Dr. Kildare's Victory (1942) Movie Script
Blair hospital, emergency.
Good night.
Oh, hello, Milton.
Good night.
How are you, you old wolf?
Wait. Hold it, Milton.
What? Where's Dr. Kildare?
Listen, girlie.
It's 11:00 of a Saturday night,
and to find Dr. Kildare
after office hours
would take a ouija board,
the northwest mounted police,
and somebody who knows where he is.
Hello, Milton.
How are you, glamour puss?
Wait. Hold it, Milton.
Hang on, my little meatball.
A customer's coming in.
Step on it, boys.
It's in bad shape.
Ok, doctor.
We're stepping on it.
Where does it go?
Bullet through
the left lung.
Surgery, emergency case coming up.
Gunshot wound.
Business as usual.
Never a Saturday night
without a shooting.
Yes, sir.
He pretty nearly
kicked in
before we got there.
Say, wait a minute.
He's dead.
That will take a pink slip.
Icebox, Sally.
Never mind, surgery.
He's kicked the bucket.
Hello, Milton.
Well, I'll be off at midnight.
See you then, smoothie.
Why, Sally, I'm surprised.
Thought you didn't trust that Milton.
I wouldn't
go out with a guy
I could trust.
Where's the fun?
Oh, hello,
Dr. Kildare.
Say, everybody's
been trying
to locate you
for hours.
Dr. Donald Winthrop.
Well, I think he went out
on the last emergency call.
Oh, no. Dr. Winthrop
goes out next.
One minute,
Dr. Kildare.
Dr. Winthrop,
Hello? Hello,
Dr. Kildare?
Are we set for tonight,
or didn't Gillespie
let you have
the night off?
Sure, Don.
All I had to do
was insist I'd rather work,
and Gillespie practically
threw me out.
Yeah. Uh-uh.
Yeah, but now he
must have found out
what we're going to do
because he's paging me
all over the place.
Uh-oh! My turn on
the butcher wagon.
I'll see you
when I get back.
So long.
Here we go again, boys.
Here you are, doctor.
1640 gaylor Avenue.
Trouble in a saloon.
See if you can't
comp a free bottle
of gin.
1640 gaylor Avenue.
Why, miss Kirke.
and Dr. Winthrop?
I never dreamed.
Rule 44-b.
Interns are not allowed
to go out with the nurses.
Why don't I know about this?
I listen in on every personal call
that comes over this switchboard.
Bad news. Bad news
is in the garage.
Came back two days early.
She's bawling out the night shift.
She'll be here any minute.
Sound the alarm.
Where's my vacuum cleaner?
Jeepers creepers!
This will wreck
the joint,
and I thought
we were safe
till Monday.
The big boss
will drop dead
when he hears this.
Dr. Carew speaking.
What do you say, Sally?
Are you positive?
No, no.
I'll do that myself.
Give me Dr. Gillespie
right away.
No, sir.
Dr. Gillespie left
here 5 minutes ago.
All he said was,
"Parker, I'm
a little Pearl
going out to look
for an oyster."
Oh, my goodness!
I'll have to
get busy.
Conover, it's bad news.
Bad news? That means
Molly Byrd.
She's coming home
from her vacation
instead of Monday morning.
Oh! Dr. Gillespie
said to get flowers
for Molly Byrd's return.
I'll bet
the whole place
is in an uproar.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Evening, doc.
Now, Clifford,
is everything ok
in the kitchen?
You bet. They even
started to make
fresh coffee
in case miss Byrd asks for it.
Well, she might want
to count the spoons.
I hope she does.
We're two spoons over.
Well, everything's under control.
Miss Byrd will come in through here,
and that will start her off right.
Even if you weren't hungry,
you could eat off
this floor now.
Wait. That will be
her car.
That's not superintendent Byrd.
What is it this time, doctor,
liver, kidney, appendix,
or realigning his brakes?
No. This fella
flooded his
May I borrow your pen, nurse?
Certainly, doctor.
Flooded his carburetor?
Oh, I get it.
With alcohol.
Yeah. Whiskey,
beer, gin,
and a little vodka.
Officially what, doctor, please?
Delirium tremens.
bung starter, bang,
and here we are.
Did I tell you
you were very pretty
tonight, Annabelle?
Uh, delirium tremens,
uh, right, doctor?
That's very sweet of you, Donald.
Delirium tremens.
That will be fun.
He'll wake up seeing pink elephants.
Well, he might see
a couple of snakes.
Restraining room,
a customer coming up.
Where are my pink elephants?
What did you do
with my pink elephants?
Right this way, mister.
Your elephants just went
down the hall.
What do you know about elephants?
You're only a street cleaner.
Hey. Wait a minute.
How many pink elephants
did you have?
10,000 of them,
and all exactly 6 inches high.
Those are the ones.
I counted them
and measured them myself.
Right this way.
Thanks, my friend.
Hey! Hey, you!
What have you got there?
Soup, steak.
Soup, steak for elephants?
Hey! Hey, you
look out, lady.
My animals are coming through here.
I better put you
where you'll be safe.
Ohh! Ohh!
Listen. Th-th-there's
a... a D.T. Loose.
Send down a couple
of orderlies, big ones.
Why, it's grandmother.
She's got my elephants.
Get this floor cleaned up
before miss Byrd comes in here
and blows the roof off.
Who dropped that tray?
It wasn't my fault,
miss Byrd, honest.
It was the man
with the 10,000
10,000 elephants?
That's right, miss Byrd.
So this time everybody's drunk.
No, miss Byrd.
We just had
a D.T. Case.
Then you didn't
handle it right.
Where is it?
Help, help!
Bring a ladder.
I'm getting dizzy!
I suppose you'll blame
that on the D.T. Case, too.
Welcome home, miss Byrd.
Dr. Gillespie
sends flowers.
Get me out of here!
Someone, get me out of here!
And I've only been away 3 weeks.
Get me out of here, someone!
Help! Get me out!
Get me out of here, so...
Why, i... ohh.
Why, uh, Molly,
I'm glad to see
you back.
I, uh, I was coming to meet you.
Yes, I can see
you got dressed for it.
Well, Molly, did you have
a nice a vacation?
I bicycled 205 miles
and gained 7 pounds.
Well, how's everything, Walter?
How's Leonard Gillespie
and Jimmy Kildare?
The boy's in a tough spot.
However, his natural love of medicine
is helping him
to blot out the tragedy
of losing Mary.
He's coming along.
Dr. Kildare,
call Dr. Gillespie
in the turkish bath.
Get out of my way.
I'm gonna find my elephants.
Aha! Another
New York dude
street cleaner.
Well, listen, dude,
let me tell you
The cleanest street
in this town
ain't half as good
as the
dirtiest alley
in Philadelphia.
Now, get out of my way
before I knock your block off.
Hey. What are
we two philadelphians doing
in this New York den of thieves?
Right you are.
They stole my elephants.
I'm gonna wreck the place.
Philadelphia must have
changed a lot lately.
In my day, the people
weren't unsociable
killjoys like you.
In the city of brotherly love?
All right.
Then prove I'm wrong.
Come on. Relax,
and we'll have a drink
to William penn.
Hey, you, whatever your name is,
get my bottle of whiskey,
the one marked
"dream of morpheus."
Oh. Yes, sir.
All right, brother,
but no funny business,
or you're
the first one I'll
take it out on.
No, no, no.
No funny business.
Hey, you two,
don't you know
it's chilly in here?
Get the gentleman a sweater.
Tell me.
Is it true that nowadays
in Philadelphia
there's no man that ever heard
of the declaration of independence?
Never heard of it?
Ha! I can recite it
on one foot
with both my eyes closed.
When in the course
of human events
it becomes necessary
for one people
to dissolve
the political bands
which have connected
them with another
and to assume
among the powers
of the earth
the separate and equal station
to which...
Who said it was chilly in here?
I'm wise to you, dude.
You're trying to keep me
away from my elephants.
Well, here we are.
Now, since you're the guest,
suppose you drink a toast
to the old hometown first.
Why waste time?
I'm in a hurry.
Here's to Philadelphia,
to the city hall,
and to the statue
of Billy penn
on the top,
to you
and your mother
and your father
and all your children and your wife.
You are married, aren't you?
Uh... no.
I'm not married.
I am.
To the finest woman that ever lived.
May I never see her again.
Pardon me while I break the neck
of that street cleaner.
He told me my elephants lied to him.
Oh. Too bad
your mother and father
weren't from Philadelphia.
They weren't what?
Well, no man from Philadelphia
ever left his parents out of a toast
unless they were
from Camden, New Jersey.
Oh. It's my mistake.
Here's a toast
to my mother
and father...
Claude and imogene cutler,
married 52 years come December.
And if there's
no funny business,
you'll drink to them yourself,
my fine Philadelphia friend.
Well, uh...
Ah! So that's it.
You put something in that whiskey.
So now I'm gonna
knock in the top
of your head, you...
Why, I'm glad that's over.
Hey. How much
dream of morpheus
did you put in that, Don, 5 grain?
10. I saw him perform
in the saloon.
Hey. I didn't know you were
from Philadelphia, Jimmy.
Never been there in my life.
Uh-huh. You better
lay him away
and put the restraining sheet on him.
Dr. Kildare,
call Dr. Gillespie
in the turkish bath.
Eh, Mr. Cutler,
I bet when you're sober
you wouldn't hurt a fly.
Dr. Kildare, Dr. Kildare,
please call Dr. Gillespie
in the turkish bath.
Well, there goes our little party.
By no means.
I'm going to ride
the ambulance
with you,
and Dr. Gillespie
can get someone else
to wipe off his forehead.
Come now, Dr. Gillespie.
Please drink this.
Maybe you should add some more heat
so your pores will be
really good and open.
Leave that alone.
My pores are so wide open now,
I can feel a draft in my liver.
Get me a cigarette.
No cigarettes, Mitchell.
My. I wish I had
a baseball.
I could win myself a good cigar.
Do you want something,
or are you
just walking
in your sleep?
What's the state of the union,
and how's the little bicycle rider?
The bicycle rider is fine,
and, rumors to the contrary,
the union's still full
of good, old-fashioned,
self-respecting Americans.
How are you, Leonard?
You know, Molly,
I never enjoyed
anything in my life
as I did your vacation.
Uh, Dr. Gillespie?
Just a minute.
It's for you.
Well, I can't go over there.
Bring it over here.
Put it against my ear.
Oh, hello, Jimmy.
Huh? All right,
all right.
What do you know about that?
I give him
the night off,
and he goes out.
How is he?
Don't ask personal questions
and take this towel off my head.
How is Jimmy Kildare?
And how long is it
since you had
your hair cut?
Get away from here, Delilah.
All I can find out is,
Kildare's changed,
and usually,
that phrase means
for the worse.
Well, most men would
change a little bit
if their sweethearts
died the day before
their wedding.
I suppose he wouldn't
look at another girl yet.
Aw, he don't want any part of them.
I've seen plenty
of gals give him
the eye.
You know the way
the women go
for young doctors.
When I was a young doctor,
the gals used to
go for me
in a big way.
Sure, but during the civil war,
most of the attractive men
were at the front,
so the girls didn't have much choice.
Well, only a few more blocks.
Whew. We only missed
that cab by that much.
Oh. No worry at all.
It's not that bad.
We missed it that much.
Hey, Pete.
If you have to
smash us up,
do it on the way home.
There's a baby up here needs help.
Doggone, I've been
making bets with myself.
You know, not a week goes by
but some baby
gets suffocated
in its own bedclothes.
Why are people so careless?
You know, I just
made a bet
with myself.
That piece of paper you slipped
to nurse Kirke just now
wasn't an order for bandages.
Did you, uh,
notice that officially
or unofficially?
I don't want to get her trouble.
Get her in trouble?
Oh. They never
fire the nurse
in those cases.
Nurses are too valuable.
I get it.
Interns are
a dime a dozen.
Well, is it worthwhile
taking a chance on your job?
Oh. Engaged?
I make 20 bucks a month.
I haven't even asked her.
Well, why don't you?
Don, when a man
shies away
from something
his every instinct
tells him is right,
like this,
he's only admitting
a complete lack
of faith in himself
and his whole future.
Hey. Not me.
I'm gonna be
a pretty fair doctor.
Oh. I know
I'll never be rich,
but I'll get along.
Well, then, what are you waiting for?
You know what
happened to me,
don't you?
Once I thought
that just having
enough to eat
and the chance to work at medicine
was all I needed out of life.
Now I know you need more.
I knew that the minute I met Kirke.
Then don't lose Kirke.
Sold. Thank you, doctor.
Hey. Here we are.
And no emergency truck yet.
Hey, Pete,
when the fire department
gets here,
have them rush up the inhalator.
It's a suffocation case.
Let the doctors in.
Give me the baby, please.
Oh, no.
It's no use.
She's dead.
It's too late.
Our baby's dead!
What took you so long?
Saturday night traffic.
Give it to me, quick.
It's no use.
She stopped breathing.
Maybe we can start
her breathing again.
18 in a minute.
18 in a minute.
I killed my baby.
We called Emerson hospital.
Why did you fellas
have to come from Blair?
Because you're
on our side
of gaylor Avenue.
You mean to tell me,
the two hospitals
have an agreement
as to who gets whom?
Yes. Otherwise,
one hospital might
be overcrowded
and the other one empty.
Cora! Cora!
Winthrop, a hypo
of adrenaline
quickly... small dose.
What are you doing that for?
Well, the nerves that control
the breathing are in the brain.
I'm trying to get
the blood there
to restore them.
Adrenaline, doctor.
In the vein, please.
You... you think there's
still a chance?
I have to get some air
into those lungs.
My baby!
Your baby will be all right.
I killed my baby!
She's alive!
Let me go!
Let me have her!
Oh, she's alive!
Hello, doc.
What can we do?
It's all done, boys.
She's ok.
Sorry to have bothered you.
Don't worry, doc.
We had a beautiful ride.
Is she gonna live, doc?
Are you sure she's gonna live?
I'm gonna stay here a few minutes
until I am sure.
Winthrop, you better
get back to the hospital.
I'll grab the subway
and probably beat
you back.
Now, look.
Tomorrow morning,
you send your wife
down to our baby clinic,
and they'll show her
how to fix bedclothes
so this can't happen again.
Send her?
I'll bring her.
I want to take a look myself.
After all, that's
my kid, too,
you know.
Oh, uh, anything else
before I leave, doctor?
Oh, yes. Tell Pete
to take it easy
going home.
You are a doctor
with a future, you know.
Well, this is
the second time
this week
I'm going back to the hospital empty.
Business ain't so good,
but that's all right by me.
Ever stop to think
what would happen to us
if nobody got hurt anymore?
Yeah. We'd both be
out of a job.
Hey. Don't even
think about things
like that.
Me with a wife and kids to support.
Hey, Pete,
up ahead there,
what is that?
Hey. Pull over
to the side.
Come on, Pete.
Looks like we're
not going home
empty after all.
Hey. This is
the wrong side
of gaylor Avenue.
This is Emerson hospital's grief.
Come on.
Look. You're the doctor,
but we ain't supposed
to go driving around town
picking up customers
like one of these here
ice cream wagons, you know.
Is she dead?
Look at that piece of glass.
Electric sign fell.
Got both of them.
Get a stretcher quick.
And you fellas
get that girl out
of there right away.
Look, doc, let's call
Emerson hospital.
Get a stretcher.
Any pain anywhere?
No. Just a little
groggy, that's all.
Well, you'll be all right.
It's probably just the shock.
You better go in
and lie down, though.
You might pass out again.
I'll take him inside
and feed him a slug
of Brandy.
Good. I'll take care
of the girl.
Go on, now. Go ahead.
Come on there, young fella.
Hey. Turn her head
around, somebody.
I want to see that pan.
Easy. Easy.
Easy there.
See that piece of glass in her chest?
It might be in her heart.
Now, be careful of that dame.
That's Cynthia Charles.
Cynthia Charles?
Yes, sir.
You mean, you don't know
Cookie Charles,
the debutante,
the cameraman's Christmas present?
Yeah, yeah, I know her.
Calling Blair hospital.
Lookie, lookie, lookie,
here comes Cookie.
Hey, Leo.
I just made up
a poem.
I just took a lookie.
They're gonna cut up Cookie.
"They're gonna
cut up Cookie."
No good?
Come on.
We got to take
this trunk down
to the storeroom
for Dr. Gillespie.
Yeah. What good
does it do you
to live right?
A high-class fill
like Cookie Charles,
never drinks nothing
but champagne
since she's 14,
so she gets hit on the head
with a 5-cent beer sign.
That's fate, ain't it?
I don't see how
you two sleep so well
standing up.
Hello? Is this you,
Superintendent Byrd.
Did you tell Dr. Carew
he can find me
in Dr. Gillespie's office?
And don't tell me
you're not chewing gum
because I can hear you.
