Dreambuilders (2020) Movie Script

- Perhaps the king...
- No can do, Dad.
Dad, what's happening?
Minna, rise and shine.
I'm calling to you in my song
smiling when you dream on
holding you so tight, my dear.
Good morning, Viggo Mortensen.
You're up early, greedy-guts.
- Did you sleep well, Minna?
- Yes, Dad.
Watch it, Viggo!
The place looks great.
Have you been cleaning all morning?
We just need to clean up the yard,
then we're all set.
May I?
No, Viggo!
- Hey, Minna. The leaves.
- Alright.
What? I'll show you!
Take that!
- Hey!
- No!
- Hey!
- It's from Helene.
Look. Our first family photo.
You and Jenny look like sisters already.
She's always looking at her phone.
Just like you are right now.
- Hey!
- Sorry.
Don't you want to be
a proper family again?
We are a proper family.
Why do they have to move in with us?
What's the worst thing
that could happen?
Come on, Minna Mouse.
Put on your happy hat. For my sake.
No, for our sake.
- Good night, Dad.
- Good night, Minna.
Sweet dreams, Viggo.
Hold on to the frame.
It's burning over there.
Hurry! Stop the generator.
I overdid her dream again.
We have to wake her right away!
Hurry! Come on.
Help me!
Oh no, if the inspector sees this...
Hi, Viggo.
Did you sleep well?
- Ouch!
- Minna, they're here!
Here they come, Viggo.
- You sure have enough plants.
- Is it too heavy?
It's okay.
It's just lovely.
- Hi, Minna. Great to see you.
- You too.
There's like no Insta here. How could
we move out of the city to this place?
- Jenny, aren't you going to say hello?
- Hi, Jenny. Good to see you again.
Oh my God, your hand is really hairy!
- Jenny...
- Is it really hairy?
- No, it's fine, honey.
- Shave, caveman!
- Jenny, you promised.
- But he's like half ape!
I guess my hand is pretty furry.
Oh my God, oh my God!
My new stepsister!
Come, selfie!
Oh, what's up with your selfie smile?
Anyway, where's my room?
Well, we were thinking
that you and Minna could share her room.
- Just for a while...
- Wow! Girls' talk all night long.
- Come. I wanna see your clothes.
- My clothes?
Here it is.
- Where are your clothes?
- Those are my clothes.
Yellow sweaters, ew!
- At least the bed's okay.
- But that's my bed.
Obviously not.
- Get rid of it!
- It's just a spider.
They give me nightmares!
A rat!
A rat! Kill it!
Stop! It's just my hamster.
- Viggo Mortensen. Isn't he cute?
- Get it out of here!
- No, he lives here too.
- Mom, come up here!
- What's wrong?
- That!
- A rat?
- A gross rat!
What if it bites me and gives me rabies
so I'll die or worse?
- Viggo never bit anyone.
- Get rid of it!
- Maybe Viggo could sleep downstairs.
- No, not all alone.
- Rats should be caged.
- He's not a rat. I won't cage him.
The happy hat, Minna.
Come here, Viggo.
Hi, Dad...
Oh, you dialed the wrong number?
Fine, Dad. I'm busy anyway.
We'll talk tomorrow.
- Mom, I'm thinking sushi.
- Jenny, please just... try it.
Helene, please just... be a nice mom.
John, I think we'll order some sushi.
But you should go ahead
with your bacon casserole.
Oh no, we'll freeze it for later.
Okay, Minna?
Okay, Minna?
- Lower it. Go on.
- You sure are good at this.
- Jenny has more than 1,000 followers.
- Wow. You're a bit of a celebrity.
- Great!
- What? What's up?
- Minna, you're ruining the moment.
- The moment?
The moment was gone
888 quadrillion photos ago.
The happy hat.
- Here.
- Great! A hat all over the sushi!
I'm sorry, Viggo.
Oh my God, this bed is so nice.
Well, sleep tight, rat girl.
Good night, rat.
Hey, mute it, will you?
I could. But I won't.
