Duel (1971) Movie Script

Visit Mike Vernon Motors
at 13631 Valley Boulevard...
in Garden Grove.
Now, for our report from
the freeways, to Don Edwards...
and KBMJ's eye in the sky.
Come in, Don.
Things seem to be pretty normal
on our southland freeways...
which is to say they're about filled
to capacity at this hour of the morning.
There's a stalled vehicle
in the number two lane...
of the inbound San Diego Freeway
just south of Mulholland.
We also have a report
of an accident half a mile west...
of the 605 junction
of the Santa Ana Freeway.
Both vehicles are now
up on the center divider.
Traffic is still slow and go
in that area.
Traffic is also heavily congested
on the westbound Ventura Freeway...
from Woodman to Balboa
due to construction.
We understand this condition
will last until 3:00 this afternoon.
Don Edwards in Airwatch 3.
Back to you.
Thanks, Don. The weather
for today, as promised...
is a carbon copy of yesterday's:
low overcast this morning,
clearing by 11:00.
The National Weather Bureau
says the high today will be about 74...
low tonight in the high 50s.
At the beaches temperatures
will stay in the pleasant 70s.
Water temperature
in the 60s.
The APCD predicts light
to moderate eye irritation...
as if you hadn't
already noticed. I have.
You know how much
your dog likes meat?
Well, make sure that's
what he's gett...
...Grocery card double discount value
I mention each week...
is not one of a kind.
It's only one of hundreds of
double discounts always available...
at Grocery Cart.
The giant 49...
...At the first sign of any
hemorrhoidal discomfort...
treatment should begin
at once.
Remarkably successful results
have been obtained...
with a doctor-proven medica...
...5 to 3.
St. Louis, 6,
the Giants, 4.
Milwaukee defeated
the Royals, 4 to 3.
Texas edged
the Yankees, 5 to 4.
Pittsburgh and
the Padres rained out.
The Dodgers and Angels
were both idle.
In golf, Dave Brewer has
a one-stroke lead...
after the first round
of the Toronto Classic.
He shot a 5-under-par 67...
with Lee Trevino
one stroke back at 68.
Three others tied
four strokes off the pace at 71.
Does your car needa new muffler
or new shock absorbers?
You know
about these census forms...
that the Census Bureau has sent
out to us all to fill in, right?
That will be the basis of this.
Census district office.
I'd like some information.
I'm filling out my census form now...
and I have an awful problem.
- Can somebody help me?
- Go ahead.
Thanks. Oh, you're
gonna answer my question?
Oh, good. First of all,
I just wanted to say...
I don't mind being counted
as an American.
I'm one of the silent majority.
But I wish you had made some of
those questions multiple choice.
The question was,
are you the head of the family?
Well, quite frankly,
the day I married that woman...
that, unfortunately, I've been
married to for 25 years...
Well, it's true. I lost the position
as head of the family.
You see, what I do...
I stay at home. I hate working.
I hate going out
and seeing people...
and getting involved
in the rat race and things.
So she works
and I do the housework...
and take care of the babies
and things like that.
And so, I was wondering...
you wanted honest answers.
Now, what I did,
I pencilled in all of the marks...
You wanted marks in these circles
I see in front of me.
I pencilled it in first, but I said,
"No, that's being dishonest.
"I'm really not
the head of the family...
and yet I'm the man
of the family."
Although there are people
who would question that.
But nevertheless,
I was wondering...
how should I answer
that question?
Well, if you don't consider yourself
head of the household...
and you think your wife
occupies that position...
I would suggest you put
your wife's name there.
But that's so embarrassing. What
will you people think when I send it?
- Nobody is even going to know.
- Are you sure?
I'm positive. No one
will know about that.
We won't know you from
Adam's house cat.
But there are people
in my neighborhood...
- They will never see that form.
- Are you sure?
No one in your neighborhood
will ever find out.
I don't want people
to know about that.
I've lived like this
for 15 years...
and I admit,
I wear a house dress.
It's so much easier to pick up
stuff in a house dress...
And, you know, slippers.
- And, quite frankly, I've adopted most
of the ways... - Talk about pollution.
of the average housewife, and I'd
hate for anybody to know that.
Anyway, it's very embarrassing,
so would you...
All information that you include
on that form is confidential.
It's unreasonable
to expect...
...800,000 others.
So it would be all right?
I wanna be honest with you.
I'm really not the head of the family.
