Ekda Kaay Zala (2022) Movie Script

- Hi!
- Hi!
Please come.
Chintan... Right?
That's a lovely name!
Your mom was telling me
that you love stories.
What kind of stories do you like?
Fantasy stories or crime mysteries?
I like all the stories
that my dad tells me.
Even I love stories.
Let's create a story together!
Let's get going!
Look at these blocks.
Pick a favourite
and keep it aside.
We have to create
a story using these.
Take a look at all of them.
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday dear Sonu-Monu.
Happy Birthday to you!
Did you guys have fun?
It's your 10th birthday.
- Here.
- You two are big kids now.
You should start sleeping
in your own bedroom now.
No, we will do that
from next year.
- Why?
- It's scary!
Scared of what?
Who is going to visit us at night?
What if ghosts or
demons visit us?
- There are no such things!
- There are!
How many times have I told you?
They don't exist.
- [Glass thuds]
- [Gasps]
I'm sure there is
something here.
Let's go and check.
- Should we check under the table?
- Yes, let's check.
-I'm sure there's something
- [Pounding]
- What's that sound?
Someone's hiding in there!
I'm really scared of this cupboard.
I was asking dad
to not keep us in here.
I was worried we would meet
dangerous kids without horns.
Yes, they scare me too!
- Me too.
- They will beat us.
What? You're scared of us?
This is just a toy.
Don't worry. Come here.
No. Where?
- Come.
- Where?
What's this noise?
Why haven't you slept yet?
Who are these two?
Looks like a demon.
Oh no, demons!
Somebody save me!
There are demons in here!
Dad, wait.
These are my friends.
- Really?
- Yes.
Meet Chaminda and Raktasena.
Hello... hello!
Dad, are you over your fear now?
Er... yes!
Good, now give us a smile.
All of you have done well.
Come fast.
Thank you!
Thank you!
This was our story for
the month of September.
Two year ago, I started a school
with alternative learning.
At Nandanvan, we sincerely try
to ensure that learning is joyous.
We don't make them learn
or ask them to mug up.
And our group comes together to present
a story on the 1st day of each month.
We try to present a new perspective.
So, what did you learn from today's story?
Yes, Guru.
Parents should never leave
their kids alone.
- Hey!
- What?
- I'll tell.
- Yes.
We learnt that there are twins
even among demons.
- Good.
- Sir, I will tell.
Yes, Akash.
I think that you stop being afraid
of things once you know them.
Let's put our hands together
for Akash. Very good!
- Thank you.
- [Applause]
The title of the story is
'Fear of Unknown'
We are scared of the unknown.
The more we get to know things,
the less we are afraid.
Hence, you should never have
prejudices out of fear.
Thank you so much for being
a part of Kiran's sir's experiment.
We urge you to pay a visit
to his unique school too.
Currently we don't have a dedicated
space for this activity.
We have been trying to get the
rights to a certain space.
With your good wishes, the space
should be ours soon.
Thank you so much for
coming here.
We'll meet again on the first
day of the next month.
We'll be back with a new story.
Thank you very much!
Before we go, let's recite
our prayer.
"The mighty, wrathful,
scintillating Lord Hanuman,"
"the son of Maruta,
who lives in the forest."
"Son of Anjana, messenger of Lord Rama;
He who comes in like a hurricane."
"The powerful, one who breathes life,"
"the one who uplifts
others with his strength."
"Giver of happiness, remover of sorrows,
one who sings Lord Vishnu's praises."
"Roaring, he swoops across the skies."
"Roaring, swooping across the skies,
arrives Lord Hanuman!"
"Roaring and raring,
arrives Lord Hanuman!"
"Roaring, he swoops across the skies."
"Destroying and calling out all evil,
arrives Lord Hanuman."
"The mighty, wrathful,
scintillating Lord Hanuman,"
"the son of Maruta,
who lives in the forest."
"Empowering the weak, structured like a
mighty ape, beautiful, he crosses oceans."
"Destroyer of evil from hell, his
gigantic body is smeared with vermilion."
"The mighty, wrathful,
scintillating Lord Hanuman."
"Give us the draught of trust,
remove all doubts."
"Burn the evils of enmity and ignorance."
"Teach us pure devotion.
Teach us how to battle injustice."
"Destroying and calling out all evil,
arrives Lord Hanuman."
"Revered by the ancient
lords of the world."
"Pure of mind, speech, body and character,
he fulfils desires of his devotees."
"The mighty, wrathful,
scintillating Lord Hanuman."
"Build a bridge that connects hearts."
"Bridge the internal ocean
of conflict."
"Jump and run to our rescue,
be the light on our darkness."
"Destroying and calling out all evil,
arrives Lord Hanuman."
"The mighty, wrathful,
scintillating Lord Hanuman,"
"the son of Maruta,
who lives in the forest."
"Son of Anjana, messenger of Lord Rama;
He who comes in like a hurricane."
"Give a stimulus to our minds.
Wealth, grain, cattle, progeny..."
"Drive and direct our strength.
Shall obtain health and prosperity."
"Teach us devotion and trust. Ghosts,
spirits diseases and all worries..."
"Teach us how to breathe free again.
Disappear at the sight of Lord Hanuman."
"Teach us the thirst for knowledge."
"Here are 15 shlokas,
befitting and benefiting..."
"Bestow the wealth of innovation upon us.
Bestowing moon-like serenity to the mind."
"Teach us to yearn for the truth"
"Foremost devotee of Lord Rama,
you bring pride to your race."
"Lead us towards our calling."
"You carry Lord Rama within you,
and our faults vanish at your sight."
"Lead us towards our calling."
"You carry Lord Rama within you,
and our faults vanish at your sight."
I'm leaving.
- Your performance was amazing!
- Thank you, sir!
Dad, I used to be scared of
the old man with a white beard.
The one who sits under a tree
near our house.
Now when he looks at me,
I smile at him.
He smiles back too.
I'm not scared anymore!
- This is what the story meant, right?
- Correct!
But I'm still scared of dogs and
Injections. Just like you.
- You are just like me!
- Of course!
Your dad learns
by looking at you.
Yes! Let's go now.
Come on!
All hail Lord Ganesha!
How was today's play?
[Chintan] You solve the cube very fast.
Where was the venue?
The auditorium of
the school next door.
Till when are you going
to accept such favours?
Do it on a grand scale now.
I'm trying. You know that we are
trying to build an amphitheatre.
When will it be through?
Infact, some people from the cultural
committee were supposed to visit today.
They didn't show up.
To be frank, your concept of
storytelling is fine.
But you should have
a different approach.
Stories offer a different
approach to kids.
