Double, Double, Toil and Trouble (1993) Movie Script

The Following Is Based
On A True Story...
[Sinister Laughing]
Spin Her! Spin Her!
Spin Her!
Go! Go! Go!
Right! Right!
Down, Down,
Down, Down.
Oh, Yeah! Cool!
Kids, Kids, Can I Have
Your Attention, Please?
I Have A Special Treat
For You.
Direct From Entertaining
The Crowned Heads Of Europe,
It's Oscar
The Magic Clown!
Presenting Me,
Oscar, The Clown Of Renown,
The Fabulous, The Fantastic,
The Extraordinary!
It's The Day
Before Halloween,
A Day Of Spells
And Superstition,
A Day Of Witches
And Wizards!
There's Magic In The Air.
The First Thing That
Oscar's Going To Do
Is Judge The Pumpkin
Carving Contest.
I Know You've
All Worked Hard
On Your Pumpkins,
So Let's Show Them Off,
Ha Ha!
Oscar, This Is
Eddie Lombardo.
Hi, Eddie!
And This Is Lisa Funai.
This Is Charles Feffer.
Smile, Charles!
And These Are
The Farmer Twins,
Lynn And Kelly.
That Was Terrific, Kids.
They're All
So Wonderful.
It's Hard To Decide
Who Will Win
This Magic Wand.
I Hope I Win It!
I Hope I Win It!
And The Winner Is...
You Two!
You Mean We Each Get
A Magic Wand?
I Only Have One.
You'll Have To Share.
Story Of Our Lives.
I Get It First.
You Always Go First.
O.K. Just Don't
Break It.
Jacuzzi! Jacuzzi!
Whoa! Whoa!
Hey, That Was Neat.
How'd You Do That?
I Didn't.
He Didn't.
What A Clown!
Thanks For The Party.
Don, I Know You Won't
Like This Idea,
But I Thought
Of Somebody Else
We Could Go To.
I'll Try Anybody.
Aunt Agatha.
Anybody But Her.
We Have No Other Option.
The Bank Said No.
What's The Worst
She Could Do,
Turn Us Down?
She Could Humiliate Us,
Insult Us, Reject Us.
It Could Get Ugly.
We'll Stop
On The Way Back.
Please, Honey?
Where Have You Been?
My Girls Have Fun?
Yeah! This Great Clown
Made Balloon Animals.
Mine's A Dog
Or A Fish.
Maybe Its A Dogfish.
Look At This
Magic Wand I Won.
We Won.
Thanks For Having
The Party.
Thanks For Coming.
They Are So Cute.
Must Be Murder
Trying To Tell Them Apart.
[Sarcastic Laughing]
Are We Going To Go Home
And Make Our Costumes?
We're Making A Stop
On The Way Home,
Just To See Somebody.
Just So We Don't Wear
The Same Costumes.
That Is So Dorky.
I Don't Want To
Look Like Kelly.
I Don't Want To Look
Like You, Either.
Kelly, Lynn.
Well, Here We Are.
What A Great House!
Who Lives There?
My Aunt Agatha.
You Have An Aunt That Lives
In A House Like That?
You Never Told Us
About Her.
She's Not
What You'd Call
A Close Relative.
Anything We Can Do
To Change That?
You Two Better Wait
In The Car With Norman.
Why Can't We Come?
Well, She Doesn't
Like Children.
She Doesn't Like Children?
She Doesn't Like
Come On.
Get This Over With.
You Two Be Good.
[Doorbell Rings]
[Pounding On Door]
There's Someone
At The Door, Madam.
Should I Answer It, Madam?
No. I'll Answer It.
You Sit Here
And Be Filthy Rich.
Kelly, Wake Up!
The Wand Just Flew
Out Of My Hand.
Come On.
Aunt Agatha,
It's Christine...
Your Niece.
I Know Who You Are.
What Do You Want?
Could We Talk To You
For Just A Minute?
If You Must.
Aah! Aah! Aah!
He Won't Hurt You.
Who Said That?
Oh. Ahh.
That's Just Norman.
He Wouldn't Hurt Anybody.
But...You Were Over There.
No. That Was Me.
Aah! You're In Two Places
At The Same Time!
We're Twins, Silly.
Ohh. Ohh!
Ohh! Oh, Twins.
Do You Drink
Lots Of Coffee?
You Might Want To
Switch To Decaf.
If You Had My Job,
You'd Be Nervous, Too.
What's Your Job?
I'm A Gravedigger. That's
Why I'm Digging A Grave.
For Who?
Shh! Shh!
I'm Doing It
For Very Little Money
It Doesn't Pay
To Cross Her.
Who Or What She Plans
To Bury, I Don't Know.
I Don't Want To Know.
I Have To Hurry Home.
I'm Not Leaving
My House Again
Until The Day
After Halloween!
How Come?
Don't You Know What Happens
On Halloween?
Yeah. You Go
This Guy Needs
To Get Out More.
Halloween--Allhallows Eve.
It's The Yearly Festival
Of The Witches.
They Cast Their Spells
And Celebrate
Their Dark Doings
At A Gathering.
Since The Time
Of The Druids And Celts,
It Has Been So.
They Summon Ghosts
And Goblins
To Do Their Bidding,
And The Dead Have Been Known
To Rise From Their Graves.
She'll Be At
The Gathering, I Bet.
What's A Gathering?
It's A Get-Together,
It's A Party, Kind Of,
For Witches And Their Ilk.
What's An Ilk?
It's Kind Of
Like Bullwinkle.
No, Bullwinkle's
Kind Of A Moose.
Ilk Is Like Friends.
But Witches Are Just
I Didn't Think
They Really Existed.
The Question Is Not
Whether You Think
Witches Exist
But Whether The Witches
Think That You Exist.
Are You Saying
Witches Are Real?
Oh, Yeah.
There Are Good Witches
And Bad Witches.
A Bad Witch Lived In
That House 200 Years Ago,
And A Bad One
Lives There Now.
Sit Down.
Over There.
I Knew That If I'd Called,
You Wouldn't Have
Wanted Us To Come.
You're Right.
Why Did You?
Well, It's Been Seven Years
Since I've Actually
Seen You,
Ever Since
Aunt Sophia Left.
It Must Have Been
Upsetting When She Left.
Upsetting? Ha Ha Ha!
I'm Loving It.
Good Riddance,
I Say!
I Have Never Understood
How You Could Just
Cut Off Contact
With Everybody Like That.
You've Never Even
Met Our Girls.
We're Family.
Is Just Strangers
Who Happen To Be
I'm So Glad We Came.
200 Years Ago,
The Townspeople Seized
The Witch Who Lived There
And Burned Her
At The Stake.
But She'd Hidden
Her Moonstone,
The Gem That Gave Her
Her Powers.
For Many Generations,
No One Could Find It,
And Then,
50 Years Ago On Halloween,
Two Little Girls
Just Like You
Heard The Legend
And Began To Look
For The Moonstone.
