Eat, Love, London (2024) Movie Script
You know what I don't love?
- Your ex-boyfriend?
The walk back from that store.
Oh, come on, it's not that far.
It's not the distance.
It's walking past
every known contestant
of Britain's Next Top Model
while I look like this.
You're being dramatic!
You're made for the streets
of London!
Yeah, it's a good job,
because I don't have a choice.
Right, we got three steaks,
two lamb chops!
Stella. Stella!
The waiters
are getting stressed out there.
How behind are we?
Um, we're good. I'll step it up.
Look, I'm trusting you
to bring your best self
to this job.
No, you're... you're right.
I'm sorry.
I'll pull it back.
Right, we need one halibut,
Come on, we need to speed it up!
Two minutes!
Can you put this over here,
Have you spoken to Chase?
Not really.
So that's a yes.
I texted him
in a moment of weakness.
Well, now he's ghostin' me,
which is a whole new low.
It's his loss.
You've got
to leave it behind you.
Why does no one prepare you
for this?
This is the kind of stuff
they should teach you about
in high school, not Jane Austen
and triangles.
Well, in Jane's defense,
she was a romantic expert
of sorts.
How is it possible
to have your whole life
mapped out and then boom,
your fianc leaves you,
your parents say
you're too sheltered
to reach your full potential,
and then you move halfway
across the world...
To a place where everything
is trying to kill you,
- apparently!
- Stop complaining!
We're in Notting Hill.
It's the ultimate
romantic place.
Yes, I know.
Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts,
et cetera.
London is the best city
in the world.
If you're gonna
have to have a fresh start,
well, at least it's here.
Aren't you glad
we got matched up as
pen pals all those years ago,
- You are?
- Yes.
How do these people manage
to avoid life's disasters?
Okay, glass half empty, enough!
I need you
to keep together long enough
to make the restaurant
a success.
Then you can run back off
to the mighty USA.
If my parents will have me.
But this
is what they wanted you to do.
Explore, adventure,
broaden your horizons.
And they're right.
You're never gonna be
the kind of chef
you're capable of being if you
stay in your comfort zone.
- Okay, Mom.
On a serious note,
and speaking of parents,
mine have their vow renewals
coming up.
Are you throwin' them a party?
Yeah, at The Rooftop.
Will you cater?
You don't even have to ask.
I'd also love
to officially announce you
as head chef of Silver
at the event,
if that's what you decide.
Look, if you don't think
you can commit
to this long term, by then,
I'm gonna have
to find a replacement.
Are you giving me a deadline?
It's just business.
You know I love you.
Yeah, I get it.
You're one of
London's hottest restauranteurs
for a reason.
- Cheers to that.
- Cheers.
- Right.
- How we feelin', Chef?
Good. How many covers tonight?
Well, it's Saturday night.
This is prime real estate,
so we're looking
at full capacity.
This is my new shiny venture!
You're a cheffing legend.
And tonight, I need you
to take it up a notch.
Oui, Chef.
You're the chef.
I'm just
your biggest cheerleader.
- Aw! You're so cute, you know?
- Right, show me.
Right. Yeah, so today I was
- Evening, sir. How can I help?
- Evening.
Um, can I have a glass of
whatever sommelier recommends?
You can indeed. Inside or out?
- Uh, outside, please.
- Uh, just down there, sir.
- Alright. Thank you.
- Thank you.
Three scallops, two steaks,
and one lobster, please!
Yes, Chef!
We're not doing fusion here.
Swap out the Thai basil
for regular basil, please.
- On it.
- Where is my halibut?
On it.
- Service, please!
Hey, thank you.
- Great work today.
- Thank you, Chef.
There's a man out there
that wants to speak to the chef.
A man! How mysterious.
I think he's a critic.
I recognize his face,
but I can't put a name to it.
Well, what do I even say to him?
Just go say, "Hi!
Thank you for coming.
Hope you enjoyed the meal."
Well, we don't get many critics
out in the middle of Montana.
Just be cheerful.
Positive. Personable.
Shouldn't be too hard for you.
And give me that.
I'm saving you from yourself.
- Hey, how was your food?
- It was good.
It was good, yeah?
You're welcome.
Tall, dark... Um...
Great to meet you, Chef.
Did you enjoy your food?
I most certainly did.
And I'd like to put a face
to my talent.
I was surprised when the quality
halfway through, though.
The starter was amazing.
The main was anticlimactic.
And the desserts...
Well, I have no idea
what happened to that.
Oh, well, if you couldn't tell
from my accent,
I'm not from around here.
New kitchen, new environment.
It can take a while
to grease the wheels.
Where are you from?
And what brings you to the UK?
Um, I'm not really sure
that's any of your business.
I'm just curious.
Wait, you're a critic, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Not a biographer.
Yeah, but people are usually
more forthcoming
about giving information
for a review.
Well, it doesn't sound like
it'd be
a very good review anyway, so...
What about your normal style?
Can you tell me anything
about that?
So many questions.
It's my job.
Wait, are you flirting with me?
Absolutely not.
Well, then I don't
have any interest
telling you anything more
about my life.
I hope you enjoyed one third
of your meal.
Bex, this is seriously cool!
from the Ice Queen herself.
Must be doing something right.
What's the emergency?
Theo Hastings.
Review of new restaurant
Bar Silver, Notting Hill.
- Oops.
This was perhaps
the most intriguing meal
I've had recently.
A chef that showed real promise
and left me
wholeheartedly disappointed
that this quality
wasn't maintained.
I'd recommend it in a heartbeat
for the setting,
but maybe this chef needs
more time
to find their full potential.
Watch this space, though.
It could be a new hot spot
in London
when this restauranteur
and chef pairing
find their rhythm.
What is everyone's obsession
with my potential?
One thing I've always been able
to rely on
is my ability to cook.
Even when my short-lived attempt
running my own business failed,
at least I knew it was nothing
to do with the food.
So what happened last night?
- Chase texted me.
- Stella!
I didn't wanna miss the chance
to chat to him.
And did you? Chat to him?
- Alright, delete his number.
- No, Becky!
- No. For your own good!
- This is ridiculous!
- Just delete it!
- No!
Just delete it!
- Stop it!
- Hi, Mum. Hi, Dad.
Just remind me
how old you both are.
So, how're you finding London,
Yeah, it's nice.
Just nice?
Nice is a positive adjective.
Uh, it's not really
an anything adjective.
It's not home.
And the restaurant?
Yeah, that's doing great.
Well, that's more like it.
My boss is sat right next to me.
Oh, excuse me. Let me get this.
I don't know how she does it.
Yeah, well, we brought her up
to work hard.
Oh yeah.
She does take it
to a different level.
Hmm. How many restaurants
is that now?
Uh, three restaurants,
- four bars.
- Mm-hmm.
And she manages them all
That's crazy.
Well, we do try
and help out where we can,
but we have been
just a little bit distracted
by a celebration of our own.
Oh, Rebecca told me!
The vow renewals!
Has she asked you
if you'll cater?
Yeah, you bet!
Anythin' to thank you guys
for being so welcomin'
- since I got here.
- Oh, it's our pleasure!
And we know
how excited Rebecca's been
that you're gonna move here.
I'm not sure
how she feels about it now.
Guess who that was?
What? Like, out of everyone
in the world?
- London.
- The King?
Ha-ha, very funny.
It was Theo Hastings.
- Ew.
- Stella!
Sorry. What does he want?
A meeting. With you.
Damn it!
Hey, excuse me, could you just...
Hi, I'm sorry, I'm looking...
Okay, you got this.
Farm girl
takes on London subway.
Oh, I'm so, so sorry. I'm...
Down we go.
- Sorry!
Thank God, that's over.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um, I'm here for a meeting
with Theo Hastings.
Thanks for coming, Ms. Martins.
My office is just this way.
You can have one.
Ms. Martins.
Please, take a seat.
So, you're probably wondering
why I asked to have a meeting.
I don't enjoy
being dragged through the city.
- Not even the nice parts?
- Not even the nice parts.
Well, I'll make this
less painful for you
than the journey in,
and I'll cut to the chase.
Is everything okay?
Oh, y... yeah.
Um, I just...
Uh, never mind.
I have a proposition.
Immediately terrifying.
Are you always this pessimistic?
It's really quite thrilling.
Please, continue.
I'm having a bit of a slow run.
My USP is putting new talent
on the map,
and I keep getting beaten
to the punch.
I need a new tactic.
Nurture new talent
so no one can pip me to it.
Pip you?
Uh, sorry, a bit of English ism.
So no one gets there before me.
I think you need a new job.
But please, elaborate.
I need to put someone new
into the culinary stratosphere
to save my job.
My boss has pretty much told me
I was good as gone if I don't.
When I came into the restaurant
the other day,
I thought I struck gold.
- Silver.
- Sorry?
The restaurant is
called "Silver".
Oh. A comedian, too.
Uh, no, just a chef.
And unfortunately,
not the person you need.
But you have so much potential.
If you can
just keep it consistent.
Look, I'm not here
for any more criticism.
I'm just in the UK long enough
to show
that I can broaden my horizons
and then I'm going back
to the States.
- What about the restaurant?
- It's Rebecca's restaurant.
I tried to open
my own restaurant
and I failed miserably.
Hence the broadening
of horizons.
More importantly,
she can get a new chef.
Does she want to do that?
This is how it went down.
Bex had a head chef
and he got a better offer
at the last minute.
She called me at a time
when I needed a life shake-up.
And now I've got two weeks
to decide
if I want to stay and commit
or if my best friend's got
to find someone to replace me
for her parents' party
and then deal with whatever
decision I make
is probably the wrong one!
One meal.
If not for your sake,
then Rebecca's.
It's a win-win.
If you stay,
it's publicity for you and her.
And if you go,
then, well, it's just publicity
for whoever Rebecca decides
to bring on board.
He just won't give up.
I'm confused.
What's in it for him?
He seems pretty desperate to me.
He needs to prove
that he can spot new talent.
So, instead of chasin'
after the same chefs
as everyone else,
he wants to work with us
to review this place
so that the success is basically
synonymous with his name.
Hmm, that's a smart move.
I looked up some
of his old stuff.
In his prime, he put a lot
of places on the map.
Seems like a win-win.
That's what he said.
So, what is it then?
I don't know.
It's just a lot of pressure
and I wanted to keep a low
profile for a while.
This is the opposite of what
your parents want you to do.
So what? The restaurant
we chased was a huge disaster.
But that's how you learn.
Get out there into the world.
Push yourself.
Experience new things.
I did tell him
I get him a reservation tonight.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Don't get too excited.
To the kitchen.
Too late.
Yeah. It's lovely. Thank you.
Thank you.
- Service!
On it!
Ah, lovely. Thank you.
How's it looking?
Good, I think.
He seems to be nodding a lot.
You can't tell anything
from a nod.
They seem like positive nods.
What, are you
a body language expert now?
Oh, he's finished. Go on.
Go and talk to him.
Oh yeah, 'cause
that went so well last time.
No time for whining.
- He's coming over.
- What? No.
Good evening, Ms. Martins.
Ms. Martins. Really?
Not a fan?
Stella is fine.
Well, you certainly
did that meal justice.
That was a compliment.
So why do I feel
like I'm bracing myself?
It's still too safe.
That usually means simple
but tasty.
I asked you this question
once before
and you didn't want to answer.
My style is pretty classic.
White pants with a white top
and a white hat
if I'm feeling fancy.
- Very funny.
- Not the right answer?
Not the right question.
What inspires you to cook?
Back home, it's all about
using local ingredients.
I guess that's why I'm findin'
it so hard in the city.
It just... it feels soulless.
Like, don't get me wrong,
I love cooking.
But the connection's
not the same
when you're not cultivating
a recipe from start to finish.
London is one of the best cities
for food in the whole world.
How can you be
lacking inspiration here?
Have you been out, explored?
I'm not sure
that makes a difference to you.
Well, maybe
it's your own closed-mindedness
holding you back.
Well, I'm sure
you'd be closed minded, too,
if your parents basically
kicked you out.
- And why did they do that?
- Because my life fell apart.
And they thought
if I got some life experience,
then I'd be able
to piece it back together again.
And how's that working for you?
That's a lot of questions
I just answered.
No, I... I think
we can help each other out here.
Okay. I'm listening.
Let me introduce you
to the proper London food scene.
And then you can
make up your own mind,
with your eyes wide open,
and prove to your parents
you actually
did give this a shot.
And in return,
you bring your A game
to the kitchen for this party.
