Drugstore Cowboy (1989) Movie Script

I was once a shameless,
full-time dope fiend.
Yeah, me
- Bob. The sweet mother's son.
Me and my crew robbed drugstores.
I had done 'em all,
up and down the Pacific Northwest,
with pharmacies open or closed.
It didn't matter.
Except for technique.
But don't get the idea it was easy.
It's hard being a dope fiend. And
it's even harder running a crew.
Dianne was my wife.
I loved her. Man, did she love dope.
So we made a good couple.
Whenever I got out of the joint
I always ended up with Dianne.
Rick was my sidekick. My muscle.
He was no novice to
the life of crime.
His record showed a steady climb from
juvenile offender to small-time thief.
He was gonna do just fine.
Nadine was Rick's old lady.
A counter girl he picked up during one of our jobs.
She was a piece of work.
She had no record. Just a smile
that caught us all a little off guard.
I was the undisputed leader then.
I carried the whole goddamn outfit on
my back like it was my own newborn son.
But I guess, deep down,
I knew we could never win.
We played a game we couldn't win...
to the utmost.
Good morning. I like your hat.
- Do you have wintergreen gum?
- I don't think we carry that.
Hey! Come out here!
This lady's having a fit! Hey!
Come on, she's bouncing
all over the place!
Come on!
I think she might swallow her tongue.
Look at that. She's turning blue!
Excuse me. Are you too busy to
take some money for cough syrup?
Just a minute, ma'am.
Wait a minute, man.
She's foaming here.
I need an ambulance. A woman
is having an epileptic seizure.
- So how'd we do?
- So-so.
Are you sure you're OK?
Hey! Let's go. Come on.
Hurry up.
- I told you to walk, not crawl.
- You said walk and that's what we did.
Yeah, I said walk, but I didn't
mean to go window-shopping.
Goddamnit, Bob.
Why do you gotta fix in the car?
Can't you wait till we get home?
Shut up and watch your drivin'.
Christ. Look at
this traffic up here. Shit.
We gotta get home. Idiot, move over!
After any kind of drug haul,
everyone in the crew indulged.
I laughed to myself as I pictured blues
or Dilaudid in such great amounts
that the spoon would
literally be overflowing.
Upon entering my vein
the drug would start a warm itch
that would surge along until the brain
consumed it in a gentle explosion
that began in the back of
the neck and rose rapidly
until I felt such pleasure
that the world sympathised
and took on a soft and lofty appeal.
Everything was grand then.
Your worst enemy, he wasn't so bad.
The ants in the grass, they were
just, you know, doin' their thing.
Everything took on the rosy
hue of unlimited success.
You could do no wrong. And as long
as it lasted, life... was beautiful.
Oh, screw you, buddy. Move over.
Where'd you get your goddamn licence?
All right, now, everybody just act cool.
Like we just got back from church.
Has anybody seen my lighter?
So, I was working for
this guy out in Valdez.
And I had this great idea to...
You just put shit on it, and water.
- Nadine?
- Give me the same as Rick, I guess.
I don't think so.
- Why not?
- You can't shoot no goddamn blue.
Give her half of one, Bob. That'll
keep her in the crapper all afternoon.
Goddamnit. I was in there just like you.
I ought to get the same as everyone else,
even if I can't shoot it all right now.
That ain't the way things work around
here, Nadine. I mean, you don't do shit.
It's me that's taking the big risk.
What about Dianne?
She didn't do anything either.
That what you think? Don't
give her a goddamn thing, Bob.
Kick her out in the street
where we found her.
No, no. Fair is fair.
You want your fourth. You got it, Nadine.
But I ain't takin' on no apprentices
and givin' 'em a full end of my thing.
You take it...
and you get out.
Nadine, just take your half of blue,
shoot it, and go puke awhile.
Everybody just act cool. Nadine,
pick up... Come on! Pick up the drugs.
Rick, get your gun.
Get in the bedroom. Back me up.
It's David. It's just David.
David, what do you want?
I just want to see you
for a minute. Let me in.
- You alone?
- Yes.
Did you think I brought my rat-faced
granny along to hold my hand?
David, you're an asshole.
What the hell, pard? Have you finally
gone completely crazy or something?
What the fuck do you want?
- What are you holdin'?
- I ain't holdin' diddly, small fry.
I was just thinking about going by
your place to see if you had any speed.
Yeah, well, I got some speed.
Really? Come on inside. You little fucker.
Aw, come on, Rick.
All right, you say you got speed?
What kind of speed?
I got crystal Methedrine.
This shit is good, man.
I've been up all night on the stuff.
Here, man. Try one on the house.
How much of this shit
you got on you right now?
I got 10 grams.
Let me talk to Dianne. Why don't you
sit back and watch a little TV?
All right.
Baby? This kid out here
says he's got speed.
What do you want speed for?
You know how ringy it makes you.
I know. But listen. What night is it
tonight? It's Saturday night, right?
Let's get some speed. We'll fix up,
then we'll go hit that big fat pharmacy.