Two Girls Just Like Us?
Yep. Twins, Just Like You--
Agatha And Sophia.
I Win. Let's Look
For The Moonstone.
If We Find It,
We'll Make A Wish.
We'll Wish That
We're Not Twins
And That We're
Completely Different.
You Look In The Basement.
I'll Look In The Attic.
[Door Creaking Loudly]
Sophia! Sophia!
Sophia! Sophia!
Did You Find
The Moonstone?
No. I Didn't Find It.
I've Been Thinking It Over.
That's Just An Old Story.
There's No Magic.
But The Moonstone...
It's Just Make-Believe.
You Don't Believe
In Magic, Do You?
No, I Don't
Believe In It.
Didn't She Share
The Moonstone
With Her Sister?
After That,
She Never Shared Anything.
Here. You Hold This
For A While.
She Learned More Spells
And Used Them
To Make Her Sister's Life
And Finally,
She Used The Moonstone
To Trap The Spirit
Of Her Sister
Inside That Very House,
And There It Remains Trapped
To This Day.
Can't Somebody
Do Something?
Oh, The Spell
Can Only Be Broken
At Midnight On Halloween.
Well, Someone Would Have
To Rub The Moonstone
And Say
The Right Incantation--
An Incantation?
It's Magic Words
Like Abracadabra,
Uh...Gizzorn And Platz.
[Owl Hooting]
Oh! I Shouldn't Even
Speak Of Such Things.
The Shadow World's
All Around Us.
I Could Be Carried
To The Dark Side
Of The Moon.
You See, I Live
Where The Sun Always Shines
And It Never Gets Dark.
Smart, Huh?
Take Care And Beware.
Aunt Agatha, I'm Going
To Be Honest With You.
Construction Business
Isn't Going Well.
He's Good At It.
I'll Bet.
But With The Recession,
A Lot Of People
Haven't Paid
What They Owe.
So...We Need Your Help.
The Bank Is Threatening
To Foreclose On Our House.
We're Asking For A Loan,
Not A Gift.
I Knew It!
You Had A Selfish Reason
To Come
Crawling Around.
It's Take, Take, Take!
That's Not Fair!
All We've Gotten From You
Is Rejection And Abuse.
If You Think That's
Rejection And Abuse,
You Ain't Seen
Nothin' Yet!
I Took The Liberty
Of Preparing Tea.
Drop It!
Now Take The Liberty
Of Showing These
Beggars The Door.
They're Out Of Here.
[Cat Screeches]
Aah! My Cat!
My Cat! Aah!
[Dog Barking]
Leave That Cat Alone.
Get Out Of There.
Kids, Get Away
From That Cat.
The Moonstone.
You Never Said
You Had Twins.
When Did You Give Us
The Chance?
Get Off My Street Right Now!
Don't Yell
At My Daughters!
Take That Mutt
And Those Brats!
I'm Warning You.
Girls, We're Going!
Never Come Back!
You Hear Me?
Here, Kitty, Kitty, Kitty.
Here, Kitty,
Kitty, Kitty.
Let's Go, Let's Go.
Come On.
Come On.
Where Are You?
They've Come.
I Knew They'd
Come Someday.
Don't Get Your Hopes Up,
No Buts.
Tomorrow Night
At Midnight,
It'll Be Seven Years
Since I Banished You.
The Big Seven,
And The Spell
Becomes Permanent.
I'm Going To Drip
Bat's Blood
And Sealing Wax
On This Mirror
And Bury It.
I Have A Nice Grave
All Ready.
You Really Enjoy
Being Evil, Don't You?
It's The Best.
Mom, When I'm Older,
Can I Get A Nose Job?
What's Wrong
With Your Nose?
Nothing, But Then We
Won't Look Like Twins.
Better Yet, Can Kelly
Have A Nose Job?
I Don't Want A Nose Job.
I Want A Tattoo.
Being Twins Is Special.
Is There A Curse
On That House?
There's A Curse
In That House.
Why Do You Ask?
The Gravedigger
Said So.
Gravediggers And Curses?
Girls, Halloween Isn't
Till Tomorrow Night.
Is Aunt Agatha
Really A Witch?
You Bet She Is.
She Is A Witch.
Uh...Uh, Thanks,
But, Um, Could You
Not Do That, Please?
I Don't Have
Any Spare Change.
I-I'll Take Plastic,
Dollars, Lighters, Yen,
Lira, Simoleons,
Be Sure To Brush Afterwards.
Don't Forget To Floss.
What's This?
It's Pineapple!
What Will I Do
With Pineapple?
I Hate Pineapple!
If They Come Anywhere
Near This House,
I'll Take Care
Of Them, Too.
Aunt Agatha Had
A Twin Sister...
She Was Never
Nice To Her.
Careful, Now.
They're Hot.
As Far Back
As I Can Remember,
Aunt Sophia Was Just
So Kind And Generous,
And I Really Miss Her,
And These Cookies
Are Her Recipe.
Cinnamon--Her Favorite.
We Always Baked Them
What Happened
To Aunt Sophia?
Well, About Seven Years Ago,
Aunt Sophia Met A Nice Man,
And They Got Engaged,
And I Guess They Must Have
Run Off Together.
Didn't She Call
Or Write?
No. That Was
The Strange Part.
No One Ever Heard From
Or Saw Her Again.
[Doorbell Rings]
I'll Get It.
Your Dad's In The Back.
She's Trapped
In That Weird House.
The Gravedigger
Was Right.
Bernard Brewster,
Real-Estate Division,
National General Bank.
You Must Be Mrs. Farmer.
So Glad To Meet You.
What Can I Do For You?
Since Foreclosure's Monday,
I Thought I'd Take A Peek.
This Must Be
The Living Room.
Bernard Brewster,
Real-Estate Division,
National General Bank.
Did You Decorate Yourself?
Nothing Paint Won't Fix.
You Can't Come In!
Did You Call?
It'll Look Bigger
When The Toys
Are Cleared Out.
What Do You Mean,
Cleared Out?
Hey, Aren't You Two Cute?
Ha Ha Ha!
I Think I'm Seeing Double.
That's It. Out.
Hey, What's Your Problem?
Give Me A Break.
The Bank Isn't
Giving Me Breaks.
Don't Come Back
Without An Appointment.
[Car Engine Starts]
Family Conference Time.
So, What All
That Stuff Means
Is...Because We've
Had These Problems
Making The Payments,
The Bank Wants To
Take Back The House
And Sell It.
Daddy Won't
Let That Happen.
Why Didn't
You Tell Us?
We're Supposed
To Share Problems.
Everybody Says So--
Phil Donahue, Oprah...
Sally Jessy,
Larry King.
They Get The Point.
We Didn't Want
You To Worry.
We Were Hoping We'd
Get The Money Soon.
We Even Tried Asking
Aunt Agatha For A Loan.
If Only Aunt Sophia
Were Here.
We Don't Want
To Leave.
Where Will We Go?
