Dr. Ehrlich's Magic Bullet (1940) Movie Script

'Next. '
What you have
is a contagious disease.
An infection
just like any other.
I have seen cases
where it was transmitted
By an inanimate object.
You mustn't be disheartened.
There are many
as badly off as you.
- Many.
- Will I get well?
You must come here
twice weekly for sweat baths
and medical supplies.
The treatment consists largely
in rubbing yourself
With this ointment.
Tell me, doctor.
Will I get well?
Rub a different part of skin
every night of the week
So that no part of the skin
is rubbed more than once weekly.
There is this girl in Munich
With whom I'm in love,
who loves me.
We had planned to be married
as soon as I graduate.
Tell me, doctor.
Tell me the truth.
Can we ever get married now?
I'm afraid marriage
is out of question, Hans.
You may dress now.
Does anybody ever get cured?
Of course, there've been
many cured, many.
Come in.
Ehrlich, you haven't
returned yesterday's reports.
I need them.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, they should be over there.
- Next.
- Next?
It's almost one o'clock.
The nurses are complaining.
The clinic closes at 12.
I can't be short with them,
poor devils. I simply can't.
- You're hopeless.
- Did you find them?
Doctor, will you
sign this order?
Yes, yes.
Dr. Ehrlich, have you
a moment for me?
- What is it, Merk?
- Doctor, the order.
Sweat baths, they take
away my strength.
I'm too weak
to work after taking them.
I'm afraid I'll lose my job.
- A teamster, aren't you?
- Yes.
I think we can dispense with
the sweat baths in your case.
- Oh, thank you, sir.
- Come back next week.
Thank you, doctor.
Doctor, will you
please sign...
Oh, yes, of course.
Ehrlich, you shouldn't have
changed the patient's treatment.
Why not?
Our superior, Geheimrat Hartmann
has ordered
Sweat baths in such cases.
You know as well as I do,
they're of no value.
That's beside the point.
Why should he lose
his job because of us?
Never mind,
Sweat baths was the order.
Merk is my patient.
I don't see in what way
this affects you.
A hospital is an organization,
an organization must have rules
And rules have to be
obeyed by everyone.
He's much better off now.
And the world's a better place
to live in too.
'Cause there isn't any chance of
his infecting someone else now.
Please, Paul, drink your coffee.
No use saying things
like that. No use at all.
Neither are the treatments
I prescribe of any use.
You do everything in your power.
Everything in my power
amounts to nothing.
I told him
that others have got well...
But he looked into me
and saw the lie.
He read the lie in me.
Hedi... I'm going to resign.
Quit the hospital.
I can't endure it any longer.
Quit the hospital?
To do what, Paul?
Try and find out something.
We know so little
in medicine. So very little.
We're groping in the dark
Bumping into things, the nature
of which we don't know.
If you are unhappy,
Paul, very unhappy...
Then, of course,
you must leave the hospital.
We should manage somehow.
Drink your coffee, Paul.
Hello, mama.
How was school today?
Did you learn your lesson?
- Yes, Papa, I did...
- No, she didn't.
- She didn't know the answer.
- Who's telling the truth?
- 'I did. '
- 'She's not. '
Take me piggy back, papa.
Alright, up you go.
Of course, you did,
darling. I know.
Faster, papa, faster.
Faster, daddy, faster, faster.
Thank you, papa. That was fun.
I'm so hungry.
Drink your milk slowly, dear,
like a good girl.
More, mama, more.
Oh, the amount
of milk they drink.
Please, may I have
some more too?
Um, three quarts
a day between them.
How much is a quart
of milk, Hedi?
Twenty pfennig
and the price is going up.
If one quart costs 20 pfennig,
what would three quarts cost?
- Seven pfennig.
- Oh, no.
- Sixty pfennig, isn't it, Papa?
- Yes.
Oh, almost five o'clock. I must
be getting back to the hospital.
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
Bye, Papa.
Don't spill that milk
on your dress, dear.
How long will it be, Paul,
before you quit the hospital?
Oh, I'm not
quitting the hospital.
But you just said...
Well, I was just
letting off steam.
I've changed my mind.
- Oh, Paul, your hat.
- Mm, oh.
Thank you.
Good evening,
Herr Sensenbrenner.
Are you intending to use
my laboratory again?
The other day,
after you were through
I found all my chemicals
and dyes in a litter.
- Nothing was in its place.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
Other people don't come in here
messing things up like you.
Now, Sensenbrenner,
is that the way for one
Fellow scientist
to talk to another?
- I'm not a scientist.
- Aw.
I know my place if other
people don't know theirs.
And don't call me Sensenbrenner.
I'm Herr Sensenbrenner to you.
Well, Herr Sensenbrenner,
I beg of you
Permit me the use
of your laboratory.
Will you clean
up after you're through?
- Gladly.
- Very well.
Good evening.
I'm Dr. Behring
of the Koch Institute.
Are you Herr Sensenbrenner?
Herr Sensenbrenner
just went home.
Oh, he was supposed to leave
A throat culture
of a diphtheria case for me.
But it should
be in the incubator.
Koch Institute. Here we are.
Yeah, thank you very much.
Are you connected
with the Koch Institute?
That's right.
Well, I envy you working
under one like Robert Koch.
It must be an inspiration.
He's such a great man.
- Indeed he is.
- Are you on diphtheria?
Just beginning.
Have you verified
the work done
At the Pasteur Institute?
Louis' experiments?
That's where
I'm about at the moment.
Well, if proven,
his contention will change
Our whole perception
of bacteriology.
True, so if you
realize that thing.
What department
are you in doctor?
It's extraordinary
that you should be so...
Well informed
on the subjects
So far removed
from your own field.
Are you interested
in microscopic findings?
Well, I've been
experimenting with dyes.
The new anilines.
Trying various combinations
and their effect on cells.
If you'd care
to see some slides?
I'll be delighted.
- Extraordinary!
- Hm?
'The nuclei of the
white blood cells are deep blue. '
This is by far
the clearest picture
Of human blood
I've ever seen.
It seems the chemical
make-up of the nuclei
Has a special
affinity for this dye.
What do you mean affinity?
The attraction, certain atoms
possess for certain other atoms
Causes them to unite
and form compounds.
Most extraordinary.
A few minutes ago
I injected a living worm
With a dye I call
methylene blue.
It has an affinity
for the nerves of the worm.
The same phenomenon.
The whole nervous system blue.
It is blue, upon injection
into the blood stream
The dye circulated
to the worm's body.
It combined with the nerves.
The nerves and nothing else.
It all depends upon discovering
the special dye which has
An affinity to the substance,
one which is to stain.
Specific staining.
Great heavens!
What about a microbe?
Do you think it'd be possible...
To stain a microbe
and nothing else on the slide?
It would be possible,
I think.
Then, this is very important.
I mean, really important.
Well, you... you make me
very happy.
- Goodnight, Dr...
- Ehrlich.
- Let's see each other soon.
- The sooner, the better.
Good morning. I must see
Professor Hartman right away.
You'll have to wait.
Dr. Wolfert is with him.