Oh. There you are,
miss Byrd.
Oh, um, in here, please.
All doctors, nurses, and interns,
all doctors, nurses, and interns
not on active duty
report to amphitheater b.
Say, I guess they're gonna carve up
Cookie Charles in public, huh?
It's that fantastic
little nightclub
Miss, uh, miss Charles.
Well, what's the matter?
Did she die?
No, no, no.
Dr. Gillespie
has taken
personal charge.
Kildare will operate.
Well, then, stop worrying.
But Emerson hospital
just called me up
to find out where our ambulance
picked up this Charles girl.
The intern who brought her in
was, uh,
Dr. Donald Winthrop,
and both he and the receiving nurse...
Miss Annabelle Kirke...
Failed to enter on their reports
where miss Charles was picked up.
Something funny goes on here.
Let's get Winthrop and Kirke together
and see which hangs which.
Thanks, Molly.
Let's get it
over with.
Odd, these cafe society people.
When I talked
with miss Charles'
stepfather in Florida,
he said, "go ahead
with the operation,
but she'd never
forgive us if we
left a scar."
As chief internist
of this institution,
it is my responsibility
to help you become fine doctors,
and this operation,
an emergency cardiorrhaphy,
may contribute
to that sum total of knowledge
without which
no doctor can
conscientiously say,
"I am ready to face
my responsibilities
to myself, to my god,
and to my sacred oath."
In this case,
a piece of glass
penetrated the chest
and entered the heart.
This started the hemorrhage
which flooded the pericardium,
the sack which contains the heart.
No pulse.
Now, our purpose will be accomplished
if we can make the heart pulse again.
No pulse, doctor.
Electric saw.
Since the beginning of medicine,
it was believed
that wounds
of the heart
could never be healed,
and it wasn't until
the year 1896
that Dr. Rehn...
R-e-h-n... Dr. Rehn
of Frankfurt on the main
successfully sewed up
a human heart wound.
No pulse.
Rib shears.
We have in effect
been making a trapdoor
in the patient's chest.
Fortunately in this case,
Dr. Winthrop very smartly
left the piece of glass in the wound.
This plugged it up and probably
prevented the patient
from bleeding to death.
We're now removing this glass
because we're able
to sew up the wound
it made in the heart.
Now the heart, relieved
of this terrific pressure
is free to beat again,
but, Mark you, the heart
has completely stopped beating,
but it has an innate rhythm,
imperceptible even
to the stethoscope,
which should impel
it to the resumption
of the pulse.
No pulse.
Failing in this, the surgeon,
by taking the heart
actually in his hand
and compressing it with his finger,
must try and make it beat again.
I need not point out
the delicacy
of this procedure.
If the pulse doesn't start now,
it never will.
No pulse?
No pulse.
Getting the pulse now, doctor.
Gentlemen, one moment
like this can pay you
for years of curing measles,
mumps, and poison Ivy.
Pulse strong now, doctor.
Now we come to the most
difficult part of all,
that is, putting the patient
together again.
I think she's coming
out of it, nurse.
I'm thirsty.
Of course you are.
Some water, nurse, please, not much.
Too much water
right now
might make you
a little uncomfortable.
Water? Can't you put
something in it
to kill the taste?
Well, try it once.
You may even
like it.
I want you for Christmas.
Uh, nurse, uh,
keep her lips moistened, nurse.
Uh, would you turn out the light
and, uh, the shade, please?
She'll be all right now, doctor?
Oh. Quite all right.
I'm going to get some sleep.
Call me in my room if you have to.
Oh. Doctor,
I was told
to give you this
when you finished with your patient.
Uh, congratulations in order?
You bet they are.
Good. That's fine.
All right.
Come here.
Hey. I've been afraid
to do that
during office hours myself,
and I'm the lucky bridegroom.
Well, you're a coward.
What is this?
He was a long time
getting around
to it, wasn't he?
If he hadn't asked me soon,
I was going to give him
gas and barium
while he was still unconscious.
She's afraid I'm gonna get fired.
Fired? For what?
Oh. Doc Carew was
a little too smart for me.
Nothing was filled out on the reports
to show where Donald
found Cookie Charles.
So they got me down as a kidnapper.
What was he supposed to do,
let the poor girl die
on the sidewalk,
waiting for Emerson's
ambulance to come
and get her?
Oh, I see.
I didn't know
that before.
I'm glad he did it.
You're a chump, Donald.
10 years ago,
I kissed a nurse
in this same room,
and what have I got now?
3 kids, a mother-in-law
living with me,
and no buttons on my shirt.
And now
if you'll check your stuff,
I can go home and cook
my own breakfast.
One ampule
of adrenaline
on call 11:47,
two ounces of alcohol
at 11:51.
Dr. Kildare, do you think
they'll dismiss Donald?
I don't know.
Here you are, Donald.
Oh. Thanks, Felix.
And I appreciate
your advice
on matrimony, old boy,
but I'm still gonna be married.
Oh. My marriage
hasn't been so bad.
My family sleep all night,
I sleep all day.
I hardly ever see any of them.
Dr. Kildare,
what are we
going to do,
just sit back and wait
for the ax to fall?
Well, maybe that agreement
with Emerson hospital
isn't as formidable as we think.
Let me find out what I can
from Dr. Gillespie.
I'll tackle him
first thing
in the morning.
Conover, how did you
sharpen that razor,
opening a can of corn with it?
Sorry, boss, but I could
shave you much better
laying flat on your bed.
All right.
I'll lie flat
on the bed.
Why should my lying flat on the bed
make you a better barber?
Because that's the way
I learned my barbering,
shaving corpses
for my cousin the undertaker.
You shave me
sitting up.
Yes, sir.
Have you seen
Dr. Kildare
this morning?
No, sir.
Dr. Kildare was up
till after daylight,
but he's got sense, so he's sleeping.
Well, I was up till
after daylight
but I'm a very fast sleeper.
I can get 8 hours' sleep in 4 hours.
Thank you.
Say, Conover, got a cigarette?
No, sir.
That miss Molly Byrd said
did she catch me
give you one cigarette
she gonna snatch me pink.
Aww, splotz!
Good morning, Leonard.
Brought your breakfast.
Molly Byrd,
since you cleaned out this joint,
look what I found
in Conover's pockets.
You can't roll your own.
Why, I used to teach
a class of cowboys.
Has, uh, Kildare
talked to you yet
this morning?
Look here, you slave driver,
Kildare didn't go to bed
till after daybreak.
Ahh! Look what...
What are you breathing
all over me for?
Now I've ruined my cigarette.
Well, Kildare will
be talking to you
pretty quick,
and it's something
you don't know
anything about.
Look here, Molly Byrd,
I know all you know,
including the fact that
you paid 10 bucks
for a new corset
that don't make you
look any thinner
that the old one did.
Well, what you don't know
is that
Cookie Charles was
picked up last night
in Emerson hospital territory.
No. I didn't know it.
It seems
to have been
Dr. Donald Winthrop,
but he's the young intern
that Kildare adopted.
Did Emerson make
any formal complaint?
When that board of directors meets,
I can see heads rolling.
Molly, we've got to
keep this from Kildare
until it's too late
for him to try
and take the rap for it.
Ha ha ha!
Go on! Laugh
and show your ignorance!
I was just thinking
of your class
of cowboys.
10 lessons in cigarette rolling
from you,
and they end up
chewing tobacco.
Do I smell something burning?
It's Dr. Gillespie.
Good-bye, teacher.
Ha ha ha!
Well, what are you doing up so early?
Well, I'll tell you,
but first, you tell me...
You know this agreement we have
with Emerson hospital,
I never ran into it before.
What happens
if someone's caught
with a violation?
Oh. Nothing much.
They just slap you
on the wrist and say,
"naughty, naughty.
Papa spank,
and don't do it again."
Well, that seems
to make sense.
Look. This is
the eighth day
you've delivered
an orchid
to miss Charles,
and she now says
either tell her
who's sending them,
or she won't take any more.
Lady, do you want to get me canned.
Oh. All right.
You'll tell miss Charles
that I'm responsible for the orchids.
It will be all right.
I'm Arnold Spencer.
Mr. Arnold Spencer
of Gilbert, Spencer,
and associates
public relations counsel.
Dr. Kildare?
How do you do?
You are, in a manner of speaking,
miss, uh, miss Charles' press agent?
Uh, yes. We endeavor
to present miss Charles
to her palpitating public
in a rather glittering light.
Doctor, when may I see my client?
Well, she's seen no one so far.
She hasn't even talked to anybody.
She's only going to sit up in bed
this morning for the first time.
I suppose this business
is very important to miss Charles.
Oh, yes. Publicity
is just as important to her
as it is to a certain
nationally known brand
of canned soup.
We handle the soup, too.
Oh. And your job
is to get her name
and picture
in the papers
every time she does
some crazy stunt?
Oh, yes. Often, I invent
the stunts.
Well, we'll see how she feels
when we get her sitting up.
Perhaps you
can drop in
and say hello.
May I talk now,
I mean, say something besides,
"yes, doctor, I feel better today,"
or, "no, doctor,
I don't want anymore water"?
I think you
can be yourself
for a few minutes.
I want you for Christmas.
You, uh, you said
that before, you know.
I did? When?
When you came out of the anesthetic.
That shows
I'm bright even
when I'm dizzy.
What did you do to me
while I was unconscious?
Take a piece of glass
out of your heart.
I hope in the process
you didn't cut out my oomph.
I'll give you a chance to find out.
Mr. Spencer.
Ooh, chick here?
Hooray, doctor.
Now you'll get
your name
in the paper.
chick, darling.
How much am I paying
for these orchids?
Nothing. The florist
is a client of ours.
He only plays 95 cents
for those wholesale.
Sit down.
How are you, Cookie?
Terrible, thanks to
this clean living.
Say, how is sergeant brown?
Sergeant brown?
You mean, police sergeant brown?
No, no. The soldier
I was out with
the night of the accident.
You remember.
He won me in a raffle.
Well, not exactly a raffle.
He was voted
the unluckiest man
in the whole camp,
and the prize was me for an evening.
when may I have
the newspapermen in?
And the photographers, too, doctor.
Oh, say, Wednesday morning
for half an hour.
Mm-hmm. That's fine.
In the meantime,
I have permission
to interview
the intern who came
to Cookie's rescue.
Oh. Dr. Winthrop? Yes.
Miss Charles owes him a great deal.
Hello. Dr. Winthrop, please.
Is it too much to hope
that he's also photogenic?
Yes? What? Oh.
Well, I'll call later.
Oh. Say, what about
the other fella,
the ambulance driver?
Oh. Get me
Peter Taylor, please,
if he's not on duty.
There seems to be
some doubt where
Dr. Winthrop is.
Hello. Is that you, Pete?
Oh. Dr. Kildare,
I've been trying
to get you.
Listen. Dr. Carew
himself just calls me
and wants to know
will I stand up
to Dr. Winthrop
and swear on my oath
that I warned him
this dizzy debutante
belonged to Emerson.
Oh. I stalled,
but Carew said he'd
give me 10 minutes
to make up my mind.
Listen, doc, I got
a family to support.
10 minutes, huh?
Well, you'll hear
from me before that.
Everybody seems to be busy today,
and I'm afraid that includes me.
Wednesday will be fine, thanks.
Remember, this visit
was only to say hello.
Good-bye, darling.
Well, good-bye, Cookie.
Good-bye, chick.
Take care of yourself.
You know, nurse,
something tells me
I'm not going
to leave
Dr. Kildare's
hospital as soon
as they'll let me.
It's no use, miss Charles.
I wonder
what he does
on Saturday nights.
Still no use.
Dr. Kildare's girl
was killed
the night before their wedding.
Since then, women to him
are only high fevers
and low blood pressures,
or he takes pieces
of glass out
of their hearts.
You mean, up till now.
He's never had me work on him.
Is Dr. Winthrop in
with Dr. Carew?
Uh, well, I could find out.
Oh, that's all right.
Don't bother.
Uh, I beg your
pardon, Dr. Carew,
but has this anything to do
with the Cynthia Charles matter?
Jimmy... i mean, uh,
Dr. Kildare...
It's very unfortunate, Kildare,
but our board
of directors requires me
to take action.
Oh, I see.
And I suppose you've told them
that miss Charles is
alive and doing
very nicely,
which is, after all,
the only important thing.
Very true,
but I'm afraid there's
another point involved.
You see...
Hey, Kildare.
The only way I can keep up with you
is to get myself an electric scooter.
Excuse me, Walter, but I have a hunch
that you're going to need me.
Dr. Gillespie,
I need you.
Winthrop here's in trouble
with our board of directors
because he
brought that girl
to this hospital.
I suppose you never stopped to think
what Winthrop should have done.
I should have
closed my eyes,
shut my ears,
and driven
right on past.
Stop to think.
He should have put
the girl in his ambulance
and driven to Emerson.
That way, he would have
protected the patient
and satisfied everybody.
As a matter of fact,
in this particular instance,
Emerson was two blocks
nearer than we are,
but you never thought
of that, did you?
No. No, I never
did think of that.
Neither did I.
Saving life is
a wonderful thing, Jimmy.
It's a blessing
and duty of both of us,
Emerson and Blair,
but it should be organized
for the greatest good
of the greatest number.
And guaranteed
by an efficient
Dr. Winthrop was
and inefficient.
But surely, no real harm
has been done, though.
Dr. Winthrop,
were you aware
that you found this girl
in Emerson's field?
Yes. Pete the driver
made it very clear.
I am sorry to say
the blame is
all mine.
And to cover up
this, uh, this
did you deliberately neglect
to so indicate on your report?
Yes, and I
refused to tell
the receiving nurse
where I found her.
I am sorry to say that this letter
from Mr. Baxter,
the chairman
of our board,
leaves me no alternative.
I must, uh,
I must dismiss you
from this institution.
Yes, sir.
Why, this is the most
outrageous thing
I ever heard.
Hey, Winthrop.
Easy there, son.
Now, suppose we hadn't
been able to pull
miss Charles through.
Every sourpuss in town
would be howling
that she's dead
because we snatched her
away from Emerson.
That would give
all the hospitals
a black eye.
That is why
Mr. Baxter
and the board
are making an example of Winthrop.
One of the most
unpleasant things
I've ever had to do.
Well, it... it's all very logical
and all very convincing,
but I still don't have to believe
it's the only answer, do I?
Well, I suppose I could make
a very pretty little joke now
about Kildare's
going out to set fire
to Baxter's beard.
Only, I'm afraid he is.
Oh, doctor,
we didn't expect
you again
till this afternoon.
Miss Charles is phoning,
and she insisted,
and I was afraid
if I refused...
Oh. Well,
no damage done.
Um, that's all.
Good-bye now.
Oh. Now, before you
bawl me out,
why don't you ask me
what I was phoning for?
All right. What?
Nurse said I simply
had to have some.
Ordinarily, I sleep in the raw.
Well... well, uh... it's, uh...
It's wiser to have
some covering
for the body,
uh, medically speaking, however thin.
Jimmy, my sweet,
you're not
Dr. Kildare now.
All right. Yes.
Yes, what?
Yes, whatever you want me to do.
Well, I, uh, I want
you to help me
do something
for Dr. Winthrop.
I'll do anything but marry him.
What I want you
to do may be
a little trouble.
Would you and I get in it together?
Not you, Cookie.
No. You see,
this hospital is run
by a board of directors,
mostly prominent,
or wealthy men.
Now, you seem
to know practically
everybody in town,
and I want to get
to one of those men.
Will you help me?
I always do one favor free.
I'll never ask you another.
Oh. Don't be
too sure,
and the second one
may cost you something.
Ha ha ha!
Through Cookie, I'm trying to reach
someone of Blair's directors
and have Winthrop's case reopened.
Well, good luck.
My sympathies are all with Winthrop.
You know, Jimmy,
there isn't one
of us in medicine
that doesn't risk
his professional
neck time after time
just on account of red tape.
What's happened to Winthrop?
Well, he's... he's pretty well down.
We're having a council
of war tonight.
Well, let me know
if I can do anything
for him.
Say, uh, if we are not doctors,
what are we
doing in these
white clothes?
And if we are doctors,
why don't we try and cure somebody?
Good morning,
Dr. Gillespie.
Good morning, children.
Good morning, doctor.
We're all ready
to have you
look at us.
Helen knows it's Wednesday.
She's got a secret
she's been saving
for you.
Well, what's the big secret, Helen?
You don't mean to tell me
you're all well
and want to go home?
No, but I ate all my carrots,
and it didn't make
my hair a bit curly.
Dr. Gillespie,
I'm afraid you're
an awful liar.
Uh, did you eat your string beans?
No, doctor, she didn't.
Helen doesn't like string beans.
Oh. Well,
without the magoogies
in the string beans,
the hair-curling vitamins
in the carrots
don't get a chance
to put in the curls.