You know the one. Right next
to the unemployment office.
Baby, you know how these things go.
It's like a crap game.
When you're hot, you shoot the works.
When you're cold, you lay off a bit.
Well, right now, baby,
I'm so hot, I'm burnin' up all over.
All right, buster.
If you're so damn hot, why don't you lay
me down right now and make love to me?
- Come on. You know what I mean.
- Yeah, I know what you mean.
So, did you watch I Spy last night?
No, I watched Outer Limits.
I'm hot to steal. Shoot,
we could do that any time. Come on.
Besides, we got company.
So, do you think you could get me a TV?
- Yeah, I could.
- Colour?
Yeah, but what could
you do for me, man?
How about some Valium, man?
You look like you could use it.
- Ten milligrams. 60 Valium.
- That's cool.
Well, listen.
Don't tell Bob.
I won't tell Bob. Fuck that guy.
Hey, twerpy. We're gonna fix you up now.
You guys got any blues?
Blues? Me? Hell, no. You know how hard
it is to get blues these days, David.
How about some morphine?
I got good old morphine.
What'd you get, man?
Morphine sulphate?
You're crazy, man, cos I can't even
read a stop sign when I'm on that crap.
My eyes get so far out of focus.
Besides, I'm not trading no uptown
crank for no downtown trash.
What can I say? That's all
I got. That's all I can give.
That's bullshit, man.
You guys think I'm dumb.
I'm not as dumb as you think I am.
Hey, David? Too bad
we couldn't do business, pal.
All right, man. Fuck. I'm sorry, OK?
- I didn't mean any of that.
- It's OK. It's all right.
So how many quarter grains of that
morphine are you gonna give me for this?
I'll hit you with nine quarters per package,
and that's just cos I'm feeling good.
And because you're a real stand-up dude,
I'll take all ten grams from you.
Ten grams? All right. That's nine
apiece. Nine times ten is, uh...
It's, uh, 75.
Yeah, 75. Right.
It's 90, Bob.
Yeah, Bob. That's 90.
Hey, Bob, how much do you want
for her? How much of this for her?
How much of this do you want
for the foxy female?
Hey. What do you think I am?
Some kind of closet pimp?
I've never heard of such a violation
of woman's rights in all my life.
Just out of curiosity, how many bags
of speed would you give me for this girl?
I, uh... I don't know.
You twerp! You touch me and
I'll knock your block off.
She's mean, man.
All right, all right.
Let's finish this deal.
- Sorry.
- Pick up your stuff, David, and go.
We've got some things to do.
All right. Sorry, Dianne. Here, Bob.
- All right, man.
- All right. Thanks.
All right. You guys have a good evening.
Next time you step in the middle of one of
my deals to help me with my arithmetic,
I'll sell you to the first one-eyed carnival
freak I find for a pack of chewing gum.
Look at me, babe. I'm hysterical.
Sorry, Bob.
Just try to remember. Was it
a round collar, a scoop neck, or what?
It was a blouse. A blouse.
I really don't remember.
Dianne, are you
goin' crazy or something?
Dianne, what the fuck are you doin'?
What are you on? Glue or something?
Dianne, look. We ought to be out workin'.
I know this hospital on the coast.
I know it's a virgin. I know it is.
I mean, this place has got security zero.
I bet they got coke, mammy. All those
hospitals, they always hold big-time coke.
You're crazy, Bob. We just pulled off
the best score we make in months
and off you trot looking for more.
Man, you don't know
when to take a break.
Come on, Bob.
You know me. I can't stand
to go on for ever like this.
Come on. Why don't you take me in the
bedroom and just hold me for a while?
What do you want me to hold you for?
Look, Dianne, we ought to be out crackin'.
- I thought you loved me.
- Why don't we just...
But you won't fuck me
and I always have to drive.
Look, why don't we just, uh, uh,
head up to that hospital right now
and see if we can make it there
before it gets daylight?
I mean, babe, you're just gonna
flip out when you see this one, man.
I mean...
I can just see all those bottles of pills
that hospital's holding for me right now.
Up against the wall!
- Up against the wall.
- Don't give me any shit. Shut up.
Check the other room.
All right, you two. Turn around.
I said the other day "Bob's slowed down."
Then you knock off another pharmacy.
- Bullshit.
- Didn't you expect me?
- I didn't make no drugstore in years.
- Bullshit!
Look, man, you ain't gonna find nothing.
Just let me phone my lawyer. I'm sure
he can straighten this whole thing out.
- Do I look like I'm using?
- You piece of shit.
That's real nice, Bob. Looks
like you're hooked to the gills.
- You got a warrant?
- Yeah, I got a warrant.
Pasted on the end of one of these slugs.
You give me any more shit, I'm gonna
give you a good close look at one of 'em.
Whoa, heavy, man. You guys been readin'
too much Mickey Spillane or somethin'?
You don't seem to understand.
Hey, come on. Not those clubs.
Those are my Ben Hogans.
Why you gotta mess with the clubs?