Hey! Hey!
We'll Figure
Something Out.
We'll Improvise.
I Don't Want You
To Worry.
We'll Be Fine.
And Tomorrow,
You'll Go
With The Rest
Of The Kids.
And Monday, We'll Do
The Best We Can.
Remember That
We're A Family.
We'll Be Fine.
We Love You.
There's Nothing
To Be Afraid Of.
We Love You, Too.
Well, That's All
That Matters.
Good Night,
Sweet Pea.
Good Night, Baby.
We Are So Lucky
To Have Those Two.
You're Telling Me.
And I'm Telling You,
Going To Happen
To Save This House.
I'm Still Worried
That Lynn
Is Frustrated
With Being A Twin.
It's Making Her
Bossy To Kelly.
It's Starting
Between Them.
I'm Not Sure
How To Handle It.
Kids Always
Fight A Little.
As For This Twin Thing,
They Just Want
To Be Recognized
As Individuals.
That's Fair Enough.
It's Hard For Twins,
Well, Kids Are Stronger
Than We Think.
They'll Get Over It.
I Don't Know.
Agatha Never Did.
Are You Asleep?
Are You Nuts?
We've Been In This House
Since We Were Young.
Norman's Been Here
Since He Was A Puppy.
I Wish Aunt Agatha
Would Give
Mom And Dad Money.
If Aunt Sophia
Were Free,
She'd Help
Mom And Dad.
We Have To Get
The Moonstone.
And Free Aunt Sophia.
Well, I'm Open
To The Idea.
If We Go To
The Witches'
We Can Get
The Moonstone.
We Don't Know
How To Get There.
You Said
You Believed
In Magic.
I'm Open
To The Idea.
I Didn't Say I'd
Go To A Witches'
We'll Improvise.
We Should
Explain This
To Mom And Dad.
Oh, Yeah, Right.
"I'll Let You Stay Up
Until Midnight
And Break The Spell."
I Can Just Imagine
Them Saying That.
Maybe They Can Help Us
Figure It Out.
We'll Do This
On Our Own.
I Guess So.
If We Disappear
Like Aunt Sophia,
I'll Sure Miss Norman.
Norman, We're
Going On A Scary
And Dangerous
Mission Tomorrow.
If We Don't
Come Back,
Take Care
Of Mom And Dad.
Have You Finished
The Task,
But Not Before
Telling Those Twins
Something To Which
They Shouldn't
Be Privy?
Don't Lie!
Your Days,
Pitiful And Pathetic
As They Are,
Shall Be Numbered.
Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!
If I Ever See
Your Stupid,
Face Again,
I'll Use It
As An Oil Rag!
Pour Me A Bath.
Make It
Good And Cold.
Kids Don't Seem
To Be As Upset Today
As They Were
Last Night.
Kids Live
In The Moment.
That Sounds Good.
Let's Forget
Our Troubles, Too,
And Just
Enjoy Halloween.
Mrs. Farmer,
You Got Yourself
A Deal.
Over Here.
How Would You Like
All Our Candy?
Great. What's
The Catch?
Put On Our Costumes
For A Little While.
That's For Girls.
I Don't Know.
Check It Out.
I Think
We Better Ask
Our Moms First.
It's A Limited
Time Offer.
Take It
Or Leave It.
Do It!
We'll Take It.
Where Are The Girls?
Have They
Fallen Behind?
There They Are.
Come On.
This Is
Pretty Cool!
Where Do You Have
A Witches' Gathering?
Nah, Someplace Spooky.
Maybe We Can Find
Somebody Who Knows.
I'll Toss A Penny.
If It's Heads,
We Keep Going
In That Direction.
You Could Kill
Somebody Like That!
Unless It Was
A Silver Dollar,
Then You'd Be
Where's He Going?
Under The Bridge.
What Are You Doing
Down There?
This Is My...
Humble Home.
If You Had A Door,
We Would Have
Knocked First.
If You're Homeless,
There's A Place
Downtown That
Can Help You.
I Saw It
On The News.
Who Are You Two,
Dear Abby
And Ann Landers?
I Don't Want A Handout.
I Want To Be Rich.
No! Not Just Rich.
I Want To Be...
Filthy Rich!
Ramone, Bring
The Ferrari Around.
I Think I'll Drive It
Myself Today.
Ho Ho Ho!
Lots Of Money
And Wonderful Things--
Planes And Houses,
A House
On The Islands.
I Need...New Shoes.
Yes! Yes!
Wait A Minute.
Two Young Blond--
Oh, Yes!
I Think I Remember.
Don't I Know You?
The Windshield Guy.
We Always See You
On That Corner
Over There.
You're The Ones
That Gave Me
The Pineapple
You...You Shouldn't
Be Here Alone.
What Are You Doing
By Yourselves?
You Should Go Home.
Not Until We Get
Aunt Agatha's
And Break
The Magic Spell
On Aunt Sophia.
Hold It.
Un Momento,
Por Favor.
You Lost Me
Back At The Part
The Moonstone.
What Is
A Moonstone?
It's This Gem
That She Has.
Is It Valuable?
Oh, Yes.
200 Years Old.
And You're
Going To Get
This Gem
By Yourselves?
Two Little Girls
With An Expensive Gemstone.
Someone Might
Try To Steal It.
I'd Better Go Along
And Protect You.
It Could
Come In Handy
Having A Grownup
O.K., Mr...
Plato Naufzagger.
A Plate Of What?
Just Call Me
Mr. N For Short.
I'm Kelly.
I'm Lynn.
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
We Know
Aunt Agatha's
Going To A Witches'
But We Don't Know
Where It Is.
Do You Know Where
It Could Be?
She's In A Group.
Halloween Brings Out
The Loonies.
Speaking Of Loonies,
I Know The One
Who Might Help Us.
She's Not Far.
When Will
She Love Me?
Any Day.
Any Day Now.
Uh...Madame Lulu.
Madame Lulu,
Could I Have
A Word With You?
Don't Stand In The Way
Of Paying Customers.
These Young Ladies
Need Advice.
Do You Have $5.00?
Lulu! Ha Ha Ha!
How Would You Like
For Me To Tell
These Nice People
That You're Not
From Romania,
But Brooklyn?
I'll Tell
These Girls
The Closest
You've Been
To Buckingham Palace
Is A Royal Flush.
O.K., Make It Fast.
Their Aunt
Is Going
To Some Sort Of Witches'
Gathering Tonight.
Since All These Loonies
Come To You,
You May Know
Where They're
Getting Together.
I Have No Idea.
But Can't You Look
Into Your Crystal Ball?
What Are You, Nuts?
What Are You,
A Phony Baloney?
All Right.
All Right.
Yes. The Vision
Is Coming To Me Now.
I See A Gathering
High On A Mountaintop
Where Owls Call.
Hoo! Hoo!
Now Beat It.
Can't You Be
More Specific,
Like How
You Get There?
For A $5.00 Iou,
You Want A Map?
