Dum Laga Ke Haisha (2015) Movie Script

Three things in this world...
...bring tears to my eyes
Papa's shoe
English exams
And singer Kumar Sanu's voice
All painful
You are the answer to
my every question
You are the heart
of all my stories
Didn't I tell you?
Don't record with headphones.
You'll burst your ear-drums
- What did you say?
- What did I say?
The Rishikesh priest asked us
to see the girl
He wants us to come to
the temple tomorrow
Finish the recording today
What is this mess?
Throw this out
Yes, Papa
Here's 20 rupees
Yes, Papa
Don't let the cows get into
the shop
Yes, Papa
Jaya! Did you bring the lemon pickle?
Have you got money
for the temple?
Prem, get in the back.
There's no time
Hurry up!
Ma, my saree is untying
I told you to tie it with a pin
Hold it
Let your father pass
Hold your breath in
Tuck your saree in
Cover your head. We're going to
a temple, not to your college
I can't find the saree end
- What are you doing?
- Why didn't you oil your hair?
Tell him...
...to sit with confidence
No need to misbehave
You're our only son, our pride
Don't chomp on your food.
Don't spit when you talk
You talk as though I'd
never seen a girl before
You want some water?
How far is the temple?
Someone's getting restless
to see the girl
Let's introduce ourselves
The girl's father, Madan Pal
The boy's father,
Chandra Prakash Tiwari
His wife, Subhadra Rani
Boy's mother, Shashi Tiwari
Boy's sisters, Jaya and Hema
and their husbands
She's my younger sister.
Prem's aunt, Naintara
I think the boy and girl should
introduce themselves
Prem, introduce yourself
You've done it, Papa
One person missing, Samar.
Sandhya's younger brother
He has exams,
so he isn't here
- ls Sandhya educated?
- A degree in teaching
She's wanted to teach
since childhood
She even taught her dolls maths
Ask him yourself
She asks if Prem is educated
Prem has a degree in Commerce
He's always been keen
on accounting
He's more interested in
bank notes than books
Think it over and tell me
I already have
What do you say?
The girl is lovely. Did you
notice her good nature?
She didn't speak.
You talk of her nature
Being silent in front of her elders
is a sign of a good nature
So you prefer the girls who
waste time in your shop...
...recording songs?
You listen! She's a nice girl.
That's it
A nice girl! And her appearance?
What's wrong?
Is she blind, deaf, mute, crippled?
Saw her size? Huge
You're no movie star,
you high school dropout
It's the food these days
Your sister put on pounds
after she got married
Her husband still loves her
They chose each other.
What choice do I have?
To hell with your choice
Your choice will turn your parents
into paupers
Papa, talk to him gently,
he'll understand
so, you try
Listen, son
If she was attractive, we'd have
to buy her cosmetics
She'll earn money. She's going to
be a teacher
- It'll help us
- I will not marry her
- That's it
- How dare you!
Do it, Prem. For the family's sake
I'll look for a lovely special girl
Not temporary, someone permanent
I'll look for a big earner,
sober and sweet
Not temporary, someone permanent
Eyes like a golden fairy
A magic wand in her hand
I'll look for the perfect bride
He'll have a bike and a car,
good manners too
I'll consider him,
that's if he's faithful
She'll go with me to visit Shimla,
Kullu Manali
But not forget to buy veggies on
her way home from work
That's the one for me
I'll look for a graduate, a lively,
cheeky type
Not a fellow who looks old and grumpy
He's a man who masters
household chores
No, no ordinary type, you see
A deluxe model will suit me
Are you ok?
My head is about to explode
Take a pill. You'll feel better
You want to die at your
own wedding?
I told you - don't drink milk
after Chow mien
Papa, it's his allopathic meds.
He's throwing them up
No one stops him
Give him some soda,
he'll be ok
I really like the scent of marigolds
See how beautiful the room looks
Prem's aunt hand-picked the flowers
- Prem loves them
- She sneezed
You have a cold?
I'm allergic to flowers
We'll get rid of them
in the morning
The room is decorated
with a lot of love
Remove all the flowers
Where is it?
Don't rush things in bed
Let her get ajob first.