And it gives me enough time
to curate the restaurant's
image for my column.
And I can prove to my boss
I still have an eye for this.
my friend over there
can give me a tour of London
so I get to spend more time
with her
and less time with you.
I'm sure she can fit you
into her busy schedule.
Right. Fine.
But this is strictly
about the food.
And you write one bad review...
I only write a bad review
if it's a bad meal.
Hence the A game.
Those are the stakes.
Are you in?
Mr. Hastings.
Ms. Martins.
And then we shook on it.
A binding agreement.
Do you think
I made the right call?
Yeah. Trust you.
Having a personal restaurant
critic is no bad thing.
Uh, yeah! Unless you mess up.
Which you won't.
How are you doing anyway?
You've been dealing with a lot,
I'm feeling the pressure, too.
I'm managing the restaurants
and the bars.
With this party coming up, too.
Sometimes I feel like my brain
is coming out of my ears.
I'm sorry
for not asking you earlier.
I've been so focused
on my own problems.
Honestly. It's fine.
I don't really have the
headspace to think about it.
That sounds like a pretty bad
case of burnout to me.
Talk more about you, please.
Okay, so the plan is for Theo
to show me London through food.
Help me connect
with what I'm cooking.
Something like that anyway.
Yeah. I get that.
Help you open your mind up
to this opportunity.
Well, if it helps you out.
Yeah, definitely.
And hey, if you do decide
to abandon me,
at least I can get
a killer new head chef in.
My bed's not even cold yet!
I can't believe you're thinking
of replacing me already.
Don't make me think
about it then.
Okay, mate.
Give me good news.
- There is some news, actually.
- Great.
Because I've got the big bosses
pushing for me
- to justify your contract.
- Great.
Look, you know
I don't wanna let you go.
But if there isn't enough
consistent interest
in what you're writing,
I'm afraid my hands are tied.
I have a plan.
Good. I'm all ears.
There's a new restaurant
in Notting Hill.
And the chef is pretty green
when it comes to high-end food.
But she's got something.
And we've got kind of
an exclusivity deal.
Sounds like an experiment to me.
If I pull this off,
no one is gonna post a story.
I guarantee it.
And the chef agreed?
My reputation
still holds some weight.
What makes him so special?
Well, it's the story
that's interesting.
- Mm-hmm.
- She's American.
She's broken-hearted.
And she's forced
to leave the US by her parents
to the challenge
of a totally new food scene.
People are gonna love it,
I swear.
Yeah, but tabloid gold's
not really our style.
Well, maybe that's where
we're going wrong.
Give the people what they want.
Look, there's a time limit
to this, okay?
This chef, Stella Martins,
has two weeks to decide
whether she wants to stay
or her best friend
and hotshot restauranteur
Rebecca Joseph replaces her.
See what I mean?
Okay, I'll give you two weeks.
You make this work, I'll bite.
If not,
I don't think there's anything
I can do for you.
I won't let you down, boss.
- All work and no play.
What can I say?
I'm a stress cleaner.
Why stressed?
Because I'm about to be
dragged around London
all afternoon.
- Where are you going?
- I don't know.
Somewhere with good food,
I guess.
Doesn't really narrow it down.
Who's that?
No one.
If that's Chase, I swear...
He wants to talk!
How many times
have we been over this?
Stop letting him
mess you around.
I'm not!
You've already done
the hard thing.
Moving away.
Creating a life for you,
not somebody else.
Why make it hard again?
Just enjoy figuring out
the next chapter.
- Oh, I can't.
- Yes, you can.
What if he means it this time?
If he really still loves
wants to give things another go,
he'll find a way to apologize.
It doesn't involve
sporadic text messages.
And he'll understand
that it was easier for you
to have a clear head.
I believe in you.
I can't believe I just did that.
- You're my hero.
- Oh no, you're my hero.
You're my hero.
- Oh, I don't wanna cry.
- Don't cry.
- I don't wanna cry.
- Don't.
- I've done it.
Am I interrupting something?
- It was a big moment!
- So you're telling me
you haven't got his number
- Yeah, I thought so.
- Don't tell Rebecca.
I have no idea
the length she'll go to
to wipe it from my brain.
Don't worry,
your secret's safe with me.
- Wait!
- Hey!
- Whoa!
That's a good one.
What are you doing?
Part of this little arrangement
is putting my restaurant
on the map, right?
And terrifying us with flash
photography helps out?
The best way to put anything
on the map these days
is through social media.
I think you're underestimating
how old we are.
Yeah, you're right.
34 is the new 70.
I've opened up a page
for the restaurant.
All you have to do
is post a little bit
of behind the scenes
while you're out and about,
soaking up
all the inspiration you need.
I've already sold my soul
to the media, for you.
No offence.
Oh yeah, there's no way
that could be offensive.
I'm not gonna lower myself
to the internet stratosphere
as well!
Oh, come on.
It's only temporary.
Have some fun, take some photos,
get a little bit of engagement
while you can.
If you make me do a dance,
I swear I...
Op, yeah,
I'm vetoing that for the record.
Don't you wanna prove
to your parents
you're not just
going through the motions here?
Do you want Chase to see what an
amazing time you're having
and woo the day
he cheated on you?
I shouldn't have said that.
Okay, we are gonna go now.
- I'm sorry.
- You're the worst!
Oh, I love you!
Thank you.
Phew! That was brutal, though.
You okay?
Yeah, Bex is passionate,
but she doesn't mean anything
by it.
Well, are you ready
to take your mind off it?
You know what? I am.
Do you wanna see
the photo Rebecca took of us?
It might cheer you up.
- Oh.
- Oh!
that did make me feel better.
Mm-hmm? It's goin' away.
Do you know what else
might make you feel better?
- What?
- Food.
Now you're talking my language,
Theo Hastings.
London is a melting pot
of different cultures.
We have farmers markets
where I'm from,
but this is a different level.
Well, this is less like a
market and more like a mix
of ten different
street food restaurants,
all in one place.
I've not been livin'
under a rock.
I do know what street food is.
Sorry. Just 'cause you called it
a "farmers market".
Well, I'm a farm girl
from the States.
- What can I say?
Thank you. Cheers.
Here we go. Try this.
- Here we go.
- Wow!
Okay, I'm gonna try these.
Mm! This is amazing!
that's my favorite type of food.
Yeah, I can see why.
I mean, I'm good,
but this is next level.
So what's your usual style?
Elevated home cooking.
Best of the classics.
I'm really lucky
my parents have a restaurant,
so I used to make
what they made.
Obviously mine's better.
- Modest.
- Hmm.
All chefs are modest,
didn't you know that?
Oh, hang on,
let me get the phone.
Can you say something nice
to the camera?
I'm not playing
Rebecca's silly little game.
No, this is not for Rebecca,
this is for me.
I think it would be helpful
for me to document some of this.
Okay, for the record,
I'm happy to post
on social media
anything about the food,
the restaurant,
but nothing
about my personal life, okay?
So, here we have Stella Martins
reveling over street food
in London.
Are you feeling inspired?
I'm not sure
this is baking news.
Well, how about a samosa?
Or a Yorkshire pudding
with pulled pork on the top?
Or a hot dog?
We have hot dogs in the States.
You said you grew up
on a farm in Montana, correct?
So you have been
payin' attention.
I always pay attention
to people who interest me.
Well, then I need to be
less interesting.
- Right, come on.
- Hey!
- I want one of those samosas.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Oh my God! Look at this!
Oh great.
This looks so good.
I'm gonna eat these first.
- Go for it.
- I'm gonna put a plantain.
- Oh, beautiful.
- It's hot.
Thank you. Thank you.
- Okay?
- Wow! Okay.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Here we go. Beautiful.
- Mm!
This is great. This is great.
I'm getting it, yeah.
- Ready?
- I'm ready.
How is it? Is that hot?
Come on, one more.
One more bite, please.
- Please.
- It's so hot!
Come on, just one more,
one more. Please.
Oh my gosh! No, you have it!
Everybody smile.
I can't eat one more thing.
We should try and walk this off
and see if any of these
are social media worthy.
I doubt it!
- And maybe get some umbrellas.
- Yeah. It's raining.
- Come on.
- Come on.
Does this place ever stay dry
or still?
In the summer? Uh, no.
And at Christmas time,
absolutely not.
But there are some quiet times
in between.
Peaceful almost.
I feel overwhelmed
just walkin' around.
Yeah, I get that.
I grew up in the countryside,
so, yeah,
it was a change for me, too.
But, um, I love it now.
I could just sit and soak up the
energy for hours.
- You grew up in the country?
- Yes.
Well, the countryside here
isn't quite as vast
as it is in America,
but, uh, yeah, a quaint version.
Why would you ever leave?
I believe I'm the one writing
the article about you.
About my food.
Tell me about your life.
Well, if you couldn't tell
from Bexy's outburst...
I had a pretty horrible breakup.
Well, on my side anyway.
I thought I had my whole life
figured out,
and then I tried breakin' out
of my comfort zone,
and it all went wrong.
How so?
My ex was called "Chase".
He was
my high school sweetheart.
I got a job
at my parents' restaurant
after I left high school
as a chef,
and he was a waiter.
I liked the life we had,
but I guess I just
wasn't enough for him.
I'm really sorry about that.
Yeah, me, too.
I could not wait to get away
from my parents' home,
move to London,
and make a career of my own.
Right, well,
you've interviewed me.
Now it's my turn.
Uh, another time.
Should we go?
I thought you'd never ask.
- Which way?
- Uh, this way.
- Yeah, this way. Oh my God.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Welcome to British summer.
- I know.
You know, I had fun today.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
More than I thought I would.
You're finally comin' around
to London, then?
There's some good parts.
Yeah, I always thought
Notting Hill was quite peaceful.
It's still not home,
but we have
a lot more exploring to do
before you make me
the perfect chef muse.
Then I can call my parents
and tell them I'm ready
to go back home and try again.
See you soon?
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, tha... oh, um.
- Sorry. Um...
- Oh.
- See you.
- Yeah, see you later.
Hi, Dad.
Have you decided
to do the sensible thing
and come back home?
Not quite, but I thought
you were overdue a visit.
You're right about that.
I've also hit a slight snag
with work.
What did I tell you?
You should never have left
in the first place.
Dad, I've just come
for some advice.
Please lay off the lecturing
long enough to give me some.
I just think after everything
that happened with your mum...
- Dad.
- Alright, I'm sorry.
No more chastising, I promise.
Don't need to run off again,
do I?
Come inside for a cup of tea,
Have you been cooking much?
Here and there.
I have a full-time chef
who runs the restaurant now.
So I'm more back office.
Trying out new recipes
and the like.
How's it been stepping back?
But the grey hairs
have slowed down.
I look after the gardens now.
Growing new plants. Simple life.
Don't you get lonely?
That's the benefit
of running a restaurant
from your back garden.
There's always people around
if you want there to be.
I saw you lost your star.
Not surprising, really.
Do you think you'll get it back?
Without your mum around,
I just don't
have the same drive anymore.
I mean,
the people who come here,
They eat good food,
they have a nice time.
That's all I can ask for now.
So, what's the problem
in the big city?
Uh, I'm just dealing with a case
of imposter syndrome.
What? Why?
Freddie is basically
fighting the board
to let me keep my job.
I haven't made a single
successful recommendation
in over a year.
You're still writing articles.
I am, but my knack
for spotting talent
hasn't put anyone on the map
for a long time.
And my columns just aren't
having the success they used to.
Why do you think that is?
I don't know.
Maybe I'm just losing my edge.
I'm distracted,
I'm not catching opportunities
in the same way.
It's like something's fuzzier
in my brain than it used to.
Do you think...
and don't bite my head off.
Maybe you've only just
started processing everything
that happened.
What does that mean?
Oh, it's just
that when you first left,
you seemed so determined
to move on,
to focus your efforts
on something
that wasn't so painful.
How did you manage it?
Some days I don't.
But I find that in life you're
better facing things head on.
they do usually find a way
of catchin' up with you.
Anyway, I...
I don't think that's it.
Being vulnerable
doesn't make you
any less capable, son.
Thanks, Dad.
- So...
- Mm-hmm.
Talking about the starters.
We'll need food to be ready
at 7:00 p.m.
That's pretty early.
Mum, what do you think?
- Mum!
What is it, love?
Can you and Dad
tear yourselves away
from my most expensive bottle
of wine for two minutes
and come and help
with the running order?
I thought that was your job.
I'm a restauranteur,
not a party planner.
Whatever you think is best,
We totally agree!
