Eight Eyes (2023) Movie Script

Who is this?
Our new sister.
Every time she looks at me
like a mother.
He's looking at me.
Come on kids, let's go!
Are you ready?
Let's go, my brothers!
Brothers, hold on!
What's your name?
What are you talking about?
Your wife is here, you should go home.
Who told you that Elena
is here for you?
Her gentle hands.
I would say something else,
but let's go.
I'm so sorry, you don't speak
any Serbian, huh?
Tell me your beautiful name, it's...
I'm sorry, you don't speak
any Serbian, huh?
Tell me your beautiful name, it's...
Come on, let's go!
It's time to sing!
Come on, let's go!
Enya, Karinjo, let's sing together!
There she is. OK, thanks.
Thank you. Miss America.
All right. Hold on.
Give me a sec.
Oh my god.
This is huge.
Why is there nobody here?
Probably because it's 8 a.m.
on a Tuesday.
You're right, though. It
is outstanding.
No, it's his version of
scrapbooking or something.
I don't know.
Thanks for the hot tip.
Excuse my English, how was it, wedding?
Umrezi lezi, mrtvajanya,
riba rasta rokci.
It is an old song about a
beautiful woman
with eyes bright as the fish.
Fish eyes?
Should I be offended?
Come, I have a lot of leftovers.
So I can just, bravo, good, good girl.
Sorry, man, I didn't recognize you.
My name's Cass. Hey, man.
Cab, you are?
But you can call me St.
Peter. All my friends do.
You are a very lucky man, my friend.
Instead, we are for a wedding.
Uh, no, we've, uh...
Uh, been married about a year.
It's a late honeymoon.
Uh, paid St. Peter over at
the wedding yesterday. Oh, nice.
Uh, hey, let's go.
Listen, if we're gonna make
the fortress before the train,
we should probably scoot, so,
ready to go?
It's nice meeting you. Later, man.
Cass, wearing on the right hand.
Men no bother you.
Left knee is widow!
Hey, come on. Come on.
I have a headache, I swear to God.
I know, I know, I know, I
know, I know, but it's like...
I don't know, in my ears or something,
it's like this constant ringing.
I don't know, maybe I can,
maybe I can help you out a little bit.
It's okay, it's okay.
Why don't you get some sleep,
all right?
I'll hit up the bar and
maybe I can dig up an anvil
or something, okay? Thank you.
All right, just feel better.
Hey, babe, are you sleeping?
I'm so sorry.
Look who I found.
It was a cock up with his
ticket and they had him out
in the cheap seats, so he's just
gonna crash here.
Is that cool? It's fine.
I got it.
I got it. Hey, babe.
Hey, babe.
I got you, uh...
I got you.
I got you.
All right. Let's go.
Just chop your shit. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
Let's get you up here.
One feels sweet. All right.
One, two.
There you go. Good morning.
Many drinks you can, that's nice.
I got the picture.
You take pictures? Never mind.
I don't drink. It breaks the web.
You want some tea?
Sure. Thank you.
I'm not a conductor.
Call a conductor, it's not your job.
Do you want to go to the
maternity hospital?
Nice to meet you.
It was a shame, it was a
shame, I have to go. Thank you.
This time we forgot the table.
Thank you.
Always you yell, always she come back.
Like this.
She fuck your brains out. It's true.
All sort of young women fuck like this.
Even her.
Extra little young, you know?
Like your Cass.
It is good we only sleepless night.
Walls are very thin here.
And to me, you seem like man
who may be liking loud, huh?
So, how long till we get to
Skopje, huh?
Three hours.
But this place here, I also
know very well.
Yes. My father used to work here.
Before the war.
Oh, that was when the country
split apart, right?
Yes! Bravo!
Bravo! Me and my family, we used to
live in a small village then.
Factory convert.
Making bones.
I told you about this last
night, you remember?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
No, I can't.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We're so close by. You remember.
Well, here, everything is close by.
But this place goes in a different way.
You want to burn film?
No better place than this.
Or are you just fucking
around with this thing?
Everything good?
Uh, yeah, no. He was, uh,
just telling me about some,
uh, abandoned, uh, town
or, like, a munitions factory
or something, right? Oh, yeah?
I know it very well. I can
show you if you like.
But we have to get off at
the next station.
I think very unique, uh,
honeymoon destination.
Okay. Very good.
So, it's weather like in Macedonia.
Well, we have sun for the flag, so...
Got it.
House, ring on the right hand.
No creepy guy, no problem.
You know, the jury's still
out on that one, honestly.
Well, maybe creepy guy don't
like ladies smoking so much.
Makes your voice too deeply.
Do you want real style?
Belong to my mother.