Oh. You eat
your string beans
for a month now
before you start in
criticizing the carrots.
Well, Gladys.
You're back with us.
They just told me
I had to stay
another year.
A year?
Let's see now.
How old are you, Gladys?
You're 12, aren't you?
Oh. That's an awkward age,
very awkward age.
You feel as if you're all
arms and legs, don't you,
but in a year, you'll be 14,
and that's a very important age
because you... you want
to put up your hair
and go to parties.
Now, let's see, Gladys.
You've been with us
since you were
11 years old,
haven't you?
And I'll bet you
you've never learned
how to use lipstick.
And that's something when you're 14
you'll really want
to know how to use.
Uh, hold that mirror
for her, will you, please?
Now, here.
You might as well
start practicing
right now.
Fractured ulna.
Neighbor brought
the child in
a while ago.
Father's a newspaperman.
Works nights.
No mother.
Her throat sore?
We couldn't tell.
The pain was so severe,
we gave her an immediate anesthetic.
Chart, please, nurse.
Anything wrong, Jimmy?
I think so.
Tongue depressor, nurse, please.
Ah. Ah. I'm beginning
to see.
Mm-hmm. Take this child
to the 12th floor
right away.
Diphtheria, huh?
Step on it, nurse.
Usual precautions here.
Of course, you won't be sure
until you take
a culture from her throat.
That takes hours.
I say don't wait,
but administer
diphtheria antitoxin
right away.
Uh-huh, Mr. Johnson,
your little girl's
getting every bit of help
that medical science can give her.
Isn't there some way you can tell
it's diphtheria right away?
Well, no disease
varies more
in its symptoms
than diphtheria.
You know,
my father's
a country doctor,
and he says,
"always figure it
may be diphtheria,
and then you won't
ever find it out
too late."
How soon will we know?
Well, not for a while yet.
Oh, come, come, come.
You'll make yourself ill, too.
Why don't you come along with me
while I finish the test?
Is it all right to leave her?
Oh, sure.
Well, here's what
we did, Mr. Johnson.
We took a piece of sterile cotton
and put it on a stick like this,
and with it
we took a secretion
from Katie's throat,
and we put it
in a test tube
like this one
with a jelly-like material
that contained food
for the germs.
Nurse, get me that culture tube.
We've had the test tube
in the Incubator
long enough
for the diphtheria germs,
if they're there,
to grow in recognizable numbers.
Oh, that's fine.
Now we take a little
of this culture...
And from it, we prepare a slide
like this...
We, uh, stain the slide.
And we'll dry it off
for a minute like this
and slip it under the microscope.
Now we'll have a look
for a little rod-shaped germ
so tiny you could put
a million of them
on the point of a pin.
And there they are,
Mr. Johnson,
the diphtheria bacilli.
Then... then she's got it.
She's got it!
That's not quite correct,
Mr. Johnson.
She's starting to un-get it
because we gave her
the right injection
in plenty of time.
That's all, nurse.
You know, one
of the most exciting
and satisfactory things
in medicine is to watch
diphtheria clear up
under the magic of antitoxin.
And now, Mr. Johnson,
I want you to do me
a favor.
Including murder, doctor.
Well, I know you won't go home,
so tell the nurse
on 12 to slip you
into an empty room
and get some rest
with the firm conviction
that you'll have good news
about Katie by evening.
Make that
murder, doctor.
Swell. Good night.
That's all, nurse.
Hey. You're not
the nurse that was
here a minute ago.
I'm off duty
until 7:00,
and Donald's
waiting to see you
in your room.
Let's stop beating
around the bush.
I think I have a solution.
That's for me to go
in private practice.
Private practice?
But where, how?
That's what he's always wanted to do.
Naturally, you're going
to have to starve to death
for the first couple of years.
I found a spot
in a small town
in Jersey.
I rented
a little frame house
there today,
a place for me to sleep
and room for my office.
Me, my.
Where do I come in?
Well, honey,
it won't be long
before I get...
Of course it won't.
It will be tomorrow.
Donald Winthrop,
how much money
have you got left
to buy instruments and things?
I thought so.
Then can you think of any better use
for that 210 bucks
I have in my hope chest?
No, no, nothing doing.
You said yourself I'd have to starve
for a couple of years.
Well, not if I
keep drawing down
my 85 a month here.
Oh. That's
Dr. Kildare,
help me out
with this poor sap.
Oh. I've said
my piece to him, Kirke.
You don't look
as if you need
much help.
Don, what's wrong
with your wife
helping out
for the first year for two?
But we've gone ov...
Excuse me,
but I just had to come in.
I can listen all right
through a closed door,
but I can't talk through one.
Say, what's eating you, Winthrop?
I once knew a girl in Oklahoma city,
and if she'd made me
a proposition like that,
we'd have had 9 children by now.
Well, i... i think it's swell of Kirke,
and I don't want to be
a fool about it,
but suppose I'm not able
to build up a practice.
Then we'd be stuck
in some miserable
blind alley on her pay.
Why, you take
any community
in this country.
If you're an honest doctor,
a conscientious doctor with nothing
but the welfare
of your patients
at heart,
I guarantee that community
isn't going to let you starve.
Look here.
You keep your mouth shut, sap.
We're going to get married.
Well, that's settled.
Now, if tomorrow was your day off,
you could get married tonight
and you'd have until Friday noon
to get settled in Jersey.
But I don't have
a day off till the 15th.
Well, maybe you
could get Molly Byrd
to fix that.
I will not.
I will, however,
extract from
miss Byrd a favor
in exchange for this snapshot,
which was sent me
by a mutual friend
in oneonta.
Say, that ought to be
good enough for a day off
and an ambulance
to ride to Jersey in.
Lend me this picture,
Dr. Gillespie,
and I'll promote us
Molly Byrd's coupe
for the night.
I will personally guarantee
the use of Molly Byrd's coupe
with the tires pumped up
and the tank full of gas
and the seat full of orange blossom.
The age of slavery
has came again,
with Molly Byrd as uncle Tom
and me as Simon legree.
Kildare, come here.
Did you tell miss Charles
she could
have a party after
the theater tonight?
No, I did not.
I told her she couldn't
even get out of bed.
Well, I told her she could get up.
Well, it's the 13th day,
and anyway,
it was either let her get up
or something else she wanted.
What else did she want?
I was afraid to ask.
Open the door.
What time?
I'm through at 12:00.
Let's see.
I have to check out,
turn in my reports,
change my clothes.
I'll be ready
at one minute
after 12:00.
I'll meet you at 12:00
in Mike Ryan's,
and in the meantime...
Sally, what
a wonderful institution
this hospital is.
Last week, you
wanted to tear down
the building
brick by brick.
Ah, but that was last week.
It's different now.
Because there's
no rule against nurses
getting married.
Well, there's no rule
against telephone
operators getting
married, either,
but what good does that do me?
Blair hospital, emergency.
No, Mr. Lawrence Ashley.
Sally doesn't
work here anymore.
No-good son
of an out-of-work
But, Sally, only yesterday,
you could hardly wait
for him to phone you.
Well, that was yesterday.
Last night, I says to him,
"Mr. Ashley,
do you think you
could learn to love
a girl like me?"
And he says, "yes,
if she wasn't
too much like you."
Ha ha ha!
Hey, I got a guy out here.
Picked him up
down the other side
of gaylor Avenue.
He's passed out cold.
Well, do something, quick!
He said the other side of gaylor.
Call Emerson to send
their ambulance, quick.
Emerson hospital?
Are you crazy?
They told Winthrop he
should've taken the girl
in his ambulance
to the right hospital.
Call one of our ambulances, Sally.
We'll send this case to Emerson.
Aw, skip it.
I'll take him
to Emerson myself.
Wait! Wait!
Well, I hope I did right.
I tried, didn't I, Sally?
You sure did.
It's pink elephants again.
Say, nurse,
where can I
find Dr. Kildare?
I don't know.
Where's Dr. Kildare?
I've got important business with him.
Thanks. I'll...
Cobb! Clifford Genet!
Willie Brooks!
The pink elephant man
is on the loose again!
He just went
upstairs to 344
to murder Dr. Kildare.
If you need any help, come back.
We'll be here.
Come in.
Excuse me, sir.
if it isn't independence hall.
No one ever made
a bigger fool of himself
or was more ashamed
and had greater reason
to get down on his knees
to a nicer young fella
than you than me.
that's very nice
of you, cutler.
Nobody will ever hold it against you.
Don't you think you
ought to go a little
easy with that bottle?
Well, sir, would you believe it
that I never had a drop
of hard liquor in my life
until that Saturday night?
So I guess I'll
either have to get
used to it or...
You can get much worse
than pink elephants,
you know?
Sir, if you heard what
my mother said to me,
you'd know what I'm going
to do in the future.
Oh, I beg pardon, Kildare.
- Oh, that's all right.
- Come in, Dr. Carew.
Yes. Come in.
Come in.
You remember Dr. Carew,
don't you?
He gave you the shirt
right off his back.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
I mean, it was a very nice shirt,
just like the one you have on.
That's quite all right.
It's perfectly all right.
I'll see you tomorrow, Kildare.
It's nothing at all important.
I'm glad to have met you again.
Get out of here.
What's the matter?
Back inside.
Come on.
We got the wrong lunatic.
Uh, just one thing more
I've got to ask you,
Dr. Kildare.
Well, fine.
I have to go
see a patient.
So just come right along with me.
One minute, doctor.
This is confidential.
Well, supposing
a fella gets out with...
In case a fella
gets out with the boys,
how can he turn down the drink?
Well, I don't know,
except that if it were me...
Thanks, doctor.
That's what I thought
you would say.
Well, uh...
What's this I hear
about you having
a party in here?
You're the party.
Sit down.
I have bad news for you.
Oh, I can guess.
You can't do
anything for Winthrop,
is that it?
Of the 6 men
on the Blair board
of directors,
the first one is immune
to any kind of influence.
Two others told their own daughters
they refuse to interfere
with hospital discipline.
The fourth, well,
nobody I know ever
heard of him.
The fifth is Mr. Baxter,
the old bogeyman himself,
and the sixth just got
a divorce from his wife
with me as one of her witnesses.
How do you like me
with my clothes on?
Oh, I like you with your clothes off.
I mean,
I like you with your clothes on or...
I, uh...
Well, thanks for
doing what you could
with the board.
We were talking about me,
but I see what you mean.
After the first couple
of hundred operations,
the torso must lose its thrill.
However, the dress is terrific
only because it's me underneath.
Was it that dress
got Dr. Gillespie's
permission to get up?
No, it wasn't
the dress.
It was me.
Oh, I know how to handle men,
all kinds of men,
all except your particular kind.
Oh, by the way,
no after-theater
visitors yet, please.
I gave orders to the nurse.
I know how to handle men.
For instance, there's
the brilliant man over 50.
He has just one weakness.
He adores making
a divine fool of himself,
but he'll scream like a zombie
when anybody else
makes a fool of him.
Is that answering
my question
about Dr. Gillespie?
I merely had to say,
"Dr. Gillespie,
either I get up
today or else."
So I heard.
Or else what?
Or else I'd kiss him right in front
of superintendent Molly Byrd.
That wouldn't work with you.
Oh, you understand
that you're to stay
in bed all day tomorrow, as usual.
Then there are
the married men
of this world.
Then I play high-school Hattie,
the hometown girl they didn't marry
and wish they had.
That wouldn't work with you, either.
Uh, at 12:00,
the nurse is coming
to put you to bed.
And then there's
the predatory
type of man...
All wolf and a yard wide.
You may need him
to take you to the beach
or to a house party,
but the first time
he tries to wolf you,
you tell him you
have a big brother
in the FBI.
You know, one of these days,
I'm gonna believe something you say,
and then where will I be?
You've left only
one thing for me to do.
That's to be absolutely honest.
That's something
I've never done before.
Well, it isn't necessary
to be anything with me, Cookie.
I hate everything I am
and everything I do.
I only act the way I have
and talked the way I did
because everybody expects it of me.
I'm a glamour girl.
If I have to keep
it up much longer,
I'm gonna go crazy.
You're the only person
I've ever known that
could understand me,
and you won't
because you're a doctor.
I'm the most miserable
girl in the world.
And this is your method
for handling men who are doctors.
You poisonous droop.
Droop? Ha ha!
For a minute, you
almost had me fooled.
You twice-poisonous droop.
All right.
So I have smallpox.
Now, you know I'm fascinating.
Even if you had smallpox,
you'd still be able to clown.
Well, I didn't mean clown, exactly,
but, well, you're so
protected from life,
you convert everything
into a procession
of glittering unrealities.
"So protected from life"?
Dr. Kildare, I only
have one problem
in this world.
To have fun?
No. Merely
the same problem
as all other girls...
To find the guy who
will protect me from life.
But I thought you were an heiress.
My father's estate
brings me $90 a week
for one more year.
I don't want
to wash dishes
or sell magazines
for the rest of my life.
So I have to be
the belle of the ball
to get the right offers.
And the glitter
is to attract
the right man.
It's the flashy goods
they put in the show windows
that bring the customers in to buy.
It's my job to talk
like the dialogue
in a Broadway show
and dress so as to prove
the less you wear,
the more it costs.
So here I am...
Clever, expensive,
but a good buy
if you've got the money.
It doesn't sound like much fun.
Oh, it has been...
Up to now.
So go on.
Tell me this is the way
to handle a doctor
that couldn't be handled
the other way.
No, Cookie.
No. I think
this time, you've
told me the truth,
and I'm really sorry
if I was rude
or unkind.
I didn't understand.
Go away.
Dr. Kildare is not here,
and I've been asleep for an hour.
Ha ha ha!
Well, since Dr. Kildare
has already gone,
you won't miss him.
Can I speak to you
for a moment,
doctor, please?
Good night, Cookie,
and this has been
one of those
rare occasions
when the patient
actually helped
the doctor
understand the case.
Thanks for inviting yourself
for breakfast
at 9:00
in the morning.
Oh, but
I didn't. I...
You'd better come out of here
before she has you
taking her medicine
for her.
Where are you hiding
those 3 orderlies?
Me, hiding 3 orderlies?
What for?
Now, come clean, young man.
Dr. Carew told me
that 3 orderlies
in uniform
attacked him without provocation,
knocked him down,
tore his clothes off,
and tried to push him
down the laundry chute.
Now, it happened
just outside your office,
so you must be in on it.
Where are you hiding them?
Well, I give you my word.
I know nothing about it.
Where are you going tonight?
I have an appointment at midnight.
Mike Ryan's, but it
has nothing to do
with any orderlies.
Leonard Gillespie persuaded me
to lend you my coupe tonight.
Persuaded you?
Persuaded me.
He... well...
The dear boy has
done me so many favors,
I just couldn't refuse him.
Have you seen Annabelle Kirke
in the last 15 minutes?
Now, Molly, you mind
your own business.
I am not going to break any rules
or get anyone in any trouble.
Look here.
You haven't been getting
much sleep lately.
Why don't you go to bed now
and tear off 9 hours
and let people look out
after their own destinies?
Molly, I want you for Christmas.
Yoo hoo.
Don't tell on us, doc, please.
We'd be safe if we could only
get to the men's locker room.
We'll be safe if they don't ask us
to give some old lady a sponge bath.
Oh. Oh, my goodness.
We'll take care of it, doctor.
Come, girls.
He's cute, isn't he?
Yoo whoo!
Good evening,
Dr. Kildare.
Good evening,
Dr. Kildare.
It's an honor to have you come in,
an honor we could have
happen much oftener.
Would you take
a small beer
on the house?
No. No, thanks.
Has Dr. Winthrop
been in?
That, he hasn't,
but there's someone
waiting for you
in that room,
and under the circumstances,
you may not want anybody
to be overhearing you.
So I'll drop a nickel
in the phonograph
and make some noise.
Thanks, Mike.
Well, what's the idea?
I've been fired.
Fired from the hospital?
But when? What for?
Just now.
Oh, it's very easy to get fired.
All you have to do
is get in trouble
with a taxi driver
who brings in a case
from the other side
of gaylor.
But didn't you send
the case over to Emerson
in our ambulance?
I tried to,
but the taxi driver got excited
and took him in his cab
to the hospital himself.
I tried to stop him,
Jimmy. I did.
When he got there, the man was dead.
No, Kirke.
Then what happened?
The next thing
I knew, I was
in Carew's office,
and the president
of the board,
Baxter himself,
threw me out on my ear.
Oh, well, pull yourself together.
Nobody would blame you
if they knew the facts.
Besides, you're going
to your own wedding
inside of an hour.
We were counting
on my $85 a month
to get started on.
Now I'll be a burden to Donald.
Oh, no.
You have it
When he marries you,
he gets a first-class
nurse for nothing.
When he comes, leave me
alone with him for
a couple of minutes.
He'll be upset because I'm upset,
and I want to do
a little work on him.
Oh, you go right to it.