Oh, no. No, if I have
to be present here,
then so do you.
This is ridiculous.
Who are the parents here?
Bex wants to do the canaps
at 7:00 p.m.,
but I was thinking
a little later,
like, 8:00, 8:30 maybe,
just so you're not rushed.
Very good point.
You just said you agreed
with whatever I thought.
We agree
with whatever you both think,
and we're just really happy
to be here.
If you need us, well, then,
we'll be over there.
This is like they reverted back
to the ages
of when they first got married.
Oh. I wanna be that in love
I just said something
that should provoke empathy.
No, no time.
I need to sort out press,
you know,
to actually advertise
The Rooftop,
- Which is the reason
why I agreed
to this in the first place.
Saved by the bell.
Oh, I've gotta take this.
Oh, can you grab a bottle
while you're at it?
Take a deep breath, okay?
Hi, Mom.
Hey, honey. How are you?
Uh, yeah, you know, surviving.
Looks like you're finally
having a good time.
What made you say that?
I saw it on social media.
Saw what?
The videos,
on the restaurant page.
Hold on, how did you...
What the...
I didn't think social media
was your style,
but this is great!
I don't understand this.
I don't either.
But it looks like
a lot of people do.
Mom, can I call you back?
Sure, honey.
Hey, I'm proud
of you makin' the most of this.
Looks like you'll be ready
for your own venture
sooner than we thought.
Thanks. Uh, love you.
Speak soon.
Ah, here you both are.
Hi. We're just... I...
Just go through this.
Oh, Dad, what is this?
You know, it goes underneath.
Oh, Rebecca's told us
that was your lovely mom!
How is she?
We should have a video call
with her and your dad soon.
Yeah, yeah!
So is she coming to the party?
I d... I don't know.
I'll have to ask her.
Have you got a minute?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Yeah, I'm just, like...
No, no, they look... uh, uh...
This is utterly ridiculous.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
Just the widely popular
social media page
that you made
for the restaurant!
How does it have so many hits?
I was hoping you'd be able
to answer that.
Oh, I wish I was that good.
I see you're
a social media star.
I'd be surprised.
This is clueless as me.
Hmm. Maybe the American foodie
in London with a cute guy
is just a great USP.
Theo said that earlier.
What is that?
Unique selling point.
What am I gonna do?
It's out of hand!
Market. Why not?
So that's the nicest one anyway,
Hmm. So you reckon it's good for
the app to boost the profile?
Apparently so.
I'm gonna try it anyway
and you know...
- Oh. Sorry.
- Stella. Have you seen it?
- Yeah.
Are you a secret influencer?
Not that I'm aware of.
Well, you are now.
This is great.
Sorry, I thought
I was just talking to Stella.
Fine. Don't waste this.
So what do you wanna do?
I don't know.
It's not exactly what I had
in mind.
Then we'll leave it.
It wasn't my plan to be
all over social media, anyway.
But my mom
actually sounded proud of me
for, like, the first time ever.
Never mind. It's silly. It's...
No, no, no. It's not silly.
Look, if this will make Rebecca
and your mum happy,
then I can make it work.
- What?
- Say it again.
Say what again?
- Come on.
- Please.
That's hilarious.
So, when do we
go explorin' again?
- Good work today.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- We did our best.
Good night, boss!
See you later.
Sorry if I was unbearable today.
You're never unbearable.
Didn't your mother ever tell you
not to lie?
Is everything okay?
You were right.
I think I've discovered
a new level of burnout.
You need to slow down.
All I seem to do is be able
to build businesses.
This is your life!
Businesses don't live
and breathe.
I guess.
Seeing my mum
and dad having this party
makes me wanna
start dating again.
I've been saying for so long
I need
to prioritize my love life.
Maybe now it's time.
Hey, I like that.
So what's it gonna be?
A datin' app or a bar?
Whoa there!
One step at a time.
If I can help, let me know.
I appreciate you.
But I can't start relying
too heavily
on someone who might leave soon.
a head chef's replaceable,
support network isn't.
I never thought of it like that.
I'm being unbearable again.
Hey, it's all good.
So you're seeing Theo tomorrow?
Look, it's pretty obvious
that you don't have the energy
for this conversation right now.
So, you get some sleep
and we'll talk later.
Okay? Deal?
- Morning.
- Oh, thanks!
I guessed your order.
Yeah, it tastes good.
So, you ready
for another adventure?
What's the plan?
I thought we'd actually explore
the city today.
I thought
we'd done that already.
Well, London is never empty
And this is as quiet as it gets.
6:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning,
the sun is still rising
and people are still in bed.
Yes, thanks for reminding me
how disgustingly early it is.
I thought it was the best time
for you to try
and connect to the city
you're creating your food in.
It's not a bad plan.
I have my moments.
Oh, have you got
the magic social media phone?
- Oh, yes.
- Good.
- Here it is.
- Let's go.
Now that
is what I'm talking about.
I'm not gonna lie, I think I've
got a natural affinity for this.
- For what?
- This.
What, showing the world how fun
and outgoing I am?
I wouldn't go that
far just yet.
- Wait.
- What?
What time is it?
- Uh, almost 1:00.
- Shoot!
I was supposed to meet Bex
at The Rooftop
to go over the meal plan
for her parents' party!
Well, how far is it?
Oh, sorry, wrong person.
Where is it?
Hold on, I have the address.
Okay, we could walk there
in about 20 minutes.
Oh, well, I...
I thought because we...
I could observe you.
Your meal plan.
I am writing an article
about you, after all.
About my food.
Yeah, sure, that, too.
Seriously, my private life
is still off-limits, Theo.
But people love the American
and London angle.
for a bit of social media fun,
but not for publication!
Well, can I come to The Rooftop?
It would be good to see you
in action
outside the restaurant setting.
Well, I suppose
there's less chance
of me getting lost
if you come, too.
Oh, so are you saying
you'd be lost without me?
It's this way. See?
You would be lost without me.
Oh, shut up.
It doesn't make any sense
to have music before food.
Can you stop ganging up on me?
we're not ganging up on you.
Uh, it's just the tent...
- I'm so sorry, I'm late.
- What time do you call this?
I know, I know, but we were
on a very important mission
for the good of the restaurant.
What, prancing
around Buckingham Palace?
Would we say "prancing"?
Well, the tour of London
did generate
a lot of online traffic.
Online traffic?
The algorithms
would have kicked in now,
showing our content
to an even wider audience!
We've created a monster.
Are you two done here?
'Cause we were
having a heated debate.
Oh, fantastic.
Where do I sign up?
This is your station.
You and your new bestie can
lock in the food plan over here.
So, we have seafood.
Oysters and smoked salmon blinis
to represent the river.
Then we have elevated
roast dinner canap style,
like the ones we had
at the street food market,
to represent the pubs
of North London.
Then I'm going to incorporate
the flavors of Asia
into the dessert canaps,
passion fruit pavlova
with lemongrass
- and galangal in the cream.
- Great.
I think you missed something,
- More? You want more?
I don't think so.
Just this once.
I couldn't do it. Okay.
So, we're gonna do a tour
of London through food,
because you guys grew up here.
I love it.
That's really thoughtful,
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Do you have any plans tonight?
Um, nothing. Why?
We could run through the ideas
at the restaurant,
if that's okay with you.
Yeah, what time?
Is 7:00 okay?
It's a date. Not a date.
Uh, sorry, you know what I mean.
You better bring you're a game.
Could you pass me the salt?
Yes, Chef.
- Thanks.
- What's it for?
The oysters.
I was gonna have it
as a dressing,
but I think I'm gonna try it
as a caviar texture.
It'd be easier to eat
as a canap.
- Adventurous.
- Mm-hmm.
Do you think we should be
putting this up on social media?
The bookings for the restaurant
have been crazy
since you did
that verification thingy.
How did you even do that?
A genius
never reveals their secrets.
Which actually is kinda
how I feel about this.
I think this will be a nice
surprise for our guests.
And it is nice to spend some
time together
without the added pressure.
Do you think
this needs some chili?
Sorry, what was you saying?
Oh, nothing important.
Um, I don't think
it's chili you're missing.
I think it's some kind of herb.
What have you tried
out of these?
Um, cilantro.
Hmm, coriander.
Cilantro. Thyme.
Thai basil? Bit of fusion?
- Uh, sorrel.
- What?
It's really difficult to grow.
My dad's obsessed with it.
He's got this special
How do you know
so much about food?
Uh, I'm a food critic.
That's my job.
Yeah, but it has to come
from somewhere.
Your dad?
Look, I haven't been
entirely transparent
about my family home.
I grew up at The Homestead.
- Excuse me?
- It's a restaurant.
I know what The Homestead is.
Yeah, my dad's Ben Hastings.
Hastings. Theo Hastings.
No way!
Guilty as charged.
Ben Hastings
is my mom's culinary hero.
It's probably the whole reason
she was so obsessed
with me movin' to England!
Yeah, well, it's not
all it's cracked up to be.
You wanna make a name
for yourself
so you don't live
in your dad's shadow.
Nope, no goin' in there.
Well, you have to take me there.
That's non-negotiable.
I suppose
it is prime social media fodder.
See? Go to old social media.
You sound like a grandma.
And that needs honey.
Oh, you have to take me there,
Well, let's get this dish right
first, shall we?
What did you say, honey?
- Stella!
- Good morning to you, too.
- Where are you going?
- To the countryside.
Because Theo's dad
is Ben Hastings
and he's inviting me
to The Homestead!
Can you believe it?
Well, obviously.
It's no secret
he's Ben Hastings' son.
Probably why he's so successful
in the first place.
And suddenly,
I understand his need
to make a name for himself.
Look, I wanted to give you this.
It's an apology.
You've been doin' a lot
of apologizing lately.
It's a friendship bracelet.
Oh, it's so cute!
It's a proper version
of the ones we made
when we were younger
when I visited the farm.
Oh, honestly, Bex,
you didn't have to.
No, I did.
I can't believe I said
I couldn't rely on you
as a friend.
Of course I know I can,
even if you're far, far away.
And what about The Rooftop
with Theo?
I was jealous.
There, I said it.
I feel so lonely
most of the time.
My job takes up my whole life
and having you here
has kind of felt like
having a partner in crime. And
You're the one
who told me to go for it.
Yeah, I didn't mean
fall in love with him.
Whoa there,
no one said anything about that.
I'm happy for your happiness,
especially if it means
you'll stay in London.
I'm not in love with him.
I guess I just hoped
that this would be enough.
Me and the restaurant.
I love you, Bex.
Uh, I... I like Theo. It's just...
None of this
is mutually exclusive.
The only reason I'm spendin'
time with you
in the first place
is for you and the restaurant.
I just wanna be
someone people can rely on.
You, my parents...
And Theo?
I just don't
wanna be replaceable anymore,
like I was to Chase.
And you think
you're gonna achieve that
by following Theo Hastings
into the depths
of the countryside?
I can think of worse places
to figure myself out.
Thank you. I love it.
I'll see you later, yeah?
I love you.
Oh, it's just like home.
You see something new every day.
The smell, it's so refreshing!
Well, I'm glad
someone else appreciates it
other than my dad.
Oh, come on.
You can't seriously be immune
to how beautiful this is.
I don't understand
how you'd ever wanna leave.
I have my reasons.
And I guess you don't wanna talk
about those.
Let's just say I probably sit
on your parents' side
of the fence.
I do believe you have to
broaden your horizons
to become a truly great chef.
Well, my parents didn't have to.
- Did your dad?
- He's traveled.
Yeah, and then he came back!
did you ever wanna be a chef?
Oh my goodness,
I can't believe it!
You really are Ben Hastings!
My mom would die
if she knew I was here.
did you just bring home a fan?
Dad, this is Stella,
who, as likely as it seems,
is not an actual crazy person.
Did I actually just do that?
To be honest, yes, you did.
What's this all about?
So, Stella, what brings you
to England?
Oh, long story.
Well, Theo's probably
heard too many times already.
- Shall I paraphrase?
- Yeah, fast.
Talented chef. Country girl.
Brutally dumped. Too sheltered.
Broadening horizons.
I mean,
I've never had my whole life
reduced to ten words before.
Well, you said, "Make it fast".
Yeah, I suppose I did.
He always has had a way
with words.
Yeah, clearly.
as a country bumpkin myself,
welcome to our little slice
of paradise.
Aw, I'm so happy to be here.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
So basically, my mom modeled
the whole basis
of the restaurant
after The Homestead.
Oh, did she ever live
in England?