- What are you hittin' these days?
- I got my handicap down around eight.
Eight? Bullshit. Where do you play?
Mayfield. I hit a 75
last time I was out there.
I don't play public courses.
Mayfield is for pussies.
That's why you have that handicap.
How am I supposed to play?
My clubs are all broke.
Have a heart.
Break two more, then leave
the fuckin' clubs alone.
- All right?
- Thanks, man.
Dianne, you haven't hid
the drugs in some stupid place
like the Frosted Flakes again, have you?
I don't know what the hell
you're talkin' about, fuckwad.
- Jesus. How old is she? Is she over 18?
- 22. You're 22 years old, right?
- 22.
- 22.
Lucky for you.
OK, kiddies. Here's how it's comin' down.
You can just tell us where the drugs are
and save yourself a whole lot of trouble,
or you can sit there
with your mouths shut
and we're gonna tear this place apart
board by board. Now, how's it gonna be?
Man, I love cops.
If there were no hot-shit
cops like Gentry around
the competition would be so heavy,
there'd be nothing left to steal.
All right.
You two take the car
and get an apartment.
Get something on the west side.
We ain't hit nothing there in weeks.
- It should be pretty cool by now.
- OK, Bob.
- Don't mess it up.
- I'm not gonna mess it up. Just relax.
Dianne and I are going over to my
mother's house to get some new threads.
Something nice.
- Oh!
- Hi, Ma.
Lord, it's my dope-fiend thief of a son
and his crazy little nymphomaniac wife.
Hey, Ma.
Please tell me what I did to deserve this.
Never knowing when there'll be a knock
on my door telling me my baby's dead.
Green with an overdose.
Shot by a mad pharmacist or run over
by a car while fleeing from police pursuit.
Why me?
You have the clothes I left here
last time I was sent to the joint?
I threw them away.
I thought you'd never get out.
How could you think that?
He is a thief and a dope fiend, and
that is more important to him than I am.
If you say so, Ma.
He can go to prison. He likes it
there anyway. Don't you, Robert?
Why do you hate Bob and I so, Mama?
What have we ever done
to make you hate us so?
I don't hate you, Dianne,
and I don't hate Robert either
and the Good Lord knows
that to be the truth.
I truly feel pity for you both.
You are grown-up now,
and yet you still act as children who
wanna do nothing but run and play.
You cannot run and play
all your life, Dianne.
- Is there anything else of yours up there?
- Give it away. I can always get more.
To be sure. You'll just
go steal some more.
Shut up!
So, this is our new home.
Yeah, Bob.
Why do they call it "Josephine"?
I don't know. The guy that
rented it to me is named Dale.
Maybe "Josephine" sounds better.
The last time I dropped acid,
I decided to make a self-portrait.
Groovy, isn't it?
I can just see all those bottles of pills
that hospital's holding for me right now.
Our stereo buy of the month.
Hot dog!
Bob, speaking of dogs, do you think
that Rick and I could get a little pup?
Just a little something to hold
and pet when you guys are gone?
No fucking dogs.
- What have you got against dogs?
- Look, no fucking dogs, and that's final.
Why don't you tell them what happened
to the last one we had?
If you want them to know so much,
why don't you tell them?
I don't want to discuss it.
We had a dog once. His name was Panda.
The cutest little pup you ever did see.
That little guy used to
follow Bob wherever he'd go.
Anyway, what happened was
the police were after us during a raid...
on a drugstore in the city.
He came out of the bedroom
and he stopped at the closet
and then he swung at me
with that iron bar.
Little Panda got out
of the car and ran away.
We looked everywhere
but there wasn't time.
The heat was on us and
we had to get out of there.
We thought the little guy
got hit by a car or something.
But no.
The police had him.
Somehow they knew he was our dog.
They followed him all the way home.
He led them to us.
They put us in jail...
and they put little Panda to sleep.
For a brighter coat, whiter teeth
and a more even disposition,
there should only be one choice.
Rich gravy. No cereal. Gravy...
Nadine, do you have any idea
what you've done to us
by just mentioning dogs in our home?
- No. What'd I just do?
- You've no idea?
No, I don't, Bob. What'd I do?
You just put a 30-day hex
on us. That's what you did.
Our luck just flew out the window
for the next 30 days.
You got a calendar so we'll know when
this hex ends? What month is it, anyway?
Jesus, Bob.
You never told us anything
about not mentioning dogs.
The reason nobody
mentioned dogs, Rick,
is because just to have mentioned
a dog would have been a hex in itself.
Are there any other sacred things
we're not supposed to mention?
Yeah. As a matter of fact there are.
We might as well discuss 'em now, being
as we're shut down for the next 30 days.
OK. Hats.
If I ever see a hat on a bed in this house,
man, like, you'll never see me again.
- I'm gone.
- That makes two of us.
- Why a hat?
- Because that's just the way it is, sweetie.
And there's mirrors. Never look
at the backside of a mirror.
It'll affect your future because
you're looking at yourself backwards.
