Dracula (1992) Movie Script
The year, 1 462.
Constantinople had fallen.
Moslem Turks swept into Europe
with a vast, superior force...
...striking at Romania,
threatening all of Christendom.
From Transylvania
arose a Romanian knight...
...of the Sacred Order of the Dragon,
known as Dracula.
On the eve of the battle...
...his bride, Elisabeta...
... whom he prized
above all things on Earth...
...knew that he must face
an insurmountable force...
...from which he might never return.
God be praised.
l am victorious.
The vengeful Turks
shot an arrow into the castle...
...carrying false news
of Dracula 's death.
Elisabeta, believing him dead...
...flung herself into the river.
My prince is dead.
All is lost without him.
May God unite us in heaven.
She has taken her own life.
her soul cannot be saved.
She is damned.
lt is God's law.
ls this my reward
for defending God's church?
l renounce God!
l shall rise from my own death. . .
. . .to avenge hers
with all the powers of darkness.
The blood is the life. . .
. . .and it shall be mine!
l've done everything
that you asked, master.
All the preparations
are in order.
l await your command.
for l know. . .
. . .that when the rewards
are given. . .
. . .l will be one of those
who benefits from your generosity.
Thank you.
Gone mad.
Renfield is deranged.
he's lost his greedy mind,
poor chap.
l want you to take over
for his foreign client. . .
. . .this rather eccentric
Count Dracula.
-he's buying up property in London.
-Of course, sir.
l'll attend to the count.
Thank you for your confidence.
This is a great opportunity
for you, harker.
But you'll have to leave
for Transylvania immediately.
Opportunities such as this
come but once in a lifetime.
Yes, of course, sir.
lf l may enquire. . .
. . .what, in fact, happened
to Mr. Renfield in Transylvania?
Nothing. Nothing.
Personal problems.
Close these transactions. . .
. . .and your future with this firm
is assured.
Yes, sir.
l will give it my full attention.
We've waited this long,
haven't we?
We can be married when l return.
Of course.
l'll write.
Jonathan, l love you.
l love you, Mina.
Left budapest early this morning.
The impression I had
was that we were leaving the west...
...and entering the east.
The district I am to enter
is in the extreme east of the country...
...just on the borders
of three states...
... Transylvania, Moldavia
and bukovina...
...in the midst
of the Carpathian Mountains...
...one of the wildest
and least known portions of Europe.
''My friend...
... welcome to the Carpathians.
I am anxiously expecting you.
At the borgo Pass...
...my carriage will await you
and bring you to me.
I trust your journey from London
has been a happy one...
...and that you
will enjoy your stay...
...in my beautiful land.
Your friend, D. ''
Diary, 25th May.
My Jonathan has been gone
almost a week.
And although I was disappointed we
could not marry before his departure...
...I am happy that he got sent
on this important assignment.
I am longing to hear
all the news.
It must be so nice
to see strange countries.
I wonder if we--
I mean Jonathan and I...
...shall ever see them together.
We're early, driver.
No one is here.
for the dead travel fast.
l say, is the castle far?
Welcome to my home.
Enter freely of your own will. . .
. . .and leave some of
the happiness you bring.
Count Dracula?
l am. . .
. . .Dracula.
And l bid you welcome,
Mr. harker, to my house.
Come in.
You will, l trust,
excuse me that l. . .
. . .do not join you.
But l have already dined.
And l never drink. . .
. . .wine.
An ancestor?
l see a resemblance.
The Order of the Dracul.
The Dragon.
An ancient society. . .
. . .pledging my forefathers. . .
. . .to defend their church
against all enemies of Christ.
That relationship
was not entirely. . .
. . .successful.
Oh, yes.
lt is no laughing matter.
We Draculs
have a right to be proud.
What devil or witch
was ever so great as Attila. . .
. . .whose blood flows
in these veins?
Blood. . .
. . .is too precious a thing
in these times.
The warlike days are over.
The victories of my great race. . .
. . .are but a tale to be told.
l am the last of my kind.
l have offended you
with my ignorance, Count.
forgive me.
l do so long to go
through the crowded streets. . .
. . .of your mighty London. . .
. . .to be in the midst of the whirl
and the rush of humanity. . .
. . .to share its life. . .
. . .its changes, its death.
There. You, Count, are--
Are the owner of
Carfax Abbey at Purfleet.
Your firm writes most highly. . .
. . .of your talents.
They say you are a man of good. . .
. . .taste.
And that you are
a worthy substitute. . .
. . .to your predecessor, Mr. Renfield.
You may rely on me, Count.
forgive my curiosity,
but why ten houses. . .
. . .in such precise locations
around London?
ls it to raise the market value?
Do you believe in destiny?
That even the powers of time. . .
. . .can be altered
for a single purpose?
The luckiest man
who walks on this Earth. . .
. . .is the one who finds. . .
. . .true love.
You found Mina.
l thought she was lost.
We're to be married
as soon as l return.
Are you married, Count?
Sir. . .
. . .are you married?
l was married once.
Ages ago, it seems.
She died.
l'm very sorry.
She was fortunate.
My life, at its best, is misery.
She will no doubt
make a devoted wife.
And you a faithful husband.
Write now, my friend,
to your firm. . .
. . .and to any loved ones,
and say that it shall please you. . .
. . .to stay with me. . .
. . .until a month from now.
A month?
Do you wish me to stay so long?
l will take no refusal.
Diary, 30th of May, 1 897.
I know Jonathan does not want me to
stay here with Lucy while he is away.
He thinks that if I become accustomed
to the wealth of the Westenra family...
...I will not be content as the wife
of a mere clerk in a law firm.
but Lucy and I have been friends
since we were children...
...and she has never minded
that I am only a schoolmistress.
how disgustingly awful.
Oh, Mina, you're always working.
ls your ambitious Jon harker. . .
. . .forcing you to learn
that ridiculous machine?
When he could be forcing you
to perform. . .
. . .unspeakable acts of desperate
passion on the parlour floor.
Lucy, really.
You shouldn't talk about
my fiance in such a way.
There's more to marriage
than carnal pleasure.
Oh, Mina. So l see.
Much, much more.
What is it, Lucy?
Because l don't understand it.
Can a man and woman really do. . .
. . .that?
l did, only last night.
-fibber. You did not.
-Yes, l did.
Well, in my dreams.
Jonathan measures up,
doesn't he?
You can tell Lucy.
We've kissed. That's all.
he thinks he's too poor
to marry me.
And it's all the worse now that
l'm here visiting you at hillingham. . .
. . .my rich friend.
Yes, but not even
one marriage proposal.
And here l am, almost 20. . .
. . .practically a hag.
Mr. Quincey P. Morris.
-Oh, look.
-What is that?
A Texan.
Quincey P. Morris.
he's so young and fresh. . .
. . .like a wild stallion
between my legs.
You're positively indecent.
l just know what men desire.
-Quincey, darling.
-Miss Lucy.
Why, you're as fresh
as the spring rain.
Oh, thank you.
Please let me touch it.
lt's so big.
Little girl.
Oh, my dear,
sweet little girl.
l hold your hand. . .
-. . .and you've kissed me.
Oceans of love--
Oh, Jack, my darling.
Poor little baby.
My kitten, come over here.
Come over here
and l'll kiss it better.
My poor little blossom.
My poor little doctor.
Brilliant doctor.
-hello, Quincey.
What a naughty bear.
Let me--
-Arthur holmwood, Esquire.
Oh, my darling.
Oh, you look wonderful.
l'm so sorry about your hat.
-lt's my snake dress.
ls it really?
Lucy is a pure
and virtuous girl...
...but I admit that her free way
of speaking shocks me sometimes.
Jonathan says it is a defect
of the aristocracy...
... that they say what they please.
The truth is that I admire Lucy. I'm not
surprised that men flock around her.
I wish I were as pretty
and as adored as she.
What manner of man is this?
R.M. Renfield,
successful solicitor. . .
. . . in the firm of hawkins
and Thompkins. . .
. . .respected member of
the Lord Nugent's Windem Club. . .
. . .returns from business abroad
in Transylvania. . .
. . .promptly suffers
a complete mental breakdown.
He's now obsessed
with some blood lust.
Wait here.
Would you care for
an hors d'oeuvre, Dr. Seward. . .
. . .or a canape?
No, thank you, Mr. Renfield.
how are you feeling tonight?
far better than you,
my lovesick doctor.
ls my personal life
of interest to you?
Of course it is.
All life interests me.
Your diet, Mr. Renfield,
is disgusting.
they're perfectly nutritious.
You see,
each life that l ingest. . .
. . .gives back life to me.
A fly gives you life?
But you might as well ask a man to eat
molecules with a pair of chopsticks. . .
. . .than to interest me
in a lesser carnivore.
l shall have to invent a new
classification of lunatic for you.
What about spiders?
Spiders eat the flies.
Yes, spiders eat them.
What about sparrows?
Oh, yes.
Did you say sparrows?
