Edward, My Son (1949) Movie Script
My name ladies and gentlemen, is Boult.
Lord Boult.
That may not mean anything to you.
But you can look me up in your Who's Who
when you get home if you have one.
It won't tell you everything about me.
It will tell you I was born in Canada.
But I've lived here in
London most of my life.
It will also tell you that
Shelton Motors is mine.
I own a great national newspaper
and two or three biscuit companies.
It won't tell you that I
probably own this theatre.
I thought that would surprise you.
I don't tell you all of this
because I wish to boast.
But merely to establish
some sort of contact with you.
Just because you ride in my
motors and eat my biscuits ..
And read my newspapers,
doesn't mean that you have to like me.
Or I you, for that matter.
But it does mean that ..
Our lives have already
crossed to a certain extent.
That's why .. I want your opinion.
I want your answer to a question.
Troubled days, of course.
None of you knew Edward.
Now he's dead, it's too late.
Edward was my son.
My only son.
He was 23 when he was killed.
A lovely boy with a charming smile.
I can remember when he was a baby.
It was just after the First World War.
We were plain Mr And Mrs Boult.
Living in a little place in Hammersmith.
Darling .. darling ..
Shush. He's asleep.
Oh, how wonderful.
- Best in the store.
But of course.
He'll love it.
That isn't all. Close your eyes.
- Something else for Edward?
Well, I didn't buy it
specifically for Edward.
Oh Arnold.
What a birthday.
Look. Look what I've got for him.
I wrote that myself.
'Happy birthday, Edward'.
Well. That seems to cover it.
Yes, but don't you think happy birthday
to Edward would have been better?
No, no. No, I think that's fine.
And this is happy birthday
to mother, from Edward.
Oh, Arnold.
Oh darling, real imitation pearls.
However did you manage it?
Someday, you're going
to have real, real pearls.
Big ones ..
- I?
You believe me, don't you?
Why yes, of course. Why do you ask?
Because I've gone into new business.
And I thought I'd do it on Edward's
birthday. I thought it may be lucky.
But darling, I don't understand.
You mean you've given up insurance?
Just for the moment.
We'll be a bit tight for money.
Oh .. well I'm sure I can cut down on ..
No, no. You don't have
to cut down on anything.
Just for the moment, don't pay
out any more cash than you must.
Charge everything.
But I do so hate bills.
- Yes, darling. I know you do.
But our whole future rests upon people
realizing it's not a sin to owe money.
Well, I got cleaned up.
I don't see why our
whole future depends ..
Because I'm going into the
hire-purchase business.
What on earth is that?
Well, it's an American idea.
They call it 'instalment buying'.
Instead of saving up to buy something ..
- Shush, shush.
You buy it right away
and pay for it gradually.
Pay for what?
- Furniture. Like that perambulator.
Listen. I'm going to pay
for that very gradually.
Ah well, it must be a very
nice kind of business.
It will make people happy.
Well, that isn't quite
why I'm going into it.
Oh, I'm sorry. You came home early.
I don't expect Dr Woodhope until later.
- Oh, is he coming?
Why yes. After all, he did
bring Edward into the world.
[ Doorbell ]
Is that him already?
Or Harry.
- Who?
We'd better clean up
the living-room, hadn't we.
Harry? What do you mean?
Who's Harry?
- Harry Sempkin.
Oh darling, don't be silly.
- He's my partner in the new business.
But he's been to prison.
- Well, he's out now.
Besides, he wasn't in for anything very
serious. More of a technical offence.
He was just unlucky. That's all.
But he's got some capital and
a wonderful business brain.
It's a chance of a lifetime for
me to get in on the ground floor.
He may trick you into something.
- Oh, don't worry about that.
I'm not worrying. I just don't want
anything to be different. That's all.
I'm happy with things as they are.
[ Doorbell ]
- Oh.
Clear those things away.
- Yes, yes.
You forgot the clotheshorse.
- Oh.
What can I say to Mr Sempkin?
- Ask him how he liked being in prison.
[ Doorbell ]
Wasn't I expected?
- Yes. Yes, of course, Doctor.
I just thought .. I thought it was ..
Here, let me have these.
Arnold will be here .. in a minute.
- Good.
- Aha.
For Edward.
Oh, you are kind.
Oh, Edward will adore this.
I do hope it's good and strong.
He loves to pull things to pieces.
That's not wrong, is it?
- Not at his age.
Do look what Dr Woodhope's brought.
- Wonderful. It's got Edward's ears too.
Look what I got him.
He can mix it with his milk.
That'll be an interesting experiment.
- Darling. Get him and bring him down.
What do you think, doctor?
- I doubt it will hurt this once.
If he doesn't make a habit of it.
I'll light the candle,
and then fetch him.
[ Doorbell ]
Excuse me, just a moment.
May I say you're looking
very attractive this evening.
Thank you.
Arnold Boult is a very lucky man.
Does he know it?
- I'll remind him.
Darling, Harry Sempkin
dropped in for a moment.
At last we meet, Mrs Boult.
I hear so much about you from Arnold.
We're glad you could come, Mr Sempkin.
Do you know Dr Woodhope?
How do you do?
- How do you do.
Well .. I feel greatly honoured at being
invited on this auspicious occasion.
Darling, go up and get Edward.
Well .. do you think it's a good
idea to break his nap, doctor?
Well, he may be a bit startled.
- You mean, because I'm here?
Look, I can easily slip away.
- No, no. Of course not.
You must stay and have some champagne.
How going upstairs, take a peek at him?
- Well.
Maybe it's not a smart idea at that.
I'm a family man myself.
Look. Here.
Oh how sweet .. Arnold, do look.
Two little girls and a boy.
- They certainly look healthy.
They should too. Down on our farm
on the Isle Of White, all this year.
That reminds me, Mrs Boult. If you want
butter, eggs or honey just let me know.
That's awfully good of you. Honey is so
hard to get now. Arnold loves honey.
I was going to say:
'sweets to the sweet'.
You can still say it.
And now ..
Maybe you can take just a
peek at the sweetest of all.
Oh, thank you. To me, there's nothing
half so wonderful as a sleeping child.
I know, they look just like little
angels and they're not really.
Butter, eggs and honey.
- It was the honey that did it.
Your wife says Edward is doing nicely.
- Oh, he's fine. Fine.
Do you feel his eyes should be examined?
- Why?
Is he finding it difficult to read?
No. Seriously, I thought you
might want to check on it.
Do you mind my mentioning
that outside business hours?
In my profession there's no other hours.
A funny thing about your pal, Sempkin.
I seem to have met him or seen his
photo or something. I can't place him.
I'm sure you haven't met him.
Anyway, he's been out of the country for
the last few years. He's been in Canada.
Will you have a nut?
Really, he's so cute.
Such a wonderful boy.
Congratulations, Arnold.
Oh it was nothing. Nothing.
- You think so? Oh ..
Do you know, I'm not very good at this.
- Here. I'm an expert.
I'm going to pull down that other blind.
[ Pop! ]
Oh ..
Shouldn't it make a
bigger pop than that?
The best champagne never pops.
It coughs apologetically.
Now for the main event.
Isn't it a shame Edward can't
come down and see his presents.
You know, I feel like making a speech.
- Oh dear. A long one?
Don't worry, we've a doctor present.
To Edward.
Edward, my boy.
You're sound asleep I hope.
You've kicked your covers off, I'm sure.
- I tucked them back.
This is so you know that down here we
have the matter of your future in hand.
All four of us.
Sleep safe, Edward.
The world shall be your oyster.
I'll drink to that.
- Yep.
What does that mean:
'the world is his oyster'?
That means that nothing is
going to be too good for him.
A boy of six, you say?
- Yes, sir.
An only child?
I told Mrs Boult when he was born.
I don't think she can have another.
That's bad luck.
Mr and Mrs Boult, sir.
- Show them in.
What are their circumstances?
I think about four or five
hundred a year, sir. Why?
I thought of Schmitt in Switzerland.
He does an operation for this.
Quite successful in many cases.
Quite expensive too.
Then there's no guarantee.
No, better not mention Schmitt.
Then ..?
Immobilize the leg in
plaster-of-Paris for a year.
Then we'll see.
Could you make it sound as
hopeful as possible, sir?
Of course. Of course.
Mr and Mrs Boult, sir.
- How do you do?
How do you do? Why don't
you sit down, Mrs Boult?
Well .. this little chap has
caused us quite a bit of concern.
But I feel sure he's going
to be alright, eventually.
You see, your son suffers from what is
called atrophy of the nerves in the hip.
Not necessarily, no.
Not at all necessarily.
In a year probably, with proper care
we'll have him up and about again.
He's to stay in bed?
- For the present, yes.
We'll have to put him in a plaster cast.
You'll find he'll soon get used to it.
But .. after the year ..
He won't have a limp or ..?
I've known the most amazing recoveries.
What do you say, Dr Woodhope?
Yes. Yes, sir.
Then he will limp?
Well, yes. He may always have a
slight limp but it will be very ..
Hardly noticeable at all.
Now you mustn't fret.
That will be bad for the boy.
We must make him look
upon it as a sort of game.
As a game?
I always sort of hoped
he'd be good at games.
Isn't there something else we could do?
Isn't there an operation of some kind?
Or an electrical treatment?
- Not one that I can recommend.
Well, we're very grateful, doctor.
I know Edward is in the best hands.
Doctor, if he ..
If he needs anything, I mean anything
at all. We want him to have the best.
Naturally, naturally. It's just a bit
of bad luck. We must be patient.
Doctor Woodhope will
explain our plans to you.
Goodbye, doctor.
- Goodbye.
That's that.
And he knows what he's talking about?
- The best opinion in London.
Can you come home with me?
No, darling. I've to go to the shop.
Would you take a taxi?
I'll get one for you.
We must make the best of it. That's all.
Perhaps it won't be as long as a year.
That's the spirit.
Larry. He won't get worse, will he?
You promise to tell me if he does?
- He won't get worse.
Is there any .. reason for this?
Is there anything I should have done?
Anything I've done wrong?
It could happen to any child.
But to Edward .. my son?
My only son.
But I can't just ..
Look at him and pretend.
I can't.
- Yes, you can.
I can't. I can't!
I'll be alright.
Of course you'll be alright.
Larry says we mustn't worry, darling.
I gave him the address.
Why not go with her, Larry?
Do you mind if I went on the bus
with Arnold? I've some things ..
Of course. Of course.
Thank you, Larry.
Do come home soon, darling.
I didn't want to mention it in
front of Evelyn, Arnold, but ..
How much money could you raise?
- Money?
I couldn't raise ..
Why .. you mean there is something?
Something we could do?
It isn't always successful. But there's
a doctor in Switzerland. He operates.
Can you lay your hands
on a thousand pounds?
You mean, Edward would have no limp?
Well, all I can is that if it were
my boy, that's what I'd do.
If I could, that is.
If it were possible.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have mentioned it.
Look. Don't .. don't say anything to
Evelyn until this is all arranged.
But go in and tell that doctor my son is
going to have whatever is best for him.
Go on, you .. you go
in and tell him that.
Somehow or other, I'm going
to have what's best for him.
Well, Arnold.
I've got bad news for you, Harry.
I've got to get out of the firm.
Oh, you have?
- Yes.
I'll surrender whatever interest
I have for what I put in.
That's very nice of you.
I wouldn't do it if
it wasn't for Edward.
The poor kid needs an operation.
And I need 1,500.
- Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Arnold.
But I tell you something.
If I could get out of this
business today, I'd give 1,500.
Write you a cheque for 1,500 and
I'll take over your liabilities.
I could write the cheque alright
but I doubt the bank would like it.
The sad truth is we're broke.
I had a nice, friendly talk with
the bank. They give us two weeks.
I put all my money into this.
It wasn't enough.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
That's alright. I don't mean it.
It wasn't your fault.
But I've learned something
now about bankruptcy.
People who owe just a little,
go bankrupt to little people.
Next time, I'll owe so much
they won't dare let me go under.
There will be a next time?
- There's always a next time for me.
One way or another, I've known
that ever since I was a little kid.
Couldn't we sell all these
out to another firm?
We could. Except that our
stock has never been paid for.
And I've got a sort of prejudice
about going to prison again.
Supposing this were your son?
Listen, Arnold.
I'll do anything within reason.
But we'll just have to put up the
shutters and file a bankruptcy petition.
- Yes?
Come here.
How much fire insurance do we carry?
- 3,000.
Think we should increase it?
- Increase it?
Are you crazy?
I want no part of it.
It was just an idea.
Why do you feel you'll get away with it?
- Get away with what, Harry?
Well, I'm glad you're not that crazy.
That premium is due.
- Yes, I know.
That's why I thought you may like to
put two hundred more in the account.
Two hundred?
- For the back premiums.
Then I could increase the
insurance to 5,000.
Just in case something did happen around
here some Sunday. You never can tell.
You said you only needed 1,500.
- Did I?
You know, there is a tide
in the affairs of men ..
Which, taken in its flood,
leads on to fortune.
You know who wrote that?
- No.
Neither do I.
But it wasn't a little man.
But remember, I don't want to
know anything about it, see.
I'd be careful with those ashes.
There's a lot of straw around here.
[ Doorbell ]
[ Doorbell ]
Oh. Come on in, Harry.
Where's the missus and the kid?
Don't worry. They can't hear you.
Come on in.
Listen, Arnold. I've been
thinking things over.
This fire-raising scheme
of yours is off, see.
- Off.
I was crazy to agree to it.
Come to think, I never did agree to it.
- You didn't?
So why did you give me the
200 for the back premiums?
Well, I want it back.
- When do you want it back, Harry?
I want it back right away.
Now listen, Arnold. I've done a lot of
thinking lately. And I don't like it.
Well, I wouldn't worry about that.
A lot of people don't like thinking.
Don't try and get smart with me, Boult.
You give me back my 200.
I didn't use your 200 for the premium.
Have an apple.
You mean .. the scheme is off?
Why didn't you tell me?
Well, that's a relief.
No, the scheme isn't off.
I've started the fire.
You've done what?
I only needed a hundred
for the premiums.
The other hundred sent Evelyn and
Edward to Switzerland first class.
That's great.
Yes. I think I've done a
pretty good job myself.
That is, if they don't
discover it too soon.
We've had a half hour now. Another
15 minutes and we should be alright.
I'll say the truth, is what I'll do.
- The Truth? From you?
You should remember.
You start at a slight disadvantage.
I'm getting out of here.
- Come on. Wait another 15 minutes.
And see what happens.
I'm sure you'll sleep so much better.
- How will we ..
How will you know when it happens?
Well ..
I suppose we'll hear the fire-engines.
They go right by here.
Then I imagine the
police will ring us up.
Do you know how much we
are insured for now exactly?
You said five thousand.
- Six.
I hope we haven't been too greedy.
- You're mad to take a chance like this.
So do I.
- Then why did you do it?
I did it because I was pushed, Harry.
If it works out I won't complain about
my luck in the future whatever happens.
I'll gamble it all tonight, gladly.
I believe if you want anything
enough, you can get it.
And I want Edward to walk properly
through life, without a limp.
That's all I ask.
And nothing else matters the slightest.
So it seems.
Oh come on, come on. Have a drink.
Everything is going to be alright.
I've a feeling this is my lucky night.
[ Telephone ]
That's a bit soon.
- Well, answer it.
Answer it good, and act surprised.
Yes, this is Mr Boult.
- Say you're coming along right away.
Yes, yes ..
What .. yes ..
Yes, yes, yes.
Oh yes, yes.
Yes .. thank you.
Thank you, thank you. Goodbye.
Is that how you think a man acts
if he's told his place is on fire?
A telegram from Switzerland.
Listen .. it's started.
- No.
It's all over.
'Operation performed successfully'.
'Dr Schmitt very confident'.
Do you realize what this means to
the boy? It means games, sports ..
[ Fire-engine noises ]
Harry .. come and look.
Quite a glow in the sky.
I say ..
Do you mind telling me what we're doing?
- Chain gang.
I beg your pardon?
- I'm not allowed to talk to you.
Why, what have I done that's wrong?
- Oh nothing, sir.
It's us. This is what we get
for breaking rules.
Well, how would you like
to break one more rule and ..
Take a message to me son, Edward Boult?
Boult? No, sir.
I'll fix it with the Head.
And also give you a pound.
We're not talking to him.
He's in Coventry.
Good heavens. What for?
- I'd rather not say, sir.
Can I help, sir?
Yes. Yes, I drove up to see Mr Hanray.
This seems rather a silly thing.
I'm sure Mr Hanray's grandfather did
not think so when he introduced it.
Might I ask your name, sir?
- My name is Boult. Sir Arnold Boult.
Oh yes. Edward's father.
- Do you have Edward in your classes?
Yes, I have Edward.
If you come with me, sir.
We'll see if Mr Hanray is in.
Yes. Thank you.
Come in, come in. Oh, it's you, Ellerby.
Good morning, Mr Hanray.
Morning, Cunningham.
I wish to report a millionaire
on the premises.
Sir Arnold Boult.
Father of Edward Boult.
Better known as the 'little stinker'.
- Yes. That's what we were discussing.
I fear that little Edward will
not be much longer with us.
It's a pity, but ..
- Oh, a great pity.
Yes, a great pity.
But the boy seems to have absolutely
no sense of shame or remorse.
Typical of his background, of course.
I hesitate to use that distressing
phrase 'nouveau riche'.
By all means use it.
- Thank you, Ellerby.
Now these decisions are always of
course, a bit of a shock to the parents.
I hope Sir Arnold will be
prepared to bow to the inevitable.
But in case of his being unable
to take his medicine, as it were ..
I shall send for you to back me up.
I shall rely on you to remain,
as indeed I shall ..
Dignified and firm.
If in doubt, say nothing.
That's all. Thank you, gentlemen.
You can show him in, Ellerby.
That will be a pleasure.
Good morning, Hanray.
- Good morning.
Is something the matter?
Nothing. I just thought you might
come in via the usual entrance.
What an exquisite view
you have from here.
You're a lucky man, Hanray.
You must be very attached to all this.
I am.
I hope you had a pleasant journey down.
- Yes, very. Very pleasant, thank you.
I don't get in to the country
as much as I should.
You lead a busy life
Sir Arnold, as I do.
Yes. I had your letter.
My letter? Yes.
It was not a pleasant letter to write.
We don't often admit failure, here.
That's where you differ from me in
my business. I never admit failure.
Most laudable.
Is this really a first edition
of Alice In Wonderland?
Yes. Alas, the title page is missing.
- Why do you want to expel my son?
I'm not expelling him.
I'm perfectly willing that Edward should
remain until the end of the term.
Now, to the scholastic mind, I suppose
some distinction may be drawn between ..
Removing a boy at the end of the term
and expelling him in the middle of it.
But as a parent, I find
it rather difficult to ..
To appreciate that distinction.
Sir Arnold, have you considered
that this may be good for the boy?
Believe me, I have Edward's interests
at heart as well as the school's.
The school, how?
I find him a corrupting influence.
- On whom?
Oh his companions.