I hope you'll understand,
Herr geheimrat
That I wouldn't have spoken
in this way
If I hadn't considered
it absolutely necessary.
I have nothing against
Dr. Ehrlich personally.
Although, I must confess
to a certain feeling
Against people of his faith
in our profession.
I quite understand.
Thank you, Herr geheimrat.
Tell Dr. Ehrlich to come
here at once.
'Yes, herrgeheimrat. '
Good morning, herrgeheimrat.
'Ehrlich. '
I have an unusually long list
Of complaints about you
this morning.
First, in the case
of the patient Merk.
You disregarded the instructions
about the sweat baths.
Yes, sir.
'Second, you were wanted in
ward, and you were not there. '
Well, I was busy working
in the laboratory.
So Sensenbrenner informed me.
I have an idea or two
Which might to lead
to something, Herr geheimrat.
My staining experiments.
I am not interested
in your ideas and experiments.
I am only interested
in your conduct
As a member of the staff
of this hospital.
I want to know, are you
going to mend your ways?
Do you intend to fulfill duties
according to the regulations?
Tell me, Ehrlich?
Yes, Herr geheimrat.
I've been lenient with you.
Far too lenient.
But let me tell you this.
Any further breach
of discipline on your part
And your connection with this
hospital will be severed.
'That's all. '
'One moment. '
Listen to a word of advice
from an older man.
Men like you usually have
a very difficult time
In this world because they
do not know how to conform.
You must learn, Ehrlich.
It's conform or suffer.
Give number 11
his regular bromide.
Yes, Herr doctor.
Number 15 may sit up
for half an hour.
- That's all.
- 'Herr doctor. '
By the way, have we
plenty of bandages?
Yes, Herr doctor.
Kunze, look!
Look what just came.
An invitation to go to a meeting
at the Koch Institute.
That's wonderful!
However did you get it?
Through a Dr. Behring, one
of Koch's younger assistants.
It's for Friday evening.
Friday, you're on duty.
On duty?
Oh, yes, I'd forgotten.
What a pity!
Well, I'm going, no matter what.
This is too important.
- Use your head...
- No, I'm going.
You're finished
if the old man discovers...
He needn't. I'll find a way.
'Dr. Ehrlich!'
I'll be delighted
to see you, Dr. Ehrlich.
It was very kind
of you to ask me.
Well, shall we go in?
Oh, wait.
Is the stout man with
the flower in his button hole
Professor Virchow.
Oh, yes, that's he alright.
The man he's talking to is
Althoff, Minister of Science.
- Althoff.
- Hm.
I've already succeeded
in getting the cabinet
To increase my budget
for scientific purposes
For next year.
- So, there's no way on that...
- Oh.
- What's the matter?
- Hartmann.
- Where?
- He mustn't see me.
- Why not?
- I'm not supposed to be here.
I'm supposed
to be at the hospital.
We'll get seats
in the back. Follow me.
It has long been my belief
That tuberculosis is caused
by a living microbe.
And for the past several years
My work in the field
of bacteriology
Has been devoted to research
For such a microbe.
And today, I am able to announce
That the search has come
to a successful conclusion.
I have discovered
the cause of tuberculosis
In the sputum of persons
Suffering from this disease.
It is a living germ
Which, henceforth, I shall call
Tubercle bacillus.
And now
I invite you to come forward
And view a specimen
of it under the microscope.
'The bacillus has a long
rod-like shape. '
I can't see anything.
Yeah, unfortunately the bacilli
do not standout clearly.
Only those of you whose eyes are
trained to use such microscope
Will be able to see it.
And that, of course
Makes my discovery of little or
no value to the average doctor
In diagnosing
cases of tuberculosis.
It may be possible to see
the bacilli clearly by...
By staining them.
What, what's that?
Who spoke?
It was I here, professor.
What did you say?
Well, in the anilines
we-we have a group of dyes
Which offers an infinite number
of chemical combinations.
It's possible, one
of these may have an affinity
For the tubercle bacillus.
Ah, affinity, did you say?
Ah, come down front.
I can't hear you.
What did you say? Affinity?
- Did you?
- Yes, affinity.
The phenomenon
of chemical attraction.
The will to combine in nature.
Now, we must compound a dye
which will combine
With the chemical substance
of the microbe.
Then, the microbe
will be plainly seen
For it and nothing else
on the slide will be stained.
Did you ever...
Ever what, Herr professor?
Ever stained a tubercle bacillus
and nothing else on the slide?
Well, no, as a matter of fact.
But I have reason to believe
it's possible.
If it possible,
I advise you to do so.
Your fame in science
will be secured.
Uh, may I have a culture?
By all means.
Be careful of the contents
of this tube, young man.
They're very dangerous.
Thank you.
- Ehrlich!
- Yes.
You seem in a great hurry.
Well, I must get back
to the hospital.
If I were you,
I wouldn't bother.
Why not?
Because you're no longer
employed there.
- 'Paul. '
- Yes.
How long will it be before you
succeed with your experiments?
Well, another month
or two, I think.
Oh, nothing.
We will manage somehow.
- Who's there?
- 'Behring. '
Ha ha.
- I'm so happy to see you.
- Hey, how are you, Paul?
'Don't you miss your work
at the hospital?'
Oh, no, no, no.
Making progress in your
Something's the matter,
I don't know what.
I've tried dozens
of dyeing experiments. Dozens.
Without any success.
That's bad a cough
you have, Paul.
Oh, too many cigars.
Hedi tells me you're seldom
out of this room.
You've gotta look
after yourself, Paul.
'Come and get coffee. '
That's an idea.
Cup of good coffee.
Come. Come. Come.
'Ah, that smells good. '
Two, isn't it? And no cream?
- Three.
- Oh, yes.
I remember.
There must be something
technical, that's the matter.
Something in my method.
Out of all the combinations
I've tried there must be one
Which has an affinity
for the tubercle bacillus.
Is it possible, Paul, your lack
of success is fundamental?
I mean, can it be that
you're mistaken in your theory?
My theory is right.
- I know my theory is right.
- I only...
No matter what you or anybody
thinks, my theory is right.
'Hedi, you shouldn't let'
'Paul work
in that cold laboratory. '
- It's warm now, I lit a fire.
- Good.
This change of a weather
is very trying.
What did you do?
Did you say you lit a fire?
'Yes, Paul. '
What's the matter, Paul?
What's the matter?
You've ruined my slides.
That's what.
I told you to stay out of here.
I told you a dozen times.
Always you do something stupid.
Why don't you obey me?
I'm sorry, Paul. But you
were coughing so hard.
- Oh, my slide's ruined.
- Sorry, I am...
A week's work gone for nothing.
'All burned up. '
'What is it, Paul?'
'The heat. It
must've been the heat. '
'The microbe is stained. '
Look, Emil.
The heat must've fixed the dye.
- You see them?
- Of course, I can see them.
Anyone can see
them now very clearly.
Oh, this is amazing,
Paul. Amazing.
Paul, I want you
to try something.
Try what?
Try this method
of diagnosis on yourself.
Why, why should I?
Can't do any harm.