What'd She Do
To My Crystal Ball?
What's Going On?
I Recognize
That Joint.
The Gathering
Must Be Down
In The Old Abandoned
Warehouse District.
On Halloween?
That's Pretty Good,
All This Time,
I Thought
You Were A Fake.
Has She Been
Doing This
For Very Long?
We Have
A Long Way To Go,
But Here's Our Bus.
A Pumpkin Truck?
Ha Ha!
Keep A Lookout.
Well, Here We Are.
If There Were
Any Justice,
I Would Have A Limo
And A Chauffeur.
And A Bill
You Couldn't Pay.
Yes, Ladies,
Money Is The Key,
And I Want
Lots Of It.
Have You Ever
Worked For It?
Hey, There Are Limits.
Besides Saving Your House
And Finding
Your Long-Lost Aunt,
What Else Are You
Going To Wish For?
I Want To Be
A Doctor.
I Wanted To Be
A Doctor First.
We Can Both
Be Doctors.
I Would Like To Be
A Doctor, Also.
So You Can Save
People's Lives?
So I Can Pull Down
300 Grand A Year
And Drive A Mercedes.
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
? I Know A Song That Gets
On Everybody's Nerves ?
? Everybody's Nerves ?
? I Know A Song That Gets
On Everybody's Nerves ?
? Everybody's Nerves ?
? Everybody's Nerves ?
? I Know A Song That Gets
On Everybody's Nerves ?
? And This Is
How It Goes ?
? Boom Boom ??
Oh! Yeah--
He's Turned
Off The Road
We Need To Be On.
You're Going
The Wrong Way.
We've Got To Get Off.
Not Until He Stops.
No Way.
Excuse Me, Dude.
Ooh! Ooh!
My Pumpkins!
Come Back Here!
Quickly! Run!
Let's Get
Out Of Here!
I'm With You!
You Girls Are Fast.
I Have Trouble
Keeping Up With You.
I Think
We've Lost Him.
And Us.
I Feel Bad About
That Poor Man
And His Pumpkins.
I Will
Compensate Him
At Our Earliest
Possible Opportunity.
Which Way
Do We Go?
Well, Uh...
We're Lost,
Aren't We?
Don't Be Silly.
We Know
Where We Are.
We Just Don't Know
Everything Else Is.
Let's Try
This Way.
Did You Know
That On Halloween
Roam The Land?
And Ghosts
And Witches And Ilk?
Oh, This Is Just
Silly Superstition.
Ha Ha Ha!
[Owl Hoots]
Aah! Don't Hurt Me!
What Was That?
I Think That Was
Just An Owl.
Of Course It Was.
I Was
Only Testing You.
Maybe You Should
Go Ahead
And Make Sure
Nothing's There.
You're The Adult.
I Should Go Back
To My Bridge.
I Thought You Were
Going To Help Us
Get The Moonstone.
About This Moonstone--
Now, Is This
One Of Those...
Little Gems?
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
I Was Just Kidding!
Of Course,
I Would Never Leave
You Two On Your Own.
We're In Big Trouble.
There's A House!
You See, I Knew That
That House Was There.
Give Me A Break.
Looks Like A Really
Little House.
No, No, No, No.
You See,
It Only Looks Small
It's So Far Off
Into The Distance.
It's Called
The Perspective
We Have Quite A Hike
Ahead Of Us.
I Guess It's Not
The Perspective
Effect After All.
The Lights Are On.
Must Be In There.
Yeah. Somebody
With A Heck
Of A Backache.
You're On Your Own.
I Can't Fit
In There.
You Have To Call
Louder Than That.
You Do It.
? Ba Da Pa
Ba Do Ba Da ?
? Do Da Do Da Da ?
? Ba De Da Da ?
? Ba Be Do
Ba Ba Da ?
? Ba Ba Ba-- ??
What Are You
Doing Here?
Mr. N Was Showing Us
The Shortcut,
And We Saw Your House.
We Knocked,
But You Didn't Answer.
One Thing At A Time.
Who's Mr. N?
Our Friend.
That's Him
At The Window.
How Do You Do?
You Have A Very
Nice Place Here.
Aren't You
Oscar The Clown?
Yes. I Remember
You Two.
You Seem Mad.
I'm Not Mad.
It's Just--
I Usually Don't Let
Anybody See Me
Out Of
My Clown Outfit.
People Laugh With Me
When I'm A Clown.
The Clown Of Renown,
The Fabulous,
The Fantastic,
The Extraordinary!
But...When I'm Just
A Little Person,
Sometimes People
Laugh At Me.
So...I Stay Here...
In Front
Of My Mirror,
And I Pretend
That I Really Am...
Fabulous, Fantastic,
We Would Never
Make Fun Of You.
We're Little Ourselves.
So You Are.
And You Still
Have The Wand.
Anything Strange
Happen To You Today?
Being Here
Is The Strangest
Part So Far.
Could You Help Us
Get To The Edge
Of Town?
How Come?
We Better Tell Him
The Whole Story.
No. Not The Whole Story.
They're Enjoying
They're Acting Like
They Don't Have A Care.
And So,
We Have To Break
The Magic Spell
By Midnight.
This Could Be
A Fantastic
Not Without Risk,
Of Course.
But What Great
Adventure Isn't?
We Have
No Time To Lose.
I Find Parts
Of That Story
Rather Hard
To Believe.
The Problem Is That
As People Get Bigger,
Their Imaginations
Get Smaller.
You'll Take Us
To The Gathering?
Of Course I Will!
We Have To Be
They're Coming
To The Gathering.
Soon I'll Have
Those Two Little Girls
Right Where
I Want Them.
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Ha Ha Ha!
The Oscarmobile!
Wait! Wait!
What About Me?
Hang On Tight!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Hee Hee Hee Hee!
I Love Halloween.
Step On It.
We're Already Exceeding
The Speed Limit.
Silence! I Want You
To Drive Faster.
I Assume
I Should Pause
At Red Lights.
Do I Pay You
To Assume?
No, Madam.
You Pay Me Nothing.
You Get
What You Pay For.
Shut Up And Drive!
I'll Worry About
The Red Lights.
Come On. Hurry
With Your Make-Up.
Got Enough Candy
To Last Them
A Decade Or Two.
I Think So.
Let's Go Home.
It Was A Battle
Getting Them Home
Last Year.
Lynn, Kelly, Come On!
Daddy's Turning
Into A Pumpkin.
Come On.
Let's Go Home.
We Won't
Go Home With You.
We Want To Go
To Our Own Homes.
They Didn't Say Why.
They Just Wanted
To Do It.
They Didn't Say Where
They Were Going?
Let's Go To The Police.
You Read My Mind.
I'll Bet This
Is Just A Halloween Trick.
I'm Sure Your Twins
Are Safe And Sound,
Having A Great Time
With Friends.
This Is The Place.
Come On!
Your Turn.
Come On!
How Are We Going To
Get Past This Guy?