- Oh. Oh, what a relief.
I was afraid for a moment,
that he'd tried to corrupt you.
I'm afraid, if I can say so, Sir Arnold.
That I take a rather more serious view
of this matter than you appear to do.
If you allow me to say so, Mr Hanray ..
I find the idea of my small son
corrupting anyone rather absurd.
If I didn't I should be very angry.
This is your son's
handwriting, Sir Arnold.
Improving, I hope.
Well, at least he didn't
write it on the walls.
I wouldn't put that past him.
- You don't like him very much, do you?
My feelings have nothing to do with it.
- Well, mine have. I love him.
This is merely adolescence.
Possibly. But your son
needs a sharp lesson.
Have you ever tried thrashing him?
I have flogged your boy
once this term already.
How'd he take it?
- Not very well, I'm afraid.
He bit me in the hand.
Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry. What did you do?
What would you have done?
I'd have put on a pair of thick
gloves and started all over again.
Gloves did not occur to me.
- You can't always think of everything.
What did you thrash him for?
Stealing another boy's wristwatch.
For stealing?
Oh come now, I can't believe that.
After all, he has 3
or 4 watches of his own.
Did he admit it?
- Yes.
So, what do you want me to do?
Send him to a reformatory?
No, no. Of course not.
There are many excellent
schools that specialize in ..
I'm not interested in excellent schools
that specialize in boys that ..
I wish my son to remain here.
I think that Edward is
a normal, nice child.
With a little care and attention he can
turn out to be a credit to Graingerry.
He offers a bit of a challenge possibly,
but that's your challenge to accept.
Where do you suppose he learnt all this?
From me or his mother? Or in his home?
He learnt it here.
This is your responsibility and
you're not going to shelve it.
I can't accept that.
- Well ..
You're going to accept it, Mr Hanray.
Are you threatening me?
- I am.
There is only one condition under which
I'll remove my boy from Graingerry.
And that it is that Graingerry
has ceased to exist.
Do I make myself clear?
I'm afraid not.
- Well, sit down.
Sit down and I'll give you a
little instruction in 'finance'.
Not in Latin or Greek,
Mr Hanray. But in 'finance'.
Something I know a great
deal more about than you do.
Or anybody else for that matter.
There, are ..
Certain mortgages
outstanding on this school.
Which you're not in a position to repay.
Yes. Those mortgages were in the
hands of Dodson and Company.
Of course, anyone holding the mortgages
is in a position to foreclose them.
Thereby forcing yourself and
the school into bankruptcy.
And .. I .. now hold them.
You hold them?
Yes. The mortgages on the whole school.
Why .. I'd twirl my mustache
if I had a mustache.
Yes, I acquired them
when Edward entered here.
Just in case something
like this should arise.
Well, it has arisen.
And I'm now fighting
for my boy's good name.
And Mr Hanray, when I fight ..
I fight with anything
I can lay my hands on.
I can't believe it.
Well, what has to be, has to be.
I would be hypocritical
to say I'm sorry for you.
I'm prepared however, to allow you
to remain until the end of the term.
Returning the compliment, as it were.
That is, I believe, the
prospect you offered Edward?
Well, well, well ..
I wonder what will happen
to all this, Hanray.
What will happen to the playing fields
and the swimming pool and the buildings?
A factory site, no doubt.
Or perhaps one of those luxury hotels?
Or perhaps, the school will go on.
In that case, they may allow
you to return here someday.
After the scandal has
died down a little bit.
Return not as Headmaster of course.
But as one of the juniors.
Not exactly the old age you
planned for yourself, is it?
Then, of course, this isn't exactly the
youth I had planned for Edward, either.
Even if the plan of yours were feasible,
which I don't admit for a moment.
Do you really believe it
would benefit your son?
I shall do my best to see that it does.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe that here
in England in 1930 ..
One man can destroy another man's life,
his career, the whole tradition.
Nothing is safe anymore.
No standards, no principles,
no law counts any longer.
If it's true, we're all of us lost.
Good day, Mr Hanray.
Sir Arnold .. Sir Arnold.
Just a moment, please.
You win.
Oh, it isn't a question of
victory or defeat, Hanray.
It's just that we worked
out a solution together.
Of course, if you put it
like that, Sir Arnold.
I suppose it's conceivable that
we haven't done our utmost.
It's fatally easy to feel discouraged.
Do you mind if I sit at your desk?
- Not at all.
I think it's unwise that you are
ever placed in this position again.
This is the twelfth, isn't it?
- Yes.
I don't understand.
- A gift.
An unconditional gift. One which will
let you to pay off the mortgage at once.
And one which I don't wish
to have to refer to again.
But I can't possibly ..
- Come, Hanray.
In the interest of Graingerry. That's
what we both have at heart, isn't it?
You're an astonishing man, Sir Arnold.
I must confess I've always felt somewhat
doubtful about the Napoleons of finance.
Who rise so rapidly and mysteriously
from comparative obscurity.
There isn't anything so mysterious
about business success.
- No, no.
It's comparatively simple
if you know how.
Yeah. In my own case, I had a small
business and I wanted to enlarge it.
What did you do, Sir Arnold?
I set fire to it and
collected the insurance.
I wouldn't have credited
big business with such a ..
Whimsical sense of the ridiculous.
Of course, they're all not like me.
Unfortunately ..
- Yes, unfortunately.
I can't find that old .. oh.
I beg your pardon.
- Very well, Ellerby.
Oh, you're Ellerby? I want
to ask you a question.
Do you? Well, let me tell you.
In my opinion, Sir Arnold, your boy
would be better off somewhere else.
Ellerby, I know I told you:
'when in doubt, say nothing'.
My question is to do
with something else.
Edward worries about you.
- About me?
Yes. He says you have rheumatism.
Kind of little Edward, I'm sure.
- Yes.
Why don't you go and see
Dr Kedner in Harley Street?
Say you're a friend of Edward's.
He won't charge you a thing.
Thank you so much. I've my own doctor.
- You also have rheumatism.
Ellerby, you might show Sir Arnold
the new buildings before lunch.
I hope you stay and
share our midday meal.
Yes, I'd like to. I'd like to very much.
Edward always says: 'wait until
you have one of those meals'.
After you, Mr Ellerby.
- No. After you, sir.
Ellerby is the name.
- Allerbee?
Ellerby. E, double L, E, R, B, Y.
Send young Boult to me at once.
Good afternoon, Lady Boult.
- Good afternoon, Barker.
Good afternoon Miss Perrin.
- Oh, Lady Boult.
Sir Arnold isn't back yet.
- Oh.
Here are your tickets and .. passports.
Thank you .. is my son here?
Well, he was. But he said
he'd meet you at the station.
He's grown up, hasn't he.
- He's sixteen.
I've informed Groves about the luggage
and Mr Montague will meet you in Paris.
When you get to Switzerland, Monsieur
LaTour will meet you there as usual.
Well, actually I've got plenty of time.
I'll just wait until Arnold gets back.
You haven't got a cigarette, have you?
He should be back soon.
Dr Woodhope is waiting for him too.
Oh, really?
Evelyn, my dear.
- Larry, how nice.
Oh, it seems years.
- My, you do look smart.
Do I? Thank you.
Edward and I are just leaving for
Switzerland for the winter sports.
Did Arnold send for you?
- Yes.
I mean, as a doctor?
Oh, I don't know. I haven't been
his doctor officially for some time.
Is anything wrong with him?
- Not that I know of.
Larry, I've a bone to pick with you.
- Oh?
Why don't you come and see
us anymore? Unofficially.
I want to, but you know how it is.
You skipped Edward's last birthday.
It was the first one you've missed.
Yes, let me see. I ..
I uh ..
That's alright.
I just wondered if there was anything
we'd said or done. That's all.
No. Of course not.
How is Edward?
- Oh ..
He's very grown up now.
He shaves .. every other day.
Oh .. the boy is a genius.
Is he, Larry?
- Is he what?
I don't know. A 'genius', maybe?
- What's the matter?
Larry, I'm so glad to see you again.
- Tell me about Edward.
Oh well. Of course Arnold
still spoils him dreadfully.
I'm sometimes so afraid he'll never
have any real sense of values.
There are some things that are so wrong.
- For instance?
Oh, I don't know.
Well, for one thing .. he's not quite as
straight about money as he should be.
And for another ..
Arnold lets him have a glass of port
now and again in the evenings.
He doesn't always stop at one glass.
He's not seventeen yet.
Maybe he is a genius.
- Like Arnold.
I'm not worried about Arnold's drinking.
No. Arnold doesn't drink.
You don't like Arnold any more, do you?
Let's just say I don't approve of
some of the things he gets up to.
Well, the Sempkin Savings Bank
collapse of some years ago.
Oh yes. But that was Sempkin. He
broke Arnold's heart when it happened.
Nevertheless, Arnold came
out of it a much richer man.
And Sempkin went to jail.
By the way, I see he was just released.
Well, I hope he doesn't
bother Arnold any more.
You don't know how Arnold
tried to help that man.
He made him even
before the Savings Bank.
Do you know that some believe Sempkin
deliberately set fire to their business?
Well, some people say Arnold should have
gone to jail for the Bank's collapse.
Well, that's horrible.
They're jealous of Arnold.
But let's face things, Evelyn.
Business ethics have been
going downhill for years.
Arnold has been trundling his hoop just
a little bit ahead of all the others.
Mind you, he gets there
first alright, but ..
But he's very apt to get a
little dirtied in the process.
Anything he's done has
been for me and Edward.
I know.
He set out to do the best
for his son and for you.
He's made the most unholy
mess of it, hasn't he.
Tell me what to do, Larry.
- It's a little late.
At seventeen?
No, I was talking about Arnold.
Arnold loves the boy.
If I loved anyone ..
Well, I'm not Edward's father.
Yes. But you're the doctor.
You're our friend. Our oldest friend.
You have the right to tell
Arnold that loving Edward ..
Doesn't mean substituting money for ..
For ..
You can tell him that you can
kill something inside a person ..
Unless you treat them as a human being.
That's all I ask for Edward.
And for yourself?
I wasn't talking about myself.
- Oh yes you were.
Larry, that's wrong to say that.
You've no right to say it.
I've no right to love you, either.
I'd better be going to the station.
Edward will wonder
what's happened to me.
You knew, didn't you?
Yes, Larry.
I've known for a long time.
What ought I to do?
You mean about ..?
I mean .. about Edward.
Hello Larry.
- Hello.
Darling. Sorry I'm late.
Couldn't get away from Sir John.
You know politicians.
You can't get away.
Now, have you got everything?
Have you got your travellers cheques
and your money and everything?
Yes dear, and Groves
knows about the luggage.
And Mr Montague will meet us in Paris.
And when we get to Zurich there will be
a brass band and an illuminated address.
Larry, I was reading all
about you. Wonderful.
You'll be chosen as head of the Hospital
Board. I think it's a very great honour.
Has Evelyn been talking about me?
- No. She was very loyal.
Arnold is to be made
'Lord' Boult next year.
Oh well, of course
it's just a rumour but ..
I can't say I wouldn't be pleased to
have a title to pass on to Edward.
Larry my boy, you should get married and
have children. It's a great incentive.
I suppose being bachelor has advantages
too, especially if you're a doctor.
Beautiful nurses, beautiful
temperatures to take.
Well, I'm off.
Goodbye, Larry. It has been
nice seeing you again.
Yes, hasn't it.
Shall I tell Edward I saw you?
- Please do.
What's all the formality
between old friends?
Goodbye old friend.
- My best to Edward.
I will.
Goodbye, dear.
- Yes? Oh, goodbye.
Please don't give Edward
any extra money.
Because we've made a budget
and he must stick to it.
Yes, dear. Have a good time.
- Yes. I will.
How do you think I look, Larry?
- Oh, much as I expected.
Anything special?
Like to take my blood pressure?
- Like to?
Well, I'd like to have you take it.
You know, these specialists I've been
going to are no good at all, Larry.
What is it?
Can't they find anything wrong with you?
- No. They didn't find anything wrong.
They took an electrocardiogram.
I don't care what they say.
I have these pains in my arms,
and down my legs.
If I walk up and down stairs, it's ..
I get dizzy and I get very,
very short of breath sometimes.
Oh, I'm not surprised about that.
Oh really? Why?
- Well, you talk too much.
Larry, you know the trouble with you?
You should cultivate a little
more of a bedside manner.
Arnold .. you know the trouble with you?
You've no need to take it.
- Not the shaking kind.
Now relax.
This may hurt a bit.
- Hurt?
Just relax.
- I'm relaxed.
You know, the trouble with you, Arnold.
Is that you are lacking in something.
- Lacking?
No, no. It doesn't show there.
Can you fix it?
If it's not too late.
Look around you, Arnold.
Look at some of us
ordinary human beings.
We may crack under the strain
of trying to keep up with you.
Those of us who are foolish enough.
Loyal enough to try.
I don't know what the .. you're not
looking at the gauge. What does it say?
Discretion itself.
I'm afraid you have
nothing to worry about.
Well then, why do you suppose
I have all the funny symptoms?
[ Buzzer ]
Yes, Miss Perrin?
- "Pick up the earphones, Sir Arnold."
Mr Sempkin is here.
- "What?"
"Has he escaped?"
No. He was released this morning.
There was a paragraph in the paper.
He's outside in the reception room.
I'll call you right back.
Larry. Do you mind going out this way?
- No. Not a bit.
Say Larry, I've a friend who's
been taking injections for colds.
You want some?
- I don't know.
You don't sound very
enthusiastic about it.
Well, I'm not having the injections.
- Well, I'll see you later.
- Thanks so much.
Alright Miss Perrin. Have him come in.
- "Yes, Sir Arnold."
Well, Harry .. come on in.
Nice to see you.
- Is it?
Sit down, sit down.
Well, you look fine.
I hear you've got my old head
cashier working for you.
Well, I thought I'd better take care
of him Harry while you were away.
You know, if you want him back ..
- I just wondered why you hired him.
He sold me out to someone.
And that someone tipped
off the bank inspectors.
Harry, I wouldn't believe you
had an enemy in the world.
Perhaps you're right. Perhaps it
was one of my friends who did it.
Well, I've no proof. So let's forget it.
How's the family? I wrote to your wife
you know. But I never got an answer.
It was good of you .. I guess
she's got more pride than I have.
Have you seen the family yet?
- Not yet.
I've got one or two things to
get straightened out first.
I think I've caused them
enough harm for a while.
Oh now Harry, you mustn't feel that way.
- "Your son on the line."
Oh yes. Yes. Put him on.
Hello? Hello, Edward.
Hello, son .. where are you?
At the station .. oh nonsense.
Why, you'll have a whale of a time.
Oh thanks, son. Thank you.
I wish I could, too.
Yes .. yes?
Why, you've already had 50.
I know, but what will your mother say?
Ha .. well, how will I send it?
Of course I've to register the letter.
There's only one Post Office?
Well, alright. I guess we boys
have to stick together, don't we.
Alright .. but Edward, you really
must be a little more careful.
You know, yes.
Alright son, have a good time.
Give my love to your mother.
Oh yes. Yes. She would, wouldn't she.
What a businessman he's going to make.
Never misses a trick. The young devil.
What were we talking about?
- Our children.
Oh, yes.
Now, you know if there's anything
I can do, all you have to do is ask.
Now, the next thing is,
what can we do for you.
Now, will you pardon me a minute.
I don't want to forget this.
Miss Perrin.
- "Yes, Sir Arnold?"
Send Mr Edward fifty pounds.
Yeah. Care of the Post Office.
- "Not the hotel?"
Not the hotel. The Post Office.
Have you got any plans?
- No. Not a great many.
Getting old, I suppose.
- Oh, nonsense.
Perhaps just discouraged.
I'm not kicking against my trial or
my sentence. They were fair enough.
What gets me is that
twice in my lifetime ..
I've been fool enough to
try and get away with it.
Each time I told myself that I
wouldn't be the one to be caught.
I know men. So do you.
Not too far away from this desk.
Who are bigger crooks than I ever was.
They play around the law.
Scramble under it, climb over it.
What happens to them? Nothing.
And you have to play
their game or get out.
I wanted to be safe and
respected in my old age.
Instead of ..
How would you like it?
If Edward was ashamed of his father?
I feel like ..
There's someone sitting up there
somewhere, laughing at me.
When I was a child,
I was scared of the dark.
Scared there was something out there in
the blackness waiting to pounce on me.
Just me.
And no-one else.
I feel like that now.
Well, I think that's ..
Perfectly natural, Harry.
But I think you'll get over it.
Honestly, what you have to
do is go to work, old boy.
What sort of work do you suggest?
- Well, I don't know, how about ..
Starting a small business of some kind.
Antiques or tobacconist.
Now they tell me ..
Who are 'they'?
- Other people.
I tell you who they are.
They're the people you've never asked
about issues that never interested you.
Well, good heavens Harry.
What do you want me to do?
If it's a question of money ..
- Don't you see, Arnold?
I don't want money.
I want other people to see
you still have faith in me.
That you're willing to
give me another chance.
Then I can face my kids.
If you ever owed me anything.
This is how you can
repay me a hundredfold.
Well, I'd like to do something ..
I didn't think it would work.
Now Harry, I told you I would do
anything within reason and I will.
But you've got to help me too, you know.
Now ..
Maybe you can change your name.
- Sure. I might call myself 'Smith'.
Like my wife has had to
nowadays: 'Mabel Smith'.
That's how I have to write to her.
Oh, Harry. All this self-pity
won't get you anywhere.
And neither will that stuff.
Better lay off it.
Why don't you think this over
and give me a ring and ..
We'll make a date one
day for lunch next week.
What day?
Well, I don't know exactly.
Miss Perrin has my engagement book.
Give me a ring tomorrow.
We'll make a definite date.
In the meantime, how are
you fixed for ready cash?
I'm alright, thanks.
I'm fine.
I'll certainly call you.
And if by any remote chance
you're too busy this week.
Just leave a message with
the great Miss Perrin.
I'll understand.
And you can put away that ruler, Arnold.
You haven't drawn a
straight line for years.
Goodbye, Miss Perrin.
- Goodbye, Mr Sempkin.
[ Buzzer ]
Has he gone?
- Mr Sempkin?
Poor fellow. We really must try to
do something for him, Miss Perrin.
I think I could do with a large whiskey
if you don't mind. If there's any left.
Nothing here that can't wait
until tomorrow, is there?
No, Sir Arnold.
- Thank you. Won't you have one?
Who, me?
- Yes, you.
Oh, don't look so surprised.
Don't you drink?
I drink yes, at times.
But this is not one of them.
Thank you very much all the same.
Sit down. Sit down, Miss Perrin.
Oh, I'm not going to dictate anything.
I just wanted to talk.
What are your interests
in life, Miss Perrin?
Curiously enough, just at the moment,
they are Sir Arnold Boult and company.
Are they really?
Yes. I don't know how
long that will last.
I like finding out
about things you know.
Oh .. oh.
Now, what have you found
out about me for instance?
I can't.
All information concerning
you is strictly confidential.