Babies can come later
On paid maternity leave
You feeling ok?
The bathroom?
Change here
Wait. I'll go out
You can come in
- A call for you
- Coming, Mummyji
Hope I didn't wake you
- How did you get this number?
- So, how was last night?
He behaved like a child...
abandoned somewhere
He slept in one corner of the bed,
me on the other
Listen, I'll call you later. Bye
Wake the Prince of Celibacy
out of his slumber
Don't talk so loud
She can hear you
You worry about being overheard.
But not about your son
Don't blame him. She could've
made the first move
She's arrogant
Just because she's educated
She didn't even greet me
at the wedding
Giggled away with her family
Sure! We aren't in her league
Why blame the poor girl?
Think of how she must feel
Our son is work-shy.
He's so arrogant
A boy like him should be
taught a lesson
Good morning, Mr. Groom
- Where to?
- The Youth Club
The Youth Club will ruin you
You want to become a freedom
fighter. Can't kill afly
- We'll talk later
- Wait a minute
Yes, we'll talk later.
Look at me
Look at me. Well?
You can hit me if you want.
I'll do as I please
One whack will son you.
Where's my shoe?
Don't hit him
How sweet! She's made us tea
Prem is at the Youth Club. He loves
working out, since childhood
Is your family into fitness?
Only Papa. I do yoga at home
It shows
We salute those great men
The great men who have given us
the wisdom of life
We bow a hundred times to
those great men
Remember the martyr Bhagat Singh
The leader Subhas Chandra Bose
Shivaji Maharaj and Vajpayeeji
Do you think any of these great men
lacked focus?
So, let's promise ourselves
To let their lives inspire us
To follow in their footsteps
Of course!
- I have news. Prem is married
- Congratulations!
- That calls for a party
- Yes
Papa is against inviting riff-raff
I agree with him. I'm against
parties too
So be it!
Study hard, ok?
Give it to Jaya
- Take care of our Prem
- Sure
Give us a missed call.
Ring once, and you ring twice
Go safely
I don't know what's
happening to me
So run away
Who is stopping you?
I couldn't make high school
The computer course was in English.
I'm zero at it
Papa pushed me into marrying
And you're saying I must run away?
Mom, it's the first day.
Things take time
I woke up late today
The alarm didn't ring
No action and you wake up late
If this goes on, your in-laws
will send you home
Mridula can't keep anything
to herself
God has been kind to you.
You married a video tape guy
Ask him to show you an erotic film
It'll give you ideas
Rebel until you find a way out
I can't rebel. But in the bedroom
I can
It's my battlefield
If he is a little shy,
make the first move
Pleasing your husband is
your responsibility too
Walk slowly, please
I've finished engineering.
Have some sweets
Straight and first right. You'll see
Vijay's shop. I have work
Aren't you coming?
Just take one piece - not
the whole box
You know Vijay. What will I do
in a ladies' store?
- See you later
- Listen!
Namaste, sister-in-law
- Will you have some tea?
- No, thanks
Where's Prem?
He's busy
I need some stuff
- These bangles are lovely
- Not bangles
Something like that
See this
No. Next to that
- This one?
- The one above
Sister, show them to her.
I have work
Can I help?
A nightgown?
- Sure. Any undergarments?
- Only the nightgown
It will really suit you
That's fine
And this is the inner...
All right. I'll take it
Tell me when you're done
inspecting them
I was looking at their handbags
Sure you were
Hey Prem, is that your wife?
- You brought your wife shopping?
- I'm Sandhya
That's Pervin
Very pretty. Visit me some day
I live nearby. Drop by sometime
- Hurry!
- Just shut up and wait
Tehmina, get my purse
- Let me talk
- Why do you want to talk to her?
Have some sweets. I've just
finished my engineering degree
Easy. I have to give some
to the others
What was the big hurry?
You didn't let me talk
Why are you getting angry?
What have I done?
I am talking to you
Take me to the government library
Ok, I'll walk home
- I'm telling you straight
- This is a library
I don't like talking to people
Who asked you to talk?
I was talking
What's your problem?
I don't like chatting with
all those shopkeepers
I don't like being interrupted either
Does it bother you if
I talk to someone?