You, rather we should think of
developing an international school.
Rather we should start
an international school.
I can make the amphitheatre
happen within a year.
We just need to name it
after my boss' father.
[Laughs] No!
I don't want your boss'
underworld-funded money.
Akash, why don't you guys talk?
Do you always have to
play with that cube!
You know that there is nice...
How's Shruti doing?
She is the head of
the lab now, right?
She must be earning well.
Shruti does a great job managing
the house, her job, and Chintan.
And she also handles you.
That's commendable.
Sir, I am hungry please give something.
At least give something for the baby.
You find so many children
begging at signals these days!
Dad, was he looking for
food in the box?
Tell me, dad.
Why don't his parents
give him food?
- Such kids I tell you...
- They don't get what they want.
They don't even go to schools?
Kiran uncle, what's next
month's story about?
Didn't we just finish with
a story?
Let me think of a new story.
Do you have any suggestions?
Do one thing.
Let's all think about it.
- Bye, Akash!
- Bye!
- See you!
- See you, Jay!
[Horn blares]
Hi, grandpa!
Come, sit.
How did the performance go?
It was amazing!
Wow! Check this.
Did you know, we always
fear the unknown.
I'm just telling you the gist of
today's play that you missed.
Dad, how was the programme?
- It was great!
- Really?
Everyone had such nice things to say
about dad and our publication house.
A publisher is connected with so many
writers and poets!
Did you click any pictures?
- Yes!
- Send them to me.
The older generation was present
in large numbers.
Many of your dad's friends were
also present.
Everyone loved his speech!
Oh, I missed it.
I should have been there
for the felicitation.
How was the play?
He must have told you
all about it.
I don't know what to say
about this guy.
It was his felicitation.
But he spoke about how you
shut the publication house...
And opened your school instead!
Even now...
He didn't say a word to Kiran
about not attending the programme.
Instead, he's asking about the play.
I just feel that no matter what you do,
you should do it with all your heart.
I don't mind if tomorrow Chintan shuts
the school and opens a gym instead.
Tomorrow? Can't do,
I have school.
- Hear hear!
- Not tomorrow, literally!
Dad, tell me a story.
You have already listened to
a story today. Sleep.
That was for everyone.
What about my story?
Only I get to listen to it.
Chinki's story. Start!
Chinki was a stubborn child.
Once upon a time, she went to a
restaurant with her parents.
She had food and chocolate milkshake.
After which they were headed home.
Her tummy was full.
She spots an ice cream parlour.
Chinki is stubborn.
She insists on having an ice cream.
Her tummy is full, but
she still wants it.
Listen, dad. I'm very sleepy.
I don't want to listen to a new story.
Also, I'm not stubborn.
Ok, if you insist.
- How's it?
- It's nice!
- It cost a whopping 70k!
- Really? Is that costly?
Yes. My dad said that
he would do anything for me.
I told my dad about that our teacher
wants us to maintain a journal.
My dad said, why don't you
record it instead?
He gave me this mobile
to maintain a video diary.
Such a cool idea!
Can I also record instead
of writing?
Do you want to use this too,
or should I gift you a new phone?
No, I don't want your
'underpant' money.
What does that mean?
Dad said something similar
to uncle Jay yesterday.
Today is 3rd September 2021
Chintan said that he doesn't
want 'underpant money'.
We are not kids anymore.
Grandma was saying that
I should now become r-es-pon-
I think she meant responsible.
Your turn to speak.
Wait a minute, Guru.
Hurry up.
Did you smoke?
You smoked, right?
What rubbish! I never smoke.
Are you sure?
Why do you ask?
See for yourself.
I snatched away the cigarette
from Jay's hands...
Oh my god!
You saw that right?
He copies everything
that you do.
And he only copies you.
It's getting out of hand now.
He wants the same clothes,
shoes, bag...
Where do I get identical stuff from?
Are you jealous?
What nonsense! You're crazy!
What time is it?
Around 9 am
We have a new teacher,
Sharada joining us today.
She also had a role in
the recent play.
- Ok, bye.
- Ok, bye.
Love you, bye!
Where is dad?
He isn't in his room either.
I think he already left.
I hate it when he leaves
without saying goodbye.
I know right!
We will tell him off
once he is back home.
Mom, you should also join in.
Of course. Let him come home,
I will give him an earful.
No, it's alright. Something urgent
must have come up.
If you say so.
- Ok, bye!
- Bye!
How could he leave without
saying goodbye to me!
What else do you not like?
What makes you angry or sad?
What makes me angry?
I only hate it when dad leaves the
house without saying goodbye to me.
- I don't get angry.
- Good boy.
You have been telling me so much
about your school.
But I hear that you don't
like going to school these days?
Why is that?
Do you know?
- We too create stories at school.
- Really?
Once, my friend Guru was given
the role of a bacteria.
- Are you all ready?
- Yes!
Let's have a story of Bacteria.
This is a bacteria.
- Meaning, germs. Repeat after me.
- Germs!
Right! And these are all WBCs -
White Blood Cells. What are they?
- White Blood Cells!
- Right!
Germs cannot win against you
if you eat fresh vegetables.
Let's see whether or not
you catch an infection.
WBCs - attack!
Come on, Guru!
If you teach like this, children
will always remember the lesson.
- That's true.
- That's why I started this school
Sir, I can definitely teach them
History through such stories.
Children will love it as long as
it's easy to understand and fun.
But, it shouldn't just be fun.
They should learn about the subject
and the thought behind it.
This is our graffiti wall.
The mirror to your soul.
You can simply pour
your heart out here.
Sir, if only we had a school like this,
and a teacher like you.
Even I'm still learning.
We have a long way to go.
It's just been 2 years.
my kids never feel like bunking school,
I count that as success.
- Today Kiran uncle will tell the next story.
- Yes!
So, this is out story for the October.
Did you like the story
of Shaam and Ram?
But what is the moral of this story?
Tell me, do your parents listen
to all your demands?
- Yes!
- Right.
They work really hard to give
you the best of everything.
You must learn to value
everything that they work hard for.
At the same time, there are children
who aren't so privileged.
You must also be aware of this.
Such a nice topic.
But you'll need good actors
for the play, right?
Yes, let's see.
Sir, I wanted to talk to you
about my son, Guru.
Tell me.
You gave him the role of
a bacteria the last time.
He performed that really well.
- He also played the cunning Aurangzeb.
- That role suited him.
-But the thing is-
He feels dejected.
He cries about it at home.
He wants the lead role.
Er... we'll do something about it.
Start preparing for the role
of Shaam and Ram.
We'll pick the right people
to play both parts.
Most importantly, you must be able to
act famished if you're playing Ram.