Yes. That's very proper.
What do you do in the
evenings, Miss Perrin?
I go home.
- Do you really?
What do you think happens to me?
Do you think I'm covered over with a
black, oilskin bag like a typewriter?
No, no. I thought perhaps you ..
I don't know .. but you're
a very interesting girl.
How awful.
Well, how? I don't know ..
He seemed perfectly
alright when he left here.
Why he ..
He comes here for help.
I agree to give it to him.
Then he jumps off the roof.
I don't ..
Well, how could he do
a thing like that to me?
What a dirty, filthy
thing for a man to do.
Well, that just goes to show.
Do you know what I think?
I think it was all a plot.
He didn't want help at all.
He just wanted to make it look to
the papers as if I wouldn't help him.
But you were going to help him?
[ Telephone ]
Yes? What?
From the roof?
Oh, how awful.
No. What was the name? Simk .. Simping?
I'll ask Sir Arnold. It's the police.
The lift-boy told them he
asked for your office.
No. Sir Arnold knows nothing about it.
Of course, if you think it's necessary.
They're coming up.
- Thanks for keeping your head.
This couldn't have happened at a
worse time for me. Or for Edward.
- Of course.
I want that title for him to inherit.
I want him to be Lord Boult.
If there's any scandal about Sempkin ..
And I don't imagine it will
help your Shelton Motor deal.
And the banks won't like it, either.
The big three.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Good afternoon, Inspector.
- Sergeant, sir.
Oh yes. What can we do for you?
This is my secretary, Miss Perrin.
I understand you are the last
person to see the deceased.
He's dead, huh? Oh, that's a shame.
What makes you think I was
the last person to see him?
Were you not, sir?
I haven't seen him for about four years.
And he didn't have an
appointment with you, sir?
What makes you think he had?
Only that he told the porter so.
- Oh.
How extraordinary. You don't
have to take my word for it.
Anyone who wanted to see me must
pass through Miss Perrin's office.
Ask her.
- I see, sir.
Then if the lift-boy said he saw Sempkin
tap on Miss Perrin's door and walk in ..
That would be a mistake?
Did he say that?
The lift boy couldn't
possibly see my door.
That should answer
your question .. Sergeant.
He is dead, isn't he?
- Why do you ask?
Good heavens, man. If he's just severely
injured I want to do what I can to help.
So very thoughtful of you, Sir Arnold.
He died two minutes after I arrived.
That's whiskey.
- Aye, I've heard of it.
Would you like a little of it?
- Not while I'm on duty, sir.
The deceased was drinking
whiskey just before he jumped.
I smelt it on his breath.
While I was listening to his last words.
What did he say?
He mentioned your name.
Oh, that's very touching.
I'm glad you told me that.
I'd always been a good friend of his,
and I'm ready to be again.
Well sir, I think I'll go up on the
roof and take a look at the coving.
If there's any more we can do ..
Well sir, we'll need written statements
from you and your secretary later on.
Thank you, Sir Arnold.
- Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
Isn't that just like a Scotsman?
Not to tell me what
Harry's last words were.
Would you like to have dinner with me?
As a reward, sir Arnold?
- No, no. Just because I'd like you to.
Do you mind if I go home and dress?
No. As a matter of fact,
we'll both dress.
Pick you up at eight?
- Eight-thirty.
What's that?
- My address.
And it was .. her address, I mean.
Eileen Perrin's address.
That's how it all started. Not a very
original beginning to a love story.
I'm afraid it hasn't a very
original ending either.
But it was a love story.
Illicit, discreditable.
Often unsatisfactory.
Those of you who have found yourself on
the brink of adventures such as mine ..
And pulled up in time,
have my congratulations.
You have saved yourselves a great deal
of trouble. Perhaps something worse.
But I want you to know this.
Not because I fancy myself
as any middle-aged Don Juan.
But because it is part
of the whole story.
Well, it was about a year
after our first little dinner.
Then the great Sir Lawrence said to me:
'thank you very much for coming'.
And I flew to you darling, on wings ..
- Do you know what the time is?
Oh time. Time. I don't think
of time when I'm with you.
I'd like to think that
we're alone in space.
I know nobody who looks at
his watch as often as you.
I look at my watch but don't take it in.
- This champagne is rather warm.
You have to take the rough
with the smooth these days.
Here's to us.
How about my salad?
Did you ..? What is that, darling?
It's something to do with lobsters.
If you don't mind, I'll pass.
- Really. That's gratitude.
Well, no. It's just that I'm ..
Not hungry.
That's the wonderful thing
about you. You never fuss.
You take a thing like
that in your stride.
You're the only woman I ever
knew who never changes.
Why, do you think that's a virtue?
- I know it is. I like it.
Ah but, I think it's something
quite different, Arnold.
You like it because it suits you.
I don't question what you do, or ..
Or where you're going. I accept things.
And I oughtn't to accept them, Arnold.
No, really I shouldn't.
Not all the time, because it isn't good
for you to have your own way always.
I know that and I don't
do anything about it.
Because I'm in love with you.
In love with you and not what
you might be or ought to be.
I'm a gangster's moll, Arnold.
Thank you very much.
Here's to our next holdup.
May you never change.
You're happy, aren't you?
- Yes. I'm happy.
So am I.
Happier than I've ever been.
And younger too.
Oh yes, you are much younger.
That's another thing I like. You never
flatter me but always tell me the truth.
How would you like a pearl necklace?
- Oh, very much.
I think this is as good a time as any
to give you one. Don't look surprised.
You try this on now. For size.
Where on earth could I wear your pearls?
- You could pretend they're imitations.
What's wrong?
I couldn't get .. there you are.
- They're lovely.
I don't think I've ever seen
real pearls close-to before.
Is it true they dissolve in vinegar?
I don't know. We have some
vinegar and a little curry.
It's a good time to find out.
Oh thank you. Thank you very, very much.
You know that whatever I gave you,
I'd still be in your debt, don't you?
Oh, darling .. oh I do love you.
So much .. you're very
sentimental tonight, aren't you?
Yes. It's the warm champagne.
Would you like some?
Would you get me another
glass while you're up?
Oh and this, too.
You're a charmer I must say, aren't you.
Tell me.
What would you do if someone
found out about us?
Well, I'd find out something about them.
Supposing your wife knew about me?
What would she do?
I haven't the faintest idea.
You think she'd divorce you?
- Heavens no.
There is Edward.
Edward is seventeen.
- I know, but he's very happy.
I shouldn't think he'd
like to see us broken up.
Is that what your wife thinks
about the happy home?
I should think so.
You're quite safe aren't you, Arnold.
The best of both worlds.
What's the matter with you? Why do
you keep pulling on those curtains?
If you never saw me again after tonight.
What would you remember best about me?
Oh, darling, don't be so morbid.
- No, come on, tell me.
What would you remember best about me?
I think I'd ..
Well, I think I'd remember ..
Things I made up about you.
What you must have looked
like when you were a little boy.
What you must have been like before
you became the great Sir Arnold Boult.
If you'd known me in those days you
wouldn't give me a second look.
Well, not for long.
I don't know. I like to think I'd have
swooped down on you and carried you off.
Strange as it may seem,
I was the one who did the swooping.
What if we both had swooped?
What do you think would have happened?
We'd have had quite a
collision, wouldn't we.
There's someone watching this flat.
There is .. what?
There is someone watching this flat,
unless you have a bodyguard.
With a bowler hat and a raincoat.
He's been there all evening
under the lamppost.
Why didn't you tell me?
- I just realized what he must be doing.
Put the light out.
No, don't.
Put it on.
Of course, he may be
watching the flat below.
No, it's empty.
Do you think he could be a detective?
Hmm .. I don't know.
Have you broken the law?
No. Have you?
Who, me? Not any more than usual.
He could be a reporter.
- Oh, no.
They're the sort of stories:
'Millionaire's love nest'.
Since I own a couple of papers myself.
- All the more reason. A rival?
We don't bomb each other's headquarters.
What are you going to do?
Well, instinct tells me I should get
out of here. You got a fire escape?
No. But there's a service lift.
For small parcels.
What's so funny?
I was thinking of you
getting stuck in it ..
And delivered in the morning
to one of my neighbours.
Oh yes. Very droll.
What would you suggest?
I think we ought to ask him up.
Then we can find out what he wants.
- Take the enemy by surprise.
That might be a good idea.
Well .. we can try it.
Heads, we have him up.
What is it?
Are you sure?
Hello. Down there under the lamppost.
What's that, sir?
- We want you to come up.
Number seventeen.
Wait a minute. Here's the
key to the street door.
Here, catch.
What a way to make a living.
You thing we ought to put the wine away?
No. Give him the wine. Get him drunk.
It's warm.
Warm champagne is never evidence.
[ Buzzer ]
Let him in.
- Certainly not. You go.
It was your idea.
Thank you.
He may have a gun.
Good evening, sir.
Terrible weather we're having.
Now, sir. What can we do for you?
Prothin is the name, sir.
Walter Prothin.
All very cosy I must say.
Very cosy indeed.
Good evening.
Miss Perrin, isn't it?
Good evening.
Well I appreciate your cooperation
Sir Arnold, in inviting me in like this.
It's ..
What colour would you call that?
Wine coloured? Yes, I think so. Wine ..
A bit irregular of course.
But .. oh, thanks very much.
We're guided by what Mr Wimpole thinks.
- Who's Mr Wimpole?
Mr Wimpole acts for
Lady Boult, I understand.
Lady Boult?
- That's right, Sir Arnold.
We do a lot of work for Mr Wimpole.
A very nice old-fashioned firm.
It handles the cream,
if you know what I mean.
That's why we appreciate it all the
more when things are nice and friendly.
A grey dress.
Oh, thank you, Miss. And ..
Hmm .. very nice, too.
Ah, I shan't mention the champagne.
We don't pander to the
press if we can help it.
Some of the details they print
now are simply disgusting.
What do you think you're doing?
- Just looking. Won't take a moment.
Of course, when our
photographer comes ..
Get out!
Get out!
- Certainly.
By all means, Sir Arnold.
You did ask me in, remember.
Nothing to worry about, Sir Arnold.
Publicity, I mean.
Of course, if you were going
to contest Lady Boult's ..
Get out!
- Yes. Goodnight, Miss.
- Get out!
Well, thank you very much, Sir Arnold.
Well, that was a great
idea of yours, alright.
Get Max Whitehead on the phone.
- At this hour?
Get him on the phone.
I'll get him for you, Sir Arnold.
- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
What's that number again?
- Centreline 79111.
I can't believe that Evelyn means to
go through with this. It isn't like her.
Do you suppose he's asleep?
- I wouldn't be surprised.
He should have a phone at his bedside.
Hello? Hello, Max. Is that you?
Right .. now listen, Max.
A man just walked in here and took
some notes and walked out again.
Previously, he had
been watching the flat.
Miss Perrin's flat.
I happened to spending
the evening there.
What do you mean, what time is it?
Don't quibble. You're not in court.
No, he wasn't a burglar.
Notes. I don't mean banknotes.
Notes, notes. That you write down.
The legal mind after sundown.
No. He didn't exactly force
his way in .. I let him in.
I wanted to see what he was up to.
Yes, I guess I did.
But I mean, is that evidence?
Of course he didn't ..
I'll tell you about it in the morning.
What I must know is, can
Evelyn use that against me?
Max, Max. What time will you be
at your office in the morning?
Alright, fine, fine. Now, Max.
Don't you go back to sleep.
Just lie awake .. thinking it over.
Max thinks I should get out of here.
There is the door.
I hope you know that
if it weren't for Edward.
But you .. you are going to fight it?
Of course. I can't let my
son think I let him down.
Supposing you lose?
- I won't lose. The issue is too big.
I guess this means the end.
For us .. for a time.
Of course.
I'll give you a call in the morning.
- Give me a call ..?
Oh .. yes.
Yes. Of course, I won't
be at the office will I.
I'm never going to manage without you.
You'll manage alright.
How about you?
Don't worry about me.
I won't throw myself off the roof.
I suppose I deserved that.
Sorry, I ..
I shouldn't have said it.
Go and put your coat on.
What did you do with the box?
- Box?
The case the pearls were in. Oh, here.
But why?
I think Max will agree with me.
It simplifies matters.
Well now, let's not make
it too easy for Max.
I pay him much too much already.
Besides, I'd like you to have them.
I don't know how to say goodbye.
Don't you?
I wonder if Mr Prothin is there.
Yes, still at it.
The gloomy sentry.
Though I suppose you know, in a way he's
the winner. Let's give him three cheers.
Three cheers for Mr Prothin.
Hip-hip hooray. Hip-hip hooray!
Do you know.
He actually raised his hat.
Arnold ..
Arnold, come in.
Come in. Entrez. Avanti.
Have you found him?
No, Milady. Mr Edward was
not in the bar at either hotel.
Well, try the tennis club then, and
that horrid little place The Aperitif.
You must find him.
Our train leaves in half an hour,
so send for the luggage please.
Very good, Milady.
[ Telephone ]
Who? Who in London?
I'm sorry. I can't hear very well.
Oh yes.
Yes, Mr Wimpole.
Thank you for calling again.
Any more news?
Look, could you speak a
little louder? I'm afraid I can't ..
Yes .. yes, that's better.
No .. no word from Sir Arnold.
Oh, I feel fine, thank you.
We leave in half an hour
if I can find Edward.
Alright. Well, I'll
call you then from ..
Go. Go right ahead.
Sir Arnold is here.
Yes, I understand.
What are you doing here?
Well, I found that I could snatch a
few days holiday, so I thought I'd ..
I thought you'd reserved these
rooms for another fortnight.
I changed my plans.
- Oh, I see.
And where were you
going to hide from me?
Why should I hide from you?
Why, on the advice of George
Wimpole I should imagine.
I suppose he discovered
I left London this morning.
[ Telephone ]
Yes? Yes, yes ..
Alright, well ..
Well, we know where Mr Edward is.
Thank you.
I spoke to him on the phone this morning
to say I was coming. He was so pleased.
I told him I wanted
to keep it a surprise.
We thought the best way to keep you here
was for him to disappear for a while.
I told him I doubted you'd be angry ..
- I am angry.
But not with him.
Like all your actions nowadays,
I find it very underhand.
I find it underhanded to have one's
husband probed by a private detective.
Perhaps I choose to fight you for once,
Arnold. With your own weapons.
Why do you choose to fight at all?
I haven't the slightest intention
of giving you a divorce.
I'm delighted to hear you say so.
- Oh, are you really? Why?
Because I should like
you to fight and lose.
As part of my plan for Edward.
I want him to realize that with
all your money and power ..
There are still some things
that you can't get away with.
I want him to see the
sort of man his father is.
I should think he knows that by now.
- No, he doesn't. That's what's wrong.
He admires you, Arnold.
As I used to.
He loves you.
As I used to.
I think a divorce is the only way
of bringing him to his senses.
Why, what's he done now?
Edward got very drunk last night.
Then he was very sick.
And very rude to everyone,
including a waiter.
This morning I told him
to apologize. He did.
He gave the man five pounds.
From money, which I
suppose you sent him?
Now everybody in the
hotel calls him 'Milord'.
He's seventeen.
If he goes on like this, what
will he be like when he's twenty?
Broke, I should think.
- Oh, Arnold.
Why did you let him get tight?
He slipped away. He said
he was going to a dance.
He lies very fluently these days.
Well, all young people get tipsy these
days. Then they learn to lay off it.
Well, that's just it.
He doesn't lay off.
He lays on.
Why, he's just having a little fun.
What's so terrible about that?
But you don't think
it's terrible, Arnold.
That's what's so terrible.
To you, it's all rather
a joke, isn't it?
When I ask you to stop
sending him money ..
You promise me, and then
you break your promise.
I don't see things the
way you do anymore.
I've suddenly woken up and ..
I'm frightened.
I'm frightened for my son.
That's why I'm taking him away.
- Where?
Oh, I don't know yet.
But when I've divorced you, Arnold,
I'll take Edward abroad somewhere.
Somewhere he can learn to work for
his living and to have responsibilities.
I shall be one of those because I don't
plan to take much money with me.
You think Edward is going to agree
to this fantastic scheme of yours?
Poor Edward.
I'm afraid it will be a shock to him.
- Uhuh.
But when I tell him that I'm not
going to touch your money ..
And that I rely on him to look after me.
Well I think he still loves me, and he's
not altogether lacking in courage or ..
Or pride.
- No, no, no.
Of course, even if
you get the divorce ..
You can't take him out of the
country without my permission.
If you force me to stay
in England, Arnold.
I can always change my name.
Mrs Sempkin did.
Why do you hate me so much?
I don't hate you.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have
said that about Mrs Sempkin.
I'm awfully tired.
Do you mind going.
- No. Why should I go?
I'm still your husband.
We're not divorced yet you know.
How long did you tell
Edward he could stay out?
Oh, no particular time. Just long enough
for me to have a little chat with you.
And now perhaps, that you've
had that, will you leave?
You know, even when I ..
I don't think I ever realized
how much you care.
I thought that part of our
marriage didn't mean anything.
I'm not trying to excuse
Miss Perrin, but ..
I didn't realize it would
make you so bitter inside.
You haven't understood one word
of what I've been saying, have you.
Only that you feel the only way to deal
with Edward is to break up his home.
His home?
When did he ever have a home?
Something that isn't just a toy store,
a sweetshop and the Bank of England.
Presided over by a perpetual
fairy godfather who ..
Who granted his every wish before
he'd even thought of it himself.
I know some women who would be very
grateful to a man who did just that.
Possibly, but I'm not.
I've had enough, Arnold.
I've seen the fairy godfather
when he's off duty.
And I think it's time
Edward should, too.
It's time he got to know his father
and all his father stands for.
Are you going to tell him everything?
- Everything.
Larry? What does that mean?
- Larry is in love with you.
I think you're in love with him.
That's why you want the divorce.
You must be mad.
- He's in love with you, isn't he?
You know, this is going
to be very bad for him.
The Medical Association has very fixed
ideas about doctors who seduce patients.
Are you accusing me ..?
- No.
No, and I sincerely hope that
you don't force me to do so.
You haven't a shred of evidence.
- No. Not now I haven't.
But you should know what private
investigators can do once they start.
Oh, this is going to be a very dirty
case with plenty of publicity.
And Larry is going to get
his full share. I'll see to that.
It will ruin him completely.
I don't think I've ever despised
you as much as I do now.
I'm not interested in
the way you feel now.
Forget about us. I'll never forget that
you tried to take Edward away from me.
You may have things to forgive me,
but I'll never forgive you this.
I've always fought for
Edward, and I always will.
Don't you think for one minute I'm
going to let you take him away now.
And slander me, and turn him against me.
You've made the biggest mistake
of your life. Do you understand that?
Oh, Arnold.
I'll show you and Larry.
This is the reward I get
for all I've done for you.
Edward is my son!
Now, the question is,
what do you do next?
I want you to get out of here.
Not until you promise to drop this case.
Why should I?
Because I made the
stakes a little too high.
You never were much
of a gambler, were you?