For a while, yeah.
She had a pen pal from school
that she was super close to,
and they used to
visit each other all the time.
So when I was old enough,
my mom made sure
that I signed up
to the same program,
which is where I met Bex.
But yeah, she lived here, too,
and she learned to cook
at the best restaurants,
and then she met my dad.
And he's American, too,
so they both moved back home
and they set up a business
It's a similar story to me
and Theo's mum.
Oh, I've not heard this story.
Well, I don't think it's one
he really likes to tell.
And I've never had the chance
because he's never
brought a girl home for me
to recount it to before.
Oh, he hasn't.
- Dad.
- Come on, son.
Georgia was a beautiful girl.
We met in Thailand.
I mean, she was there
to explore the food,
and I was just there
for a holiday.
Yeah, she was a chef, really.
I was just a boy who called
himself "an entrepreneur"
but didn't really
have any direction.
We met one night
at a beach party,
and I enrolled
in the same school as her
the very next day.
Fast forward two years,
she calls me up out of the blue
and asks me
if I'm still planning
to start up a small business.
I mean, I told her
I'd already started one,
a small restaurant
out of my parents' house.
She tells me she's looking
for a new venture
and asked if she could come
for an interview.
I mean, we weren't even hiring,
I was never gonna miss the
chance of seeing her again.
Together we built this place
from the ground up.
Got a star,
put the business on the map,
had Theo.
They were real halcyon days.
It's a beautiful story.
I feel the same way
about my home,
Which is why I never wanted
to leave.
I think you really
have to explore the world
to know where your heart
really lies.
I mean, it's only
because I left so often
that I realized that
there was nowhere else I would
rather be than here,
with my family,
with my son.
I'll leave you both to it.
I'll be inside
if you need anything.
Why do I feel like that comment
from your dad bothered you?
Do you want the long
or the short answer?
Long answer, always.
Or as long as you want it to be.
The truth is, I envy you.
Envy me? Why?
Because your parents
encouraged you to travel,
to spread your wings.
Mine just wanted me
to stay at home
- and be sheltered forever.
- I'm sure that's not true.
It just didn't seem fair.
They got to travel
and I never got the chance.
You're doin' it now, aren't you?
Yeah, well, sure,
I made it to the city,
but London's only down the road.
Okay, so what's top of your
South America, Southeast Asia,
- Hmm.
- Australia, Morocco, Madagascar.
I'm gonna stop you there before
you go on a tour of the world.
- Like I said, everywhere.
And what about your mom?
What about Mum?
Do you see her often?
I think
you know the answer to that.
Do I get an official tour?
Of course.
So cute.
Oh, he's got the...
I know. I know.
Is that a purple carrot?
The original carrot color, yes.
I created a whole menu
around purple carrots,
but my dad
wouldn't let me grow them.
Apparently, they don't appeal
to the average consumer.
Ah, so your mum
is the creative one.
You look like you're
in your element right now.
Yeah, well,
I can be adventurous sometimes.
Ah, so adventurous when you're
in your comfort zone.
- What a contradiction.
- Whoa!
Oh wait, actually,
this is a photo opportunity
I can't miss.
Don't worry,
it's not for social media,
it's just for memories.
Oh no, go on,
Rebecca will love this.
Okay, I'm recording.
Everybody knows that tomatoes
go really well with...
And what
could you possibly think
to pair tomatoes and leeks
with other than...
Ugh, come on, we do have a
reputation to maintain.
Wait, now the finishing touch.
- Thai basil.
- I'm not sure I'd eat this dish.
Oh, but everybody says
I have so much potential.
Very funny.
So what's next?
Well, I think that's obvious.
It was going so well
until I found the basil.
Not one for the restaurant menu?
No, I think it needs work.
You know, I had fun today.
I seem to have
a good track record with that.
Look, Stella, uh, about my
You don't have to talk about it
if you don't want to.
No, no,
I don't mind talkin' about it,
it's just I'm very picky about
who I talk to.
I don't wanna bare my soul
to someone who might leave soon.
You're not the only person
who said that to me recently.
My mum died about five years ago
and honestly,
I moved to London
because I couldn't cope.
I don't know how my dad stayed.
All the memories, the sadness,
and the joys,
I just had to get away.
Yeah, you make sense.
I thought at the very least
I could distract myself.
All my early success came
from this place
of not wanting to slow down
in case all the pain came back.
But, now everything's slowed
it's almost like I'm having
to process it again
for the first time.
Have you ever thought that maybe
your dad needs you
more than you need the city?
You could be truly great.
You said so yourself,
you're already pushing yourself.
Yeah, well, we can talk
about all my issues
after we've finished talking
about yours.
- Do you want a glass of wine?
- Ah, without a doubt.
You know, I didn't wanna do
what all my friends did
after college.
I didn't want to move
to New York
and join some
conglomerate juggernaut
and work in advertisin'.
And I lost touch with a lot of
friends because of that.
Chase, my ex,
he became my entire world
and I was so reliant
on that one person
for my own happiness.
I wanted
to open a restaurant with him
and my parents said
they would back it financially
if we could successfully
run their place for a while.
And what happened?
The breakup?
A month of disaster
for the restaurant
and no support from my parents
who thought my lack
of life experience
was the reason
I didn't see it coming.
And now I'm in a big city anyway
and I've never felt so alone.
I guess
what I'm tryin' to say is
I know how terrifying it is
to lose someone.
Even if it's not
in the same way.
I feel so good
when I'm with him.
Like, he makes me feel
so comfortable.
That's amazing.
And the only other person
who makes me feel like that
is you!
- So it's a big deal!
- It's okay.
You don't have to
make me feel better.
I had my diva moment.
I'm happy for you.
We're just opposites
in so many ways.
Like, it really shouldn't work.
Hey, don't overthink it.
It's hard not to.
There's just still so much
that's unknown.
I'm sure
he feels exactly the same.
Yeah, you're right.
I need someone
who found optimism.
Look, I'm just
finding my rhythm, my style.
You will, too. I know it.
How's it going, champ?
Yeah, I'm just tryin'
to write this article
and not make it sound
like a cheap expose.
I thought that was the plan.
I know,
but something about it now
just doesn't feel right.
Look, you've got to monopolize
whatever you can, alright?
Don't think I'm joking
when I tell you
I'm trying my best,
but you have to meet me halfway.
You've done
the social media stuff now.
The board's excited, huh?
So if this is the new direction
we take to make it work,
so be it.
You were right, you know?
We're moving with the times.
Freddie, I... I...
Hey, I believe in you.
So, I started dating again.
Why didn't you tell me?
I met this guy. It's early days.
I don't know if I can commit
to someone again.
Bex, this is the best news!
You deserve this
more than anyone.
- Yeah?
- Absolutely!
How have we both
found our love interests?
I know. Maybe the vow renewal
is sending out some sort
of cosmic energy.
- It's about time.
- I'll drink to that.
- Yeah, cheers.
So I've got these for you.
Thank you.
And could you put these
at the back?
There. Thank you very much.
Right. Got this.
Hi! Hi!
Aw, you look great!
And you look beautiful.
- Bex has really outdone herself.
- Yeah. How is she?
Yeah, she's doing good,
actually. Yeah.
- How have you done this?
- Done what?
This is the best thing
I've ever tasted.
Well, I had a good sous chef.
Mm, speaking of,
will Mr. Theo be
joining us today?
I'll take that as a yes.
- Oh, sorry.
- Hi.
- Hi.
It's been a joy
to watch Stella Martins
Try to rediscover her passion.
The food she's cooking now
is some of the best
you'll ever eat.
But her full potential
is yet to be realized.
Are you kidding me?
Heartbreak can be the catalyst
for growth
or the basis for fear of food.
And it's hard
to tell which way this will go.
Either way, it's well worth
going to Silver along the way.
20 canaps in one minute
is not cute.
I'm a chef.
If anyone can revert
to grief eating, it's me.
Well, it's not all bad, right?
I mean, Theo did say for people
to check out the restaurant
and that your food is great.
He wrote about Chase.
About my life, me,
my personal flaws!
- He's a journalist.
- No, he's a liar!
Can I talk to you, please?
- Hey, Rebecca.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry for what?
You made it very clear
that you needed to make a name
for yourself
by all means necessary.
It was just so obvious
what the people
wanted to see, that the social
Was a bit of fun!
Yeah, but it worked.
The article has been shared
over a thousand times already.
Oh, great!
Even more people now have the
right to an opinion about me!
No, no. No one's gonna
read it like that.
It's just a hook
for the article,
which actually
is very flattering,
by the way.
Are you seriously
defending yourself right now?
You know how vulnerable I felt
since I got here.
And I was finally starting
to feel like this place
- might be home!
- I said, "I'm sorry!"
I told you
that stuff was off-limits!
- I trusted you!
- But I...
It doesn't matter anyway.
Because I'm leaving.
Okay. I understand
if you need some space.
No, I'm leaving London.
I'm going back to the States.
I'm going home.
for making my decision easier.
Are you that incapable of seeing
the bigger picture here?
And what's that supposed
to mean?
You! You, you're so set
in your comfort zone
and you refuse
to do anything else.
I tried that before, remember?
And I fell right back
into the same trap with you!
- It was never a trap.
- You know, your dad was right.
Leaving was selfish.
And you will never be happy
or get over your loss
if you don't appreciate
what you already have!
Well, I guess we really
do see things too differently.
I think you need to go.
- Stella.
- Goodbye, Theo.
- Stella.
I'm so sorry. I have to leave.
My happy ending just isn't here.
You really cared about her, huh?
I didn't even realize
it was happening.
Things happen
when you least expect them to.
I just don't understand
how it all went so wrong.
Sure you do.
You left after your mother died
because you were too scared
of facing your feelings.
Seems to me that's exactly
what Stella's doing.
No, that was different.
I was channeling my energy
into something else.
She just lashed out.
And you don't wanna
take any blame for that?
I suppose.
Poking into someone's personal
life is one thing.
Publishing it for the world
to see is another.
What would you do
if this is you and Mum?
How would you make this better?
Your mother liked flowers.
And a picnic.
Very romantic.
And a genuine apology
to go alongside it.
What are you doin' here?
I live upstairs.
And what are you doing here?
I couldn't sleep.
I needed space.
Go back home, Stella.
See, by that, I know you mean
back to my apartment
but going back home
is what I'm losing sleep over.
Come on. Let's have a chat.
I don't know what to do.
What do you wanna do?
Come on. Try harder than that.
I miss my family.
But I'm scared if I go back
to the States,
then I won't come back.
And I'll revert back
to my comfortable life
and then I'll have to admit
to Theo that he is...
Life's not a series
of ultimatums.
I know you're used to working
in black and white,
but there's a whole grey area
in between.
And what's that supposed
to mean?
We're lucky enough to live
in a world with aero planes.
So you can have the best
of both worlds, if you want it.
But what about the restaurant,
I'd make it work.
Your happiness
is more important.
Speaking of,
where do things stand with Theo?
We got mad.
Said some things we didn't mean.
What are you gonna do about it?
You know,
this is really annoying.
What, the flowers?
I was goin' to apologize to you.
Oh, well, I beat you to it.
A way to make me look bad.
Oh, well, I'll take them back
to the florist
- if they're bothering...
- No, no, no!
They're fine.
I don't have anything for you,
All I need from you is a yes.
Depends what I'm agreeing to.
It's a surprise.
You're playin' a dangerous game,
Mr. Hastings.
So what am I saying yes to?
I love them. Are we going?
Let's go.
You've really outdone yourself
this time.
Look, I'm so sorry
for letting myself set out
and draggin' you along with me.
I... I just had this need
to prove everyone wrong.
I never ever wanted to hurt you.
And I'm sorry
for retreating back
into my little protective shell
every time something happened
that I didn't like.
We're so enlightened.
Not yet. Maybe one day.
So, what is your plan?
I think,
I'm gonna stay.
What made you change your mind?
- Rebecca.
- Ouch.
She needs me.
The restaurant needs me.
Well, you can add
one more person to that list.
- Okay, let's make a deal.
- Hmm.
- I'll stay for you, too...
- Mm-hmm.
As long as you take me
to the country
whenever I need
some inspiration.
- Done.
- And no more social media
- posts or writin' articles.
- But what if I...
- Theo!
- Okay, sorry, sorry.
Done, and done.
And if I need another tour...
There be a thousand adventures
to go on.
- Your ex-boyfriend?
The walk back from that store.
Oh, come on, it's not that far.
It's not the distance.