Are you hungry?
Or is your stomach upset?
Come on, try to recall
how it feels to be hungry.
You guys try it.
It won't work like this.
Take 2 days to practice at home.
We'll see then.
Do you remember?
We used to ask him, "what do
you want to be when you grow up?"
He used to say,
"I'll be a storyteller."
We used to laugh at that.
We told him so many stories,
gave him so much to read...
We read them as stories,
he learnt to look at life through them.
Look what I did!
What have you applied on your face?
It's Chintan.
I know.
Grandma, you anyway call
me by dad's name.
You should've named me
Kiran too.
I like the name too.
Kiran - such a nice name!
- Or Kiran Jr.
- like Neymar Jr.
Did you hear that?
We started rehearsing
for the new play today.
Nobody was able to act famished.
What's wrong?
I can't act because of you.
You're doing great.
You'll be a big actor one day.
- You never let me go hungry.
- What do you mean?
You give me so much to eat
even when I'm barely hungry.
How will I ever act famished?
Please don't cry.
It's all because of you.
I have something for you.
I have a little treat.
Where is it?
See this...
- See what I got for you.
- What?
- It's all because of you!
- Because of me?
I want to see the hunger
in your eyes!
You need to be
convincing as Ram.
You must get into the
skin of the character.
If I was younger,
I would've played the part myself.
Sir, should I take off
my moustache?
We'll teach one of the kids
who are doing a decent job with it.
Dad, why did you choose this story?
I told you, right?
So that everyone understands that
there are less privileged children
out there too.
Shouldn't we support such children?
Why do we need to show
such sad stories?
Kids want entertainment,
why don't you direct a comedy?
But life isn't all fun and games!
It's a mix of everything.
These children understand that.
Where are you doing it this time?
At some auditorium,
or in an open space like a lawn.
You don't have a place yet?
Nothing, continue.
Dad, I know a boy who will
do a great job with this role.
Isn't it?
What do you mean by "let's try"?
You can't trust such kids.
Are you sure that he would be
at the same signal?
He could be at the next signal,
or worse he could've disappeared.
Please don't plant such ideas
in your dad's head.
You're losing it, just like him.
Akash, do you remember that
story my dad told?
He told us that things don't work out
when we assume the worst.
We must try at least.
Yes, we must.
Are you a human rights activist?
No, I'm a teacher.
Same difference.
Have you seen a kid around here?
Aged 7-8, wearing dirty clothes?
No, I haven't.
It's sheer foolishness,
looking for that kid.
People give beggars more money
if they see children with them.
These beggars take children on rent.
Sweet bird, help my child sleep.
Mom, can I use dad'd blanket?
It's very soft.
Yours is equally soft.
Sing a sweet melody for him.
But I like that one better.
Please don't act stubborn.
It's a school night.
Sweet bird, help my child sleep.
Why so late?
And he's up.
I had a meeting.
Shruti, we might be very close
to building that amphitheatre.
- Really?
- Yes.
Officials from the Cultural Ministry
are going to review.
Chances are bright!
- Wow, fingers crossed.
- Dad!
Are we going to continue
with our search tomorrow?
What's that?
- Sleep now.
- Sleep now.
Dad, my story!
I need to go to the loo!
I suggested we look for him more.
Dad agreed to it.
Dad used to listen to
everything I said.
Mom too.
Now she says that I am a big boy.
But grandma says that I'm a child,
That I wouldn't understand things.
No one tells me anything clearly.
I want things to be normal again.
What do you thing, are you
A big boy or still a child?
Okay, I'll share my story with you now.
When I was your age, I wanted
to be a truck driver.
I wanted to open a bakery.
What do you want to be
when you grow up?
I want to be just like
my dad. Ditto Kiran.
There was this one day that
I felt like I was a policeman.
What do you mean?
[Speaking regional language]
Kiran, I got him!
Why are you making us chase you?
Slow down. What are you saying?
This is mine. I'm selling it.
I didn't steal it.
- Ok ok.
- Stand still, we won't harm you.
What's your name, child?
Are you the police?
No. I'm Kiran. I run a school.
This is uncle Jay.
That's Chintan.
What's your name?
Call me anything -
thief, beggar, dog...
He's being nice to you,
why can't you answer straight?
Or what, you'll hit me?
Do it!
No no, nobody wants to hit you.
We don't want to do that.
Which school do you go to?
I left school.
Where are your parents?
My dad died. Mom ran off with
another guy. Why?
Will you act in a play?
- Say something!
- Jay!
I used to act in plays around
the annual festival.
Not anymore. Without a house,
I end up acting outside hotels.
Will you come to my school?
What work will I have to do?
No work. You will only have to
manage your own work.
You will get to dance, play, learn.
About a place to stay...
We will see.
Will you come?
Two things - I won't clean toilets,
and don't touch me.
I'll come for a day and decide
if I want to keep coming.
Ok. Here, meet Chintan.
Kiran, do you really want to do this?
Mom, your routine health reports
are all normal.
- There is no problem.
- That's good.
Dad, we'll check your sugar levels
again next month.
Let's also get an echo done.
Why are we looking for trouble?
After a certain age it's better to do
a full checkup every six months.
Plus our hospital offers us
free annual tests.
Kiran and Chintan were
Supposed to come too.
They backed out at the
last minute.
[Horn blares]
Wait here for a bit.
Dad, mom. Jay's here.
Good to see you! Welcome!
[Clears throat]
Dad, there's this kid, Raghu.
He is poor and needy.
I was thinking of taking
him on at the school.
He also loves to act in plays.
Seems like it.
He lives alone on the streets.
I thought we should help him.
I mean, you'd love to help him.
Definitely, we would love to help him.
But where will he stay?
There are many rooms in the school.
He'll stay there.
I thought he could stay here,
just for tonight.
This is a little too much.
How could we have someone
from the streets living here?
There's a thin line between a noble
thought, and madness.
Exactly my point.
He has started behaving like
the guy from his stories.
Why don't you listen to us?
Why don't we open a hostel
for such kids instead?
I told him that he can continue
working for children.
Why should you care about where
the investment is coming from?
I'll take care of that.
There's some confusion.
These are two different things.
Sorry, but we support him because
he is sincere with his efforts.
We don't want such investments.
You're right.
How can you accept my funds!
I'll leave. Take care.
Let him go.
Why are you worried,
he's just a child.
You have already decided, right?
Chintan, Raghu... come inside.
Dad, that kid...
You should call him by his name.
Do you think he's a thief?
Who told you that?
He said that you could call him
a thief, a beggar, or anything else.
That's not how it is-
I'll take a small walk.