I'll Do The Talking.
Invitations, Please.
Uh, This Is
My Covenant.
I Had Our Invitation.
My Black Cat Ate It.
You Have
A Problem With That?
? Ah Ah Ahh Ah ?
? Ah Ah Ah Ahh Ah Ah ?
? Ah Ah Ah Ah Ahh Ah ?
? Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah ?
They've Been Reading
Too Much Stephen King.
You See Aunt Agatha?
No, But This Is
Definitely Her Ilk.
? Ah Ah Ah Ah Ahh Ah ?
? Ahh ??
The Elizabeth Taylor
Of The Weirdoes.
What If She Sees Us?
We're History.
Pull Down Your Hood,
And She Won't.
I Always Put In
Eye Of Newt,
Toe Of Frog,
Wool Of Bat,
And...Tongue Of Dog.
Do You Use
A Microwave?
No. It Just Doesn't
Brown The Same.
Will You Lead Us
In The Invocation?
Oh, Certainly.
? Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm ?
? Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah ??
Fair Is Foul,
And Foul Is Fair.
Hover Through
The Filthy Air.
Double, Double,
Toil And Trouble,
Fire Burn,
Cauldron Bubble!
Thank You.
First Of All,
Our Thanks
To Our Glee Club.
A-One, A-Two, A-Three.
We'll Have Our Cassettes
On Sale On The Way Out.
I Can't Wait To Get
One Of Those.
Your Membership Dues
Were Supposed To Be Paid.
Some Of You Haven't
Paid Them Yet.
You Know Who You Are.
If You Don't Pay Tonight,
It Could Be Toadtime.
Also, The Caretaker Tells Us
There Are Some People Living
In This Neighborhood,
So Later,
When We Cast Our Spells,
He Asks That We Keep
Our Moaning And Shrieking
Down To A Reasonable Level.
And I'm Sorry To Tell You
That Our Truckload
Of Pumpkins Didn't Show Up.
Mr. Gonzales, Who Has Always
Been Very Dependable,
Called To Say
He Was Waylaid
By A Ruffian.
Those Pumpkins.
And Finally,
I Know We'll All Wish To
Extend Our Congratulations
To Fred And Marcia.
Where Are You?
Who Have A New Addition
To Their Household!
What Is It, Fred?
It's A Goblin.
[Grunting And Squealing]
Aw, The Patter
Of Little Hooves.
How Fairy Tales
Used To
Keep Me Awake?
If We Get Out
Of This,
I'll Be Awake
Until I'm 21.
All Right, So Much
For Old Business!
Now, Who Has New Business?
Oh, I Do. I Do.
My Colleagues,
Um, Before I Begin
Our Convolution
And The Cry Of Curses,
Let Me First Mention
An Emergency
That I See
As A Juicy Challenge
For The Entire Group,
One That I Think
You Will Enjoy
Helping Me To Solve.
Seven Years Ago,
I Cast A Powerful Spell,
A Spell That Banished
My Sweet, Namby-Pamby
Twin Sister
To A Life
Of Lonely Isolation
On The Other Side
Of A Mirror.
Naughty Me.
She's Good.
She Is Very Good.
Oscar, Let's Go.
I Have An Idea.
The Spell
Becomes Permanent...
Come On. Follow Me.
There Are Those Who Would
Interfere With My Spell,
Who Seek To Undo
All My Bad Work.
The Ones Who Resist Me
Are Very Young.
Kids These Days
Have No Respect.
Children Are Sick!
The Ones Who Resist Me
Are Sisters--Twins.
Why Have I Asked For Help?
The Twins Are Among Us!
I'd Like To Get My Hands
On Those Twins.
Those Little Brats!
I Have The Answer.
I've Not Seen You
Who Are You?
I Am Brother Grimsby.
I Come To This Gathering
From Far, Far Away,
From The Land
Of The Adder's Fork
And The Blind Bird's Sting,
From The Lizard's Leg
And The Hornet's Wing.
I Come From A Land Where--
All Right!
All Right! What's
Your Suggestion?
I Have A Spell That
Will Double The Power
Of Your Moonstone,
But You Must Put It
In My Hand.
How Do You Know
About My Moonstone?
I Know All.
I See All.
Would You Not Like Me
To Double Your Power...
At No Cost To You,
Of Course?
Or Do You Doubt My Power?
Now That You
Mention It, Yes.
Very Well.
I Will Let
The Cauldron Speak.
O Great Receptacle
Of Smoke And Spirit,
Do You Verify My Power?
Good Stuff.
Do You Accept
My Offer?
It Will Double
Your Power.
Double My Power?
All Right.
I Accept Your Offer.
And What About The Twins?
The New And Improved
Will Point Them Out
To Us,
And We Can All
Deal With Them.
I Like The Way You Think!
My Incantation To
The Forces Of Evil.
O Forces Of Evil...
? Oh Ee Oh Ah Ah ?
? Ting Tang ?
? Walla Walla
Bing Bang ??
Oh, Stop Them
And Find Those Twins!
There They Are!
I've Been Hoodwinked!
Look! There They Are!
I Hate This!
You Didn't Want To Tell
Mom And Dad!
Seize Them!
Hurry! They're
Right Behind Us!
Seize Them!
Seize Those Twins!
Seize Them!
They're Over Here!
This Way!
They Can't Have
Gotten Very Far!
I Got It!
Who Wants
To Keep It?
I Will.
Why You?
I'm The Biggest.
You Might Run Off.
Oscar, No Trust--
That Is What Is Wrong
With The World Today.
How Do We Know That
You Won't Run Off?
Cut It Out.
They're Coming.
I'll Take It.
What Will We Do?
Split Up.
We Should
Stay Together.
It's The Only Chance
Of Escaping.
We'll Go This Way.
You Go That Way.
Sure. You Go
With The Moonstone.
Over This Way!
By The Cars!
We Meet Up Again
At The Oscarmobile.
Come On!
Good Luck, Kelly.
Good Luck, Lynn.
Touching, But Could
We Get A Move On?
Drat! Drat!
If We Don't Find Them,
I'm Taking It Out On You!
There They Go!
After Them! Follow Them!
Head Them Off
And Bring Them Back
For Their Punishment!
Hey, Wait For Me!
I'm In Heels, You Know.
Look, Folks,
It's Halloween.
Kids Play Tricks
And Pranks.
But They're Only 7.
I'll Put Out A Code,
All Units.
One Of You Go Home,
Call Their Friends,
And See If They Haven't
Just Gone Visiting.
Retrace Their
Trick-Or-Treating Route
And Ask If Anybody's
Seen Them.
What About A Missing
Person's Report?
They've Been Gone
Two Hours.
They Ran Off
Make Those Calls
And Get Back To Me.
All Right. Thank You.
I Overheard.
It's Probably
All Very Innocent.
I'm Heading Back Out.
I'll Make A Few Inquiries.
Thank You.
We'd Appreciate That.
I Got Two Of My Own.