Oh, ridiculous.
'Please. '
Oh, very well, then.
'It is quite
possible while working'
'On these tubercle bacilli
you became infected. '
'But I tell
you it's ridiculous. '
The sputum shows nothing.
Nothing at all.
Just as I thought.
'Let me see. '
- There isn't anything to see.
- I insist.
You won't say
anything about this.
I don't want Hedi to know.
As you say.
'The tubercle
bacillus is our greatest enemy. '
'To fight it,
we must have more money. '
My dear professor,
the budget committee
Simply will not consider an
increase in the appropriation.
What do members
of the budget committee
Know about
the requirements of science?
I thoroughly agree with you.
But that's their decision.
- We must abide by it.
- Who is it?
It's I, Behring,
here, professor.
What is it, Behring?
Do you recall the doctor
who talked about staining
At your demonstration
of the tubercle bacillus?
Yes, yes, indeed.
What was his name?
Ehrlich. He's outside.
He wants to talk to you.
I can't see him now. I'm
very busy. Tell him to write.
He has something to show you.
Something very important.
- I'm confident...
- Please don't mind me, sir.
- Well, tell him to come in.
- 'Thank you. '
- Paul.
- 'Come in. Come in, young man. '
Very kind of you to ask me.
If you please.
- Excuse me.
- Yes, yes.
It's... it's my tubercle microbe.
Oh, this is marvelous.
My dear Ehrlich,
how did you do it?
By applying fuchsine red,
heating the slide
And then washing
it with acid alcohol.
It's the heat that does it.
I tried a thousand combinations
before I came on it by...
A lucky accident.
Oh, here, here, look
into the microscope, Excellency.
- You've met Dr. Ehrlich.
- Yeah, how do you do, doctor?
This is a great contribution
to science.
It's marvelous.
The doctors,
little doctors everywhere
Will be able
to diagnose tuberculosis
With 100% accuracy.
Now, there's something
I can show the budget committee.
Put under their noses.
This can't be got around.
My dear Dr. Ehrlich
I owe you an apology
for my attitude
Towards you at the meeting.
To show you I mean it
I'm going to ask you
to join my staff.
What I said in irony
holds good.
Your place in science
is guaranteed.
I don't think there's
anything left to toast.
Well, let's start
at the beginning again.
- Yes.
- To Hedi.
- Let's dance.
- Oh.
Paul's really happy about his
position at the Koch Institute.
It's where he belongs, Kunze.
He's no medical doctor.
In all the years I've known him,
I've never seen him dance.
I wish he wouldn't.
I'd almost forgotten
how well you danced.
We haven't danced together
in a long time.
Or gone to parties.
It makes me happy
to see you like this.
You're gonna have
a brand new husband
Who'll always be
on time for dinner.
Oh, Liar.
Yes, we'll try to move into
a new house, have a servant.
You and I will go waltzing
at least twice a week.
Paul, Paul,
what's the matter?
Come, sit down.
Water, please.
What is it?
Just a momentary weakness.
Stay with him
while I get his coat.
- Paul.
- It'll pass.
No... it will not pass.
Emil, please.
If you don't tell Hedi,
I will.
Tell me, what?
Paul is ill.
Very ill.
What's the matter
with him?
He contracted tuberculosis while
working on that deadly microbe.
Another winter here
and his work would kill him.
You must go away and take
a cure immediately.
I think Egypt will be best.
Egypt? I'm not a millionaire.
I'll speak to Koch.
The institute will provide.
Oh, but... I want to stay here
and do my work.
Behring says Egypt.
Egypt it must be.
You can't read a thermometer.
Let me.
No, no. The patient isn't
supposed to read it.
Uh-ha, almost normal.
Of course, it's normal.
I could've told you that.
Professor Koch says
that you're to rest, rest, rest.
And at least six months
After all your symptoms
have disappeared.
Rest and sunshine and milk.
Yes, the three
things I hate most.
I thought when I left
my mother's house
Nobody would ever
pour milk down me again.
But here I am,
the father of a family.
Steffi gets one and a half
quarts milk a day
And I drink two.
- Doctor, you come, please.
- No, no, the doctor is sick.
- You get another one.
- No doctor in village.
What's the trouble?
Snake bite father
and little brother.
I don't think you called
me soon enough.
- Where is your father?
- There.
'Were you bitten too?'
Don't you feel badly?
Are you sure the same snake bit
you and the child?
Snakes no kill me.
I was bitten before.
Four times.
No symptoms at all.
When were you
bitten the last time?
Two years ago.
Were you sick then?
Little sick.
When were you bitten
the first time?
Oh, small boy.
Were you sick then?
Oh, much sick then.
Nearly die.
Well, you seem alright.
I better take care of the wound.
No. Help boy, please.
I no die from snakes.
It is Allah's will.
Bismillah hir-Rahman
The boy died.
Snake venom acted quickly.
And the father?
The father is quite alright.
I had a letter
from the children.
'They're quite well.
They've sent their love. '
Fourth times before this man
had been bitten by an adder.
Four times.
And each time
with less effect.
Here's letter for you
from Behring.
- Behring. Oh, let me see.
- No, no, no, Paul.
Sit down.
Let me read it to you.
Very well.
"Dear Paul, I envy you basking
in the Egyptian sun
"While we freeze in a dark
and bitter winter.
"There was great
deal of diphtheria.
"Fortunately, my research
is nearing a conclusion.
"I have long been of the belief
that the power to combat disease
"Is a quality of the blood.
Truly there is magic in the
blood, Paul. I miss our argum... "
Yes, there is magic
in the blood
But what does it
consist of?
Behring thinks there is
a mysterious power in the blood.
But if it can be augmented.
Build up in stages within the
body seems to be the case
Of a man
who was bitten four times...
'"I miss our arguments
and dear Hedi's dinners'
'Most frightfully. "'
- Professor, he is coming.
- 'Yes. '
- Oh, so happy to see you back...
- I'm very happy to be back.
Oh, you look so well.
- I feel well.
- Let's show him his laboratory.
- I wanna thank you about that.
- Ah!
Why, you look younger
and stronger than ever.
- Thank you.
- Oh, go straight in.
Ah, it's your laboratory.
Go straight in.
If you will look
at the shelves
You will see every dyestuff
known to man.
Now, you can go ahead developing
new staining methods.
Aren't you happy, Paul?
Well, uh,
I-I'm deeply grateful, but...
If you don't mind
I would much rather
Not work with dyes
at present.
Well, in that case you
might join Behring
In his diphtheria experiments.
Oh, the number of new cases
is alarming.
Most alarming, it looks as
if we were in for an epidemic.
Well, I'm afraid, diphtheria is
not what I'm looking for either.
Then what in heaven
do you want to do?
Well, right now
I'd like to work on snakes.
I wanna test the effect
of various quantities of poison
On the animal organism.
I laughed at you before
and I was wrong.
If it is snakes
you want...
You shall have
your snakes.
Get three more snakes
and prepare them for me
To collect the venom.
These are depleted.
Every child that tried the
diphtheria serum on died.
Didn't work at all.
