Door Mouse (2022) Movie Script

I never dream.
[melancholic piano instrumental]
But that night I did.
If I was a superstitious person,
I would have taken it as a sign.
A marker of dread
and foreboding omens.
I remember feeling full of fear
as I awoke that morning.
A feeling
that's supposed to fade
as you leave your sleep,
and return to your bed,
your job, your coffee.
Except that
feeling wouldn't leave me.
It would stay with me
all that day into the next.
Because some feelings
you just can't shake.
[loud bang]
Some feelings stay with you
'til the end.
["Big Mouth" by Necking playing]
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Fucked up
and let your friends down
We're all tired
of your big mouth
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Fucked up
and let your friends down
We're all tired
of your big mouth
[music stops]
[Mouse] Every morning
I wake up in the afternoon.
[rock music playing]
I have my coffee
and I smoke
my morning cigarette.
Today, the cigarette
was better than the coffee.
I also work on my fine monthly
horror porn comic, Whoreific.
That's how I work
through my existential dread.
it's just tits and guts.
Drawing helps me
figure out the world around me.
Not that there's
much to figure out.
It's fucked.
I'm broke all the time.
I have rent to pay,
and capitalism doesn't sleep.
I do have an actual job
at a burlesque club
called Mama's.
It's cool. It's something to do.
It pays pretty shit, actually.
["Gimme Brains"
by Bratmobile playing]
[announcer] All right,
it looks like he's had enough,
let's get a round
of applause for Sissy Boy Louie
and the lovely Lady Mouse.
Yeah, Louie, way to go!
[Louie] Ouch.
[audience applauding]
Great show, Mouse.
Um, do you think maybe
I could be the sissy next time?
-Sure thing, Ed.
-Thank you. Thank you.
[Mouse] I was selling sadness
in a dying bar.
But there are worse
ways to make a living.
You think you're so cool
Breaking every rule,
a boy that drools!
Thanks, Ugly.
[Mouse] Ugly was the only
beautiful thing around here.
The rose that
grew from the concrete.
The type
of person you can rely on.
Why he hung out with me,
I had no idea.
[music playing distantly]
How did you find yourself
in this serious
situation, partner?
Oh, it happens
how most things do, Ug.
Series of small events
that accumulate
to the sum of your existence.
On the small scale,
let's say I got
here by taking the bus.
Hm. And how are you
getting home?
Same bus.
I didn't--
I don't mean it like that.
I know, you're
a real stand-up guy, Ugly.
I'd say it's the thing
I like about you the least.
I don't know why
we call him Ugly, Mousey.
He's a looker to me.
[Mouse] Yeah,
he's got the looks all right.
So, why do we call him that?
Because Ugly is just...
[laughs] Oh, he's gone all shy.
Oh, God damn it, Kelly.
I brought you flowers.
Yeah, nice flowers, dickhead.
You're not
supposed to be back here.
I told you that last time.
In fact, last time, I told you
that it would be the last
fucking time I tell you.
So, why don't you fuck off?
[Mouse] Mama,
unsurprisingly, ran Mama's.
And if there was one person
you didn't fuck with...
it was Mama.
This fucking idiot.
I didn't see him slip past.
Sorry, babe.
Kelly, right?
Listen, no one gives a fuck
about your romantic gestures,
or how you think
they should go down.
We got rules here.
Come in, enjoy our show
and fuck off.
You can't follow the rules...
What? No, I-- I just
came to give her some flo--
[reggae instrumental playing]
[Riz] How come men put so much
of their self-worth and ego
into women
they barely fucking know?
Like, did your mom not
tell you she loves you enough?
Why are you all so broken?
I'm not sure
that's entirely fair.
Oh, really?
How come I'm throwing
these idiots out of here
on a regular basis?
I mean, some of the guys
when they get rejected, they--
they lash out,
and they're assholes.
I get it.
But most of us are just--
-We're a little bit sad.
-[Mama] You're not kidding.
What does that sadness
got to do with me?
Like, why do you
make it our problem?
What do you think, Mousey?
I don't know.
I think we're all
pretty fucking sad.
It doesn't mean
you get to be an asshole.
No, you're right.
I'm just sick and fucking tired
of being a place for men
to sort out their bullshit.
[Ugly] Let me know
when you wanna leave.
I'll walk you to the bus.
But if you walk me to the bus,
who's gonna walk you home?
This part of town is
too dangerous to be pretty
and walk home alone at night.
For all my tough talk,
I had this aching feeling
of dread that night.
All day, if I was being honest.
My coffee hadn't tasted right
that morning.
And there isn't a day
that doesn't end with dread
that didn't start
with bad coffee.
Hey, Mama.
Did Doe Eyes come in today?
Oh, Riz, you know Doe.
Pretty girl, dumb as a rock.
Must have forgot.
Oh, did you try calling her?
I did. Nothing.
I can go to her place
tomorrow and check in.
She lives right by me.
Well, do as you please,
she probably just
shacked up with some bozo.
Remember that last guy?
Ugly as hell.
Old, big ears and deep pockets.
[chuckles] He was nice enough.
Sure, if you
like the sad sack type.
All right. It's late, I'm tired
and I'm going to go home
and see my wife.
I suggest you girls do the same.
I ain't got a wife, Mama.
No, but fucking time you did.
On my advice,
don't waste your breath on men,
they aren't worth
their spit in shoe shine.
Well, all except you, Ugly.
-Close up, will you, Mousey?
I guess,
that means I gotta go too?
I don't have to go home,
but you can't stay here,
-is that it?
-[Mama] That's it.
I'll best to be off, too.
Good for you to
check on Doe, darling.
I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?
Good night, Ugly.
You beautiful thing.