No. You're looking at your inner self.
And you don't recognise it
because you've never seen it before.
Anyway, you can freeze into motion your
future, and that can be either good or bad.
In any case, we don't
want to take any chances.
But the most important thing
is the goddamn hat.
A goddamn hat on the bed
is the king of 'em all.
Hell, that's worth at least... what?
15 years' bad luck, or even death.
And I'd rather have death cos
I couldn't face no 15-year hex.
Relax, hon. Just go lay down awhile.
You been on the go for days now.
This 30-days thing ain't gonna kill us.
Don't let it get you down, Bob.
Sometimes bad luck can be good luck.
I mean, think of all the times we had
a flat tyre or engine trouble or something
and we made it to our score
late thinking it was bad luck.
Then we'd find out for
some reason it was good luck.
You know what I mean?
Hell, I can't figure it out.
I just know from years of experience
the things to look for and the signs and...
You know what it's like? It's like, who's
ever managing such things is saying
"Go out there and get it."
"It's there for the taking, kid."
"Everything's free this week. I'll
let you know when your time's up."
"You'll see the signs."
"Hell, all you gotta do
is look for the signs."
Shit. Sorry, baby.
Sorry about that, baby.
So what's going on?
Why don't we just go in, we plant
some stuff on them, we drag 'em on in?
It works all the time.
I'll tell you why not. I don't wanna get
Bob Hughes on no bullshit possession beef,
and that's all we'll get him on
unless we catch him cold,
on his way home from
a score. You know that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
- Who is it, Bob?
- I don't know. I thought you knew.
- Hi.
- Did I wake you up?
- No, no, no.
- No.
- We were awake, weren't we, Rick?
- Well, I don't know what to think.
I saw this sinister-looking
man with a ladder
creeping around outside
my bedroom window.
I know that I wouldn't
be able to sleep a wink
if I thought there was some crazy sex
maniac running around loose out there.
Now, you just relax. We'll go down
there and check it out immediately.
- Thank you very much.
- We'll check it out as soon as we can.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Night.
- Bye-bye.
What the hell is she doin' up
at two o'clock in the morning?
It's Gentry.
I bet he followed us when we moved.
Son of a bitch.
Well, I guess we'll have to
teach him a little lesson, huh?
"The reason you can never get Bob
Hughes for possession of narcotics is
that he has an arrangement with the guy
that lives on the north side of him."
"They have a line between their houses."
"Bob signals the guy
when he wants the stuff."
"The neighbour puts it on the string.
Bob pulls over what he needs
and leaves the rest in the other house
where you can never find it."
- Bye, Daddy.
- Bye-bye.
- Excuse me. Got a sec?
- Yeah.
- You live here, right?
- Right.
I live next door. I know
it's none of my business...
What do you suppose he has in that sack?
You think it might be junk?
One thing I am positive of -
it's not his goddamn lunch.
About two o'clock this morning,
I look out my window and there he is.
A big, ugly son of a bitch
wearing a long, dark raincoat,
and he's standing on top of this ladder
looking in your upstairs windows.
He's got one hand
underneath his raincoat.
From where I was standing,
I gotta say, it looked kinda sick.
- I'll shoot the son of a bitch in the balls!
- Now hang on a second.
Did you see the way
they talked? All the gestures?
They got something goin' on.
They ain't just casual acquaintances.
Yeah, I can see that.
For a second there, it looked like
that big guy was gonna jump on Hughes
and stomp his guts out.
I would've liked to have seen that.
OK, I know what you guys are thinkin'.
"What's old Bob got me into this time?"
Well, let me tell you, this is gonna be
something. You guys are gonna love this.
- Dianne, where you goin'?
- I'm just gonna go get my cigarettes.
All right. Hurry up. You're not
gonna want to miss this one.
- Rick, where you goin'?
- I'm just gettin' a beer, Bob.
All right. Don't come crying
to me when you miss out.
OK. Sh! Here they come.
There's two of 'em.
Come here. Come over here. All right.
They're making their move.
One guy's climbing up the ladder.
I hope he gets pissed off at them, man.
OK. The neighbour's comin'
out of the house. Holy shit!
He's got a shotgun!
Well, I'll be a son of a bitch.
Show time!
Holy shit!
Bob, I wanna talk to you
about what happened last night.
We told the investigating officer all
we knew. We have nothing further to add.
You little punk. Halamer and
Trousinski know you set them up,
and I can honestly say they are
anything but happy about it.
Now, Bob, I'm gonna make
a suggestion to you.
Why don't you take a nice long drive
somewhere far away from here?
Wait a minute, Gentry. I won
the goddamn war, not you.
Who are you to dictate the terms?
Why don't you find a small-town police
department where you can be sheriff
and all you gotta worry about is Saturday
night drunks and kids on Halloween?
So you think you won the war, huh?
Pick him up.
You're just a junkie that got
one of my officers shot.
And as soon as he gets ahold of you,
everybody'll forget you ever existed.
Let him go.
You little piece of shit.