-Something larger, perhaps?
-Oh, yes.
A kitten.
l beg you.
A little, sleek-- A playful kitten.
Something l can teach.
Something l can feed.
No one would refuse me a kitten.
Wouldn't you prefer a cat?
Oh, yes.
A big cat.
-My salvation depends upon it!
-Your salvation?
Yes. l need lives.
-l need lives for the master.
-What master?
The master will come. . .
. . .and he has promised
to make me immortal.
Get him off!
The blood is the life!
The blood is the life!
I think strange things which
I dare not confess to my own soul.
The count...
... the way he looked at Mina 's picture
fills me with dread...
...as if I have a part to play
in a story that is not known to me.
l didn't hear you come in.
Take care how you cut yourself.
lt is more dangerous
than you think.
A foul bauble of man's vanity.
Perhaps you should. . .
. . .grow a beard.
The letters l requested.
have you written them?
Should you leave these rooms. . .
. . .you will not, by any chance. . .
. . .go to sleep in any other
part of the castle.
lt is old. . .
. . .and has many bad memories.
-Be warned.
-l'm sure l understand.
Do not put your faith
in such trinkets of deceit.
We are in Transylvania.
Transylvania is not England.
Our ways are not your ways.
And to you. . .
. . .there shall be
many strange things.
l've seen many
strange things already.
Bloody wolves chasing me
through some blue inferno!
Listen to them.
The children of the night.
What sweet music they make.
Music? Those animals?
I did as Dracula instructed.
I wrote three letters.
To the firm, to my family
and to my beloved Mina.
I said nothing of my fears
as he will read them, no doubt.
I know now that I am a prisoner.
Jonathan, come to me.
Lay down.
Lay back into my arms.
Lay back, Jonathan.
how dare you touch him!
he belongs to me!
You yourself never loved.
Yes. l too can love.
And l shall love again.
Are we to have nothing tonight?
''Dearest Mina,
all is well here.
The count has insisted
I remain for a month...
... to tutor him in English custom.
I can say no more,
except I love you.
Ever faithful, Jonathan. ''
The letters I have written
have undoubtedly sealed my doom.
The count's gypsies, fearless warriors
who are loyal to the death...
... to whatever nobleman they serve...
...day and night they toil,
filling boxes with decrepit earth...
...from the bowels of the castle.
They are to be delivered to his newly
acquired Carfax Abbey in London.
Why do they
fill these boxes with earth?
l love him! l love him!
lt's so wonderful.
l've decided.
l love him
and l've said yes.
finally. Don't tell me.
The Texan with the big knife?
Oh, no.
To my dear number three.
Lord Arthur holmwood.
Lord and Lady holmwood.
You are to be my maid of honour.
Oh, say yes.
Mina, what is it?
lt's the most exciting day of my life.
You don't seem to care.
lt's just that l'm
so terribly worried about Jonathan.
This letter l received is so--
lt's so cold. lt's so unnatural.
lt's not like him at all.
Mina, don't worry.
Captain 's log: the Demeter.
We picked up 50 boxes
of experimental earth...
...bound for London, England.
Set sail at noon into a storm...
... that seemed
to come out of nowhere...
...carrying us out to sea.
Third of July.
Second mate has gone missing.
Nearing Gibraltar.
Storm continues. Crew uneasy.
believe someone or something...
...is aboard the ship with us.
Master, I am here!
The master of all life is at hand!
Gather round!
l am here to do
your bidding, master!
l have worshipped you
long and far off!
And now you are near, master!
l am your slave!
l await your command!
The case of Renfield
grows more interesting.
Yet, there is method in his madness
with his flies and spiders.
had l the secret of even
one such brilliant mind. . .
. . .the key to the fancy
of one lunatic. . . .
Lucy? Lucy!
No. Do not see me.
Oh! l couldn't control myself.
hush, Lucy. You're dreaming.
You're walking in your sleep again.
My soul,
it seemed to leave my body.
There was this agonising feeling,
and l couldn't get back to it.
l'm absolutely shaking.
lt's all right.
You were dreaming.
l had to. lt sort of
pulled me and lured me.
-l had no control.
-lt's all right.
-lt had red eyes.
-hush now.
l still have the taste
of his blood in my mouth.
here we go.
Swing it round here.
l am here to do your bidding.
Master! l am here!
l have worshipped you.
Contrary to some beliefs,
the vampire...
...like any other night creature,
can move about by day...
... though it is not his natural time,
and his powers are weak.
See the amazing cinematograph!
A wonder of modern civilisation!
The latest sensation!
The greatest attraction
of the century!
The new wonder of the world!
See me.
See me now.
Escaped wolf from zoo
still at large!
Buy a paper, sir?
Thank you, sir.
Get your Gazette!
Penny a paper!
My humblest apologies.
forgive my ignorance.
l am recently arrived
from abroad. . .
. . .and l do not know your city.
-ls a beautiful lady--
-A street atlas is sixpence. Good day.
l have offended you.
l am only looking for
the cinematograph.
l understand it is a wonder
of the civilised world.
lf you seek culture,
then visit a museum.
London is filled with them.
Excuse me.
A woman so lovely and intelligent. . .
. . .should not be walking the streets
of London without her gentleman.
Do l know you, sir?
Are you acquainted
with my husband?
Shall l call the police?
l shall bother you no more.
lt is l who have been rude.
-lf you're looking--
Permit me to introduce myself.
l am Prince Vlad of Sagite.
-A prince, no less?
-l am. . .
. . .your servant.
Wilhelmina Murray.
l am. . .
. . .honoured. . .
. . .Madam Mina.
This way.
hello, sir.
Mr. holmwood asked me
to stop by to see Miss Lucy.
Yes, sir.
-Dr. Seward, Miss Lucy.
-Thank you.
Oh, Jack!
Brilliant Jack.
Do you like it?
Did Arthur put you up to this. . .
. . .or did you want me alone just once
before l'm married?
Lucy, you're embarrassing me.
l'm here as your doctor.
Your fiance
is very worried about you. . .
. . .and l assure you,
a doctor's confidence is sacred.
l must have your complete trust.
help me, Jack.
l don't know
what's happening to me.
l'm changing.
l can feel it.
l can hear everything.
l hear the servants at the other
end of the house, whispering.
l hear mice in the attic,
stomping like elephants.
But l'm having horrible
nightmares, Jack.
The eyes.
Oh, Jack.
l'm here, Lucy.
Nothing will harm you.
Let it work.
-Thank you.
Oh, Jack, kiss me.
And may l say, Miss Lucy
is hotter than a June bride. . .
. . .riding bareback
buck naked in the Sahara.
l would watch my colonial tongue
if l were you.
hello, Jack.
And how's our lovely patient today?
Well, frankly, Arthur,
l'm confounded.
Jack, are you still
brooding over Miss Lucy?
l can only conclude
it must be something mental.
how very droll.
Did you hear that, Quince?
Last week he wanted to marry her, and
now he wants to have her committed.
Let's have a look at her.
l'm at a loss, l admit.
l've taken the liberty
of cabling Abraham Van helsing. . .
. . .the metaphysician, philosopher.
Sounds like a goddamn
witch doctor to me, Jack.
Van helsing knows more about obscure
diseases than any man in the world.
he's my teacher and mentor.
Do it, man.
Bring him here.
Spare no expense.
There are no limits to science.
how can you call this science?
Do you think Madam Curie
would invite such comparisons?
l shouldn't have come here.
l must go.
Do not fear me.
Stop this.
Stop this.
My God. Who are you?
l know you.
l have crossed oceans of time. . .
. . .to find you.
There is no need to panic.
The animal handlers have
everything under complete control.
Come here, Mina.
he likes you.
There is much to be learned
from beasts.
The tropical pampas vampire bat
must. . .
. . .consume ten times its own weight
in fresh blood each day. . .
. . .or its own blood cells will die.
Cute little vermin, ja?
Blood and the diseases
of the blood. . .
. . .such as syphilis,
they concern us here.
The very name
''venereal diseases'' . . .
. . .the diseases of Venus,
imputes to them divine origin.
And they are involved
in that sex problem about which. . .
. . .the ethics and ideals
of Christian civilisation are concerned.
ln fact, civilisation and syphilisation
have advanced together.
-What is this?
-lt's from the telegraph, Professor.
Thank you. Gentlemen, thank you.
That will be all.
These may be the last words
I write in this journal.
Dracula has left me
with these women...
... these devils of the pit.
They drain my blood
to keep me weak...
...barely alive so I cannot escape.
I will try one last time today
to escape to the water.
There must be passageway
to the river...
...and then away
from this cursed land...
... where the devil and his children
still walk with earthly feet.
For the record, I do attest...
that at this point,
I, Abraham Van Helsing...
...became personally involved
in these strange events.
Professor Van helsing,
how good of you to come.
l always come to my friends in need
when they call me.
So, Jack, tell me everything
about your case.
