Down Argentine Way (1940) Movie Script
You'll find your life will begin
The very moment you're in Argentina
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music and orchids and wine
You'll want to stay
Down Argentina way
( "South American Way")
(sings in Portuguese)
(song continues)
In the grand and glorious,
gay, notorious South American way
(man) A un lado. Pnganse a un lado.
Suban al muelle. Anden. Suban al muelle.
Bonito, vas a tener un viaje muy bueno,
pero no te marees, eh? No te marees.
Here are the prices
I wish you to get for the horses, my son.
Wishing is one thing, but what will you take?
- When you win an event, double the price.
- If I lose, should I cut it in half?
If you lose, muchacho, cut yourself in half.
Ricardo, have the same success you had at
the London horse show and I'll be very happy.
Don Diego. Don Diego.
For you this was delivered at the estancia.
See this thing come for you.
You see, I did not open it.
(Diego) Esteban!
- Me llam usted, seor?
- Unload the horses.
Unload the horses?
Si. Unload the horses.
Get every one of them off the ship.
Si, seor.
Enseguida, que bajen los caballos pronto.
- Why do you change your plans, Papa?
- That cable.
The woman is interested in buying
some horses. Why is that so terrible?
I would rather kill every one of my horses
than have that woman get hold of them.
Why, is she as bad as that?
I do not know her, but her brother,
Willis Crawford, is a scoundrel.
We were at school together in Paris.
I trusted him and he cheated me.
Well, tell me what he did to you
and then we can hate him together.
I do not consider this
a matter forjoking, Ricardo.
Papa, why do you change your plans because
of somebody you have not seen for years?
If he or his sister attempts to buy
any of the horses, I won't sell to them.
- Perhaps you are right.
- Why, certainly.
- And the passage is paid for?
- Why, yes.
- Esteban!
- Si, seor.
Esteban, I have changed my mind.
Load the horses.
Lo-lo-load the horses?
Si, load the horses.
Suban los caballos pronto.
Suban los caballos, aprisa.
Suban los caballos, pronto.
Pronto, suban los caballos.
What are you doing here?
You have to get ready for your event.
I have plenty of time, Dad.
I had to see this event.
Carmelita, you show off for all the judges.
- Wonderful, isn't he?
- Do you mean the man or the beast?
- Beautiful.
- You're not thinking of buying that animal?
Of course not.
What would I do with him? I have 12.
That's what you said when you had 11.
Seor, that's the most
beautiful jumping I've seen all year.
Muchas gracias, seorita.
Carmelita is a great horse.
- I don't suppose she's for sale?
- Oh, yes. That is exactly what she is.
Oh, she's really something.
I don't see how you can sell her.
That is the trouble with breeding - you keep
getting more horses, and some you must sell.
What are you asking?
She was 10,000 before she won,
but now she's 20.
I'll give you five.
It would give me great pleasure for you
to have the horse, but that is impossible.
- Shall we say 15?
- Five.
Oh, seorita... I have it.
In as much as you were interested in her
before her victory, you can have her for ten.
Five. This is your last chance.
Well, you... you drive a hard bargain, seorita,
but if you will have dinner with me...
I have an engagement at the Westchester.
- A martini before dinner?
- Fine. Nine o'clock at the Westchester.
- All right. Good luck, seorita.
- Thank you.
Muy bien, Carmelita. Muy bien.
Te portaste como nunca.
Now, seor, you can sell her for a fortune.
I have already sold her, Esteban, for $5,000...
and a martini.
(Ricardo) Florecer un querer
Si llega usted a ir a ver Argentina
Su corazn gozar
entonces le gustar Argentina
Deleitar su vivir
al contestar con "Si, si" dulcemente
Un amorcito tendr
que con cario dir lo que siente
Cuando oigo yo te amo
No diga usted que no
Porque de cualquier modo
un beso le dar
Yusted lo aceptar
Yno podr esconder
que llegar a querer Argentina
Donde los tangos oir
y al comps bailar
Con gran placer se lo digo otra vez
Se quedar
Si a la Argentina va
I see millions of twinkling stars
When a breeze becomes a sigh
I hear millions of soft guitars
Underneath the pampas moon
Where you hum a happy tune
And you kiss your cares
You'll find
Your life will begin
The very moment you're in Argentina,
tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
If you're romantic, seor, then you will
surely adore Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
You'll be as gay as can be if you will learn
to "Si, si" like a Latin, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
For, mister, soon as you learn
then you will never return to Manhattan
When you hear yo te amo
You'll steal a kiss and then
If she should say maana
It's just to let you know
you're gonna meet again
I'll bet an old castanet that you will never
forget Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music and orchids and wine
You'll want to stay
Down Argentina way
You'll find your life will begin
The very moment you're in Argentina,
tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
If you're romantic, seor,
then you will surely adore Argentina
Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
You'll be as gay as can be if you will learn
to "Si, si" like a Latin, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
For, mister, soon as you learn
then you will never return to Manhattan
Cuando oiga yo te amo
You'll steal a kiss and then
Porque de cualquier modo
It's just to let you know
that you're gonna meet again
I'll bet an old castanet
That you will never forget Argentina
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music and orchids and wine
You'll want to stay
Down Argentina way
Glenda said it would only take a minute.
What sort of a deal is this?
- It's a horse trade.
- Well, I don't like it.
Write to your Congressman.
It comes under international relations.
I've bought many horses,
but it's never been done this way.
Once you have tried this,
you will never go back to the old way.
No. I think we will be
much more comfortable over there, huh?
- Will we?
- Yes.
I have very much to tell you.
My plane leaves for Buenos Aires in an hour.
I cannot miss it. Therefore I must talk fast.
- I'll try not to delay you.
- Seorita... if...
Aren't you getting into rather deep water?
Why should I deny it?
I'm in over my head already.
The first time I looked into
your remarkable eyes,
I knew that I was lost.
I've flown over the high mountains,
I've gone down narrow rapids,
I've even loved other women,
but never have I been so dizzy,
so-so helpless as I am at this very moment.
It is like a sudden storm over the pampas.
You think you can run. Before you know it,
it is upon you, sweeping you off your feet,
and your heart,
your heart is beating like the storm.
It may frighten you,
but it is too wonderful to miss.
I'm not frightened. Not a bit.
Isn't that horse sold yet? Well, well. Just
an old South American custom, I presume?
Hello, Binnie. This is...
Ricardo Quintana.
This is my aunt, Binnie Crawford.
Crawford? You are Binnie Crawford?
Yes. I cabled you about buying some horses.
I wanted to start a stable,
but my riding teacher got married.
Besides, I got an archery set
for my birthday. I was 32 last month.
She's your aunt on your mother's side, no?
No, on my father's side.
Oh, then you are also a Crawford?
Yes. Glenda Crawford.
Evidently you don't care for it.
Yes, I do. I like Glenda very much. For the last
name I would have preferred something else.
- Have you ordered?
- I'll have a martini.
- A sirocco for me.
- What is that?
- Straight brandy with a cherry.
- I'll have that with no cherry.
I'll have the cherry. It doesn't matter,
but Jimmy's about to blow a gasket.
I'll go in. If you have a bill of sale,
I'll give you a cheque.
Oh, yes, of course, the bill of sale.
I-I do not know quite how to say this,
but it is something that must be said.
Perhaps after we have the drink.
Shall we sit down?
You're not backing out on our bargain?
I am desolate, seorita, but it is impossible
for me to sell you Carmelita.
- I suppose someone offered more money?
- Oh, no. No, it is not that, I assure you.
I could not sell you the horse
for any amount of money.
Just this evening I found out that my father
had already made a previous commitment.
But I bought the horse.
We made a deal. We agreed on it.
I should have told you a long time ago,
I know, but I did not know how to say it.
So that's what you've been building up to.
Well, I won't let it ruin my life.
Oh, no, we must not
let it ruin anything, seorita.
- We must have this last dance together, no?
- No, no. Jimmy's waiting for me.
He always keeps his engagements, seor.
- Have you ever tried a blackout?
- What is that?
Straight gin with a green olive.
I will get one right away.
Con su permiso.
I love cherries.
Two dreams met
They knew of two hearts that were lonely
That could be so happy
If only they found romance
Two dreams met
They said we must go out and find them
And then as we tiptoe behind them
- I'd like to dance with you, seor.
- You are very kind, seorita.
I'm just mad about that horse of yours.
Thank you too much.
"Turn around," my dream kept saying
I did, and you were there, then
Next month we're going up Mount Rainier
with nothing but mules.
I said next month we were going up
to Mount Rainier on mules.
- Well, what do you think of that?
- Hm? Oh, not this week, Jimmy.
- It is time for me to leave, so I will say adis.
- Goodbye.
I hope we'll be meeting again sometime soon.
Perdneme, seorita.
Adis. Adis.
Congratulate me, my dear. I just bought
Carmelita the champion Argentine jumper.
You bought her?
Yes. Considering your interest in the owner,
it's a wonder you didn't.
- How could I? You had a commitment.
- Commitment?
I didn't have any commitment.
I offered him 5,000 just now and he took it.
Well, that's what I offered him.
Why would he do that?
Perhaps it was my dancing, darling.
Shall we sit this one out?
"Your eyes. Your remarkable eyes."
If he ever looks into my eyes again,
he'll really see a storm over the pampas.
- What bit her?
- I don't know. Something about the pampas.
Oh, well, cheer up, Jimmy.
The pampas is a long way away.
If I'm not mistaken,
you were about to ask me to dance.
You were mistaken.
I was mistaken.
I was mistaken.
For two lonely hearts were one
Do-do-do, do-do-do-do
When two dreams met
We'll sell this one. Sell Apprentice too.
We'll keep this mare. Tendon's a little sore.
Better put a blister on her.
- Yes. I'd like to turn her out till spring.
- Yes, do that.
I want to keep Vain Belle,
and Lady Bosun.
- Morning, Aunt Binnie.
- Morning, Miss Crawford.
- Sell all the rest.
- Yes, ma'am.
Why are you unhorsing yourself? You'll have
a lot of saddles and nothing to put them on.
- Oh, I'm fed up.
- Fed up?
You're fed up? Hm.
I'm gonna get rid of everything
but the mares and bring in some new blood.
Maybe I'll go to Ireland
and get some hunters for a change.
Or I...
I might get some racehorses.
I may even go to Kentucky
or I may even go out to California.
Ireland, Kentucky, California?
Why don't you come out with it?
When do we leave for South America?
What's wrong with that? They have
wonderful horses in South America.
Wonderful horses, and wonderful men.
I'd trust the men about as far
as you could throw the horses.
- Are we going by boat?
- No. There's a plane leaving tonight.
I thought we might take that.
I bet we do, and with a good, strong tailwind,
I suppose you'll get there as soon as he does.
Get in, you beautiful brat.
South America, here we come.
- Seorita Crawford?
- Oui, oui. I mean, si, si.
I was Seor Montero. I have the honour
to general manage for your brother
his piston rings in South America.
I would wish you to want to know
my sales manager, Seor Rufino.
I'm so very much delightful to meet you.