Meanwhile, maybe
we can do something
to get your job back
and Don's, too, if he should want it.
What are you going to do,
put lighted matches
under Carew's bare feet?
No, but I got an idea
while we were talking
just now.
If they knew the facts...
I'm gonna try and see
that a lot of people
do know the facts.
See you in 10 minutes.
Doctor, I was hoping you'd come by.
The nurse was just here.
The kid is swell,
and I want to thank you.
Well, that antitoxin
is a great thing,
isn't it?
Uh, Mr. Johnson,
do you think you could get something
printed in your paper for me?
Why, if it's
of sufficient
public interest.
Well, you be the judge.
It's the story
of a doctor
in this hospital
who was fired
for breaking some rules,
although he saved a life,
and it goes on from there,
but the life he saved was
Cynthia "Cookie" Charles.
Doctor, the "New York globe dispatch"
goes on the streets
at 11:20 A.M.
Read it tomorrow morning.
"Globe dispatch"...
specially ordered
by Dr. Kildare.
Thank you.
Say, where do you keep
all the pretty nurses?
On the third floor.
Get out of here
before I break
your neck.
- Parker!
- Next patient!
Will you come in, please?
Ah, Mrs. Richards.
Mrs. Richards...
Mrs. Richards,
you have a simple
case of the hives.
That's all, I'm glad to say.
Doctor, it can't be hives.
Darling, you didn't tell the doctor
that we had dinner
out the other night
and you didn't wipe off
your knife and fork.
Oh, George, please.
You never wear gloves
when you play
with the pekinese.
How do you know what's
in that cold cream
you use on your face?
Oh, George, don't be such a fanatic.
Doctor, hasn't she got symptoms?
No, I haven't got symptoms.
You've got symptoms.
George sees symptoms in everything.
If he cuts himself shaving,
he goes to bed for a week.
When the minister's wife
sneezed, he had
our house fumigated.
Now it's me.
After he kisses me good night,
he gets up to gargle.
It isn't
the hives I've got.
It's the heebie-jeebies.
Doctor, I merely take
sanitary precautions.
That's all.
The human body is much
more immune to disease
than most people think.
Why, we doctors never catch anything,
and all day long,
patients come
through here
with contagious diseases.
Say, I never thought of that.
Oh, these walls must
be fairly creeping
with deadly bacteria.
Haven't you gentlemen got something
that will make me immune
to all these diseases?
Yes, we have.
Yes. Mm-hmm.
Mr. Richards,
I'm going to give you
some of the same medicine
that keeps us doctors
free from germs.
Oh, my dear.
Oh, my dear. Look.
Now, Mr. Richards,
you take
one teaspoonful
of this every night,
and you need never worry
about germs again.
Thank you, doctor.
You don't know what
you've done for me.
Or for me.
Come on, Betty.
Let's go.
Now we've got
nothing more
to worry about.
Just a minute, George.
Doctor, when that bottle is empty,
I'll be right back for more.
Uh, oh, don't bother.
Just fill it right
out of the faucet...
Plain city water.
Thank you, miracle men.
One born every minute.
No, no. They're
getting scarcer.
We haven't used
one of those
bottles of water
in a week.
For you,
Dr. Kildare.
Oh, thanks very much.
Next patient, Parker.
Yes, doctor.
Just one moment, please.
Anything wrong, Jimmy?
No, no, no, no.
Parker, hold the next patient
till Dr. Kildare
finds out who won
the fourth race.
Yes, doctor.
Go on. Get out.
So you did let them
take a photo of you
and Cookie Charles.
No. I wasn't looking
for my picture.
this is Dr. Kildare.
Will you get me
Mr. Ray Johnson
at the "New York
globe dispatch," please?
Shall we wait
until you get
your phone call,
or will we resume
the practice
of medicine,
or would you
like to call in
nosey Parker
and play puss in the corner?
Oh, well, leave word
for him to phone me
as soon as he
comes in. Thanks.
I'm sorry, sir.
Shall we go
back to work?
What are you up to?
Something about
that Kirke business,
I suppose.
No. I haven't done
a thing about that,
I'm sorry to say.
The next patient, Parker.
I've been requested
to order you to appear
before our
board meeting... 4:00.
Well, Jimmy,
you told me that
you didn't...
That's right.
As far as I know,
I haven't done a single,
solitary thing.
Oh, maybe I wanted to.
Maybe I still do,
but so far,
I'm in the clear.
Then why does
Mr. Baxter require you
at an official hearing?
I haven't the slightest idea.
There's nothing I can say or do
until we know more about this.
You want to tell me about it, Jimmy?
Well, there's...
Really nothing to tell.
Oh, now, Jimmy,
an old fossil like me
can cut his own throat
if he wants to,
if it amused me,
but you're young.
You got your whole
life ahead of you...
Fun, laughter,
someday a pretty girl.
Mary was my pretty girl.
Oh, now, I didn't
mean to touch
a raw wound,
but if you'll forgive me,
I think Mary would
feel the same way
about it as I do.
Right after she died,
I thought nothing
could ever make me go
back to medicine,
and you brought me back,
and I'm very grateful,
but Mary left
an emptiness in my life,
and I reserve the right
to fill it in my own way,
if it amuses me.
Well, the least I can do is to go
to that board
of directors meeting
with you.
Oh, isn't Mr. Baxter
too smart to allow that?
Oh, Baxter is smart,
all right. Yeah.
He's almost as smart as I am,
but Baxter
is an honorable,
upright gentleman,
and I haven't got that handicap.
Send in Dr. Kildare
and Dr. Gillespie.
Dr. Gillespie,
Isn't that a bit irregular?
Perhaps Dr. Gillespie
can bring out something
in Dr. Kildare's favor.
The way things look, he'll need it.
How are you, Gillespie?
This is Dr. Kildare?
How are you, doctor?
Oh, I'm
not gonna say
I'm glad to see you
until I know what this
skulduggery is about.
Now, Gillespie, let's keep this
as a quiet, dignified hearing.
"Quiet, dignified."
It's my experience
that it isn't
until folks
start in shouting
that the truth comes out.
Well, the truth is very simple.
I have here an article
sent us by the publisher
of the "globe dispatch."
Now, that's what happened to it.
Let me have it.
I can read, too,
you know?
Dr. Kildare, did you
give that information
to a newspaper reporter
named Johnson?
I did.
The publisher called me up
to see if we thought
printing such a story
would be against
public interest.
Doctor, how many lives are saved
in this hospital every year?
Hundreds, I guess, but...
But the keystone
of a hospital's
is the public's faith in it.
Your article, if printed,
would destroy that faith.
Then why have
that agreement
with Emerson?
Emerson hospital has been
in this neighborhood
for 80 years.
We are comparative newcomers.
Suppose an ambulance
is urgently needed
one block away from this building
and they instinctively call Emerson.
With no cooperation,
perhaps the older
institution's resources
are overtaxed at the moment.
Thus, an innocent person
might die waiting
for Emerson's ambulance
only one short block from where you
and all our resources
are free to help.
Nurse Kirke was trying
to tender our resources
and obey the rules
in just such an instance.
Nurse Kirke could've instantly called
one of our doctors for that man.
Well, no wonder you didn't
want this article published.
I couldn't have written it
nastier myself.
Mr. Baxter,
first a rule was broken,
and a girl's life
was saved.
Now, regardless of circumstances,
because of that rule,
a man is dead.
Emerson's postmortem
establishes that
no power on earth
could've kept
that man alive
for more that 5 minutes.
Then why was Kirke discharged?
Nurse Kirke had been on probation
since she helped
Dr. Winthrop turn in
a false report.
This second incident renders her
an undesirable member
of our personnel.
Mr. Baxter,
will Dr. Kildare
promise in the future
not to set himself up
as a public agitator
for such destructive issues?
I move we adjourn till next year.
Kildare has plainly lost his temper.
We adjourn the matter indefinitely
if Kildare will promise
his cooperation.
Will you give
Dr. Winthrop
and nurse Kirke
their jobs back?
I'm afraid that's impossible.
Oh, of course it's impossible.
You've made an example of them
so you'd have
a scapegoat in case
there's any trouble.
Ah, ah, that's done it.
That's done it.
Dr. Kildare, I'm forced
to take official cognizance
of that accusation.
I must, therefore,
suspend you
from active duty,
unless you care to withdraw it.
Not until you prove I'm wrong.
We'll give you
a few days
to reconsider.
Otherwise, one week from tonight,
we will accept your resignation.
Mr. Baxter...
Ah! Go get out, Jimmy!
Go on. Go on.
Get out while you're
still in one piece.
Heh heh heh.
Hey, Dr. Gillespie,
don't you think it's
time you went to bed?
Just a minute, Parker.
I've only one step to go to prove
that this book is entirely wrong.
It says that this vapor
can be produced without a catalyst.
We'll just
let it simmer
a little while...
And show up the blithering jackass
that wrote this fool book.
Ah, the stupid idiots
that write books.
Parker, you know,
sometimes I think
I'm the smartest man
in the world.
Yes, doctor. I'll call
the fire department.
Shut that door!
There's no fire!
If anybody asks you about the noise,
just say it won't happen again.
Hey, what's that terrific noise?
If it hadn't been for me,
she might have blown up
the whole building.
Jimmy, uh...
Tomorrow we'll get together
on that...
Oh, I'm sorry.
I forgot you were on
that enforced vacation.
I just came in to say good night.
Good night, son.
I suppose you're disappointed in me.
No. I'd have
thrown that Baxter
out of the window,
only I didn't want
to have any charges
preferred against me.
I was scared to death you would.
Well, I was only
thinking of you,
Officially, I am neutral,
but now I can be
a character witness
for you someplace else.
Oh, that's swell.
Good night.
Good night, son.
Oh. Heh.
Nice of them to let me
eat and sleep here free
before they hang me.
Well, good night.
Well, if that gave you
any pleasure, Leonard,
I'll let you try it again.
If you came in here
about that loud noise,
I'm responsible for it,
and I am very sorry.
I never object
to anything you do, do I?
That double-distilled
little debutante...
Why couldn't she
get hit by a beer sign
in bucks county, Pennsylvania?
It's a crime,
the way that scheming,
little jitterbug
can get herself in the papers.
You said it.
You sleepy, Molly?
No, Leonard.
Well, I am!
Good night!
Are you all right?
Yes, I am!
Good night!
Good night!
Can I come in?
This is Dr. Gillespie.
Oh, come in.
Come in.
You're my pigeon.
Now, let me see.
What do I want
out of you?
Cookie, I want you for Christmas.
you're learning.
Now it's my turn.
I say,
"why do you want
me for Christmas?"
Say, how much farther
do I have to go
into this thing?
Oh, you're a droop, after all.
You should've said,
"because I can
always change you
"for something I do want
or give you away
at a rat race."
We're still talking
the english language,
aren't we?
Sure. A rat race
is a dance.
You know, little mice
on a merry-go-round.
Just as clear as mud.
Come in. Come in.
Say, you ought to be
sitting down yourself.
Sit down. Sit down,
miss Charles.
Get off your feet.
You called me Cookie.
I'll call you Cookie,
the girl of my dreams,
or anything you want
if you promise not
to tell Molly Byrd.
You're a darling.
You can kiss me anytime you want,
but I couldn't
help Dr. Winthrop,
and I can't help
Dr. Kildare.
How did you know
I wanted to talk
about Dr. Kildare?
Dr. Kildare
has been suspended,
and he's our pet, isn't he?
Gillespie, I've been
a ball of fire
on that telephone
trying to influence
the board of directors,
but it's no use.
Oh, it's too late for that.
Anyway, my idea
is an altogether
different scheme.
There's another way of
clearing up that thing,
but the funny part of it is,
you're the only person
that can tell me
how to work it.
Doggone it.
I never know when
you're on the level.
I did Jimmy Kildare one free favor,
and I warned him,
the second would
be expensive.
He'll do anything you want
if you'll only get us
out of this trouble.
He'd have to marry me.
That is, if I decide I want him.
You get us out of this trouble,
Jimmy Kildare
will marry you
at high noon
in a suit of red flannel underwear
with his face painted green.
Ha ha ha!
It's a deal...
You old sweetheart.
Michael Ryan's cafe,
with the same fine food.
Michael Ryan himself speaking.
He's here.
All right. Uh-huh.
Message for you, guv.
They want you
in Dr. Gillespie's office
and you will
converse with nobody
until you get there.
Thanks, Mike.
It's about that
board of directors
meeting, I think,
which is tonight
and, no doubt, means
bad luck for all of us.
If I could only
get that board
in here for dinner,
they'd be doing
nobody any harm
but their widows and orphans.
Why, it's you.
Of course, it's me.
Do I have to show you
the mole on my hip?
Well, no. Ha ha!
I, uh, heard you were leaving today.
I hoped you wouldn't go
without saying good-bye.
Still the stubborn droop.
What do I have to do
to cut you down to my size?
Why, Cookie, you've
really been a darling.
If you ever
get knocked over
by a beer sign again,
be sure to look us up.
Suppose, just suppose...
While I was convalescing,
I had a dream,
a lovely dream,
and in it, I was
looking at you
with my beautiful
blue eyes, and I said,
"Jimmy Kildare,
either you be nice
to me or else."
Or else what?
In my dream,
for just one
gorgeous moment,
I was in a wonderful spot.
I could jolly well
make you or break you.
Now, the question is,
if that weren't a dream,
could I make you
stop wanting to take my temperature
and let me give you one?
That's still not the method
for handling men who are doctors.
Are you sure it isn't?
Are you sure that a doctor
wouldn't save his career,
even if he had
to take it as a gift
wrapped up in a girl,
a quite unique
and extraordinary girl,
like me, for instance?
Uh, in my dream.
Joking aside, Cookie, i...
Joking aside,
you'll have a picture
in the back of your watch.
Well, it was all
a joke, you know,
about my dream.
Uh, you might look
at this newspaper
I brought in.
Page 3.
Why, this is the story
of Winthrop and Kirke,
the way I told it
to the reporter Johnson.
That's the joke.
In my dream, you and I
worked out a luscious
bargain for us both.
You got your story in the paper,
and I got you.
Um, of course,
I only told you
about my dream
to see if anything
could make you weaken,
and if you'd given me
even one helpless
wiggle of your nose,
my little rabbit,
how I would have laughed
because I'd have known
at last the method
of handling men who are doctors.
And you got this story in the paper.
Sure, she did.
I know one thing.
I know enough to go to a doctor
if I want my leg cut off,
and if I want a piece
put in a newspaper,
I go to somebody who knows
what they want to print
and how to get it in.
Which is my department, darling.
Uh, I'm all mixed up.
I'd like to be
terribly grateful
to Cookie,
but won't Baxter be madder than ever?
Not the way I worked it out.
Look there and see
what I had Spencer put
in the last paragraph
that Mr. Baxter
will read.
"a statement from
Blair and Emerson
"announces the installation
"of a joint
switchboard service
for emergency calls.
"Through this,
the ambulance
resources of both
will be instantly
available to all parts
of the district served."
Well, if that's true,
it'll certainly prevent
anything unpleasant
from happening again.
Well, it isn't true yet,
but they'll have
to make it true.
Go on.
"After further investigation,
"chairman Baxter
of the Blair board
of directors
"absolved Dr. Winthrop
and nurse Kirke
"of any contributory misconduct
and restored them
to duty."
Have they
actually been
put back to work?
Uh... uh...
So far only in print,
but they will be
as soon as Baxter
reads that newspaper.
Your idea was right, Jimmy,
but your way
would've scared people
half to death,
and my way leaves everybody happy.
Oh, he's teasing you, Jimmy.
He told me
he never would've thought
of a newspaper story.
So the credit is all yours.
Sure, it is.
It was his battle, and he won it.
I just dolled it up
a little with my
usual brilliance.
Dr. Gillespie,
they want you
in Dr. Carew's office
right away.
They said to tell you
they're waiting...
Dr. Carew, Mr. Baxter,
Dr. Winthrop,
nurse Kirke, and...
Well, tell them to wait.
Yes, doctor.
Winthrop and Kirke.
Ha ha!
They didn't send
for them to have
their vows pronounced.
Cookie, I love you.
Let's you and I
go out and find
ourselves a rat race.
Oh, you're busy,
Dr. Gillespie,
so I'll say good-bye now,
but before I go, couldn't I give you
just one big kiss
to show my gratitude?
Ooh, if you'll keep it
in the sanctity
of this office.
Playing post office...
At your time of life?
Go on.
Don't look now,
but you're bleeding...
You old goat.
Well, can I help it
if the patient can't
control her gratitude?
Ha ha ha!
Now for you.
Maybe I wasn't joking.
Oh, I forgot.
I'll have to come back next week.
You'll want to see my scar.
You know,
I've got green spots
in front of my eyes.
It's been so many years
since I was kissed
by a pretty girl,
I fear it may be all part of it.