I forgot to get my brush.
- Is it?
- Yes!
Dad, it's story time.
Today's story is called "Trust".
What does it mean?
You know how you climb trees, jump off
without fear, and I always catch you?
Are you afraid when you jump?
Why not?
Because you know that
I'll definitely catch you.
That's known as trust.
So, Raghu is sitting quietly.
He'll fall asleep.
I trust him to try and steal anything.
Let's fly a plane from
the terrace tomorrow.
- Chintan!
- It will go farther.
- Come inside.
- Coming.
Raghu, you too.
Come, I'll show you dad's writing room.
We will write a story here.
Yes, dad?
Come in, Raghu. Where are the bag and
books that you had taken out for him?
- Give them to him.
- Ok!
Raghu, you have to go to
the school now.
- Raghu, come here.
- Go.
Here, have this.
One plate is not enough.
I want two.
- Dad, no way!
- Let me have just one!
- Listen...
- Yes?
If you don't get the space for
the theatre, just let it go.
I agree that it's fun.
You'll get tired of convincing the world
that stories are not just for entertainment.
The world will be convinced
of it one day.
People will start believing when
they see the results.
Give it some time.
Take your time.
I just hope that perspective of yours
doesn't change when you're old.
There's a lot of time for that.
You still look like a stud.
What a killer smile!
What's the boy's name?
Meet Raghu, Chintan's brother.
His parents stay in their village.
Raghu is a great actor -
he acts in plays.
A solid dancer, too.
There's no one better than him at sports.
Isn't it, Raghu?
Go, sit.
How do we welcome new friends?
Let's go - Raghu... Raghu!
Raghu... Raghu!
- Say the date.
- It's 23rd September, 2021.
We had so much fun in school
because of Raghu today.
Raghu is such a solid dancer.
He's also perfect for the role of Ram.
I'll bag the lead role next time.
Is Raghu your maternal
or paternal cousin?
I'll ask my dad.
Yes, ask him.
Tomorrow, dad and I are
going to the hospital with mom.
For a free check up.
And we also have to submit our
urine samples in small bottles.
Who does that!
Dad, I need to pee.
- Washroom?
- Yes.
It's downstairs.
He's a sharp kid.
He will definitely open up.
He's extremely dependent on Kiran.
One night, he didn't sleep because
Kiran was at a seminar.
He over thinks.
He has a persistent fever.
Kids don't know how
to express themselves.
This is how they react instead.
They're both the same.
They're resolute. You never know
How they will react in a situation.
That's why I didn't hide it for long.
That was the right decision.
It wouldn't have solved any problems.
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
Stop, stop!
Raghu, you're dancing well.
But why are you smiling?
You are playing Ram. You should
have tears in your eyes.
See, that's how Kiran sir has
written your character.
Practice crying.
I can't cry.
I don't get tears in my eyes.
Raghu, I can cry at the drop
of a hat.
I even pretend to cry
if I want something from my parents.
Ask me to do anything other than cry.
I didn't even cry when the
police would beat me up.
Let's all practice tomorrow, ok?
You must study now.
Get back to studying, everyone.
I'll be back.
You're so good at this.
Will you teach me how to do it?
You should teach me how to act.
I can't really teach.
Teach me something amazing.
Teach us a few dance steps at least.
No, teach us something that
none of us knows.
What nonsense, what will I teach?
A lesson in begging?
What is begging?
Acting like a beggar!
Oh, wow!
Teach us how to beg
Yes, teach us!
Wait, wait.
- You'll want to learn?
- Yes!
- You want to know how to beg?
- Yes!
- You want to learn how to act?
- Yes!
Stand in a line.
Come on!
Get in a line.
- Do as I say.
- Yes!
People give you money for
two reasons. How many?
Out of disgust, or out of fear.
Eew, look at that!
Kiran, you're behaving like a child!
Thank you, Kalpana!
Why do we do this every year?
Is my blood group suddenly
going to change?
Ours is an artist's blood group,
isn't it?
- Is it?
- She just likes getting our blood for free.
Why don't you admit that
you're scared of needles.
Chintan, see how he gets scared
of needles?
- Then don't prick him with it.
- Exactly.
And spare me too.
Even I'm scared of needles.
Let's go, we have to
rehearse for the play.
- Bye!
- Bye!
- Bye!
- See you.
Give us food!
Come on! People should feel
disgusted and scared.
Beg properly. Come.
Come on, sing a song.
You're doing great, come on!
Come on, beg ardently.
I'm here to pick up my kid.
There's a lot of noise here.
Give us money!
What nonsense is this?
They're teaching you to beg at school?
Where is Kiran?
What happened?
This is such a wonderful school.
The kids are begging.
- They must be goofing around.
- Of course!
What do you expect our kids to learn
after you bring beggars amongst them?
This is sheer nonsense,
this is bullshit!
This is a school, mind your language.
I know, you don't have to teach me.
What's going on?
Do they have an exam on begging?
I have always appreciated all your
efforts as your friend.
But this is too much.
You claim to teach science
and maths through stories.
Do you all believe this works?
Do you think kids will learn
like this?
You can keep sending your children here,
I can't have Akash learn here.
I don't want to leave this school.
Stories are only for entertainment,
not to be taken seriously.
You keep quiet.
Let's go.
No dad, I don't want to go.
I don't want to leave this school!
I really like it here!
I'm sorry. Sorry!
Are you really a beggar?
Raghu is a student here.
He is very talented.
And that's all you need
to know about him.
It's 24th September, 2021.
Raghu is actually a beggar
according to uncle Jay.
He also made Akash
leave the school.
Akash was crying so much.
Do you know, once uncle Jay was on
the phone while driving.
The car met with an accident.
Akash lost his mother in the accident,
and his ability to walk.
My dad said that's the reason
why uncle Jay is always angry.
But how can uncle Jay talk to
my dad in such a manner?
My dad is a solid guy,
and a solid dad!
I know right.
But our play is shaping up
so well now.
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"Ram works while
I go to school."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"Ram works while
I go to school."
"Ram and Shaam,
Shaam and Ram!"
"We don't meet every single day."
"I offer him sweets,
he offers me peanuts"
"We are both aged nine."
"We are both aged nine."
"He works with sharp tools,
while my hands remain unscathed."
"Ram and Shaam,
Shaam and Ram!"
"My house has five rooms,
his place has just one."
"Our walls have paintings,
his walls have cracks."
"Ram and Shaam,
Shaam and Ram!"
"My house has five rooms,
his place has just one."
"Our walls have paintings,
his walls have cracks."
"I go out to enjoy the rain,
while it pours right inside his house."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"I have two sets of uniforms
for the week."