Yes, I heard this morning.
I can't figure it out, Paul.
"What went wrong?"
I keep asking myself.
I injected guinea pigs with
the serum and it cured them.
During months of experiments,
I gave diphtheria
To other animals
and the serum cured them.
Yesterday I tried it on
children, it didn't work.
Emil, forgive me, but I'm in the
middle of an experiment.
Another time I'll be
very happy to listen.
Another time? Perhaps,
all the children in the country
Would have choked
to death by then.
But of course, your experiment
whatever it may serve
To demonstrate comes first.
That's because it's yours!
Dr. Ehrlich's very own.
You don't know what
you're saying.
On the other hand, the dying
children are not your own.
Steffi and Marianne have
not diphtheria yet.
But if the worst should come
and it sometimes does...
You'll find me
in my laboratory.
Emil, I believe I know
why you failed.
I'm in the middle
of an experiment.
When I was in Egypt, a man and
a boy were bitten by an adder.
The boy died horribly.
The man wasn't even made sick.
I'm only interested
in diphtheria.
Now wait, Emil.
Here is the point.
Three times before this man
had been bitten, three times.
Each time the poison
had less effect.
These symptoms
became less and less severe.
Until this last time,
the man wasn't even made sick.
For weeks now, I've done
the same thing experimentally.
Injecting animals with gradually
larger doses of snake venom.
Until they were getting shots,
they would ordinarily
Kill a hundred
of their species.
Go on.
All of which proves that
immunity is not a quality
Of the blood as you think.
But it's, it's something
in the blood.
Specific substances
that they create.
Antibodies, so to speak.
A chemical army which destroys
invading microbes and poisons.
Then my idea of imparting
resistance by transferring
Blood serum from
one animal to another...
Is absolutely right.
The reason that the method
failed with humans
Is because
the serum didn't contain
A sufficient number
of antibodies.
Now look, Emil.
This graph represents
the development
Of immunity
to snake venom.
It shows how you can increase
the quantity of antibodies
To neutralize any given
amount of poison.
- Well, then in diphtheria?
- Why not?
We've to store a sufficient
number of antibodies
In an animal by injecting it.
Not once but 10, 20, 30 times.
Then the blood
of a horse, perhaps.
Which has withstood 20
increasingly large doses
Of diphtheria toxin
would cure a child.
- Uh, Paul.
- Yes.
- I wanna beg your pardon for...
- Oh, be still.
I like you
all the more for your outburst.
It was, uh, well,
displayed temperament.
Now, let's get to work.
I will work out our plan
in this way.
'We start with a
first injection here. '
Hope this horse is good and
strong. He's gonna be very sick.
He used to be a race horse.
A champion.
If this horse does what we want
him to, he'll be very famous.
- He is too old to race again.
- This is a race against death.
Yes? Ambulance?
How many?
At once.
Dr. Hartmann, Dr. Wolfert,
Dr. Bishop, Dr. Kunze!
Emergency! Emergency!
Dr. Ehrlich, Dr. Behring.
They are all sick.
They are all sick!
Don't worry,
we'll get him up again.
But you must do something.
You've got to do something.
Or one third
of our country's children
Will die of this disease.
We are working.
Stop this epidemic, Koch.
I'll give you anything. I'll
pave your institute with gold.
We are working on it.
The horses have thrown off
the effect of the toxin.
Their serum should
be strong by now.
'They've reached a
high degree of immunity. '
'Let's take the serum. '
- Go to the other hospitals.
- Other hospitals are filled!
- 'Why don't you let them in?'
- We've no room, Herr geheimrat.
Then set up beds in the
corridors, the offices.
Let them him. We cannot let them
die in the street.
- You may come in.
- Dr. Wolfert, you take charge.
Yes, Herr geheimrat. One at
a time and register here.
- Herr professor.
- What are you doing here?
We were sent by Professor Koch
at the request of Althoff.
- To try our new serum.
- This is useless.
In our laboratory
it proved itself
A 100 times as effective
as the old serum.
- We believe in this.
- You did in the old one too.
Nothing can stop this epidemic
unless it's the serum.
- We've heard all this before.
- You've gotta give it a chance.
Very well.
I'll let you try it.
Here are 40 diphtheria cases.
You will give your serum to 20
and withhold it from the rest.
If there is a higher percentage
of recovery...
Among the patients treated
with your serum
Than among the untreated ones,
we shall know it has some value.
If there's a chance it may work,
we should give it everyone.
Only with
the controlled experiment
Can we establish the value
of your serum once and for all.
So, remember. 20 get the serum,
and 20 do without.
That's his 20th patient.
Let him go ahead.
Turn him over.
Turn him over.
Doctor, you can't do this.
It's done.
Let's go now.
Prepare for more injections.
How is my child?
One moment.
Who is responsible for this?
They're struggling
so hard to breathe.
I can't hold back
the one chance I have.
You wanted to save as many
lives as possible.
Are you doctors
or old women?
The whole experiment
is useless now.
Don't think you can call
an attempt to save the lives
Of 20 children useless.
Dr. Behring,
surely you...
Herrgeheimrat, this is the
matter of life and death.
I am in charge of this hospital.
And I determine what procedure's
to be followed in saving lives.
It's my duty as a doctor
to do everything in my power
To save the lives
of these children.
Nothing on earth can prevent
me from carrying out my duty.
You please leave
this hospital at once.
'Dr. Hartmann,
please be reasonable. '
'If you don't leave
the hospital, I'll call the police. '
If you call the police
before I finish my injections
I'm gonna tell the parents
that you're preventing me
From treating
these children.
This is blackmail.
Criminal blackmail,
and don't think it ends here.
I'm going
to hold you responsible.
- Will they get well, doctor?
- Any hope for my child?
Did you find out anything?
No. Nothing.
Eight o'clock.
We should know by now
whether the race is won or lost.
I wasn't allowed to enter
the hospital.
Our serum's a failure.
Hartmann will see to it
that the both of us
Are finished in science.
You aren't concerned.
The quarrel is between
Hartmann and me.
The devil you say,
this is a collaboration.
We share equally in everything,
blame included.
There's no reason
why you should assume
for my action.
Now, Paul, listen...
- Dr. Behring, Dr. Ehrlich.
- 'Yes. '
Any news about the children?
His excellency Minister Althoff,
instruct you to appear
Before him at once
at the hospital.
- Althoff?
- Althoff at the hospital.
My orders
are to bring you there.
Well, that's it.
Being discharged is enough.
I'm not going.
- Where is Von Behring?
- He's, uh...
Never mind. Sit down.
Since when have young research
workers threaten distinguish
with mob violence?
In all my experience,
I never heard of such a thing.
I was wrong,
Your Excellency, I know.
If you'd have seen the
faces of those children
As they were struggling
to breath.
If you'd known there was a
chance they might be saved.
It's very fortunate for you that
things turned out as they did.
Why so, Your Excellency?
Is there news
from the diphtheria ward?
Can it be
that you haven't heard?
Heard what?
Every one of the children you
injected is recovering.
- The antitoxin saved them.
- Really?