What is it doing?
Oh, we can't have that.
Shut down immediately!
Darn it, the handle's stuck again!
- Hello, little friend.
- Hey, let me out of here!
Thank you.
Oh, Minna.
You must go back to your dream.
- What?
- So that I can wake you.
Back to my dream?
Yes, precisely.
Right now you're outside your dream.
This won't do at all.
It's highly irregular!
No, no, no, Minna.
- Oh, this is so... wonderful.
- No, this won't do, Minna.
Well, it is rather wonderful.
It all seems so real.
Am I awake or asleep?
Right now, you're in your bed.
You could say you're outside your dream.
Hang on.
Is that...
- The inspector!
- Who's the inspector?
Hurry! Hide!
What's going on? Why do I get
error messages from this stage?
- We've got a handle on it, boss.
- There's a giant hole in the scenery!
What if the dreamer escapes through it?
It would be a catastrophe.
Indeed, absolutely.
It's just like yesterday
when the dream broke down.
Clearly, you've grown
far too fond of her.
- That's why it keeps breaking down!
- I assure you it's an isolated...
Stick to the scripts from now on.
Oh no!
Whoa. Amazing!
We have a dreamer asleep. We need
cacti, mountains, a desert and clouds.
Get to work!
Yes, that's great!
Yes, perfect! Beautiful.
More blue, please.
And let's bring in the presents.
There we go. Beautiful!
Oh, finally.
There you are.
We'll start the dream in a minute.
Hurry! Hurry!
Here are the script changes.
- But...! Where's the cake?
- What cake?
Have you even read the script?
We need a cake right away.
Chop, chop!
"John's boyhood birthday.
Minna gives John the cake..."
There we go. All set.
Take the cake and hurry on stage.
Go on! Chop, chop!
- It's the band from my dad's record.
- Roll sound.
Lights, please! Yes, that's great.
Get ready. Three, two, one...
- Gee, presents!
- Dad?
What have you got there?
Something for me?
Oh no, that's my lunch!
"Minna hands John the cake."
I'm having anchovies on my birthday?
Uhm, yes...
Oh no, this is all wrong!
- My, what a treat!
- Mariachi!
Wow! Yum!
Why, I think the dream is a success.
And cut!
Well done, everyone.
Clear the stage.
"Minna hands John the cake,
congratulates him. The Mexican band..."
Excuse me,
you're in the wrong place.
I play Minna here, and I always have!
Get it?
Well, be here on time next time.
Impossible, with all that track work.
- How did the dream go?
- How do you think? Amateurs!
I can't work in this heat.
These conditions spoil my creativity.
- Yes. What are they thinking?
- Turn down the heat!
Oh, there you are.
That fall could have done you in!
Are you okay?
- Yeah. I'm fine.
- Good. Let's go.
Oh dear. If the inspector hears
about this, I'll be demoted to janitor.
Giraffe, what is all this?
- Giraffe! My name is Gaff.
- Where am I, Gaff?
Behind your dream stage.
Off limits to all dreamers!
- Dream stages?
- Yes, dream stages.
Oh, this is wonderful.
So everyone has a stage
where you create their dreams?
Was I on my dad's stage?
And was I in his dream?
Yes, his dream.
And you almost spoiled it.
It could be disastrous
to interrupt other people's dreams.
Hey, I was right there.
- Is that a mechanical whale?
- Yes.
- It looked so real.
- Sure. Everything looks real on stage.
That's the whole point.
Great sandman! You were supposed
to wake up five minutes ago.
- Can I go behind my dream again?
- No, that's out of the question!
- Gaff, where are you?
- The inspector!
- This was a huge mistake.
- But...
Here you go.
- That's so gross!
- Hey, what are you doing?
I bet there are rat germs
in all the food! Mom!
I can't stand that filthy rat.
Can't we put it in a rat home?
- Let's all calm down...
- Viggo is not going to a home.
- Look, girls...
- Mom, what is the hairy man doing?
I'm sure...
There must be some somewhere.
- John, what are you doing?