[lights clicking down]
And then there were two.
When are you gonna
go check up on Doe Eyes?
Not sure. Whenever I wake up.
So, uh, like,
two or three, knowing you.
You making fun of me, Ugs?
I'm impressed.
I could meet you if you like.
We can go together.
What did I say
about being a stand-up guy?
It's disgusting.
-[pigeons cooing]
-[Mouse] Another afternoon.
["Punch a Nazi"
by The Muslims playing]
And the coffee
wasn't any better.
Before I start any new project,
I think about the paper.
Selecting the right paper
is important.
It sets the stage
for what's going to occur.
That's the one.

Punch a Nazi
[Mouse] Dirt's comic book shop
was the only place in town
that didn't fill
their cabinets with comics
about radioactive spiders
and American super soldiers.
Not that it was a classy place.
Mostly, he sold
dirty porn stories.
But luckily, that's exactly
what I'd come here
to see him about.
Hey, Dirt.
How're my comics doing?
[Dirt] Look.
You know I love your work,
but to be honest,
they just aren't selling.
-What do you mean?
-I mean just that.
No one buys them.
It's a shame, too,
'cause I know you put
so much work into them.
Well, what are people
buying instead?
Oh, you know, still porn stuff.
Even horror porn stuff
like you do, but...
they go for more
serialized dramas, you know?
we talked about this, kiddo.
These guys, they want to connect
with the lead character,
watch her go through
an emotional journey
before they jerk off.
never mind the old stuff.
I-- I'm working on a new comic,
a plot and everything.
I'll bring it
by when it's ready.
Yeah. I really can't, Mouse.
People expect quality from me.

A-- all right, show it
to me when you're finished,
but I can't
promise anything, okay?
Yeah. Yeah.
[music fades]
Sorry about your comics, Mouse.
It's all right, Ugs.
I just got to
find my voice, is all.
[stop request button beeps]
[ominous instrumental playing]
Is this it?
Yeah, being a dancer
doesn't exactly pay.
You do okay.
I'm a better dancer.

[door knocking]
[door knocking]
[door creaks open]

[TV static sizzling]
[eerie instrumental playing]
[paper rustling]
[music stops]
What you think?
[intensifying buzzing]
That's funny.
It looks like
one of your drawings.
That's cause it is.
[rock music playing]
I mean, what the fuck
is she thinking?
-Why didn't she come to us?
-Can't dance if you're using.
Mama would have lost it
if she found out.
That I wouldn't have
put Doe in a sharing mood.
Fuck, I hope she's all right.
We don't even have a clue
where to start looking?
Well, that not true.
And I have one idea.
I'm pretty sure
she was buying from Moony.
Wait, Moony? Your Moony?
I don't have a Moony.
If something's broken,
I throw it out.
Still, you think
he's the kind of guy
who would snatch her
over some unresolved drug thing?
What the fuck
would I know what he'd do?
["Heart Eyes" by
Peach Kelli Pop playing]
[Riz scoffs]
When you say nothing,
you can mean so much
And I hear you speak
through your touch
You make me feel so elated
You're so cute
I get frustrated
Sweets, what's that stuff
over there?
[Sweets] He's been here long,
hasn't ordered fucking anything.
He's here to look
at the girls, I guess.
If he isn't paying,
then get him out.
You got it, Mouse.
Listening to the songs
that remind me of the days
That we had together
before you went away
[music fades into
eerie instrumental]
[music intensifying]
[music stops]
[Mouse] Moony being involved
didn't do anything
to help calm
my feelings of dread.
He was bad news.
He and I were bad news.
[distorted laughter]
[Mouse] And if he so much
as plucked a hair
from Doe's pretty head...
I was going to
castrate that motherfucker.
Well, all we know is
Doe Eyes is smoking glass now,
which just makes her stupid,
not dead.
Cops have seen
too many junkies go missing
to care about another one.
Plus, I can't imagine
Moony will appreciate us
bringing him into this.
I think she's in trouble.
The place had been
turned over pretty good.
[sighs] Yeah.
You're right.
You're right.
Fuck me,
the amount of times that girl--
Oh, right. Jesus.
All right, look, Mousey,
I know you're
going to go see Moony
whether I think
it's a good idea or not.
Fine, follow the drugs,
see where they lead you,
but keep Moony
at a safe distance, okay?
Take the van. It'll help you
get around faster.
I'm not taking
no for an answer, Mouse.
[chair creaks]
Find her. Bring her back.
We'll get her cleaned up,
tie her to the fucking radiator
if I have to.
It won't be the first time
I've done it.
Hey, Ugly.
Take care of her, will you?
I don't need taking care of.
Oh, honey, you're a tough nail.
Most hammers would break
trying to keep you down.
You're a damn idiot
if you think
you don't need any help.
Can't build a house
with one tough nail.
All right, fuck off, ladies.
[reggae instrumental plays]
It's all fucking [indistinct].
You know, these fucking
white hedge fund motherfuckers
don't really give
a shit about race or gender
or orientation.
If a black trans queer person
showed up on Wall Street
with $500 million to invest,
do you think they'd
get fucking turned down?
No, it's about money, man.
Whatever serves capitalism best.
No, I've never really
looked at it like that.
Kelly, go the fuck home.
You're drunk.
-See these assholes in power?
They pit all of us people
against each other,
and then,
they fucking laugh at us
while they get rich.
Fuck's sake.
Why can't people just be nice?
No, but it's not enough
to just be nice, right?
You have to actively fight
against what's not nice.
Mouse, you gonna
stick around for a drink?
I'd love to, but not tonight.
What did Mama say?
To stay safe.
That sounds like good advice.
I love you, Mousey.
Good night.
Does that make sense?
I mean, like, you know.
I guess,
if I was a Marxist scholar,
-I think--
-Oh, fuck off.
So, what do you think?
[Mouse] I think
we talk with Moony tomorrow,
and find out
the last time he saw Doe.
You think
that's going to be okay?
-Not trying to be nosy, Mouse.
-Then don't.
Sorry, Ugly.
It's just been
a weird couple of days.
[sirens wailing distantly]
I should go.
You gonna take
the van or should I?
I'll walk.
It's nice out.