- I must go and see them.
- Wait!
'I must talk to you. '
- Have a cigar.
- Thank you.
Sit down.
Ehrlich, I have plans for you.
Really, Your Excellency?
I want you to develop a similar
serum for typhoid.
But Behring is the originator
of the diphtheria serum.
I only helped him.
Behring shall
have a professorship
At Marburg University.
And as for you, I intend to
establish a research laboratory
In which you can be
your own master.
It would be
for the specific purpose
Of developing new serums?
Oh, yes, of course.
Well, then I cannot accept,
Your Excellency.
What are you saying?
Well, I have an idea,
a theory, if you will.
I want to experiment.
Try to prove it.
What practical results
are you looking for?
Well, if my theory is right...
It will be possible one day
to manufacture immunity
To disease in a test tube.
More little magic bullets
to shoot into the bloodstream
And destroy invading microbes.
Magic bullets?
I can't go to
a bunch of committee
And talk about
magic bullets.
But I'll convince 'em
that your work is valuable.
You shall have your laboratory
to do anything.
Cut out paper dolls
for all I care.
- You won't regret it.
- Oh, won't I?
I'm beginning
to regret it already.
Now, you get out of here
before I change my mind.
Oh, Ehrlich.
Come with me.
You didn't have to tell me
about the children's faces
As they fought to get breath
into their lungs.
My grandchild.
'Saved by your serum. '
Magic bullets.
And only we know about it.
So you see, my dear Weissman
My opponents don't understand
the principles of chemotherapy.
If you argue with them,
it's just like
Discussing... colors
with the color blind.
Just finish
that letter, Marquardt.
Marvelous reaction.
Beautiful color.
Letter to Dr. Theodore Smith,
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Dear Dr. Smith...
- Pretzel have his breakfast?
- 'Hmm. '
Beautiful color. Beautiful.
The committee is here,
"Dear, Dr. Smith",
you got that, Marquardt?
How's that?
- Oh, the committee.
- What committee?
The budget committee,
Herr professor
To inspect the institute.
How many heads has the monster?
Four, Herr professor.
Show the committee in.
'Yes, Herr professor. '
I mustn't lose my temper.
I must remember that committee
is a necessary evil.
If I show any signs of
forgetfulness, do something.
Blow your nose...
Drop a book, anything.
Just help me to remember.
- Good afternoon, Herr doctor.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
May I present our new
member, Dr. Wolfert.
We need no introduction.
Wolfert and I are old friends.
- Aren't we, Wolfert?
- Indeed.
And of course,
you know Herr Mittelmeyer.
How do you do, Herr Mittelmeyer?
Be seated, gentlemen.
Have a cigar?
Thank you.
- They're excellent cigars.
- No, thank you.
- Wrapped in Havana.
- No, thank you.
Well, gentlemen,
what is your pleasure?
Would you care to look
around the institute?
First of all, we'd like to ask
a few general questions.
At your service.
Is it true, Herr doctor
That for some years
you've been working
To find a cure for a disease
that afflicts mice?
Yes, that's true.
Why, may I ask?
It's not because
I am prompted by any special
toward a mice.
Others look for ways
to get rid of mice.
But Dr. Ehrlich decorates the
walls of his rooms with them.
If the gentlemen would care
to look into the microscope...
The curving
snake-like objects
'You see are trypanosomes. '
'They're the cause of the
mouse disease you just mentioned. '
'I chose them because
their size and singular shape
'Make them easy to identify
under the microscope. '
Uh, maybe one of you
gentlemen remembers
My staining
the tubercle bacillus.
Well, following
the same idea of affinity
I compounded
an arsenic preparation.
Which when injected
in to the bloodstream
Combines with the microbe
and destroys it.
Like a magic bullet.
May I enquire
to what practical use
You intend to put
this discovery?
Well, I'm trying to find
magic bullets
Who wish to fight
human diseases.
How soon do you expect
expect your first success?
Oh, in a reasonably
short time.
Let's say, uh,
ten or fifteen years.
- But, doctor.
- Really, Herr doctor?
Ten or fifteen years, huh?
But I dare say, the disease
will still be with us then.
- Dr. Kraus.
- Yes.
'Now, I'm going to put
you in the hands of Dr. Kraus. '
'He will show you around.
Feel free to ask any questions. '
The institute is yours,
Dr. Morgenroth, gentlemen.
From the commission.
How do you do?
I see you're working with
rabbits, doctor, why?
Rabbits are better
for our purpose.
What is your purpose
here, Herr doctor?
- To inject them.
- Inject them with what?
Infectious diseases.
there's no danger.
Dr. Hata, gentlemen.
- How do you do?
- How do you do, doctor?
- You're not German, are you?
- Oh, no.
Now, back to your cage,
What did you say?
I said, "Back to your cage,
Mittelmeyer. "
You see, all our
guinea pigs have names.
This is Speidler.
And this lonely one
is Napoleon.
That's good.
Uh, Dr. Hata,
what are you doing here?
I inject rats, mice,
guinea pigs.
- The same as Dr. Morgenroth?
- Oh, no.
Dr. Morgenroth injects microbes,
I inject chemicals into them.
To test the effect of
the chemicals on the microbes.
Complicated, isn't it?
You assistants seem to be doing
all the work here.
- What does Dr. Ehrlich do?
- He thinks.
'Herr professor. '
Well, gentlemen,
what were your impressions?
Going over the books, I was
surprised at the large sums
Expended for test animals
and chemicals.
Oh, were you?
We were also surprised
at the presence
Of an oriental
in your laboratory.
Hata. An orien...
Yes, so, he is.
We don't approve
of this employment
When a man of pure German blood
could fill the place.
What has race to do
with science?
Dr. Ehrlich,
for an employee of the state
Your attitude is very un-German.
In science,
truth is master, not the state.
Those are queer sentiments
for one who depends upon
The state for his livelihood.
- Quite so.
- Right.
Yes, yes.
- Kadereit!
- 'Herr professor. '
Show these gentlemen out.
What did you say to them?
Oh, I couldn't hold in
any longer, I simply couldn't.
Gabriel's Horn couldn't
have stopped me
Let alone you
blowing your nose.
- This may cause trouble.
- Oh, devil take them.
Them nitwits, un-German.
Oh, the nitwits!
I should've told Kadereit
to throw them out.
Thank goodness you didn't.
State, un-German, pure...
Morgenroth, Kraus, Becker, Hata,
everybody, come here!
- Yes, sir.
- You called?
Gentlemen, it would seem that
the germ of Syphilis
Has been discovered.
- What do you mean?
- By whom?
By one, uh,
Fritz Schaudinn.
The German Medical Weekly sent
me this proofs for approval.
Listen, "The spirochaeta pallida
is a protozoan. "
"It is a fine, steeply,
convoluted filament
"With six to fourteen turns.
"It is decidedly mortal.
With forward, turning,
and bending movements. "
Tell me, does that description
put your mind in anything else?
"It's decidedly mortal
With forward, turning
and bending movements. "
Why that's just like
the trypanosome.
If the germ has been discovered,
there's hope for a cure.