"While Ram has just two pairs of
pants for the year."
"Ram and Shaam,
Shaam and Ram!"
"I have two sets of uniforms
for the week."
"While Ram has just two pairs of
pants for the year."
"I now have seven pairs of
sweaters for winter."
"Ram uses his hands to
keep himself warm."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"We both have two sets of
eyes, hands, legs and ears."
"We both have one stomach, back,
head and neck."
"We both have two sets of
eyes, hands, legs and ears."
"We both have one stomach, back,
head and neck."
"How do I still end up smiling everyday,"
"when he fights back tears
every single day?"
"It's a tricky mess."
"It's a tricky mess, and somehow
we both pray before the same god."
"It's a tricky mess, and somehow
we both pray before the same god."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"I'm Shaam.
This is my friend, Ram."
"Ram and Shaam,
Shaam and Ram!"
"Ram and Shaam,
Shaam and Ram!"
Amazing. I'm impressed.
Your work is outstanding.
Thank you!
Sir your writing and judgement
is impeccable.
But Kiran sir too is doing
an important job here.
The future generation will gain
a lot from this.
Thank you. Thank you, sir.
- Look into their application for the land.
- Yes sir!
Make sure he gets all small and
big permissions for the same.
Your work should start in
a year and a half.
The amphitheatre should be functional.
It would be a dream come true.
Thank you so much!
It's my duty!
You're doing such great work.
Very nice!
Thank you, sir!
- I'll leave now.
- We'll see you off.
[Horn blares]
Shruti! Yay!!
18 months, and our amphitheatre
will be ready!
Now everyone will be able to
witness the magic of stories.
They'll see what a storyteller can do.
Shruti, just 18 months!
You should have been there.
Dad was so happy.
I saw him get emotional for
the first time today.
Mom and dad have put up
with all my madness.
18 months, that's it.
I'm going to tell the workers
to finish the project even before that.
I can see my dream materializing.
Parents from all over Maharashtra
are in the audience with their children.
They've come to hear our stories.
The children are telling us their stories.
Our Chintan is telling his story,
and we are both listening to it.
What's wrong?
Sit. What's wrong?
Why are you crying?
You sounded weird on the phone.
Tell me, what's the problem.
Tell me, don't cry.
Say something.
What's wrong?
Acute myeloid leukemia?
This is my report?
What rubbish!
Something's wrong.
Don't worry.
Chemotherapy is still an option.
Wait... don't even say
that word in this house.
Tell me, do I appear different to you?
We performed, sang, and had fun.
I also drove back all the way.
How can you say this?
You're a doctor, right?
Shouldn't there be any symptoms?
Can you see anything?
- Did you tell mom and dad about it?
- No.
Please call dad.
-He'll make everything alright.
Please calm down.
We'll get the best possible treatment.
Are you crazy?
I'm fine, these are false reports.
If the chemo sessions are successful,
we will have better hopes.
These are the woes of being
a doctor.
You have to be their doctor
as well as a support system.
You can also get a better idea
about the next steps.
Why didn't you tell us about it
before you told him?
I didn't know what to do.
We have consulting the Doctors here.
We are going to Delhi tomorrow.
Grandpa, where have mom and dad gone?
Er... can we finish making this lantern?
Where do they keep going
without taking me along?
Thank you, doctor.
Everything will be fine.
Take care.
These charts speak of a person
who believes in fatalism.
Yes, but...
He will come across a great opportunity.
The pandit was saying that
there is a great opportunity
in store for Kiran.
Shh! What are you doing?
What did I do?
He's sleeping. Go, play outside.
He only has fever right?
Then why isn't he getting better?
It's getting increasingly difficult
to answer all questions.
Mom, dad, Kiran and Chintan...
I can understand.
You just tell them that we have
to fight this...
...Without a doubt.
He can undergo chemotherapy.
It will help.
Please don't worry about it.
Bone marrow transplant is
definitely an option.
Let him start responding to the
chemo sessions first.
His stats haven't changed
after the first chemo session.
So, now?
Let us do what we can.
Let's go, shall we?
How much time do I have?
What rubbish! The doctor said
that chemotherapy is working.
You are going to get better.
How long has it been that
we got the plot of the amphitheatre?
Look, it's still the same.
- Where were you?
- It has been finalised now.
I'll introduce you to sir.
Meet Mr. Bhujbal,
he is the contractor.
- Hello!
- Hello!
He has the contract
to build our amphitheatre.
The theatre will turn out to be great.
We're a fan of your stories.
Thank you!
We should get it done
at the earliest.
The design should make children
want to come back again and again.
It's a government project, and such projects
for children requires many permissions.
That's the real time consuming part.
This will get done, we will
try to finish it at the earliest.
Forget trying, we must do it.
A new theatre is being constructed
for us. It's going to be a lot of fun.
Guru, my uncle Rohit is here.
- He took me to the movies yesterday.
- Really?
But mom and dad couldn't
join us.
I really wanted to be at home
with them.
This is the problem with elders.
They don't let us have fun when
we actually want to.
They expect us to have fun
as and when they feel like it.
That's true.
I'm always worried about what
Chintan must be thinking about this.
He changes the subject whenever
I tell him that his dad is unwell.
I won't come to school from tomorrow
either, if my dad doesn't show up.
He hasn't been to school
for many days now.
Your mom is a doctor.
He will get better soon.
Mom yells at me for no reason.
What's the big deal about
asking dad to lift me up?
His questions are simple
and straightforward.
Hence it becomes difficult
to keep answering them.
Are you going to meet Shukla madam?
Mom, dad... Shukla madam
is a Child Psychiatrist.
I thought Chintan might
open up to her.
She might be able to explain
things to him better.
Is that ok?
I tried giving him an idea
about things yesterday, but...
What do you think?
Good boy.
Dad, you haven't told me
a story in many days.
I want to listen to one today.
What if I tell you
a story today?
Or should we ask grandma
to tell you a story?
No, I want dad to tell me a story.
- I will tell him story.
- Okay.
Dad, start.
Which story do you want to listen to?
Chinki's story.
Our Chinki is a big girl now.
But I like the story of a young Chinki.
How did she suddenly grow up?
Chota Bheem and Nobita are still kids.
But our Chinki has grown up.
She has to.
No, I want to listen to the story
of a young Chinki.
Listen to it at least...
Earlier, Chinki was a child.
All these animals grow up,
and so does Chinki.
Did he fall asleep?
- Sit with me.
- What happened?
Chintan thinks too much
about things.
He keeps falling sick
because of that.
I like that he is dependent
on me.
But now it worries me.
You are over thinking it too.