My assistant, Seor Valerga.
The pleasure, she's all mine.
How do you do.
My niece, Miss Glenda Crawford.
How do you do.
We wish you to welcome us in Buenos Aires,
so that any little service we can be to you,
all you have to do is lift your little finger.
- That's good of you.
- No, it is good of you.
- It's very good of you.
- No, it's good of you.
Oh, why don't you toss for it?
For your connivance while you are here,
we have provide
the automobile and the chauffeur,
equipped, of course,
with Crawford's piston rings.
And now, if we will come with you,
you can escort me to the hotel.
- Us will be glad to.
- Thank you very much.
The inside is open.
Che, dormiln.
Al Hotel Rosedal.
Go! Go! Go!
Oh, this is completely incidental,
I can insure you.
Thank me very much.
Oh, I... I will never forgive yourself.
Miss Crawford, welcome to Buenos Aires.
I'm Dr Padilla,
your father's friend from the embassy.
I wish to take you and your aunt
to dinner and to a concert.
Oh, that's very nice of you.
Just a moment. I'll ask her.
It's Dad's ambassador friend.
He'd like to take us to dinner and a concert.
I wouldn't go if Beethoven was playing "The
Woodpecker Song". I'll sleep for two days.
Well, I'm not.
I didn't come 6,000 miles to go to bed.
Hello? My aunt won't be able to go.
She's rather infirm, you know? But I'd love to.
Oh, thank you, thank you.
You make me very happy. Yeah.
- Snice girl. Get two tickets for the concierto.
- (woman) For the contesto?
- No. Concert.
- Por la corrida?
- No. Please! Concert!
- Consomm?
- No. Not consomm. Concert!
- Corrida?
(sings opera)
Two tickets for the concert
Well, how do I look?
- Like a hungry leopard.
- (doorbell)
Wait a minute. You're sure to need this.
Oh, Aunt Binnie.
- Seorita Crawford?
- Yes. Come in, Your Excellency.
Excellency? Thank you.
I'd like you to meet my aunt, Miss Crawford.
- Your aunt? But so young! So beautiful! No?
- No.
Yes. It is rather unusual, isn't it?
I was 31 my last birthday, Your Excellency.
Your Excellency... Please, that is too formal.
Now that we know each other so well,
just call me Tito.
I must say, there isn't anything
very formal about that, is there, Tito?
- Welcome to Buenos Aires.
- Oh!
Flowers. How thoughtful of you.
Oh, it is nothing at all. It establishes goodwill.
I find that I get much further that way.
- Are you sure you're going to a concert?
- If the seorita wishes.
If your heart isn't too set on it,
I'd prefer to see the nightlife.
Encantado. Absolutely.
I know every place in town.
Oh fine. Sorry to leave you, dear.
I shall regret your charming absence,
but fortunately I'll have the scintillating
presence of the seorita to soften the pain.
- She better keep her guard up.
- There is no cause for worry.
I never what you call...
put on the pressure. No, no, no.
I shall go only as far as seorita wishes.
Well, the seorita went 6,000 miles last week.
Oh! Seorita.
Seorita Crawford. Oh.
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dr Padilla.
I called earlier from the embassy.
What? Why, you can't be.
You just left here with my niece.
Oh, but you are mistaken.
I've never been in this house all evening.
- Then who was he?
- Seorita, we are talking in riddles.
Perhaps we should start over again.
I am your brother's friend. Arturo Padilla.
I, that's me, came here this evening
to take your sniece to the concert.
I brought these flowers for her.
Orchids! Oh, you must be the ambassador.
The other one brought dahlias.
You mean there's an impostor?
What does he look like?
Oh, he's tall, dark and handsome,
and he says the nicest things.
Oh, it's diabolical!
The man is a perfect double for me.
- Come, we must apprehend him.
- I'll get my wrap.
(Latin-American music)
(band plays "Down Argentina Way")
Florecer un querer
Si llega usted a ir a ver Argentina,
tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Su corazn gozar entonces le gustar
Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Deleitar su vivir al contestar con "Si, si"
dulcemente, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Un amorcito tendr
que con cario dir lo que siente
Cuando oigo yo te amo
No diga usted que no
Porque de cualquier modo
un beso le dar
Yusted lo aceptar
Yno podr esconder que llegar a querer
Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Donde los tangos oir y al comps bailar
Con gran placer se lo digo otra vez
Se quedar
Si a la Argentina va
Va, va, va, va
Va, va, vi, vi, vi
Va, va, va, va, va
(guitars play "Nenita")
Cuando sonreis
Aumentas mi pasin
Aunque t eres un ngel
Tus ojos de diablita son
Sos divina mi nenita
Dulce encanto sos
No mates mi ilusin
Porque no vivir sin vos
Nenita linda
Qu has hecho con mi corazn?
- Having a good time?
- Oh, wonderful.
- Would you like to see another spot?
- I'd love to.
Check, please.
I have been tipping 10%.
Is that satisfactory?
I wouldn't cut it too close.
The man undoubtedly has four children.
They always have five children.
Carry six, add 15.
- I see you're on a budget.
- Oh, I never trust my memory.
I always put everything down,
then there is no argument later.
The total is getting rather high.
- I-I feel rather guilty.
- We can stop any time. Just say the word.
Oh, no. I'm having such a wonderful time.
Why don't I pay for a while?
But you are.
- I am?
- Certainly.
- You are the ambassador, aren't you?
- Ambassador?
Seorita, I've never even voted.
I'm Tito Acua,
the best guide in Buenos Aires.
Guide? Well, who guided you to me?
Anastasio. Your chauffeur.
He's my brother-in-law.
I pay him when he brings me a prospect.
It keeps my sister
from taking in so much washing.
Tito, you've caused
another international incident.
I cannot worry about that when the amount
in my black book is already over 400 pesos.
This does not include the tip to the
hat-check girl, which was my personal item.
Oh, well, you put that down.
I'll pay for everything.
Encantado! In that case,
the next hat-check girl is on me.
Qu has hecho con mi corazn?
Qu has hecho con mi corazn?
You are
As pretty as a flower
A rose that's kissed by the morning dew
You are the spell,
the magic of the moonlight
That's why I sing my serenade to you
- Just you
- Da-da-da-da, da-da
Da-da-da-da, da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da
(band plays rumba)
- Shall we finish it?
- Why not?
- We might as well get my money's worth.
- Oh!
(band plays conga)
They seem to like us
very much, huh? We're good.
Have you looked around?
This is a real hot conga. You don't
see anything like that in New York.
No. Oh, but they're wonderful.
Please tell them
they're the best I've ever seen.
Of course, Seorita.
La seorita dice que ustedes son los
mejores bailarines de conga que ha visto.
Sorry, but we don't understand Spanish.
- We're from Syracuse.
- Oh.
(band plays "Down Argentina Way")
Seorita, this spot is the ultimate.
Since Carmen Miranda came here,
nobody can get in.
- You're sure you can get a table?
- Absolutely.
The head waiter is my ex-brother-in-law.
Since my sister left him,
he has been so grateful
that he will do anything for me.
Permiso. Permiso, seor.
I beg your pardon.
( "Mamae Eu Quero")
(sings in Portuguese)
- Qu tal, Sebastin?
- Shh. Carmen Miranda.
( "Bambu Bambu")
(sings in Portuguese)
Excuse me,
I've got to see a man about a horse.
Seorita Crawford. Why... I'm amazed.
I cannot believe my eyes.
I had no idea
you planned to come to Buenos Aires.
- I didn't. I won a cruise at a bridge party.
- Oh, you are very lucky.
It really wasn't luck. I came here to look for
horses. I wasn't doing so well in New York.
I'm... I'm very sorry, seorita,
that you could not have had Carmelita.
Oh, please don't worry about it.
Helen was so thrilled.
It would have pleased me very much more
if you could have had the horse.
You couldn't help it. Your father made a
commitment. Besides, Helen's my friend.
You are very generous, seorita.
Many people would not be so understanding.
- Thank you.
- What shall I order for you?
Not a thing. I've had a little
too much champagne already.
Oh, that's wonderful.
I have had too much brandy.
- Tell me, is your aunt with you?
- What did you say?
I was asking about your aunt.
Is she with you?
- Yes, but she's back at the hotel.
- Oh, good.
I mean, I hope she is getting a good rest.
If the orchestra is trying to make
conversation difficult, they are successes.
- Don't they have verandas in Buenos Aires?
- No.
But they have balconies.
(orchestra plays "Mamae Eu Quero")
Sebastin, what are they up to?
With me it is not guesswork.
I know where the stairway leads.
(Glenda gasps)
This is lovely.
- Do you come here often?
- No. A friend of mine told me about this.
This is just like the Westchester, no?
- Except that Binnie won't interrupt us.
- And I do not have to catch a plane.
And there's no
misunderstanding about a horse.
If I did not know that you had
come down here to buy horses,
I would be hoping
that you had come down here to see me.
Perhaps I did.
You said it was like a sudden storm,
but it didn't really hit me until after you left.
You have thought of me, Ricardo?
Oh, si, querida.
You have been with me
in my mind every waking moment,
and at night I have adored you in my dreams.
But if I hadn't come down here,
we never would have seen each other again.
It had to happen.
If we'd not met like this,
I would have found you some way.
Nothing could have stopped us.
You said it was too wonderful to miss,
didn't you, Ricardo?
Si, mi vida, si.
- Well, I didn't.
- Why did you do this to me?
- That's what I came down here to do.
- Wait! Explain yourself.
Shh. Carmen Miranda.
Your client has been away for a long time.
You don't think she has left?
I have absolutely not a worry.
Her credit is phenomenal.
Every time you see an automobile,
it has a piston ring of her father's inside it.
- Tomad la adicin.
- Oh.
- Anastasio.
- Anastasio.
Take me to the hotel.
There he is! Surround him.
Be careful. He may be armed.
- What have you done with my niece?
- How dare you, seor?
Do you not know it is a serious offence
to impersonate an official?
I have impersonated nobody but myself. I'm
Tito Acua, the best guide in Buenos Aires,
and tonight was purely business,
although I haven't been paid.
- Then where is Seorita Crawford?
- I lost her.
The young lady, I heard her
tell the driver to go back to the hotel.
Just the same,
I do not believe this man's story.
I've taken thousands of women out
and never have I had a single complaint.
Thank you very much.
You've been very kind, Your Excellency.
Don Diego!
Don Diego!
Tourists outside want to buy horses.
Maria, mate para Casiano!
- What kind of tourists are they?
- Hm... the man... nothing.
But the seora,
or maybe seorita, is Americana.
Ah, in that case,
perhaps she can afford to buy.
They got girl with them.
She want to see baby horses in the paddock.
- I told her all right.
- A young girl?
Well, Ricardo, my eyes don't see so good
like they did long time ago,
but she is young, beautiful like a flower.
That much I see.
Excuse me, Papa.
- Sit down, Casiano.
- Gracias.
Him -just like his father, eh?
That old groucho said
he was getting a Don Diego.
- Where do you suppose they keep him?
- Wherever it was...
Ah, he has been found already.