She has all the usual
physical anaemic signs.
her blood analyses normal,
and yet it is not.
She manifests continued blood loss.
l cannot trace the cause.
Blood loss? how?
My God, close the doors!
My God. . .
. . .she's only a child.
My God.
There's no time to lose.
There must be a transfusion at once.
Take off your coat.
Remember how to tie a tourniquet?
-Or have you forgotten?
-You perfected a procedure?
Perfected? No.
l've only experimented.
Landsteiner's method.
Animals, goats, sheeps.
lf haemolysis occurs
in the blood donor serum. . .
. . .her red blood cells will explode.
She will die.
Take this tube.
What in God's name
is going on up here?
This is Professor Van helsing, Art.
-What the hell is he doing to Lucy?
-he's trying to save her life.
-Good God!
-You're the fiance? Please.
Take off your coat.
This young lady's very ill. She's dying.
She wants blood
and blood she must have.
Take off your coat.
Roll up your sleeve, Art.
-Oh, God.
-Quickly, quickly.
Roll it up!
This may hurt a little, Art.
forgive me. My life is hers. l would
give my last drop of blood to save her.
Your last drop?
Thank you.
You are very welcome here.
l don't ask as much as that. Not yet.
hold her hand.
Jack, that poor creature has had the
blood of two men put into her already.
Man alive. her whole body
couldn't hold that much blood.
-What took it out?
-That's a good question, Mr. Morris.
Those marks on her throat. . .
. . .no disease, no trituration. . .
. . .l am sure the blood loss
occurred there.
Oh? Where did the blood go?
You were once
a careful student, Jack.
Use your brain!
Where did the blood go?
Tell me!
-The bed would be covered in blood.
You do not let your eyes see
nor your ears hear. . .
. . .that which you cannot account for.
Something just went up there,
sucked it out of her and flew away?
Ja. Why not?
That's brilliant.
That's absolutely brilliant.
Will one of you learned doctors,
or whatever you are. . .
. . .kindly tell me
what is going on with my Lucy?
Jack, you are a scientist.
Do you not think there are things in
this universe you cannot understand. . .
. . .and which are true.
Mesmerism, hypnotism?
You and Charcot
have proved hypnotism.
Materialisation, astral bodies.
Where did he go?
You see?
l feel like a blundering novice.
Gentlemen, we're not fighting
some disease here.
Those marks on your dear
Miss Lucy's neck were made. . .
. . .by something unspeakable
out there.
Dead, but not dead.
lt stalks us for some dread purpose
l do not comprehend.
To live, it feeds
on Lucy's precious blood.
lt is a beast, a monster.
What is happening
to Lucy and to me?
When I was younger,
my feelings were never troubled.
I wish I were myself again...
... the sensible Mina
I always depended on.
...is the aphrodisiac of the self.
The green fairy...
... who lives in the absinthe...
... wants your soul.
... you are safe with me.
Tell me, Prince. . .
. . .tell me of your home.
The most beautiful place. . .
. . .in all creation.
Yes, it must be.
A land beyond
a great, vast forest. . .
. . .surrounded by
majestic mountains. . .
. . .lush vineyards. . .
. . .and flowers of such frailty
and beauty. . .
. . .as to be found nowhere else.
You've described my home. . .
. . .as if you had seen it firsthand.
lt's your voice, perhaps.
lt's so familiar.
lt's like--
lt's like a voice in a dream
l cannot place. . .
. . .and it comforts me.
-When l am alone.
-When you are alone.
And what of the princess?
There is always a princess. . .
. . .with gowns flowing white.
And her face.
Oh, God. . .
. . .her face. . .
. . .is a river.
The princess. . .
. . .she's a river
filled with tears of sadness. . .
. . .and heartbreak.
There was a princess.
She was the most radiant woman. . .
. . .in all the empires of the world.
Man's deceit took her
from her ancient prince.
She leapt to her death. . .
. . .into the river that you spoke of.
ln my mother's tongue. . .
. . .it is called. . .
River princess.
Dear Madam.
Your fianc is safe and in the care...
...of the good sisters
of the blessed Sacrament.
Mr. Harker believes your life
is in extreme danger...
...and he desires with all urgency
that you join him here...
...so that you may
immediately be married.
Yours with all blessings,
Sister Agatha.
My sweet prince.
Jonathan must never know of us.
Dr. Van helsing.
And you're Madam Mina,
dear friend to our Lucy, ja?
-how is she, doctor?
-She's still very weak.
She tells me of your
beloved Jonathan harker. . .
. . .and your worry for him.
Well, l, too, worry
for all young lovers.
There are darknesses in life,
my child. . .
. . .and there are lights.
You are one of the lights,
dear Mina. . .
. . .the light of all light.
Go now.
See your friend.
You look different.
You look positively radiant.
You heard from Jonathan.
-Didn't you?
he's safe.
he's in a convent in Romania.
he's suffering
from a violent brain fever.
The good sisters
are caring for him.
They wrote to me,
and they say he needs me. . .
. . .but l won't go.
l'm not going to leave you.
You've got to go to him. . .
. . .and you've got to love him. . .
. . .and marry him
right then and there.
And l want you to take this,
my sister.
lt's my wedding gift to you.
Don't worry about
spoiled little Lucy.
l'll be all right.
Tell Jonathan oceans of love.
Jack, how is she?
This is why l cannot breathe!
Lucy, it's medicinal.
To help you sleep.
To dream better dreams.
lt's garlic!
lt's nothing but common garlic!
Quincey's here to see you.
Get some brandy.
Now, Miss Lucy,
you just rest easy.
Arthur sent me
to take care of you.
he said
if you don't get better quick. . .
. . .l have to put you out of your misery
like a lame horse.
You're such a beast.
Will you kiss me?
Kiss me.
-That old coot!
-Get off me!
Listen to me!
Sleep, sleep now. Sleep.
You're at peace.
Look. There. There.
''here occurs the shocking
and frightening history. . .
. . .of the wild,
berserk Prince Dracula.
how he impaled people
and roasted them. . .
. . .boiled their heads in a kettle. . .
. . .how he skinned them alive. . .
. . .and hacked them to pieces
and then drank their blood. ''
for blood is the life.
''My dearest Prince, forgive me.
I have received word
from my fianc in Romania.
I am en route to join him.
We are to be married.
I will never see you again.
Mina. ''
It is odd,
but I feel almost...
... that my strange friend
is with me.
He speaks to me in my thoughts.
With him I felt more alive
than ever I had.
And now without him,
soon to be a bride...
...I feel confused and lost.
Perhaps, though I try to be good,
I am bad.
Perhaps I am a bad,
inconstant woman.
lt is the cause.
lt is the cause of my soul!
lt is Dracula. . .
. . .the undead. . .
. . .the foe l have pursued
all my life.
Jack, hurry!
l have much to tell you.
Guard her well, Mr. Morris.
Do not fail here tonight.
We are dealing with forces
beyond all human experience. . .
. . .an enormous power,
so guard her well.
Otherwise your precious Lucy
will become a bitch of the devil. . .
. . .a whore of darkness!
You're a sick old buzzard.
hear me out, young man.
Lucy is not a random victim
attacked by mere accident.
Do you understand? No.
She is a willing recruit,
a breathless, wanton follower.
l dare say, a devoted disciple.
She is the devil's concubine!
Do you understand me?
Yet, we may still save
her precious soul.
But not on an empty stomach.
-here, sir.
l starve. feed me.
You old coot!
Your impotent men
with their foolish spells. . .
. . .cannot protect you
from my power.
l condemn you to living death. . .
. . .to eternal hunger. . .
. . .for living blood.
l know how deeply you loved her. That
is why you must trust me and believe.
how can l believe?
l want you to bring me, before
nightfall, a set of post-mortem knives.
An autopsy? Lucy?
No, not exactly. l just want to cut off
her head and take out her heart.
Diary, 1 7th September.
Poor Jonathan.
He's still so ill.
He's cheered by
the familiar streets in London.
For me, now that Lucy is dead,
it is a sad homecoming.
It is as if a part of me
is dead too...
...except for the tiny hope
that lives in me...
... that I will again
see my prince.
Is he here?
Now that I am married...
...I begin to understand the nature
of my feelings for my strange friend...
... who is always in my thoughts.
Jonathan, what is it?
lt is the man himself.
Look, he's grown young.
Gentlemen, must we desecrate
poor Lucy's grave?
She died horribly enough.
lf Miss Lucy is dead,
then no wrong can be done to her.
But if she's not dead. . . .
What are you saying, man?
That she's been buried alive?
No. All l say is
she is undead.
This is insane.
Gentlemen, shall we?
One, two, three.
Where is she?
What have you done with her?
She lives beyond
the grace of God. . .
. . .a wanderer in the outer darkness.
She is vampyre, nosferatu.
These creatures do not die
like the bee after the first sting. . .
. . .but instead grow strong
and become immortal. . .
. . .once infected
by another nosferatu.