You know, that's not really
my kind of statement piece,
but it's cool, though.
You know what?
I bet your sister would like
something like that.
So how far away is this place?
Hour and a half.
I get a scar.
Do you have cash
for, like, hotel and food and stuff?
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't worry about anything.
I take care of everything, you know?
There is a place
Before we are sleeping, let's
go, we'll find Josip. Yes, Dad.
You were a little girl.
Is Josip here?
He just left.
You must be hungry.
Please, take it. Thank you.
Okay, I'll give you back the money.
What did you...
I have to go. Bye. Skuba diver!
Where the fuck are you, bro?
I saw that we lost you at Dubrovnik.
Did you find some kind of siren?
As usual.
It's good, it's good.
How are you?
It's good, not bad.
We're working with a lot of money.
I'll leave the rest to Pavlo, bro.
The death is not the end, Josip.
It's okay, I have to hide so
I can breathe.
Josip's old cat died.
He was very famous around here.
So sorry.
Are you going to the workshop?
I want to take him to where
my dad works.
You can go there, I can take you there.
Great. Let's go.
Kaz, you sit in the shotgun.
That box is here, behind.
From my mom. For your help.
For your loss.
What do you say in America?
Home, sweet home.
The dead meand..
the living weave
You see?
You hear?
Man, I really hope this stuff
turns out.
I just realized I don't
really know how this works.
We can film, I can film.
We still have a moratorium here?
There's always solution, Gav.
Hey, babe, you coming? Careful, Gav.
Careful Gav.
So, uh,
how long has this place been abandoned?
Ninety-four, maybe ninety-five.
Many explosions. Many injuries.
Parts of factory collapse.
Gav, did they teach you in the U.S.
about the
breaking of Sepharia?
Croatia? I went to public school.
Lucky we learned about slavery.
In your country they like
throwing bombs in Kosovo, in Belgrade.
But they don't like teaching.
Stop filming!
Put the camera down! Look at me!
Two hundred people working here once.
In a different country,
in a different world.
You should fucking respect.
I-I mean, you brought us here
to film, man, so...
You go back home. You show
pictures to your friends.
You look at picture. You don't see?
Let me paint you a picture.
Huh? One night, the man is coming
to your house.
You see him from the window.
Coming up your street.
Maybe many men.
You have dreamt their eyes
the night before they arrived.
You're truly alone in your
country, your city, your own home.
Maybe she's still here, if
you're lucky.
What do you do, huh?
Huh? What will you do?
This is not a hard question, Gal.
All that moves is fury.
The men who know this live.
They listen to football match on radio.
Favorite team is playing.
Or they cut your neck.
You're drowning in your own blood.
Falling asleep for the last time.
Or you watch them. Taking turns.
Fucking her. Your children.
The only nation is here! You see?
You hear?
Forgive me, friends.
This place,
it sings to me.
Strong emotion, you know?
we still have champagne.
Maybe we drink a little.
Clear skies tonight
We see stars
Galaxy we see maybe
Where's the road we came in
on sorry or you'll see Dr.
South. No, we're sleeping here
Wait, wait what?
There's no way I'm sleeping
in a night man. Why not man?
Number one all I've had to eat today
I'm sorry friends. I thought
you understand.
We are sleeping here to me. Can we
just go please?
Gav this place at night
with fire
Beautiful shadows my friend
you roll up your camera.
I'll go get food, huh?
You have bars, right W-w-w-wait, what?
Do you want to just Irish
goodbye to this guy?
Um, there's no way I'm
staying here tonight, dude.
Cass, you bought the ticket, okay?
Now we're just taking the ride.
Look, if you want to stay
here and wait for Saint Peter
to come back to listen to
God knows what,
you know what, be my
guest, but I'm getting out of here.
First we crash a wedding,
because you have to dance.
And then we're on a train-
Yeah, and right now I want
to get the fuck out!
This isn't a negotiation. I'm out.
I am out.
Tomorrow you will be
the most beautiful goddess in Skokje.
I make fire, it is cold.
The road is closed at night.
So you just come, take it,
and you paying attention?
Yeah, I'm watching.
Take it like this, take it
out, you throw it.
You try now. Go on!
Doesn't bite anymore.
- Got it.
- Good.
Steady hands, though.
Relax, okay?
Continue like that.
I told you we would see stars tonight.
So, how long does this usually take?
You have to be patient, man.
It's going to be perfect. Trust me.
Smelling food? No carcams?
It's freezing.
Here you go, babe.
You don't need it?
No, no, I'm fine. Fire's plenty warm.
The key is to keep spinning
it so it is equally...
Not super into meat. Oh, fuck.
Gov, keep an eye on this.
Come swim the night sky with me!
Hahahahaha! Very good.