So, when do we meet up tomorrow?
[Mouse] It was a full pack
of cigarettes sort of night.
I don't know what possessed me.
Who knows what possesses
mad, compulsive people
to perform mad, compulsive acts?
I couldn't shake that feeling
from this morning.
Some self-destructive part of me
was pulling me
to dark, familiar streets.
[door knocking]
Into dark, familiar corners.
[door clicks, creaks open]
To dark, familiar moons.
[door creaks]
What are you doing here,
Door Mouse?

[intensifying buzzing]
[Mouse moaning]
Don't fucking judge me.
No comic, no coffee.
No cigarette.
This is not how
I like to start my day.
[Moony sniffs]
He looked less handsome
than he did in the doorway
the night before.
As of the daylight
didn't agree with him.
Like a werewolf or a vampire.
Or a coked up piece of shit.
You're gonna need to get out.
You think I'm just here to fuck?
[laughing] Okay.
I'll bite.
Why are you here?
A girl named Doe Eyes.
You know her?
She's missing.
I know you were dealing to her.
So, when was the last time
you saw her?
I dealt to her, I don't know...
about a week ago?
And you haven't seen her since?
How long had
she been buying off you?
[sniffs] About a month.
Started getting bad
the last few weeks.
She had to sell her stuff off
just to buy from me.
[ominous buzzing]
You're looking down deep wells,
little Door Mouse.
Asking dangerous questions.
[buzzing intensifies]
I'll tell you what.
Um, I'll keep an eye open,
and uh, if I hear anything,
I'll call.
[Mouse sighs]
Don't use my art for this shit.
Who's got [indistinct]
when you're all alone
You've got nobody
to walk you home
Where've you been?
I went to see Moony.
This morning?
Last night.
You shouldn't
have done that, Mouse.
He could have hurt you.
Did he hurt you?
Not more than I let him.
I'll never understand you.
You're probably
right about that.
You're going
to get yourself hurt.
Like, not in a fun way.
Actually hurt.
This whole
"willfully pursuing chaos" thing
doesn't end well.
You might not care, but I--
-I worry.
-I know you do, Ugly.
What did you find out
about Doe Eyes?
He was dealing to her,
but he hasn't seen her
in a week, so...
back to square one.
You know, that doesn't mean
he didn't have
anything to do with it.
My shift at the bar
starts in an hour.
You're coming?
-[tires screeching]
-[engine roaring]
-[sirens wailing]
-[Mouse] Sirens.
Red and blue lights.
Most people see the cops
and feel safe,
but not around here.
Around here, they mean
something altogether different.
Canaries in
the mine shaft of misery.
Eddie, what the fuck happened?
Oh, Mouse.
[intensifying buzzing]
They snatched Riz.
I-- I went out into the alley
to have a smoke,
and all of a sudden,
this big, white limo pulls up,
and these two guys jump out,
these-- these bald, big guys,
but they were
wearing nice suits,
and then, they grabbed Riz,
and you know Riz,
she's a tough girl,
she starts to give back
and one of them
hit her in the head,
and the other guy grabbed her,
and stuffed her
in the back of the limo,
and then they--
they just took off,
and it all happened so fast.
I'm sorry, Mouse,
I couldn't do nothing.
Did you hear?
I'll get you a drink.
What did the cops say?
What they're always saying,
file a missing persons,
wait by the phone,
blah, blah, blah.
[Ugly] What did the guys
in the limo look like?
they were clean cut guys.
Not like the usual
sort we get around here.
[soft piano plays]
Mouse, I'm-- I'm so sorry.
You better go, Ugly.
I'm gonna be here for a while.
Hey, Mama, I'll get a water.
[dark instrumental plays]
It was morning.
The kind normal people
called morning.
TV sets across town
were playing morning news shows
and the birds were chirping.
And by now...
I was used
to the taste of the coffee.
I had spent all of last night
and most of the early morning
on my comic, I guess.
I can't be sure.
When I get drunk, I draw
and it all gets
a little bit hard to remember.
I needed an outlet. I knew that.
A way to try
and put the pieces together.
Makes sense of it.
Mouse, this is really good.
Where did you
come up with this stuff?
I just wrote how I felt.
Well, you must have
felt pretty fucked up.
[suspicious music plays]