Also, I don't get it. People
lose their hair after chemotherapy...
My hair isn't falling off.
- Will it really work?
- Of course!
Your treatment has just begun.
Please don't stress over it.
Go to sleep now.
Our story has shaped up
pretty well, hasn't it?
- Please invite me to watch
the plays that you've written. - Yes.
Currently, dad writes and I act
in his plays.
When I grow up, it will be the
other way round. Right, dad?
After you go home, you must
start communicating with your mom and dad.
You can also pour your heart out
on the school's graffiti wall.
- Hmm.
- Do you miss school?
And if you still feel like talking to
someone, you can always call me.
- Thank you.
- Thank you so much!
- Inform me.
- Come.
Sir, see for yourself.
What is this?
What is this?
- They haven't done anything yet.
- That's why...
- Hello!
- Yes sir?
They haven't even started work here.
It's been 2 months now.
Everything is as it is.
We had started work,
but we need more permissions.
What permissions?
The Minister had personally told
Mr. Kabra to expedite things.
- But we didn't get further orders.
- What more do you need!
I'll start the work
as soon as I get the permission.
Never mind,
I will speak to Mr. Kabra.
No point talking to this guy.
- Such weird people.
- Sir...
Are you keeping well now?
What has that got to do
with the amphitheatre?
Minister sir was in favour
of our project.
It's indeed a great concept, but
can you manage it still?
Look after your health first.
We'll discuss the amphitheatre later.
One report decides everything?
One cell will decide my lifespan?
What if the cell counts show no change?
Doctor, please tell me upfront.
How many years do I have?
Or is it months?
No one can really predict that.
There are two ways one can die.
This ceiling fan breaks,
falls on my head, and I die.
Many people die of a heart attack -
it comes without any warning.
Your disease is at least
preparing you for it.
That was a good example.
But how do I prepare
myself for this?
Should I convince myself
about my impending death?
Or convince her and Chintan?
Wow, Chintan!
Such beautiful drawings!
Tell me what all is it.
This is me and my dad.
Seems like you two are at a getaway.
Your dad is telling you a story, right?
Does he tell you
a new story every day?
So lucky! Who tells you stories
when dad isn't at home?
I never let him go anywhere without me.
Smart boy.
I know this kid called Rahul.
His dad is in the army.
He meets his dad only
after a gap of one year.
But my dad is a teacher,
why would he join the army?
He's a teacher, why would he go!
But what will you do if
your dad travels for work?
Will you read a story yourself?
I have to attend the gathering.
at Akash's school. I'll go.
- Right now?
- Yes.
- Listen, Chintan...
- It's getting really late.
Just listen to me for a minute.
And now, for the first prize.
Two children were the best performers
Suveer and Akash.
But, Akash sang well despite
his problems.
He is our winner for today.
Give him a loud round
of applause.
Akash, receive your prize.
- Excuse me.
- Sandeep sir. Please check.
Hey, what happened?
The next category is
Indian Classical Dance.
What's wrong with you?
Why didn't you go on to the
stage to receive your prize?
- I didn't like it.
- What?
Do I sing from my legs?
I miss my school.
I miss uncle Kiran.
Please dad, I want to go back
to my school.
Please, dad.
I'm sorry!
You don't have to say sorry.
He's like family. He can resume
school from tomorrow.
Still, I'm sorry.
Why didn't you tell me
about the cancer?
I only knew that you
weren't keeping well.
I'm really very sorry.
You were so angry.
I'm glad that Akash got
you here today.
- A few months more, and...
- Come on, Kiran!
Does Chintan know?
That's what I'm worried about.
He keeps falling sick.
Kids are strong.
They know how to adjust.
Not all of them.
Did Akash adjust?
Without his mom, his school?
Forget him...
Did you drive again after
your accident?
Kids don't adjust on their own.
They aren't machines.
You have to carefully
help them navigate.
Go, give my dad company.
[Clears throat]
I'll be back.
Uncle, why didn't you
tell me about Kiran.
We will take him to New York.
We will get his treatment
done there.
It will all be ok.
Bone marrow transplant was
an option.
But he isn't even responding to
any of the initial procedures.
But we can at least try.
I'm here to help.
Jay, remember I had told you
that we don't want your money or help?
We have sincerity.
But now, I feel that we should accept
whatever help that we can get.
But what's the point?
Neither your capital,
nor Kiran's sincerity will help.
Why do you say that?
He got the amphitheatre
due to his sincerity.
Kiran congratulations on getting
the amphitheatre.
I haven't, actually.
What does that mean?
I was going to get it.
But they think what's the point
of giving it if I'm going to die soon.
So they have stopped
work at the site.
What are you saying?
First of all, I'm sorry about Chintan
leaving the last session half way.
It's completely normal. Many children
tend to quit these sessions.
I don't get it. He's opening up
nicely through these sessions.
But he has still not accepted things.
But, he must be made aware of the truth
in the right way, as soon as possible.
Otherwise this mess can transcend
to his adult life.
It remains an unfinished business.
And I'm here in case you need me.
Please take care.
Kiran, did you see?
Jay's post regarding the amphitheatre
has received so many responses.
It has even reached the Minister.
So many parents have posted
videos of their children.
Here, have a look.
Don't worry about Chintan.
Didn't we learn to adjust?
My grandfather passed away
when I was little.
Dad was seriously ill when
I was in college.
But we are doing fine.
Chintan, too will understand
with time.
Even he understands things.
He's a smart kid.
He doesn't realise that something
like this could happen to his father.
And honestly...
Chintan might be dependent on Kiran,
but Kiran depends upon Chintan even more.
- Sit.
- Right.
That must be worrying him.
What do I say. You're doctors.
You discover new remedies, study abroad...
But you cannot add even
a single day in a person's life.
- They're trying their best.
- I know.
She's fighting to help him survive.
But is it helping?
Grandpa! I needed 12 runs to win
in 2 balls. And I did!
That's great, Chintan.
I think you should
focus on Kiran's health.
Should I take him home
with me for a week?
He's the reason why everyone
is trying to stick to our routines.
But I think, it will be better...
Let him stay here.
Only then will he understand
what is going on.
How will he know?
Who will tell him?
How do we convince him?
Even I have not come to terms with it.
Mom, that's enough.
I've decided that I will break
the news to Chintan.
I'll tell him my way.
Tomorrow, the two of us
will go on a small getaway.
Is that ok?
"There is a storm inside me."
"I must pass it on to you.
Will you carry it?"
"My crazy dreams of the future."
"I must pass them on to you.
Will you see them too?"
"There is a storm inside me."
"I must pass it on to you.
Will you carry it?"
"My crazy dreams of the future."