Yes .. yes?
Just a minute. I'll see.
They want to know if
you're staying tonight.
You are staying, aren't you dear?
Don't touch me.
Yes, we're all staying.
Yeah, you may send up my luggage.
Oh no.
I'll take care of that.
They said Edward just came in.
I'd better go down and look after him.
They said he'd been
a little sick in the lift.
Hello, Summers. It's been
quite some time, hasn't it?
Yes, sir.
His Lordship asked if
you'd mind waiting.
Is the family in?
- Her Ladyship is having tea upstairs.
Mr Edward is taking a flying lesson.
A flying lesson?
You are Lord Boult's secretary?
- His personal secretary.
How long have you held
that enviable position?
Three years.
I was wondering about you predecessor.
Miss Perrin. Whatever happened to her?
Oh. There was ..
An unfortunate accident.
Oh. The usual one?
- Usual?
An overdose of pills?
Why yes, as a matter of fact.
I didn't know Miss Perrin. I understood
she was extremely capable. For a woman.
Do you think there's going
to be a war with Germany?
Lord Boult is very hopeful.
- Hopeful?
That's very noncommittal.
He thinks there will be
a war or there won't?
In Lord Boult's view ..
War. That is, actual fighting with men
and planes is a thing of the past.
Oh really? Oh. Perhaps he's right.
He usually is you know.
- Oh, is he?
Of that, I'm sure.
Where are you, Larry?
Phyllis dear, finish your
tea and come along.
I want you to meet Larry.
Oh. There you are.
Larry, my dear.
That old idiot Summers only
just told me you were here.
Have you had some tea?
- Yes.
As a matter of fact I expected Arnold.
As he fixed the time himself
I thought he'd be punctual.
Well, he treats you disgracefully.
My dear, this is Phyllis Mayden.
Larry Woodhope.
How do you do?
I suppose I should say
'Doctor' Woodhope.
Our Doctor Woodhope.
He brought Edward into the world.
How nice.
Phyllis is my new daughter-in-law to be.
Oh really? I hope you'll be very happy.
- Thank you.
They will, I know. Isn't it wonderful.
But Larry, it's still a family secret.
I must fly. I've to be
at the party by 8:30.
We're having a little party.
Join us, Larry?
Please do. After all, if not for you,
there would never be an Edward.
What a dreadful thing to say.
Both of you overestimate the part
we doctors play in these matters.
Sorry, I'm rather busy.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Well, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Bye, darling.
- Goodbye.
Do tell Edward not to keep us waiting.
- Yes. Yes, I'll tell him to hurry.
What do you think of her?
- Very lovely.
How's Edward?
Well, perhaps marriage is what he needs.
That's rather a drastic cure, isn't it?
Well, we must have a drink to celebrate.
You want one?
- No, thanks. I'm on duty.
Oh I'm not, thank heavens.
Anything wrong with Arnold?
- Oh, I don't think so.
He sent for you specially, didn't he?
I heard him telephone you.
Probably got some bee in his bonnet.
Wants another check-up or something.
How do you think I'm looking?
- Fine, fine.
When I get Edward and Phyllis married.
Maybe I'll try taking a cure.
You can cure it, can't you?
- Yes.
If you want to enough.
Do you think people know I drink?
I don't.
Arnold does.
Perhaps that's why he sent for you.
- Oh, don't be absurd.
Larry, I'm sorry I kept you waiting.
- That's alright, Arnold.
Did you bring Edward back with you?
Yes, he's upstairs dressing. We're to
have dinner with Phyllis at the Barclay.
Have you forgotten?
- No.
No, I haven't forgotten. But I don't ..
I doubt I'll come. I think I'm going to
get one of my headaches. Want a drink?
No thank you, I'll help myself.
Do go up and dress. You'll be late.
Didn't you hear me say I was
going to have a headache?
You said?
Go upstairs and get dressed and hurry.
You're not having a headache tonight.
And spoil Edward's party.
You see, Larry? No headache.
Just like that. Isn't it wonderful?
Thank you for curing me, Arnold.
You and Edward go ahead.
I'll join you later.
Sit down, Larry.
Why don't you sit down?
You're the patient.
What's up?
- Nothing.
Good grief, how do you know that?
I asked you here to meet someone.
A girl. She needs our help. Read this.
- Edward's.
Oh. Does he know?
- Of course. What do you think I am?
Who .. who is Bettykins?
That's the girl.
Miss Foxley.
- Well.
In my opinion.
I suggest that Edward run to the nearest
psychologist and lie down on the couch.
Are you serious?
- I suppose not. Not at his age.
Hey, what's this?
- That's what she claims.
Now, she may be mistaken
or she may be lying.
It comes at an awkward time, doesn't it.
- Evelyn told you of the engagement?
George Mayden's daughter.
A very nice girl.
And Miss Foxley?
Miss Foxley must be made to see reason.
A young lady to see you, my Lord.
- Yes. I'm expecting her. Have her in.
Does Edward know about her coming here?
- Yes, yes. Of course.
He gave us carte-blanche
to handle the whole thing.
That's very considerate of him, and Miss
Foxley doesn't know of the engagement?
Foxley doesn't even know
that I have these letters.
Is this all?
- I hope so.
How did you get them?
- That's beside the point.
What is the point as
far as I'm concerned?
As far as you're concerned Miss Foxley's
claim may be a mistaken one.
I can trust you.
You're a friend and a doctor.
Well, at least I'm a doctor.
Miss Foxley, My Lord.
- Oh ..
Miss Foxley.
I'm Lord Boult.
- How do you do.
This is Doctor Woodhope.
An old friend of the family.
He brought Edward into the world.
- I'll never live that down.
How do you do?
- How do you do.
Sit down over here, won't you?
You were nice to come and see me.
I've always wanted to
meet Edward's father.
I've seen pictures of you of course.
Well, I wish we'd met under
happier circumstances.
I suppose .. we may just as
well get down to business.
Sit down. You don't mind
Dr Woodhope being here?
No .. no, I don't mind.
I always feel that the way to deal
with a problem is, first of all ..
To ascertain whether the problem exists.
Now. You are quite sure?
- Yes. Quite. Quite sure.
I wondered ..
You saw your own doctor, Miss Foxley?
- Yes.
And ..?
Just the same ..
I don't want to embarrass you but do
you mind if I ask you a few questions?
No, of course not.
- How long have you known Edward?
Nearly a year.
- Uhuh.
I work in a shop.
He came in to buy something.
A postcard, as a matter of fact.
One of those silly ones.
The kind you send to
friends on their hol's.
You know the kind.
- Yes, yes.
You knew who he was, of course?
Not until much later.
- And you're in love with him?
And you think that
he's in love with you?
Edward is a funny boy, you know.
When I told him about ..
You see, I think he's a bit
afraid of responsibility.
And it made him stop
loving me for a while.
Only, I know in his heart.
I have letters.
Well, I congratulate you.
He's never written to his mother or me.
Some of them I can't find this morning.
- You have others I hope?
Would you like to see them, Lord Boult?
- No, no.
Go on now. Tell us more about Edward.
Well, I haven't heard from him
since he's gone abroad, of course.
But I know it's going to be alright.
It's not that he's weak.
It's just that he hates
having to make up his mind.
You want me to make up his mind for him?
Now that you've said it, it would
be a help. He's such a baby.
Now, what ..?
Supposing he didn't want to marry you?
He really didn't.
Well then, he must say so.
It's no use running
away like this, is it?
But he does want to.
I know Edward so well.
I'm sorry to disillusion you,
Miss Foxley, but the fact is ..
My son has got himself
engaged to another girl.
He couldn't do that.
Couldn't he?
You know and I know, Miss Foxley,
that's exactly what he could ..
Come now, Larry. That isn't quite fair.
Everyone has a right to change his mind.
Is she ..?
Is she pretty, the girl he's engaged to?
Not a bit prettier than you are.
- That's very gallant of you, Arnold.
Not at all. Not ..
Of course, the thing we've got to think
about now, is what are we going to do.
I don't know.
Miss Foxley, will you be
guided by me in this?
You're a very young and attractive girl.
This is your first love affair?
- Yes.
Well, it has ended disastrously.
But you aren't without friends.
Do you have a family?
- No.
I'd like to be your friend
if you will allow me.
Thank you, Lord Boult.
- I do not condone Edward's conduct.
I think he behaved very badly but
after all, recriminations won't help.
The thing we've got to
think about now is a plan.
Larry, there's no point
in you waiting around.
Betty and I can work
it out among ourselves.
Too right, Arnold.
I'm always interested in your plans.
Yes, I know. But it's
rather a family matter.
I don't mind him being here.
Really, I must insist.
You do understand?
I'll go on one condition.
That Miss Foxley gives me a promise.
If Lord Boult suggests something
that you don't agree with.
You'll get up and walk out of here.
Oh Larry, now really. After all.
Go on, get out of here.
When I hear her promise.
Would you promise, please?
Let's get something settled.
I promise, Dr Woodhope.
- Now, are you satisfied?
I'm not satisfied, but I'll go.
If I can be of any help, I'm in
the book: Lawrence Woodhope.
Now we can get on with it. Larry is a
nice fellow but a bit of an old woman.
Won't you have just one drink?
- No, thank you.
I'm not drinking just now.
- Oh, one won't hurt you.
You don't have to be afraid I'll suggest
anything that you won't approve of.
Besides, you've promised
to get up and leave if I do.
Of course, there's nothing to stop my
getting up and leaving with you.
Is there? Now, that's quite an idea.
Why don't you and I have dinner
tonight and talk this thing over?
Here, have one drink.
And don't look so tragic.
A pretty girl like you should smile.
I didn't want mine either. You know,
I think you and I will get on famously.
The great thing is not
to be afraid of anything.
That's right, Lord Boult.
These are Edward's letters.
What, what?
- I don't you to be afraid of anything.
I'm not.
Goodbye, Lord Boult.
But .. but you can't go like this.
Yes I can.
- But I want to take care of you.
But I don't need anyone
to take care of me.
Edward is the one who needs that.
What are you going to do?
Nothing that need cause
you any worry, Lord Boult.
Or even any money.
The next corner does for me, please.
Taking the evening off?
- A few moments anyway, sir.
I thought I'd drop in on the Boults.
Evelyn and Arnold Boult. Their only
son was killed a couple of weeks ago.
Yes, I heard about it. Can't afford
accidents like that these days.
Destroying an aircraft while
showing off over some girl's house.
As if the Germans weren't
doing enough damage.
The point is, their son is dead, sir.
- So are the other members of his crew.
Good night, sir.
Good evening, sir.
- Hello, Summers.
It's good to see you again, sir.
You suppose Lady Boult will see me?
- Yes, sir. She's in the drawing-room.
I've been away. When
was Mr Edward's funeral?
Ten days ago, sir. He crashed
near Guildford on the first.
If you don't mind, sir. I think I should
just tell Her Ladyship that you're here.
Yes Summers, what is it?
- Doctor Woodhope is here, Milady.
Our Doctor Woodhope?
- Yes, Milady.
Very well, I'll see him.
May I draw the curtains, Milady?
The warning has gone.
No, Summers. We haven't
got any light showing.
The glow from the fire, Milady. If you
remember, the warden spoke about it.
Oh .. alright. Draw the curtains then.
My dear.
- Hello, Larry.
In at the birth, in at
the death, my friend.
I've been away.
I've only just heard.
It happened eleven days ago.
I'm having a little celebration.
Will you have a glass of wine?
It's his birthday, remember.
- Of course.
Thank you.
He hated funerals you know. And grief.
'Whenever I die', he says.
'All I want my friends to do for
me is to have a jolly good drink'.
Edward. My son.
A long time since you were here.
- Yes.
How's Arnold?
He thinks it was all worthwhile.
Wasn't it, Evelyn?
Have some more champagne.
I think Edward enjoyed his life.
What there was of it.
I expect if there is one
question asked, it's that.
Enjoy it? Have a good time?
Want to go back?
I know what Edward would have said.
Count me in.
A pocket philosopher.
You mustn't make fun of me.
Oh, my dear.
I never felt less like making
fun of anybody in my life.
Do you remember his
first birthday party?
And Arnold's toast.
The world's your oyster.
Very well.
I often think of that day.
It all seemed such a perfect start.
And yet, it was only the
beginning of the end.
Oh, I am ..
A maudlin, drunken old woman, Larry.
Why do you waste your time?
Haven't you anything better to do?
Not at the moment.
It all went wrong, Larry.
And I don't know why.
That's what I want to know. Why?
It wasn't that Edward was weak
or that Arnold spoiled him.
Other people spoil their
children and they get over it.
Why couldn't Edward?
Edward would have got over it.
He would have been alright.
It all seems unbelievable.
Arnold has gone down to his aerodrome.
He ought to be back soonish.
Stay here and see him.
He'd like someone to talk to.
I shall go up to my room and get drunk.
Just quietly. By myself. Very drunk.
Isn't it extraordinary what people do?
Evelyn .. Evelyn.
Are you still in love
with me, Larry Woodhope?
Would you like to ..?
And the trouble with drink is it
makes you just a little bit uncouth.
Forgive me.
I think I'll go to bed now.
We've finished the champagne.
It's no use my asking Summers for any
more because he won't let me have it.
Rationed, you know.
By my husband.
Ah, here he is.
Lord Boult.
Minister of champagne.
- Larry.
I've been wanting to come
for a long, long time.
I've just been down to see
Edward's commanding officer.
I wish you could have heard
the things he said about him.
Just about the best pilot
in the squadron, he said.
He didn't know what fear was.
A born leader of men.
I think I liked that part the best.
What an extraordinary
life that man must have.
Sitting there, all day.
Telling parents fairy stories
about their children.
Do you think you'd better go to bed?
No, Arnold. I want to hear what
the commanding officer said.
I want to find out about Edward.
Twenty years isn't very long
to get to know anybody.
I never really knew Edward properly.
Not like his commanding officer.
He summed him up in 30 seconds.
Just as long as it takes a
sparrow to fall to the ground.
They said it would take Edward about
30 seconds to fall. He wasn't very high.
I wonder what he thought of us.
What his commanding officer
would say, I suppose.
A born leader of men.
Just like his father.
I thought that would please you, Arnold.
He didn't say where you thought of
leading them by any chance, did he?
He didn't know the real jokes, did he?
He didn't know that the leader himself
had lost all sense of direction.
It's an extraordinary thing.
But I can never find that staircase.
There you are.
Do you know how many
steps there are, Larry?
I do. I've counted them.
You see.
Sometimes one can't see quite
as clearly as one would wish.
And then it's a great help to count.
That's the funny one.
Goodbye, Larry.
When Evelyn is ill, sometimes
says things she doesn't mean.
You mustn't blame her.
I don't blame her.
Oh, I suppose Edward might
have been a different boy.
If I'd have been another sort of man.
I don't pretend that there
weren't times when I wished ..
I had another sort of son.
But I wouldn't change his
memory by a hair's breadth.
His memory. Ha.
He caused me lots of trouble.
I'll never forget the
look on Hanray's face ..
When I said I'd bought the school.
Or when they sent
Edward down from Oxford.
I couldn't buy that for him.
You think I spoiled him, don't you?
- No, no.
I did what I felt was best for
my son, because I loved him.
You can't do any more than that.
Can you?
Can you?
Can you?
Of course, the great thing is sleep.
If you get hold of some milk. A glass of
warm milk at bedtime will surely help.
Ah .. sleep.
Come, come. It's not as bad as all that.
During the war, we all thought things
would be wonderful when peace came.
Now that the war is over.
I wish I could sleep until everything
returns to how it was before the war.
Perhaps we'll get hold
of two glasses of milk.
Oh, Doctor.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Sir .. Lord Boult is here.
He just walked in.
- Hmm.
I doubt he made an appointment.
No, sir. Purely a social call, he said.
He was just passing by.
- Arnold.
Larry, it was nice of you to see
me with such a crowded calendar.
Always got time to see Arnold Boult.
I've never been here before, have I?
You've got quite a
family for a bachelor.
You doctors.
What can I do for you, Arnold?
- What can you do for me?
Well, you can sit down and talk
to me. That's what you can do.
Do you realize I haven't seen
you since Evelyn's funeral?
- I've missed you.
I's kind of you to say
so, Arnold. I feel ..
I think about you often, Larry.
I'm around the house all alone now. I've
reached an age when I think of the past.
You haven't got anything
for that, have you?
Doctor, you don't have any
inoculations against old age?
Even Americans have discovered
nothing against that.
Ah, what a bright little face.
Is that a boy or girl?
A boy.
You remember all of them, I suppose?
- Most.
I wonder if you and I ever
looked that way, Larry.
Whose child is this?
The mother and father are
called 'Grosvenor' I think.
A boy?
- Uhuh.
Which one is Edward's?
- What?
Which one is my grandchild?
I don't think I know what
you're talking about.
Yes you do. Yes you do, Larry.
'At 2pm on June 3rd, 1939'.
'At the Southgate Nursing Home'.
'A 7-pound 3-ounce son was
delivered of Betty Foxley'.
Delivered, I might add by
Dr Lawrence Woodhope.
Go on.
That's all my investigators have
been able to discover at the minute.
Which one is he, Larry?
Which one is my grandson?
Arnold. You'd like to go through
it all again, wouldn't you.
Make the same mistakes with your
grandson that you made with Edward.
All I asked for Edward
was a place in the sun.
No. You wanted the place in the sun.
Never mind all that.
Now, where's my grandchild?
It doesn't look as if
I'll tell you, does it?
Larry, you may just as well tell me.
You know I'll find out sooner or later.
Now, time happens to
mean something to me.
I plan to take a trip to America and
take the boy with me. Do him good.
I'll take him to California where
the sun shines 24 hours a day.
I thought you'd be tired
of England by now.
What does that mean?
- Oh, nothing.
All these rumours about you
and the bank inspectors.
Ah, don't pay any attention to rumours.
Larry, where is my grandchild?
I know you're a little lonely, Arnold.
And I'm a little sorry for you.
But no. Betty is happily married.
You will never find her.
Not with all your investigators
and all your money.
You're a fool, Larry.
You always were a fool.
But I don't need your help.
I could use it, but I don't need it.
I don't need anybody.
Everybody in this crazy country
is turning against me these days.
I'll beat all of you.
I'll beat you and the bank examiners
and everybody else who gets in my way.
I always have and I always will.
They're all beginning to look like me.
Well, ladies and gentlemen.
Something went wrong.
Just a little wrong.
But it wasn't Larry
who did it, mind you.
Or the bank inspectors.
It took the whole British Empire.
They did send me to prison.
Prison, mind you.
For burning down a furniture
store back in 1924.
That's all behind me now.
And I can get on with the
search for my grandson.
He'd be ten now.
Ten years old.
Well, that's the whole story,
ladies and gentlemen.
What I did, and why I did it.
What's your answer?
If you had been me what
would you have done?
Well, I guess that's all.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Look after yourselves.
Because the way things are in
the world today, if you don't ..
Nobody else will.
Lord Boult.
That may not mean anything to you.