She doesn't know I'm calling.
That woman just drives me
up the wall.
I like doing this
just to get even with her.
You know how women are before
you marry them. They're so nice.
And suddenly they become
so aggressive.
I mean, she became
so aggressive afterward.
Just took over everything.
I mean...
I'm afraid of her, you see.
I've been wanting to divorce her.
The first six months of marriage,
I knew I made a mistake.
But no, I got ahold of this first,
before she did...
and I thought,
"Well, I'll answer it."
But I wanted to be honest,
and I'm a man of conscience...
so I wanted to make sure. If I put
down I'm the head of the family...
nobody would know
the difference, right?
I'll put it down...
I really like you.
Are you married?
- No.
- Oh. When you get married...
don't be like
that whippo I married.
Would you?
- I'll try my best not to be.
- All right.
- Thank you so much. It's nice
talking to you. - You're welcome.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.
This is Mr. Whittington.
You were talking to a Mr...
Oh, Valenti, the man
who blows bicycle pump...
on the Ted Mack Original
Amateur Hour. Yes.
Yes, well, I've...
I've been trying to get
in touch with Mr. Mack.
well, I've tried to...
Well, I play music on
something unusual myself.
We're always looking for
original amateur talent.
Mr. Valenti is unusual
for the fact...
that he not only blows
"Oh, Johnny" on the bicycle pump...
but also does nail file
on a high, flat table...
and also plays
the vacuum cleaner nozzle.
"It's a Great Day
for the Irish."
You say you do
something unusual?
- Well, what do you do, may I ask?
- I play meat.
- You what?
- I play meat.
You play meat?
- Yes, meat. You know, beef
and pork? - That's sick, man.
- M-e-a-t, meat?
- Yes.
It may sound a little strange.
Yeah. I don't mean
to hurt your feelings,
but I've never heard of anybody
who plays meat.
- A lot of people think it's strange.
- Yes, I can understand that.
- No offense. Are you serious
about this? - Yes, I've...
worked here as
an assistant butcher...
and I've found in a cold
storage locker there...
Yes, sir. Whatever
you want, I got it.
- What do you want?
- Fill it with Ethyl.
If Ethel don't mind.
- Want me to check under the hood
for you? - Please. Yes.
Looks like you could use
a new radiator hose.
Where have I heard that before?
I'll get one later.
- You're the boss.
- Not in my house, I'm not.
- Attendant?
- Yes, sir?
- You got change for the telephone?
- Yes, sir.
I'll get you the rest later?
Be with you in a minute.
Operator, I'd like to call
659-0716, collect.
Dave Mann.
The number here is 238-2098.
Thank you.
Excuse me.
Honey? It's me.
- What's the matter? Did you have
an accident? - No, nothing like that.
- Well, what happened?
- Well, nothing happened. I just...
I just wanted to apologize.
- You don't have to apologize, Dave.
- I know. I wanted to.
When I left the house this morning,
you were asleep...
so I just wanted to call you up
and tell you that...
I'm sorry about last night.
I don't really
want to talk about it.
Don't you think
maybe we ought to?
No, because if we
talk about it...
we'll fight, and you wouldn't
want that, would you?
Of course not.
What is that
supposed to mean?
- Oh, never mind.
- Just a minute.
I know what it's
supposed to mean.
It means you think I should go
out and call Steve Henderson up...
- and challenge him to a fistfight
or something. - No, of course not.
But you could have at least
said something to the man.
I mean, after all, he...
practically tried to rape me
in front of the whole party.
- Oh, come on, honey.
- Just forget it.
- You gonna be home by 6:30?
- If Forbes lets me go in time.
Is it that important
that you see him?
He's leaving for Hawaii
in the morning.
The way he's been griping to the front
office, if I don't reach him today...
- I could lose the account. - You said
there'd be no problem getting home on time.
There probably won't be.
It's your mother. God knows
she's not coming to see me.
Honey, I said there probably
won't be a problem.
Well, just be on time, okay?
All right.
Okay, I'll be there.
Here's your card, sir.
Be with you in a second.
- Save them stamps?
- No, thanks.
Good enough.
Come back, now.
Will do.
I gave you the road.
Why don't you take it?
Why don't you go?
Oh, boy, you're beautiful.
I don't believe it.
I don't believe it.
I'm in no mood to play games.
Let's go.
Well, it's about time, Charlie!
My God.
Come on, you miserable fathead.