- I crave anchovies.
Minna, didn't we have
a tin of anchovies?
I had a dream about a mariachi band,
and there were...
- Lots of presents...
- Exactly! And I ate anchovies.
And now I have a craving for...
There they are!
It's just like in the dream!
From now on -
I only want anchovies on my birthday.
Dreams can have the most
amazing effect on us.
What a crazy day, huh? Anchovies.
Dad, Jenny wants to put Viggo
in an animal home.
- You'd never agree to that, right?
- No, of course not.
But we have to respect
that Jenny's uncomfortable around Viggo.
Tomorrow, the four of us will sit down
and find a good solution.
- But...
- Minna, let's talk about it tomorrow.
- Good night.
- Good night, Dad.
Enjoy your last night together,
rat girl.
What do you mean?
I'm gonna get my mom to get rid of it.
My dad will never agree to that.
Just wait and see.
I always get my way.
I thought
she'd never fall asleep. Okay...
Off you go, my little friends.
Yes, that's right.
Looking good.
Yes, bye-bye!
Lower the wings for the mill. Thank you!
And they're working... yes!
Activate corn flakes!
Wow, they look great!
Roll sound effects.
Louder, please. Great.
Five, four, three, two, one...
Gaff... Gaff... Gaff...
Gaff? Where are you?
I need to talk to you.
Where's she going? She was meant
to be curious and head for the mill.
I get it now.
The dream stages are real.
You can change people through dreams.
- Gaff, where are you?
- There's no Gaff here.
Come on!
I have to find Jenny's stage.
Come on, Gaff.
No, I can't help you.
Good night.
But Gaff... What am I to do then?
She's going to put
my hamster in a home.
I must make her like Viggo
before she wakes up. Don't you see?
My dad's crazy about anchovies now
because of his dream.
Can't we do the same thing to Jenny?
No, that's out of the question.
You can't just alter dreams like that.
The entire system would break down.
Please, Gaff. Just this once.
No, I won't.
It's against all the rules.
I'm afraid I'm gonna lose Viggo.
Little Minna, I built all your dreams.
I've never seen you so unhappy before.
Perhaps I might consider
altering her dream a little.
But then you must stay in your dreams
from now on. No running around.
I promise.
- Alright, let's do it.
- Really?
Thank you, Gaff.
There's Jenny's stage.
- Look at me!
- Lots of fur!
It's going to be amazing.
Come along.
The head's a bit askew, isn't it?
Much better.
He's cute!
Gaff, are you sure this is gonna work?
Yes, she's gonna love Viggo.
Just you wait and see.
- Is that the remote?
- Yes. It's ingenious.
We prefer to remote-control larger
creatures instead of using actors.
Try. Press that.
Yes, there you go.
Wow, Gaff!
Here we go!
- Pull the floater lever.
- The floater lever?
Yes! Go ahead!
Oh dear... we'd better end this dream.
- You're a genius. Thanks, Gaff.
- You're welcome.
Hi, Gaff.
- Don't fall down there.
- What's down there?
The dream trash.
That's where all our used scenery goes.
Oh no, come on.
Gaff, look.
Oh dear, just as I feared. You've been
away from your stage too long this time.
If you disappear before you reach
your stage, you can't wake up.
And if you can't wake up, then...
Great sandman!
Now. We'd better wake you up
as fast as possible.
Gaff, thank you for helping me.
Wow, what a dream couple.
I know.
Isn't he wonderful?
Oh my God!
What's he doing out of his cage?
- You let him out.
- Mom!
- Sweetie, what's wrong?
- That thing! I...
I love him.
He's so cute.
Why, that's terrific.
So you aren't afraid of rats anymore?
It's not a rat,
and he definitely shouldn't be caged.
- Tonight he's sleeping in my bed.
- I'm so proud of you.
Mutual consideration and understanding.
I just have to post
this furry cutie pie.
Get it away from me!
I love you.
I don't believe it.
It worked, Viggo!
Okay, let's see how many likes you got.
She's a mess! If she was
my stepsister, I'd kill myself.