"I must pass them on to you.
Will you see them too?"
"Look at the birds, slowly
making their way to their destination."
"I want to freeze this moment."
"Sing a melody, once again."
"I want to freeze this moment."
"We are surrounded by the
colours strewn across by gods."
"I've been picking among these colours,
there are many left still."
"We are surrounded by the
colours strewn across by gods."
"I've been picking among these colours,
there are many left still."
"Keep the colours that I've picked."
"Pick more colours that
you like from the rest."
"Will you hold this dream,
and nurture it with your tiny hands?"
"I want to freeze this moment."
"Sing a melody, once again."
"I want to freeze this moment."
"Nature wraps you in her warmth,
speaking volumes without saying much."
"Let's enrich our lives by taking
from her reservoir of love."
"Nature wraps you in her warmth,
speaking volumes without saying much."
"Let's enrich our lives by taking
from her reservoir of love."
"How much do I take,
how do I give back?"
"How do I transfer to you
bits and pieces of me?"
"Tell me, will you preserve
the things that make me, me?"
"I want to freeze this moment."
"Sing a melody, once again."
"I want to freeze this moment."
A girl in our class was saying that
dad is seriously ill.
I've been trying to tell you-
But I told her that we even went
horse riding the other day.
That he's getting better. Right?
Does nothing really matter?
Nothing is working out.
My health isn't getting any better.
The amphitheatre is a distant dream.
And Chintan is not ready
to accept things.
You're such a mature kid.
Dad had said that Chinki is
growing up and becoming responsible.
I told you all that I will
explain the situation to him my way.
I cannot even think of a
proper story to tell him.
How do I tell him?
How do I tell him?
How's school, Raghu?
It's good.
When will you be back at school?
Sir, what about the next story?
We haven't been able to write
a story in the last couple of months.
But this time,
I am going to act in it.
But first, I should be able
to think of one.
Should we ask Eknath to
write a story?
I think you should write it.
Dad, come quickly!
The bird that visits our house daily
was stuck inside the ceiling fan.
It fell down.
Dad, he comes here everyday, right?
But today...
Is it a kid, his dad,
or his grandfather?
Mom tells me a story of a bird.
Do you think it's the mother?
Tell me, dad.
It comes here every day,
flies in circles and leaves.
Why did it suddenly fall today?
How will its family find out?
They must be waiting for it.
They don't even have phones.
Dad, tell me!
- How was the bird's story?
- Wonderful!
So, the bird that came there everyday
suddenly got stuck one day.
Did it know it would get stuck?
Can we predict it?
Sometimes, good things happen to us.
Sometimes, we are
faced with challenges.
We must face such challenges.
This was our story for the
month of February.
Did you understand the moral of the story?
Let's meet again on the
1st day of next month.
Kiran, you could've at least called me.
I cannot look at myself.
Let's remove all mirrors.
What rubbish.
You look fine.
You are going to get better.
Please give him this,
and try talking to him.
Please save him, do anything.
He's like a father figure to many.
He's like a father to me, Eknath...
- Please save him.
- What are you doing! Please get up.
I didn't even cry when
my real father died.
He was a drunkard.
He used to hit me and my mom.
I don't want to let
go of this father figure.
Raghu... don't cry.
Nothing will happen to our sir.
He will be fine.
- Please save him.
- Right, madam?
Let's go. I've given you the holy ashes.
See this.
So many people are waiting
for our amphitheatre.
Many school principals, writers,
many people have posted about it.
Everyone wants to see the
project happen.
I think we should talk to
the authorities again.
They'll resume work.
Let's try.
What's that?
Eknath brought this holy powder.
And this holy thread.
Will you tie it around your wrist?
You're a doctor. Do you really think
this will make a difference?
I present my thoughts in front
of kids in the school.
When you tell my story,
won't this feel out of place?
Stop it, Kiran.
Why should I tell your story?
You're going to be fine.
Why do you behave like this?
You want to tell stories,
open a school.
You randomly bring people home
for dinner, or to stay.
I've supported everything happily.
But what is this nonsense?
Listen, you are not
leaving me alone.
I won't let you go.
And why should I listen to
every single thing of yours?
Just because I love you,
you'll make me do anything!
I'm sorry, Shruti.
I've heard that your amphitheatre is
getting great support on social media.
Mr. Kabra was telling me that all
permissions are underway.
No, sir. Nothing is underway.
- They're stalling the permissions.
- What do you mean?
Because everyone thinks that
I won't survive for too long.
Then why would we need
an amphitheatre?
But sir, this isn't for me.
We're doing this so that the kids get a
place of their own to tell their stories.
Nobody is going to live forever.
But does that mean we don't leave behind
anything for the next generation?
I'm surprised at this treatment.
What's this?
We're shifting to this room because
your dad has trouble climbing the stairs.
But isn't he feeling ok now?
Chintan, come here.
Do you want to listen to a story?
- Story?
- Hmm.
No, you should get some sleep.
We've to prepare for next month's
story, ok?
Akash will narrate that story.
You narrate the one for the next month.
- Hmm.
- Good.
- Here.
- Thank you.
Kiran, we have to go somewhere
tomorrow morning.
You'll see.
You wanted to show me this?
First come.
"Empowering the weak, structured like a
mighty ape, beautiful, he crosses oceans."
"Destroyer of evil from hell, his
gigantic body is smeared with vermilion."
"The mighty, wrathful,
scintillating Lord Hanuman,"
- "Give us the draught of trust,
remove all doubts." - Sir.
"Burn the evils of enmity and ignorance."
We have all the permissions now.
Our theatre is taking shape.
Welcome, sir.
Will this be completed at
the earliest?
Right away! There's nothing
getting in our way anymore.
Thank you so much.
I'll be right back.
Sir, once this is ready,
all our shows will happen here.
- Eknath?
- Yes?
The next story has many characters.
Don't lose sight of the moral.
Yes, sir.
Can you believe this?
How was yesterday's narration?
What did you learn from it?
That great thoughts live even
after the person passes away.
Can we go to the Himalayas
during vacation?
We'll see.
Kiran, you have mail.
Dad... Shruti!
Storytellers' Conference!
I kept saying that my efforts and their
importance will reach many people.
I have to leave in the next 10 days.
Storytellers from around the world
are attending.
I'm invited as the main speaker.
I mean, locally right?
No, it's in Dubai.
Wow, Dubai!
I'll come too.
Tell them you can't come.
Please don't be stubborn about it.
When will I get an opportunity
like this again?
How can you go in such a condition?
If not now, when?
Kiran, I know this is important for you.
Let's consult the doctor.
We'll go if he allows it. Ok?
