Druzyna AA (2024) Movie Script

I asked to make the boat leak.
We could've drowned!
I wanted you to see
you could be counted on.
Fuck this shit!
I assumed if you were sober,
you wouldn't let me drown.
I stopped drinking
when I got pregnant...
I didn't want to be
like my mother and father.
I just clenched my teeth
and held on.
That day...
That day, Ola cried since dawn.
And I had a splitting headache.
Like on a hangover.
I held her in my arms,
gave her a pacifier.
She kept spitting it out, finally...
I dropped her into her crib.
"Suck on the fucking thing!"
She keeps screaming.
I covered my ears
and finally snapped.
I started hitting her...
against the mattress.
I shook her
and maybe even stifled her...
The neighbors came and took her.
I pounded on their door.
The police came...
He took Ola to the hospital.
Bad when I drink,
bad when I don't drink.
That's why I'm here.
I want to sober up for Ola.
Thank you.
Bruno, your turn.
I called my wife yesterday.
In our phone time.
She said she believed in me
and that she was waiting.
What did you feel?
Love is a supreme value.
Anything else?
Look at the emotions chart.
Warmth and longing.
And what did you feel physically?
I felt butterflies in my tummy.
Maybe let's hear out our new friend
who joined us a few days ago.
Sorry. Dominik, right?
Want to share anything?
Thank you.
I chopped wood for tomorrow,
and it killed me.
Karolina, your turn.
I watched a film
about an alcoholic family,
and I couldn't sleep.
Emotion, Wiola.
That I'm fat.
Sorry, but that's not an emotion.
Karolina's right.
Physical reaction?
That's a sensation.
Don't have that chart.
How did you deal with it?
Started masturbating.
I chopped up all the wood.
- Something funny?
- Jeez!
Going on that pilgrimage with me?
You know that I can't live
outside of this place.
It will be all cyclists.
Like you and me.
Who sent that?
The provincial office.
Could you smile for once?
Maybe you're getting a medal.
Good evening, Rabbit.
It's not easy to find you, Rabbit.
One has to pay his card debts.
When they caught you,
I made a deal with Owl.
If you turned me in,
you'd get knifed.
If you didn't,
you'd get the knife.
It's yours.
You're in luck.
There's a job to do.
Bees from the Wood
have made honey.
It needs moving.
At once.
You'll score 200 grand.
I'm done with that.
I'm in therapy
and can't get out.
Therapy can wait!
You have my number.
This is my last evening
at the center.
It was a wonderful time.
Thank you, guys.
I've learned a lot from you.
And I'd really
like to thank Wojtek.
I'm totally grateful.
You're the best therapist.
You know what?
When I look at that
constantly grim mug of yours,
I have some feedback for you.
More fucking pride.
I do have a piece
of cheerful news.
I have to close the center
in two months.
This is no joke.
They withdrew our grant,
and with the remodeling loan,
we can't go on, so...
- Come on!
- This is it.
You'll get your phones now.
Call who you need to.
Don't give me dad.
What's this?
From my daughter.
13 BEE-KEEPERS STREECan you drive such trucks?
When they close this place down,
you'll have to restart therapy.
But we need two more.
The less people, the better.
We're alcoholics,
and we'll be hauling spirit!
How do you think this will end?
We need backup, doubles, support.
I guess so.
- It's a sure thing.
- Fuck me!
Fuck that.
That's not why I'm here...
Fuck! Are you nuts?
Are you nuts?
No way! I get motion sickness.
Fucking hell!
I couldn't even
pass by a liquor store,
and you want me to
sit on a truckful of spirt
and take it fuck knows where?
Fuck me! Illegal spirit!
You're right.
But we could
save this place for the cash.
Right. 200 grand.
Fuck me! Take this!
No fucking way!
Kamikaze sons of bitches!
"No fucking way" what?
Come on. I heard you.
We're in this center
because it still exists.
And we can't lie because...
it's not therapeutic.
My dad owns the "Slav-trans"
transport company.
- He had me drive...