You don't know these people
When I am alone, they will
get after me
Where's the celebration?
My father was right
People here like keeping
their money locked up
Sandhya wants to see a film. Papa
is setting up the VCR
She should've got her own TV.
Why must we miss the soap?
Nothing happens in those soaps.
You won't miss anything
I'm hanging up. Ask Hema to call
Can I please close the window?
Sure. Lock it
Please close the window
The window
Can you set up the VCR?
Are you ready?
"Ma,-tyrs' DaY"
Aren't you watching?
Not in the mood
Send the TV back
- I'll tell Papa...
- Why tell Papa?
We'll watch it together
Put the light off
Wate r?
Our child just became a man
Bless us, Lord
Where are you going?
I want to share the good news
with my daughters
Tell them tomorrow
Did you see the whole film?
I don't get tired halfway like you
I saw it till the end
Who heats the water at your place?
We have a geyser
- Did you have breakfast?
- No
How did your exams go?
Maths was tough as usual
Make sure you pass
No one in our family has failed.
I want top marks
You talk like your family inherited
the world's brains
She is Prem's aunt
You leaving?
She's going
- Let your brother eat
- I've eaten
They don't eat much.
But every grain shows
It's called metabolism
My respects
Where's Prem?
What are you doing?
Help her with the luggage
Give my regards to your father
Travel safe
I left a list of songs on the table
- Record them for me
- If I have the time
Come on the 4th
- Why?
- Why do you think?
Let's go, Samar
I couldn't say no to Papa
about marrying
I couldn't stop myself last night
Domestic life is going to
drag me into quicksand
What can I teach a person
who has no will power?
I feel suffocated. What will
power do you mean?
Don't live in denial.
Just accept the reality
How can I accept someone
I am not attracted to?
How do I look?
Do whatever, you will always
look a witch
Want a slap?
This is my life now
A gravitational pull is sucking me
Accept defeat then
It's not gravity
The pleasure in bed
is pulling you
Don't be ashamed of pleasure
It is not pleasure.
It's compulsion
So enjoy your compulsions.
Why else are you on earth?
All objects in this universe
are drawn to one another
The law of gravity
So why do some objects
not meet...
...and stay fixed in their place?
...they want to reach out to
one another, they cannot
- From here?
- Press
Listen to the sound
Son, is this a CD?
A CD - a compact disc.
This is the future
Give up the old stuff
Listen to the sound
Really good
I'll get you a good deal. About 150K.
Plus a CD player
How much for this lot?
There are no buyers for this
Cassettes are only sold as scrap
No one cares for them
We'll have to start the business
from scratch
Why can't we get a loan?
I haven't repaid the loan I took
for my daughter's wedding
I told you
No borrowing money
Suggest something then
I suggest you put the radio
under your pillow
Listen to Kumar Sanu's love songs
We'll manage somehow
- When do you get Sandhya?
- On the 4th
That's today
She's waiting for him
and he's busy hogging
Give him more food
Why don't you call him?
He could call me
Are you keeping score?
Anyway I'm better than he is
Papa, please eat
Samar, come and eat
Don't give me too much.
Leave something for Prem
There's no need
I'll go check
Prem, welcome
We were expecting you
- God bless you, son
- Get him some snacks
Hello, brother-in-law
- Give him a plate
- No, thanks
- I have an early start
- Eat something
No thanks
Shall we go?
Prem, keep this money
No, please no
Take it. It's for good luck
Keep it. Buy something for me
Hold on to your bag
- What's wrong?
- I'm hungry
But you said you ate
Sit here. I'll sit over there
Give me some kachori
with onions
You eat onions?
- Yes. But my family don't
- My family eats onions
Must you go on about your family?
We eat onions. We don't sleep
before 12
What can I do if you all lie?
At least I know something
about you now
You smoke?
And drink. No one drinks
in yourfamily?
Don't tell anyone
Will your father hit you?
I am not scared of anyone
You're the fearless
warrior of the family
Eat up
- Want some?
- No, thank you
The threads of endearment...
...are entangled in your fingers
I cannot find a way...
...to untie the knot
My life is like that star...
...that passes through the clouds
You must be a little crazy
To have chosen me
How did you hear...
