Duen chaam dik sung ming (A Very Short Life) (2009) Movie Script

My name is Heiyi Ho
When I was dead, I was 11 years old
The story is fictional. Any similarity to
any person, living or dead, or to any actual
events is coincidental and unintentional
This is a real story
Two years ago,
I heard it when I dined in my friend's home
In order to conceal the identity
of the people involved
And the need of the storyline
I've made some changes in the script
All the characters' name is fake
And all are performed by
professional actors and actresses
In fact, the story is...
On the night about 2 years ago
I've an attorney friend named Herman Lee
He hosted a dinner in his house
He just learnt how to cook Japanese cuisine
And he'd like to show it off
We planned to meet at 7pm
Yet I was in a meeting with lots of
buyers in the office, so I was late
Slightly jammed up in traffic
When I reached there, I was 2 hours late
Kei, wait for me here
I'll leave at around 2am
Yes, Mr. Law
You so late?
Why don't you come tomorrow?
Excuse me, jammed up in the tunnel
Just kidding...
Why so formal? Become like this
Look professional?
Uncle Dennis
Katty, why are you in Hong Kong?
It's my term break, that's why I come back
Let me introduce two of my friends
Ruth and Grace
This is my dad's friend, Dennis
Hello Hello
Enjoy it...
Thank you
That's right, let me introduce
George, Dennis
George's mama Hello
Come on, let me introduce Cat to you
Cat is a police inspector, my neighbor next door
Dennis is in property business
as well as a film director
I've seen you... in the newspaper
Have a seat...
This was the first time I met Cat
Cat is the inspector of DCS
(District Crime Squad) at HK West
Herman has a high level of cooking skill
Especially the snails in wine and chilly sauce
I got along well with Cat;
we chatted in everything
To boast and flatter
In everything
Usually, no lingering in the subject
Lost impression very soon
However, what we chatted on that night...
Now I still remember it clearly
I've never tasted such a sweet fruit
You better eat more Dad
Very sweet
Great, try one.
Taste it, I made it
That I really need to taste it
Of course you need to taste it,
yelling on weight lost all the time
I'm still fat no matter how I eat
You know, HK people talk about weight lost
Leaving so soon? You really...
Cat, what district are you in?
HK West, DCS
Responsible for robbery, murder cases?
Yup also as well
Is rape also under DCS?
From the police point of view
What's the difference between
raping a virgin and a prostitute?
No difference, they are both women
The most important point is the evidence
What if under age?
That's another story
Even there's a difference between
under 13 and 16 years old
What if commit incest
and the girl is under age, so how?
So how?
Catch him into the police station,
beat him up ruthlessly
As a matter of fact, it has quite a lot
child sex offending cases lately
Involved with biological father, brother.
security guard, priest
It includes all sorts of people
In fact, how could a father molest his daughter?
Prostitutes in HK are more than rubbish bins
Prostitutes ask of money!
How expensive?
In general, around 300 dollars
It can be as low as 50 bucks I caught it before
You won't be unable to pay 50 bucks, right?
Yet for 50 bucks...
probably without a nice body
but a filthy drug addict
Or old hookers in her 60s
Men can't have any passion with such.
Those old pops may like their "clean" daughters,
virgins are clean
You know, guys always fond of virginity
Virgin your ass!
Virgin his ass!
Worse than a beast!
A beastly pop raped his daughter
in Tuen Mun not long ago
Her mom told the police that...
it was better to be molested by
her father than strange men.
Is there such kind of woman?
In fact, it does!
Through my experience
Mom knows or tacitly consent
in 70% to 80% of the cases
Mostly, they refuse to admit
when they give statements
I came across a child abusive
murder case two years ago
Even now, I still remember it clearly
The mother accidentally beat her daughter to death
That girl's name is Heiyi Ho
Good Morning, Madame Wong!
Good Morning, Madame Liu!
Good Afternoon
It's 3:30 afternoon
I was really scared that day.
Josephine Wong suddenly showed up
Who is she?
She is the Assistant Commissioner
She was the Chief In Charge
at HK Island at that time.
How high is her ranking?
We have one Commissioner;
that is Tang King Shing
Two Deputy Commissioners
Follow by five Senior Assistant Commissioners
Then Assistant Commissioner
Within the top ten?