Are you fucking serious?
I saw him talking
to a guy in a limo.
Yeah, I'm sure he deals
with all kind of people
who ride in limos, Mouse.
-He's a drug dealer, remember?
-Yeah, maybe.
Or maybe these limo guys
are working for Moony.
[metal clanks]
I don't get this.
Why not laminate this,
if you're going to
use such shitty paper?
What is this? 80 pound text?
You go for 65 pound,
or even 80 pound cover stock
and still put the menu on it?
[distant arguing
in foreign language]
You're a fucking nerd.
Paper is important.
What did you order?
Well, I got
a wonton soup for you,
couple of spring rolls.
orange chicken
and a Peking duck.
-Peking duck.
That's expensive.
Yeah, I'll pay for it.
Did you go ahead and order it?
Yes, indeed.
You are so responsible.
You hate that, don't you?
Hate's a strong word,
responsibility just
doesn't look good on me.
I don't know,
you might want to try it out.
-You know, just for kicks.
-[loud thud]
What about that guy
I saw at the bar?
-What guy?
-There was a guy in a suit
throwing a ton of money around.
Maybe he works for Moony.
Maybe Moony's
changed his business.
Dealing wasn't enough,
so he's gotten into girls, too.
Sent his suit guy
to take a look around.
Well, if he's
getting into girls,
he's probably moving in
on someone else's territory,
Someone who I'd imagine
isn't too happy about it.
-Craw Daddy.
-Craw Daddy.
[Mouse] I guess that
was a matter of opinion.
Craw Daddy was
a slimy son of a bitch
if there ever was one.
Everyone knew him.
He'd run girls
in and out of the slums
on our side of town
for the last decade,
where lost girls
go to bottom out.
[menacing music plays]
And who are you,
if you don't mind
me asking, sweetie?
My name's Mouse.
Are you looking for work?
We just came here to talk.
That's it.
Suit yourself.
They all come around eventually.
Step into my office.
How's business?
You two are cute.
Business is good.
Why do you ask?
Just curious.
I heard it was full.
I heard Moony's
getting into the game.
[Craw Daddy] Moony?
That son of a bitch
couldn't pimp
a 12-year-old boy
to a pedophile.
No, I'm the only show
this side of town.
We're here
because we wanted to see
if you had any girl snatched.
Part of the trade. Why?
We had two girls go missing
from Mama's in the past week.
One got snatched from her home
and the other got grabbed
out of an alley by guys in suits
and thrown into a limo.
Sounds like they're dead to me.
What do these girls look like?

Never seen them.
[muffled commotion]
These are dangerous questions
you're asking, Mouse.
[commotion gets louder]
[music intensifies]
Keep it down, you fucking bitch!
Sorry about that.
Here's my advice.
You don't want
to crash into anyone,
stay in your lane.
These body snatchers
you're talking about?
I let 'em play in my sandbox,
so I leave them alone.
So, you do know who they are.
They're ripping
girls off the street.
I know that doesn't exactly
pluck at your heartstrings,
but think of it this way.
Girls like Doe Eyes,
already smoking glass,
on her way out of dancing.
That's usually
your bread and butter.
Like you said.
They all come around eventually.
These guys are
snatching girls off the street.
Girls that would
have been yours eventually.
Where does that leave you?
Nice speech.
You know your audience, Mouse.
maybe I know something.
Something has a price.
Something always does.
Go on. Take a look.
Pretty nasty, huh?
Guy in that photo
is Judge Andrew Taylor
and the girl underneath him
ain't exactly his wife
and she ain't exactly of age.
What I need you two to do
is take these photos
and go squeeze
that judge a little.
Let him know I have copies.
Give him this number to call.
Why don't you do it yourself?
Well, he's a judge.
So, if this thing blows up
in my face,
I'd rather you two go to prison.
I get the call...
I give you the name.
You know, you seem
like a real piece of shit.
That's because I am, sweetie.
Now what?
How are we gonna find out
where this judge lives?
[hard rock music plays]
[Mouse] Everyone's
running from something.
And it turned out,
Ugly was running
from a trust fund
and parents who never loved him.
His dad was a lawyer
for white collar criminals
and saw a lot of the judge
we were trying to blackmail.
So, he reluctantly told them
we were coming over for brunch,
or whatever rich people do.
I can't believe
you're a rich kid.
-Shut up. Can you not?
-This whole time.
[doorbell rings]
[sighs] Ryan.
Your father's gone off again.
He says it's work,
but who knows?
Oh, your shoes.
-You look well.
-[Cynthia] [scoffs] Don't lie.
Doesn't suit you.
Why are you here?
I just thought
I'd pop by. Catch up.
Your father thinks
you might be on drugs.
You're not on drugs, are you?
-[Cynthia] Is she pregnant?
If she is, we're not
giving you any money for it.
No, Cynthia.
I just thought I'd pop by.
Catch up.
You know you have some nerve
asking to come back here.
You were always so ungrateful
for everything
that we provided for you.
You kicked me out
if you remember.
Oh, it's typical.
He's always the victim.
Why are you here?
To make me feel
like I'm a bad mother?
Well, I don't.
You're a bad egg.
And that's the end of it.
You know, you were lucky
that we picked you.
Do you know how many babies
that we looked--
Can I use the bathroom?
[eerie music plays]
What the hell are you doing?
-[loud bang]
-Drop it.
No, I-- I don't mean drop it.
I mean put it down.
Ryan, you tell
this whore to stop it,
or I'm going to call the police.
-[rock music plays]
-Oh! [indistinct]
I'm calling the police.
I'm gonna put you in jail
where you belong.
Yes, hello.
There are two intruders
in my house.
Yes, I'm at 1775--
Crescent. Come quickly.
Don't eye the furniture.
Ryan. Don't you dare! Stop it!
You disgusting low lifes!
Homeless people!
[sculpture shattering]
You little shitheads.
-Did you get it?
-[Ugly] Yeah.
-Did you get it?
-[Ugly] Yeah.
You're such a bitch,
you're such a bitch
You're such a bitch,
you're such a bitch
So, your mom's
the fucking worst.
I know.
You never talked about
your parents.
I just assumed
they were fucked up,
which, I mean,
obviously they are.
But I thought they were
poor people fucked up, you know?
I didn't realize
they were rich people fucked up.
Why didn't you
tell me about them?
I don't know.
You sort of hate
people with money.
Well, yeah,
still do, it turns out.
I didn't want you
thinking I was some
scum-sucking silver spoon kid.
So, why aren't you?
Why aren't you a scum-sucking
silver spoon, kid?
I just couldn't do it.
I couldn't play along
with it all.
Being left with the nannies
and the bribes,
to get into the right schools
and I'm happier.
I'm much happier.
Sleep better at night knowing
that I made my own decision,
that I chose my own life
and trust me, it's hard, but...
doing that was--
was much harder.
Sometimes, you gotta take
a tough role.
Do what's right, you know.
[Craw Daddy]
You guys do quick work.
Something for something.
I know this hotel
on the West side,
the fancy, old place.
They call it the Sophia Hotel.
They have sex parties
over there.
Dark stuff.
The clientele are all high-end.
Foreign businessmen,
heads of state.
I've heard they snatched girls
off the streets.
Girls that no one will miss.
You got a name for me?
It's not a name you
say out loud, you know, but...
The Dame.
The hotel Craw Daddy gave us
was as old as the city itself.
A place where
the rich and powerful went
to plan how to fuck over
people like us.
The daytime was pretty quiet.
The rich attended
charity fundraisers
for the latest earthquake,
or scholarship programs
for urban minorities.
But at night, the mood changed.
It was that feeling of dread
and foreboding omens,
like they were gathered here
for some purpose.
Like they had some
dark secret in common.
Whoever The Dame was...
she was deep into
something sinister.
Hey, what about him?
Didn't we see that guy?
The tanned guy?
Same car, different guy.
Hey, how do you
think the world's gonna end?
Like, how do you think
it's gonna go down?
Probably run out of resources.
-Too many people, right?
And I was thinking
the only way to curb that,
would be to, like,
get rid of a fuckton of people.
Like, six billion people,
that the one billion left
had a bunch of resources
to split amongst themselves.
Some kind of military state
decides who gets food
and who doesn't.
Who lives and who dies.
That's a bit
of a pessimistic view,
but yeah, I mean, I guess.
Yeah, what I'm saying is,
if that's what it takes
to save humanity,
why the fuck
would we want to save it?
Let us fucking burn out.
I don't want to live
in that world.
What do you mean?
Think about it.
Everyone around you
will have signed off on this
"kill most of the people
on the planet" plan.
It's not the kind of company
I want to keep.
I'd rather die with the sheep,
than eat sheep with the wolves.
I don't think the world
is that organized, Mouse.
There isn't some
secret global conspiracy.
I think most people
wander aimlessly through life,
making moment
to moment decisions
that end up being
the totality of our person.
Good or evil,
without us even being aware.
Most people
aren't like you, Mouse.
Most people suck, Ugly.
It's not hard to beat that.
[Mouse] Bitching about
the wolves of the world
wasn't going to help us any.
So, we decided to tell Moony.
I wasn't convinced
that he didn't have something
to do with this.
He was the glue in some way.
Also, I still had
to work at Mama's.
100 pound matte
cover stock in cream.
Nice card.
I also keep an eye out
for the man in the suit
when I worked the night shift.
If we got lucky,
he'd be stupid enough
to come back here.
One night...
we got lucky.
Sweets. Sweets.
Stop. Not now.
Get out of here.
Fucking out of here.