Panchito, where are you taking Furioso?
No place, seor. I take him back to the stable.
Wait a minute.
I asked you where you were taking the horse.
What is the matter with you?
He got a memory to forget. I told him
to take Furioso to the north pasture.
He no like no more
the grass on the south pasture.
- What a magnificent horse.
- Gracias.
- Is he for sale?
- Oh, no, no, seora.
There is not enough money
in all North America to buy him.
This is Furioso,
the finestjumper in the Argentine.
For last three year - three - he win every
blue ribbon at horse show in Buenos Aires.
- He'll win another one in two weeks.
- Go about your business, Panchito.
Go with him, otherwise the boy may forget
and turn himself out to graze.
Vamos, muchacho.
Well, seora,
what kind of horses did you wish to buy?
The four-legged kind.
My name is Binnie Crawford and...
- Crawford?
- That's right, Crawford.
You will please me very much, seora,
if you leave my property at once.
I only asked to buy horses.
I sell no horses to Crawfords. Go, seora.
Tito, are you gonna
let that goat talk to me this way?
Seorita, I think it is too late.
He said it already.
You will go this instant, seora,
or I will have you put out.
I'll go all right.
I wouldn't stay
if you threw a barbecue in my honour.
(horn beeps)
(Binnie) Ye Gods! What next?
- What are you doing here?
- I live here.
Well, stay away from that house. There's a
madman there. He just threw me off the place.
You refer to my father.
You must have told him your name.
Yes, I did. And I added a few under my breath.
Well, I apologise for him. About some
subjects he's a little strong-headed,
but he's very nice when you know him.
Until you get acquainted
you'd do well to have a hatchet.
Get in, Glenda. I've had enough.
No. I have asked Seorita Glenda
to ride back to the city with me.
All right. You can take chances with your life
if you want to, but I'm much too young.
(horn beeps)
- Well, shall we go and get the car?
- What about your father?
Oh, I promise you, he will not attack without
warning. We Quintanas are sportsmen.
What's over there?
Oh. Come. I'll show you.
All our favourite horses are buried here.
This big stone is on the grave of Tempestad.
He won the Palermo handicap three times.
All told, he won 48 races,
until he died in 1925.
- He was the greatest horse my father had.
- I didn't realise you had racehorses.
Oh, yes. We did at one time.
But now we have not raced for 15 years.
Tempestad was cut down
and killed on the track.
My father has refused to race since that day.
It isn't fair to condemn the whole sport
because of one accident.
Oh, here he comes now.
What's the best footpath back to the city?
I have been looking for you, Ricardo.
I have had the most unfortunate experience.
What was that?
I have just had to put some people
named Crawford off the place.
Oh, we saw a car drive away. That is too bad.
The young lady, Ricardo.
I do not believe we have met.
Tenis razn, pap.
This is Seorita Cunningham.
We met in New York. Something happened
to her car. I will drive her back to the city.
I am sorry, Seorita Cunningham,
if I seemed abrupt, but I am somewhat upset.
- You will be in the Argentine for a little time?
- Well, my plans are a little indefinite.
Before you leave,
you must pay us another visit.
Thank you very much. I'd love to.
Then I shall be expecting
Ricardo to bring you. Adis.
- Well... He-he's nice.
- Then you will accept his invitation?
That was to a Miss Cunningham.
I doubt if he'd want Miss Crawford.
After he gets to like Miss Cunningham,
then he will feel much more
favourably disposed toward Miss Crawford.
Of that I am certain.
(band plays)
- What's going on?
- This is the annual village fiesta.
Once each year, the peons get together
and drink and dance...
and perhaps make love.
In this little village
you will find the true Argentine.
- The true Argentine, huh?
- Ye...
- Sing, seorita.
- (all) Sing, seorita!
Just sing to your seorita
She'll be sweet to you, seor
Every gaucho and caballero
Should be a true troubadour
Sing to your seorita
And you never will go wrong
She'll confess to the magic music
And she'll say yes to a song
Try a serenade to tell her of her charms
And you'll find the words
and music in your arms
So sing to your seorita
All your cares won't mean a thing
She will gladly be your chiquita
So sing to your seorita, sing
Try a serenade to tell her of her charms
And you'll find the words
and music in your arms
So sing to your seorita
You'll be happy as can be
If a song brings romance along
Tell me why, oh, why
won't someone sing to me?
Sing, seorita, sing
- What is it? A fire?
- No, a horse race.
Whenever ten or more Argentinians
get together there is always a horse race.
Furioso, I want to tell you something.
Remember, this race is only 300 metres, so
you've got no time to stop and eat the grass.
Watch the man with the flag. When
you see his fingers move, then you start.
Don't show off because
you know you can beat these other horses.
Remember I love you.
And I got four to one.
(man) Me tiene loca.
Mire, mire las patas
y tiene cara de ganar con estas patas.
Andan! Andan!
- That horse! That is Furioso!
- He's wonderful!
He is our champion jumper.
How is he in this race?
I don't know how, but he's certainly in it.
- Casiano, te felicito. Casiano, te felicito.
- Si, si.
Si, my horse, my horse.
Muy buen caballo. Vamos a tomar algo.
- Ysuerte.
- Gracias, seor. Gracias. Gracias.
Maybe some time you get a horse
with four legs, then we have another race.
- No, you won't.
- Ricardo.
Please, for the love of soledad
do not give me away.
- Casiano, you'd better start explaining.
- I mean to do no harm.
Furioso likes to run a little bit now and then,
and I make a few pesos.
But the pesos,
it's to send Panchito to school someday.
- You mean that this has happened before?
- Only a couple of times.
We win a good race at La Plata by ten lanes.
La Plata? You've had him on the racetracks?
It was just once. When Don Diego was in Rio,
I paint star on Furioso,
call him American horse.
He paid 25 to one.
Casiano, when my father hears
that you have been racing his bestjumper,
he'll nail your ears to the stable door.
- That other horse wasn't even in it.
- Si. He only touched the ground two times.
He ought to be racing on the flat.
'Course he should. He was born for it.
His grandfather was Tempestad.
But to Furioso
I guess that makes little difference.
He's happy. Three meals a day,
other horses for company.
No, Ricardo. There you make big mistake.
Furioso want to be a racehorse.
I catch him worrying many times about this.
Your papa isn't the same
since he stopped racetrack business.
What you say is true. But he would
eat his heart out before he would admit it.
If you can't reason with him, show him.
Train the horse, put him in a race.
If he loves the track,
he couldn't resist seeing his silks win.
He would skin us
and put us in the trophy case.
I thought the Quintanas were sportsmen.
Seorita, there is only
one possible answer to that.
Casiano, day after tomorrow we work the
horse on the racetrack on the north pasture.
No. Maybe it's no good. For me, Ricardo, it
don't make much difference. I'm an old man.
But for you it's too soon
to die so young by the hand of your father.
But then I guess we all die sometime.
No es cierto?
1:41. What kind of a breeze was that?
And the boyero,
he was holding him all the time.
(Ricardo) 1:40 and two.
1:37 and one. (whistles)
( "Two Dreams Met")
Dos sueos
Que guiados por solo un destino
Tomaron un solo camino
Dos sueos
Los sueos de dos corazones
Que fueron de nuestras pasiones
La inspiracin
A band was softly playing
Sweet music filled the air
"Turn around," my dream kept saying
I did and you were there
Two hearts met
A beautiful love affair started
The dreams winked their eyes and departed
They knew that their work was done
For two
Lonely hearts
Were one
We were perfect strangers
And we were worlds apart
Yet here am I so close to you
It was so fantastic
The way it came to pass
That no one would believe it true
Suddenly we were part
of fate's peculiar schemes
This is how it happened
Strange as it seems
Two dreams met
They knew of two hearts that were lonely
That could be so happy if only
- They found romance
- Do you remember?
Two dreams met
They said we must go out and find them
And then as we tiptoe behind them
We'll make them dance
A band was softly playing
Sweet music filled the air
"Turn around," my dream kept saying
I did and you were there
Two hearts met
A beautiful love affair started
The dreams winked their eyes and departed
They knew
That their work was done
For two
Two lonely hearts
Were one
Hey, Ricardo! Ricardo!
Furioso, he don't want his dinner.
- What is the matter with him?
- Maybe he's all mixed up.
He don't know
if he is racing horse orjumping horse.
In the morning he jumps with your papa,
in the afternoon he races for you.
This morning,
he could notjump over the jumping beam.
- He ran all right this afternoon.
- That's it. He knows he should be racing.
But how long he'll know it...
That's no way to train a racing horse -
jumping him, running him -
mixing him all up.
Soon he'll have nervous breakdown,
then we can do nothing with him.
- We should stop jumping him.
- Stop jumping him? But the show is Sunday.
- Seorita Cunningham.
- Papa.
Casiano said there is
something wrong with Furioso.
He's notjumping
and he would not eat his dinner.
Perhaps we should take him out of the show.
Take him out? Miss the show
for the first time in years? Oh, no, no, no.
He will be all right. He is just a little bit stale.
No, he more than stale.
Don Diego, Furioso gives me a look.
I don't like it.
You are getting old, Casiano.
You are seeing things.
Furioso is entered in the show,
and Furioso will be jumping Sunday,
and will be taking the ribbon again.
If you'd honour me
with a game of backgammon,
we'll leave these two worriers
to worry by themselves.
The old man, he's more stubborn
than Furioso. Much more.
(PA) Categoria primera:
el caballo Simptico,
propiedad del Teniente Eugenio Lpez.
That is a very good horse.
He is almost as good as Furioso.
- A plough horse.
- Oh, be reasonable, Papa.
I am the most reasonable man in the world,
and I know horses.
I leave it to Seorita Cunningham if he
comes within a thousand miles of Furioso.
Not within 10,000 miles.
Don't forget, I bring you up like my own son.
When you were a little baby horse,
who feed you when your mama was sick?
Who sit up all night and rub your stomach
when you got the belly ache?
No, I don't want you to thank me.
But, please, Furioso, if you love me,
keep your mind on what you do today, huh?
All right.
Go on.
- Glenda, darling, what a surprise.
- Buenas tardes, Seorita Crawford.
- Your name is Crawford?
- Yes, but...
- Then this is all a trick. You lied to me.
- But...
You came to my house, you accepted
my hospitality, and you lied to me.
- Blame me for that.
- I do blame you - to foster this,
to encourage it behind my back,
to bring the daughter
of my worst enemy under my own roof.
I wanted you to know and like her. Has she
changed because you know who she is?
Yes. I will not listen to you.
You are no son of your father. And she is...
Here, here! Hold your tongue, you old goat.
Even though you are a Crawford, you are
a woman, and there is nothing I can do.
But I will ask your escort to answer for you.
Seor, my presence here
is purely professional.
(PA) Yahora el famoso campen
por tres aos consecutivos,
el caballo Furioso,
propiedad del seor Diego Quintana.
He is rushing his jump.
Oh, Furioso, you're going to pieces.
You're supposed to be jumping.
Jumping! Jump!
What's the matter with your horse?
Does he think he's running a flat race?