But you can look me up in your Who's Who
when you get home if you have one.
It won't tell you everything about me.
It will tell you I was born in Canada.
But I've lived here in
London most of my life.
It will also tell you that
Shelton Motors is mine.
I own a great national newspaper
and two or three biscuit companies.
It won't tell you that I
probably own this theatre.
I thought that would surprise you.
I don't tell you all of this
because I wish to boast.
But merely to establish
some sort of contact with you.
Just because you ride in my
motors and eat my biscuits ..
And read my newspapers,
doesn't mean that you have to like me.
Or I you, for that matter.
But it does mean that ..
Our lives have already
crossed to a certain extent.
That's why .. I want your opinion.
I want your answer to a question.
Troubled days, of course.
None of you knew Edward.
Now he's dead, it's too late.
Edward was my son.
My only son.
He was 23 when he was killed.
A lovely boy with a charming smile.
I can remember when he was a baby.
It was just after the First World War.
We were plain Mr And Mrs Boult.
Living in a little place in Hammersmith.
Darling .. darling ..
Shush. He's asleep.
Oh, how wonderful.
- Best in the store.
But of course.
He'll love it.
That isn't all. Close your eyes.
- Something else for Edward?
Well, I didn't buy it
specifically for Edward.
Oh Arnold.
What a birthday.
Look. Look what I've got for him.
I wrote that myself.
'Happy birthday, Edward'.
Well. That seems to cover it.
Yes, but don't you think happy birthday
to Edward would have been better?
No, no. No, I think that's fine.
And this is happy birthday
to mother, from Edward.
Oh, Arnold.
Oh darling, real imitation pearls.
However did you manage it?
Someday, you're going
to have real, real pearls.
Big ones ..
- I?
You believe me, don't you?
Why yes, of course. Why do you ask?
Because I've gone into new business.
And I thought I'd do it on Edward's
birthday. I thought it may be lucky.
But darling, I don't understand.
You mean you've given up insurance?
Just for the moment.
We'll be a bit tight for money.
Oh .. well I'm sure I can cut down on ..
No, no. You don't have
to cut down on anything.
Just for the moment, don't pay
out any more cash than you must.
Charge everything.
But I do so hate bills.
- Yes, darling. I know you do.
But our whole future rests upon people
realizing it's not a sin to owe money.
Well, I got cleaned up.
I don't see why our
whole future depends ..
Because I'm going into the
hire-purchase business.
What on earth is that?
Well, it's an American idea.
They call it 'instalment buying'.
Instead of saving up to buy something ..
- Shush, shush.
You buy it right away
and pay for it gradually.
Pay for what?
- Furniture. Like that perambulator.
Listen. I'm going to pay
for that very gradually.
Ah well, it must be a very
nice kind of business.
It will make people happy.
Well, that isn't quite
why I'm going into it.
Oh, I'm sorry. You came home early.
I don't expect Dr Woodhope until later.
- Oh, is he coming?
Why yes. After all, he did
bring Edward into the world.
[ Doorbell ]
Is that him already?
Or Harry.
- Who?
We'd better clean up
the living-room, hadn't we.
Harry? What do you mean?
Who's Harry?
- Harry Sempkin.
Oh darling, don't be silly.
- He's my partner in the new business.
But he's been to prison.
- Well, he's out now.
Besides, he wasn't in for anything very
serious. More of a technical offence.
He was just unlucky. That's all.
But he's got some capital and
a wonderful business brain.
It's a chance of a lifetime for
me to get in on the ground floor.
He may trick you into something.
- Oh, don't worry about that.
I'm not worrying. I just don't want
anything to be different. That's all.
I'm happy with things as they are.
[ Doorbell ]
- Oh.
Clear those things away.
- Yes, yes.
You forgot the clotheshorse.
- Oh.
What can I say to Mr Sempkin?
- Ask him how he liked being in prison.
[ Doorbell ]
Wasn't I expected?
- Yes. Yes, of course, Doctor.
I just thought .. I thought it was ..
Here, let me have these.
Arnold will be here .. in a minute.
- Good.
- Aha.
For Edward.
Oh, you are kind.
Oh, Edward will adore this.
I do hope it's good and strong.
He loves to pull things to pieces.
That's not wrong, is it?
- Not at his age.
Do look what Dr Woodhope's brought.
- Wonderful. It's got Edward's ears too.
Look what I got him.
He can mix it with his milk.
That'll be an interesting experiment.
- Darling. Get him and bring him down.
What do you think, doctor?
- I doubt it will hurt this once.
If he doesn't make a habit of it.
I'll light the candle,
and then fetch him.
[ Doorbell ]
Excuse me, just a moment.
May I say you're looking
very attractive this evening.
Thank you.
Arnold Boult is a very lucky man.
Does he know it?
- I'll remind him.
Darling, Harry Sempkin
dropped in for a moment.
At last we meet, Mrs Boult.
I hear so much about you from Arnold.
We're glad you could come, Mr Sempkin.
Do you know Dr Woodhope?
How do you do?
- How do you do.
Well .. I feel greatly honoured at being
invited on this auspicious occasion.
Darling, go up and get Edward.
Well .. do you think it's a good
idea to break his nap, doctor?
Well, he may be a bit startled.
- You mean, because I'm here?
Look, I can easily slip away.
- No, no. Of course not.
You must stay and have some champagne.
How going upstairs, take a peek at him?
- Well.
Maybe it's not a smart idea at that.
I'm a family man myself.
Look. Here.
Oh how sweet .. Arnold, do look.
Two little girls and a boy.
- They certainly look healthy.
They should too. Down on our farm
on the Isle Of White, all this year.
That reminds me, Mrs Boult. If you want
butter, eggs or honey just let me know.
That's awfully good of you. Honey is so
hard to get now. Arnold loves honey.
I was going to say:
'sweets to the sweet'.
You can still say it.
And now ..
Maybe you can take just a
peek at the sweetest of all.
Oh, thank you. To me, there's nothing
half so wonderful as a sleeping child.
I know, they look just like little
angels and they're not really.
Butter, eggs and honey.
- It was the honey that did it.
Your wife says Edward is doing nicely.
- Oh, he's fine. Fine.
Do you feel his eyes should be examined?
- Why?
Is he finding it difficult to read?
No. Seriously, I thought you
might want to check on it.
Do you mind my mentioning
that outside business hours?
In my profession there's no other hours.
A funny thing about your pal, Sempkin.
I seem to have met him or seen his
photo or something. I can't place him.
I'm sure you haven't met him.
Anyway, he's been out of the country for
the last few years. He's been in Canada.
Will you have a nut?
Really, he's so cute.
Such a wonderful boy.
Congratulations, Arnold.
Oh it was nothing. Nothing.
- You think so? Oh ..
Do you know, I'm not very good at this.
- Here. I'm an expert.
I'm going to pull down that other blind.
[ Pop! ]
Oh ..
Shouldn't it make a
bigger pop than that?
The best champagne never pops.
It coughs apologetically.
Now for the main event.
Isn't it a shame Edward can't
come down and see his presents.
You know, I feel like making a speech.
- Oh dear. A long one?
Don't worry, we've a doctor present.
To Edward.
Edward, my boy.
You're sound asleep I hope.
You've kicked your covers off, I'm sure.
- I tucked them back.
This is so you know that down here we
have the matter of your future in hand.
All four of us.
Sleep safe, Edward.
The world shall be your oyster.
I'll drink to that.
- Yep.
What does that mean:
'the world is his oyster'?
That means that nothing is
going to be too good for him.
A boy of six, you say?
- Yes, sir.
An only child?
I told Mrs Boult when he was born.
I don't think she can have another.
That's bad luck.
Mr and Mrs Boult, sir.
- Show them in.
What are their circumstances?
I think about four or five
hundred a year, sir. Why?
I thought of Schmitt in Switzerland.
He does an operation for this.
Quite successful in many cases.
Quite expensive too.
Then there's no guarantee.
No, better not mention Schmitt.
Then ..?
Immobilize the leg in
plaster-of-Paris for a year.
Then we'll see.
Could you make it sound as
hopeful as possible, sir?
Of course. Of course.
Mr and Mrs Boult, sir.
- How do you do?
How do you do? Why don't
you sit down, Mrs Boult?
Well .. this little chap has
caused us quite a bit of concern.
But I feel sure he's going
to be alright, eventually.
You see, your son suffers from what is
called atrophy of the nerves in the hip.
Not necessarily, no.
Not at all necessarily.
In a year probably, with proper care
we'll have him up and about again.
He's to stay in bed?
- For the present, yes.
We'll have to put him in a plaster cast.
You'll find he'll soon get used to it.
But .. after the year ..
He won't have a limp or ..?
I've known the most amazing recoveries.
What do you say, Dr Woodhope?
Yes. Yes, sir.
Then he will limp?
Well, yes. He may always have a
slight limp but it will be very ..
Hardly noticeable at all.
Now you mustn't fret.
That will be bad for the boy.
We must make him look
upon it as a sort of game.
As a game?
I always sort of hoped
he'd be good at games.
Isn't there something else we could do?
Isn't there an operation of some kind?
Or an electrical treatment?
- Not one that I can recommend.
Well, we're very grateful, doctor.
I know Edward is in the best hands.
Doctor, if he ..
If he needs anything, I mean anything
at all. We want him to have the best.
Naturally, naturally. It's just a bit
of bad luck. We must be patient.
Doctor Woodhope will
explain our plans to you.
Goodbye, doctor.
- Goodbye.
That's that.
And he knows what he's talking about?
- The best opinion in London.
Can you come home with me?
No, darling. I've to go to the shop.
Would you take a taxi?
I'll get one for you.
We must make the best of it. That's all.
Perhaps it won't be as long as a year.
That's the spirit.
Larry. He won't get worse, will he?
You promise to tell me if he does?
- He won't get worse.
Is there any .. reason for this?
Is there anything I should have done?
Anything I've done wrong?
It could happen to any child.
But to Edward .. my son?
My only son.
But I can't just ..
Look at him and pretend.
I can't.
- Yes, you can.
I can't. I can't!
I'll be alright.
Of course you'll be alright.
Larry says we mustn't worry, darling.
I gave him the address.
Why not go with her, Larry?
Do you mind if I went on the bus
with Arnold? I've some things ..
Of course. Of course.
Thank you, Larry.
Do come home soon, darling.
I didn't want to mention it in
front of Evelyn, Arnold, but ..
How much money could you raise?
- Money?
I couldn't raise ..
Why .. you mean there is something?
Something we could do?
It isn't always successful. But there's
a doctor in Switzerland. He operates.
Can you lay your hands
on a thousand pounds?
You mean, Edward would have no limp?
Well, all I can is that if it were
my boy, that's what I'd do.
If I could, that is.
If it were possible.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have mentioned it.
Look. Don't .. don't say anything to
Evelyn until this is all arranged.
But go in and tell that doctor my son is
going to have whatever is best for him.
Go on, you .. you go
in and tell him that.
Somehow or other, I'm going
to have what's best for him.
Well, Arnold.
I've got bad news for you, Harry.
I've got to get out of the firm.
Oh, you have?
- Yes.
I'll surrender whatever interest
I have for what I put in.
That's very nice of you.
I wouldn't do it if
it wasn't for Edward.
The poor kid needs an operation.
And I need 1,500.
- Well, I'm sorry to hear that, Arnold.
But I tell you something.
If I could get out of this
business today, I'd give 1,500.
Write you a cheque for 1,500 and
I'll take over your liabilities.
I could write the cheque alright
but I doubt the bank would like it.
The sad truth is we're broke.
I had a nice, friendly talk with
the bank. They give us two weeks.
I put all my money into this.
It wasn't enough.
- Oh, I'm so sorry.
That's alright. I don't mean it.
It wasn't your fault.
But I've learned something
now about bankruptcy.
People who owe just a little,
go bankrupt to little people.
Next time, I'll owe so much
they won't dare let me go under.
There will be a next time?
- There's always a next time for me.
One way or another, I've known
that ever since I was a little kid.
Couldn't we sell all these
out to another firm?
We could. Except that our
stock has never been paid for.
And I've got a sort of prejudice
about going to prison again.
Supposing this were your son?
Listen, Arnold.
I'll do anything within reason.
But we'll just have to put up the
shutters and file a bankruptcy petition.
- Yes?
Come here.
How much fire insurance do we carry?
- 3,000.
Think we should increase it?
- Increase it?
Are you crazy?
I want no part of it.
It was just an idea.
Why do you feel you'll get away with it?
- Get away with what, Harry?
Well, I'm glad you're not that crazy.
That premium is due.
- Yes, I know.
That's why I thought you may like to
put two hundred more in the account.
Two hundred?
- For the back premiums.
Then I could increase the
insurance to 5,000.
Just in case something did happen around
here some Sunday. You never can tell.
You said you only needed 1,500.
- Did I?
You know, there is a tide
in the affairs of men ..
Which, taken in its flood,
leads on to fortune.
You know who wrote that?
- No.
Neither do I.
But it wasn't a little man.
But remember, I don't want to
know anything about it, see.
I'd be careful with those ashes.
There's a lot of straw around here.
[ Doorbell ]
[ Doorbell ]
Oh. Come on in, Harry.
Where's the missus and the kid?
Don't worry. They can't hear you.
Come on in.
Listen, Arnold. I've been
thinking things over.
This fire-raising scheme
of yours is off, see.
- Off.
I was crazy to agree to it.
Come to think, I never did agree to it.
- You didn't?
So why did you give me the
200 for the back premiums?
Well, I want it back.
- When do you want it back, Harry?
I want it back right away.
Now listen, Arnold. I've done a lot of
thinking lately. And I don't like it.
Well, I wouldn't worry about that.
A lot of people don't like thinking.
Don't try and get smart with me, Boult.
You give me back my 200.
I didn't use your 200 for the premium.
Have an apple.
You mean .. the scheme is off?
Why didn't you tell me?
Well, that's a relief.
No, the scheme isn't off.
I've started the fire.
You've done what?
I only needed a hundred
for the premiums.
The other hundred sent Evelyn and
Edward to Switzerland first class.
That's great.
Yes. I think I've done a
pretty good job myself.
That is, if they don't
discover it too soon.
We've had a half hour now. Another
15 minutes and we should be alright.
I'll say the truth, is what I'll do.
- The Truth? From you?
You should remember.
You start at a slight disadvantage.
I'm getting out of here.
- Come on. Wait another 15 minutes.
And see what happens.
I'm sure you'll sleep so much better.
- How will we ..
How will you know when it happens?
Well ..
I suppose we'll hear the fire-engines.
They go right by here.
Then I imagine the
police will ring us up.
Do you know how much we
are insured for now exactly?
You said five thousand.
- Six.
I hope we haven't been too greedy.
- You're mad to take a chance like this.
So do I.
- Then why did you do it?
I did it because I was pushed, Harry.
If it works out I won't complain about
my luck in the future whatever happens.
I'll gamble it all tonight, gladly.
I believe if you want anything
enough, you can get it.
And I want Edward to walk properly
through life, without a limp.
That's all I ask.
And nothing else matters the slightest.
So it seems.
Oh come on, come on. Have a drink.
Everything is going to be alright.
I've a feeling this is my lucky night.
[ Telephone ]
That's a bit soon.
- Well, answer it.
Answer it good, and act surprised.
Yes, this is Mr Boult.
- Say you're coming along right away.
Yes, yes ..
What .. yes ..
Yes, yes, yes.
Oh yes, yes.
Yes .. thank you.
Thank you, thank you. Goodbye.
Is that how you think a man acts
if he's told his place is on fire?
A telegram from Switzerland.
Listen .. it's started.
- No.
It's all over.
'Operation performed successfully'.
'Dr Schmitt very confident'.
Do you realize what this means to
the boy? It means games, sports ..
[ Fire-engine noises ]
Harry .. come and look.
Quite a glow in the sky.
I say ..
Do you mind telling me what we're doing?
- Chain gang.
I beg your pardon?
- I'm not allowed to talk to you.
Why, what have I done that's wrong?
- Oh nothing, sir.
It's us. This is what we get
for breaking rules.
Well, how would you like
to break one more rule and ..
Take a message to me son, Edward Boult?
Boult? No, sir.
I'll fix it with the Head.
And also give you a pound.
We're not talking to him.
He's in Coventry.
Good heavens. What for?
- I'd rather not say, sir.
Can I help, sir?
Yes. Yes, I drove up to see Mr Hanray.
This seems rather a silly thing.
I'm sure Mr Hanray's grandfather did
not think so when he introduced it.
Might I ask your name, sir?
- My name is Boult. Sir Arnold Boult.
Oh yes. Edward's father.
- Do you have Edward in your classes?
Yes, I have Edward.
If you come with me, sir.
We'll see if Mr Hanray is in.
Yes. Thank you.
Come in, come in. Oh, it's you, Ellerby.
Good morning, Mr Hanray.
Morning, Cunningham.
I wish to report a millionaire
on the premises.
Sir Arnold Boult.
Father of Edward Boult.
Better known as the 'little stinker'.
- Yes. That's what we were discussing.
I fear that little Edward will
not be much longer with us.
It's a pity, but ..
- Oh, a great pity.
Yes, a great pity.
But the boy seems to have absolutely
no sense of shame or remorse.
Typical of his background, of course.
I hesitate to use that distressing
phrase 'nouveau riche'.
By all means use it.
- Thank you, Ellerby.
Now these decisions are always of
course, a bit of a shock to the parents.
I hope Sir Arnold will be
prepared to bow to the inevitable.
But in case of his being unable
to take his medicine, as it were ..
I shall send for you to back me up.
I shall rely on you to remain,
as indeed I shall ..
Dignified and firm.
If in doubt, say nothing.
That's all. Thank you, gentlemen.
You can show him in, Ellerby.
That will be a pleasure.
Good morning, Hanray.
- Good morning.
Is something the matter?
Nothing. I just thought you might
come in via the usual entrance.
What an exquisite view
you have from here.
You're a lucky man, Hanray.
You must be very attached to all this.
I am.
I hope you had a pleasant journey down.
- Yes, very. Very pleasant, thank you.
I don't get in to the country
as much as I should.
You lead a busy life
Sir Arnold, as I do.
Yes. I had your letter.
My letter? Yes.
It was not a pleasant letter to write.
We don't often admit failure, here.
That's where you differ from me in
my business. I never admit failure.
Most laudable.
Is this really a first edition
of Alice In Wonderland?
Yes. Alas, the title page is missing.
- Why do you want to expel my son?
I'm not expelling him.
I'm perfectly willing that Edward should
remain until the end of the term.
Now, to the scholastic mind, I suppose
some distinction may be drawn between ..
Removing a boy at the end of the term
and expelling him in the middle of it.
But as a parent, I find
it rather difficult to ..
To appreciate that distinction.
Sir Arnold, have you considered
that this may be good for the boy?
Believe me, I have Edward's interests
at heart as well as the school's.
The school, how?
I find him a corrupting influence.
- On whom?
Oh his companions.
- Oh. Oh, what a relief.