Let me give you a hand up, Bob.
Fuck you, Gentry.
Don't forget your clubs, pal.
Work on your handicap.
Don't think Gentry was running us out
of town, because I can stand the heat.
We were splittin' because
things were going all wrong.
Nadine's hex was a little more
powerful than I had calculated.
It was time to change the scenery, which
happened when you went crossroading.
Dianne got the narcotics together
and sent them ahead by bus
to depots across the
Pacific Northwest
so we could rendezvous with
the drugs as we needed them.
We couldn't afford to be caught
with a car full of narcotics,
so we had a backup plan in the form of a
hole punched in the floorboard of our car.
When the flashing red lights became a
reality, down the hole went the stash.
Is something the matter, Officer?
Then we'd go to the next rendezvous,
which was hopefully within eight
hours, before the drugs wore off.
No construction stiff workin' overtime
takes more stress and strain than we did,
just trying to stay high.
We rented this truck not necessarily
because we need another vehicle.
But we can move easier
in a vehicle like this.
It's got the right licence plates
so the average Joe will just think
we're a couple farm boys and a prostitute
in town for a little joyride.
I always wanted to be a farmer, Bob.
Whoa. Did you guys see that?
- What?
- The transom.
You guys didn't see the open transom?
- No.
- What's a transom, Bob?
It's all clear in the back.
All right. Gimme a lift,
then meet me around back.
Ready? One, two, three.
Nadine, take these and
put it inside the truck.
Rick, step in here. I want you to look at
these two safes. See them over there?
Rick. Let's go.
Shut up!
Christ! You're finished,
hopheads. You blew it.
Hey, babe, you playin'
cards? Who's winning?
What's the matter with her?
- Holy shit.
- What is it, Bob?
Powdered Dilaudid, that's what.
A whole, untouched one-eighth
ounce bottle of powdered D.
Should be another partially
filled one in here somewhere.
You see it?
Rick, do you have any idea
what this little bottle is worth?
- No, Bob. What's it worth?
- This here little bottle...
has got 840-some-odd sixteenths.
And at ten dollars a sixteenth,
that comes to around 8,400 dollars
of the best goddamn
pharmaceutical dope money can buy.
What a find. This here little bottle
ought to last the three of us a week.
I'd better take that.
Guess we must've outrun
that hex we had on us, eh, Bob?
- Sure glad we started crossroading.
- Bob? Let's shoot it.
You gotta be careful with
this stuff. It can kill you.
Dianne, get a glass of water.
Do it slow.
I'll show you how we're
gonna hide this stuff.
Right up here.
Now, we'll take this stuff
and then we'll cross over
a couple of these units
and stash it over somebody else's room.
Come on. Buck up.
So you blew it. Big deal.
Listen, we're gonna go out for a couple of
hours, but we'll be back in a little bit.
What'd that son of a bitch say about me?
He didn't say anything about you.
Yeah, but he's not gonna
take me along any more, is he?
Then one day you'll all just drop me off
somewhere and you'll never come back.
Nadine, what are you talkin' about?
Come on, honey. You're with me.
I'm not gonna leave you anywhere.
He is a goddamn...
- Shut up!
- Hog! Hog!
- Hey, shut up. Come on, honey.
- Hog!
- Don't do that. Please, Nadine.
We got a good thing goin' here.
Why do you want to rock the boat?
I just can't stand their superior ways.
And all that crap about hexes.
You don't believe that stuff, do you?
Look, Nadine, I don't know. OK?
I mean, all we have to do is not talk about
pets and not leave any hats on any beds.
Now, what's hard about that?
I'm just gonna prove to all of you that
a hat on a bed doesn't mean anything.
Hey, Rick. Let's go. Come on.
I really wish you hadn't done that.
You're just goin' out with them tonight.
When you come back, I'll show all of you.
When I come back, I don't want to see
that hat on the bed. All right, honey?
You know, Nadine, there's just
no talking to you sometimes. Fuck.
Hey, Rick. Rick. Rick.
Don't be too aggressive, man. We're
just trying to create a diversion. OK?
- I don't want anybody gettin' hurt.
- OK, Bob.
- OK, babe, you all set?
- Yeah.
Prepare to die.
Demerol. Shit.
This just isn't like him.
Bob is like a rabbit.
In and out, and no nonsense.
That goes for a lot more
than a hospital pharmacy.
Mrs Robb to Admitting.
Mrs Jane Robb to Admitting.
I don't think he's gonna come.
Why don't we go back?
They got him.
Bastards got him. I know it.
I can feel it in my heart.
Dirty bastards.
Oh, my God.
Honey? I'm home.
You're not gonna believe the shit
that happened to me tonight.
What's goin' on?
Who put the goddamn hat on the bed?
She did, Bob.
She didn't mean anything by it.
She bit it.
Where'd she get the stuff? She couldn't
have done this on no two sixteenths.
What's she been doing? Saving it up?
- Who gave her this?
- What is it?
Damn! She must've picked it up
off the floor of the truck
when we were collecting these bottles.