- The ugliest clothes ever!
- That is the lamest sweater.
- Why do they write that?
- Gross!
She hasn't got a clue!
She's so mean!
- Hi, Gaff.
- No! Not again.
- You promised to stay in your dream.
- But it's a mess.
We aren't finished with Jenny.
She's really mean.
- Look over there. Look!
- I'm looking.
That's Milo.
He was a dream builder like me.
He broke the rules and changed
the scripts and everything went wrong!
The inspector found out,
and now Milo's a janitor.
- Is that such a bad thing?
- Of course it's a bad thing!
- Get back!
- But the hamster dream worked.
She loves Viggo now.
We're not hurting anyone.
We're just helping her.
How is that wrong? Please.
No, no, and no.
- Gaff, I...
- We can't alter any more dreams, Minna.
This is the very last time.
The last time.
Come on, let's do it.
Has the inspector
authorized this change?
As if I'd change anything
without authorization. Keep going.
Okay, okay, if you say so, Gaff.
Hi! How may I help you?
- Hi! How may I help you?
- I want the very latest thing.
I have just the thing.
It's hip, it's cool.
It's style, it's pop,
it's avant-garde, en vogue!
Is this some sort of joke?
- Gaff, it's not working.
- Let's do it again.
Hi! How may I help you?
I just want something cool.
Haven't I just been here?
This is the hippest, coolest,
trendiest design in the world.
It's style, it's pop,
it's avant-garde, en vogue!
Ew! No thanks!
- Hi! How may I help you?
- And again.
- Style, pop, avant-garde, en vogue!
- No.
...hippest design...
- Ew.
- One more time.
The latest thing...
I just want the latest thing.
Take this. It's the hippest, coolest,
trendiest design...
This could be the latest thing.
Yes! Yeah...
The changing room is right this way.
Hey, Gaff.
- Milo, what's up?
- Be careful, Gaff.
- What do you mean?
- Don't make the same mistake as me.
- Minna, we're closing down.
- Not yet.
- This could become the latest thing.
- I told you so.
- One last time.
- She's got it.
- Gaff!
- No, stop!
- Who in the name of sandman is that?
- Hide!
- I'll put the sweater in a bag...
- Minna? What are you doing here?
- Who was that?
- Who was who? I don't understand.
- Out of my way!
- Sir, don't go in there.
- The dream is still on.
- Who are you?
- Where's the other dreamer, Gaff?
- I don't know what you mean.
- Where's the stranger?
- Who?
I was busy. I didn't see anyone.
Oh dear, it's all over now.
I'm finished.
- Is anyone hurt?
- Milo, you fool!
You could have squashed us!
I don't know what you're up to, Gaff,
but I have my eye on you.
- I assure you everything's in order.
- Milo!
I'm so sorry, sir.
It slipped.
You're gonna end up in the workshop
changing oil on the dream bots!
- Thanks, Milo.
- She went that way.
- Minna, that was a close call. No more!
- But we pulled it off.
- That dream was perfect.
- It was the last time!
Alright. Wake me up.
Good morning.
New style, huh?
I know. I'm a first-mover.
It's style, it's pop, it's...
...you. I'm you.
- This isn't the very latest thing.
- But it looks good on you.
- You can borrow it if you want.
- No!
No... all my followers!
Everybody's laughing at me.
What was I thinking?
This psycho place with their weird
hamster and ugly sweaters!
- I can't stand it!
- There, there.
I'm moving in with Dad if I have
to stay here one second longer.
Well? Is she feeling better?
I've booked a moving van for tomorrow.
What? No...
But no, no...
Can't we talk about it?
Jenny hasn't had a good night's sleep
since we moved in.
- We could get her a thicker mattress.
- That's not the problem, John.
She just doesn't like living here.
We tried. I have to focus
on Jenny's needs right now.
We can still see each other
on the weekends, okay?
It looks like Helene and Jenny
are moving back to the city tomorrow.
- So it'll just be you and me again.
- Yes.