- You told us in session.
I inspired the "Mix Master" game...
This is no game!
Feel inspired to fuck off.
- He's just a kid.
- We still need a fourth.
Let's make a bet.
If I convince Wiola, I'm in.
If not?
You won't go either.
Imagine I'm your son, Wiola.
If you had a son,
you'd do anything to see him, right?
If you were my mom,
I'd just say, "Mom, help me!"
I'm afraid, too.
I have doubts, too.
Listen to this.
Wojtek is coming.
It will be like in rehab.
We are here,
and this is the distillery.
It's 32 kilometers.
We load up two trucks
and drive them
wherever they tell us to.
You will deal with the food.
Wiola will get
the first-aid kit.
Great that you're in.
As long as Wojtek it coming.
We have to come up with a plan
to kidnap him.
Mommy will get you!
- Calm down!
- Quiet!
All I said was that he'd come.
Didn't say willingly.
That was my plan exactly.
Once we grab him,
at some point he'll realize
that this is the best option
for the rehab center.
A lesser evil.
I should've just boozed at home.
Keep it down.
The championships start tomorrow.
Wojtek won't watch.
The others will,
so they'll be out of the way.
We start at the first whistle.
Wiola and I, as the strongest,
will get Wojtek.
We need a breathalyzer.
Who snapped?
Don't forget the wheelchair.
What's this?
Wojtek, be quiet!
Karolina will get the food,
Wiola the first aid kit.
He's spitting it out!
Be fucking quiet!
We meet at the gate at 9 PM.
And I forgot!
Most important.
We need a wagon.
You serious?
You wanna do
32 kilometers on foot?
And you want to
go about it with style?
I'll get you a wagon.
- Where the hell is he?
- I don't know!
Is he breathing?
Wojtek, quiet!
Don't! Or I'll have to pass you out!
What is this?
Here's your wagon.
Meet Disulfiram and Antacid.
Fucking hell!
Daddy just passed,
and you want to fuck me.
I would never want to fuck you!
In the sense
that I'd never cross you!
Christopher wouldn't either.
I swear on my life!
You know what
I like most in a hunt, love?
The moment when I know
the prey can't escape,
but it still thinks it can.
You'd rather be a predator
or a sheepdog?
How is Christopher fucking me?
we'll continue to keep
our emotion ledgers.
We'll read them every day.
And we'll use the breathalyzer.
All those rules from rehab stay.
We have to be
well-fed and rested.
We don't judge.
Talk only about ourselves.
We address our emotions.
Nothing's changed.
Oh, okay.
I'll let him rest a bit longer.
Hold on.
Let me get that for you.
Iustitia civitatis fundamentum.
we'll be talking about
ourselves now,
about our emotions.
We're not doing this to...
We're doing it
to save the center.
As a therapist, I'm against anything
that is rooted in violence.
What's more...
all of this simply...
doesn't make sense.
I'm going back,
and you're coming with me.
Boss, the honey's been loaded!
In the trucks. Come on!
I'm not going!
- Gimme that.
- What...
What's with him?
- Changed his mind?
- No, he's our therapist.
A masseur!
I don't care.
Here's the address.
Deal with the guy
who replies to this code phrase...
Say it again, Christopher.
It's a bit complex.
- Fucking hell!
- I know!
If it wasn't complex,
what would be the use?
Rabbit, there's a fuckload
of spirit there.
Fuck up,
and Eeyore will get you.
Remember Eeyore?
You've got a sense
of self-preservation.
We didn't have time
to prepare a waybill.
Fucking hell.
What if they pull me over?
If they do,
you'll have a problem.
Eight grand
for fuel and expenses.
And keep your fucking phone on.
Thanks, Christopher.
Grab him!
Get him inside.
Fucking hell.
Good to see you...
Where's my merchandise?
On the road.
Turn it around, love.
When I was little,
I snuck into this old,
abandoned barn.
I look and see
six gaunt kittens
curled up into balls
right there on the ground.
I took them home.
I couldn't leave them there.