...my unspoken words?
What's wrong?
I want some water
I'll get it
The girls today know every1hing
What's good or bad for them
Good or bad... they also
enjoy their youth more
But what does Prem know?
Weren't you excited when
you were young? Wasn't I?
It's their time to have fun
Need something?
He was feeling hot
You're shameless! Hush
Did you record my songs?
The spices are on the top shelf
- Sugar and tea down below
- Where's my medicine bottle?
I threw it out. The meds had expired
You threw it out?
I bought it two months ago
Expired pills are not good
for the health
Don't show off your education.
I know what expiry means
I was trying to help
Why do you keep taunting me?
I asked about my medicine bottle
If you must, here it is
Answering back, eh?
We'll talk later
The way you talk. Making
a mountain out of a molehill
You should be grateful
Without me...
Prem wouldn't have married
a fat girl like you
As if Prem was some movie star
If you made him marry me...
...you should've taught him
how to treat me
Listen to her!
I was married too
I ran a house, but I never
answered back
Don't talk to your elders like that
No one cares about me. They only
think of themselves
- What is it?
- Ask your dear aunt
Where are you going?
Just ask me to unpack
Why did you marry me?
Get my clothes. I'm late
Here. I'm late
- Raghubir, what brings you here?
- For you
- What is it?
- Sweets
And an invite
A wedding invite?
Nirmal's wedding?
Listen, everybody. Prem
They met at college? So that's
what they teach nowadays
She's a dentist
Prem got left behind because
of English. Otherwise...
Stop it! Call Sandhya
She is busy. Why call her?
I called out for you
But Prem took you away
You must come to my party
Saying okay won't do
Sandhya, he won't listen to me,
...grab him by his ears
and bring him there
Have your tea. It's getting cold
I told my father-in-law...
...to hire a community centre.
We'll have 500 guests or more
A 21-gun salute for my family
They agreed. Their gift.
Made in Japan
Amazing sound
What song do you want hear?
- Any song
- Which song?
I am a cut from the
old matrimonial school
Prem is the new generation
I fancy matrimony, but my
girl's father doesn't fancy me
Our Youth Club leader said
we must avoid domesticity
Why think now? You're halfway there
Marrying Deepti is not wrong
Show her photograph to Prem
That's Deepti. Fresh as a rose
Anyway, tell me how's married life?
Can't you tell?
- If Sandhya sees you drinking...
- She can go to hell
Prem, you're drunk.
Give me your glass
Sir, I respect you...
I listen to your advice. Don't
say anything now
Leave me alone
My father ruined my life.
I stood no chance
None of you help me one bit
Control yourself, Prem
Nirmal, my friend.
You got it right
You worked hard. You're
a gentleman. I'm illiterate
And your Deepti - she's perfect
- She'll make you happy
- I know
No one asked if I wanted a life
like this
Papa hitched me up. We're like
oxen under a plough
Wait, Prem
Sandhya is a good girl.
Looks aren't every1hing
Then why show me
Deepti's photograph?
Why do you love Suman?
You're like my brother
Drop in
She's so fat. I don't feel
like touching her
Sleep with Sandhya one night...
...you'll know what hell is
Stop him!
I'll kill him
You hit me
I hit my sister, thanks to you
Stop him
Where to?
Let's sit down
and sort things out
Papa has hit him enough
Prem's father knows what's best
for him
- Take my shoe and beat him
- Never mind, Papa
It's not his fault. It's yours
You should've helped him study,
instead of getting him married
Don't go
What are you doing?
Tell me, will you?
You gave my room to Samar
No phone. No letter.
How come you're back?
I've left Prem. No more questions
Left him? Are you crazy?
Did he hit you? I'll son him out
Look! She tore up my school files
How will I get an A+?
Don't eye my room! I'll fix you too
Why are you waiting?
Call her in-laws
- Ask her what happened
- Don't dare call them
Over my dead body
As if you were sparkling with life.
Why are you here?
He does not need me.
I do not need him
He wanted a wife
He has no manners
He insulted me in front of
the whole neighborhood
He called me a fat cow,
and other things, mother
But you are a fat cow
Men are men. They talk nonsense
when they're angry
Why argue with him?