Not really
We have more than ten Assistant Commissioners
Inspector Lam,
Heiyi Ho's child abusive killing case
I think the case isn't completed
I want to interrogate Becky Lee again
Yes, Madame
Arrange it for me quickly
Let me know when it's ready
I'll be in Commissioner's office
Yes, Madame
Thank you
What's it?
Stir-fry noodles in Singaporean style
Not from today
I won't care if you drink a beer at lunch
But straw? Ridiculous!
Hurry up, Inspector Lam!
Yes, Madame!
This Josephine Wong is really cocky
She was an University graduate from England
Very few people with high qualification
Applied for police twenty years ago
Those University graduates
were automatically enlisted
As inspectors when they first got in
Their shoulders soon have 3 stars
To be promoted as superintendent
Had she ever on beat?
Of course not
Solely lead the whole team
out for a general patrol.
Besides, that Barbara is even more extraordinarily
She got her PhD. In Criminology in England
Already a Chief Inspector when
she had not yet reached 30
I've already said so
No matter how hard it is,
you must let your kids study overseas
What about afterwards?
To interrogate the criminal
Where does the criminal sit?
Over that side
Tell them the criminal is here
This way, Madame
Madame Wong
You all go out
Yes, Madame
You stay
Yes, Madame
You're Becky Lee?
What did you say? I can't hear
You're very ill-upbringing! Who gave birth to you?
Raise your head when you talk to me
Look at me, louder!
Answer me in a complete sentence!
Yes what?
Yes I'm Becky Lee
I'm Becky Lee
Yes Madame! Lam Bec... ky... Lee
Yes, Madame! I'm Becky Lee
You're polite now Let's start our conversation
Take a black cotton bag in
Yes, Madame
You're Becky Lee, right?
Yes, Madame I'm Becky Lee
You beat your daughter to death, right?
Yes, Madame I accidentally beat her to death
You consider this as an accident!
What about I clean the gun here
and accidentally shoot you to death. Is that okay?
Is that okay?
Is that okay? Answer me!
No... Madame...
I beg you, don't...
Begging me?
Did your daughter beg you? Did you let her go?
You beat her up in much fun?
Lock the door
Barbara, what's this?
A black cotton bag?
Turning off the light, covering the head,
beating... still work?
You bitch, listen carefully
I'm Josephine Wong, the Assistant Commissioner
The Chief In Charge at HK Island
Now I beat you and I'll beat you again later
Complain me if you've guts
You better complain me until I lose
my job and let me fight with you
How many lives do you have?
This Madame is a nuts
Beating, threatening,
carrying a gun inside the interrogation room...
Almost violating all the rules
Yet this mad Josephine Wong is excusable
She took out all the bullets from
the gun before the interrogation
She knows clearly the difference
Between serious and extreme serious
Beating, threatening the criminal is serious
She is able to handle it
If the criminal snatches the gun and kills a cop
How could she handle it?
No doubt that Josephine Wong is a nuts
Not a dolt
How much lies have you put on this statement?
No Madame, I didn't lie
Becky Lee, how old are you?
Twenty six, Madame
Still pretty young
You have big boobs
I'm flattering your boobs, say "thank you"
Don't dodge! Sit straight!
Are you a triad member?
No Madame
You're a young girl with a very nice body
No triad background, not under anyone's protection
When you get intojail,
you think you'll be alright?
For sure you'll be in jail
A woman like you,
indulged your lover to molest your daughter
Then beat the little girl to death.
When in jail,
you will be tortured by the other inmates.
Don't think that women won't rape women
They're really bored inside with no toys.
If they don't toy with you, who else?
If you tell me the truth.
I grant you a peaceful life
If not...
I'll make them rape you everyday and feed you shit
Madame, please don't...
Don't think that they will use fingers
I promise you, they will use broomsticks
No... no! Madame, no...
No... Madame! I beg you...
If you can get out of the prison in one piece
I'll chop off my head for you to sit on
I dare not dare not
I apologize
Madame, let me kowtow
What kowtow for?
Do you think you look pitiful this way?
Your daughter was even more pitiful!
You and your lover live in a small,
old type public housing
The unit has no partition, only hanging curtains
The man molested your daughterfor two years
You dare say that you know nothing?
Who can you fool?!