Father didn't let me keep
all of them.
Just one.
Which one?
I had to decide by noon.
But I couldn't.
They were all so sweet.
At noon,
he threw them all in a sack
and drowned them.
I felt relieved.
Beautiful story.
You need better people.
I told you!
Fuck off.
Come on! But yesterday...
I gave you hope.
Today, I'm giving you a chance.
Run along,
or I'll shoot you here.
Tertium non datur.
He almost made it.
And you, love,
call that number again.
Fuck, finally!
I told you
to keep your phone on!
The thing is...
Pick that up.
Christopher dropped the phone.
I suggest
you stay on the line and listen.
That payload is mine.
It's evidence.
Christopher forgot that,
and he's very ashamed.
I wouldn't want anything bad
happening to you, too.
I ask for the merchandise
to be returned,
and the matter will be closed.
Here's what I suggest.
I deliver the stuff
and collect my payment.
I'll take the rest
wherever you tell me.
It's a win-win.
You know what you just offered?
I'll level with you.
You don't know me
and where I'm going.
All you have is my number,
and I can disappear.
You've just offered me a hunt.
When I find you,
you and those helping you will be shot.
But if I make it,
my prize is mine.
Two hundred grand.
Of course.
You swear?
On my beloved daddy's life.
Track this number.
Leszek. Phone.
Everyone turned in theirs.
Christopher called.
Cops raided the distillery.
Fuck! I knew it!
Take it easy!
Wiola, no swearing.
The phones.
Let's check the stuff
before they lock us up.
- See? It's begun.
- They won't lock us up.
I know a dairy.
What if Christopher calls?
It's 15 kilometers away.
I performed an audit there.
A what?
An audit.
We have to stay there for a while.
We can spend the night.
I'll help,
just don't ask questions.
Wiola here.
We have a suggestion.
To abandon this crap and run. Over.
We are running.
Going to a safe location.
Let's dump the booze.
We can't do that.
We're saving the center
and ourselves.
Christopher would be upset.
And stop with that "over" shit.
At least, let's dump me.
No way!
They catch one, they catch us all.
You shouldn't have
forced us to take you.
Wiola, pull over!
I'm out!
Wiola, if you stop...
I'm so fucking pissed off!
Stop the truck!
I'll kill him right there!
I'm happy you're finally
opened up about your feelings.
Let's settle this at the dairy.
I'll go alone.
MANAGEMENI'll get Wojtek.
Where's Karolina?
The director will help.
Yes, so...
Everything's... yeah.
It's fine, so... follow me.
So, now, yeah...
What you've got there...
Everything will be fine. Yeah.
We'll deal with it.
Just one thing.
In that one there...
there's a defect, yeah?
It needs to be dealt with.
The client will need the truck
in five days.
So, when you deliver that...
hootch, you'll have to take it back,
or there will be hell to pay.
Your drivers can use the cisterns.
To sleep and so on.
And you...
can come with me
to sleep in comfort.
We stick together.
We should see the difference
between addiction and affection.
Don't you know
what's nice about sex?
You might not know.
- You done?
- Yes.
- We need to depend on each other.
- Fuck!
I did this for you!
Do you really think
that me and him?
You asleep?
Go to sleep, man.
A store would be in order.
Planning my kidnapping,
you forgot about my diapers.
Leszek? You forgot?
Okay, I'll go.
Take Dominik.
I'd rather go alone.
This guy is bad luck.
I won't let you.
We have to keep an eye
on each other.
You better take a phone.
Let's go.
Now, I'll teach you
how to get money.
- I win.
- Fuck.
Do you like a hunt, love?
That Leszek guy
popped up in the network
and disappeared again.
Hold on.
Let me configure this.
Got it! Sending the coordinates.
Change of plans.
Deal with him.
Fucking hell!
What the fuck?
My battery died.
Lend me a hun.
Enough of this shit!
Come on!
Sure, but apart from my knife,
cell phone, wedding ring...
our fuel money is here.
Not ours, at the moment.
Fucking hell.
The game is invalid.