[Mama] What the hell
were you doing
taking off after that guy?
I thought there
could be a connection.
[Mama] To Doe Eyes and Riz?
Was there?
Well, he ran.
It's gotta mean something.
How deep into this
are you, Mousey?
Whoever these people are,
they're working
out of the Sophia Hotel.
The whole thing is run
by someone called The Dame.
[Mama] Oh, geez, Mousey,
I don't know.
You gotta be careful.
These guys,
they sound like serious people.
Don't give them a reason.
You're poking your nose
in dangerous places.
Asking dangerous questions.
We're family, okay?
We stick together.
But, baby, you picking at this
could create more problems
for us than it solves.
Yeah, but if I don't do it,
who's going to?
[chuckles] I was just
like you when I was younger.
I wanted to save everyone.
Hell, that's why
I bought this bar.
I wanted this to be a place
where girls could come
and be whatever the fuck
they wanted to be.
You know, feel safe.
You could tie someone up,
get naked, hit shit, get hit.
So long as everyone involved
was okay with it, it was cool.
Do you know what I found out?
World's full of monsters
and most people
don't want to be saved.
How're your comics going?
Haven't sold a single copy.
Oh, Mousey, baby.
Don't give up. No. Don't stop.
Trust me,
you want out of this place.
You're too damn smart
and too damn talented
not to make something
of yourself.
You can only crawl
on the ground so long
before the dirt
starts sticking to you.
[indistinct chatter]
[Mouse] We decided since
Ugly was the silver spoon kid,
he would go into the Sophia
and scope it out.
But dreaming all along
How would I know
That dreams are meant
For two
What can I get you?
-Water, please.
-[man laughing]
It's not much of a drink,
for a man at this hour.
Guess I'm not much of a man.
[man laughs]
Are you staying at the hotel?
I'm visiting a friend.
Quite the party, this place, hm?
Not down here.
It's quite slow, actually.
But I'm not here
for the hotel bar.
True right, my boy.
True right.
And here we sit.
Until we don't.

Have to get the process
started chemically these days.
I'm not as virile
as I used to be.
Well, you wouldn't
have that problem, would you?
Young boy like you.
I bet you're a real stud,
aren't you?
[man laughs]
When this stud gets himself
a real drink...
put it on my tab.
Very good, Sir.
[menacing music plays]
I look forward
to seeing you up there.
For the real show.