Even if he was rude, you're smart.
You should've kept mum
Kept mum?
I gave him atight slap
He won't talk to a woman like that
for the rest of his life
This is what too much education
does to a girl
No need for your tears, mother
Nothing happened. I am intact
Have some shame
Be modest in front of your father
Explain to her
Listen, women have to...
That's enough
Please listen
The warhorse Chetak galloped,
setting the earth on fire
When Chetak rode into the battlefield,
the enemy was destroyed
Now it is time for you to run.
Fly with the wind
Time is short and the task is hard
We have to win
Being sure will not make you win
Use your brawn and brains
to win this race
H ow?
Hop on, son
That's it
This is how you'll win
Son, get off now
Stan exercising
Why, sir?
Are they avoiding me?
Nothing of the sort. We're busy
preparing for the contest
Am I not invited?
We wanted to invite you but after
what happened
Yes, sure
You hypocrite. Lecturing me
and licking Nirmal's boots
Mind your language
Just because my wife left me,
everyone is ignoring me
Calm down. Let's talk
I know you people
They're enjoying my predicament
Stop talking nonsense
Let go. I'll slap you
You'll hit me?
- Showing me your pretty wife's photo
- Don't drag her into this
I'll drown you
What's all this?
He's upset. I'll talk to him
I've had my eye on him
No unruly boys here
- He'll be ok
- Take him away
Throw cold water on him
He's too hot-headed
Aunty, you don't worry at all
These days the law is with women
You should believe in yourself
and the power of women
You know there are many amendments
favouring women these days
Sandhya's case is super strong
- Will they stay together?
- She's talking about divorce
- Then why is she smiling?
- Must she cry?
Did you change your surname
on your passport, or...?
Did you give any dowry?
Any TV, VCR, sofa scooter,
- Who is giving us a TV?
- She asks if we gave anything
Let me talk
We spent about 20,000
Jewelry, clothes, etc
Madam, we spent very little cash
- Herjewelry is still with her mother
- In the bank locker
What about my humiliation?
Who pays for that?
Sandhya, that's not how you speak to
your parents
They also want your good
Say sorry
Stop stirring up my daughter.
We educated her
She wants sister to apologise
- To whom?
- To you, for being rude
Sandhya, don't lose heart, ok?
Just concentrate on your exams
Aunty, don't take tension
Divorce is very cool these days
It's the means to a happy life
I did not study law
But I know we had a happy marriage
lam sure
Come with me
Are you drunk?
Don't be stupid.
Go, get your wife back
Like hell. I won't
I'm won't be a loser anymore. I'll
make something of my life
Good movie lines, that's how
film heroes talk
People like us must live
connected to reality
I'll re-sit my high school exam
I will not live with my gloomy family
Are you nuts? You're a married man
Your wife will soon be a teacher and
you want to carry a school bag?
Look at me
Don't I dream of becoming an actor?
Look at the ham actors today
My father forced me to live here.
I'm wasting my life
My only hope is that Suman's father
accepts me
Then life is set
You love Suman, right?
If her father marries her to someone
else, would you do nothing?
There's a big difference between
reality and the movies
Do you know the truth of my life?
"Sister, 36D. The elastic is strong
and long-lasting"
Dog! Siding with my enemies.
I'm better off alone
Do as you please
- Saraswati Coaching Centre?
- Yes
I want to re-sit the high school
Show me your certificates
She's made bland food
Don't interrupt.
Let me see the recipe
She'll make us sick, dieting
I won't stop you. Eat what you like.
This is for me
This is the last straw.
First she left her husband
Now she's dividing the kitchen
- What are you cooking?
- Poison. Want some?
No. You go ahead
- A new CD shop is opening
- Whose shop is it?
It's here
- Isn't this Nirmal's shop?
- Let's see
How can one market have two
recording shops?
Is this Nirmal's shop?
Yes, it is
When does it open?
The opening ceremony is over
We're in trouble
What will happen to our business
if you open a music store, Nirmal?
You have every1hing
A decent wife, too
He misbehaved at the Youth Club.
