't fuck about, mate.
I'm not in the mood.
Stirling, get the keys!
Back off.
Out of the way,
you dozy twat!
In there.
Doctor, not now.
NORTON: Grenades. Lovely.
That'll do nicely.
Come on, Doctor!
I'll tell you what I've lost.
I've lost my bloody mind.
Execute the prisoners! Now!
Execute the prisoners! Now!
Man the defenses!
We're under attack!
That's it.
Yeah? Cool.
Come, come, come.
Where are they?
Where are they?
You, finish her off.
KANE: Cally!
STIRLING: Come on!
We have no time!
Watch out. Come on.
Come on.
Get to the horses!
NORTON: Move it! Move it!
Come on!
CALLY: Grab the torches!
Here you go.
jam the door.
NORTON: Go on!
Sergeant, check
and see if there's
a backup generator.
We're gonna need
something, and fast.
Take your pick.
Let's try that box.
Well, what are
you looking at?
Break that fucker down!
Nice color. I'll take it.
I'll get those
fill her up.
Where you going?
I'm gonna find a phone.
Help me with it.
Hurry up,
you lazy twats!
Come on!
Get in the back!
What does it do?
I'll show you what it does.
We got the package.
We're on our way.
Well, you'd better
get here quick.
Canaris is in charge now.
Hatcher's dead.
Put him on.
It's for you.
You still want your prize?
Then follow this signal.
Trace the source.
Send the coordinates
directly to me.
Okay, that's it.
Let's go.
Hold the fort
while I'm away.
This is as far as you go.
We'll handle it from here.
Fuck, yeah!
Put your foot down!
SINCLAIR: I'm tired
of running from
these bastards.
Hold on!
Step on it!
Too fucking close.
You think?
Hold on,
we're going for a ride.
Are you out of your
fucking mind?
Here they come.
Come on!
No! No! No!
No! No!
Please stop!
You'll kill us.
Get off of her,
you bitch!
You like pain?
Have some of this!
Put your foot down!
SOL: No.
Cally! Cally! Cally!
Oh, shit.
No! Stop!
You dirty fuckers!
SOL: Fuck!
What the fuck's
going on, Sinclair?
They want my cure.
Major Sinclair.
You had me worried
for a while.
Do you have it?
I've got it.
Where's the medical team?
Let's not
make this difficult.
You've done a good job.
We'll take it from here.
bring her out.
You have to forgive Stirling.
He's very involved
with his work.
Okay. Let's go.
We understand
the need for sacrifice.
The longer we leave it,
the better shape we'll be
in once the dust settles.
Once the virus has
eaten away the dead flesh,
then we'll make our move.
Just a question of timing.
Making you the hero
of the hour.
You said you had the cure.
Where is it?
She's the cure.
The survivors
are immune.
We can use her blood
to make a vaccine.
Hand her over.
She's not going
anywhere without me.
STIRLING: Captain.
Get behind me.
Hand her over now.
Go with them.
I don't trust him.
There's no choice.
So that's it?
I've got nothing left
to bargain with.
I've done my job.
Now it's your turn.
A lot of good people
died for this!
Is that all
it was to you?
A job?
That's right.
Now, take her and go.
Rough ride?
Rough enough.
Don't suppose
you've got a cigarette?
Come with me.
I'll get you all the
cigarettes you want.
Pity. I could have used
someone like you.
She's so beautiful.
You okay?
Never better.
How'd you find me?
I used to be
a policeman once.
I don't need it anymore.
Did Canaris get
what he wanted?
He did.
I have a feeling
he'll be holding
onto it for awhile.
Don't worry.
He gave me something
in return.
All the evidence
you'll need to bring
Canaris down.
He will come after you.
Well, then he'll know
where to find me.
Come on.
Just do me one favor.
Drive careful.
Be lucky.
The longer we leave it,
the better shape we'll be
in once the dust settles.
Once the virus has
eaten away the dead flesh,
then we'll make our move.
SINCLAIR: Making you
the hero of the hour.
If you're hungry,
try a piece
of your friend!