So my friends,
we fight not one beast. . .
. . .but legions that go on
age after age after age. . .
. . .feeding on the blood
of the living.
Quickly, hide. Now.
Come to me, Arthur.
Leave these others
and come to me.
My arms are hungry for you,
my darling.
Kiss me and caress me. . .
. . .my darling husband, please.
We wave Christ
and his holy blood!
We are strong in the Lord
and the power of his might!
The power of God is upon us!
l bring you from shadow
into light!
l cast you out,
the prince of darkness. . .
. . .into hell!
A moment's courage,
and it is done.
Take the stake
in your left hand. . .
. . .place the point over the heart.
Then in God's name, strike.
Do it now!
Eat, feast. You'll need your strength
for the dark days ahead.
how did Lucy die?
Was she in great pain?
Ja, she was in great pain.
Then we cut off her head. . .
. . .drove a stake through her heart and
burned it and then she found peace.
Doctor! Please.
So, Mr. harker. . .
. . .l must now ask you,
as your doctor. . .
. . .a sensitive question.
During your infidelity
with those creatures. . .
. . .those demonic women. . .
. . .did you, for one instant,
taste of their blood?
Then you have not infected your blood
with the terrible. . .
. . .disease that destroyed poor Lucy.
Doctor, you must understand.
l doubted everything. . .
. . .even my mind.
l was impotent with fear.
-l know.
-But, sir. . .
. . .l know where the bastard sleeps.
l brought him there,
to Carfax Abbey.
Vampires do exist.
And this one we fight,
this one we face. . .
. . .has the strength
of 20 or more people. . .
. . .and you can testify for that,
Mr. harker.
but he can also control
the meaner things of life...
... the bat, the rodent, the wolf.
He can appear as mist, as vapour,
as fog and vanish at will.
Now, all these things
Dracula can do. . .
. . .but he is not free.
he must rest in the sacred earth
of his homeland to gain his evil power.
lt is here that we must find him
and destroy him utterly.
l almost feel pity for anything
so hunted as this count.
how can you pity
such a creature?
l'll take Mina to my quarters.
Good. You'll be safer there.
Mr. Morris, your bullets
will not harm him.
he must be beheaded.
l suggest you use your big bowie knife.
Well, l wasn't planning
on getting that close, Doc.
Dr. Jack!
l've been promised eternal life!
Dr. Seward, who is that man?
Mr. Renfield. This is no place for you,
Madam Mina.
Renfield? l must see him.
Mr. Renfield, behave yourself.
This is Mrs. harker.
-Good evening.
-Good evening, Mr. Renfield.
lt seems l've been
rather naughty.
l know you.
You're the bride
my master covets.
l have a husband.
l am Mrs. harker.
My master tells me about you.
What does he tell you?
That he is coming.
That he is coming for you.
Oh, please.
Don't stay here.
Get away from these men, please.
And l pray to God
l may never see your sweet face again.
And may the Lord bless
and keep you.
Master! Master!
You promised me eternal life. . .
. . .but you give it
to the pretty woman!
Dr. Jack!
l'm no lunatic man!
l'm a sane man
fighting for his soul!
My quarters are spare, but l think
you will find them comfortable.
Dr. Jack!
Water and toiletries
at your disposal.
You'll be completely safe here.
Destroy every box.
Sterilize the earth inside.
Leave him no refuge.
Let the exorcism begin.
You have betrayed me.
No, master.
l serve you.
l serve only you.
Oh, yes, my love.
You've found me.
My most precious life.
l have wanted this to happen.
l know that now.
l want to be with you always.
You cannot know
what you are saying.
Yes. . .
. . .l do know.
l feared l would never feel
your touch again.
l thought you were dead.
There is no life in this body.
But you live.
You live.
What are you?
l must know.
You must tell me.
l am. . .
. . .nothing.
-What do you mean?
hated and feared.
l am dead to all the world.
hear me.
l am the monster. . .
. . .that breathing men would kill.
l am Dracula.
You murdered Lucy!
l love you.
Oh, God, forgive me, l do.
l want to be what you are. . .
. . .see what you see. . .
. . .love what you love.
To walk with me. . .
. . .you must die
to your breathing life. . .
. . .and be reborn to mine.
You are my love. . .
. . .and my life always.
Then. . .
. . .l give you life eternal. . .
. . .everlasting love. . .
. . .the power of the storm. . .
. . .and the beasts of the earth.
Walk with me. . .
. . .to be my loving wife forever.
l will. Yes. Yes.
Drink and join me. . .
. . .in eternal life.
l cannot let this be.
Please, l don't care.
Make me yours.
You will be cursed as l am
to walk in the shadow of death. . .
. . . .for all eternity.
l love you too much. . .
. . .to condemn you.
Then take me away
from all this death.
You think you can destroy me. . .
. . .with your idols?
Sacred blood of Christ!
l, who served the cross.
l, who commanded nations. . .
. . .hundreds of years
before you were born.
Your armies were defeated.
You tortured and impaled
thousands of people.
l was betrayed.
Look what your God. . .
. . .has done to me.
No, your war with God is over.
You must pay for your crimes.
Christ compels you!
She is now. . .
. . .my bride!
More light!
Light! More light!
-Get them!
-This way!
-Get them!
-They must be found.
We have learned something much.
Dracula fears us.
He fears time.
For, if not,
why does he hurry so?
He is gone.
How do you know?
He speaks to me.
he has a strong
mind connection to you.
his heart was strong enough
to survive the grave.
-You admire him.
he was, in life,
a most remarkable man. . .
. . .and his mind
was great and powerful. . .
. . .but greater is the necessity
to stamp him out. . .
. . .and destroy him utterly.
l know that l am
becoming like him.
Your salvation
is his destruction.
That is why
l want to hypnotise you.
l want you to help me find him
before it is too late.
Please, help me find him.
Look into this light. . .
. . .the light of all light,
into this flame.
Your eyes are heavy.
You want to sleep.
Sleep now.
-l must go to him.
he calls.
What do you hear?
What do you hear, child?
What do you hear?
Oh, my prince is calling me.
He is travelling across icy seas
to his beloved home.
There he will grow strong again.
I am coming to him
to partake of his strength.
We left London by train and crossed
the English Channel in stormy seas...
He commands the winds,
but we still have the advantage.
by train, we can reach the Romanian
port at Varna in three days.
by ship, it will take him
at least a week.
From Paris, we travelled
through the Alps to budapest.
The count must sail around
the Rock of Gibraltar...
... where we have posted a lookout...
...and then on to the black Sea port
in Varna...
... where we will meet his ship
and burn it into the sea.
home. home.
The vampire's baptised her
with his own blood. . .
. . .and her blood is dying,
my friend.
lt is no use.
l will not let you go
into the unknown alone.
Oh, my poor, dear Jonathan.
Oh, what have l done to you?
No, l have done this
to both of us.
l can hear him.
he's coming closer.
he's calling me to him.
Stay with me. Please.
l am so cold.
All aboard!
Noon. Holmwood received a wire
from his clerk at Lloyd's.
The count's ship sailed past us
in the night fog...
... to the northern port of Galatz.
The black devil
is reading Mina 's mind.
how can we catch him now?
Varna. Galatz.
lt's about 200 miles.
l think that with the horses,
we can cut him off. . .
. . .reach him before
he reaches the castle.
l will dispatch Van helsing
straight for the Borgo Pass.
lf we fail in our task. . .
. . .you will have to finish him.
From Varna, Mina and Van Helsing
took a carriage...
...and we continued
on the train towards Galatz...
... where we still hoped to intercept
the count before he reaches land.
I am fearful for Mina.
She is now our decoy.
l know this place.
-The end of the world.
-We must go on.
lt is late, child.
We must rest here now.
No, we must go!
he needs me.
We must go!
We have passed bistritza.
Dracula has outsmarted us again.
We learned that his gypsies took
charge of the vampire's box at Galatz...
...and are now on
the borgo Pass road.
-here. You must eat.
-l am not hungry.
You have been so good to me,
l know that Lucy harboured
secret desires for you.
She told me.
l, too, know what men desire.
Will you cut off my head. . .
. . .and drive a stake
through my heart. . .
. . .as you did poor Lucy,
you murdering bastard?
Not while l live.
l am sworn to protect you.
You are safe within the circle.
l've lost Lucy.
l'll not lose you to him.
You're whores of Satan!
This is holy ground.
Leave this place now!
ln the name of God,
leave this ground!
l command you
in the name of Christ!
Christ! Damn you!
You are. . .
My love.
They're racing
against the sunset.
lt may be too late.
God help us.
harker, shoot!
When my time comes,
will you do the same to me?
Will you?
-Let them go.
Let them go.
Our work is finished here.
hers has just begun.
We've all become God's madmen.
All of us.
Where is my God?
he has forsaken me.
lt is finished.
My love.
My love.
There, in the presence of God...
...I understood at last
how my love could release us all...
...from the powers of darkness.
Our love is stronger than death.