I'm sorry.
I don't know.
Open your eyes.
It's not a voice. It's not a voice.
Sister can't hear yet.
It's not a voice.
It's not a voice.
Sister can't hear yet.
Lovebirds, car is here.
Come to road.
Come, come, faster let's go.
I take this.
What are you doing?
What the hell are you fucking doing?
Stop! Let him in! Jesus Christ!
Get in, get in.
Well, you guys really got me good, huh?
You should've heard the
screams of your wife
as the terrorists kidnap her.
- That's not funny.
- [Serbian]
My uncle lives close.
A lot of people here, they
move to western countries.
But their mothers and fathers
stay here.
Are here still.
What about your mother?
She's close, but not here. Not here.
She also work in factory, but
after accident she doesn't
leave the house.
Where are you going?
What are you doing? Where are
you going?
We're going to Duja.
They're not ready for her yet.
I'm starving like moth.
He's always so eager to eat.
Come on, no meat this time.
I must make good impression
for bad understanding last night.
Hey, I don't want to go in there.
At least for coffee.
We eat, then we bookie.
Let's go.
Do you have any friends?
Sorry, my uncle.
He's always working, only in auction.
Sells old things, buying new.
I help when I can.
Hey, man, what's the deal
with these watches?
This is crazy, man.
Ah, they sell like calva.
I think I need one for myself.
Get you a good deal.
Why are you standing here? Sit down.
You know, you don't have to go through
any trouble with the food.
There's no trouble at all.
I go and make some food really quick.
Sit down, you relax.
Sure, but, um, you know, I
just, I didn't get much sleep
last night, and so I think...
I think we should probably
just get back to the hotel.
Of course, I understand.
I drive you! Let me just get car keys.
No, no, no, that's okay, we
can call a cab.
My friends, please don't think
badly of me.
Here, this is the best rakia
of Macedonia.
One glass of this before making love.
Baby boy, for sure, guaranteed.
Two glasses, twins.
Very powerful spell.
All right, all right. I might
have to tape you up on that.
You need anything while you're
in town, you call me.
Maybe when I come to New
York City, you give me tour.
Right now, thank you so much.
You're welcome.
This is yours.
You think about this, yes? I will.
I think I'm going to go home.
Oh, you're going to...
You want to go back to... I'm sorry?
Wait, what?
I think I'm going to call the airline
and change my ticket and go home.
I fucking knew it.
You just want to end this now, or...?
Gav, I'm not... I'm not
ending anything.
I just want to go home.
So to get home and, uh...
just goes on like normal, or...?
Like, Gav, the last couple of
days, man, they...
Like, they've just been too much.
Well, if that's how you feel, then...
you know, you should, uh...
You should go do that.
I'll see you back at the hotel.
Have you seen this man?
Can you understand me?
Do you know who?
Oh, um, cigarettes?
Veggie, who is that?
Oh, American girl, no?
You like to shop?
You like to shopping?
I'll take you to shopping, baby.
You are size two.
You have boyfriends?
Does he buy nice clothes?
Are you kidding me?
I'll take you to shopping, baby.
What are you doing here?
What the fuck are you?
You should appreciate your luck.
Where is Gav?
He's meeting me.
I'll wait with you. No need.
Tell Gav I have watch he called about.
Wait, what?
The best local beer. Have you
had a chance to try? Where's Gav?
He said you are leaving him.
Can I pay you to fuck off, man?
No, wait, you know what?
What's the point of your whole thing?
I'm serious. Like, St.
Peter? What is that?
Do you want to fuck Gav or something?
No, you can tell me. I'm not
a jealous person.
You want to fuck me?
Yeah, keep laughing if that
ain't happening.
You say you don't love him anymore.
Fuck you. It's true.
Did you talk to him or not?
He called about Uncle's watch.
Told me to bring it to the hotel.
That's bullshit.
Gav's never worn a watch, he
was just being polite.
Because you know him so well,
don't you?
You didn't know he liked old
film camera.
But he went out and bought
old film camera, didn't he?
You think you're so fucking slick.
Sit down, Cass.
Thought you didn't drink.
You know I weren't a piece of shit.
Every proper Yugo drinks beer
from the age of 12.
It's like a bozo.
You really don't like?
Okay, so he called you and
he wanted you to bring a
watch to the hotel.
Or I can give to you.
If you like.
And you never see me again.
I grab him.
Put him in my mouth.
I eat him up.
Shit him out.
And now, he belongs to the pipes.
Probably back at the hotel by now.
Bring to Gav.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm
sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
Cass, follow my voice.
Cass, do not be afraid.
The living we welcome home.
You are caught in the web.
You must already know.
It's been a while.
I have forgotten.