Yes, Minna,
that's how it's gonna be.
Please go and help Jenny pack.
Just to cheer her up.
Of course, Dad.
- Can I help?
- What do you think?
"The Clothes Story".
- Hey, don't look. It's mine!
- But this is my dream.
"Mission: Fix Jenny"?
How did you...
- It was you!
- Me what?
It's just my diary.
I don't know how you did this,
but I'll give you something to fix!
- Stop packing, Mom.
- What? Are you sure, sweetie?
Absolutely sure.
I feel much better now.
That's wonderful!
- Arriba!
- You're so good, John.
- John, you're a crazy dancer.
- I've been rehearsing for years.
- Do you like it?
- Yes. I love it, Dad.
Sorry. It just slipped out of my mouth.
No, don't apologize.
I just don't know what to say.
- Is it okay? Can I call you Dad?
- Sure!
- Of course you can.
- This is just perfect.
I finally feel at home here.
Dad, will you teach me to play chess?
- Of course, Jenny Mouse.
- Jenny Mouse!
- But Minna...
- You're not her dad! You're mine!
You don't mean that. Jenny has tried
so hard to become your sister.
No, she hasn't!
I made her do all the good stuff.
- That's enough.
- Let go!
- We'd better have a serious chat.
- No!
- Minna, be nice.
- No!
I hate you!
I hate all of you!
Yes, that's it! Good!
More spiders, please.
You're moving too slow.
- The dream is about to start.
- Minna...
- Assemble the last legs.
- Oh no... Minna. Minna.
Minna, wait.
You can't control that many effects.
This nightmare is all wrong.
- You're just worried about your job.
- No.
I'll get the inspector myself
if you don't drop it.
It's gonna go wrong! Minna!
Lights, please.
Three, two, one and action!
Is anybody here?
Go away!
No, no, no!
Go away!
It's not scary enough.
Step it up!
More lightning!
I want more thunder!
I said louder!
Yes, that's it!
Just you wait, Jenny.
You don't belong here.
Get lost! Go away!
Don't you steal my dad!
Get out!
It's you, Minna! This is just a dream!
You can't hurt me!
You bet I can!
No, no, stupid spider!
Let me get out of here!
Make it go away!
I hate spiders.
Great sandman!
What have you done, Gaff?
I'm sorry, sir.
You can say that again!
This is how it goes
when you get too close to a dreamer.
Yes, I know.
Minna! Minna!
Minna, help!
Crazy girl!
Do you know what you've done?
And you!
You're hereby demoted to janitor.
Jenny? Wake up. Hey.
Jenny! It was just a dream.
Wake up.
How do we wake her?
Can't you sleep either?
Well, what do you know?
You and I had a fight.
But we never fight, do we, Minna?
This was my dream.
Just a little, strong family.
Now it's too late.
This is all my fault.
- It's not your fault, Minna Mouse.
- I promise to fix it.
The happy hat.
...smiling when you dream on
holding you so tight, my dear.
I'll sing us both
out of the darkness
in us
as if the road away
didn't lead back home
to days without you.
- Mom!
- Stay in bed, sweetie.
- What are you doing here?
- I live here.
No. I was little,
but I remember everything.
You sang and kissed me good night
like you always did.
But next morning you were gone.
You left us.
- You left me.
- No, sweetie. I'd never leave you.
Yes. You went away to pursue
your dream of becoming a singer.
- You're the one dreaming, silly.
- I don't understand.
- Where is everyone?
- Dad's at work.
- Where are Helene and Jenny?
- Who?
- They've never been here?
- It was a dream.
You've been down with a fever for days.
Mom, I missed you so much!
How about staying in bed all day
and playing board games?
Just the two of us.
I knew it!
- Mom hated board games.
- Dammit!
This was my best performance ever,
and now it's all for nothing!
I quit!
And let me add that it's so hot in here,
it's impossible to be creative!
- No, no! This is unheard of!
- Nice try.
No, stop!
Come back this instant!
You won't get away with this.
- Gaff, what are you doing?