- Papa.
- I want no comfort from you.
- I'm sorry.
- I do not want sympathy, Seorita Crawford.
- Papa.
- It's my fault, Ricardo.
No. It is mine.
We must win the race at San Isidro. It's our
only chance to make this up to your father.
- Furioso is not going to race at San Isidro.
- What?
I'm sorry. I do not intend
to go against my father again.
But we'll be doing this for him.
The best thing
we can do for him is not to interfere.
But we can't leave things
in the mess they're in.
- There is no point in making things worse.
- But how can they be worse?
I've already told you it was a mistake
to go against my father in the first place.
I'm sorry, Ricardo. You're right.
There's no use in making things worse.
(rumba plays)
Come on. The plane leaves in two hours.
We haven't a moment to lose.
You can sleep after I'm gone.
Seorita, such energy.
Where does it keep coming from?
Buenos dias, Seorita Crawford,
and here is a gift for going away.
How nice. Just what I need.
Since the suite will be vacant,
do you mind if show it?
I'm having a rumba lesson. It's awkward.
Gracias. Seor, quiere usted pasar?
This is the living room.
You will notice the bay window
with the most beautiful look over the city.
- We've been trying to get you on the phone.
- Maybe that's why they said you were not in.
It wasn't important. We wanted to tell you
we didn't want anything to do with you.
The bedroom is very notable
for its built-in features. You...
- Con su permiso.
- Seor.
- This is the bedroom.
- How dare you come in here?
I am looking at this suite.
I'm going to move to town.
The bathroom's on a grand scale,
also with a beautiful look over the city.
Glenda, I was wrong yesterday.
I have decided to race Furioso at San Isidro.
Glenda, please believe me.
I love you.
This time there's not the storm
over the pampas. This time it is real.
As long as your father feels
as he does about me, it won't work.
The odds are not as bad as that.
It's no worse than even-money
he'll change if Furioso wins.
When he is standing there with the cup
in his hands, how can he be angry?
No matter what he tells himself, he likes you.
And when he hears
that it was your idea to race the horse,
the fact you are a Crawford
will be forgotten.
Seor, now that you have settled
your personal problems,
do you or do you not want this suite?
Of course we want it.
Seorita Crawford is going to stay.
Seor, if I understand you correctly, and I do,
even so, you will have to register
in the proper manner.
Casiano, where are you, old man?
- Did you call?
- Not for you. Where is Casiano?
- Casiano has gone to the west pasture.
- Why did he not consult me first?
Tell Panchito to bring Furioso out.
Go on. Anda! Anda!
Perdone, patrn. Panchito has taken
Furioso to the north pasture.
Why would he do a thing like that?
I'll look at the alfalfa.
Get me Cipriano and Machito.
Siento mucho, seor,
but they have gone to the east pasture.
West pasture, north pasture, east pasture.
What has happened?
Mara! What pasture is she in?
She has gone to visit her mother.
Her mother has been dead five years.
I know it. I buried her.
You are lying, Esteban. Speak up
before I shake the ears off your head.
I will tell you, Don Diego.
They have gone to San Isidro.
- The racetrack? Why would they go there?
- I don't know.
- You do. You lie. Answer or I'll strangle you.
- They've gone to see Furioso run.
Furioso in a flat race? Who did that?
Who would dare to do that?
Ricardo, Casiano and Seorita Cunningham.
They've trained him for the handicap.
Pedazo de animal!
Why did you not tell me?
I was not going to deceive you.
I was to tell you in half an hour, when
it'd be too late to take him out of the race.
- Animal! Anda! Get my hat! Get my gun!
- Si, seor.
It gives me great pleasure to have
a Quintana horse in the handicap.
Muchas gracias, Seor Rosales. I hope he's
not the only one who gets pleasure out of it.
Vete, caballo.
Do not get nervous, Furioso.
Listen. This race like the race in the village,
only here they got more people. Understand?
- Unsaddle that horse.
- Wait, Casiano.
Papa, Furioso is a racehorse.
You developed a certain bloodline.
You worked till you had a horse as great as
Tempestad. You have one who's greater.
Oh, you've gone against me once too often,
and I've nothing to say to you now, or ever.
Unsaddle that horse!
Come on. There is nothing more to be done.
Don Diego, for 40 years I work for you,
never I say anything like this.
When you keep a horse in the barn on
handicap day, when he runs the mile in 1:36,
you are a... you are a criminal.
Hold your tongue, old man.
- Did you say 1:36?
- Si.
Three time. Three.
With the horses like he run with today,
he break a world record.
- 1:36?
- Si. 1:36.
I've changed my mind, Casiano.
- Que suba!
- Si. Que suba!
Ponga su dinero y ganar con l.
Buena suerte que le d.
Hurry, you imbeciles! We will be too late.
Casiano. How much money have you got?
Oh, money. Plenty money, Don Diego.
Eight pesos.
Oh, I'm not after feed for chicken.
I need money.
- Quintana. I never expected to see you here.
- Martnez, I need a little cash.
Sure. Everything for an old friend.
How much? 100 pesos is enough?
- How much have you got?
- 2,000.
- Give me all of it.
- You gonna bet all this money?
Hey, you must have a tip.
It is my own horse, Furioso. He has done
the mile in 1:36 in his workouts. Gracias.
Julio. Just a minute.
Can you lend me a little cash?
- How much?
- All you got. I send you a cheque.
This has been a very bad day for me today.
All I have is 800 pesos.
- Don't tell me you'll bet all this?
- No. This is an investment.
I put all this money in Furioso. He has
broken the world record in his workout.
- Muchas gracias!
- Si, Alberto. Por favor.
- Seorita.
- Tito.
Now, here. There's your cut. Now, you
haven't lost a race all day. How do you do it?
It is simple. I eliminate all guesswork.
I have a cousin and an uncle who work
around the stables. They'll stoop to anything.
They sound charming. When your mother's
out of the Bastille I'll have you all over for tea.
Gracias, seorita.
With my winnings, may I buy you a drink?
Aren't you nice? First I want
to bet everything I've got on Furioso.
Well, he's 80 to one now.
Wait. He may go to 100.
Wonderful! That would be
like having our own printing press.
- Cinco, Tortilla.
- Carlos, no.
It's in the bag for Furioso.
Number three. Don't tell a soul.
- Did he say Furioso?
- It's in the bag. Number three.
Furioso. Si, Furioso.
- Furioso, cinco ganadores.
- (man) Si.
- Furioso.
- Furioso. Dos ganadores.
- Bet on Furioso.
- I know. I gave you the tip.
- (man) Seorita.
- Seorita.
- You haven't bet yet?
- No. The odds are dropping.
Do not put a nickel on Furioso.
- Tortilla is the one.
- What's wrong with Furioso?
I don't know. I learned by experience
never to go against my uncle's tips.
You've been right every race.
I won't change touts in mid-afternoon.
- 50,000 pesos on Furioso.
- Oh, seor.
- You haven't heard that your horse will lose.
- What?
Now that you're
going to bet 50,000 pesos on Furioso,
I've got it straight from the feedbox
he'll be missing at the finish.
Seorita, there is no one
whose opinion interests me less than yours.
- 50,000 pesos on Furioso.
- 10,000 on Tortilla.
Don Diego, something terrible happened.
Very bad.
They make crooked business against you.
They take Panchito off Furioso.
Panchito? Then what is he doing
on the horse's back?
No, that's not Panchito. That's anotherjockey.
That is what that Crawford woman meant,
and she had the nerve
to tell me what she was going to do.
At first, I want to take Furioso out of the race,
then this boy come tell me he ride good.
I told Furioso everything what happened.
He understand this serious time.
He gonna be all right.
Maybe this boy can ride good.
- I knew you would put Furioso in the race.
- Don Diego, I am so glad.
I have no doubt you are glad, seorita,
with a strange jockey on Furioso's back.
He did that deliberately. He is tiring him out.
It is all part of the dastardly scheme. I might
have expected as much from Crawfords.
- How can you say that, Papa?
- How can I say it?
That aunt of hers
was brazen enough to say it to my face.
I'll put an end to this. I'm going to stop it.
No, Don Diego, it is no good.
They will be started before you get there.
Later on we will kill a couple of people.
Furioso is in front!
He is the smartest horse in the world.
He remembers all my instruction.
Look - he do everything I told him.
Come on, Furioso!
For a horse that was going to lose,
Furioso's doing all right.
It is the finish that counts,
and that has been arranged.
My uncle took care of that personally.
You worm. If I'd known you'd do anything
to that horse, I'd have run you off the track.
Your money is on Tortilla.
You are taken care of.
- I'll take care of you after the race. Furioso!
- Come on, Tortilla!
- Furioso!
- Tortilla! Furioso!
Come on, Furioso!
Look how he holds him.
He's breaking his neck.
All of the horses have passed him.
Oh! I think maybe he's got the bit in his teeth.
Yeah, yeah, he got the bit in his teeth.
Oh-ho-ho, nobody stop him now! Nobody!
Go, Furioso!
Come on, Furioso.
Come on, Furioso!
Come on, Furioso.
He... he win.
- Oh, Furioso. They could not beat him.
- He had to win.
Furioso, he wanted
to be a racehorse all the time.
Crooked people, crooked jockey,
don't mean nothing to him, nothing.
- I said Glenda had nothing to do with this.
- She tried.
Oh, Glenda.
I just discharged Tito with my own hands.
After all I've been to him, he turns out to be
a horse fixer. He switched jockeys on Furioso.
- The Crawfords had nothing to do with this.
- They might have.
I'm tired of this. For years
you've told how my father cheated you.
Well, I've found out what really happened.
- Here is a letter from my father.
- Why should we go into all that now?
I am a broadminded man.
We will let bygones be bygones.
No, we won't.
When your father was in school at Paris
he got mixed up
with a girl from the rue St Augustine.
He wanted to marry her.
My father took her to Capri for a weekend.
The reason was to keep
your father from making a fool of himself.
That is his story. If he told the truth, he would
tell how he stayed three weeks in Capri.
That is unforgivable.
Papa, let's the four of us go and have
some champagne in the clubhouse, huh?
(band plays "Mamae Eu Quero")
Florecer un querer
Si llega usted a ir a ver Argentina
Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
I can't do it.
Su corazn gozar,
entonces le gustar Argentina
Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
What's the matter with me?
Because you run so fine,
I give you carrots and wine, oh, Furioso
- (neighs)
- Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
The horse is OK,
but to chiquita I say, I'm so... so
(Binnie) Sing to your seorita
She'll be sweet to you, seor
Every gaucho and caballero
Should be a true troubadour
- I got it. Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk.
- Yes - in the wrong song.
Sing to your seorita
All your cares won't mean a thing
Don Diego, now, don't be bashful,
and sing to your seorita, sing
I'll bet an old castanet that you will never
forget Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music
and orchids and wine
Two hearts met
A beautiful love affair started
The dreams winked their eyes and departed
They knew that their work was done
For two lonely hearts were
Two lonely hearts
Two dreams met
and now two hearts are one
English SDH
The very moment you're in Argentina
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music and orchids and wine
You'll want to stay
Down Argentina way
( "South American Way")
(sings in Portuguese)
(song continues)
In the grand and glorious,
gay, notorious South American way
(man) A un lado. Pnganse a un lado.