I came because of my father
Be polite, Nirmal
Don't act pious, Nirmal. It took you
no time to ruin us
Have pity. His wife dumped him
Not surprising
You got him married to that hippo
against his will
I'll break your head
See how he behaves!
- Think before you talk, sister
- What did I say?
The shop is our bread and butter
We are not here to do charity either
You must be happy. Bankrupting others
You're just jealous.
Jealous of our success
Success? My foot!
We know your father paid a bribe
to get you into college
Who is stopping you from using
your brain cells?
The only thing that's free is whining.
That's all you do
Stop taunting me
Have some cake first
It's her birthday. Some respect
Happy birthday
Happy birthday
I'll give you a chance to save
your shop
Take part in the wife-carrying
Win and the shop is yours
Nirmal, don't talk rubbish
This is too much
I'm serious
You'll never learn.
Go, open your shop!
We have 15 years of experience
recording tapes
If I was married...
- ...I'd take part in the contest
- Naina, keep quiet
That's enough from them
Take part in the
wife-carrying contest
I will not. Let my father carry you
You will carry your wife and run
It's your birthday, but don't talk rot
I have told him. He'll run
- I won't
- Yes, you will
Has she gone senile?
Haven't we been humiliated enough?
What's wrong?
Why is she lying down?
- She tripped
- How come?
Are you ok?
What's wrong?
The divorce notice
The bet is off
Yes, we get it
Hurry! Thejudge is leaving
Hope I don't leave this world
before him
What is it?
I'll sit in front
- What shall I do?
- Take my hand
Push me
Going to bring the girl back?
You must wish us bad luck,
Drive carefully
Sinister man. He curses everyone
Your sister's husband went to
the mountains looking for God
Pervin's husband is in jail
The bra seller can't convince his girl
And Prem has a divorce notice
Chant in the name of your mother,
not God
She keeps talking nonsense
What did I say wrong?
There'll be lots of crying
Stay calm
So cry once and for all
I'm very proud of you, Sandhya
ls everyone here getting divorced?
- Is that right, Prem?
- It's a divorce court
Stop talking
Is there anything I should know?
- What's that?
No need to beg Sandhya.
Papa will carry you and run
No way
Why is God punishing us?
A disaster
Don't cry. We're the guilty ones
Who wants a "divorced" sign
outside their house?
Look what happened to me
Sandhya Varma, Prem Prakash
Tiwari. Divorce Petition
Tiwari is accused of insulting
Sandhya Varma in public
Hurting her physically
and emotionally
She asks the court to grant
her divorce
The Tiwaris must pay a divorce
settlement of 50,000 rupees
But she filed for divorce.
Is it mutual consent?
Was it a love marriage?
Just a marriage, no love
Then why did you marry him?
I liked him
And you?
Financial pressure. Sandhya
would teach and earn
Papa wanted a bride
who earned a salary
So I agreed
Anyihing happened -
kisses, intercourse, etc?
- I won't discuss private matters
- He loves humiliating me in public
- Hitting me made you proud?
- I am ashamed of that
- You humiliated me
- As though you didn't do the same
And what's this ridiculous
settlement demand?
- Don't you know our situation?
- What about me?
Did you think before slapping me?
Quiet, please!
Do the family members
want to say anyihing?
Your Honour, what can I say?
You're wise. Misunderstandings
are commonplace
That doesn't mean separating.
Just come home
Prem's father and I fought too
Once I added extra salt
in his mother's food
He hit me hard with his shoe.
But I didn't leave home
Am I talking Greek? I'm asking her
to come back
Do only men have the right to talk?
Must we just cook and clean?
This is your chance. File a case
of domestic violence
Discuss your emotional
matters outside the court
As per the Marriage Act, the court
asks you to live together for 6 months
If matters are not resolved by then...
...the court will approve the
divorce papers
Sandhya, come back.
We're pleading with you
I'll get my room back
Forget the law. Just come back
- Ask him to say sorry
- Prem, come here
The one who slapped first,
apologises first
Who insulted me in public?
All right
She's your new mother.
You'll look after her now
Hold this
Please come
I'm already feeling better
The time has come to carry
your personal load
Right here in the heart of Rishikesh
All husbands! Flex your muscles
All wives, lose some weight
The winner gets 10,000 rupees
"Heave-ho, carry that load"
The wife carrying contest
Can I say something?