[music intensifies]
Excuse me, Sir.
Can I be of assistance?
-No, I'm okay.
-Are you a guest here, Sir?
I'm waiting for a friend.
Then perhaps Sir can
wait outside for his friend.
We can't have people
waiting in the lobby.
It's a fire hazard.

[Ugly] The guy was
so drunk he did everything
but tell me what
was going on upstairs
and only way
of getting up to the top floor
is if you're an invited guest
or you get snatched.
I can take care of myself.
We have no idea what
they would do to you, Mouse.
Doe and Riz are already missing.
If we don't do something,
more of us are gonna disappear.
Ug, we're the only people
that give a shit about them.
Let's talk to Craw Daddy.
He seems to know
the most about these people.
It's a bad idea.
You're rolling the dice
too hard, Mouse.
Mouse, where you been?
Your comic,
the first issue sold huge.
[Dirt] Yeah, I couldn't
keep it in the store.
I think you could get it
made into a real comic.
Your take.
Thanks, Dirt.
You've got to give me more.
My customers want
to know what comes next.
Yeah, yeah, I could, um--
I could work on it.
[Mouse] Problem was, I didn't
know what happened next.
[distorted music playing]
Getting snatched was a bad idea.
But we were short on good ones.
[Craw Daddy]
You gotta understand
how these people work.
They don't just steal
any old gal off the street,
they do their research.
What do you mean?
They inquire.
You go through
the proper channels
so these girls don't get missed.
The only reason
I know about these guys
is because one
of them came poking around
after one of my girls.
They asked and you said no.
She was a good worker.
Also, I'd be fucked if
I let him cut into my business,
so I told him to fuck off
and they haven't
bothered me since.
These people are careful.
So even if I said yes
to doing this thing...
I'm not sure they'd believe
I changed my mind.
There's a better way, Mouse.
[Craw Daddy] Mouse.
Listen to your friend.
They were right, of course,
but camping outside the hotel
hadn't helped us
and we had to get up there
where those girls
didn't have a shot.
Maybe it was the coffee again
or maybe I was
just getting paranoid,
-[phone ringing]
-but something dark
and terrible in
the back of my mind told me
we might already be too late.
Wow, wow, wow, slow down, Ed.
[Mouse] Dread.
[Ugly] What happened?
Foreboding omens.
Jesus Christ, when?
Bad coffee.
They found Riz.
[sirens wailing]
The sirens again.
It was like this moment
had already happened.
From the day she went missing,
I knew I'd be standing here,
bathed in red and blue lights,
looking over her body.
-What happened?
-What is it look like?
That's that guy Kelly's car.
One who was always
lurking around Riz.
He didn't do this.
How are you so sure?
He's just the fall guy.
They're getting rid of evidence.
I swear, I didn't do it.
Who told you
she was in my trunk, huh?
Who made that call?
-[car door shuts]
-[sirens wailing]
Where's Mama?
Maybe we should go by the club,
see if she's there.
[Ugly] Mouse?
I could use a drink.
[upbeat music playing]
Mama's at the morgue.
Said she won't be
coming in tonight.
Riz used to play this record
for me all the time.
-Thanks, Sweets.
To Riz.
Oh, he doesn't drink.
I will for her.
[glasses clinking]
Oh, shit,
I got to go. I got the kid.
You gonna be okay, Mousey?
Okay, I'll drive you.
All right, thanks, Sweets.
Ugly, you can lock up, right?
Riz was dead.
There was nothing me, Ugly
or anyone in the fucking world
could do about that.
Was Doe Eye still alive?
I didn't know.
But I had to
get up to that hotel.
For myself, for Riz.
We gotta get 'em, Ugs.
I don't know, Mouse.
The world is a fucked up place.
Every person on this planet,
all of us are born to die.
But not like that.
Not fucking like that.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Just hold on to me.
Just hold on to me.
Oh baby
Never gonna back up
and walk out on us
[music fades]
[birds chirping]
[glass clinking]
[Mouse sighs]
[Mouse] Now, I knew what
happened next in this story.
And I hated it.
[melancholic music playing]
When people
like us show up dead,
no one bats an eyelash.
-No one sheds a tear.
But I did.
You okay, Mouse?
[Mouse sighs] I guess.
Hey, about last night,
I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
[Mouse] Why?
Well, we were all
feeling fucked up about Riz,
and you were drunk
and I had a shot,
which I never do, and I...
Ugly, what the fuck
are you talking about?
I'm sorry I kissed you.
You don't remember, do you?
Look, it's fine.
Things happen when
you're drunk, right?
That's why you
should stick to water.
are we square?
Yeah. Yeah.
So... what now?
We call Craw Daddy.
[Craw Daddy]
I keep the money.
All you have to do
is make the deal.
[Craw Daddy]
You know what you're
getting yourself into, right?
Last night they found Riz's body
stuffed into
the trunk of the car.
I am fully aware
of what they're capable of.
[Craw Daddy]
Let me think about this.
No promises.
Like I said, might not
believe I've changed my mind.
[Craw Daddy]
You know...
I think I was wrong about you.
[Craw Daddy] I don't think
I'll be seeing you
in my line of work anytime soon.
[call ended tone beeping]
It took a few days.
[phone ringing]
But finally he called.
[Craw Daddy]
No dice, Mouse.
They don't want
to do business with me.
And that was it.
We had no way
to get up to the hotel.
No way to get Doe Eyes.
I walked the streets at night
looking for another way in.
Looking for some whisper.
Maybe some rich kid
would pick me up,
take me to some secret party
he was going to.
[car passing by]
But nothing came.
Sometimes with your back
against the wall,
you try a risky play.
Sometimes, the risky play works.
-[door lock clicks]
[muffled talking]
[door clicks open]
[ominous music playing]