Suban al muelle. Anden. Suban al muelle.
Bonito, vas a tener un viaje muy bueno,
pero no te marees, eh? No te marees.
Here are the prices
I wish you to get for the horses, my son.
Wishing is one thing, but what will you take?
- When you win an event, double the price.
- If I lose, should I cut it in half?
If you lose, muchacho, cut yourself in half.
Ricardo, have the same success you had at
the London horse show and I'll be very happy.
Don Diego. Don Diego.
For you this was delivered at the estancia.
See this thing come for you.
You see, I did not open it.
(Diego) Esteban!
- Me llam usted, seor?
- Unload the horses.
Unload the horses?
Si. Unload the horses.
Get every one of them off the ship.
Si, seor.
Enseguida, que bajen los caballos pronto.
- Why do you change your plans, Papa?
- That cable.
The woman is interested in buying
some horses. Why is that so terrible?
I would rather kill every one of my horses
than have that woman get hold of them.
Why, is she as bad as that?
I do not know her, but her brother,
Willis Crawford, is a scoundrel.
We were at school together in Paris.
I trusted him and he cheated me.
Well, tell me what he did to you
and then we can hate him together.
I do not consider this
a matter forjoking, Ricardo.
Papa, why do you change your plans because
of somebody you have not seen for years?
If he or his sister attempts to buy
any of the horses, I won't sell to them.
- Perhaps you are right.
- Why, certainly.
- And the passage is paid for?
- Why, yes.
- Esteban!
- Si, seor.
Esteban, I have changed my mind.
Load the horses.
Lo-lo-load the horses?
Si, load the horses.
Suban los caballos pronto.
Suban los caballos, aprisa.
Suban los caballos, pronto.
Pronto, suban los caballos.
What are you doing here?
You have to get ready for your event.
I have plenty of time, Dad.
I had to see this event.
Carmelita, you show off for all the judges.
- Wonderful, isn't he?
- Do you mean the man or the beast?
- Beautiful.
- You're not thinking of buying that animal?
Of course not.
What would I do with him? I have 12.
That's what you said when you had 11.
Seor, that's the most
beautiful jumping I've seen all year.
Muchas gracias, seorita.
Carmelita is a great horse.
- I don't suppose she's for sale?
- Oh, yes. That is exactly what she is.
Oh, she's really something.
I don't see how you can sell her.
That is the trouble with breeding - you keep
getting more horses, and some you must sell.
What are you asking?
She was 10,000 before she won,
but now she's 20.
I'll give you five.
It would give me great pleasure for you
to have the horse, but that is impossible.
- Shall we say 15?
- Five.
Oh, seorita... I have it.
In as much as you were interested in her
before her victory, you can have her for ten.
Five. This is your last chance.
Well, you... you drive a hard bargain, seorita,
but if you will have dinner with me...
I have an engagement at the Westchester.
- A martini before dinner?
- Fine. Nine o'clock at the Westchester.
- All right. Good luck, seorita.
- Thank you.
Muy bien, Carmelita. Muy bien.
Te portaste como nunca.
Now, seor, you can sell her for a fortune.
I have already sold her, Esteban, for $5,000...
and a martini.
(Ricardo) Florecer un querer
Si llega usted a ir a ver Argentina
Su corazn gozar
entonces le gustar Argentina
Deleitar su vivir
al contestar con "Si, si" dulcemente
Un amorcito tendr
que con cario dir lo que siente
Cuando oigo yo te amo
No diga usted que no
Porque de cualquier modo
un beso le dar
Yusted lo aceptar
Yno podr esconder
que llegar a querer Argentina
Donde los tangos oir
y al comps bailar
Con gran placer se lo digo otra vez
Se quedar
Si a la Argentina va
I see millions of twinkling stars
When a breeze becomes a sigh
I hear millions of soft guitars
Underneath the pampas moon
Where you hum a happy tune
And you kiss your cares
You'll find
Your life will begin
The very moment you're in Argentina,
tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
If you're romantic, seor, then you will
surely adore Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
You'll be as gay as can be if you will learn
to "Si, si" like a Latin, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
For, mister, soon as you learn
then you will never return to Manhattan
When you hear yo te amo
You'll steal a kiss and then
If she should say maana
It's just to let you know
you're gonna meet again
I'll bet an old castanet that you will never
forget Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music and orchids and wine
You'll want to stay
Down Argentina way
You'll find your life will begin
The very moment you're in Argentina,
tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
If you're romantic, seor,
then you will surely adore Argentina
Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
You'll be as gay as can be if you will learn
to "Si, si" like a Latin, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
For, mister, soon as you learn
then you will never return to Manhattan
Cuando oiga yo te amo
You'll steal a kiss and then
Porque de cualquier modo
It's just to let you know
that you're gonna meet again
I'll bet an old castanet
That you will never forget Argentina
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music and orchids and wine
You'll want to stay
Down Argentina way
Glenda said it would only take a minute.
What sort of a deal is this?
- It's a horse trade.
- Well, I don't like it.
Write to your Congressman.
It comes under international relations.
I've bought many horses,
but it's never been done this way.
Once you have tried this,
you will never go back to the old way.
No. I think we will be
much more comfortable over there, huh?
- Will we?
- Yes.
I have very much to tell you.
My plane leaves for Buenos Aires in an hour.
I cannot miss it. Therefore I must talk fast.
- I'll try not to delay you.
- Seorita... if...
Aren't you getting into rather deep water?
Why should I deny it?
I'm in over my head already.
The first time I looked into
your remarkable eyes,
I knew that I was lost.
I've flown over the high mountains,
I've gone down narrow rapids,
I've even loved other women,
but never have I been so dizzy,
so-so helpless as I am at this very moment.
It is like a sudden storm over the pampas.
You think you can run. Before you know it,
it is upon you, sweeping you off your feet,
and your heart,
your heart is beating like the storm.
It may frighten you,
but it is too wonderful to miss.
I'm not frightened. Not a bit.
Isn't that horse sold yet? Well, well. Just
an old South American custom, I presume?
Hello, Binnie. This is...
Ricardo Quintana.
This is my aunt, Binnie Crawford.
Crawford? You are Binnie Crawford?
Yes. I cabled you about buying some horses.
I wanted to start a stable,
but my riding teacher got married.
Besides, I got an archery set
for my birthday. I was 32 last month.
She's your aunt on your mother's side, no?
No, on my father's side.
Oh, then you are also a Crawford?
Yes. Glenda Crawford.
Evidently you don't care for it.
Yes, I do. I like Glenda very much. For the last
name I would have preferred something else.
- Have you ordered?
- I'll have a martini.
- A sirocco for me.
- What is that?
- Straight brandy with a cherry.
- I'll have that with no cherry.
I'll have the cherry. It doesn't matter,
but Jimmy's about to blow a gasket.
I'll go in. If you have a bill of sale,
I'll give you a cheque.
Oh, yes, of course, the bill of sale.
I-I do not know quite how to say this,
but it is something that must be said.
Perhaps after we have the drink.
Shall we sit down?
You're not backing out on our bargain?
I am desolate, seorita, but it is impossible
for me to sell you Carmelita.
- I suppose someone offered more money?
- Oh, no. No, it is not that, I assure you.
I could not sell you the horse
for any amount of money.
Just this evening I found out that my father
had already made a previous commitment.
But I bought the horse.
We made a deal. We agreed on it.
I should have told you a long time ago,
I know, but I did not know how to say it.
So that's what you've been building up to.
Well, I won't let it ruin my life.
Oh, no, we must not
let it ruin anything, seorita.
- We must have this last dance together, no?
- No, no. Jimmy's waiting for me.
He always keeps his engagements, seor.
- Have you ever tried a blackout?
- What is that?
Straight gin with a green olive.
I will get one right away.
Con su permiso.
I love cherries.
Two dreams met
They knew of two hearts that were lonely
That could be so happy
If only they found romance
Two dreams met
They said we must go out and find them
And then as we tiptoe behind them
- I'd like to dance with you, seor.
- You are very kind, seorita.
I'm just mad about that horse of yours.
Thank you too much.
"Turn around," my dream kept saying
I did, and you were there, then
Next month we're going up Mount Rainier
with nothing but mules.
I said next month we were going up
to Mount Rainier on mules.
- Well, what do you think of that?
- Hm? Oh, not this week, Jimmy.
- It is time for me to leave, so I will say adis.
- Goodbye.
I hope we'll be meeting again sometime soon.
Perdneme, seorita.
Adis. Adis.
Congratulate me, my dear. I just bought
Carmelita the champion Argentine jumper.
You bought her?
Yes. Considering your interest in the owner,
it's a wonder you didn't.
- How could I? You had a commitment.
- Commitment?
I didn't have any commitment.
I offered him 5,000 just now and he took it.
Well, that's what I offered him.
Why would he do that?
Perhaps it was my dancing, darling.
Shall we sit this one out?
"Your eyes. Your remarkable eyes."
If he ever looks into my eyes again,
he'll really see a storm over the pampas.
- What bit her?
- I don't know. Something about the pampas.
Oh, well, cheer up, Jimmy.
The pampas is a long way away.
If I'm not mistaken,
you were about to ask me to dance.
You were mistaken.
I was mistaken.
I was mistaken.
For two lonely hearts were one
Do-do-do, do-do-do-do
When two dreams met
We'll sell this one. Sell Apprentice too.
We'll keep this mare. Tendon's a little sore.
Better put a blister on her.
- Yes. I'd like to turn her out till spring.
- Yes, do that.
I want to keep Vain Belle,
and Lady Bosun.
- Morning, Aunt Binnie.
- Morning, Miss Crawford.
- Sell all the rest.
- Yes, ma'am.
Why are you unhorsing yourself? You'll have
a lot of saddles and nothing to put them on.
- Oh, I'm fed up.
- Fed up?
You're fed up? Hm.
I'm gonna get rid of everything
but the mares and bring in some new blood.
Maybe I'll go to Ireland
and get some hunters for a change.
Or I...
I might get some racehorses.
I may even go to Kentucky
or I may even go out to California.
Ireland, Kentucky, California?
Why don't you come out with it?
When do we leave for South America?
What's wrong with that? They have
wonderful horses in South America.
Wonderful horses, and wonderful men.
I'd trust the men about as far
as you could throw the horses.
- Are we going by boat?
- No. There's a plane leaving tonight.
I thought we might take that.
I bet we do, and with a good, strong tailwind,
I suppose you'll get there as soon as he does.
Get in, you beautiful brat.
South America, here we come.
- Seorita Crawford?
- Oui, oui. I mean, si, si.
I was Seor Montero. I have the honour
to general manage for your brother
his piston rings in South America.
I would wish you to want to know
my sales manager, Seor Rufino.
I'm so very much delightful to meet you.
My assistant, Seor Valerga.
The pleasure, she's all mine.
How do you do.
My niece, Miss Glenda Crawford.