It's been a while.
It's been a while.
You're our brother...
You can't just let it go.
What do you care? Old fart!
Don't be sad, love your brother.
I'll take care of your sister.
I feel you shaking. It's close.
Anton, I'm going to give you lunch.
Anton! Sorry, Dusha.
I have to go to Vojice.
You know how long it can take to cook?
Come on, I'll show you on my own.
You'll see how much you've done for me.
You need to speed it up.
Wait while you eat.
Open the door.
I'll clean it up and I'll be
back in a minute.
Stop crying, bro.
Try something new. Hey, sister!
Hey, Ujo, what did you find?
Oh, it's a falcon!
That'll help us expand our business.
Let's go to the living room.
Let's go to the living room.
What am I supposed to do with this?
I'm wearing a ring.
I'm sorry, I'm too old for that.
I'm so drunk.
Anton, they're waiting for me here.
Why don't you go and get him?
I'll take the headphones and
turn off those faggots.
I'm going to kill them.
I've been waiting for you. Thank you.
It's an honor to be here.
For your last request. Sleeping Beauty.
You know what woke her up?
Get her ready to listen.
Look at me, look at me, look
at me, it's okay, it's okay,
it's okay, just keep looking at me.
No! I'm sorry.
Uncle is so tired of this song,
but I just can't get out of
my head since the wedding. Why not?
It's a pity that I couldn't
give birth to you.
Tell me, do you hear me?
I don't understand.
If you explain it to me...
I'm begging you, I don't understand...
Listen, tell me what you hear.
Tell me what you hear.
Don't understand me.
I don't know what I'm looking for.
Please let me go.
Listen, tell me, what do you hear?
What do you hear?
Music, music, some music, please.
I don't know, please just let
me go, if you let me go, I
won't tell anyone.
I don't know why I'm here, please.
Just if you let me go, please.
Please, no, no, no! Please, no!
Kat. Kat.
Oh, god.
I don't think you see so well.
But that's okay.
Me neither
But can you hear
And you always see into the distance.
You feel them, don't you?
You feel them crawling across
the darkness.
You see with mama's eyes those inside,
Those who do not close.
What do you hear with her ears?
What do you hear?
What do you hear?
What do you hear?
My, he's still with us.
He lends the web now.
Tell me, what do you hear?
What is the sound?
Say louder so everyone can hear.
I knew it. I knew it.
We all knew. Mama knew.
Sweet Anton, he knew.
Mama, our family grows!
Mama, we found one.
us. We have to be patient.
She will speak.
Minutes or days, it is yours
to just listen.
We will wait for you.
To join us.
We create water. Water creates us.
The dead are born again, and
the living are dying.
And then, to the American,
watch him now.
Yes! We see you.
Our sight is unbound by
borders and time.
The miracle of electric tape
has brought her voice to you.
Now, breathe.
The dead's men.
The living weave.
The dead's men.
The living weave.
The dead mend.
You have finally come now now
you can hear the noise of living is
Behind you cast cast let us
open your eyes together
The first eye is open at birth
It sees only today
When the second eye opens it
grants perspective
It reveals our place in the
physical world
You will see that weaving and
mending are the same.
Cas, cas, cas.
Your third eye asks to open. Obey it.
Birth is always painful.
You forgot this.
Remember it now.
The fourth eye opens without
asking, can you see yourself
now with this new pair of eyes?
Be calm, now you are never alone.
The fifth eye opens, a smooth
black stone, polished by the ocean.
The water puts us together.
We put the water back together.
The sixth eye opens clear as
a ball of glass.
It bends the light into new shapes.
Anything possible is visible.
The seventh eye opens in the heavens.
it is the sun you can see
from above all that is below
the blood the joy it is too
much there is nothing to see
beyond this but we will try
you will now open the
Silence has called your eight
eyes to open
Cass Cass Cass
You see dad alive. It makes
no difference
And now there is nowhere you
can go where we are not with you
The dead man the living weave
The Dead Man
We are family now, beyond death
And now there is nowhere you
can go where we are not with you
What did you do to your family?
What did you do?
What did you do to mama?
Oh god, come on.
What did you do to mama?
What did you do to mama?
What did you do to mama?
Where will you go?
Where will you go, Kat?
Where will you go where we
are not with you?
Believe in will, the dead man!
Believe in will!
You will make it, Kat!
To you, through time and
space, on the screen of your TV.
Open your eyes.
I allow you to do this, even
though you don't need my permission.
See the web.
Catch it and feel your veins
pulsating like strings on a harp.
It's a dream. It's a dream.
I felt it. Now open your eyes.
But your inner eyes.
Once opened, they remain open.
I will never be patient.
Girls, I will never be patient.