Conniving little bitch.
You can't say that
about her, Bob. She's dead.
You don't say anything bad about her.
She beat you.
Your own woman beat you
out of your cut on a score.
She got what she deserves.
Listen, man.
Not only that. She threw a hex on us
we'll all be lucky to outrun, huh?
She left us with an OD'd stiff, which is
paramount to a murder beef in this state.
For Christ's sake, get this
goddamn hat off the bed!
Hell, it's like trying
to raise a couple of kids
when you take on a couple like that
and try and teach 'em to steal.
Know what I mean, Dianne?
All these kids.
They're all TV babies.
They've been watching people killin'
each other on the boob tube for so long,
it's all they know.
Hell, they think it's legal. They
think it's the right thing to do.
I know, hon.
I'm gettin' real tired.
Poor Nadine.
She was just a goddamn kid.
Now what?
- Hello. Are you Mr Hughes?
- Yeah.
- Are you planning to check out today?
- No. Why?
Well, you see, sir,
we have prior commitments
in the form of a reservation
for your room today.
- You mean check out today?
- I'm afraid so.
You see, we're having
a sheriffs' convention in town
and all these rooms have been reserved
in advance for them 90 days ago.
All right. Could I go down to the office
and talk to you in about ten minutes?
Give me ten minutes.
We're gonna know
some of these guys, I'll bet.
I don't believe it.
I don't fuckin' believe it.
A sheriffs' convention, no less.
Why couldn't it have been
a Tupperware convention?
Or better yet, an undertakers'.
Excuse me.
Sorry, Mr Hughes. You should have let us
know you intended on staying this long.
Look, I've got a colleague in that room
and he's sick with the mumps.
I'm afraid to move him. I mean,
what if they should spread?
The doc said all we need is another day.
He can travel in another day. Come on.
Come on.
Lock him up.
He did it. Lock him up!
Guilty! Guilty!
It's gonna be one heck of a time
getting her out of that crawlspace.
Don't know if I'm ever gonna
get my nails done now.
Nadine really got to you, didn't she, Bob?
Yeah, well, I'll tell you what's wrong.
I'm afraid some big fat cop's gonna come
rumbling through this door any minute.
He'll say "Get outta this room.
This is my room."
I love you.
I love you, too.
- Hey, Dianne?
- Hm?
We have that blue garment bag?
The big one.
Don't worry, Bob. We'll make it.
We always do, don't we?
Honey? Let's go, dear.
We're gonna miss our flight.
What a busy day.
What do you say we go up to the attic,
divide the stuff up with Rick
and give him the big end?
Don't count him short.
What's going on, Bob?
What are you thinking about?
I'm thinking about, uh...
headin' back home.
Gettin' in the 21-day
methadone programme.
- Cleaning up my act.
- Are you kidding?
No, I'm not.
I can't do it any more.
I'm not goin' on
no withdrawal programme.
So what's gonna happen to me?
Why don't you come with me?
No, thanks, buster. Not a fucking word
do you mention about all this.
Right out of the clear blue sky you say
you're gonna clean up your hand.
And you know I can't.
Look, Dianne, do what you want.
Take whatever we got. I only
need enough to get me home.
Get the shovel. I'll take care of her.
Go back to the truck.
Have you ever been on
a withdrawal programme before?
I see. How long have
you been on drugs altogether?
All my life.
Then this isn't
your first time withdrawing?
No. This is my first time
withdrawing on methadone.
How old are you now?
- Are you married?
- Uh, yeah.
Where is your wife?
I don't know.
Do you have children?
Do you have a job?
Do you have a Social Security number?
Have you ever been
convicted of a felony?
- Yeah, a few times.
- What were they?
What felonies were you convicted of?
What do you want? My life story?
Look, lady.
I'm a junkie. I like drugs. I like the whole lifestyle.
But it just didn't pay off.
You know, you don't see
my kind of people.
Cos my kind of people, they don't
come down here and beg dope.
They go out and get it, and
if they miss, they go to jail
and they kick alone with nothing
in some holding tank.
I'm sorry, Bob.
I don't mean to hassle you.
All this is required. I'm sorry
if you think it's unnecessary.
Have you ever considered
becoming a counsellor
and helping other addicts
with their problems?
Why not?
Well, to begin with,
nobody - and I mean nobody -
can talk a junkie out of using.
You can talk to them for years, but sooner
or later they'll get ahold of something.
Maybe it's not dope. Maybe it's booze.
Maybe it's glue. Maybe it's gasoline.
Maybe it's a gunshot in the head.
But something.
Something to relieve the pressures
of their everyday life,
like... having to tie their shoes.
Tom, you got some mail here.
- Bless you.
- You're welcome.
Father Murphy.
Hey, Tom.
Well, well.
Bad Bobby Hughes.
Imagine seeing you here
after all these years.
You live here too?
I have nowhere else to go.
There is no demand in the priesthood
for elderly drug addicts.