How do you do.
We wish you to welcome us in Buenos Aires,
so that any little service we can be to you,
all you have to do is lift your little finger.
- That's good of you.
- No, it is good of you.
- It's very good of you.
- No, it's good of you.
Oh, why don't you toss for it?
For your connivance while you are here,
we have provide
the automobile and the chauffeur,
equipped, of course,
with Crawford's piston rings.
And now, if we will come with you,
you can escort me to the hotel.
- Us will be glad to.
- Thank you very much.
The inside is open.
Che, dormiln.
Al Hotel Rosedal.
Go! Go! Go!
Oh, this is completely incidental,
I can insure you.
Thank me very much.
Oh, I... I will never forgive yourself.
Miss Crawford, welcome to Buenos Aires.
I'm Dr Padilla,
your father's friend from the embassy.
I wish to take you and your aunt
to dinner and to a concert.
Oh, that's very nice of you.
Just a moment. I'll ask her.
It's Dad's ambassador friend.
He'd like to take us to dinner and a concert.
I wouldn't go if Beethoven was playing "The
Woodpecker Song". I'll sleep for two days.
Well, I'm not.
I didn't come 6,000 miles to go to bed.
Hello? My aunt won't be able to go.
She's rather infirm, you know? But I'd love to.
Oh, thank you, thank you.
You make me very happy. Yeah.
- Snice girl. Get two tickets for the concierto.
- (woman) For the contesto?
- No. Concert.
- Por la corrida?
- No. Please! Concert!
- Consomm?
- No. Not consomm. Concert!
- Corrida?
(sings opera)
Two tickets for the concert
Well, how do I look?
- Like a hungry leopard.
- (doorbell)
Wait a minute. You're sure to need this.
Oh, Aunt Binnie.
- Seorita Crawford?
- Yes. Come in, Your Excellency.
Excellency? Thank you.
I'd like you to meet my aunt, Miss Crawford.
- Your aunt? But so young! So beautiful! No?
- No.
Yes. It is rather unusual, isn't it?
I was 31 my last birthday, Your Excellency.
Your Excellency... Please, that is too formal.
Now that we know each other so well,
just call me Tito.
I must say, there isn't anything
very formal about that, is there, Tito?
- Welcome to Buenos Aires.
- Oh!
Flowers. How thoughtful of you.
Oh, it is nothing at all. It establishes goodwill.
I find that I get much further that way.
- Are you sure you're going to a concert?
- If the seorita wishes.
If your heart isn't too set on it,
I'd prefer to see the nightlife.
Encantado. Absolutely.
I know every place in town.
Oh fine. Sorry to leave you, dear.
I shall regret your charming absence,
but fortunately I'll have the scintillating
presence of the seorita to soften the pain.
- She better keep her guard up.
- There is no cause for worry.
I never what you call...
put on the pressure. No, no, no.
I shall go only as far as seorita wishes.
Well, the seorita went 6,000 miles last week.
Oh! Seorita.
Seorita Crawford. Oh.
Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dr Padilla.
I called earlier from the embassy.
What? Why, you can't be.
You just left here with my niece.
Oh, but you are mistaken.
I've never been in this house all evening.
- Then who was he?
- Seorita, we are talking in riddles.
Perhaps we should start over again.
I am your brother's friend. Arturo Padilla.
I, that's me, came here this evening
to take your sniece to the concert.
I brought these flowers for her.
Orchids! Oh, you must be the ambassador.
The other one brought dahlias.
You mean there's an impostor?
What does he look like?
Oh, he's tall, dark and handsome,
and he says the nicest things.
Oh, it's diabolical!
The man is a perfect double for me.
- Come, we must apprehend him.
- I'll get my wrap.
(Latin-American music)
(band plays "Down Argentina Way")
Florecer un querer
Si llega usted a ir a ver Argentina,
tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Su corazn gozar entonces le gustar
Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Deleitar su vivir al contestar con "Si, si"
dulcemente, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Un amorcito tendr
que con cario dir lo que siente
Cuando oigo yo te amo
No diga usted que no
Porque de cualquier modo
un beso le dar
Yusted lo aceptar
Yno podr esconder que llegar a querer
Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Donde los tangos oir y al comps bailar
Con gran placer se lo digo otra vez
Se quedar
Si a la Argentina va
Va, va, va, va
Va, va, vi, vi, vi
Va, va, va, va, va
(guitars play "Nenita")
Cuando sonreis
Aumentas mi pasin
Aunque t eres un ngel
Tus ojos de diablita son
Sos divina mi nenita
Dulce encanto sos
No mates mi ilusin
Porque no vivir sin vos
Nenita linda
Qu has hecho con mi corazn?
- Having a good time?
- Oh, wonderful.
- Would you like to see another spot?
- I'd love to.
Check, please.
I have been tipping 10%.
Is that satisfactory?
I wouldn't cut it too close.
The man undoubtedly has four children.
They always have five children.
Carry six, add 15.
- I see you're on a budget.
- Oh, I never trust my memory.
I always put everything down,
then there is no argument later.
The total is getting rather high.
- I-I feel rather guilty.
- We can stop any time. Just say the word.
Oh, no. I'm having such a wonderful time.
Why don't I pay for a while?
But you are.
- I am?
- Certainly.
- You are the ambassador, aren't you?
- Ambassador?
Seorita, I've never even voted.
I'm Tito Acua,
the best guide in Buenos Aires.
Guide? Well, who guided you to me?
Anastasio. Your chauffeur.
He's my brother-in-law.
I pay him when he brings me a prospect.
It keeps my sister
from taking in so much washing.
Tito, you've caused
another international incident.
I cannot worry about that when the amount
in my black book is already over 400 pesos.
This does not include the tip to the
hat-check girl, which was my personal item.
Oh, well, you put that down.
I'll pay for everything.
Encantado! In that case,
the next hat-check girl is on me.
Qu has hecho con mi corazn?
Qu has hecho con mi corazn?
You are
As pretty as a flower
A rose that's kissed by the morning dew
You are the spell,
the magic of the moonlight
That's why I sing my serenade to you
- Just you
- Da-da-da-da, da-da
Da-da-da-da, da-da, da-da-da-da, da-da
(band plays rumba)
- Shall we finish it?
- Why not?
- We might as well get my money's worth.
- Oh!
(band plays conga)
They seem to like us
very much, huh? We're good.
Have you looked around?
This is a real hot conga. You don't
see anything like that in New York.
No. Oh, but they're wonderful.
Please tell them
they're the best I've ever seen.
Of course, Seorita.
La seorita dice que ustedes son los
mejores bailarines de conga que ha visto.
Sorry, but we don't understand Spanish.
- We're from Syracuse.
- Oh.
(band plays "Down Argentina Way")
Seorita, this spot is the ultimate.
Since Carmen Miranda came here,
nobody can get in.
- You're sure you can get a table?
- Absolutely.
The head waiter is my ex-brother-in-law.
Since my sister left him,
he has been so grateful
that he will do anything for me.
Permiso. Permiso, seor.
I beg your pardon.
( "Mamae Eu Quero")
(sings in Portuguese)
- Qu tal, Sebastin?
- Shh. Carmen Miranda.
( "Bambu Bambu")
(sings in Portuguese)
Excuse me,
I've got to see a man about a horse.
Seorita Crawford. Why... I'm amazed.
I cannot believe my eyes.
I had no idea
you planned to come to Buenos Aires.
- I didn't. I won a cruise at a bridge party.
- Oh, you are very lucky.
It really wasn't luck. I came here to look for
horses. I wasn't doing so well in New York.
I'm... I'm very sorry, seorita,
that you could not have had Carmelita.
Oh, please don't worry about it.
Helen was so thrilled.
It would have pleased me very much more
if you could have had the horse.
You couldn't help it. Your father made a
commitment. Besides, Helen's my friend.
You are very generous, seorita.
Many people would not be so understanding.
- Thank you.
- What shall I order for you?
Not a thing. I've had a little
too much champagne already.
Oh, that's wonderful.
I have had too much brandy.
- Tell me, is your aunt with you?
- What did you say?
I was asking about your aunt.
Is she with you?
- Yes, but she's back at the hotel.
- Oh, good.
I mean, I hope she is getting a good rest.
If the orchestra is trying to make
conversation difficult, they are successes.
- Don't they have verandas in Buenos Aires?
- No.
But they have balconies.
(orchestra plays "Mamae Eu Quero")
Sebastin, what are they up to?
With me it is not guesswork.
I know where the stairway leads.
(Glenda gasps)
This is lovely.
- Do you come here often?
- No. A friend of mine told me about this.
This is just like the Westchester, no?
- Except that Binnie won't interrupt us.
- And I do not have to catch a plane.
And there's no
misunderstanding about a horse.
If I did not know that you had
come down here to buy horses,
I would be hoping
that you had come down here to see me.
Perhaps I did.
You said it was like a sudden storm,
but it didn't really hit me until after you left.
You have thought of me, Ricardo?
Oh, si, querida.
You have been with me
in my mind every waking moment,
and at night I have adored you in my dreams.
But if I hadn't come down here,
we never would have seen each other again.
It had to happen.
If we'd not met like this,
I would have found you some way.
Nothing could have stopped us.
You said it was too wonderful to miss,
didn't you, Ricardo?
Si, mi vida, si.
- Well, I didn't.
- Why did you do this to me?
- That's what I came down here to do.
- Wait! Explain yourself.
Shh. Carmen Miranda.
Your client has been away for a long time.
You don't think she has left?
I have absolutely not a worry.
Her credit is phenomenal.
Every time you see an automobile,
it has a piston ring of her father's inside it.
- Tomad la adicin.
- Oh.
- Anastasio.
- Anastasio.
Take me to the hotel.
There he is! Surround him.
Be careful. He may be armed.
- What have you done with my niece?
- How dare you, seor?
Do you not know it is a serious offence
to impersonate an official?
I have impersonated nobody but myself. I'm
Tito Acua, the best guide in Buenos Aires,
and tonight was purely business,
although I haven't been paid.
- Then where is Seorita Crawford?
- I lost her.
The young lady, I heard her
tell the driver to go back to the hotel.
Just the same,
I do not believe this man's story.
I've taken thousands of women out
and never have I had a single complaint.
Thank you very much.
You've been very kind, Your Excellency.
Don Diego!
Don Diego!
Tourists outside want to buy horses.
Maria, mate para Casiano!
- What kind of tourists are they?
- Hm... the man... nothing.
But the seora,
or maybe seorita, is Americana.
Ah, in that case,
perhaps she can afford to buy.
They got girl with them.
She want to see baby horses in the paddock.
- I told her all right.
- A young girl?
Well, Ricardo, my eyes don't see so good
like they did long time ago,
but she is young, beautiful like a flower.
That much I see.
Excuse me, Papa.
- Sit down, Casiano.
- Gracias.
Him -just like his father, eh?
That old groucho said
he was getting a Don Diego.
- Where do you suppose they keep him?
- Wherever it was...
Ah, he has been found already.
Panchito, where are you taking Furioso?
No place, seor. I take him back to the stable.