- How many days are we talking about?
- 2 days.
Can you go with him?
But wouldn't he be exposed to
the risk of infection?
You should go.
We'll do a fresh batch of tests today.
Dr. Vidya, please help him
get those done.
Thank you so much doctor.
I will prescribe a set of medicines
for him.
Sir, are you sure he should go?
Listen to me, let him go.
It's his dream.
You should both go.
Remember to take care of him.
One more thing.
What is his favourite food?
Junk food...
potato fritters...
Let him eat all that he wants.
Where is my ticket?
I'm coming with you.
Otherwise I won't give you your passports.
Chintan, we'll still be here.
I will tell you nice bedtime stories.
But I want to go.
I'll be back before you know it.
- Till then, practice your story narration.
- But...
Rehearse at our new amphitheatre
with the other kids.
I will give you
a new story to practice.
You never take me along anywhere.
Your dad isn't feeling well.
If you go, your mom will have a tough
time managing both of you.
But I want to go with him!
Chintan, sit here.
What have we decided?
You're a big boy now.
You'd promised me that you
won't cause your dad any trouble.
Are you going to break your promise?
This means you won't be
taking me along!
- Okay.
- Listen...
[Chintan crying]
I'll be back in 2 days.
Will you look after grandpa
and grandma till then?
I'm so happy for you.
I want to hear Chintan narrating
his story as soon as I'm back.
In our new amphitheatre.
Should I call him?
Let's call him when
we land in Dubai.
He must be asleep.
He didn't even say goodbye.
You are right.
Dad didn't even say goodbye to me.
He left without saying
goodbye, again.
But he'll be back soon-
He had told me that he would
say goodbye before leaving.
- He will be back in just 2 days.
- Chintan.
- Chintan.
- Is Guru asking for you?
Do you want to go outside?
It's 28th March, 2022.
Chintan, our amphitheatre is ready.
You'll be the first story narrator here!
What's the story about?
I don't know. Dad will tell me
about it once he is back.
Ok. What should we name the theatre?
Dad will decide once he is
back from Dubai.
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Hello from India.
A big thank you to the organizers
of this event.
For calling me here as the keynote
speaker. Thank you so much.
A big round of applause
for them.
We all have so many stories
in our lives, right?
You have a story, so do you.
Madam, you have a story, right?
Even I have a story that
I'm going to share with you guys.
Once upon a time,
there was a small baby.
The baby was crawling all over
the house.
It entered a dark room.
The family is sitting in
another room.
The notice that the baby is missing.
They rush to the dark room...
And they find the baby there.
They panic and pick up the
baby close to their hearts.
The baby starts crying as
soon as they pick him up.
They look at each other and say,
"it's afraid of the dark."
In reality, the baby was afraid
because of the noise of elders.
The child was probably enjoying
the dark place...
It's cool and peaceful atmosphere.
There are two versions to this story.
The baby's version of exploring
a dark room...
The elders' version was of the
baby being afraid.
It's up to you, what you
pick up from a story.
We're all fascinated by stories.
500 hundred year-old stories,
ones about ancient forts.
Stories about sea voyages,
ones with historical figures.
Stories about great men, heroes.
Stories about your grandparents.
Excuse me.
[Clears throat]
Stories are timeless,
and there's no age limit for humans
for consuming these stories.
We always keep educating children,
even elders about the moral of a story.
But if you like a story, you will
automatically remember its moral.
We must keep sifting
through stories.
And while we do that, we find ourselves
immersed in stories,
like one of the characters.
This was the story of my stories.
I'm convinced that any thought
under the sun...
...If conveyed through a story,
lasts forever.
Thank you.
Sir can you tell me something
about your project?
Sir, can I please get
a picture with you?
Sure, just a minute.
I'll answer after taking the picture.
[Camera clicks]
Kiran! Kiran!
[Ambulance siren wails]
How is he now? We will come there...
No dad, don't come here hastily.
Rohit will be here.
- Is he feeling well now?
- Yes.
He was critical a while ago.
He's ok now.
Keep informing us.
We'll be back soon.
Let's go to sleep.
Come on...
"The night and the moon
are asleep."
"Why can't my baby
fall asleep?"
"The night and the moon
are asleep."
"Why can't my baby
fall asleep?"
"My stories are tired of
being told."
"May he close his eyes
gently, like a flower."
"The lullaby is exhausted
of being sung."
"The night and the moon
are asleep."
"Why can't my baby
fall asleep?"
"I've spent my days
running after you."
"Your toys are strewn
across the house."
"I've spent my days
running after you."
"Your toys are strewn
across the house."
"I've given you everything
that you've asked for."
"I can get you anything, but
how do I get you to sleep?"
"Why does the flame of life
not shine with the spirit of the soul?"
"Why can't my baby
fall asleep?"
"Don't worry,
I'll won't leave your side."
"Can a mother sleep when
her baby's awake still?"
"Don't worry, I'll won't leave your side."
"Can a mother sleep when
her baby's awake still?"
"You've done enough,
it's time for you to rest."
"Let the exhaustion of
the day wear off."
"I find it difficult to
see you suffer."
Why can't my baby fall asleep?
- Phone...
- One minute.
Call Chintan!
Why can't my baby fall asleep?
He's right here.
He's asleep.
[Heart Monitor Flatline]
Does Chintan know yet?
Is he going to read this story?
He will read it.
The story is called "Message".
Once upon a time,
there was a small village.
It didn't have TVs and telephones.
The villagers were very
smart and brave.
One of the villagers was
in the army.
The army was at war.
The soldier was fighting too.
The entire village was
proud of him.
The villagers were getting daily updates.
Some days, the soldiers
killed many enemies.
On others, the enemies
took lives.
One day the new came in -
"We have won the war!"
The villagers were very happy.
They were waiting for the
brave soldier to come home.
But, he never came home.
Two days later, another
soldier came down with a letter.
The letter had news regarding
their own soldier.
But, who should he give
the news to?
Who was the person closest
to the soldier?
Who was the bravest of them?
Who can convey the message
to the entire village?
The messenger met the
soldier's daughter.
He gave her the letter.
She realised that it was her responsibility
to convey the news to everyone.
I understood what the soldier's
story meant.
Also the one about the bird.
I've understood everything.
I've finally understood everything.
Grandpa, dad has sent
a message for me.
He's never coming back.
Will he never speak to me again?
But grandpa, don't worry.
I'm here for you.
I'm here for you.
Mom, dad left without saying
goodbye to me again!
The tortoise sees the rabbit.
Should we do a new story this month?
Who will write it?
I will.
What story will you write?
Kiran's story.
So when do we start?
Right away!
Once upon a time...