[music stops abruptly]
[footsteps approaching]
-[lock clicks]
[door clicks closed]
How did you get here?
I-- I don't remember.
They told me
my parents-- [sobbing]
My parents, they sold me.
They-- they wouldn't do that.
-[Mouse shushing]
-[girl sobs]
Who sold you?
-[door clicks open]
[door shuts closed]
-[door lock clicks]
-[door lock clicks]
-[door lock clicks]
Doe. Doe Eyes.
[opera music]

[masked man]
Ladies and gentlemen.
We are pleased
to present to you this evening,
the first four.
[calm piano instrumental]
[bell dings]
[ominous music playing]
[bell rings]
[bell rings]
[bell rings]
Doe Eyes.
What's your room number?
What is your room number?

[ominous music playing]
[audience applauding]
[bell ringing]
[music distorts]
[bell ringing]
[audience applauding]
-[door lock clicks]
You lost Doe Eyes.
You were supposed
to buy both of us.
I got outbid.
I had to choose.
And you chose me.
[Mouse] I wasn't going up there
without a fucking plan.
But I'd made a deal
with the devil.
A drug dealer who was
selling his shit to swine.
Sex drugs to rich
and powerful monsters.
He was as bad as them.
But better the devil you know.
You should have chose her.
I can take care of myself.
The big girl lied again.
Don't need anyone's help.
I don't know why I offered.
Me neither.
You don't care about Doe Eyes
or any of these people.
That's probably true.
I do care about you.
Door Mouse.
You're a bad person, Moony.
And you caring about me...
doesn't change that.
And don't call me Door Mouse.
She's just back here.
-[both grunting]
-[body thudding]
I've always thought you were
the thing that saved me.
You turned the light on.
Kept me fully out of the dark.
take me doing
this is my way of...
giving back a little.
Saving myself.
Whatever helps you sleep.
[rock music playing]
[muffled groaning]
-[Doe Eyes screams]
-[gunshot pops]
-[man grunts]
[Doe Eyes cries]
[man grunts]
[gunshot pops]
[music continues]
[Mouse grunts]
[Mouse pants]
-[engine revs]
-[tires screeching]
[Mouse] She was shaky,
but she was coming around.
Living in the service
of true and real monsters
must have left some
sort of imprint, scars.
Things she'll have to deal with
sooner or later.
Start with what
you can remember.
I was supposed to go
to work that night, but I--
Oh, please don't
get mad at me, Mouse.
But I was sick
because I had a bad night.
I know we're
supposed to be clean
if we wanna work here, Mousey,
but I started using
just so I could keep
my energy up, you know?
For the dancing.
Anyway, I--
I was home
and I get a knock
at the door which...
surprised me because
I never get a knock at the door.
And the rest
gets a little fuzzy,
but I remember
putting up a fight.
What about the people who...
What about the people
who were there?
They're real
powerful people.
You could hear them
talk about murders
and laws being passed.
But they're the ones who are
meant to protect us, you know?
Watch out for us.
They're monsters
in skinsuits, Mousey.
When did Riz show up?
A few days after me.
She was stronger than me,
you know.
Not that it did her any good.
Fought back.
Some of them liked it.
That I'm made for good sport.
She got bought by some bad men.
What are we gonna do now?
You listen to me.
You need to get out of here
and you can't come back. Ever.
These people
don't do loose ends.
They will track you down
and balance their check book.
Do you understand
what I'm telling you?
Ugly, meet me at my place
in a few hours, okay?
What are you gonna do?
You can't stay here either.
I know.
But I can't leave just yet.
I should be leaving.
I shouldn't even
be at my fucking place.
I should be running
like hell, but I'm not.
We got Doe Eyes back,
but I still had
that feeling of dread.
It wasn't enough.
There were more of them.
The others.
There would
always be more of them.
Mama was right.
I don't think
I can save them all.
I find myself
back at the same spot,
-drawing, writing...
-[knocking on door]
...trying to figure
it all out in my head.
I had to make a record of what
these monsters were doing.
I had to get it all down.
-[knocking on door]
-[Moony] I love you.
-[door slamming
[ominous music playing]
[The Dame] Hello.
You only wanted a nibble,
but it looks like you
got the whole wheel of cheese,
didn't you, little Door Mouse?
No one calls me Door Mouse.
He did.
Poor guy.
I guess that's the danger
that comes with
the company you keep.
I brought you here to talk.
And to let you know
that you will not
bring down my organization.
It is stone hard
statistical fact.
We win.
We are in far too deep.
We have our hands in
many, many pockets.
We are safe.
That being said,
I will concede that letting
you escape with Doe Eyes
was an unforeseen mishap
in regards to whom I trust.
As you can see
by this corpse between us...
that mishap has been rectified.
And now we should talk
about how to move forward.
Because, and this may
come as a shock...
I hold no intentions
of killing you.
Oh, yeah?
Should I be grateful?
Yes, you should.
On this table is an envelope.
In it you will find two tickets
for you and your friend, Ugly.
It will send you
far away from here.
Can I ask why I get the pleasure
of walking away from this one?
It wasn't afforded
to my friend Riz.
That is an
understandable question.
I think I won't kill you because
in many ways,
we are very much alike.
You don't think so?
is an incredibly powerful thing.
There was a time
where I was like you.
I believed there
was a system of ethics
in place in the world.
A scale by which
all people are weighed.
Time changes that.
I grew to understand
the true nature of people.
There are no good or bad people.
The concept
of a structured moral ideology
serves only to make you more
vulnerable to the real truth.
Which is that there
are only predators or prey.
And in a stratified society,
the only
logical position to take
to ensure your own survival...
is to become a predator.
You don't understand that now,
but in time, I think you might.
And when that time comes...
you should call me.
The system is always looking
for talented young people.
Additionally, I am sure you will
not be coming back for me.
Because if you did...
I would peel the skin
off your friend Ugly's skull
and make you watch.
But I really hope
it doesn't come to that.
I don't think it will.
You're a smart girl.
And smart girls know
when they are being
given an opportunity.
Think of this as an opportunity
to rise above your station.
Make something of yourself.
You can only crawl
on the ground for so long
before the dirt
starts sticking to you.
Who sold you Riz and Doe Eyes?
I think you know the answer
to that question.
[knocking on door]
[knocking on door]
[tense music playing]
Where the fuck have you been?
[ominous music playing]