It's walking past
every known contestant
of Britain's Next Top Model
while I look like this.
You're being dramatic!
You're made for the streets
of London!
Yeah, it's a good job,
because I don't have a choice.
Right, we got three steaks,
two lamb chops!
Stella. Stella!
The waiters
are getting stressed out there.
How behind are we?
Um, we're good. I'll step it up.
Look, I'm trusting you
to bring your best self
to this job.
No, you're... you're right.
I'm sorry.
I'll pull it back.
Right, we need one halibut,
Come on, we need to speed it up!
Two minutes!
Can you put this over here,
Have you spoken to Chase?
Not really.
So that's a yes.
I texted him
in a moment of weakness.
Well, now he's ghostin' me,
which is a whole new low.
It's his loss.
You've got
to leave it behind you.
Why does no one prepare you
for this?
This is the kind of stuff
they should teach you about
in high school, not Jane Austen
and triangles.
Well, in Jane's defense,
she was a romantic expert
of sorts.
How is it possible
to have your whole life
mapped out and then boom,
your fianc leaves you,
your parents say
you're too sheltered
to reach your full potential,
and then you move halfway
across the world...
To a place where everything
is trying to kill you,
- apparently!
- Stop complaining!
We're in Notting Hill.
It's the ultimate
romantic place.
Yes, I know.
Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts,
et cetera.
London is the best city
in the world.
If you're gonna
have to have a fresh start,
well, at least it's here.
Aren't you glad
we got matched up as
pen pals all those years ago,
- You are?
- Yes.
How do these people manage
to avoid life's disasters?
Okay, glass half empty, enough!
I need you
to keep together long enough
to make the restaurant
a success.
Then you can run back off
to the mighty USA.
If my parents will have me.
But this
is what they wanted you to do.
Explore, adventure,
broaden your horizons.
And they're right.
You're never gonna be
the kind of chef
you're capable of being if you
stay in your comfort zone.
- Okay, Mom.
On a serious note,
and speaking of parents,
mine have their vow renewals
coming up.
Are you throwin' them a party?
Yeah, at The Rooftop.
Will you cater?
You don't even have to ask.
I'd also love
to officially announce you
as head chef of Silver
at the event,
if that's what you decide.
Look, if you don't think
you can commit
to this long term, by then,
I'm gonna have
to find a replacement.
Are you giving me a deadline?
It's just business.
You know I love you.
Yeah, I get it.
You're one of
London's hottest restauranteurs
for a reason.
- Cheers to that.
- Cheers.
- Right.
- How we feelin', Chef?
Good. How many covers tonight?
Well, it's Saturday night.
This is prime real estate,
so we're looking
at full capacity.
This is my new shiny venture!
You're a cheffing legend.
And tonight, I need you
to take it up a notch.
Oui, Chef.
You're the chef.
I'm just
your biggest cheerleader.
- Aw! You're so cute, you know?
- Right, show me.
Right. Yeah, so today I was
- Evening, sir. How can I help?
- Evening.
Um, can I have a glass of
whatever sommelier recommends?
You can indeed. Inside or out?
- Uh, outside, please.
- Uh, just down there, sir.
- Alright. Thank you.
- Thank you.
Three scallops, two steaks,
and one lobster, please!
Yes, Chef!
We're not doing fusion here.
Swap out the Thai basil
for regular basil, please.
- On it.
- Where is my halibut?
On it.
- Service, please!
Hey, thank you.
- Great work today.
- Thank you, Chef.
There's a man out there
that wants to speak to the chef.
A man! How mysterious.
I think he's a critic.
I recognize his face,
but I can't put a name to it.
Well, what do I even say to him?
Just go say, "Hi!
Thank you for coming.
Hope you enjoyed the meal."
Well, we don't get many critics
out in the middle of Montana.
Just be cheerful.
Positive. Personable.
Shouldn't be too hard for you.
And give me that.
I'm saving you from yourself.
- Hey, how was your food?
- It was good.
It was good, yeah?
You're welcome.
Tall, dark... Um...
Great to meet you, Chef.
Did you enjoy your food?
I most certainly did.
And I'd like to put a face
to my talent.
I was surprised when the quality
halfway through, though.
The starter was amazing.
The main was anticlimactic.
And the desserts...
Well, I have no idea
what happened to that.
Oh, well, if you couldn't tell
from my accent,
I'm not from around here.
New kitchen, new environment.
It can take a while
to grease the wheels.
Where are you from?
And what brings you to the UK?
Um, I'm not really sure
that's any of your business.
I'm just curious.
Wait, you're a critic, right?
- Mm-hmm.
- Not a biographer.
Yeah, but people are usually
more forthcoming
about giving information
for a review.
Well, it doesn't sound like
it'd be
a very good review anyway, so...
What about your normal style?
Can you tell me anything
about that?
So many questions.
It's my job.
Wait, are you flirting with me?
Absolutely not.
Well, then I don't
have any interest
telling you anything more
about my life.
I hope you enjoyed one third
of your meal.
Bex, this is seriously cool!
from the Ice Queen herself.
Must be doing something right.
What's the emergency?
Theo Hastings.
Review of new restaurant
Bar Silver, Notting Hill.
- Oops.
This was perhaps
the most intriguing meal
I've had recently.
A chef that showed real promise
and left me
wholeheartedly disappointed
that this quality
wasn't maintained.
I'd recommend it in a heartbeat
for the setting,
but maybe this chef needs
more time
to find their full potential.
Watch this space, though.
It could be a new hot spot
in London
when this restauranteur
and chef pairing
find their rhythm.
What is everyone's obsession
with my potential?
One thing I've always been able
to rely on
is my ability to cook.
Even when my short-lived attempt
running my own business failed,
at least I knew it was nothing
to do with the food.
So what happened last night?
- Chase texted me.
- Stella!
I didn't wanna miss the chance
to chat to him.
And did you? Chat to him?
- Alright, delete his number.
- No, Becky!
- No. For your own good!
- This is ridiculous!
- Just delete it!
- No!
Just delete it!
- Stop it!
- Hi, Mum. Hi, Dad.
Just remind me
how old you both are.
So, how're you finding London,
Yeah, it's nice.
Just nice?
Nice is a positive adjective.
Uh, it's not really
an anything adjective.
It's not home.
And the restaurant?
Yeah, that's doing great.
Well, that's more like it.
My boss is sat right next to me.
Oh, excuse me. Let me get this.
I don't know how she does it.
Yeah, well, we brought her up
to work hard.
Oh yeah.
She does take it
to a different level.
Hmm. How many restaurants
is that now?
Uh, three restaurants,
- four bars.
- Mm-hmm.
And she manages them all
That's crazy.
Well, we do try
and help out where we can,
but we have been
just a little bit distracted
by a celebration of our own.
Oh, Rebecca told me!
The vow renewals!
Has she asked you
if you'll cater?
Yeah, you bet!
Anythin' to thank you guys
for being so welcomin'
- since I got here.
- Oh, it's our pleasure!
And we know
how excited Rebecca's been
that you're gonna move here.
I'm not sure
how she feels about it now.
Guess who that was?
What? Like, out of everyone
in the world?
- London.
- The King?
Ha-ha, very funny.
It was Theo Hastings.
- Ew.
- Stella!
Sorry. What does he want?
A meeting. With you.
Damn it!
Hey, excuse me, could you just...
Hi, I'm sorry, I'm looking...
Okay, you got this.
Farm girl
takes on London subway.
Oh, I'm so, so sorry. I'm...
Down we go.
- Sorry!
Thank God, that's over.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Um, I'm here for a meeting
with Theo Hastings.
Thanks for coming, Ms. Martins.
My office is just this way.
You can have one.
Ms. Martins.
Please, take a seat.
So, you're probably wondering
why I asked to have a meeting.
I don't enjoy
being dragged through the city.
- Not even the nice parts?
- Not even the nice parts.
Well, I'll make this
less painful for you
than the journey in,
and I'll cut to the chase.
Is everything okay?
Oh, y... yeah.
Um, I just...
Uh, never mind.
I have a proposition.
Immediately terrifying.
Are you always this pessimistic?
It's really quite thrilling.
Please, continue.
I'm having a bit of a slow run.
My USP is putting new talent
on the map,
and I keep getting beaten
to the punch.
I need a new tactic.
Nurture new talent
so no one can pip me to it.
Pip you?
Uh, sorry, a bit of English ism.
So no one gets there before me.
I think you need a new job.
But please, elaborate.
I need to put someone new
into the culinary stratosphere
to save my job.
My boss has pretty much told me
I was good as gone if I don't.
When I came into the restaurant
the other day,
I thought I struck gold.
- Silver.
- Sorry?
The restaurant is
called "Silver".
Oh. A comedian, too.
Uh, no, just a chef.
And unfortunately,
not the person you need.
But you have so much potential.
If you can
just keep it consistent.
Look, I'm not here
for any more criticism.
I'm just in the UK long enough
to show
that I can broaden my horizons
and then I'm going back
to the States.
- What about the restaurant?
- It's Rebecca's restaurant.
I tried to open
my own restaurant
and I failed miserably.
Hence the broadening
of horizons.
More importantly,
she can get a new chef.
Does she want to do that?
This is how it went down.
Bex had a head chef
and he got a better offer
at the last minute.
She called me at a time
when I needed a life shake-up.
And now I've got two weeks
to decide
if I want to stay and commit
or if my best friend's got
to find someone to replace me
for her parents' party
and then deal with whatever
decision I make
is probably the wrong one!
One meal.
If not for your sake,
then Rebecca's.
It's a win-win.
If you stay,
it's publicity for you and her.
And if you go,
then, well, it's just publicity
for whoever Rebecca decides
to bring on board.
He just won't give up.
I'm confused.
What's in it for him?
He seems pretty desperate to me.
He needs to prove
that he can spot new talent.
So, instead of chasin'
after the same chefs
as everyone else,
he wants to work with us
to review this place
so that the success is basically
synonymous with his name.
Hmm, that's a smart move.
I looked up some
of his old stuff.
In his prime, he put a lot
of places on the map.
Seems like a win-win.
That's what he said.
So, what is it then?
I don't know.
It's just a lot of pressure
and I wanted to keep a low
profile for a while.
This is the opposite of what
your parents want you to do.
So what? The restaurant
we chased was a huge disaster.
But that's how you learn.
Get out there into the world.
Push yourself.
Experience new things.
I did tell him
I get him a reservation tonight.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Don't get too excited.
To the kitchen.
Too late.
Yeah. It's lovely. Thank you.
Thank you.
- Service!
On it!
Ah, lovely. Thank you.
How's it looking?
Good, I think.
He seems to be nodding a lot.
You can't tell anything
from a nod.
They seem like positive nods.
What, are you
a body language expert now?
Oh, he's finished. Go on.
Go and talk to him.
Oh yeah, 'cause
that went so well last time.
No time for whining.
- He's coming over.
- What? No.
Good evening, Ms. Martins.
Ms. Martins. Really?
Not a fan?
Stella is fine.
Well, you certainly
did that meal justice.
That was a compliment.
So why do I feel
like I'm bracing myself?
It's still too safe.
That usually means simple
but tasty.
I asked you this question
once before
and you didn't want to answer.
My style is pretty classic.
White pants with a white top
and a white hat
if I'm feeling fancy.
- Very funny.
- Not the right answer?
Not the right question.
What inspires you to cook?
Back home, it's all about
using local ingredients.
I guess that's why I'm findin'
it so hard in the city.
It just... it feels soulless.
Like, don't get me wrong,
I love cooking.
But the connection's
not the same
when you're not cultivating
a recipe from start to finish.
London is one of the best cities
for food in the whole world.
How can you be
lacking inspiration here?
Have you been out, explored?
I'm not sure
that makes a difference to you.
Well, maybe
it's your own closed-mindedness
holding you back.
Well, I'm sure
you'd be closed minded, too,
if your parents basically
kicked you out.
- And why did they do that?
- Because my life fell apart.
And they thought
if I got some life experience,
then I'd be able
to piece it back together again.
And how's that working for you?
That's a lot of questions
I just answered.
No, I... I think
we can help each other out here.
Okay. I'm listening.
Let me introduce you
to the proper London food scene.
And then you can
make up your own mind,
with your eyes wide open,
and prove to your parents
you actually
did give this a shot.
And in return,
you bring your A game
to the kitchen for this party.
And it gives me enough time
to curate the restaurant's
image for my column.
And I can prove to my boss
I still have an eye for this.
my friend over there
can give me a tour of London
so I get to spend more time
with her
and less time with you.
