Ek Thi Daayan (2013) Movie Script

India's biggest magician
can you please come on stage
to help me?
Today my assisstant has not come
sangeeta I'm not feeling well.
Can you bring that coat
I'm feeling cold since morning
I think I'm having fever
I was stuck in traffic
can you help me in lifting my head?
Thanks for putting my head
on my body
do you want me to show
any magic trick?
Tell me why you come late?
Because of rain all roads are blocked
you will not tell me,
I have to teach you a lesson
I'm not lying
dont put fire
fire has crossed red mark
everything will be fine
her whole face could have burned
this is 3rd accident in a month
why nobody can hear her voice?
You also have seen her?
Please dont copy bobo
take her to room
I have to ask you a personal
adoption board advised you that
you both should married
is there any problem between you?
This lift is not working
write since 25 years
what happen?
When I opened it...
why you come here?
Misha was 6 years old and
I was 11 years old
how she died?
May be in an accident
I only remember her face and voice
I know that flat has so many
bad memories of you
what will be our future if you
dont forget your past?
That drum was closed how that
lizard went inside?
If I'm ok then why I come here?
My students has gone far
from me
problem is related to my past and
you are only witness of that
where are you now?
I'm in daddy's study room
I'm reading a book
which book?
Where is your daddy?
In his college lab
it was written in book that
devil's number is 666
it means direct way to go hell
daddy told you not to
go in this lift
I want to be stay with you
keep quiet and look at this
I'm scared
is this hell?
who lives here?
Bad people
of whole world?
Every building has its own hell
society's all bad people come here
is there any good step mom?
Life is fine?
What you both were doing in
that spoiled lift?
Press all buttons together
then bobo bring that life to hell
Its below ground floor
every building has its own hell
I have a gift
I dont know how to handle both
of you
I tell you what is in your heart
be quick
actually I was going down and you
pressed button before me
its a strange lift
fom where you have come?
From downstairs
from under land
for indians south africa is a hell
bobo dont disturb them
taxi stand is near to children's
I'm sure diana is a witch
I'm angry on daddy
I want to hit him very hard
and throw her out of car
I'm praying we will not
meet her again
daddy is not thinking good
how it happened?
Diana is ready to take care
of both of you
now I can also concentrate
on my research
its a church rule to wear cross
it means you dont like diana aunty
witch kills a children to make
herself alive
she has come to kill us
until I'm here I will not let
her do this
lets inform daddy
until he will not see from his eyes
he will not believe
we have to arrange proofs
in the beginning she was coming
for morning and evening
so that their voice will
not go outside
everyday she try to win our heart
devil is day king and witch
is night queen
witch is very beautiful
good looking face with long hairs
old people said a witch's powers
are in her hairs
and a devil's powers are in
his neck
witch do all her work from
thats why she never stayed night
time at house
and I want to capture her
after that night witch was alert
there was cat and mouse fight
started among us
we have to find who is cat and who is mouse
do good acting of keeping quiet
when last I showed you treet
your eyes moved
sometimes he speaks like idiot
who is lisa?
I got a big clue
next day I want to go back home fast
I want to know more about lisa
dutt from grand father
she become lizard and attacked me
lizard fell on his head,
he is scared
now you will become a big magician
its good that lizard fell
you killed 3rd floor grand father
you have come from hell
I will not say
from where he found this book?
He has bought this from
old book shop
I'm hipnotised,
living in other world
its a foolish book
he has not forget his mother
thats why he is making different stories
not to accept you
I know you will win his heart soon
now daily they tell me it was
my misunderstanding
and diana attacked on me
now I also have a doubt on me
dad has given us his wedding surprise
its diana's birthday that comes
once in 4 years
will you play hide and seek?
You have to find us
you both hide
we are playing hide and seek,
dont make noise
can I go inside?
Misha open the door
misha open the door
misha is inside
he is right
you belong to our world
help me
you have forgotten, I have come
to remind you
witch's life is in her hairs
I will come back again
do you believe in witches?
My grand mother said witch
is night's queen
my grand father said if you sleep with
her then you cannot sleep with anyone
whatever I saw in hipnosised
you were watching it with
your 11 years old mind
I told you, you are making stories
not to accept her
how diana gone from this world?
Otherwise why you hide this from me?
Why you did not tell me?
You are misunderstanding me?
You have become mad
what are you doing this?
Lets start a new life
tell me a reason to marry you
please dont do this again
this is my 1st and last presentation
in this I will make a living person
into ghost
who dare to come here?
What is your name?
What do you do?
I love you
I'm your biggest fan
I need your help
are you ready to become ghost?
You cannot make me ghost.
You can make me witch
how you are feeling?
I'm feeling good
you want to become human being?
You made a mistake
you did not turn my feet
I have come for you
what you were doing at computer?
I got an offer for flat
I will come to flat directly
how you come here?
By lift?
From where?
I call her here
she can play any musical instrument
she is your big fan
she wants to buy our flat
you are a detective
she knows how much you are
attached to this house
you can come here anytime
are you ready to pay?
Are you kidding?
Market value is 2 crores
i have searched on google
she got life ban for a murder
of a kid
she teach in a school
talk to me
think about it
india first time
and she wants to buy a flat
she is just a school teacher
according to you she has alive
you mean all lisa dutt are witches
why you went to that doctor?
He has make you mad
neither you will forget her
nor we will be happy
say sorry to her
you have come to india 1st time,
I did not know anything about you
one day I saw you in my dream
whatever I saw on youtube I was scared
because of you my 4 years affair
got break up
you can buy flat
sorry is not enough
I thought you are saying for sorry
one I do,
other you do
next week I have a party,
will you come?
Tamna got an accident
she was standing in the balcony,
ralling broke automatically
I think someone wants to kill tamna
someone pushed me
lisa was behind me
I think you were right and
I was wrong
according to it your
all life is in danger
until I reach hospital there must
be a nurse in her room
if she wake up tell her I will
pick zuben
it has one more day, in few minutes
we will see lunar eclipse live
it was a great thing for our seniors
witch has to kill a child to
make her keep alive
you know its my birthday today
I know you know everything
come and give your last exam
dont worry nobody will not
know anything
you fooled us that you love me
I love you
I love you zuben more
I'm not killing him.
Its a sacrifice
we have to kill our loved ones
you forget everything
you have lost in this world
I'm not like you
you think by pressing lift keys
and you will come here
this is devil's temple.
Nobody can come here
lisa come to meet you
it was not a co incidence
she showed you lisa dreams
for whole world lisa will be
zuben's killer
I have a power like you but
I dont have heart like you
it took me 20 years to alive again
you can do anything
you are very special
you have come here it means
you belong to us
there a 2 types of ghosts in this world
good ghosts and bad ghosts
witch's powers are in her hair
if a good person cut her hair
then she can die
you want to become ghost again
ghost power is in his neck
you ignored devil powers
are you ok?
Now you believed I live here?
This is not canada,
its india
canada dont have lizards,
india has lizards
I drink one beer,
I'm not drunk
I dont remember anything
we have good and bad person inside us
it depends on us whom we believe
why you ignored me?
I thought you are witch