Wait a minute.
I asked you where you were taking the horse.
What is the matter with you?
He got a memory to forget. I told him
to take Furioso to the north pasture.
He no like no more
the grass on the south pasture.
- What a magnificent horse.
- Gracias.
- Is he for sale?
- Oh, no, no, seora.
There is not enough money
in all North America to buy him.
This is Furioso,
the finestjumper in the Argentine.
For last three year - three - he win every
blue ribbon at horse show in Buenos Aires.
- He'll win another one in two weeks.
- Go about your business, Panchito.
Go with him, otherwise the boy may forget
and turn himself out to graze.
Vamos, muchacho.
Well, seora,
what kind of horses did you wish to buy?
The four-legged kind.
My name is Binnie Crawford and...
- Crawford?
- That's right, Crawford.
You will please me very much, seora,
if you leave my property at once.
I only asked to buy horses.
I sell no horses to Crawfords. Go, seora.
Tito, are you gonna
let that goat talk to me this way?
Seorita, I think it is too late.
He said it already.
You will go this instant, seora,
or I will have you put out.
I'll go all right.
I wouldn't stay
if you threw a barbecue in my honour.
(horn beeps)
(Binnie) Ye Gods! What next?
- What are you doing here?
- I live here.
Well, stay away from that house. There's a
madman there. He just threw me off the place.
You refer to my father.
You must have told him your name.
Yes, I did. And I added a few under my breath.
Well, I apologise for him. About some
subjects he's a little strong-headed,
but he's very nice when you know him.
Until you get acquainted
you'd do well to have a hatchet.
Get in, Glenda. I've had enough.
No. I have asked Seorita Glenda
to ride back to the city with me.
All right. You can take chances with your life
if you want to, but I'm much too young.
(horn beeps)
- Well, shall we go and get the car?
- What about your father?
Oh, I promise you, he will not attack without
warning. We Quintanas are sportsmen.
What's over there?
Oh. Come. I'll show you.
All our favourite horses are buried here.
This big stone is on the grave of Tempestad.
He won the Palermo handicap three times.
All told, he won 48 races,
until he died in 1925.
- He was the greatest horse my father had.
- I didn't realise you had racehorses.
Oh, yes. We did at one time.
But now we have not raced for 15 years.
Tempestad was cut down
and killed on the track.
My father has refused to race since that day.
It isn't fair to condemn the whole sport
because of one accident.
Oh, here he comes now.
What's the best footpath back to the city?
I have been looking for you, Ricardo.
I have had the most unfortunate experience.
What was that?
I have just had to put some people
named Crawford off the place.
Oh, we saw a car drive away. That is too bad.
The young lady, Ricardo.
I do not believe we have met.
Tenis razn, pap.
This is Seorita Cunningham.
We met in New York. Something happened
to her car. I will drive her back to the city.
I am sorry, Seorita Cunningham,
if I seemed abrupt, but I am somewhat upset.
- You will be in the Argentine for a little time?
- Well, my plans are a little indefinite.
Before you leave,
you must pay us another visit.
Thank you very much. I'd love to.
Then I shall be expecting
Ricardo to bring you. Adis.
- Well... He-he's nice.
- Then you will accept his invitation?
That was to a Miss Cunningham.
I doubt if he'd want Miss Crawford.
After he gets to like Miss Cunningham,
then he will feel much more
favourably disposed toward Miss Crawford.
Of that I am certain.
(band plays)
- What's going on?
- This is the annual village fiesta.
Once each year, the peons get together
and drink and dance...
and perhaps make love.
In this little village
you will find the true Argentine.
- The true Argentine, huh?
- Ye...
- Sing, seorita.
- (all) Sing, seorita!
Just sing to your seorita
She'll be sweet to you, seor
Every gaucho and caballero
Should be a true troubadour
Sing to your seorita
And you never will go wrong
She'll confess to the magic music
And she'll say yes to a song
Try a serenade to tell her of her charms
And you'll find the words
and music in your arms
So sing to your seorita
All your cares won't mean a thing
She will gladly be your chiquita
So sing to your seorita, sing
Try a serenade to tell her of her charms
And you'll find the words
and music in your arms
So sing to your seorita
You'll be happy as can be
If a song brings romance along
Tell me why, oh, why
won't someone sing to me?
Sing, seorita, sing
- What is it? A fire?
- No, a horse race.
Whenever ten or more Argentinians
get together there is always a horse race.
Furioso, I want to tell you something.
Remember, this race is only 300 metres, so
you've got no time to stop and eat the grass.
Watch the man with the flag. When
you see his fingers move, then you start.
Don't show off because
you know you can beat these other horses.
Remember I love you.
And I got four to one.
(man) Me tiene loca.
Mire, mire las patas
y tiene cara de ganar con estas patas.
Andan! Andan!
- That horse! That is Furioso!
- He's wonderful!
He is our champion jumper.
How is he in this race?
I don't know how, but he's certainly in it.
- Casiano, te felicito. Casiano, te felicito.
- Si, si.
Si, my horse, my horse.
Muy buen caballo. Vamos a tomar algo.
- Ysuerte.
- Gracias, seor. Gracias. Gracias.
Maybe some time you get a horse
with four legs, then we have another race.
- No, you won't.
- Ricardo.
Please, for the love of soledad
do not give me away.
- Casiano, you'd better start explaining.
- I mean to do no harm.
Furioso likes to run a little bit now and then,
and I make a few pesos.
But the pesos,
it's to send Panchito to school someday.
- You mean that this has happened before?
- Only a couple of times.
We win a good race at La Plata by ten lanes.
La Plata? You've had him on the racetracks?
It was just once. When Don Diego was in Rio,
I paint star on Furioso,
call him American horse.
He paid 25 to one.
Casiano, when my father hears
that you have been racing his bestjumper,
he'll nail your ears to the stable door.
- That other horse wasn't even in it.
- Si. He only touched the ground two times.
He ought to be racing on the flat.
'Course he should. He was born for it.
His grandfather was Tempestad.
But to Furioso
I guess that makes little difference.
He's happy. Three meals a day,
other horses for company.
No, Ricardo. There you make big mistake.
Furioso want to be a racehorse.
I catch him worrying many times about this.
Your papa isn't the same
since he stopped racetrack business.
What you say is true. But he would
eat his heart out before he would admit it.
If you can't reason with him, show him.
Train the horse, put him in a race.
If he loves the track,
he couldn't resist seeing his silks win.
He would skin us
and put us in the trophy case.
I thought the Quintanas were sportsmen.
Seorita, there is only
one possible answer to that.
Casiano, day after tomorrow we work the
horse on the racetrack on the north pasture.
No. Maybe it's no good. For me, Ricardo, it
don't make much difference. I'm an old man.
But for you it's too soon
to die so young by the hand of your father.
But then I guess we all die sometime.
No es cierto?
1:41. What kind of a breeze was that?
And the boyero,
he was holding him all the time.
(Ricardo) 1:40 and two.
1:37 and one. (whistles)
( "Two Dreams Met")
Dos sueos
Que guiados por solo un destino
Tomaron un solo camino
Dos sueos
Los sueos de dos corazones
Que fueron de nuestras pasiones
La inspiracin
A band was softly playing
Sweet music filled the air
"Turn around," my dream kept saying
I did and you were there
Two hearts met
A beautiful love affair started
The dreams winked their eyes and departed
They knew that their work was done
For two
Lonely hearts
Were one
We were perfect strangers
And we were worlds apart
Yet here am I so close to you
It was so fantastic
The way it came to pass
That no one would believe it true
Suddenly we were part
of fate's peculiar schemes
This is how it happened
Strange as it seems
Two dreams met
They knew of two hearts that were lonely
That could be so happy if only
- They found romance
- Do you remember?
Two dreams met
They said we must go out and find them
And then as we tiptoe behind them
We'll make them dance
A band was softly playing
Sweet music filled the air
"Turn around," my dream kept saying
I did and you were there
Two hearts met
A beautiful love affair started
The dreams winked their eyes and departed
They knew
That their work was done
For two
Two lonely hearts
Were one
Hey, Ricardo! Ricardo!
Furioso, he don't want his dinner.
- What is the matter with him?
- Maybe he's all mixed up.
He don't know
if he is racing horse orjumping horse.
In the morning he jumps with your papa,
in the afternoon he races for you.
This morning,
he could notjump over the jumping beam.
- He ran all right this afternoon.
- That's it. He knows he should be racing.
But how long he'll know it...
That's no way to train a racing horse -
jumping him, running him -
mixing him all up.
Soon he'll have nervous breakdown,
then we can do nothing with him.
- We should stop jumping him.
- Stop jumping him? But the show is Sunday.
- Seorita Cunningham.
- Papa.
Casiano said there is
something wrong with Furioso.
He's notjumping
and he would not eat his dinner.
Perhaps we should take him out of the show.
Take him out? Miss the show
for the first time in years? Oh, no, no, no.
He will be all right. He is just a little bit stale.
No, he more than stale.
Don Diego, Furioso gives me a look.
I don't like it.
You are getting old, Casiano.
You are seeing things.
Furioso is entered in the show,
and Furioso will be jumping Sunday,
and will be taking the ribbon again.
If you'd honour me
with a game of backgammon,
we'll leave these two worriers
to worry by themselves.
The old man, he's more stubborn
than Furioso. Much more.
(PA) Categoria primera:
el caballo Simptico,
propiedad del Teniente Eugenio Lpez.
That is a very good horse.
He is almost as good as Furioso.
- A plough horse.
- Oh, be reasonable, Papa.
I am the most reasonable man in the world,
and I know horses.
I leave it to Seorita Cunningham if he
comes within a thousand miles of Furioso.
Not within 10,000 miles.
Don't forget, I bring you up like my own son.
When you were a little baby horse,
who feed you when your mama was sick?
Who sit up all night and rub your stomach
when you got the belly ache?
No, I don't want you to thank me.
But, please, Furioso, if you love me,
keep your mind on what you do today, huh?
All right.
Go on.
- Glenda, darling, what a surprise.
- Buenas tardes, Seorita Crawford.
- Your name is Crawford?
- Yes, but...
- Then this is all a trick. You lied to me.
- But...
You came to my house, you accepted
my hospitality, and you lied to me.
- Blame me for that.
- I do blame you - to foster this,
to encourage it behind my back,
to bring the daughter
of my worst enemy under my own roof.
I wanted you to know and like her. Has she
changed because you know who she is?
Yes. I will not listen to you.
You are no son of your father. And she is...
Here, here! Hold your tongue, you old goat.
Even though you are a Crawford, you are
a woman, and there is nothing I can do.
But I will ask your escort to answer for you.
Seor, my presence here
is purely professional.
(PA) Yahora el famoso campen
por tres aos consecutivos,
el caballo Furioso,
propiedad del seor Diego Quintana.
He is rushing his jump.
Oh, Furioso, you're going to pieces.
You're supposed to be jumping.
Jumping! Jump!
What's the matter with your horse?
Does he think he's running a flat race?
- Papa.
- I want no comfort from you.
- I'm sorry.