Yes, there is hope.
But first, lets see...
If Schaudinn is right.
- Hata.
- Yes, yes, sir.
Go and arrange for some fresh
material for the patient.
- I wanna see with my own eyes.
- Yes.
Yes, it's true.
It's true.
The cause of man's most
vicious disease before our eyes.
'Spirochaeta pallida. '
'What delicate things they are. '
'So small and yet so deadly. '
Hardly more than a motion.
That motion is a dance of death.
Well, what do you think?
I think this spirochaete,
except for it's size...
Is similar
to the trypanosomes.
And arsenic destroys
the trypanosomes
In the living bodies of mice.
I hardly dare say it.
But it is possible
that one day
In our cynical combination
will destroy the spirochaetes
In the living bodies of men.
Herr professor,
today we are ready
To show you the results
of the first test.
Here, they're all crazy.
Yes, but they live,
that's the important thing.
Only germ has been destroyed
in their bodies.
That indicates
we're on the right track.
Uh, Morgenroth, I want you
to draw a chart for me.
I wish to record the progress
of our work.
Um, a chart, uh,
a chart like this.
Now, we have two factors
to reckon with.
The poisonous effects of our
preparation on the microbe.
And the poisonous effects
on the cells of the body.
Now, the preparation
we've just tested...
We'll call that number one.
Now, that is approximately
100 percent successful
Against the microbe.
But, also it is approximately
100 percent poisonous
To the cells of the body,
as the mice all went crazy.
Now, what we have to do
Is to keep our preparation
100 percent successful
Against the microbe
While reducing its poisonous
effects on the body...
To zero.
When we have done that
Then we shall have been
successful in our search
For the magic bullet.
It would take...
Oh, heaven knows how many...
Hundred preparations
before we find it.
But, we shan't stop
until we do.
Herr professor,
Geheimrat Von Behring
Is here to see you.
I can't see anybody.
I'm much too busy.
Wait. Who did you say?
'Geheimrat Von Behring. '
He he,
hello, Pretzel.
Don't you remember me?
Hmm? He he.
- Aah.
- What a surprise!
What a wonderful surprise!
I'm delighted to see you, Paul.
I really am.
Well, how are you, Emil?
No need to ask you that.
You're the picture of health.
- Well, what're you doing now?
- Oh, I'm up to my ears in work.
- Are you?
- I'm on something new.
- Well, what is it this time?
- A cure for syphilis.
You don't tell me.
Come, I want to show you
all that I'm doing.
You'll be amazed at the results
that we're getting.
Oh, Marquardt,
telephone Mrs. Ehrlich.
Tell her I'm bringing
a guest to dinner.
Oh, and tell her
to have potato pancakes.
She'll know immediately.
Wonderful potato pancakes.
'You're a lucky man, Paul. '
Hedi's pancakes are the best,
the very best I ever tasted.
Well, I married her because
of her potato pancakes.
One would say,
the cooking is good
In your home too.
Mm-hm. Oh.
Yeah, that's true,
I'm getting fat.
But let me tell you.
My authority
In scientific matters
has increased
Inch by inch
with my waist line.
So, I give my appetite
free rein.
I wish Paul would do the same.
He never will, missing meals
the way he does.
Hedi talks about meals as
if they were railroad trails.
Well, Emil,
my home life's unbearable.
Maybe, that's why I spend
so much time at the laboratory.
Now that Steffi
and Marianne are married
And have homes of their own,
I'm the sole object
Of Hedi's passion for order.
Oh, isn't he dreadful?
'Ah, Johannesburger 84.'
Excellent vintage!
'To the old man. '
Ah, that touches
the exact spot.
Well, with good wine
there should be music.
Oh, well, play a waltz,
Hedi, please.
Yes, Paul.
- No, I have given up cigars.
- Why?
Well, I have come to an age
where I have to be careful.
It profits you too, Paul,
to look after you're health.
Oh, I can't think
without a cigar in my mouth.
Tobacco stimulates me.
Yes, Emil...
Chemistry will loom ever
large in medical science
As time goes on.
A time will come
when resistance to all disease
Will be manufactured
in test tubes.
- Uh, Paul.
- Yes.
I'm in a very
unpleasant position.
So? Why?
Well, Minister Althoff
has asked me to express
An opinion as of
the value of your work.
You see,
the real situation is...
You're having difficulty
with the budget committee.
They don't want
to grant your appropriation.
So, he's hoping that my word
may have sufficient weight
To overbalance the opposition.
Paul, why don't you
give up this dream
Of curing with chemicals?
There's no good in it.
Emil, how can you
doubt in the face
Of what I showed you
this afternoon?
You saw with your own eyes
How a chemical injected into the
mice destroyed the germs.
And set them crazy.
Yes, but that's
only a passing phase.
Eventually all that
will be done away with.
The idea of shooting chemicals
into the veins of human beings
Fills me with horror.
If you weren't my friend,
I'd attack it publicly.
But 'cause you are,
I can only remain silent.
I'm not asking you
to be silent.
Put it in writing, I want you
to put it in writing
So that I can, I can wave it
before your nose someday.
No use doing that because you
can't see beyond your nose.
'Paul. '
You know, you know what
our friendship means to me.
We were friends ten years ago
When your mind
was open to ideas.
Before you had a waistline
above your ears.
I'm sorry, Hedi. Thanks for your
kindness. Goodnight.
Emil, this isn't possible,
you mustn't leave like this.
I'm afraid I must.
You and Emil
after all these years...
Let him go.
What a pity.
He isn't the old Emil anymore.
No use mourning the loss.
I must work doubly fast now
to get something accomplished
Before the committee
can cut off my funds.
'A hundred and twenty
thousand marks for test animals. '
Ninety four thousand marks
for chemicals.
Sixty one thousand marks
for salaries.
Thirty three thousand marks
for equipment.
And no practical results.
I move that
the debate be closed
And that the question
of the appropriation
For Paul Ehrlich
be put to a vote.
All those in favor
of cutting the appropriation
For the Paul Ehrlich institute
by 50 percent
Signify by raising
the right hand.
And those oppose?
Uh, Mittelmeyer,
are you for or against?
Well, one the one hand,
there is science, but...
Are you for or against?
I am for... the reduction.
Only today we made
a great step forward.
I wish now, we hadn't.
This can't happen, Paul,
it absolutely cannot.
Well, it has.
Well, there must be something
that we can do, there must be.
I'd like to know what?
We should go to see
Franziska Speyer.
What about?
Well, I shall try to get
the money you need from her.
People like Franziska Speyer
don't give money away.
That's why they have money,
'cause they don't give it away.
No harm in trying.
So, you turn to me
like everyone else
Who wants money,
you turn to Franziska Speyer.
Ever since I said
I wanted to do something
In honor of my husband
It has been
one person after another.
My husband is doing
a great work, Franz Speyer.
It must go on.
You are a good wife,
but I was a good wife too.
My husband's estate
mustn't be thrown away.
It must go where it can do
the greatest public good.
No one will ever
forget the name of Speyer
If you will help my husband.
I've got to find out for myself.