I don't know...
I don't...
Hey! Open your eyes
Answer me
Shake your head? Still telling lies?
No... I didn't lie
Still dare to tell lies
No... no...
Tell the truth!
No... I tell the truth
I really don't know
I dare you to repeat that you know nothing
Make a body search!
Hands off
Hands off!
Bend down
Open it
You can stand up
I'm waiting for you to tell the truth. I'm waiting
Madam, jacket
No need
Cold? Put thejacket on
Thank you, Madame
Madame, I wanna go pee
Go ahead
Thank you, Madame
You have a very high tolerance level
Ok, let's continue
Wanna have one?
Is the criminal a talker?
She is tough, unwilling to speak
Don't you wanna pee?
I finished
That soon?
No more pee
Madame, let me have a word
I've a way to make her tell
This Becky Lee is tough
In fact, I don't believe that
she didn't know anything
However, she confessed for child abusive killing
Under this circumstances
We've enough evidence to charge her with murder
Despite other minor details
Even if we sue her for concealing knowledge
The most is putting her in
jail for a few more months
Serving the term simultaneously, it's meaningless
They're cleaning the tables; let's talk inside
Don't you think the mother had
molested her daughter too?
That man has already confessed
for child sex molestation
How could he confess so easily?
Because there're lots of evidence
Do you both want tea?
Let me make you tea
No No, we got whiskey!
Uncle, we're leaving.
So early?
Yes, already very late
Okay, bye
Hello where's your mother?
She is still playing majong upstairs
What is it all about?
That woman went shopping with her daughter
Her daughter suddenly fainted
while they're walking
The pedestrians assisted to call the ambulance
The first-aiders arrived
And saw the girl's body was
full of scars and wound
They called the police immediately
We reached the hospital five minutes
later than the ambulance
They released the girl's brain pressure and blood
Prepared for an operation
Dr Au, the girl is dead
When you saw the girl's body
was full of scars and wound
I knew I needed to take action immediately
Jack, you return with the
uspect for a search warrant
When you get the warrant,
meet me at Sai Wan Estate at once
Yes, Madame
Ricky, we dash out to Sai Wan Estate
Yes, Madame
In order to save time,
I urged my boy to get a search warrant
And I led the other boy to the crime scene...
I'm scared that someone will destroy the evidence
How's it going? In time?
The victim's wound are so obvious,
no problem to get the warrant
So I dash to the scene promptly
In order to avoid anyone to move
anything away from the unit
Fellow Madame
Anyone got in or out?
You didn't knock the door?
No. We follow the instruction to
keep lookout over in a distance
No one goes in or come out
Stand still!
What're you doing? Where to?
To dump the garbage
To dump the garbage
Too new to dump it?
What prove? I live here
You should have utilities bills?
Go get it inside
Hey! Why did you go into my home?
Dude! Who do you think you're?
How could you call me "Hey"?
Not to know what's best for you
Check it out?
Inspector Lam!
Now you know?
No more "hey", moron!
We continued questioning the suspect
Until the search warrant arrived.
Inside the washing machine,
we find some washed bed sheets
and little girl's underwear
It is obviously that the floor
hasjust been mopped
Inside the toilet, we find some burnt video tape
Jo may have destroyed partial evidence
Yet the technology in police force is very advance
Even when the tape is burnt
we're able to recapture a lot of video images.
Besides, the most important is that computer
From the deleted files, we can.
Iocate Jo forced the girl to
take more than ten videos
Five of those are sex scenes
Now the people love to video it
After autopsy, it stated that the girl
has already lost her virginity
That bloody moron started molesting
the girl since 9 years old
No problem to nail him down
Jo has no previous crime record
Still the judge sentences him for eighteen years
Eighteen years! That's a lot!
What about the woman?
Seven years for second degree murder
So short?
She really did so by accident.
Let's go back to Barbara
What good idea does she have?
Her idea was evil!
Dry your hair
Drink it
Becky Lee, don't you understand?
Madame isn't in enmity with you
We don't intend to beat you up
Wejust want you to tell the truth
Everything will be ok if you tell the truth
In fact, even if you confess.
That you know Jo continuously
molesting your daughter
That's not a big deal indeed
I guarantee that thejudge won't
give you a heavy sentence
If you're willing to tell the truth,
I'll intercede with thejudge
for a lighter sentence
Madame, I didn't lie
What if you do?