Give me peace.
Constantinople had fallen.
Moslem Turks swept into Europe
with a vast, superior force...
...striking at Romania,
threatening all of Christendom.
From Transylvania
arose a Romanian knight...
...of the Sacred Order of the Dragon,
known as Dracula.
On the eve of the battle...
...his bride, Elisabeta...
... whom he prized
above all things on Earth...
...knew that he must face
an insurmountable force...
...from which he might never return.
God be praised.
l am victorious.
The vengeful Turks
shot an arrow into the castle...
...carrying false news
of Dracula 's death.
Elisabeta, believing him dead...
...flung herself into the river.
My prince is dead.
All is lost without him.
May God unite us in heaven.
She has taken her own life.
her soul cannot be saved.
She is damned.
lt is God's law.
ls this my reward
for defending God's church?
l renounce God!
l shall rise from my own death. . .
. . .to avenge hers
with all the powers of darkness.
The blood is the life. . .
. . .and it shall be mine!
l've done everything
that you asked, master.
All the preparations
are in order.
l await your command.
for l know. . .
. . .that when the rewards
are given. . .
. . .l will be one of those
who benefits from your generosity.
Thank you.
Gone mad.
Renfield is deranged.
he's lost his greedy mind,
poor chap.
l want you to take over
for his foreign client. . .
. . .this rather eccentric
Count Dracula.
-he's buying up property in London.
-Of course, sir.
l'll attend to the count.
Thank you for your confidence.
This is a great opportunity
for you, harker.
But you'll have to leave
for Transylvania immediately.
Opportunities such as this
come but once in a lifetime.
Yes, of course, sir.
lf l may enquire. . .
. . .what, in fact, happened
to Mr. Renfield in Transylvania?
Nothing. Nothing.
Personal problems.
Close these transactions. . .
. . .and your future with this firm
is assured.
Yes, sir.
l will give it my full attention.
We've waited this long,
haven't we?
We can be married when l return.
Of course.
l'll write.
Jonathan, l love you.
l love you, Mina.
Left budapest early this morning.
The impression I had
was that we were leaving the west...
...and entering the east.
The district I am to enter
is in the extreme east of the country...
...just on the borders
of three states...
... Transylvania, Moldavia
and bukovina...
...in the midst
of the Carpathian Mountains...
...one of the wildest
and least known portions of Europe.
''My friend...
... welcome to the Carpathians.
I am anxiously expecting you.
At the borgo Pass...
...my carriage will await you
and bring you to me.
I trust your journey from London
has been a happy one...
...and that you
will enjoy your stay...
...in my beautiful land.
Your friend, D. ''
Diary, 25th May.
My Jonathan has been gone
almost a week.
And although I was disappointed we
could not marry before his departure...
...I am happy that he got sent
on this important assignment.
I am longing to hear
all the news.
It must be so nice
to see strange countries.
I wonder if we--
I mean Jonathan and I...
...shall ever see them together.
We're early, driver.
No one is here.
for the dead travel fast.
l say, is the castle far?
Welcome to my home.
Enter freely of your own will. . .
. . .and leave some of
the happiness you bring.
Count Dracula?
l am. . .
. . .Dracula.
And l bid you welcome,
Mr. harker, to my house.
Come in.
You will, l trust,
excuse me that l. . .
. . .do not join you.
But l have already dined.
And l never drink. . .
. . .wine.
An ancestor?
l see a resemblance.
The Order of the Dracul.
The Dragon.
An ancient society. . .
. . .pledging my forefathers. . .
. . .to defend their church
against all enemies of Christ.
That relationship
was not entirely. . .
. . .successful.
Oh, yes.
lt is no laughing matter.
We Draculs
have a right to be proud.
What devil or witch
was ever so great as Attila. . .
. . .whose blood flows
in these veins?
Blood. . .
. . .is too precious a thing
in these times.
The warlike days are over.
The victories of my great race. . .
. . .are but a tale to be told.
l am the last of my kind.
l have offended you
with my ignorance, Count.
forgive me.
l do so long to go
through the crowded streets. . .
. . .of your mighty London. . .
. . .to be in the midst of the whirl
and the rush of humanity. . .
. . .to share its life. . .
. . .its changes, its death.
There. You, Count, are--
Are the owner of
Carfax Abbey at Purfleet.
Your firm writes most highly. . .
. . .of your talents.
They say you are a man of good. . .
. . .taste.
And that you are
a worthy substitute. . .
. . .to your predecessor, Mr. Renfield.
You may rely on me, Count.
forgive my curiosity,
but why ten houses. . .
. . .in such precise locations
around London?
ls it to raise the market value?
Do you believe in destiny?
That even the powers of time. . .
. . .can be altered
for a single purpose?
The luckiest man
who walks on this Earth. . .
. . .is the one who finds. . .
. . .true love.
You found Mina.
l thought she was lost.
We're to be married
as soon as l return.
Are you married, Count?
Sir. . .
. . .are you married?
l was married once.
Ages ago, it seems.
She died.
l'm very sorry.
She was fortunate.
My life, at its best, is misery.
She will no doubt
make a devoted wife.
And you a faithful husband.
Write now, my friend,
to your firm. . .
. . .and to any loved ones,
and say that it shall please you. . .
. . .to stay with me. . .
. . .until a month from now.
A month?
Do you wish me to stay so long?
l will take no refusal.
Diary, 30th of May, 1 897.
I know Jonathan does not want me to
stay here with Lucy while he is away.
He thinks that if I become accustomed
to the wealth of the Westenra family...
...I will not be content as the wife
of a mere clerk in a law firm.
but Lucy and I have been friends
since we were children...
...and she has never minded
that I am only a schoolmistress.
how disgustingly awful.
Oh, Mina, you're always working.
ls your ambitious Jon harker. . .
. . .forcing you to learn
that ridiculous machine?
When he could be forcing you
to perform. . .
. . .unspeakable acts of desperate
passion on the parlour floor.
Lucy, really.
You shouldn't talk about
my fiance in such a way.
There's more to marriage
than carnal pleasure.
Oh, Mina. So l see.
Much, much more.
What is it, Lucy?
Because l don't understand it.
Can a man and woman really do. . .
. . .that?
l did, only last night.
-fibber. You did not.
-Yes, l did.
Well, in my dreams.
Jonathan measures up,
doesn't he?
You can tell Lucy.
We've kissed. That's all.
he thinks he's too poor
to marry me.
And it's all the worse now that
l'm here visiting you at hillingham. . .
. . .my rich friend.
Yes, but not even
one marriage proposal.
And here l am, almost 20. . .
. . .practically a hag.
Mr. Quincey P. Morris.
-Oh, look.
-What is that?
A Texan.
Quincey P. Morris.
he's so young and fresh. . .
. . .like a wild stallion
between my legs.
You're positively indecent.
l just know what men desire.
-Quincey, darling.
-Miss Lucy.
Why, you're as fresh
as the spring rain.
Oh, thank you.
Please let me touch it.
lt's so big.
Little girl.
Oh, my dear,
sweet little girl.
l hold your hand. . .
-. . .and you've kissed me.
Oceans of love--
Oh, Jack, my darling.
Poor little baby.
My kitten, come over here.
Come over here
and l'll kiss it better.
My poor little blossom.
My poor little doctor.
Brilliant doctor.
-hello, Quincey.
What a naughty bear.
Let me--
-Arthur holmwood, Esquire.
Oh, my darling.
Oh, you look wonderful.
l'm so sorry about your hat.
-lt's my snake dress.
ls it really?
Lucy is a pure
and virtuous girl...
...but I admit that her free way
of speaking shocks me sometimes.
Jonathan says it is a defect
of the aristocracy...
... that they say what they please.
The truth is that I admire Lucy. I'm not
surprised that men flock around her.
I wish I were as pretty
and as adored as she.
What manner of man is this?
R.M. Renfield,
successful solicitor. . .
. . . in the firm of hawkins
and Thompkins. . .
. . .respected member of
the Lord Nugent's Windem Club. . .
. . .returns from business abroad
in Transylvania. . .
. . .promptly suffers
a complete mental breakdown.
He's now obsessed
with some blood lust.
Wait here.
Would you care for
an hors d'oeuvre, Dr. Seward. . .
. . .or a canape?
No, thank you, Mr. Renfield.
how are you feeling tonight?
far better than you,
my lovesick doctor.
ls my personal life
of interest to you?
Of course it is.
All life interests me.
Your diet, Mr. Renfield,
is disgusting.
they're perfectly nutritious.
You see,
each life that l ingest. . .
. . .gives back life to me.
A fly gives you life?
But you might as well ask a man to eat
molecules with a pair of chopsticks. . .
. . .than to interest me
in a lesser carnivore.
l shall have to invent a new
classification of lunatic for you.
What about spiders?
Spiders eat the flies.
Yes, spiders eat them.
What about sparrows?
Oh, yes.
Did you say sparrows?
-Something larger, perhaps?