I was afraid for a moment,
that he'd tried to corrupt you.
I'm afraid, if I can say so, Sir Arnold.
That I take a rather more serious view
of this matter than you appear to do.
If you allow me to say so, Mr Hanray ..
I find the idea of my small son
corrupting anyone rather absurd.
If I didn't I should be very angry.
This is your son's
handwriting, Sir Arnold.
Improving, I hope.
Well, at least he didn't
write it on the walls.
I wouldn't put that past him.
- You don't like him very much, do you?
My feelings have nothing to do with it.
- Well, mine have. I love him.
This is merely adolescence.
Possibly. But your son
needs a sharp lesson.
Have you ever tried thrashing him?
I have flogged your boy
once this term already.
How'd he take it?
- Not very well, I'm afraid.
He bit me in the hand.
Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry. What did you do?
What would you have done?
I'd have put on a pair of thick
gloves and started all over again.
Gloves did not occur to me.
- You can't always think of everything.
What did you thrash him for?
Stealing another boy's wristwatch.
For stealing?
Oh come now, I can't believe that.
After all, he has 3
or 4 watches of his own.
Did he admit it?
- Yes.
So, what do you want me to do?
Send him to a reformatory?
No, no. Of course not.
There are many excellent
schools that specialize in ..
I'm not interested in excellent schools
that specialize in boys that ..
I wish my son to remain here.
I think that Edward is
a normal, nice child.
With a little care and attention he can
turn out to be a credit to Graingerry.
He offers a bit of a challenge possibly,
but that's your challenge to accept.
Where do you suppose he learnt all this?
From me or his mother? Or in his home?
He learnt it here.
This is your responsibility and
you're not going to shelve it.
I can't accept that.
- Well ..
You're going to accept it, Mr Hanray.
Are you threatening me?
- I am.
There is only one condition under which
I'll remove my boy from Graingerry.
And that it is that Graingerry
has ceased to exist.
Do I make myself clear?
I'm afraid not.
- Well, sit down.
Sit down and I'll give you a
little instruction in 'finance'.
Not in Latin or Greek,
Mr Hanray. But in 'finance'.
Something I know a great
deal more about than you do.
Or anybody else for that matter.
There, are ..
Certain mortgages
outstanding on this school.
Which you're not in a position to repay.
Yes. Those mortgages were in the
hands of Dodson and Company.
Of course, anyone holding the mortgages
is in a position to foreclose them.
Thereby forcing yourself and
the school into bankruptcy.
And .. I .. now hold them.
You hold them?
Yes. The mortgages on the whole school.
Why .. I'd twirl my mustache
if I had a mustache.
Yes, I acquired them
when Edward entered here.
Just in case something
like this should arise.
Well, it has arisen.
And I'm now fighting
for my boy's good name.
And Mr Hanray, when I fight ..
I fight with anything
I can lay my hands on.
I can't believe it.
Well, what has to be, has to be.
I would be hypocritical
to say I'm sorry for you.
I'm prepared however, to allow you
to remain until the end of the term.
Returning the compliment, as it were.
That is, I believe, the
prospect you offered Edward?
Well, well, well ..
I wonder what will happen
to all this, Hanray.
What will happen to the playing fields
and the swimming pool and the buildings?
A factory site, no doubt.
Or perhaps one of those luxury hotels?
Or perhaps, the school will go on.
In that case, they may allow
you to return here someday.
After the scandal has
died down a little bit.
Return not as Headmaster of course.
But as one of the juniors.
Not exactly the old age you
planned for yourself, is it?
Then, of course, this isn't exactly the
youth I had planned for Edward, either.
Even if the plan of yours were feasible,
which I don't admit for a moment.
Do you really believe it
would benefit your son?
I shall do my best to see that it does.
I don't believe you.
I don't believe that here
in England in 1930 ..
One man can destroy another man's life,
his career, the whole tradition.
Nothing is safe anymore.
No standards, no principles,
no law counts any longer.
If it's true, we're all of us lost.
Good day, Mr Hanray.
Sir Arnold .. Sir Arnold.
Just a moment, please.
You win.
Oh, it isn't a question of
victory or defeat, Hanray.
It's just that we worked
out a solution together.
Of course, if you put it
like that, Sir Arnold.
I suppose it's conceivable that
we haven't done our utmost.
It's fatally easy to feel discouraged.
Do you mind if I sit at your desk?
- Not at all.
I think it's unwise that you are
ever placed in this position again.
This is the twelfth, isn't it?
- Yes.
I don't understand.
- A gift.
An unconditional gift. One which will
let you to pay off the mortgage at once.
And one which I don't wish
to have to refer to again.
But I can't possibly ..
- Come, Hanray.
In the interest of Graingerry. That's
what we both have at heart, isn't it?
You're an astonishing man, Sir Arnold.
I must confess I've always felt somewhat
doubtful about the Napoleons of finance.
Who rise so rapidly and mysteriously
from comparative obscurity.
There isn't anything so mysterious
about business success.
- No, no.
It's comparatively simple
if you know how.
Yeah. In my own case, I had a small
business and I wanted to enlarge it.
What did you do, Sir Arnold?
I set fire to it and
collected the insurance.
I wouldn't have credited
big business with such a ..
Whimsical sense of the ridiculous.
Of course, they're all not like me.
Unfortunately ..
- Yes, unfortunately.
I can't find that old .. oh.
I beg your pardon.
- Very well, Ellerby.
Oh, you're Ellerby? I want
to ask you a question.
Do you? Well, let me tell you.
In my opinion, Sir Arnold, your boy
would be better off somewhere else.
Ellerby, I know I told you:
'when in doubt, say nothing'.
My question is to do
with something else.
Edward worries about you.
- About me?
Yes. He says you have rheumatism.
Kind of little Edward, I'm sure.
- Yes.
Why don't you go and see
Dr Kedner in Harley Street?
Say you're a friend of Edward's.
He won't charge you a thing.
Thank you so much. I've my own doctor.
- You also have rheumatism.
Ellerby, you might show Sir Arnold
the new buildings before lunch.
I hope you stay and
share our midday meal.
Yes, I'd like to. I'd like to very much.
Edward always says: 'wait until
you have one of those meals'.
After you, Mr Ellerby.
- No. After you, sir.
Ellerby is the name.
- Allerbee?
Ellerby. E, double L, E, R, B, Y.
Send young Boult to me at once.
Good afternoon, Lady Boult.
- Good afternoon, Barker.
Good afternoon Miss Perrin.
- Oh, Lady Boult.
Sir Arnold isn't back yet.
- Oh.
Here are your tickets and .. passports.
Thank you .. is my son here?
Well, he was. But he said
he'd meet you at the station.
He's grown up, hasn't he.
- He's sixteen.
I've informed Groves about the luggage
and Mr Montague will meet you in Paris.
When you get to Switzerland, Monsieur
LaTour will meet you there as usual.
Well, actually I've got plenty of time.
I'll just wait until Arnold gets back.
You haven't got a cigarette, have you?
He should be back soon.
Dr Woodhope is waiting for him too.
Oh, really?
Evelyn, my dear.
- Larry, how nice.
Oh, it seems years.
- My, you do look smart.
Do I? Thank you.
Edward and I are just leaving for
Switzerland for the winter sports.
Did Arnold send for you?
- Yes.
I mean, as a doctor?
Oh, I don't know. I haven't been
his doctor officially for some time.
Is anything wrong with him?
- Not that I know of.
Larry, I've a bone to pick with you.
- Oh?
Why don't you come and see
us anymore? Unofficially.
I want to, but you know how it is.
You skipped Edward's last birthday.
It was the first one you've missed.
Yes, let me see. I ..
I uh ..
That's alright.
I just wondered if there was anything
we'd said or done. That's all.
No. Of course not.
How is Edward?
- Oh ..
He's very grown up now.
He shaves .. every other day.
Oh .. the boy is a genius.
Is he, Larry?
- Is he what?
I don't know. A 'genius', maybe?
- What's the matter?
Larry, I'm so glad to see you again.
- Tell me about Edward.
Oh well. Of course Arnold
still spoils him dreadfully.
I'm sometimes so afraid he'll never
have any real sense of values.
There are some things that are so wrong.
- For instance?
Oh, I don't know.
Well, for one thing .. he's not quite as
straight about money as he should be.
And for another ..
Arnold lets him have a glass of port
now and again in the evenings.
He doesn't always stop at one glass.
He's not seventeen yet.
Maybe he is a genius.
- Like Arnold.
I'm not worried about Arnold's drinking.
No. Arnold doesn't drink.
You don't like Arnold any more, do you?
Let's just say I don't approve of
some of the things he gets up to.
Well, the Sempkin Savings Bank
collapse of some years ago.
Oh yes. But that was Sempkin. He
broke Arnold's heart when it happened.
Nevertheless, Arnold came
out of it a much richer man.
And Sempkin went to jail.
By the way, I see he was just released.
Well, I hope he doesn't
bother Arnold any more.
You don't know how Arnold
tried to help that man.
He made him even
before the Savings Bank.
Do you know that some believe Sempkin
deliberately set fire to their business?
Well, some people say Arnold should have
gone to jail for the Bank's collapse.
Well, that's horrible.
They're jealous of Arnold.
But let's face things, Evelyn.
Business ethics have been
going downhill for years.
Arnold has been trundling his hoop just
a little bit ahead of all the others.
Mind you, he gets there
first alright, but ..
But he's very apt to get a
little dirtied in the process.
Anything he's done has
been for me and Edward.
I know.
He set out to do the best
for his son and for you.
He's made the most unholy
mess of it, hasn't he.
Tell me what to do, Larry.
- It's a little late.
At seventeen?
No, I was talking about Arnold.
Arnold loves the boy.
If I loved anyone ..
Well, I'm not Edward's father.
Yes. But you're the doctor.
You're our friend. Our oldest friend.
You have the right to tell
Arnold that loving Edward ..
Doesn't mean substituting money for ..
For ..
You can tell him that you can
kill something inside a person ..
Unless you treat them as a human being.
That's all I ask for Edward.
And for yourself?
I wasn't talking about myself.
- Oh yes you were.
Larry, that's wrong to say that.
You've no right to say it.
I've no right to love you, either.
I'd better be going to the station.
Edward will wonder
what's happened to me.
You knew, didn't you?
Yes, Larry.
I've known for a long time.
What ought I to do?
You mean about ..?
I mean .. about Edward.
Hello Larry.
- Hello.
Darling. Sorry I'm late.
Couldn't get away from Sir John.
You know politicians.
You can't get away.
Now, have you got everything?
Have you got your travellers cheques
and your money and everything?
Yes dear, and Groves
knows about the luggage.
And Mr Montague will meet us in Paris.
And when we get to Zurich there will be
a brass band and an illuminated address.
Larry, I was reading all
about you. Wonderful.
You'll be chosen as head of the Hospital
Board. I think it's a very great honour.
Has Evelyn been talking about me?
- No. She was very loyal.
Arnold is to be made
'Lord' Boult next year.
Oh well, of course
it's just a rumour but ..
I can't say I wouldn't be pleased to
have a title to pass on to Edward.
Larry my boy, you should get married and
have children. It's a great incentive.
I suppose being bachelor has advantages
too, especially if you're a doctor.
Beautiful nurses, beautiful
temperatures to take.
Well, I'm off.
Goodbye, Larry. It has been
nice seeing you again.
Yes, hasn't it.
Shall I tell Edward I saw you?
- Please do.
What's all the formality
between old friends?
Goodbye old friend.
- My best to Edward.
I will.
Goodbye, dear.
- Yes? Oh, goodbye.
Please don't give Edward
any extra money.
Because we've made a budget
and he must stick to it.
Yes, dear. Have a good time.
- Yes. I will.
How do you think I look, Larry?
- Oh, much as I expected.
Anything special?
Like to take my blood pressure?
- Like to?
Well, I'd like to have you take it.
You know, these specialists I've been
going to are no good at all, Larry.
What is it?
Can't they find anything wrong with you?
- No. They didn't find anything wrong.
They took an electrocardiogram.
I don't care what they say.
I have these pains in my arms,
and down my legs.
If I walk up and down stairs, it's ..
I get dizzy and I get very,
very short of breath sometimes.
Oh, I'm not surprised about that.
Oh really? Why?
- Well, you talk too much.
Larry, you know the trouble with you?
You should cultivate a little
more of a bedside manner.
Arnold .. you know the trouble with you?
You've no need to take it.
- Not the shaking kind.
Now relax.
This may hurt a bit.
- Hurt?
Just relax.
- I'm relaxed.
You know, the trouble with you, Arnold.
Is that you are lacking in something.
- Lacking?
No, no. It doesn't show there.
Can you fix it?
If it's not too late.
Look around you, Arnold.
Look at some of us
ordinary human beings.
We may crack under the strain
of trying to keep up with you.
Those of us who are foolish enough.
Loyal enough to try.
I don't know what the .. you're not
looking at the gauge. What does it say?
Discretion itself.
I'm afraid you have
nothing to worry about.
Well then, why do you suppose
I have all the funny symptoms?
[ Buzzer ]
Yes, Miss Perrin?
- "Pick up the earphones, Sir Arnold."
Mr Sempkin is here.
- "What?"
"Has he escaped?"
No. He was released this morning.
There was a paragraph in the paper.
He's outside in the reception room.
I'll call you right back.
Larry. Do you mind going out this way?
- No. Not a bit.
Say Larry, I've a friend who's
been taking injections for colds.
You want some?
- I don't know.
You don't sound very
enthusiastic about it.
Well, I'm not having the injections.
- Well, I'll see you later.
- Thanks so much.
Alright Miss Perrin. Have him come in.
- "Yes, Sir Arnold."
Well, Harry .. come on in.
Nice to see you.
- Is it?
Sit down, sit down.
Well, you look fine.
I hear you've got my old head
cashier working for you.
Well, I thought I'd better take care
of him Harry while you were away.
You know, if you want him back ..
- I just wondered why you hired him.
He sold me out to someone.
And that someone tipped
off the bank inspectors.
Harry, I wouldn't believe you
had an enemy in the world.
Perhaps you're right. Perhaps it
was one of my friends who did it.
Well, I've no proof. So let's forget it.
How's the family? I wrote to your wife
you know. But I never got an answer.
It was good of you .. I guess
she's got more pride than I have.
Have you seen the family yet?
- Not yet.
I've got one or two things to
get straightened out first.
I think I've caused them
enough harm for a while.
Oh now Harry, you mustn't feel that way.
- "Your son on the line."
Oh yes. Yes. Put him on.
Hello? Hello, Edward.
Hello, son .. where are you?
At the station .. oh nonsense.
Why, you'll have a whale of a time.
Oh thanks, son. Thank you.
I wish I could, too.
Yes .. yes?
Why, you've already had 50.
I know, but what will your mother say?
Ha .. well, how will I send it?
Of course I've to register the letter.
There's only one Post Office?
Well, alright. I guess we boys
have to stick together, don't we.
Alright .. but Edward, you really
must be a little more careful.
You know, yes.
Alright son, have a good time.
Give my love to your mother.
Oh yes. Yes. She would, wouldn't she.
What a businessman he's going to make.
Never misses a trick. The young devil.
What were we talking about?
- Our children.
Oh, yes.
Now, you know if there's anything
I can do, all you have to do is ask.
Now, the next thing is,
what can we do for you.
Now, will you pardon me a minute.
I don't want to forget this.
Miss Perrin.
- "Yes, Sir Arnold?"
Send Mr Edward fifty pounds.
Yeah. Care of the Post Office.
- "Not the hotel?"
Not the hotel. The Post Office.
Have you got any plans?
- No. Not a great many.
Getting old, I suppose.
- Oh, nonsense.
Perhaps just discouraged.
I'm not kicking against my trial or
my sentence. They were fair enough.
What gets me is that
twice in my lifetime ..
I've been fool enough to
try and get away with it.
Each time I told myself that I
wouldn't be the one to be caught.
I know men. So do you.
Not too far away from this desk.
Who are bigger crooks than I ever was.
They play around the law.
Scramble under it, climb over it.
What happens to them? Nothing.
And you have to play
their game or get out.
I wanted to be safe and
respected in my old age.
Instead of ..
How would you like it?
If Edward was ashamed of his father?
I feel like ..
There's someone sitting up there
somewhere, laughing at me.
When I was a child,
I was scared of the dark.
Scared there was something out there in
the blackness waiting to pounce on me.
Just me.
And no-one else.
I feel like that now.
Well, I think that's ..
Perfectly natural, Harry.
But I think you'll get over it.
Honestly, what you have to
do is go to work, old boy.
What sort of work do you suggest?
- Well, I don't know, how about ..
Starting a small business of some kind.
Antiques or tobacconist.
Now they tell me ..
Who are 'they'?
- Other people.
I tell you who they are.
They're the people you've never asked
about issues that never interested you.
Well, good heavens Harry.
What do you want me to do?
If it's a question of money ..
- Don't you see, Arnold?
I don't want money.
I want other people to see
you still have faith in me.
That you're willing to
give me another chance.
Then I can face my kids.
If you ever owed me anything.
This is how you can
repay me a hundredfold.
Well, I'd like to do something ..
I didn't think it would work.
Now Harry, I told you I would do
anything within reason and I will.
But you've got to help me too, you know.
Now ..
Maybe you can change your name.
- Sure. I might call myself 'Smith'.
Like my wife has had to
nowadays: 'Mabel Smith'.
That's how I have to write to her.
Oh, Harry. All this self-pity
won't get you anywhere.
And neither will that stuff.
Better lay off it.
Why don't you think this over
and give me a ring and ..
We'll make a date one
day for lunch next week.
What day?
Well, I don't know exactly.
Miss Perrin has my engagement book.
Give me a ring tomorrow.
We'll make a definite date.
In the meantime, how are
you fixed for ready cash?
I'm alright, thanks.
I'm fine.
I'll certainly call you.
And if by any remote chance
you're too busy this week.
Just leave a message with
the great Miss Perrin.
I'll understand.
And you can put away that ruler, Arnold.
You haven't drawn a
straight line for years.
Goodbye, Miss Perrin.
- Goodbye, Mr Sempkin.
[ Buzzer ]
Has he gone?
- Mr Sempkin?
Poor fellow. We really must try to
do something for him, Miss Perrin.
I think I could do with a large whiskey
if you don't mind. If there's any left.
Nothing here that can't wait
until tomorrow, is there?
No, Sir Arnold.
- Thank you. Won't you have one?
Who, me?
- Yes, you.
Oh, don't look so surprised.
Don't you drink?
I drink yes, at times.
But this is not one of them.
Thank you very much all the same.
Sit down. Sit down, Miss Perrin.
Oh, I'm not going to dictate anything.
I just wanted to talk.
What are your interests
in life, Miss Perrin?
Curiously enough, just at the moment,
they are Sir Arnold Boult and company.
Are they really?
Yes. I don't know how
long that will last.
I like finding out
about things you know.
Oh .. oh.
Now, what have you found
out about me for instance?
I can't.
All information concerning
you is strictly confidential.
Yes. That's very proper.