If I do...
I swear; I swear to God for thunder strike
You still don't want to tell the truth?
No, Madame...
What I told is the truth
If not... I deserve thunder strike,
to die in a terribly way
To die in a terribly way?
Then you remember what I just said
Take a look at these pictures
Your own daughter. Don't you have any feelings?
Don't you have any feelings?
You stinky! Wanna get your mama into trouble?
Wake up
Who let you sleep?
Keep on looking
Not necessary to use force under interrogation
Tell us!
I turn off the machine if you
are willing to tell the truth
Come on, say something
So... Becky Lee, you wanna confess?
Answer to Madame
If not, she really beats you to death
Speak up!
That Babara's psychological
tactic is extraordinary
She didn't let us soften or show a tag of sympathy
Do you sympathize her?
I grasped her hands
Don't know why
I feel
Somehow unhappy
A sense of sadness
Hello everyone, am I sexy?
Are you comfortable?
You slut, have sex with the old man at 14!
Who is the better lover? Me or the old man?
How's that?
How is it?
Are you comfortable?
Answer me!
Are you here?
Confess, confess that you're telling lies
You slut, not a human at all!
As a mother, gave birth to your daughter
How could you let her suffer like this?
Don't you have human nature?
Why don't you speak? Why don't you speak!
I don't want to...
Don't want to!
What's wrong with you!
You lust for money.
You can be a hooker if you want money
How could you so bad to harm your daughter?
I don't care how you use your body
Not my business whatever you do with men
But you can't harm your daughter!
She is only eleven!
No more interrogation! Resume tomorrow!
Stop! No
Joey, it's mama
Joey, it's mama Waking you up?
Come on, it's alright...
It's alright
Now is very safe; no one can hurt you,
Mama is here
It's fine, okay?
Do I forget to take pills?
What's up?
Eat it
Who's it?
You don't answer call?
Yes, I'm Who're you?
I'm Inspector Lam of DCS at HK West
Inspector Lam, what's the matter?
Becky Lee commits suicide at the detaining center
She bled heavily, just starts on an operation
Shouldn't have any risk in life
I'll wait until she has passed the critical stage
Madame, you don't need to come over
Inspector Lam, if there's anything,
you call me again
Yes, Madame
Thank you
No thanks, I ought to do
Bye Bye
Something happens at the police station?
A suspect commits suicide
Go away! Go away!
Are you crazy? Don't be like that!
No! Don't come over! Go away!
Don't come over I'll kill myself
Joey, don't... be silly
Papa is only playing with you
Go away!
Open the door! Open the door!
Josephine Nope I don't
I can explain it
Trust me, nothing happens
Mama, are you okay?
You looked blankly?
It is busy in the station
Where're you going?
I want to drink some water
Let me accompany you
I just want to pour a cup of water
Joey, let's chat
Joey, is it good if mama
takes an early retirement?
You are only 47, that soon?
So I can spend more time with you
I'll be graduated this year
If I can get into the Department of Justice...
I won't have time to accompany you
You're right
You should catch more thieves;
let me help you to prosecute them
Because Papa was a prosecutor,
that's why you don't want me to
work in the Department of Justice?
Your papa is no longer a prosecutor
He is a prisoner now
Don't worry I won't follow his steps
I must be an upright, diligent prosecutor
I know...
My Joey is good and capable
Good morning, Madame Wong.
Good morning, Madame Good morning
Where's Becky Lee? How is she?
The suspect is fine
She had an operation last night,
with blood transfusion
She woke up early this morning
Good morning, Madame
The suspect made use the sharp
corner of the bed to cut her artery
There is a bite mark on her wound too
At 0018 last midnight
The on duty policewoman, her number is.
Okay All of you, get out!
Yes, Madame
Including you Yes, Madame
Becky Lee, you wanna die and case closed?
It won't be that easy
You're pretending deaf and mute?
Bite off your tongue if you wanna be a mute
To earn sympathy through commit suicide?
Only the most useless and
cowardly people will commit suicide
Being a mother like you is really hopeless
You should protect your daughter
but you beat her, harm her
I won't have any pity for your type of rubbish!
Hey! I'm talking to you!
