Drift 2 (2006) Movie Script

This story is a fiction
Please do not imitate
the driving scenes in the movie
Please follow the traffic rule
when driving
Drift 2
Hey, you're so slow!
Yeah! He makes me sick!
There are loads of troublesome
street racers on the road lately
How vulgar he is to drive a red car!
A new star called
the Red Lightning appeared recently
Many street racers are imitating him
They're so tedious!
You know, you look brilliant
when you're driving
You're a great driver!
The best of the best!
Only the best in these region
That car is...
the real Red Lightning?
Dominate Japan?
And my first target is you,
the Black Shooting Star
Can you see it?
I'm being disrespected!
I choose you to be the first target
because I respect you
You arrogant fool!
Cheeky boy, see if you can do it!
Shut up please, outsiders
Do you accept this challenge or not?
You drive a Camaro?
Can it run well
on this mountain pass?
That's why I changed into
a normal engine
A rotary engine is too powerful
while the performance is not so good
A rotary engine is not that good
I don't know
what are you talking about
Anyway, let's go
That's great
Are you ready?
Of course. I can't wait any longer
He failed at the very beginning!
No. He did it on purpose
He's late in starting
The game is over
It's the Camaro!
The Camaro?
Hoshikawa chose the uphill slope
for a competition on the car power
our Black Shooting Star lost! Darn!
I lost
See? We're not in the same level
You cut down the weight of your car?
Yeah. The only disadvantage of it
was the weight
Why do you want to dominate Japan?
Because I decided to be
a professional racer
But it seems that...
I can't find
any capable competitors here
There is one
He's called the Red Lightning
The Red Lightning?
What do you want?
I want to race with you
Do you know
what you are talking about?
Answer me!
Okay, I'll take up this challenge
He can't keep up with me anymore
I don't care if
he's the Red Lightning or anything
He's the loser
Nonsense! Stupid!
The Red Lightning...
Dad, welcome home!
You haven't driven for a long time,
how's it feel?
With the softer pedals
the control is easier, isn't it?
Mina, enough
The revenge is over
I know
Let's start over again
You return to being an office lady
and fall in love
with a normal person
I'm thinking about
selling this place
and saying goodbye to the S13
But I'm...
Who's there?
It's you?
You're the Red Lightning,
aren't you?
I'm Yuuichirou Azuma
I want to race you,
Mr. Shinichi Minami
I'm not a street racer anymore
You wanna run away?
Are you so afraid of
losing your reputation that
you run away from all challenges?
I don't care about my reputation
Then you should accept my challenge!
Excuse me
You're only a loser
I've heard many of your rumours
I don't think
you can drive fast like that
Well, rumours are always exaggerated
You are too much!
I accept your challenge
I was listening to your long speech
Shinichi is not a loser!
You're too much!
Who are you, madam?
I'm... the mechanic of that car
Tell me, where?
Stop it! Just ignore him!
It's none of your business
This is a fight between me and him!
Don't tell me that
you won't race with a woman!
- Okay, I don't mind if...
- I've got it
I'm your opponent
You mean it?
Mina, if anything happened to you,
I'd be...
This is my last race
Alright! It's fine
as long as you accept my challenge
The Yabuki Pass. Don't run away
He's here!
He's your opponent
He drives a Silvia too
Who are they?
The witnesses, witnessing our battle
Long time no see!
You were the big mouth
who told him about me, am I right?
It's because he wanted to know
who was faster than me!
An uphill slope
may be unfavourable for you
therefore I chose a downhill slope
I hope it can help
reduce our distance
As you like. Let's get ready
- Let's start!
Who will take the lead?
The S13 is in the lead!
I knew it!
American racing cars are nothing!
Japanese spirit is the best!
The Camaro made way for the S13
How do you know?
He hasn't shown up
his real power yet
You've become a professional
The engine power of that Camaro
is absolutely the best
That's ture for an uphill slope
Let's see if it's also capable
on a downhill slope
He wasn't just talking big
He's fast!
But it's merely a Japanese car!
This is its limit
He can conquer
the downhill corner like that!
I'm surprised
The S13 is still in the lead
It seems that
the victory is in our hands!
But the Camaro
is right behind the S13
It's fast, as I expected
You mean the S13?
I'm talking about the Camaro
There are many short turns
on the Yabuki Pass
It's difficult for a powerful Camaro
to race downhill
He should find the car
hard to control
he can still keep up with the S13
Easy. The road is narrow
It's hard for overtaking
But it's possible
Can he overtake the S13?
It depends on his courage
We will soon see
They will be here in any moment
What? He wants to overtake me
from the inside lane?
How come?
Gosh! It's the outer lane!
The Camaro took the lead
by the outer lane at the short turn!
The result is clear
Gosh! I can't keep up with him!
It was a wonderful battle!
Yeah. But the winner is
the powerful American car
Our Japanese spirit lost
Say something
Tell me that you didn't
take this race seriously
- You're a liar!
You were only half-hearted
I saw it
I know that your S13
can overcome that corner
You didn't need to
step on the brake!
I tried my best
The Red Lightning?
I'm disappointed
The first half of the race
was joyful
I treasured this race
and chosen the downhill slope
which you're good at
If you want to beat me,
call me again
I'm sorry
It's terrible
Did you win?
He's courageous
And his car is powerful
How do you feel?
Do you want to beat him?
Do you want to or not?
Tell me
I'm not a street racer anymore
I left the world of street racing
the moment I avenged Ayami
So did you, didn't you?
I thought so
I know that Ayami was killed
by those street racers
I know it
But that guy keeps calling me
He told me that
he wants to run faster
Did you hear that, Shinichi?
You are like a dead body now
A dead body?
You don't have any goal or direction
Wondering about every day
I don't want to see you like this!