It's Not Like Them.
Neither Would Run Away.
Up There! Up There!
What If It's A Dead End?
It's Not. Trust Me.
It's A Dead End.
Read The Sign.
You've Run Into
A Dead End!
This Way!
How Convenient!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Hurry! Hurry!
Good. We'll Be
Safe In Here...
Wherever We Are.
You're Trapped In There!
She Doesn't Know
Where We Are.
We're Watching The Stairway,
And We're Watching
The Elevator!
Give Yourselves Up Now!
I Have A Plan!
This Ought
To Be Good.
Do You Want To Hear It?
I'll Go Down
And Tell Her
That We Haven't Got
The Moonstone,
That Lynn And Oscar
Have It.
They'll Throw It
Off A Bridge
So It Can't Do Harm.
She Still Won't
Let Us Go.
But You're Not Reckoning
With The Persuasive Charms
Of The Silver-Tongued Mr. N.
You've Decided
To Give Yourself Up?
Where's The Brat?
I'm Not Giving Up.
I Am Negotiating.
What Are You
Talking About?
Here's The Deal, Toots.
Now, You Want
The Moonstone Back, Right?
It Is Mine!
Kelly And I Don't Have It.
Lynn And Oscar Have It.
But...If You Give Me
A Large Reward
And Promise
Not To Hurt The Girls,
I Will Help You
Get The Moonstone Back.
That Will Keep Them
From Lifting The Spell
On Aunt Sophia.
How Does $50,000 Sound?
I Don't Need You.
You're Nothing But
A Duplicitous Twerp,
A Vituperative
I'm Sorry You Feel
That Way.
You Drive A Hard Bargain.
I Respect That.
25,000 And Not
A Penny Less!
You're Starting
To Irritate Me.
And That Is
My Final Offer!
Why Don't I Give You
My Final Offer?
I'm All Ears.
[Caw Caw]
No! I'm All Feathers!
[Caw Caw]
I Would Have Settled
For 20 Bucks!
Find A Flock And Get Lost!
You're Crazy, Lady!
Mr. N!
Mr. N!
Are You All Right?
Your Sister
Has Saved Me!
What Happened?
Oh, Lynn And Oscar
Came To The House
And Used The Moonstone
To Free Me!
Where's Mr. N?
Oh! Oh, Your Friend.
Well, He Was So Glad
That This
Was All Over
That He Flew--
He Fled.
He Rushed Off.
And Where's
Lynn And Oscar?
Oh, Everybody's
All Safe And Sound.
Let's Hurry.
I've Decided To
Give Your Parents
The Loan.
You Won't Lose
The House.
You'll Be Part
Of Our Family!
Nothing Could
Make Me Happier.
Come On Down.
Hurry Up.
And Then You And Mom
And Lynn And Me
Can All Bake
Your Favorite Cookies!
Yes! That's Right!
Because Mom Told Me
How Much You Love
Chocolate Chip Cookies.
My Favorite!
Are You Coming Down?
I'm Scared! It's Dark!
Then I'll Come Up.
Could You?
No Problem.
And I'll Open The Door.
I'm On My Way.
Here I Come.
I Can Hardly Wait.
Me, Neither.
What Are You--
What's Going--
Wh-What's Happening?
You're Not Aunt Sophia.
Her Favorite Cookies
Were Cinnamon,
Not Chocolate Chip!
I Don't Care
If It's Fudge
And Fly Droppings!
Let Me Out Of This!
What's Happened
To My Magic?
Mr. N!
Mr. N!
Mr. N, Mr. N,
Guess What!
I Trapped Aunt Agatha!
The Coast Is Clear.
Come On!
Where's Mr. N
And Kelly?
Look Here!
It's One
Of Agatha's Minions!
Chill, Man.
It's Me.
This Is Not
A Trick.
Mr. N?
Yeah! Can You
Get This?
I've Been Dissed
What Happened?
Did Aunt Agatha
Do This?
Even Without
The Moonstone,
That Old Witch
Has Got A Mess Of Magic.
Talk About Sick.
I'm Hungry.
Anybody Got A Worm?
Where's Kelly?
Did She Get Away?
No. They Grabbed Her,
And They're Taking Her
Back To Agatha's House.
They'll Be Delayed
A Little.
I Don't Want Them
To Hurt Her!
Now, Now.
I Haven't Been Nice
To Kelly Lately.
We've Never
Been Apart.
I Bet She's Scared.
I'm Not There
To Tell Her
It's O.K.
Come On.
We Got To Be Brave.
We Don't Know
How To Get To
Aunt Agatha's.
We Can't Free
Aunt Sophia,
And We Can't
Help Kelly.
You Can't Give Up!
That's Right.
Look. We Still
Have A Half Hour
Till Midnight.
That's It!
Mr. Gravedigger!
He'll Know
How To Get There!
But Where Is He?
He Said He Lived
Where The Sun
Always Shines!
I Could Fly To Vegas,
Place Some Bets,
Catch Siegfried & Roy.
You Mean The Gravedigger
Lives In Las Vegas?
No. I Think
He Lives There!
Not In The Dark.
No, Sir.
Not On Halloween.
No, Sir.
Not So Close To Midnight!
But You Have
To Take Us.
There's No Telling
What Terrible Things
Might Happen
If You Try To Break
That Spell.
I'm Staying Here Where
It's Nice And Bright.
Oscar, Why Don't
You Stay Here
For A Minute?
I Don't Think You
Should Go Outside--
Good Idea.
Mr. Gravedigger,
You Have To Help Us
And Fast.
You Said The Spell
Has To Be Broken
By Midnight.
Did I Say That?
You Can Do It Anytime,
Anytime At All.
Wait Till Next Summer.
That's Never
Happened Before!
I--I Don't Like The Dark.
The Lights Went Out.
Well, I Guess
It's Time To Go
And Leave
Mr. Gravedigger
All Alone
In The Dark.
Oh, No, No, No, No.
No. Don't Go.
I Don't Like The Dark.
We'll Keep You
Oh! Oh, Thank You.
On The Way
To Aunt Agatha's.
What's Shaking, Man?
Aah! Oh!
Oh, No, You Don't.
How Do You Do?
Plato Naufzagger.
Stay Cool.
I'm Not Really A Bird.
Nice Place You've Got Here.
A Talking Crow?
Car 249,
We Have A Code 13
On The Corner
Of Blake And Washington.
This Is 249.
I'm On My Way. Over.
[Mr. N]
Oscar, Go Faster.
I Should Fly.
Looks Like
It Was Punctured By A...
Crow's Beak.
Oh! Stand Back!
Oh, What A Phony--
You Turned That Man
Into A Crow, Madam.
That Was Easy.
He Was Crooked.
Without The Moonstone,
This Requires Muscles
I Haven't Used In Years.
Air In Space...
Up From The Ground,
Make This Tire
Nice And Round.
Power Of Edsel,
Spirit Of Corvair,
Give Us Lots
And Lots Of Air!