You bring Paul Ehrlich
to dinner next week.
Say, Thursday.
And let me make up
my mind about him.
No one can really like it
or even pretend to.
Dr. Ehrlich, what are you
experimenting on now, may I ask?
I beg your pardon?
- Herr doctor, did you say...
- Yes, Franz Speyer.
- He said syphilis.
- Oh, I declare.
Well, uh, syphilis is
an infectious disease.
And like all other
infectious diseases
It's caused by microbes.
And, uh, people may get it
in very innocent ways.
Uh, from a public drinking cup.
From a table utensil, even.
What are you doing about it,
Herr doctor?
Well, I'm trying
to find a cure.
'Does that mean
you are developing a serum?'
No, I'm working
on a new principle.
What is this new principle?
Be careful, Franz Speyer
or I shall tell you about it.
Please do, doctor,
we're most interested.
Nobody has ever
seen a molecule.
But let's imagine,
that they look like this.
'Paul. '
Not on Franz Speyer's
table cloth.
Let him alone. How am I
to understand otherwise?
Now, if we imagine the
molecules composing of microbes
To look like this key hole...
We can readily see that
any chemical molecule
That's gonna combine with them
must be shaped like a key
That would fit into it.
Now, this is the basis
of my theory of affinity.
So, after many years,
I discovered that arsenic
Was the key
which fit in the molecules
Of which
the microbe is composed.
But it also fits the
molecules of which the brain
And the nerves are composed.
Now if you must shape
our key
So that it fits
only the microbe.
It's just there are thousands
of chemical combinations
It will take
thousands of experiments.
really fascinating.
In fact, the most fascinating
thing I have ever heard.
Today, we are ready to show you
the results of the 606th test.
A complete recovery.
- It's unbelievable.
- 'It's wonderful, miraculous. '
He shows no ill effects at all.
Think of our first test
with the mice.
And now, at last,
a complete recovery.
It's harder to believe
the realization and the dream.
It's too wonderful to be true.
So... we come
to the end of the road.
A road full of twists and turns.
Six hundred and six.
When we began,
I remember that I said
That it might take
even 100 experiments.
And I thought
I was exaggerating.
A little dream that would be
more than a score or two
And that'd take over
a few months at the most.
You've shown courage, fortitude.
I've very proud of you,
each one of you.
We're proud to have
served under you, Herr doctor.
You was the example
you set us.
Sounds magical.
Number to conjure with.
the magic number
By which devils may be
cast out of the bodies of men.
For as yet, ours is
a theoretical trial.
The last step
is yet to be taken.
If it cures
man's nearest relation
Sure, it should cure a man.
I'm afraid, it's not
so simple as you think.
If we injected humans
with unfortunate results...
Our specific may be
damned from it's exception.
'How can we avoid it?'
Now we must proceed
with the utmost secrecy.
Should the unexpected occur
in the first human experiment
I want your promises...
That the outside world
will never know.
But, Herr professor...
We'll discuss
the details tomorrow.
may I have the coat?
Oh, if you want to take
the afternoon off
I'll never know.
- 'Kraus. '
- Yes?
- You know what I think?
- No, what?
The old man intends
to inject himself.
Morgenroth, have you...
Rapid but... quite alright.
I've asked you here today
hoping that out of your number
A few would volunteer
to undergo a new treatment
For the disease
that affect you.
This new
treatment involve some danger.
And neither the hospital
nor I personally
Can guarantee you
any results whatsoever.
Those who wish to volunteer,
hold up your hands.
Take me, doctor,
take me, doctor.
Alright, Kellner.
Quiet, please, quiet.
Alright, you, you.
Quiet, please, quiet.
'You, that's
all for the present. '
What do you see?
Nothing clear, doctor.
Look at the window.
- Do you see it?
- No.
Only a blur.
It hurts my eyes.
- 'Good morning, nurse. '
- 'Good morning, Dr. Lentz. '
'How's the patient today?'
'They're progressing very well. '
'Good morning,
Kellner, can you see better today?'
'About the same. '
'Let me see the chart. '
'Good morning, nurse.
How are the patients today?'
'Better, Dr. Lentz.
Here are the charts. '
'Amazing! No
signs of temperature. '
'Oh, how is Kellner?'
'He seems to be improving. '
'Splendid. '
- 'Good morning, Kellner. '
- 'Good morning, doctor. '
I can almost see you.
'That's fine. '
'Ehrlich will
certainly be pleased'
'When he comes here tomorrow. '
'They're all
improving, Dr. Ehrlich.
- Where's Kellner?
- Right here, doctor.
'How do you feel, Kellner?'
Dr. Ehrlich...
I don't know how
to thank you enough.
For being able to see again.
Soon I'll be
back at work and...
And all that
I make... shall be yours.
Your complete recovery
is all that I want.
'Thank you, doctor. '
All satisfactory?
In these last days, my hospital
has become a place of miracles.
Herr professor.
The board of directors
of the Medical Association
Has delegated us to ask you,
if you'll submit
The drug for recommendation?
You must realize
that every physician
Through out the world is eager
to use your unused specific.
I know, gentlemen,
I'm sorry.
But I cannot release
the specific now.
Well, first, I must find out
how the preparation
Effects people with
complications with diseases
With nervous disorders,
with high blood pressure.
Well, really,
you must give me time.
Herr professor,
I have a patient.
A young girl,
it would be a tragedy
Where she would die
of this horrible thing.
Now with 606
her life might be saved.
Think of such a girl
were your own daughter
Would you condemn her to die?
I understand your
desire to help someone
Personally known to you.
But a scientist...
Must close his heart
to all such considerations.
He must view the problem
from his broadest aspect.
If we allow ourselves to become
involved with our emotions...
We shall be lost.
Well, how much longer
do you intend
To continue your experiments
before you release the specific?
It all depends, I-I should say,
at least another year.
Dr. Ehrlich, will you
forgive me if I speak freely?
I recall some 17 years ago,
there was a diphtheria epidemic.
And a young doctor then
quite unknown transcended
The scientific attitude...
In order to relieve
some suffering children.
Working in his laboratory
through the years since
With rats and guinea pigs
That doctor
may have got out of touch
With human suffering.
But to us medical practitioners,
patients are not statistics.
We see the lives
of young people destroyed
Marriages ruined,
children infected
All condemned to die
a horrible death
Sooner or later
And we are powerless
to help it.
If you have a cure...
In the name of humanity...
You must release it
to the public.
Even if some error
should occur, I'm ready
To assume the responsibility.
I'll see that you get the
specific as you require it
With the best advice
I can give.
Herr professor...
Please send me reports
of the outcome of your cases.
Good news, Herr doctor,
some six thousand new orders
Have come in
from all over the world.
I shall have to enlarge my
factory and double my staff
In order to handle the demand.
- I'm afraid.
- Afraid?
There's no danger that
the quality of the preparation
Will suffer
in large scale production.
I promise you, we will keep
the same, high quality.
You won't forget to...
Furnish us
with samples of each.
What's the matter?
I'm alright, quite alright.
No, doctor, you are
far from alright.
Allow me.