I'll go home now. And the S13...
I'll leave it to you
Hello, Mr. Shinichi Minami
Who are you?
I'm Asami Hoshikawa
Your family name... so you are...
Yeah. Takayuki Hoshikawa
is my brother
I'll give you a lift
What do you want,
Hoshikawa's sister?
You drive a Silvia too
although a different model
So I wanted to meet you
This should not be the only reason
That Camaro is fast
Power is one of the characteristics
of American cars
I want him to pay for my brother
As you like
It's none of my business
You seem happy
Don't you feel happy
when you're driving?
I never feel happy when I'm driving
The setting of your car is nice
It's fast. Faster than your S13
Do you feel humiliated?
About what?
You know! The Camaro!
You've won my brother too
It's a coincidence
I'll make you pay for it too
My brother told me that...
you drove faster
when racing with him
Am I powerful enough
to race against that Camaro?
I hope you can hold a test for me
You want to... race against me?
I will spread gossip about you
if you don't accept my challenge
I will tell everyone that
you don't dare to race against women
Sinichi Minami is a coward
Thanks for giving me a lift
See you there
You are like a dead body now
You don't have any goal or direction
Wondering about every day
I don't want to see you like this!
Don't you feel happy
when you're driving?
Next time we organize a racing tour
would you like to join us?
Highway racers and street racers
are racers too!
So, what's wrong with
wanting to drive faster?
Because once a person
has tasted the delight of racing
he cannot get away from it
All street racers are like that
You looked a little bit
strange today
I'm sorry
I was distracted. I will work harder
Come on!
You're a helpful partner
I rely on you
You work so late
Don't worry
I took some rest in between
Moreover, this guy keeps telling me
that he is not reconciled
Wait and see
I'll help him run faster
Will Ayami forgive me...
if I become...
a street racer?
What Ayami loved most...
were the times you tried your best
to achieve an objective
So, she should be happy about that
I want to beat someone
The Camaro?
An S15
It's a Silvia car, too
You must not lose this race!
Aikawa Park
Will he come?
He will come
So you accept my challenge?
In fact, I'm not sure...
if I like racing or not
I'm thinking that I may
get the answer if I race with you
So I came here
I don't care the reason
I only care that you've come
The course this time
goes uphill first
and then comes back again,
back to here
Remember to come back
after you've reached the hilltop
Well, let's start
Take care
It's okay. I'll do it
When you were racing
against the Camaro
you might've found that
at the corners
the acceleration had reached
its limit and couldn't go faster
Therefore, I changed the accelerator
pedal and brake pedal
You can make a turn
at an extremely high speed now
For the maximum capacity
of these new changes
you can check it on the track
This course has only a few places
suitable for overtaking
If you are outstripped
the last low speed corner will be
a good place for striking back
This fellow is capable for that now
I trust you
See you later
It looks powerful
The S13 can run very fast now
Winning or losing
depends on Shinichi
Wow! His car can turn
at such a high speed!
It can turn in this high speed now!
I can't shake him off!
This is my home ground
I can't lose here
Are you worrying about your partner?
I believe in him
I believe in
his techniques and sense
He didn't slow down!
And he's still accelerating
I can hear you
I can hear your voice
I will overtake you here!
You will lose control of the car
due to speeding!
They're near! Who will come first?
They're there!
You have a nice car
Thanks to my excellent mechanic
I give up the chance of
challenging the Camaro
I'm so sorry that
I can't get revenge for you
You've done very well
Thank you
I would like to have a race
with you again someday
So would I!
Are you alright?
I remembered something
The feeling I got when boxing
I can feel
the happiness of driving now
It's not a wrong thing
Ayami would agree too
I want to race against him
Next time we organize a racing tour
would you like to join us?
Highway racers and street racers
are racers too!
So, what's wrong with
wanting to drive faster?
And the one who picks the fight...
should give out
some attractive conditions
I know him, The Black Leopard
I don't think so
You should drive carefully!
It's you?
You are the Red Lightning,
aren't you?
He's your opponent
I want him to pay for my brother
But you will meet him
if you keep racing
Because once a person
has tasted the delight of racing
he cannot get away from it
All street racers are like that
You are like a dead body now
You don't have goal or direction
Wondering about every day
My dear red car driver
has come at last
I've come here for revenge
I'll refuse your challenge
if you are not serious this time
In the world of boxing
there is an unknown realm...
that only people
who've been there can understand
They can sense
when their opponent will punches
There must be a similar realm
in the world of racing
I haven't been to
such a realm before
Would you like to be there?
Sounds interesting
Don't lose, Shinichi
This course includes
both uphill and downhill slopes
Do you want to
skip the uphill parts?
No. That's okay for me
Your car is not good
for uphill slopes
On power, your car is better
But on cornering, my car is the best
You'll suffer from a great loss
if you underestimated it
That's interesting
Let's start the countdown
From the outer lane?
He's great, isn't he?
However, uphill slope is my world!
He must be finding
a suitable place for overtaking
Where will that be?
The inside lane is mine
Gosh! He uses the outer lane!
My Camaro can still overtake you
even if I lower the speed
Here comes the real battle
It's exciting!
I'm glad to meet
such a brilliant rival
I cannot lose! Never!
He can turn at such a high speed!
He's forcing me
to keep accelerating
Gosh! I'm shaking!
See? This is the unknown realm
I mentioned
I've come here too!
This is the unknown realm!
Where will he come from?
The inside lane? Or the outer lane?
Come on! See if you can do it!
Oh, no!
Thanks for showing me
the unknown realm
Let's race again in the future
Good morning
How about the race?
It was fantastic!
Would you mind checking the
scratches on the side of the car?
Of course not!
Street racers...
No. Nothing