An indiscretion in 1970-
you were inside, I believe...
resulted in my descent to this sorry state.
As a matter of fact,
I'm feeling a bit sick right now.
Are you holding?
They got me on this
21-day thing. Methadone.
What about yourself?
Oh, sure.
I'm on the programme.
But sometimes I get a little bit ahead
of my schedule. You understand?
And sometimes I think some junkie nurse
may be stepping on my medication.
But I can't be sure.
How about it? You wanna score?
But I'll keep you company.
This here is an art work.
A work of art. So is that.
More art work.
Look at the bole on that tree there.
That reminds me. I used
to know an old croaker.
I think it was on that street.
Maybe it was the next street over.
Ah... he'd write like a major.
Tom knew his way
around the old neighbourhoods.
I'd known Tom since I
was an altar boy.
Benevolent Father Murphy, the most
notorious dope fiend on the Coast.
When he was holding he'd always share with
those who weren't. He was very kind.
Tom was king then. He had it all.
His ass was covered in this life and the next.
I bet he shot a million
bucks in his arm.
OK. This is what you call
a radial-arm drill press.
Get the drill you want,
putting it in the holder.
Make sure you've got a good grip on it.
That brings your drill down to
your work. Position it over the hole.
That's your clutch.
This is your power feed.
This is the clutch that
engages the power feed.
Put that in and just let it drill.
You go to work loaded, it'll show.
Being loaded's like being drunk.
You drink or get high in the morning,
your boss is gonna see it.
You'll get fired, then
you're not making money.
Then you're gonna have
to do something else.
You're gonna have to rob,
steal, sell. You know?
Somewhere in that robbing you might
end up killing your best buddy over a fix.
You'll go down the tubes.
There's no other way around it.
The more you use, the longer
you use, the further down you go.
Then you're gonna find
you're on the bottom.
Catching up on your reading?
You didn't stay gone long,
Bob. What happened?
Nothing happened.
I hear you're on a methadone programme.
You don't think that'll keep Trousinski
from jumping your ass, do you?
To tell you the truth,
I haven't given it much thought.
You know, for once
I'm not here to hassle you.
Trousinski lost his gold badge over
that little incident. He's working traffic.
He's made so many goddamn threats,
he's almost gonna have to hurt you.
And I don't wanna see that happen.
Man, look. What can I say?
I got a job, you know?
What happened out there in the sticks,
Bob? Where's Dianne?
You know how whimsical women are.
She found some other dude to chase after
and off she went, chasin' after him.
I find that a little hard to believe.
You and Dianne have been running
around together since you were little kids.
I hope you make out on that job of yours.
And I sincerely hope that
you straighten up a little bit.
Take care of yourself, Bob.
My old lady's still
out there right now.
Yeah. I can't do nothing with her. I tried.
I told her to come. She won't come
cos she's doing her own thing.
What I was doin', I was
goin' right to the source.
Right to the source. Where do they
make drugs? In the drugstores.
If you want some money
you go to the bank, huh?
"Yeah, honey, I gotta stop by the bank and
the drugstore. I'll be home after a while."
What are you crying for? You want
to do the drugs, you gotta pay for 'em.
Where's my fuckin' money, you bitch?
Punk. Where the fuck's my money?
Come on. This is the third
time I had to ask you.
What are you gonna say? Say something.
You want me to beat you more?
Hey, David. What do you
think you're doin', man?
Huh? What do you think you're doin'?
This kid's cryin', man.
So? It's business. What do you care?
Why don't you go away and mind
your own business? What do you care?
Cos it bugs me.
- Take a walk.
- Hey, man. Come on.
- David, why don't you grow up, man?
- I am grown-up.
Why didn't you do something, man?
What's up with you, man? I thought you...
Man, I'm not buying you no lunch.
You know, Tom, you told me
a lot of the old-time stories
about how you used to stick your arm
in between the bars of the cell
and a guard would come by and
he'd fire you up a shot of morphine.
They never did that for me.
They don't do that for anyone any more.
Narcotics have been systematically
scapegoated and demonised.
The idea that anyone can use drugs
and escape a horrible fate
is anathema to these idiots.
I predict in the near future
right-wingers will use drug hysteria
as a pretext
to set up an international
police apparatus.
I'm an old man and I may not live to see
a final solution of the drug problem.
You know what, Tom? You might
have missed your calling.
You should have been a philosopher.
Well, Bob, in another life,
perhaps. In another life.
Who is it?
Who is it?
Jesus. What kind of a dump is this?
And where is the female?
You might as well trot her out.
You don't ever change, do you, Dianne?
Goddamn right I don't. Why should I?
I was just commenting
on how good you look.
- Yeah? I'll bet.
- Hey, how about a cup of tea?
- Yeah.
- Yeah?
So, how's that methadone
thing workin' out?
- I got a job. Did I tell you that?
- No shit! Where are you working?
just a machine shop over on Western.
Yeah? What do you do there?
I, uh... I drill holes.
- Drill holes?
- Yeah.
I drill... I drill these holes
that, uh, bolts fit into.