-Oh, yes.
A kitten.
l beg you.
A little, sleek-- A playful kitten.
Something l can teach.
Something l can feed.
No one would refuse me a kitten.
Wouldn't you prefer a cat?
Oh, yes.
A big cat.
-My salvation depends upon it!
-Your salvation?
Yes. l need lives.
-l need lives for the master.
-What master?
The master will come. . .
. . .and he has promised
to make me immortal.
Get him off!
The blood is the life!
The blood is the life!
I think strange things which
I dare not confess to my own soul.
The count...
... the way he looked at Mina 's picture
fills me with dread...
...as if I have a part to play
in a story that is not known to me.
l didn't hear you come in.
Take care how you cut yourself.
lt is more dangerous
than you think.
A foul bauble of man's vanity.
Perhaps you should. . .
. . .grow a beard.
The letters l requested.
have you written them?
Should you leave these rooms. . .
. . .you will not, by any chance. . .
. . .go to sleep in any other
part of the castle.
lt is old. . .
. . .and has many bad memories.
-Be warned.
-l'm sure l understand.
Do not put your faith
in such trinkets of deceit.
We are in Transylvania.
Transylvania is not England.
Our ways are not your ways.
And to you. . .
. . .there shall be
many strange things.
l've seen many
strange things already.
Bloody wolves chasing me
through some blue inferno!
Listen to them.
The children of the night.
What sweet music they make.
Music? Those animals?
I did as Dracula instructed.
I wrote three letters.
To the firm, to my family
and to my beloved Mina.
I said nothing of my fears
as he will read them, no doubt.
I know now that I am a prisoner.
Jonathan, come to me.
Lay down.
Lay back into my arms.
Lay back, Jonathan.
how dare you touch him!
he belongs to me!
You yourself never loved.
Yes. l too can love.
And l shall love again.
Are we to have nothing tonight?
''Dearest Mina,
all is well here.
The count has insisted
I remain for a month...
... to tutor him in English custom.
I can say no more,
except I love you.
Ever faithful, Jonathan. ''
The letters I have written
have undoubtedly sealed my doom.
The count's gypsies, fearless warriors
who are loyal to the death...
... to whatever nobleman they serve...
...day and night they toil,
filling boxes with decrepit earth...
...from the bowels of the castle.
They are to be delivered to his newly
acquired Carfax Abbey in London.
Why do they
fill these boxes with earth?
l love him! l love him!
lt's so wonderful.
l've decided.
l love him
and l've said yes.
finally. Don't tell me.
The Texan with the big knife?
Oh, no.
To my dear number three.
Lord Arthur holmwood.
Lord and Lady holmwood.
You are to be my maid of honour.
Oh, say yes.
Mina, what is it?
lt's the most exciting day of my life.
You don't seem to care.
lt's just that l'm
so terribly worried about Jonathan.
This letter l received is so--
lt's so cold. lt's so unnatural.
lt's not like him at all.
Mina, don't worry.
Captain 's log: the Demeter.
We picked up 50 boxes
of experimental earth...
...bound for London, England.
Set sail at noon into a storm...
... that seemed
to come out of nowhere...
...carrying us out to sea.
Third of July.
Second mate has gone missing.
Nearing Gibraltar.
Storm continues. Crew uneasy.
believe someone or something...
...is aboard the ship with us.
Master, I am here!
The master of all life is at hand!
Gather round!
l am here to do
your bidding, master!
l have worshipped you
long and far off!
And now you are near, master!
l am your slave!
l await your command!
The case of Renfield
grows more interesting.
Yet, there is method in his madness
with his flies and spiders.
had l the secret of even
one such brilliant mind. . .
. . .the key to the fancy
of one lunatic. . . .
Lucy? Lucy!
No. Do not see me.
Oh! l couldn't control myself.
hush, Lucy. You're dreaming.
You're walking in your sleep again.
My soul,
it seemed to leave my body.
There was this agonising feeling,
and l couldn't get back to it.
l'm absolutely shaking.
lt's all right.
You were dreaming.
l had to. lt sort of
pulled me and lured me.
-l had no control.
-lt's all right.
-lt had red eyes.
-hush now.
l still have the taste
of his blood in my mouth.
here we go.
Swing it round here.
l am here to do your bidding.
Master! l am here!
l have worshipped you.
Contrary to some beliefs,
the vampire...
...like any other night creature,
can move about by day...
... though it is not his natural time,
and his powers are weak.
See the amazing cinematograph!
A wonder of modern civilisation!
The latest sensation!
The greatest attraction
of the century!
The new wonder of the world!
See me.
See me now.
Escaped wolf from zoo
still at large!
Buy a paper, sir?
Thank you, sir.
Get your Gazette!
Penny a paper!
My humblest apologies.
forgive my ignorance.
l am recently arrived
from abroad. . .
. . .and l do not know your city.
-ls a beautiful lady--
-A street atlas is sixpence. Good day.
l have offended you.
l am only looking for
the cinematograph.
l understand it is a wonder
of the civilised world.
lf you seek culture,
then visit a museum.
London is filled with them.
Excuse me.
A woman so lovely and intelligent. . .
. . .should not be walking the streets
of London without her gentleman.
Do l know you, sir?
Are you acquainted
with my husband?
Shall l call the police?
l shall bother you no more.
lt is l who have been rude.
-lf you're looking--
Permit me to introduce myself.
l am Prince Vlad of Sagite.
-A prince, no less?
-l am. . .
. . .your servant.
Wilhelmina Murray.
l am. . .
. . .honoured. . .
. . .Madam Mina.
This way.
hello, sir.
Mr. holmwood asked me
to stop by to see Miss Lucy.
Yes, sir.
-Dr. Seward, Miss Lucy.
-Thank you.
Oh, Jack!
Brilliant Jack.
Do you like it?
Did Arthur put you up to this. . .
. . .or did you want me alone just once
before l'm married?
Lucy, you're embarrassing me.
l'm here as your doctor.
Your fiance
is very worried about you. . .
. . .and l assure you,
a doctor's confidence is sacred.
l must have your complete trust.
help me, Jack.
l don't know
what's happening to me.
l'm changing.
l can feel it.
l can hear everything.
l hear the servants at the other
end of the house, whispering.
l hear mice in the attic,
stomping like elephants.
But l'm having horrible
nightmares, Jack.
The eyes.
Oh, Jack.
l'm here, Lucy.
Nothing will harm you.
Let it work.
-Thank you.
Oh, Jack, kiss me.
And may l say, Miss Lucy
is hotter than a June bride. . .
. . .riding bareback
buck naked in the Sahara.
l would watch my colonial tongue
if l were you.
hello, Jack.
And how's our lovely patient today?
Well, frankly, Arthur,
l'm confounded.
Jack, are you still
brooding over Miss Lucy?
l can only conclude
it must be something mental.
how very droll.
Did you hear that, Quince?
Last week he wanted to marry her, and
now he wants to have her committed.
Let's have a look at her.
l'm at a loss, l admit.
l've taken the liberty
of cabling Abraham Van helsing. . .
. . .the metaphysician, philosopher.
Sounds like a goddamn
witch doctor to me, Jack.
Van helsing knows more about obscure
diseases than any man in the world.
he's my teacher and mentor.
Do it, man.
Bring him here.
Spare no expense.
There are no limits to science.
how can you call this science?
Do you think Madam Curie
would invite such comparisons?
l shouldn't have come here.
l must go.
Do not fear me.
Stop this.
Stop this.
My God. Who are you?
l know you.
l have crossed oceans of time. . .
. . .to find you.
There is no need to panic.
The animal handlers have
everything under complete control.
Come here, Mina.
he likes you.
There is much to be learned
from beasts.
The tropical pampas vampire bat
must. . .
. . .consume ten times its own weight
in fresh blood each day. . .
. . .or its own blood cells will die.
Cute little vermin, ja?
Blood and the diseases
of the blood. . .
. . .such as syphilis,
they concern us here.
The very name
''venereal diseases'' . . .
. . .the diseases of Venus,
imputes to them divine origin.
And they are involved
in that sex problem about which. . .
. . .the ethics and ideals
of Christian civilisation are concerned.
ln fact, civilisation and syphilisation
have advanced together.
-What is this?
-lt's from the telegraph, Professor.
Thank you. Gentlemen, thank you.
That will be all.
These may be the last words
I write in this journal.
Dracula has left me
with these women...
... these devils of the pit.
They drain my blood
to keep me weak...
...barely alive so I cannot escape.
I will try one last time today
to escape to the water.
There must be passageway
to the river...
...and then away
from this cursed land...
... where the devil and his children
still walk with earthly feet.
For the record, I do attest...
that at this point,
I, Abraham Van Helsing...
...became personally involved
in these strange events.
Professor Van helsing,
how good of you to come.
l always come to my friends in need
when they call me.
So, Jack, tell me everything
about your case.
She has all the usual
physical anaemic signs.
her blood analyses normal,
and yet it is not.