What do you do in the
evenings, Miss Perrin?
I go home.
- Do you really?
What do you think happens to me?
Do you think I'm covered over with a
black, oilskin bag like a typewriter?
No, no. I thought perhaps you ..
I don't know .. but you're
a very interesting girl.
How awful.
Well, how? I don't know ..
He seemed perfectly
alright when he left here.
Why he ..
He comes here for help.
I agree to give it to him.
Then he jumps off the roof.
I don't ..
Well, how could he do
a thing like that to me?
What a dirty, filthy
thing for a man to do.
Well, that just goes to show.
Do you know what I think?
I think it was all a plot.
He didn't want help at all.
He just wanted to make it look to
the papers as if I wouldn't help him.
But you were going to help him?
[ Telephone ]
Yes? What?
From the roof?
Oh, how awful.
No. What was the name? Simk .. Simping?
I'll ask Sir Arnold. It's the police.
The lift-boy told them he
asked for your office.
No. Sir Arnold knows nothing about it.
Of course, if you think it's necessary.
They're coming up.
- Thanks for keeping your head.
This couldn't have happened at a
worse time for me. Or for Edward.
- Of course.
I want that title for him to inherit.
I want him to be Lord Boult.
If there's any scandal about Sempkin ..
And I don't imagine it will
help your Shelton Motor deal.
And the banks won't like it, either.
The big three.
[ Door knocks ]
Come in.
Good afternoon, Inspector.
- Sergeant, sir.
Oh yes. What can we do for you?
This is my secretary, Miss Perrin.
I understand you are the last
person to see the deceased.
He's dead, huh? Oh, that's a shame.
What makes you think I was
the last person to see him?
Were you not, sir?
I haven't seen him for about four years.
And he didn't have an
appointment with you, sir?
What makes you think he had?
Only that he told the porter so.
- Oh.
How extraordinary. You don't
have to take my word for it.
Anyone who wanted to see me must
pass through Miss Perrin's office.
Ask her.
- I see, sir.
Then if the lift-boy said he saw Sempkin
tap on Miss Perrin's door and walk in ..
That would be a mistake?
Did he say that?
The lift boy couldn't
possibly see my door.
That should answer
your question .. Sergeant.
He is dead, isn't he?
- Why do you ask?
Good heavens, man. If he's just severely
injured I want to do what I can to help.
So very thoughtful of you, Sir Arnold.
He died two minutes after I arrived.
That's whiskey.
- Aye, I've heard of it.
Would you like a little of it?
- Not while I'm on duty, sir.
The deceased was drinking
whiskey just before he jumped.
I smelt it on his breath.
While I was listening to his last words.
What did he say?
He mentioned your name.
Oh, that's very touching.
I'm glad you told me that.
I'd always been a good friend of his,
and I'm ready to be again.
Well sir, I think I'll go up on the
roof and take a look at the coving.
If there's any more we can do ..
Well sir, we'll need written statements
from you and your secretary later on.
Thank you, Sir Arnold.
- Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
Isn't that just like a Scotsman?
Not to tell me what
Harry's last words were.
Would you like to have dinner with me?
As a reward, sir Arnold?
- No, no. Just because I'd like you to.
Do you mind if I go home and dress?
No. As a matter of fact,
we'll both dress.
Pick you up at eight?
- Eight-thirty.
What's that?
- My address.
And it was .. her address, I mean.
Eileen Perrin's address.
That's how it all started. Not a very
original beginning to a love story.
I'm afraid it hasn't a very
original ending either.
But it was a love story.
Illicit, discreditable.
Often unsatisfactory.
Those of you who have found yourself on
the brink of adventures such as mine ..
And pulled up in time,
have my congratulations.
You have saved yourselves a great deal
of trouble. Perhaps something worse.
But I want you to know this.
Not because I fancy myself
as any middle-aged Don Juan.
But because it is part
of the whole story.
Well, it was about a year
after our first little dinner.
Then the great Sir Lawrence said to me:
'thank you very much for coming'.
And I flew to you darling, on wings ..
- Do you know what the time is?
Oh time. Time. I don't think
of time when I'm with you.
I'd like to think that
we're alone in space.
I know nobody who looks at
his watch as often as you.
I look at my watch but don't take it in.
- This champagne is rather warm.
You have to take the rough
with the smooth these days.
Here's to us.
How about my salad?
Did you ..? What is that, darling?
It's something to do with lobsters.
If you don't mind, I'll pass.
- Really. That's gratitude.
Well, no. It's just that I'm ..
Not hungry.
That's the wonderful thing
about you. You never fuss.
You take a thing like
that in your stride.
You're the only woman I ever
knew who never changes.
Why, do you think that's a virtue?
- I know it is. I like it.
Ah but, I think it's something
quite different, Arnold.
You like it because it suits you.
I don't question what you do, or ..
Or where you're going. I accept things.
And I oughtn't to accept them, Arnold.
No, really I shouldn't.
Not all the time, because it isn't good
for you to have your own way always.
I know that and I don't
do anything about it.
Because I'm in love with you.
In love with you and not what
you might be or ought to be.
I'm a gangster's moll, Arnold.
Thank you very much.
Here's to our next holdup.
May you never change.
You're happy, aren't you?
- Yes. I'm happy.
So am I.
Happier than I've ever been.
And younger too.
Oh yes, you are much younger.
That's another thing I like. You never
flatter me but always tell me the truth.
How would you like a pearl necklace?
- Oh, very much.
I think this is as good a time as any
to give you one. Don't look surprised.
You try this on now. For size.
Where on earth could I wear your pearls?
- You could pretend they're imitations.
What's wrong?
I couldn't get .. there you are.
- They're lovely.
I don't think I've ever seen
real pearls close-to before.
Is it true they dissolve in vinegar?
I don't know. We have some
vinegar and a little curry.
It's a good time to find out.
Oh thank you. Thank you very, very much.
You know that whatever I gave you,
I'd still be in your debt, don't you?
Oh, darling .. oh I do love you.
So much .. you're very
sentimental tonight, aren't you?
Yes. It's the warm champagne.
Would you like some?
Would you get me another
glass while you're up?
Oh and this, too.
You're a charmer I must say, aren't you.
Tell me.
What would you do if someone
found out about us?
Well, I'd find out something about them.
Supposing your wife knew about me?
What would she do?
I haven't the faintest idea.
You think she'd divorce you?
- Heavens no.
There is Edward.
Edward is seventeen.
- I know, but he's very happy.
I shouldn't think he'd
like to see us broken up.
Is that what your wife thinks
about the happy home?
I should think so.
You're quite safe aren't you, Arnold.
The best of both worlds.
What's the matter with you? Why do
you keep pulling on those curtains?
If you never saw me again after tonight.
What would you remember best about me?
Oh, darling, don't be so morbid.
- No, come on, tell me.
What would you remember best about me?
I think I'd ..
Well, I think I'd remember ..
Things I made up about you.
What you must have looked
like when you were a little boy.
What you must have been like before
you became the great Sir Arnold Boult.
If you'd known me in those days you
wouldn't give me a second look.
Well, not for long.
I don't know. I like to think I'd have
swooped down on you and carried you off.
Strange as it may seem,
I was the one who did the swooping.
What if we both had swooped?
What do you think would have happened?
We'd have had quite a
collision, wouldn't we.
There's someone watching this flat.
There is .. what?
There is someone watching this flat,
unless you have a bodyguard.
With a bowler hat and a raincoat.
He's been there all evening
under the lamppost.
Why didn't you tell me?
- I just realized what he must be doing.
Put the light out.
No, don't.
Put it on.
Of course, he may be
watching the flat below.
No, it's empty.
Do you think he could be a detective?
Hmm .. I don't know.
Have you broken the law?
No. Have you?
Who, me? Not any more than usual.
He could be a reporter.
- Oh, no.
They're the sort of stories:
'Millionaire's love nest'.
Since I own a couple of papers myself.
- All the more reason. A rival?
We don't bomb each other's headquarters.
What are you going to do?
Well, instinct tells me I should get
out of here. You got a fire escape?
No. But there's a service lift.
For small parcels.
What's so funny?
I was thinking of you
getting stuck in it ..
And delivered in the morning
to one of my neighbours.
Oh yes. Very droll.
What would you suggest?
I think we ought to ask him up.
Then we can find out what he wants.
- Take the enemy by surprise.
That might be a good idea.
Well .. we can try it.
Heads, we have him up.
What is it?
Are you sure?
Hello. Down there under the lamppost.
What's that, sir?
- We want you to come up.
Number seventeen.
Wait a minute. Here's the
key to the street door.
Here, catch.
What a way to make a living.
You thing we ought to put the wine away?
No. Give him the wine. Get him drunk.
It's warm.
Warm champagne is never evidence.
[ Buzzer ]
Let him in.
- Certainly not. You go.
It was your idea.
Thank you.
He may have a gun.
Good evening, sir.
Terrible weather we're having.
Now, sir. What can we do for you?
Prothin is the name, sir.
Walter Prothin.
All very cosy I must say.
Very cosy indeed.
Good evening.
Miss Perrin, isn't it?
Good evening.
Well I appreciate your cooperation
Sir Arnold, in inviting me in like this.
It's ..
What colour would you call that?
Wine coloured? Yes, I think so. Wine ..
A bit irregular of course.
But .. oh, thanks very much.
We're guided by what Mr Wimpole thinks.
- Who's Mr Wimpole?
Mr Wimpole acts for
Lady Boult, I understand.
Lady Boult?
- That's right, Sir Arnold.
We do a lot of work for Mr Wimpole.
A very nice old-fashioned firm.
It handles the cream,
if you know what I mean.
That's why we appreciate it all the
more when things are nice and friendly.
A grey dress.
Oh, thank you, Miss. And ..
Hmm .. very nice, too.
Ah, I shan't mention the champagne.
We don't pander to the
press if we can help it.
Some of the details they print
now are simply disgusting.
What do you think you're doing?
- Just looking. Won't take a moment.
Of course, when our
photographer comes ..
Get out!
Get out!
- Certainly.
By all means, Sir Arnold.
You did ask me in, remember.
Nothing to worry about, Sir Arnold.
Publicity, I mean.
Of course, if you were going
to contest Lady Boult's ..
Get out!
- Yes. Goodnight, Miss.
- Get out!
Well, thank you very much, Sir Arnold.
Well, that was a great
idea of yours, alright.
Get Max Whitehead on the phone.
- At this hour?
Get him on the phone.
I'll get him for you, Sir Arnold.
- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
What's that number again?
- Centreline 79111.
I can't believe that Evelyn means to
go through with this. It isn't like her.
Do you suppose he's asleep?
- I wouldn't be surprised.
He should have a phone at his bedside.
Hello? Hello, Max. Is that you?
Right .. now listen, Max.
A man just walked in here and took
some notes and walked out again.
Previously, he had
been watching the flat.
Miss Perrin's flat.
I happened to spending
the evening there.
What do you mean, what time is it?
Don't quibble. You're not in court.
No, he wasn't a burglar.
Notes. I don't mean banknotes.
Notes, notes. That you write down.
The legal mind after sundown.
No. He didn't exactly force
his way in .. I let him in.
I wanted to see what he was up to.
Yes, I guess I did.
But I mean, is that evidence?
Of course he didn't ..
I'll tell you about it in the morning.
What I must know is, can
Evelyn use that against me?
Max, Max. What time will you be
at your office in the morning?
Alright, fine, fine. Now, Max.
Don't you go back to sleep.
Just lie awake .. thinking it over.
Max thinks I should get out of here.
There is the door.
I hope you know that
if it weren't for Edward.
But you .. you are going to fight it?
Of course. I can't let my
son think I let him down.
Supposing you lose?
- I won't lose. The issue is too big.
I guess this means the end.
For us .. for a time.
Of course.
I'll give you a call in the morning.
- Give me a call ..?
Oh .. yes.
Yes. Of course, I won't
be at the office will I.
I'm never going to manage without you.
You'll manage alright.
How about you?
Don't worry about me.
I won't throw myself off the roof.
I suppose I deserved that.
Sorry, I ..
I shouldn't have said it.
Go and put your coat on.
What did you do with the box?
- Box?
The case the pearls were in. Oh, here.
But why?
I think Max will agree with me.
It simplifies matters.
Well now, let's not make
it too easy for Max.
I pay him much too much already.
Besides, I'd like you to have them.
I don't know how to say goodbye.
Don't you?
I wonder if Mr Prothin is there.
Yes, still at it.
The gloomy sentry.
Though I suppose you know, in a way he's
the winner. Let's give him three cheers.
Three cheers for Mr Prothin.
Hip-hip hooray. Hip-hip hooray!
Do you know.
He actually raised his hat.
Arnold ..
Arnold, come in.
Come in. Entrez. Avanti.
Have you found him?
No, Milady. Mr Edward was
not in the bar at either hotel.
Well, try the tennis club then, and
that horrid little place The Aperitif.
You must find him.
Our train leaves in half an hour,
so send for the luggage please.
Very good, Milady.
[ Telephone ]
Who? Who in London?
I'm sorry. I can't hear very well.
Oh yes.
Yes, Mr Wimpole.
Thank you for calling again.
Any more news?
Look, could you speak a
little louder? I'm afraid I can't ..
Yes .. yes, that's better.
No .. no word from Sir Arnold.
Oh, I feel fine, thank you.
We leave in half an hour
if I can find Edward.
Alright. Well, I'll
call you then from ..
Go. Go right ahead.
Sir Arnold is here.
Yes, I understand.
What are you doing here?
Well, I found that I could snatch a
few days holiday, so I thought I'd ..
I thought you'd reserved these
rooms for another fortnight.
I changed my plans.
- Oh, I see.
And where were you
going to hide from me?
Why should I hide from you?
Why, on the advice of George
Wimpole I should imagine.
I suppose he discovered
I left London this morning.
[ Telephone ]
Yes? Yes, yes ..
Alright, well ..
Well, we know where Mr Edward is.
Thank you.
I spoke to him on the phone this morning
to say I was coming. He was so pleased.
I told him I wanted
to keep it a surprise.
We thought the best way to keep you here
was for him to disappear for a while.
I told him I doubted you'd be angry ..
- I am angry.
But not with him.
Like all your actions nowadays,
I find it very underhand.
I find it underhanded to have one's
husband probed by a private detective.
Perhaps I choose to fight you for once,
Arnold. With your own weapons.
Why do you choose to fight at all?
I haven't the slightest intention
of giving you a divorce.
I'm delighted to hear you say so.
- Oh, are you really? Why?
Because I should like
you to fight and lose.
As part of my plan for Edward.
I want him to realize that with
all your money and power ..
There are still some things
that you can't get away with.
I want him to see the
sort of man his father is.
I should think he knows that by now.
- No, he doesn't. That's what's wrong.
He admires you, Arnold.
As I used to.
He loves you.
As I used to.
I think a divorce is the only way
of bringing him to his senses.
Why, what's he done now?
Edward got very drunk last night.
Then he was very sick.
And very rude to everyone,
including a waiter.
This morning I told him
to apologize. He did.
He gave the man five pounds.
From money, which I
suppose you sent him?
Now everybody in the
hotel calls him 'Milord'.
He's seventeen.
If he goes on like this, what
will he be like when he's twenty?
Broke, I should think.
- Oh, Arnold.
Why did you let him get tight?
He slipped away. He said
he was going to a dance.
He lies very fluently these days.
Well, all young people get tipsy these
days. Then they learn to lay off it.
Well, that's just it.
He doesn't lay off.
He lays on.
Why, he's just having a little fun.
What's so terrible about that?
But you don't think
it's terrible, Arnold.
That's what's so terrible.
To you, it's all rather
a joke, isn't it?
When I ask you to stop
sending him money ..
You promise me, and then
you break your promise.
I don't see things the
way you do anymore.
I've suddenly woken up and ..
I'm frightened.
I'm frightened for my son.
That's why I'm taking him away.
- Where?
Oh, I don't know yet.
But when I've divorced you, Arnold,
I'll take Edward abroad somewhere.
Somewhere he can learn to work for
his living and to have responsibilities.
I shall be one of those because I don't
plan to take much money with me.
You think Edward is going to agree
to this fantastic scheme of yours?
Poor Edward.
I'm afraid it will be a shock to him.
- Uhuh.
But when I tell him that I'm not
going to touch your money ..
And that I rely on him to look after me.
Well I think he still loves me, and he's
not altogether lacking in courage or ..
Or pride.
- No, no, no.
Of course, even if
you get the divorce ..
You can't take him out of the
country without my permission.
If you force me to stay
in England, Arnold.
I can always change my name.
Mrs Sempkin did.
Why do you hate me so much?
I don't hate you.
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have
said that about Mrs Sempkin.
I'm awfully tired.
Do you mind going.
- No. Why should I go?
I'm still your husband.
We're not divorced yet you know.
How long did you tell
Edward he could stay out?
Oh, no particular time. Just long enough
for me to have a little chat with you.
And now perhaps, that you've
had that, will you leave?
You know, even when I ..
I don't think I ever realized
how much you care.
I thought that part of our
marriage didn't mean anything.
I'm not trying to excuse
Miss Perrin, but ..
I didn't realize it would
make you so bitter inside.
You haven't understood one word
of what I've been saying, have you.
Only that you feel the only way to deal
with Edward is to break up his home.
His home?
When did he ever have a home?
Something that isn't just a toy store,
a sweetshop and the Bank of England.
Presided over by a perpetual
fairy godfather who ..
Who granted his every wish before
he'd even thought of it himself.
I know some women who would be very
grateful to a man who did just that.
Possibly, but I'm not.
I've had enough, Arnold.
I've seen the fairy godfather
when he's off duty.
And I think it's time
Edward should, too.
It's time he got to know his father
and all his father stands for.
Are you going to tell him everything?
- Everything.
Larry? What does that mean?
- Larry is in love with you.
I think you're in love with him.
That's why you want the divorce.
You must be mad.
- He's in love with you, isn't he?
You know, this is going
to be very bad for him.
The Medical Association has very fixed
ideas about doctors who seduce patients.
Are you accusing me ..?
- No.
No, and I sincerely hope that
you don't force me to do so.
You haven't a shred of evidence.
- No. Not now I haven't.
But you should know what private
investigators can do once they start.
Oh, this is going to be a very dirty
case with plenty of publicity.
And Larry is going to get
his full share. I'll see to that.
It will ruin him completely.
I don't think I've ever despised
you as much as I do now.
I'm not interested in
the way you feel now.
Forget about us. I'll never forget that
you tried to take Edward away from me.
You may have things to forgive me,
but I'll never forgive you this.
I've always fought for
Edward, and I always will.
Don't you think for one minute I'm
going to let you take him away now.
And slander me, and turn him against me.
You've made the biggest mistake
of your life. Do you understand that?
Oh, Arnold.
I'll show you and Larry.
This is the reward I get
for all I've done for you.
Edward is my son!
Now, the question is,
what do you do next?
I want you to get out of here.
Not until you promise to drop this case.
Why should I?
Because I made the
stakes a little too high.