- Preparing the stage for a new dreamer.
- Jenny's gone.
- No, stop!
- She isn't gone. I can find her.
- She's in the dream trash.
Finding anyone down there
is like finding a needle in a haystack.
I think I can find her with this.
- What?
- There! There she is! Get her!
At long last... gotcha!
Not quite, sir.
I'm sorry, Inspector.
But... No, no, no!
Jenny! Jenny, it's me, Minna.
No... oh no.
Help me! Help!
Coming, Jenny!
I'm coming!
Help! Get me out of this.
Don't touch me.
Just get me out of this nightmare.
But that's why I'm here. Come.
You've been gone too long.
- What?
- You must get back before it's too late.
Why? What's happening?
What is happening?
What is this place?
- Jenny, I'm sorry.
- Don't touch me.
- I...
- Fine! Just get me out of here.
We have to climb that tower.
Let's get you home, Jenny.
Oh no! It's ruined!
- What is?
- That was our only way home.
- So what now?
- I don't know.
I don't know, Jenny.
- Minna.
- Yes?
- You control that spider, right?
- Not anymore.
Run! Run, run!
That way!
- Never been room for us!
- Is anybody in there?
- Don't you see, Helene?
- You never cared about your family.
- Before we had Jenny, we were happy.
- They're fighting.
Your work was always more important!
- Is it one of your old dreams?
- I've spent my life forgetting that.
When Mom and Dad fought in the kitchen,
I always sat here.
My dad didn't think I heard, but when
he left my mom, he said it was...
...because of me.
Don't you see, Helene?
Before we had Jenny, we were happy.
- But now, this...
- What are you saying?
Hey, listen.
My mom left me, too.
She chose another life.
It doesn't mean
that your dad and my mom didn't like us.
I just think
they liked themselves better.
And if I get to choose,
I'd like to be your sister.
If you'll be mine.
I still refuse to eat
your yucky sewer soup.
Don't you see, Helene?
Before we had Jenny, we were happy.
- Your work was always more important.
- It's taken up too much space!
- There's never been any room for us.
- Your work was always more important!
- Before we had Jenny we were happy.
- Your work was always more important!
- There was never any room for us!
- Your work was always more important!
- Before we had Jenny we were happy.
- Your work was always more important!
Oh, Jenny.
We haven't got much time.
Come on.
The coast is clear.
See that dream controller?
I'm gonna show you a crazy thing.
No, Minna!
- Take my hand.
- I'm stuck.
Jenny, the dream controller...
- Pull the floater lever.
- The floater lever?
Oh no!
Take my hand.
We'll make it.
Okay, let's see.
I think this goes in here.
Yes! Alright!
- This is it, Jenny.
- Yes!
Oh no!
Ew, it's so creepy!
Jump, Jenny!
Hurry, Jenny!
- What?
- Oh no!
What are we going to do?
- Minna!
- I've got you.
Minna, where are you?
Gaff, you know as well as I that
everything's lost in the dream trash.
- You'll never find them.
- Wrong, sir.
- Oh, my! The poor dreamers.
- I'm coming, Minna!
I'm going to turn you off for good!
Save yourselves!
- Hurry up!
- No, this ends here!
Catch, Minna!
Cut the blue wire.
The blue wire!
We did it!
We stopped it!
- Jenny, we did it!
- You're lucky.
You're all lucky to be alive.
You managed to save a dreamer
from the dream trash.
That is an admirable feat.
Get her back to her dream stage now!
Hurry! Gaff, wake her up!
Minna, is this still a dream or what?
No, it's not.
You're so not dreaming!
Jenny... Jenny!
Easy, Mom. Easy.
You look like you ate a lemon.
Hey, check this out, Minna.
Your mom's new hit.
Could this be more perfect?
What? No!
- Let's go inside.
- Hurry.
Viggo, come with me.
This is going to be
a fantastic dream, Gaff.
Thank you, sir.
Turn on the machines, Milo.
Lights, please.
Thank you.
Roll sound! Great.
Three, two, one
and action!