I don't know.
I don't remember.
Good night.
Oh, hello, Milton.
Good night.
How are you, you old wolf?
Wait. Hold it, Milton.
What? Where's Dr. Kildare?
Listen, girlie.
It's 11:00 of a Saturday night,
and to find Dr. Kildare
after office hours
would take a ouija board,
the northwest mounted police,
and somebody who knows where he is.
Hello, Milton.
How are you, glamour puss?
Wait. Hold it, Milton.
Hang on, my little meatball.
A customer's coming in.
Step on it, boys.
It's in bad shape.
Ok, doctor.
We're stepping on it.
Where does it go?
Bullet through
the left lung.
Surgery, emergency case coming up.
Gunshot wound.
Business as usual.
Never a Saturday night
without a shooting.
Yes, sir.
He pretty nearly
kicked in
before we got there.
Say, wait a minute.
He's dead.
That will take a pink slip.
Icebox, Sally.
Never mind, surgery.
He's kicked the bucket.
Hello, Milton.
Well, I'll be off at midnight.
See you then, smoothie.
Why, Sally, I'm surprised.
Thought you didn't trust that Milton.
I wouldn't
go out with a guy
I could trust.
Where's the fun?
Oh, hello,
Dr. Kildare.
Say, everybody's
been trying
to locate you
for hours.
Dr. Donald Winthrop.
Well, I think he went out
on the last emergency call.
Oh, no. Dr. Winthrop
goes out next.
One minute,
Dr. Kildare.
Dr. Winthrop,
Hello? Hello,
Dr. Kildare?
Are we set for tonight,
or didn't Gillespie
let you have
the night off?
Sure, Don.
All I had to do
was insist I'd rather work,
and Gillespie practically
threw me out.
Yeah. Uh-uh.
Yeah, but now he
must have found out
what we're going to do
because he's paging me
all over the place.
Uh-oh! My turn on
the butcher wagon.
I'll see you
when I get back.
So long.
Here we go again, boys.
Here you are, doctor.
1640 gaylor Avenue.
Trouble in a saloon.
See if you can't
comp a free bottle
of gin.
1640 gaylor Avenue.
Why, miss Kirke.
and Dr. Winthrop?
I never dreamed.
Rule 44-b.
Interns are not allowed
to go out with the nurses.
Why don't I know about this?
I listen in on every personal call
that comes over this switchboard.
Bad news. Bad news
is in the garage.
Came back two days early.
She's bawling out the night shift.
She'll be here any minute.
Sound the alarm.
Where's my vacuum cleaner?
Jeepers creepers!
This will wreck
the joint,
and I thought
we were safe
till Monday.
The big boss
will drop dead
when he hears this.
Dr. Carew speaking.
What do you say, Sally?
Are you positive?
No, no.
I'll do that myself.
Give me Dr. Gillespie
right away.
No, sir.
Dr. Gillespie left
here 5 minutes ago.
All he said was,
"Parker, I'm
a little Pearl
going out to look
for an oyster."
Oh, my goodness!
I'll have to
get busy.
Conover, it's bad news.
Bad news? That means
Molly Byrd.
She's coming home
from her vacation
instead of Monday morning.
Oh! Dr. Gillespie
said to get flowers
for Molly Byrd's return.
I'll bet
the whole place
is in an uproar.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Evening, doc.
Now, Clifford,
is everything ok
in the kitchen?
You bet. They even
started to make
fresh coffee
in case miss Byrd asks for it.
Well, she might want
to count the spoons.
I hope she does.
We're two spoons over.
Well, everything's under control.
Miss Byrd will come in through here,
and that will start her off right.
Even if you weren't hungry,
you could eat off
this floor now.
Wait. That will be
her car.
That's not superintendent Byrd.
What is it this time, doctor,
liver, kidney, appendix,
or realigning his brakes?
No. This fella
flooded his
May I borrow your pen, nurse?
Certainly, doctor.
Flooded his carburetor?
Oh, I get it.
With alcohol.
Yeah. Whiskey,
beer, gin,
and a little vodka.
Officially what, doctor, please?
Delirium tremens.
bung starter, bang,
and here we are.
Did I tell you
you were very pretty
tonight, Annabelle?
Uh, delirium tremens,
uh, right, doctor?
That's very sweet of you, Donald.
Delirium tremens.
That will be fun.
He'll wake up seeing pink elephants.
Well, he might see
a couple of snakes.
Restraining room,
a customer coming up.
Where are my pink elephants?
What did you do
with my pink elephants?
Right this way, mister.
Your elephants just went
down the hall.
What do you know about elephants?
You're only a street cleaner.
Hey. Wait a minute.
How many pink elephants
did you have?
10,000 of them,
and all exactly 6 inches high.
Those are the ones.
I counted them
and measured them myself.
Right this way.
Thanks, my friend.
Hey! Hey, you!
What have you got there?
Soup, steak.
Soup, steak for elephants?
Hey! Hey, you
look out, lady.
My animals are coming through here.
I better put you
where you'll be safe.
Ohh! Ohh!
Listen. Th-th-there's
a... a D.T. Loose.
Send down a couple
of orderlies, big ones.
Why, it's grandmother.
She's got my elephants.
Get this floor cleaned up
before miss Byrd comes in here
and blows the roof off.
Who dropped that tray?
It wasn't my fault,
miss Byrd, honest.
It was the man
with the 10,000
10,000 elephants?
That's right, miss Byrd.
So this time everybody's drunk.
No, miss Byrd.
We just had
a D.T. Case.
Then you didn't
handle it right.
Where is it?
Help, help!
Bring a ladder.
I'm getting dizzy!
I suppose you'll blame
that on the D.T. Case, too.
Welcome home, miss Byrd.
Dr. Gillespie
sends flowers.
Get me out of here!
Someone, get me out of here!
And I've only been away 3 weeks.
Get me out of here, someone!
Help! Get me out!
Get me out of here, so...
Why, i... ohh.
Why, uh, Molly,
I'm glad to see
you back.
I, uh, I was coming to meet you.
Yes, I can see
you got dressed for it.
Well, Molly, did you have
a nice a vacation?
I bicycled 205 miles
and gained 7 pounds.
Well, how's everything, Walter?
How's Leonard Gillespie
and Jimmy Kildare?
The boy's in a tough spot.
However, his natural love of medicine
is helping him
to blot out the tragedy
of losing Mary.
He's coming along.
Dr. Kildare,
call Dr. Gillespie
in the turkish bath.
Get out of my way.
I'm gonna find my elephants.
Aha! Another
New York dude
street cleaner.
Well, listen, dude,
let me tell you
The cleanest street
in this town
ain't half as good
as the
dirtiest alley
in Philadelphia.
Now, get out of my way
before I knock your block off.
Hey. What are
we two philadelphians doing
in this New York den of thieves?
Right you are.
They stole my elephants.
I'm gonna wreck the place.
Philadelphia must have
changed a lot lately.
In my day, the people
weren't unsociable
killjoys like you.
In the city of brotherly love?
All right.
Then prove I'm wrong.
Come on. Relax,
and we'll have a drink
to William penn.
Hey, you, whatever your name is,
get my bottle of whiskey,
the one marked
"dream of morpheus."
Oh. Yes, sir.
All right, brother,
but no funny business,
or you're
the first one I'll
take it out on.
No, no, no.
No funny business.
Hey, you two,
don't you know
it's chilly in here?
Get the gentleman a sweater.
Tell me.
Is it true that nowadays
in Philadelphia
there's no man that ever heard
of the declaration of independence?
Never heard of it?
Ha! I can recite it
on one foot
with both my eyes closed.
When in the course
of human events
it becomes necessary
for one people
to dissolve
the political bands
which have connected
them with another
and to assume
among the powers
of the earth
the separate and equal station
to which...
Who said it was chilly in here?
I'm wise to you, dude.
You're trying to keep me
away from my elephants.
Well, here we are.
Now, since you're the guest,
suppose you drink a toast
to the old hometown first.
Why waste time?
I'm in a hurry.
Here's to Philadelphia,
to the city hall,
and to the statue
of Billy penn
on the top,
to you
and your mother
and your father
and all your children and your wife.
You are married, aren't you?
Uh... no.
I'm not married.
I am.
To the finest woman that ever lived.
May I never see her again.
Pardon me while I break the neck
of that street cleaner.
He told me my elephants lied to him.
Oh. Too bad
your mother and father
weren't from Philadelphia.
They weren't what?
Well, no man from Philadelphia
ever left his parents out of a toast
unless they were
from Camden, New Jersey.
Oh. It's my mistake.
Here's a toast
to my mother
and father...
Claude and imogene cutler,
married 52 years come December.
And if there's
no funny business,
you'll drink to them yourself,
my fine Philadelphia friend.
Well, uh...
Ah! So that's it.
You put something in that whiskey.
So now I'm gonna
knock in the top
of your head, you...
Why, I'm glad that's over.
Hey. How much
dream of morpheus
did you put in that, Don, 5 grain?
10. I saw him perform
in the saloon.
Hey. I didn't know you were
from Philadelphia, Jimmy.
Never been there in my life.
Uh-huh. You better
lay him away
and put the restraining sheet on him.
Dr. Kildare,
call Dr. Gillespie
in the turkish bath.
Eh, Mr. Cutler,
I bet when you're sober
you wouldn't hurt a fly.
Dr. Kildare, Dr. Kildare,
please call Dr. Gillespie
in the turkish bath.
Well, there goes our little party.
By no means.
I'm going to ride
the ambulance
with you,
and Dr. Gillespie
can get someone else
to wipe off his forehead.
Come now, Dr. Gillespie.
Please drink this.
Maybe you should add some more heat
so your pores will be
really good and open.
Leave that alone.
My pores are so wide open now,
I can feel a draft in my liver.
Get me a cigarette.
No cigarettes, Mitchell.
My. I wish I had
a baseball.
I could win myself a good cigar.
Do you want something,
or are you
just walking
in your sleep?
What's the state of the union,
and how's the little bicycle rider?
The bicycle rider is fine,
and, rumors to the contrary,
the union's still full
of good, old-fashioned,
self-respecting Americans.
How are you, Leonard?
You know, Molly,
I never enjoyed
anything in my life
as I did your vacation.
Uh, Dr. Gillespie?
Just a minute.
It's for you.
Well, I can't go over there.
Bring it over here.
Put it against my ear.
Oh, hello, Jimmy.
Huh? All right,
all right.
What do you know about that?
I give him
the night off,
and he goes out.
How is he?
Don't ask personal questions
and take this towel off my head.
How is Jimmy Kildare?
And how long is it
since you had
your hair cut?
Get away from here, Delilah.
All I can find out is,
Kildare's changed,
and usually,
that phrase means
for the worse.
Well, most men would
change a little bit
if their sweethearts
died the day before
their wedding.
I suppose he wouldn't
look at another girl yet.
Aw, he don't want any part of them.
I've seen plenty
of gals give him
the eye.
You know the way
the women go
for young doctors.
When I was a young doctor,
the gals used to
go for me
in a big way.
Sure, but during the civil war,
most of the attractive men
were at the front,
so the girls didn't have much choice.
Well, only a few more blocks.
Whew. We only missed
that cab by that much.
Oh. No worry at all.
It's not that bad.
We missed it that much.
Hey, Pete.
If you have to
smash us up,
do it on the way home.
There's a baby up here needs help.
Doggone, I've been
making bets with myself.
You know, not a week goes by
but some baby
gets suffocated
in its own bedclothes.
Why are people so careless?
You know, I just
made a bet
with myself.
That piece of paper you slipped
to nurse Kirke just now
wasn't an order for bandages.
Did you, uh,
notice that officially
or unofficially?
I don't want to get her trouble.
Get her in trouble?
Oh. They never
fire the nurse
in those cases.
Nurses are too valuable.
I get it.
Interns are
a dime a dozen.
Well, is it worthwhile
taking a chance on your job?
Oh. Engaged?
I make 20 bucks a month.
I haven't even asked her.
Well, why don't you?
Don, when a man
shies away
from something
his every instinct
tells him is right,
like this,
he's only admitting
a complete lack
of faith in himself
and his whole future.
Hey. Not me.
I'm gonna be
a pretty fair doctor.
Oh. I know
I'll never be rich,
but I'll get along.
Well, then, what are you waiting for?
You know what
happened to me,
don't you?
Once I thought
that just having
enough to eat
and the chance to work at medicine
was all I needed out of life.
Now I know you need more.
I knew that the minute I met Kirke.
Then don't lose Kirke.
Sold. Thank you, doctor.
Hey. Here we are.
And no emergency truck yet.
Hey, Pete,
when the fire department
gets here,
have them rush up the inhalator.
It's a suffocation case.
Let the doctors in.
Give me the baby, please.
Oh, no.
It's no use.
She's dead.
It's too late.
Our baby's dead!
What took you so long?
Saturday night traffic.
Give it to me, quick.
It's no use.
She stopped breathing.
Maybe we can start
her breathing again.
18 in a minute.
18 in a minute.
I killed my baby.
We called Emerson hospital.
Why did you fellas
have to come from Blair?
Because you're
on our side
of gaylor Avenue.
You mean to tell me,
the two hospitals
have an agreement
as to who gets whom?
Yes. Otherwise,
one hospital might
be overcrowded
and the other one empty.
Cora! Cora!
Winthrop, a hypo
of adrenaline
quickly... small dose.
What are you doing that for?
Well, the nerves that control
the breathing are in the brain.
I'm trying to get
the blood there
to restore them.
Adrenaline, doctor.
In the vein, please.
You... you think there's
still a chance?
I have to get some air
into those lungs.
My baby!
Your baby will be all right.
I killed my baby!
She's alive!
Let me go!
Let me have her!
Oh, she's alive!
Hello, doc.
What can we do?
It's all done, boys.
She's ok.
Sorry to have bothered you.
Don't worry, doc.
We had a beautiful ride.
Is she gonna live, doc?
Are you sure she's gonna live?
I'm gonna stay here a few minutes
until I am sure.
Winthrop, you better
get back to the hospital.
I'll grab the subway
and probably beat
you back.
Now, look.
Tomorrow morning,
you send your wife
down to our baby clinic,
and they'll show her
how to fix bedclothes
so this can't happen again.
Send her?
I'll bring her.
I want to take a look myself.
After all, that's
my kid, too,
you know.
Oh, uh, anything else
before I leave, doctor?
Oh, yes. Tell Pete
to take it easy
going home.
You are a doctor
with a future, you know.
Well, this is
the second time
this week
I'm going back to the hospital empty.
Business ain't so good,
but that's all right by me.
Ever stop to think
what would happen to us
if nobody got hurt anymore?
Yeah. We'd both be
out of a job.
Hey. Don't even
think about things
like that.
Me with a wife and kids to support.
Hey, Pete,
up ahead there,
what is that?
Hey. Pull over
to the side.
Come on, Pete.
Looks like we're
not going home
empty after all.
Hey. This is
the wrong side
of gaylor Avenue.
This is Emerson hospital's grief.
Come on.
Look. You're the doctor,
but we ain't supposed
to go driving around town
picking up customers
like one of these here
ice cream wagons, you know.
Is she dead?
Look at that piece of glass.
Electric sign fell.
Got both of them.
Get a stretcher quick.
And you fellas
get that girl out
of there right away.
Look, doc, let's call
Emerson hospital.
Get a stretcher.
Any pain anywhere?
No. Just a little
groggy, that's all.
Well, you'll be all right.
It's probably just the shock.
You better go in
and lie down, though.
You might pass out again.
I'll take him inside
and feed him a slug
of Brandy.
Good. I'll take care
of the girl.
Go on, now. Go ahead.
Come on there, young fella.
Hey. Turn her head
around, somebody.
I want to see that pan.
Easy. Easy.
Easy there.
See that piece of glass in her chest?
It might be in her heart.
Now, be careful of that dame.
That's Cynthia Charles.
Cynthia Charles?
Yes, sir.
You mean, you don't know
Cookie Charles,
the debutante,
the cameraman's Christmas present?
Yeah, yeah, I know her.
Calling Blair hospital.
Lookie, lookie, lookie,
here comes Cookie.
Hey, Leo.
I just made up
a poem.
I just took a lookie.
They're gonna cut up Cookie.
"They're gonna
cut up Cookie."
No good?
Come on.
We got to take
this trunk down
to the storeroom
for Dr. Gillespie.
Yeah. What good
does it do you
to live right?
A high-class fill
like Cookie Charles,
never drinks nothing
but champagne
since she's 14,
so she gets hit on the head
with a 5-cent beer sign.
That's fate, ain't it?
I don't see how
you two sleep so well
standing up.
Hello? Is this you,
Superintendent Byrd.
Did you tell Dr. Carew
he can find me
in Dr. Gillespie's office?
And don't tell me
you're not chewing gum
because I can hear you.
Oh. There you are,
miss Byrd.
Oh, um, in here, please.