It's not "of" Monday.
It's "on" Monday
And we say "in" August.
Not "on" August
The preposition is used differently
Why did you touch my book?
But why? Don't show off
your education
Ok. I know you're very smart.
I know nothing
I'm a fool and uneducated
But stop putting me down
Listen, bear with me
Better we accept the farce
I'll go in six months
"In" and not "on"
Leave this in room 12
I am a student...
Roll Number 317
- Take a seat
- Thank you
Dear Teacher...
I am 25 years old
This is my third attempt at
the English exam
My father was right. I'm a loser
My struggle to make something
of my life ends here
If you feel any pity...
...or this letter moves you,
or your eyes moisten...
...or if you're unmoved and want
to throw away my letter
Or give me a zero
Remember you are zeroing
the fate of a family
Today I accept...
...that I have failed my family,
my wife...
...and myself
Prem Prakash
Stan serving
Give Prem some of this tasty
steamed food
Why the long face? Sandhya has
made a delicious meal
We'll eat together
- I am not hungry
- We've been waiting for you
Papa closed the shop early today
Have you already eaten?
You're drunk?
Freshen up. He is coming
I must say boiled vegetables
taste delicious
Spices cause acidity
Sandhya has made great food
Lentil broth
- It's really tasty
- I forgot to add carom seeds
It'll taste even better tomorrow
- It's fine
- Have more then
Let Sandhya have the cottage cheese
No, Papa. Let him have it
Eat up
I was thinking - Prem and
Sandhya should partake...
...in the wife-carrying championship
Great idea
No, Papa
It's embarrassing. It's too strange
What's strange about it?
Prem's father carried me
and ran four times
That's another thing we didn't win
Prem is very keen to participate
in the contest. Right?
Sure. Why do you think that
I brought her back?
He's always had a sense
of humour
See that?
Couldn't you have played along
and had your meal?
I can't pretend
You all know the tricks
You must know me by now
I know nothing of the world
You must think I am blighted
- Come here
- What are you doing?
My family's affections are a sham.
They are eating what they prefer
We were hungry
It's my fault. I tricked her
into coming back
She'd run the race, save our shop,
get ajob too
It's all my fault
Let me end my life
- What are you doing?
- I'll kill myself
You've been sweet-talking Sandhya,
she doesn't care about us
Where are the matches?
Sandhya, diet or exercise...
makes no difference
Someone will love you
as you are
It's all a sham
The whole neighborhood
can watch me burn
Where are the matches?
Prem Prakash Tiwari -
Roll No. 317
What happened?
Well, he wrote his English exam
in Hindi
He had planned to commit suicide
This is all family matters. It's ok
Suicide? He couldn't even kill
a mosquito
Did you really want to kill yourself?
Did you really love me?
You never gave me the chance
To express myself or to feel
I am unworthy of being loved
You know...
I was very keen on marriage
But no one told me what
marriage really is
As if anyone told me. I was misled too
Be smarter the next time
Will you invite me to your wedding
if you found someone?
Who will marry me?
I'll find you someone...
...who loves and respects you,
cares for you
That's what I thought you'd do
It's all right
I'll find you someone you are not
ashamed of
Who doesn't brag about her education
Where's a girl like that?
As if there were dozens of suitors
for me
Papa, let's sell the shop
Your call. You wanted a music shop
I'm off, aunt
- Bless you
- Wait
I'm coming
See that?
They wanted you back
for their selfish reasons
A team spirit is needed
True. We aren't a team
nor are we as one
Never mind
Best of luck
Go straight
Sandhya Varma?
Documents, please
My file? I had it with me
You came for an interview
and forgot your papers?
I can't understand. I had the file
Can I come back tomorrow?
The interview is for today,
not tomorrow
You forgot your file
Your file
Who is he?
My husband
Your husband?
MY Papers
Quite impressive
Have you gone through them?
We have no vacancy here
But there's ajob in Meerut
If your family allows you,
you could work there
I'll persuade them. Don't worry
- Is it possible?