Yeah? How do you like it?
I'll tell you the truth. It's kind of
a drag, but it pays the rent.
Then you're really serious.
You're gonna go on with this thing.
Dianne, why don't you take
your coat off and stay awhile?
I can't. I got people
waiting for me out in the car.
I just came to see how you was doing.
That's from Rick and the rest of us.
We kind of thought you might
need a taste once in a while.
What happened? What made you
turn around that day?
Was it me? Did I do something wrong?
No, babe. It wasn't you.
It was Nadine's death and the hex
she threw on us with that hat.
Then I panicked when I looked out to the
parking lot and I saw all those cop cars.
I knew I was dead. So I started coppin'
deuces. I prayed like I'd never prayed.
I said "God, Son, Devil, whoever you are
up there, please have pity on me."
"Please let me get this poor girl's body
out of this hotel room and into the ground
so I don't have to spend
my life in prison."
"And, God, if you'll do that for me, I'll
show you my appreciation by goin' home,
gettin' on the methadone programme,
gettin' a job and livin' a virtuous life."
We got out,
and I promised, so here I am.
Are you gonna stick with it for ever?
You know, Dianne, for all the boredom the
straight life brings, it's not that bad.
I mean, even this crummy
little room ain't so bad.
I mean, I actually wake up some mornings
and I feel like something good's
gonna happen today. You know?
I'm a regular guy. I got my regular job.
I got my regular room.
And now I got you.
You're crazy, Bob.
You're really crazy.
Dianne, why don't you go downstairs
and tell your friends that you're
gonna spend the night, come back,
and bed down with me for a little while?
I'd like to, Bob.
But I got another old man now.
I'm... I'm Rick's old lady now.
Ain't that a gas? I work for Rick.
There we were, teaching that brat
to steal, and now I'm on his crew.
Things sure can get
screwed around, can't they?
And, Bob, you know me.
I might have been a lot of things,
but I never was a tramp.
Bob, I gotta go.
Hey, Dianne?
It's really good to see you.
I mean, you look really good.
I wish I could win you back.
- Who is it?
- Tom, it's Bob. Open the door.
- Hey, what's this?
- It's a gift.
I won't be needing it. I got
my new programme down so...
- A gift. Wow.
- Knock yourself out.
- Mmmm...
- I don't know what's in there.
Let's just see what's in there.
God bless you, my son.
May you go to heaven.
Oh, yeah. This...
This is for squares. Never touch the stuff.
But this...
A hundred sixteenths of Dilaudid.
This should earn you an indulgence.
Where's it at, Bob?
- What do you want?
- We want your dope.
You think if I had dope
I'd be sittin' in this flea trap?
I'm on a methadone programme. You
come around for dope? That's a laugh.
Shut up. I ain't fucking, man.
You want it the hard way and we're just
the guys who are gonna give it to you.
Is that you, David?
You listen to me, you little punk.
I'm goin' straight, man.
I ain't fuckin' bullshitting you.
I'm goin' straight.
You oughta try it sometime.
It's good for the soul.
Fuckin' liar!
Where is it, Bob? We know
this is all a scam you're playing.
Where is it? Where the fuck is it?
Nothing is more life-affirming than
getting the shit kicked out of you.
I knew it in my heart.
You can buck the system,
but you can't buck the dark forces
that lie hidden beneath the surface.
The ones some people
call superstitions.
Howling banshees.
Black cats.
Hats on beds.
Dogs and the evil eye.
So I relaxed and gave in to the notion
that, for the very first time in my life,
I knew exactly what was
going to happen next.
Fuck. Now I'm gonna
kill the son of a bitch.
I bet ya the next bastard we capture
will tell us where it's at. So he's tough.
They ain't all tough.
I say kill him.
Did you hear me, Bob?
Come on. Let's go.
Is he gonna make it?
Let me get him for a second.
Bob. Can you hear me?
Bob, who did this to you?
Was it Trousinski?
Bob, tell me. Who shot you?
The hat.
The hat? Bob, did you say "The Hat"?
Tell Dianne...
to look out for the hat. Tell her.
- OK, Bob.
- OK?
- So The Hat shot you. Right, Bob?
- No.
The TV baby shot me.
The TV Baby shot you
but The Hat was with him.
Who's The Hat? You gotta
tell me so I can tell Dianne.
Never mind.
I'll tell her myself.
We gotta get him outta here.
It's this fucking life.
You never know what's
gonna happen next.
That's why Nadine spiked
herself with the easy way out.
That's why Dianne
keeps on goin' like she does.
See, most people don't know how they're
gonna feel from one minute to the next.
But a dope fiend has
a pretty good idea.
All you gotta do is look at
the labels on the little bottles.
You gotta know how
to read the signs.
That's what the hat on the bed was,
which is why I'm not scared.
I paid my debt to the hat.
The irony was fucking brilliant.
The chickenshit cops were giving me an
escort to the fattest pharmacy in town.
I was still alive.
Hope they can keep me alive.