All doctors, nurses, and interns,
all doctors, nurses, and interns
not on active duty
report to amphitheater b.
Say, I guess they're gonna carve up
Cookie Charles in public, huh?
It's that fantastic
little nightclub
Miss, uh, miss Charles.
Well, what's the matter?
Did she die?
No, no, no.
Dr. Gillespie
has taken
personal charge.
Kildare will operate.
Well, then, stop worrying.
But Emerson hospital
just called me up
to find out where our ambulance
picked up this Charles girl.
The intern who brought her in
was, uh,
Dr. Donald Winthrop,
and both he and the receiving nurse...
Miss Annabelle Kirke...
Failed to enter on their reports
where miss Charles was picked up.
Something funny goes on here.
Let's get Winthrop and Kirke together
and see which hangs which.
Thanks, Molly.
Let's get it
over with.
Odd, these cafe society people.
When I talked
with miss Charles'
stepfather in Florida,
he said, "go ahead
with the operation,
but she'd never
forgive us if we
left a scar."
As chief internist
of this institution,
it is my responsibility
to help you become fine doctors,
and this operation,
an emergency cardiorrhaphy,
may contribute
to that sum total of knowledge
without which
no doctor can
conscientiously say,
"I am ready to face
my responsibilities
to myself, to my god,
and to my sacred oath."
In this case,
a piece of glass
penetrated the chest
and entered the heart.
This started the hemorrhage
which flooded the pericardium,
the sack which contains the heart.
No pulse.
Now, our purpose will be accomplished
if we can make the heart pulse again.
No pulse, doctor.
Electric saw.
Since the beginning of medicine,
it was believed
that wounds
of the heart
could never be healed,
and it wasn't until
the year 1896
that Dr. Rehn...
R-e-h-n... Dr. Rehn
of Frankfurt on the main
successfully sewed up
a human heart wound.
No pulse.
Rib shears.
We have in effect
been making a trapdoor
in the patient's chest.
Fortunately in this case,
Dr. Winthrop very smartly
left the piece of glass in the wound.
This plugged it up and probably
prevented the patient
from bleeding to death.
We're now removing this glass
because we're able
to sew up the wound
it made in the heart.
Now the heart, relieved
of this terrific pressure
is free to beat again,
but, Mark you, the heart
has completely stopped beating,
but it has an innate rhythm,
imperceptible even
to the stethoscope,
which should impel
it to the resumption
of the pulse.
No pulse.
Failing in this, the surgeon,
by taking the heart
actually in his hand
and compressing it with his finger,
must try and make it beat again.
I need not point out
the delicacy
of this procedure.
If the pulse doesn't start now,
it never will.
No pulse?
No pulse.
Getting the pulse now, doctor.
Gentlemen, one moment
like this can pay you
for years of curing measles,
mumps, and poison Ivy.
Pulse strong now, doctor.
Now we come to the most
difficult part of all,
that is, putting the patient
together again.
I think she's coming
out of it, nurse.
I'm thirsty.
Of course you are.
Some water, nurse, please, not much.
Too much water
right now
might make you
a little uncomfortable.
Water? Can't you put
something in it
to kill the taste?
Well, try it once.
You may even
like it.
I want you for Christmas.
Uh, nurse, uh,
keep her lips moistened, nurse.
Uh, would you turn out the light
and, uh, the shade, please?
She'll be all right now, doctor?
Oh. Quite all right.
I'm going to get some sleep.
Call me in my room if you have to.
Oh. Doctor,
I was told
to give you this
when you finished with your patient.
Uh, congratulations in order?
You bet they are.
Good. That's fine.
All right.
Come here.
Hey. I've been afraid
to do that
during office hours myself,
and I'm the lucky bridegroom.
Well, you're a coward.
What is this?
He was a long time
getting around
to it, wasn't he?
If he hadn't asked me soon,
I was going to give him
gas and barium
while he was still unconscious.
She's afraid I'm gonna get fired.
Fired? For what?
Oh. Doc Carew was
a little too smart for me.
Nothing was filled out on the reports
to show where Donald
found Cookie Charles.
So they got me down as a kidnapper.
What was he supposed to do,
let the poor girl die
on the sidewalk,
waiting for Emerson's
ambulance to come
and get her?
Oh, I see.
I didn't know
that before.
I'm glad he did it.
You're a chump, Donald.
10 years ago,
I kissed a nurse
in this same room,
and what have I got now?
3 kids, a mother-in-law
living with me,
and no buttons on my shirt.
And now
if you'll check your stuff,
I can go home and cook
my own breakfast.
One ampule
of adrenaline
on call 11:47,
two ounces of alcohol
at 11:51.
Dr. Kildare, do you think
they'll dismiss Donald?
I don't know.
Here you are, Donald.
Oh. Thanks, Felix.
And I appreciate
your advice
on matrimony, old boy,
but I'm still gonna be married.
Oh. My marriage
hasn't been so bad.
My family sleep all night,
I sleep all day.
I hardly ever see any of them.
Dr. Kildare,
what are we
going to do,
just sit back and wait
for the ax to fall?
Well, maybe that agreement
with Emerson hospital
isn't as formidable as we think.
Let me find out what I can
from Dr. Gillespie.
I'll tackle him
first thing
in the morning.
Conover, how did you
sharpen that razor,
opening a can of corn with it?
Sorry, boss, but I could
shave you much better
laying flat on your bed.
All right.
I'll lie flat
on the bed.
Why should my lying flat on the bed
make you a better barber?
Because that's the way
I learned my barbering,
shaving corpses
for my cousin the undertaker.
You shave me
sitting up.
Yes, sir.
Have you seen
Dr. Kildare
this morning?
No, sir.
Dr. Kildare was up
till after daylight,
but he's got sense, so he's sleeping.
Well, I was up till
after daylight
but I'm a very fast sleeper.
I can get 8 hours' sleep in 4 hours.
Thank you.
Say, Conover, got a cigarette?
No, sir.
That miss Molly Byrd said
did she catch me
give you one cigarette
she gonna snatch me pink.
Aww, splotz!
Good morning, Leonard.
Brought your breakfast.
Molly Byrd,
since you cleaned out this joint,
look what I found
in Conover's pockets.
You can't roll your own.
Why, I used to teach
a class of cowboys.
Has, uh, Kildare
talked to you yet
this morning?
Look here, you slave driver,
Kildare didn't go to bed
till after daybreak.
Ahh! Look what...
What are you breathing
all over me for?
Now I've ruined my cigarette.
Well, Kildare will
be talking to you
pretty quick,
and it's something
you don't know
anything about.
Look here, Molly Byrd,
I know all you know,
including the fact that
you paid 10 bucks
for a new corset
that don't make you
look any thinner
that the old one did.
Well, what you don't know
is that
Cookie Charles was
picked up last night
in Emerson hospital territory.
No. I didn't know it.
It seems
to have been
Dr. Donald Winthrop,
but he's the young intern
that Kildare adopted.
Did Emerson make
any formal complaint?
When that board of directors meets,
I can see heads rolling.
Molly, we've got to
keep this from Kildare
until it's too late
for him to try
and take the rap for it.
Ha ha ha!
Go on! Laugh
and show your ignorance!
I was just thinking
of your class
of cowboys.
10 lessons in cigarette rolling
from you,
and they end up
chewing tobacco.
Do I smell something burning?
It's Dr. Gillespie.
Good-bye, teacher.
Ha ha ha!
Well, what are you doing up so early?
Well, I'll tell you,
but first, you tell me...
You know this agreement we have
with Emerson hospital,
I never ran into it before.
What happens
if someone's caught
with a violation?
Oh. Nothing much.
They just slap you
on the wrist and say,
"naughty, naughty.
Papa spank,
and don't do it again."
Well, that seems
to make sense.
Look. This is
the eighth day
you've delivered
an orchid
to miss Charles,
and she now says
either tell her
who's sending them,
or she won't take any more.
Lady, do you want to get me canned.
Oh. All right.
You'll tell miss Charles
that I'm responsible for the orchids.
It will be all right.
I'm Arnold Spencer.
Mr. Arnold Spencer
of Gilbert, Spencer,
and associates
public relations counsel.
Dr. Kildare?
How do you do?
You are, in a manner of speaking,
miss, uh, miss Charles' press agent?
Uh, yes. We endeavor
to present miss Charles
to her palpitating public
in a rather glittering light.
Doctor, when may I see my client?
Well, she's seen no one so far.
She hasn't even talked to anybody.
She's only going to sit up in bed
this morning for the first time.
I suppose this business
is very important to miss Charles.
Oh, yes. Publicity
is just as important to her
as it is to a certain
nationally known brand
of canned soup.
We handle the soup, too.
Oh. And your job
is to get her name
and picture
in the papers
every time she does
some crazy stunt?
Oh, yes. Often, I invent
the stunts.
Well, we'll see how she feels
when we get her sitting up.
Perhaps you
can drop in
and say hello.
May I talk now,
I mean, say something besides,
"yes, doctor, I feel better today,"
or, "no, doctor,
I don't want anymore water"?
I think you
can be yourself
for a few minutes.
I want you for Christmas.
You, uh, you said
that before, you know.
I did? When?
When you came out of the anesthetic.
That shows
I'm bright even
when I'm dizzy.
What did you do to me
while I was unconscious?
Take a piece of glass
out of your heart.
I hope in the process
you didn't cut out my oomph.
I'll give you a chance to find out.
Mr. Spencer.
Ooh, chick here?
Hooray, doctor.
Now you'll get
your name
in the paper.
chick, darling.
How much am I paying
for these orchids?
Nothing. The florist
is a client of ours.
He only plays 95 cents
for those wholesale.
Sit down.
How are you, Cookie?
Terrible, thanks to
this clean living.
Say, how is sergeant brown?
Sergeant brown?
You mean, police sergeant brown?
No, no. The soldier
I was out with
the night of the accident.
You remember.
He won me in a raffle.
Well, not exactly a raffle.
He was voted
the unluckiest man
in the whole camp,
and the prize was me for an evening.
when may I have
the newspapermen in?
And the photographers, too, doctor.
Oh, say, Wednesday morning
for half an hour.
Mm-hmm. That's fine.
In the meantime,
I have permission
to interview
the intern who came
to Cookie's rescue.
Oh. Dr. Winthrop? Yes.
Miss Charles owes him a great deal.
Hello. Dr. Winthrop, please.
Is it too much to hope
that he's also photogenic?
Yes? What? Oh.
Well, I'll call later.
Oh. Say, what about
the other fella,
the ambulance driver?
Oh. Get me
Peter Taylor, please,
if he's not on duty.
There seems to be
some doubt where
Dr. Winthrop is.
Hello. Is that you, Pete?
Oh. Dr. Kildare,
I've been trying
to get you.
Listen. Dr. Carew
himself just calls me
and wants to know
will I stand up
to Dr. Winthrop
and swear on my oath
that I warned him
this dizzy debutante
belonged to Emerson.
Oh. I stalled,
but Carew said he'd
give me 10 minutes
to make up my mind.
Listen, doc, I got
a family to support.
10 minutes, huh?
Well, you'll hear
from me before that.
Everybody seems to be busy today,
and I'm afraid that includes me.
Wednesday will be fine, thanks.
Remember, this visit
was only to say hello.
Good-bye, darling.
Well, good-bye, Cookie.
Good-bye, chick.
Take care of yourself.
You know, nurse,
something tells me
I'm not going
to leave
Dr. Kildare's
hospital as soon
as they'll let me.
It's no use, miss Charles.
I wonder
what he does
on Saturday nights.
Still no use.
Dr. Kildare's girl
was killed
the night before their wedding.
Since then, women to him
are only high fevers
and low blood pressures,
or he takes pieces
of glass out
of their hearts.
You mean, up till now.
He's never had me work on him.
Is Dr. Winthrop in
with Dr. Carew?
Uh, well, I could find out.
Oh, that's all right.
Don't bother.
Uh, I beg your
pardon, Dr. Carew,
but has this anything to do
with the Cynthia Charles matter?
Jimmy... i mean, uh,
Dr. Kildare...
It's very unfortunate, Kildare,
but our board
of directors requires me
to take action.
Oh, I see.
And I suppose you've told them
that miss Charles is
alive and doing
very nicely,
which is, after all,
the only important thing.
Very true,
but I'm afraid there's
another point involved.
You see...
Hey, Kildare.
The only way I can keep up with you
is to get myself an electric scooter.
Excuse me, Walter, but I have a hunch
that you're going to need me.
Dr. Gillespie,
I need you.
Winthrop here's in trouble
with our board of directors
because he
brought that girl
to this hospital.
I suppose you never stopped to think
what Winthrop should have done.
I should have
closed my eyes,
shut my ears,
and driven
right on past.
Stop to think.
He should have put
the girl in his ambulance
and driven to Emerson.
That way, he would have
protected the patient
and satisfied everybody.
As a matter of fact,
in this particular instance,
Emerson was two blocks
nearer than we are,
but you never thought
of that, did you?
No. No, I never
did think of that.
Neither did I.
Saving life is
a wonderful thing, Jimmy.
It's a blessing
and duty of both of us,
Emerson and Blair,
but it should be organized
for the greatest good
of the greatest number.
And guaranteed
by an efficient
Dr. Winthrop was
and inefficient.
But surely, no real harm
has been done, though.
Dr. Winthrop,
were you aware
that you found this girl
in Emerson's field?
Yes. Pete the driver
made it very clear.
I am sorry to say
the blame is
all mine.
And to cover up
this, uh, this
did you deliberately neglect
to so indicate on your report?
Yes, and I
refused to tell
the receiving nurse
where I found her.
I am sorry to say that this letter
from Mr. Baxter,
the chairman
of our board,
leaves me no alternative.
I must, uh,
I must dismiss you
from this institution.
Yes, sir.
Why, this is the most
outrageous thing
I ever heard.
Hey, Winthrop.
Easy there, son.
Now, suppose we hadn't
been able to pull
miss Charles through.
Every sourpuss in town
would be howling
that she's dead
because we snatched her
away from Emerson.
That would give
all the hospitals
a black eye.
That is why
Mr. Baxter
and the board
are making an example of Winthrop.
One of the most
unpleasant things
I've ever had to do.
Well, it... it's all very logical
and all very convincing,
but I still don't have to believe
it's the only answer, do I?
Well, I suppose I could make
a very pretty little joke now
about Kildare's
going out to set fire
to Baxter's beard.
Only, I'm afraid he is.
Oh, doctor,
we didn't expect
you again
till this afternoon.
Miss Charles is phoning,
and she insisted,
and I was afraid
if I refused...
Oh. Well,
no damage done.
Um, that's all.
Good-bye now.
Oh. Now, before you
bawl me out,
why don't you ask me
what I was phoning for?
All right. What?
Nurse said I simply
had to have some.
Ordinarily, I sleep in the raw.
Well... well, uh... it's, uh...
It's wiser to have
some covering
for the body,
uh, medically speaking, however thin.
Jimmy, my sweet,
you're not
Dr. Kildare now.
All right. Yes.
Yes, what?
Yes, whatever you want me to do.
Well, I, uh, I want
you to help me
do something
for Dr. Winthrop.
I'll do anything but marry him.
What I want you
to do may be
a little trouble.
Would you and I get in it together?
Not you, Cookie.
No. You see,
this hospital is run
by a board of directors,
mostly prominent,
or wealthy men.
Now, you seem
to know practically
everybody in town,
and I want to get
to one of those men.
Will you help me?
I always do one favor free.
I'll never ask you another.
Oh. Don't be
too sure,
and the second one
may cost you something.
Ha ha ha!
Through Cookie, I'm trying to reach
someone of Blair's directors
and have Winthrop's case reopened.
Well, good luck.
My sympathies are all with Winthrop.
You know, Jimmy,
there isn't one
of us in medicine
that doesn't risk
his professional
neck time after time
just on account of red tape.
What's happened to Winthrop?
Well, he's... he's pretty well down.
We're having a council
of war tonight.
Well, let me know
if I can do anything
for him.
Say, uh, if we are not doctors,
what are we
doing in these
white clothes?
And if we are doctors,
why don't we try and cure somebody?
Good morning,
Dr. Gillespie.
Good morning, children.
Good morning, doctor.
We're all ready
to have you
look at us.
Helen knows it's Wednesday.
She's got a secret
she's been saving
for you.
Well, what's the big secret, Helen?
You don't mean to tell me
you're all well
and want to go home?
No, but I ate all my carrots,
and it didn't make
my hair a bit curly.
Dr. Gillespie,
I'm afraid you're
an awful liar.
Uh, did you eat your string beans?
No, doctor, she didn't.
Helen doesn't like string beans.
Oh. Well,
without the magoogies
in the string beans,
the hair-curling vitamins
in the carrots
don't get a chance
to put in the curls.
Oh. You eat
your string beans
for a month now
before you start in
criticizing the carrots.