Get that fat-ass truck out of my way.
Well, I'm never going to
make that appointment now.
You miserable...
Okay. Okay.
You want to play games.
You all right, mister?
Yeah. Yeah, except...
- Oh, my neck.
- You got a whiplash, probably.
Yeah. It's all right.
He's all right.
What happened?
- That truck driver tried to kill me.
- Kill you? Go on!
He chased me
down the mountain at...
at nearly 90 miles an hour,
and I don't...
- don't know what else you'd call it.
- Tried to kill you.
It sure looks like you got
whiplash, all right.
- You got the whiplash, all right.
- Oh, that's okay.
Thank... It's okay.
- Anything I can do for you?
- No, nothing. Thank you.
- That's okay.
- Okay.
Just a little whiplash is all.
What happened
out there, mister?
- Can I use your men's room, please?
- Yeah. Through the door...
on the right,
down the hall...
turn left, second door.
Well, you never know.
You just never know.
You just go along figuring
some things don't change, ever.
Like being able to drive
on a public highway...
without somebody trying
to murder you.
And then one stupid thing
Twenty, twenty-five minutes
out of your whole life...
and all the ropes that kept you
hangin'in there get cut loose.
And it's like, there you are,
right back in the jungle again.
All right, boy, it was a nightmare,
but it's over now.
It's all over.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
- What happened out there?
- Just a slight complication.
Oh? Looked like a big
complication to me.
Well, you ready to order now?
Yes, thank you.
Oh, I think I'll...
Just give me...
Why don't you just give me
a Swiss cheese sandwich...
- on rye. R-Y-E.
- Swiss cheese on rye.
- And could I have another
glass of water, please?
- Sure. Another glass of water.
- Oh, miss?
- Do you have an aspirin?
- Aw, your head aches.
Sure, I'll get you some aspirin.
All I did was pass this
stupid rig a couple of times...
and he goes flyin'
off the deep end.
He has to be crazy.
Okay, so he's crazy.
What can I do about it?
Find him a psychiatrist?
Oh, boy.
Now wait a minute.
Now wait just a minute.
All right, now, think.
Okay, he's in here.
Well, that doesn't mean
he intends to continue his... attack.
It is lunchtime...
and Chuck's Cafe may be
the only place to eat for miles around.
Yeah. He probably
eats here all the time.
He was just...
just moving too fast before...
and he had to... slow down,
turn around, that's all.
That's all.
Why didn't I leave right away
when I saw his truck outside?
Then I'd know what
he intends to do.
What if he followed me out,
started after me again?
I'd be right back
where I started.
Even if I got a lead,
he'd overtake me soon enough.
He's got some... some...
some souped-up diesel.
My car's just not
that powerful. I just...
can't drive 80 and 90
miles an hour.
As soon as I stopped concentrating, I'd
go back to 60 or 70 like I always do.
It's a habit.
I can't help it.
I ca.. Take it easy.
Just... take it easy.
Maybe I...
Maybe I should try
some kind of contact.
I'd better do something.
Look, mister, I'm sorry
if I irritated you.
Why don't I buy you a beer
and get this straightened out?
Look, mister, I'm sorry
if I irritated you, but...
let me...
- There you are. Anything else?
- No, thank you.
I'd like some ketchup.
What if I called
the local police?
But then I'd have to
stay here, lose more time.
What if he stayed too? Actually
talked to the police himself?
he'd deny everything.
I've got to prove it. None of
these people would back me up.
The cops'd probably...
Okay... so now what?
- I want you to cut it out.
- What?
Just cut it out, okay?
- Cut what out?
- Now, come on. I mean...
please, I...
Let's not play games.
- What the hell are you talking about?
- I can call the police.
- The police? - You think that I
won't? You're wrong, mister.
If you think you can
take that truck of yours...
and use it as a murder weapon, killing
people on the highway, well, you're wrong.
- You've got another thing comin'.
- Man, you need help.
Don't you tell me
I need help.
Hey! Hey, come on!
Who the hell
do you think you are...
- knockin' my sandwich outta my
hand? - You wanna fight, get outside.
- I don't wanna fight, I wanna knock
his head off. - You already hit him twice.
What more do you want?
Come on now.
He's sick. Can't you see?
He ain't gonna fight no one.
That creep goes around,
knocks my sandwich outta my hand.
I'll buy you
another sandwich.
- Come on, forget it.
- No, forget it.