This is a sick man.
And alcoholic.
How much is ours?
He just said nothing.
Gambling rules are sacred.
She fucking asked how much?
Eight thousand.
We take what's ours,
and it's cool, okay?
And these keys?
- My friends.
- Sure.
No need to scream.
- We roll.
- Come on.
You fucking nuts?
- You're nuts!
- Move it!
Is that all?
And the coin?
Let's move.
Good morning.
Customs Office.
Another inspection?
Only the smokes aren't quite legit.
Any trucks
drive up here recently?
Trucks? God forbid.
No trucks, ma'am.
A delivery van.
The fertilizer guy in a station wagon,
some other guy on a bike.
The priest, some people on foot.
Any strangers been here today?
Two guys.
Sat by the window.
Concerning all sorts of
contraband here,
first of all, I'm seizing this,
and second of all...
That's just rats.
Or cats.
You know.
She's an orphan.
I'm helping her in her misery.
She didn't see anything.
Right, Anetka?
Second of all,
there will be a caution.
Tell mommy
never to admit to stuff so easily.
That hag that came for them
mentioned a dairy.
God bless you, my dove!
My pillar of strength!
My ivory tower!
We don't escape
into the world of imagination.
We don't fantasize.
We're hauling spirit.
It will tempt us.
We're in therapy.
We are, right?
Unless we don't want to.
And we're on a mission.
Like at the center,
we need our emotion journals.
From now on, we need to
watch each other closely.
This handles great.
All rules from the center
are in force.
We have to be well-fed and rested,
we don't judge.
We talk only about ourselves,
addressing our emotions.
Would you like some?
I hate dairy.
Pull over.
Wiola, look!
No strangers on deck.
It's a 740.
Early model.
A man in need.
We're stopping.
No fucking way.
Fascinating technology.
Maybe we can revive it.
Maybe I can still make it
to the wedding party.
The electric starter wires
are fried.
Ignition cap... alright.
Splitter... fine.
And this?
Is the groom handsome, too?
I'm here with a girlfriend.
- Sure. Us, doctors...
- Doctors!
Wires separated.
No short circuits.
Wires are fine,
but still no spark.
Small spark on the coil.
Machine's busted.
Can't be fixed.
And we gotta go.
Let's go.
He'll manage.
The doctor is the best man
at a's wedding.
Very nice to meet you.
I know you're going north
in cisterns.
I could smell you
in the dairy, love.
Where is that wedding exactly?
About 15 kilometers from here.
On your way.
Let's take him.
- It's in the other direction!
- So?
He needs help. Get it?
Empathy is part of our therapy.
everyone gets just one wedding.
Didn't our master gambler
just mention wasting time?
I suggest a vote.
Who is for, apart from Dominik?
A man in need.
you're not going with him.
Sir, over here.
We're alcoholics
on a rescue mission.
I'm all you're helping.
Are we staying at the wedding?
I wanna dance!
Leszek says
we should stop for the night.
We're staying till midnight, tops!
And avoid tables with alcohol.
Is this the place?
These are my saviors.
Maciek, the chicken soup!
Maybe you'd like some?
Where's that chicken soup?
That was Maciek.
My son.
Karolina, time to go.
We have to get up early.
Could you give me a hand?
Give it back later.
What are you doing?
I want to fuck with you.
- Stop it...
- Why?
I don't want to.
Come on...
- Stop!
- Dammit!
What's your problem?
You finally feel it.
The warmth of the other person.
The closeness, pleasure,
they come in flooding.
It's how it's supposed to be.
with each kiss and move,
it's better and more beautiful.
More at ease.
You're absorbing each other.
Giving, you take.
People are shameless, then.
When you know it's about to happen,
and it's the last moment
to tell the other person
what you feel,
you whisper into their ear...
"I love you."
You know what?
Fuck you!
One more!
You there!
Leszek! Emergency!
What's up?
What is it?
Guys, come here!
It started with... him.
A friend of the family,
let's say.
He started when I was 12.
When it happened...
those were...
the only moments
when I felt significant.