[Air Hissing]
That's Good.
No. That's Good.
[Tire Explodes]
Not Good!
Don't Stand There
Like An Idiot!
Get The Jack!
This Is It.
This Is The Place!
Let Me Off Here.
Sit Down!
You're Rocking The Boat.
I Guess
Since She's My Aunt,
I Should Go First?
It's Locked.
Let's Go
Around Back.
Let's Go Bowling.
O.K., O.K., O.K.
It's Locked.
She May Be Mean,
But She Ain't Stupid.
We Can't Give Up.
I Have An Idea.
Come On.
There's Only
One Way To Get In.
You Mean
That Open Window?
You've Got It.
How Do We Get Up There?
To The Oscarmobile!
Faster! Faster!
We're Almost There.
When I've Thrown You
Into The Mirror, Too,
You'll Never See
Your Parents Again
Or That Mangy Mutt
Of Yours!
You Are So Cranky!
Get A Life.
Hurry, Hurry,
Hurry, Hurry!
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!
That'll Be Enough.
Come On.
Hurry, Hurry,
Hurry, Hurry.
It's A Bird!
It's A Bunch
Of Balloons!
Hey, It's You, Oscar.
What Took You So Long?
Hey, Where You Going?
[Balloons Popping]
[Caw Caw]
Aw! Good Flying!
I'll Unlock
The Side Door.
You're A Lot Of Help.
Oh, No.
I Spotted A Girl
Who Might Match
Your Description
In A Weird Vehicle
Near The Corner
Of Blackstone And Barnum.
Do Your Girls Know Anybody
Who Lives In That Area,
Any Friends Or Relatives?
Aunt Agatha.
We'll Check This Out
Right Away. Thanks.
They Were
In A Strange Vehicle.
There Was A Crow
And A Little Person
In A Circus Car.
She Said She Was Trapped
In A Mirror.
Spread Out!
Help Me!
Aunt Sophia?
Aunt Sophia.
Help Me!
Aunt Sophia.
Help Me!
Aunt Sophia.
I'm In The Attic!
I'm In The Attic!
Quick! Up Here!
Aunt Agatha Yelled
At The Girls,
But You Don't Think
She'd Hurt Them, Do You?
Of Course Not.
Oscar, You're So Slow!
Keep Working
On It, Oscar.
I Have To Do
Where You Going?
She Wouldn't Do
Anything Really Bad
To A Couple Of Kids.
I'll Boil
The Two Of You In Oil
Before I Banish You Forever.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Got It.
There's The Mirror!
I Knew You'd Come
To Save Me.
Do You Have
The Moonstone?
Wonderful! Ah!
Oh! Where's
Your Sister?
She's Not Here.
Then All Is Lost.
The Incantation Must Be
Spoken By Both Twins.
It's The Curse Of The Twins
That Trapped Me Here.
What Do You Mean?
As Time Went By,
Agatha And I Hated
Being Twins.
We Became Jealous
Of Each Other.
And Then I...
I Met George.
What Have You Done
With Your Hair?
I'd Ask You To Join Me,
But I Prefer My Own Company.
Like Always.
George And I...
Have Come
To Say Goodbye.
What Do You Mean,
We're Going To
Get Married
And Move Away,
Far Away.
Is This Some Kind Of Joke?
The Joke,
I'm Afraid,
May Be On You,
I Want A Life
Of Kindness
And Care...
And Love.
Oh, Don't Make Me Heave.
You're Not Going Anywhere.
Nobody Loves You.
I Do.
Oh! Romeo Squeaks Up.
Who Gave You Permission
To Have Someone Fall
In Love With You?
Just Because
You Won't Let
Anybody Love You
Doesn't Mean I Need
Your Permission.
Turkey Bbs.
Say Goodbye To George.
I'm Going.
I Warned You.
You And Your Spells
And Your Witchcraft.
You And Your Love.
Into The Mirror!
Into The Void!
You've Stirred Up My Ire.
You've Made Me Annoyed.
Dole Don Rackier.
Enter The Shadows...
Forever Be There.
Sit Down, George.
I'll Be Finished
In A While,
And Then You Can
Wash The Dishes.
Sit Down, Stupid!
I Don't Suppose
You'd Care
For Some
Rat Skull Curry?
And That's When
She Trapped You
In The Mirror?
And Put A Spell
On George.
Ah! Car Coming.
[Tires Squealing]
It's Her! She's Here!
Hang On
To The Moonstone.
She Can't Grab It
From You.
She Can Only Get It
If You Give It To Her.
It'll Be Safe With You.
They're Here!
I Have Lynn!
I'm Kelly!
Oh, Whoever.
I Have Your Sister!
If You Care About Her,
Give Yourself Up!
Don't Do It!
Gag Her With A Rune!
What A Witch!
Be Careful,
You're Wearing
My Moonstone.
Give It To Me.
I'll Turn You
Into A Snail.
Not. You Can't Hurt Me
As Long As I'm Wearing
The Moonstone.
Sophia's Been Blabbing,
Has She?
Look, Dear,
You And I Don't Have
To Be Enemies,
Do We?
No, We Don't,
If You Let Kelly Go
And Aunt Sophia.
I Have A Better Idea.
You're Different
From Your Sister.
You're Special.
What Do You Mean?
You're Tired Of Being
A Twin, Aren't You?
Yeah, But...
I Know What That's Like--
Having To Share Everything
Or Having People Get You
Mixed Up Together.
You And I Could Possess
The Moonstone Together.
But What About Kelly?
She's In The Way.
We'll Put Her
With Aunt Sophia,
And Then You Won't
Be A Twin Anymore!
Ha Ha Ha!
That's Telling Her.
I Tried To Be Nice!
That'll Be The Day.
George, Didn't
I Try To Be Nice?
But No More
Mr. Nice Guy.
I Can't Cast
A Spell On You,
But Your Sister
Isn't Wearing
The Moonstone.
Don't Turn Her
Into Anything.
Don't Hurt Her!
I'll Offer You
A Straight Exchange.
If You Give Me
The Moonstone,
And I'll Let
Both Of You Go.
She's A Liar!
Bring Kelly Closer
So I Can Start
Saying A Spell.
No! I'll Do It.
You Have To Promise
To Let Everyone Go.
Me, Too!
And Turn Mr. N
Back Into A Person.
Well, All Right.
I Promise.
Cross Your Heart.
Cross My Heart.
Hope To Die.
Hope To Die.
Stick A Needle
In Your Eye.
Shake Your Bottom
If You Got 'Em.
Stick A Needle
In Your Bottom--
Hand It Over!
First, Let Kelly Go.
First, Hand It Over.
You Go First.
You Go First.
You Go First.
Oh, For Goodness' Sake!
Just Put The Moonstone
Down Here On The Floor.
George, When The Moonstone
Is On The Floor,
Let That Kelly Girl Go.
Then I'll
Turn Back Mr. N.
Don't Do It!
Run! Save Yourself!