Response! Answer me!
You're right...
I'm rubbish. I deserve to die
I named her Heiyi
The word means dawn,
The word is very difficult.
I'd like my daughter to begin as bright and warm
as the dawn comes up
However, through these years.
She only kept on suffering with me
Heiyi never had a good day in her life
In fact, I always knew that Jo molested her
How could I don't know...
That silly girl thought
wearing nine panties...
and hanging a bell were able to protect herself
Why didn't you save her?
Women... is born to give their bodies to men
For their fathers at home or guys outside...
are the same
What's wrong with you?
Where did you get this false concept?
My father hated me since I was young
He always beat me
And he peeped me showering and changing clothes
He came inside my room when I slept at night
Fondling me as well as masturbating himself
I was scared.
What I only knew was to pretend sleeping
I just wanted him to finish and leave quickly
I met my first husband when I was 14
In fact, I didn't know if he was my husband or not
He was more than 10 years older than me
He duped me that he loved me
and would take care of me
I was stupid to trust him
Thought I could leave home this way
He said he wanted my virginity so I gave him
He said he didn't like condoms
so we didn't use them
Never thought of this man...
Not only did he has a wife
but his wife was a PR manager at a nightclub.
That woman brought a bunch
of club girls to beat me up
That guy not even helped out but left
I was kicked out of my father's house at that time
In order to live, I lived with another man
Heiyi was his daughter
He sold illegal drugs
After Heiyi was borne for a while,
he struck up relationship with a woman in China
And he never returned
Afterwards, my daughter and I lived with.
Many different men
But we never had a long lasting one
They disliked the stretch marks on my tummy
which I get from giving birth to Heiyi
Because I've daughter.
Who was willing to take care of two?
All my life,
I've only been to the city a few times.
In fact, I knew all along.
Jo was molesting Heiyi. But I...
Dared not say a word
I pretended I didn't know anything
I pretended to be stupid
If I die, will I go to hell?
Why didn't you seek help from social workers?
Social workers?
Don't know
Have you ever collect social welfare?
How come you accept guys to treat you like this?
Nothing really
Everything is okay after
a man have his way with sex
Only if you don't say a word, don't resist...
You won't get into trouble
No one will beat you
Your father will feed you.
No need to suffer from hunger
Guys from outside are even worse
You should stay home, that's better
Be good and no one will beat you
This is good
In fact, if you shut your eyes,
it'll be over in a flash!
What can I do?
I don't know.
What you did is absolutely a big mistake
Do you believe in Budda?
No idea
The Budda says if you don't
solve your problem in this life
This problem will follow you to the next life
You don't correct your mistake in this life
You'll make the same mistake and
continue suffering in the next life
For sure you'll be in jail
Maybe you can think it over what you've done
Maybe you can understand more
Heiyi is dead,
there's no way she can come back to life.
Yet you can reform yourself
after correcting your mistake
Is it useful?
Not sure, but better than not doing anything
You think it over
Madame, you still haven't answered me
When bad people die
will they go to hell?
Hell? I don't know
I don't even know where I'm right now
Katty, are you tired?
Keeps on yawning
A little bit
Already four-thirty?
Sorry for keeping you so late
Let's chat sometime later
Time to leave Okay, bye
Hello, Eric?
Yes Who's speaking?
I'm Josephine Wong. How're you?
Josephine? What's up?
I just want to ask for a small favor
What's that?
I know it's kinda redundant
to inform you this early
Yet I'd like to keep you post
A criminal,
Becky Lee will serve her terms at your site
I'd like you to instruct
your colleagues to take care of her
We don't have any relationship.
You don't have to give her any privileges
What I mean is...
if someone bullies her seriously,
please help and protect her
Okay, I know what I should do
Thanks, Eric, let's play tennis sometimes?
Okay, see you later
Mama, is there anything you called me?
I just wanna hear your voice
Wanna hear my voice?
Mama, are you okay?
I miss you
In class?
No, just off class
Are you coming back for dinner tonight?
Yes What about you?
Me too. What do you wanna eat?
Anything, take out again?
Or you want me to cook?
Yes You haven't cook for me in a long time
I need to go to the market
Miss, what do you want?
I want crabs, black beans crabs
Good and... what's next?
Let me think about it