Apart from that,
there was nothing.
I went on to university
in a big city.
I worked as a waitress.
I met some girls
who had sponsors.
I quickly had one, too.
The difference
between me and them was
that I didn't do it
just for the money.
Of course,
that's when I started drinking.
After university,
I got a job with a corporation.
Not through sex. I'm good at what I do.
But work and a career
are sources of stress and money,
but also self-destruction possibilities.
So, I launched my...
other life.
Nothing satisfied me.
I couldn't stop.
And then...
I met a guy.
The problem came back.
No adrenaline.
Love doesn't supply that.
So, I chose to be alone.
Out of guilt.
So I wouldn't hurt anyone.
That was one good choice
in my life.
- It's leaking.
- What is?
Fuck me!
- Motherfucker!
- Damn!
Need to disinfect that.
Let me see!
With vodka? So it reeks of it?
There's duct tape in my bag.
Get it.
We should go to the ER.
Find one!
She needs stitches!
- No.
- What?
This isn't a good road.
- It's the shortest one.
- But it's bad!
- We'll find another hospital.
- Stop it!
Karolina deals with Wiola.
Leszek drives,
and Wojtek and I lead.
I love bad roads.
There's goes my workout.
Actually, it's fair.
I can't gamble, Karolina can't have sex,
you can't work out.
Be more careful.
- I am.
- Go slower.
Focus on the road.
Dominik! Watch out!
What the fuck!
You almost ran them over!
- Who?
- Who? What's wrong with you?
There wasn't anyone there.
What was that?
Dominik nearly
ran some fucking people over!
There wasn't anyone there.
What's up?
Come on, the girls are inside.
I'll go for a spin.
Maybe I can buy some solvent
to wash that off...
I'm going.
Take the phones.
Just in case.
Don't want me to stay?
Year-old results.
How much longer
did you want to ignore it?
How long do I have?
I had a brother.
An older one.
Much older.
When his brain tumor came out,
he was gone in two months.
That's when father started drinking.
When drunk, he cried...
he had no reason to live
since he no longer had a boy.
And I...
just wanted...
I wanted him to stop.
I wanted to be
my brother for him.
I was ready to do anything...
But when I wanted to help
in the garage,
whenever I picked up some tool,
he'd hit me on the head
and tell me to scram.
After grade school, I told him
I was going to
automotive technical school.
He didn't say a word.
Didn't even look at me.
He didn't give a shit.
And then, he died.
I got pregnant
with a guy from school.
Fortunately, I miscarried.
I got pregnant again.
And I had the baby.
When his father got drunk,
he screamed at me,
saying I let myself go
and was fat like a pig.
That I looked like shit.
That the sight of me
made him sick.
So, I would
lock myself in the garage,
and I drank.
I beat him.
When I was drunk.
With whatever was at hand.
With cables,
a breadboard, a wire brush.
He was weak and would fall over.
And I beat him.
When he was 14,
he ran away and never came back.
That must have been
the happiest day of his life.
And this...
strange kind of...
relief came over me.
- The hand okay?
- Yes.
I'll just take a leak.
- Hello?
- Hi.
It's me.
Who me?
You shouldn't have come
to the wedding.
I know.
You never should have been
a mother.
You know that, too?
Are you there?
What does it matter...
I'm cold.
Want a blanket?
I'd rather lie down next to you.
Well, no.
- Give it a rest!
- Come on!
I'm fat,
and I took up all the room.
You can't defend yourself
with that hand.
Fucking hell...
Perfect place for a break.
Could you grant us your company?
Karolina! Wiola!
- Wojtek!
- What's up?
Fuck! Wojtek!
I've got something for you, Karolina.
I can no longer be your therapist.
I broke sobriety.
that happens, and you drink.
With this disease,
there are recurrences.
I have the shortest
sobriety stretch right now.
Now, you are my masters.
Emotions journal.
- Mom texted that dad had a stroke.
- No!
- I'm going home.
- No!
- I must.
- Dominik...