I'm sure she can fit you
into her busy schedule.
Right. Fine.
But this is strictly
about the food.
And you write one bad review...
I only write a bad review
if it's a bad meal.
Hence the A game.
Those are the stakes.
Are you in?
Mr. Hastings.
Ms. Martins.
And then we shook on it.
A binding agreement.
Do you think
I made the right call?
Yeah. Trust you.
Having a personal restaurant
critic is no bad thing.
Uh, yeah! Unless you mess up.
Which you won't.
How are you doing anyway?
You've been dealing with a lot,
I'm feeling the pressure, too.
I'm managing the restaurants
and the bars.
With this party coming up, too.
Sometimes I feel like my brain
is coming out of my ears.
I'm sorry
for not asking you earlier.
I've been so focused
on my own problems.
Honestly. It's fine.
I don't really have the
headspace to think about it.
That sounds like a pretty bad
case of burnout to me.
Talk more about you, please.
Okay, so the plan is for Theo
to show me London through food.
Help me connect
with what I'm cooking.
Something like that anyway.
Yeah. I get that.
Help you open your mind up
to this opportunity.
Well, if it helps you out.
Yeah, definitely.
And hey, if you do decide
to abandon me,
at least I can get
a killer new head chef in.
My bed's not even cold yet!
I can't believe you're thinking
of replacing me already.
Don't make me think
about it then.
Okay, mate.
Give me good news.
- There is some news, actually.
- Great.
Because I've got the big bosses
pushing for me
- to justify your contract.
- Great.
Look, you know
I don't wanna let you go.
But if there isn't enough
consistent interest
in what you're writing,
I'm afraid my hands are tied.
I have a plan.
Good. I'm all ears.
There's a new restaurant
in Notting Hill.
And the chef is pretty green
when it comes to high-end food.
But she's got something.
And we've got kind of
an exclusivity deal.
Sounds like an experiment to me.
If I pull this off,
no one is gonna post a story.
I guarantee it.
And the chef agreed?
My reputation
still holds some weight.
What makes him so special?
Well, it's the story
that's interesting.
- Mm-hmm.
- She's American.
She's broken-hearted.
And she's forced
to leave the US by her parents
to the challenge
of a totally new food scene.
People are gonna love it,
I swear.
Yeah, but tabloid gold's
not really our style.
Well, maybe that's where
we're going wrong.
Give the people what they want.
Look, there's a time limit
to this, okay?
This chef, Stella Martins,
has two weeks to decide
whether she wants to stay
or her best friend
and hotshot restauranteur
Rebecca Joseph replaces her.
See what I mean?
Okay, I'll give you two weeks.
You make this work, I'll bite.
If not,
I don't think there's anything
I can do for you.
I won't let you down, boss.
- All work and no play.
What can I say?
I'm a stress cleaner.
Why stressed?
Because I'm about to be
dragged around London
all afternoon.
- Where are you going?
- I don't know.
Somewhere with good food,
I guess.
Doesn't really narrow it down.
Who's that?
No one.
If that's Chase, I swear...
He wants to talk!
How many times
have we been over this?
Stop letting him
mess you around.
I'm not!
You've already done
the hard thing.
Moving away.
Creating a life for you,
not somebody else.
Why make it hard again?
Just enjoy figuring out
the next chapter.
- Oh, I can't.
- Yes, you can.
What if he means it this time?
If he really still loves
wants to give things another go,
he'll find a way to apologize.
It doesn't involve
sporadic text messages.
And he'll understand
that it was easier for you
to have a clear head.
I believe in you.
I can't believe I just did that.
- You're my hero.
- Oh no, you're my hero.
You're my hero.
- Oh, I don't wanna cry.
- Don't cry.
- I don't wanna cry.
- Don't.
- I've done it.
Am I interrupting something?
- It was a big moment!
- So you're telling me
you haven't got his number
- Yeah, I thought so.
- Don't tell Rebecca.
I have no idea
the length she'll go to
to wipe it from my brain.
Don't worry,
your secret's safe with me.
- Wait!
- Hey!
- Whoa!
That's a good one.
What are you doing?
Part of this little arrangement
is putting my restaurant
on the map, right?
And terrifying us with flash
photography helps out?
The best way to put anything
on the map these days
is through social media.
I think you're underestimating
how old we are.
Yeah, you're right.
34 is the new 70.
I've opened up a page
for the restaurant.
All you have to do
is post a little bit
of behind the scenes
while you're out and about,
soaking up
all the inspiration you need.
I've already sold my soul
to the media, for you.
No offence.
Oh yeah, there's no way
that could be offensive.
I'm not gonna lower myself
to the internet stratosphere
as well!
Oh, come on.
It's only temporary.
Have some fun, take some photos,
get a little bit of engagement
while you can.
If you make me do a dance,
I swear I...
Op, yeah,
I'm vetoing that for the record.
Don't you wanna prove
to your parents
you're not just
going through the motions here?
Do you want Chase to see what an
amazing time you're having
and woo the day
he cheated on you?
I shouldn't have said that.
Okay, we are gonna go now.
- I'm sorry.
- You're the worst!
Oh, I love you!
Thank you.
Phew! That was brutal, though.
You okay?
Yeah, Bex is passionate,
but she doesn't mean anything
by it.
Well, are you ready
to take your mind off it?
You know what? I am.
Do you wanna see
the photo Rebecca took of us?
It might cheer you up.
- Oh.
- Oh!
that did make me feel better.
Mm-hmm? It's goin' away.
Do you know what else
might make you feel better?
- What?
- Food.
Now you're talking my language,
Theo Hastings.
London is a melting pot
of different cultures.
We have farmers markets
where I'm from,
but this is a different level.
Well, this is less like a
market and more like a mix
of ten different
street food restaurants,
all in one place.
I've not been livin'
under a rock.
I do know what street food is.
Sorry. Just 'cause you called it
a "farmers market".
Well, I'm a farm girl
from the States.
- What can I say?
Thank you. Cheers.
Here we go. Try this.
- Here we go.
- Wow!
Okay, I'm gonna try these.
Mm! This is amazing!
that's my favorite type of food.
Yeah, I can see why.
I mean, I'm good,
but this is next level.
So what's your usual style?
Elevated home cooking.
Best of the classics.
I'm really lucky
my parents have a restaurant,
so I used to make
what they made.
Obviously mine's better.
- Modest.
- Hmm.
All chefs are modest,
didn't you know that?
Oh, hang on,
let me get the phone.
Can you say something nice
to the camera?
I'm not playing
Rebecca's silly little game.
No, this is not for Rebecca,
this is for me.
I think it would be helpful
for me to document some of this.
Okay, for the record,
I'm happy to post
on social media
anything about the food,
the restaurant,
but nothing
about my personal life, okay?
So, here we have Stella Martins
reveling over street food
in London.
Are you feeling inspired?
I'm not sure
this is baking news.
Well, how about a samosa?
Or a Yorkshire pudding
with pulled pork on the top?
Or a hot dog?
We have hot dogs in the States.
You said you grew up
on a farm in Montana, correct?
So you have been
payin' attention.
I always pay attention
to people who interest me.
Well, then I need to be
less interesting.
- Right, come on.
- Hey!
- I want one of those samosas.
- Okay.
Thank you.
Oh my God! Look at this!
Oh great.
This looks so good.
I'm gonna eat these first.
- Go for it.
- I'm gonna put a plantain.
- Oh, beautiful.
- It's hot.
Thank you. Thank you.
- Okay?
- Wow! Okay.
- Ready?
- Yes.
Here we go. Beautiful.
- Mm!
This is great. This is great.
I'm getting it, yeah.
- Ready?
- I'm ready.
How is it? Is that hot?
Come on, one more.
One more bite, please.
- Please.
- It's so hot!
Come on, just one more,
one more. Please.
Oh my gosh! No, you have it!
Everybody smile.
I can't eat one more thing.
We should try and walk this off
and see if any of these
are social media worthy.
I doubt it!
- And maybe get some umbrellas.
- Yeah. It's raining.
- Come on.
- Come on.
Does this place ever stay dry
or still?
In the summer? Uh, no.
And at Christmas time,
absolutely not.
But there are some quiet times
in between.
Peaceful almost.
I feel overwhelmed
just walkin' around.
Yeah, I get that.
I grew up in the countryside,
so, yeah,
it was a change for me, too.
But, um, I love it now.
I could just sit and soak up the
energy for hours.
- You grew up in the country?
- Yes.
Well, the countryside here
isn't quite as vast
as it is in America,
but, uh, yeah, a quaint version.
Why would you ever leave?
I believe I'm the one writing
the article about you.
About my food.
Tell me about your life.
Well, if you couldn't tell
from Bexy's outburst...
I had a pretty horrible breakup.
Well, on my side anyway.
I thought I had my whole life
figured out,
and then I tried breakin' out
of my comfort zone,
and it all went wrong.
How so?
My ex was called "Chase".
He was
my high school sweetheart.
I got a job
at my parents' restaurant
after I left high school
as a chef,
and he was a waiter.
I liked the life we had,
but I guess I just
wasn't enough for him.
I'm really sorry about that.
Yeah, me, too.
I could not wait to get away
from my parents' home,
move to London,
and make a career of my own.
Right, well,
you've interviewed me.
Now it's my turn.
Uh, another time.
Should we go?
I thought you'd never ask.
- Which way?
- Uh, this way.
- Yeah, this way. Oh my God.
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
- Welcome to British summer.
- I know.
You know, I had fun today.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
More than I thought I would.
You're finally comin' around
to London, then?
There's some good parts.
Yeah, I always thought
Notting Hill was quite peaceful.
It's still not home,
but we have
a lot more exploring to do
before you make me
the perfect chef muse.
Then I can call my parents
and tell them I'm ready
to go back home and try again.
See you soon?
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, tha... oh, um.
- Sorry. Um...
- Oh.
- See you.
- Yeah, see you later.
Hi, Dad.
Have you decided
to do the sensible thing
and come back home?
Not quite, but I thought
you were overdue a visit.
You're right about that.
I've also hit a slight snag
with work.
What did I tell you?
You should never have left
in the first place.
Dad, I've just come
for some advice.
Please lay off the lecturing
long enough to give me some.
I just think after everything
that happened with your mum...
- Dad.
- Alright, I'm sorry.
No more chastising, I promise.
Don't need to run off again,
do I?
Come inside for a cup of tea,
Have you been cooking much?
Here and there.
I have a full-time chef
who runs the restaurant now.
So I'm more back office.
Trying out new recipes
and the like.
How's it been stepping back?
But the grey hairs
have slowed down.
I look after the gardens now.
Growing new plants. Simple life.
Don't you get lonely?
That's the benefit
of running a restaurant
from your back garden.
There's always people around
if you want there to be.
I saw you lost your star.
Not surprising, really.
Do you think you'll get it back?
Without your mum around,
I just don't
have the same drive anymore.
I mean,
the people who come here,
They eat good food,
they have a nice time.
That's all I can ask for now.
So, what's the problem
in the big city?
Uh, I'm just dealing with a case
of imposter syndrome.
What? Why?
Freddie is basically
fighting the board
to let me keep my job.
I haven't made a single
successful recommendation
in over a year.
You're still writing articles.
I am, but my knack
for spotting talent
hasn't put anyone on the map
for a long time.
And my columns just aren't
having the success they used to.
Why do you think that is?
I don't know.
Maybe I'm just losing my edge.
I'm distracted,
I'm not catching opportunities
in the same way.
It's like something's fuzzier
in my brain than it used to.
Do you think...
and don't bite my head off.
Maybe you've only just
started processing everything
that happened.
What does that mean?
Oh, it's just
that when you first left,
you seemed so determined
to move on,
to focus your efforts
on something
that wasn't so painful.
How did you manage it?
Some days I don't.
But I find that in life you're
better facing things head on.
they do usually find a way
of catchin' up with you.
Anyway, I...
I don't think that's it.
Being vulnerable
doesn't make you
any less capable, son.
Thanks, Dad.
- So...
- Mm-hmm.
Talking about the starters.
We'll need food to be ready
at 7:00 p.m.
That's pretty early.
Mum, what do you think?
- Mum!
What is it, love?
Can you and Dad
tear yourselves away
from my most expensive bottle
of wine for two minutes
and come and help
with the running order?
I thought that was your job.
I'm a restauranteur,
not a party planner.
Whatever you think is best,
We totally agree!
Oh, no. No, if I have
to be present here,
then so do you.