Forget it. I don't wanna stay
around here anyway.
Let me buy you
a beer then?
I'll buy you a beer.
Get out of here?
I'm sorry to bother you,
but I could use help.
- What kind of help? - I could use
a push. Damn thing overheated.
Now I can't get her
started again.
- Why didn't you flag down
that truck? - What truck?
- The one that just went by here.
- I didn't notice.
I must have been inside tryin' to
get that piece of junk shakin'.
Would you get off the car?
How about it?
Looks like I'd go
right underneath the bumper.
Hey, get off the car.
You're gonna get hurt there.
Naw, you're all right.
Rodney, get down from there.
You too, Shawn. Come on, everybody!
Back on the bus!
Wait a minute!
Wait, I...
Well, we'll see.
Come on. Come on.
He can't do it!
You can't do it!
You can't do it!
You can't do it!
You can't do it!
Mr. Pfeiffer,
that guy's stuck too.
You can't do it!
Sorry, mister.
I coulda swore we were okay.
- I told you we were gonna get hung up.
- How 'bout I give you a hand?
Don't, don't,
don't sit on the hood.
That hood'll dent. I told the kids
not to get on the hood.
Just see if you
can bounce it loose...
and I'll...
Just bounce it loose.
Hold it!
Somethin' wrong?
That bastard turned around
and came back.
Is that the truck
you were askin' about?
Get those kids
out of the way.
- What for? - Just get them off
the road and they'll be okay.
They're all right.
They're not on the road.
Get, get back
in the bus. Please!
Come on. Back in the bus!
You're all right
right where you are...
long as you stay off the road.
Come on!
- You're perfectly all right.
- Let's get back in the bus, come on.
Get off of the highway.
There's a truck coming.
You must be
out of your brains!
- Come on! Please!
- Take your hands off these...
- Get back in the bus!
- Get your hands off him!
Now, look, I know
how this must sound,
but that man is crazy.
He's been trying to kill me.
If I had to vote on who's crazy,
it'd be you.
When I bust 'em loose,
pull it back.
Help you, mister?
- You got a telephone?
- Out in back.
- This way?
- Something for your car?
Well, you can...
- put what Ethyl you can get in
the tank. - All righty.
- Would you mind checking those
radiator hoses? - I'll do that.
Take a look at my snakes
if you have time.
Weird place
for a telephone booth.
I'd like to report a truck driver
that's been endangering my life.
- In that case, I'll have to give you the
police, sir. - Right. Give me the police.
- Sir, which department do you want?
- Whichever's closer.
- What number are you calling from?
- This number is 9821.
- What's your name, sir?
- David Mann.
- How do you spell that, please?
- M-A-N-N. That's two "N"s.
I'd like to report...
a truck driver that's
been endangering my life.
- Your name again?
- David Mann.
Why'd he do that?
Why'd he break
my cages up?
Why'd he break
my cages up?
- Call the police!
- With what?
That's the only phone
I've got!
My snakes!
I've got to find my snakes!
Oh, my snakes.
My snakes.
The highway's all yours, Jack.
I'm not budgin'
for at least an hour.
Maybe the police
will pull you in by then.
Maybe they won't, but at least
you'll be far away from me.
"Well, dear, did you
have a nice trip?"
"No. Just the, same old thing."
Well, I won't be seein'
Forbes today, that's for sure.
What's the matter,
car trouble?
In a way, yes.
Will you do me a favor?
- What's that? - Would you stop
at the nearest telephone...
- and call the police?
- Police?
- You see that truck?
- Mister, we don't want any trouble.
- There won't be any trouble.
- Oh, yeah, I see him.
- Just call the police.
- Was there an accident?
All I'm asking you to do
is just make a phone call.
- Jim, step on the pedal.
- My life's in danger!
- I'm sorry, mister...
- Can't you make a lousy call...
- to the police?
- Stop it, mister. You're scaring us.
- Drop me at the nearest station.
- I'll pay you for it!
Okay, let's see you
catch me now.
Here we go.
Can't beat me on the grade.
You can't beat me on the grade!
Come on.
How can he go so fast?
The radiator hose!
Oh, no, please! No!
Oh, my God!
Come on, faster!
Oh, my God.
Come on!
Come on.
Come on.
Come on, car.
Come on, let's go!
Come on!
Where's the summit?
Please. Please.
Come on!
Come on!
There it is.
There it is!
Faster. Faster!