What will you tell him?
Fuck me!
The first S Class.
It's 2800cc!
Come in.
Good morning.
Can you help me enter the palace?
My prince?
Excuse me.
I can manage.
As far as I remember,
you were supposed to be
in therapy.
I remember correctly, right?
I dropped by for my jacket.
he got it from my grandfather
who had it at
the Stones concert in Warsaw.
I always wanted it,
but he didn't let me touch it.
Then I put it on
on my fifteenth birthday.
I poured myself a whiskey.
Sat in his armchair.
I heard my father
coming up the stairs.
I hid in the closet.
Father wouldn't leave the room.
I was afraid to go out
in that jacket.
When he saw me,
I pissed myself in that closet.
I didn't get into university.
My old man figured
he'd make a man out of me through work.
I got a trucking license.
I was doing fine.
Then, I got a long course.
Dad called,
and I couldn't
catch my breath again.
I nearly crashed the truck
against the warehouse.
I figured hiring someone
to drive for me would be safer.
I made camp in a hotel
for five days.
It was a long trip to Portugal.
And I drank.
On the third day, I needed more.
I threw in some meds.
At some point,
I simply collapsed.
I come to,
and I see my father over me.
I felt like that time.
In that closet.
In that damn jacket.
I don't have that one.
And you won't.
Why not?
It's my lucky charm.
We can play for it.
I'll put up my cement mixer.
I prefer your coin.
Heads or tails?
Won't you be sorry to lose it?
And you?
It's your lucky charm.
You asked for a charger.
There's one in the parlor.
Please convey my
utmost respect to the chef.
However, daddy always said
that steak quality
depends primarily
on the butcher.
The best meat comes from cows
that have no idea
they are about to die.
Music is played
as they are led to their slaughter,
so they would not suspect
the inevitable end
is right around the corner.
The badger's in the net.
He logged on again.
We tracked the signal.
Untie them.
Welcome to Slav-trans.
The hunt is over.
Time for the kill.
You have no idea how happy I am
to meet you
and your friends tomorrow.
Fuck this shit.
I've had enough of this shit.
I can't take it anymore.
This is...
I lost every fucking thing!
This time, I lost it all.
Every fucking thing.
Myself, you. The 200 grand.
Christopher is dead.
He's fucking dead!
He robbed a gangster.
She wanted me
to return her shit.
And she would've killed us.
Like fucking dogs.
So I...
I bet her she wouldn't catch us
before we made delivery.
And fuck.
If we step outside,
we're doomed.
We are fucking done!
How did she find us?
Through his phone.
I don't know about this shit!
Technology isn't my thing!
You fucking backward
analog dickhead.
We'll all die because of you.
And with us, my father, mother,
and niece!
You motherfucker!
Would you have it any better
if I didn't take the risk?
You think she'd be grateful
if we returned the shit to her?
And if we hadn't left,
the center would have been long gone!
Long gone!
You, Wiola, would just go on drinking
and crying over your sonny!
Karolina, you'd go on
drinking and whoring!
You'd drink and do drugs!
- And you, Wojtek...
- Stop it.
You'd finally do
what you dream about.
Stop it!
Excuse me, sugar, anyone?
Fucking hell.
So, tell us...
What's your story, really?
You mean truthfully?
I was born in a small town.
I moved out very quickly.
All that's left after my father
is that silver half-dollar
you took from me.
I have an economics degree.
Worked in a bank.
I was doing great,
and the better I was doing,
the more I partied.
I got married,
calmed down a little,
but got back to it later.
I started gambling.
Stock market, then casinos.
My wife had no idea.
When she got pregnant,
I discovered Forex.
Our daughter was born.
I kept on gambling.
The more I lost,
the more I drank.
And finally, I lost...
really a lot.
To bounce back,
I stole from my bank.
Of course, I lost that too.
My boss figured it out.
I had to pay the money back and quit.
I borrowed the money
from a friend, and lost it, too.
Borrowed against our apartment
from a loan shark and lost that too.
Then, I told my wife.