This is ridiculous.
Who are the parents here?
Bex wants to do the canaps
at 7:00 p.m.,
but I was thinking
a little later,
like, 8:00, 8:30 maybe,
just so you're not rushed.
Very good point.
You just said you agreed
with whatever I thought.
We agree
with whatever you both think,
and we're just really happy
to be here.
If you need us, well, then,
we'll be over there.
This is like they reverted back
to the ages
of when they first got married.
Oh. I wanna be that in love
I just said something
that should provoke empathy.
No, no time.
I need to sort out press,
you know,
to actually advertise
The Rooftop,
- Which is the reason
why I agreed
to this in the first place.
Saved by the bell.
Oh, I've gotta take this.
Oh, can you grab a bottle
while you're at it?
Take a deep breath, okay?
Hi, Mom.
Hey, honey. How are you?
Uh, yeah, you know, surviving.
Looks like you're finally
having a good time.
What made you say that?
I saw it on social media.
Saw what?
The videos,
on the restaurant page.
Hold on, how did you...
What the...
I didn't think social media
was your style,
but this is great!
I don't understand this.
I don't either.
But it looks like
a lot of people do.
Mom, can I call you back?
Sure, honey.
Hey, I'm proud
of you makin' the most of this.
Looks like you'll be ready
for your own venture
sooner than we thought.
Thanks. Uh, love you.
Speak soon.
Ah, here you both are.
Hi. We're just... I...
Just go through this.
Oh, Dad, what is this?
You know, it goes underneath.
Oh, Rebecca's told us
that was your lovely mom!
How is she?
We should have a video call
with her and your dad soon.
Yeah, yeah!
So is she coming to the party?
I d... I don't know.
I'll have to ask her.
Have you got a minute?
Uh, yeah, sure.
Yeah, I'm just, like...
No, no, they look... uh, uh...
This is utterly ridiculous.
- What is it?
- I don't know.
Just the widely popular
social media page
that you made
for the restaurant!
How does it have so many hits?
I was hoping you'd be able
to answer that.
Oh, I wish I was that good.
I see you're
a social media star.
I'd be surprised.
This is clueless as me.
Hmm. Maybe the American foodie
in London with a cute guy
is just a great USP.
Theo said that earlier.
What is that?
Unique selling point.
What am I gonna do?
It's out of hand!
Market. Why not?
So that's the nicest one anyway,
Hmm. So you reckon it's good for
the app to boost the profile?
Apparently so.
I'm gonna try it anyway
and you know...
- Oh. Sorry.
- Stella. Have you seen it?
- Yeah.
Are you a secret influencer?
Not that I'm aware of.
Well, you are now.
This is great.
Sorry, I thought
I was just talking to Stella.
Fine. Don't waste this.
So what do you wanna do?
I don't know.
It's not exactly what I had
in mind.
Then we'll leave it.
It wasn't my plan to be
all over social media, anyway.
But my mom
actually sounded proud of me
for, like, the first time ever.
Never mind. It's silly. It's...
No, no, no. It's not silly.
Look, if this will make Rebecca
and your mum happy,
then I can make it work.
- What?
- Say it again.
Say what again?
- Come on.
- Please.
That's hilarious.
So, when do we
go explorin' again?
- Good work today.
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
- We did our best.
Good night, boss!
See you later.
Sorry if I was unbearable today.
You're never unbearable.
Didn't your mother ever tell you
not to lie?
Is everything okay?
You were right.
I think I've discovered
a new level of burnout.
You need to slow down.
All I seem to do is be able
to build businesses.
This is your life!
Businesses don't live
and breathe.
I guess.
Seeing my mum
and dad having this party
makes me wanna
start dating again.
I've been saying for so long
I need
to prioritize my love life.
Maybe now it's time.
Hey, I like that.
So what's it gonna be?
A datin' app or a bar?
Whoa there!
One step at a time.
If I can help, let me know.
I appreciate you.
But I can't start relying
too heavily
on someone who might leave soon.
a head chef's replaceable,
support network isn't.
I never thought of it like that.
I'm being unbearable again.
Hey, it's all good.
So you're seeing Theo tomorrow?
Look, it's pretty obvious
that you don't have the energy
for this conversation right now.
So, you get some sleep
and we'll talk later.
Okay? Deal?
- Morning.
- Oh, thanks!
I guessed your order.
Yeah, it tastes good.
So, you ready
for another adventure?
What's the plan?
I thought we'd actually explore
the city today.
I thought
we'd done that already.
Well, London is never empty
And this is as quiet as it gets.
6:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning,
the sun is still rising
and people are still in bed.
Yes, thanks for reminding me
how disgustingly early it is.
I thought it was the best time
for you to try
and connect to the city
you're creating your food in.
It's not a bad plan.
I have my moments.
Oh, have you got
the magic social media phone?
- Oh, yes.
- Good.
- Here it is.
- Let's go.
Now that
is what I'm talking about.
I'm not gonna lie, I think I've
got a natural affinity for this.
- For what?
- This.
What, showing the world how fun
and outgoing I am?
I wouldn't go that
far just yet.
- Wait.
- What?
What time is it?
- Uh, almost 1:00.
- Shoot!
I was supposed to meet Bex
at The Rooftop
to go over the meal plan
for her parents' party!
Well, how far is it?
Oh, sorry, wrong person.
Where is it?
Hold on, I have the address.
Okay, we could walk there
in about 20 minutes.
Oh, well, I...
I thought because we...
I could observe you.
Your meal plan.
I am writing an article
about you, after all.
About my food.
Yeah, sure, that, too.
Seriously, my private life
is still off-limits, Theo.
But people love the American
and London angle.
for a bit of social media fun,
but not for publication!
Well, can I come to The Rooftop?
It would be good to see you
in action
outside the restaurant setting.
Well, I suppose
there's less chance
of me getting lost
if you come, too.
Oh, so are you saying
you'd be lost without me?
It's this way. See?
You would be lost without me.
Oh, shut up.
It doesn't make any sense
to have music before food.
Can you stop ganging up on me?
we're not ganging up on you.
Uh, it's just the tent...
- I'm so sorry, I'm late.
- What time do you call this?
I know, I know, but we were
on a very important mission
for the good of the restaurant.
What, prancing
around Buckingham Palace?
Would we say "prancing"?
Well, the tour of London
did generate
a lot of online traffic.
Online traffic?
The algorithms
would have kicked in now,
showing our content
to an even wider audience!
We've created a monster.
Are you two done here?
'Cause we were
having a heated debate.
Oh, fantastic.
Where do I sign up?
This is your station.
You and your new bestie can
lock in the food plan over here.
So, we have seafood.
Oysters and smoked salmon blinis
to represent the river.
Then we have elevated
roast dinner canap style,
like the ones we had
at the street food market,
to represent the pubs
of North London.
Then I'm going to incorporate
the flavors of Asia
into the dessert canaps,
passion fruit pavlova
with lemongrass
- and galangal in the cream.
- Great.
I think you missed something,
- More? You want more?
I don't think so.
Just this once.
I couldn't do it. Okay.
So, we're gonna do a tour
of London through food,
because you guys grew up here.
I love it.
That's really thoughtful,
- Thank you.
- Yeah.
Do you have any plans tonight?
Um, nothing. Why?
We could run through the ideas
at the restaurant,
if that's okay with you.
Yeah, what time?
Is 7:00 okay?
It's a date. Not a date.
Uh, sorry, you know what I mean.
You better bring you're a game.
Could you pass me the salt?
Yes, Chef.
- Thanks.
- What's it for?
The oysters.
I was gonna have it
as a dressing,
but I think I'm gonna try it
as a caviar texture.
It'd be easier to eat
as a canap.
- Adventurous.
- Mm-hmm.
Do you think we should be
putting this up on social media?
The bookings for the restaurant
have been crazy
since you did
that verification thingy.
How did you even do that?
A genius
never reveals their secrets.
Which actually is kinda
how I feel about this.
I think this will be a nice
surprise for our guests.
And it is nice to spend some
time together
without the added pressure.
Do you think
this needs some chili?
Sorry, what was you saying?
Oh, nothing important.
Um, I don't think
it's chili you're missing.
I think it's some kind of herb.
What have you tried
out of these?
Um, cilantro.
Hmm, coriander.
Cilantro. Thyme.
Thai basil? Bit of fusion?
- Uh, sorrel.
- What?
It's really difficult to grow.
My dad's obsessed with it.
He's got this special
How do you know
so much about food?
Uh, I'm a food critic.
That's my job.
Yeah, but it has to come
from somewhere.
Your dad?
Look, I haven't been
entirely transparent
about my family home.
I grew up at The Homestead.
- Excuse me?
- It's a restaurant.
I know what The Homestead is.
Yeah, my dad's Ben Hastings.
Hastings. Theo Hastings.
No way!
Guilty as charged.
Ben Hastings
is my mom's culinary hero.
It's probably the whole reason
she was so obsessed
with me movin' to England!
Yeah, well, it's not
all it's cracked up to be.
You wanna make a name
for yourself
so you don't live
in your dad's shadow.
Nope, no goin' in there.
Well, you have to take me there.
That's non-negotiable.
I suppose
it is prime social media fodder.
See? Go to old social media.
You sound like a grandma.
And that needs honey.
Oh, you have to take me there,
Well, let's get this dish right
first, shall we?
What did you say, honey?
- Stella!
- Good morning to you, too.
- Where are you going?
- To the countryside.
Because Theo's dad
is Ben Hastings
and he's inviting me
to The Homestead!
Can you believe it?
Well, obviously.
It's no secret
he's Ben Hastings' son.
Probably why he's so successful
in the first place.
And suddenly,
I understand his need
to make a name for himself.
Look, I wanted to give you this.
It's an apology.
You've been doin' a lot
of apologizing lately.
It's a friendship bracelet.
Oh, it's so cute!
It's a proper version
of the ones we made
when we were younger
when I visited the farm.
Oh, honestly, Bex,
you didn't have to.
No, I did.
I can't believe I said
I couldn't rely on you
as a friend.
Of course I know I can,
even if you're far, far away.
And what about The Rooftop
with Theo?
I was jealous.
There, I said it.
I feel so lonely
most of the time.
My job takes up my whole life
and having you here
has kind of felt like
having a partner in crime. And
You're the one
who told me to go for it.
Yeah, I didn't mean
fall in love with him.
Whoa there,
no one said anything about that.
I'm happy for your happiness,
especially if it means
you'll stay in London.
I'm not in love with him.
I guess I just hoped
that this would be enough.
Me and the restaurant.
I love you, Bex.
Uh, I... I like Theo. It's just...
None of this
is mutually exclusive.
The only reason I'm spendin'
time with you
in the first place
is for you and the restaurant.
I just wanna be
someone people can rely on.
You, my parents...
And Theo?
I just don't
wanna be replaceable anymore,
like I was to Chase.
And you think
you're gonna achieve that
by following Theo Hastings
into the depths
of the countryside?
I can think of worse places
to figure myself out.
Thank you. I love it.
I'll see you later, yeah?
I love you.
Oh, it's just like home.
You see something new every day.
The smell, it's so refreshing!
Well, I'm glad
someone else appreciates it
other than my dad.
Oh, come on.
You can't seriously be immune
to how beautiful this is.
I don't understand
how you'd ever wanna leave.
I have my reasons.
And I guess you don't wanna talk
about those.
Let's just say I probably sit
on your parents' side
of the fence.
I do believe you have to
broaden your horizons
to become a truly great chef.
Well, my parents didn't have to.
- Did your dad?
- He's traveled.
Yeah, and then he came back!
did you ever wanna be a chef?
Oh my goodness,
I can't believe it!
You really are Ben Hastings!
My mom would die
if she knew I was here.
did you just bring home a fan?
Dad, this is Stella,
who, as likely as it seems,
is not an actual crazy person.
Did I actually just do that?
To be honest, yes, you did.
What's this all about?
So, Stella, what brings you
to England?
Oh, long story.
Well, Theo's probably
heard too many times already.
- Shall I paraphrase?
- Yeah, fast.
Talented chef. Country girl.
Brutally dumped. Too sheltered.
Broadening horizons.
I mean,
I've never had my whole life
reduced to ten words before.
Well, you said, "Make it fast".
Yeah, I suppose I did.
He always has had a way
with words.
Yeah, clearly.
as a country bumpkin myself,
welcome to our little slice
of paradise.
Aw, I'm so happy to be here.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
So basically, my mom modeled
the whole basis
of the restaurant
after The Homestead.