Well, Gladys.
You're back with us.
They just told me
I had to stay
another year.
A year?
Let's see now.
How old are you, Gladys?
You're 12, aren't you?
Oh. That's an awkward age,
very awkward age.
You feel as if you're all
arms and legs, don't you,
but in a year, you'll be 14,
and that's a very important age
because you... you want
to put up your hair
and go to parties.
Now, let's see, Gladys.
You've been with us
since you were
11 years old,
haven't you?
And I'll bet you
you've never learned
how to use lipstick.
And that's something when you're 14
you'll really want
to know how to use.
Uh, hold that mirror
for her, will you, please?
Now, here.
You might as well
start practicing
right now.
Fractured ulna.
Neighbor brought
the child in
a while ago.
Father's a newspaperman.
Works nights.
No mother.
Her throat sore?
We couldn't tell.
The pain was so severe,
we gave her an immediate anesthetic.
Chart, please, nurse.
Anything wrong, Jimmy?
I think so.
Tongue depressor, nurse, please.
Ah. Ah. I'm beginning
to see.
Mm-hmm. Take this child
to the 12th floor
right away.
Diphtheria, huh?
Step on it, nurse.
Usual precautions here.
Of course, you won't be sure
until you take
a culture from her throat.
That takes hours.
I say don't wait,
but administer
diphtheria antitoxin
right away.
Uh-huh, Mr. Johnson,
your little girl's
getting every bit of help
that medical science can give her.
Isn't there some way you can tell
it's diphtheria right away?
Well, no disease
varies more
in its symptoms
than diphtheria.
You know,
my father's
a country doctor,
and he says,
"always figure it
may be diphtheria,
and then you won't
ever find it out
too late."
How soon will we know?
Well, not for a while yet.
Oh, come, come, come.
You'll make yourself ill, too.
Why don't you come along with me
while I finish the test?
Is it all right to leave her?
Oh, sure.
Well, here's what
we did, Mr. Johnson.
We took a piece of sterile cotton
and put it on a stick like this,
and with it
we took a secretion
from Katie's throat,
and we put it
in a test tube
like this one
with a jelly-like material
that contained food
for the germs.
Nurse, get me that culture tube.
We've had the test tube
in the Incubator
long enough
for the diphtheria germs,
if they're there,
to grow in recognizable numbers.
Oh, that's fine.
Now we take a little
of this culture...
And from it, we prepare a slide
like this...
We, uh, stain the slide.
And we'll dry it off
for a minute like this
and slip it under the microscope.
Now we'll have a look
for a little rod-shaped germ
so tiny you could put
a million of them
on the point of a pin.
And there they are,
Mr. Johnson,
the diphtheria bacilli.
Then... then she's got it.
She's got it!
That's not quite correct,
Mr. Johnson.
She's starting to un-get it
because we gave her
the right injection
in plenty of time.
That's all, nurse.
You know, one
of the most exciting
and satisfactory things
in medicine is to watch
diphtheria clear up
under the magic of antitoxin.
And now, Mr. Johnson,
I want you to do me
a favor.
Including murder, doctor.
Well, I know you won't go home,
so tell the nurse
on 12 to slip you
into an empty room
and get some rest
with the firm conviction
that you'll have good news
about Katie by evening.
Make that
murder, doctor.
Swell. Good night.
That's all, nurse.
Hey. You're not
the nurse that was
here a minute ago.
I'm off duty
until 7:00,
and Donald's
waiting to see you
in your room.
Let's stop beating
around the bush.
I think I have a solution.
That's for me to go
in private practice.
Private practice?
But where, how?
That's what he's always wanted to do.
Naturally, you're going
to have to starve to death
for the first couple of years.
I found a spot
in a small town
in Jersey.
I rented
a little frame house
there today,
a place for me to sleep
and room for my office.
Me, my.
Where do I come in?
Well, honey,
it won't be long
before I get...
Of course it won't.
It will be tomorrow.
Donald Winthrop,
how much money
have you got left
to buy instruments and things?
I thought so.
Then can you think of any better use
for that 210 bucks
I have in my hope chest?
No, no, nothing doing.
You said yourself I'd have to starve
for a couple of years.
Well, not if I
keep drawing down
my 85 a month here.
Oh. That's
Dr. Kildare,
help me out
with this poor sap.
Oh. I've said
my piece to him, Kirke.
You don't look
as if you need
much help.
Don, what's wrong
with your wife
helping out
for the first year for two?
But we've gone ov...
Excuse me,
but I just had to come in.
I can listen all right
through a closed door,
but I can't talk through one.
Say, what's eating you, Winthrop?
I once knew a girl in Oklahoma city,
and if she'd made me
a proposition like that,
we'd have had 9 children by now.
Well, i... i think it's swell of Kirke,
and I don't want to be
a fool about it,
but suppose I'm not able
to build up a practice.
Then we'd be stuck
in some miserable
blind alley on her pay.
Why, you take
any community
in this country.
If you're an honest doctor,
a conscientious doctor with nothing
but the welfare
of your patients
at heart,
I guarantee that community
isn't going to let you starve.
Look here.
You keep your mouth shut, sap.
We're going to get married.
Well, that's settled.
Now, if tomorrow was your day off,
you could get married tonight
and you'd have until Friday noon
to get settled in Jersey.
But I don't have
a day off till the 15th.
Well, maybe you
could get Molly Byrd
to fix that.
I will not.
I will, however,
extract from
miss Byrd a favor
in exchange for this snapshot,
which was sent me
by a mutual friend
in oneonta.
Say, that ought to be
good enough for a day off
and an ambulance
to ride to Jersey in.
Lend me this picture,
Dr. Gillespie,
and I'll promote us
Molly Byrd's coupe
for the night.
I will personally guarantee
the use of Molly Byrd's coupe
with the tires pumped up
and the tank full of gas
and the seat full of orange blossom.
The age of slavery
has came again,
with Molly Byrd as uncle Tom
and me as Simon legree.
Kildare, come here.
Did you tell miss Charles
she could
have a party after
the theater tonight?
No, I did not.
I told her she couldn't
even get out of bed.
Well, I told her she could get up.
Well, it's the 13th day,
and anyway,
it was either let her get up
or something else she wanted.
What else did she want?
I was afraid to ask.
Open the door.
What time?
I'm through at 12:00.
Let's see.
I have to check out,
turn in my reports,
change my clothes.
I'll be ready
at one minute
after 12:00.
I'll meet you at 12:00
in Mike Ryan's,
and in the meantime...
Sally, what
a wonderful institution
this hospital is.
Last week, you
wanted to tear down
the building
brick by brick.
Ah, but that was last week.
It's different now.
Because there's
no rule against nurses
getting married.
Well, there's no rule
against telephone
operators getting
married, either,
but what good does that do me?
Blair hospital, emergency.
No, Mr. Lawrence Ashley.
Sally doesn't
work here anymore.
No-good son
of an out-of-work
But, Sally, only yesterday,
you could hardly wait
for him to phone you.
Well, that was yesterday.
Last night, I says to him,
"Mr. Ashley,
do you think you
could learn to love
a girl like me?"
And he says, "yes,
if she wasn't
too much like you."
Ha ha ha!
Hey, I got a guy out here.
Picked him up
down the other side
of gaylor Avenue.
He's passed out cold.
Well, do something, quick!
He said the other side of gaylor.
Call Emerson to send
their ambulance, quick.
Emerson hospital?
Are you crazy?
They told Winthrop he
should've taken the girl
in his ambulance
to the right hospital.
Call one of our ambulances, Sally.
We'll send this case to Emerson.
Aw, skip it.
I'll take him
to Emerson myself.
Wait! Wait!
Well, I hope I did right.
I tried, didn't I, Sally?
You sure did.
It's pink elephants again.
Say, nurse,
where can I
find Dr. Kildare?
I don't know.
Where's Dr. Kildare?
I've got important business with him.
Thanks. I'll...
Cobb! Clifford Genet!
Willie Brooks!
The pink elephant man
is on the loose again!
He just went
upstairs to 344
to murder Dr. Kildare.
If you need any help, come back.
We'll be here.
Come in.
Excuse me, sir.
if it isn't independence hall.
No one ever made
a bigger fool of himself
or was more ashamed
and had greater reason
to get down on his knees
to a nicer young fella
than you than me.
that's very nice
of you, cutler.
Nobody will ever hold it against you.
Don't you think you
ought to go a little
easy with that bottle?
Well, sir, would you believe it
that I never had a drop
of hard liquor in my life
until that Saturday night?
So I guess I'll
either have to get
used to it or...
You can get much worse
than pink elephants,
you know?
Sir, if you heard what
my mother said to me,
you'd know what I'm going
to do in the future.
Oh, I beg pardon, Kildare.
- Oh, that's all right.
- Come in, Dr. Carew.
Yes. Come in.
Come in.
You remember Dr. Carew,
don't you?
He gave you the shirt
right off his back.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, I'm sorry, sir.
I mean, it was a very nice shirt,
just like the one you have on.
That's quite all right.
It's perfectly all right.
I'll see you tomorrow, Kildare.
It's nothing at all important.
I'm glad to have met you again.
Get out of here.
What's the matter?
Back inside.
Come on.
We got the wrong lunatic.
Uh, just one thing more
I've got to ask you,
Dr. Kildare.
Well, fine.
I have to go
see a patient.
So just come right along with me.
One minute, doctor.
This is confidential.
Well, supposing
a fella gets out with...
In case a fella
gets out with the boys,
how can he turn down the drink?
Well, I don't know,
except that if it were me...
Thanks, doctor.
That's what I thought
you would say.
Well, uh...
What's this I hear
about you having
a party in here?
You're the party.
Sit down.
I have bad news for you.
Oh, I can guess.
You can't do
anything for Winthrop,
is that it?
Of the 6 men
on the Blair board
of directors,
the first one is immune
to any kind of influence.
Two others told their own daughters
they refuse to interfere
with hospital discipline.
The fourth, well,
nobody I know ever
heard of him.
The fifth is Mr. Baxter,
the old bogeyman himself,
and the sixth just got
a divorce from his wife
with me as one of her witnesses.
How do you like me
with my clothes on?
Oh, I like you with your clothes off.
I mean,
I like you with your clothes on or...
I, uh...
Well, thanks for
doing what you could
with the board.
We were talking about me,
but I see what you mean.
After the first couple
of hundred operations,
the torso must lose its thrill.
However, the dress is terrific
only because it's me underneath.
Was it that dress
got Dr. Gillespie's
permission to get up?
No, it wasn't
the dress.
It was me.
Oh, I know how to handle men,
all kinds of men,
all except your particular kind.
Oh, by the way,
no after-theater
visitors yet, please.
I gave orders to the nurse.
I know how to handle men.
For instance, there's
the brilliant man over 50.
He has just one weakness.
He adores making
a divine fool of himself,
but he'll scream like a zombie
when anybody else
makes a fool of him.
Is that answering
my question
about Dr. Gillespie?
I merely had to say,
"Dr. Gillespie,
either I get up
today or else."
So I heard.
Or else what?
Or else I'd kiss him right in front
of superintendent Molly Byrd.
That wouldn't work with you.
Oh, you understand
that you're to stay
in bed all day tomorrow, as usual.
Then there are
the married men
of this world.
Then I play high-school Hattie,
the hometown girl they didn't marry
and wish they had.
That wouldn't work with you, either.
Uh, at 12:00,
the nurse is coming
to put you to bed.
And then there's
the predatory
type of man...
All wolf and a yard wide.
You may need him
to take you to the beach
or to a house party,
but the first time
he tries to wolf you,
you tell him you
have a big brother
in the FBI.
You know, one of these days,
I'm gonna believe something you say,
and then where will I be?
You've left only
one thing for me to do.
That's to be absolutely honest.
That's something
I've never done before.
Well, it isn't necessary
to be anything with me, Cookie.
I hate everything I am
and everything I do.
I only act the way I have
and talked the way I did
because everybody expects it of me.
I'm a glamour girl.
If I have to keep
it up much longer,
I'm gonna go crazy.
You're the only person
I've ever known that
could understand me,
and you won't
because you're a doctor.
I'm the most miserable
girl in the world.
And this is your method
for handling men who are doctors.
You poisonous droop.
Droop? Ha ha!
For a minute, you
almost had me fooled.
You twice-poisonous droop.
All right.
So I have smallpox.
Now, you know I'm fascinating.
Even if you had smallpox,
you'd still be able to clown.
Well, I didn't mean clown, exactly,
but, well, you're so
protected from life,
you convert everything
into a procession
of glittering unrealities.
"So protected from life"?
Dr. Kildare, I only
have one problem
in this world.
To have fun?
No. Merely
the same problem
as all other girls...
To find the guy who
will protect me from life.
But I thought you were an heiress.
My father's estate
brings me $90 a week
for one more year.
I don't want
to wash dishes
or sell magazines
for the rest of my life.
So I have to be
the belle of the ball
to get the right offers.
And the glitter
is to attract
the right man.
It's the flashy goods
they put in the show windows
that bring the customers in to buy.
It's my job to talk
like the dialogue
in a Broadway show
and dress so as to prove
the less you wear,
the more it costs.
So here I am...
Clever, expensive,
but a good buy
if you've got the money.
It doesn't sound like much fun.
Oh, it has been...
Up to now.
So go on.
Tell me this is the way
to handle a doctor
that couldn't be handled
the other way.
No, Cookie.
No. I think
this time, you've
told me the truth,
and I'm really sorry
if I was rude
or unkind.
I didn't understand.
Go away.
Dr. Kildare is not here,
and I've been asleep for an hour.
Ha ha ha!
Well, since Dr. Kildare
has already gone,
you won't miss him.
Can I speak to you
for a moment,
doctor, please?
Good night, Cookie,
and this has been
one of those
rare occasions
when the patient
actually helped
the doctor
understand the case.
Thanks for inviting yourself
for breakfast
at 9:00
in the morning.
Oh, but
I didn't. I...
You'd better come out of here
before she has you
taking her medicine
for her.
Where are you hiding
those 3 orderlies?
Me, hiding 3 orderlies?
What for?
Now, come clean, young man.
Dr. Carew told me
that 3 orderlies
in uniform
attacked him without provocation,
knocked him down,
tore his clothes off,
and tried to push him
down the laundry chute.
Now, it happened
just outside your office,
so you must be in on it.
Where are you hiding them?
Well, I give you my word.
I know nothing about it.
Where are you going tonight?
I have an appointment at midnight.
Mike Ryan's, but it
has nothing to do
with any orderlies.
Leonard Gillespie persuaded me
to lend you my coupe tonight.
Persuaded you?
Persuaded me.
He... well...
The dear boy has
done me so many favors,
I just couldn't refuse him.
Have you seen Annabelle Kirke
in the last 15 minutes?
Now, Molly, you mind
your own business.
I am not going to break any rules
or get anyone in any trouble.
Look here.
You haven't been getting
much sleep lately.
Why don't you go to bed now
and tear off 9 hours
and let people look out
after their own destinies?
Molly, I want you for Christmas.
Yoo hoo.
Don't tell on us, doc, please.
We'd be safe if we could only
get to the men's locker room.
We'll be safe if they don't ask us
to give some old lady a sponge bath.
Oh. Oh, my goodness.
We'll take care of it, doctor.
Come, girls.
He's cute, isn't he?
Yoo whoo!
Good evening,
Dr. Kildare.
Good evening,
Dr. Kildare.
It's an honor to have you come in,
an honor we could have
happen much oftener.
Would you take
a small beer
on the house?
No. No, thanks.
Has Dr. Winthrop
been in?
That, he hasn't,
but there's someone
waiting for you
in that room,
and under the circumstances,
you may not want anybody
to be overhearing you.
So I'll drop a nickel
in the phonograph
and make some noise.
Thanks, Mike.
Well, what's the idea?
I've been fired.
Fired from the hospital?
But when? What for?
Just now.
Oh, it's very easy to get fired.
All you have to do
is get in trouble
with a taxi driver
who brings in a case
from the other side
of gaylor.
But didn't you send
the case over to Emerson
in our ambulance?
I tried to,
but the taxi driver got excited
and took him in his cab
to the hospital himself.
I tried to stop him,
Jimmy. I did.
When he got there, the man was dead.
No, Kirke.
Then what happened?
The next thing
I knew, I was
in Carew's office,
and the president
of the board,
Baxter himself,
threw me out on my ear.
Oh, well, pull yourself together.
Nobody would blame you
if they knew the facts.
Besides, you're going
to your own wedding
inside of an hour.
We were counting
on my $85 a month
to get started on.
Now I'll be a burden to Donald.
Oh, no.
You have it
When he marries you,
he gets a first-class
nurse for nothing.
When he comes, leave me
alone with him for
a couple of minutes.
He'll be upset because I'm upset,
and I want to do
a little work on him.
Oh, you go right to it.