She didn't let me into the new,
much smaller apartment.
I met a guy who distributed
illegal booze
around night shelters,
so I had gambling money.
And I had drinking money.
I promised my daughter
I would get her a present...
friends of that friend of mine
told me to get
a trucking license.
I started trucking.
Of course, I was caught.
In jail, I signed up for therapy.
That was my wife's condition,
or I would lose parental rights.
After a while, I was paroled.
Still, my wife extended
her condition to therapy.
I picked Wojtek's center.
But I also
promised my daughter that...
Sometimes, I think she'd be better off
if she didn't have a father.
This is how it ends. Sorry.
Now, focus
'cause I won't repeat myself.
This is the customs agent.
A pig was all I had.
She'll be here in two hours.
We'll block
the road to the bridge.
I already asked Uncle Bronek.
It's settled.
She'll take the fastest detour,
which is the ferry.
I have my people there, too.
We'll take the north bridge
to the factory.
She won't get through the forest
and doesn't know the address.
Meanwhile, we'll unload
the merchandise,
take the money,
and save the center!
Got a better idea?
I need to go.
It's a bit more delicate matter.
Dominik! Hurry the fuck up!
Don't pressure me!
Anybody here?
- What's up?
- I need to go.
- Again?
- Give me a sec.
We're from Eeyore.
Right, the code phrase.
Excuse me...
Hello, love!
Hands up!
We made a bet, and I won!
You swore on your daddy's life!
My daddy's dead.
Lex imperfecta!
Respect, kid!
Thanks to you,
it all came together nicely.
Fuck you.
Fucking hell!
Run, or everyone's dead.
I'm sorry!
It's okay.
Grab them!
Police! Get on the ground!
Hit the floor!
I'll fuck you up!
I'll kill you!
- Massacre you!
- Leszek! The code!
Give him the code!
Give him the code!
Trust me.
Leszek, please
give the man the code.
Tralala, tralala, tralala, tral-lala.
Rumtumtum, trala bum.
When my tiny fingers freeze.
It checks out.
Payday after you unload.
What the fuck?
Let me explain.
This was a jigsaw puzzle.
Delivery and payday
were one thing,
getting rid of the agent
and securing my family was another.
You know the first part of the plan.
The second part
was more complicated.
I put the screws
on the right guy.
Mom had this guy in high school.
He's a star antiterrorist now.
He'll do anything for me.
Then, I called the customs agent.
Simple offer.
Cisterns for my family's peace.
- We have a deal?
- Yes.
I reveal our plan
and give her what she wants the most.
The factory address.
I make two calls.
I synchronize the agent's arrival...
We'll be there in 24 minutes.
With Mariusz's guys.
In 24 minutes.
Just don't be late!
We get there.
The agent is waiting.
Hi, love!
And then...
The situation got out of control,
and I freaked out.
But, fortunately,
the cavalry arrived.
In time.
Level complete.
Can someone finally untie me,
for fuck's sake?
Great success of the police.
An organized criminal group
posing as Customs Office agents
has been detained.
They stored contraband goods
in a warehouse marked
as the property
of the Customs Office.
Commissioner Tomasz Wasilewski,
leading the case,
says over 33 tons of illegal tobacco
worth 25 million zlotys
were secured at the site.
A hostage held in the trunk of a car
for several days was freed,
a history teacher
in an apiarian school...
Thank you for calling.
I want to tell you that...
I figured it out. I get it.
Then, you'll understand why I filed for
revoking your parental rights.
Please don't try to contact us.
It will be alright, son.
It will be alright!
We'll hire you the best lawyer.
We can afford it!
And you can give this
to your daughter.
From Aunt Karolina.
Did you call your mother?
What's this?
You dropped it.
That's why don't get close to me.
Judge Szymon Marcinak
will announce the verdict.
This is a hearing concerning
your conditional release
due to good behavior
and the will to continue treatment
of your alcoholism.
Do you know where you would
like to go for therapy?
Yes, I do, your honor.
I know quite well.
Finis coronat opus.