- Yes
12 feet
Business is bad
I've been saying that for a while
I know. Put the shop on sale
at once
Inform us soon
"Wife-carrying contest"
I've made your song tape
I've left the tape here
Did you hear about the interview?
I'm sure you'll get the job
How do you know?
Ijust know
May I say something?
You can leave whenever
you feel like
No one will stop you
My family is jinxed
There is no point suffering
on our account
Think about your future
It'll turn out fine
I have the job
In Meerut
So you've decided?
There's no one here to stay for
There are very few buses
to Meerut from here
If someone wants to see me,
they'll find a way
Have you lived alone?
Never had a broken marriage
I am Siddhesh, your husband's
Yes? How come you thought
of me after so many years?
Sister-in-law? Sorry, I didn't
recognise your voice. Bad news
Your husband has died
He went to the Himalayas on
a pilgrimage. He died in a landslide
He died the day he left me,
15 years ago
Can you come for his last rites?
What connection do I have
with your family anymore?
Did he ever call or write to ask
if I was dead or alive
I thought I should at least inform you
Who was it?
What did he say?
I am a widow
I've been a widow for years anyway
Greetings, uncle
Where's Prem?
Are you ready for the race?
As long as you race when you
carry my funeral pyre
What's wrong?
That's enough
Can I come in?
The door's unlocked
Vijay came to take you for the race
Your Papa told him to go
Look, I never got a chance...
...to be a wife
To have a family.
I've just lived as a widow
This is your time. You both
should make the most of it
No one is running in that race
What's the use?
Thinking of what's useful has done
nothing for us
Doesn't matter if you win or lose.
Do it for yourselves
Forcing never achieved anything
He doesn't want to
As if you do
Why ask if you don't want to race?
Haven't we lost enough face
in the town?
We've lost every1hing
Nothing left to mock
If there's nothing to lose...
...then why not run for yourselves?
Can't you carry me?
Of course I can
I didn't go to the Youth Club
for nothing
Shall I ask your mother
to phone your sisters?
Why not?
"Heave-ho, carry that load!"
I'll be back
You're here!
I've signed you on
Our honour is in your hands
God bless
Make sure you win
Don't pressure us. It's enough
that we're running
Why are you negative?
Look who is here
Can you carry her, Prem? Or do you
need your Papa's help?
Well, sir?
- What are you doing here?
- To hell with...
...my father and her father too
We got married this morning
Well done!
Brothers and sisters
The time has come to shoulder the
responsibilities of marriage
Let's see who makes it to the end
You'll face many obstacles
Who will win 10,000 rupees?
To inaugurate this race
we have with us the voice...
...that has captured
the heart of millions
I request Kumar Sanu to ring
the bell and start the race
Run, Prem Prakash Tiwari!
Open your eyes, tie your shoelaces
Fire your breath like a bullet
Be careful
Both feet in one tyre, then the next
It's not easy
If you were in my place you'd know
Hold tight
I knew the Youth Club leader
was a fraud
The flying horse was no help
Prem Tiwari and Sandhya Varma...
...are advancing slowly
You look good together
- You too
- Can you talk later?
You never learn
Run like a true man,
kick up a dust storm
Will you make it?
Aren't I doing ok?
- Don't let go
- I won't. Look ahead
Scale all walls, cross all rivers
- What's wrong?
- It tickles
Are you ok?
- Here
- I'm hurt
You crazy?
- Hurry
- What the hell?
What happened?
- What's so funny?
- Just look at you face
As if you looked lovely
If people are jealous, so what?
No need of modesty
If anyone tries to sneak away,
show him up
The thing that knows no end,
soak forever in that madness
The ground trembles
wherever your foot treads
I don't want to leave.
Keep me with you
There! The winners
of this year's contest...
...Prem and Sandhya
Looks like they're not done yet
My heart was never as carefree
as now
Like a letter...
...that found a new address
We walk on empty roads
With our eyes closed
Ending up in a faraway place.
The threads of endearment...
...are entangled in your fingers
I cannot find a way...
...to untie the knot
I don't care about my tears
But there is someone whose
tears I cannot see
Now you will see a song
composed by Anu Malik
Lyrics by Varun Grover
Sung by Sadhana Sargam and
Kumar Sanu