Meanwhile, maybe
we can do something
to get your job back
and Don's, too, if he should want it.
What are you going to do,
put lighted matches
under Carew's bare feet?
No, but I got an idea
while we were talking
just now.
If they knew the facts...
I'm gonna try and see
that a lot of people
do know the facts.
See you in 10 minutes.
Doctor, I was hoping you'd come by.
The nurse was just here.
The kid is swell,
and I want to thank you.
Well, that antitoxin
is a great thing,
isn't it?
Uh, Mr. Johnson,
do you think you could get something
printed in your paper for me?
Why, if it's
of sufficient
public interest.
Well, you be the judge.
It's the story
of a doctor
in this hospital
who was fired
for breaking some rules,
although he saved a life,
and it goes on from there,
but the life he saved was
Cynthia "Cookie" Charles.
Doctor, the "New York globe dispatch"
goes on the streets
at 11:20 A.M.
Read it tomorrow morning.
"Globe dispatch"...
specially ordered
by Dr. Kildare.
Thank you.
Say, where do you keep
all the pretty nurses?
On the third floor.
Get out of here
before I break
your neck.
- Parker!
- Next patient!
Will you come in, please?
Ah, Mrs. Richards.
Mrs. Richards...
Mrs. Richards,
you have a simple
case of the hives.
That's all, I'm glad to say.
Doctor, it can't be hives.
Darling, you didn't tell the doctor
that we had dinner
out the other night
and you didn't wipe off
your knife and fork.
Oh, George, please.
You never wear gloves
when you play
with the pekinese.
How do you know what's
in that cold cream
you use on your face?
Oh, George, don't be such a fanatic.
Doctor, hasn't she got symptoms?
No, I haven't got symptoms.
You've got symptoms.
George sees symptoms in everything.
If he cuts himself shaving,
he goes to bed for a week.
When the minister's wife
sneezed, he had
our house fumigated.
Now it's me.
After he kisses me good night,
he gets up to gargle.
It isn't
the hives I've got.
It's the heebie-jeebies.
Doctor, I merely take
sanitary precautions.
That's all.
The human body is much
more immune to disease
than most people think.
Why, we doctors never catch anything,
and all day long,
patients come
through here
with contagious diseases.
Say, I never thought of that.
Oh, these walls must
be fairly creeping
with deadly bacteria.
Haven't you gentlemen got something
that will make me immune
to all these diseases?
Yes, we have.
Yes. Mm-hmm.
Mr. Richards,
I'm going to give you
some of the same medicine
that keeps us doctors
free from germs.
Oh, my dear.
Oh, my dear. Look.
Now, Mr. Richards,
you take
one teaspoonful
of this every night,
and you need never worry
about germs again.
Thank you, doctor.
You don't know what
you've done for me.
Or for me.
Come on, Betty.
Let's go.
Now we've got
nothing more
to worry about.
Just a minute, George.
Doctor, when that bottle is empty,
I'll be right back for more.
Uh, oh, don't bother.
Just fill it right
out of the faucet...
Plain city water.
Thank you, miracle men.
One born every minute.
No, no. They're
getting scarcer.
We haven't used
one of those
bottles of water
in a week.
For you,
Dr. Kildare.
Oh, thanks very much.
Next patient, Parker.
Yes, doctor.
Just one moment, please.
Anything wrong, Jimmy?
No, no, no, no.
Parker, hold the next patient
till Dr. Kildare
finds out who won
the fourth race.
Yes, doctor.
Go on. Get out.
So you did let them
take a photo of you
and Cookie Charles.
No. I wasn't looking
for my picture.
this is Dr. Kildare.
Will you get me
Mr. Ray Johnson
at the "New York
globe dispatch," please?
Shall we wait
until you get
your phone call,
or will we resume
the practice
of medicine,
or would you
like to call in
nosey Parker
and play puss in the corner?
Oh, well, leave word
for him to phone me
as soon as he
comes in. Thanks.
I'm sorry, sir.
Shall we go
back to work?
What are you up to?
Something about
that Kirke business,
I suppose.
No. I haven't done
a thing about that,
I'm sorry to say.
The next patient, Parker.
I've been requested
to order you to appear
before our
board meeting... 4:00.
Well, Jimmy,
you told me that
you didn't...
That's right.
As far as I know,
I haven't done a single,
solitary thing.
Oh, maybe I wanted to.
Maybe I still do,
but so far,
I'm in the clear.
Then why does
Mr. Baxter require you
at an official hearing?
I haven't the slightest idea.
There's nothing I can say or do
until we know more about this.
You want to tell me about it, Jimmy?
Well, there's...
Really nothing to tell.
Oh, now, Jimmy,
an old fossil like me
can cut his own throat
if he wants to,
if it amused me,
but you're young.
You got your whole
life ahead of you...
Fun, laughter,
someday a pretty girl.
Mary was my pretty girl.
Oh, now, I didn't
mean to touch
a raw wound,
but if you'll forgive me,
I think Mary would
feel the same way
about it as I do.
Right after she died,
I thought nothing
could ever make me go
back to medicine,
and you brought me back,
and I'm very grateful,
but Mary left
an emptiness in my life,
and I reserve the right
to fill it in my own way,
if it amuses me.
Well, the least I can do is to go
to that board
of directors meeting
with you.
Oh, isn't Mr. Baxter
too smart to allow that?
Oh, Baxter is smart,
all right. Yeah.
He's almost as smart as I am,
but Baxter
is an honorable,
upright gentleman,
and I haven't got that handicap.
Send in Dr. Kildare
and Dr. Gillespie.
Dr. Gillespie,
Isn't that a bit irregular?
Perhaps Dr. Gillespie
can bring out something
in Dr. Kildare's favor.
The way things look, he'll need it.
How are you, Gillespie?
This is Dr. Kildare?
How are you, doctor?
Oh, I'm
not gonna say
I'm glad to see you
until I know what this
skulduggery is about.
Now, Gillespie, let's keep this
as a quiet, dignified hearing.
"Quiet, dignified."
It's my experience
that it isn't
until folks
start in shouting
that the truth comes out.
Well, the truth is very simple.
I have here an article
sent us by the publisher
of the "globe dispatch."
Now, that's what happened to it.
Let me have it.
I can read, too,
you know?
Dr. Kildare, did you
give that information
to a newspaper reporter
named Johnson?
I did.
The publisher called me up
to see if we thought
printing such a story
would be against
public interest.
Doctor, how many lives are saved
in this hospital every year?
Hundreds, I guess, but...
But the keystone
of a hospital's
is the public's faith in it.
Your article, if printed,
would destroy that faith.
Then why have
that agreement
with Emerson?
Emerson hospital has been
in this neighborhood
for 80 years.
We are comparative newcomers.
Suppose an ambulance
is urgently needed
one block away from this building
and they instinctively call Emerson.
With no cooperation,
perhaps the older
institution's resources
are overtaxed at the moment.
Thus, an innocent person
might die waiting
for Emerson's ambulance
only one short block from where you
and all our resources
are free to help.
Nurse Kirke was trying
to tender our resources
and obey the rules
in just such an instance.
Nurse Kirke could've instantly called
one of our doctors for that man.
Well, no wonder you didn't
want this article published.
I couldn't have written it
nastier myself.
Mr. Baxter,
first a rule was broken,
and a girl's life
was saved.
Now, regardless of circumstances,
because of that rule,
a man is dead.
Emerson's postmortem
establishes that
no power on earth
could've kept
that man alive
for more that 5 minutes.
Then why was Kirke discharged?
Nurse Kirke had been on probation
since she helped
Dr. Winthrop turn in
a false report.
This second incident renders her
an undesirable member
of our personnel.
Mr. Baxter,
will Dr. Kildare
promise in the future
not to set himself up
as a public agitator
for such destructive issues?
I move we adjourn till next year.
Kildare has plainly lost his temper.
We adjourn the matter indefinitely
if Kildare will promise
his cooperation.
Will you give
Dr. Winthrop
and nurse Kirke
their jobs back?
I'm afraid that's impossible.
Oh, of course it's impossible.
You've made an example of them
so you'd have
a scapegoat in case
there's any trouble.
Ah, ah, that's done it.
That's done it.
Dr. Kildare, I'm forced
to take official cognizance
of that accusation.
I must, therefore,
suspend you
from active duty,
unless you care to withdraw it.
Not until you prove I'm wrong.
We'll give you
a few days
to reconsider.
Otherwise, one week from tonight,
we will accept your resignation.
Mr. Baxter...
Ah! Go get out, Jimmy!
Go on. Go on.
Get out while you're
still in one piece.
Heh heh heh.
Hey, Dr. Gillespie,
don't you think it's
time you went to bed?
Just a minute, Parker.
I've only one step to go to prove
that this book is entirely wrong.
It says that this vapor
can be produced without a catalyst.
We'll just
let it simmer
a little while...
And show up the blithering jackass
that wrote this fool book.
Ah, the stupid idiots
that write books.
Parker, you know,
sometimes I think
I'm the smartest man
in the world.
Yes, doctor. I'll call
the fire department.
Shut that door!
There's no fire!
If anybody asks you about the noise,
just say it won't happen again.
Hey, what's that terrific noise?
If it hadn't been for me,
she might have blown up
the whole building.
Jimmy, uh...
Tomorrow we'll get together
on that...
Oh, I'm sorry.
I forgot you were on
that enforced vacation.
I just came in to say good night.
Good night, son.
I suppose you're disappointed in me.
No. I'd have
thrown that Baxter
out of the window,
only I didn't want
to have any charges
preferred against me.
I was scared to death you would.
Well, I was only
thinking of you,
Officially, I am neutral,
but now I can be
a character witness
for you someplace else.
Oh, that's swell.
Good night.
Good night, son.
Oh. Heh.
Nice of them to let me
eat and sleep here free
before they hang me.
Well, good night.
Well, if that gave you
any pleasure, Leonard,
I'll let you try it again.
If you came in here
about that loud noise,
I'm responsible for it,
and I am very sorry.
I never object
to anything you do, do I?
That double-distilled
little debutante...
Why couldn't she
get hit by a beer sign
in bucks county, Pennsylvania?
It's a crime,
the way that scheming,
little jitterbug
can get herself in the papers.
You said it.
You sleepy, Molly?
No, Leonard.
Well, I am!
Good night!
Are you all right?
Yes, I am!
Good night!
Good night!
Can I come in?
This is Dr. Gillespie.
Oh, come in.
Come in.
You're my pigeon.
Now, let me see.
What do I want
out of you?
Cookie, I want you for Christmas.
you're learning.
Now it's my turn.
I say,
"why do you want
me for Christmas?"
Say, how much farther
do I have to go
into this thing?
Oh, you're a droop, after all.
You should've said,
"because I can
always change you
"for something I do want
or give you away
at a rat race."
We're still talking
the english language,
aren't we?
Sure. A rat race
is a dance.
You know, little mice
on a merry-go-round.
Just as clear as mud.
Come in. Come in.
Say, you ought to be
sitting down yourself.
Sit down. Sit down,
miss Charles.
Get off your feet.
You called me Cookie.
I'll call you Cookie,
the girl of my dreams,
or anything you want
if you promise not
to tell Molly Byrd.
You're a darling.
You can kiss me anytime you want,
but I couldn't
help Dr. Winthrop,
and I can't help
Dr. Kildare.
How did you know
I wanted to talk
about Dr. Kildare?
Dr. Kildare
has been suspended,
and he's our pet, isn't he?
Gillespie, I've been
a ball of fire
on that telephone
trying to influence
the board of directors,
but it's no use.
Oh, it's too late for that.
Anyway, my idea
is an altogether
different scheme.
There's another way of
clearing up that thing,
but the funny part of it is,
you're the only person
that can tell me
how to work it.
Doggone it.
I never know when
you're on the level.
I did Jimmy Kildare one free favor,
and I warned him,
the second would
be expensive.
He'll do anything you want
if you'll only get us
out of this trouble.
He'd have to marry me.
That is, if I decide I want him.
You get us out of this trouble,
Jimmy Kildare
will marry you
at high noon
in a suit of red flannel underwear
with his face painted green.
Ha ha ha!
It's a deal...
You old sweetheart.
Michael Ryan's cafe,
with the same fine food.
Michael Ryan himself speaking.
He's here.
All right. Uh-huh.
Message for you, guv.
They want you
in Dr. Gillespie's office
and you will
converse with nobody
until you get there.
Thanks, Mike.
It's about that
board of directors
meeting, I think,
which is tonight
and, no doubt, means
bad luck for all of us.
If I could only
get that board
in here for dinner,
they'd be doing
nobody any harm
but their widows and orphans.
Why, it's you.
Of course, it's me.
Do I have to show you
the mole on my hip?
Well, no. Ha ha!
I, uh, heard you were leaving today.
I hoped you wouldn't go
without saying good-bye.
Still the stubborn droop.
What do I have to do
to cut you down to my size?
Why, Cookie, you've
really been a darling.
If you ever
get knocked over
by a beer sign again,
be sure to look us up.
Suppose, just suppose...
While I was convalescing,
I had a dream,
a lovely dream,
and in it, I was
looking at you
with my beautiful
blue eyes, and I said,
"Jimmy Kildare,
either you be nice
to me or else."
Or else what?
In my dream,
for just one
gorgeous moment,
I was in a wonderful spot.
I could jolly well
make you or break you.
Now, the question is,
if that weren't a dream,
could I make you
stop wanting to take my temperature
and let me give you one?
That's still not the method
for handling men who are doctors.
Are you sure it isn't?
Are you sure that a doctor
wouldn't save his career,
even if he had
to take it as a gift
wrapped up in a girl,
a quite unique
and extraordinary girl,
like me, for instance?
Uh, in my dream.
Joking aside, Cookie, i...
Joking aside,
you'll have a picture
in the back of your watch.
Well, it was all
a joke, you know,
about my dream.
Uh, you might look
at this newspaper
I brought in.
Page 3.
Why, this is the story
of Winthrop and Kirke,
the way I told it
to the reporter Johnson.
That's the joke.
In my dream, you and I
worked out a luscious
bargain for us both.
You got your story in the paper,
and I got you.
Um, of course,
I only told you
about my dream
to see if anything
could make you weaken,
and if you'd given me
even one helpless
wiggle of your nose,
my little rabbit,
how I would have laughed
because I'd have known
at last the method
of handling men who are doctors.
And you got this story in the paper.
Sure, she did.
I know one thing.
I know enough to go to a doctor
if I want my leg cut off,
and if I want a piece
put in a newspaper,
I go to somebody who knows
what they want to print
and how to get it in.
Which is my department, darling.
Uh, I'm all mixed up.
I'd like to be
terribly grateful
to Cookie,
but won't Baxter be madder than ever?
Not the way I worked it out.
Look there and see
what I had Spencer put
in the last paragraph
that Mr. Baxter
will read.
"a statement from
Blair and Emerson
"announces the installation
"of a joint
switchboard service
for emergency calls.
"Through this,
the ambulance
resources of both
will be instantly
available to all parts
of the district served."
Well, if that's true,
it'll certainly prevent
anything unpleasant
from happening again.
Well, it isn't true yet,
but they'll have
to make it true.
Go on.
"After further investigation,
"chairman Baxter
of the Blair board
of directors
"absolved Dr. Winthrop
and nurse Kirke
"of any contributory misconduct
and restored them
to duty."
Have they
actually been
put back to work?
Uh... uh...
So far only in print,
but they will be
as soon as Baxter
reads that newspaper.
Your idea was right, Jimmy,
but your way
would've scared people
half to death,
and my way leaves everybody happy.
Oh, he's teasing you, Jimmy.
He told me
he never would've thought
of a newspaper story.
So the credit is all yours.
Sure, it is.
It was his battle, and he won it.
I just dolled it up
a little with my
usual brilliance.
Dr. Gillespie,
they want you
in Dr. Carew's office
right away.
They said to tell you
they're waiting...
Dr. Carew, Mr. Baxter,
Dr. Winthrop,
nurse Kirke, and...
Well, tell them to wait.
Yes, doctor.
Winthrop and Kirke.
Ha ha!
They didn't send
for them to have
their vows pronounced.
Cookie, I love you.
Let's you and I
go out and find
ourselves a rat race.
Oh, you're busy,
Dr. Gillespie,
so I'll say good-bye now,
but before I go, couldn't I give you
just one big kiss
to show my gratitude?
Ooh, if you'll keep it
in the sanctity
of this office.
Playing post office...
At your time of life?
Go on.
Don't look now,
but you're bleeding...
You old goat.
Well, can I help it
if the patient can't
control her gratitude?
Ha ha ha!
Now for you.
Maybe I wasn't joking.
Oh, I forgot.
I'll have to come back next week.
You'll want to see my scar.
You know,
I've got green spots
in front of my eyes.
It's been so many years
since I was kissed
by a pretty girl,
I fear it may be all part of it.
I don't know.
I don't remember.