Oh, did she ever live
in England?
For a while, yeah.
She had a pen pal from school
that she was super close to,
and they used to
visit each other all the time.
So when I was old enough,
my mom made sure
that I signed up
to the same program,
which is where I met Bex.
But yeah, she lived here, too,
and she learned to cook
at the best restaurants,
and then she met my dad.
And he's American, too,
so they both moved back home
and they set up a business
It's a similar story to me
and Theo's mum.
Oh, I've not heard this story.
Well, I don't think it's one
he really likes to tell.
And I've never had the chance
because he's never
brought a girl home for me
to recount it to before.
Oh, he hasn't.
- Dad.
- Come on, son.
Georgia was a beautiful girl.
We met in Thailand.
I mean, she was there
to explore the food,
and I was just there
for a holiday.
Yeah, she was a chef, really.
I was just a boy who called
himself "an entrepreneur"
but didn't really
have any direction.
We met one night
at a beach party,
and I enrolled
in the same school as her
the very next day.
Fast forward two years,
she calls me up out of the blue
and asks me
if I'm still planning
to start up a small business.
I mean, I told her
I'd already started one,
a small restaurant
out of my parents' house.
She tells me she's looking
for a new venture
and asked if she could come
for an interview.
I mean, we weren't even hiring,
I was never gonna miss the
chance of seeing her again.
Together we built this place
from the ground up.
Got a star,
put the business on the map,
had Theo.
They were real halcyon days.
It's a beautiful story.
I feel the same way
about my home,
Which is why I never wanted
to leave.
I think you really
have to explore the world
to know where your heart
really lies.
I mean, it's only
because I left so often
that I realized that
there was nowhere else I would
rather be than here,
with my family,
with my son.
I'll leave you both to it.
I'll be inside
if you need anything.
Why do I feel like that comment
from your dad bothered you?
Do you want the long
or the short answer?
Long answer, always.
Or as long as you want it to be.
The truth is, I envy you.
Envy me? Why?
Because your parents
encouraged you to travel,
to spread your wings.
Mine just wanted me
to stay at home
- and be sheltered forever.
- I'm sure that's not true.
It just didn't seem fair.
They got to travel
and I never got the chance.
You're doin' it now, aren't you?
Yeah, well, sure,
I made it to the city,
but London's only down the road.
Okay, so what's top of your
South America, Southeast Asia,
- Hmm.
- Australia, Morocco, Madagascar.
I'm gonna stop you there before
you go on a tour of the world.
- Like I said, everywhere.
And what about your mom?
What about Mum?
Do you see her often?
I think
you know the answer to that.
Do I get an official tour?
Of course.
So cute.
Oh, he's got the...
I know. I know.
Is that a purple carrot?
The original carrot color, yes.
I created a whole menu
around purple carrots,
but my dad
wouldn't let me grow them.
Apparently, they don't appeal
to the average consumer.
Ah, so your mum
is the creative one.
You look like you're
in your element right now.
Yeah, well,
I can be adventurous sometimes.
Ah, so adventurous when you're
in your comfort zone.
- What a contradiction.
- Whoa!
Oh wait, actually,
this is a photo opportunity
I can't miss.
Don't worry,
it's not for social media,
it's just for memories.
Oh no, go on,
Rebecca will love this.
Okay, I'm recording.
Everybody knows that tomatoes
go really well with...
And what
could you possibly think
to pair tomatoes and leeks
with other than...
Ugh, come on, we do have a
reputation to maintain.
Wait, now the finishing touch.
- Thai basil.
- I'm not sure I'd eat this dish.
Oh, but everybody says
I have so much potential.
Very funny.
So what's next?
Well, I think that's obvious.
It was going so well
until I found the basil.
Not one for the restaurant menu?
No, I think it needs work.
You know, I had fun today.
I seem to have
a good track record with that.
Look, Stella, uh, about my
You don't have to talk about it
if you don't want to.
No, no,
I don't mind talkin' about it,
it's just I'm very picky about
who I talk to.
I don't wanna bare my soul
to someone who might leave soon.
You're not the only person
who said that to me recently.
My mum died about five years ago
and honestly,
I moved to London
because I couldn't cope.
I don't know how my dad stayed.
All the memories, the sadness,
and the joys,
I just had to get away.
Yeah, you make sense.
I thought at the very least
I could distract myself.
All my early success came
from this place
of not wanting to slow down
in case all the pain came back.
But, now everything's slowed
it's almost like I'm having
to process it again
for the first time.
Have you ever thought that maybe
your dad needs you
more than you need the city?
You could be truly great.
You said so yourself,
you're already pushing yourself.
Yeah, well, we can talk
about all my issues
after we've finished talking
about yours.
- Do you want a glass of wine?
- Ah, without a doubt.
You know, I didn't wanna do
what all my friends did
after college.
I didn't want to move
to New York
and join some
conglomerate juggernaut
and work in advertisin'.
And I lost touch with a lot of
friends because of that.
Chase, my ex,
he became my entire world
and I was so reliant
on that one person
for my own happiness.
I wanted
to open a restaurant with him
and my parents said
they would back it financially
if we could successfully
run their place for a while.
And what happened?
The breakup?
A month of disaster
for the restaurant
and no support from my parents
who thought my lack
of life experience
was the reason
I didn't see it coming.
And now I'm in a big city anyway
and I've never felt so alone.
I guess
what I'm tryin' to say is
I know how terrifying it is
to lose someone.
Even if it's not
in the same way.
I feel so good
when I'm with him.
Like, he makes me feel
so comfortable.
That's amazing.
And the only other person
who makes me feel like that
is you!
- So it's a big deal!
- It's okay.
You don't have to
make me feel better.
I had my diva moment.
I'm happy for you.
We're just opposites
in so many ways.
Like, it really shouldn't work.
Hey, don't overthink it.
It's hard not to.
There's just still so much
that's unknown.
I'm sure
he feels exactly the same.
Yeah, you're right.
I need someone
who found optimism.
Look, I'm just
finding my rhythm, my style.
You will, too. I know it.
How's it going, champ?
Yeah, I'm just tryin'
to write this article
and not make it sound
like a cheap expose.
I thought that was the plan.
I know,
but something about it now
just doesn't feel right.
Look, you've got to monopolize
whatever you can, alright?
Don't think I'm joking
when I tell you
I'm trying my best,
but you have to meet me halfway.
You've done
the social media stuff now.
The board's excited, huh?
So if this is the new direction
we take to make it work,
so be it.
You were right, you know?
We're moving with the times.
Freddie, I... I...
Hey, I believe in you.
So, I started dating again.
Why didn't you tell me?
I met this guy. It's early days.
I don't know if I can commit
to someone again.
Bex, this is the best news!
You deserve this
more than anyone.
- Yeah?
- Absolutely!
How have we both
found our love interests?
I know. Maybe the vow renewal
is sending out some sort
of cosmic energy.
- It's about time.
- I'll drink to that.
- Yeah, cheers.
So I've got these for you.
Thank you.
And could you put these
at the back?
There. Thank you very much.
Right. Got this.
Hi! Hi!
Aw, you look great!
And you look beautiful.
- Bex has really outdone herself.
- Yeah. How is she?
Yeah, she's doing good,
actually. Yeah.
- How have you done this?
- Done what?
This is the best thing
I've ever tasted.
Well, I had a good sous chef.
Mm, speaking of,
will Mr. Theo be
joining us today?
I'll take that as a yes.
- Oh, sorry.
- Hi.
- Hi.
It's been a joy
to watch Stella Martins
Try to rediscover her passion.
The food she's cooking now
is some of the best
you'll ever eat.
But her full potential
is yet to be realized.
Are you kidding me?
Heartbreak can be the catalyst
for growth
or the basis for fear of food.
And it's hard
to tell which way this will go.
Either way, it's well worth
going to Silver along the way.
20 canaps in one minute
is not cute.
I'm a chef.
If anyone can revert
to grief eating, it's me.
Well, it's not all bad, right?
I mean, Theo did say for people
to check out the restaurant
and that your food is great.
He wrote about Chase.
About my life, me,
my personal flaws!
- He's a journalist.
- No, he's a liar!
Can I talk to you, please?
- Hey, Rebecca.
- Hi.
- How are you?
- I'm good.
I'm so sorry.
Sorry for what?
You made it very clear
that you needed to make a name
for yourself
by all means necessary.
It was just so obvious
what the people
wanted to see, that the social
Was a bit of fun!
Yeah, but it worked.
The article has been shared
over a thousand times already.
Oh, great!
Even more people now have the
right to an opinion about me!
No, no. No one's gonna
read it like that.
It's just a hook
for the article,
which actually
is very flattering,
by the way.
Are you seriously
defending yourself right now?
You know how vulnerable I felt
since I got here.
And I was finally starting
to feel like this place
- might be home!
- I said, "I'm sorry!"
I told you
that stuff was off-limits!
- I trusted you!
- But I...
It doesn't matter anyway.
Because I'm leaving.
Okay. I understand
if you need some space.
No, I'm leaving London.
I'm going back to the States.
I'm going home.
for making my decision easier.
Are you that incapable of seeing
the bigger picture here?
And what's that supposed
to mean?
You! You, you're so set
in your comfort zone
and you refuse
to do anything else.
I tried that before, remember?
And I fell right back
into the same trap with you!
- It was never a trap.
- You know, your dad was right.
Leaving was selfish.
And you will never be happy
or get over your loss
if you don't appreciate
what you already have!
Well, I guess we really
do see things too differently.
I think you need to go.
- Stella.
- Goodbye, Theo.
- Stella.
I'm so sorry. I have to leave.
My happy ending just isn't here.
You really cared about her, huh?
I didn't even realize
it was happening.
Things happen
when you least expect them to.
I just don't understand
how it all went so wrong.
Sure you do.
You left after your mother died
because you were too scared
of facing your feelings.
Seems to me that's exactly
what Stella's doing.
No, that was different.
I was channeling my energy
into something else.
She just lashed out.
And you don't wanna
take any blame for that?
I suppose.
Poking into someone's personal
life is one thing.
Publishing it for the world
to see is another.
What would you do
if this is you and Mum?
How would you make this better?
Your mother liked flowers.
And a picnic.
Very romantic.
And a genuine apology
to go alongside it.
What are you doin' here?
I live upstairs.
And what are you doing here?
I couldn't sleep.
I needed space.
Go back home, Stella.
See, by that, I know you mean
back to my apartment
but going back home
is what I'm losing sleep over.
Come on. Let's have a chat.
I don't know what to do.
What do you wanna do?
Come on. Try harder than that.
I miss my family.
But I'm scared if I go back
to the States,
then I won't come back.
And I'll revert back
to my comfortable life
and then I'll have to admit
to Theo that he is...
Life's not a series
of ultimatums.
I know you're used to working
in black and white,
but there's a whole grey area
in between.
And what's that supposed
to mean?
We're lucky enough to live
in a world with aero planes.
So you can have the best
of both worlds, if you want it.
But what about the restaurant,
I'd make it work.
Your happiness
is more important.
Speaking of,
where do things stand with Theo?
We got mad.
Said some things we didn't mean.
What are you gonna do about it?
You know,
this is really annoying.
What, the flowers?
I was goin' to apologize to you.
Oh, well, I beat you to it.
A way to make me look bad.
Oh, well, I'll take them back
to the florist
- if they're bothering...
- No, no, no!
They're fine.
I don't have anything for you,
All I need from you is a yes.
Depends what I'm agreeing to.
It's a surprise.
You're playin' a dangerous game,
Mr. Hastings.
So what am I saying yes to?
I love them. Are we going?
Let's go.
You've really outdone yourself
this time.
Look, I'm so sorry
for letting myself set out
and draggin' you along with me.
I... I just had this need
to prove everyone wrong.
I never ever wanted to hurt you.
And I'm sorry
for retreating back
into my little protective shell
every time something happened
that I didn't like.
We're so enlightened.
Not yet. Maybe one day.
So, what is your plan?
I think,
I'm gonna stay.
What made you change your mind?
- Rebecca.
- Ouch.
She needs me.
The restaurant needs me.
Well, you can add
one more person to that list.
- Okay, let's make a deal.
- Hmm.
- I'll stay for you, too...
- Mm-hmm.
As long as you take me
to the country
whenever I need
some inspiration.
- Done.
- And no more social media
- posts or writin' articles.
- But what if I...
- Theo!
- Okay, sorry, sorry.
Done, and done.
And if I need another tour...
There be a thousand adventures
to go on.