I Can't Let Her
Hurt You.
Little Sucker
Actually Believed Me!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Hee Hee Hee
Hee Hee Hee!
But You Crossed
Your Heart.
That Doesn't Count.
I Don't Have A Heart.
Hee Hee Hee
Hee Hee Hee!
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!
[Mr. N]
But I Do!
Coming Up.
Good Job.
Stop Them! Come Back,
You Little Pip-Squeaks!
Come Back Here!
Do You Hear Me?
Come Back Here!
Come Back Here!
I'm Waiting For You!
Remember Before
You Offered
To Give Me Back
The Moonstone For $50,000?
Well, It's A Deal.
I'll Turn You Back
And Give You The Money.
I Knew He Couldn't
Be Trusted.
It Was A Mistake.
No Deal!
I'm Ashamed
Of Myself
For Even Thinking
About Betraying
Lynn And Kelly,
And Sticking Up
For Them
Is More Important
Than Money.
You're Turning Me Down?
Even If It Means
Being A Crow
For The Rest
Of Your Life?
Even If
It Means Being
A Crow For Life.
Go Get Your Shotgun, George.
We're Going Crow Hunting.
Hunt This, Ugly!
Out Of My Way!
I'm Not Afraid Of You.
I Suppose You're Not
Afraid Of Me, Either.
I'm P-P-Petrified,
But I'm Staying
Here Anyway.
Me, Too!
I Guess Being Brave Isn't
About Not Being Scared.
It's About Being Scared,
But Doing What You Have To.
Isn't That Nice?
He Found The Moral
Of The Story.
Out Of My Way!
Ow! Oh, Oh...
Ha Ha Ha!
After Her!
Which Way
Is South?
Where You Goin'?
I Want To
Go Home.
Broken Fan Belt.
It's A Few Blocks Away.
Come On!
Aunt Sophia,
What Do We Do?
You Don't Have
The Moonstone.
That's Right!
You Don't Have
The Moonstone!
And It's...
One Minute
To Midnight!
Come Up Here
And Force
This Door Open!
Ha Ha Ha!
You Go First.
I'll Go Up Your Back.
O.K., I'll Try,
But It's Pretty High Up.
Open The Window!
Use The Wand.
[Clock Dongs]
It's Midnight.
Good Luck.
When The Clock
Finishes Striking
You're Out Of Time!
What's The Incantation?
What Do We Say?
I Can't Tell You.
It Has To Come
From Your Heart.
We're Too Late!
It's Soup City Now!
The Spell Is Permanent!
You Have Failed!
Jacuzzi, Jacuzzi.
Ooh Ee Ooh Ah Ah!
You're Wasting Your Time.
It's After Midnight.
Even If You Knew
The Incantation,
It Wouldn't Do Any Good.
It's After Midnight.
Oh, Never Mind, Girls.
You Tried.
Trying Doesn't Bring
Home The Bat Wings.
Remember My Cat?
I've Decided To Turn
You Both Into A Mouse
And Sic My Cat On You!
Won't That Be Amusing?
No Sense Of Humor?
Thanks For Trying
To Save My Life.
I Love You.
I Love You.
You Know What?
I Don't Really Mind
Being Twins.
Me, Neither.
It Makes Us Special.
I Don't Care
If People Joke About Us
Or If Mom
Dresses Us Alike.
I'll Always Want To Be
Your Twin Sister.
I'll Always Want To Be
Your Twin Sister, Too.
[Caw Caw]
No! Please, Help The Bird!
Help The Bird!
Look Out!
[Caw Caw]
I'm A Bird!
Caw! Caw!
Aunt Sophia!
Aunt Sophia!
I'm Back! Oh!
How Can This Be?
It's After Midnight.
It's Not.
I Pushed The Clock
Ahead By Five Minutes.
You Sneaky,
No Sense Of Humor?
Your Witching Days
Are Over.
Where Am I?
If It's Not Midnight Yet,
There's Still Time!
Hurry, Don!
Come On!
Look In The House!
George, Help Me!
Let Go Of Her!
We'll Hold On
To You!
In The Attic.
Ah! Aah!
I'm Falling!
Lynn? Kelly?
Are You Here?
Up In The Attic.
Oh, Please!
Are You
All Right?
I'm All Right.
We Were So Worried!
Aunt Sophia!
Is That Really,
Really You?
Yes, It's Really,
Really Me!
Can Someone Please Tell Me
What's Been Going On?
Been Having
A Halloween Party,
And W-We've
Been Very Naughty
Not To Call You
And Tell You
The Twins Were Here,
Right, Girls?
Yes. I'm Sorry.
I'm Sorry.
Aunt Agatha?
She Decided To Go
On A Long Journey.
She Felt She
Needed Time To...
And You're George,
Aren't You?
The Last Thing
I Remember
Was Sophia And Me
Saying Goodbye
To Agatha.
Yes, Darling.
We've All Said Goodbye
To Her Now.
Oh, George!
Oh, Mmm!
Don't Take
Too Long, O.K.?
We'll Be
Right There.
Mr. Gravedigger,
We Are Very Proud
How You Stood Up
To You-Know-Who.
Oh, Thank You!
I Was Proud Of Me, Too.
Oscar, You Were Very
Fabulous Tonight.
I Was, Wasn't I?
I Think We Were All
Pretty Fabulous,
And Extraordinary.
Mr. N, We Couldn't Have
Done It Without You.
We Wish We Can Give You
A Million-Dollar Reward.
Hey, I've Learned
That Money Is Money,
But Friends...
Good Friends
Are The Riches
Of A Lifetime.
Oh, My Girls!
From Now On,
I Want This To Be
A Second Home
For All Of Us.
We're Family Now.
I Want You To Know
That Through It All,
Even When Agatha
Was Up In The Attic
During One
Of Her Spells
And I Had To Ask
Which Witch Is Which
And I Didn't Know
Who I Was,
I Felt Deep Down
An Undeniable
Love For You.
That's So Dear.
I Never Gave Up Hope
That We'd Find
Each Other Again.
I Want You To Take
A Big Batch Of These
Cinnamon Cookies Home.
I'm Looking Forward
To Tasting Them Again.
It Seems
A Long Time
Since You
Made Them.
Don, I Understand
You Might Need
Some Help
With Your
House Payment?
Uh, Well--
Your Business
Picks Up.
Frankly, Yes. We're About
To Lose The House.
We Can't Let
That Happen.
We're Family.
It Would Just
Be A Loan.
We'll Pay You Interest.
As You Wish.
You'd Better Call
The Children.
The Cookies
Are Ready!
Help Me!
I Know You'll Help Me.
No Chance.
No Chance.
I Hate Halloween!
Captioning Made Possible By
Warner Bros.
Captioning Performed By
The National Captioning
Institute, Inc.
Captions Copyright 1993
Dualstar Productions And
Green/Epstein Productions, Inc.
Public Performance Of Captions
Prohibited Without Permission Of
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