She manifests continued blood loss.
l cannot trace the cause.
Blood loss? how?
My God, close the doors!
My God. . .
. . .she's only a child.
My God.
There's no time to lose.
There must be a transfusion at once.
Take off your coat.
Remember how to tie a tourniquet?
-Or have you forgotten?
-You perfected a procedure?
Perfected? No.
l've only experimented.
Landsteiner's method.
Animals, goats, sheeps.
lf haemolysis occurs
in the blood donor serum. . .
. . .her red blood cells will explode.
She will die.
Take this tube.
What in God's name
is going on up here?
This is Professor Van helsing, Art.
-What the hell is he doing to Lucy?
-he's trying to save her life.
-Good God!
-You're the fiance? Please.
Take off your coat.
This young lady's very ill. She's dying.
She wants blood
and blood she must have.
Take off your coat.
Roll up your sleeve, Art.
-Oh, God.
-Quickly, quickly.
Roll it up!
This may hurt a little, Art.
forgive me. My life is hers. l would
give my last drop of blood to save her.
Your last drop?
Thank you.
You are very welcome here.
l don't ask as much as that. Not yet.
hold her hand.
Jack, that poor creature has had the
blood of two men put into her already.
Man alive. her whole body
couldn't hold that much blood.
-What took it out?
-That's a good question, Mr. Morris.
Those marks on her throat. . .
. . .no disease, no trituration. . .
. . .l am sure the blood loss
occurred there.
Oh? Where did the blood go?
You were once
a careful student, Jack.
Use your brain!
Where did the blood go?
Tell me!
-The bed would be covered in blood.
You do not let your eyes see
nor your ears hear. . .
. . .that which you cannot account for.
Something just went up there,
sucked it out of her and flew away?
Ja. Why not?
That's brilliant.
That's absolutely brilliant.
Will one of you learned doctors,
or whatever you are. . .
. . .kindly tell me
what is going on with my Lucy?
Jack, you are a scientist.
Do you not think there are things in
this universe you cannot understand. . .
. . .and which are true.
Mesmerism, hypnotism?
You and Charcot
have proved hypnotism.
Materialisation, astral bodies.
Where did he go?
You see?
l feel like a blundering novice.
Gentlemen, we're not fighting
some disease here.
Those marks on your dear
Miss Lucy's neck were made. . .
. . .by something unspeakable
out there.
Dead, but not dead.
lt stalks us for some dread purpose
l do not comprehend.
To live, it feeds
on Lucy's precious blood.
lt is a beast, a monster.
What is happening
to Lucy and to me?
When I was younger,
my feelings were never troubled.
I wish I were myself again...
... the sensible Mina
I always depended on.
...is the aphrodisiac of the self.
The green fairy...
... who lives in the absinthe...
... wants your soul.
... you are safe with me.
Tell me, Prince. . .
. . .tell me of your home.
The most beautiful place. . .
. . .in all creation.
Yes, it must be.
A land beyond
a great, vast forest. . .
. . .surrounded by
majestic mountains. . .
. . .lush vineyards. . .
. . .and flowers of such frailty
and beauty. . .
. . .as to be found nowhere else.
You've described my home. . .
. . .as if you had seen it firsthand.
lt's your voice, perhaps.
lt's so familiar.
lt's like--
lt's like a voice in a dream
l cannot place. . .
. . .and it comforts me.
-When l am alone.
-When you are alone.
And what of the princess?
There is always a princess. . .
. . .with gowns flowing white.
And her face.
Oh, God. . .
. . .her face. . .
. . .is a river.
The princess. . .
. . .she's a river
filled with tears of sadness. . .
. . .and heartbreak.
There was a princess.
She was the most radiant woman. . .
. . .in all the empires of the world.
Man's deceit took her
from her ancient prince.
She leapt to her death. . .
. . .into the river that you spoke of.
ln my mother's tongue. . .
. . .it is called. . .
River princess.
Dear Madam.
Your fianc is safe and in the care...
...of the good sisters
of the blessed Sacrament.
Mr. Harker believes your life
is in extreme danger...
...and he desires with all urgency
that you join him here...
...so that you may
immediately be married.
Yours with all blessings,
Sister Agatha.
My sweet prince.
Jonathan must never know of us.
Dr. Van helsing.
And you're Madam Mina,
dear friend to our Lucy, ja?
-how is she, doctor?
-She's still very weak.
She tells me of your
beloved Jonathan harker. . .
. . .and your worry for him.
Well, l, too, worry
for all young lovers.
There are darknesses in life,
my child. . .
. . .and there are lights.
You are one of the lights,
dear Mina. . .
. . .the light of all light.
Go now.
See your friend.
You look different.
You look positively radiant.
You heard from Jonathan.
-Didn't you?
he's safe.
he's in a convent in Romania.
he's suffering
from a violent brain fever.
The good sisters
are caring for him.
They wrote to me,
and they say he needs me. . .
. . .but l won't go.
l'm not going to leave you.
You've got to go to him. . .
. . .and you've got to love him. . .
. . .and marry him
right then and there.
And l want you to take this,
my sister.
lt's my wedding gift to you.
Don't worry about
spoiled little Lucy.
l'll be all right.
Tell Jonathan oceans of love.
Jack, how is she?
This is why l cannot breathe!
Lucy, it's medicinal.
To help you sleep.
To dream better dreams.
lt's garlic!
lt's nothing but common garlic!
Quincey's here to see you.
Get some brandy.
Now, Miss Lucy,
you just rest easy.
Arthur sent me
to take care of you.
he said
if you don't get better quick. . .
. . .l have to put you out of your misery
like a lame horse.
You're such a beast.
Will you kiss me?
Kiss me.
-That old coot!
-Get off me!
Listen to me!
Sleep, sleep now. Sleep.
You're at peace.
Look. There. There.
''here occurs the shocking
and frightening history. . .
. . .of the wild,
berserk Prince Dracula.
how he impaled people
and roasted them. . .
. . .boiled their heads in a kettle. . .
. . .how he skinned them alive. . .
. . .and hacked them to pieces
and then drank their blood. ''
for blood is the life.
''My dearest Prince, forgive me.
I have received word
from my fianc in Romania.
I am en route to join him.
We are to be married.
I will never see you again.
Mina. ''
It is odd,
but I feel almost...
... that my strange friend
is with me.
He speaks to me in my thoughts.
With him I felt more alive
than ever I had.
And now without him,
soon to be a bride...
...I feel confused and lost.
Perhaps, though I try to be good,
I am bad.
Perhaps I am a bad,
inconstant woman.
lt is the cause.
lt is the cause of my soul!
lt is Dracula. . .
. . .the undead. . .
. . .the foe l have pursued
all my life.
Jack, hurry!
l have much to tell you.
Guard her well, Mr. Morris.
Do not fail here tonight.
We are dealing with forces
beyond all human experience. . .
. . .an enormous power,
so guard her well.
Otherwise your precious Lucy
will become a bitch of the devil. . .
. . .a whore of darkness!
You're a sick old buzzard.
hear me out, young man.
Lucy is not a random victim
attacked by mere accident.
Do you understand? No.
She is a willing recruit,
a breathless, wanton follower.
l dare say, a devoted disciple.
She is the devil's concubine!
Do you understand me?
Yet, we may still save
her precious soul.
But not on an empty stomach.
-here, sir.
l starve. feed me.
You old coot!
Your impotent men
with their foolish spells. . .
. . .cannot protect you
from my power.
l condemn you to living death. . .
. . .to eternal hunger. . .
. . .for living blood.
l know how deeply you loved her. That
is why you must trust me and believe.
how can l believe?
l want you to bring me, before
nightfall, a set of post-mortem knives.
An autopsy? Lucy?
No, not exactly. l just want to cut off
her head and take out her heart.
Diary, 1 7th September.
Poor Jonathan.
He's still so ill.
He's cheered by
the familiar streets in London.
For me, now that Lucy is dead,
it is a sad homecoming.
It is as if a part of me
is dead too...
...except for the tiny hope
that lives in me...
... that I will again
see my prince.
Is he here?
Now that I am married...
...I begin to understand the nature
of my feelings for my strange friend...
... who is always in my thoughts.
Jonathan, what is it?
lt is the man himself.
Look, he's grown young.
Gentlemen, must we desecrate
poor Lucy's grave?
She died horribly enough.
lf Miss Lucy is dead,
then no wrong can be done to her.
But if she's not dead. . . .
What are you saying, man?
That she's been buried alive?
No. All l say is
she is undead.
This is insane.
Gentlemen, shall we?
One, two, three.
Where is she?
What have you done with her?
She lives beyond
the grace of God. . .
. . .a wanderer in the outer darkness.
She is vampyre, nosferatu.
These creatures do not die
like the bee after the first sting. . .
. . .but instead grow strong
and become immortal. . .
. . .once infected
by another nosferatu.
So my friends,
we fight not one beast. . .