- I do not want sympathy, Seorita Crawford.
- Papa.
- It's my fault, Ricardo.
No. It is mine.
We must win the race at San Isidro. It's our
only chance to make this up to your father.
- Furioso is not going to race at San Isidro.
- What?
I'm sorry. I do not intend
to go against my father again.
But we'll be doing this for him.
The best thing
we can do for him is not to interfere.
But we can't leave things
in the mess they're in.
- There is no point in making things worse.
- But how can they be worse?
I've already told you it was a mistake
to go against my father in the first place.
I'm sorry, Ricardo. You're right.
There's no use in making things worse.
(rumba plays)
Come on. The plane leaves in two hours.
We haven't a moment to lose.
You can sleep after I'm gone.
Seorita, such energy.
Where does it keep coming from?
Buenos dias, Seorita Crawford,
and here is a gift for going away.
How nice. Just what I need.
Since the suite will be vacant,
do you mind if show it?
I'm having a rumba lesson. It's awkward.
Gracias. Seor, quiere usted pasar?
This is the living room.
You will notice the bay window
with the most beautiful look over the city.
- We've been trying to get you on the phone.
- Maybe that's why they said you were not in.
It wasn't important. We wanted to tell you
we didn't want anything to do with you.
The bedroom is very notable
for its built-in features. You...
- Con su permiso.
- Seor.
- This is the bedroom.
- How dare you come in here?
I am looking at this suite.
I'm going to move to town.
The bathroom's on a grand scale,
also with a beautiful look over the city.
Glenda, I was wrong yesterday.
I have decided to race Furioso at San Isidro.
Glenda, please believe me.
I love you.
This time there's not the storm
over the pampas. This time it is real.
As long as your father feels
as he does about me, it won't work.
The odds are not as bad as that.
It's no worse than even-money
he'll change if Furioso wins.
When he is standing there with the cup
in his hands, how can he be angry?
No matter what he tells himself, he likes you.
And when he hears
that it was your idea to race the horse,
the fact you are a Crawford
will be forgotten.
Seor, now that you have settled
your personal problems,
do you or do you not want this suite?
Of course we want it.
Seorita Crawford is going to stay.
Seor, if I understand you correctly, and I do,
even so, you will have to register
in the proper manner.
Casiano, where are you, old man?
- Did you call?
- Not for you. Where is Casiano?
- Casiano has gone to the west pasture.
- Why did he not consult me first?
Tell Panchito to bring Furioso out.
Go on. Anda! Anda!
Perdone, patrn. Panchito has taken
Furioso to the north pasture.
Why would he do a thing like that?
I'll look at the alfalfa.
Get me Cipriano and Machito.
Siento mucho, seor,
but they have gone to the east pasture.
West pasture, north pasture, east pasture.
What has happened?
Mara! What pasture is she in?
She has gone to visit her mother.
Her mother has been dead five years.
I know it. I buried her.
You are lying, Esteban. Speak up
before I shake the ears off your head.
I will tell you, Don Diego.
They have gone to San Isidro.
- The racetrack? Why would they go there?
- I don't know.
- You do. You lie. Answer or I'll strangle you.
- They've gone to see Furioso run.
Furioso in a flat race? Who did that?
Who would dare to do that?
Ricardo, Casiano and Seorita Cunningham.
They've trained him for the handicap.
Pedazo de animal!
Why did you not tell me?
I was not going to deceive you.
I was to tell you in half an hour, when
it'd be too late to take him out of the race.
- Animal! Anda! Get my hat! Get my gun!
- Si, seor.
It gives me great pleasure to have
a Quintana horse in the handicap.
Muchas gracias, Seor Rosales. I hope he's
not the only one who gets pleasure out of it.
Vete, caballo.
Do not get nervous, Furioso.
Listen. This race like the race in the village,
only here they got more people. Understand?
- Unsaddle that horse.
- Wait, Casiano.
Papa, Furioso is a racehorse.
You developed a certain bloodline.
You worked till you had a horse as great as
Tempestad. You have one who's greater.
Oh, you've gone against me once too often,
and I've nothing to say to you now, or ever.
Unsaddle that horse!
Come on. There is nothing more to be done.
Don Diego, for 40 years I work for you,
never I say anything like this.
When you keep a horse in the barn on
handicap day, when he runs the mile in 1:36,
you are a... you are a criminal.
Hold your tongue, old man.
- Did you say 1:36?
- Si.
Three time. Three.
With the horses like he run with today,
he break a world record.
- 1:36?
- Si. 1:36.
I've changed my mind, Casiano.
- Que suba!
- Si. Que suba!
Ponga su dinero y ganar con l.
Buena suerte que le d.
Hurry, you imbeciles! We will be too late.
Casiano. How much money have you got?
Oh, money. Plenty money, Don Diego.
Eight pesos.
Oh, I'm not after feed for chicken.
I need money.
- Quintana. I never expected to see you here.
- Martnez, I need a little cash.
Sure. Everything for an old friend.
How much? 100 pesos is enough?
- How much have you got?
- 2,000.
- Give me all of it.
- You gonna bet all this money?
Hey, you must have a tip.
It is my own horse, Furioso. He has done
the mile in 1:36 in his workouts. Gracias.
Julio. Just a minute.
Can you lend me a little cash?
- How much?
- All you got. I send you a cheque.
This has been a very bad day for me today.
All I have is 800 pesos.
- Don't tell me you'll bet all this?
- No. This is an investment.
I put all this money in Furioso. He has
broken the world record in his workout.
- Muchas gracias!
- Si, Alberto. Por favor.
- Seorita.
- Tito.
Now, here. There's your cut. Now, you
haven't lost a race all day. How do you do it?
It is simple. I eliminate all guesswork.
I have a cousin and an uncle who work
around the stables. They'll stoop to anything.
They sound charming. When your mother's
out of the Bastille I'll have you all over for tea.
Gracias, seorita.
With my winnings, may I buy you a drink?
Aren't you nice? First I want
to bet everything I've got on Furioso.
Well, he's 80 to one now.
Wait. He may go to 100.
Wonderful! That would be
like having our own printing press.
- Cinco, Tortilla.
- Carlos, no.
It's in the bag for Furioso.
Number three. Don't tell a soul.
- Did he say Furioso?
- It's in the bag. Number three.
Furioso. Si, Furioso.
- Furioso, cinco ganadores.
- (man) Si.
- Furioso.
- Furioso. Dos ganadores.
- Bet on Furioso.
- I know. I gave you the tip.
- (man) Seorita.
- Seorita.
- You haven't bet yet?
- No. The odds are dropping.
Do not put a nickel on Furioso.
- Tortilla is the one.
- What's wrong with Furioso?
I don't know. I learned by experience
never to go against my uncle's tips.
You've been right every race.
I won't change touts in mid-afternoon.
- 50,000 pesos on Furioso.
- Oh, seor.
- You haven't heard that your horse will lose.
- What?
Now that you're
going to bet 50,000 pesos on Furioso,
I've got it straight from the feedbox
he'll be missing at the finish.
Seorita, there is no one
whose opinion interests me less than yours.
- 50,000 pesos on Furioso.
- 10,000 on Tortilla.
Don Diego, something terrible happened.
Very bad.
They make crooked business against you.
They take Panchito off Furioso.
Panchito? Then what is he doing
on the horse's back?
No, that's not Panchito. That's anotherjockey.
That is what that Crawford woman meant,
and she had the nerve
to tell me what she was going to do.
At first, I want to take Furioso out of the race,
then this boy come tell me he ride good.
I told Furioso everything what happened.
He understand this serious time.
He gonna be all right.
Maybe this boy can ride good.
- I knew you would put Furioso in the race.
- Don Diego, I am so glad.
I have no doubt you are glad, seorita,
with a strange jockey on Furioso's back.
He did that deliberately. He is tiring him out.
It is all part of the dastardly scheme. I might
have expected as much from Crawfords.
- How can you say that, Papa?
- How can I say it?
That aunt of hers
was brazen enough to say it to my face.
I'll put an end to this. I'm going to stop it.
No, Don Diego, it is no good.
They will be started before you get there.
Later on we will kill a couple of people.
Furioso is in front!
He is the smartest horse in the world.
He remembers all my instruction.
Look - he do everything I told him.
Come on, Furioso!
For a horse that was going to lose,
Furioso's doing all right.
It is the finish that counts,
and that has been arranged.
My uncle took care of that personally.
You worm. If I'd known you'd do anything
to that horse, I'd have run you off the track.
Your money is on Tortilla.
You are taken care of.
- I'll take care of you after the race. Furioso!
- Come on, Tortilla!
- Furioso!
- Tortilla! Furioso!
Come on, Furioso!
Look how he holds him.
He's breaking his neck.
All of the horses have passed him.
Oh! I think maybe he's got the bit in his teeth.
Yeah, yeah, he got the bit in his teeth.
Oh-ho-ho, nobody stop him now! Nobody!
Go, Furioso!
Come on, Furioso.
Come on, Furioso!
Come on, Furioso.
He... he win.
- Oh, Furioso. They could not beat him.
- He had to win.
Furioso, he wanted
to be a racehorse all the time.
Crooked people, crooked jockey,
don't mean nothing to him, nothing.
- I said Glenda had nothing to do with this.
- She tried.
Oh, Glenda.
I just discharged Tito with my own hands.
After all I've been to him, he turns out to be
a horse fixer. He switched jockeys on Furioso.
- The Crawfords had nothing to do with this.
- They might have.
I'm tired of this. For years
you've told how my father cheated you.
Well, I've found out what really happened.
- Here is a letter from my father.
- Why should we go into all that now?
I am a broadminded man.
We will let bygones be bygones.
No, we won't.
When your father was in school at Paris
he got mixed up
with a girl from the rue St Augustine.
He wanted to marry her.
My father took her to Capri for a weekend.
The reason was to keep
your father from making a fool of himself.
That is his story. If he told the truth, he would
tell how he stayed three weeks in Capri.
That is unforgivable.
Papa, let's the four of us go and have
some champagne in the clubhouse, huh?
(band plays "Mamae Eu Quero")
Florecer un querer
Si llega usted a ir a ver Argentina
Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
I can't do it.
Su corazn gozar,
entonces le gustar Argentina
Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
What's the matter with me?
Because you run so fine,
I give you carrots and wine, oh, Furioso
- (neighs)
- Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
The horse is OK,
but to chiquita I say, I'm so... so
(Binnie) Sing to your seorita
She'll be sweet to you, seor
Every gaucho and caballero
Should be a true troubadour
- I got it. Tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk.
- Yes - in the wrong song.
Sing to your seorita
All your cares won't mean a thing
Don Diego, now, don't be bashful,
and sing to your seorita, sing
I'll bet an old castanet that you will never
forget Argentina, tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk-tsk, tsk-tsk
Where there are rumbas
and tangos to tickle your spine
Moonlight and music
and orchids and wine
Two hearts met
A beautiful love affair started
The dreams winked their eyes and departed
They knew that their work was done
For two lonely hearts were
Two lonely hearts
Two dreams met
and now two hearts are one
English SDH