[music intensifies]
[music stops]
Everyone get the fuck out.
[people screaming]
Hello, Mama.
You have to answer
for what you did.
For Doe Eyes.
For Riz.
The Dame sold you out.
Just like you sold out them.
Sold them into slavery.
You-- you wouldn't understand.
The bar was going under, Mouse.
Had been-- been
losing money for years.
it never made any money.
Doe Eyes.
A teen girl's going
down that path before, it was--
[Mama sniffles]
It was only
a matter of time before
she was out on the streets
selling her body.
So you sold it for her?
I told you you
wouldn't understand.
It was either
give them Doe Eyes,
or shut the bar down and...
turn all you girls out
onto the streets.
Watch the world devour you.
I made the-- [sniffles]
I made the tough call.
The tough call.
And Riz?
[melancholy music playing]
What about Riz?
Riz wasn't my choice.
They pressured me.
But you got paid.
You took the money, right?
And she died.
Yes. [sniffles]
You killed her.
I want you to say it.
I wanna hear you say it.
I killed her.
They're all scum.
Craw Daddy. Moony,
The Dame, all of them, scum.
But you know what
makes you worse than them?
They never once
pretended to be otherwise.
You pretended to be our mother.
Our protector.
And you gave
those girls up to monsters?
You let Riz die.
In a dark corner.
At the bottom of the world.
-And now you have to answer.
-[Mama] Wait.
Get out of here, Mousey.
Make something of yourself.
I love you.
[Mouse] This was my last
performance on that stage.
It was as if the world started
spinning backwards
to slow down time,
because the world is
just and kind sometimes.
It slowed, as Mama reflected on
how she had spent
her time on this Earth.
The good she had done,
the days she had wasted
and the people she had betrayed.
And in her final moment,
she thought of Riz and Doe Eyes.
You all right, Mouse?
I'm fine, Ugly.
The Dame expects us
to be on a train tonight
or she'll have people
come after us.
After you.
I'm sorry that
I dragged you into this, Ugly.
It wasn't right.
I need you to get
on the train tonight.
Get out of town.
Be safe.
Without you?
Fuck you, Mouse.
You ever think for one second
I got myself into this?
And I don't wanna leave?
That I will stay here
with you no matter what.
No, you didn't.
Because at the end of the day,
you just don't want to feel bad
if you get me hurt.
Keep yourself bulletproof.
Well, that's too fucking bad.
I'm staying.
Or you're coming with me, but...
I'm not leaving you.
You remember when
I said you were a stand up guy?
That it was what
I liked about you the least?
I lied.
I'll meet you at the train.
And-- and we'll go.
I know you.
If you leave right now
without knowing
that you did all you could,
you'll regret it.
I don't want you to do
something you regret.
You have to be able
to live with it.
I'll meet you there at midnight.
["Ending Start"
by Metric playing]
All this that is more
than a wish is a memory
All this that
it he ceases to be
All is revealed
The obvious
door opens nothing
Nothing left
Nothing left
Nothing left
To chance
When you try to see,
we'll watch you
When you try to leave,
we'll keep you
When you should be dreaming,
we'll wake you
But don't scream
We'll make you
swallow your words
That the rest of it?
I got your last issue
and it sold out in an hour.
People want to know
more about these missing girls
and who The Dame is.
Thanks for
believing in me, Dirt.
How ending starts
I had found my ending.
I wouldn't end up
getting on the train
with Ugly that night.
I would end up
breaking my promise.
[ominous music playing]
The dread was too heavy.
And Ugly was right.
It had to sit right with me.
There's no place
a train could take me
that was far enough away
to forget what I had seen.
That monsters are real,
and they walk among us.
The Dame was arrogant enough
to let me go.
Arrogance is always the downfall
of the rich and the powerful.
It blinds them.
They never see us coming.
There are some evils
in the world
that just need endings.
And there's some feelings
you just can't shake.
Maybe tomorrow morning,
normal people all over the city
will awake from fearful dreams.
Fears that will fade
as they start their day.
Perhaps without dread.
[gun clicks]
Foreboding omens.
Or bad coffee.
[people screaming]
I'd rather die with the sheep
than eat sheep with the wolves.
["Big Mouth" by Necking playing]
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Fucked up
and let your friends down
We're all tired
of your big mouth
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Fucked up
and let your friends down
We're all tired
of your big mouth
Drunk again
You think we care
about what happened?
Shit about feeling abandoned
It's time to leave,
let me go
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Fucked up
and let your friends down
We're all tired
of your big mouth
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Fucked up
and let your friends down
We're all tired
of your big mouth
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Big mouth
You've got
a really big mouth
Tell it again
Big mouth
Bigger this time
Big mouth
With feeling
Big mouth
[low tense music playing]

[music fades]