. . .but legions that go on
age after age after age. . .
. . .feeding on the blood
of the living.
Quickly, hide. Now.
Come to me, Arthur.
Leave these others
and come to me.
My arms are hungry for you,
my darling.
Kiss me and caress me. . .
. . .my darling husband, please.
We wave Christ
and his holy blood!
We are strong in the Lord
and the power of his might!
The power of God is upon us!
l bring you from shadow
into light!
l cast you out,
the prince of darkness. . .
. . .into hell!
A moment's courage,
and it is done.
Take the stake
in your left hand. . .
. . .place the point over the heart.
Then in God's name, strike.
Do it now!
Eat, feast. You'll need your strength
for the dark days ahead.
how did Lucy die?
Was she in great pain?
Ja, she was in great pain.
Then we cut off her head. . .
. . .drove a stake through her heart and
burned it and then she found peace.
Doctor! Please.
So, Mr. harker. . .
. . .l must now ask you,
as your doctor. . .
. . .a sensitive question.
During your infidelity
with those creatures. . .
. . .those demonic women. . .
. . .did you, for one instant,
taste of their blood?
Then you have not infected your blood
with the terrible. . .
. . .disease that destroyed poor Lucy.
Doctor, you must understand.
l doubted everything. . .
. . .even my mind.
l was impotent with fear.
-l know.
-But, sir. . .
. . .l know where the bastard sleeps.
l brought him there,
to Carfax Abbey.
Vampires do exist.
And this one we fight,
this one we face. . .
. . .has the strength
of 20 or more people. . .
. . .and you can testify for that,
Mr. harker.
but he can also control
the meaner things of life...
... the bat, the rodent, the wolf.
He can appear as mist, as vapour,
as fog and vanish at will.
Now, all these things
Dracula can do. . .
. . .but he is not free.
he must rest in the sacred earth
of his homeland to gain his evil power.
lt is here that we must find him
and destroy him utterly.
l almost feel pity for anything
so hunted as this count.
how can you pity
such a creature?
l'll take Mina to my quarters.
Good. You'll be safer there.
Mr. Morris, your bullets
will not harm him.
he must be beheaded.
l suggest you use your big bowie knife.
Well, l wasn't planning
on getting that close, Doc.
Dr. Jack!
l've been promised eternal life!
Dr. Seward, who is that man?
Mr. Renfield. This is no place for you,
Madam Mina.
Renfield? l must see him.
Mr. Renfield, behave yourself.
This is Mrs. harker.
-Good evening.
-Good evening, Mr. Renfield.
lt seems l've been
rather naughty.
l know you.
You're the bride
my master covets.
l have a husband.
l am Mrs. harker.
My master tells me about you.
What does he tell you?
That he is coming.
That he is coming for you.
Oh, please.
Don't stay here.
Get away from these men, please.
And l pray to God
l may never see your sweet face again.
And may the Lord bless
and keep you.
Master! Master!
You promised me eternal life. . .
. . .but you give it
to the pretty woman!
Dr. Jack!
l'm no lunatic man!
l'm a sane man
fighting for his soul!
My quarters are spare, but l think
you will find them comfortable.
Dr. Jack!
Water and toiletries
at your disposal.
You'll be completely safe here.
Destroy every box.
Sterilize the earth inside.
Leave him no refuge.
Let the exorcism begin.
You have betrayed me.
No, master.
l serve you.
l serve only you.
Oh, yes, my love.
You've found me.
My most precious life.
l have wanted this to happen.
l know that now.
l want to be with you always.
You cannot know
what you are saying.
Yes. . .
. . .l do know.
l feared l would never feel
your touch again.
l thought you were dead.
There is no life in this body.
But you live.
You live.
What are you?
l must know.
You must tell me.
l am. . .
. . .nothing.
-What do you mean?
hated and feared.
l am dead to all the world.
hear me.
l am the monster. . .
. . .that breathing men would kill.
l am Dracula.
You murdered Lucy!
l love you.
Oh, God, forgive me, l do.
l want to be what you are. . .
. . .see what you see. . .
. . .love what you love.
To walk with me. . .
. . .you must die
to your breathing life. . .
. . .and be reborn to mine.
You are my love. . .
. . .and my life always.
Then. . .
. . .l give you life eternal. . .
. . .everlasting love. . .
. . .the power of the storm. . .
. . .and the beasts of the earth.
Walk with me. . .
. . .to be my loving wife forever.
l will. Yes. Yes.
Drink and join me. . .
. . .in eternal life.
l cannot let this be.
Please, l don't care.
Make me yours.
You will be cursed as l am
to walk in the shadow of death. . .
. . . .for all eternity.
l love you too much. . .
. . .to condemn you.
Then take me away
from all this death.
You think you can destroy me. . .
. . .with your idols?
Sacred blood of Christ!
l, who served the cross.
l, who commanded nations. . .
. . .hundreds of years
before you were born.
Your armies were defeated.
You tortured and impaled
thousands of people.
l was betrayed.
Look what your God. . .
. . .has done to me.
No, your war with God is over.
You must pay for your crimes.
Christ compels you!
She is now. . .
. . .my bride!
More light!
Light! More light!
-Get them!
-This way!
-Get them!
-They must be found.
We have learned something much.
Dracula fears us.
He fears time.
For, if not,
why does he hurry so?
He is gone.
How do you know?
He speaks to me.
he has a strong
mind connection to you.
his heart was strong enough
to survive the grave.
-You admire him.
he was, in life,
a most remarkable man. . .
. . .and his mind
was great and powerful. . .
. . .but greater is the necessity
to stamp him out. . .
. . .and destroy him utterly.
l know that l am
becoming like him.
Your salvation
is his destruction.
That is why
l want to hypnotise you.
l want you to help me find him
before it is too late.
Please, help me find him.
Look into this light. . .
. . .the light of all light,
into this flame.
Your eyes are heavy.
You want to sleep.
Sleep now.
-l must go to him.
he calls.
What do you hear?
What do you hear, child?
What do you hear?
Oh, my prince is calling me.
He is travelling across icy seas
to his beloved home.
There he will grow strong again.
I am coming to him
to partake of his strength.
We left London by train and crossed
the English Channel in stormy seas...
He commands the winds,
but we still have the advantage.
by train, we can reach the Romanian
port at Varna in three days.
by ship, it will take him
at least a week.
From Paris, we travelled
through the Alps to budapest.
The count must sail around
the Rock of Gibraltar...
... where we have posted a lookout...
...and then on to the black Sea port
in Varna...
... where we will meet his ship
and burn it into the sea.
home. home.
The vampire's baptised her
with his own blood. . .
. . .and her blood is dying,
my friend.
lt is no use.
l will not let you go
into the unknown alone.
Oh, my poor, dear Jonathan.
Oh, what have l done to you?
No, l have done this
to both of us.
l can hear him.
he's coming closer.
he's calling me to him.
Stay with me. Please.
l am so cold.
All aboard!
Noon. Holmwood received a wire
from his clerk at Lloyd's.
The count's ship sailed past us
in the night fog...
... to the northern port of Galatz.
The black devil
is reading Mina 's mind.
how can we catch him now?
Varna. Galatz.
lt's about 200 miles.
l think that with the horses,
we can cut him off. . .
. . .reach him before
he reaches the castle.
l will dispatch Van helsing
straight for the Borgo Pass.
lf we fail in our task. . .
. . .you will have to finish him.
From Varna, Mina and Van Helsing
took a carriage...
...and we continued
on the train towards Galatz...
... where we still hoped to intercept
the count before he reaches land.
I am fearful for Mina.
She is now our decoy.
l know this place.
-The end of the world.
-We must go on.
lt is late, child.
We must rest here now.
No, we must go!
he needs me.
We must go!
We have passed bistritza.
Dracula has outsmarted us again.
We learned that his gypsies took
charge of the vampire's box at Galatz...
...and are now on
the borgo Pass road.
-here. You must eat.
-l am not hungry.
You have been so good to me,
l know that Lucy harboured
secret desires for you.
She told me.
l, too, know what men desire.
Will you cut off my head. . .
. . .and drive a stake
through my heart. . .
. . .as you did poor Lucy,
you murdering bastard?
Not while l live.
l am sworn to protect you.
You are safe within the circle.
l've lost Lucy.
l'll not lose you to him.
You're whores of Satan!
This is holy ground.
Leave this place now!
ln the name of God,
leave this ground!
l command you
in the name of Christ!
Christ! Damn you!
You are. . .
My love.
They're racing
against the sunset.
lt may be too late.
God help us.
harker, shoot!
When my time comes,
will you do the same to me?
Will you?
-Let them go.
Let them go.
Our work is finished here.
hers has just begun.
We've all become God's madmen.
All of us.
Where is my God?
he has forsaken me.
lt is finished.
My love.
My love.
There, in the presence of God...
...I understood at last
how my love could release us all...
...from the powers of darkness.
Our love is stronger than death.
Give me peace.