Nothing at all,
just a little dizziness.
No, no, you must
stop work at once.
Go away for a long rest.
- Really, you must, doctor.
- Yes.
I should go away.
Hedi, I have
a surprise for you.
A surprise, what is it?
See? I'm finally
keeping my promise.
We leave the first of the week.
- Egypt? Paul, does that mean...
- Doesn't mean a thing.
Except that we liked Egypt
and we were there before.
Are you sure, Paul?
There's nothing the matter
with your chest?
Nothing, nothing at all.
Believe me, Hedi.
All I need is a little rest.
First of the week you say,
and for how long?
Oh, a few months anyway.
A few months? Oh, Paul,
it's too good to be true.
Oh, what a pessimist you are.
If the thing is pleasant,
it isn't true.
Only the man is real
as far as you're concerned.
I'm the happiest person
alive and you know it.
Now, that's a fine way
of showing it.
Did I ever tell you
that I love you very much?
No, but I had an idea
that you did.
You've had me around
for so long.
This is Dr. Lentz speaking.
Something unforeseen
has happened.
One of my patients
Frida Metzke
Just died in the
course of treatment.
Yes, she had three injections.
I'm afraid 606
was the cause of it.
I'll come immediately.
Paul, it's late,
you're not going out.
- I must.
- But, why must you?
A woman just died,
606 may have been the cause.
I understand.
And how many deaths
have you absolute proof
Were caused by IX compound?
Three in Hamburg, four in
Leipzig, two in Hannover
Five in Berlin, one in Frankfurt
and several scattered dead.
More than a score in all.
As publisher of one of the most
influential newspapers
It's your duty to expose the
truth about this damnable drug.
I have here an article
of my own writing
Which would serve
to launch the attack.
"The victims of 606
were surely murdered
"As if they had been
stabbed from behind.
"How can such
a dangerous drug be distributed
"In enormous quantities
in our country?
"The reason is that
it's discoverer, Paul Ehrlich
"And Divine Chemical
Industries Incorporated
"Through the influence
with persons in high stations
"Have been able to put
pressure on physicians
And health officers,
they have...
If they published that, you know
you can be sued for liable.
I wouldn't ask
anything better.
The trial would bring
everything into the open.
It would be the finish
of Paul Ehrlich
And his so called specific.
One of the biggest names
in science
Will testify in all we have.
Emil from Berlin.
But what about
your own good name?
My place is in the laboratory,
not in the courtroom.
I tell you, Paul,
your specific is in danger.
Orders are being canceled out.
Doctors will refuse
to administer the drug
For the fear of the things
in these allegations.
It's up to you to answer
them. It really is.
Well, if you think
bringing a liable action
Is the thing to do.
I think it's
the only thing to do.
Very well.
Frida Metzke
was an outpatient
Receiving the average doses
as prescribed by Dr. Ehlrich.
After the first injection,
her lesions disappeared.
At the third, she complained of
a general and persistent itching
Eruptions appeared
on the surface of the skin
Her speech became thick,
her fever mounted.
She became delirious, went
into a coma, and succumbed.
And what in your opinion was the
cause of Frida Metzke's death?
Arsenic poisoning.
It's ridiculous to go on
like this day after day.
Of course,
arsenic is a poison.
And there can be no question
that arsenic killed her.
I object.
Dr. Ehlrich
is injuring himself
From testifying
without legal advice.
I want no legal advice.
This is a question of truth.
To a great extent, I am
responsible for these deaths.
They would not have
occurred had I withheld 606
Until I was able to test
every reaction to the drug.
These fatalities however
Have thought us
that in certain rare instances
A chemistry occurs
within the body
Which breaks down the compound
and releases the arsenic.
But we also know now
that each of these individuals
Flies a danger flag.
An intense itching
of the skin
Which manifests itself
in sufficient time
To discontinue treatment.
In the future
This preparation
can be prescribed
To any sufferer
without any risk.
We are not concerned with the
rosy future Dr. Ehrlich paints.
The relevant point
is his admission
That 606 caused
the death of 38 people.
I'm only trying to help
the court understand
The real nature
of these deaths.
The court understands well
enough without your assistance.
I demand the council
for the defense show respect...
- And his admission...
- Gentlemen, gentlemen!
Dr. Ehlrich, I'm afraid
Your observations
are irrelevant to this issue.
'Dr. Lentz, you may
take your seat. '
I'm Emil Von Behring.
I received a summons from
the defense to appear here
As an expert witness.
I was delayed by
a meeting in Geneva.
'I hope the court
will excuse my delay. '
You need give yourself
No further embarrassment,
Professor Behring.
You've not yet been called.
- Will you please take a seat?
- Thank you.
Herr geheimrat, I'm glad you
were able to come.
May I ask the court
for a brief recess?
Granted. The court will
recess for a few minutes.
Oh, it is too much
for him, this trial
It should
never have been.
It was Behring,
that Behring.
There's only one
thing to do, give it up.
What's that?
Well, your health
comes first, Paul.
Withdraw the charges.
Withdraw the charges?
No, that's impossible.
That would be
the last blow to 606.
I'm going to see this through.
Professor Von Behring, are there
any scientific means of proof
By which it is possible
to determine
'Whether or not
606 performs lasting cures?'
Only time, which
tries all truth.
In your opinion,
were the 38 deaths
Mentioned in the evidence
here due to 606?
In my opinion, they were.
So that while no cures
can be attributed to 606
38 deaths resulted
from its use?
Thirty nine.
Thirty nine?
You know of another death?
Yes, syphilis.
The death of syphilis itself.
But professor, you've
written and lectured
Against the Ehrlich theory.
Yes, I did, Dr. Wolfert.
But you must realize
it is the task of science
To discover the truth.
There is no shame attached
to the recognition of error.
Upon the appearance
of Dr. Wolfert's articles
I decided to reinvestigate.
'During the past six months,
I've studied hundreds of cases. '
And I'm now convinced that
606 is a complete success.
What did you say, professor?
I say, I'm convinced
that 606 cures.
Whether or not that is the case
is of secondary importance.
606 stops infectiousness.
'The individuals
who are treated by it'
'Are no longer capable'
'Of passing
the disease onto others. '
And if there is no
transmission of infection
The disease must
necessarily die out.
True, 38 individuals
are dead from 606.
But those dead should be
thought of as sacrifices.
As martyrs, if you will,
to the public good.
But if 10, if a 100 times
that many had fallen
I would still say,
it is all for the best.
For through it,
and only through 606
Can the fight against
this dread disease be won.
How is he?
Please don't stop
playing, Katie.
There are a few things
I want to talk over.
606 works, we know.
The magic bullet
will cure thousands.
The principle
upon which it works
Will serve against
other diseases.
Many others I think.
But, there can be
no final victory
Over diseases of the body
Unless the diseases
of the souls are also overcome.
They feed upon each other.
Diseases of the body,
diseases of the soul.
In days to come
There will be
epidemics of... greed...
Hate, ignorance.
We must fight them in life
As we fought syphilis
in the laboratory.
We must fight.
We must never,
never stop fighting.