You never were much
of a gambler, were you?
Yes .. yes?
Just a minute. I'll see.
They want to know if
you're staying tonight.
You are staying, aren't you dear?
Don't touch me.
Yes, we're all staying.
Yeah, you may send up my luggage.
Oh no.
I'll take care of that.
They said Edward just came in.
I'd better go down and look after him.
They said he'd been
a little sick in the lift.
Hello, Summers. It's been
quite some time, hasn't it?
Yes, sir.
His Lordship asked if
you'd mind waiting.
Is the family in?
- Her Ladyship is having tea upstairs.
Mr Edward is taking a flying lesson.
A flying lesson?
You are Lord Boult's secretary?
- His personal secretary.
How long have you held
that enviable position?
Three years.
I was wondering about you predecessor.
Miss Perrin. Whatever happened to her?
Oh. There was ..
An unfortunate accident.
Oh. The usual one?
- Usual?
An overdose of pills?
Why yes, as a matter of fact.
I didn't know Miss Perrin. I understood
she was extremely capable. For a woman.
Do you think there's going
to be a war with Germany?
Lord Boult is very hopeful.
- Hopeful?
That's very noncommittal.
He thinks there will be
a war or there won't?
In Lord Boult's view ..
War. That is, actual fighting with men
and planes is a thing of the past.
Oh really? Oh. Perhaps he's right.
He usually is you know.
- Oh, is he?
Of that, I'm sure.
Where are you, Larry?
Phyllis dear, finish your
tea and come along.
I want you to meet Larry.
Oh. There you are.
Larry, my dear.
That old idiot Summers only
just told me you were here.
Have you had some tea?
- Yes.
As a matter of fact I expected Arnold.
As he fixed the time himself
I thought he'd be punctual.
Well, he treats you disgracefully.
My dear, this is Phyllis Mayden.
Larry Woodhope.
How do you do?
I suppose I should say
'Doctor' Woodhope.
Our Doctor Woodhope.
He brought Edward into the world.
How nice.
Phyllis is my new daughter-in-law to be.
Oh really? I hope you'll be very happy.
- Thank you.
They will, I know. Isn't it wonderful.
But Larry, it's still a family secret.
I must fly. I've to be
at the party by 8:30.
We're having a little party.
Join us, Larry?
Please do. After all, if not for you,
there would never be an Edward.
What a dreadful thing to say.
Both of you overestimate the part
we doctors play in these matters.
Sorry, I'm rather busy.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Well, goodbye.
- Goodbye.
Bye, darling.
- Goodbye.
Do tell Edward not to keep us waiting.
- Yes. Yes, I'll tell him to hurry.
What do you think of her?
- Very lovely.
How's Edward?
Well, perhaps marriage is what he needs.
That's rather a drastic cure, isn't it?
Well, we must have a drink to celebrate.
You want one?
- No, thanks. I'm on duty.
Oh I'm not, thank heavens.
Anything wrong with Arnold?
- Oh, I don't think so.
He sent for you specially, didn't he?
I heard him telephone you.
Probably got some bee in his bonnet.
Wants another check-up or something.
How do you think I'm looking?
- Fine, fine.
When I get Edward and Phyllis married.
Maybe I'll try taking a cure.
You can cure it, can't you?
- Yes.
If you want to enough.
Do you think people know I drink?
I don't.
Arnold does.
Perhaps that's why he sent for you.
- Oh, don't be absurd.
Larry, I'm sorry I kept you waiting.
- That's alright, Arnold.
Did you bring Edward back with you?
Yes, he's upstairs dressing. We're to
have dinner with Phyllis at the Barclay.
Have you forgotten?
- No.
No, I haven't forgotten. But I don't ..
I doubt I'll come. I think I'm going to
get one of my headaches. Want a drink?
No thank you, I'll help myself.
Do go up and dress. You'll be late.
Didn't you hear me say I was
going to have a headache?
You said?
Go upstairs and get dressed and hurry.
You're not having a headache tonight.
And spoil Edward's party.
You see, Larry? No headache.
Just like that. Isn't it wonderful?
Thank you for curing me, Arnold.
You and Edward go ahead.
I'll join you later.
Sit down, Larry.
Why don't you sit down?
You're the patient.
What's up?
- Nothing.
Good grief, how do you know that?
I asked you here to meet someone.
A girl. She needs our help. Read this.
- Edward's.
Oh. Does he know?
- Of course. What do you think I am?
Who .. who is Bettykins?
That's the girl.
Miss Foxley.
- Well.
In my opinion.
I suggest that Edward run to the nearest
psychologist and lie down on the couch.
Are you serious?
- I suppose not. Not at his age.
Hey, what's this?
- That's what she claims.
Now, she may be mistaken
or she may be lying.
It comes at an awkward time, doesn't it.
- Evelyn told you of the engagement?
George Mayden's daughter.
A very nice girl.
And Miss Foxley?
Miss Foxley must be made to see reason.
A young lady to see you, my Lord.
- Yes. I'm expecting her. Have her in.
Does Edward know about her coming here?
- Yes, yes. Of course.
He gave us carte-blanche
to handle the whole thing.
That's very considerate of him, and Miss
Foxley doesn't know of the engagement?
Foxley doesn't even know
that I have these letters.
Is this all?
- I hope so.
How did you get them?
- That's beside the point.
What is the point as
far as I'm concerned?
As far as you're concerned Miss Foxley's
claim may be a mistaken one.
I can trust you.
You're a friend and a doctor.
Well, at least I'm a doctor.
Miss Foxley, My Lord.
- Oh ..
Miss Foxley.
I'm Lord Boult.
- How do you do.
This is Doctor Woodhope.
An old friend of the family.
He brought Edward into the world.
- I'll never live that down.
How do you do?
- How do you do.
Sit down over here, won't you?
You were nice to come and see me.
I've always wanted to
meet Edward's father.
I've seen pictures of you of course.
Well, I wish we'd met under
happier circumstances.
I suppose .. we may just as
well get down to business.
Sit down. You don't mind
Dr Woodhope being here?
No .. no, I don't mind.
I always feel that the way to deal
with a problem is, first of all ..
To ascertain whether the problem exists.
Now. You are quite sure?
- Yes. Quite. Quite sure.
I wondered ..
You saw your own doctor, Miss Foxley?
- Yes.
And ..?
Just the same ..
I don't want to embarrass you but do
you mind if I ask you a few questions?
No, of course not.
- How long have you known Edward?
Nearly a year.
- Uhuh.
I work in a shop.
He came in to buy something.
A postcard, as a matter of fact.
One of those silly ones.
The kind you send to
friends on their hol's.
You know the kind.
- Yes, yes.
You knew who he was, of course?
Not until much later.
- And you're in love with him?
And you think that
he's in love with you?
Edward is a funny boy, you know.
When I told him about ..
You see, I think he's a bit
afraid of responsibility.
And it made him stop
loving me for a while.
Only, I know in his heart.
I have letters.
Well, I congratulate you.
He's never written to his mother or me.
Some of them I can't find this morning.
- You have others I hope?
Would you like to see them, Lord Boult?
- No, no.
Go on now. Tell us more about Edward.
Well, I haven't heard from him
since he's gone abroad, of course.
But I know it's going to be alright.
It's not that he's weak.
It's just that he hates
having to make up his mind.
You want me to make up his mind for him?
Now that you've said it, it would
be a help. He's such a baby.
Now, what ..?
Supposing he didn't want to marry you?
He really didn't.
Well then, he must say so.
It's no use running
away like this, is it?
But he does want to.
I know Edward so well.
I'm sorry to disillusion you,
Miss Foxley, but the fact is ..
My son has got himself
engaged to another girl.
He couldn't do that.
Couldn't he?
You know and I know, Miss Foxley,
that's exactly what he could ..
Come now, Larry. That isn't quite fair.
Everyone has a right to change his mind.
Is she ..?
Is she pretty, the girl he's engaged to?
Not a bit prettier than you are.
- That's very gallant of you, Arnold.
Not at all. Not ..
Of course, the thing we've got to think
about now, is what are we going to do.
I don't know.
Miss Foxley, will you be
guided by me in this?
You're a very young and attractive girl.
This is your first love affair?
- Yes.
Well, it has ended disastrously.
But you aren't without friends.
Do you have a family?
- No.
I'd like to be your friend
if you will allow me.
Thank you, Lord Boult.
- I do not condone Edward's conduct.
I think he behaved very badly but
after all, recriminations won't help.
The thing we've got to
think about now is a plan.
Larry, there's no point
in you waiting around.
Betty and I can work
it out among ourselves.
Too right, Arnold.
I'm always interested in your plans.
Yes, I know. But it's
rather a family matter.
I don't mind him being here.
Really, I must insist.
You do understand?
I'll go on one condition.
That Miss Foxley gives me a promise.
If Lord Boult suggests something
that you don't agree with.
You'll get up and walk out of here.
Oh Larry, now really. After all.
Go on, get out of here.
When I hear her promise.
Would you promise, please?
Let's get something settled.
I promise, Dr Woodhope.
- Now, are you satisfied?
I'm not satisfied, but I'll go.
If I can be of any help, I'm in
the book: Lawrence Woodhope.
Now we can get on with it. Larry is a
nice fellow but a bit of an old woman.
Won't you have just one drink?
- No, thank you.
I'm not drinking just now.
- Oh, one won't hurt you.
You don't have to be afraid I'll suggest
anything that you won't approve of.
Besides, you've promised
to get up and leave if I do.
Of course, there's nothing to stop my
getting up and leaving with you.
Is there? Now, that's quite an idea.
Why don't you and I have dinner
tonight and talk this thing over?
Here, have one drink.
And don't look so tragic.
A pretty girl like you should smile.
I didn't want mine either. You know,
I think you and I will get on famously.
The great thing is not
to be afraid of anything.
That's right, Lord Boult.
These are Edward's letters.
What, what?
- I don't you to be afraid of anything.
I'm not.
Goodbye, Lord Boult.
But .. but you can't go like this.
Yes I can.
- But I want to take care of you.
But I don't need anyone
to take care of me.
Edward is the one who needs that.
What are you going to do?
Nothing that need cause
you any worry, Lord Boult.
Or even any money.
The next corner does for me, please.
Taking the evening off?
- A few moments anyway, sir.
I thought I'd drop in on the Boults.
Evelyn and Arnold Boult. Their only
son was killed a couple of weeks ago.
Yes, I heard about it. Can't afford
accidents like that these days.
Destroying an aircraft while
showing off over some girl's house.
As if the Germans weren't
doing enough damage.
The point is, their son is dead, sir.
- So are the other members of his crew.
Good night, sir.
Good evening, sir.
- Hello, Summers.
It's good to see you again, sir.
You suppose Lady Boult will see me?
- Yes, sir. She's in the drawing-room.
I've been away. When
was Mr Edward's funeral?
Ten days ago, sir. He crashed
near Guildford on the first.
If you don't mind, sir. I think I should
just tell Her Ladyship that you're here.
Yes Summers, what is it?
- Doctor Woodhope is here, Milady.
Our Doctor Woodhope?
- Yes, Milady.
Very well, I'll see him.
May I draw the curtains, Milady?
The warning has gone.
No, Summers. We haven't
got any light showing.
The glow from the fire, Milady. If you
remember, the warden spoke about it.
Oh .. alright. Draw the curtains then.
My dear.
- Hello, Larry.
In at the birth, in at
the death, my friend.
I've been away.
I've only just heard.
It happened eleven days ago.
I'm having a little celebration.
Will you have a glass of wine?
It's his birthday, remember.
- Of course.
Thank you.
He hated funerals you know. And grief.
'Whenever I die', he says.
'All I want my friends to do for
me is to have a jolly good drink'.
Edward. My son.
A long time since you were here.
- Yes.
How's Arnold?
He thinks it was all worthwhile.
Wasn't it, Evelyn?
Have some more champagne.
I think Edward enjoyed his life.
What there was of it.
I expect if there is one
question asked, it's that.
Enjoy it? Have a good time?
Want to go back?
I know what Edward would have said.
Count me in.
A pocket philosopher.
You mustn't make fun of me.
Oh, my dear.
I never felt less like making
fun of anybody in my life.
Do you remember his
first birthday party?
And Arnold's toast.
The world's your oyster.
Very well.
I often think of that day.
It all seemed such a perfect start.
And yet, it was only the
beginning of the end.
Oh, I am ..
A maudlin, drunken old woman, Larry.
Why do you waste your time?
Haven't you anything better to do?
Not at the moment.
It all went wrong, Larry.
And I don't know why.
That's what I want to know. Why?
It wasn't that Edward was weak
or that Arnold spoiled him.
Other people spoil their
children and they get over it.
Why couldn't Edward?
Edward would have got over it.
He would have been alright.
It all seems unbelievable.
Arnold has gone down to his aerodrome.
He ought to be back soonish.
Stay here and see him.
He'd like someone to talk to.
I shall go up to my room and get drunk.
Just quietly. By myself. Very drunk.
Isn't it extraordinary what people do?
Evelyn .. Evelyn.
Are you still in love
with me, Larry Woodhope?
Would you like to ..?
And the trouble with drink is it
makes you just a little bit uncouth.
Forgive me.
I think I'll go to bed now.
We've finished the champagne.
It's no use my asking Summers for any
more because he won't let me have it.
Rationed, you know.
By my husband.
Ah, here he is.
Lord Boult.
Minister of champagne.
- Larry.
I've been wanting to come
for a long, long time.
I've just been down to see
Edward's commanding officer.
I wish you could have heard
the things he said about him.
Just about the best pilot
in the squadron, he said.
He didn't know what fear was.
A born leader of men.
I think I liked that part the best.
What an extraordinary
life that man must have.
Sitting there, all day.
Telling parents fairy stories
about their children.
Do you think you'd better go to bed?
No, Arnold. I want to hear what
the commanding officer said.
I want to find out about Edward.
Twenty years isn't very long
to get to know anybody.
I never really knew Edward properly.
Not like his commanding officer.
He summed him up in 30 seconds.
Just as long as it takes a
sparrow to fall to the ground.
They said it would take Edward about
30 seconds to fall. He wasn't very high.
I wonder what he thought of us.
What his commanding officer
would say, I suppose.
A born leader of men.
Just like his father.
I thought that would please you, Arnold.
He didn't say where you thought of
leading them by any chance, did he?
He didn't know the real jokes, did he?
He didn't know that the leader himself
had lost all sense of direction.
It's an extraordinary thing.
But I can never find that staircase.
There you are.
Do you know how many
steps there are, Larry?
I do. I've counted them.
You see.
Sometimes one can't see quite
as clearly as one would wish.
And then it's a great help to count.
That's the funny one.
Goodbye, Larry.
When Evelyn is ill, sometimes
says things she doesn't mean.
You mustn't blame her.
I don't blame her.
Oh, I suppose Edward might
have been a different boy.
If I'd have been another sort of man.
I don't pretend that there
weren't times when I wished ..
I had another sort of son.
But I wouldn't change his
memory by a hair's breadth.
His memory. Ha.
He caused me lots of trouble.
I'll never forget the
look on Hanray's face ..
When I said I'd bought the school.
Or when they sent
Edward down from Oxford.
I couldn't buy that for him.
You think I spoiled him, don't you?
- No, no.
I did what I felt was best for
my son, because I loved him.
You can't do any more than that.
Can you?
Can you?
Can you?
Of course, the great thing is sleep.
If you get hold of some milk. A glass of
warm milk at bedtime will surely help.
Ah .. sleep.
Come, come. It's not as bad as all that.
During the war, we all thought things
would be wonderful when peace came.
Now that the war is over.
I wish I could sleep until everything
returns to how it was before the war.
Perhaps we'll get hold
of two glasses of milk.
Oh, Doctor.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
Sir .. Lord Boult is here.
He just walked in.
- Hmm.
I doubt he made an appointment.
No, sir. Purely a social call, he said.
He was just passing by.
- Arnold.
Larry, it was nice of you to see
me with such a crowded calendar.
Always got time to see Arnold Boult.
I've never been here before, have I?
You've got quite a
family for a bachelor.
You doctors.
What can I do for you, Arnold?
- What can you do for me?
Well, you can sit down and talk
to me. That's what you can do.
Do you realize I haven't seen
you since Evelyn's funeral?
- I've missed you.
I's kind of you to say
so, Arnold. I feel ..
I think about you often, Larry.
I'm around the house all alone now. I've
reached an age when I think of the past.
You haven't got anything
for that, have you?
Doctor, you don't have any
inoculations against old age?
Even Americans have discovered
nothing against that.
Ah, what a bright little face.
Is that a boy or girl?
A boy.
You remember all of them, I suppose?
- Most.
I wonder if you and I ever
looked that way, Larry.
Whose child is this?
The mother and father are
called 'Grosvenor' I think.
A boy?
- Uhuh.
Which one is Edward's?
- What?
Which one is my grandchild?
I don't think I know what
you're talking about.
Yes you do. Yes you do, Larry.
'At 2pm on June 3rd, 1939'.
'At the Southgate Nursing Home'.
'A 7-pound 3-ounce son was
delivered of Betty Foxley'.
Delivered, I might add by
Dr Lawrence Woodhope.
Go on.
That's all my investigators have
been able to discover at the minute.
Which one is he, Larry?
Which one is my grandson?
Arnold. You'd like to go through
it all again, wouldn't you.
Make the same mistakes with your
grandson that you made with Edward.
All I asked for Edward
was a place in the sun.
No. You wanted the place in the sun.
Never mind all that.
Now, where's my grandchild?
It doesn't look as if
I'll tell you, does it?
Larry, you may just as well tell me.
You know I'll find out sooner or later.
Now, time happens to
mean something to me.
I plan to take a trip to America and
take the boy with me. Do him good.
I'll take him to California where
the sun shines 24 hours a day.
I thought you'd be tired
of England by now.
What does that mean?
- Oh, nothing.
All these rumours about you
and the bank inspectors.
Ah, don't pay any attention to rumours.
Larry, where is my grandchild?
I know you're a little lonely, Arnold.
And I'm a little sorry for you.
But no. Betty is happily married.
You will never find her.
Not with all your investigators
and all your money.
You're a fool, Larry.
You always were a fool.
But I don't need your help.
I could use it, but I don't need it.
I don't need anybody.
Everybody in this crazy country
is turning against me these days.
I'll beat all of you.
I'll beat you and the bank examiners
and everybody else who gets in my way.
I always have and I always will.
They're all beginning to look like me.
Well, ladies and gentlemen.
Something went wrong.
Just a little wrong.
But it wasn't Larry
who did it, mind you.
Or the bank inspectors.
It took the whole British Empire.
They did send me to prison.
Prison, mind you.
For burning down a furniture
store back in 1924.
That's all behind me now.
And I can get on with the
search for my grandson.
He'd be ten now.
Ten years old.
Well, that's the whole story,
ladies and gentlemen.
What I did, and why I did it.
What's your answer?
If you had been me what
would you have done?
Well, I guess that's all.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Look after yourselves.
Because the way things are in
the world today, if you don't ..
Nobody else will.